AXES WERE WELL GHOUNI ) Eioiio of Eastern Notoa&a Log Rolling ABSC elation at Oonrtland Yesterday , THOUSANDS OF WOODMEN IN OMAHA Imposing Street 1'nniito ol Local ml Vl lt- lag Cmiipn I'rogrntnnt the llcm-h-Ilow They \V > ro int : rt lncl-Hi-mills of the IlimliKSft Mcctlhg. ! The third annual log tolling of the Modern SVcodmen of eastern IMjrnaha was held In Omaha yesterday. Mooltot estimates place Jho number of Woodmen who took part In jtho various festivities at several thousand. Delegations cirnc In fiom all parts of east- Vn Nebraska and western Iowa , many of jlhem appearing In full repaid and bringing local bands along. On their arrival a re ception committee from the local lodges of ho order took them In charge and con- ucted them to the headquarters In the I'at- erson block. A monster street parade was the order of the morning , and In the afternoon the pleasure seekers betook themselves to Court- Und beach and spent there the remainder ol the afternoon and evening. { Promptly at 10 o'clock Marshal J , H. But- Jer gathered his forces at the corner ol Seventeenth nnd Furnam streets. More tlmn 1,000 Woodmen , each carrying an ax , the emblem ot the order , and wearing re > Dallas , formed In parade. The line was Leaded by the Fort Omaha band , followed by a platoon of police. Then came a Ion ; line of carriages containing the local ccnv mlttce on arrangements and the head of ficers of the prdcr. The Nebraska State band followed , after which came the visiting camps , which were as follows : J. P. Dunham , No. 14 , Seward ; D. C , Zlnk , No. 408 , GMniB Island ; B. A. Ward , to , 4G5 , Yorl. ; South Omaha camp , No. 1095 , South Omaha ; Grand Island , No. 403 , Gram ! island ; Kenrmrtl , Not , 1347 , Kennard ; Ne braska City , No. 331. Nebraaka City ; Arte- elan camp , No. 1001 , Cook , Neb. ; Spring- Held camp , No. 1751 , Springfield ; Neb. ; Waco . .No2549 , Wjcc. JJoHij ! llanedlct. Na. 13S < * Benedict , Neu. , Lackenu , No. 857 , McCool Neb. ; Trabosls , No. 1203 , Dlalr , Neb. ; Wesl Fork , No , 1309 , Whiting , la. ; Snllx , No. 1935 Ballx , la. ; Nehawku. No. 2010 , Nehawha Neb. ; La nue , No. 1W8 , Union , Ncb.jMuney No. 1850 , Muney , Neb. ; Valley camp , No 2103 , Macedonia , la. ; Cedar Creek , No. 2005 Cedar Creek , Neb. ; Avoca camp , No. 633 Avoca , Neb. ; Hlver View , No. 1071 , Louis- vllle , Neb. ; Sun Dance , No. 181 , Sioux City la. ; Barber camp , No. 1771 , Manning , la. Beatrice camp. No. CTO , Beatrice , Neb. ; Cap Ual City , No. 180 , Lincoln camp , No. 9C9 Jlaum City , , No. 13J.2 , Nebraska camp , No 1CC2 , Antelope , No. WO , Lincoln , Neb. ; Klne hott , No. 771 , Wavsrly , Neb. ; Arlon camp No. 1743 , Ermln. Neb. ; Douglas , No. 735 Douglas , Neb. ; Grec-mvood , No. 805 , Green * vood , Neb. ; Campbell , Papllllon , Neb. ; Aker Jund , No. 20B5 , Valley , Neb. ; Normal , Fre mont , Neb. ; Itasca , No. 1051 , Cedar Blurts Neb. ; North Bend , No. 101C ; Arlington , No 1904 , Arlington , Neli. The Seventh Ward Military band headet the Omaha camp , vihlch marched In the fo ! lowing order : Onibha camp No. 120 , 'will 200 men ; Slaple cimp No. 915 , with 150 Beach camp No. 1451 , with ICO. LINE OF MARCH. The line cf march started at Seventecntl and Farnam stretls and proceeded dowi Farnam to Twelfth , , Twelfth to Douglas , 01 Douglas to Fifteenth , on Fifteenth to Cap Itol avenue , Cnpltol avenue to Sixteenth Sixteenth to Cans , returned on Sixteenth ti Douglas , _ an Douglas to Fifteenth , on FIf tcenth to" Harney , on Harney to Fourteenth on Fourteenth to Howardon Howard t Twelfth. Here tha procession broke rank and the members joined their wives am . sweetheart and boarded the cars for Court t fand Beach. l The street railway company had twent ; extra trains on the South Omaha line to nc commodate thu vast crowd that was ex pccted. The Hast Omaha line had more thai doubled the number of Us trains. But will all this preparation crowds were met am passed at each corner. The corner at Locus street was filled with people all the after noon and evening waiting cars. The ground at the beach were 'packed. ' The places of en tertalnment were continually tilled to the ! capacity , this even being the case with th smaller places when the big show In th evening had gathered 10,000 people wlthli Its cates. On arrival at the beach luncheon wa oaten. Ao many is could gathered about th tables under the' trees and the less fortunat found easy placet upon the grass. Whe : r this " 'duty" had been satisfactorily per formed the baskets and cloths were gathcrc together and all scattered to get the ver best tlmo ho or she , or both together , wa ablo. A check' tint had been set up to th east of the pavllton for the accominodatlo of the picnickers and was completely filled Near by was staked a tent for the officer Of the log rolling association , and betwee the two ono belonging to Omaha camp. MUSIC AND GAMES. At 1:30 the exercises were begun at th east end of the pavilion. The crowd extende far out around Ihe steps , from which th speakers spoke. The Fort Omaha band wa stationed on thti pavilion. The followln program was ronaered : Selection , Second In'fantry band , II. S. / Address of welcome , Hon. George I Bemls , city major. Response , A. 11. Tnlbott. Lincoln. Cornet solo of Second Infantry band , t 8. A. Presentation c'f .prize banner to Oman camp 120 , lion , W. A. Northcott , lieu consul. Response , C. II , Illcpen. AddroHS , Mrs. BO. 1) . Watt , supreme orncl Jloynl Neighbors ! of America. I < Ive-mtuute speecho ? , J. G , Johnson , C \V. , White. D. C , Kink , Concert by the Nebraska. State band an Fort Omnlui band , The speakers chiefly dwelt upon the goo and the growth of the order , praising tli good work of tlio past four ur live ycat apd predicting creator gains for the tutun At 3 o'clock the- choppers laid nsldo the ! axes and started In on a round of gayet . and pleasure , completing the follow Ing prc pram- Running race , 100 yards , free for all ; rur nlng race , fifty yards , for Woodmen's wlvei Back race , flftyr yards ; three-legged raci fifty yards , entries by camps ; relay rac 300 yards , entries by camps ; three nulghboi constitute a team , two teams from ono cam not allowed ; running seventy-five yard for Woodmen's daughters ; running nice , 1C yards , for those who never won a race ; bo : race. race.Tho contests -were for Woodmen only an while no world's records were broken , tl object'of having a jolly good time \vi amply realized. The baskets were taken out and aga ! put away. The majority then accepted tl General Invitation to attend the pcrformam of the "Last Days of Pompeii" to such o extent that the seating capacity was not su flclent , more than a thousand being con pellcd to find standing room wherever tlu cculJ. ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS. At 5 o'clock the business meeting of tl Eastern Nebraska Log Rolling asaoclatU took place , anil the following officers we elected : President , A. R , Manchester Lincoln ; first vlco president , . John S. Kir of Omaha ; second vlco president , Mrs. I V KnMmin < T Omaha ; third vice prcalder Mrs. Austin of Lincoln ; fourth vlco pre : / K'Mir Howard of Paplllton ; secretar AVulter A , Leese , Lincoln ; treasurer , Auet i ii.ncom , Lincoln was chosen as the pla 1 ' ' ( t'w annual log rolling next yea Among the head officers of the Older ai Iloyal NelRhlore who were present wer Hon. W. A. Northcott of Greenville , II . .J consul ; I ) . U. Zlnk of Grand Islan head banker ; A. 1Talbott of Lincoln , n Johnson IVabody of Kansas , J. W.Vlil of Rock FalU. III. , members of the board directors ; A. ! H. Faulkner of Lincoln , depu licad consul ; Mn. 2. 1) . Watt , euprcr oracle ; Mrs. W. E. Cady , supreme cha collor ; Mm. C. H. T. Itlepen , supreme ma shal , Mrs. Miry Maishal , supreme manage r "n M Hhaver , supreme outer sentlni The camp commlUeeeB were1 Oinal C rup No. 133 0. II. T. lUepen. J. E. Vi v 114 go S. Meek. Maple Camp N.O. 945 O. A. Grlnn George M , Shaver , J. I , Watt. Bt-Mh Camp No. 1464 J. W. Houdir. C. D. Klllott , A. H. Votburgh. Magnolia Camp No. 1833 W. F. II. 11- cox , O. L. Silver , W. T. Nelson. Hazel Camp No. 271 , Council Bluffs W. M. Frederick , Dr. M , B. Snyder. L. E. Brldsn- stein. South .Omaha Camp No. 1005 F. B. Pearl , W. S. Wlttcn , 0. B. Bruce. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins , Chattanooga , term. , nays : "Shlloh's Vltallzer 'saved my life/ I consider It the best remedy for ft fleblll- tated jystem I ever used. " For dyspepsia , liver or kldnpy trouble It excels. Pries , 7Cc. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. Il.iir Itati-d \VintiliiRton , I ) , d Via Chicago & Northwestern railway , Au. gust 23 , 24 and 25 , good till SerMcmler 15. Tickets flrtt class and good on all trains , Including the new 5:45 : p. m , "special. " Choice of different routes going and returnIng - Ing east of Chicago. The "official line" for Omaha Knlfhts ol Pythias. 1401 Farnam street. 1401 I'arnam street. 1401 Karnam street. ELECTRIC LIGHT BIDS. Hvhomo to I'ovtpono Action Until Arlcr the ( 'oiiilng City Jlttcllon. The Idea of holding a special coundlll meet ing this week to transact the business lefi over by reason of. the early adjournmeni Tuesday night has been abandoned tnd un less BO ins new occasion should arise th < council will not bo called together until tin next regular meeting. The most Importer matter that Is scheduled to be acted on nex Tuesday night Is the opening of the bids to : electric lighting , as provided by the rejdver tlsemcnt which was ordered some time ago. Since the resolution Instructing th ? comp trailer to advertise for bids was passed tlu Idea has occurred to one or two of the tnombeti of the council that It would bo a very astuti scheme to postpone action on the bids untl after election. According to reliable an thorlty this schcmo Is being Induitrlousl ; Incubated In the cranium of Councllmai Parker and will bo sprung at tht propc : time , providing he can acquire the necessar ; support to carry It through. It Is stated in favor of the proposltloi that the prospective action of the counct on the bids may be productive of more o : less criticism which would cut a coed ilea of flcuro before election , but wouldl not b so objectionable after the danger period hai been passed. It is understood that the post poncment will be effected by a ref ronce o the bids to a committee that can be rellei ii | Hitc.iclay d report until It Is thepleasnn of the combine to consider them. On the other hand , some members asscr that It will bo Impossible for Parker t carry out his Intentions and that they wll Insist that the bids shall be repotted bacl to the council at the earliest posilblc mo inent. The members who are not In the com blno are determined that the otheri shall gen on record before election and claim that thel opponents will scarcely dare to to openl ; dodco the Issue. Kinx.trxi ) JIY Hint Tourto n-Ycnr-Ohl Slury Meyer C : rrlc < A\tny from llor father' * Homo CLEVELAND , Aug. 23. Mary Meyer , th' ' H-yt-ar-old daughter of Gottlieb Meyer , wa : plmylng In front of her home at K2 Scovlll avenue Wednesday evening , when she \\a. approached by a strange woman. "Aie you Mary MeycrJ" asked th woman. "Yes , " said Mnry. "My child ! ' exclaimed the woman , throw Ing her arms about her and wrapping th heavy cloak she wore nbout the IrlRhtenei girl's head. Since that time nothing ha been heard of the girl or the wormm Fifteen years ago Mr. Meyer wns marrlei to Mary's mother In Switzerland , and Cou years later tluM4 were divorced , Meye coming to Cleveland , and his divorced wlf remaining In Switzerland. Meyrr again married und has since llvei In Cleveland. He heard that nisi dlvorcei wife was In New Yoik and was-plannlns t kidnap Mnry. He guarded her carefully but relaxing his vigilance Wednesday nigh for .a short time , the opportunity Booked fo presentou Itself and Mary was carrle away. S'mrt Police stories. J. M" Leot'ard was een't to t"he count ; Jail for twenty days yesterday aflei-noon fo being guilty of carrying concealed weapons Carrie Hughes , who was reported as hav Ing xun away from home , was found at th home of a family living In East Omaha She says that her adopted parents do no allow her any liberty or freedom , and tha she Is not permitted to go to school. W. Lewkoutlz of Sixteenth and Cass street claims that the Item referring to him In con nectlon with anncylng S. Banks docs htm a Injustice. He claims that It Is Banks wh does the annoying , and has frequently Ir suited the members of Lowkoullz's famll through jealousy. Joseph Levy , a 12-year-old boy , living n 1G12 Dorcas street , has been mlisslng fror home for tire past two days , and his parent are becoming alarmed If : his saftty , as he I subject to fits. They far tliat he ha met with some accident T/lilch ts keepln him away from home. Matron Sullivan of the Woman's Chrlstla Home has reported to the police that woman named Mrs. Alice Welch of Lexlnt ton , Neb. , Is soliciting alms hi Omaha. Th inatrpn thinks that the woman b Insane , a she acts In such a queer manner. The polk are Investigating the case. A. L. Flagg was lying on ( lie sldewal asleep Wednesday night. Olllce Evans cam along and woke him up , but this aroused th man's Ire to such an extent that ho wante to whip the whole police force , and Ofllce Evans In particular. He was Clued $5 an costs yesterday for his frlsklnets. Bertha Ewalt was arrested Wcdnesda night as being Incorrigible. Bertha Is ] years old , and It Is allege ! that si : has been In bad company cf late , an has been living with nni Immon woman near the fort. She claim that a soldier has been trying tq lead he astray , The police matron will endeavor I find a good homo for the girl , who seen to have no one to look after her , Cnrrlrd MOM ) I'lstuli , 0. C. Hough and Jim Thompson of Counc Bluffs came over to Omaha Wednesday I learn the ways cf a metropolitan city. Bi fere starting they placed a couple of n volvers of the v'ntnge of ' 40 In Ihelr hi pockets , presumably to keen" the festive fee pads away. But they ran aloul of a i * llceman , and yesterday Jmlgt Berka flue i them $5 and costs each for carryln concealed weapons. Not having the nece : sary coin In their Inside packets they tel phoned for friends to como across the rlvc and get them out of jail. UMtd n Knlfn on Him , William Allen and Henry Holllday , co orcl , had a dispute over n game of can yesterday afternoon wh'ch ' resulted In light. Allen drew a knife and cut Holllde In the back. They were taken to the pslli station. Allen was locked up charged wll assault with Intent to kill , ind after D Savllle had sewed up the gasl In Holllday slJo hq was held as complaining witnes Hollldtiy's wou'id Is painful bat not serlou Jlruught Silver to Omn'ia. Mr. J. H. Krum of Spokane Is In the clt Mr. Krum Is Interested In silver mining , ai brought ten carload * of ore 'to the Oinal smelter. He says that the mining Interes are st II depressed , but shou signs of Ir provemcnt. Mr. Krum Is Interested In gold mining expedition whlcli Is new \vor Ing In Alaska and from which he expec big returns. Claimed to llu from IHnuhn. Mayor Stewart's hardwcro store at Bin was burglarized last Sunday night and few days later the burglar was captun with most of the gooilt at Herman , Ne Thu fc low gave the name of Emll llamllt and said he lived In Onuhu. The may U In the city looking up Hamilton's recor but can find no one who fa knswn here 1 that name , After n I'ormrr llnmH i M-rcli int. Sheriff McGrew of Hurt county was In t city yesterday with a wtrrjil far the am of Jululs Firth , a former merchant of Oinal who U charged with peddling without license. The sheriff allege ! that Firth h been traveling over the country selll clothing and Ihju rs for Onuha homes , pe dllng his wares from farm to farm. Oregon Kidney Tea cureii nervous hea tchu. Trial size , 29 ccnti. All UrugglsH. HOW WILLIAMS WAS SHOT flia Story anil There of Cffiosr Drummy and Kwtlang All Differ. PRISONER DENIES HAVING MADE'THREATS Ho Wat Shot IVIillo ItmiiilnK Kor'- Inn. ? Dcnlo Ho Win with Mrn. Towers nnil Drummy'dVrlttrn mill Yorbul Stitlvniciitii Dlmtgrto. Henry Williams , the ninn who was shot In the ankle early Thursday morning , Is still confined In one of the hospital cells at the city jail. He la suffering Intense pain and sleeps only -when under the Influence of opiates. Last night a Dee reporter visited \Vllllanis In his cell anil asked him for a plain statement of the case. He said : "I gensrally meet Mrs. Powers , the cook at Pabst headquarters , twice a week and walk home with her. She Is my promised t\lfe. Wednesday night I went down to the icadquartcrs as usual to meet hsr. She was late In coming out , BO I waited. Two or hrcc times I went Inside the place to get n glass of beer. Finally I saw Mrs. Towers come out , accompanied by a tall , heavy set man. I do not know who he was , as I am not acquainted with any of the pro prietors or male help. They walked up the street as far as Fourteenth anil Hartley streets , Then I stepped up and said , 'I object. ' The man left at once und Mrs. Powers said , 'I will go home alone.1 Then I skipped over to Seventeenth street between Harney and St. Mary's avenue and waited behind a telegraph polo tor Mrs. Pow ers , t expected that she would meet me anil explain her conduct , llefore she came the police stirred mo up and I ran. When the policeman fired I did not stop , but kept on running. A couple more shots were fired and I was hit In the ankle , but 1 kept or running till I fell. When Drummy and Hcelln came up one of them hit me over the icad with his revolver and here Is the lump. ' Williams exhibited the mark on his heail and then said that was all the statement lie had to make. When asked explicitly aboul mnn wl.o WHS with Mrs. Powers Wll' llnmi aimln bald that ho did not know whc It was. In his official report to Acting Captain Ormshy Officer Drummy fcatd that when he was called by Kortlang at Fourteenth and Harney streets , John Schrandt , one of the partners at Pabst's , and a woman were with him. The woman went her way and he went up the hill with Kortlang. Last nlghl Drummy stated positively that he nevei nade any such statement. When Julius Kortlnng was telling his story to Ormsby at the police station Ormsby asked him who was with him at the time and Kort lang said Mrs. Powers and his partner , Sehrandt. Captain Ormsby was taking down Kortlong's statement at liie tmp ! , and made a memorandum of thtt just the same as ho did of the rest of the story. Mr. Kartlang lest night denied that he was with Mrs. Powers at the time when he left the store or when he called Ofllcei Drummy. He said that his partner was with her. Ofllcer Drummy In describing the shooting soon after it occurred remarked that Wil liams was running when he fired , and he II red because he thought Williams had t revolver. Drummy even says that Williams threatened to shoot him , but last evening the prisoner declared that he did not do sc and that he did not have a revolver. Nc revolver was found on him when he was searched. l.ltcljr n n Trout. Is the Individual who after a long siege find ; himself liberated from the close blockade ol the enemy , constipation. Many persons of i bilious habit are troubled with constriction ol the bowels. They always find relief , and thai speedily , 'without griping or trouble of anj ' sortj from Hosteller's' Stomach Bitters , t remedy also for malarial , dyspeptic , rheu > matlc or kidney affections. TEN THOUSAND SAW IT. "Last Days of romiirll" Increasing in Popu larity liy Itft MorlU. Ten thousand people witnessed the "Lasl Days of Pompeii" last night at Courtlanci Reach , and went home perfectly satisfied thai the day of merry making , In which the majoi portion of tno Immense crowd participated had not been without some compensation Never has such a crowd been seen on loca pleasure grounds , and the amphitheater ai an early hour was a black mass of color contrasting splendidly with the varlegatct colors of the costumes as seen In the picture : of Pompellan life presented in the spcctaculai story of the days when Vesuvius became thi spouse of the Bay of Naples. Thousands of persons have asked since thi Initial performance of Tuesday night how al the firing of the Immenss rockets , bombs am other pyrotechnic effects was done. The not ural answer to such a query is , of course 'by electricity , " but that stops far short o an explanation of the mysteries that an concealed behind the burning mountain. The electrical system Is composed of t number of circuits sixteen In all. Thi pieces that are to bo fired at the same tlmi are connected , and the one touch of the keyi sets all ablaze. Those which arc Indcpenden have Independent wires , but all of the cir cults connect with the keyboard , which 1 ; situated bihlnd the temple of Isis , befori which is the altar , where the last act o the drama occurs , as the eruption of thi mountain begins. A cell battery Is used In firing. It Is i square box containing cells similar to thosi on a dynamo , and on top Is a lever b ; means of which the coils arc mad ; to rovolv and thus the electricity is generated. Pyrotechnist Jim Cunllfe and Charles Cor delta were standing at the board last nigh when the procession of priests marched dowi the marble steps of the temple. "Now watch the altar , " Mr. Cunllfe said "and you will see how the lire. Is started. ' As ho spoke he moved tlifi switch to one o the knobs and quickly i allied the lever of til battery. Instantly a vivid flame shot up fron thu altar , producing a weird effect upon th solemn scene. "Now look out for Vesuvius , " he said moment later. The switch was swung t another knob , the lever given another move mcnt , and the ominous red ( Ire began t ! o\v on the mountain top. Mr. Cunllfo the had time to remove his Roman toga , do his fireman's suit and quaff some water t brf pp him for his struggle with nature * forces. By this time Colonel Arbaces an Mr. Qlaucus arc * engaged In their B\vor combat , and old Vesuvius gets an electrl ' shock which most effectually 'awakens hlr from his reverie , and , as though makln up for long-lost time , 1m belches forth flood of flames , smoke and hissing , craclf ling fire serpents. A few seconds after the eruption hits com menced the burning lava has flowed dow the mountain sides , and while the cart continues to quake , buildings and palace must bo leveled. Again and again the ke board Is manipulated , each time In anothe part of the painted city ; destroying flame shoot up , accompanied by the most deafer Ing explosions. The buildings begin to fa In every direction. Mountains toppled eve und the walls of the city began to crumbli It la a thrilling and realistic eight \vhe viewed from the front , but back amid tli falling buildings It Is wildly exciting. Th timbers of which the buildings arc mad fail In every direction and blocks of woo from the roofs tumble about regardless i who may be In the way. The Sime ! : I dense. It blinds and stifles , and truly or may readily believe that In the destructlo of the ancient city the blind Nydla was t good a guldo as lone and Glaucus could hav found. Libt night the pyrotechnic display wt varied considerably on account of Its belli Woodmen's day at Courtland beach , and I honor of the occasion a picture of Hea Consul Northcott of Illinois was dlspiayc on a gigantic fraiuo , while opposlto tl shield of the order was Illuminated wit "Welcome , Woodmen , " on the aides of tl frame. If anything , the specialties last night wei stronger than on the premiere of the ape tacle , Trevanlon and Condon on the nor zontul tar the Harmons In a clever aerl act , llczene and Huhblni In a catchy coi tortlonlit turn , with Davis brother * | n Oxlng bout , giving entire satisfaction. Vesuvius will biirniamln on Saturday night , which has been mtt , "Omsha night " and ho people of Nebrk 's metropolis arc ex- ected to duplicate ihiixrowd of last night. To Jffectunlly yet gently. , when costive or bll- CUB , or when the lilftod Is Impure qr slug- ; lsh , to permanent ! cure habitual constl- > atlon. to awaken tho- , kidneys and liver tea a healthy activity , .without Irritating or weakening them , to dispel headaches , coldj r fevers , use Syrup iof Figs. September 3 to 7 Are the rtatci of thu Douglas county fair and Nebraska Breeders' meeting. They give up 20,000 In premiums and purses at this meet- ng , and don't you forget It. 0 : in V , M. lit Onmlm , HMB A. Al. lit Chicago. The new vcbtlbuled train now running on he "Northwestern" east dally. Come to 2222 Cum I MR for bargains In dry goods. Closing out at half price. Buy your hard coal before the advance. A. L. Patrick keeps the best. Tel. B57. (1. A ; ; . Arrangement * . The "Ilock Island" coi.ieo to the front as isual with very low rates for the National Kncampmeent , Grand Army of the Republic , at Plttsbtirg , Pa. The round trip rate Is (10 ( from Chicago , add one fare to Chicago : o arrive at through round trip rate. Tick ets will be sold September 8 and 9 , good to return leaving Chlcigo September 14 , 18 or 25. No signing , stamping , depositing or other needluss worlt required at I'lttsburg ; when the ticket Is purchased everything Is settled. These tickets arc good to stop offence once on the return at any point east ol Chicago within the final limit of the ticket. Through cars of every class will be run to Plttsburg , and It should be borne In mind tlfat the "flock Island" carefully handled this class of business and never allows any line to approach It In the generous treat ment of the old vets and their friends. Call on or write any agent of the C. , H , I. & P. railway for particulars , or address John Sebastian , 0. P. A. , Chicago , 111. GAME TO NEBRASKA. Xninm of KuropcaimVlio llato Jtccrntly . Mn do the Strtto Their Home. The last report of the commissioner ol Immigration slums the destination and na tionality of foreign Immigrants who settled In Nebraska duiing Ihe II rat two weeks ol August as follows : Omaha Peter Bohn , Margaret Wolf , Her man Stuhrman , Leo Fisher , Julius Glrsch , Ulchard Illmmel with wife and two chll- Jren , Theodore Schwark , Germans ; O. nee- torson' , Lydla Sweneon , Ingebard Anderson , Swedes ; Nils G. Wallln , Norwegian ; Franz Daliae , Bohemian. Wayne Annie Watkins and four children , Scotch. Kearney Made Nelson with wife and child , Swedes. Mlllard Johanna Arenson and two chil dren , Swedes. Cedar County Fritz Ostcrelch , Michael a' . , Normans ; Ferdinand Tramp , Eng lish. lish.Nebraska Nebraska City John Peterson , SwcJe. Madison Peter Olive , Swede. Macon S. G. Bchren. , , Swede. Hartlnglon Fritz Stpffcn , German. O'Neill Daniel Harrlgan , Mary Quirk , Irish. Pawnee Clly Josef and Frank Blaha , Bohemians. Belvldere Calnerlna Zapolozka , Pole. Ravenna C. Musll , Bohemian. Fronller Ceunty Lunvlg Knodlcr , Ger man. man.To a To Washington an relurn via the Wabash only $30.25 , with choice of routes , August 23d , 24th and 25th. For full particulars call at Wabash ofilce ( 1502 Farnam street. Spirit I.nkn Slccpcru Discontinued. The line of Pullman sleepers between Omaha and Spirit .Lake . will be .discontinued with car 'leaving Hotel iQrleana Saturday , August 25th. C. R. Boatrlght 'Isselling ' out the dry goods stock , 2222 Cumlng , at half price. . A" JS'ow Train to Clilcnco. Commencing Augnst 12 , the "Omaha and Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North western railway , leaves Omaha dally at 5:4G p. m. , and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : ne i morning. Vestlbulcd dining car , Wagner sleepers and chair cars form the equipment of this train , and are all up to "North western" slandard. 1401 Farnam slreet , city ticket office. LOCAL HURI'ITIES. The bill of sale of the property of Valen tine Nock at Thirteenth and Cass strecls has been filed In favor of the Sohlltz BrewIng - Ing company. The consideration Is $22,000 , A Union Pacific , switch engine Jumped Ihe tracks at Ihe Sixteenth street crossing last night. The engineer and fireman were shaken up a little bll , LuL not hurt. Nc damage resulted. Evangelist David Little spoke last evening at the People's church , Eighteenth anil California streets , and on Friday evening al Hanscom Park Methodist church , Twenty- ninth and Woolworth avenue. The regular teachers 'examinations foi applicants for positions as teachers In the city schools will be held In the High school building beginning on Tuesday of next week , They will occupy about three days. Hazel Howard and Lena Carroll , agec ! about 1C years , nsked for shelter at the police station last night and were giver beds. They say they lost Ihelr baggags and relatives while visiting the World'f fair , and are now trying to get back tc their home In California. 1'KHSOtfAK KAKAOK.IPUS. D. E. Good of Atchlson , Kan. , Is at th < Mercer. George B. Matr , editor of the Callaway Neb. , Courier , Is In the city. Colonel Frank E. Moores returned yestcr , day from a month's sojourn on the Grcal Lukes. Mrs. G. B. Roberts of Ogden , Utah , speni Thursday with her brother , Dr J. W Blythln , and then continued her journey t ( New York. Mrs. B. H. Payne , wife of AsjJ'tant Gen eral Passenger Agent Payne cf the Unloi Pacific , arrived from St. Louis last evenlnf and joined her husband at the Mercer. NchniHkunii lit the Hotel * . At the Dellone W. II. Warwick. W. H Wutson. H. W. Sweet. John L. Barber Bancroft ; B. P. Ilufsell nntl wife , Columbus H. 11 , Robinson , ClurUs ; H. M. Hopewell Teknmah. At the Paxton J. B. Cooper. Hnsllngs II n , Wntson , Kearney : V. D. Johnson Mllfoni ; W. H. Ulnpp , Kearney ; Kdwan Webster , KearneyyJ. G. Ferguson und sis tcr , Fremont ; I. B. Byers , Anna. At the MlllurdJ.Jnmes Opelt , Lincoln ; O A. Bacon , Curtis : . W. A. Blnck anil wife West Point ; II. G. Oushman nmj wife , Ken nard ; Mrs. N. ARalnbolt , Mrs. W. 11 Bucholz , Miss Vostn Pltnam , Norfolk. At the Mercer -W , U Everts , Lincoln John Green , CSreenwooU ; D.V. . Woodward Lincoln : II , Schneider. Henderson ; A. J Rand , indlanolajlO ; A. Itoblnson , Lincoln Paul Springer afid wife. E. 1 ? . Wilt am wife , Beatrice. Awarded Highest Honors World' * Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre from Ammonii , Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THU STANDARD. BOSTON STORE SELLING OUT [ "omcrrow's Positively tbo Lnst Grand Rcm- nciit Enlo in This Building. NEVER HELD AN EQUAL TO IT BEFORE I.oft linn Itccn Cut Down In the I , nut Notch , tinil the Lownt 1'lgnrcs Kvor Quoted do Tomorrow A Uraml rliml Snle. ALL 23C SUMMER GOODS 8 > 4C. To close out every yard of Imported sateens , wool clmllls , French outing llannel and In fact every grade of fine summer wash gcods that have been selling up to 25c wo pluco them on our front bargain square tomorrow at 8V4c. 20C SUMMER DRKSS CREPES 6C. Entire strck finest grade navy blue summer dress crepes , worth 20c , go at Gc. All summer dress cliallls , l'&c. All apron check gingham 2Vic. All Indigo blue calico 3Vic. All unbleached muslins 2V&C. All our lOc and 15c remnants In blacks , plain colors and fancies , go In this remnant sale at 2&c per entire piece. Many of these pieces being worlh up to $2.50 a yard. Remnants of silks that have been selling up to 50o' yard go In this selling out by the remnant at IBs yard. Our 75c silks go at 29c yard by the rem nant. Extraordinary bargains In dress length remnants. As wo have been having such a great sale of dress goods Mnco we have been selhng out we find we have many dress lengths on hand , all of which we offer or. our bargain square at one-fourth their value. SELLING OUT HOOLE'S SHOE STOCK. IN THE BASEMENT. Of all the fine shoes ever pu on sale these aio Ihe finest , but for all that we sell them ALL AT HALF PRICE. Hogle , who up lo now sold Ihcse shoes at 2503 N street , So. Omaha , marked every box In. plain figures. Half of what ho marked them Is the price you pay now for them at BOSTON STOHE , Cor. 15th and Dodge. The Enewald stock , 2222 Cumlng , Is be ing closed out at COc on the dollar. The Kith Annual Mute ( I. A. It. Reunion Will bo held at Grand Island August 27th to September 1st , 1894. One fare for the round trip via the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale from all points In Nebraska , August 25th to August 2Sth Inclusive , and from polnlB within 100 miles of Grand Island , August 2Cth lo September 1st Inclusive. 1'llKll Leave Omaha at 4:50 : p. m. and you are In Denver at 7:30 : the next morning ; that Is , you are If you take the Burlington's Den ver Limited. Sleeping and free chair cars. Meals served In dining car on a la carte plan. Tickets at 1324 Farnam street. The latest fast train for Chicago and the east via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul leaves Omaha at G:3F : p. m. , arriving at Chicago cage at 9:40 a. m Solid vestibule elcclrlc lighted train with elegant palace sleeping and dining cars. City ticket olRco 1504 Farnam. C. S. CARRIER , City Tkt. Agt. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. Nolnucr or Itminion. When Is It ? Aug. 27th lo Sept. 1st. Whtre Is It ? Grand Island , Neb. What Is It ? Sixteenth annual State G. A. R. reunion. The Union Pacific will sejl tickets at one fore for the round trip from all Nebraska points on August 25th to 2Sth Inclusive , and from polnls wllhln 100 miles of Grand Island Augusl 2Glh lo Sptember 1st , IncJualve. Morn Kxpnrlencu thuu Fun. Wednesday night after Ihe state conven tion adjourned a couple of delegates wearing convonllon badges could be seen wending Ihelr way down Nlnlh slreet In side the proscribed dlslrlct , with three married women who have heretofore claimed respectablllly. The quintet were out for a time , and were visiting the different houses of disrepute , drinking beer and having a good time generally. In their wanderings the parly slopped In Bertie Mann's place , and an officer who happened to go Into the house on business placed the women under arresl as Inmalej of a house of prostitution , but the men es caped. The women were taken to the city jail , and the men huslled around lo get them out on ball , for fear their racket would be given away and a scandal created. En gaging a hack the men wenl lo Clerk of the Police Court Michaels and deposited $37.50 for the appearance of the women In court yesterday , but when the cases were called no one appeared and the money was declared forfeited. The men carefully con cealed their Identity , but one of them dropped a remark which would Indicate that they lived In the vicinity of Lincoln , and having met these three giddy females , who live on South Sixteenth slreet with alleged hus bands , Ihey slarled out for a gay old time. The men are said to have come to Omaha as delegates lo Ihe slale convention , and are said to bo engaged In business In Lancaster county. None of the police knew them , and they managed to keep their names out of the affair. The women gave the names of Jen nie White , Miss Moore and Mrs. R. D. Mann. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troubles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists. Summer Bargains , ' Midsummer Is the time for values ID furniture. Talto bookcases as an Illustration. H Is hardly a fair test , however , because wo are making unprecedented prices on all our Library furniture to reduce our surplus stock in this department. Book Cabinets are selling hero for less than they could be made today. You nave your choice of an Immense as sortment. The engraving shows one of our mo * * popular patterns , now greatly re duced In price. Our Library bargains will continue to be offered for the balance of this mor.Ci unless sooner cold. Selection Is worth soircthlng , and an early visit Is advisable. Chas. SMverick & Co. FURNITURE of Every Doaorlpt'on Temporary Location , 3LOO nmf VJUtt DotigtitH Stt JJ UILLARD HOTEL DLOOK Don't Fool With Your Eyes , Headache Caused by Eye Strain. pervoni irbost head * are comuntly ch. IDS Imve no lil wlmt rellet nclentlllcalr nt > tea gl&Mei will slvo them. Thi * theory If nan uulvertallr citalillihed. "Improperly lltt il Klau- ti , will InvarUMy Inciujia the troutU and may I < S to TOTAL ULLNDNEflS. " Our utility to ( JJuit cltr i isffiy and correctly li beyond queitlon. Coniult u . Ky tilted Ire * or chart * THE ALOE & PENrOLD CO. Opposite Paiton IIotcL LOOK ron zua QOUJ FOLDING BED SALE THIS 5 FOLDING BED 5 Reduced From 5 $37.50. _ . . . ! IS EXACTLY LIKE JCU T. Inte&t style ' , finished antique ; 1ms iSxWbovoL jilaTclnirrof , wovcTTwiniTm'lnf , ' wllli'lit'iivy spiral springs In- the center , nndmtunt | castors , so that It cnn bo moved about easily. Every fold'np ; bed in our liuinoiiso establishment Is marked in largo , pltun figures atalmo&t i former prices to reduce our enormous stock. All "Gunn" Folding Beds nt less than manufacturer's cost. $15 FoklliiK lleds for $7.15. $18 1'okliim licils for $ ! M)8. ) $25 PoldhiK Hcds for $12.50. $10 FoUHiiB Hods for $22.50. $50 Folding Beds for $27.75. $05 Foldin Beds for $31.SO. m Foldn ! Beds for $30. 00 Folding Beds for $12.25. © $100 Folding Beds for $18.75. < m $125 Folding Bjds for $07.75. SPECIAL. Ice Chests , worth $1O , for $4.75 , * 100 len chests , hard wood , nil modern improvements , size 32 Inches long , 20 inches deep , 27 Inches high , patent castors , perfect ventilation. Refrigerators , with water cooler , $6.98 Description : Hard wood , finished antique , latest style , air tight locks , metal shelves , porcelain lined watorojolor ; dlmon shins : 21 inches long. 10 Indies deep , 'M Inches high. Reduced from $15.00. Terms : Cash or Easy Payments. Formerly People's Mamnnlii Inilallnml Hom. : lid 10 cents for postage on Big "Jl Catalogue. Write for Huby Carriage Catalogue Mailed Free. Goods sold on payments in Council 15luffs & South Omnhn , Close evening at 0:30 : except SutnrJnys. Direct From The Tea Gardens. Fragrant ! Rich ! Delicious ! AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS AT THE WORLD'S FAIR , CHICAGO. Genuine only when supplied in "Original" Patent Air tight Canisters bearing grower's name : These delicious Teas arc used in almost every home in the Old Country. LSpton's "No. i" is unanimously dc. dared to be 'The Finest Tea The World Can.Produce. . . Efll nnRICD Wholesale and Retail Apt , rflLbUSMLng OMAHA , NEB. " A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME. " CLEAN HOUSE WITH * m ANHOOD RESTORED ! SIFw'Sy Bunrantt'cil to turn nil iiorvu dl onfc . iicii us Weak Memory , ! , < > of limlo I'owcr , lli-tnnclie\Vakoulii : ( ! > 9. l.oiaMnnlioocl.Nlfhtly | : ni | > Kuiiti , NerTOUs- ne .aIlrtrnln rUHl los.Kif power In Generative Origins of either roxcnusci ) by over exertion , youthful errcn . oicesslvo UBO of tobacco , opium or Him umnts , nhlcli lead to Infirmity , Cmisutuptlonor Inminltv. Can tin curried In , vent pocket. VI porlux , O for tf i by nmll prounlil. With n S.I order wu Jclir n wrIKlMi uiiuriin ten lo curu or refund Hie raour ) . Sold by nil ilrucclMM. A k lorll. laku ntimhpr. Wrl'e forfrcnModlcnl Itonl , ipntEealta i ATI mi Lbivi. . in plain wrapper. AJUrusa NlIUVIiNKKll CO..Mu9oulcTeirpl.CHIC4an Bold to Omaha , Neb. , by Sherman & McConnell. y Kunu & Co. and bVlcker * & Morchaut , dnifi EDUCATIONAL. CENTRAL Wentwjmli ACAfiffl T For Younc Ladtca. Oldest Military School In the Missouri Rlvor Villty Sli Departments. 18 Officer * and Teachers. MUHlObj . Inllructlo Film but , \ri Klututlov. KtMrtn > Htlltliful DIOI | Influence. Thoroujh ArtUlft Uynmiutnniri [ * . uneicflle'l , Terms lo lull . . fclnj discipline. Appointments polntmrnu tlirunchout. a4i.i year Se ) > t(6th For Catalogue . ihetimes. Jliustrilejt&ttl < ti'u i i t l t tdjfgst Archibald A * Jonr * * lrr t Lrxlneton. 5o. GandforU Selloru , M. A-BupUl-eilnifUuHo. HULL Seminary FEMALE Ba gaL.LJML " " " " " " "l > 3 V BMBR < . . Ficellrnt CMrle ot llxtr : Uuilc. A-l , I.itmUlt. EUKU- Etetbrterlib Iloire School for Younr I.tdiei On of Hi. . . hejfthful mil , CM , , lloi. Business , He. l-otillo. plennt t > ldeita < J b it It Miiiouri ApuiiniMtitftiKxIein.Uutlt'anf1 . - . lath IBB * . Art. TM'hmSpBcMiiM ( UuMuteriCtMlcrut , Actdfs ; wiur , stein Un. aCth 7 roptm Bcpt. ID53 Uor * T. I * . Wnlltm.l'rcat Lrxluclor. . M REV. W. A. WILSON , A. M. , President. SWEET SPRINGS , Mo- Till : CHEAT MIMTAIIV SOIIOOh OP THR VfKff. It mki ccond at thi War DuimrtiiieiilunioMK military schools of the llnltul Htitos. Propara * for C'olloire , llusliiess , Wutt 1'olnt or AnnilulU. Slrouj faculty , unoiuallol | location , liuforu uclcutliij u school , wrlto for IlliiUr.itjcl c itilouo to LESLIE r/l ui.vfl VO'JXc , Ml anas or. 8ELLEVUE COLLEGE Department of the University of Omaha THOROUGH , CAREFUL , HELPFUL. A Home for Young Ladies. modern city accommodations and pa rental oversight. Young men are m ! , > < ! socially , phyalcally. Intellectually , moi.iliy , COUI18E8 - CLASSICAL , BCIUNTIl'-JC ' ; , HUfflC , NOHMAL , COMMKHCIAU Expense guaranteed , $106.00 per year. SELF BUPrOKT DEPAIITM12NT. COLLEGE , Uo\lovuo \ , Nob- ' 1'OIIK Mll.lTAHl' AVAnKMri Col. NKH' , WUIOHT , U. U. A M. , CoruwallN. K BROWNELL HALL IIUAItltlNI ) AND HAY SI IIOUL VOUNO I.ADIi : , ( 1 ! t.lA , Mill. Tall term btglns Wi-Jnc-edny , 6cptem6er 10th. for catalouue and particulars apply to the reo tor , TIIK mv. n. DOIIUUTV. B. T. D. . OMAHA. _ NATIONAL PARK SEMINARY SUDURBSOFWASHINQTON.D. C. For Younir Women. Colleelale and Semin ary Cournca. lieautlful frounUa. )76UOO bulldlngv , A cultured home. t:0 > l to JIOO. Bend for Illuulrutcd camiojjue to Washing. ton , D. C. "U U a liberal education to live In Waib < tnjfton. " ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY. Dot Imtriivllon In > lldei rt. ineuUcil llu : IcmlSUdJ. > tu * Aru. Klacullaii. , A. > ( . , Bu [ >