Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1894, Image 1

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Broken Bow Jurist Nominated as Governor
by Iho Populists ,
Gaffin , Powers aid Other Well Known Inde
pendents Given Preference.
Advises the Ptutj to Paver Only Clean Men
for Office.
I'lutfunu UutKiiukcu on 1'reo Silver ,
the I'urly to Iti'forms in the state
Administration anil uu Irri
gation System.
Lieutenant Uovernor..JA.MK8 M. UAKi-'JN
becrotary ot Btute 11. W. M'FALlDKN
jvUUltor JOHN 11. WILSON
TiMisurer JOHN 11. I'UWEUH
Attorney Uenural D. ii. UAUK1T ot Public Lands and
SuperlntunuLiu of 1'ubllu instruction. . .
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Aug. 24. ( Special
Telegram to The Hee. ) It was 11 o'clock this
morning whin the populist state convention
wus ready for business. The delegates were
in their seats shortly after 10 o'clock , but
they wanted amusement. Consequently the
Pacific House baud of Grand Island , the Cat
Creek Glee club and W. L. Greene of Kearney
app.ared successively before the convention.
Mr. Greene devoted a large part of his speech
to a denunciation ot Tom Majors and the sil
ver plank of the republican party. In clos
ing ho stated that the honest republicans ot
Nebraska were not working for their ticket
and ho predicted that the Abraham Lincoln
republicans and Thomas Jefferson democrats
would vote far the populist candidate for
governor this fall. ,
After Greene had finished his twenty-five
minutes speech there were persist.nt demands
for Senator .Mien. He responded very briefly ,
and In the course of his remarks characterized
Tom Mujord as the avowed champion of cor
porate rule , and R. E. Moore as an equally
dangerous agent ot the monopolies , and said
that it the populist candidates were not
cKcted tills fall it would simply be because
the populists neglected to support their own
At 11:10 Chairman Deavcr of the state cen
tral committee called the convention to or
der and requested Rev. Gregory Powell of
Omaha to Invoke Dlvlno guidance for the
deliberations of the convention. Then Henry
Hucklns or Nebraska City sang a song about
the "Streets of Wall , " and the convention
was ready for business.
Mayor Qcdilcs of Grand Island was called
upon for an address of welcome and re
sponded heartily. Ho gave the delegates
the freedom of Iho city , told them that
there were ac signs , "Keep off the. grass , "
and that , In fact. Grand Island had no grass
left. Ho eald that there was nothing In
the ordlnnrires of Grand Island to prevent
the populists from nominating the next gov
ernor of Nebraska , and that If they did not
It would not bo b.cause of police interfer
Chairman Denver responded and then Sec
retary Edgcrton read the formal call for the
There waa a contest for fin temporary
chairmanship , the candidates bring John C.
Sprecher of Schuylcr , W. L. Greene of
Kearney , William Neville of North Plai'e
and W. A. 1'oynter ot Albion. The vote for
chairman resulted : Greene , M3 ; Poynter ,
15714 ; Neville , 142 ; Sprccher , 3 ' , . There
was no choice , but Sprccher , Poynter and
Neville successively withdrew , and Grcvno
was elected by acclamation.
There were five ambitious candidates for
temporary secretary , but Judge Neville pre
vented another tedious roll call by moving
that the first two bo made secretaries and
the other three assistants. The secretaries
were J. P. llefford of Colfax and'Dan Alton
of Gago.
A committee of seven on credentials and
ono on permanent organization were ap
pointed , and th n tne convention wasted
nearly an hour In fruitless discussion over
unimportant matters. Finally the creden
tials were reported , and after appointing a
committee on resolutions ths convention took
a recess until 2 o'clock. The committee on
resolutions was made up as follows : Wolfe
of Lancaster , Upton of Cass , Burr of Ham
ilton , Rudolph of Douglas , Archer of York ,
'Dundas Of Ncmaha , Wlman of Buffalo , HIggins -
gins ot Knrnas and Edgerton of Hall.
The convention reassembled at 2:30 : ami
after making the temporary organization per
inanent the , roll of counties was called foi
appointment ot members of the state centra
comm'tleo. '
The afternoon session did not commenci
until 2:30 : o'clock , and oven then the delegate :
were not ready for work. They wanted
speeches and music. Just before 3 o'clock II
was proposed to nominate a governor , ami
Porter of Merrlck Interposed a proposition tc
select tha Bt.fto central committee. Tim prop ,
osltlon was received with favor and tin
work occupied half an hour or more. Afe\i
minutes before 4 o'clock the secretary com
menced the roll call for an Informal balloi
on the nomination for governor. It rcsultec
as follows : Holcomb , 293 ; Gaflln , 272 ; Ragan
41 ; Powers , 28 ; Poynter , 21 ; Jones , 28 ; John
son , 29 ; Weir , 19.
After the result ot the Informal ballu
was announced Strlckler of Douglai
moved that the convention proceci
- to make a formal ballot for gov
crnor. Chaplain Snydcr ot the last utati
senate started on a deliberative speech am
the convention listened In patience until I
was discovered that ho was against Judp
Holcomb , and then he was silenced by a poln
ot order. Dally from Nemaha In
slated that tha several candidate
should appear and talk to the convention
This was. voted down , and the convcntiai
prepared to take another ballot , this tlmo ;
formal one. The ballot proceeded w.thcti
much change until Iluffalo county wa
reached , lluffulo county started the flna
movement to Hob mb , giving him the solli
delegation of twenty votes. Douglas we
soon called and the Ragan votes swung Int
the Holconil ) column , the Gaflln men stay
Ing out. From Douglas on down the lie
Hclcoinb gained in nearly every county , ani
when the roll call was complete he hai
been nominated. The result of the firs
and only ft.rmal ballot was : Holcomb , 431
Gaflln , 231'.i ; Rgan , 8 ; scattering , C.
As soon as tha mighty cheering , whlo
lasted , for severe ! moments , died away sulll
cleatly to enable rno Indlvldtiil voice to b
heard , a delegate moved tlut the rules b
suspended and that J , N. Gatllix be noin
Inatcd l > y acclimation as the candidate fo
lieutenant gcvernor. The motion was re
celvcd with renewed enthusiasm , and wa
carried with cheers Instead ot ayes.
Judge Holcomb. who hid been mnnmone
from his hotel , appeared , and took the stag
in resp''iive to porsUtcnt demanrti for
speech. Ho npuke briefly. It was us UK
lusfi to dlKobty the _ mandate r
the convention as expressed In hi
nomination a to attempt to chang tli
cotir/ia / of natu.-n. He had hoped that tli
ofllce would have b < en tendered to one moi
worthy but he felt Impelled to say : "Ni
my will , but Thlna ho done. " Ha thanie
the convention from the bottom of his heai
find hoped that he might bo found worth ;
Thli 1 nu tlmn , he eald , fo. ' any person I
lag cr tin Ik In the tent , but it wan eneutli
thrtt r ry i/jralb'.o eQsrt bo put forth fc
the success of the entire ticket. He prom
ised he would strive and -work In all possible
ways for the principles which were so dear
to him. He had no knowledge ot tbe plat
form of the convention , but from
whtt he knew of populist princi
ple ! lie had no hesitation in caylng he
could stand on It. The populist party was
a party of progress , most closely allied to
tlie Interests ot all the people and classes In
our state. The populist party had no
favored classes to which * It was subservient.
" \Vc ask for nothing except equal nnd exact
Justice for each and every person In every
situation of life , " he sald.\Vc believe that
one person Is entitled to the protection of the
law and Is entitled to liavo his Interests
looked after thu same as any other. We be-
Here that the populist party contains all of
these elements. We go down to tha farm and
wo advocate principles for the best Inter
ests of the farmer. We go down t the
cities , to tlio professional and business man ,
and to the workshop and to the great cor
porations , necessary that our business maybe
bo properly carried on. We say to cacti and
nil of them : 'Wo are you friends , obey the
laws nnd wo will protect you , ' It Is true that
the great corporations of the state nrc nec
essary In order that our business may bo
carried forward. In order that tlic products
of the farms and our manufacturers
may be transported , and for the welfare of
these who ore engaged on the farms and In
th ! workshops of the cities of our state. We
believe that these corporations should submit
to Just laws , because of their necessity. They
ara prone at times to extort from the people ,
but I do not mean to Imply by this that the
people are asking for any rights the/ are not
Justly entitled to. We ask that ono standard
of measure be used for all. "
Judge Holcomb added a few words of cn-
courag-ment to the party In the coming
campaign and heartily thanked the conven
tion for the trust bestowed.
The convention then proceeded to nominate
a candidate for secretary of state , Each can
didate named was required to take the plat
form for a three-minute speech. Although
up to the moment that nominations far sec-
rrtary of state were called for It was con
ceded that Warwick Sanders of Platte
county would be the nominee , II , AV. Mc-
1'adden of Beaver City made such a favor
able Impression by his brlsf talk that he
received the nomination on the first ballot.
Two candidates for auditor were placed
before the convintlon , W. P. Porter of Mer-
rik and Judge Wilson of Keith county. Both
appeared on the platform and spoke so elo
quently for his opponent that Judge Wilson
was nominated by acclamation. Tin com
mittee on platform then made Its report , and
after 'the resolutions as 'read ' liad been
adopted the convention at 7 o'clock took a
recess of ono hour for supper.
Following Is the platform ns adopted :
We , the people's independent pnrty of the
state of Nebraska , reiiillrin tha principles
laid down In the national platform adopted
at Omaha July 4 , 1W2.
We emphasize the demand for the free
and unlimited coinage of gold nnd silver nt
the present ratio of 1C to 1. We brand ns
reason to labor in every field , nnd to the
best Interests ot the whole country the tin-
rondltlonul repeal by congress of the pur
chasing clause of the Sherman net.
We demand both state nnd national laws
for the encouragement and promotion of
the Irrigation 01 our arid and semi-arid
We demand that congress nhall speedily
pass a law by which the /Vdernl courts will
be prevented from suspending the op"ratlon.
of n state law at tlio dictation of col parti
We demand liberal service pension to
all honorably discharged union soldiers nnd
sailors of the late war.
We declare for municipal ownership ot
street cnrs and gas and electric ! light plants
ami water works.
We demand compulsory arbitration of nil
controversies between employes , nnd em
We heartily approve the course of Sen
ator W. V. Allen nnd Congressmen W. A.
Mi'Kelfjhnn.nnd O. M. Kern for their fidelity
nnd loyalty to our entire Interest , and we
compliment W. J. liryan , who , though
elected ns n democrat , has given strong sup-
3 many of our reform mcamiren.
demand a more economical adminis
tration of our stnte government , ami a
more strict accountability of moneys ap
propriated nnd expended.
We reiterate our demand for a maximum
freight rate law , or the enforcement of the
one now on our statute , hooks.
We ilc in nnd the amendment of our state
constitution by the adoption aC what are
popularly known as the Initiative and ref
Wo demand the enforcement of tlio pres
ent law for the Investment of our perma
nent school funds ns dlrecjte l , anil not
through bond Investment companies nt a
IOHS to snltl fund or profit to speculators
and money sharks.
We demand that nil offices" , both state
nnd county , be paid a reasonable salary In
accordance with the labor to bo performed
and the amount ot skill required , and that
all fees be turned into the general fund for
stnti ! nnd county purposes.
Wu commend to the favorable considera
tion of the state the building of what Is
known as the Gulf & Interstate railroad ,
now under process of construction.
We demand that Immediate steps be taken
for the relief of the drouth sufteiers of our
stnte nnd Hint some menus be devised to
give them employment nnd wngns.
Having stated our demands , we cordially
Invite all persons who are in sympathy
with them to co-operatG'with ' us , regardless
of former party nfllllntlons.
When the convcntlcn finally got together
after supper It was very nearly I ) o'clock.
Chad man Deaver ot the state central com
mittee announced a $500 Indebtedness , anil
wanted It raised , When the returns were
all in it wa.s announced that $417.09 in cash
hd been contributed. The regular order ol
business was then resumed , anil Judge Ne
ville placed In nomination for state treas
urer John II. Powers of I'ltchceck county ,
and ho was so nominated by acclimation. .
He responded in a brief address of thanks. .
Coming to the oflico of attorney general
the names of D. B. Carey of Dodge , Jchn O.
Yelser of Douglas nnd W. H , Ashley of Gage
were presented to the convention , All made
brief speeches. Captain Ashley claimed thai
In the republican convention at Omaha
Wednesday W. S. Summers of Beatrice had
been honestly nominated , and then Jugqlei :
out of the nomlnatici' by treachery. Ashlc )
claimed that ho could carry Gage cunty Ir
spite of Its 2,000 republican majority. U. B
Carey received the nomination on the flral
ballot , the vote , standing Carey , 442V5 : Ash
ley , 247'.6. ' Carey's nomination was thci
made unanimous. '
U was but a matter of a few moments ti
nominate Sidney J. Kent ot Lancaster count ]
for commissioner of public land. * and build
Ings. He was advanced as tlie candldati
ot organized labor of the Elate. No om
was placed against him , anil ho was pu
on the ticket by acclamation. His speecl
In acceptance of. the nomination was on
of the best of the occasion. Before golni
further with the real business of ( he oc
caslon the convention digressed long enougl
to listen to an address favorable to womai
; suffrage from a Custer county lady ,
i U was 11:20 : when the convention under
1 took to nominate a candidate for superln
I tcndent of public { Instruction. The dele
i gales were Inclined to be noisy , and tli
1 chairman had some difficulty in preservln ;
order. The aspirants were W. II. Crlchtoi
' of Nemaha , Prof. W. A. Jones of Adams
' Prof. Irwln ot Harlan and J , II , 11 ays to :
' of Red Willow , Although there were de
' mauCa for n roll call the convention rcfusei
to forego Its pleasure of listening to fou
more speeches , and all the candidates wcr
called to the platform.
At 1:20 : the vote on superintendent wa
announced as follows : Jones , -I9SV4 ; Crlch
ton , 10'J ' ; Irvine , 11U4. After a vote o
thanks to everybody pml a speech fror
Judge Harmer the convention adjourned.
I'ernnnnl ClinrnrtorUtlra of the Men Win
Were Komluit"tl.
Hon. Silas A. Holcomb , the nominee fo
1 governor , Is a resident of Broken Bow , H
stands six feet two Inches and la broad 1
proportion , and If weight Is any criterion c
success he la likely to distance his llghte
competitor * . II ? was born in Qlbiuu count :
0 Indiana , tlilrty-slx years ago. and commence
his legal education In that state- and coin
pleted It in the olllco ot Thurnmell A t'latt
In Grand Inland. He hai lived In Ncbrank
for flttctn yew--four In Hamilton count
( Continued ca Second Page. )
Summary of the Efforts Mads in ( bugrcss to
Oarry Out Promises ,
Itrprcacntatlvo McMtlllu'i Hcml-Olllclal
Htulcnient of the lixtent to Which tlio
liotirboiis lluvo riillll'iud Tlirlr
Pledges An Election Appeal.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 21. Heprcsntntlvo :
lIcMIUIn , democrat if Tennessee , has In-
s.rtcd In the Congressional Itecord a speech
intended as a summary of what the prtscnt
congress has accomplished. Mr. McMlllln's
associates have deferred to him In preparing
this statement , and it is a semi-official
showing , trom a political standpoint , of
what the majority lias done. After review
ing what laws it has heretofore framed , Mr.
Mc.Mlltln says :
"I come to a few things It has done dur
ing this administration. It has repealed
all foicc luwu and left elections free. It
found u system of oppressive laws on the
statute boks authorizing the use of troops
at tliu polls unit hati repealed them. in
the dark dnys of the republic the republi
can paity also enacted a law authorizing
the Ulilted States supervisors of elections
ami deputy marshals to bo appointed by
tlie fedvral courts wholly and entirely In
dependent of the states where the elec
tions were to be held. They were expected
to dominate and did dominate the elections.
Thousand ! * of men were arrested without
cause In the Btates of New York , Ohio and
Indiana In u Mnglc election and Imprisoned
to prevent them from voting. They were
Hinicd out after It was too Into to vote
without the formality ot charge , defense
ir trial. This democratic party Oetermlneu
his should not continue. To repeal It It
Diced nn extra session of congress In 1870
nil passed the repealing bill. Mr. Ilnyes
.etoed it. Hut it has kept up the light
learly u sixth of a. century , and at length
ins triumphed during this administration ,
t hns repealed the law authorizing the
resident to levy and remit taxes. It cnn-
lot conceive of a nutrender of u preroga-
Ive morp dangerous -unpardonable than
his. Wo denounced It at the tlmo In this
hull. We went forth to the people and
ilonounced It. We pledged them In our
platform that If entrusted with power we
would , take this ancient right from the
ireoldont and give It bncls to the people's
vpresentalVMS. We h.i" > now kept the
Thli congress hns also authorized the
talcs to tux greenbacks and other United
tHte currency. For years tha exemption
f these has boon a crying 111 , The law
authorizing the IESUC ot greenbacks and
he treasury warrants tinder the Sherman
ict exempted them from state , county and
municipal taxation. Hundreds of millions
thereby escaped nil taxation. Individuals
escaped It by hnvlng their funds In bank
nominally Invested In greenbacks or treas-
iry warrants on the dny for assessment.
Hanks accomplished ITie snmo object In the
same -way. No doubt can exist that In
some bankK the United States warrants
were placed to the credit of more Individu
als on the duy for assessment to escape
municipal and uttito tn'xcs. It is also
charged tlint certain batiks would aid each
other In different states by changing their
treasury warrants deposits from one to the
other to suit the ( linVrrnt days fur assess
ment existing In different states , All this
Is slopped now. Fmler the bill Introduced
nml passed by the Krntkrnnn from Imllnmi
'Mr , Cooper ) United States currency here-
ofore escaping taxation will bo reached by
ie tax gatherer. Untied States treasury
warrants , known ns greenbacks , and the
bills lulled under the Sherman bill amount
o about 1505,000 , and the country owes him
debt of gratitude for his patriotic exer
tion ,
Mr. McMlllIn next reviews the reductions
if appropriations heretofore set forth by
tepresentative Saycrs of th ; appropriation
committee. He then continues :
It has pussed the most stringent .law
ngn'nst ' trusts ever enacted In thin country.
At the same tlmo the attorney general has
'tistisuted proceedings In the courts to try
[ o dissolve Illegnl trusts. The amendment
offered by the senator from Alabama ( Mr.
Morgan ) enacts Into luv ; the most nctlve
meuis over devised for controlling am :
ruiblng the power of trusts. A law ngnlnsl
them was passed at the last congress , bill
It dealt with the question In n way su
mild and gingerly that It ban not been
found stifhVlent to crush these combina
tions that hav been fostered under pro
tection. The democratic party was plodgeil
to the enactment of more stringent legisla
tion against trusts. It has kept this pledge
and offers this ns Its fulfillment.
It has InnUKiirntt'il an Income tnx
thereby taking taxes on want and putt'nt
them on wealth , It Is true tho. sermU
amendments have changed somewhat thlf
feature of the bill nnd have released nomc
that ought to have been taxed , stMl II
remains a great beneHt to the Amcricai
people. It found the treasury ban'itrup' ,
and' by the tariff bill Is not only rep'.enis'i-
Ing It , but nt the same time reducing1 tnxrs ,
Mr. McMlllIn then reviews the repeal ol
the Sherman silver law nnd gives an e'ab-
orate summary of the tariff bill.
Willing to I'acQ Him or Any Other Slur
Ilcforo Mio Voters of XoliniHtoi.
At a meeting ot tlio Swedish Oardeld clut
at Patterson hall last evening addresses wen
made by Congressman Mercer , John M
Thurston and II. C. Russell , republican noml
nee for commissioner of public lands am
buildings. A. S. Churchill , republican noml
nee for attorney general , was present , bu
declined making n speech because ho wai
not feeling well.
Mr. Thurston became most Interested him
eclf and most interesting to hla audlonci
when he spoke ol a " 7 by 9-Inch sheet , '
which was In charge ot "a puny , petty , popu
llstlc , political pUsmlre , " which was cer
talnly making the statement that no republl
can In Nebraska , was bravo enough to stam
up and face "Billy Windmill Bryan" oa tin
stump before the people ot Nebraska , Mr
Thurston went little further before he callei
this paper the Worlil-Herald. He then de
clared that there were republicans In Nr
hraska who would not shrink from facing tli
devil to discuss with him political issue
before the people ot Nebraska. He thei
remarked that It was well known that h
himself had always ttood on the street cor
ners In campaign time , working for the re
publican ticket ; that he had never crawlei
through a door at such a time and closei
it after him and that he never would. An <
then lie said that if the pops or the demo
pops or pop-democrats , the guerillas betwcc
party lines , had B man whom they wlshe
to pit against A republican before , the voter
of Nebraska , let them , send on their chal
lencc and It would not ba refused. See ;
after this he asserted that he believed th
republicans would elect the Straight ticket , al
the congressional nominees and the majjrlt
ot the representatives in the legislature an
that a republican would be elected 10 th
United States senate.
r.iciu DUD HAS itisiiNii : ) .
Wyoming' * Mirvnjor ( lenrrnl Nut Able t
U'eiitliL-r tliu l.iite Sciimhil.
CHBYENNE. Aug. 24. ( Special to Th
Dee. ) Surveyor General Hlckford has place
hln resignation In the hands of Congress
man Colleen , Petitions arc being circulate
throughout the ttato recommending the ar
polntment of John Charles Thompson c
Cheyenne , and others for T. J. Wyche c
Hock Springs. Other aspirants for th
place are : John K. Carroll , editor of th
Cheyenne Lender , tud Colonel W , H. Itoc
of l.aramle.
I'llvur Vri'ii L'tilnig : of Kilter.
TOI'EKA , Aug. 21. Ex-Congressman B. !
Morrlll , republican candidate for governor <
Kansas , is out with a letter In which he d <
claiea that he Is In favor of the free colnati
of the silver product of the United Stall
ut Ml to 1. _ _ .
Numlimtfil fur CmigrcM
Congressman Thomas J , Geary 'has bee
rcnonilniteil by the Klret congressional dli
trlct of California democratic convention.
Seventh district ol Missouri prohibUlonlsi
- r
liavo nominated Colonel Vnn Ij. Wlsker , edi
tor of the Enterprise gc'mlnal. '
Democrats of the Thlrif district of Kansas
have nominated W , P. &app of Galena , de
feating Congressman Hudson ; populist.
Ex-Congrcssmnn John. I ) . 'White has bolted
the action of the republican' ' committee In
.he Eleventh district of Kentucky In ordering
a primary election and1' announced himself
as an Independent candidate. The district
Is now rep. esented byjjjllas Adams , republi
can candidate for re-election.
Smith Dulmtn 1'olltlciil Kltuntlon llcmlnrcd
.Morn CniuitU'liilcd Tliiin Kvcr.
YANKTOX , S. D. , Aug. 24. ( Special Tele The Bee. ) 0. S. Bnsford ot nedflcld ,
Splnk county , has been named chairman ot
the republican campaign central committee.
Populists anil democrats have accomplished
fusion. In Yankton county nnd tomorrow
their convention occurs. State populist can
didates , Howe for governor nnd Kelly for
congressman' , will be hero to address n big
meeting of fuslonlsts.
Nouult Krpnlillfilli Convention.
HENO , Nov. , Aug. 24. The republican
state convention met this afternoon. Gov
ernor It. K. Colcord , O. H. Gray nnd A. C.
Cleveland are all mentioned in connctlon
with the nomination for governor. H , 1' " .
Dartlno and Lieutenant -Governor Pojado are
both talked of for congress. Bartlne will
probably receive the nomination.
Ilrulu fatuity iJumnunttR. .
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Aug. 24. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The Untie county
democratic convention to nominate n county
ticket has l > ecn called to meet at Pukwana
September 22. _ >
Uecircn > * * I 'at ton tor Congreix.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. ? 23. The Sixth
district democratic convention nominated
lcorge S , Patton for congress.
STUVOK TIIK jmnrsroxis HOVK.
African I.lni ) Stciimor Hiis a Narrow Kxcnpo
Under Ilia Nnao of tlie r.ltlitlioilKo.
LONDON , Aug. 24. The' British steamer
Dunottar Castle , from Port Natal , grounded
on Eddystone rock at B o'clock this morn-
Ing. She waa floated at 0 o'clock without
sustaining any serious damage.
The Dunottar Castle narrowly escaped beinjr
wrecked. After passing Nahant the steamer
ran Into some dense fog banks. Ncarlng
Plymouth "breakers ahead" were leported
and the engines were ordered full speed
astern. Uut before the'Vessel had time ,
her bow graze.l the rocks , with a dull , scrapIng -
Ing coiiml. The fog then lifted and showed
to the alarm of all on board the Eddystone
lighthouse right ahead. The Dunottar Cas
tle was on the Eddystone ) reef. The en
gines were kept going" ( till speed astern
and the steamer gradually glided Into 'deep
water and was brought , -pafely to Plymouth
with a big bulge In hr forefoot.
Murder ot Itev. Mr. tVyllo Continued.
SHANGHAI , Aug. 24. Tbe report that
Ilev. Mr. James Wylle , 'a Presbyterian mis-
slonaiy , has died from Injuries received nt
the hands of Chinese soldiers , at Llao-Yang ,
north of New Chwang- China , whllo they
were marching In Corea- officially confirmed
firmed- i
All foreigners have been forbidden to approach
preach or enter the1 Klangnan arsenal or
the Imperial factory here -without a special
permit. If they pass thole places by rivci
they must. lccp up the ralildle ot the stream
and they mast not nnc'nrir In the vicinity ,
Otherwise they are' warned they will run a
serious risk as well as\belng liable to" , arrest
as spies , The emperor 'has Issued an edict
ordering that lOO.OOQ/mefl > ba prepared. ! . Joj
nctlve service. Regiments wilt" bo stationed
at Tungcliow Sanho arid. Tien-Tsln. U Is reported
ported the emperor , has oi'dered that 12,000-
000 taels be placed at the disposal of Viceroy
LI Hung Chang.
Clilnf Malujlioch'H Surrender.
CAPB TOWN , Aug. 24. Advices received
here ifiorn Pretoria , dated August 7 , say that
the unexpected submission of Chief Mala-
boch has been Joyfully .received throughoul
the Transvaal. The details of the chief's
surrender shows that Malaboch , under covei
cf a wnite ling , accompanied by ills brother ,
his two young sons , and four Indians emerged
from the caves In which they had sought
refuge and surrendered to the Boers. Bui
the chief did not surrender until his enemies
had employed evco means , Including thi
smoke , of large fires , to drive him from his of refuge.
The chief was very downcast after his sur
render and twice attempted sulcida by plung
ing into the camp fire , upon these occasion :
lie was rescued with' difficulty. He was
uadly burned. ' ' "
Chief Malabcch and his party were belnp
escorted to the Laagan 'One ' of the boys o !
the Indians was shot .for attempting to es
cape. _ ;
I'rovlslons niitl Wa'er Were Miort.
LONDON , Aug. 24. This Pall Mall Gazette
In an 'article on the Vcllman Arctic cxpedt
tlon , says it is stated that the Norwegla :
members of the party assert the nnfltnes :
of the Americans who accompanied the exps
illtlon to take part in such an enterprise
Mr. IJyerdahl of the University of Chris
tlana stated that the provisions taken b ]
the expedition were jiot ; sulllclent and tha
all the members were -obliged to live 01
short rations and drUik' alt water or wate
obtained 1 > y melting lee. As a result n
this lie wan made III. .
The Gazette further says that In. falrnfs
to Mr. Wollman thu public should sufcpeni
Judgment until the explorer shall have re
turned. .
Troops .nnvlng IlliiulloliN.
NEW ORLEANS , AUg. 24. The latest ad
vlcs received from t niuefleMs say tin
Nlcaraguiui trcops arci returning from Blue
fltlda and that they reached Grcytown yes
terday , bringing wltli them Mr. Hatch
the British consular igcnt , and eight for
elgners ns prisoner ; ) , } t has also been an
nounceil that a Brills i war ship arrived a
Greytown yei'erday ' > e en ing.
At the latest accourt ? Blueflelds was In
state of great excitement and It was said tha
the Americans v/ouldf/demand by force o
arm * It necessary the ! 'release of the Amerl
can and British ) prisoners and the Unite
States cruiser Coluhjbh ) and British cruise
Mohawk nro exyecteoVtoi take action in th
matter , >
( iluilUonoV UrtOUi U Good.
LONBON , Aug. (2rAn ( < alarming repoi
was circulated In reginl to the health of Mi
Gladstone. Mr , . Gladstone's secretary , In rt
ply to asking If tlie aged state :
man was III , stated i there was no truth i
the report , adding Ui tiMr. Gladstone was or
Joying his usualjyodj health.
frfl.r Ml | t Avnlil l''utiguu.
BERLIN. Aug. 2i { Ifls stated that th
abandonment .of tha Grand Russian wa
maneuvers at Smolensk * was determine
upon solely at the tvifch'flf the Imperial phys
clans. The/ urge ia ifczar should avol
fatigue. < i
( lilef Cl riMireln.ln Jumnlcn.
KINGSTON , Jamaica ; "Aug. 24. Clarenci
the Mosquito chief , ' hati'arrived in Klngi
ton. Ho had a. , big'reception. . Fifty c
more refugees from Dluefields have bee
dumped here In a destitute condition.
I Hull Kent * l xvo iir .
LONDON , Augr-fi. The report of tl
Irish land commission , just Issued , says tl
evidence before the commission showed tl
Irish rents IUd bycourts / between 1831 an
1SS5 are now materially expensive.
Torpoilofn In .ViKKtiiiM II irtior.
YOKOHAMA. Aug. 24. The harbor at Ni
gaeakl is now defended by torpedoes an
submarine njfnes. Neutral vessels will I
piloted In by- boats belonging to the Japanci
war ships. . " ' J
Agrd Klnti'ttmnu iuil. .
HQMB , A . 2l.-m neral Uurarulo Is ilea >
Ho wai conspicuous an a eoldler , a dip )
matlit and cabinet minister between 1840 ac
1870. He wu bora in 1807.
Ingenious Manner in Which thoEco" Island
Settled a Pertinent Point ,
Mst of Nnmc ol I'roiuliicut StrlhtrR Was
Prepared for Iliu ( lourrut Jliimigern
nml Seta a Stiitcmtmt of
Wiiges ( in All KoiiiU.
CHICAGO , Aug. 24 , General Manager E.
St. John ot the Rock Island was recalled by
the strike commission today , Mr. St. John's
testimony of yesterday regarding the black
list apparently not satisfying the commis
sioners , and ho was closely questioned re
garding It.
"You have Bald , " Commissioner Kcrnan
said , "that your road has. no blacklist. Now ,
la It a fact that the General Managers asso
ciation has one ? "
"No such thing as a real blacklist ex
ists among the railroads to my knowledge , "
he answered. "There was , however , a list of
names prepared for the General Managers
association. It contained the names of the
most active of the strikers , aut ! has been , I
think , submitted to the various roads by the
association. It cannot properly bo called a
blacklist , however. "
St. John was then asked to tell what he
knew of the story that nil railroads had
adopted a uniform scJU of waees.
"The rumor Is untrue , " he sild.
"Hns no such scale been prepared ? "
"Well , I believe something of the sort was
submitted to the General Managers associa
tion , but It was not universally adopted. In
fact , It was rejected by all but one road , and
on one line was put Into only partial effect.
There Is absolutely no truth In the statement
that the roads represented In the General
Managers association have adopted a uni
form scale. "
Giving a history of the formation of the
GtTieral Managers association Mr. St. John
denied that It had its Inception from any de
sire to reduce the wsse of the men. Ho
said further that the schedule ot wages It
lud complied seemed to bo misunderstood.
It was a tabulation ct railroad wages all
over the country. It was Impossible to have
anything like equality ot wages for the same
class of service without some such tabulation.
It had nothing to dowith an Intended reduc
tion of wages and was not followed by re
duction. Two or three southern lines found
tlicy were paying wages considerably In ex
cess of wages paid by their competitors and
naturally reduced them to an equality. The
Ruck Island so fur had made Its economies
in the reduction of force and the shortening
of working hours ; "but , " added Mr. St.
John , "I fear very much that unless a change
comes In the situation something will liavo
to be done. I speak ot the company's finan
cial affairs with tin. greatest reluctance In
public , but the earnings have suffered a de
crease of $300,000 In three months nnd some
method will have to be devised ot changing
that result. Some of the companies have had
their earnings decrease at the rate of $500,000
a month. "
John M. Egan , president of the General
Managers association , succeeded Mr. St. John
on the stand. Mr. Egan was questioned re
garding his duties during the strike and said
It was his duty to receive reports from the
various roads of the progress of the trouble
and to submit the 'same lo the association.
Aftenprpllmlnary questions , Commissioner
tVrighrdBTMd'Mr.-Usari-lfrln'hls oftlclal , ca- ,
paclty , he had made nny effort tc settle the
strike peaceably.
"I did not , " nnswcreed tlie strike man
"Is It the policy of the railroads to settle
euch troubles by foror ? "
"in this case , nt least. It was , " the wit
ness replied frankly.
The commissioner then asked tha witness
for his views regarding measures for the
prevention cf strikes. Mr. Egan said that
he thought all railroad empl yes , above com
mon laborers , should be licensed and be com
pelled to wear uniforms plainly Indicating
the positions they held. Such means , he be-
llevtd , would tend to put reliable , level-
beaded men In the service and w.ulJ prevent
such troubles us those of the pres.nt sum-
Scr. Commissioner Kernan , by n shrewd
scries of questions , succeeded In badly mixing
up the witness and hla theories , and Mr ,
Egan dually admitted that even with a sys
tem ot licences conditions might arise that
would necessitate outside assistance or ar
"Mr. Egan , " said Commissioner Wright ,
"n wllncEs has stated before us that you used
railroad money and employed men to burn
and otherwise destroy rallnad property dur
ing the strike. Is that true ? "
The witness was ovldsntly angry , and ,
straightening up In his seat , said emphat
ically : "Considering" the source from whlcli
that Information came. It teems to me thai
It should be apparent that It Is foolish rot
I wll | , however , enter n gneral denial tt
any and all such stories. I never employee :
men for such work , and 1 can state posi
tively that no one else connected with the
association employed or caused any cne t (
destroy railroad property. The story is un
true. "
Differences llctwenn Two .till il Trades
I'liU-linl Up Tlio 2Vow Acrueiuent.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 24. The committees o
conference on amalgamation of the Inter
national Typographical union nnd the Inter
national Printing'Pressmen's union have set
tied the differences of the two orders. Tin
pressmen's organization seceded from the In
ternatlonal Typographical union about fou
years ago on account of differences then ex
Istlng between them. Tlio new agreemen
Includes an alliance , offensive and defensive
In regard to the strike law between the twi
unions ; allied printing trade councils In ever ;
city and town In the United States and Can
ada , and a Joint union label. The werfan
heretofore existing between the two bodlc :
Is suspended pending the ratification of thi
articles of agreement entered Into by thi
referendum of the two contracting bodies
The article * ) of agreement have been Indorsei
by William B. I'retcott of Indianapolis , presl
dent of the International Typographic. )
union , and Theodore Galoekowskl of St
Louis , president ot the International Press
men's union , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Attorney Crnenil .Mulimcy linn a Motion fo
Itcvoklne Ilifl rnllinilil Cliiirter.
CHICA.GO , Aug. 24. Attorney Genern
Maloncy appeared before Judge Hanecy toda ;
1 and asked leave to fllo Information In qu
warranto against the Pullman Car companj
The motion was opposed by Attorney Ilankl
on behalf of tlio Pullman company. He sal
that J. S. Runnells , the company's counsel
was out of town on advice of his physlclar
and that Mr. Hunnells would wish to contts
the attorney general's motion. Judge llanec
decided that he could not take up the motlor
and the attorney general left the coflrt rcon
Ho said that he would try to llml nnothe
Judge to hear his motion for the revocation c
the Pullmuu company's charter.
( luvernor Ailvuneril the Money ,
IUIANAPOLIS , Aug. 21. Tlio paymen
of the fctnte ml'Itln who were on duty dnrln
the recent miner. ' and railroaders' strlk
begnn today. There was no available fund
with which tu meet the obligation of th
state , and Uovemor Matthews gave hi
personal r.f for the required nmouni
HI , 000. and thi local bankn advanced th
money. CSoveriicr Mntlhewx mated toda
that he had no Ooubt tlmt the leglslatur
would rnuke the tu o'vary appropriation a
its nv.xt Hcyslon , The governor nald mat.
of the Koldlei'8 wort. In need of thu mone
and fhould \ > e paid at once.
Mlttnurl Mliii-n Out A
RICHMOND , Mo. , Aug. 24.All the eoi
miners In Ray county are again out on
strike , demanding centi per bushel fc
mining. The men went to work Monday nt
3H cents per bushel under a contract holding
good until May , 1S95 , but yesterday they wcro
persuaded ( o come out again nnil demand 4
cents. The operators have given notlco ot
withdrawal ot all propositions looking to a
settlement of the strike.
llriiwn n UUtliictltm lletwcrn I itw-
ycr iiiiliiy unit tlic Uoiil C'oiiloy ,
SPRINGI'IELD. Ill , , Aug. 2 * . Governor
Altgeld has been Interviewed regarding
Judge Cooley's address before the American
Bar association criticizing Altgeld's protest
to President Cleveland ngnlnst sending fed
eral troops to Chicago during the late strike.
Governor Altgeld said : "Judge Cooiey's
reputation Is liable to have an Injustice ilono
It unless tlie people will discriminate beUvc.n
the real Cooley and the Lawyer Coolty. In
addressing the bar a&soclatlon he was In
the position of a fashionable preacher who ,
If ho wished to bo popular with tils audience ,
had to cater to Its taste. The bar associa
tion Is a small body ot men , most ot whom
have corporations for clients. They nro
shrewd and able men who know where fut
fees come trom. A lawyer whose clients uro
poor could not afford to go tu Saratoga and
have u good tlmo and attend a bar associa
"Judge Cooley's utterances there must be
taken with some others recently made , and
the qiUBtlou Is , haw much importancj at
taches to them simply because they came
from Judge Cooley. Nearly thirty years ago
when Jiulge Cooley was In his prime , when
ho was a teacher In the Ann Arbor law
school , he wrote a book on constitutional
law , which was nn able work and giive him
a reputation. In this work he points out
the limitations of the federal government
and calls attention to the constant danger
that free Institutions arc in from the en
croachments of a central power through tlio
agency of a standing army.
"Among other things he said : 'A standing
army Is peculiarly obnoxious to any free
government and Is more dreaded l > y the people
ple ; as an Instrument ot oppression than a
tyrannical monarch or any foreign power.
Tlu alternative ot r standing- army Is u well
regulated mllltla. '
"Uut after writing this book and while a
member of thu supreme court of the state
ho established a reputation ot being a cor
poration Judg3 and made himself FO obnoxious
to the people of Michigan that they arose and
put an end to his career In that state. For
some years past he wns out of a Job. Then
congress created ths Interstate commerce
board timl Cleveland during his first term as
president appointed the Judge on this board
on a salary of $7,000 a year and expenses ,
which was princely compared with what he
had been receiving. lie held onto this
place until a couple of years ago , when he
retired , on account of his old age , tiding ,
as lie should , very grateful to Mr. Cleve
| "Recently after the president hod sent
' troops to Chicago the Judge's gratitude Im-
| pelted him to rush Into print In n letter
greatly commending the president on his
acts. Among other things In that letter he
uses the following language :
" 'I am especially gratified that a great and
valuable lesson on the constitutional con
struction has been fettled for all time to
' come wilh remarkably little blo'dshed , ' thus
I admitting that the constitution did not give
1 the president the power to do what he Imd
I clone and that It had been necessary for tlie
prsldcnt to give n lesson In construction In
irder to do It nnd the Judge wns gratified
.hat this lesson In constttutloral construction
tad been given with * n llttlo ooodshed. : Had
.he constitution clearly jen ! the power no
loodshed construction nor any other con
struction would have been necessary.
Tlie world has heard of constitutional
construction by means of th ? military be
fore. It has haripnod before. The opera
tions were BQinettriigjuLrlllhint but were al
ways fatal to tlie"patlenC
"When Judge Cooley 'was In tlie vigor of
manhood he expounded the constitution like
n Cree man addressing free people. The'ro
was nothing subservient 'In hla utterances ,
art ! the bright reputation he made must
nr.t be cloudd by utterances that are born
of a grateful dotage. "
< ! liir.s Workers l.lUely to M
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 21. The manu
facturers and a committee of window glass
workers to settle upon a wage schedule ad
journed without agreement. The manufac
turers demand a 30 per c.Mit reduction of
tlio labor cost , while the workers were will
ing to grant only 15 per cent. There Is a
prcpjiect of a shut-down which will throw
:0OftO : men out of work.
MIGHT JI K YKl.lMir VKl'Klt.
Disease llroko Out on the Heiinlnton ivllli
Suspicions > .riiiploins ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 2-1. Three of the
crew of the gunboat Bcnnlngton are now at
the quarantine station at Angells Island. Ono
of them Is convalescing from a malady some
what resembling yellow fever , while the
others had recently suffered from a dis
ease that closely resembled bilious fever , yet
It wns thought best not to run any risk by
allowing them to mlugltiwith their com
panions or others white there wus any sus
picion ubout the nature of the disease.
Aboul July 30 two sailors became very 111 ,
but tke sickness only hud a few of the symp
toms of the dread yellow fever , and this was
not considered dangerous , nor did It prove
so. Another was taken 111 and his symptoms
wcro Iho same as the other men. While the
gunboat was lying off the Fayllones the pa
tients were getting along as well as could be
expected. The three men were removed-
the quarantine station on shore , and the Ben-
nington headed for Mare island.
Atjlie navy yard all ot her officers and
men will be removed to the receiving ship ,
mid the gunboat that lias been an asylum for
the refugees of San Salvador will undergo n
thorough fumigation before any workmen will
be allowed to make any ot tlic necessary re
Or , Lawler , a quarantine officer , said last
night that none of the men were suffering
from yellow fever , although the first case
resembled many suspicious symptoms.
EV VUT ( I.VJI.lf .
IllH IM7u Succeed * In S curing Two Men tii
.Sign tin ) Itnnil.
PLATTSMOUTH , Aug. 24. ( Special Telegram -
gram to The Bee. ) Jimmy Llndsey was re
leased from Jail tills morning by Judge
Archer , bail having been secured In the per
sons of Jerry Farthing ot Plattsmottth , nui
Edwin Lynch of Omaha. Llndsey's wife ha :
worked very faithfully to secure his release
and the result 1s supposed to be due to hei
Later the county attorney question'il the
sufilclcncy of Llndsey's bond and a \\o\\ \ \
complaint covering his alleged offense was
aivorn out and the accuecd again arrested
He Is In Omuha with an olilcer trying to s.-
cure bond.
Oiimlm Coiiiiii > iivvenlU.cnder l.'monlcVi ! t
wiiril "Uoverml with Olory. "
CRESTON , la , , Aug. 24 , ( Special Telegram
gram to The Bee. ) When train No. 3 01
the Burlington stopped at the Crrston dcpo
today the first passenger to alight wai
"G neral" T. C. Kelsey of Omaha , the Com
monweal leader. Kclscy had qtilto nn ex
cltlrg experience on his former trip thrnugl
Creiton , having been arrested for vlolatlni
a quarantine rule. ! Ie nays his army dls
banded at Cincinnati. The general Is tin
"guest of his friends , " the populists. To
night he addressed a largo crowd on tin
street corner.
II liy I Bnipcd Unliti t.
COLUMBUS , Tex.Aug. . 24. A tcrrlfl
thuiidcratorm near hero nearly wiped out i
family of movers from Rodgers , Bell county
Tex. , named Hlllyard , bound for Jacksoi
county. They had four wagons and tram
and when about four mllii below tour. ;
bolt of lightning struck the front wcgan
which was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hill
yard nnd a baby , killing the father , mothc
and two horses. The baby wai In tbe la
ot tbe mother , but escaped uninjured.
Minors Stop to Eitingnleh a Fire and Ate
Tlioio from the Shaft Availed
Themselves of the Opportunity.
Stulihii Explosion of Gas Killed All Who
Remained m the Mine ,
Tire Wan Sliort-Uvcil mill the Iloillca of tlif
Victims Wcro All Kocoercil from tlio
Alluc llbi > ri-l tending Scenes
lit tlia Hlmtt.
TACOMA , Wash. , Aug. 21. A special to
tlie I'ost-Intelllgencrr from Fra'iklln , Wash. ,
nays : At fifteen minutes to 1 o'clock this
afternoon a flro was nctlced by some of the
drivers on Iho sixth north level of the
Franklin mlm ? , and notice was given to the
men Inside who wcie working In different
pieces , some In the breast nbout" the level
and others along the gangway , as BOOH as
it was known that tliero was a lire. JIany
ot the men In the gangways
rushed back to notify the miners
farther In , whllo others ur > out and
irachsd the main shaft. It Is certain that
all the men In the- breasts reached the gang
way In safety. In nil abut seventy men
were at work In the sixth level north , and
of that number about forty lingered at breast
C , where the fire originated , and made an
attempt to put out the fire. The breast was
burning fiercely , aiiu before the miners knew
It the flro had communicated to breasts CO
and Cl , and smoke began to Issue from breast
Cl In that Immediate vicinity. Several of
those who lingered at the burning breast
02 took warning and fled , but all who re
mained were overcome and asphyxiated. It
Is evident that all the men had tlmoto coma
out , for those nt work In the further breast
reached the shaft In safety , while tlioso who
vero nearest Iho shaft , and consequently
nero removed from danger , perished. They
evidently believed they were In perfect safety
at the fire , but whllo they lingered ths
smoke oozed out. from some outside piacs
further south , and the bodies were all fauna
south of breast G2. They were all found
along within a space of 500 feet.
Several men wcro badly bruised and ono
colored man was taken out with a broken
neck , their wounds Indicating that they had
thrown themselves against the posts and
timbers of the Gangway In a wild and dci-
? crate endeavor to escape. Hut the majority
of the bodies boar no marks nt all , not oven
a scratch , and their features wcro In cmlet
repose , Indicating that their death had been
a speedy and painless one.
As teen as the alarm whistle sounded from
the engine house people began' to crowd
around the mouth of tha slope and tha cry
"Tho mlno Is on fire" < ] iilckly spread through
out the town. Among the flrat to reach the
scene was Superintendent W. T. Ramsay.
Ho tried to appear unconcerned ami as
though ho really did not believe any lives
would bo lost , but crowds of men , women
and children of both colors , who lived near
the track rounclnbpu's , becoming reassured
at the careless and good-natured manner of
the superintendent , began to treat the affair
as a huge Joke , laughing * and Joking each
other. In a short time , however , word came
for help and then , when the superintendent
called for volunteers to go Into the mine ,
there was great excitement. The first man to
Volunteer was George W. Snullcy , a. negro ,
who , with two others , was lowered down'tho
1,100-foot slope to the sixth level. There hemet
met men from the sixth Icviil south , who
were doing all they could to rescue the men
on the north side of the same level. Other
rescuers went down for the rescue and
Smalley , C. 0. TocUl , John Adams and John
Morgan found the body of tha first man In
the gangway , about 1,000 feet In from the
slope. The body proved to be that of John
Anderson and was pulled to the top of the
slope. The arrival of Anderson's body on
the surface was the first Intimation to the
men , women an < ! children , on the surface
that any one had met death. Consequently ,
when the body was carried away tliero was
a wild scramble to discover Its Identity ,
when It was found the rescuers were besieged
with questions from mothers , fathers and
children concerning loved unea who were
Imprisoned. Cut their questions were enl >
answered by an ominous shake of the head.
It was first thought that Antic-son was not
dead , but after being worked with for ten or
flftocn minutes and no signs of life appearing ,
It was concluded he was ,
Mcamvtillo tlic miners from the other lev
els were carrying on the rescue In the bow v ) ;
els cf the earth , The fun keeping the- air
current In the mine had been stopped at
the first Indication of ( Ire from the roturu
air course , but when the rescuers , went to
work the fan was started up and then the
air In that part of thu gangway south ol
breast 02 on the uixth level was kept pure.
M. D. Storey , one of the metiers , who
went In from the surface , upon reaching tha
sixth level north , ran along the gangway. At
1,000 feet In he found the first body , and
then the rest ot the minors worn fcund scat
tered along In a row. In on1 place eight
men were lying together , and In another ona
man was found under a mule , live mules
being dctt'l. Story tays that the men were
all lying In tlio mlddb of the gangway -with
their faces In the mud , as If tliey had tried
to bury their heads completely and thus es
cape the deadly and obnoxious coiil xm ke.
He could not believe tluy were dad and
turned them over with their faces up so they
could breathe , but he waa BOOH satisfied that
they were dead , Nearly nil ths bodies wcro
found south of the burning breast.
John 0. Stctey , brother of M. D , Storey ,
was at work in the sixth level south when
a boy named Chapman gave the alarm that
breast G2 was on fire. Stor-y says he tried
to escape via the Green river or auxiliary
Mope , but finding this Impracticable , he re
turned , making up his mind that ho would
go out via the May slope. Reaching the
May slope ha met the. others from the sixth
level south , who wera going Into tlio north
level to too what they could do ( r , rescue
their imprisoned comrades , and ho Joined
them , working steadily for two ami a halt
hours before coming to the surface. It Is
his opinion that every man In line with tha
deadly smoke was killed within two minutes
after the smoki reached them. Of the res
cuing party from the s.uth ( .lath level was
John 12. Johni , a gas tender , who la now
numbered among the dead. HI * , boy , Evati
Johns , Is also dead. The bodies cf father
and son were found lying side by Ride , show
ing that the father had remained In tha
gangway until he had found t > U son , but it
was then too late , end both died.
As the bodies began to arrive nt the sur-
facj of the inltui slope the cxcUtrneiit of the
wives anJ mothers , arid for ( hat matter tha
whole populace , became uncontrollable. At
3 o'clock the last of the thirty-seven bodies
were recovered and then tha people
began to quiet down. Many of them , wera
completely proutratcd with their violent
grief and devoted their tlmo to methodically ;
oaring for the dead.
Superintendent lUmnay. In tell'r ' * whath *
couM of the dltttster , aldi "Ai soon aa the
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