Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Governor Will Appoint o. Conimlssion to In-
vcstiga'o tbo Wbolo Matter.
nttffn. r.onc 1'rnlmt Agnlnit
Atllcm of JiulKi-N llo Mutes tlio
Cttao fur tlio Tliuratona Com *
Illlllllft Of Collty ,
Tlio wnr between the two companies of citi
zen soldiery of Omaha , brought on by the
warding of the governor's cup to the Tlmrs-
ton IHHcs In the recent competitive drill at
the- state encampment helil at Lincoln last
week , Its subsequent taking away nml award
ing to the Omaha Guards , bids ( air to become :
something more than a field skirmish.
Thursday Captlau ScJiatff of ths Thurston
Klfleavent to Lincoln ami al once closeted
himself with Governor Crounse , where he
filed a vigorous protest to the cup going tc
the Guards nfter It had been won by the
( lines , The document was In legal form anil
recited the rules under which the awarding
of the cup should lie made. After the protesl
had been carefully considered by the execu
tive , Capta'-i ' SeliarfC was Informed thai a
commission o ! three officers would be ap >
pointed from the vernor's start or the Na-
tlonal Guard to InveRli ilc and consider the
whole matter , and award the cup to the
company found to bo entitled to It.
In his protest Captain Sclmrff details thi
method adopted In the drill for the cup
names the judges and their decision , nlsc
giving Ihe percentages of the different com
panies Ho tells how , when he marched hi :
company on the drill ground and orderec
the three substitutes to fall out and hole
themselves In readiness to take the place :
} f men who might become 111 , nothing wa ;
said. Presently , however , General Colbj
stopped him and culled attention to the faci
that ho only had forty men In the drill am
had brought sixty-flvo Into camp. II <
assured the general that this was per
fectly proper as , owing lo the size o
his company , more men had been dctallet
from duty than from any other and ho alec
had a number who were 111. Tlu men wcri
checked olt by General Colby , \\lio orderec
the drill to proceed without even saying hi
would put In the tlire2 substitutes. Unclei
these circumstances the general seemed sat
laded , and company li was put through al
the prescribed movements , r.celvlng i
higher mark than any other competing com' '
pany and the award of the cup according t <
the Judges.
As soon as the drill wns completed and il
was evident that the Rifles had put up tin
boat drill many objections were ( lied b ;
Interested officers against Its Isgallty , wltt
the result that General Colby withheld thi
decision , until Sunday afternoon and thet
ordered him to assemble hit , men and drtl
them again In front of his Unt If he deslrei
to bo considered In the competition. Till :
ho refused to do , as many of the companle :
wore In the city. The general then tolc
him he must drill again on Monday morn
Ing , which ha refused to do on account o
the necessity for the return of several o
his officers and men to Omaha.
Captain Scharlt states that General Colb :
told him that the only recourse ho had li
case the cup was awarded to tha Guard
would be to ( lie a protest with the adjutan
general , as he would refer his decision t (
him for approval. A protest signed b ;
Colonel Uratt and thirty-five officers of thi
First Infantry was s nt to General Colby ti
accompany his decision to General Gage
Captain SclmrfC charges that this proles
never reached the adjutant general , althougl
General Colby bad Informed a number tha
It had tiojn approved. When the awan
. wag made at brigade dress no mention wa
hcni'd of the protest.
It Is said by several parties vitally Inter
estrd ( hat If the commissioners nppolnte
, by the governor reverse the award to th
Guards tlio finding mty bo made the basl
of court-martial proceedings , with a vlev
to punishing the officer who ruled out th
Thursloni. _ _
An KicTtlrnt Komcdy for Dliirrlurn.
RANDOLPH , Mass. , March 13 , IS9I ,
have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera am
Diarrhoea , Remedy and found It excellent fo
dlarrhocj. I have recommended It t
friends and know of two cases of dlarrhoc
having been cured with ona small bottlo.-
Josepb II , Foster. For sale by druggists.
Jimiritnco Claim I'ald.
OMAHA. Neb. , Aug. 17 , 1894. G. A. Rath
bun , Manager Fidelity Mutual Life Assocla
tion , E3C-7 I'axton Block : Dear Sir T thi
day received check ho. 1,034 for $1,000.0
from your special agent , Mr. Frank Ilin
man. In full payment of policy No. 35,00
on the life of my late husband. I wish t
thank you and your company for the promr
payment of this claim , as only twelve day
elapsed from the receiving of the proofs c
IOSH and the date of payment. Very trul
yours , 1IAIUA C. FLODIN.
What 11 MupVII1 Sliou- .
Any reliable railroad map will show th
Vaadalla. and Pennsylvania Short Lines o
the most direct routes to Grand Army ol th
Republic Nation ; ! I Encampment at E'ittsburi
Low rates September 6 to 10 Inclusive. Cor
recline lines In west will sell cheap tlckel
via St. Louis or Chicago over these linei
Tor details apply to O. II. Teedlcfc , T , P. A
Omaha , Neb.
Short I'ollcn htcirlcs.
\Velshartlnger Is wanted by the pol | (
for the stealing of ? 4. worth of proper !
belonging to Gcorga Harris , 110 North Nlnt
A warrant was Issued yesterday aftci
noon for the arrest of Sarah Sheppard , 11
South Thirteenth street , for the mallcloi
destruction of n { 1 lace curtain , the pro ]
erty of Anna Spencer.
County Physician Blythln caught n. Mo
row In his utable last night hitching up or
of his horses. The physician held Morro
until an officer arrived. Morrow Is charge
with horse stealing and grand larceny.
Mat Smith , a tough , who savfi ho has i
occupation , got Into a light at Thirteen !
and Jackson streets last evening. Wlit
Officer Prescott attempted to- arrest Smll
lie resisted and gave the policeman a live
tussle , but wag dually landed In jail.
MamL1 Lee , a buxom colored wcman wll
bleached hair , and It. Hell , a porter at tl
South Omaha exchange , were arrested out <
a bouse at the corner of Seventeenth ar
CuinliiR street Thursday night and lockJd x
on a charge of being inmates of a dlso
derly rcsirt. The wcman Is said to I
running a dressmaking shop at this pine
but the officers claim that this Is only a bllr
for another purpose.
An Inquest wns held at II en Toy's unde
tatflng establishment yesterday by Shed
Urexel on the remains of L. O. Laffnor , tl
man who waa killed at the Drown pat
Bcl.ool house In South Omaha by u falllr
scaffold. Tlio inquest was held at tlio eollc
Id' Ion of Laff tier's friends , who claim th ,
tha tcaffoldlni ; was carelessly construct ?
but the coroner's Jury came to the concl
Blon that tha man came to his death ace
John St. Clalr , who lives near Thlrty-thl :
mid Larlmoro streets , was flnd $10 and coa
yesterday morning on the charge of a
sauUliiK Joe Dalton , a KoUller. All tha pa
ties live near the fort , and Dalton claln
that when ho 8 nt hU children to the cor
mlusary department for provisions they we
set upon piul robb d by St. Clalr'a chlldr ?
He notlllf J the St. Clalrs not to go HCIO
his lot ary more , and St. Clalr took vip t !
quarrel , giving Pal Inn nuch a beating th
the neighbors had to ,
III brliool Honk * .
Secretary Glllan of the Ilouicl of IMucatl
lui flntshe.d checking up the accounts of t
custodian and flndi that the Omaha schoi
hive used Jl.COO worth less of books th
during the previous year. As many boo
\\ere purchased as usual , but there rental
about $3,000 worth In the- hands of the ci
todlan for usedurlui , the current year.
lAmml llio 1 1 nily.
The body of Fred VcnJt , the boy who w
dronntd while bathing In the MUsouri'rlv
at Gibson on August 20. was recovered
Bartlctt , la. . Thursday by u party oC flibi
men , The body was towed to the bank , a
from marks and appearance a was Went If
as the boiljr of the- ton of Fred Wendt , an
employeof the Omaha Packing company ,
who lives In this city at 190S Martha , street.
The parents of the boy have been notified and
are making preparations to have the remains
brought lack to Omaha for burial.
> luf < lrn t.r 4.
This Is tha flood time of bargains. These
Hats contain vample prices of what nuy bo
fount ! all through our store. Our Saturday
offering has never beer , surpassed.
1 lot fine , fancy , wood fibre whisk brooms ,
former price 2Ec , Saturday only lOc. This
broom Is for flr.e clothes , vJvcts , etc.
1 lot fine Ivory handled whisks , 2Ec.
3 elegant table main lor Gc.
Job lot of hose supporters , 3c.
Special gale of whisk brooms at Cc.
Made large and lone , full sleeves and
nicely finished , styh No. 1 , figured lawn , nt
6Sc each. Style No. 2. better quality , at
Choice tomatoes , 7V4c ; choice golden
pumpkin , 7' , c ; choice sugar corn , 7Hc :
steoli salmon , lOc ; White Paris nml all
kinds of soap at 3c ; Boston baked beans , lOc ;
Sapollo , tic ; extra 3 crown raisins , .1'-Jc Ib.
V'e have ths finest malt and elder vlnepar
that money can buy for preserving and
pickling. Store polish only lc | long burs
casttle foap , ll > c ; lye only Cc can.
Suits at fe marked prices ; mnikcd prices
guaranteed the lowest In Omaha. This Isle
lo make room for the largest line of fall
clothing ever brought to the city.
Men's pults marked $10.00 at f&.OO ,
Boys' long pants suits marked $ G,50 , you
pay $3,25.
( toys' short pants suits marked 14.00 , you
l > aj $2.00.
Now Is the time to buy your Tall dress
Roods , new Importations all In stock.
36-Inch colored novelty suiting , worth 3Gc , at
ISc.46Inch all wool serge , worth 7flc , at 49c.
26-Inch English Henrietta , worth 35c , at
40-Inch surge , colors and black , north GOc ,
at 43c.
38-Inch novelty suiting , beautiful designs ,
2Gc. and many other novelties which wo
will bo pleased to show you.
Black India silk .yard wide. 6Jc ) ,
Colored Armure silk , 49c per S'ard.
Colored and Mack silk velvets , 25c yard.
Colored India silks , all colors. 25c yard.
Color.d silk plushes , 24 Inches wide , S5c
yard ,
White wash silks , yard wide , G9e yard.
To Washington an return via the Wabaai
only $30.25 , with choice of routes , August
23d. 2 Uli and 25th. For full particulars
call at Wabash office , 1502 Farnam street.
Spirit T.uhn Slccpt-rs Dliconllnuril.
The line -of Pullman sleepers between
Omaha and Spirit Lake will be discontinued
\\lth car leaving Hotel Orleans Saturday ,
August 25th.
Buy your hard coal before the advance.
A. L. keeps the best. Tel. 57.
.1 XV O UfiVH.ll K.TS. .
The sale of seats lor the opening of the
Fifteenth Street theater Is already very
large. "CoUl Day" and "Chip o' the Old
Block" companies have been on the road
far six years , playing alt the largo cities
and always giving satisfaction. They arc
two of the brightest farce comedies on the
road , full of merriment and music , and one
can tee both the same evening for the one
price of admission. Nothing like this V.BS
ever known bfore. Messrs. Fisher and
Scott , proprietors of this novelty , are both
well known to theatcr-goeis , Fisher as Abe
In "Cold Day" and Scott as the soldier in
"Chip o' the Old Block. " Both of these
able comedians will take their respective
parts this coming week.
"Charley's Aunt , " which will have Its
first Qmahn. presentation j.t Hoyd's : theater
Monday , August ' 27 , Is the play after which
the principal managers of this country were
running when they heard 'of Its 'great Lon
don success and of Its funny story. They
didn't secure It , because , -they said , the
terms exacted were too high. Charles Froh-
man did not stop to consider tlio terms at
all , but seeing the Importance and value
of the farce , procurtd the. American rights
and has already cleared over $250,090 by
the New York and Boston runs of the piece.
The engagement Is for three nights and
Wednesday matinee. The sale opens Satur
day morning. _
As a general household liniment for the
relief of pain , for slight ailments and from
Injuries resulting from accidents , Chamber
lain's Pain Balm has met with urparalleled
success. It Is also famous lor Its cures of
rheumatism and lame back. For sale by
druggists. _
U "O. n ill i Xllit. "
Tonight will be Omaha night at "Pom-
-pell. " Among the other figures In fireworks
will be a photograph of the mayor of Omaha.
"The strength of the amphitheater was cer
tainly well tested Thursday night , " said
Manager Griffiths yesterday , "and now every
body can rest assured of the perfect safety
of this Immense structure. Kvery available
seat was taken and hundreds were standing
up in the aisles at either side , If the struc
ture had not been perfect It nevar could
have held such an Immense throng of people.
"If Omaha people vant to b : at all patri
otic they should be at llompeli on Saturday
night , " said Manager Griffiths last evening.
"Wo will have a display -fireworks on
'Omaha Night' that outdoes anything the people
ple ever saw In the west ; no fireworks display
that was. given by the World's fair will be
anywhere near Its equal. Everybody In
Chicago turjied out on 'Chlcaco Bay' at the
"World's fair and Omaha people certainly
are as loyal to Oinalla and Vic expect and
should hae a good attendance. We have nc
fault , whatever , to find with the patronage
the past two nights. One grsat trouble
Thursday night was that we were short ol
ushers ; this will be remedied forSaturdas
night's ' performanc3 and we hope everything
to work as smooth as clock work. "
F. C. Adams , Logan , la. , Is at the Mop
Frank N. Sueppel of Iowa City Is at thi
Paxton ,
W. F. Thummcl of Des Mclncs Is a Mil
lard guest.
T. M. Marquett of Lincoln was In tin
city yesterday.
W. G. Porter and J. R. Pllcher of Custei
City , S. D. , arb at the Arcade.
Itcv. T. J. Mackay has returned from i
week's stay at Hot Springs , S. D.
George C. Mo-re and II. G , Moorchead o :
Dunlap , [ a. , are at the Merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rosewater lelt yesterdaj
for Cleveland , to be absent for ten days.
S. H. Wilson and T. B. Hutton and wlfi
of Hot Springs , S. D. , ore Paxton guests ,
HI A. Thompson of Thomson , Belden &
Co. , leaves today on a bujlng tour to Nev
York city and other eastern markets.
Mrs. G. B. Hotel Is of OK Jen. "Utah , spen
Thursday -with her brother , Dr , J. W
Blythln. and then continued her Journey ti
New York.
Krnost Pcycko and family left Oman :
Thursday for Hrenun , Germany. They v.11
sail from J'ew York next Saturday In thi
North German I.lcyd liner , Kins.
George \V , Tichenor , wife anil two children
W. Farnswortli , wife and two children , am
J. A. Thornton and wife compose EI part :
frcin Corrcctlonvlllo , la. , at the Paxton.
Nrlir.iHlmni nt tlio llothln.
At the Pnxton-0. IX ButterfleUl , J. H
Rotliwcll , Crelghton.
At the Dellone Q. A. Unkhart. Tllden
C. A , DarllnR. Lyons ; H. V , Martin. HIM ?
M. Lyons , Kmmctt ,
At the Amule-W. A. Mareiav * . T. r
Margrave , Gordon ; U Rotlimun , Se-wanl
D A. M. Miller , luvcn | > ort.
S At the Merchants D. A. ( inrwln , Hcbror
I 3. A. Patcht'n , Sohuylvr ; Alex Nlelnor
Sutherland. : , 1'aul Hounds uiullte , I'rt
mont ; O. if. uunnell.'lilg Springs :
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervnus
3hes. Trial lze. 21 cents. All druggists.
The Mutual Loan and Trust company ol
tallied a Judgment of JG3C.I5 and costs again *
George J , Paul In county court yeaterJaj
The ult wai for a balance claimed to b
due on a tromlaiory note.
Chattel Loan Man at Lat Headed Off by an
Injunction. *
Monry J.oiincr Who \\nn Not all flriliTlth
Oun llutKlrtil Uollum tntcn-tl. on n
liftIxillur Lniin Court * Will
Tnko tlic Ciua In Ilniul.
Judge ScoU Issued a restraining order yes
terday to prevent Soren F. Peterson from
selling a tam , wagon and harness belonging
to George Dodson under a mortgage. The
story of the case as represented In the peti
tion filed In the district court by Uodson
djserlb's one of the mail aggravated In
stances of usurious money lending that has
Jten brought to the attention of the court.
Dodson was a teamster who managed to
make a living for himself and family by doing
moving and other general teaming about the
city. According to his story he had a
Blrcak of bad luck In the fall of 1S9T and
was compelled to raise a little rcndy money ,
lie applied to Peterson , who advanced him
? rt ) on bis team , wagon and harness , which
were worth upwards cf fGOO. The conlract
provided that Dodson should pay JG.50 a
month as Interest on the loan.
The matter ran alcng , Oodson paying his
Interest every month until he had paid $07.50
In Interest , or almost double the amount of
the original loan. Then Dodson claimed
that be had paid enough and refused to pay
the Shylock another cent. So Peterson
brought suit In Justice Smith's court to sat
isfy the mortgage and replcvlned the prop
erty. Subsequently the Justice decided that
under the circumstances Peterson had no
right to the property and ordered him to re
turn It to Dodson. This Peterson f&lled to
do , but after taking an appeal from the Jus
tice's court he prepared to sell the property
at 10 o'clock yesterday. Dodson heard of
this prtceedlng and Immediately filed the
petition frr a restraining order , which was
granted by Judgs Scott.
When moving Into our' present home I
found a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
left by a former tenant. On the table I
found the statement that It was good for cuts
and burns , I can testify to the truth of
this. Nothing In all my experience has
found Its equal for treating blisters or burns.
- 1C. . Barrett , manager Sentinel , Le
i..L-ur , Minn. Pain Balm Is also a cure
. jr rheumatism. For sale by druggists ,
Tlio Fuel Han Cniiir.
And all our summer and ccrJy fall goods
must inove right out our doors with a rush.
The lever used will be prices that are very
near nothing. Fine printed lawns , the lOc
kind , for 3 > 4c. Summer corsets , the $1.00
kind , for 47c. Ribbons that sell for up to
18c , for 2c yard. Fine kid gloves ( some Hey-
nier's ) for 9Sc. Odd lots of notions and toltet
goods , one or two , or three of a hind , must
go. Handbags , a big drive at Sc. Fine
muslin underwear at popular prices. Prints ,
muslins and flannels to close. Dress good to
close ; one lot double fold nt Oc ; Another at
2Dc. and third at 37c a yard. All piece gooJs ,
dress silks , a lot to close out at 19c a yard ,
Ladles' summer undcrvests , drawers and
stockings , odd lots to be closed out. Men'e
furnishings , odd lots of hose .shirts , tinder-
wear , scarfs , etc. ; to close. Books , a lot ol
them at 25c volume. Capes and jackets for
early fall , also suits to close out. Saturday
will be the day to buy boys' clothing ; they gofer
for less than the material cobt , saying noth
ing about tlie making , trimming , etc. China
and glassware , lots of odd pieces and sets , tc
close. Remnants and odd lengths In car
pets , also rugs. Prices have been put on all
to close them out Saturday.
Half IC.itft to IViinhlnglmi , n. C.
Via Chicago & Northwestern railway , Au
gust 23 , 24 and 25 , goeul till September 15 ,
Tickets first class and good on all trains ,
Including the new 5:45 : p. m , "special. "
Choice of different routes going and returnIng -
Ing east of Chicago.
The "olKclal lino" for Omaha Knights ol
Pythias. 1401 Farnam street. 1401 Farnam
street. 1401 Farnam street.
\VorUr < l it Vattldm.m.
Abraham Nlckle , a cattleman from Co
lumbus , Neb. , came to Omaha. Thursday
and disposed of some stock , utter which he
concluded to pay a visit to tlie girls Ii :
the proscribed district. He landed In fronl
of May Davis' place , and on being Invited Ir
was Boon convinced that he was a good fel <
low. He spent hla money freely and wa :
quaffing beer to the health and wealth of the
hand painted chronics belonging to the es
tabllshment. , and was coon on such frlendlj
terms with the Inmates Dint ho did nol
notice Nellie Graham going- through , hi :
pockets. Nfllle had robbed him of ? 30 be'
fore he caught on to being touched , and ther
he called in Officer Godola , who arrested tin
girl after a race of four blocks. Wher
Ntckle was taken to the station it was fount
that he had ? S20 In good long green In hi :
Inside pocket. He was not In court yesterdaj
to proiccute the care , and the trial was con
_ _
Two Kurly l"lr - § .
The cottages owned and occupied by C. M
and A. H. Flawltzcr , S012 and S01C Oak BtreU
were destroyed by fire abut 3 o'clock yeiter
day morning with most of the contents. Itotl
families were visiting friends In Davenport
la. , and no one has been In the housci
sine 3 the owners left several days ago , I
Is thought that the fire was the work o
thieves or tramps. The loss will amount ti
$3,700 , find is believed to be partially cov
ered by Insurance.
Charles Mack's grocery store at 170 :
South Tenth street was damagcl- the ex
tent of $600 by flro about 2 o'clock In thi
morning. The origin of the iVu is un
known. The Interior of the store wa
badly wrecked by fire and water.
from tlio Stutloii.
I. C. Bachelor , who caused , the arrest o
Fireman Flagg on n charge of assault am
battery , appeared In the police court ycster
day morning and securcjl a continuance of th
case on the grounds that his most importan
\\ltncsa was sick. FlacK came Into court i
little later , ready for trial , and claimed tha
Bachelor was only trying to get the case con
tlnued for spite work , as he had no cas
against Flags , and only wanted to hold th
case off 19 aggravate the defendant.
M'orthlcHt Matorlnl ,
Inspector Haynes has condemned a lot o
the piling that was furnished by the con
tractors for the repairing on the Slxteentl
street viaduct. AH the worthless materla
was thrown out and will be replaced by ma
terlal from the local lumber yards. Cense
quently the work will proceed without Inter
( llnoii'd Wiitur Kupi'.v. '
The sewer gang \\ent to Gibson yester
day to help furnish a water supply for tb.
residents of that locality. All the cistern
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Taitai Powder. Frei
from Ammonia , Alumoranyothtiadulteunt
and wells t QlbsAnnkare been dried uplijr
the continued aroutli nJ the people are be
ing subjected to l-ic-ilous hardship en that
account. The nialxiaudo not run within 400
yards of the plage , . 'tut the city employes :
took down a lot cCintto and will ran a line
from the termination' ot the mains through
which the cistern * : an bo refilled. The
trouble was reported ) lo the Hoard of Public
Works' by Councilman Dack and on Ins so
licitation the newer gang was sent down
there ,
ttoari ! of 1'nbllo Work * ' I-nya HIT n Mnnibrr
nfiKtqptnjc * .
The retrenchment feystcm lias reached the
lloard ot Public Worts and hereafter more
than half ot tbc men who have been accus
tomed to draw a salary from the city through
that department will have their monthly sti
pend cut off. At a meeting ot the board
yesterday afternoon It was decided to lay oft
all employes In tlie street and sewer depart
ments , except the sidewalk repair ami the
paving gang. This removes aboul seven men
from the newer department and uboul threa
times that number from Street Commissioner
Kaspir's force.
Most of tha men who were laid off have
been employed In the work on unparod.
streets. During the summer these streets
Imvo baen pretly thoroughly Rene over and
most ol the repairs have been In accordance !
with resolutions Introduced by councilman
who were anxious to please some particular
wing of their constituency. It Is "bslleved
that no serious Inconvenience will be felt 1C
these mailers are neglected for the balance of
the Biimmor and the laying off of this gang
will e fleet a deckled saving Cor Iho city In
men and teams.
The only additional business transacted by
the board was lo let the contract for grad
ing Thirty-third street from Farnam to
Dodge to Alfred Drnlnnril for 7.S cents.
CJIty lining Overrun by Tramps \Vlio Abhor
the Lnlxir Tmt.
Secretary Laughland of the Associated
Charities says the city Is ticlng overrun by
tramps and teggars , most of whom are
wholly undeserving oC the aid which they
solicit. Says Mr. Laughland :
They are calllng-at the banks , merchants'
offices and wholesale and retail houses , which
; enorally refer them , to our association by
_ lvinB them one cf cur cards. On present
ing these at our office we find that nine out
of every ten refuse -to work In our woodyard
for meals , lodging or clothing ; which wo
are prepared to give for a. few days when
they earn them. Let our citizens apply for
our csrds and. refer them to us or apply tlio
labor test at their houses by making them
worlr before giving them anything to eat.
1C this Is done we shall very scon get rid
of the lazy lot. We shall have enough to do
this winter to provide tor the deserving
poor living among us , arrangements for
which wo are now making , and If supported
by the public , wo hope to meet all the re
quirements. At our annual meeting October
our plans will bo made known and fully
discussed. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Castcllar hotel , corner 10th and Cas-
tcllar streets , Omaha , will ba opened to the
public , Saturday , August 25. First-class
rooms , and board ,
Iliintroni I'urk Concert.
Tomorrow afternoon's concert at Hnnscom
park will be given by the Fort Omaha Mili
tary band. The program Is :
Star Spangled Hanner Arnold
March Occidental Sousa
Overture Le Domino Nolr Auber
Medley National lielnlcke.
Serenade Heaven's Chorister. , Plnsutl
Cornet Solo , Mr , Trusson.
March Collins Holllnson
Overture Poet and I'easant Suppe
Kantnsla My Old Kentucky Home..Ualby
Soloa for Clarinets , Cornets , Baritone , etc.
Selection Cnprlcln. IlnRen
March SeneKamWa Voclker
Selection Opera Don Juan , Mozart
Air Vnile U&elzebilb , Catozzl
Tuba Solo. Mr. Guttorniseti.
Dance La Afrlca.lpc , . . " . * . .a Gilder
for a Jiiilly.
The West End Sixth Ward Uepubllcan
club will meet Saturday evening at their hall
ot Grant strecl an < l Military avenue for the
purpose of making arrangements for a grand
rally Tuesday evening , nt which John M.
Tliuraton will make a speech.
1 fS
Cuticura Soap
And a single application of CUTI
CURA , the great skin cure , will
afford instant relief , permit rest
and sleep , and point to a speedy ,
economical , and permanent cure of
the most distressing of itching ,
burning , bleedingscaly , and crusted
skin and scalp diseases , after phy
sicians , hospitals , and all else fail.
Cuticura Remedies
Exert a peculiar , purifying action
on the skin , and through it upon
the blood. In the treatment of
distressing humors they are speedy ,
permanent , and economical , and in
their action are pure , sweet , gentle ,
and effective. Mothers and chil
dren are their warmest friends.
Sold Ihroii shout the woild. POTTER D ua Ann
CIIKM. Cow. , Sola I'ropi. , Itoston. tfir "All
' and Jliir " mailed free.
about Eaby'a Skin , Scalp , ,
If tin * ! , pcli in jt , nervoua moth-
era kiww | he comfort , ilrenglh , and
vUilItyiinCullruraTlaBtcra , they
wo'.Idneicr ' b without them , la
every "VV Ihe twcelcit and belt.
of all
unites in a. perfect form all the ji
ties eveiybody desires to Hiul in his
food. It is as Nourishing us Meat ,
and still pleasant to take. It is as
Delicate as a Luxury , and Still cheap
in price ,
ft is by far healthier than either
Tea , Coffee or Cocoa.
Therefore it should be made a house
hold article for daily use , as it is in
Jil. , IMraso-bl ! IV. iirodn r..X. V
It Must lie Whether You Take
a Vacation or Not.
Take Time Now to Strengthen
Nerves and Botry.
See That livery Tart of the Body
Uecomcs Well lcd.
Elovcn months for business , for moneymaking -
making , for absorbing v.orlc. Tftko August
for becoming strong and well.
Got back to your proper weight ) relieve-
the tired nerves of their Irritability ; nil the
body with ruddy ( vigorous , serviceable blood.
You will uorl ; to twice the purpose with a
clc-nr head and body undisturbed by aches
and pains ,
Give Palne's celery compound al fair trial
In August.
Weariness nnd lack of strength Is n matter
of the nerves and bruin. It Is Iho exhaus
tion of the nerve centers that produces the
feeling of lassitude and depression.
DIg-.stlon and assimilation arc tha first to
become affected by diminished nerve power ,
and as these functions are so closely con
nected with every part of the body tlu entire
system shares In their disorder , Men and
women about middle age take little exercise ,
tl.elr blood becomes slow and Impure and all
their Important organs sluggish , while a.
constantly Increasing load of anxiety and
euro Vesps their nerves from ' being properly
nourished. Sut.ii persons wll'l find a stc-uly
gain In health. In vigor and good spirits
from I'atno's celery compound taken steadily
through the month of August.
The reason for the high regard In which
Palno's clcry compound Is held by phy
sicians for building up the weak , tlie sickly
nnd the nervous , Is because all Its Ingredi
ents are known to medical men to fec < l the
nerves and to provide pure and rich blood
for all the weak parts of the body. Every
trnce of nervous exhaustion disappears when
the nerves that govern the functions ot the
bcdy arc thus abundantly supplied with their
appropriate food.
The disturbances of the nervous system ,
whether neuralgia , rheumatism , debility , ex
treme nervousness or heart trouble , are due
to derangements In nutrition. Headache , n
sei'Ee ' of weight on top of the head , a feeling
of constriction about the forpheid ; these are
very slgnlflcent symptoms and should bo
heeded. Better and more complete nutri
tion U demanded for the nerves and brain.
Tliln , pate faces , wasted frames , unhealthy
skin and low spirits tell unmistakably of
blood too thin and poor to properly nourish
the body.
I'alne's cdery compound brings an In
creased natural appetite , n&slsts the assimila
tion of the food nnd quiets and restores a
healthy nervous action.
Nigkt. Gowns
AT . . . .
. . . PRICES . . .
> A faoturor's
< i Vsamples YOG EACH
He has ordered
us to SIC
at some price
rather than $1.19 EACH
hnve them re
turned to New < B1.2o EACH
York. The so
prices will do it. , 1.35 EACH
. . .
Paxton Block.
Summer Bargains.
Mtdsumnfcr Is the tlmo for v&luea In
furniture. Take bookcases ns an Illustration.
It IB hardly a fair test , however , because we
are making unprecedented prices an all our
Library ( urnuura to reduce our surplus
atock in this department.
Book Cabinets arc selling hero for less
than ther could be made today.
You nave your choice of an Immense as
sortment , The engraving shows one ot
our most popular patterns , now greatly re
duced In price.
Our Library bargains will continue to "be
offered for the balance of tills month unless
Booner sold. Selection Is worth something ,
and an early visit Is advlrable.
Ote. Suiverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Dosorlpfon
Temporary Ixc.ulon ,
I'-OO tttulJXUH Joiixln < i .Str- > - > -
Don't Fool With Your Eyes ,
Headache Ganseil bj Eye Strain.
ccrtoni ho heads ax * coniUntlr acb <
hav no Idea what relit f iclentincaly nt <
tej Elaoe * will civ * thenu Thli theory ! nan
uulverully itatll htd , "Improperly fltud ( Uti-
tf , will Invariably lucrcair lh trouble and mai
lead to TOTAL , JJI.l NDNE8S. " Our ability t
adjuit ilauet lately * nd correcll/ beyonv
Duration. Coniult at. Cyea ttaled ( ret of chnr
Opposite ran ton Hotel.
ismmmtimi mm mitt m m mmmmmK
About Tlioiii and Jerry. 3
Thorn Edison , the goiiiua inventor , never carried n wntch
inhislifo. Never wanted to know the time When ho courted
and the gas was turned offoa him , ho took the hint gently and in
vented tha inctindoscont light. Thorn Majors , wlio was the
gubernatorial choice of the Exposition hall , is very suporstiticus ;
ho claims If Mao-Call ( ) a now convention ho'llbuy up every copy
of Cusklng's Manual in the market , Jerry Simpson , the ether half
of PoiTur's whiskers , never weara socks , just because the press
is trying to l sock it" into him every day.
Yet all of'em wear white shirts oven preen people wear
white shirts. A green person will pay double what a shirt i
worth , but it won't bo long until ho discovers the merits of t.8
' Nebraska wliito shirt. "
Do you wish to know the reason why a Nebraska shirt is so
favorably looked upon ? Ask anyone who over tried one Ask the
laundries. Our shirts are , firstly all pure material pure linen-
heavy musliit. Pure material you know makes a pure white
shirt , and does not turn yellow in the laundry.
Secondly. Wo have our shirts BO ponntructod to back the
immortal reputation of the Nebraska. They're sowed to a fluich.
lacking nothing , fortified at every weak spot , reinforced in front
and back , and precise fitting alcoves , plenty long and but atriilo
Thirdly. The idea of saving Just compare our FIFTY
CENT i SH.BT to any 70cono over sold and ours capture the
verdict. Tut our EIGHT Y-FIVB CENT SHIRT alongside any
one's $1.83 or oven $1.50 ones , and you'll know why wo have the
i4run" on shirts aai our $1.10 shirt is the very best shirt intulo
none better.
Unlnundered shirts are easier judged there is no starch to
dazzle your eye. Compare for instance our THIHTY-F1VB
CENTJJIfLAUNPERED SHIKI to any 50c om aTsp'ecial dry
goods sales or anywhere For FIFTY CENTS you buy hero as
good a shirt as could bo called conscienciously a good dollar one
-and for SEVENTY CBKT3 we'll furnish the best in the unlnun-
dered lino.
It costs nothing to 333 how naar tha truth our "adi" arc.
Fall Catalogues are ready. Wish one ? Send us your address.
A'o Hotter. JVo Stc'im. No Engineer.
BEST POVVEIl for Corn and Keeil MilH , Ilnllne
k liny , nuniiliigSepiinKorB , Creaineiics , Ac.
Stationary oi > Portable.
} to CO II. I' . Bio SO II. I * .
. * en < l forCatalogup. I'rleoa , etc. , describing ork to bo ilon
Omaha , 107 S. uth at 33(1 .t % Volant St * . . i'lllLMl iH'U IA , 1 > A.
Weptwortlj MlitM
SIi DrpaMinent ; . 18 Ofirtn iml TfcuSIOb Oldest Military School In lha Missouri RUor Valley
ArlliU. Uynniiiluni. trl. Elocution. Modem | Healthful morl influence , riinrntigh Inttruclka , Firm tut
polntinent * tliruuKhout. .du ) eir btjil. 6lh. ForCatalogue kind discipline , Appointment * unrxcelleil Term * to mit
u Archibald A.Jonr * . I'reit. . Islington , Mo. llietimec SanUfordSollera.M. HluttrMrd catilogii A.t *
* - * - * * - * . * . " * i . ' " lm- -i-ir- * . ( - ni . _ j * _ ! *
'rnliyterhn Iloaie School for Younr Lillet. Out rf i Pirellent c n or itudf : Mu&le , Art. Literature. IZIocu
Mesl a.J l t laMiMowl. ADpolBlBeiMTmajMnlUlulV.t'd tioa , business , Ac. Iocitio * healtlifnl ami pleiiiBt , ,
' ' ' ' ° ' ' " wattr , tteara lieat. UOlh jroar opens Ucpt. 12lll 1001.
; tui > } . ) Jt.r. T. I * . tral'toi'i'l'rt tt'Le fi'nittoi ! 'M" REV. W. A. WILSON , A. M. , President.
Tlin OHRA.T MIMTAHV SOIIOOh Oli1 T.IB W.SJP. Uinlci second at tlu
AViir loiiirtiiioiitunaii : : { iiilllt u-y HjlujU of tu llnltu I Statm. I'rapirj *
for Colluio , lliiiluuss , Wo-it I'olnt or Aim i ] ) > IU. Sirji { fimilty , unoiiu.illoa
location , lijforo sjluclliijo. noluJl , wrltu f. > r jil c.itiouj : teA
nnnifTIAll nnilCPC TliolnTlliUHOhpoltnth3\V.ntUtlum'ui-l ) you want. Pnnu
liHHlAl AN Illl Lrllb.oKlcoll < -i l-iitlrnly : lloriirnltliu. ! , Iliilia.naau pujlllu n itra
UlllllU I IHI1 UUl Ul.Ul > | ic.0.itilo.iU'J. Ops mSjiito.nbir 3. AililroHt
COLUMBIA , MISSOURI. Mrs. Lualla A'llojt Jt. Cui.c , Proaltlont
COne Mile West ot Notre Dama Unlveralty. )
TliellHb.tcatleinlr Trrin ll'llt Ojit-ii Sloniljy ,
The Academic Courte is thorough In the Prep
aratory , Benlorami Clnnnlcal arndea. Music De
partment on the plan of the be t Conaervalorles
of Europe , U under the elm rutof a complete
corps of teachers , Studio modeled on the Kreit
art achoola of Kuropo. Drawing and pnlntlns
from llle und the antique. I'honoKrapliy ami
Type-WrltlnB taught. , UulldlnB trjulppwl with
l\rf \ escape. A seperole department for children
under IS. Ai > plf | for catalogue to Wrcctreu of
the- Academy ,
.Sotro DIIUID P. O. St. Joseph Co. , Iml.
UNIVl ? l ° ] , ! ? llEAME' !
Full courata Jn cJwtlci , letter * . ciencO. law.
civil and median l l fnKlneerlng. ThorouBh
pieparotory and coinmerclal cour e . fit. Ld-
ward'a hall lor loya under 13 la unique In the
uompleteneti ot Ha equipment. Cataloituei aenl
fiee on application la Itev. Andrew Uorilisey ,
C. a C. , Notre Damt , Ind.
< lb ytar. I'reparatory OolleaUt * . Uutle. AH Courw ;
. . C-t-
IIMIurWil .I BmltlitVi.jMr bend for - -
loBu . Ail drwilL Jf. BULLABO. A. SI. J k. utUle , 111.
Department of the University of Omana
A Home for Young Ladies.
WU'i modern city accommodations and pat
rental ovemluht. Yuunc nun are helix.- )
socially , physically , iiiulkctually , morally.
Mlihlcuiul L'oimiiurclnl brunches tniiulit by
iirborlulorii of Uniiilia'ti best collects. FxiCrii >
lub.s tlinn In tlio city ,
Address ,
COLLEGE , Bellevue , Nob-
Nom n WPH J tr.z ; 211 LITAHY ACAD *
Tun , HIGHLANrj f'AllIC , IM.INO1S ,
lha moit beautiful nnfl lieiiliMul lucutiuu oa
Luke lllclilgun. Tlioronuli ( 'laialcal. Acadoinlo
and Commeicliil Ccuim. liirry Instructor it
tpcclallit In III" t > rancliu. Kn.lorncd by tha IK-
lilator of Illlnoli , and annually Inipectad b/
official reprenentatlve * of Uio itile. ( Jemlon
opens RrptLmb r 101 li. IlluitrateJ catalocru * ent
on uppllutlan
Io r gent in < liQf t tittnflvtlf
quipped i In Vlririnu. Jilcctlo CO < UE I In Anrlcnl.
ri ,
rry. Mineral < tti > fi"libilrc clinuts , (24.
eoioD open * Hept. II IMI. lur lllu * . CallU > u * ! r
CIIAH. L. rnUKK , Miit. . llulllnx , Vn.
WEQER Muslo Hall.Chlcarjo , Aiibrarri.rcr
nil lo.irmnlntal Muile , llrainllli / > rr , ri" uilou ,
wal l > '
Jfci - " i