Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA. DAILY Blffi ; SATURDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1891
Ing from tlio nlr course. inrt not knowing tha
eaimo Immcdlat ly shut dofom the ( an. He
illd Just what ho should have tlono , and had
the miners not lingered BO long at the flro ,
trying to put It out , they would all have
been sivccl , but tin smoke lurroumlcd them
nnd before they were aware of It they wen
overpowered anil imothend. All those who
tvero 200 and 300 feet up In the breast had
time to climb down to the gangway and lorna
ot llicm escaped and reached the surface , not
experiencing the slightest unpleasant sensa
tion. Ono of the men who slopped with the
others at br'ast 62 , seeing the danger be
M-aa lnp and started to run for the main slope ,
fihontlng to his companions , 'Come on , you'll
not get out , '
"Out they lingered anil fire minutes later
thirty-seven men viftf ( Uad.
"George W. Smaller was the first man to
BO down Into the slope after the flro was
reported. He answered to my call lor volun
teers nd lie and three others soon brought
tip the flrtt body , that ot John Q. Anderson ,
previous to this tlmo no one know ho\y ser
ious Uu eccldcnt won , but who- the dead
bcgnn to arrive the volco cC tlia people la
menting for their beloved cr.i'S was terrible
to bear. I agnln asked tor volunteers and
Mveral whites and blacks responded. They
Vent flown and worked diligently , bringing1
men to the top of the slope , while others who
liacl gone from the south side were bringing
them along the gangway. The excitement.
Increased tvery time n body was brought up
mid recognized. At one tlmo four bodies
wore brought up at one tlmo anil such a
Jmncntable nolso of weeping women and men
I hope I shall n ° ver have to hear agnln. "
As soon aa the dead arrived at the sur
face , Superintendent Ilamtay had another
party cany them to the old engine room ,
where they were laid In rows on the floor ,
the thirty-seven stalwart bodies covering
almost ovcry Inch of space , The sight was
one that chilled the people with horror.
Thirty-seven men without a scratch on
them , still dead.
All had been lively and hnppy a few
lioura belore , with their families , their
friends , and llltlo dreaming- that death was
near. Tha few who escaped upon reachIng -
Ing the surface were greeted with cries
of joy , whllo all evening men nre shaking
each others' hands , lianry that they were
not among the dead. Ono man said this
opcnlngr "I thought I had some enemies
the other flay , but I Imvo none now. Every
man C meet I feel la tny friend , I'm so
glad no ni&re nra dead. "
This evening all Is quiet in the face of
this awfiii death , The dcaii have been
prepared , clothed out and a Is now
among the people seeing what disposition will
be nude of the bodies. Tomorrow men will
dig tlio graves and the next day there will
be a tremendous funeral.
' All day long tlio 111(10 ( telegraph olTlqc
wad liosleqcd with sorrowing people sending
messages to relatives living In oilier parts
Df the country , notifying them of the grief
which haj so suddenly befallen them.
The origin of the fire lu breast 62
la supposed , o be duo to spontaneous com
bustion , caused by refuse and screenings
In the bottom of the breast slacking and
catching lire. The mlno was never In a
Bator condition , however , and It seems a
mystery that the fire could have burst out
otid gained such headway so suddenly. It
Is suggested that possibly the fire has been
burning [ or some time , perhaps two or
three days , and from a. smouldering blaze
It all at once became a burning furnace.
Ilrcast C2 Is about SCO feet high , and
Is now all on fire. The lira ha 3 also com
municated to breasts GO and Gl of
the same level and the flftli level Is threat
ened ,
Superintendent Ramsay says that howill
bulk the sixth level and perhaps the fifth
level and hermetically neal them , thus shut
ting oft the air and smothering the fire. The
.mine Is troubled a good deal with black
damp , but with the air supply shut oft the
black damp will form and soon put out the
fire. It is believed that in three months
tlio tire will have become completely extin
guished. Men are still at work on the sixth
level north , bulklicadlng the flro district , and
though the' fan Js kept at work to give the
men air , the flro Is aided just that much
more for the time being. With the sixth
level closed , about 1,000 feet of gangway and
forty breasts will be rendered useless. The
breasts formerly gave emplryment to seventy
num. " ) '
Following Is a list ot the dead whoso
bodies have been recovered :
ED MAXWELL , colored single.
FHANIC WILLIS , colored , married. ,
* R.f. . JONpS. o lore.1 , single.
JOHN FRANT1LLI , Italian , single.
JOB DAWSON , English , single.
II. n. ROBERTS , colored , single.
JOHN IRVINE , colored , single.
JOB CASSEL. Italian , ilnglo.
JAMES GIBSON , colored , single ,
EDWARD JOHNSON , Swede , single.
ANDY ENQDAHL , Swede , single.
ANDY GREElt. colored , single ,
JOHN W. I'Uail. Welsh , married.
JOB L. DOSSIE , Italian , single.
IKI3 CLEMENTS , colored , married.
PETE PARRY , Italian , single.
IlOttEHT MTOSKEV , Pole , slnglo.
EVAN D. JONES , Welsh , married.
PBTEIl HAY , Scotch , married.
LOUIS FAHR , Italian , slnRle.
PHIL DEMARI , Italian , married.
JOHN STRANTMUCi : . American , single.
JOHN E. JONES. Welsh , married.
JOHN MORRIS. Welsh , married.
JOHN HALL. English. single.
CaniS BUNKER , American , single.
OHARLCY STJIAENS , colored , single.
JACOD OLSEN. Swede , single.
EVAN HUGHES , Welsh , msrrled.
ROCCO TETTI , ItBl'nn , single.
D. D. JONES. WohOi. Married.
A. J. JAONES , colored married.
W. P. JONES , colored , single.
JOHN ANDERSON , Swede , married.
WILLIAM SECOIt , American , married.
About. half of the minors were negroes
having been .brought from the east toui
years ago to replace the strikers. Tlie mini
1 * owned by the Oregon Improvement com
pany , and produces the best coal In the stiti
it Washington. The damage to the mlno I :
not larg .
IMr , fa'clirnmlt Mnlu on Kxptitnntloii ,
P. Scltrandt called at The Dee office las
night and said that neither lie nor hi :
partner had been In company with a wcmai
or. the night Henry Williams was shot bj
Officer Drum my. Schrnnclt stys the cool
left the restaurant halt nn hour before hi
and Kortlang went away , they remaining ti
count up the cash receipts before leaving
Ho was suspicious of being followed , and a :
ha had nosrly ? 109 on Ills person , though
lie was about to be rcblied when William ;
came up behind him and Kortlan" ; on liar
noy street , near the Doyil opera bouse. Hi
knows nothing of the woman's conncctloi
with Williams on any ona olso.
Worklne Clrl * ' Kiitcrtiilinurnt.
For the benefit ot the sick fund Work
Ing Girls' assembly No. 3G33 , Knights o
Labor , gave a. musical ami literary entertain
inont at Knights ot Labor hall last even
Ing that was largeVy attended and muc :
enjoyed. Those v.h'j tool ! pjrt In the pro
Bram were the Rate : City band , JUssc
Lortno Gibson , Alice CoOy , Mrs. Mary \V
Hay , Messrs , Gardner , Cole nnd Wallac
and tha Norden Singing society , A fre
treat to Ice -cream and cake closed the en
tertalnmcnt ,
I COFages. 250 .CCOWoidi .
t 3IIUC cKnoirl i'jr { anil a I nf
7tirro nro more thlnxn lustrucilvo. uiortrl
ami emurlamliie In. tlut BIM.II book. "Xho
American KiicyuloiHxJlij Ulctlourry , " U > mUi
any nlmllur publlcutlau O IT lusnu.l.
Thin emu work , now for tlm llmt tlmo
jilootl wllhlu tliu reach of crcrymio. la u
uulquo putllvatlon , forltl.i ut HIOH.IIIIJ tliuti
a IMTlcct illctluiiury auJ & roinplc" * 'jticyulo-
Only that number or tha book
tut with tbu Bcrlft nuiiit > r ot Ilia
iirv-Kiiiioil will bo deliver vl.
OMIHiuuliiy md Thtve Ti'oo'i-rtiy
with 1 cunts In coin , will liny nn * uv.-i
u | Tlio Aiuortr.ui KncycloiwJU Ulotloil-
nry. Bvuu onlura Va Tiia JiojO.llai
onltiri Hhuulil bo uilJrut * > vl tj
Fata of a Plto'ior Who Didn't Know T7Lon
to Quit.
IIr. Holme * at brn Mollies , Who Oncn Shut
Out I'Hpn'ii Itoj-K , Got * n Uoso of Hit
ting I tint \\lll Ij > t Illm
Svmo Tlmo.
Omnhn , 1 $ ; Den Mcities , 4. '
Bt , Joseph , 8 ; Lincoln , B.
1'eoila , 12 ; Hock Island , 3.
Boston , 8-14 ; Cleveland , 10-1.
Philadelphia , 14 | Plttsburg , 7.
Ilaltlmore. G : Bt. Louis , 2.
Chicago , 10 ! Washington , 5.
Brooklyn , 1C ; Cincinnati , 0.
New vor.'c , a ) ; Louisville , 4.
Kansas Cry. 15 ; Hloux City , 0.
Grnnd ItapMt , 11 ; Indianapolis , L
Detroit , 6 | Toledo , 3.
It was ladles' day yesterday , and everybody
knows thai our ball team never loses a
ramc on that occasion. Hut It Is seldom
that the fair spectators have the pleasure of
seeing tha Philistines so unmercifully rubbed
Into the earth ns were Trafflcy's Jonahs yes
terday , They were not In It nt any stage
of tlio game and the best they hoped for
was to get sway without a shut out. For six
Innings the > * couldn't get a man around the
circle , but In Iho seventh Mr , Abbey consid
erately let McVlckor have a base on balls ,
and a couple of hits and as many errors
netted them tlirco runs and they felt Letter.
Holmes was batted out of the box in the
seventh inning and Trafllcy went in himself ,
Hoffman going to third and McMackln to
left field. Trat did pretty well , for a young
man , and It Is no more than right to say that
he was not hit any harder than Holmes.
The fielding ot the homo team was rather
yellow In spots , Langsford In particular dis
tinguishing himself by three glaring errors.
Fear played a brilliant game , especially In
the cfghth Inning , when he cut oft a prospec
tive run by a throw that Is not seen many
times in a season. Zelslor had gone to first
on I.angsford's error , and , after redact had
nabbed McFadden's fly , Traflley lined out a
clean two-bagger to the right , field fence.
Fear got the ball close to the fence nnd
t'irew straight as a dlo into Ulrlch's hands ,
nailing Zelsler at third. Mr. Porter , who
officiated for Des Malnes In the vicinity of
the second bag , also distinguished himself by
eating up a clean base hit from Langsford's
bat In the second Inning.
The run getting was a little- too one-sided
to be Intercstlns , but the crowd enjoyed
seeing the local sluggers pound the earth
with the enemy Just the same. It started
Just right In the first Inning , when we
scored five times. Ulrlch and Seery went
do\Mi by virtue of Mr. Holmes' Inability
to "trim 'em over , " and Lingsford ad
vanced them a base on hla high Hy to ] Mc-
Vlcker. McVey and Moron hit safely , atid
after Hutcb had struck out , Fear followed
with another , nnd Pedroes managed to reach
first oa a scratch hit. McVlcker garnered
Abbey's fly , but wo had five of them , and
were clue to stop , anyhow.
McVlcker hit to Lanusiord In their half
and the Lily fumbled. It did no good , how
ever , for Fisher struck out and Moran made-
n double out of it by cutting McVlcker off
at second. That was as near as they got
to a run for tha first six Innings , but In
the meantimewe kept lining 'em out as
though wo needed them.
In the third Inning Moran and Hutchi
son led off with singles , and McFarland's
error and a couple of bases on balls helped
them score. In the fourth McVey succeeded
in getting hit with the ball , nnd two- runs
were added on successive two baggers by
Moran and Hutchison.
In the fifth Abbey smashed one of Holmes'
slants to the Jqnce for a couple of sacks.
Ulrlch flew out -lloffman , Seery took a
base on balls and Langsford cleared the
bases With Ills usual-home run. Wo crared
one more Cn the sixth on.hlts , by Sery and
Pcdroes.'and In the elshtir a galaxy ot
hits , amone Xvlilch Feat g borne " run drive
was conspicuous , netted ' four more. An
other procession ot safe smashes was pro
ductive ot two In the ninth , and then the
boys thought that It would be beat to leave
a llttlo of TralDey to have fun with today
an4 generously stopped the deal. Score :
AB. It , IB , SH. SB. PO. A. B ,
Abbey , Holmes , Traflley , Fisher , McVlcker
Home runs : Fear , LanKafdnl. Hnsci or
Imlls : Uy Abbey , 3 ; by Holmes , G ; by Trat-
Hey. 1. IJnses given for hitting batter : H >
Holmes , Pnsaeil balls : Solsler , 2. WIN
pitches : Holmes , 1 ; Tralllcy , 1. Strucl
out : By AUbey. 3 ; by Holmes , 1. Urn.
pinIlnscall. : . Double plays : Moran tc
Hutchison ; Porter to Ffshcr to McFnddon
Fisher to Porter lo McFadden. Time ol
name : Two hours.
llurk lIcHlon nt St. .Too.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. . Aup , 24.-Spectal ( Tele
Bram to The I3ce.-St. Joseph whipped I.ln
coin today by better batting woilc. Tin
fltiaing on 'both shies was brilliant , nnc
many Kood pluys were made. Score )
St. Joseph . 3 00001004 1
Lincoln . i . 0 20000003 1
Hatterlc.s : Johnson and Welch ; Johnsoi
amt Speer. IJase lilts : St. .loseph , 10 ; Lin
coin , s. Errors : St. Joseph , 3 ; Lancoln , -
Hunted runs : St. Joseph. 2 : Lincoln , 2
Two-base lilts : Welch (2) ( ) , Preston , Kbrlght
Itewean , McKlbben. Struck out : 13y L ,
Johnson. 3 ; by Y. Johnson , 3. Riues 01
b.ills : Oft I. . Johnson , G ; oft \ ' . Johnson , C
Hit by pitcher : Hy L. Johnfin , 2 ; by Y
Johnson , 1. First bane on errors : Bt
Joseph , 1 ; Lincoln , 3. Left on bases ; St
Joseph. 9 : Lincoln , 10. Double pluyfi : IIol
lliiRHwortli to Mohler to Mnrcum (2) ( ) . PnHsr <
balls ! Welch. Time : One hour nntl titty
seven minute. , . Umpire : Cline.
"fUK" Drupii Annthor ,
TEOUIA. Auu. 24-Sonlcr was licked li
the Iliflt inning. After that the same , whtcl
was culled In the seventh on acount o
r.iiu , was without Interest. Scorn :
I'co'.ln . 7040001-1
ItU'jk Island . 2000001
IJase hits : Peorla , 14 ; nook Island. 5. 15r
r < 7is : Pcoria , 0 ; Hock Iain id , 1. Itattcrlcs
r/lllon ami Armstrong ; Sonicr and Sage.
QU1NCV , 111. , Auir. il.-Spcclpl TelfRran
to The Hen , ) The JncU on.'liie-Q .ilin"
pum-i today was sloped m llin thirl lunlni
by rt ln.
of tlio Trains ,
„ , . wo. > . LcHt. rr. : i
Hock Island . 97 f3 < l M.
St. Joseph . 87. u2 ' 3 r. : .
Pcorla .4 . ! J7 f.J | j fj ,
Omaha . . . , . 7 H 45 K.
Jncksonvilla . 95 49 H II.
Lincoln . < ui 49 47 Ct.
Des MolliPS . 97 4t t3 41.
Qulncy . . . . . . 91 33 O'J 37.
\VKHTiilN : l.KAdUi : ( I.VMKS.
MiiniiRrr ZVInimliic' * Cuiiiillinrii > N lu Mini
tiger \Valktni , mid lei > ll rILiMiner
KANSAS CITY. Aus. 2l.-TUe Iliues to
tluy scored the nrst shut out made on th
home grounds this Hcusan , nmUliiR Bleu :
City's ' ml vent here n ( tad one Danlela mya
tined the NlaHor ? , who could not llnd him
Rcore :
Kansas Clt ) ' 0 1
Sioux City 0 000 ooooo
lilts ; ICanias City. 16 ; Sloujc City , <
Krrors : Kansas City. Zi Bloux Pity , 4
KanifKt urns : Kansas city , 4. Two-dab
hits : Klclioll , Uaiiuluie , Stewart. Haiti
runs : Mannlni ? . Double plays : Heard t
Manning- Kluinmn ; llntrlcver it * Me
Oauley. Stniclc out. Uy Daniels. 1 ; t
Hart , 1. 1'asscil balls : Kraus. Tlmoi On'
hour and forty-tlvo minute * . Uniplra : Shet
Idnn. natteriei : Daniels nnd
Hnrt nnd Kraus ,
Kllrrn WM Too Btronp.
OOAND nAPlDa , AUR- . St.-3ilceti linit
be-on resting nlncc Sunilay nml Ills arm whs
BtronK. The llooslcrs were unable tn Mt
him. Score :
Ornnd UaplJ 0 0 4 3 2 4 t 0'0-tl
Ini2la aiofla | 000100000 1
Base hits : Uraml llnplilsi , M ; Indlnnai f'K '
7. Krrora : Gratid Hapldi , 2 : Indlminpolla ,
3. Earned.rtinn : Qrnnd Hnpld ? . 7. Two-
base lilts : WrlBht , Oporsp (2) ( ) , Callopy.
McCarthy. Three-bnae hits : OcorRC. Home
nins : Uftruthera , Spies , Struck out : Carrel
rol , Whcelock , Kanan , McCarthy , tiant.
Double plays : Eacnn to AVhcelock tn Car-
uthers ; Shields to jtoal to Motz ; Motz. ( un-
naslatcd ) . Time- Ono hour nnd forty-five
minutes. Umpire : Henly. Itnlturlea :
Kllecn and Spies , Cross and Orny.
Snin and rmnliloMalic u Ten in.
DETHOIT. Auc. 21. It wcs n pitcher's
battle today , nnd Pears did well till the
ninth , but IMimrnnV brilliant catch fravcU
the L'nme. 3corc :
Detroit 0 1 1 2 J 1 6 O1 0-G
Toledo 1 000000 1,1-3
JJase hits : Detrol. , U ; Toledo , 9. Krrora :
Detroit , 3 ; Toledo , I Earned runs : Detroit ,
4 ; Toledo , 0. Two-bllse hits : Carnptiu , Dun-
Kan , York , Hughe r. Mcl < * arand. ! Three-
base hits : record. Homo runs : Dungan ,
McFnrland. Doubli ! playar Nlland to Po-
cord to Hatneld. 81 ruck out : Uy I'ears. 7 ;
by HuKhey , G. Time : One hour nnd llftr-
llvo inliuitc ! ! . Umpire : McQunld. I latter
ies : Pears nnd Jantzen ; HiiKhey and Mc-
BtnniUni ; of Iho Tcnms.
Played. Won. Lost. I'r. Ci.
Sioux City 93 f. 40 M.G
Kansas City 100 C.T 43 57.0
Toledo 53 CJ 42 M.8
Mlnneftpolls . . . . . . . . 9G C2 41 HI.2
Indianapolis 103 4J 51 4T.C
Oraml Itnplds 10J 4 > 51 47.C
Detroit 100 41 67M.O
Milwaukee 93 ' 31 62 33.3
J'nfsx llollvur Tolicnu Trios to llo llOHtoii
for u Tu I r.
BOSTON , Aug. 21. Boston nnd Cleveland
quit even today , the visitors winning- the
nrst game by superior all-around work. In
the second game , with a Rift of seven bases
on balls , seven singles , a double and three
double plays , Boston scored fourteen runs
nnd won the name. Score , llrat 'game ' :
Itoston . 2 50010000 8
Cleveland . 22300000 3 10
Hits : Hostnn. 11 ; Cleveland , 17. Errors ;
Boston , E. Earned runs : UoBlon , 3 ; Cleve
land , 6. Two-baso lilts : Nash. Klmmer , Mc-
Clarr , McK > an , McAleer. Three-base hit :
Duffy. Double plays : Connaushton tp Lowe
to Tucker. Struck out : llannon , Blake
Zlmmer. Time : Two hours and thirty min
utes. Umpire : McQuald. "Hattcrlesl Tenney ,
Ganzcl , Stalny1 nnd Nichols ; Zimmer , Sulli
van and Cuppy ,
Second Kame :
Boston . 02531 3 11
Cleveland . 0 13000 4
Ults : 3Jo ton , 11 : Cleveland , 8. Errors :
Bopton , 3 ; Cleveland , G. Earned runs : Ilos-
to-.i , 4 ; Cleveland. 2. Two-tase hit : Duffy.
Three-buso hits : Tenny. Tlannon , McCarthy ,
Blake , McKeam Home run : Nnsh. Struck
out : ConnauBhton , Hodson. Tltnq : One hour
and rorty-five mlmite-4. Umpire : McQuald.
Batteries : Tonney and lloUson ; dimmer ,
Petty nnd Cuppy.
< Irlol - riiiylnc Tnll Acnln.
BALTIMOHli Avff. , 21. The Orioles w in
today from the BrownsIn a prettily 'con
tested came. Score :
Baltimore . 0 0120002 * 5
St. Louis . 0 05000011 2
Base , lilts : Baltimore , 12 ; St. Louis , * .
Errors : Baltimore. 0 : St I ouls , 2 , Earned
runs : Baltimore , SL St. Louis , 1. Two-bast'
lilts : Kelly , McGraw , Jennlncs , Connar.
Three-base hits : Kettz. Htrur-U out : Dy
McMahon , 1 ; by Breltensteln , 1. Time : One
hour nnd forty-five minutes. Umpire :
Belts. ' Batteries : McMahon nnd Robinson ;
IJreitensteln nml Miller.
All 4rr After the 3'ourHl.
nilLADKLPHIA. Aug. 21. The 'frame
started with promise of plenty of excite
ment , but niter the home team forg-cd
ahead In the fourth Inning It grew tame.
Score :
Phlladclthla . 2 0 1 T 1 0 2 1 0-14
Plttaburff . 3 00201001-7
Base hits : Philadelphia. 14 ; Pit tenure. 14.
Errors : Philadelphia. 0 ; Plttsburs , C. (
Earned runs ; Philadelphia , 8 ; Plttsuvrs , 7.
Two-base hits : Thompson , Smith , Beckley ,
Stenzel (2) ( , Turner. Three-base hltsi Tur
ner. Home runs : Turner. Struck out : By
Carscy , 2 ; by Ehret- . Time : One > hour
nnd tlftyflve minutes , Umplro : Lynchj
Batteries : Carsey nnd illucklej1 ; hr t ,
Gumbert and Sudden. > t . , \
A n so V. Outllt Wlnit Another.
WASHINGTON. Aus : * 21-ProntlnE by
Mercer's wlldness , McGulre's errors and
safe hitting , the visitors scored live runs In
the tlrst Inntnt ; nnd were never headed-
Score : I
Washington . 000002030 6
Chicago . 50001103 * -10
Base hits : Washington. G ; Chicago , 11.
Errors : Washington \ , 4. Earned
runs : Washington. 3 ; Chicago , 5. Three-
base hits : Haasamaer. UoublP plays'Dah-
len to Decker. Struck ouU By Mercer , 1.
Time : One hour nnd foity-Mvo minutes.
Umpire : Kmalle. Butteries : Mercer and
McGuIrej drlflUh nnd Schrlver.
Hrrnra KnouRli to Love
BROOKLYN. Aug. 24. The "Heds outbat-
ted the Brooklyns , but did not win on ac
count of their poor fluldlng. Score :
Brooklyn . 15
Cincinnati . 9
Base hits : Brooklyn , 11 ; Cincinnati , 12.
Errors : Brooklyn , 3 ; Cincinnati , 9. Horned
runs : Brooklyn. C ; Cincinnati , 7. Struck
out : By Kennedy , 3 ; by Fisher , 1. Three-
base hits : Burns , TieaUway , Corcoran.
Two-base hits : Urimn , Latluun (2) ) , Hoy.
Double plays : Smith to Cnnuvnn to Com-
iskey ; Shoch to Corcoran to Ijichance , .
Time : Two hours nnd three minutes. Um
pire : Kecfe. Batteries : Kennedy and
Klnslow ; Fisher and Mcrrltt.
Ilci'onlzo True JMorlt.
NEW YORK , Aug. 24. The Giants simply ,
slaughtered the Colonels today and won
as they pleased. Score :
New York . . . . 45332102 0 20
Louisville . 1 00002100 i
Base hits : New VorVc. 2 < i : Louisville. ? . -
Errors : New jTor ! ' , ; LouUvllle , 7. Kained
runs : New York , 4 : Louisville , 1. Stinok ;
out : Bv Knell , t. Three-base hits : Mur- "
phy. Two-base hits ; Davis (2) ( ) . Murphjv
Van HaUrpn , Fuller. Double plnys : Fuller
to Doyle : Fuller to Murphy to Doyle ; Davht
to Murphy to Doyle. Umpire : Hurst. Time ;
Two liouia and eight minuti'S. Batterlest
German niul Wilson ! Knell , Grim and Zah-
.Stnudlng of tlio Ti-ntns. >
Plaved. Won. Lost. Pr.Cti
Boston . 10J 67 35 C5.1
Baltimore . M C.1 20 03. G
New York . . . , . , 102 Cl ? S C2.7
Philadelphia . 93 66 42 B7.I
Cleveland . 99 &l 45 5 .5
Brooklyn . 102 52 50 Bt.fl
PlttsblirK . 101 Gl 50 50.5
Chicago . 103 47 56 45.6
Cincinnati . 100 45 55 45.D
St. Louis . 103 42 Gl 40.8
Washington . 102 33 69 32.4
Louisville . 101 32 K ) 31.7
Hubert J Dlnpnnei of tl > I.iitoat IVnaidrr In
w ( Din-Sided "Mil I oil Huce ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 24. The great match
race between the pacers , Hobert J arid Joe
Patchen , hns been a disappointment
along with Ita merits. In the nrst place , * ! '
was one-sided , Hubert J winning- easily In
straight hcatH. In the second place , the
world's record for the three fastest heats
In a pace was broken , the average time
being 20t ; ! , The ftrst heat worked the crowd
up to the highest pitch of enthusiasm , and
\\hen 2:03 : was recorded , with neither horsa
apparently Tlobtrt J certainly exerted to
his best , the question naturally arose , what
next ? The next beat oft at a clip
that threatened to be a uorlil breaker , and
when the tlinerx hung up 1:02 for the llrtt
half the enthusiastic crowd could scarcely
contain Itself , HO mire was It thnt the high
murk of 2:01 : , which has stood for BO lontr.
would be beaten , and in a race , but It was
not to be , Joe Patchen was not equal to
the task. Bo far behind vms he that ( Jeers
slowed up down the stretch and finished Iti
iv Jog , the time lining 2OGVj. Had ho urged
the Buffalo reldlng out there Is mi telllnc
what vrould have happened. B'U the llrsi
heat Intel "done" Joe Patchpn. For the
first time In his career he WRHII defeated
horse. The ether races were won In ttralgni
he.-itH. ami the feature -wan the professional
downfall of favorites. Tomorrow Allx will
KO against the world's record of L'OI. ; and u ;
the track Is a Becorid and a half faster lli.'in
Saturday , when slit * scored 'iMVhei
uhancex ure Rood. ResultH :
Flrct race. 2:15 : trot , purse $1,50 ; Percival
L uon In three stralKht heatn. Kate r ,
Lussa , MngRle Sherman. Hunilse Prince ,
Jerry L. Alto. Chlorine. May Brecker. CJooii
Time , .Mls.-i NUon and Karen Moru ulac
started. Time : 2.14 , 2lCVi ; , Z:1GU. :
Becond rnce , 2:15 trot , purne $ jbOO : Dot
Hperry on In three straight heats. Kitty
II , Seal. Ked Lady. Lottlp Lorlnp. Allle 8.
Itoc'.y ' P. Vera Capel utid Dolly Sjianket
alst , btnrtcd. Tlinei 2:10 : , 2:11 : , 8:10V .
Tnlrtl rnce , match , puree < 3WW : Iloberl
J won. Joe Pttti-heti Bectind. Time ; 2.03 ,
2CCV4. : 2:0 : ' ,5.
Fcith rncp , 2:20 not for 4-year-oMs ,
purse 12,000 : Itoselcof v > on In three utralghl
heats. Baronet , Wlallal , Ilex Amerlcus ,
Cythern , Krntx nnd 1'nclo Josh nlso started.
Time : Zjisnmnt , 2 14 % .
MnncotOntfonti tluy.
POtlGttKRKPStBv N. Y. , Atiff. 2l.-In the
presence nf 3,000 ne T > ! e thin nftirnoon the
chnmpton pacer , JInpcot , lidded another ntnr
performnnre to his achievements. In the
frpe-for-nll paring ho- went the llrst tn 2.0GH ,
\vhlch lowers the track record of 2 (7 ( made
here by Johnston three ytnrs ago. This
was the lns-rlrrof ( tlip Grand C'lrcult meet-
Itiff. and the track and weather conditions
werefavorable. . In the first hent Sfnscot
demonstrntid hts ability , leaving the party
at the Btart. uid Inlshlng five Icngthn nhenil
of C.'rawfordjj .l Is'time by quarters was :
0I2V4 : , 1:021,1 : , " it : 8 i , Ouy , the favorite ,
crowded MIL lortt In Uie two next heat * ,
but the Relcl ! was In winning Conn and
could not I * . . _ ,
2.17 class : James L won In three straight
heats ; Itepctlllon , Judge Aus ln , Alcyone ,
Jr , Ijidy IJiilllou , iiortense * and Claymore
also BtnrteiHi iftftci * :16W. : 2.4. : ' 2lCVi.
Pree-for-nll iticlng , $1.000 : Mascot won In
three straight Jientsj Guy , rmwford. Sain-
din nnd Paul also , .started. Time : 2,05Vi ,
2 : 7 , 2onl. : >
2110 clFJH trotting , $1,000 : Pnvclin won In
three straight lientsj Perlne , 81. Jonathan ,
Princess. P aitvWllkeH , Leo Wlllces , Hnrry
Hill anil1. Onra 'Cooper nlso started. Time :
2:23 : , 2:2014 : , 2-.19H.
U'liiimm nt Lrnvrnworlh.
LEAVENWOnTH , Kan. . Aug. 24A
large crowd attended tlie races today. The
track Wan In good condition , The5 first race
wns ti 2-year-old trot , puMe 20t > , won by
Heirloom In three heats. Time : 2.4IM. . .
2ll : i , 2:3a4. : . Summer Quean , Hcsper , Hus-
tcl and Maud T also started.
Second race , frec-for-nll trot , purse St& > :
Joker won. Time : 2I3H. : 2,2&2:30. : . Blanch
B , Arovnnt nnd Thornwood nlso started.
Third race. 3-year-olds , purse J300 : Lend -
d mn Wllkea won. Time : 2:371-i. : 2:32'i : , 2:35'A. :
Scenic , FnnlLaura , KM II nnd Alerto alsu
Fourth race , 2:30 : trot , purse J300 : Altitude ,
Princess Wllke * . Oreevvcr , Flora M , Albert
M , Freddie O , Edward L nnd Luna started ,
Won by Altitude. Time : 2:27 : % , 2:27'2:23 : : ,
It Is likely some stake races will be run
out Mondnj ; . _ , _ _
nt 80 ti > 1 iun t Awny from n Ntro
Field tit .leroinc 1'arlc.
NEW YOUIv , Auff. 21. The Camden stable
cut one o * "its 2-yenr-olds. loose today a.t
Jerome Park , and at oddn of 20 to 1 wbn
with Slberln , who could scarcely get out of
her own way Tuesday. BesjuHs :
First rnce , sU furlongs : Beldetnere (2 tc
5) ) won , Shelly Tuttle (3 to 1) ) second , Po
tentate (23 ( to li ) third. Time ; 1:18. :
Second race , one-hnlf mile : Btarre (2 ( to 1) )
won , Phllomena ( even ) second , Tidings Cf
to 1) third. Tinier OMSVS.
Third rnce. one rrille : Speculation (6 ( lo 5) )
i\on , Best Unind (10 to 1) second , Mclntyre
(12 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:16J. :
Fourth race , one-half mile : Siberia (29 ( to
1) ) woni CapL Nick (5 to 1 Bccoud , JSnnllsh
Lass , gelding (15 ( tn 1J , thin ] . Time : 0:43 : % .
Fifth race , fcl * furlongs : -Flirt (3 ( to R ) won ,
Hnltou ( Ifi to 5) second , Willfonso < 4 to 1 ]
third. Time : 1:17M/ : .
Sixth race , mile nnd a sixteenth : l.indlt
(9 to 10) ) won , -Harry Alonao Cl tx ( 1) ) second ,
Mary Stone (6 ( toD'third. Tline : 1:3. :
( In tlio Old Dominion ,
WASHINGTON. AUK. 21-r-Flrst rnce , one-
hnlf mile' Uutch. Lou won , Jim Lamb second
end , PcttawiUtamle Uilrd. Time : 0:51.
Second raceVseven-elshths of ntnlle : Day
break won , Hnytlenne geldlnir second , Klrre
of Scotland third. Time : 1:3. : ! .
Third nee. thtee-nunrtersof a mile : Mattie -
tie Chum won , Q'leon il'Or second , Tommy
Brophy thirds Tinitl : : ! ) " ' . . ,
Fouith race , one-half mlle : Bcsaemenvon ,
Plcowny secondf Imp. Nora third. Time ;
0:50. : v , Ttn
PIfth race , seven-eighths rf a mile : Lyceurr
won , Wyoming secbTid , Quartermaster third ,
- tr" il ut Saratoga.
SARATOGA Aug. 2) ) . Both the -weathei
nnd track were Irc-llne siinpe today. He-
suits :
First race , live and n , half lurlonss : JJriosc
(1 ( to 2) ) won , ( Marine colt f2 to : > st-ccnd ,
Ued Will (5 to 1) ) third. Tim * : 1WM ,
Second race , five nnd > Imir f-irlo'ips :
ISluc Mass (9 ( to 10) ) won. Feu Follette Reid-
Ing (2 ( to 1) ) second , Mnuch (30 ( to 1 ; thlld ,
Third race , I8ri imlle : 'TfioJ'lrohmaftei ' !
(9 to 5) won , J P 1 } (2 ( to 1) ) second , Bhett-
good (2H ( to Ofthln } , Time : 1:12. < . ,
Fourth rnceJ'flvei furlongs ! ArpDahoe ( -
to 1) ) won , lillen (8 ( to 5) ) second , Pcnnlles :
( B to 1) third. Time : 1OHS. :
Fifth race , five ttrrlonfrs : Marian < 4 to 5 !
won. Chnrmlpn (10 , to 1) second. Llzzettc
( even ) ihIrd Tfrimoa-l0154. ; * '
SKth.rnce , live furjlongs : Innocent (2 ( to 6
won. iHas-TLlliyas fo IK PccGtia ; > Irene K (
to 1) third. Time : 1:01 % .
Winners at TJuwtliorno.
HAWTHOnNC , AuET.i , 2 < , TFirst rnce
eleven-sixteenths of a mile : Neutral won
Tata second. Midday third. Time : lOTyi.
tjccond race , one > mile : Ulllle McKenzli
won. Tnttersall second. Top Gallant third
Time : , 1:44 : , , .
Third rnce , one mile : King Charlie won
Dungnrvcn second , Eagle Bird third. Time
Fourth race , seven furlong" ) : Amelia Mas
won , DP Bracey second , Wekota. third
Time : 1:28 % .
Fifth race , six furlonga : Outlook won
Empera second. Glee Boy third. Time : 1:10 :
Sixth race , six furlongs : Bed Glenn won
Fra Dlavolo second. Queen Bess third
Time : 1:10. :
Outcome nt Madlton ,
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 24. Madison results :
First race , four and a luilf furlongs : Wlllli
G won. Piccadilly second , Weslover third
Time : 0:53V : .
Second race , five and a half furlongs ; Mis :
Itosn won , Little Cecte second. Miss Maymi
third. Time : 1:14.
Third race , four and a. halt furlonga
Leoncll won. Ann Elizabeth second , Court'
ney third. Time : 0:58(4 ( ,
Fourth race , five and n half furlongs
Prince PeytonV6n , Florence Shanks sec
and , Jim D third. Time : 1:13 : ,
Fifth tace , one mile : Queen Knld won
J. B. Freed secondMontella third. Time
Ji < Imnka's Champion Win * the Flnulit li
the Intrrntilto SliiKlen.
The finals In the singles In the Interstatf
tennis , tournament , between Austin nn <
Whitman , were plaj'cd yesterday afternoor
at 1 o'clock , nnd resulted In a victory foi
Austin by the scbru C-7 , 6-1 , 6-1 , 6-2. Th <
match was as pretty n one us one wouh
care to see. Good , shurp tennis was plaj'et
throughout. In.terest was never lacking am
the many shnrp rallies and exchange * kep
the spectators' ' attentl&n continually. Thi
best crowd of the tournament was present
and ai each player appeared to have hnl
of the number as hln .supporters . , nppl.niFi
was fiequent for .the brilliant stroke" Tin
weather wai good , nnd ns the sky wa :
clouded neither sunshine nor shade Inter
fered wlH the play or gave either tin
Before the piny began Whitman wai
looked upon ns the probable winner. Tin
result of the first pej considerably strength
cried this opinion. Austin's playing In tbl
set was locse and Jie gave the appearanci
of expecting defeat. ' After that , however
he lii-nced lui nnd Jila'yed n game that wouh
lu > hard t'o beat. Whitman's game was line
but still KomewhM of 4V disappointment
All along the Impression hud gained tha
he had n ° t been ( iluy3u the best game o
which he was capable. * and It was cxpectet
that his play yesterday would be u. rcvcla
tlon , However , ItiwaH no better than , hi
hna plaj'ed In p.thwVKiineH of the tourna
onent , an < i ficqiimiUytianlly OH good.
Whitman' * ! wVaUcsl point Is In" taktm
loba. He cannot ' 'sfrnsh them nt all. atni
most of his returns fldl Inis the net. Austh
played a game with .this fact in vletv am
lobbed nt. rvery nvtalkable opportunity. Till ;
hod conslderabletujtftj dp with the result
Whitman lost gri ° 4 many points , too , li
double faults , nnd-ior thene the majorlt ;
were foot faults. , JHb persists hi toeing th
back line In his 'serves , nnd frequently 1
pulled upon It. SIrjWoffthc.'o faults , how
ever , occurred li * th * llrst set , which h
won , and llureforij Ulul no nppreclob'e effec
playing was'fitrfrij aflmlrable. He kep
opponent nlrr.ow- continually on Ih
incve. always sefWllnu his balls upon ill
lde lines nn-1 ipdJifuireciiicntlv mlslendlm
him. Austin's plftciftjr was nlso line , 1m
hardly ns good , Ht ( * ibqlls , howeyer , wer
sent In such a i ) > p > hrnR * AVhllman couli
not return them , .n ? Uses u variety of cuts
especially over arm. ' that nre puzzling
Whl'mn. . on the eWer hiuul , plays wh i
mlrint be called "straight" Jennls , rarel' '
UHlng a cut.
Whitman wns pot foitmuile In hli Hervlnw
Ho made many f.inttf , a pr nt many of hi
hard low serves falllng.lntii the net. Wliei
he did get them nlerUiutlti was quite nftci
unable to return-lheih. His i > uocesacs. how
ever , wern l > rllllMnt. 'Austin's serve * er
not often hard ,
A good many exchanges tojk place at th
jict nnd resulted mere often In n point fo
'Whitman. He Is n good net player inn
/Viistln kept him In the l ack court as nuicl
as possible. Ho missed several b-ilU , bu
usually stfme.l to gnug Austin's pi vln
well , He appears to know when a hull I
out of reach or out of court , nnd make
none .of the wuml"clrcim" effortf to KB
them. Austin usually K ' for overj'thlns
S'estTday he inadtf Sivrral tnlsjudsinent
which lost lilin the point. fta
On the whole Austin may be said to Tmv
plikvnd hl vry b"t onnt > , u d i , Uno rr
It % vnn. He km > w ho Kprl ti jiliv l-nr' nn
he did It. TVhltmnn ynn over-eon fld nl
lie has given evidence of being able to play ;
bolter pirn * , nnd perhaps thoiiRlit lie would
not need it until It wnn too Into lo tncnd.
The acore wan BB follows :
First sot-
Austin . . . . S-3T-5
Whitman I 10 4-41-7
Second not
Atu.tln 1 0 14 4 A 4-2T-6
"Whitman . . . . 4412 0 2 1-11-1
Third net
Austlri I 4 0 4 fi 0 5 0 d-K-C
AVhltmnn . , . , , . 1 _ 1 4 S 4 4 4 4 2-23-4
Fourth set
Austin 410 14084
Whitman 1 840462 3-2S-2
The score of the last point ! la ns follows :
First set-
Double Played out Plnyel
faults. of court. Into net.
Amtln . . , , . , ,1 15
Whitman . . . . 15C
Second set
Austin n
Whitman , . , . , 7
Third set- 7n
Austin . . . . . . . . n
Whitman . . . . 12
Kciurth set
Aumln . , , . . , , , 7
Whltmnn , . , , t. . . 13 II
A ret-fptlon was given last night to Iho
players nt the residence of Miss Hnttlo
Cndy , 3122 Chicago. The prizes were- pre
sented to the winners nnd the evening spent
In social enjoyment.
Itynn Mgnn tha Liiytoii Ankles.
CHICAGO , Aug. 21. Tommy Hya.n yester
day signed articles of agreement to fight
Billy rxiyton. the western welterweight , be
fore the St. Joseph Athletic club nl St.
Joseph , Mo , , on the night of September 14.
This OR c inent U to go twenty rounds , with
small gloves , for n purse of J2,600 nnd n. side
wager of $ t,000. If both are on their feet
nt the conclusion of the twentieth round
the referee must declare a winner on the
showing made. There Is no IOSIT'H purse ,
the winner taking all. The mon arc to meet
nt catch Heights. Itynn , nfter ho signed
the artlclcf , left for Wcstbaden , where he
will condition hlniHcIf for the light. Layton
has won some fifty battles nnd hna never
met defeat. D. u. McDonnell , secretnry
of the * St. Joseph Athletic club , has been
agreed upon as stakeholder.
Cricket Totliiy ,
The return match between the Union Pa
cific shops and the Omaha Cricket nlub will
be played this afternoon.
AH there Is a certain nmotnl of soreness
felt by Hieclub. . , owing to Us defeat tlip
last tlmo It lncled ! the Shops , n good game
may bo looked forward to ,
Those Intending to play arc requested to
be on theKrounds a * soon after 2 o'clock
ns possible ,
The following are the names of the play
ers who will represent the Omaha Cricket
club : Messrs. F. n. Marshall ( captain ) , II.
Ford. H. Lawrle , G. II. Vflwjhan , H. New ,
U. W. Taylor , George Wilson. A. T. McPherson -
Pherson , A. S. Cleave. J. Crulkshauk , II.
Kvason nnd J. C. Doyle.
The game- will be called nt ,1 o'clock p. m.
At T. M. C. A. 1'HTk Tod'iv.
At Y. 31. CA - Park this afternoon the
association second nine will play the Clean
Clippers. Game will be called at 3:30 : p. m.
Members and ladles will lie admitted free.
Nonmembers will be charged 5 cents ad
mission to grand stand. The plajers :
Y. M. O. A , Position. Clean Clippers
Salsbury . First . Miller
Laurie . Second. . . Wood
J. Trnlll . Thlld . Heed
Crelgh . Short . JlcCune
Hoagland . Left . Hnnsen
Young. . Middle. . . . . . Herr
Cofrgeshell . Right . Smith
D. Tialll . . . .Catch . . . O'Connor
Arnold . Pitch . Boblnson
Dcrt Moliim Afrnlii Toiliiy.
Uncle Bill Trallley will .give Snmmle Mc
Mackln a show Ills old comrades
this afternoon. Sammy will try toln the
game. The players :
Omaha. Position. Des Molnes.
McVey . First . McFadden
Hutchison , . Second . Porter
X'lrlch . Third . Trailley
Lingsford . Short . Fisher
Pedroes . Left . Hoffman
Seery . . Middle . McVlcker
Fear . Bight . , . .McFadden
Mnran. . , . , . . , . Catch . Kclsler
Whltehlll . Pitch . . McMackln
] lorlmrr Out of lt No v.
NEWPOIIT. B. I. . Aug. 24 , Goodbody de
feated Hobart In the tennis tournament.
The jiames were witnessed by a vast crowd.
The results were : Goodbady beat Hobart ,
C-2 , G-2 , 2-C. 3-C , 8-6 , ; Head beat Thompson ,
G-S , 6-1 , C-2 ; Lnrned beat Stevens , 6-2 , 4-0 ,
G-3 , 8-6 ; Chace beat Sands , 7-5 , G-2 , 7-6.
InterHcholIstlc : Parker. Columbia , beat
Wnre. liar yard , -2-C , C-Z , 0-6 , C-S. 6-4.
Maltrnrn Won tlio SrconJ , Ton.
MALVJ3RN , la. . Aug. 54. ( Special Tele- to The Bee. ) Glcnwood's llrst nine
played wltli Malvern this afternoon , and for
the second time this season the home team
lambasted the visitors. The sc6re today
was : Glenwood , 10 ; Mnlvern , 11. Batteries :
Olenwood , Hull and Donelan ; Malvern ,
Miller nnd Conley. Umpires : Donelan and
Foy. _
Won tie | Unco.
HOLSTRIN , la. , Aug. 21. The race today
between n horse nnd Paul Greeve , amateur
bicycle rider , from thla place to Battle
Creek , a distance of llfteen miles , was won
by th" horse by one and one-half minutes.
Time : 43 minutes.
Y. M. f. A. Still Win * .
FAIBFIELD. Neb. , Aup. 24.-Speclal ( Tel-
e"ram to The Bee. ) The Hastings Young
Men's Christian association outplayed the
home team nt all points todaj- | . winning by
u score of 17 to 11. Attendance about 400.
( ililnn'n Afritns of liaising Money nml Ship * .
LONDON , JIUR. 24. The officers of the
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank In this
city discredit the report Hut China at
tempted to raise a loan of 1.000,000 taels upon
the security of tha China merchant neot.
It Is reported that China Is negotiating with
Birmingham films for n large supply of war
materlalf It Is added that the agents ol
the Chinese government Intend to ship these
supplies to. some Spanish or South American
port and then tranship them to China.
Clieyrnne Liquor Drulor Arrrstrd ,
CHEYENNE , Aug. 21. ( Special Telegram
to The Dee. ) William G. Messersmlth , a
well known liquor dealer of Cheyenne , was
arrested today for violating the Internal
revenue laws by selling beer by wholesale
without a wholesale license. He was bound
over to the United States ; ourt In $200
Sicily to It'iren Vlcrrciy.
LONDON , Aug. 24. A Times dispatch
from Parla says : The Journal des Dcliats
asserts King Humbert of Italy will create
the vlceroyaity of Sicily nnd will make the
prince of Naples viceroy. It says the news
of the king's Intention Is favorably received
In Italy ns a happy solution of the problem
of Sicilian disaffection' ;
It WHH Only a SklrinUlu
LONDON. Atlg. 24. Advices received here
from Toklo'assert that no serious buttle has
recently occurred between the Japanese and
Chinese force : In Corea , It Is. added , however -
ever , that on August IT a Eklrmlsh took place
nl flhung Hwa , Curing which n Japanese
ofncer was killed and live privates were In
Mrs. David ,
Chills and Fever
Lett mo cmrichtril , xvllli illstrrMliiij cough , n > >
P ( pain In chest , shnulSer , back an < l
litnmarli. Tour bottler of H ol'4 Hirsapiirlll.i
Cimo stren'jtU , K > c I n | > p Illa mul liralth
, Mlfl. : UAVIU 1 ii.i.uiVil"X. . J > fl.iiVa.
Itood'a PIII3 > 'ln ui.\r fnoiu' t Calljr.
( Continued from First Pago. )
and eleven In Custfr. Ho h been engaged
In Hie Jiicc-Bsftil practice of law for twtlvo
years. Although formerly a democrat , ha
attached himself to the independent move
ment In 1801 , and was that year elected
Judge of the Twelfth Judicial district , a
position he still holds. He was the populist
candidate for justice of the supreme court
last year and received B5.GG6 votes.
James N. Damn , the nominee for lieutenant
govotnor , was born In 1'oc.tinnlca , In Wlnnc-
bago county , 111. , May 27 , 1S55 , and Is con.
sequently 3 yrmrs old. Mr. Oaftln prndusted
at the high stjiool ot his native city Jit the
ape of 21. Ho thin came to county.
Nebraska , where ho went Into farming nnd
stocrf raising on an extensive ) sc : e. After
six years ho removed to his present homo In
Saunders county , where ho has been for
twelve years , and during that time ho lias
boon a successful farmer and stock raiser.
Mr. daffln was several limes elected Justice
of the peace , both In Saumlera nnd In
Douglas county , and wns twlc > n member of
the legislature tiom Ihst district. During
the last session he served as speaker of the
[ WISH and proved a. very siicc-ssful presid
ing officer. Ills poatolllce- address Is Colon.
Ho was formerly n republican.
Hilary W. McKadden , the tmmineo f r
secretary of state was born in Washington
township , Tuscarnwns county. Ohio. In the
year 1810 , and is ot Scotch-Irish descent , his
father having emigrated from Ireland with
his parents and settled In Reltnont county.
Ohio. Ho was raised on a farm and attended
tlio puhllo school until he was 10 , when ho
entered a Normal school at Hcpedilo. nnd a
year later began teaching , . he alter
nated with farming fr several years , lie
was a resident of Douglas county , Illinois ,
Tor a number of years , and moved lo Pumas
county , Nebraska. In ISM , and located on
a farm lu the Republican valley adjoining
the town ot Holbrock. He made a success
of farming , his
speciality being broom rsrn
and now owns SOO acres of land In the vl-
clinty of his home larin. Us lias filled
* ! * mmor offlCM ' " hls Precinct , nntl In
1SS9 was elected representative to nil a vn-
c&ncy. and two years later became county
clerk , and In. 189J was re-elected. wMch
? , ' ? ? , l10 now n"3He unltelt w' ' > the
Motliodlst Episcopal church nt 13 , and a | 1C
was licensed aa a local preacher , filling three
different chflrgDs as a Supply. Mr. McKadden
Is an Odd Kcllsw. Woodman , Workman and
Knight of Pythias. Uniterm Uank.
John W. Wilson , the nominee for auditor
Is n resident ot Paxton , Keith county. He
has been an editor and an attorney , and
formerly preached republican doctrines
through the columns of the Paxton Pilot
lie lias been n resident of Nebraska for
many years , and made a creditable record
as a soldier In the union army durlnp the
civil war. HB is nt present county Jtidcc
of Keith county ,
John H. Powers , the nominee for slate
treasurer , Is a unique figure in Nebraska
He Is a resident of Hltohcejit county , where
he puts In his spare time In farming his
land near Cornell. He ' , as been In the
reform movement for ycr..s , and has twice
been president of the- National Farmers' al
liance , ns well as of the state ornanlzatlon
In 1890 ho was the populist camlhhta for
governor and was defeated by James B
Hoyd. He Is patriarchal In appearance , and
has gained the sobriquet ot "Honest John
Powers , " He Is very popular with the
middle-of-the-road portion of his party , and
Is a hard campaign worker on the stumii.
Sidney J. Kent of Lincoln , candidate for
commissioner ot public lands and buildings ,
Is an Englishman by birth , now 40 yearn
ot age , who was Indentured to a masler nl
an early age nnd served four years as an.
apprentice. Then on account of the cruel
treatment ot his master ho ran away and
reached Kansas In time to see the border
war. Ho Is secretary of the national execu
tive board ot the- Carpenters nnd Joiners
association , and Is recognized as the repre
sentative of organized labor on the tlcke-t.
Daniel I ) . Carey ot Fremont , candidate for
attorney general , is 31 yeara old , and has
lived In Nebraska twenty-three years. lip
has been a. practicing attorney for six years ,
having studied tor his profession In a Fre
mont office.
The official repbrts 'show' that no baking
powder received an award over the Royal at
the Chicago World's fair.
The Judge ot awards on baking : powder.
Dr. H. W. Wiley , writes that the claim ot
another company to hr.ving roeelved tha
highest award Is false ; that no such award
was given to It.
The Royal Baking Powder is the purest and
strongest baking powder made , and has re
ceived the highest award at every Ealr.
wherever exhibited In competition with
Ucwitnii Will Not Hiiro.
NE\V YORK , Aug. 21. Gideon and Daly
have concluded not to start Kcenan
In the ruturlty. They will de
pend entirely upon Dutterfltcs , al
though Waltzer may be put In as pace
Brings comfoit nntl improvement nml
t ndd to personal enjoyment when
lightly usccl. The rnnny. who live bct
tcr limn otlinsntid enjoy life more , with
less expumliUuc , by moro promptly
tui p4. : ' ! ? ; the world'a b , t products to
the needs of physical being , will attest
the vnhio to licaltli of the pure liquid
Ir.xntivo tirinciiiliM cmbiitvcd in the
remedy , Syrup o 1'lgs.
Ha excellence Is due to iis
in the form most acceptablennd plena-
nut to the tsuite , tiio refreshing nnd truly
lioncficinl projxTtics o n perfect ! nx-
ntive ; crtectunily cicunsing the system ,
dispelling colds , headache.Mid fevers
nnd permnnently curing conciliation.
It lias given satisfaction to millions nnd
met with the approval of tlio tncdicnl
ptofcssion , hecaxio it nets on the Kid
ney ; , Liver nnd BowcU without wcnb
ening them and It i < perfectly free fiom
every object ! otmblo substance.
Syrup of I'iga in for snlis by all drug
gists in riOo mulS ! bnttles , but It is man-
ii.'ucttired ' by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , tvltujo nnnio i * printed on every
paeVage , nlso the name , Syrup of F
mid being well Informed , you will
aubsUtutc if oflenul.
OOOOOOOOOOOODO oooooooooooooo
g Miss Maria Parloa g
O o
g Strongly rccomnioncla g
o the use of c
§ Liebig COMPANY'S *
Extract of Beef oo
mid shu hits written a neat o o
Which .will bq n nl free on O
nppllcilioit t IiucliyA.Co. , O
17 ! I'nrk 1'lacLv N nv Yorli. U
uoooooooo oooo ooooooaoooooooo
A.MU3EM hl
BOYD' Three Nigl
v OM A.HA 5SJ * ? W
i i-w v
ly ! llnintloii Tli ( i in an.
Direstion of GHAS PROHHAN.
the bliRL'st courtly success
known In tha annuls of t lie Btif'u. llo.x sli
OK-II Situi-duy ; at ilsinit ( irlcus.
CSKAND OPK5T1XGOim \\Vck , Sunday Matlnoo ,
Atigmt L'OtU
Klftlicr A. POU 3 Coiisolld Had Shows.
Two Comimii'.i" ! Two ScrnintRUnut ) * :
Onu Hi-ioiliirAtliiilHJiloii
K | > cclil Notloo. Ooora upon nt 7iOO share
ommi'iu'L'H at T:45
A Big Stir in Hats ,
Saturday , August 25th ,
at la I Regular Prices
Derbys , 95c , $3.10 ancl $1.25.
Tourists , 75c , $1OQ and $1.25
56 cases of new goods opened for this sale.
Boys'HalfPriceSuitSale -
* *
About 3BO of those cheviot ancl eassimere suits
* *
advertised last week must be sold tomorrow.
Prices , $ i 50. $1,75 , $2,00 and $2,25 ,
These prices are for cash only.-
r < T