H ! * -i f--jr m rsvv ' V & i " \ Jl _ " " " ' 1 THE OMAHA D\TLY BEE : AtiGUST 2 < FRAUDS IN ARMOR PLATE CoramlUeft Mikes Its Report on the Charges Agalmt the Caraogio Works. FRAUDS WHICH AMOUNTED TO A CRIME Defective 1'lnlrs ISndnn er the I.lvoi el American Seniurn nnil In Case at Vfue .Might llo Ulinstrou. to the Nation. WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. Ileprcscntatlie A. 3 > Cummlnga , chairman of the house com mittee on naval affairs , presented to tie house today the preliminary report upon the Investigation of the r.rmor plate fur- nUhcd to the government by the Carnegie Steel company. The Investigation his beta In progress for weeks and during Us coune testimony has been given by the principal officials of the Carnegie company , by wort- men and by government olllclals. The report is a remarkably complete and good review ml the case. The committee finds that charge * of fraud lave been sustained , scores the com pany severely and recommends , as has been stilted In these dispatches , that fifty suspected plates In use should bo tested as the only method of proving their fitness or unfit ness. It finds that the government Inspection wts neglected , but no charge of dishonesty rests upon the Inspectors. The charge ! against the company \vero that the pliatci and bolts did not receive tl o treatment required by the contract ; th t false reports were made to the government inspectoral that rpeclmens for testing- were retreated before being submitted ; that the testing m-clilr.e was fraudulently manipu lated ; that substitution was made in the case of a plate designed for a ballistic test , and that the government stamp was either duplicated or stolen and used without the knowledge of the government Inspectors. The report itates that the number oC fur naces used was totally Inadequate to fulfill the spclflcatlons of the contract on the amount of armor plate turned out. After the first Investigation of the frauds the num ber of furnaces was Increased from four to ten. In regard to the jockeying of the test ing machines. It Is asserted that the com pany motto private tests of material , aid if it was below the standard manipulated the machine at the olllclal test so that It would show the required tensile strength. The charges of retreating and substituting plates designed for ballistic tests the com mittee ; Is satisfied are true. The charge of using a duplicate or stolen government stamp is not sustained. The report says that the government In spection wns negligent and defective , but this is attributed to the fact that there -were not nearly enough inspectors to do the work. It is asserted that the fraud has been traced homo to the general superintendent , who Is a stockholder In the Carnegie com pany. pany.FltAlTOS FltAlTOS AMOUNT TO A CRIME. Of the feature of criminality Involved , Chairman Cunimlnga says : "The frauls whlih your committee have found are worthy to Jo calti'd crimes. The servants of the Carnegie company ( whether with or without the knowledge" of the company ) , to Increase their Kilns , deliberately continued for many months to commit acts whose natural prob able consequences , would J > e a terrific loss of men In times of war and perhaps the dear- oat to ths nation. To fine or make mere money compensation Is au Inadequate atona- ment for such wrongs. Your committee Jo not consider It within their province to dralt a criminal statute , but they do feel under obligations to call the attention of tlio house to the Importance of protecting the lives of our sea men and the safety or the nation by appropriate legislation denouncing as crimes nil such acts as the frauds prac ticed upon the government In connection with armor plato snd other material of war and making nach acts punishable in all psrsoris who commit them or aid l.l their commis sion. " " - In recommending a test of plate the con- tnlttco soys : "Notwithstanding all the ad missions made by the superintendents em ployed by the Carnegie company , they claim all th plntei paid for by the government are up to the specifications of the contracts. The contract of Februaiy 28 , 1893 , states the obligation is imposed upon the contractors to satisfy tluo Inspector that everything has been dona In strict accordance with the terms of the contract. It has been con clusively shown that the inspectors have boon satisfied and the armor plates passed by tha most notorious frauds. The efforts of the company and all Its superintendents , Cllne , Korey and Schwab , have been .to sat isfy our committee that the ' .r.nor Is up with the requirements of iho contract , notwithstanding false reports to Inspectors , doctoring of specimens , plugging ot plaits , fraudulent retreating of test plates and 'Jockeying * ot the testing machine. TBie unblushing character of the frauds towhich these- men have been parties and the disre gard of truth and honesty which they hatro shown la teitlfylng before your committee render 'thorn unworthy of credence. And everything bears against their contention. It Is not lo be supposed such manifold frauds wore continued for so long a time without at , important object to bo gained. As the Individual plUes and the groups ot plates passed in many cases by. fraud , the fUr conclusion. Is that without the fraud * thay would Imro not have passed. SHOULD RE SUBMITTED TO TEST. "Two questions remain , however. First , whether , notwithstanding the frauds and the failure to attain tha high standard required by the contracts , the armor Is not goo < l steel and ialr annul- ; second , the extent to which the government has been damaged by Hie frauds and Irregularities practiced upon It. The terms ot the resolution under which your committee Is acting require them to ascertain the amount of damages. It Is impossible , however , for them to do this with their present powers. Theonlyway to determine tha actual condition and strength of the anncr Is by subjecting certain plates or the group-passed to ballistic test > . "Your committee has no more work to Jo. For the information of the house , in re lation to further continuing this investi gation by . making such ballistic test , your committee have ascertained the whereabouts of fifty-nine representative plates alleged to have been faUelj treated. " The plates recommended for testing tre four on the Monterey , eight on the Monad- nock , ton on the New York , ( our on the Amphrlte. three on the Terror , three on the Oregon , three on the Olympla ( four-Inch casements ) , seven on the Indiana , four on . the Massachusetts and ono on the Oregon. Of the four-Inch sponsons , there nro three on the Mew York , two on the Columbia , three on the Minneapolis , three on the Olym pla , threw on the Cincinnati and two on tDio Ilalclgh , The report concludes ; "Tho committee can go no Farther Into this Investigation without knowing the actual ballistic resist ance of groups of plates passed by a test of f ' plates that did not really represent the BO groups. The company has admitted this charge. It iho government Is precluded from making these tests at their exp&itto by the i-ettltment made January 18 , 1SS4 , they mutt bo made at the expense of Che gorernment. IlollevliiK a test of these plates should ba made , your committed have to- lectod tbo ? lates which , In their opinion , ought to be tested. They recommend Cue money for xtich a test be taken from any money herttotoro appropriated for the In crease ot the navy under the head ot armor armament. " i)0 NOT NKKO ANY 11KLI . I/encuo 1'nn MumiRO AVlmt I'ow Negro Democratic Voter * Thnre Are. WASHINGTON , Aug. C3 , Members of the Negro National Democratic league are Je- termlned to have the Afro-American bureau of organlatlon nt the democratic congres sional committee Abolished , and Itobert Still , chief of the hurtau , and hla colleagues ire equally determined that the bureau shall ba nalntulnrd. The former assert that the league is the * only organization required to meet the demtnds of tha colored voters ot ( ha country and to harrnonlM all factions of the negro dimocrats , and thft latter Btrenuouily Insist that the bureau l a notes- eary adjunct to the committee. In th letter sent by tha leagueto Sanator Faulkimr. chairman of the democratic congressional committeeII. . 0. 0. Astwood , chairman or the executive corcmlttea of the league , yes terday said the only question at lisue Is the advisability of having but ono ruthnal or ganization. "It Is certain that the two organization * cannot exist without conflicting , and as one. can do the work there. Is no need ut Uo > . The bureau is local ; the league la national ; n selection needs but a moment's coniUera- tlon ot the Interest of tbe party ot the state. Continuance of the bureau cannot full to engender strife and factional opposition. " Mr. Astwood called on Senator Faulkner today to urge Irrmecllato action in > abolishing the bureau. BEHUKAMT-AT-AItMS ItKl'OItrS. Still Trjrlnf- Collect n Quorum Only Two Alurntcc * InVul ! .l UK ton. WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. Even before the reading of yesterday's Journal today In tbe senate , the absence of a quorum was pointed out by Mr. Manderson , republican of Ne braska , and the roll being called showed the presence of thirty-three senators , elecen Iris than a quorum , Mr. Harris moved that the sergeant-al arms be directed to request the presence of absentees , but Mr. Fasco and Mr. Cockrell pointed out that the order made yesterday was still In forca and the latter asked for the report of the ser- gcant-of-arms. This was dated toilay and reported that of the forty-two senators who failed to answer to their names yesterday only two were In the city and ono at these ( Mr. Voorhees ) was too 111 to attend. The other senators were telegraphed to attend Immediately. Up till 12:35 : p. in. only thirty-five senators had arrived. Four republican senators Messrs. Mandor- son , Fettlgrcw , Quay and Shoup were Ir. the senate chamber , but failed to answer and were recorded as absent. Senator Ilrlco was absent attending tha funeral of a relative. . Senator Carnden tele graphed ! io would be here at noon. It his train was not delayed , and Senators Sherman and Wilson were excused from Jurtlier at tendance on account of sickness. At tha request of Mr. Gray the list of absentees was read. Mr. Harris then said the orders given yesterday to the sergeant-at-arms to request the presence of absent senators having proved Ineffective , he moved the sergcant-at-arms bo directed to compel their attendance , and this was agreed to. Mr. I'ruden , the ex ecutive clerk from the white house , ap peared with a message from the president , supposed to be nominations , but could not present them. The republicans were ready to furnish four votes to make a iiuorum to go Into executive session , but the democrats needed three additional to complete , tha number. Those in attendance were : Allison. ' Gordon. Mitchell ( Ore. ) . Hate , Oorman. Mitchell ( W . ) . llrrry , Orny , Palmer , Illnckliurn , Harris , 3'a.scoe , lllanclmrd. Hill , I'UBh. OKkrrll , Hnntnn , Hansom. Cokp. Jarvjg , Itoach , Cullnnt , Jones ( Ark. ) , Turple , Pnulkncr , Kyle. Veil. Oulllnger , I.tmlNiy , Vllna. OeorRu. McLaurln , Walsh , dlbson. Martin , White. Total , 36. Of these thlrty-ono were democrats , four republicans and one populist. Th absentees were : AKlrlch , ITnlc. - Porter. Allen , IlnnsbroUKh , Perkins Hrlcc , ITnwIey. Pettlgrevr , llutlcr. IIlKKltis , Plait , Cnffrey , Hoar , Power , Call. Iruy. Proctor , Cainden , Jones ( Nov. ) , Quay. Cameron , Lodge. Sherman , Curcy , McMillan , Shoup. Chandler , Mcl'hcrson. Smith , Drnlel , Mnnderson , Squire , Davis , Mills , Stnwart IJIxoii , Moricnn , Teller , Dolpli , Morrtll. Voorhe i. Dubota , Murphy , Wa all burn , fc'rye. I'atton , WolcotL Total , 48. Of these thirteen were democrats , thirty- two republicans and three populists At 1:20 p. m. , finding It Impossible to get a quorum , the senate , on motion of Mr. Harris , adjourned till tomorrow at 12 o'clock. KXl'ECT A QUORUM. TODAY. Senator * Knrouto to WaihlnRton to Alnko the ICrqnlrod Number , WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. It Is expected by the democratic leaders of thi senate that a quorum will be present tomorrow. Telegrams have been received , from a num ber of senators saying they expect to ar rive before the next session , among them being Senators Mills , Morgan and Dubols , Senator Camdcn returned today. Senator Dubols , although a republican , probably will join other republicans In making up a , quorum. If a qcuruni appears and Senator Lindsay gets the floor he will no doubt finish hU speech before ho allows an inter ruption , when the point of no quorum could be made. The objection of the republicans to any further tariff discussion is consid ered frivolous by the democrats , and they say they do not care to enter into any agreement that speeches shall be made In order to transact the minor business be fore the senate. It Is said by tha demo cratic leaders that an adjournment fol low action by the president on th& tariff bill whether speeches are made or not , as noth ing can hold the senators In Washington after this measure Is out of the my. Texas Ditmocnit * l.iilcl Out , WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. The Tcias dele gation In congress Is receiving returns from a number ot congressional conventions In the state now being held. Representative Paschal was defeated for renomlnatlon , the wool question being the main cause of ths defeat. It Is a largo wool growing district. Mr. Paschal voted for free wool. The candidate nominated Is not an advocate ot free wool. Representative Cockrell's convention has ad journed until August 30 , after balloting In effectually. Mr. Cockrell was wltliln four and one-unit votes of the two thirds ma jority at the time of the adjournment. Rep resentative Kilgore's convention Is in session. Meilttl fur u ( Inllunt Soldier , WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. By direction of the president , a medal ot honor has teen pre sentcd tu Brevet Brigadier General Llewellyn Q. Kstes , United States volunteers , for most distinguished gallantry In action .t Flint river , Georgia , August 30 , 1SG1. This officer , while serving as. assistant adjutant general on the stall of General Kllpatrlck , volun tarily took command of troops , and making a ' gallant charge across a burning bridge upon the rear guard of the enemy , drove them from their barricades and extinguished the fire , thus securing water for the union army and enabling it to take advantag : of Its position on the other bank. ChnrloMon Will Go to China. WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. Final sailing orders have been sent ( rorn the Navy depart- meat by wire to the Charleston and she U expected to start for China In a day or two. The salting of the ship was delayed until I the arrival ot the Philadelphia In order that ' the long service men on the latter ship might be dratted In the Charleston In place of a number of men and boys who Lave less . than a year to serve , and , therefore , would have to bo brought home. lllll Will Tttko It to the Court * . WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. Senator Hill expects - pects to be an attorney In the first ease that Is brought up testing the constitutionality of the Income tax provisions ot the new tariff law , The Now York senator expressed the opinion when the bill was being considered In the senate that there- were features of the law which were unconstitutional and says ho believes when brought to the courts that I will be declared unconstitutional In whole or in part. _ Thrn Kxrtu Warrant * . WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. The- Navy ds partment telegraphed Captain Howlton , com mander of the Mare Island ( Calif arr la ) navy yard , to extend permission to tie yard ] to the United States marshals to aislst him In serving the warrants on Ezeta' and the other Salvadorean refuges confined 04 th Ilennlnston. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uuu.v'a KlKhly-rini r g .Speech. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. The congres clonal Record this morning contami eighty five pages of Senator Quay's sueccn , which has been Inserted under the leav to prm privilege granted several weeks ago. The Ciiiulujr Meellnir Of the Dauglts County Fair anil Nebrasfc Breeders' association meeting promises t eel line any meeting every held at Omaha The fair people end the inHiiaeemont of th breeders are cparlng neither time niroone ; to make U a great and gala wee It. Xlia lota premium * offered are { 20,000. WILL BECOME LAW MONDAY Cleveland Will Not Sign the Tariff Bil1 , NoJther 111 Ho Veto It. CONGRESSMEN URGE HIM TO SIGN IT Ho U Set In HU'Opinlon , However , nnil Will Bltnpljr Allow Iho Trn-Pny linr to Do the Work of tlio I'rcs- lileiit'a Autograph. / WASHINQTON.tig. . 23. The president - mains firm In his purpose to let the tariff bill become a law without his signature. This , as .was stated by the Associated press at the time , was his Intention when he left Washington for Dray Gables , and there U . excellent authority for the statement that ' Mr. Cleveland since his return has Indicated that he U ot the same opinion as before he left. A great deal of pressure has been and Is still exerting to Induce Mr. Cleveland - land to forego his. present purpose and to Ign the bill cither with or without some ; iossago expressing his views , but the presl- ent gave no encouragement to those who ave pressed views of this nature on hla at- , entlon , and has Indicated that ho will allow he bill to become a law by expiration ot ho ten days clause ot the constitution. The lersons most urgent In suggesting to the president that ho tign the bill are members if congress who have represented very trongly to the president that a signature of ho bill will help them considerably In their defense of It In the coming campaign , and that should It not lave the measure of presi dential approval Indicated by Mr. Cleve land's signature , their position on the stump will be embarrassed to conic extent at least. Speaker Crisp and a number of other con- eressmen have presented this view of the matter , and the speaker saw the president to day on the subject. So far as can be learned .he president's attitude has been one of patient listening tc and consideration of the rguments presented , but he has refrained carefully " from making any promises or glv- "ng encouragement to congressmen who wish .he bill signed. A veto of the bill , however , Is not even sug gested. It cannot become a law vl'tiout the presidential autograph until next Monday , and this being the case the adjournment of congress will hardly take place before next Tuesday. The fact that It Is Mr. Cleveland's purpose to permit the bill to become a law without his signature la also a strong Indication of the probability of another message on the tariff from the president. Besides Speaker Crisp , who spent some Ime with the president In a discussion of ho tariff situation , Representative McMlllIn of Tennessee ot the ways and means com mittee and ono of the house conferees , also ' 'alked with Mr. Cleveland. Speaker Crisp .old members ot the house who were anxious .0 get away that ho thought the session would last until next Tuesday. Mr. McMlllIn did not discuss the tariff bill with the president. Chairman Wilson Is ex pected Dark from West Virginia today , but he was nr' about the house during the ses sion. LEFT WITH 3fO WO UK TO IJO. ColUpgo of the Coxey Movement. the Scniito Cnininlttoo'i Object. WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. The stleet com mltteo on the "prevailing distress" which was appointed by the senate during the lielght of the Coxey movement soon found tself without business. It never hold but two meetings and heard only two complaints. One of these came' from Morrison I. Swift of the Boston contingent and the other from one of the leaders of the Galvln company named Ward. Speaking of Iho committee this morning. Senator VIlos. Its chairman , said that when It 'nas called Into " existence there "was a gen eral feeling about the senate that , owing to the pressure of the times and the persistence of the Industrials , It would become necessary to formulate some measure that would In some way meet the conditions which seemed to exist. "The conditions changed so quickly , however - over , " ho said , "that it soon became evident that the committee would not bo called upon to do much. The Chicago strike came , and the Industrial movement seemed to decline rapidly until U died out entirely. Wo bear no more of them. While there existed more or less opposition concerning their approach , they have now come and gone. There was no voice of protest when the governor of Maryland had them quartered In that state , arrested , or when the governor of Virginia had the crowd on the Virginia side of the Potomac put out of the state by the rntlltla. " ' 'There seems , " added Senator Vllas , "to have been a mistaken Idea as to the duties of the committee. It was not authorized to 'Investigate' the public distress at all , but merely to receive memorials and petitions on the subject and to consider the question of legislation. Mr. Swift presented a written document and Mr Elard made a lengthy speech to us , while President Flsk of the Bimetallic league sent us a long , letter. Be yond these wo have received nothing what ever. " Some people obtained the Impression that the commltteo would attempt to right the private wrongs of Individuals arising from whatever cause. One gentleman residing In Philadelphia spent his last cent to go to Washington to lay the facts of his eviction from a rented house by the landlord who , he said , wan a wealthy man , before the com mittee and to ask for redress for the wrong done him. He wo * told that the committee could take no cognizance of such a case , and he appeared greatly surprised that It could not. not.The The committee will continue In existence during the present , congress , If no longer , and It may possibly bo made ono of the per manent cpmmlttoes of the senate. MAUK CUJIMINUS ANGHY. Carnegie lueport I'rescintod and Sir. Stone AHI Questions About It. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. About fifty members -were on the floor vrhen , the house met today. There was , as usual , a great rush on the part ot members for recognition to pasa bills ot local importance , A bill was passed to extend the time In which the Hutch * Ison & Southern Railroad company can con struct a railroad through the Indian terrl- tory > Mr. Dynum , democrat of Indiana , then moved the regular order. Thereupon Mr. Curnmlngs , chairman ot the committee on naval affairs , presented the report of the commltteo on the trmor plate frauds. With It he presented a joint resolution to an thorize and direct the- secretary of the navy to remove from the Monadnock , the Monitor , Terror , the ships Oregon , Indiana and Mas sachusetts and the cruiser Monterey certain specified armor platea and to subject them to the ballistic test at the Indian Head prov- Inc station. The resolution also directed a speedy report on these tests. Mr. Stone , republican of Pennsylvania , askeU If the report did not prejudice the Carnegie company. Mr , Cunimlngs said it did not. The reso lution he presented had been unanimously reported. Mr. Stone called attention to the fact that no member of the minority was present. Mr. Cummlngs said tha report wag unanimously adopted. The republican minority did set sign the report , buv authorized him to makeit. . "What does the gentleman want ? " aiked Mr. Cummlngs angrily. "Does ho want the Carnegie company to buy a report ? " "The gentleman wants the Carnegie com pany to have fair play , something It has not had , " returned Mr , Stone. The resolution was adopted without di vision and at 1:05 : p. m. the house adjourned until tomorrow , Wool Advancing In Knclmnd. WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. The anticipated enactment ot our new tariff bill has af fected the wool market in England , accord ing to a report 1o the Slate department from United States Consul Meeker at Ilrad- ford. It has caused qulcke/ sales than ever known before ; buyers are . -ager to anticipate a brisk I'.eoia'-.i ; r > m thd United States , and farmers wera anxCoui to turn their fleeces Into ready mon'f bpxause of the dtfprcss'.on. Tlis : prices showed > w average advance of from H to 1 cint affmind ovtr last year , also caused by the thrift bill changes , us the consumption of Ihe homn trade did not war- rait the advance. A K try j-'ow aitK A it at r. I.carc * Uruntcil niul jtc-nileil nnil .fiMiii | > % In Hlullon mill fiiitlr * tMrrctrtl. WASHINGTON , Aug ! 23. ( Special Tele- grim to The Dee. ) HertVo of absence for two moiiths on surgeon's c6ftlflOate of disability , with permission to le'dv the Department ot tlu Colorado , Is grarVlett Second .Lieutenant John W. Fnrlon/ , First cavalry. rirst Lleute.iant 'Oscar S. Strn-.b , "Ifth artillery , will bo relieved from f'.rther duty with the First artillery by tha commanding afiVor at Fort Hamilton , N. Y. , on receipt by htm of this order , and will join his proper battery. Leave ot absence for two months , to take effect on being relieved from duty with the First artillery , Is granted First Lieutenant Oscar S. Strnub , Fifth ar tillery. Leave of absence for i. a months , to take effect on or about Se tP.ulter 1 , 1894 , Captain E. V.rA , Andruss , First artillery. Leave of absence f < fo1 / months , to take effect about Septembai i5 , 1891 , with per mission to apply for an extension ot two months , Is granted Captain Folllot A. Whlt- iejr , eighth Infantry. Leave of absence for two months , to take effect on or about September 1 , 1891 , Is grunted Captain John L. Phillips , assistant surgeon. Leave of abesnce for three months , to take effect on or about October 1 , 1894 , Is granted First Lieutenant Ml dlson M. Ureter , assistant Mirgeon. Leave of absence for one month , to take effect upon bolng relieved from duty at Fort Supply , Okl. , is granted Captain William H. Corbusler , asMst'int surgeon. Dy direction of the president , First Lieu tenant Asa T. Abbott , U.S. . A , , retired , Is detailed for set-vice ac professor of military tactics at the Bishop Seabury mission , Farl- baalt , Minn. First Lieutenant Wurren R. Dunton , n. S. A. , Is detailed for service as ppofessor jf military tactics at the Ohio Military Insti tute , Cincinnati , O. Tlio leave of absence , on surgeon's cer tificate of disability , granted Mnjor George P. Russell , Fifteenth Infantry , . In special onlers No. 94 , April 21 , 1894 , from this oITloi is extended one mont.'i on surgeon's ccrttflca of disability. A board of ofllceis , to consist of Colonel diaries T. Alexander , assistant surgeon gcn- erj.1 ; Captain John Pitman , Ordnance de partment ; Captain Scinhopo E. Ulunt , Ord nance department ; Captain Charles AV. Whip- pis , Ordnance department , and Captain \M\- \ II am P. Kenctuii , assistant surgeon , Is dp- pointed to meet at the army building , rJoe York , on Tuesday , October 2 , 1804 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , or as soon thereafter as prac ticable , for the examination of such lieuten ants of the line as may bo o-dered to appear betore it with a/ view to i selection for trtnsfer to the Ordnance deiitftment. Viit leave of absence grant ea Second Lieu tenant Albert D. Donwnrth , Fourteenth in fantry , Department of the Columbia , is ex tended one month. Captain Charles H. Ingalls , assistant quar termaster ; Captain Charles D , Ewlng , as sistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant Franklin O. Johnson , Third cavalry , and First Lieu tenant James 13. Hughes' , Tenth cavalry , ore detailed as members of , the general court niirtlnl convened atJeTprson Uarracks , Mo. First Lieutenant Ch'arlcs II.McKlnsley.Corps of Engineers , will bo relieved by Major James F. Gregory , Corps of 'Engineers ' , from duty under his irnmedlate orders , and will proceed to and take station , at J > uluth , Minn. , and report to Major Clinton B. Sears , Corps ot Engineers , foi duty "under his immediate orJers. - _ _ n'ESTKKNI'KHRIOXS. . Veterans of the I.ule Wijr Itoinsinhcrod by the ( Jenornl Governnitml , WASHINGTON , Aug-.123. ( Special to The Bee. ) Pensions granted , * ' Is " 0 'of ' .agust 11 , were : Nebraska : 'AdditionalTllcl'rird II. Jones , Oak , ftfuckqllB. , , Original nrnJows. rte. Sarah J. Whitney , Wilsonvllle , Fuo.ns. Iowa : Original Jacob Strohrn , Lyons , Clinton ; Jonathan Phelps , Snlem , Henry. missue- John A. Fltz , Iowa Fulls , Hardln ; Stephen F. Hnlrd , .Boyden , Sioux ; Asa Booton , Slgourney , Keokuk. Original widows , etc. Mary Gallagher , Council Bluffs , Pottawatlamle. Horrible , < iufT rliig of n Chili' . BERLIN , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special to The Be-e. ) Some time last March a * Kary Myers , a 14-year-old daughter of a farmer Ihing near this town , was playing IP the field , her clothing caught fire from butn- Ins stalks and her body was horribly burned. Tiie parents tried home remedies until it became evident that death would ensue , and a few days ago she was brought to this place and a physician mule an examination , when it was found that gai grene had set In and eaten its way Into the ribs. She is receiv ing treatment , but her sufferings are most excruciating and recovery extremely doubt ful. i\s the Berlin Cornet band was practicing las-t evenlnc In the school house a largo hanging lamp fell from the calling to the floor. The building took ( Ire and but for the presence of mind of Charles Taney would have been consumed. He seized the drip ping lamp while still In flames and hurled it fully ten feet through an open window. IiuvHtlca Ing Dr. Kly. MADISON. Wls. , Aug. 23. The defense in the Richard L. Ely Inquiry has a letter from Walking Delegate Klunk of Kansas City , stating that Dr. Ely never entertained him while he was In Madison to adjust the printers strike ; that he did not know Ely anJ had never seen him. These are denials of some of State Superintendent Wc.'is' charges ngalnst Dr. Ely. Superintendent "Wells will try to prove by Ely's writing that he Is a political economist of a type dangerous to the puce ot the nation. Millie HU'ontco 1'uy , KANSAS CITY , Aug. 23. Justice of the Peace Ross W. Latshaw Is short ? 9,00Mn ( his accounts with the county , according to ths report filed with the county court by expert Accountant Slater. About a month ago Latshaw took a trip to Europe. During his .absence there was talk ot crookedness and an Investigation was ordered. The report of the expert shows he has withheld line ? collected from dissolute women. Litshaw refused to talk for publication. Killed Him for Annulling I1U Wife. LOUISIANA. Mo. , Aug. 23. John Irby. 30 years old , was shot ) an4 killed by Oscar Purglmn , a farmer whoe , wife Irby had as saulted. The stor ofrithn farmer Is that Irby went to his home while he was absent in this city Monday iil'gfil and with a drawn revolver compelled Purghan's wife to submit tri his desires and thennthreatened her with death if she over toWrpM'ts crime. SolontlatR ICnd il'liolr Convention. BROOKLYN. Augu23. At the last day's 1 ' session ot the convefltjqu of the American At-soctatlon for the Advancement ot Science , Dr. Hi C. Hover ofhNewburyport , Mass. . enlightened the forestry section relative to the petrified fores ts'i of "the southwest , and particularly those ofA'rtrona. . Today many of the members Betr'tiHt on excursions to different parts of the'country. DEDUCING ' ' I I TRAIN SERVICE Union Tto'to ' Mnncptmont T7111 Mnka Tome Rad'cul O MANY BRANCHES Will BE AFFECTED Wilt Applr I.nrgrly to the Interior of tlin btato Though the Itotrrnchment Muy "I ouch the M.tlti I. Inc. LINCOLN , Aug. 2J. ( Special to 7he life. ) Local olliclals and employes ot Ihe Union Pacific arc on the anxious bench. Anew now time cord Is to go Into effect next Sun day. While thf ? < - > ct details ore not yet at hand , enough Is krunii to lead to the con clusion that tl'c i r.iln si.co ' will bo farI I ther curtailed , Thp UTongement seems to | bo about thh'ny : S'x passengar trains In and out will bo Mscontlmied. Tha two trains .going ana coming between Lincoln and Columbus and Sioux City will ba ( alien off entirely. The two 'rains In and out to Stromsburg will 'mert a similar fate. 7ho train leaving li.-io ! j ? M nhattan , Kan. , In I the morn. ua the ono arriving from that point In the evening will also be dis continued between Lincoln and tlentrlco. These last train * * , for the past ages under the care of Conductor Hngcy , will start from and stop at Beatrice. This will have a ten- , " "dency to help the Beatrice hotels. Passen gers for points south of that place will h .vo to fto down In tiit evening and take n nuw start In the morning. Likewise coming from tha south. It Is supposed that a train will start from Beatrice some time In the fctenoon and run through Lincoln to Val ley and stop tht're instead ot nlng on to Omaha , as heretofore. Then make the same run back In the evening. The connection from Valley will be made by the main Hne trains. From Valparaiso to Stromsburg a freight will go back and forth for tha ac commodation of the residents. The min- : Tuncnt uu'ibtless think this n desirable nut hod of reducing e.spenscs. It will In- tcmro with the express VIH.III.-SB , which has been quite good. LINCOLN IN BRIEF. The Seventh Day Aventlst camp mating now In progress is continuing with Increas ing Interest , Upwards of thirty meetings were held yesterday. The local bicyclists arn In hard training for the Ganymede races to be held In Coun cil Bluffs. The preliminary hearing of the negro , charged with wrecking the Uock Island train , will bo held tomorrow at 9 o'clock. It is claimed that the county at torney Is In possession of Important In formation In the case. The members ot the First Baptist church In Lincoln last night celebrated the silver anni versary of its organization , The church was beautifully decorated and an Interesting pro gram of cxercls-s had been prepared. Mayor A. II. Weir > -ead a brief history of the church and addresses were made by clergymen and representatives of the university who were present. The annual convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance union of Nebraska will meet In St. Paul's church In this city on the last week In September. The democrats of the capital city are Jubi lating over the action of the republican state convention yesterday. Governor Crounse has named as delegates to the third annual 'Irrigation convention , which meets In Denver on September 3 , the following , William Bruce , Falls City : F. I. Fosb , 0-ote ; G. A. Gregory , Nellgh ; L. H. Jowett , Broken Bow ; S. 13. Solomon , Cul- bertson ; William Neville , Nonlj Platte ; Charles Powers , Andrew Rose .voter , Omaha. Mrs. Mitchell ot Wymoro was In t'ie city today as cluperone of a hand ot children from her town who had r. load ot clothLng which they had made for the inmates of the Homo for thoyFrlenJless. They called at the state house and after an Interview with the governor presented their offering at the home. September 7 a convention of spiritualists Is called to convene here. All spiritualists and liberal minded people are Invited. B1ANV IIDII.DINOS I > CSTUOY1D. : Talmngo I'lro of Wednesday Not Entity Controlled l y the I'lrrnicn. TALMAGE , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special Tde- gram to The Bee. ) The fire last night was supposed to be under control whsn It con sumed the Strohmcr saloon , but later the adjoining" building , occupied by Payton as a billiard hall , caught tire and was entirely destroyed , together with Weber's saloon a.nd Buhllg's meat market. Two frame buildings Intervening and occupied as an Ice cream parlor and tobacco factory were also toUlly destroyed. The north brick wall of the moat market remained standing and , acting as a protection , saved three adjoining frame buildings. Four horses were burned In Che livery barn of Meyers Bros. , ono being a Percheron stallion valued at $1,000. A can- servatlVb citl-iintn of the aggregate loss places the same at $10OuC , with a tot.i' Insurance of $7,000 on buildings anil mntents The North British , North American and Omaha Fire Insurance companies are affected nd the adjusters ot the several companies are expected on each train. The prospects for building substantial brick bullJIngs on a portion of the -bur-t district U favorable The work ot removing the debris nas ) 031111 , but the village presents a pitiable plight , as the entire east sideof main utreet U a m : . s of embers. Tlu glass fronts of nearly every business house on the west sltla K Main street : r ? matjrlally damaged from tii-j treitio heat .Md water. Special TTdro appointed guard property last night , but several it efts have been reported. The general cry now Is lor water works and Ihe present outlook Is that klie temporary caliin- Ity will prove a u'esslng ' In ( ilsgalse. Nut-row KSCL'PO from Pinnies. FULLERTON , Neb. . Aug. il. ( Special to The Deo. ) The city narrowly tsc.iped being bur'ied last evening. Atoul 9:30 : the livery torn of William Decker w 4 burned , to gether with six head of horses , and his har ness , buggies , etc. The origin of the fire was the explosion of a lantern In the nay loft of the barn. The barn was located on the south side of Fourth street , about ICO feet west of Broadway and Just opposite the rear end of Gay's hotel , the business portion of the town being situated north and east of the barn. The wind was In the couth- west at the tlmo of the fire and for a. short time It looked like tbe whole town must succumb to the flames , but by coolness a.nd energetic work the city was saved , with the loss only of the barn , where the flames orig inated , Loss , $3,000. No Insurance. At theHolliuM * Cump Mnotliifr. BENNBTT , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special to The nee. ) The annual election of officers was held here today , resulting as follows : G. W. Sllby , president ; II. T. Davis , first vice president ; H. D. Brown , second vice presi dent ; H. G. Wllcox , secretary ; A. M. treasurer ; J. I ) . M. Buckner and C. Webster , superintendents ; J. G , Southwlck , M , I ) . Davis and W. II Prescott , executive com- mlttoo. The ' atiendanco today was Increased by many now arrivals , many bringing their Don't make two bites at a cherry. What's the use of tak ing .one thing for coarse , and another for fine , washing. Pearl- ine will do it all. For washing wood-work , tinware , silver , mare - e > S ass > dishes carpets , or anything you can think of Pearl- a- ine is the best It saves not only \ ) work , but wear. Let it help you in all these ways. You musn't think that the easy washing of clothes is all that Pearline is made for. Peddlers and * omo unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this Is as coed AS" or " the same as Pcarllnc. " IT'S FALSK I'carllne is never peddled , and if your grocer tends ycol nmethlng In plato cf Pear Hne , bo / ht * . * * * _ MtlES PYLI5 , Kcw Vortu own tents. Accommodations are provided for all who conic , ami a fruit ot Rood thlriRS promised to all. Presiding Hhicr AiaSluth of the Lincoln district , Dr. Paine ot Lincoln nil H. T. Da\in , tax-preiklcnt ot the asso ciation , ore Rinong the prominent visitor * licre. Sunday will ba the climax ot tliu meet- Intf , when th ? attendance Is expected to reach 8,000. Votcnitu at the \Vrrplnp : Witter Itmiilon llclnjr llunilixiini'l.r Kiitrrlnlnrd , WUGI'INQ WATBIl , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Spe cial T i. . ain to The Ue . ) Over 10.000 people - plo were In Rttjmlanco at the reunion today and the program was one of Interest from beginning to enJ. .Captain Uarncs' cavalry company started on a foraging expedition this morning and raided the business houses. Judge Strode entertained a vast audience with n rousing speech. Holll secure the vutsrans' votes In this district for congress this fall. The bicycle races drew a large crowd. In the two-mllo novice race there were four en tries. William Carrahsr of Union ft'on ' first prize and Fred LehnlntT second. Two-mile open , Ilvo entries : II. n. FroOrlckson first , . E. Mockctt second. Halt-mile ladles' race : Miss Myrtle Darnes first , Lena Dirn'B tcconil. One-mils handicap was won by 13. E. Mockctt , KredrlcUson second , i'egau third , Carrahor fourth. Seven entered for the flve-mlln han dicap. Ilollouay of PlaUmouth v n first , Fredrlckson second. The game ot ball between Uali-ash and Weeping Water was won by the latter. Score , 7 to 13. Tomorrow the teams play for a purse. There was n Inrne .lino of old veterans out on dress parade. The balloon ascension was n double-header a ninn and dog sailed to the clouds and dropped by par.uhute to the ground. Orcat preparations are made for the slam battle tomorrow and many say It will tn the best day. The house breakers got In their -i\ork nmtln today and the residences entered BO Car heard from are : S. Mathens , U. T. Dudley and 11. W. Mcllenry , a farmer living two miles .south , in which place they took hit clothes , watch and trinkets. It la thought many IIOUEO.I have been broken Into In the countiy. Hon. J. M. Thurston arrived tonight uud ho will speak tomorrow. Notcl rrctnunt I'urty. FREMONT , Aug. 23. ( Special to The Dee. ) A novel party was given nt the resi dence of Edward Dlewctt last evening and might properly bo called a nightgown party. Korty young ladles engaged In a friendly sleeping contest , the one sleeping the longest and soundest bolng the winner. William Dlttman of Crowell and MIB3 Maine Sexton of Nlckerson were married horn yestcrdiy. _ Nrlinirltn Itlzim Arrcntrd. NEHAWKA , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special Tele gram to The Deo. ) This town was consid erably stirred up today by the arrest of one of UH citizens for the alleged selling ; ot spir ituous drinks without a license. Deputy Hubbard , who made the arrest. a.Iso sub poenaed a number of witnesses. No ono knew anything of such offense limJng been committed , and the matter was dismissed. 1'lrnnnnt Snclnl Kvrnt nt ( Jrr lmin. GIUJSHAM. Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special to The Dee. ) A very pleasant social event occurred last evening at the residence of' J. B. Hart , cashier of the Farmers and Merchants bank. Vocal and Instrumental music was the order ot the evening and some flno selections were rendered. The program continued until 11:30 : p. m. H l''alrliury M FAIRDURY , Neb. . Aug. 23. ( Special Tele gram to The Di - . ) The preliminary exam ination of George S. Williams for the shoot ing ot the Hock Island yordmastcr , Smiley , was held today , and Williams remanded to jail until district court. Dert Moore , who was arrested as accessory , was discharged. Illntr Children 1'Tcnlc. DLAIR , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special to The Dee. ) The Baptist Sunday school ot this place had an excursion to Herman today a regular old fashioned basket picnic. About 125 , mostly children , went. Abou' . 200 went to Courtland Dcach also to tale in "The Last Days of Pompeii. " llrutli of C'lmrlim Ncli > u fur , WEST POINT , Neb. , Aug. -Special ( to The Dee. ) Charles Schaefcr , SOT of Jacob Schacfer , a prominent farmer ll-ylng north- cast of town , died this morning. The de ceased was about 20 ycara old and tMed very suddenly. Umlgn County Hi piilillcnnn Nci I FRI3MONT , Aug. 23. ( Special to The Doe. ) The gubernatorial nomination of the republican convention Is not received with great enthusiasm by the rank and file cf tbo Dodge county republican voters. Instantly Restores a ray Hair , Dleachrd Hair cr Gray Beard To Natural Color. Leaves it clean , soft and glossy and no one dreams th' t you color it , Absolutely harmless , odor less and lasting. IJatha do notj affect It. Does not prevent curl ing or crimping. Send sample of i hair to be colored free. No. I. black | 'J _ No. 4Cheitaut > ' No. 3 , Oirk Drown | No. 8 , Light Ctuitnut \ No. 3 , rttdlum Brown I No. 6 , Gold Blontoi , > No. 7 , A h Blonde. PRICE $1.5O. . PAMPHLET FftEEj For i&lc by IirugsUti and Hair Dwuen. j MFO. 292 Fifth Avenue , Now Yorlc. SOLD BY SHERMAN & MC OONHELL , IttlSDoilgrKtrrrf , - Unmlia , fltbrailca AMUSSM liiNTS. BO YD 'SI Three N'hts ! an < 1'Weduo5- I day Matinee , b ginning MONDAY , AUGUST 27 LONDON , NEW YORK , BOSTON , CHICAGO , NOW OMAHA Ataqfc ISy llniiulon Tlioinni. Dirootion of OHAS PEOHMAH , Unqunstlonnulr the l > ljctt comnljsnccosa known In the nnnnU of tliostouo. iluxuheoti open Uaturday at usual prlcua. I5fh ST. THEATER , " "ft o UltAND OPKNIKG-OnoWcok , Sunday Jlutlnue , ' 'Utli. KlsherJ ; Scott H OonaolldatoU fU A COLD DAY.ANlJ ANlJ CHIP O' THE OLD BLOCK Two Coinnanini Two Saturate OatiU. Ono IlOL'iilsr Admlsulon Spi-cl.il Notice. Doom open at 7:00 : Pjirp. Comuii'ncus nt 7:15 CHARLES ST. PARK BASE1 OMAHA in n u B i vs. j DesMoines. TODAY. CEHEBIUNE ( HAMMOND. ) Kxtrnot nt the Itrnlii nl llioOx. tn the treatment of LOCOMOTOn ATAXIA , N . " Y. Ncurologlcnl Society , Meeting , April 4 , If ! "A rnta win presented at loemnotor nlnvU " lilcli hod ben trente.1 llli JiyjxxlMmlc ln 'Jectlonn of CMIir.llHINi : fix years art ) tht ' 'patient , n ninn nRpil forty , tmS begun to lut * 'fcr with ilouMe vision. Thin nflcr several 'months ot Irenlmcnt hail illnnipeurea , pnd tot n tlmo he twit Ix-en quite well. The typical j tnim > ' ot locrootor nlnxln then cnnie oni 'ramileti | > lo" of kht.-Jorku nhnrp pnlni In the lemi nt.ixliv gate well nmrltnl. Inability 'ti dtnnd with the even clositl ; ilirilculty In V\icuuUiiB the blailiUr ml IwwrUi nexutl ' | Hinr IOM ; a ttntt of oonMrtcllon nrounJ tha nlM. Treatment wan Ix-iam about ten we k 'ago , .nnil rnnxIMr. ) of n dully lopotlermlo In * Jectlon nf CIIIIUIUUNK "lUtnmnnd , live dropi. 'combined ' with n like amount of water. Im- 'provmentcry marked ; ncxtml function * per "fectly restored : complete comtol over blaililef "nnil bowels , and xharp twin * linil disappeared ! 'ce.ieml health Imprmrd ; nblo to run up and Mown stalnt , and could stand Ulead/ with n't ' Vyps closed. No other treatmvnt employed , Im. 'provement gradual and steady. ' " Dose Plvo Drops , t'rlco. (2 ( drnchms ) , $2.00. Where local drtiRKlsH are. not supplied with the Hammond Animal Uxtracti , they will be mailed , toRcther with nil existing lltcraturq on the subject , on receipt of price by Till : COI.IMIIUA rllKMICAI , CO. , WlKlllnctiill , IN t' . KUHN & CO. . AGENT POR OMAHA. IN 4 TO 10 WEEKS Our Bond Guarantees no Pay rrntll Cured. A NEW DISCOVERY. NO PAIN OR TRUSS. HO OPERATION OR DANGER. NO DETENTION FROM BUSINESS. Send for our Now Book. NATIONAL RUPTURE CO. H9 S. 14th St. Omaha , Neb. THE GREAT Blood Purifier AND iNTerTT-e T'oin.Ic A SPECIFIC FOR RHEUMATISM. The Blood Remedy of the Domlmondo. OMAHA , NEH. , Aug. 8 , 18DI. The Eubcres. Company : Gentlemen After using a number o ( cliff ei en t medicines and preparations , and alia prescriptions from some of the best physician , for Itheumatlsm and I ame * Illicit. 1 purchased a bottle of your UUI3AT BLOOD PUIUFIIJIl. nml have cot relief that none ot the other mod- Iclnes have ghen me. If Imtnwnnont keeps on as It has commenced. I phall l > pntlrntly cured by the time I have used ono bottle. Youratmly , C. T. FAITH , 1003 ttirnam Stioet. All drUEBlsla lm\e It , Price 11.00 par bottle. THE tUHERSA COMPANY , Omaha , Nob. 18 THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. $5. CORDOVAN , FRENCH&EN/WELLEDCALF. / - - - -LADIES * SEND TOR CATALOGUE ; WI.'DOUULAS , BROCKTON , ATA33. You cnn save manor by wearing : the W. L. DoiialfiB 83OO Shoe. Became , we nre the largest manufacturer * el thli grudoof ( hoe's In tbo world , ami Ruarantco their value by stamping the name nod prlco on tli bottom , which protect you agalnrt high price * and the middleman' ! profit * . Our elioei equal custom work In Btylo , easy fitting and w oaring qualltlc * . Wo have thorn gold everywhere at lower iirlceafar the rnluo Riven than any other rnnfco. Take no sub stitute. If your dealer cannot ( mriily ) you , wo can. Sold by A. W. Bowman Co. , (17 ( N. IQth. C. J , Carlson. 1218 N. 24th. Elles Bvonson , 2OO3 N. 24th. iKnatz Novvman , 424 S. 13th. W. W. Flshor , 292S Loavonworfi Kelly , StlBor & Co-i Famam & IQth T. Crossy , 26OO N at Go. Omaha NEBRASKA JBAJVJi U , S. Itfjiciltoru , ( Jinalia , Nebraska. CAPITAL. - - $400,000 SURPLUS , - - $55,500' Officer * and Directors Henry W. Tatea , pres ident ; John 8. Collins , vice-president ; Lewli S. Heed. Caihler ; William H. 8. Hughe. . . : < cant - ant cashier. cashier.THE IRON BANK. PERMANENTLY CURED W NO PAY UNTIL CURED WtRErCHTOUT ) 8,0. "Write forJUBk References. EXAMINATION FREE. ifo Operation. No Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO. , 305-SOS New York Life IH'off. , Omaha , Neb. HANDSOME PEOPLE Orj'.y Thoia Who Hay * Good Teeth. GOTO ! BAIIl IirTiii , < ; tKNTIST 3d Moor /'axtou Hlock , 18ili and Kuriluui HU. Tulophono , 1085. Lady nttondunt. Oerniun spoken. Pull sot touth , 95,00 ; nutdosuiuu duy tlio linpro iluu Is taken , fillings vrUbout pnln. All vorle warrnntod. Uti i > r. liuiley'o Tooth I'owiter. o