Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1894, Page 15, Image 15

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Jolting Bitaatlon HO.I Shown Ho Material
Obango of Late.
Conntry Jllcrclmnts HuyliiR- for tha Imtne-
dlnto 1'nInro Only < ! on < l Jinny llayori
In the City Ixmt WccM l.lve 8lock
L'umiimniU Ilcttcr 1'rlcrs.
Tbero wcro moro country merchants
la. the city last week than for
Bomo time , nnd wlilla they did not
place any very largo orders , Ihcy bought
enough to cnimo a material Increase In the
total volume of business , The political con
vention brought a gocd many merchants Into
the city , and while business and politics do
not mix very well , tlio majority of the mer
chants found time , to call on tdf Jobbers and
some ot them placed orders , whllo others
promised to coma In later , when them was
not BO much going on to , take their minds
away from business. It Is understood that
a strong effort will be made to bring In as
many Nebraska merchants this fall as pos-
Rlblc , BO as to nlvo them an opportunity cf
comparing : 'Ma Mirkot with others , tlio gen-
1 cral oplrton being tiitwhen Nebraska mer
chant * : come to realize the size of this mar
ket , and that It Is fully equal to any other
accessible to this section of the country , they
will place their business hero na a matter
of convenience , It for no other reason.
The general situation In the jobbing district
has not changed materially during the past
BX days. While some Jobbers are Inclined
to lotk upon the dark side of the question ,
Dthora are claiming that there Is bound to
be a good deal of business In the west In
sptto of short crops In some sections , and
that there Is no occasion for feeling discour
aged , though tha volume of business may not
be RO large as under more favorable condi
tions. Ono Jobber remarked that there would
bo trade enough In Nebraska to keep every
Jubblng house In the state busy If Nebraska
merchants would only keep their business
In the state Instead of sending It tn eastern
cities. One thing Is certain , however , and
that IK that c. good many merchants who
have In the past bought their stocks In tha
tast nro naw placing tlielr orders hero as a
matter of convenience. When the future ot
trade is a little uncertain , no cautious mer
chant feels like buying a largo stock of
goods several weeks In advance ot tha de
mand , nnd by placing his orders hero he
can get goods moro quickly and Is not
forced to anticipate tha wants of his trade.
A nearby market Is an absolute necessity tea
a merchant who la following the hand-to-
moutli policy of buying.
During the past week Omaha has made a
material gain In the matter of bank. clear-
Ings. The gain In the clearings at this
point , ns compared with a year ago , Is 23 %
per cent , while for the whole country the
Increase amounts to only 19 V4 per cent.
Omaha ntlll compares very favorably with
other cities of the northwest In the matter of
clearings , which for the past week were as
follows :
Omaha JI,1DO,125
Minneapolis 1,8(5,421
St. Paul 3,521,657
Denver 2,355.457
St. Joseph 1.340,704
Uuluth 2.S32.G33
Milwaukee 4US,532
To fully comprehend the meaning ot the
Increase In the clearings of the country , as
Indication a revival of business. It Is neces
sary lo take Into consideration figures cm-
bracing a greater period than a single week.
The comparison should bo made to cover a
period of several months at least , reaching
through a number ot years. It lias been
a frequent tubject of remark that the clearIngs -
Ings nt New York have compared very un
favorably with the balance of the country
and that that city , of all the great business
centers , makes the poorest sliqwlng. The
following table shows the total clearings of
the entire country , and ot the clearing houses
outside ot Now York , na complied by the
Financial Chronicle , for the first half of each
ot the past five years :
Total , nil. New York.
Six manthH , 1SOI , . . . J22.2S7OO,000 J10.31S,000,000
SIX inontllfl , ISM. . . . 31.333.000,000 12.9C6.000.00I )
Kir months. 1S > 2 , . . . 31.324.000,000 12,414.000,000
fix months , 1K 1. . . . 27.033.000,000 ID.OTS.OOO.OOl
81 * months , ISM. . . . 30,1:1.000,009 ll,3Gl,000,00 > )
It will be seen that New York's ' share ot
the. total transactions has never been EO
small ; that the clearings of other cities have
risen from not much moro than one-third of
the tola ! to not lees than one-half , nnd In
July and August this relative Increase out
side New York has been still greater , as will
bo seen by the following ;
TotM. nil. New York.
July. 1KH 13.6H.l 0WO H.671,000.000
July. 1 3. 4.ire > , ortoooo 1.776.000.001
August. ( I weeki ) 1SJI , 2.237,000,000 1,087,000.000
August , (1 weeks ) 1893 , 2,321.000,000 956,000.000
AYhlle the decrease In total clearings for
July was still considerable , the decrease out
side New Yotk was slight , and for the Arst
thrco weeks of August the total. Including
New York , shows , a decrease , while , exclud-
Inc this city , It shows an Increase over last
year. These figures show' not only a decline
in New York's share of the total transac
tions , as compared with tha period of panic ,
but also as compared with earlier dates ami
times of normal conditions ; and this means
a correspondingly favorable comparison for
the clearing liouscs throughout the country
where the record of transactions Is less In
fluenced by speculation and Is a more accu
rate measure of the volume of actual busi
According to the New York Bulletin the re
duction In New York's clearings has. arisen
almost entirely In the speculative transac
tions on the Stock exchange ; and that de-
cllno has been duo not alone nor chiefly to a
curtailment of speculation , 'but to tha method ,
recently Introduced , of settling stock opera
tions through the Stock Clearing ho" . ! a-
ateail of through checks covering trans
action. Could a comparison Uo .11 ado that
omitted stock speculation from tha account
It la doubtful whether the courto o , " clearings
In that city would vary materially from
those ot ouuldo cities.
The past week has witnessed quite in
Incrcaao In the recelpta of cattle , th earn
being closa on to 2,000 head. The receipts ,
however , have been made up very largely
ot common light stock cattle and butchers'
stock , while good corn fed beeves have been
In light supply. The tendency o ( the- market
has been toward higher prices , the advance
on beet cattle amounting lo about 25o to
3Ec for the period under review. Other
grades of stock have advanced In proportion.
The country appears to have como to the con
clusion that tha stack cattle that are being
sent In from the burnt districts ate cheap
and a good many are being taken back to
tha country and placed on rough feed. At
leait ono shipment has been made , during
tha past few days , of cattle of this Ulacrlp-
tlon to the range.
The receipt * of hogs have , fallen off over
13,000 , as compared with the previous
week , and at the sumo tlino the quality has
been getting poorer every day. The dem sd
has been good all the week and both packcri
and shippers have been liberal buyers. As
In the case ot cattle , the .tendency of the
market has ; be n upward , the advanc * for
the week bolus about 20o to 2Sc.
Bo m Urlght 3potl llrraklng Through tb
Uitrk btirfneo of Itiutnotiu
The manager ot U. O. Dun & Ca.'t Mer
cantile Aeency. tanking ot trade for the
week , caya : "In sptto ot the extremely un
favorable conditions of th week anil of
wockM preceding , trade shows up fairly well.
There Is no especial f&lllnar oft Innny line ,
aiul tha aggregate sales for the week are
average for the time ot tha year. Collec
tions nro rntlur better , though a great many
well rated flrma are asktnj extensions , and
nil bad bills are worse than ever. Failures
for tha we k In Nebraska , number seven ,
which la a. Birutll number , though It Is
observed that tha falling- Arms belong lo
rather a bttter cJa t ot traders thanusual. .
"Itcports from the Jilack Hills country
arc very favorable , and conservative busi
ness men up there .predict a sharp revival
Fwithin sixty day * . In nearly all the valleys
farmers Itav * > had abundant ratni. ami for
th * first time on record , perhaps. th Black
IIIlli country -will ba shipping grain , vege
tables and feed lo the farmers of northern
Nebraska. Bomo of our Omaha jobbers da
not fully appreciate the value of the Hills
trade , and neglect It , but one frrocery house
sold J29.0W there within the present month.
This Is not bail for such a neonon an wo nro
Jut iMisslng tlirotiRh. It will pay our people
lo hold on to the lllack Hills I rail o anil do-
velop II , for the rrclon Is rich In many
particulars nnd cannot Ions remain utterly
"Tlie doctrine of progressive cltlca Is
an adaptation of the epigram ot Jefferson :
internal vigilance U the price of prosper
ity. ' Tills -was well Illustrated recently
nil applied to Omaha. 'Very few of our cit
izens know thnt the War department ot
"Washington had almost consummated a
> lnn for abandoning the Department of the
\ 'Intte nnd taking the > army liMilciimrters
ruvfcy from Omaha , but sucli li the frigid ,
tiriflendly fact. Itut for the efforts of Sen
ator Manderson and a delegation of Omaha
citizens this department would have been
consolidated with one or two nelghburlnK
depp-rtinents , nml the JSOO.OOO or more which
Is paid out directly hero by the Wnr de-
jurtmcnt would have pone to enrich the
merchants of a tlval city. The southern
BeiitUors nnd congressmen wished a depart
ment of Atlanta , -with headquarters In the
metropolis of Dixie , nnd Ornnhn. was scl-
lected ng a lamb for tho. sacrifice. The
danger Is past , the buildings are fast bclns
erected , nt fort Crook nnd tbe > henotiuar-
tcrs are still here , but this city lias to keep
a Hhnrp eye out for breakers.
"The Jobbers of llie stnte will tnnke a
serious mistake If they do not early unite
for such lefrlHlntlon ns Is needed to Improve
our assignment nml other commerclnl laws.
Nothing will be accomplished In this di
rection at nit If the jobbers wult until the
legislature convenes.
"Information from all part * of the state
confirms our worst fcnrs regarding crops ,
The state nnd the county governments
must rise to the emergency this fall and
winter or many worthy ones willing .to
cnrn wngcs nnd n living will become wards
of the local authorities. The evil of the
drouth Bbould teach us the value of Irrl-
untlon. nnd the necessities of the situation
should stimulate efforts to prevent the re
currence of destitution. Every dry count/
cnn well afford to bond Itself for Irrigating
Oltchcs , nnd In no other way cnn wo tide
over the coming bnrd winter. Now Is the
time to act. "
SNOW , CllUltUIl & CO.'S VIKW8.
Trailers Itccomlnts AecuntonioU to Situation
unil AdJiiMlnc'riiclr AITalr * Accordingly.
Albert Andrlano , local superintendent for
Snow , Church & Co.'s Mercantile Agency ,
writes :
"lx > cal trade Is still suffering from the
depression resulting- from the crop failure ,
and the prospects ace for n light fall nnd
winter trade. Retailers and wholesalers
arc , however , becomlnu accustomed to this
view nnd accommodating themselves to cir
cumstances. They have.uecomc accustomeu
to economy , and their expenses are so re
duced now that they can view the prospect
ot n light trade with less fear of loss than
ttf ore '
"An 'important feature of the situation Is
the high price of feed stuffs of all classes.
Since the failure. In corn and Its remark
able rlho , nil classes of cattle fooil Imye
gone up In price. Owing- the partial fail
ure of hay , the same ts somewhat scarce
and selling aa lilKti tvs $10 and $11 n , ton ;
chop feed Is In high demand , and farmers
are even crushing wheat for food , finding
the same cheaper than corn. A thlnfr un
precedented heretofore Is the use of low
grades ot flour for cattle food. All the mills
In this part of the country and ns fnr cast
as Illinois are running at full capacity
nnd barely able to supply the demand .for
low grade Hour ; of course , this condition
cannot last for any length of time without
Increasing the price of both cnttlo and hogs.
It is consollnc to know that local Jobbers
are getting some benefit out of the de
pressed conditions resulting from the crop
"The small merchants , who had ordered
quite heavily In the east early In the sea
son , have , with few exceptions , counter
manded their orders whenever possible ,
and will , durlnp the fall nnd winter , de
pend upon Omaha houses to supply their
demands from lime to time ns consump
tion warrants. This will bring many cus
tomers here who- have heretofore purchased
In the east , and Is a very acceptable Brain
of consolation for the light trade which
"There Is' the usual run of business In
staple lines , but dealers In luxuries cpm-
plain of very dull trade. The demand is
pilnclpally for cheap and medium grade
goods , ami the high priced articles do not
find n ready market at present.
The Manufacturers and Consumers asso
ciation Is dolnK much cocxl work with the
trade and will prove nn Important factor
In nddlntf to the business of local concerns
during the present season. Homo Industry
la sound doctrine ) r close times ,
"South Omalm packers complain of the
noor duality of stock which Is coming to
market , and It Is evident that the yards
are still suffering somewhat as a result of
the Inte strike. Tills Is accounted for on
he basis that during the strike many
shippers In the rush to market their stock
on account of the scarcity of fodder ,
shipped to Kansas City and Chicago , and
fn this i way much legitimate business was
lost to this market and has not yet come
" "ilanlc clearings ns a rule show an In
crease In nil the large centers , the gold
reserve ts si-owing , and with the adjourn
ment of congress nnd the conclusion of tar-
IK legislation business In Kcneral will no
loubt experience n revival which will revert -
vert In "me degree to the benefit of every
part of the country. ' _
8ntge tloii for Ooimiicrcinl Agencies.
The Commercial Exhibit of Omaha pub
lishes D. thoughtful article on the subject
of croccrs entering business , says the Mer
chants Review of New York. It argues that
frV many communities the number of dealers
Is too iar&e for the good of the trade , and
yet the beslnner. or Intending boKtnner ,
has no mentis of telllnK beforehand whether
the business la overdone or not. The ex
hibit therefore BUgsests that the mercantile
ncencles adopt a plan by which the re
quired information couia be obtained and
nlaced at the disposal of would-be grocers
for a consideration. The Idea. Is worth the
attention of the retail trade. But who shall
decide how many grocers a. given number
of families can support ? Outfit a skilled
able and energetic clerk , who feels In his
heart that he possesses the elements of suc-
ws" be deterred from venturing In o
business because the neighborhood is
crowded with grocery stores ? 1'erhnps the
established dealers are unskilled , unenter
prising and old fogylsh , nnd a far better op
portunity awaits the competent beginner
ther than In a less crowded neighborhood. Is n maxim with some peed
ludfies. that If one wishes to do a coed bus
iness V any particular Hne he should go
where the VneVchanta belonging to It are
most numerous , _ _
CoHco Market.
NEW YOIlK. Auc. 2S.-COFFEE-Optons !
onciwd slendy t unchanged to 10 points n l-
vnrice. ruled quiet but firm on covering , closed
quiet at unchW-c.1 to 10olnt * net mlvnnce :
iir * 4W > IKIKH incluainc : Aufrnut , JH.&S : Bep-
. . ; Otober.
bcr , J13 : December. 1U.SO : . - .
coffee , nlo. quiet ; No. 7 , $18 ; mild. < ] Ulel ! Cor-
SoTr I19.00019.S5 : al . nonf'rTW'"l1 0"V "
liveries from New York y lfrday , 8.MO bas ,
New Vorh twlc today , 135,768 taesi ; Un te.l
Btatw Mock. 15Z.OW l g : aflonl for the Un ted
States. SM.OOO b B8 : total risible for tha Un teO
States , 40S.OW bags , asalnjt H1.S13 teg * ta t
SANTOS. Ausr. K.SIndy ; good nverace
B.-UUM , 1& & : receipts , 15,000 bags ; itoclt. 320.000
bnHAMminar AU * . 2S.-M tk t teafly : prices
unchanned to M vie. hlslier : ! . 8,000 bag * .
IIAVIIB. AUB. M Operwd quiet ; unchanged
la ttf higher , closed nt net advance of UOVi'J
tolnl nalea. 10.000 bass. . . .
ltIO DE JANE1UO , Aug. M. Opened atendy ;
nominal ; excrmnse. M : rrcelpU. li.OOO bagt ;
cleared for the United States. 7.000 bncs ; cleared
for Europe , 3,0i bans ; itoch , 241.000 bags.
Financial Nntr * .
NEW ORLEANS. Aus. . Clearlnr * . W7.S52.
LONDON , Aug. J ! . Tlio amount of bullion
irene Into the llank of England on balance today
la 28,0 < M.
MEMPHIS , Aue. ! 5 , New York eiehanuo iell-
IDE at premium. Clearlne * . 1118,808 ; bal
ance * . | 31.m
IKJ3TON , AUB. JS.-Cleariwn , $1I.OS .01 } ; 11-
nnce , tl.IW.279 ; for Ui wt k. 70K70S75 ; bal
ance * , IS.MM72.
I'AIUS , Aus. U Three per cent rentes , 103f
EOa for I h ? account. Exchange on London , Kt
IDVjfl for cliecki.
NKW YORK. Aug. IS. Clearing * . ,7 J.049 ;
balance * , 13,913.183 : tor the week , IIM.KI3.77I ;
balance * , t33.HO.4M.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. JS.-Drafts , lght ,
UVfra ; telegraphic , Uc. Silver ban , CiKc. Mex
ican dollars , UUUUc.
PHILADELPHIA , Au * . . Clenrlnes. .HT.-
J ? > ; balance * . ll , ll. 07. For tha week : Clenr-
iiS , IM.07M37 ; balance * , JJ.WT.12X
IlALTlMOnii. Anr. 2S. Iluik clearlncs today ,
fl.SW.Wa ; balances , llW.rN. Tha cle/irlngi for
tha ntelc wera. 111.179,94 : ; balances , JI.S7S.MJ.
LONDON , Aug. li Cold I * quoted today at
Ilutno * Ayrei at 2.41 ; Madrid. n. : Lisbon , 30.15 ;
BU 1'etenburg. W ; Athena. 77 ; Home , 19.75 ;
Vienna , 10J.
NEW Tronic , Anc. HL The exporta of ipeclt
for tbo wv k wera t&ST.tOO In cold ana JJ1JJ > 3 In
llrer. The Import * tor the vrectt wtre : Gold.
I901.8U ; .silver , * lfW ? ! . . ? i rnl merchandl . M-
ClIICAao. AUK. a.-Clearlnr . | 11B4I,000 ;
total for tha vrr < U , J1S.tS7.0"M ; corroponilln ;
week last yur. liS.302,000. Money , < U4 per
cent on call. HJfl I'er ' cent on time. New York
rxchangt. par. Foreign neb into easier. Bttrl-
Injr , commercial , M.HKQ4.HU.
HT. LOUIS , Aut. ii.CIarlnr . Jl.HO.lit : tlil
weclc. I17 , ! > ,1I4 ; coireiponillnE week last year ,
JU,8H,7SS ; lncrra * thU year , )4OCI.3IS. or W.i
per cent. ClnrlnK * la t week. IJI.lstWl PJU-
uac * today , ! UIU4 , ; thli we < lc. U.4I1.U3 : wma
we lc last year. ll.i SU < ; U wvck. M.JW.D83.
Won r dull , Kit par cent , Rxchane * en New
York , ZSo premium bid.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nerroui hoid-
Ches. Trial ilze , 29 ee&tx. All
Balls ' in Wheat and Corn Again Took Oottr-
ngo Yesterday.
There ! Yn nn Alucnco af itnln In lh
Greater ! of the Corn licit , Mlilch
Vnronrnjrnl Iluylng on the
Country Account.
CHICAGO , Aug. 25. The bulls In wheat
and corn again took courage today and the
grain markets closed firm. The crop damage
scare -was a prominent factor In corn and
tills and other bullish news helped wheat ,
Corn closed with a gain of 7,60 for Septem
ber , wheat finished Tgo higher [ or December ,
and September oats are % o higher. Pro
visions closed -with but little change ,
Wheat opened firm In the face of much
discouragement In the matter of receipts
present and prospective , but -was upheld as
against that by the firm tone of the Liverpool
market and tie : number of letters received
by the commission houses from country cor
respondents relating very generally an in
creasing : use of wheat for feed. December
started ! with buyers nt 57c , being the pclea
asked far It as the market closed yester
day. Some brought B7c , and It then became
moro plentiful and sagged to from 67 Uc to
57c. It firmed up again and about an hour
from the start It was again wanted at D7',4c.
The recovered tone ot the corn market nnd
the | sharp bulge In the price ot thqt article
near the close caused the local shorts In
wheat a good deal ot uneasiness ; they In
tholr alarm bought eo vigorously that the
market rose to G7o for December and
closed strong at D7c.
The corn , market recovered the bullishness
which It lost yesterday. There was an ab-
sencB oC rain In the greater part of the ccrn
belt , which appeared to encourage some
more buying on country account. Some
local shorts also helped by their purchases
the advance In prices which occurred. The
light receipts gave uneasiness to a few who
had the temerity the day before to sell some
short. There was a good advance Im
mediately nt the opening for the nervousness
of those who had September short began to
cover , quickly spreading Into the May deal
ings. The market was rather Inactive In the
middle of the short session , but It became
quite animated near the close and It was
strong at the same time. September opened
at ! H4c ! , rose Srregularly to EGUa and
closed at B5c bid. May started at GZ'/fcc. with
a eale or two at G2c. It advanced to G3c
and closed at D2c.
Oats ranged narrowly. Corn continued to
govern , but the sympathy did not extend
ns far as It has heretofore. September closed
at 30c. May ranged from 2ic to 35c , and
closed at the highest ji.-ice.
The provision trade was not very active
nnd the tendency of prices was generally
downward until near the close , whet , 'he
bulge In wheat and corn caused to be sold
what January stulf was wanted by specula
tors. Pork for January closed unchanged.
LarJ was firm , but very Inactive , making
a gain of from 2 4o to Go for the day.
January ribs left off at 2V4a decline.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles , r Open. | Tfigh | Low. I "Closo.
A c . 64(4 (
Pept . B4H
Dec . 57 ti 6 7M
May . G''H 2
Corn No. 2. . 2WJi
Aiifr. . 6BH WJi
Sept . CSU f > C
Oct . B4M 54 ! <
May .
Cats Ho S. . .
Aup 30 now
Srpu.i. 3083UJ4 sown
May.- . 36M SS
Pork per 1)1)1
is nn 13 SO n so
Jai . is 05 13 a- ' 13 67M
Sept . 778 7 70 7 78
Oct . 7 80 7 76 7 80
Jan . 7 03 7 O'M 7 G3
Eliorl nibs-
Sept. . . . 7 42SJ 7 rt7 7 40
Oct . 7 37i ! 7 5 7 S7W
Jan. . . . . . . . . 7 00 U 1)5 ) 0 U7H
Cash quotations were as follow * :
KLOUlt Winter patents , tZ.Mil3.S9 : winter
strn-lslita , Jt30Q2.W ) : spring patents. $3.100J.CO ;
sprlns utrnlRhts. J2.MO2.W > : bnkera , I1.GO@2.0 .
WJI EAT No. Z sprlnir , S4 fiKlc ! ; No. 3 tprlns.
nominal ; No. 2 ml , WitWic.
CORN No. 2 , Me : No. 3 yellow. We.
OATS No. 2. SOKc ; No. 2 white. 33V # 334e ! ;
No. 3 white , MV5W33C.
IlYE No. Z. 4SVic.
HATILBY No. 2 , 53 ? Mc ; No. J , 020510 ; No. 4.
FLAX SEED No. I. f1.23O1.24.
TIMOTHY BKEO Prime. .20.
riSOVlSIONS Me * potk. pur bbl. , JI3.50013.M.
Lanl , per 100 ll > s. , J7.7JiSa7.73. Short ribs , sides
( Icose ) . } 7.357,40 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
io.M0 6J'4i short , sides ( boxed ) , J7.6i'87.7fl.
WHISKY Distillers' finished eoods , per eal. .
The folio-wine were the receipts and shipments
for today :
V'e tcr < lny' Qnotatlonn un I'lonr , drain nnd
FrovUloin , JMctalP , Etc.
NEW YOItK. Aug. 25. FLOUIt-necclpts. 2S-
400 bLIs. ; exports , 19,000 bbls. ; sales , 5,300 pkga. ;
market dull and unlntcrestlnB ; city mill patents ,
, OSJ4,35 ; city mill clears. 3.53.C3 ; Minnesota
patents , J3.IOQ3.75 ; Minnesota bakers , $1.1003.30 ;
winter patents. $2.95Sf3.23 ; winter stralRhts , $2.50
O2.SO ; winter extras , $1. S2.03 ; winter low
grade * , J1.K5J2.15 ; spring low grades , 5LCO01.SO ;
spring extras. $1.80 3.30 ; southern flour , dull ;
common to fair extra , $2.0502.50 ; good to choice ,
RYE FLOUU-Qulet : sales , 200 bbls.j superrtne ,
f.75 iJ ; fancy , 12.900303.
CUItN MEAI * Htendyi Bales , 400 bhls. ; yellow
western , $2.Mf3.IO ; llrandywlne , $2.75S > 3.M.
IlYK Steady ; state. K0yse ; Jersey , 45gWc.
IIAHLKY MALT Firmly held ; western. 68 ©
78c : two-rowed , stnte , 73c ; Blx-rowed , SO-QK2C.
WIIBAT IlecolptB , 165.709 bu. ; exports. 1 10,000
bu. ; rales , WO , 0 > X ) bu. futures ami 16,000 bu. spot ,
Sixit Innctivo ; No. Z red. In store and elevator ,
BSVJo ; atlofit. 5S14c ; No. 1 northern , 63Hc , do-
llvered ; No. 1 hard , 67 ic. delivered. Options
opened firmer on wet weather In England and
English buying , and ruled very oulet but linn
during th forenoon , closing at HWlc net ad
vance ; Slay , CGVjgC87Sc. closed nt 66f AURUSt
clonril nt Me : September , 430SS9-lCc. closet ! nt
68Hc ; October clowd at 6 > Vie ; December , S1H ©
Cl n-16e. closed at Cl'ic.
COHNIlecelpts , 52.COO 1 > U. : sales , 120.040 bu.
futures and 15,050 bu. spot. Spot mnrhtt Itrmer ;
No , 2 , COHc In store and elevator ; 61 So ulluat.
Options dull but stronger In nympainy with
wheat , cloilni ; at UOKo net advance ; May. 6Cf
< ! ' , ic. closed at UHc ; August closed at ClKc ;
September closed at COHc ; October , K > ' , iGX&c ) ,
claacd at WHo ; December , KVMUVic , closed at
OATS HecelpU , 130,000 bu. : exports , l.Mfl liu. :
sales , 120.000 bu. futures. S60.000 bu. spot. Hpot , ,
market dull ; No. Z , 33'.4c : No , 2 , delivered. HU
3IV c ; No. 3. 33o ; No. i wWtc. 37 c ; No. 3 white ,
W.c ; track , mixed western. 3 f3l'ie ; track.
will to rtate and western , 3C6lle. Options , stendy
with other markets , closingio higher : May ,
closed at 39o ; August , closed at 33Vjo ; Septem
ber. closed at 3Kic ; October- 3l93lic. closed
at 3lc ; November , clotted at liUo.
HAY AVeak ; shipping , UO < 0 ; good to choice ,
700 lie.
HOI'S ' Uull ; state , common to choice. IQlOc ;
I'flclflc 'coast. SQllc ; London market , steady.
HIDES Steady ; wet salted New Orleans. s -
lectud. 45 lo ( J Ibs. , 4'4c ; Texas , iu-lected. U to
M Ibs. , < f5c ; Ilueno * Ayrcs. dry , 2) to H Ibo. ,
lOVic ; Texas , dry. SO to 30 Ibs. . IWiO.
LKATHEn Stcadr : hemlock * > \t \ , Buenos
Ayre * . light to heavy weights , IMIltc.
\VOOL-Qulet ; domestic Uccce. OWe ; pulled ,
pnOVISIONS-Deef. dull : farnlir. 19@12 :
rxtm rarest IS.OHfS.Wt b f haras , 123.00 ; city
extra India mess. lCUc. Cut meata , Mrm ;
pickled bllles , V46 c ; pickled sliouldera , < Ti97c ;
pickled haim , "Oll c Lard , flrm : wctlern vleam
closed at JS.1W8.13 ; city , 17.75 ; September closed
at J8.07 , nominal ; renned , llrmi continent , J145 ;
8. A. . ! S.4i ; compound , IKc. lt > ik. linn ; new
lll.i tflS.S3 ; extra prime. $ t3.0o013.S ; fain
tly , IliOMIliW ; short Clesr. | 13.oa/l .CO.
ltUTTEU-fllec 1yr wes rn dairy. 13'i017ci
western creamery , SOiflHHc ; western factory. ) i
Olio ; Elgin * , HHc ; slats dairy. HOHV4 ; state
creamery , 18 < i : Vic.
CHEESE Firm : Btat * . large. MWic ; small ,
JviOlOc ; port skims , JHO 5ic ; full skims. 2W3c.
IXIOS Weaker : stute and I'ennaylranU. lac ;
tea house , ISUttHc ; western fresh. a(01M ; cas * .
; itOfJI.W ) ; receipts , 6,0 < W pkf * . <
TALIXIW-Dull ; city. Be , country , Sic ! , ai to
quality. '
I'ETHOLEUM Steady : United cloted at lie
bldt Washington , bhls. , 1C : Washington. In bulk ,
$3.14 ; r naed New York. U.1S ; Philadelphia and
Ilaltlmorr. JS.10 ; Philadelphia and Bull ! more , m
bulk , IS.W.
IIOSIN Firm ; itralnecl , common lo good. $1.15
TUnPENTINE Dull ; tJCUUc : domestic , fair
la extra , IU0"Hc ; Japan. 4SillH&
COTTON BKii OlL Flrm ; prime crude. SK )
JOe ; on crude. I882Sc ; yellow buttrr eruilet. It
lr3Soi cholc summer yellow , So ; prime yellow ,
ysllow off grides , llHUWo ; yellow
v-A -
. chotent > immm r yellow.
, prlina yellow. uy.UHcr 1' low utt grade * .
31'T32e. prlmn white , 37c. . , , . ,
MOLASSKS Slrady ; NewWrfcans , open ketttp.
good l < > -h lci > , smtf-a. J "
I IO IKON Dull : Scotch , JH.SoiM ; Ameri
can. $10.0MI3.0.X 7j . ,
COI'PRII-Qutet : lake. > ' '
LKAD Weak i ilome tle ,
TIN-Nomlnnl ; plate * , dui
BPKLTEn NomlnaU uleV D f'chanRo , none.
Condition of Tr.nln \Quolnttoni | on
Staple niut 1'iinrI'rotluco. .
Tlie week closes with a Rood , firm market on'
eggs , lluttcr Is about 8tendy.iv
Tlio cheese mnrket I * very-firm. Reviewing
the cheese ; situation , the ytlca Herald thinks
Uint New York slate must'furnish the bulk of
the Roods , both for export , and for winter con
sumption. Michigan make * some full cream
cheese , most of which goes west , \Vlsconsln ,
which usually furnlslim the built of stock for
winter trade In Chlcnco , la seriously affected ,
hy drouth , lUlrt the. full ninke there will U ; an
limited that Chicago donlem will ilouhtlesji Ira
ubllgrd to take n larga Initnltment of eastern
cheese. New York state therefoie must not only
prmltle the stock thnt IB ti > go nl > roul , nn she
usually does , but a. considerable share of the
full crenm rtock which l to cnrry our own
country throuKh the winter. It looks ns If
' ' ' prices might prevail when cool weather
comes Into mnrket. There Ims been no
wenther during the pn t week to nftect milk or
cheese unfiitoruhly. The nights hnvo been cool
nml the days comfortable , nnd there la ginil
' In the aftermath. Miuiy dairymen nro also
- . nK grain , the low | > rlw of whrul being nn
Inducement to them to lietp the How In that
way. Factories generally , In Ihls part of. the
country , are making lather mole cheese thnn
they were making a ago. which Is n re-
cult ot the nkuience of drouth nnd the better
condition of me/tiilowa nnd pastures ,
nUTTIHl 1'acklng slock , lOc ; fair to Rood
country , HI5ci choice In fancy , lTflc ; gath
ered creamery , 174jWci ! separator creamery , tic.
EQC1S Per doz. , 12lie ,
LIVE POUl.TllY OIJ liens , . So ; roosters. J0
3ci spring chickens , 9c ; ducks , 6c ; hen tur-
kejs. 7W8c ; gobblers , CQCc ; old geese , full-feath
ered , 4 3e.
VEAI. Choice fat nnd small veals are quoted
at 5'48Gc ; coarse nnd large. 35Tlc.
CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , new mike ,
122124c ! ! ; Nebraska and Iowa , full crenm. He ;
Nebraska and Iowa , pail Klms. Sc : Llm-
burger. No. 1. lie ; brick. No. 1 , lie : SvUss. No.
1. 14ffl3c.
HAY Upland hay , J10 ; nrfdland , J3.50 ; lowland ,
t - Color in.i Ifi-s the price on hay , Light hales
sell the beat. Only top grades brine top price * .
PIGEONS Old birds , per dot. SUc.
POTATOES Hound loin of Immo crown or
Kansas stock , "SBSOc per bu. ; small lats on or
ders. 89c : California , 73tfSOc.
MELONS-Good nock , crateil , KI > .
CANTALOUPES Home grown , i > er doz. , 60c < 8l
OI.U HEANS Hnnil-plcked navy , $3.23 ; me
dium. I2.10iii.15i common while beans , I1.7S
ONIONS On orders. 75c per bu.
CAMI1AOR aocul shipping stock , home grown ,
on orders , 2Uc : southern. 2c.
CELERY I'er floa. , JWIOc.
SWEET rOTATOES-1'cr Ib. . Co.
An nuctlon Bale of peaches ana plums was
held J esterd/iy niornln ? ,
Tlie Wisconsin Stnte Cranberry Growers associa
tion held Its regular summer meeting at ( .rand
Itnplds. The principal business transacted was the
orgunlzation of the -Wisconsin Cranberry Trade
company , a corporation whoso main purpose Is
the selling of Ihe cranberry crop of the stock
holders. The nranclatloa hopes thereby to prt-
vent the commission merchants of Chicago sell
ing berries at ruinously low figures. The capital
of the new company la llxel at $10,000. The crop
reports showed that the cranberry crop for Wis
consin would not exceed one-tenth of un average
crop. The report on lira damogea showed that
most of the bearing wild eianbcrry marshes and
over one-half The Improved marshes In the stale
have lieen burned over this season ,
AI'PLKS-aood stock , per bbl. . J1M03.00
I1LACK HASl'llEimiUS Npne.
nnn nAsi'iiEnnms None.
] ILACKDUItIllis None.- . _
rBACIIKS California. J1.WI1.15.
1'L.UMS-CalKornln. . Jl.OOail.S'Jj- .
1'IllTNES n.004fl.50. v vi't
FtOS None
PKAKS Ilnrttelt's. J2.00-othcr varieties , $1.50.
ATRICOTS-C . nSriei'l
fllnltUIKS California , Aone.Vl
mtAI'KS-Concorda , 10-lbr.ha.skets , 23@30c ; Cal-
" * " "
TnoPicALrmrns ,
HAN ANAS Choice stock J2.QOS81.W per bunch.
LKMONS-Fnncy lemons , iX-j ) lic. JS.50 ; fancy
lemons , 300 slzu. ; O.W. „ . oi
OHANOES None. , . f
FIGS Fancy , per Ib. , ISC'1 r.
HONEY California. 16c ; darlc Iioney. lOOlle.
MAPLE SYIIUP Onllon cans , per doz. , 112.
NUTS Almonds , lB 17ojnniOlsh ; walnuts , 100
io : filberts. 12ci Ifrnzll nuts. IOC.
CIDEIl Pure lulce. ver bbl. Jti liai : bbl. . M-25.
HIDES No. 1 green hlues , ilVic ; No. 2 gre n
hides , 115Ife ; No .l green jialle lildes , 3Hc ; No.
! green Halted hlilea , 2i2CL < v 4 grceri sallfd
hides , 2.1 to 49 Ibs. , IViq ; No , 2 grttn salted hides.
25 to 40 Ibs. , ! S2Kc : No. I veal calf. 8 to IS
Ibs. , CViQCc : No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , lHHc ;
No. 1 ilrr flint hides , Be ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
Ic ; No. 1 dry Bfllted hides. 4c. Part cured hides
I4c per Ib. l a than fully cured.
SHEEP PnL.TS Green salted , fach. ZMTMc ;
creen saltecl shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , CSlSc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled farly
skins ) . No. 1. each , SrtlDci dry shcarllnKs ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. t , each. Sc : dry Sllnt
Kansas unit Nebraska butcher wool pelta. per
Ib. , actual weight , BflSc : murrain wool pells , per
Ib. . actual weight. 406c : dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 49
SHc , murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weleht ,
4ffCe. Have fc-t cut off. ns It Is usolejs to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW AND O RE A SE Tallow , No. 1 , * ®
4'iCJ ' tallow , No. Z. 3i483 > ic ; crease , whlta A ,
484'.ic ; Krcas , ivhlte It , 3H51io : grease , yel
low. 3c ; grease , dark , ZVSc ; old butter , ZfKVjc :
bees\ax prime. ISOlic ; rough tallow. 1KO2C.
St. IiOiils tienrrnl MurkoU
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 23. FLOUH Quiet , steady.
WHEAT Wns firm but tame , galnlnn Vic net ;
No. 2 red , cash , W c ; August. Clc , September.
MWo : December , EHKo ; May. plldc.
COIIN Firm on rei rts of i dry weather , pain
ing MO' ic ; No. 2 mixed , cash and August. 12VC ;
September , 62VJO bid ; Uecemlxr. 4J c : llay , 6 > c.
OATS Firm , aiilBt , He higher ; No. 2. cash and
August , 3 ! ic ; September , 31V1C ! May. 33T1C.
11YFJ-B240 bid for No. 2 , east track.
BAULKY No trading- .
DItAN Sacked , east track , CSo bid.
FLAX SEED Firm ; S1.22.
CLOVEIl 8BED-7.50eS.M.
HAY Quiet.
EOQS Firmer : He. .
LEAD Spot , 53..t. cast track ; September and
Octol > er. JS.l'J.
CORN MHAL ! 432.H > .
COTTON Tins Unchanged.
HAOniNO Unchnnged.
PHOVISIONS Quiet , steady. Pork , standard
nie ) . JobbingJll. . Lanl , prime steam. J7.69 ;
chnlco , $7.79. Dry salt men I a. loose shouldrrs.
? D.37'/i : lonRH nnd ribs. 57.W ; shortn. 17.70. llaeon.
packed shoulders. f7.Mr longs , 5S.23 ; ribs , J3.23 ®
S.37H ; phortfl. | S.371i0S.0 ,
nKCEHTS Flour , 1,000 bbls. : > lieat , 16,000 ,
bu. : corn , 8,000 bu. ; oats , < 3. ! > bu.
SHIPMENTS nour , 7,000 wheat. 4.000
bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu.
t'ottou .Miirlctit ,
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 25. COTTON-Closlnar :
Spot , quiet ; American middling , 127-324. The
sales of the day were 7,000 bales. B , & ) < ] Americans.
Receipts. C.190 bales , all American , Futures
opened dull , with the demand fieely supplied ,
and closed quiet. American mbldllnr , I" M. C. ,
August. 3 4G4@ } 6v-C4d ; August and September ,
3 4CI < 1. ncllcrs.
NEW OHLKANS , Aug. M. fyTTON Quiet
nnd uteadyj receipts , 1.639 bales : sales. 23) balei ;
exports , cxislulte , 1,887 bales ; slock , 20.070 bales.
Futures , dull but steady ; sales. 6.300 bales ;
August , JC.41 bid ; September , JG.36fT 37 : October.
t6.39frC.4T ; November. I6.47C5.1S ; December. I&M
WO.M : January , } tcaff3.l : February , JO.KO6.8J ;
March. fs.lg-US.Ta : April , ) ( ! .7S .iiJ. ; ; May. ( & 8 O
0.90 ; June. SD.Mtffli.5J ; July. J8.6iiO ! ' SS.
ST. IX5UIS. Aujr. 25. COTTON Steady : mM-
dllne , Cc ; sales , 1X ) bales ; recelpt . none ; ship
ments. COO bule < ; Btnck , 18,104 bales.
MlniirHiulU ] AVIicui Miirhet.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 23. "With larger wheat
clearances and belter cables the market ndvanrml
nml closed hlRlitr for futures than yesterday by
about ftc for September and "i" for Slay. Farmero
nre selling -\ery freely in the country now , which
brought some wheat nn tn ? fharket for eale for
December . .Kulnsl. holdings | n the Interior ele-
vntors. The closing prices' iverei Augutt , &lc ;
Srptfinber , U'iftUlic ; December , Sl'ic ; May ,
694C. Old wheat for August .brought Mo at the
closeOM wheat on trncki bipught W1,4a for No.
1 bard ; No. I northern , c57e > No. 2 northtrn ,
&J\ic \ ; new wheat ranerd frora 2Ho loc blow
the price of old of the Hinin erodes. HecelpU.
35.000 bu. ; shipments , 38.00 * b T Flour was rather
llrmt-r than yesteulay , but Iho rnnik t itlll quoted
at W.JO tn IJ.40 for pjtenlsi jute tar bakers.
The production wi cutImJitell , nt 37,000 bbls. for
the day ; shipments , 32,000 bblo.
Knnsiit Citj-tM i-kotn.
KANSAS CITY , Aue. Ji OTIKAT V5fr hlirherj
No. 2 hard. 9os No. 3 hard ' i'lMliic ; No. 1 red ,
, 4SVWJC.No. . } red , 47@lic. /
C < mN-irnchanEed ; No.g 'mlieJ. 51Hc ; No.
white. ilHc.
OATS UnchHOgnl.
HUTTEll Firm ; crenmuryr-lifrilc ; dairy , H
KGQS Aetlve and flrmr .
TS Wlieal , bu. ; corn , 7.0W tu. ;
oats. 10,000 Im ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 9.000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none.
LIVErtPOOL , Aug. 23. TALIX3W Nominal ;
supply poor ; prime city. 23 * .
Tl'ni'ENTINK Dull ; holders offci moderately ;
( Dlrlt * . 21 * C.1.
IIOSIN Dull ; holden otter freely ; common.
3s W.
I.AIir > Klrmf holaeri offer vparlngly ; * pot.
SV : future * , holder * , not offering.
HOPS At LonilDa'U'jcltlc coast ) , uleijy ; hold-
era offer inoJeratHn 2 to II
t hlcac ° Krult ( Joutntloii * .
CHICAGO , Aug. 23. Tha Earl VTull company
old California fruit al unction today It * fallow * !
Chicago IVirtletu , JI.Mf/1.15 , prnchc * , $4fIOci |
receipt * ot pencil ? * heavy now ; plums , C0iilaj
Toktir grapes , JI.T1KM W. Neiv York IJartlett * ,
J1.45M1.70 ; DMvngrmi , 1.3i ; prune * . JI.OOJ/I "i
peacher tiipTic. mtirket uluttej , btrecti full of
Porter Itros , compnny , Chlrago , cold dte cars
at auction today u ( California fruit ; Dartlett
pear * , ll.ltOJ.S } ) Itucrre ItnMr * . Jl-15
$1.1 $ : ( IriiKt prunes , HXiHl.tO ; Oetmitn , $1.09 ;
Hunirnrlan. WOMo. E K plums , 7iO V . Fsllen
bergs , II. 11X31. 20. Jnpiins. $1 7.-VOI 43 , t' 1umbln ,
! XV , HiiKUJphntllia iwaChM. KfDo ; While I llnir.
fi.V $ l 1 ; la\n Crawfords. ( * r , Jones , S5ft70c ;
Tokay grapes , hall crates , II.60U1 89 ; Muscat * .
$1 .
Porter Ilro1 * . < tjmpnny , New York , four card !
Hed Freestone pMchei" , 11.03 Wings , SSoOJl.lM ;
Egg plums , IIOil03 ; Vl.-tnrln plums. * X' I1.00 ;
Columlilnai 60990C , Kdrer JnnniH , $1 Wtft.73 ;
Omss prune * . &kj1.2ii | Hungarian * , JicOll.Mi
Mnlngas. hale cm ton , $1.40.
Ni-w York Dry ( loodn Mnrkrt ,
NEW YOI1IC Aug. ! . The quiet of Rat unity
reflated by the mwlenvte ilemnnd of nvents.
Still lirgeunlers vuma Ihrough the mnll nnd tele.
Krnph fur prmwlnc re"Hlr niMit . Jobhnni were
more nctU-o tlinn on tha Mine day of the WIH > | <
not tnnny monthn ago , nnd Ihe outlook wns
Increasing fuvonbly. All cotton gomls were
steady lo Him , nnd for eomo of Ihe mnrc staple
stjles prices arc dearer because of demand In
excess of the eupply. luslnoa for the week hns
been more legitimate ! ) actlxe and larger thsn
for nny week since May , 1833. Printing cloth *
are firm at STtc.
DiilnlliVhrnt Market.
IH'MJTir. Aus , ! J. WHEAT n < M likhorf
No. I liai-d , cash , August nnd KeptemUer , 67"4o " ;
No. 1 northern , rash , August and September ,
Biic ; LecenU > cr. 57o ; No. S northern , cusli. 5lo ;
No. 3 , 51c ; rejected , ITlic ; to iirrlve , N . 1 north-
crn , Me new ; 57o old ; rrecli > ts , wheat , 6iW ) bu.
Sprvnliittnn In brourltlrs Win llrmjIn
Time Ycsti-nlny.
N'ENV TOIIK. Aug. 25. With the excep
tion ot a brief period of flrmiiess at tlio
opening of business ninl In the final trail
ing. speailaUon on the Stock exchange today
was heavy In tone , and the transactions re
sulted In the establishment of a lower range
of values , extending from V per cent to
} i per cent , the latter In Distilling. The
chief Interest of tlio market was centered In
Distilling , tlio sales of which were very
heavy. There was good baying In the stock
tn the early dealings , and an advance of
1 % per cent was had on the belief that the
$5,000,000 loan had been effected. A dis
patch from Chicago , however , threw doubt
on this point by announcing that the Illinois
Trust company , which wns to ba the medium
of the payment of money to take the trust's
whisky out of bond , had not received tlio
funds. As the sequel proved , this was but
part of the tnsldo clique's plan to work tlio
market , nnd the s die mo worked very suc
cessfully. heavy blocks of the stock being
thrown on the market arid some stop loss
orders being uncovered , the price breaking
4 % per cent to 19 % . Considerable stock
had been absorbed by the clique all the \\ny
down , nml at the lower figures outside buyers
came Into the market , whoso purchases
caused a recovery ot IH per cent , but the
trading In the stock was feverish , nnd n
subsequent reaction of 1 per cent .took
place , with a final rally ot ' ,4 per cent , the
last prlco being 3'4 per cent below yester
day's close. After the close of business the
street was Informed that the company had
secured a loan of between $4,500,000 and
15,000,000 , and that the Illinois Trust com
pany had taken possession at the whisky
at 1'eorla and Pekin , valued at about $0,000-
OOj. This removes an unsettling Influence
In the market and will tend to the establish
ment of a healthier market. The heaviness
of the general list was. generally due to the
depression of leaders In the trading , though
some ot the railroad reports received wera
somewhat unfavorable. Changes for this
week ara nearly In the direction of higher
values. The bond market \vas Irregular
on a moderate volume ot business , the sales
aggregating $ SS7,000.
The Evening Post says : The market ad
vance was checked today by realizations
by Now York and London. They had the
effect of causing limited bear sales. The
opening was firm. The lowest points were
reached about 11 o'clock , when a rallying
tendency set In , and coritlijuing , closed the
general list about % of 1 per cent better
than the lowest. The * Indication of under
lying strength was the resistance ot values.
Hull traders did not show a disposition to
acquire stock. The specialties were less
affected by the declining tendencies , Indicat
ing that they are closely looked after by In
The following were tha closing quotation *
on the leading sleeks of the New York ei--
chingo today : _
Atchlaon N St W. pfil
AilamBExpre-ii. . . 148 North Am. Co
Alton. T. A ay Northom Paclfto. ' B
do pfd 108 No. P.IC. pM 18H
Am. Express 113 J. P. 11. A 0 4W
l > : iltlmoro&niio. ! Kortliwpulurn. . . . 107
Canada Pacific. . . . do pld 14- . '
Canud.i Southern. r > 3 N.Y. 101
Central Pacific. . . N. Y.&N.E.i ? . . . . 27H
Ch > H. A ; Ohio 'Jo ; Ontario A W 1JH
Chlcairo Alton. . . , 140 Oregon Imp { §
C. , I ! . JtQ " ' OreKonNar
ChleagoOas 7r.3s. O.S. L.&U. N. . . . n
ConBolldaled G : faelflcMall
C. C. C. Si St. It . . . 4l I'.U.&K.
Colo. Coal & Iron 4lH Pttttttwrs 120
Cotton Oil Cert. . . .ItPttttttwrs Palaco. . 103
Del. , t Una ion. . . . 1:11) ) Kcartini
Del. Lack. .V W. . . H17 llluhnionaaVru. .
D. Jfelt.0. DM 34K do pfd. ViUU
II. & C.I' . Co Kook Island. . . ,
Knot Tenn s St , Paul flBM
Erlo St , Paiitnfd . . . . !
da nf < l " SIM St. P. & Oinnna. , 8
Port Wriyiior. . . , . 151 do pfd ,
G. Northern pfd. . 10' , ' Sotithurn „ . cnn ;
C. &K. I. l > Jd Sugar Ilotlnory. . .
HooUlns Valley. . I'cxns Piclllo. . . .
III. Central T. StO. Cent.pld. .
St.P. ADuluth. . . . Union PiiclHo
K. & T.ofil U. S. Exprcai. . . , 02
Lake Erie i W. . . W.St.1. . AP .
do pfd do pld . 10) (
Lake Shore 137 Wolla P.irifO Kx. . 115
Lead Trust 44J \Vcnteni Union. . .
Loiiluvlllu&N. . . . 2-tW w. A : P.5i
Loiilsvllta&N. A , M do pfd , .
Manhattan Con. . . 120H M A.SI. L ,
Mcnithlat O . 1) , .VIC. O. ,
Michigan Cent. . . . O'M U , K-
Mo.Paolflc . 30M N.L
Mobile. & Ohio. . . . 21 C. F. It I
Nnnlivlllo Clint. . . 49 do nfd
N.-itloimlConl.iya 'Jl T. A. A. JtN. M. . .
do pill . 34 T. SU L.&K.O. . . .
N. J. Centr.ll . 114 do nfil
The total tales today were 1CI.IW shares , In
cludlnc ; American Tobacco , 2,000 ; American Cot
ton Oil , 2,200 ; American Susar , 2,90) : llurllnmon ,
4fcOO ; fhefaprake A Ohio. 1,600 ; Distilling & Cnt-
tlefeedlng , r,9,200 ; Ix > ulsvllle & Na hvllle , 2.GOO ;
Reading , 8,800 ; Rock Island , 2,109 , ; St. Pnul ,
8,700 ,
Cloalnff quotations on bonds wen ai follows :
U S. Bfvrcir . rintriChrifii :
U.S. fincoup . llh > | n O. 4a
U.S. 4Bro ? . Erie nils
I ) . -IHCOUP . O. H.A.3. A.Cs. . .
II. 3. 'Jnnn- . , . ua do 7s
l-aolllcOHOf'Oj. , , 101 H.&T. C. 6s.
Ali. Clasi A . lO- ' do Ha , . . , .
AUi. Cl.-iai 1) . 101 K. K. &T. 1st 4s. .
Ala. Cl.tai 0 . 02 do lil4M
Currencies . O'J UutiialUnlonlH , .
La. Now Cou. 41. ,
Missouri Da. . . . . . . 100 No. 1'nc. law
N.C.ti * . 100T Ne Pac. ' 'ncn
do In . T N" . Vf. Consoln. . . .
S.O , noiiluml. . . . . do S. K Dob. Cs.
Tcnn. now Hot tl. 7H K. . fl. W. 181S
TonnnowBnt i. . . . KI4W St. 1 * Consols 7n. .
Tenn.old ( in. . . . (10 ( P.C.At' . W.fis.
Va. Citiitnrlca . 38K SI.L.&I.M.Ocn.Sa.
do deferred . 7
AtcMbon ! . . . . . - . 7J Tix. Vac. 1 IH. . .
Atclllsun 2n A. . . . ilo s
CatmilaSo. tfmls. . ior. ii u. P. laisof'an. .
Ceil. 1'ao. IMS 1)3. ) 101 < WVstShoro Is
llostan Stock Ouotutloin.
I1OSTOK , Aug. 2.1 , Call loan * , IWP3r cent ;
ttmo loans. 8 < 1 per cent. Ulotlnpricoa for
stocks , bands and minim anr.j ! ;
Nnir Vnrk ntlnlns yuut > tloai.
NEW YOHK. AMI. 23 , Tlio followfnz or tha
: Ininmr qnotntioniii
Cliolor. So Plymouth . . . . 10
Crown Point. . , . 03
Con.CaLi Va. , . . 413
Ucidwood , . , . 20 Union Con . 75
( jould ACiirrj S3 Yellow Jacket. . . , 43
Halo & NiTJrosi. . 00 rron Sllrcr . 10 < a 1.130 Qutclisllrnr. . . . . . . . 190
Mexican . . . . . . * . , . . 105 do pri'letroJ . 141)11
Ontario. . , . . 700 Bulwur . IS
Ophir. 1MB
San PrAiirlico Mliiln ? {
SAN PKANCrsCO. Ana. 55. The clolnf
Quolatlona for nilnliir utojzitony won U * fol-
Sfcfc IJiiotatlons ,
1/OtJVOlt , An * , 'JJ a p. m , clotlnet
C.inidLan I'-aolflo. , 0 fHP.mlewn 07Ii
Krte . 10 iN.Y Central , . . . 1"5
Krlo'jda 7UU IVnnHjrlvanla 5-
Ilia. Central. . . . . . 03U ll adlnit IHi
Uexlcan ordinary 18 Hex. Con. now 4s. CUH
Weak Olo603 with an Almost En tire Absence -
senco of Beef Cattle.
I'rlcc HtrmiRcr nml Dealer * Scramble for
tlio Brunt Supply HORH ricuro nil Ail-
viincu ot 1'lto to Ten fonts
SATUHDAT , Aug. " "
Today's receipts consisted of SI5 cattle ,
G.32C IIOKS nnd 191 sheep , as against l.GTC
cattle. 6,320 hogs , and 90 sheep yesterday ,
and 1,29 1 cattle , 10,253 hoga and 41 stiecp
on Saturday of last week.
CATTLE The receipts of cattla toJay were
very light , there "being- only halt the number
rccehcil yesterday and less than on Saturday
of last week. There were a few nutlvo nnd
western cornfed steers , some of them very
good cattle , The market on beet steers did
not show much change , though It could
safely bo quoted strong. Ono bunch of pretty
fair cattle brought { I. CO ,
Them vas a pretty .good demand for
butchers' stock nnd the most desirable of
the cows , and heifers wcro cleaned up early
In the morning- Rood strong prices.
As usual on the list day of tlio week there
was no great amount of activity In the mar
ket for stockersKand loaders. Such cattle as
changed hands brought about tha same prices
as yesterday. Light stock cattto from the
drouth-stricken districts of the state pre
dominate , whllo tha better grades ot feeders
are not so plenty. A buyer with an order
for 200 good weight and fleshy feeders re
marked that It was no easy matter to nnd
what lie wanted. Ileprcsentatlvo sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av , Pr.
4. . . .1037 | 2 7 ! 49. . .1077 J3 S3 S3. . . .1213 l V )
2. . . . 9SO 3 7& 13.llffl 4 33.
1. . , . 730 t < ID , . , . W1165 5. , . . 803 2 IV )
1 . . . 7SO 1W 1..1130 1 6& 7. . . . 537 8 00
1 . . COT 1 > I . . 970 1 45 1..1010 2 W
1. . . . 7SO 1 0) 3 , . . .IOCS 16) 12. . . . S22 200
1 , . . 600 100 2. . . .1010 1 6' ' > 1. . .1020 219
2. . . S30 1 IS 2. . . . ! 23 1 & > . . . . 702 231
2 , . . W ) 1 25 Z..1MO 105 H..01J 2M
1. . .153) ) 1 23 1. . . . l 1 65 7. . . . 931 2 24
1. . . . KM 12 ? 4. . . .IMS 17 * IS. . . . 7C8 221
2J. . , . 830 IS" 5. . . . U4 1 7i ) II. . . .939 2M
4. . . 115 IS ? 2..1DIO 175 9. . . .90. ) 2 2T
1. . 113. ) 1 4 II. . . . SOS 1 75 7. . . 91 ! 241)
3. . . . KO 141 7. . . . 577 17" IS. . . .830 241
4 . . .1 7 1W 1. . . . TSO 1 & ) Si. . . . 'J1D 240
3. . . , > 33 1 DO B..1J10 1W 4. . . . SS7 243
1. . . , 70 1 EO C. . . . TS3 1 8 1 - 11 ? ) 2 45
3. . . . .MS IM B. . . , > 23 1 M 31. . , .848 2 CO
] . . . , > M ICO 2. . . . 715 2M SI. . . .90 270
3. . . . 873 IM 3. . . . 930 100 1..130) 275
1. . . . WO 123 1. . . . 7iO 173 35. . . . 727 173
3. . . . 4M 140 2. . . . S33 175 5. . . . 70) 200
. . . . S13 150
1. . . . 220 125 3. . . . 303 Z 23 2. , . . W 2 CO
3. . . . 196 ISO 6. . . . 813 SCO 1. , . . Zl 300
1 . . . 160 1 DO 3. . . . 240 SCO 1. . . . ISO 300
2. . . . ISO 220 1. . . . IM 2 CO
1. . . . 350 123 1..10M H ) 2. . . . MO 160
1. . . . G'H IK 1. . . . 700 If ) 2. . . .1173 120
1 . . .HM 135 2. . . .13 % 1 45 1..1131 1 B
I . . .12W 135 1. . . . 970 1 CO 1..122) 1 CS
1..111' ' } 1 35
2..1GI3 3 03
I. . . . 820 2 W
2. . . . 6-ft 175 7' ' ) . . . . 704 2 20 7..8CS 2 < 0
3. . . . 4IJ 200 12. . . . MS 225 3 , . . . 870 244
. . . . CIS 210 17. , . . 667 2 SO 28 , . . , EM 245
12. . . . SGi : 21J 10. . . . Ml 230 13. . . . 913 210
37. . . . 77i ) 215 12..S20 330 1 , . . . 830 250
11. . . . 70S 2 2i ) 25. . . 759 2 40 9 . . . 973 2 CS
13. . . . C7l > 2 20
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
I cow . 1100 J2 01 24 cows . 913 } 2 65
HOGS There was a moderate run of hogs
today , about the same number as yesterday ,
but almost -1,000 lc s than on Saturday ot
last week. Tlio buyers all wanted hogs this
morning , nnd tha market opened early and
active at an aJvanco of fully EC. In sonic
Instances sales -were made early at prices
that were lOc -higher than yesterday. The
quality of the hogs was hardly up to the
average of the day -before , and the sales on
their face would hardly show all the ad
vances that really took place. Hcprcscnta-
tlvo sales :
No , Av. 8)1. ) Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
23 . 151 . . . { ; 00 71 . 233 40 22J }
112 . 122 rO 420 1 . 270 $0 5 22H
M . II ? a 43) CO . 811 IM 52214
SI . 120 1ft ) 4 21 . Sf * 0 525
SI . 159 45 US- Jl . 211 2 ) 525
US . 127 12l > 14ft BJ . ISS 8) 625
63 . 131 1O 1 W SI . 217 ] JO 525
59 . 151 H ) I (5 fii . 19 * IM 5 25
48 . 172 201 170 75 . 217 19) ) 623
101 . 117 129 170 81 . 240 2W G 21
107 . 150 100 175 81 . 222 . . , 623
100 . 127 211 I 75 79 . IM 41 6 23
7 . 101 40 175 C9 . 2)S 40 6 25
6 . 2CO 40 175 gl . 216 200 625
1 . IM . . . i It 73 , . . . . . . .233 124 625
6 . Kl . . . 485 C3 . :10 S3 6 2. ,
153 . 170 231 t 00 S3 . 137 12) 52714
> 7 . IM 2 ! ' ) 40) 7 ! . 212 ISO CM
8) ) . IM 2UO < 91 21 . 3)1 40 R SO
3 . UO . . . & DO T3 . 243 80 C SO
78 . 16 fO 5 M 71 . 191 10) 63)
91 . 162 310 50. ) C ? . -210 161 631
1 . 150 . . . B 0 } 71 . 2.1) ) 1GO 630
73 . 121 RO T 05 75 . 215 12) ) 6 : ! 0
69 . 182 SO S 05 74 . -.M 2 * ) C 30
3" . 17S 2 > > 0 f. 01 75 . 2J2 2 C 3)
7 . 213 . . . 503 0) . 1SI 120 533
P ) . 139 SW 8 0 > 71 . 22 > 80 535
B.-I . 1S 40 BID 71 . 222 80 5 85
ES . ias : w r 10 73 . : ice 6 35
3 . 211 . . fl 10 7 . 2li : 80 535
87 . 201 210 51' ) C9 . 237 200 6 35
18 . 222 SO 5 10 6-1 . 2IH SCO 635
72 . 185 HO 5 10 91 . 191 . . . 540
60 . . . , t..210 80 6 10 70 . 115 . . . 540
73 . 212 210 5124 7 . 301 80 540
50 . 3 60 5 12V4 73 . 23J HO 540
60 . 221 ISO 6H 71 . 2 > l 160 640
77 . Z10 120 615 67 . 231 80 545
! > 2 . 183 BO C 15 (3 . 2'J2 . , . 5 CO
0 . 213 160 615 CO. . . 203 80 5 M >
CS . 2i)9 80 615 6" . . 301 40 560
51 . 190 IM CIS . 217 . . . 6 C5
4 . 193 . . . C 20 K . 211 . . . 66)
76 . 207 180 C20 C3 . 203 SO D 60
94 . 13S 2M 650 C7 . SOD . . . 66"
73. . 115 240 CM 6) . .322 80 5 65
1 . 260 . . . 200 4 . 22' ' ) . . . 300
1 . 0 . . . 250 3 . 172 . . . 300
1 . IV ) . . . 215 . ! 33 . . . 3 W
4 . 295 . . . 275 1 . IM . . . 30. )
4 . 120 . . . 275 9 . 237 . . . 323
2 . ISO . . . 57S 2 . 130 . . . 323
68 . 33 . . . 275 II . 55 . . . 350
I . ISO . . . 290 M . 36 . . . 3 M
1 . 220 . . . 290 CO . 100 . . . 383
1 . 170 . . . 2 M . . . , . . . . 40 4 00
1 . 150 . . . 2 & 0 9 . 73 . . . 40)
1 . 120 . . . 2 DO J7 . 107 41 400
. . . . . . . . , , . 2W 72 . 10 $ l&l 400
1 . IW . . . 300 7 . 118 . . . 400
8 . 20S . . . 300 CS . W . . . 415
3 . CO ) . . . 300 3 . 100 . . . 475
SHEEP There was only ona load of sheep
received today. Some native mixed sheep
brought $2.00 and a few lambs $3.00 , Keuro
sentatlvo sales :
tfl native mixed . 75 2 00
43 native cwca . , . 103 2 O )
id natho Iambs . C7 3 00
H colit < i mill Disposition of S too It.
Official receipts nnd disposition of stock
shown by the bonks of the Union Ktoik Yards
company for the inenly-fnur houra endlnii at 3
o'clock p. in. , August K. 1894 ;
Cnrs , I Irart.
Tattle y , 1,002
lings SI 1,081
Sheep t 191
Iluyera CuttleHogs. . Sheep
Omaha Packing eompiny MS
O. H , Ilumiiumd company. . . 311 1 131
Hwlfl nml company 13i 1.178 24
Cudahy Packing eompanx. . , . Hi 1,2 > 7
John P. Sijulre & Co &W
Cudahy Itnut 2W
Klnenn .t Co IM
llrtttaln Ml
Snap IM
A. Unas 63
U. Decker ADtgen IH
Nob. L. S. & C. Co 172
Kloux City racking Co 70
Local slock Cl )
L. llrrker 30 . . .
Bpenrman > > li
.1. Ttoth
Shippers ami feeder * . . , , . . . , , . 284 . . .
Lett tncr BOO
Tola ! UIJ >
KuiiBin City 1.1 to ritork Mnrkut.
7 OW lictid ; shipments. 2,700 tiL-nil. Market klrunu ,
TOJM ( cers , * 2.Ki3.15 ; be f uterrii , I3.WJ&4.S :
natlva cows. 41.85fl3.01 ; stbrken and feed'.Ts ' ,
" '
"ilOOS-'ltccelpts. I.70D licnrt : thljimenU..W.
Iipu1. Market strong ti Sc hjuhei , bulk of snl ,
" " , " ' ? H * ? > & i.1j ; ififiiii. fimJtS&t , \ > 'a .
' TCecelplB. 1,100 lie-lid ; Bhlpmcntu , OK
head. Market strong ; ) e t nntlvca , 5JT5i/3.2j
good lo fholre westemi , JI.MtfJ.'i' ) ; mmm n am
stocker * . II , IWOiti ; Kocd o choice lambf , 53.0
tHM. * _ _ ,
St. I.ouU | .tvn htorhMiirkul ,
HT. I/1UI8. Aug. tS.-CATrLE--lleeelpt , I , )
head , shipments , 1.C40 bend. Murlivt linn ; n
natives nn mta , Teta * ulevra , bWtfl.O'JO ' Ibs.
t(3OJ. > )0 ) ; rows. t.CKK < f.MS.
11OU3Hectlpti. . 'jif * > bond ; shlpmrnts , t.W
lifad , MailceC qulcti good heavy , I5.W , .
RltnKPIlmrlpls. . W > ) li ilshipments. . 1.204
hwid , Markrt quiet , with not rnoiiKh ( > ti sale lu
make n representative market.
CnttlivVrrv ( Jnlot Init llnf-a Indlmtnl Con *
CHICAGO , Aug9L Toilny'ii rnttlc T H-clpt *
w re citlnintnl at 2CO head , m-iklng CS.OW for
the wet Is. against 01 , W4 l t work r.i | l,375 a
yeir ago. Of today's ' rcr-lpt * qtillo three-fourths
ww * Texan * , the bulk of uhlch Moulted In
slaughterer * . Tininmkrt was quirt an.l twml-
p lly * l ulr nl from fl.K lo t.V8fi for Inferior
I" < trii tmikw. I1.M tn ii.w for WMlern nnd
from H K to for Texnns , Tlie | m. p .t ts
f r inercaseil mippllcn for nctt werk , uml chotro
grades are likely to soil lower.
Tlu-ro WRH n llrm tone tu thn tiog tnaiket it
thf nivnlng. xtblln later there wns uraKnrs.
The \nrl.illoi did not amuunt to n nn tnl > l < t
rlmnftihowever , prleea rnngln from * 3 to J.MS
for commim lo from $3W to t' > . 3 fur di-iK-o
heivy. Tlu-re wrp few dales nt Iwltcr limn
tV&S nn > l nut ninny below 5.1 K > . Hivljits wen'
nbuut U.OjO. and for thi wefk 113,003 , against
IM 1C I lust work nnd 131.70 ? n year nno.
Blieep . rwi'lptu were rstlmnUil at l.txio head ,
nn.l the total for th.vk Is nl > ut 4 < .O.XJ , OP
15.000 Ima limn for Iho riirri'iiendlnBffk lust
s xnr < There wn a flow market nl from (1 ti
M.JJ for poor to choice sheep nnd from Jl.Ti
to M for lambn.
lU-ciHjits-fittle , 2,0 > 3 head ; rnlves , ) lieidt
II'IKS , ll.poO hfiid ; sliecp , I.OX ) head.
Thi ? Evening Jouinal ttirt.i :
i.JJS" " 'Iw'Pt" ' ' . H.WO lienil ; oniclal ynttrnlty.
3C.2 < l hi-nil ; shipments yrslenlay , 8.JM fiend , left
ovrr , nUnit 3,6 * * hi-nil : iiunllty pnorj iimrkrt'
opened rntlKT ni-IU ami pilcra n phnde hlghcrt
later the nmrki'l ruleil weik nt Frld-i > 's figure * :
Bales InngiM nt r-.30IW.7S for light ; JS.CWi.2f , for
f5.1j4 S.SO for tnlvwl ; .SO S.lii
for lie.ivy tucklne nn.l . slilpplns lotn ; | i ! i. $ J. i
-Stock In SI ,
Itcoora of rrrelpls nt the four principal rnnr-
kfls for Satimlny , August 23 , 1S34 :
„ . . - , I'uttlo. HK < . Hherp.
South Omaha 103 I.IMI in
ICnnaas City .n 3'.700 I'.KXI
SU l iuls I.UM goo 2'JO
Tutols 11.232 16.CCI .
NBW YOniC. A\ip. I ! . SIIOAll llnw , stonily , '
* ? ' ! ? 'C"J | I' M cralilfuKnl. Blare , BS , nt
S'ioi refined ncllve nnd lilRhpr : JJn. 6 , 4,1l 9.JGc :
No. 7. 4l4fllMBc : No. 8 , < Hffl ( fi-lRc : No. 9
* l-1CWio ( : No. 10 , 40 3-lfic ; No. It. 3 13-IC ( mc
No. 12 , aaiffl M6c : No. II. J c ; oft A. t O-lCfi
4Vc ; in.niM A. 413-16 00 ! stnmlanl A , 4 11 16
ronrfCtbnciV A. 4 ll. | # 4ie ; cut Innf.
5-lCc : crualicil. S\iff j'J-lSoi i > Dwilcre < l. 4 1-U
: rtnmulntoil , 4 13-15Wc : cubes. l-I6 5 > Sc
LONDON , Aus , 2. . . HfOAll-l'nnc. nulct but
j centrlfiinal. Jnia , 13s ( kl ; MuscovnJo , fur
, 11s W.
ST. 7.0UIS. AUR. a- ! a
price , bul belter fecllnc prpvalllntr.
i'pliM-o Whant Jliirlirt ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Aui ? . 25.-WHU\T-FlrmS
December , WTle ; May. W.OI7J.
iU Truit nml S.IVHJH | Hal Not
I ojinril ainney to the WhUky Triut.
CHICAGO , Aug. 25. In response * to an In
quiry from tlio Associated press , Mr. John
G. Mitchell , president o [ the Illinois Trust
ind Savings bank ot this city , said today :
'It Is not at all true that our bank
haa loaned one dollar to the Whlslty trust
upon Its certificates or anything else , and alt
uch statements do us tin Injustice , The
ruth of tlio business Is this : That certain
noneyed corporations of tlio cast , who are
n no way interested In our bank , bav been
icKotlatliiK a loan to the whisky people anil
mvc asked us to act as trustees In the mat
er. As It was a perfectly legitimate escrow
or our bank to accept , wo agreed to act as
rustoes. Further than that wo hnvo no con
nection or Interest In It , and whether the
leal lias gore through or not I really do not
: no\v , and I intRht say with perfect propriety
do nol care. "
When moving Into our present home I
'ound a bottla of Chamberlain's Tain Dalm
aft by a former tenant. On the lablo I
'ound the statement that It was good for cuts
and burns. I can testify to the truth ot
.his. Nothing In all my experience has
'omul Its equal for treating blisters or burns ,
-1' . B. Harrott , manager Sentinel , La
tVi'jr. Minn. Pain Ilnlin Is also a cur *
. jr rheumatism. For Bale by druggists.
onosnitn .MI.\K.
Vaur Colorado Miner * Alert ivllli a llorrlhla
CREEDS , Colo. , Aug. 25. The four
miners who wcro mashed , burled and burned
to death In the Amethyst mlno near hero
were !
THOMAS KVEI1SOLE , aged 28 , married.
AnCIlin noWKLL. 22 , single.
HUGH PAY. aged 27. single.
CHARLKS PROCTOIl. aged 23 , single.
Dowcll was from Halifax , N. S. . and Proc
tor from 1'ottawatomle , Kan.
Plro destroyed the shaft hoiiso with
all Its machinery , melted the cable attached
to the skip , nnd ( he burning mass fell upon
the miners who were ascending the ntcpway ,
hurling theme to the bottom of the abaft.
The loss by fire Is about $20,000. The mine li
now filling with water.
An Kxccllrnt ltenic < l.v for Dlnrrlinm.
nANDOLPH , Mass. , March 13. 1SD4. I
have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and found It excellent for
illarrhoeu. I have recommended It to
friends and know of two caaca of diarrhoea
having been cured with one small battle.
Joseph II , Poster. For sale by druggists.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record August 25 ,
18 > 4 :
L , P llj-ars nml wife lo P II Clnrk. tot It ,
block 3 , C U Mnvnc'a lit ndil to Valley. , . . ! 2tt
B AV'oo < ! rnim tu Herman Kounlrc , lots 7 to
1C ; w U lot C nnd w > ± lot 17 , block Kl.
Dundco I'lncc. . . . . I.1U
Chrl Mndiion tn I Inns Mndsen , lot 11 , liloclc
B , Shuli'a M add 1
Mnry Nllmn lo N W Nllson , lot Cl ne d'BT ( )
I'lttcf , imdtv V lot 1 , block 7 , Summit mU 1
Herman. Knuntzo to NatlMinl bank.
lot * 7 to 1C. w li lal C anil w % lot U.
Mock 121 , Dundee I'Ince , . 1
S A Woodman la Herman Kountxe , name. , . 1
Total amount of Iransfc .53.SC4
51 PEJl nKNT nvorauo inontlily clhlileml paid
tlninrBlHlx rnoutlmor IrtDt L > y
To llu'lrclli'iiti XHthi ) runiiU of prolltiblo n pecu
lation IndtockH , llotiils.cte.
I'innnrAiiv sn <
ja.utvn JM <
Ai'iiiL tint "
MAY . ' "
jtu.r i'
Consi-rvntlvo inanfffeini'iit. MnlnbllsliiMl jgRit.
Il.-lllU ri'fertniro. < "U to * 1.0011 call t > InvcHUsl
MllhiiwralUan thuimual di-gruu ut HJfitly by our
" ' " '
IVIikli ! i3nu"cH tlio InrcrHt rotuniH coiiipnllblo
\vll\i Hiifcty. lo nut l > u Inlliionei'il by nnyonu w\o
aAJftt IH liiijioHsWo lu p.'iy mich lanru illvl'Ia
aoudHiuilllyuu liuvu rwnl u r iiminml of ,
Mkluminllun. wlilvli IH iinpoiulblu ,
to IH eomlKimltvi'lj oany to otliurn. ,
, 0. Hamilton & Oo ,
H I'nrlllo Ave.i tii.ioiii > , HI.
IH un liivultinblu aid lo InvoitcirH , Slnco January
iHtHU per emit , of our pmllcllun * li.ivd bnoii ful-
Onr Caporitlri < Stuck CuniblnulloiiH Aru pror-
n k'lilchly protlUkldo , und uni valuable lo lluiaa
luiitnu iJOHlllouof making n bimlnrnri of follow-
Iiii ; lh marki't. Ulncu J.iniury 1st , lm > l , I la pur
eont , nan bit-ii divided aiiionx aiibmrrlbtjrrt , P4iu-
tbl\B Irwi npou rtMju uU
USHfcfJ CO. , Stock BrokorH ,
Jatiiill UO iluHilkVNV > v i'orli Clly.
Commission Me reliant
Grain uml Provisions ,
I'rh-ato wlrcu to ClilciiL'o tuul Now York.
All business orUvra pi a cod on Chlcuea
IJoanl ot Trade.
t'orrupouilence aollclU'd.
Ufdce , room 4 , New York Ufa Building
Telephone UOB.