Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    THK OMAHA DAILY IlKK : S&i'UttDAY. AUOUST 25. ] 8M !
All the Speculative Markets "W ro Weak
Yesterday , Especially Whtat.
JIoU of tlin Nc n nt Itmul Itclntr of
Clmritctcr , tli Mnrkvt
SlartcJ 4 ut Kmy Stockii
HIM ! Ilcndi.
CHICAGO , Aug. 24. All the speculative
markets were wi-ak and wheat was Ihc weak
est ol the lot. What the country inlllera
do not want leaves enough. It Is claimed , to
supply all the foreign demand , with a re
spectable surplus besides to swell the visible
supply , and that feature ot the situation
cnutcil depression. Wheat nnd corn closed
Me lower , oats % c lower and provisions mod
erately below yesterday's value.
Wheat was quiet at lower prices , with the
trade mainly local andtfluetuatlorls were fre
quent and confined within a Zc range. The
feellnc was easier , the most of the news at
hand being In the main of a heart. ' ' charnc-
ler. The market started out easy , with He
decline , nt from 54Ue to G4Hc > with the trade
very light , there belli ) ; a general lack , of out
side orders , which was one of the bearish
features. The price gradually receded from
Uc to He. rallied from ijc to % c , changed
some and closed with September at G4'ic.
The lower cables and more favorable weather
abroad were Influences which started the
bullish sentiment and tlio mnrket was fur
ther depressed by the largo arrivals In the
northwest , which was over double those of
last year , and were said to consist of three-
quarters of new wheat.
Corn was weal : . There were reports of a.
likelihood of nn Increase In the receipts In
the near future , which received partial con
firmation In the estimate of 350 carloads for
Chicago ( oworrow. Hecelpts today exceeded
yesterday's estimates by 210 cars. Business
In the pit was very dull. May opened at
52'.ic , or4c lower than It closed yesterday.
It said sparingly ot 52Vic , and. on the re-
calpl of the estimate of tomorrow's receipts
It dropped to Clc. September from GJio
declined to GS'/ic , then recovered to 54c ,
after which 11 again sold down to 53c , re
acting to the close at fi-Hic. The stop or
ders that were expected to become operative
when May should be depressed to 52c did not
The session In oats was not marked with
any large trade , but n fair business -was
transacted , notwithstanding that local
traders were about the only active specu
lators. Prices were lower , principally In
sympathy with corn. September started He
under yesterday's ' closing price , at JO'.Jc. and
old down to 30c. The close showed the mar
ket at 3 % c bid , after having touched 2 % c.
The provision market started firm and a
shade over yesterday's closing prices , on
account of receipts of only 10,000 hogs at
the yards. The weakness which developed In
corn and wheat caused provisions to sympa
thize , and they left oft at some decline as
compared with last prices yesterday , January
pork closed IGc lower , lard and ribs 7' c
The leading futures ranged u follows :
Articles. | Open I High. | Tow. | Clone.
U'l entNo. a
Allfc- BIN
Fcpt 64 Mi 54U
Due 67s * 67H 67
Miiy 6'M U1H ! 02
Coin No. 2. .
Alls. . . . . . . tu
oct r. : ' , Sill
Hay G1M C2H
OnlHKo.2. . .
Kept. , . . , . 30 IftlV SW ; 30
Dot : JS ! law iH
Nny 3B 34H
Peru pur ub ] JSm
fl'DL m in sa in BO 13 CO
Jan 13 77 } IS W 13 til )
Si in 7 75 7 73 7 70 7 70
Jni 7 72 } 70 7 lii ! 7 On
Short lirou-
740 7 : w
Jm . 7 10 7 HO UO
Cnsli fjuotnllona were .is foltovis !
FI.OI'11 Hteady. unchnnseil.
WHIAT No. Sniirluc. 53\ff33ije ; No. 3 spring- ,
nominal ; No. 2 red. C.'P s > 54c.
OOUN No. 2 , H' o ; Nj. t jellow. 54Mc.
OAT8 No. 2 , 30c ; No. -ntiUe , SiHM&c ; No ,
S white , 3l'4O3i- .
ltrB-Ni > . Z. 4SP.
HAIllir-No , 2 , UU No. J , BS'/Jc ; No. 4 ,
ITAX sniD NO. i , ii.u.
TIMOTHY SKiU 1'rlme , J5.3) .
1'llOVJSIONt * Mcsn porlc. iicr lbl. .
J3.53. IJ\T < \ . per 100 lb . , T:70. : Hhort ribs , .
loose , f7 33fl .4 : lry eilU-U sliouldere. boxnl.
5C.M4ff..52'ti Bliort clmr sWva , Uixc.l. J7.CJ5(7.3.
H'lIISICV-lH.lllli'l llnlslica toixU. per fill. ,
SliQATl Cut loaf , unclmneetl.
The following were tlie receipts nnd shipments
for toilny !
On tlio Produce ofchaiiiro tod.ivihn lintter mar-
Uft w.i'i striuty : cru.iincry. I4 2l , c ; Ualry , laa
15C. li-t'B , atl-.idvat
Vcetcrdaj'n Quotation * on Dour , Crnln nn < l
3 rmlnlons Ilotiilr. Ktv.
NV VOHK. Aur. JI.-t'T.OUH-llccelpts , 30-
COO bills. ; ( ! pnrl . 10. 0 < > bltln. ; miles , 2J.SWtkfs. . ;
mnrlicl ciKlvi ; l > ii lnebs , turnover. belnB cncuur-
asetl I > y mlllCTK. who liavo yielded and me nc-
oeptlne Ixvvr blilo Houthern Hour , dull , Itye
Hour , steady ; wiles , 2JQ bbls ,
llUCaCWIIRAT Koinlnol.
CO1IN MIIAIStendy yellow we ti > rn , $2.80 < J
3,10 , , Itrandywlnc , JiB.'iflS ) ; Bales. 2)1 l > Ms.
nVIJ null ; state , CU ic ; Jersey , 49iJ5to. (
llAltl.BY Nominal.
llAnLBY MAI.T Ulrnilr : western. 6707:0 ; two.
roned. ttntc. 73c ; tlv-rowfil , EOiiSic.
WIIKAT H lit | , 113,000 bu. : exports. 30,100 *
lui.t tolca , 1,1'SO.OiK ) bu , Aituu > 8 nnd 1CS.WH lm.
Jluit. pnt Inulket ilult nnd euslcc ; No. 2 led. In
store ami elevator , GT c ; nlloat , tS'c ; ;
> . o , b. , Uljc ; NO. 2 noithern ,
t3\c. dclltirnl ; No. l haul , 67'ie. ile-
llvtrnl. Opllnnii opened Menkor under easier
cables nnd foreljtn foiling , nnd r ' ! exci-sshcly
dull till day , with a mmill rcnlplng trnde IRC
onlbuiOneii * : close dull nt ' 4 1 Tic nei decllni * ;
Mas' . C ' 4Mttc. closed nt M , c- : August closed
nt M5Jei Hepteml > er , W Ma5JMc , closnl I1.
Wjc : oclt'lier cluetl at 5S'Jc ; December , M 11-1J
IJCl 51C , 'Close J nt Bl'cr. '
tX)16N ItcceliHH , M.&OO lm. ; e | > nrl , 4.30i > bu. ;
dale * , 2 : < > .000 tui. fuluics and 16O)1 l\i. rpot.
Kixit inatket quirt ; No. 3 , OMic In elevator : W.i
U60Sc alltmt. Optkm maiket dull mid ve.ik on
belter Wfuther uett and reports of rain. In III i. )
nals nnd Indiana , tut rallied sharply nt the
tlcwc ; clone unclinnfrrd : Mny , MVifljCc. closed nt
Woj AtiKUit , WijOlc , rioted ul ( In ; Keptonil ? itr
{ .a'.SGMVjC. cloced nt 6 ! HC ; , tiSUSiSJic ,
ut GStc ; December , W.iy i .c. clo ed at
OATS necflpts , II - bu. ; exports , 20 bu.s
tales , 1CO.OOO lm , futures nnd U ! > , VM bu. tpot.
H ( ) t marliet nrtlve , Imt lower ; No. Z. smjo ; No.
t drtlternl. 33ic ; No : 3 , J2Hc ; No. 2 while ,
S7cs .No. white. 36 > ic : tinck. mined weitcni.
34f3 ; v ; truklilte wmtern. CUHc ; track.
white Bin IP , 3GU < ! c. Option maikt-t jjenernlly .
weulier nil day with corn , cloyed 1,0 net los ; '
May cKisnl at 3 ! > c ; August , 33HJ33itc ! , olcxed at
S3Hc ; Heiitember , 33 4O34c. eloseil ut WV : ; Oc-
toi'er , J4HO35HO. closed nt 34Xe.
HAY limler on lump receipts ! slilpnliigKSf
Gftc ; nor * ! to choice. 'OftSSc.
lll > l'H Dull ; ntnte , common to cliol ( , ( QlOc ;
Piirtflc const , fiftlZc
111 DKS Slow : net wiled New Oi leans , M.
lected. 4S lo 65 Ibs. . 4l.ic ; Texan. e < lectd. .
34 to 40 Hi" . . 4/5c ; llucnos Al'ren. Ury. 23 to } 5
llis. , MUct Tons , dr > - . 21 to 3 > > lus. . } W3 Sc.
hBATltiillulct : ; hemlock sole , II. A , , llgnt
lo hravy , U 18c.
l ; domestic llcece , 15ijf23o ; vutlctl ,
o ,
I'llOVlfllONS- , Qul.'t. Cut inealiBtendy ;
pickled lielllM , 8 > iWiej picklc.1 8lionlil ni , OVo
plrkled linniM ll' , ( IHic. Iju.l. tilrndrgtein :
Klrain cl ) sil nt JS 5 b'd ; sales , 7 lleioen ut
JSOiHJ8.07H. Hrptrml-er clns-d ul tH.OI , nomlmil ;
reflneil , Heuily , Polk , llrni.
lU'TTKU - le d ) . weHtern , dnlry. 13'x ' l7c ;
\\cstrm ci-enmeir. 20 : i'sc : wemern facloiy.
noifr ; Klnlnm : UiC ; male daily , ll < jiVe ; stulo
creanivfIbffil'ic. ' . \ '
OlIKESi : Klrm : state , lutge , Cfl9Sc.
Kn < IS--lull. nnd. IVnimvIvimla. ISc : Ice
OUHC. IWISHc ; vvi-ttern frcth. KtllMc : tuutliern ,
caHn , . .
TAI.UW Klimi city (13 ( | vr pkg ; . ) , C j country -
try IpkK * . free ) . & > ( .c. nio
i'UTitOl.iL'll-l : > ull ; I'nllrd cloreil nt COVio
HOH1N Bleaily , atrilnrd , vommen to Eood ,
tl.lSOI.2i- ) .
donir tlc , . fair to e , -a ic ;
Japan. . llc ,
MOI.AfSUS Btenily ; Ni-w Orloanj , open kettle ,
irooil In rhMcf. KUSCr ,
1MQ tllON-Dulli Hcolcli. HO.MffM.M ; Ameri
can , tlO.POtP13.00.
' mi. a < - , . - ,
ii ; .lomr.tlo , I3.IJ.
T4N flnnrr , itrultH. 119.10 ankoli 1'latrs ' , market -
ket tx-tler derauml ,
HI'KLTI > H Dull , damrsllc. N.40 nikvil , tales
nn 'chcivi \ Inn * fVpti'iuber lln nt IU.15.
COTTON tUr.l > OILr-KIrm and more active ;
mlrii Include IOU bMn,1 wlino summer yellow at
MKQ. iirtm * crude. tSOJOc ; oft cruilp , JVtiac ;
yellow lutur cradcii , CIU35o ; ctjolc * yellow , bum-
m r. He ; prime yolln-w , 33 < J33'4ci yellow off
Kraut * . JH4W32C ; prime wlilte , Bic.
OMAHA 01'.Mll.tI. JMAltlU.m
Condition ol Tn < lo nml ( JiioJti'.Uiiil oil
Mnpln nml I'miry I'rmlucn ,
The general market on produce nan not much
clmnunl. prices lemalnlng about fctxidy.
m'TTKIl rarklnic toc5 ( , lOcj fair to good
cnunlry , HOltc ; cliolce In fnncr , ! 7f/ISc ; Rath-
errd rrenmery , lfO"c ; separator creamery , 22c ,
iOOS-l'er ito12 1Hc.
I.IVII POfl.TltY-OM hens. EC ; rooster * . JVJO
3c ; prlnR clik'kciio. ! > c ; durkx. tc ; torn , tur *
kp > , 7fl < cj K"l'tlfr , t Cc- ; old Kecie , full-frntli
cred. 4i2c. |
VIIAIi'lmlco fat nnil itmnll vcnls are tjuoteil
at S'iWf' : cnnrM and larce , 3H4c.
CHHKSIJ Wlscnnaln , full crmm r w rnnlce ,
Netirnnka nn.l lown , full crcnm , He ;
NcbrnnkA. nnd luwn , put skims. Sc. Llrn
No. 1 , lie ; brick. No. 1 , lie ; Uwlta , No.
AY Upland hay. W ; mldlnnfl , 19.50 : lowland ,
J/ Color makes the price un liny I.lRht Imtn
ell tlie bent. Only lop grades brlnft top prices.
1MUEONH Old tilnlii per doz. . We.
POTATOES llnutiil lots of home srown or
Kan sns ntx'k. 75f/Si / > e per Uu.j tmall IOIH on or
ders. ROi ; Ciilltcrnln , rtflSOc.
MKLONK Onrd ( lock , crnted , 12) .
CANTALOUPES llunia grown , per doz. .
Jl.0 %
OLD HKANS-lland-plckcd navy , I2.2S ; me
dium , I2.10Q2.H ; common white beam. J1.73
ONIONS On 01 clem. 75c ? r1 * bu.
CAH1IAOB Uo l slilpplni ; Block , home crown ,
on ordtTs , 2Uc : snuthetu , te ,
OILKHV : i'or doz. , MR-IDC.
Kit U ITS.
is None.
uHimiiis-- . .
ItKt ) IlARI'tlt-imii.S-None. :
rKACIIKH Cnllfornln , Jl.
I'lA'MS-Cnllfoinln , J1.0001 60.
ntt'.VKH Jlwai.r > 0.
Kins Noni
I'UAns liirtleH's , t2.0fl ; other \nrletles , $1.10.
AI'IUCOTS Cnllfoinln. none.
riircUHtKS California , none.
( JIIAPKH Concords , llb baskets , IJQJOc ; Cal
ifornia , Jl.73.
HANANAB Choice st'-ek , > 2.n ajJ. & ) per buach
l > EMONf Tnncv Icmnni , SOO site , JC.M ; fnncy
Icmon-t. 3C.O | ZP , 3.EO ,
Oil A NOES None. t
PIGS rnncy , per Ib. . Ibc.
HONEY California , ISc ; d rl < honey , U0123.
XIAPL.E SVnUP Onllon cans , p r doz. , (12.
NUTS Almimds. li ic ; inffllsn walnuts , lOit
12r ; flll.crlR. 12c ; tlrazll nuts , lOc.
CIDEH-l'ure mice , per bbl. . 1C ; hal * bbl. , 13 2 ! .
HIDES No. 1 green liklei. 2V4o : No. 2 Rrei-n
hlJen , IV4W2c ; No 1 urcen tlted lildes , IVic ; No.
2 green sailed ilildes. ! { iUcXn. ; I yiccn salted
hides. S3 to 40 Ibs . SVJcj No. 2 Rrecn salted hld .
23 to 40 lb . . 2f2Mo ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 tn 15
Ih * . . BHfiCo. No. 2 veal calf , 8 to IS Ibs , , 48IV4c :
No. 1 dry flint lild s , Bn ; No. i dry Hint hides.
3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured hides
Vic per Ib. less than Cully cured ,
SIIREI1 PELTS Oie n nailed , ench , ZSfflMe ;
Kreen salted ahearllnss ( short woolcd e&rly Bltlns ) ,
each , 6B15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) . No. 1 , each , SrtlOc ; dry jhearllnes ( short
uooled early Bklns ) , Nn. 2 , rnch , Cc ; ilry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher -wool pelts , per
ll > . . nr unl welRhl. CSo ; muimln wool pells , per
Ib. , actual MelKht , < R c ; dry flint Colorailo
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , nclual wlght. 43J
6Vic ; murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actnal weight ,
4QCc. IIa\o fret cut off , as It Is useleis to pay
frclclit on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1. 49
4 c ; tallow , No. 2 3Hff31ic : Rieaso , while A.
474Vic : grense , while II. 3',49314ci ' crease , yel
low , ic ; Rrease , dnrk , ! ' , { c ; ld butter.
teen rax , prime , ISCISc : roucli tallow. I
licport uf tlio Movement of the Crop for
tlin Week.
NI2W YOIIK , AUB. 21 COTTON-QuIct i net re-
celpts. none ; RIIIRH , . ,11 bales.1 exports lo Oleat
Ilrltnln , 47S l.nlcs ; to the continent. 1.S32 bales ;
fnnvordnl , 49 hnles : sales , 6WJ hnlcs ; spinners ,
1,118 Imles , stock. D1.219 liaUs. Weekly Net re
ceipts , 4 hnlos ; Rroj , 2SOC , tales ; ftporls to
CSrcnt Itrllaln. 6.057 lutes ; to- the continent , 8,001
bales , fonvmiled , 1.111 bales ; ruler , 10912 luilon ;
spinners , 4,277 tales. Total Unlay : Net receipts ,
1.271 ! Ijnles ; xport lo Great Ilrllnln. C.13 linlra ;
to Ihc contlnffit , 1.1S3 talon ! Block , 1G6.3QS bnlcn.
ConR lldated ncL receipt ? , 13$20 liaU > s ; vxporte to
Client Ilrltaln. 10,730 b.ilcs ; to the continent ,
15,596 bnlra. Tutnl since Heclfmljer 1 ! Ncti re-
celptn , 5.B5S.50S Imles , exports to ( Irtnt Ilrltnln ,
2SM,2I3 Inlea ; lo Krnnce , C02.i5" balcn : lo Ihe
rrntlnent , 1,720,232 , bakH ; to the channel , 9Ml
Niw OHLRANS , Aue. J-l.-COTTON'-Qulet ;
nilililllnB. C.ic ; low middling , iUc. Net
nnU irrosi rccelpta , l.Sil bnles , Inclinl-
Intc 831 new ; oMKirts to CSrent IJrllnln. 1" >
bales ; sales , S50 bnles : Btock , 26.2S7 Imles. Wecldy
Net recelpln , 45 473 baleBJ KIOH , 5,41 halefli
exii.irtH to Creat Ilrltnln , 4,331 bales ; coaatnlse ,
1,046 biilcn ; Miles , 3,015 bales.
T1OSTON , Masn. , Autr , 21. Tlio AmerleanVoi l
nml Cotton Ilepnrter Fa > of the wool market :
After three weeks , of unprecedented activity n.
quieter market was lo be ejpecteil , nnfl the
xlluatlnn nt this writing Is the nnturol ncqucnca
of the larce eali' made between nbout the 24th
ult. nml the 14th Inst. ; but though the Bales
have been smaller niid the tone f the market
nntiiraly ! Rumcwhat en ter. there U no nlfn
whutc\er of any wenlxer.lnB. Notwithstanding
tile advance abroad , nboul tlie llth Inst , , In
Austinllan , of from Uil tn 1H < 1. domestic finrt
wools nrc cnnriilernbly higher. Thw : , If 'e c n-
sicler Australian combine and clothlnff ( clean )
worth In bond lOc to 41c. Ohio fine wail. In com
parison with I hem , would lie vnlueil at from
43c lo 4lJc. It Is. however , to be rememboiecl
that the Australian wools , wllh which the fine
domestic re compnrpd , me t-klrled. There may
be tuimc more rendlnefA on the part of holder *
of domestic line llcecea to sell nt averiiKe quotn-
tlinn than n week HKO , .tut there la no nppmcnt
dlppnsltlnn lo ehncle to any extent. In the
rountiy holders nre ns firm na ever. The de
mand has been , na fur weeks past , miacellanvous
In chnractcr. Iy > w nuuli manifest special
strength. I'erliafi some offtrs for teriltory ,
which were refused n work ape , wuuld be ar-
cepted today , but Ihcy would be well within
the rnnpro of quotiUlona.Vc quote medium
scoured territory , 30fi33c ; line medium. 34ff36 ;
line , 37@3c , defective California nniural , 28S >
SOc ; fine , sr.fiJ'e ; perhaps somewhat hlvher for
choice. I'llcos of imlleclwools are llrrn , nnd
nlthoiiKli wu < lo not chancre quntallonB frum last
weelt , tliere Is nn upward tendency. Tlitrc lius
teen n considerable amount uf AimnOlnn sold
In bond : thla Included botli combine nnrt clntn-
Intf wools. In cnrpet uools the local market
may be still described ns waiting , but Ihii Ben-
eral feellne Is tliat If nothlnic eomes up In the
way of the "unflervnlnlnB bugaboo , " thtvc will
be a chance under the nov law , by close figur
ing , to do n fair business. The sales of the
week amount to ] ,7r.SPOO ll > s. domestic , nnil 621-
000 His. foreign , nialtlns n toCnl of 2.379,000 Ib9. ,
against a total of 4,174,230 llw. for the previous
week , and against a total of 714.230 Ibn. for the
corresponded week a , year ago. The sales
since Jununrj- , Ik94 , am urit to 9S.911.433 lira. ,
nuulnst 77.02S.100 > > . a j-ciir ngo. The sales
Cor the week In New Voilt nccregnle 405.00J Ibs.
The nalfs for the week In rhll.ujelplilt aggre-
gnte 811 KCO Ib" .
HT. LOUIS , AUK. 14. WOOL Fairly steady nn
nr'cht Mlssouil nnd tlnillar stock nnd easier on
Texas and terrltoiy. but not quotably changed.
St. I.uuU ( ii-llecHl Market.
RT. IXH'IS. Aiip. 21. FLOUH-Dull and quiet.
WIIUAT Was heavy , closing Uc off on unfn-
vorable cnbloa ; Ko. li led , cash , 00c ; August ,
KOliu ; September , 51'ic December
; , tl ( c ; May ,
CO'llN Lost He on ivet weather nnd heavy
receipts ; No. 2 mixed , cash , He ; August , S2"ic ;
September , 52c ; Pccembtr , 4IUu ! ; May , 4'JUW
OATS Heavy nnd Uc lower ; No. 2. cash and
August , ? ' .iHc : ; Kxptcmber , SlVic ; Sliiy , 3S'4c.
HVK No. 2 , fast side , I6c nailed ; Kc bid.
HA11LUV No Iradlng.
HIIAK Vlrm ; CCo sackcil. east truck
KLAX HHEn-Flrm nt 11.22 bid.
C'LOVKll fiini ) IT.MfiS.M ) ,
TIMOTHY HiKl > -13.30a5.l3 ,
HAY Dull , unchanged ,
llIJTTUIl-Steady' .
USOS Higher lit lO'ifMlo.
l.UAD-Vlrm ; bpol , l3.-2 > ifi3.27H ; September ,
$3.U 3.17Vi.
COUN ML. . . . .
ritOVISlONS-Qulet , steady. Poik. standard
menu , Jotiblng , 114 12H. Uud. inline 6team. tr.Co ;
choice. $7 , & . Dry salt meats , loose shoulders.
JC.K ; lonES and ribs , F7.CO ; slicrts. S7.C3. linen. .
packed shoulders. I7.M ; lone" . f > .2i ; r bs. ts 2'3
§ ,37Vt ! shortn.
. . . . . . 5.W bbK : wheat , 63.000
bu. ; corn. 23.0OJ bu. ; cnti. K.Oo ) bu.
HIHI'MIJNTS I'lour , 7.UOO bills. ; wheat , none ;
corn , S.OiW bu. ; eota. 4.t ) W bu ,
Coffpo Murkft.
NRW YOIIK , AIIB. j ( , cornn options
opened Irregular nt 5 points advance to 5 points
uetline : ruled firm on covering and sonicKum -
penn buk'InR ; dosed Mendy : net unrlianet-tl to
ID potntH up ; sales , 14.CXX ) bees , IncluJIriK Alieusl ,
I14.S3 HD3 ( September , HI.20 ll.Ui October ,
113,10 ; November , 112 83 1 80 ; December. M2.70
m2.73 ; May. I12.M. hiw * coffee. Hlo , iHill ; mllfl ,
( | Ulet ! Conlovs , | 19.Wil > .23 ; MIPS , none. Vt'aii"-
housa ( Mherlen from Nvw York yesterday
New Voik stuck today , 133.7ISO
I'nltiil Ht.iU-s nml ; . 161'ilS ' baiui | allnat for
Unlteil Hides. : < : , W9 bars ; tcitrillsll > l < * for
I'n tied Stater 403.71S IMS , Including 131,472 luigs
lust year.
SANTOS. AUK. 21. Quiet , R * l nvcrace Santos ,
116. rvcrlpts. ' S.UOO hiiKS , Hook , 3tKOOV trans.
IIAMIII'IUI. ' Aue. 21-Dull : Klce . 14 pfp.
louer lo ; pfg. lilKher : miles. 3,009 IMIKB.
I1AVIIH. AUK , 84. MiirLet ojiiene < l quiet nnd
iinchangrU to W IHRhcr ; at 12 in. , V4f Inner ;
3 p. m. , dull and iinc-liiiMKcd to Wf lower ;
unchanged lo ' 4f net decline ; sules. M.WO
L.1K8I HuMe slcx-k. 340DO ] IIIKS.
I.ON1KINAUK. . 24. Hlo , inaikrt Inactive and
nominal ; exchange. 'JVI ; rerulpls , 11,000 Lar > ;
deal-mi for United Stall ) , S.OOO bags ; Hotk ,
2lt ) ) Iwgs. _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
ICiiniii ) Clly MurlcrtK.
KANSAS CITY , Ausr. \VIIKAT-Actlve ;
N.i. a hard. UHc ; No. 3 hard , 4T'ic : No. : red ,
4MMsV > < - ; No. 3 red , 4ic ; rejected , 4ic.
fOHN Klrnii No. 2 mixed , tl'jc ; No. S white ,
OXTS-Stendy ; No. S mixed , 50j31c ; No , I
white. X > t.
IIUTTKU Unchanred.
iao t'ncliatiKeill ItHr.
HKC'KIITSVhrat , I3COO bu. ; corn , l.COO lu , :
IWtJi 3. 4 bll
BHirMENTS-Whmt , 1J.OCO bi.j corn , none ;
cats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'FrUco IVUcKC Market.
BAN FRANCIOCO. Au * . : i.-WHEAT-Qulet
nnd t u1y , Dc'embV , Me , May , | 1.91V c. new
* llcr , ) ic. < ; > .
AND 'itUNUS. '
Umttllltii'n * tlin IViituro In Specaliillon
on 'C'lnitiRO Vrstonlnv.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 24. Today , as tlirougli-
out the entire week , Distilling has been
the feature In speculation on the Stock ex
change by reason of the heavy trad'ng ' there
in and the conflicting reports touching the
proposed loan of $5,000,000 , wlilch , It It al
leged , the company Is endeavoring to nego
tiate , or ; ns It IB claimed In some qunrUrs ,
has cecured , Tlicrt > teems to be very little
doubt that the mystery thrown around this
financial transaction Is for the purpose of
manipulating the stock In the Intcreit of an
Inside ( peculator clique. Street gossip has
It that a leading director of the company Is
an J Inns to obtain n line of the slock and tliut
the announcement of the making of the loan
la deferred to enable him to buy his stock nt
profitable figures. The shares advanced > ,4
per cent In the early dealings , receded %
per cent and sold up 1 per cent before noon.
After midday a decline of U per cent on an
unconfirmed rumor that the loan had been ob
tained , then a sharp upturn occurred on lieavy
buying , carrying the stock up 26 per cent
from the low price of the morning. The
general market opened firm , and , for the
Kreatcr part of the list , was strong through
out the day , with the exception of a period
of depression between 11 and 12 , due mainly
to realizations. Sng-ir was an exception , and ,
after a gain of U per cent around the openIng -
Ing- , fell off US per cent tp 112 % , A subseiiuent
gain of \ % per cent was made , with a ftnnl
reaction of Vi per cent ; United Statctf Cord
age preferred shows a loss of 1 % per cent ,
Iowa Central preferred 1 per cent and a
few other shares % to % per cent. The
more prominent advantages on the day were ;
Oregon Navigation , 2 4 Per cent ; United
States Leather preferred and New Jersey
Central , VA per cent.
ctl The bond market was strong all day and
there was a recorded Increased volume of
business , the transactions aggregating $2.-
Evening Post's London cablegram : The
stock markets are quiet today , but \vlth a
rather good tone. Consols reached the high
est point on record of yesterday's bank re
turn and the prospect of prolonged e.tso of
money. Other gilt-edged securities have risen.
Americans advanced on the support In Nuw
York , but prices closed below the best , The
blscest houses here do not support the recent
cent rise and unless pronounced strength
at home continues a decline Is expected.
The following were the closing quotation"
on the leading stocks of the New York ex-
chinge today :
Atchlson Northern 1'aclnc
AdauiB Express , . . 148 No. 1'ac. pfd ID
Alton.T. 11 U. P. D. & O
do pM liifi Northwestern. . . . 107 ? *
Am , Express 112 do pfd 14' '
IlaltlmoruAOhlo. 74 N. Y. lll'J
CnnadaPaclflc. . , . 07 N. Y. A N. Knsr . . . 27M
Canada Southern. Ontario A W 17H
Central I'.iclflc. . . Oietrou Imp IRK
CheH. AOhio Omrou Nav in
Chicago Alton. . . . 140 O. S. L. AU. N. . . . inBU
C. , II. AQ 7H Pacific Mail
ChlcairoUus 77V P. U.A K
Coimolldated Oas r.'flh PltiBbnnr i. . 160
ts.c. c. it st. L . . . 4m I'ulliiiaii 1'ulHCO. . 1114
Colo. Coal & Iron Hh Headlne
Cotton Oil Cert. . . 84X Klclmionil Turin. .
Del. I A Hudson. . . . 1 UH do pfd 22
Del. Lack. A W. . . 1 H II. O. W 10
D. ft K. O. pfd : i. > n , o. w. DM . . 42
U.AC. K. Co 2.IM Hocli Inland Gil
Kilftt f Ttlltl ! 11U St. Paul CD
Krlu . . . . . . . ] > , St. Paul nfd 121K
donfd : ui St. P. A. Omaiia. . .
Fort Wavne 1S : do pfd 114W
G. Northern pfd. . 10'- Southern Pao 2l > ! <
C. A E.I. pfd SWW Sutrar Hutlucry. . , H3K
llocknic Valluy. . 1HM Tenn. Coal A Iron 111
111. Central IM < Texas Pacific. . . . 1U < {
St. P. ADuluth. . . . 27H T. It O. Cent. pfd. . 711
K.A T.ntd .MM Union P.iclnc 1H ? {
LnkoKrloA W. . . 1DU U. S. l xprcHy. . . . , 6'2
do pfd 72 Vf.Sl. L.A1- 7N
Lnko Shore 137H do pfd U'M '
Lead Trust 4454 Wells P.irso St. . 115
LoulsvllluAN. . . . Western Union. . . Him
Louisville AN. A. W. A L. E 1'JW
Manhattan Con. . . do pfd 4iHi :
McniuhliiA 0 1 ASt. L 4
Michigan Cent. . . .
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
Mo. Pacific O. E. . . . . . . . . , . 411
JIoblleA Ohio. . . . N.L 17
NnshvllloChat. . . (15 ( C. F. A I 2 W
National Cordaja do nfd 7' '
do pfd HI ; H.AT. C aU
N. J. Central n. T. A. A. AN. M. . . 11
N AW. pfu T. St. L. AK.C. . . . 1
North Am. Co do pfd ( ! ' {
The total sales of ttocU toilay were 224.223
shnres , Including : American Tobacco , 7,700 ;
Sugar. 22.C03 ; llurllneton , 14,2iW ; Canada South
ern , 4,033 ; ChlcaKo Gas. 10,300 : Chesapeake &
Ohio , 8.000 ; Distillers , 47,000 ; General IJleelrlc ,
4.100 ; Ijoulivllle & Nashville. 8.MO : Heading.
12,000 ; nock Island , 7.300 ; St. * Paul. 4.IW.
New Y < irk .Money Mnrket.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loun , I per cent ; closed ,
I per cent.
ST'EHLING EXCHANGE weak , \vith actual
business In bankers' bills at $ I.SGii < ! J4.S6 > i for de
mand acid nt JI.835H.8 iH for sixty da > s ; posted
rates , Jt.SGTf4.87 and ? ( .87I.S3 ; commercial bills ,
OOVnilNMENT I1ONDS StrongBtnte bonds ,
dull. Hnllrond bonds , strong.
Closlns quotations on Vends were as follows ;
1) S7&B n-x
U.S. fiscoup. . , . 11H > 4 I ) . &R. O. is 70
U.S.-8res | Krlo
U , S. 4s coup 114 ! G. it. AS. A. os. " ; ; US
U do TB
' ' ' ' na
PncifloUnof'u'i. . ! 101 II. AT. C. ts 104
Ala.CIiNnA JU''H do OH
Ala. Class 11 1U1 M. K. AT. 1st 4-i. .
Ala. Class C U2 do 2d IH
Currencies 02 Mutual Union Oa. . 110
La. Now Con. 48. . U IH N.J.Ccnt. Gen , Ba. 117
Missouri OH 100 No. Pac. IwtH 112
N.C.llo . , I'.M Nc Pac.'nrtx. . . . . ,
do IB U7 N. W. Connoli. . . . 140
S. C. nonfiiud ' . ' do S. F. Uoo. Bs. 111
Tenn. new set I ) . H. O , W. litts. . . . 1117i ! ,
Toiin new Bats. . . . Id IK St. P Consals 7n . 2I1U )
Tenn. old ( la 40 St. P.O. A P. W.3B.
Va. CenturleM 7HH
do deferred S.L. AS.P.Gon.O. OH
AlohlHon 4s Tex. Pac. IBIS , . . . BUM
Atchlson ' . ' A. . . , do is !
Canada So. U'nila. . U. P. latsof'OJ. . 104
Ccn. Pac. Ists'US. West Shore 4n 103' '
lloston Ntock ( i
DOSTON , Auir. 24. Call loans. p-ir cent ;
tlino loans. HM4 per cent. Uloalns prices for
stocltH , bondH and mlnlnr.3liirda : :
Noir York Mlnliiz
NUW YOIIK. Aue. 24. The followitiarJ th9
cloaliijr Intrunr quotationi :
Choler 20 Plymouth 10
Crown Point. . . . . 05 Sierra Noffudu 80
Con. Cal. ft Va. . . . 410 Standard 110
Dti.ulwoocl .10 Union Con UO
Conldi Curry 0(1 ( Vfllow Jacket. . . . 40
Halo.t Norcroaa. . 10 Iron Silver 10
Homoatako 13RO Qutekallvur 225
Mexican 110 ( loproforruJ 1400
Ontario "UO Uulwer 20
Ophir. 2lfi
Ran Fninclsco .Illntn ; < Jnotntloni.
SAN FHANCISCO. Auif. V4. The official closlnt
Quotations for mlnlu ; mojiiatuliy JfJ as fol
lows :
Ilclclicr . Halo A. Norcronu. . . 07
licet .VHelohcr. , . . . l.Ul Muxlc.ui I''O
L'odlo Con . 133 Ophlr 2HO
llulwvr . 21 Potosl 44 . 212il Savage. < 36
Con. Cal. , t Va . 4HOHI blerru Nevada 08
Crown Point . HI Union Con 74
Kill CKU Con . 25 tltal 8
03 Yellow Juclcet. . . . 40
I'liiunclnl > otn < -
Ni\V YORK , Aug. 21. Clearings , M,563,4C4 ;
balances ) , J32,574.
I1OSTON , Aug. 24.-Clcarln s , 10,630,4I5 ; bal-
ancev , JI,3SCT67.
IlAI.TIMOUn. Aug. S4.-Clenrlnsi ) , 1,43IS3 ;
balances , JM3.W1.
IMIlbAL-ULPlIIA. Aug. SI. Cltarlnsn , IS.III-
8Mj lulancen , J1,397,5JZ.
NKW OIILKANH. Auff. -ClearlnBC , JC21.50J.
New Yoik exchange , par ; commercial , SOo din-
MUMI'lUH , AUB. SL-Clenrlnsa. I128.S30 : bal-
ancm , 173,719. New York exchange. 2jtf.rjOc cla- !
LONDON. AUK. 21. The amount of bullion none
Into the Hank of Unglund i balance today I *
CINCINNATI. AUK. 24. Money. HQ per cent.
New York exchange , 25c to par. Cleurlntu. ;
| lE38,30 < t.
LONDON , Aue. 21 , liar Hllver opened at
y ) ll'ltd iwr ounce , but later reacted and cloned
at 29) d.
I'AHIH , AUK , 14. Tliree per cent rentes. 103f
37HC for the account. Uxchante on lx > ndon , fsr
aoVja for checks.
BT , LOt'IH. Aus. 24. Cleniinca , 12.954.040 ; bal-
ancfp , I4M.787. Money , dull at K1 per cent.
Exchange on New York , par tld ,
LONDON , Aug. 24. Oolil today Ii quoted at
lllienos Ayres ut 24 ; at Madrid , 2Z.25 ; at in
bon , 3D.23 ; at 81. I'eteraburir , W , ul Home , . to ;
at Vienna , 10 } .
CHICAGO , Aug. 24.-CtearlnE < . | l2.g ,00a.
Money. 4U U per cent on calli MjIXT cent on
time. New York exchange , lOo premium asked
and pot * bid. Foreign exchajiitr , easier , Ster
ling exchange , commercial , II.
Dee caio in Nnm1m-of Animals R.cuived ot
tha IijtalrYnJ-tU Oontiuuos.
Ai-tho iVija I'rln-K a l.ltllo ( Uglier
on the botrvo UfTuiliPK lluK * Tou
M-nrco to Jc cfiu Much Compe
tition 'Mircp Stnndy.
F1HDAY , Aug. 24.
Today's receipts consisted ot 1,010 cattle.
0,330 hogs and 'JO sheep , as against 1,415
cattle , 7,931 hogs , anil 1,135 heop yesterday ,
and 2,074 cattle , 7,240 liogs and 247 slicep
on Friday of last. week. Up t6 the present
dote the total receipts this year show nn
Increase In hogs of 430,000 h.'ad , but a dc-
crcaso of 15,000 In cattle and 25,000 sheep
as compared with the same period In 1S93 ,
CATTLK The receipts of cattle were some
what larger than yesterday , and there were
a few better cattlj. While beef steers of
good quality were scarce , there were a few
pretty good nn lives and at least one bunch
of good western ! ! . One bunch of natives
brought $4.SO , tlio highest price paid In n
long time on this mirket. The demand for
beet cattle was good and the market
fairly nctlva nt R little higher prices ,
The market on butchers' stock , such as
deb'.rablc cows mid heifers , was also stronger.
The stacker nnd feeder market did not show
much change. The country Is buying a
few cattU , but the demand Is not very largo.
Representative sales :
Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
.11731341 } L. .1000 Jl 70 43..112J ( I 70
17. . . . ! iS2 313 8. . .f4 < )3 ) 435 28..1261 ISO
21. . . .1270 4 0.1
7. . . . 777 1 13 4. . , 832 1 03 L. . . ! > 00 2 15
4. . . . S.V ) 1 23 1. , . . G40 1 67 8. . . . 021 2 U
! > . . . . 732 123 2J. . . . G.S3 173 13..9J.I 2 tt
L. . . G40 12. 1..9 < W 175 10..1003 2"2l >
1..1120 140 2..1000 173 3' ' ) . . . . 756 2 :
C. . . . 7HG 140 2..1U4) ) 1 7R 12. . . . 832 2 2S
4..1002 140 2..1040 ISO 1..10IO 2 3S
900 1 40 3. . . . S > fJ 1 80 2. . . . S13 2 40
1..1070 1M 3. . . . KM 1 Efl ! ! . . . . 910 2 4 >
4. . . , S92 1 50 3. . . . SZC 1 ( C II. . . . S81 2 4)
1..1120 1 CO 3. . . . 1)2.1 200 3. . . . 85) ) 24)
1 11)10 ) 1 M 18. . . . SO ) 200 C. . . . 840 211
1. . .1070 150 I. . . , 750 200 15 , . . . 940 243
1..1030 1 50 r , . . . 976 200 L. . . 900 243
7. . . . .124 1 50 10. . . . 915 20i ) 23. . . . 918 25)
3. . . . 8SO 150 1. . . . 770 200 14. . . . 913 250
L. . . 750 150 2. . . . 930 211 II. . . . 9I3 2(91 (
8. . . . 911 1 GO 4. , . . 903 2 10 I9..10SO 2 GO
1..111)0 ) 160 2. , . . 933 215 8..1050 2 Go
L. . . 930 160 IS. . . . 946 215 1..I140 2 G5
6. . . . 953 1M C. . . . S71 215 G.,1'J30 ' 2 65
15 , . . . 800 1 G3 S . . . 840 2 15
IIEll-'EItS. '
L. . . 510 50 5 . . . 612 1 35 L. . . 4TO 1 7fi
I. . . . C90 M 2 . . . 415 140 2. . . . 500 2W
1. . . . 370 75 2 . . . G3i ) 140 22..796 2W
L. . . 430 1 23 S . , . 410 1 40 L. . . 790 2 W
4 512 1 C5 2 . . . 573 1 45 2. . . . 570 2 15
15. . . . 492 1 25 7 . . . 347 1 45 3.J. . . . GJ2 2 15
4. . . . C65 133 2. . . , 430 150 1..870 225
4. . . . 560 135 G. . . . 621 ICO 5..712 225
4. . . . 430 135 1. . . ' . 520 175 23..841 253
G. . . . 166 75 2w. . . 183 200 L. . . 130 250
4. . . . 207 11)0 ) 11. . . . MO 223 7. . . . IRS 2 IS
L. . . 370 110 22. . . , 271 223 3. . . . 176 2 ! 5
6. . . . 216 110 7 ; . . . 292 2 L'S 6. . . . 215 300
7. . . . 233 140 3 . , . 203 223" 1. . . . 1JO 300
3. . . . 2SO 150 1 . . . 10J 223 1..2IO 300
1. . . ISO 200 I , . ! . 110 250 L. . . 110 300
1. . . 360 200 L. . . 200 250 1. . . 120 300
1..1330 123 1..1050 150 t. . . . 750 I 10
1..13GO 140 1. . .1380 1 M 1..HJO 1 BU
1..1180 140 F..1KO 1 CO 1 . . .LID Id
3..HC.O 140 R..1535 150 1. . .S7t ) 173
1. . .1360 1 43 . ) I'
L. . . 800 ISO I. . . . 7.1 230 1..1010 233
L. . . 530 150 31.U 633 23V L. . . 8 < 0 233
L. . . 730 1 M B.818 233 L. . . 780 235
L. . . 330 1 50 IS. . . . 862 235 1..1000 2 3S
3. . . . 4S3 175 r. . , . . KIO 235 9. . . . * 20 223
2. . . . 790 J 75 1. . . . 760 2 35 3 . ; . SIO 2 40
13. . . . 461 190 2. . . . 41 235 41. . . . 7S7 210
4. . . . 320 2 CO i. . . . G98 2 35 21. . . . 749 2 O
2. . . . 505 200 2. . . . 540 233 27. . . . 777 245
3.102 > ) 204 _ 7. . _ 71 2 35 _ 111. . . . SSI 2 G >
3. , , . 383-2.10. TJd.VK6 2,55 : IJ. . . . ! 3M
8. ! . . 600 210 * " l&.TltSO t 3d 3. . . . f.8 . S W
4. . . . 501 210 L. . . 800 2 ? 5 5..SM SCO
11. . . . 6S4 215 2. . . ' . 913 285 1..M50 3'fi )
10. . . . 533 22 < ) > , . . . . 930 235 7..1063 J 03
50. . . . 877 2 29
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
41 steers 10J7 J3 10 57 stei-s 1021 It 10
4 bulls 1537 J 45 10 feeders. . . . SO ! Z 61
6 cows 1013 2 f3 24 'c m 1) ) J 13
6 bulls KS3 1 45 63 cnux \Xi 2 50
74 feeders..1103 2 fcS C cows 95 $ 270
21 feeders. . . . 695 2 CO
HOGS Thre was only n moderate run of
hogs today. In the matter of quality the
hogs averaged about the same as yestcrdav ,
though there were no loads as choice as the
tops yesterday. The market opened fairly
active and fullj steady to btrong. The fact
that there were no choice loads equal to
the top yesterday gives the market a lower
look when the rales only are taken Into
consideration. While the market on good
to choice heavy and butcher weight hogs wai
active It was not such an easy matter to
dispose of all the holdings of common and
trashy stuff , the demand being slow. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
17 140 . . | l 21 73 223 210 > 1 15
: , 196 . . I fpO 59 2'll (0 ( 5 n
r. . : ins m i C5 73. . . . id ; ID h 15
f3 . . . . ,51 1C 7u 86 ) > $ ; . ' , 5 "i
M U 175 75 I'll 210 515
. ' . . . .1.0 . 4 75 S3 207 fO f.5
f. U 161 I 7b 77 LOT I'M r , ri
H | S7 * i 475 2 373 . . 535
t'jl . . . ; ic i'4 \ SO 6. . . . . . . 1'A . . 5 15 *
, i2 HJ sy , 4 to 9 ? il . . JJ5
.f US ivi 4 W 73 .Mi HJ 521
87 IfiS 60 490- 05 2"7 10 S SO
1UO 201 210 493 CO 193 40 520
SO ICO 100 490 72 J.3 ' 100 520
84 167 280 490 7. ? IJ 11 5 0
5 183 . . . 4 90 Wl ' .k2 40 5 W
67 170 120 490 68 213 240 5 VO
107 209 400 I 9' ) t2 > Si 40 5 TO
02 181 iO 490 76 17 210 5 I'O '
1 210 . . . 490 B -J02 . . . CIO
! > 7 178 200 4 W ) 55 'iO 120 E 20
SI 185 UO 495 71 2 UO B 25
83 1CS 80 4 93 4 273 . . . f , 2.1
74 160 . . . 493 2 JI5 , . ft 2i
7 191 . . . 495 El :5 UO f. 25
87 1 ! > 7 ZOO B 00 66 > S5 40 6(5 (
63 181 240 BOO 71 SB SO I 21
C5 219 40 5 CO M -.Ml 160 6 13
80 216 80 C Ol ) 5 .22 , . 523
97 202 2SO 600 7 317 85 523
1 330 . . . 600 107 113 161 3 Ul
2 205 . . . 600 69 KOI . . . S 21
C3 204 160 BOO 67 227 120 f 23
31 183 W 5 00 79 203 UO C SO
87 21)0 ) SO 5 00 74 2J3 1M ) MO
M 171 120 500 68 233 40 i 3
87 172 240 500 B 244 . . . & S *
34 )8 ) 40 BOO 7J 217 tu C 3 *
C6 1 6 320 BOO 15 , . .242 2oO ( i 3
88 187 24 500 G3 _ % fO 535
87 1 ! 4 . . . BO' ' ,0 272 160 B 3S
S2 Its SO 5 ( u G3 228 80 5 3i
80 207 440 5 07 72 267 80 r 41
72 215 40 507V C2 --t\ f 540
92 193 S B 10 1/1 214 K ) C 4' ' )
80 202 4 610 13 S22 . . . 640
K ) ISO S ) BIO 1.5 273 121 C 43
88 ,190 : < 510 61 222 I'D ) C K )
S3 208 12J 510 U | 0 . . r 55
37 200 SIM 610. ' , 40 269 . . . 565
80 i12 203 B'10 70 2 lu S W
84 181 120 5110"1 C3 234 . . . 5 O )
68 216 24J B 15 53 265 43 C CO
77 232 1W | H5
1 130 . , , 250. . 34 4 . . . IS"
3 150 . . . 275 , 16 71 . .SMI
3 1S3 . . . 2.75. , I 100 . . . 4 00
1 210 . . . 2'7. ' ' . ' . 20 , , 115 . . . 4 CO
4 230 . . . 2t5.J 8 173 . . . 4 W
1 130 . . . 273 132 110 IK 4 00
2 201 . , . 2OKJ1V 74 101 . . I IS
1 200 . . . 290. . 31 103 . .415
1 4M . . . rtfJrtJ IS 100 , , 4 ! 1
1 220 . . . &Wyj 112 104 1 Co 4 Si
1 160 . . . aWJ 130 . . . I 85
1 , .2GO . . . ir < T- 132 ( > 1 . . . 4 2S
7 „ C7 . . . lyto It. . . .VI3 . . . 4 W
8 M . . , 3jj. _
SHEEP There twas only ono Email bunch
of Mieep received'tbday , but a good many
holdovers. Thciuajjiet does not show mucl-
change. Fair to pcwd natives are auota1 !
at $2.2502,75 ; ( fttr ( p good westerns , } 2.rm6 >
2.40 ; common atuli itock sheep , Jl.7502.25 ;
good to choice'lambs , $2.2503.75. Repre
sentative sales :
No. * AVI. 1'r.
695 western ewe" . . . . 76 (2 03
2 western Inmlm , , , , 33 2 M
110 western lambs. , , JO 2 55
Kiin H Cliy.lve Mock Murkrt.
KANSAS CITY. Aus. 2l.-CATTLU-Itecel | > t .
,30i ) heiulj hlpinenu , 2.7i hraili market ntr > ns
to } 'M lilKher : Texas Meer * . ) ! . :5tl.25 ; b et tc IT.
J3.i fi6.23 : niIHe co\Y , Jl.i ij-J.Oj ) utoclurB and
frwleti" ,
1IOOS Hecelpte. 4,700 head ; hlpment . 3 ,
head ; market Mtnmir lu Cc hlxher ; bulk of mlei ,
JO.10Wi.S5 ; hravlra , to.COU5.:4 ; packem , JJ.tSO
N , W. KARRIS & CO ,
163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
IS Wll- . , Mew York. 70 SUte-it. , Uoiton.
So iife *
BoujUt ad Bold. Conitpondtno * Bollcltid.
873' ' . mlxr < l , JVIO'ffiSJ , llghti , J3
$2r > u ( : . < xi. .
StinKf-llcrelpln , 7W hend , ihlt mfnl . inn
lund. mnrket xlruntr to Uc lilRhor ; Wit r.flllvon.
l.7RC3.26j l la clinpr | < - lcilin. I2.30fl3.00 ;
WJIVUntl i\nllfcjfwrli \ | | W'fftW , Ciod to choice ,
lanibM , Jl.uuvf ) . T.Mr t.c
oincAao i.ivi ;
Ai | | > irrntly ( ! oo ( | Cut I In ncru .SlroiiRrr Vr -
tiTiluv 'I linn | it Any Tlinii TliurmUy.
flllCAOO. AUff 2J. Apparently ft od cnltlo
\\frp > tronBer ' . ( xloy llun HI nnv llmo yeiterdny ,
nnlu Bliowlnit to even better mhantnir , Init
iiUri nil tlioiT wnn nn tin lrtnnc ( of wrnknr it.
Tin-to Is n foellnn tlmL prlccn have been rui < lwl
lip mlhrr too rnphlly nnd ( lint n 1'tut of the
nilvnnv > nmxt MHIII < lliuip | > rar. Ilo\rc\er , Fel'.rm
I'tnrrtanced no ( Illllcully In ( Her < ' lnf if the 6.0"W
lie id here today , nml at n small ndvnnea on the
prlom | > ald j-pnterclny. A few of the iiunllty
that rhnncrd lintuli" > p < ti > rdiy nt from S.1..15 to
J3 60 neiifelirip , nnd were | turn d nvrr
nt fnmi $ ' . 10 to I5.CS , P r cnltlo Krmllnit bflnw
tnnlcc the mnrket wn llrni In njmptthr. The
nrrlnila runKlnti-d o [ iil-niil St.H' ) head ol which
2.0TOetf TmniH nnd TOJ vomcrnn. Natlvcn
virtf i > iit lilc nt from ll..Tj U > J5. . " > 5 , wexlorn * nt
firm Jl.Wi to II. 00 , nnd Tcxans at from H.2. ,
In | There \kns n fnlr Inquiry fnr MnckerB
and fculein nt from U lo 11.33 , and - forea \
cuhfs nt frum W lo 13.
TlniuVIIR n KtruiiR mniliet for ROO > | heir ;
In fnct , cicr > thine cxci-pt the \ iv common
mid H xhade hlKhcr. The liixl liouvy lirniiKht
from KW > to J5 95. and tlie bulk feM nl > oc $ . " > . r,0 , ,
ttiuiiKh the | > ioiirtlon uf K < > < 1 IHIKR wn * xmnll.
I'oiiiiiiiiii * tuT ( Is very nnifli tieRlcctnl , nr < l cnlfi-
men Iliul It lmi | < m < tllja | tn ill pi > mof such nt
riktB Hint arc at all snltafactury to lh < > uwneip.
Wlilli- prime heavy IHIKO lire wuntrd nl fnmi W.90
tn U.Ui , nobodv iv ntn the cniuinnti stun nt M
ler 10(1 ( IL . Today's nrrlrnU ( rc cmlmnti'd
nt 11.000 , innklnfr nl.ollt 1W.W ( ( fm the- expired
inrt of thin week. n aK'iln&t ' I23,9rl fur OnKami -
time Inrt week , 1LM,2I a. soar i > K" , unl 119,419
Iwo jar IIKO.
N'H'vltliitnmllnc n < trcicn < c In the recclptx of
foino KW ) tiefiil. Ihorn lias I 'ecu ' no cnnnldrr- luhnnce In Ibo knlno of Hlicrri nn < i lumlm.
The ( lemainl Imil little ttlnblllty , anil nellem hml
to ilo hiird vink lo prevent nccninulnllons , tnod-
ernle nn were the artlvnln. Hluvp nrc vtlll
U tP < l at from Jl to } t2 ? for poor to chirtce , ami
Ihc rnnitn of juices lor In nibs nns from l-3
lo $1 at the close.
HorpipU ( "ntlle , O.flM hend ; rah en. 630 hrnd ;
hoes , 11,000 head ; slieep , 5l .O luid.
The Kvenlnc Journal repurlH IIOO9 Tie-
cpits | | tiKlny. 14.0CO lirad ; olllclnl yeMpnlay.
21 , DIG heaa : uhlpmonls yeiti-nlny. 10,2t9 hnd ;
left [ | over , nlmut 7,500 liond , iiiialltv * pour. Mar
ket fairly nctlro ; prlcrs r c higher. Snlw ianRcd
fit J3.TOi(3.75 for light : r.00jrfr , roimh pack
ing I : ! Ji.lJU.'fO for mUf.l ; JJ.30H5.D5 for heavy
parking | and rhliJtlt | | ) : Inls ,
CATTI.i-lleceIpt , C.OUO liond : official yester
day . , 12.C2I lirad ; t-lllpnunts > c"trrdi > y , li ! >
liend. Market moderately ttcthe ; ficxxl grades 5
© Ho hlKhrr.
Hlini-r-Ilei-lpt toda000 ) liea l ; ol&rlal } < '
teulny , lO.BIX hcjul ; Bhlpments yeitcnluy , 20C
liead , Mnrket Mronc.
Ynrk Uvo htoclc IVliirhrl.
NEW rOHIC. .Alls. 21. tlEEVKS-llecclptn.
l.b head ; 19 cnrs on sals ; mailu't mtlvc nnd
105:1Vper 100 Ibn. higher ; natlM Btecr , fair to
.Kond , ll.GHH.SS ; ordinary lo medium , J4.2I5J4.60 ,
common to ROTH ! Colornrles , fl.DOu4 03 ; oxen
l3.3iJ < ) N. ' ( ) ) dry cows. I2.2jfl3.10 ; European calilcs
auule Amcrlcun Kiwis nt lOSJUc ir Hi , ilremed
wtlKlit ! refrigerator beef at 81it 9li ( . ' per U' . ,
exports lodny , none ; tomorrow , 1,9 3 beeses ,
444 sheep nnd S.i . I n atltiM of beef.
CALVES IlecdptH , 721 head ; on Mile , 43 ! ) head ,
mirket weak ; litmly > ; AenN , poor lo pr m ; ,
55iX > g7.00 per 100 Ibs. ; erassus nud tmtlLMinilk
calx c , S3.
SHEEP AND LAMltS Receipt * , G.17C head , 37
ems on pair ; market xerj * dull ; sheep , steady ;
liuiihs , Uc per Ib. 1ver ; over S.O'X ' ) Kliil unsold ,
slu-ep , poor to prime , } 1.9 < ) ff321 per 100 Ibs , ,
lanihft , common to choice , 33.25ff4 75.
flOOS-Iteceijils' 3.114 hencl ; 1 ( ar on Eflle ;
niaikit Ftend ) * ; Infeilor to choice , J5.COflO.10.
.St. LoiiU llv Stock .Miirkrl ,
BT. LOL'IS , AUK. K.-CATTLK-Ilccclpta , l.SIH
Kriid ; slilpnienlB , bUO head , miirkct ncthc , strong
Koncrally ; native Blecri. 1X tn 1,9 His. , 14.2.1
$ i4.$5i CO > XB iwiJ mixed , 31. ) { $217'k ' : Tcxi
KIWIS. 500 to WO lts , , } : .i > j-iC.Sj ; uo s , fl.7 < ) ( j )
2.2J ,
ItOGS Kwclptn. S.200 hend ; stilpmnils , 2,5O )
head ; market IrreRUlar , ptron f r heavy , wenk
fnr Ilk'lit : B ( * > d butclier nrd tuicMiiR stock , 5B10o
liltilur : good lieai-y , (59035.13 ; I IK lit nnd mixed ,
} i.7UF3.8i > ; common nnd rautrh , H.BDffS.SO.
H1IKUP Itecrlpls , 5 < i > hcntl ; BliliniR'nls , none ,
miirlcet xlv but ttea < ly : nntlres , 12.0002.20 ,
Btockera , )1.2j ; InniLsi (2.7:33.04.
I lilcKRii Fruit ( Jiiiitutlon.
CIIICAOO , AUK. 24. I'.irler llros , company ,
ChlcaBo , sold tixjay at uuctlim nl\ cam of Cnll-
fornlii fruit : Ilurlletl penrn , ( l.QOtil.60 ; Lntc
C'mwfoiJ iH.icliex , ruitfSc , Kiuly Crnufoida. 75c ,
Ornnne cllntc , COIJJ73C , SUKUf | > linnnn , 80c ; rKK
pluuiH , tOJ93c ; QuacKrnlKiH , 8 > o ; ToKay Krcii > e ,
liulf elates. ,90f2.30 ; Munrnlpi. 11 Olffil.35 ; lUae
of IVru , SOcj Uro83 prunes , ( OcSJl.23 ; Geiman ,
1'ortcr lire * , company. NVw York , sold clBhl
cars ! llai-tlett penis , J1.M571.CO ; Imlvra , K.1B700 ,
Late Craw fords , SlfflMc ; BuH < | ucharmi8 , fl.2JQlBO ;
Oranse cllnj ; , SOifiSSc , Lemon clltiK , G3c ; VRK
l > luma , BOfli VltiorltH. B.c : I'urple Ilumieu , J1.03S
1.25 ; Wnphl iKtons , I5rtffl. ? ] ; Ualj'urliin prunes ,
Ko ; neetnrlnia. J1.COS2.SO.
The Earl Km It company FOM California fruit :
At Chlcneo Italtlelts. | 1.S,1.30 ; pirncheg. Or.msu
cllnir , I5c ; Ix'inon dlnpr , 90o ; Crnvfonl. 65c ;
plums , fKK. S3c ; Victoria , 9 ? ; prunes , Gioss ,
J.lcJiJl.13 ; si\er. J5c ; I'ullsnl.erK. J12) ) ; prapeB.
half craKa. Tokny , } 1.73i2. ) ; SluecHl 11.201.45.
At New VorU llarlltlts , J1.43 > Si.65 ] ; Seckcl , half
tHixrfl. SOQ90cf penchcs , Cia ford , 7 ic ; Sat-
iiuelmnnn , 70f73c ; Ornnse cllns , 7fl < 573c , egg
plums , 7JCQS1.20 ; German prunet , (1 Glitl 73.
Llvcri ol Alurki-ta.
LIVERPOOL , Aug21. . Close : WHEAT
Steady , Jfo. 1 winter red , ia 4Hd , No. 1 eprlne ,
4a Sd.
COUN rirraj modernlo demand ; new mixed ,
spot. Js Id , fuiuren , dull , dcmind mnderate ;
AUKUKI. is 3d ; Svitvmb | r , Is 30d ; Oclsber , 4s 9J.
FLO13I1 Steady ; demand poor , St. Louis fancy ,
winlern. Cn SKI.
I'llOVISIO.VS-Ltird , firm ; demand poor ; spot.
39s ; futuirg , no aemiiml. l"mk. Mrm : demand
moJerate ; prims v.csleni mvs , 70s ; iirlme west
ern niens. incillnin , Cls 3d. fleef , Ilrm ; demand
imxlernte ; extrn India mess. 75 61 ; pi line nras ,
B5a. Hums , dull ; demand poor ; short cut , fir * ,
lliuon , dull ; U-inimd p , : ; i'ui.r'"i I cut , SJi.
uliort rllis , 4i > ; lonp clfnr. 43 llu. , Ku < * ] ; IOIIB
nnd short clear , C5 Ibs. , Sis , Should is , steady ;
35s M
CHiisi : : Firm ; dimand fnlr , fineit white and
colored , ( Cs W.
Allmicupoll * Whenl Mnrlict.
JIINNIAI'OHS. AUB. si.-wiiEAT-iiPceipts
in the norlhwput weic Inrce tinlny and were re
ported increasing quite rapidly In the Interior
from Kranorles. The flay wni nu to octlxe for
the new wheat is on foimt'r ilayn when less
arrived. Closing prices ucrci AUKUit , 5lc ; Sep
tember. Mo ; L > , MKiTM c ; Way , Dl'tc. !
Old wheat on tmck : No. I haid , 5J < - , No. 1
northern , 87c ; No 2 n rthmn , B.'lc. Xc
on Irai-k Fold IHOl c lower than utd. It cpplH |
ut wheat were 1W5.W } lu , , tlilpmenls. 2S.ODO bu.
1'lour was -weak : patents , $2.4Uig3.4' ' ) ; bnki-ia ,
J2. < Wt2 . ISst'nnted '
iiroductlon , W.OOO bbls. ;
Bhlpmenls , 32.0W bbln.
NEW YOISK , 2l.-SUOAH-Ilaw , fn-lUe
nml hlKlier ; fair lellnlng. SUc ; , (1 (
test , JKc ; Fales , 148 93 b.iss centrllugal , W , nt
3o ; rehnrd , firm and active.
LONDON , AXIR. 21. SL'OAIl ' Can . nrm anil
Hither easier ; ccntrlfUKiil Jiua , Us Cd ; Mun-
corado , fair rellnlnr. Ha Cd.
Dill illh AVlu-At Jlurlcul.
DULUTII. AUR 21 , WHEAT Cloilmj : Loner
No. t , ca li , MUc ; August. MT4c ; Hrptember. ;
tCIic ; No. 1 northern , catli , AUKUst and Septem
ber , KSc ; I > ecpin er. Bii-TJc ; No. r n rtlrn. . cash ,
63Kcj No. 3 , OOJio ; rejected , 47'ic ; to arrive. No.
1 northern , Eljjc ; old , & 7 4c ,
Cot I oil Miirki > t.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 24.-C < nTON'-Steady ; mid-
illlnv , 6\c ; sales , 300 bales ; receipt * , noiie ; ship
ments , 600 tales : stock , 2I,1H > Lulm.
MuiilictiU-r'Tpxillo : < ,
MANCKKSTKIl. AUB. 21. Clalh. dull but
Btendy. Ynrng , llrm. with nn ImpimeJ demand ,
Oil .Market.
Spot , 37u IdJia ,
_ _
Oregon Kidney Tea. cures backache. Trial
slzo , 25 cents. All drugglHs.
Held to the Dlntrlct Court.
Peter Deruse was bound over for trial In
the district court yesterday morning In the
sum of ? 500 to answer to a charge ot stab
bing with Intent to hill frank Decker and
Charles Root. The men are batters and one
night last month they went down Into the
burnt district to have a "time. " After
drinking more or lets Thlnl ward booze , Hoot
and Ceruse became engaged In a fight , which
wound ur. nt the side entrance of Martin
Shields' saloon , where Decker nnd Hoot were
lerlously cut by Drruse. they claim. There
teems to havfr been a slick attempt to rush
thla caae through yesterday morning and gel
the defendant free. The case ivaa set until
August 28 by Judge lierka , but yesterday
morning Chief Detective llaie came Into
court and said that nil the parties concerned
v\ere ready for trial. The case was called
up and It was found that the most Important
witnesses for the state were not present and
when they were summoned Ihey claimed that
they hod received no notice to Le In court at
all , and fully understood that the case would
not come up until August 28 , Haze Is al
leged to have claimed tint all the witnesses
hud been notified , but the court officer , whose
duly It Is to serve summons , said that he
had received no notice tint the case was
ready for a. hearing" , un3 consequently dl <
not serve the subpoenaes. The attention o
Chief Seavey was called to the circumstances
anil he was In court ill forenoon taking notes
of the manner In which the case was being
conducted. Assistant County Attorney Day
said thai he had agreed to try the case be
cause & brother of the defendint was In the
r.lty and wanted to go home last night , Up
thought that the brother wanted to hear
trial and then If possible give a bond ( or
Deruse's release pending trial In the district
Oregon. Kidney Tea cures all kidney
troublei. Trial ( Ire , 2C c ots. All drugelits.
"Mof e
' Wa6b day a pleasure
Made by
Reduced From
IT IS EXACTLY LIKE CUT , style , finished antique ; lm
lSx4 < ) bevel pfatc mirror , woven wlrn Miring ; with hcuvy wplral Hprings in
the cantor , and patent castors , so that it can bo movrtl ubjut easily.
Every lohl'nR bed in our iimnenso cdtiiblishtuent is marked In largo ,
plain lltfiire : ! at almost i former prices to reduce our enormous stock.
AIL "Gunn" Folding Beds at less than manufacturer's coat.
$15 Folding Hcds for $7.45.
$18 l-oldiiiK Hcds for $9.5)8. )
$25 FoldiiiK Hcds for $12.50.
$0-0 Folding Hcds for $22.50.
$50 Folding Hcds for $27.75.
$ GS FoldiiiR Hcds for $31.50.
. FoldinjHcds for $ ! 50.
$1)0 ) Folding Hcds for $1-2.25.
$100 Folding Hcds for $18.75.
$125 Folding Hcds for $07.75.
Ice Chests , worth $10 , for $4.75 ,
100 ice chests , hard wood , all modern improvements , size 32
inches lonq ; , 20 inches deep , 21 inches high , patent castor
perfect ventilation.
Refrigerators , with water cooler , $6.98
Description : Hard wood , finished nntiquo , latest style , air
tight locks , mettil shelves , porcelain lined watorp-joler ; dimon
siotis : 24 inches long , 1(5 ( inches deep , II'J ' inched high. Itcducod
from * 15 00.
Terms : Cash or Easy Payments ,
Formerly People's Mammglh Ii , > lan3il ] ! Hoim.
nd 10 ccnls for postage on Big ' { ) ! Catalogue ,
Write for Baby Carriage Catalogue .Mailed Free.
Goods sold on payments in Council Blnifs & South Omaha ,
Close evening at 0:30 except Saturdays.
17 = Jewel
arc known by rail
road men and other
experts to be unequalled
„ ! & ADJUSTEO < 4/l /
Mk WATCHE ? & " equalled for wear
> . < % . TI-lE
rnd accuracy ,
7 ! < f Dueiier"Watch Works , Canton , 0.
We Have Corn
Write or wire us for priccH ,
K O. U. ears , Omaha , or
delivered at your station.
Telephone 218.
Ornaha Elevator Co.
Commission Merchant
Cm in and Provisions.
Private wires to ClilcaBo nud New' York.
All liuslncBS oidcrd pluued on Chlougu
Board uf Trade.
L'orrcs ; > onOcnce uollclteil.
Office , room 4 , New Voik Life
In an lnmlimbloitd to liivi iarn. Hlncn January
HI HO per cunt , ot our predictions liavo been M *
OnrCwoiwr.itlvn H'ot-k Coniblnutlonii are pror-
liar liltflily iiroflUlilo , and am valn.lOlu to thoua
not nu poBtllon of makliiKa biiHlii' n o ( follow-
lur the oinrkKl. Hlncu Januiry Ut , 1MIM. HII | nr
cunt , linn iMieu divided among HUbttcrlbarii , 1'aiu-
frea upon ruquuHL ,
FISHfcR G0.fltoqk Orokors ,
18 HUU sTo iJroHdvvKjr , New Xoru CUf.
Prepared from the orlglnnl formula pro-
Ecrved In the ArrlilvcR of the Holy Land , bur-
hit'an authentic liUtury dating back COO years.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price CO cents. Sold by nil driii-gUts.
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
6cnd for Circular and Illtibtrated Calendar.
lulli Uu llru lruiiuil coiiNrquriitly n.
dcutli trap. Tlio Interior u'oo l ivork
Milder tlin ( Irjlii cfTcrtN of ( trllllclal
liciit brroiiirMtiM tnllunialiln nn lliilcr >
nccillnt : oulyii h | rl ( lo lluhli tlio ( Ire
from cellar to roof \vllli frcqucut
iiM ol'JIIV , i
Motul Htcul I-atli when covered
with IUcoitliiR ; < jf morturdliolioi.tUnowii are
priKif niatdrluli IIISIIKN hitfcty and cost but
llttlu In excchHof nixxl. U prevent * crack-
lnc and fulling of illusion
Adopted for nil I' . H. U > ornmcnt Ilutldlnea
rind Its iiHo.nbll llory In nil llutuU , Thcutcr ,
Asyluin , lo-iltiil | | nnd Pclinol Iloueca In ,
ChlcuRo and other lurso titles.Vrlto fop *
culiiioftuo of latlilne , fuiiclnir. etc. /
400 . 26th Otro t , * HIQAOQJ