Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Grain Markets Began the Da ; with a Fair
htw of Strrrgth ,
There Una Only a Smnll Trade In Corn ,
tlio Mnrkrt Oprnlni ; Strong untl
mr on tlio ( li-neral
Dry Weather.
f CHICAGO , Aug. 23. The grain markets
began the day with a fair show of strength ,
but the advance was met with considerable
Belling and the session ended with losses all
nround. September wheat closed Vic loner ,
September corn % c lowr and September call
J/ic lower. Provisions were flrm and finished
at an advance.
Wheat was at time ) rather dull , and the
range fur the day was confined within % c. The
feeling was unsettled. Initial trades were at
from Vic to ? &c advance , at from G5c to 53c
for September , and selling off 'Ac ' , rallied ' , ic ,
cased off Tic , changed some and closed with
September at from C4V4c to 51c. Th3 earl ?
Btrcngth and flrm opening was attribute !
to the continued wet weather abroad anil
JilgliT cables , which started the local crowd
to bil.'lng , whllo foreigners wcra said to be
eclllng il New York nnd selling hpfe , which
tuinwl the course of the market , and p'lces
sold off. There was moro wheat feeding toll ;
and advices from the Interior statrd that
It was on the Increase , which , whllo n rumor
factor , had a stimulating tendency. On trie
other hand , the Prlci Current summary was
rather bearish , Indicating a total crop of
600,000,000 bu. The northwestern receipts
were larger and the arrivals at primary mar-
lieti also showed some increase , which hid
the effect of llmltln , ; the buying and rather
Increased the selling pressure among tlie
local traders. Closing public cables
easier for the continental market and had
Bomcthlng to do with the tat : decline.
There wac only a small trade In corn , the
market opening strong and higher on tbo
generally dry weather reported from the
corn country nnd In sympathy with the open
ing jumps In tin prlca of wheat. It became
weak later from the absence of country buy
ing orders and the narrow trade which en
abled a few bearlshly inclined local operators
to make an Impression by a moderate sell
ing. Tlu receipts were GO cars over the es
timates , numbering 230 cars. May corn sold
at the opening at from C3V&C up to 53c ;
after touching G3c It again rose to 63c ,
but became very weak after that and gdt
down around G2V&C toward the end of the t > ea-
slon. September sold at from 64c early
In thi day to the close at 53c.
Oats were taken freely today and at , active
session with higher prices early was ' 10 re
sult. Outside orders to bav "tss n' erous ,
and with heavy Individual as vveH as good
local buying , considerable stuff changed
hands. The firmness lasted well with corn ,
but when the latter weakened It also de
clined , October opened at 31V&C , sold up to
31V4o , declined to 30c , closing at 30c.
Provisions were generally nrm on moderate
buying , scarce offerings and hog receipts
under the estimate. Packirs did tome cov
e-Ing , also helping , the market. Compared
with last night , January pork la UVfcc higher
and lard nnd ribs 7V&c higher.
ISs * . Freights 10 Buffalo , Ic for round lots of
whPit and sorn nnd lc for small lots by
til ln ! Unas. Hates to Port Huron Ic , and
! wheat to Kingston , 2c.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
' Articles. | " Open.J High. J Low. | Close.
'niientNo. 2
A 111- E4 54
fccpt GS
Dec t > HH
May Oi',14 UJ > 4 uah
Corn No. 2. .
A lie
j-ept 3H
Oct HUM 6 (
OntnNo. 2. . .
Ati ?
Sept .11 SOH 30K
Ocl ] i <
May. . . . . . . . M 3GM 3SJ }
FnrU per bbl
tout. 1:1 : B5 1 ( iO 13 C5 13 r.7W
Jan 13 75 13 70 13 l'.7.m 13 7''H
Lard 100Ibs
Sept. 7 70 7 7iH !
Jan ' ' 7 07) ) . 7 70
Short' il'fba-
Sipt 7 35 7 37 7 37
Jan 7 03 7 0" 7 05 7 U7J
Caeh quotntlons were ns follows :
1-IX3UU Slunily.
WHEAT No. 2 fprlnu , Mff53Hc ; No. 3 sprlnc ,
nonilnul ; No. 2 reil , tlBHUc.
COIIN No. 2. 63Tic ; No. 3 yellow , B'ie.
OATS-No. 2. SOVSc ; No. 2lilte , 3iue34 > ic ;
Ka. 3 white , 33(33Hc. (
11YB No. 2. < SVic ,
IIAIlI.nY No. 2 , MliffHc ; No. 3 , COQ3 < c : No.
4 , nominal.
FLAX SI3FD No. 1 , tl.4Vi )1.2i. ) .
TIMOTHY SUHD-1'rlme , J3.33.
I'llOVISIONS Mess pork per lihl. , (13 B ) . Linl.
per ion Ibs. , 17.70. Short ribs , nldes ( louse ) , J7.35
C7.4D ; dry united shoulilers ttmxol ) . JC.MBC.M'i ' ;
Bh3rt clenr. sliles ( boxed ) , (7.UO7.75.
WHISKY DlBtlllers' Ilnlstml gocnls , per gnl. ,
f 1.23.
The followlne were the receipts and shipments
for today :
On the I'nxluco oxchaniro tml.iy the butter mark -
k t wns ntciuly ; crennu-ry , 13 ' ( < il3Koi ! dairy , U ®
0o. KSVH , Btcady at ' " -
Vc-ntrrilny's Qiiiitatlom on Flour , Oraln anil
I'rovlslons , Alctul * , itc.
NEW YOIIK. Aug. 23. riXDtm-ltPceipts ,
14,100 bbls. ; exports , 7,000 bbls. ; Bales , 14,300 pkgs.j
mat ket dull nnd lower to sell ; mills hoW llrm ,
but bujeri nre hunting for concessions. South
ern Hour , more active ; snles. 430 pkgs. Ilje Hour ,
Kood demand ; rales , 900 bbls.
COIIN MEAIStendyj yellow vvehtern , $2.800
S.10 ; llrnmlywlnc , $2.95jf3.20 ; sales , 5W bbls. ,
'llYi : Dull ; state. 62e03c ; Jersey , 4950a.
IIAHI.13Y Nominal.
IJ IILUY MALT Suad > ; western , C7 " 5c ; two-
rowed , state , 73c ; six-rowed , SOOS c.
WHKAT llecelpts. none ; expo : Is , SO.SOO bu. :
Mies , 4,180,001) ) bu. futures , 136,000 bu. spit. Knot
Weaker , but msre active : No. 2 led , In store nid
flevntor , Me ; alloat , 68Hc ; f , o. b. , 69io nlloat ;
No. 1 northern. 65 > it delivered ; No. 1 haul , C7 > Jc
Oellvere'1. Options opened h glicr on wet weather
In Kuroiic but s ion lost the ndvunet- under of
ferings by lorul traders und declined nil day de-
spltp late cable * nnd some foiclgn buying. The
clos was heavy nt Ho net decline ; May , Cevw
67 > 4C , cloned Cli4c ; August cloe d 58o ; 8riitember.
MM8C9WC. closed WUp ; October , ! .9'S i9'ic , clos d
I9 c ; December. SWWGSUc , closed HHc !
fOUN Hccelpta , 43,700 bu. : exports , 31,700 bu. :
dales , 193.000 bu. futures. 12.0-JO bu. KIWI. Hoot
dull , closing i < a > ler ; No. 2 , Clc In stoiu nnd fit-
Mitot ; 61 c alloat. Options opened iteady , , but
turned weak with wheat nnd declined all day.
Closing > , ,6Ho r. t decline ; navv corn nirlvlnt at
Chicago from Kansas City said to ba Uncut ever
received : August closed 61e ; September , 5914JS
60Uc. closed 69 c ; October. GShWWJ.e. cloee.l
Mc : December , 654CIi7c. closed 60'ic.
OATS Hecelpls , 14,700 bu. ; exports , IWO bu.
rules , W.OOO bu. futures , IH.OOO bu. spot. Unot
market ( Inner for mixed ; steady for white : No
WiCCMc ; No. 2 delivered. 33 C33c' ; No. 3. 3J"i
nominal ; No. ! white , 3 ; > 4e ; No. 3 white. 3614o-
track , mixed western , S 0s5cj trnck" , white state
und western , 37042140. Options steady today on
gvod demand and the firmness In cn h ; the close
WHS unchanged from last night ; August closed
nl 33Tlc ; September. S4U631'ic , closed S4Uc ; Oc-
tobcr , MHdJSVie. closed 35Uc ; NovsinWr closed
6c *
HAY Easier on lurne receipts ; 'lipping , 53O
Wo ; good to choice , 70 < i85c.
HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice , SfflOc ;
1'aclllo .
const. SU12c.
HIDKS-Slow : wet salted New Orleans. e-
lecud , 4J to Ibs. . 4ff Hc ; Texas , selecte.1.
( S to 40 Ibs. , 4U5o ; llucnoi Ayrcs. drj , 2 > ) to 25
Ibs. . lOHci Texas , dry. 24 to W Ibs. . BCSVic ,
hi riVc/1' / ' "emlock Io1- b--- II M
WOOlAquYet ; domestic fleece , l C24o ; pulled.
I'UOVIBIONS Ueef. sternly. Cut meats , nrm-
plckUd bellies , Hiti'Jc ; pickled shouldora , M 7c
pickled hams , IH.Viac. bnul , llrm ; vveVtern
Btenm closed at $8.10 ; city , 7 4c ; Kepterabcr clo e < l
nt $8.05 nominal ; refined , firm ; c ntlmnt. $8.40 ;
H. A. , $4.70 ; rompound , Hc. 1'ork , llrm und
fulily active , sales , 600 bbls.
UUTTKIt Uull but steady ; vvetttern factory.
C1IKKHU Klrmi state , large. tf(9Ho ( ; small ,
I OlOc. part skims , 3H06\c : full skims , 203c.
KtiaS Hteady ; recelU | , t.CTS pkgm. i
7AL.IXW Klrmi city ( $2 per pkg. ) , 5c ; coun
try < | > kgs. free ) . 6Uc.
I'lrrUOI.BUXl-Dull ; United clpse < ! at lOHt
HOSIN Steady ; strulned , common to coud
$1 1SW1.20.
HICK -Firm : domestic , fair to extra , 4UCC > 4c
Japan , 4Stl4HC ,
MOLAHSUB Steady , New Orleans , open kettle
good to choice , JS ( J6c.
JMO moN-Dullj Scotch , $13.Wtfa.M ; Amcrl
con , $10.n > Uil 00.
COl'l'EIt-KIrm ; lake , $990.
I.1SAI > Firm , domeitic , 3.15.
TIN-null nd caxlcr ; ( trait * . $15.35 asked
plates , dull.
vteady ; domestic , $3.i5 bid
ales nn 'change , 2.1 toiiii n. O. ! Augu t-Pp-
temtier. nt $1 .2 .
COTTON SEED OIIHtndy ; prices nominally
unchanged. _ _ _ - _ _ _
Cnnilitlnn of Tr < lo nn I < Jnntutl it tin
Ntnplo unit I'uiicy I'roclnre.
The general market on produce was not much
changed , prices u-inAtr.Ui > ; nbout stnd > ,
UUTTEIl racking stock , lOc ; fnhto inoA
country , H0l&c ; choice In fancy , IttJlSoi gith *
ered creamery , ITOSJc ; separator crcamory , 2r.
rJOOH-I'er iloz. , lc.
LIVE I'OUI.THY-Oli ) hcnf , So : moslern , 8't8 >
3o ; spring chickens , Ofl''c ( ' ; ducks , Cc ; hen tui-
keys , ? Se ; gobblem , CQCc ; old gecae , full-fcith-
cred , 4JJ5c.
VEAIt'holce fat nnd-small vrals nre quoted
at fi'jWCc , course nnd large , 3B c.
rilKESIT Wisconsin , full cream , new mike.
mi 'ic ; Nebraska nnd loun , full , lie ;
NcbrnsUa nnd IOAO , pill sKlms , 8c ; 'Lint-
burger. No. 1 , lie , brick , No. 1 , lie ; Bwlss , No.
1 , lIHISc.
HAY folnnd hay , $11 : midland , $10 ; lowland ,
$9. Color makes the price on hny. IJght bales
sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices.
I'lOEONS Old bird * , per doz. , ktfc.
rOTATOHS Hound lots of home growm or
Kansas stDck , 7rf8 ( > ) c per bu. ; small lots on or
ders. SOc : Ciillfortiln , 73f/80c. /
MEI.ONS-OfKid mock , crnted , $20.
CANTALOUPES Home grown , per doz. , DOt ®
OLD IIEANS Hand-ptcked navy , $5.15 ; me
dium , $2 1032.15 ; common white beans. $1.11
ONIONS On ordfrs , iJe per bu.
CA1IIIAOE Good slilpplriK stock , home grown ,
on orders. 2'/ic : southeui , 2c.
CELEHY 1'er doz. , 33 40o.
At the nucthn sale jesterday mornlnc lvr cars
of pcnr * and two mixed cms , mostly peaches ,
weio sold. The mniket was n little ( Inner ,
There Is to be quite n revolution In th har
vesting i.f Cape Ciul cianheirlrs the coming
nenBon , according to the American Cimcer. Ma-
eMne pickers will be used , nnd It Is cliltncd
thnt , opeinted by one man , a muchlne will Bather
ns ninny cranberries In one duy ns were ever
pliKel bv twenty-live goDi ( pIcKers by the use of
th' 1 iide. The Kitin'TB pny tlmt this move Is
rbtili.cely iiecesjary If the bmilness Is lo be
c n'lucltit profitably. Ore ern nBsert thnt the
machines vvlll not Injure the vines In nny
greater extent thnn will 10' ' ) Or IV ) prsntn that
Ma usually emilcl | In the log * nt linrvisl tlni-
Eilly this jenr the gnwcra voted to reduce the
price of lOe per measure of eluht qunitfl to 8c
On the bogH nt White IplamU v\here < I TI OIH
linusunllv emplojed. It Ii thought 23 mm will
IhU venr do the worli by using machines. The
1S13 season wrw a illsnulnms one , not ( nlv nt
homr , but In England , where It was lioiiPd the
benlci w iuld command n Kood l > rlc . 'llie nt-
tempt to sell thn 1,4 K ) Mils , sent to England
cost $2,0i ) , besldi" ) the inhh'ng of ttie nKoit s'lil
to that country. As the Ilunsan or Swedish
cranberries ran be barreled nml sivit tn Knglnnd
for n much lower price thnn the Cape Coil berry ,
It la not likely n m.irket for thn Ameilcnn
In'rrv will evei be established abroad.
Al'I'LEH Good stork , pr bbl. , ; 2 50Q3.00.
HED HASI'liniinins None.
I'EAPIIES Cnllfoinln. S1.lflftll&
rH'MS-rallfomla. ll.OOOl.GO.
PEAHS HartUtt's , $2.00 ; other varieties. $1.CO ,
Al'IHCOTS California , none.
CIinniUKS-rnllfninla none.
flRAPES Concoids , 10-lb baskets , 2Sf3tc ; Cal
ifornia , $1.75.TnOPIPAL
nANA S Choice stock. $2 W i2.50 per bunch.
LEMO1.1'nncy lemons , 300 size , $6.50 ! fnncy
lemons. ttCO size , $6 DO.
F1O8 Fancy , per Ib. , 15c.
HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey. IIKH2C.
MAPLE SYllUP-Onllon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds15@17c ; English walnuts , 108
Kc : niberts. 12c ; Urazlt nuts. lOc.
CIDEU-Pure lulce. per bbl. , JC ; hnl ! bll. , $3.25.
HIUEfl No. 1 green hides , 2VJc : No. 2 gie n
hides , lUJ2c ; No. 1 gieen salted hld s. 3 > , Jc ; No.
> 2 green salted hides. 2'jl2l/icNo. ' : 1 k-recn salt-d (
hide * , 23 to 40 Ibi. . 3Hc ; No. 2 green silted hld ° s.
25 to 4" Ibs. . 2C2lic : No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 to 15
: , is. , mftCc ; No. 2 vent calf. 8 to 13 Ib ; . 4IH'/4c ;
No. 1 lr ; Hint hides , Cc ; No. 2 rtr/ Hint hides.
2c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part Cjrcd hides
' 40 per Ib. les thnn fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green palled , each. 2357Mc :
cr > cn stilted sheirllngs ( short wooled earlj' skins ) ,
each , G15c : dry shenrllngii ( short woolt-d early
Eklnr ) . No. 1 , each. SRlOc : dry sliearllncs ( short
wooled eaily skins ) , No. 2 , each , 5c ; ilry Hint
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ib , actual weight. GftSc ; mm rain won ] pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , 4Gc ; dry dint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , Ui >
GMc ; r-.urraln wool pells , per Ib , , actual weight.
< GGc. Have feet cut off , as U Is us leia to pay
field" ' - them.
TAI.L/W AND OREAPE Tnllnw. No. 1 , 40
4 c : tn'low. No. 2. 3HC3\c ; gicase , white A.
44T4'ic ; grease , whlto H , 3liO31ir ; Br ase , yel
low , 3c ; grease , dark. 2 lie ; old butter. 2JT21ic ;
beesvmx , prime , 15lSc ; rouch tallow. l462c. !
Volurno of UiiFlnesfi on 'ClmiiRo M'ns Fairly
tlooit Ycsti-rd.i.v.
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. The volume of
business on the Stock exchange today was
fnlily good and the dealings fairly dis
tributed. It was a dull market , and at the
close substantial gains had been cstabllsho
on the day's transactions , In which but few-
shares failed to participate. A feature of
the speculation was the brisk demand for
the Vanderbllt shares , principally Lake
Shore , of which there was but scant supply ,
The upward movement In Lake Shore was
started by an attempt to fill a large order
to buy the stock for a short Interest. Suf
ficient stock was not obtained to complete
the order , but the stock waa bid up by tin
traders , and before noon touched 139 , an
advance of 4 4 per cent , only us closing
sales. During the afternoon trading In the
stock was light , the closing price being a
a reduction of % per cent , but ot 3 % pel
cent advance on the day. A sympathetli
advance was made In the shares of thi.
group , Including 1 % per cent In Canada
Southern nnd 1 % per cent In New York
Central , with a final reaction of % per cen
In Canada Southern and % per cent II
Michigan Central. There was yery good
buying , notably In Burlington , in whlcli
It Is said a bull pool has been formed. Bur
lington opened % per cent higher , reacted
U per cent , sold up 1 % per cent , closing
1A per cent from the top , at nn advance O
2V4 per cent on yesterday. St. Paul , which
was bought by London as well us by loca
operator ! ) , rose 1 % per cent , of which al
but % per cent was held to the close.
Hock Island advanced 1 per cent and los.
U Per cent on the day. Northwestern
moved up 1 % per cent , with a final reaction
of % per cent. The coal stocks were un
usually strong , possibly on tlio iprospectlv
Improvement In the trade. Delaware t
Hudson recorded nn Improvement of 24 ! pe
cent , New Jersey Central 1 % per cent , Bela
ware , Lackawanna & Western 1 per cent
Suiiehanna | & Western 2 % per cent am
Rending 1V4 per cent. The other promlnen
advances on the day's transactions wen
N. Y. C. & St. L. first preferred , 6 per cent
second preferred , l'/i per cent ; common ,
per cent ; U , S , Leather preferred , 2 % per
cent ; Consolidated Gas , 254 P r cent ; Man
hattan , 1 % per cent ; Great Northern pre
ferred , 1 % per cent ; St. Paul & Omaha , 1U
per cent ; Union Pacific , ! > / , per cent ; La-
cle < le , Gas and Richmond Terminals , Ts per
Sugar stock was comparatively neglected ,
fluctuating between m % and 115 % , nnd
closing % per cent below the highest figures ,
but ' / ; per cent up on the day The only
declines rf moment recorded were l',4 ptr
cent In Plttsburg & Weitern preferred , %
per cent ! n Canada Pacific , and H per cent
In Pullman. The market closed strong.
The railway and miscellaneous bond market
was strong and very active , the day's trans
actions aggregating $1,003,000. Reading Is
sues wcro In good demand and recorded ma
terial advances , Including a gain of 1 % per
cOnt In general fours , 2VJ per cent In first
preferred , 1 % per cent In the seconds , 1 %
per cent In thirds , and U4 per cent In the
deferred Incomes. The entire list traded In
moved upward a fraction. Green Bay and
St. Paul firsts 1H per cent , St , Paul 7s ly ,
per cent , Chicago Qaa firsts 1 % per cent ,
Fort Worth & Denver city firsts 1' per
cent , Cincinnati , Dayton & lion fives 1\ \ {
per cent , I-rle second consuls 114 per cent ,
Kt\e \ trust receipts Ii4 per cent , Elizabeth
& Dig Sandy firsts , International & Great
Northern seconds , National Starch firsts ,
Northern Pacific firsts. Northern Pacific Mon
tana firsts , Richmond & Danville stamped
fives. Klchinotid Terminal stumped sixes ,
Toledo & Ohio Central fires , western
division , and Western Now York & Penn
sylvania firsts , 1 per cent.
The Post's London cable saja- The bank
return * of the day beats all the records. The
reserve IB nearly 31,000,000 , and there U In
bullion 39,597.400 , an Increase for the week
of 793,000. Of this , 483,000 was gold Im
ported , and the rest was from home ; 104,000
came from Australia , 7,000 fiom Paris and
the remainder was bars bought. It U
; believed t'int very little gold vill leave here
this uutuuu. The speculative markets were
better tod\y , especially for Americans , which
closed at about the belt. Lake Shore leading
with a rise of 3 > ,4 per cent.
The Evening Post says- The market cora-
pletely changed today , as compared with Its
hitherto wel | balanced condition. Leading
itocki were scarce and lujlnj orders ot
considerable size were plentiful The nMarp
ana "tutnined upward movement which re
sulted was The advance was cnV
curtailed liy the limit as the price placed
on buying orders. The Indications arc that
the reaction of the fore part of fho weej ,
which was about 1 per cent , was duo largeiy
to realization ! , nnd has run Its coarse.
The following were the dining quotation *
on the leading stocks of tha New Ycrk ex-
chingo today :
, . . . llHlNortlii'rn rncmc
Adnni No. I'.ic. pM. a
Alton , T. II VI ) U. P 1) . „ O.
ilo pM . . . . . . . H'S Northwestern 107J <
Am , Express . . . . lilt ilo pfd. . . IU
llnltlmnroAOIilo. 74 N. Y Cciitral . . . . _
Cnnail.i Pacific . . 07M N. Y. AN. Kn . . . S7 * <
Cnnaili Southern. niJ ! < [ Ontario A. W. . . . 17
Central rnclllo. . . I3h Oregon Imp lf > ' <
Chen. A Ohio . . . llt't ' Oregon Nnv 17
fhlnnffo Alton. . , . 140 O. < . L. A t ) . IT. . . . B
P. . II. , VQ 7RM Pacific Mall. . . . . . . . liHf
Chlc.uroUns 77K P. 1) . A. B 0
ConKolldaleil Ois 1SMI4 t'ilmtnirjr 151
C.O. C. A St. L . . . 40 f I'ullninn I'-Uncu. . 1114
rolo. A Ir.iu 8H Henillmr 'JIM
Cotton Oil Ort. . . : i.I ) i Ulchniniul Turin. . IKJi
Del , & Hudson. . , ilo pr < l
Del. Lick.V . . u. o.\v
U. .VII. O. pfd llUO. W. 42
D.AC. F. Co JHH Hock '
Kant Ton 11
Krto St. I'.llll Dfll
St. 1 * . .V Oiimnu. . . an
Tort Wayne Ifill do pM 114f
B. Noitlium PM. . 102 Southern I'M
C AK. I , pM im > < i Itelliurv , , .
Hovkinir Valley , . in- iTeiui. A Iron
III. Conn ul 'CX.IH IMtlnc. . . .
Ft. 1' . AUnlutl ' . AO. Cont.pfd. . Til
K..V T.nfd
LnkoKrloA W. . . IT. 8 KxproHi .
do pill W.St. L.JrP .
Lake Slioro HIM ilo pfd
Loml Trust , 44U nr >
LoiilsvllloXN. . . . 54 ( Wcfiteru Union. . .
LoulsvllloA N. A. \v. & i. . i : . . .
M.inlillttiii Con. . . do nfii .
MomtililHA C M.VSt. t , .
: . : iclil an Cent. . . . I ) . .VII. U . 11U
Mo. I'aclllc n. K . 42M
Mobile A Ohio. , . . 5.1" N.L . nm
Nashville . . . < ! . K. A. 1 . , do nM .
do pM H. AT. C . .
N. J. Central uiu : T. A. A. .V. N M. . .
Nft W. pfil V4H T. SUL. , tK.O. . . .
North Am. Co do pM .
Thn total dales or floekn todny were 230 ROO
MinrF * . ; : American Oottrn Oil , 3.COO ;
Su ar. 18,5' ' , IturllnKton , 31,100 ; Canada South
ern. 3,900 ; C'lilciiKO a . 8,300 ; C. , O. , C. & St. L , . ,
S.ifJO ; DI.llltlnK , 37,40) ) , General Electric , 4.COO ;
Ixiulnvlllv Ai Nashville , e.I'W ' : Manhattan , 0,000 ;
Mliwnurl I'aclnc , 3,9iX ) : Omaha , 3 , < l ; Heading ,
II.S'K ) ; llock Island , 11,000 ; St. Paul , 20.COO.
Xe\v York Mniu-y Mnrhet.
NH\V YO11K , Aup. 23. MONEY ON CAI.I
Unsv nt 1 per cent ; In.-t lonn 1 pet cent , closed
ut 1 per cent.
HTIIRLINO EXCI1ANQE Sl ni1v with nctlinl
buslr.exH In linnkers' Lllls ut 1 raPI.S7 for tlc-
m.inil nml nt M.85S1W4 SC for HO dii > s ; posted
mips , H. ! > CUfn 87 nnd } l S75C ! ( 88 ; commercial
UllH. S4.S4 i4S.- > .
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Strong. State bond ? ,
dull. Itnllrontl bonds , strong.
Closing quotnt'ons on bonds were a follows :
U S. ris'rcg , D. A. II. Ci. la nn
U. S Cm coup. . . 11KH I ) . AR. ( ) . Is
U.S. 4s re ? 114 Erie 'Juris
U.S. 4s coup 114X t ) . H. AS. A.Cs. . . US
II. H. L'tirok- UU II. AT. C.Cs 104
Pacific Unof'SU. . . nu do UN l > 0
Ala. Class A 10.1 M. K. AT. 1st 4s. .
Ala. firm U 101 flo I'd Is
Ala. Class C in MiilunlUiilouUs. . 110
Currencies 112 N.J. Cent. Gen. 3s ,
Ln. Now Con. 4s. . im. No. I'.ic. Inn ill
Missouri Us. 100 Nc Pac Utids
N.C.OB , 124 N. W. Consols. . . .
tlo4s. 07 do S. V. Dob. As.
R C. nonfuml 07a R. O.V. . I t
Tonn. new > - ( t ) , 70 St. P Consols 7s .
TennncvvB'jtS. . . . K.I St.P.C.AI"V.5s. . 100M
Teiin. old Hi , . . . . ( ill ! Jt.L.Al.MOcii.8. 7H
Va. CenturluH SHVii S. UA3.P Ceil 0.
Io dcforred Tex. I'ac. Ists . .
AtchlBon 4s do Us
AlchlBon 2s A. . . , , U. P. iHtaof'OJ. .
Canada So. 'JndH. . io \VcatSlioro4n. . . . 103
Ccn. Pao. luts ' 93.
llo ton Stock Qiiut.itl n < .
BOSTON , Aug. S3. Call loans. mi ! pjr cent :
time loans. 3d I per cent. Closing prices for
MockB , bonds .ma intnlni ; Hharj.9 :
ATT , .V S. K . W. nuU pld . 7HH
Am , hiifar . WnniliiKli. Klectrlo 61
Am. pfd . W. Eleo. pfd . . . . an
Ilay State ( ias . WtH Central . an4M
Hell Toli-phonc. , . . 201 Atchtaon ' 'da . 24H
IJOHton .V. Alb.tny. . 107 ! Atuhlnoii 4B . 7'JM
HoHtoMiVMainu. . . 147U XiiW KiiRlnnl ( Is. . 10S
do pfd . IB- ' Gen. Klottlle Cs. . . 01
C. . II. AO . IB7hW WlB. Cent , lull 01S5
Fllchhurir . 11 2fl
Gen. KU-etrlc . 4Vi ! ! Atlantic
IllhiolH btcel . . . CllHir Boston , V Montana
Mexican CY-ntml. , Hir Hullo .V lloatou. . . . lll'-i
N. Y. AN. E . 279i Calumet & Hucl.i. . 290
Old Colony . :7l)4 ! ) Centennial . DO
Orccon Short SAt.o H rraninit .
RiiDDer. . 4:1 : Oacool-i. . . .
San Dleeo . 0 . 112
Union Paclnc . Ill 8ulncy . . 1UO
.Voat Kml . 04J <
I"iireltn Hunk StnteinrntB.
PARIS , Aus. 23. The weekly itntcment of the
Dank of I'm nee Issued today shcuvs the following
clianeea ns compared with the previous ncrount :
Notes In circulation , decrease , 41 , " > 73,000f , treas
ury accountn , current , decrease , 7,200,000f ; Bold
In hand , Increase , l,725,000f ; tilll < discounted , de-
ciease. 323,000f ; silver In hnnd , Increase , lS2o,090f.
LONDON , AUK. 23. The weekly statement of
the Hank of Cut-land Issued trxlny shows the
following chnnses ns compared vlth the previous
account : Total reserve. lncreni . 1,303,000 ; cir
culation , decrease , C&OTi.OOO ; bullion. Increase ,
783,000 ; other eecurltles , Incrensp , 125,000 ; other
deposits. Increase , 363,000 ; noles reserve. In
crease , 1.241,000 ; Roveinment sccuittles , decrease ,
322,000. The pioportlun of the I ! . Ink of ling-
land's reserve to liability IB (9.L4 per cent.
Sun Frunciscu JMnln. ; ( Juotutlnui.
SAN FRANCISCO , AUK. 23-Tlnj official clojlnt
quotatlona ( or mining Htou 4 to 1 1wjrj .13 fol-
Alta 10 Mexican us
Uelclier Hfi Mono 118
llest&llulclier l o Uphtr 226
liodle Con ICO I'otost .m
Chollar 27 Sav.lffO 34
Pon. Cal. A Va 4SO Slt-rrn Nevada 04
Crown Point 74 Union Con no
EureKnCon JB Utah H
Ciould JtCurrv. . . . SH Yellow Jacket. . . . 46
Hale ANcreross. . . 03
Noiv York Mlmtnj
NEW YORK. Aup. 23. The lollovvmf ara the
cloolnp iiiinin ; quouttions :
Choler 20 1'lymomn 10
Crown Point 115 Slurra Nevada. . . . . RO
Con. Cal. i. Va.til ) Standard 125
Uc.idwooa , AU Union Con 02
Gould & Curry no Ycllovr Jnckot. . , . 40
Ilnlo.V. Norcro39. . liO Iron Silver 10
lloincutnUo 1350 Quicksilver 225
Mexican 110 da preferred 1400
Ontario 760 Bulvvtr 20
Oplur. 200
I.oniton Stock Quotutlcr.i ,
LONDON , Alls. * 43 4 p. m. closlne :
Can-id.iu ! Puclfta. . St. I'aal com UUU
Krl- . N. Y. Central 1(14 (
78 Pennsylvania C19 {
Ills. Central . 0' Ruadlti ? ! ( ! ) (
Mexican ordinary. 1714 Mex. Gun. ruw4g. 00 > i
Whout Mnrkrt ,
MINNEAPOLIS , AUK. 23. Opened inoderntely
-tronK nml Kllghtly higher , but weakened shortly
after and sold down , closing Ho loner than UK
preceding da- . Weak cables , with small clear
luicea nnd lame receipts nt primary points In
thin country , discouraged the lungs and their
selling created weakness.
Receipt' nrp Inci railing In the narthwest , with
leports of good receipts In tome sections from
farm bins. With the exception' of North Dakota
the > leld continues to exceeil expectations , but
In Minu parta of Kouth Dakota the situation Is
more discouraging ns llirslilnj propi esses than
was oxpeeted. Thi- market clcsml : Aueust ,
65c ; September , Mc ; Decunbcr , 5' Hc ; Slay ,
6 le ; on tmci. , old wheat. No. 1 hard. 68 0 ; No.
1 northern , B7c ; No. 2 northern , 65'is. New wheat
nas ' "fee under old. Tlie milling demand for old
wheat was still good , which was the can c of
the. hlKher prlim maintained for old than new
wheat , as the new will not be nt to use to any
extent for seveial weeks yet , although the qual
ity of the N exceedlnKly Ikie. Dour won
weak In sympathy with wheat , nnd In seine
ci > ses the prices accepted were lawer than would
have been accepted two il.iy . * ago. Talents , JJ.20
tl3.ti ) ; bakers , S2.2 < )62.2.3. titles were about ns
much ns the production , npiounllns to about 33-
OW bbls. for the 21 hours. Shipments weru nbout
37,004 bblB. Receipts of wheat were 138.COO bu. ;
slilpnu-ntu , 41,000 bu ,
NEW ORLEANS , AUK. 13-Clenrlngs , 83S19.
1108TON , .Miff. Z3.-CIfarlnBS , JllirilD9 ; bal
ances , | 1,1G4,4I7. !
BALTIMORE. AugU. . Clearings , 12,091,347 ;
balances. I307 , > 0.
NEW YORK. Aus. 23.-Clearlngs. $74,200,339 ;
balances , I4.773.08J.
AMSTERDAM. Auir. 23. Slher Is quoted tc < lay
nt W millders per kilo. ,
PHILADELPHIA. Aus. a.-ClenrlnBs , $8.003-
IK ; balances , $ I,4$1C82.
LONDON , AUK. 23 Tha nmount of bullion gone
Into the Dank uf Uneland loJny on balance l
MEMI'IIIH. AUR. 23.-nenrlnKs. $105,262 ; bal
ances , pi,992. New York exchange selling at
Jl.M premium.
CINCINNATI , All ! ? . 23. Clearings. $1.79860.
Muney , 4(16 per cent. New York exchange , 2Sc
discount to ruir.
NKW YORK. Aug. 23. I.isanl & Freres will
ulilp to Uuroi > JCW.uoo of the foreign suld they
UTched from I'ula.
HAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 23.-Irnft . Bight ,
12'-jc ; ulfKi | lilc , 15c. Silver burs , 65\jCiic.
Mexican ( tollam , r.Z' ' c.
\VAKII1NOTO.N. A UK. 23. The cnnh balance In
Uie treaeury tiKijy was IIK,710I8. of which
$34,382tSJ was gold rc tr\t.
ST LOflH , AUK. 23.-OI nrhiKS , ti. lb'lit ; 1ml-
micei , $ G2S,14I. Muney. dull at OQ7 per cent.
Kxchange on New York , par Mil.
CHICAOO , AUK. 3. C-lrarlllBs. $13.409.000.
Money , S'itiS per cent on rail. New York ex-
chanKe , lOc premium HskKl ami par bid. Tor-
1 exchange , steady , tterllng , commercial.
LONDON , Aug. 23.Thr Hank of KnsUnd'u
rate of dlnoount Is unctunged nt 2 per cent ;
gold U today quoted M Duenoi / , , s at 24C'
at Madrid , 22.2S ; &t Lisbon , 3.M , at HI. P trr > .
burg , to ; at nhtn , 77 , gt Rome , ll.lOi at Vi
enna , 103.
Receipts Continuing Tall Cffin the Pees of
iionernlly lucre s'tig Demand.
Dealers rorcnl to jl ny lllclirr Trice * by
Competition fur cSriirrn orfrrlnits
Hog * Bi-ll llt > iully | nt u Sharp
AdtniicV I'tirrp SBciuly.
THUHSDAY , Aug. 23.
Today's rccilpts were 1,112 cattle , 7,931
hogs and 9SG sheep , as against 2,235 cattle ,
9,521 hogs and CO sheep yesterday , and 1,268
cattle , 7,807 hogs and lid sheep on Thursday
of last \vcek. For the week thus far the
receipts foot up 8,381 : attle , 25,770 hogs nnd
2,84 sheep , as against fl.S'08 ' cattle , 37,383
hogs and 1,326 sheep for the corresponding
period of last week ,
CATTLE Out of the fortj-ono loads ol cat
tle reported In the yards tUs morning there
were very few bsef stecis of any kind ,
either natives or westerns. The great bulk
of the receipts \\erc mndo up of light stack
ers nnd feeders from ths burnt districts of
the state. The receipts of beef cattle are
falling far short of the demands of the
pack.T3 , who could use double the number
that they nro now getting. The mar
ket opened active thli morning and
6c to lOo higher on nnKthlng that was
suitable for the packers. Ono bunch of
pretty fair native steers brought $1.50. Cows
and l.elfi > rS were In active demand at the
advance. Even , the common grades of cows
and canncrs have experienced quite an ad
vance In the last few days. Stockers as
noted yesterday , are In bgtter demand , and
are higher than last week The tone of the
market has Improved during the past few
days. Representative salea :
No. Av Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
13. . . im $3 DO 14. . . . KM $3 ! 5 18..13S9 $4 X
1..U4U 3 75
44. . . .1202 4 00
10. . . 800 1 S3 27.M 1 S3 C , . . . . 728 2 00
11. . . . tH 123 6. . . . 968 1M . . . . " > 6 200
1. . . . CM 123 2. . . . 770 10 9. . . . 714 215
1..1030 133 1..100' ' ) 175 1..1150 215
5. . . . 903 135 1. . .1140 173 24. . . . S27 215
1..IUW 1 3J 4. . . . 6'0 175 9. . . . 907 215
2. . . . 920 140 1..I1CO 173 6. . . . 902 2 85
I. . . . 880 140 10. . . . 7J2 160 7. . . .841 233
1. . . . SCO 140 1. 880 ISO 2. . . . 990 235
6. . . . 700 1 CO 1. 840 1 60 5. . . .1014 240
1. . . IV ) 1 50 7. 733 1 80 4. . . . 98. ! 2 40
1. . . . 9CO 150 10. . 723 160 4..10SO 250
4. . . . < ! 70 15) 7. . . . 607 200 G..12M 275
2. . . . 7CO 160 1. . . . 920 200 1..10TO 275
1. . , . 780 1 DO 14. . . . 820 200 15. . . .1036 290
4. . . . 740 1 50
4. . . . 452 120 5. . . 476 150 610 200
8. . . 4M 1 30 18. 5C7 1 5 27 . . . 820 2 20
3 , , . . 3CO 130 8. C55 170 3. . . 79J 250
5. . . . 532 135 10. 723 170 17. . . 736 250
7. . . CC7 143 1. 670 175 1. . . . 780 375
2. . . . 793 1 DO 1. . . . SCO 1 75
1. . . . 140 100 1. . . . 280 ! W 1. . 330 250
1. . . . 3CO 1 31 1. . . IS" " ) i l 1 . . 140 2 GO
1. . . . 310 150 1. . . 200 J 00 1 . 1M 300
3. . . . 333 200 2. , . 20) J 10 1. . 110 300
1. . . 160 200 1. . . 150 : 2" 1. . 210 300
6. . . 223 200 7 , . XS4 S 50 1 . 250 300
15. . . . 187 200 . . . , ! SS'J 2. . . . 230 300
* uuLus.
713 125 ir.BV ) I 25 2..13S1 1 K
l. . : S80 123 1..GIO 830 5. . . .1213 155
1. . HK ) 123 4.i02S , 133 1..1220 183
1. . 430 100 8 ; , . . 4 800 . 612 230
1. . 970 115 9H. . 60 210 11 . ,832 233
6. . 570 1 CO 4J. . . t2 S 10 1 . 400 2 33
21. . 930 175 9) . . . ' W 210 19. . 857 240
18. . 675 173 67. . . EW 215 17 . 7U1 240
6. . 468 1 S7Va 2/:03 : 2 T. 21. . 8S1 2 40
8. . 468 1 90 4. . . . 352 a 20 5. 1030 2 45
1. . 600 190 4 , . . . . , 480 ' 2 20 3. . . 920 245
0. 8" S 190 22 . . . 6SC 2 10 3. . . .756 260
3. .333 200 2. . . . 70 > 220 1. .1150 260
7 . 517 2 DO 14. . . . C07 223 21. . . .916 253
17. . . 703 200 8' . . : . 713 225 7. . . .1203 255
21. . 8)0 200 11. . . 091 2 Zi 40. . . .1013 255
2. 3iO 2 00 2Sr.Ml 2 25 J. . . . P3G 2 60
13. . . . 646 200 3'66JC , 2-:5 23. , . . 946 265
No. ° AV. PIT .3s' t , Av. Pr. '
3 bull . . . , . . .1283 * 1 15 ,22 feeders. . . 855 ft C3
24 co\\s.i.,1013 2 55
HOGS The receipts of hogs were not
vesy large , being considerably lighter than
j sttrday's run. For ITie week up to date
there has been a falling off of between 8,000
and 9,000 hogs as compared with last week.
While there was a good deal cf trash In the
yards , there were some very good loads
among the offerings. The market opened
active , with a good demand , both local and
shipping , and the offerings were picked up
very readily. The good hogs sold a little
stronger , and as high as $5.70 was paid for
a choice load. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
64 . 164 160 4 17',5 99 173 200 $5 15
102 . 148 200 4 JO 74 204 120 II 13
86 . 139 160 465 04 229 ISO 5 15
93 . 161 160 470 77 214 2SO 5 K
98 . 16 ? 320 4 75 J7 199 80 5 15
! /'J . 157 240 475 41 223 80 B 15
113 . 171 323 475 41 223 120 5 15
64 . 176. .32' ' ) 476 71 210 ICO B lr.
96 . 164 80 4 89 02 190 320 5 13
75 . 170 120 4 80 fr 21)0 ) 2V ) 5 1i
4fi . 202 160 4 80' 73 UG 2SO 6 IS
9 ? . 171 160 4 80 S3 2JO 12J 5 15
13 . 223 . . . 4 85 70 240 40 6 13
91 . 179 240 4 83 77 214 40 S 11
9d . lf 120 490 Sn 2'7 12) f " >
97 . 17D 120 490 7 180 . . . 620
31 . 192 160 4 110 R i > r.
3 . 213 . . . 490 67 235 240 6 20
t . . . , . , .230 40 4 90 04 225 80 6 20
Si . 176 160 400 C 223 . . . C 20
57. „ . 183 240 4 4 79 214 411 f. 21
9 < t . 183 200 490 74 210 120 K 23
81 . 176 120 490 71 191 80 620
Ci . 1S9 80 4 90 72 237 80 6 20
79 . 183 80 495 79 207 ICO D 20
S3 . 170 160 4 95 , M 22J 120 B 20
til . 177 40 4 95 ' K , 201 . . . B 21
87 . 178 160 4 93 Gl 201 . . . S 20
bS . 1S3 200-493 7J 223 160 4 2rt
6 . 283 . . . 500 03 226 80 523
9 . 173 40 600 12 267 160 623
72 . J06 165 500 DC 2C1 40 B 25
S6 . 20S 240 600 EC 229 80 5 23
3 . J16 . . . 500 Bl 210 . . . B K
69 . 207 40 6 00 72 232 241 f 25
61 . 216 280 5 00 74 , .210 40 6 2i
86 . 19S 200 5 00 10 2S2 80 5 25
81 . 192 280 600 04 216 120 & 23
32 . 215 RO 5 00 0 214 " B 25
37 . 194 M 500 11 SM . . . 5 23
67 . 203 200 600 3 ,253 . . . S 25
S3 . 184 160 5 00 6 204 40 & 25
72 . 173 ICO 000 C8 247 200 6 M
S3 . 176 200 602ty 3 333 . . . 8 SO
98. , ( . 186 240 5 02U 7 387 . . . 630
79 . 195 240 D0.1 71 2)7 40 5 30
SO . 181 120 605 78 210 40 6 20
73 . 189 80 6 03 64 221 80 & 33
kO . 197 80 603 C3 222 80 B 33
77 . 190 120 605 47.W7 80 535
171 . 195 120 605 (1 201 . . . 6 35
86 . 183 160 605 95 203 M ) B ID
74 . 124 200 60714 70 243 . . . C 40
70 . 193 . . . 610 63 .221 . . B 13
77 . J02 80 6 10 23 243 . . . 643
C . 191 . . . 610 68 210 40 5 45
11 . 181 . . .s610 U 276 . . . B CO
7 . 207 . . . 610 61 239 40 C 55
77 . 20 120 510. 03. , 277 80 5 E5
86 . 203 40 6 10 72 257 80 6 60
6 . 238 . . . 610 , 61 300 . . . B CO
11 . 201 120 610 , , M 303 . . . 6 65
3 . 297 . . . SJOl , 65 294 80 B 05
75 . 19S 80 5lii _ 64. . . . .303 . . . 670
203 . 155 40 5
nas AND notion.
2 . 175 ! & _ 2 . 170 290
1 . 200 2W 2 . 195 300
1 . 150 23G > J f 1 . 2UO 300
2 . 195 275 4 . 132 300
1 . 120 2T5 < > fe 1 . 400 300
J . 130 2 75 4 . 100 3 CO
2 . 160 213 - 6 . 9 * 360
2 . 210 275- | 15 . 88 370
1 . 200 2 75 34 . U2 400
1 . 140 27T-- 8 . 101 . . 400
y . 1W 2 ID ) 9 116 . 116 120 410
3 . 166 2 W ) 101 . 110 120 i 25
1 . 2SO 290 , , ,
SHEEP There vero nine cars of sheep
In the yards , th ( largest run In some time.
The market did 'not show any material
change , quotations remaining In about the
same notch. Fjlr , (6 good natives are quo
table at $2. 2602.7,8 ; ! , fair to good westerns ,
$2.000)2.40 ) ; comntoitt and Block sheep , $1,75 ®
2.25 ; good to chdlce' Jambs , J2.25JJ3.75. Rep
resentative salen :
No. . . Wt. Pr.
23 native ewrs . . . . . .r. . , . . . 831223
17 native ewrs . , . 81 S K
32 nathe twe . 85 3 65
Sr , I.oii ! Urn Stuck Mnrket.
ST. IXHJ18. AU . M CATTI.n-neeplptd , 3.MK )
lii-iM ; HhlpmeniB. 2.SOO licaU , Market iicthe ,
strong to lie higher ; nnthe Btevm , 1.000 to 1,400
Ib * . . (3.6004.65 : conand liflf.-rn. Il.80ft2.25 :
TMU t < "t > rii. 900 to. 1,100 Its. , J2.70W3.10 ; CIJWB
ami lielfeni. 1.6Sff.M.
Jtoas IlcelUi | , B.804 head ; xhlpmentu , 1,400
liciut. Matkrt IrrnfOtur , lOo lower to 6c higher ;
heavy , packing < m < ! botcher Krnd > , > ' . .75f/5.M ;
good light and mU d , 5.6)05.70 , plE . common
nnd rough. I4.40t2i. .
Hlinir llectlpl , l.WO lieml ; nhlpmenti. 2X >
hi-nd. Market dull , dragging , nutUo , Jl.OOfi-CO ,
lamts. | S.OOJJJ.75.
_ _
lian R < < 'lir ' - ' " Htorlc Market.
( , Vuo lirail , hlpmerit4,600 hendj market slronK
to ! 5c hlithrr : Teiu eteern , M.40&3.43 , beef item.
U23U3.0U. nntlCOHI. . I1.UO3.60 ; itockera and
ferdera. ! 2.20j ) . .
11OOS Itectliil * . 10.000 head ; ( hlpmenti , 1.709
ht < ul ; marktl openei arm , but cloi d weak ; bulk
of rnlen , $3. lOfJ. ' HO , liMivlcn , > 1.50(16. 63 , ,
S3tOri > .e5. inlxrtl , II.K1H6. IS. IIRlitu , * 3.6W5.2 > )
' llrretiit * , too bond , uhlpmtntii. none ,
mnfhet Memly to otronR ; Rood to choice nnllm ,
l2.7.MT3.2fi ; KIKH ! to cliulre ivwitprn.i. J..ZUW O-l ;
commnn and ntockct , $5WJfJ.SO ; gooj to choice
Duinntiil fur tntilin + llniisimlly Onoil for
'this Porloil "if Ilio Your.
CHICAOO , AIIR. U. The entile market wns
red hot. Hollers huvo not rxt rlenred n better
one this jear , nndery few limes In the past
tins there l en n sharper oilvnnrr. Lone boforc
> o'clock sales 3iad been cffectrit nt } " > .3i'4. ' 13.40
and $3.10 , nml iibout nil of the oo < l cattle Imit
been ImiiRht up before the hour when trade
usually opens. There wns nn ndvnnce as compared -
pared with sislerdny's prices of front lOc to lie ,
inaklnR n clt-nn Rnln since fnlurday of finm 2Jc
to 60c per 100 llw. , choice Rrndcs show Ins the
most Imprmenvent. Rlp < - cattle npnln comprised
only n small pait of HIP supply , Rtnn natives
nml mincers limiting up the bulk. ( . onseiiuently ,
while there were sales nt the above mentioned
price * the gruiter pait of the 12.WO lit H.W )
lieud offered went o\er the scales nt less tlmn
$4,50. Natives were quoted nt from $ l.2-1 tu $3 60 ;
westerns ntfmm $ l.fiO ti > $4 60. nnd Texnns nt
from $1.25 to (3.50. Tliete wns n KUOI | dem md
from nil classes of bujers , n'ul the > nrds were
emptied early.
There wns ornc further smaller appreciation
In the vnlue or Rood hops. The demand was not
Uss nctlvc thnn before , nml with diminished
supplies thu iidviintiiRo easily tunmlmd with
sellers. Sales -were on if basis of from $5 TO to
* 3.C'i for Rood to best llsht nnd from $ " , R"i to
$5.90 for choice heavy , with moil ot the business
nt fiom J5 30 to $3.55 for the former nnd nt frnm
$5 M to $ > .SO ror the latter. Ornxl stuff rendlly
commanded 5c ndvnnce. while poor nnd common
were not moic tlmn steady. ilu > ers appear to
be more tlmn usually sevenIn their discrimina
tion ntmlnst ui.tnmon loti , und theie Is nt present
an unusually x\ldc rnnpe of values , tlrnss hot-s
nre lint salable within from & 0c to 75c per 100
Ibs. of the prices pnfd for HIP corn fatted nnl-
mals ; In fact , ninny bujfrs w-lll not touch them
nt any price. The Rood hogs wen- nil ilosed out
In quick order ; many that were poorer remained
unsold nt the close.
Snlcs of > hecp Indicated a steady market , Then"
was a fall demand nml n moderate supply nt
from $1 In $1.23 for poor to choice. The lamb
nmiket wns moratoeked nnd was dull at lower
prices , ( lUotnllons luiiRlni ? from $1,90 tn $4 for
poor tn prime. Sheep sold principally nt from $2
to J2.JJ1 nnd from $3 60 t. $3.73 bought n large
part of the Imnbs.
Receipts Ciitlte , 12,000 hend ; cnlves , 700 head
lioks , 20000 head ; ( Oiwp , ii.OOO head.
The Evening Journal reports
HOGS Itcccr.pts . , 20.UOO henil ; nltlclnl yestcidny ,
22,223 head , thlpments > esterdny , S.U39 . head ; left
over , nhout 8,000 heail ; tpiallty poor ; market
fnlily ucllvp and firm ; pilces well supported.
Sales iatiRe < 1 nt $ ! .15 i3 70 ten- light , ; t.9iM(320 fni
roURh packlriR ; $ "i.l5ifj.75 for mixed , $ j.2.1ii5 90
for heavy packing nnd shipping lots.
CATTLE Receipts , 12.000 hend ; vi-stenlay , 16-
033 head ; shipments yesleuliiy , .1,323 head ; mar
ket active and llrm ; l > vt Rindes , lOfi'Mc hlRher ;
natives. $ t.2Ji5.30 ; wegteins , Jl.MfflM ; Texnns ,
$ I,253 50 ; prices showed n 10ffl5c advance , and
demand wus Rood.
811KEP Receipts. 9,000 hend ; receipts jesler-
day , 11,900 lii-ad ; shipments jcstcnlay , 270 hend ,
market .
stronir. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clili-ueo 1'riilt < Juotiitliiin.
CHICAC1O. AUR. 2J. The Karl 1'rult company
cold California fruit today ns follows : IVars ,
IHrtlctts , E1.2'1.M : lleuric Cl.ilrRenu. $1
I'enches , Crawford , 70c , OranRe CHnK , 70ciff1.03.
I'runes , Grata. $1.10. I'lums , EKR. 90c'T$1.00. ' !
Satsuma , $1.15. Grapes , Tokay , half crates , $1. 0
At New York : Hartlett peats , Jl.5' > ( iri.65j
prunes , German. (1.3301,65 ; Bllvcr. ! ' 0o ; Batsurua
plums , ( l.OOfifl.60.
1'orter Iln's. company , Chicago , sold ten cars
of California fruit today nt auction : Ilaitlett
pears , (1.0031.40 ; half boxes , COc ; half cmtea
Keckel pear , 65o ; -irly I Crawfords , iwaches , 51
& 80c , late CrnwfonU , 63c ( Susquehanna , 6V8 >
83c ; Gross inuno ? . TOotfJI.IO ; Hilver. 80SD5c ; Hun
garian , ( ! . : ; French , 80c ; rallenbuig plums ,
} I.1R < 9I.ZO : Egg , SKc01.05 ) ; Qunckenbos. 73 < JSOc ,
UrndshawB. (1 , Columuln , (1.03 , I'm pic Dunne
plums. C5H"jc ; Tokay grapeu , Imlf crates , (1.90f
2.ri ; Muscat 9 , (1.35@1.40 ; Hose of 1'eru , (1 ; Mnl
\ol80 , (1.31 ; Malagas. $1.2.1 1.30.
I'orter llros. company , Chicago , sold ten cars
of Cullfninlii fiult 4odiy nt auction : Dnrtlelt
pears , (1.00"31.40 ; half boxes , COc ; half cuiten
Scckel pentH , 63c ; Unrlv Crawford peaches , 55'j )
80c ; Lite Trawfords , f.'c , Susquchanna , 66 < IS5c ;
OIOBS prunes , TOcQILSO , Silver , 80 (93c ; Hunga
rian , II ; French , 80c.
I'orter Hrrn. . New York , six cnra : Cinwford
peached. 75c(1.86 ; Dnrtlett pears , | l,50ffl.6.1 ;
Husquehanna peaches , (1 ; Jones , 80o ; Hgg plums ,
83c&l.20 ; Golden Drop. II 10 ; Columbia * . (1 ,
Hltver prunes. (1.15 ; rnllenlmigs , H.40&1.60.
St. I.ouls ( ii-nertil Murkct.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 23. I'1-OUU Quiet , steady.
WIIKAT Opened llrni , gaining 'HBlJc , but lost
IL nit nnd c more on foreign crop news , No. 2
red , ensli , r.l'c ' : AusiiKt. ul'.ic ' ; Septumber , Ol'sc ;
December , 64 0 ; May , 60c.
COHN After opening higher , weakened on sell
ing , cloning liftHo off ; No. 2 mixed , cash , W\c ;
August , 54 ; September , C3c ; December , 48'4e ;
May , 49Hc
OATS rollowed wheat nnd corn ; No. 2 , cash ,
31"Jc ! Augiiit , Slijc ; September , 32c ; May , S0'4c.
HYIJ rirni ; east Bide. . No. 2 , OSc
IIAHMJr No tjmllng.
HHAN Steady ; sack < d , to arrive , east side ,
CIS ) Me.
KLAX SECD-Hlgher ; 11.21 bid.
CLOV13K SUnD Unchanged.
HAY Quiet ; prime tlmot'iy ' , (10.
IHITTKH Quiet ; separator creamery , 19g22c.
IGGS Firm ; ll'tc.
I-nAD rirm ; sjwt , I3.22HS3.2 ; .
COIIN jnAIy-(2.40H2 50.
COTTO.V TIES Unchanged.
nAOCIINO Unchanged.
I'KOVISIONS Quiet , sti-nily. unchanged , except
lard : stocm , (7.50 ; choice i .K'/i.
IinCniPTS Ploui , 3.00i > ljlU. ; wheat , 68,000
bu. ; corn 17.000 bu ; oats. 38,000 bti ,
SJIIPMHNTH Plour , S.OiX ) bbls. , win at , 2,000
bu. ; corn 7,000 bu ; oats , 1,000 bu.
( 'ofToii Murkct.
NCronic , Aug. 23.-coi--i-in-ontions. dull
nt 6 points advance ; ruled qul ' nnd featureless
but linn on higher Kuropenn quotations ; closed
Rtcad ) ; tales , 4,750 bags , Including : August at
$14.2J ; S pti > mb r , 114.20 ; December , JI2 63W12 70 ;
Mnrch , H2.23 : Mnv , (12.135112.20. HpDt coffee.
Ilo ! , dull ; No. 7 , 111 ! . Mild , quiet ; Cor-
dovn , 419.09819.50 ; vales , nine. Waie-
liini- deliveries from Ncvv York jeMeiday
and todny , 13.823 bags , New York stock today
109,660 bugs ; United .Slates slock , U6.242 bags ,
afloat for the Untied Slates. 269,000 bags ; total
visible for the United States , 401,242 bags , agalnsl
301.4.12 biLgB last year.
SANTOS , Aug. 23. Quiet ; good average Santos ,
116.10 ; lecelpts , 11,000 lugs ; stock , 324,00) bags.
HAMlliniG , Aug. 23. Steads ; p.lces unchanged
to % Pfff. lower ; silos , 1,000 bags.
IIAVIU ? , Aug. 23. Opened unehangetl to
advance , nt 12 m. , ' 40 % ' advance ; at 3 p. in. ,
steady , unchanged ; closed without fulthcr
change ; total sales. 11,000 bags.
1UO DR JANnmO , Aug. 23. Unchanged ; exchange -
change , 9d , receipts. 17,000 hngs ; cleared for
the Uoll "d States , 9.000 bags , cleared for Euiop
3,0i bags ; stock , 237,000 bugs.
Novr York I.lvo StitcK Mnrkut.
N'JW YOHK. Aug. 23. IinnVKS-Ilecelpts , 375
head ; none on gale. European cables repoil
American steers nt lOHWUHc per In. , dre ;
weight : refrigerator beef. S',5S9'ic ' per Ib. No
tiports todny.
CALVns Hecelpls , 491 hend. Market quiet
but steidy ; venls , poor to prime , (3.005C7.00 per
100 Ihi. : grossers , IJ.7 4/3.00 ; buttermilk calves ,
| 3.2.in3.SO.
SHKM' AND I.AMISS Receipts , 6.5SS head ;
46 cm a on sale , MaiKct ilenurallzed ; good lambs
lie lower ; others HC lower ; sheep , fair to prime ,
C.21Q2.G2IS ; lambs , Infetlor to choice , 13.2104 75 ;
fancy. 15.
1 HOGS Receipts. 2,633 hend ; 7 cam on sale.
Market firmer ; fair to choice , 15.8086.10.
Cotton JHnrliut.
NEW ORLEANS , A'ig. 23. COTTON-Qulct ,
middling , 6tc ; low- middling , OUc ; good ordinary ,
Cc ; nel and gross receipts , 995 bales , Including
665 balesof new ; exports to the continent , 4,875
bales ; miles. 63 Vmlea , stock , 25,397 biles
NEW OUI.EANS , Aug. 23. COTTON Dull ,
sale * , (5 bales ; receipts , 99.1 bales ; e.-p3rl . conti
nent. 1,875 balea ; stock , 21,397 balea , futures ,
sternly ) sales , 16,400 boles ; August. (640 bid ,
September. (6.34R6.35 ; Octobei , (637f63S | ; No
vember. t .46ft647 ; December , (6M 664 , Jan
uary. (6.690660 ; February. (66506.66 : Maich.
(6.6136.62 ; April , 16.778678 ; May , (6.8.i& .E5 ;
June , (6.83Q691 , July , (6 9586.97
New York Dry l.oods Market.
NB\V YORK. Aug. 23 Today's market was
but a repetition of yesterday's on u more active
scale throughout the commission and jobbing de
partment of the traJn and the sales have
reached n very full business. Agents have ad-
\anced Fruit of the Loom T4c , bleached cotton
ISc. Tliornd > kc and 81ft rlrter tickings 2',4o , nnd
Hill bleached cottons to 7c. All qualities of
llrown cottons arc very firm nt late asked prices ,
and of some grades large sales have been made
at 'ic advance. I'aclnc and Cochecho prints , to
arrive , nt value , nnfl Allen foulards " ,4o dearer.
Sales. 90,000 pieces' 64 square ; spot , at 2 } c , and
similar count gooda at Vic higher.
UHII II City JMnrUoti.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. S3. WHEAT lie higher ;
No. 2 Imid. 48'ic ; No. 8 himl. 47ic ! ; No. 2 red ,
4j4SVie ; No. 3 red , 47c ; rejected. 44e.
I'OItN rirm ; No. 2 mired. 61c ; No. 2 white.
OA'TS { flo hlRher : No. : mixed , 30fJ31c ; No.
2 while. 34c.
IIUTTER Firm ; cieamery , 17021c ; dairy , 14W
Ific.KOOS Active nnd firm : llVic.
HECE1IT8 Wheat , 83.0W bu. ; corn , 5,000 bu , ;
nuts , 15.000 bu.
SHII'MENTS Wheat , 18.00) Lu ; corn , 2,000 bu , ;
outs , none.
Ceriiinn Kmplru C'rnp Ileport.
nh'RLIK , An ? . 23. The following Is n sum
mary nf the oMlclul cn > p ft port of the Herman
empire ut the m1ddlt > of August : Winter ami
cummer wheat. 25 ; winter rje , 21 ; summer rye ,
2.4 ; summer barley. 2.1 : oats , 22 ; potatoes , 2.7 ;
clover , 2.7 ; gnus , 2.7. In Interpreting thn above
1 mains very Koixl. 2 means good and 3 means
medium ; the decimals Indicate the prapoitlun
towards nn Incieasr to Ihe better from the llrst
flcure Indicated.
Oil Mnrketi.
Oil. CITY , I' * . . Auir. 23 National Transit
certificate * opened ut SOb ; highest. 80i ; 'lowitt ,
80 % : rloaeU at Wit , nhlpm nti , 1K627 bbls. ; runs ,
K.41) ) bbls.
I'llTHIIL'IlO. ! ' . , AUft , 23. National Transit
cert.llcutei opened at bVU , closed at 80 ? , hlt'be < t ,
kflVli lowest , Wi , no rales ,
LONDON , Aug. -MNSEKD-Spot , J7 W.
Dill n til IVhfMtMarket. .
DUMITII. Aug. Z3.-WHKAT-Ixwer ; No. 1
hard , cub , AUKUit and September , lie ; Ho. t
northern , cnsh , Aunu l nnd September , We , De
cember , 67c , , No. 2 northern , rnsh , MCI No. I ,
61c , rejcdiil , I7 ; c , to nfiive , No. 1 norlhein ,
new , tCc , old , IS'ic. '
NKW YORK , Aug. M.-HfOAR-Ilnw , stmnRi
rnles , l.XHI Img centrifugal , 96 tent , ! Vie , p. I. .f ;
C9 ImBS Clllii motassts , 89 test , Jii' , C. I , .f ;
rtllneii , firm
LONDON. Auir. Ja.-St'OAR-C'nnp , nrm , with
nn Incicnsltiff demanil ; cenlilfuKil , Java.
Musouvudo fair rcllnlng , 11s 4 'til.
'I rl'cnVhrnt Mnrket.
Dcccmlier , B 'ic ; May , Jl.ui'i.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 3. WOOIr-Qulet , un-
chnngeO , _
Jilt. ItlHHT AVQVlTTttn.
ClinrLrc-s of linnior.illty Agalnit thn full.
f 01 nla .Alinlnter Nut Simtnlnri.
SAN ritANCISCO , Aug. 23. llcv , / . C.
Hirst , president of the University of tlio t'a *
clHc , and pastor of the Simpson Memorial
McthO'llst ' Episcopal church In this city , has
been clcaroil by the ccpslnsllcal ! court of the
charges of gross Immorality preferred against
him by S. Rogers , The verdict of the court
Is as follows :
We , Ihe committee of liivcstlKa.tlon to
whom \vnn submitted the ncctttiitlons
arrnlntt the mornl character of A. C. Hirst ,
by one B , Honors , llncl them malicious nnd
nbsolutely fnUe. After a most curvful ex-
luulimtlon of the testimony It Is our Jmlg *
mertt that the chnrges have their origin
111 a wicked conspltncy to defame the
chnrnctcr of the accused , nnd there It no
evidence In the cnse thut even remotely
comppomlhes or tollectH on Dr. Hirst us a
Christian gentleman or a minister of the
gospel , nnd he comes out of this Investi
gation without the slightest stain ,
The charges against Dr. Hirst , vvlia Is one
of the leading ministers of the Pacific coast ,
vcrc of such n scandalous nature that they
created a great sensation. Hogers , who
claims to be n minister , had letters of rrr-
om'meiiJatlon from a number of Kngllsh
bishops , which are proved to be forgeries.
Hogers Induced several boys to make the
charges agahiEt Dr. Hirst , and OIILof them ,
a bor named Hlilvvcll , Is said to liave been
Implicated In the Cleveland street scandal In
London a few years ago. Today Rogers was
denounced before the committee by his coun-
tel , who gave up his cnbo. Dr. Hirst will
probably prosecute Rogers In the criminal
court for blackmail. * > / ' TIIK ii oitt.n , ir JM.VW.
.vimt of till' 1'resent ( Irncriitlnn to I.lvo to
Sec thn Collilpxe.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 2. ? . A small pam
phlet entitled "What lo ) These Things Mean"
Is being freely distributed among the homes ,
particularly of the worklngnun. nlout town.
U Ii Interesting Inasmuch as It attempts to
prove that the end of the world Is at hand
and the wonderful things told In tlio book of
revelation arc about to come to pass The
recent railroad strike Is declared to be the
last sign In thu prophecy. This last sign ,
It la declared , Is dlstr as with perplexity.
Nations have been perplexed before and
1'kowlse ' have been distressed , but this Is
the first time , U Is asserted , that botn
calamities have come at once. The pam
phlet Is published by the International Re
ligious Liberty association. At their olHce
no one seems able to fix the exact day for
the end of thn world , but It Is stated that
the present generation will live to see It
and that most of us will be present when
the end comes.
R KlI.Llin O.V .1 VltObSIXtl.
Ixiiut of I'cuplo Crif4be < i Into by a
I'nst Moving rrnln
MEMPHIS , Aug. 23. As the northbound
train of the Paducih , Tennessee & Alabama
railroad was nearlng Hazel , Ky. , lit struck n
wagon loaded with people , killing five of
the occupants and Injuring one. The killed
are :
MISS LILLIE RAY , aged 20.
John Ray was thrown over 105 feet and
seriously Injured. The unfortunate parties
were crossing the railroad tracks as the
train came thundering down on them , and
the team became frightened at the sound of
the whistle and ran Into a cattle guard. The
train was stopped and the bodies taken to
Snn rrniirUco Nolle Ilrtrotbctl.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 23. The engage
ment has been announced of Herbert Henry
Darling of Boston , Mass. , and Miss Harriet
Langdon Brown of this city. The groom Is
a joung attorney-at-lnw , who Is connected
with the offices of Judge Lowell , an emi
nent counselor at the Massachusetts bar. He
Is a graduate of Harvard university , where he
was a classmute of Dr. Philip King. The
young lady is a daughter of Henry A. Brown ,
paying teller of the AVells-Fargo company's
bank and of Mrs. Dr. Charlotte B. Brown.
She Is untfsually handsome , anil for a year
past has been a belle In society.
The wedding will take place In St. Luke's
on the evening of September 4.
Stamp Collectors Klcct Officers ,
NIAGARA FALLS , N. Y. , ' Aug. 23. The
ninth annual convention of the American
Philatelic aescclatlon Is being held at the
Cataract hous ; . About thirty delegates ore
In attendance. The annual address was read
by President Tiffany of St. Louis. The con
vention of the stamp collectors will be held
at Clayton , N. Y. , at the Thousand Islands
tiet August. The officers elected were as
follows : President. John R. Tiffany , St.
Louis , Mo.- ; vice president , Alsah L. David
son , New York ; secretary , William G , Stone.
Springfield , Mass. ; treasurer , N , W. Chand
ler , Colllnsville , III. ; International secretary ,
E. D. , Obi In , Alleghang City , Vg. ;
! llC Klcctrlo I.lfjhtlnc Urul.
BALTIMORE , Aug. 23. The Manufactur
ers Record of this week will announce the
close of a big deal which promises to have an
Important Influence on electrical operations
In this country. The Wcnstrom Electrical
company of Baltimore , which has a capital
stock of $1,000,000 , , has sold out to the Foit
\Vayno Electric company , a corporation efFort
Fort Wayne , Ind. This deal puts the Fort
Wayne company In control of patents wnlch
U Is said are being Infringed by other manu
facturers , and the Fort Wayne company , It
Is said , will begin an active , fight Imme
diately upon all who are reported as in-
f-lnglng Its patents.
roles I.iiynl to Itoumn Cuthollclim.
CLEVELAND , O. , Aug. 23. At the con
vention of the Polish Roman Catholic union
Bishop Horstmann welcomed the. delegates
In a speech In which he urged them to be
loyal to the church. Ignatez Czcmlnzkl of
Milwaukee responded , condemning the Poles
who had Joined the Independent movement
headed by Bishop Vllatte end urging all
Roman Catholic Poleo to ba patriotic Amer
ican citizens. A mass meeting was held In
the evening , with speeches auon the work
of the union.
Klckupoo Country Il'urnliijr.
WICHITA , Kan. , Aug. 23. A special to
the Caglo says that miles upon miles of the
Kickapoo country are on fire , the reflection
of which can bo seen for forty miles. The
grass In some places along the valley was
flvo feet high and the blaze Is terrible In
consequence. It Is Bald that Indiana set
the country on fire purposely with a foolish
hope of keeping out whllo settlers at the
opening In October.
The Denth noli.
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 23. Ntima Dufour ,
founder of the New Orleans Bee , ono of the
oldest newspapers In the south , died at his
homo In this city , aged 72.
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , Aug 23 , Hon. Norman -
man L. Freeman , for thirty years reporter
for the Illinois supreme court , died this
morning , nged 71 years.
. * -
Aililreoeil by Dr. Unit * .
CHAUTAUQUA , N. Y. , Aug. 23. Ycster-
day was Recognition day at ,
when the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific
Circle class of ' 94 were graduated and the
members received their diplomas. The ad
dress was delivered by Dr. Edward Everett
Hale ol Boston.
\Vaiit a Veteran * ' Day ,
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Aug. 23. General
George Gates of this city has been elected
commandcr-ln-chltf of the Union Veterans ,
A resolution was panted to petition congress
I ) set aside June 17 as a national holoday , to
be called "Ve'.eran's day" In commemoration
or Bunker U1U.
South Dakota Oiling Fcollnod to Think it
Slum-thing an to Ilio rout of the Hjiitoin
Hlul lluw It ( . .nil ltd Miiilo U o
of hy the buniirrs Huw
It Is Wnrkril.
SIOITX PAM.S. 8. D. , Aug. 23.-(3pcclal (
to Tha Ueu. ) The drouth of the present
M'ur 1m * called itiailieil atlontlon to the
need of liilffutKn In the Jim valley. Bin.
tlstlrs Imvc been Blithered which oluiw that
on nn nvi'iiifc 0110 yoni out of every four
the rulnffill In the c ntml portion of the
stHto Is Insulllclcnf to mature InrRe crops.
The soil Is the best In the uoilil. nml each
year the feed gcrmtnnteq ntid the craln
KIU\N > luxin-liintly for the Hist t\\o or thrco
months. Then , nbout July 1 , comp the
furious hot winds which tmi-op over the
sandy plains of TGXAO. Knnsna nnd Nc-
brnHka , deriving from Ihi-ni n hent of 100
or more degrees nnd acquit IIIK often a ve
locity of fifty miles tin hour , to wither the
Knitting crops.Vlicre thcie him been um-
ple rainfall , us in the poutlu-rn and eastern
part of the state , tliej do tie KM eat ilninngo.
but In the central i > ortlon , where liv that
time the Kiounil IB dry , they tiulckly ex-
liniist nil moisture nn.l . n cni [ ) failure Is th
result. 'Ihe loss of one ciop In four uml
the serious Injury of nearly all crops arc
A very icrlous drain on the central coun-
Kor Home montlu l > at n careful InveHtltra-
tlon lias been K I > IH on of the posslblo
means of IrrlRiulnR these Held" , and the
ro.Miilts are now belnc prepared for action.
It la Impossible to lirlunte from surfuco
Bticnms , L'xcppt In s > nmll aieas nlonir the
rlvurrt , and this t.yMoiu Is not conslc' reil
worth much attention , though It Is beltiK
utilized to some extent. The artesian.
wells are the mnln reliance of those whit
advocate artificial watering. The Rrent dis
advantage met In miiiK this means Is Ha
cost. It costs ISOO * to sink a well 1,000 fee * .
deep. Hut It also costs about J-.UOO to buy
and Inioit the Iron piping. The lower utrat-
uni3 me so hard that it Is Impossible to
drho the plpts more than 3W feet , and
when one has been mink so fur another
smaller one Is Inserted , and 3'K ) feet below
another. Thus n pipe elRht Inches In 01-
nmeter at the burfuce will not be moro
than four at thr bottom of the well. Ux-
neits are rcnljciil ( , however , that this cnn
be ienicdlc'1 and that pipes of one diameter
can be sunk the full depth. When this Is
accomplished the coat of puttlm ; down a
well llowltiR Ifl.OiJO Rallons u nil ante will
not be more than U.OUO.
Various practical experiments have been
tried this year. On one farm where 300
acres were watered the crop of whent wn3
thhty-flvc bushels to the iure , while unwal-
crcd land near by produced only two or
three. On another one family , from a farm
of thirty-five acres , sold J.2,000 worth ol
product. One well live Inches In diameter
can readily supply v/nter to a section of
land by means of i twrvulra. The Increase
In the value of the land Is thus seen to bo
from t2. > to $50 per aero , and LOnslderhiK the
fact that any oC It can bo boueht t Jay
at from J3 to J18 , Uie llnaiiolnl BIICCCJ * ; of
the mover nt , evident. The intention
usually nBK u , \\t\t \ the supply of artesian
water hold uiitv The Bovcrnment lina been
making elaborate lnv'i"-tlBation nnd tluj re
port have not j-et been pilnted. The 'ex-
ncrts , however , ndmlt that the supply Is
practically Inejlini-stlblo. The mteslan
water Is found In Uie Dakota mtmUtone ,
which underlies all of this section of the
country , and Us llr't western outcropping
Is In the foothlllH of the Uockv mountulns.
HelnR hlBhly porou , U furrns nn "utlet
for nil the meltlnK mows nnd iKln
streams of that rcKltm and wduid supply
n larse well on c\ery section In 'tie two
Uakotas with hardly a dlmlnutl .n. The
water will never he out.
Hut the present wells will riobnbly not
last more than ten. years. The reason II-
this : The mineral Quality In the wutej
cats the Iron piping- and destroys It In that
length of lime. The strata , belnff mostly
of toft and shelving luck , ' quickly brenle
Into the hole iiml the well collapsed. Kx-
perts are now figuring on a means for the Iron m as to make It safe
trrcn the water , and In case this Is done ,
AA seems likely , the wells will be Indestruc
The great Question nt the present time Is
how tb ralbe the money to begin this Im
provement on n sulllclently elaborate Benin
to nffcct the mass of 'the people. The
farmers are poor und their farms are nJ-
renify encumbered Undoubtedly prlvnto
capital will How In for the utilization of this
resource so soon ns the great value of It la
fully and elaborately demonstrated. In the
meantime- the Htato and the counties ere
expected to lend nid. The general govern
ment has appropriated 1,000,000 acres to tha
state on condition that the land be Irri
gated , and undoubtedly the coming1 legisla
ture will provide for this. There are al
ready In existence laws empowering Uio
counties to sink wells In dry lake beds or
nt the head of dry beds of streams. Town
ships are also allowed to bond for the pur
pose of raising funds to sink the wells , and
both of these laws have been utilized to
some extept. But they are hedged about
with so many restrictions that they are of
small value.
An earnest effort will be made the comlnff
winter to Induce the legislature to lend Ita
credit to the Individual farmers under safa
restrictions. A committee , of which Hon.
W. H. Sterling Is chad man , Is now devising
bills with this In view.
Or. E. C. Weil' * Nerve and Brain Treatment
fa sold under poilllvo written guarantee , by author
ized agents only , to euro Weak Memory ; Lota of
Drain and Norvn Power ; Ixut Manhood ; quleknoss ;
Night Loisee ; Kvll t > reoin ; Lnck of Confldauca ;
Norioufnen ; Ijnoltade ; all Drain * ; Jjnaof I'owet
of the Ooneratlre Organs In either sex , cnn ed bj
orcr-oiertlon ; Youttful Errors , or Kiccfflvo U e ot
Tobacco , Opium or 1-lquor. which eon leml to
MiserCoiwimptlon. . Insanity and Death. Ilymall ,
11 a box ; ( J for fi ; with written gunrsnteo to cure or
refund money. WIIHT'H COUO1IHY11UP. A citrUIo
cnrn for CoiiBhi , Coldt , Acthran , Uronchltls , Croup ,
Whooping Coutu. oru Throat. I'letixint to tnkn.
Hmall flte dlfoouflnued ; old , Vic. Mre , now Me. ; old
M Uzo. noTT DOc. OUARANTUr.S tseued only by
Goodman Drug Co. , Oinatuu 1
Or the Liquor Habit Io HI cly Cured
by ntlnalnlilrrliie l > r. HalucV
Uoldrn Nlllc ,
Itmn boe.lven.ln * ouporoon > or let , or in food ,
without the Knoirledjc' of the pstlent. ItU b olul < iljr
harmleai. and will /T0et / * permanent and speedy
cure , whether the pstlent ! a nodtrate drinker or
an alooliollo wrtofc. It bar been glrea In tbouiand *
of caMoM , aod In ererr Initanoe a perfect oure has fcS-
* owed. IiNarvrKail * . Thasysteaioue tmprefnaied
' . /lib tha beoomea an utter ImpolclbllUx
lor the liquor appett to to eilit.
QOI.DUN I > ECrKlU CO. . Frop'rs , < : l ctn .lt , C.
48-oace book -of particulars fr . To t > bad o'
cr tale by Kutm & Co. , Druggists. Cornea
ICth nd Douglas strcoti , Omaha. ,
tlAIMI , the ( i eal Hindoo Itemed r
- Written cunrffnteoorvura. BoU
br 'fiil'n & Co , Cor. 1Mb & DcHirliuintu , and J , A ,
' - ffa. . : lien. Uth t Douclam flu. . OMAHA.
We Have Corn
Write or wire us for prices ,
1O. . IK cars , Omaha , or
delivered at your station.
Telephone 218.
Omaha Elevator Co.
Commission Merchant
Grain and I'rovi.slons.
Private wire * to Chicago nnd New York.
All business orders placed on Uhlcuii *
Board of Trade.
Correspondence solicited ,
Office , roam -t , New York Llfo Uulldlntf.
Telephone 1308
CurrfiiKiintetit fur ICmmttt , Uo ltlut Jt Cu ,
Cliltai/J ,
Grain and Commission Broker
I'rlvato who to Chicago und New York. /
TuU'iliouo No. DIG ,