Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    W WVy B
1'apa Eourko's Young Men and Mr , Abbott' *
CLriillans Flay llcrso ,
Denton L'llnclicl Her Hold on the I'eniiant
--Maciiliif ; Aloves Intii brroml 1'lacu
I'oortw 'JnUcs the l.n t fruiu
Tralllojr' * Tciim.
llj Den Molnes , I.
lioHton , 12 ; Cleveland , 10.
Philadelphia , 9i PltHburg , 4.
Cincinnati , 13 ; Brooklyn , 2.
St. Louis , lu ; Baltimore. G
New York. 8 ; I-otilflVllle , 4.
WuHhlngton , 11 ; Chlnago. 3.
KaiiBas City , 17 ; Mll'vaukce. 7.
Detroit , 6 ; lii < llani [ > ell ? , 4 ; 10 Innings.
Mlnncaoplls , U ; Sioux City , 11.
A small crowd went to the Young Men's
Christian auroclntlon park yesterday after
noon to sec a little the most farcical exhi
bition of baao bait that has been perpetrated
In these parts tor a long while. It was the
Omaha league ( cam against the Christiana ,
and despite the best efforts of the profes--
slJiicli ! to help them along the amateurs were
not able lo make a showing. Whltchltl
pitched three Innings , and then Abbey went
Into the box end. simply toseed straight balls
over the plate for the remainder of tie
frame. Even then the Christians wcro un-
nblo to hit to any extent , and their field
work was the raggedest they have shown
this season , Tlie i actual contest was pro
longed for two hoi-rs , and the only feature
worthy of mention was the fielding of
Pedroes and Trail. Manager McVlttlo ha.s
challenged the Christians to play the next
game at tha ( 'Maries Street park , the leaguers
to play wltli seven men. Score :
AB. U. IB. 811. SB. PO. A. E.
tllrlch. 3I > . . . . 3 3 '
J.amjsford , sa 7 0
Seery , m 6 2
McVey , lb , . . 4 0
Hutchison , 2b C 1
Rourke , rf. , . . li 0
Fear , c. . , . . , . , C 1
I'edroes , If. . . t 2
Whlteh'II , p. . 2 0
Abbey , p 3 0
TotalJ , , .U 25 21 1 9 27 12
Y. M. C. A.
AB. It. IB. SII. SB. PO. A. E.
Rustln , BS. . . . ( 0 2
Crawford , 2b. < 2 1
Abbott , c C. 0 2
Jcfferls , lb. . . J. 0 11
McKelvey , 3b 4.
Marquette , rf. V
JMIen , p t
Trail , m 3.
I awlcr , 1C. . . . t
Totals . . .3 $ 7 10 0 2 21 3 S
Omaha ' 25
Y. M. C. A 7
Buns cnrnedt Omaha , 10 ; Y. M. C. A. ,
4. Two-base iilts : Fear (2) ( . Jlourkc (2) ( ) ,
Seery , Ulilch , MoVey , Abbey , Abbott.
Three-base hits : Pedroos , Fear , McKelvey ,
Crawford , Trull. Homo runs : Hutchison ,
Lawler. Buses , on balls : Off Jellen , 8 ; off
Whltehlll. 2. liases given for hitting batter -
tor : By Jcllcu , 3. Pnsstxl balls : Abbott ,
8. Struck out : By Abbey , 3 ; by Jellen , 1.
Umpire : Lookabaugh. Double plays : Hutcli-
Ison to Langsrord to McVey ; Crawford to
Jefferls to Abtiott. Time : Two hours.
Ono Inning Wn.ii All Iloitcm Needed to Hln
Off Young.
BOSTON , Aug. a. Boston won In the
sixth with two bases on balls nnd Ova hits ,
which gave the Champions five runs. Score :
Boston 12
Cleveland . . . , 0 10
Base hits : Iloston , 18 ; Cleveland , H. Er
rors : Boston , B ; Cleveland , 7. Earned runs :
Bgaton , B Cleveland 6. . '
; , 'Twobasthlta :
Lowe , Long , 3'ucker. McCnrr (2) ( . " Three-
hoae hits : Hlnimcr (2) ( ) , JlcUarr (2) ( . Hoaxe
runs : Young. Double plays : Nash to
Lowe : Tucker to Long.Struck out : Ryan ,
NaBh , > IcCnrlliy. SUmmer/TUcK-cap , Uurk'tt ,
IHake. Time : Two hours and five minutes.
Umpire : McQunld. Batteries : Stlvetts and
Jlynn ; Young mid dimmer.
Nmincor * Itldc. tha Colt * .
WASHINGTON , AUK. 23. Good batting
nnd almost errorless Holding on the part
of the Senators won from Chicago today
Score :
Washington 0 13
Chicago f 0 01020 O'O 0 3
Base hits : Washington , 15 ; Chicago , 8.
Krrors : Washington , 1 ; Chicago , 4. Earned
runs ; . Wnshlngton , G ; Chicago , 2. Two-
liaso h'.ts : Rndfonf. Three-base bits : Ab
bey. Home runs : Schrlver. Double plays :
Hassnnmer to Shlcbcck : Irwln to 1'nrrot to
Decker. Struck out : By Stockdale. 1 ; by
Terry , 1. Time : Two hours and llvo min
utes. Umpire : Emslle. Batterleur Stock-
dale and Mcliiilro ; Terry and Schriver.
Cuininy'UotH Somu CoiiHobilluii.
BROOKLYN , Aug. 23.-Clnclnnatt had
overythlns Its own way this afternoon
Score :
Brooklyn 0 0001 0100 2
Cincinnati 1 i :
Base hits : Brooklyn , fi ; Cincinnati , 17 ,
Errors : Brooklyn. U ; Cincinnati , 0. Earnei
runs : Brooklyn. 2 ; Cincinnati , 5. Struck
out : By Stclsi , 2 ; by Dwyer. 2. Two-bass
hits : Smith , Dwyer. Three-base hits : Kins-
low. Double plays : Corcoran to Daly to
Luclmnce. irmplre : Keefe. Time : Two
hours nnd throe minutes. Batteries : Stein
and Klnslow ; Murphy nnd Dwyer.
Iluwli'y DOWIIH tliu Orlolm.
BALTIMORE , Aug. 23. Hnwley was In
good form today , and Instead of an easy
victory Iho Orioles bit the dust. Score :
llaltlmore 0 1
St. Louis 1
Easft hits : Baltimore , 7 ; St. Louis , 17
Crrors : Baltimore , 5 ; St. Louis , 2. Earnci
runs , : St. Louis , 7 ; Baltimore , 2 , Two
base hits : Miller , illnwley. Three-base
hits : Robinson , Dowd. Home runs : Miller
Double plays : Qiilnn to Connor to lily
Struck out : By treason , 3 ; by Hnwley , 2
Tlmo : Onn hour nml ( Hty-ilve minutes
Umpire : Belts. Biilterlcs ; Uleason am
Robinson ; Ha-wley niul ailller.
( iluntit ( ) t thu Colonels.
NEW YORK. Aug. 23-The Colonels wer
nt the mercy of Rusle , whoso speedy curve
were too much for the men from Kentucky
Kcorc :
New York *
Louisville 0
Base hits : New York , 11 : Louisville , &
Errors : New York , 3 ; Louisville , 4. Eurnet
runa : I/iilsvllle , 2 ; New York , B. Struck
out : By Hemming , 3 ; by Iludle , 6. Three
base bits : Tlernnn. Two-base hits : D.ivl
Doyle. Double plays : Ward to Fuller ti
Doyle ; Richardson tu I'feffer to Lutent > crg
Umpire ; Hurst. Time : Ono. hour and lift )
minutes. Batteries : Rusio and barrel
HeiniuliiE iiiul ( Jrlm.
ririitod Knuy I'liieliliig.
PHILADnM'IIIA , Aiu. a.-PhllatlclihU
won from Plttsburff easily today. Bcoio :
Philadelphia -
Plttsburi ; - .
Base hits : Phlhulelphla , 15 ; PltlBhun , ' . I
1 Errors ; Philadelphia , 1 ; I'lttsburg , 1. EarncJ
runs : Phllaclplphia , 4 ; IMtsburj ? , t. Two
bane hits ; Hamilton. Tliree-basu lilts
4 200 Pages. 250 .C .
A St\ne cf JKitoirlfilija niul a Mini of
iTlicro'iini ' moro Ihltigi Instructlvo. iun ral
imt ciitertnliiliir In Hut givM book , "Tim
American Knocknxillo Ulclloiury , " thanlti
any nlmUui imbllcHtlon uvrr Isnuxl.
IhU eivm work , now ( or thu llrst ttmo
plncttl TV li hlii itm rviich or inoryone. u a
unlquo pnUloallou , for It li i-t the MUIIIU tlmo
n lancet dictionary unJ u complctx tmcyclo-
Only that number of Uiu IvooU rorronpani ] >
lur with ilio iorlon numttvr of HID cuupan
nrvntmtod v.111 uo itullvur.Ml.
ONKSamlnj nnd Ttnve WeeU-tl.ijr conpon ,
with 11 cvn I In coin , will bur on > p ri
of Tli" American Kiicyclopiilla Dlutloa-
ry. Sfiid oi-darv lo Tha llati O3Ioj ,
AH orUors-Bliould - bj aajrojioJ to
Thompson , Sullivan , Blcrbnuer. Home
mnii : Thompson. Kmllh. Struck out : Ity
Hnrper , 2 ; by Mencfep , 6. Time : Tire
hour.i. trmplre : Lynch. Biiltcrlps : Har
per and Clements ; Menefco nnd Mack ,
htiimllnir of tha Tennm.
Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct.
BoMon 100 00 31 .0
naltlmorc 93 02 3 < > 63.3
New York 101 Ct M GJ.4
Philadelphia . . . . . . . 97 Ki 42 CC.7
Cleveland ; 97 53 41 54.0
E'lltxbiirg 100 Gl 49 61.0
Brooklyn 101 Cl ffl GOi.S
Cincinnati 99 45 Gl 4J..S
Chicago . . . . , 102 4i ( fiC 4fc.l
St. IxiUl * 102 12 OT 41.2
Washington 101 XI Cft Sr.7
Louisville' , 100 32 C3 32.0
iinrilnjr Will Ko n liuva I'lrnt 1'liico .tt
Mllirunkrn Hold * Out.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 23.-Thc Kansas
City Blues today won their fifth successive
; amo from Milwaukee , making eight
straight straight victories since coming
lame. The game was won by hard and
clean hitting and by brilliant tleldlng. Score.
Kansas City 2-17
Milwaukee , 0 7
llano hits : Kansas City , 22 ; Milwaukee ,
S. Errors : Kansas City. 2 ; Milwaukee , I.
.Earned runs : Kansas City , 10 ; Milwaukee ,
a. Two-base hits ; Beard , Nlles , KlUHiiia.ii ,
[ Inker. Three-base hits : Hernon , Long.
Home runs : Klusnmn , Baker. Double
ilay.i : Manning to Kinsman : Beard to Kins-
nan to Donahue ; c.lngtimn toCniey. Dai s
on balls : OK McK.irmml , 2 ; off Darby , 1 ;
off Baker , 3. Sttuck out : By .Mcl'irluinl ,
1 ; by Darby , 1 ; by Dafccr. 1. wild pitches :
[ iakcr , 2. Passed balls : Donahue , 1 ; llo-
an , 2. Time : Two hours and fifteen mlm-
utea. Umpire : Sheridan. Battei'lei : Darby ,
McFarlaml nnd Donaliue ; Baker nnd Bolan.
lliiMtrr * Still Coming Ilo n.
SIOUX CITY. Aug. 23.-Mlmieapolls took
another pcntp fiom the Sioux Cltys today.
Tin- home team put up a very amateur
game. Score :
Sioux City 10603000 1-11
Minneapolis 3 0002501 1-12
Base hits : Sioux City , 11 ; Minneapolis , 13.
Hrrors : Sioux City , I ; Minneapolis , S.
Barned runs : Minneapolis , 4 ; Sioux City ,
1. Two-base hits. Camp. Thrcc-hiiBG hits :
Uurna , Junes , Camp. Home runs : women
Unuble plays ; Stewart to Q'Kourke. Struck
out : By Jones , 1by \ Cunningham. G ; by
Baker , 7 ; by Frnzer , i ; by I'.trvln , 1. Time :
Two hours and forty-live minutes. Umpire :
McDonald. Battcilcs , Jones , Cunningham
and Kraus ; Baker , Frazer , 1'urvln and Bur-
Detroit Wins the ( Second.
DRTROIT , Aug. 23.-Oayle pitched well
again today. It was a pitcher's battle , but
in the tenth Phillips' measure was taken.
Score :
Detroit 1 000030002-6
Indianapolis . . . . 2000110 , 00 0-4
Base hits : Detroit , 10 ; Indianapolis , 12.
Ertors : Detroit. 3 ! Imllannpolls , 4. Earned
runs : Detroit , 3 ; Indianapolis , 1. Two-base
hits : Everett (2) ( , Dungan , Gray (2) ( ) , Motz
(2) ( ) , Shields. Three-base hits : Dungnn ,
Raymond. Home runs : Gray. Double
plays : Henry to Motz. Struck out : By
Gale. 0 ; by Phillips.4. . Umpire : McQiultl.
Batteries : Gayle and Jantzen ; Phillips and
"lit of the Tennis.
Played. Won , Lost. Pr. Ci.
SIOUX City SS r,9 39 C0.2
Kansas City S9 5ti 43 56.6
Toledo M 53 41 Bfl.4
Minneapolis K 52 41 CI.2
Indianapolis 102 49 53 3S.O
Grand Rapids IK IS M 17.1
Detroit > 9 42 07 42.4
Milwaukee 50 31 02 33.3
Hen Molnrs I.oics u 1'o tponod Kveut to Iho
lluntllug DUtlllorx.
DES MOINKS , Aug. 23. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The Des Moincs team
was weak In the box and Held , today and
lost from the start. Score :
Des Molnes 000031)100 ) 4
Peorla 00023600 ' 11
Hits : Des Molnes , 9 ; Peorla. 9. Errors :
Des Molties , 4 ; Peorla , 1 , Earned runs :
Dog Molnes. 3 ; 3'oorla , 3. Two-babe hits :
McVlcker. McFarland , Burrls. Three-base
hits : McFarland , ? ; Purvis , 2. Sacrifice
hits : Ijawrence. Bases on balls : Off Hur-
rls , 6 ; off FlKgennler , 2. Struck out : By
Burrls. 2 ; by Flggemlor , 1. Hit by pitched
ball : By Burrla , 1. Stolen , bases : Potter ,
2 ; Flynn , Nulton. Double plays : Fisher to
Porter to McFadden. Batlerlfs : Burrls
and Tralllby ; Flggejnler apl ( "Armstrong.
Time of Rome ; One'hour"nnd forty-five
minutes. "Umpire : War * Attedance , GOO.
Stanillntr of the Teams.
Played. Won , Lost. Pt.Ct.
Rock Island : . . UG " ( VI 43 frt2
St. Joseph 00 Tit 45 53.1
Peorla 96 ' 51 45 13.1
Omnha 06 DO 46 52.1
Jacksonville 93 49 43 ni.6
Lincoln 95 49 40
DCS Molnes 96 41 52 45.8
Qulncy . . . .91 35 69 37.2
HIIRO Itiilt TourneyProposml
HEBRON , Neb. , Aug. 23.-Speclal ( to The
Bee. ) The citizens of Hebron have arranged
for a base ball tournament to be lield
here September 4 , G , 6 nnd 7. The money
collected nnd In the hands of the commit
tee for purses Is J"50. which amount will
be Increased to $500 , and possibly $ SOO. The
program for the tournament | s as follows :
First day , for county clubs only , will play
for n purse of $40 : second day , open to nil
amateur base ball clubs , purse $10 ; third
day , purse J70 , amateurs only ; fourth rtay.
purse JIO , amateurs only. Ten per cert of
all purses for entrance fee. Three entries
must be iccordcd Cor each purse. U Is
expected that nil the leading amateur clubs
of the state will play , as It Is generally
known that Hebron has the host grounds
In the state. All railroads will make re-
dur-il rates. For Information ndiltess C.
C , Fletcher , pecictary , Hebron.
I ) H Mo ! an * in Oiii'iliu A
Bill Trallley will be. here today with his
hard luck crowd. Kill has been under the
hammer lately , and. hopes to get even a
little here. Papa's boys are In n. coed dea ]
the same fix , and ns this seiles" Is the
wlndtirr with Des Molnes 6n the homo
grounds , the chances : irc the games will be
well wotth watchltiK. Today will be Indies'
day. Game called nt 3:30The : teams :
Omaha. " Position.- ' Des Moincs.
McVey Flist , . , ; McFa lden
Hutchison. . , , Second t Porter
Ulrlch , . . . . < . Third : . .Lnw.rence
Langsford Short . ' , . . . .Fisher
Pedroes Left. . . ' ; Hoffman
Seery Middle' MoVlckcr
Fear 1'lglit Traflley
Moran Catch , /.Slsler
Abbey 1'ltch Holmes
llnck Itt'iitN tlio I'aivncu Ulncs.
PAWNED CITY , Neb. Aug. 23. ( Specla !
Telegram to U'he Bee. ) The Lincoln league
team and the Pawnee Blues played nn ex
hibition game here today In the. presence
of WK ) people. The Itlues batted JiarncM bun
In the seventh , but In turn got rattled nnd
allowed the l.lncolns to run In beven ccorcs
Outside the one Inning the game i-cd ! >
contented and waa very sntlsf lot iry lu our
base ball cranks. Score :
Lincoln 0-12
Pawnee 0 00001400 G
BatU'i-les : Barnes and Spoer ; Wilson and
Fox. Umpire : lluck Ebrlght.
tM-rond Itiiund in Htnglm nt Newport
NEWPORT. R. r. , Aug. 2J.-The second
round of the national tennis tournj-incn
was played at the Casino today , with the
following results : S. II. Thompson bea
l'aiker.S-C , 4016 , G-4 , 6-3 : J , II. 'teed bea
C. Ctagon , 3i. < . 6-4 , 8-6 , U-2 ; Hobart bea
Foote , 2-0 , 6-4 , C-l , 4-6. 6-2 ; Goodboily bea
Hovey , 2-0 , G-l , 6-1. 4-6 , 0-2 ; Htf\ens bea
Hall. 6-2. 6-3. fi-3 ; W. Miller beat U' . H
Sands. 6-1. 6-3 , U-l ; Chace beat A. L. Wil
son , 6-0 , 6-1 , 6-2.
Oulnil ( Up WtuitH n ( liiinc.
CRNTRAL CITY , Neb. , Aug. 23. To the.
Basel Ball Editor of the Bee : The clubs
we challenged through The Bue last week
either having their dates full or not an
swering our challenge at all , we are opei
to u challenge from any amateur club li
our vicinity.Vo would like t > otnc business.
\Vo can play from Monday to Thursday
IllClllHlU- . .
Miiiuiuer ItiiliriT It Too Knvrgntlc.
HASTINGS , Neb. . Aug. 23. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee ) Police- Jude | Rohrer.
manager of the Hastings" Young JMcn's
Christian association l > sc ball team , ejected
Leslie Green from the ball park .Monday nt
tliu point ot hlH toe. llroeu yesterday HWOIU
out a warrant for the Judge's arrest on
the charge of assault. Tual was
fur two weeks ,
' Tnivt-lltiKT Men
Tliu game of bace ball Omaha traveling
men against Council Bluffs vslll take place
next Saturday afttriioqn , AUeust 23 , tin the
Young MOII'H Christian association grounds ,
corner Ninth street and Ninth avenue ,
Council lirurra. Game called at 3 o < 'clocl <
< ! rt < sl > illll \\itll ] it \ \ < ' ! .
GHESHAM , Neb. , AUK. 23.-Spcclal ( Tele-
Kiam to The Hoe.r-In the gume ui' ball
playvd hi-ra yesterday between Wac i and
Gretthnm the ecorc was ! i to 23 In favor of
the homo team , JiatterU's ; \ \ uvo. Brook
nnd ICbeilmrdtj , Cook und S-clK.ei-
Eastern Racing- Men Busy Discnsting tlio
Merits of the Colts.
I'lilillc rorfonnniicca Show Vcrjr I.lttlo on
Whtrh to HUMP nil IXliniiln itt I'uriu ,
I.onvlnttho Tulrnt Kiitlrcly
at Sea nn
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. The chtcf topic In
racing circles Is the Futurity , the richest
stake for 2-year-olds In this country , which
| g to be run off on the track of the Coney
Island Jockey club at Shecpshcad Bay on
Saturday. The youngsters who are entered
to start have not shown anything like consist
ent form , and ono new candidate alter another
for the honor of the
2-year-olds racing has
como to the front only to be run down by n
new one.
In the beginning of the Reason It wan
thought that Jacob Iluppert had all the stakes
at his mercy with Gotham , Counter Tenor
and Manchester , for they had bren running
half miles In trials In'record time for racing
and were undoubtedly as good lookers as
any that had been seen In former"years. .
But Gotham broke down , and soon after
Counter Tenor went bad , leaving Manchester
as the only one ot the string to bo de
pended upon. Ho did not ahow high form In
excrclso or In any of his races , acid It looked
like u hopeless cas * . Then Mr. Ruppert put
John Campbell in charge of the lot. The
horses were taken to Saratoga and all have
rounded to. t > o that they ore In about as
good condition at they were In Iho early
spring. Gotham Is not In the Futurity , but
the other two are and their trials show good
form. Last week Manchester ran six fur
longs over the Saratoga track In 1:14'/S : and
Counter Tenor the same distance In 1:15. :
In the race Lamloy will have tlie mount on
Manchester , while Garrison will rl'le ' Counter
Tenor. Colonel Iluppert makes no secret of
the fact that he hopes to win \rltli the lat
Gideon & Dally will bo well represented by
Butterflies , Waltzer and Kcenan , and Mr.
Gideon thinks highest of the filly first named.
She was ns fast , If not faster , than any of the
colts In the training In the spring , but
broke down. She has recovered , however ,
and Is now all right again , although one
race would probably be all he wanted.
Waltrer has won a lot ot rich stakes , but
she has not shown consistent form. Keenan
is the pet of the stable , but lie resembles
his brother Patron In that he Is a good looker
and worknr , but does not go last enough
when sent to the post. Waltzer has worked
three-quartets In company with Keenan In
1:25 : at Saratoga. Butterflies will have- her
final trial today , but the time la not apt to
be made public.
Eii Corrlgan has Handsome a Leo Lake ,
but It Is doubtful If either will go to the
post. The only one from Marcus Daly's
stable which has shown anything like Fu
turity form has been Sadie , bat she Is far be
low the average and the stable may not be
represented at the post. Pierre Lorlllard's
best Is Lisa , and although she lias run well
In iiood company , she decs not seem to be
In the class with the others mentioned.
Louis Stewart thinks ho has in Monaco a
very high class animal , and will probably
aend him to the post , although he has not
done much In high class company. Perry
Belmont's Magnetism colt la undoubtedly
fast , but lie Is a bad actor at the post. Ho
will go , however , and shquld be prominent
for a while at least. Agitator Is the only
one of the Keene string whli iis thought to
be. equal to the emergency , with Taral up
the colt will not bo neglocu'd. The Oneck
stable may have two In Its string , for Dog-
gelt has done , fairly well.
CaJIfornla Is the one , on , which Mr. Knapp
pins his hopes , and with Dogg'ctt up she Is
pretty sure not to. et much the wbrst of
the start. , A l ° t of , 'otUers of more or less
speed are among tlio likely starters , the
most favorable ot the lot being- Connoisseur ,
who showed a turn of speed at Morris Park.
Utlca runs today and on his race depends
his appearance on Saturday , as he Is the
only one In the Dwycr-Croker string of much
account. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kxclllng1 Finishes at Jerome Park Tickle
tlio Slim Attnmlunre.
NEW YORK , Aug. 23.-The attendance
was light at Jerome Park toda.y , but there
was more or less excitement over the three
very close finishes. The first was In the
3-ycar-old handicap , In which Sir Dlxon ,
Jr. , won from Cockade by a short head ,
with Utlca a short distance away. The
next was In the fifth race , for 2-year-olds ,
when Taylor and Doggett rode Albert A nnd
Mlil.-Uar , finishing so close that the judges
could not separate them , nna n dead heat
was announced. In the run-on IMIdstar won.
The sixth race was also close , a finish with
whip and spur being won by n head , lie-
suits :
First race , mile and nn eighth : Light-
foot ( G to n ) won , Charter (40 ( to 1) ) second ,
Governor Shechan (8 to 1) third. Time :
2:00. :
Second race , mile nnd a sixteenth : Live
Onlc (8 ( to 1) ) won. Jack Rose (6 ( to B ) sec
ond. W B 0,4 to 1) ) third. Time : 1G3. :
Thlrrt race , six furlonga : Sir Dlxon , Jr. ,
(2 ( to 1) ) won , Cockade (5 ( to 2) ) second , Utlca
(5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:18. :
Fourth race. Titan course : Halton ( even )
won. Marshal tS to 1) ) second , Qeorae Dlxon
( G to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:22V6. :
Fifth race , six furlongs : Albert A (5 ( to
1) and Mldstar (0 ( to G ) ran n dead heat ,
Hedowoo (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:19. : In
the run-off Mldstar ( I to G ) won by a length
from Albert A ( U to 10) . Time : 1:20. :
r Sixth rare , one mile : Adclbert OVi to 1) )
won , Terrapin (2 ( to 1) ) second. Holler (2 ( to 1) )
third. Time : l:4G : > i.
\VlmifM at Hawthorne.
HAWTHORNE. 111. . Ausr. 23. First race ,
seven furlongs : Little Cripple won , Dock-
stader second , Bargain third. Tlmo : 1:2914. :
Second race , three-iiimrten of a mile :
Zenobln and Libertine ran a ( lead heat and
divided ; Pop Gray third. Time : 1:144. :
Third race. Mile : Joe MurphV won , Mul
berry second. McLlght third. Tlmo : 1:43. :
Fourth raci , one mile : Cash Day won ,
Linda second , Chlswell third. Time. IMlVi.
Fifth race , three-quarters of a mile : Miss
Alice won , Repeater second , Mclllo It third.
Time : 1:15' : .
Sixth racp , seven furlongs : Mlnne Gee
won. Glenold second , Monlolt third. Timer
1:23'4. :
Oiitcomn nt K-i t St. l.otiln.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 23. At . St. Louis :
First race , flve-plshths of a mile : American
Ldilv won , Karl B second. The Broker
third. Time : 1:08.
Second race , three-quarters of a mile :
Mollle King won. St. Stephens second , Am
bushed third. Tlmo : l:2i y , .
Third race , thlrteen-slxteenths of n mile :
Kmblcm won , St. Lawrence second , Opersa ,
third. Time : l:28 : / .
Fourth race , one mile : Hart Wallace
won , Haroldlne second , Joe Courtney third.
Time : luaii.
Fifth race , threo-quart ra of a mile :
Frnnkle D won. Sister lone aecond , Grass
hopper third. Time : 1:22V5. :
On Ilio Old Dominion.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. First race , one-
half mile : Benjamin won. Needmorc second
end , Molly Penny third. Time : 0:49'fc. :
Second race , six furlongs : Some More
won. Detroit second , Tumult third. Time :
1:17V .
Third race , four and n half furlongs :
Beautiful Bells won , Pink II second. Mattel
thlnl. Time : 0:30" : . .
Fourth race , live furlongs : Magnet won ,
Suspense , gelding , second , Somage third.
Time : 1:0414. :
Fifth race , five-eighths of n mile : Johnny
won , Klmstone second , Meadows third.
Time : 1.02H.
I'uvorllKH Do Wotl tit SiratoRti.
SARTOOA. N , Y. . AUK. a.-Four out of"
six of the favorites were successful today.
Perkins rode the winning horse In "every
race but one , The Cedarhlll stables Bart
was held In the highest peculntlve t-sUI-
mntlon for tlie live furlong dash. Four
youngster * cameo the poet nnd the fa
vorite brought home the money by over
two good lengths , having led from mart to
finish. In the mll and n sixteenth race
Victorious looked like a winner till almost
nt home , when Flel chnmnn'n Lchmnn , a
third choice , came forward nnd bent the
Beldlnir out by a head. Walbaum'a Plcca-
roon wan favorite In tliu dash of live and
a half furlongs for the California stake ? , n
2-year-old event , hut only secured third
place. Plrcaroon made a , KOCH ! showing up
to the last furlong , when Pepper's Neccdah
came tip nml won by n IniK length over
Rosimar pccand , and two ami a half lengths
aw3.v was the defeati-il favorite , third ,
Resu'ts '
First race , five furlong * : Bart ( even )
won , Lady Richmond (2 to 1) ) second , Bnlllo
Woodfefnl ( t' jqi ) third. Time : ! : .
Second rii a'mile and n. sixteenth : Lh-
man (13 to 6) Won , Victorious to S ) second
end , John Cooper (9 ( to 6) ) third. Time : 1:48V1. :
Third race , live nnd tv lialf furlongs : Ne-
ccdah (3 to 1) won. RoMinnr (3 ( to 1) ) second ,
Plccnroon (9 ( fe V ) third. Time : l'M % ,
Fourth race , one mlle : Ducat ( iven ) won ,
Figaro ( S tdj 1) ) asecond , Sellna D (4',4 ( to 1)
third. Time : 1:4214. :
Firth race , seven furlongs : Pron * . < made
( even ) won , Jllns Dixie (7 ( to 1) ) second ,
Ijooimrela WjOxTO thlrel. Time : 1:28. :
Sixth race , x furlongs : Ellsie (4 tn G )
won , Nick ( C to 1) ) second , Soundmore (4 ( to
1) third. Tlmp , 1-15.
UIKIXJTtmJffiolYlNU ( JUKlill i'OIlM.
Ills KITnrt Af ilmt Tlmn rt Chicago 11 Sur
prising 1'iilltirc.
CHICAGO , Aug. 23.-In his trial ngnlnst
time J today or rather his exhibition trial
the great Dlrectum did no better than
2:101 : $ . Yet the track nnd weather were the
btfst for reconl-brcnklng of the week. It
was warm and the wind light. Something
eivldcntly Is wrong with the black wonder ,
although horsemen are divided In opinion
as to whether t'te ' pwners of the horse ure
merely reserving him or whether he Is not
up to his last year's speed. He was given
two warmings up before his formal trial
today , apd In one these was credited with
going In 2Bli : ( , n llgnre that official timers
refused to con lit m. The last quarter was
-wild to be In 0:3014. : The chief feature of
the day was the victory of John 11. Gentry
In the 2:08 : pace In straight heats. The time
was the fastest of the meeting. For the
opening heat Hal lirnilen was nn almost
prohibitive favorite. 1 to G being the best
the books \\ould offer. Tomorrow the great
attraction Is the match between Robert J ,
2:14 : % . and Joe Patcbcn. Results :
First race. 2-year-old trotters , 2:40 : class ,
purse $2,000 : Oakland Baron , br. c. , by
Baron Wllkes , won the race In two heats.
Marie D , Whalebone , Miss Kate , Vnllejo ,
Capple Wood line also started. Time : 2:2Gi : ! ,
2:21 : % .
Second race. 2:22 : trot , purse $1,500 : Cocoon
won the third , fourth and llfth heats nnd
race. Frank E. won the second and sixth
heati ; and Jiulse Fisher won the flrst. Tim
Kane , Elflnwood , Grcenleaf , Palatine and
Sir Ue-11 also started. Tine '
: 2:1514. : 2ll'/i : ,
2:16 : , 2:15 : , 2:17'S : ' , 2:164.
Third race , 2:08 : pace * , purse W.OOO : John
II. Grritry won the race In three straight
heats Hal Braden , Online , Reflector and
J H L also started Time : 2:07'i : , 2:0714. : 2:08 : ,
Fourth nice , 2i25 trot , $1,500 : Mo-
ncttr- won the raca tn three ( Untight heats.
Hettto Mont , Myra , Simmons , Nominee ,
Loveluce , Sllverdale , Mary and Dirk Roche
also started. Time : 2:191fc : , 2:18 : , 2:1714. :
1'lno It icing on u Mow Truck.
SUPERIOR , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The rart\s closed here
today , and thu ones who attended this af
ternoon witnessed some fine exhibitions of
speed. J. H. Kesterson's colt , Thuddeus 1C ,
proved hlmsetf to be n wonder for a 3-
year-old In the pacing race , forging away
from a number1 of old-time horses classed
among the best speeders and beating
them with ease. The track has been from
three to four seconds slow during the three
day.i from the deep dust. Summaries :
2:45 : trot :
Tin-untie Ill
Guy L 11 i 222
Almont Monroe 333
Chltthorne . , 441
White Cloud ds
Time : 2:379i : , 2:41 : % > 2:32. :
3:00 : class , pacing :
Tlnnle Striker B 3 1 1 1
Thnddcus K 11232
Gus Tupper 22233
Emma J . ' 34344
Daisy K . - 4 els
Time : 2:27 : , 2.T : , 2:30'fc : , 2:29. : 2:3514. :
Half mile a-ndt repeat , running :
Billy Goremml , | 1 2
Mollle rtro\vn , . . , , , . . . . , 3 1
Daytime . . , .r.l. . . i . C 2
Rob Austin W..U . 8 3
Whlpsaw . . . . - . . , . , . i . 7 7
Belle D . . . . , . .r . 9 5
Bill Hazzard . , . " . , . . G 9
Hud Thaddfeusi ' , K not made a bad
break In the fhlnlMieat of the pacing race
he would certainly have won that race.
Last ( l > uy at Iloono.
BOONE. lalT. Auk 23-Speclal Telegram
to The Bec. p-A hlR crowd attended the
closing day or the 'lioone district j'alr today.
Results : J '
2:50 : trot , purse $200 :
Bezant Rule [ Nichols ) . 1211
Doctor FlnIoJYFey ( | ) ) . 1 2 2
MnyB ( Lyman ) . . . , . 4333
Manakito ( Shfrtt'OOd ) . 2466
Lady Belle SpragUc ( Christy ) . . ' 3R'4 -1
Allertson ( HallidaV * & Zlmbelm'iii ) . 2755
Alza A ( F.dWWils ) J..i , , . 7 B 7cls
Patsy R. ( Mtvtlnhi . 3 8 dr Hafelyiism ( ; ) ; . . . 3 ds
Lord , GnA'e ( MayiYe ) . ds
Time : L'jilf , 2:32 : ? 2:3t',4. : ' 2:31 : % .
Fretfarall ! , , purse f250 : < -
P-rasll ( Harold ) . . . / . . . .t..23111
Lord Caffrey ( Mayne ) . 4 G 2 2 3
Don II ( Perry ) . , . 32444
Nellie G ( Valentine ) . . . . 54332
Paul Pinkham ( Sccren & John
son ) . 1 1 dr
Josle B ( Buchanan Bros. ) . ds
Time : 2:24. : 2:2ii-i. : 2:27 : > 'i , 2:30',4 : , 2:23. :
Pinkham tot a bad quarter cut In the
third heat , nnd was drawn by consent.
Starlight won. the free-for-nll running race
In two straight heats.
ruvorltc * Floored nt roujjhkcepsio.
POUGHKEEPSIE , N. Y. , Aug23. . The
track today wn In good shape nnd the
weather propitious. In all races the favor
ites fared bndly. In the 2:14 : class ; trot
ting1 , Cobwebs , the. former champion of the
Grand Circuit , was backed heavily at $30
against $ GO for ithe lot , but she proved no
match for ( he strong field. Billy A was
tired after winning the first two heats , nnd
Aunt Delilah , won the race In three sharp
encounters with the lie-Id. Daisy Despaln.
the winner of yesterday's 2:19 : pace , was
considered a clnCh at J100 against JIO for
the field In the 2:2S : pace , but she was not
good after winning two heats , and Clay-
tonln trotted off with the honors , pushed
hard by Grace Wllkes. The favorite In the
2:27 : trot wn.8 Little Tobc , Belling at $23
against $ ir for the Held , Happy Lndy won
In straight heats , though Llttlo Tobo
crowded her hard each time nnd. made It
n. pretty race. Results :
2:14 : clasfl. trotting : Aunt Delilah won the
fourth , fifth and sixth heats and race.
Billy A won the llrat and second heats ;
Kdlth II won the third. Cobwebs , J M D ,
Charlie C. Dragon and Amboy nlrio started.
Time : -2:13M : , 2:14 : , 2:12V4 : , 2:12/4 : , 2:14 : , 2:1714. :
2:2G : class , pacing : Claytonla won the
third , fourth nnd sixth heats and race.
Grace Wllkes won the flftliDalsy ; Despaln
won the first and eccnwl heats. William
Arthur , Highland Lassie and Hamlln nlso
started. Time : 2:1714 : , 2:1514. : 2:1954 : , 2:1914 : ,
2:20U : , 22ol ! < . .
2:27 : class , Irojtlng : Hnpny Lady won the
race In three straights. Little Tobe ,
GPP Whiz , Fninkle , also started. Time :
2:2214 : , 2:2214 : , 2:2214. :
County ICurrA lit Ioa veil worth.
LEAVENWOHTH , Aug. 23. There was a
large attendance at today's rncet , ami the
track was In good condition. The first race ,
2:28 : trotting , \\iis won by Tonrlne- tlue < -
straight bealr. Jack' Cade , FerRustlnc , Lady
Russet , Busy B and Nobody's Claim also
started. Time : 2:25 : , S-'JSK. 2:2914. :
Free-for-all pace was taken by Laura T
In flrst , third rtml fourth heats. Dandy Owen
won the second hoat. Fred K , John Car
penter and 1 astlngs Boy started. Time :
2:194. 21S ; , 5.18.2:1S4. : ;
2:40 : pa'.c , foals .of 'HI ; King Goldemar
won In two strrilBht heats , Whitesockn ,
Red Hells , Robert Wllkcs and Hector
started. Tlmei 2:254 : 4 , 2:3014. :
Klminerrr Too Ninootti ,
EXETER , Neb , , AuB. 23. ( Special to The
Be * . ) Yesterday * Cccnrred ( he great bUse
ball game bevMnr'Sutton ( ' ami Ohtowa on
the Exeter , dlanttfod.0 This watt the most In-
tcriistlni ; uamoS'l'Int'Otl ' nt thin place for
years. The lahw.sft crowd that ever at
tended a ball giuu < vnt this place was ptese.nt
to see the Raiu/\ivrTtiP admission wag 25
cents , Kate iccelpts , $71.GO. Ladles and chil
dren admitted free. The result of Che game
was 16 to B In favor of Ohlowa , winning
the purse of $100 ntfd sate receipts. Batter
ies : Ohlowa. KJh'mvrer and Frlel ; Suttoii ,
Hopka and ileyjiplvUi. Umpire : Nate Hol-
nmn of ToMus. . . .
Today Cicte plays the winners on the
grounds here. _ _
AIU-lMrcriiui | Clutch Arraiiril. |
PORTLAND , We , | . Aug. 23.-The owner of
Allx , who , at AVpHhlngton park , Chicago ,
trotted n mlle lm'2IP5'4. telegraphed PresIdent
Ident Barnham ofitlie Rlgby track that If n
race could be mrrWUeil between Allx nnd
Ulrectum for ndi > yij < ; of $10,000 be would
bring Allx hcrf.irniUarnham ugiced to a
$10,000 purse. nUg LUti't-tiiin'H owner has also
agreed tu tlie ttrriiS.-'Tlie race will be the
most Important Inthe history of New Eng
land tracks , anil will come off about Sep
tember 20. ' -L.J
Anotlirr Oulllt After the riflit.
PARSONS , Kjin. , Autr. 23. A purse of
$25,000 haa been'offered. . Uy Kansas , Indian
Territory and : Texas citizen.- ) for the Jack
son-Corbett flsht to take place nt Wugner ,
L T. , where there Jir1 no laws to prevent
such n contest. Rlchnpl K. Fox tonight
telegraphed Jack. on' and Corhett'a ac
ceptance of the- Offer , providing the money
was deposited In New York. The money
wan KUurnnteed tonight , and It Is said will
bo forwarded. _
_ _
Manton 1. o o nt Yllllirn.
VILLISC/V / , In , , AUK. 23.-Speclul ( to The
Bee. ) A one-sided gume of base ball wa <
played or the home groundi today ,
resulting In favor of VllllBcn , Score
Villlsca. 35 , Stanton , 11. Batteries ; For VII
1 1 sen. Rotxci u , Hayes and Oystei ; for
Stanton , Turner ana Peterson.
1us3 ! Who Attended the Interstate Tourna
ment V/ell Reworded ,
, Uu4tln Dcffiilnl Young , YVhltiimn Drfrntcd
Ilaikcll , ( Itillmrtlo Uon from Drulso ,
Whitman from rnriiilmr | anil
Austin from ( Itillmotto.
Another good day's sport was t'ven ' the
spectators ot the Interstate tennis tourna
ment yesterday. At least three ot the
Matches wcro very good , and while { ho other
Uvo wcro one-sided , some very god tennis
was played. In each case the favorite *
won. The crowd that was In attendance
was again rather poor.
The second round In the singles was played
In the morning. The match between Young
nul Austin was the most closely watched , as
It was known that each was out for blool.
In the state tournament Young defaulted
lo Austin on account of slcknt'as after losing
the first set. 13vcr since the merits of tlie
men have been discussed , and considerable
Interest was manifested In the outcome. Tlio
match was a good one. Austin won by bet
ter all around play. Ho was considerably
handicapped by a strained ankle , which In
terfered with his usual activity. Young's
game was also a pretty one , but very
narely could It be said to equal Austin's.
Ho appears to become discouraged when the
score Is against him. When the advantage
Us with htm his game Is much better. Dur
ing the match lie placed omc balls very
well. The score was 4-0 , C-l , 917 , G-2 , In
Austin's favor. In the last three seta lie
obtained seven , love games.
Whitman beat Ilaekcll 'jy the score of
B-2 , C-0 , fi-2 apparently without on effort ,
llaskcll's game was good , of course , bat
lie could not gauge his opponent's placing.
Farqulmr beat Broatch very easily In
Ihrco straight sets , C-l , C-0. G-2. Broatch's
play Is somewhat stiff and was by no means
lively enough for his opponent's.
The match between Denlso and Gullmctto
was a pretty contest' , and resulted In the
Hatter's favor , G-3 , C-7 , 7-5 , G-l. Qullmctte
Ihas been playing extremely good tennis
( throughout the tournament. Ills strokes are
very good , as Is ulso his placing. Demise
also played very pretty tennis , but his lack
of practice has put htm somewhat out of
: to'rm. The match , howc\er , was one of
the most even seen In the tournament.
In the afternoon at1 o'clock the finals
came off. . The players were Austin and Gull-
nnette and Whitman end Farquhar. Both
miatches were very Interesting , the latter
ipossibly the more so. It would be hard to
find two players with more different styles
tot play than Whitman and Farqulmr. The
Iformer Is an easy , graceful , almost a "sleepy"
iplayer , while Farquhar Is all springs and is
jumping over the court continually. As was
lexpcctcd Whitman won after a good match ,
the score being G-3 , 7-5 , G-0. The score by
points was 30-23 , 47-42 , 24-4. In the last set
two of the gaiiiesere \ love games and ttio
'Other ' four 4-1. Whitman's game was un
doubtedly the best seen In the tournament
so far. Ills playing was admirable , being
rarely In the center of the court , but on
one side or the other. His weak point \\is
the smashing of lobs , his attempts rarely
succeeding , and If they did , were Ineffective.
Fanjuhar seised upon this advantage , but
that alone could not win the game. Whit
man's serves were also line , being low and
hard. Throughout the match many long anil
brilliant rallies occurred. Farquhar , of
cours'e , played a very good game. His plic-
Ing was fair , but Whitman's easy movements
Jld not appear to be very much hirrled | to
reach the balls.
In his match with Gullmctte Austin ap
peared to be somewhat bothered with his
ankle and kept near the back lino. He won
the match by tlio score , 12-10. 1-6 , G-l ; t > y
points , 77-CC , 21-33 , 27-13 , 28-16. Gullmetto
played a very pretty game , making some very
hard strokes. The game was essentially a
back line one , very llttlo net being played.
The finals take place this afternoon at 4
'o'clock ' , between Austin and Whltnun.
Every one who wishes to see a good tennis
tnatch should como out , as this promises to
be the best one ever played In the city.
Austin's ankle will have fully recovered and
he will be out to play the game of his life.
Whitman Is putting up v game that Is a
surprise and a pleasure to see. He Is a very
deceptive player , not appearing to make an
effort , but In some remarkable way he al
ways reaches his balls. On the other hand ,
Austin Is a very active player , moving al
most continually. Whitman is looked upon
os the winner by many , but Austin's sup
porters are sure of a victory. At any rate
the match will be brilliant and should bo
well attended.
A 'reception to the visitors has been ar
ranged for tonight at the residence of Miss
Hattle Cady , 3122 Chicago. Most of the
players have stayed in the city and It Is pro
posed to give them a good taste of the hos
pitality of their hosts. U
7.iui.iu DO us ANOTHKR KKUOUU ,
( Jnpncoil Flying Start llulf .Mil , ; an n 1'lvc- Tnit-k In 1:01 : 1-n.
SALT LAKE , Aug. 23. The Utah circuit
bicycle races were \\ltncsscd by 1,000 people
here today. Otto Xelgler of California went
an exhibition half mile , flying1 start , no
pacemaker , In 1:01 : 1-5 , beating the world's
record lor a five-lap track. Xtlgler nlso won
the two-mile open , class Is.
Quarter mile , open , class A : C. M. Kvcns ,
Salt Lakewon. . Time : 0:33. : George L.
Weller , Salt Lake , second ; T. S. Jensen ,
Salt Lake , third.
Two-mile , open , class B : Otto JCelglcr ,
California , won In 4:51 : 2-G ; O. K. Dotes ,
Denver , second ; Joseph Collier , Denver ,
One mile , stntg championship : T. S.
Jensen. Salt Lalcf , won , m 2:31 : 1-1 ; G. G.
Mclntyre , Salt Lake , second ; Georue L.
Woller , Salt Lake , third.
Half mile , open , class B : W. II. Footer ,
California , won In 1.08 2-5 ; O. E. Boles , Dcn-
vpr , second ; Joseph Collier , third.
Two-mile , openr class A : C. M. Invars ,
halt Lake , won in 5:07 : 2-5 ; George I. . Weiler
second , T. S. Jensen third.
Siirpy Guunty'H Kpi-eil 1'rogruin.
PAPILLION , Neb.Aug - . 23.-Speclal ( to
The Bee. ) Following1 Is the speed program
for tir ! Harpy county fair , which will be
held here Sept rnber 4 , 5 nnd 8 :
Lot 1 , open to the world- First , 2:4S : free-
for-all trolling , mile bents , best three In
five ; entrance fee , $10 , myabit September 4.
Purse , $100. Second Free-for-all i mining ,
half mile ami repeat ; entrance fvu , $1.
Purse , J50.
Lot 2. limited to coiintyr Thlrd-3:00 : trot
ting race lor horses that have never beaten
3:00 : ; mile bents , best three In live. I'ursp ,
$ M ; entrance fee , $ > , Fourth Counl > run
ning , half mile ami repeat. Purse , $10 ; en
trance fee , $3. Fifth Three-year-old nnd
under trot , mile heatn , host two In three.
Purse , Vfi ; onttatice fee , $3. Sixth County
trotting ami pacing lace , mile heats , bent
three In live. Purse , $75 ; entrance fee , $5.
Seventh Mule race , mile dash. l'urnc , $10 ;
no entrance fee. Ulghth Pony nice , one-
half mile dash. Purse , $10 ; no entrance fee.
All moneys divided , CO , 25 nnd 15 pr cent.
County bicycle race , one rnlle , best two
In three ; purse , $25 ; entrance fee , $ i Hoys'
bicycle race , boy under IS yi-arx , oni mile ,
best two In three ; purse $ ir > ; entrance fee , $1.
Boys' bicycle race , boys under 12 yean ) ,
one-half mile , best two In three ; purse ,
flO ; entrance fee , GO cents. Purses divided ,
60 , 25 , 15 and 10 per cent.
Kuru-l | e.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Autr. 23.-Hj ( > iclat
to The Bee. ) Dnvlci City defeated Surprise
here today by u hcore of 15 to 3. Rclnhirdt
went In after tinllfth Inning and did not
allow a man to net as far as third base.
Both Reeves and Itelnlmrilt did good work ,
ns did Maupln behind the bat. Score :
Surprise . 3
David City . 1 1 3 0 0 4 2 4 ' -15
Karned runs : David City , 8. Twu-base
alts : Van Doozer ( ! ) . Kvana (2) ( ) . Reeves ,
Maupln , Lincoln , Conk , Relnharilt , Hlude.
Thiee-bitst ? hlt : 13 vans , Cook , Van Doozer.
Slade. Ilasi-ri on hallx ; Off Itecvex , 2 ; olt
Relnhanlt , 1 ; oft ltr d. 2. Struck out : By
Reeve * , 7 ; by Rplnburdt , 7 : by Ittcd , 2.
Time : Two bourn nnd thirty minutes.
Umpire ; Sahvster of Surprlfe.
r.xpert Will KxiunliiK Vlllmit. .
SOUTHAMPTON , Aug. 23-GeorKe Gould
IIUB requested J , Hurvanl Biles , professor
of nuvul architecture at iho University of
Glasgow , ta make n Hpeclnl urve > of Vigi
lant for the purpuHf ) of piovlng the ty
of thu rumors circulated nt Cowes regardIng -
Ing the recent accident to that yacht's ceil-
terboarU. The survey mil probably renult
In Eliowln ip It lo be necewary ( o remove one
or two if VlRllant'fl plates In order to nn-
certain the ! extent of the damage to her
centcrboard plot.
Kiiniii * City I'm pin .Show Ml tin Intercut In
thn "Nntltinal"Vhrol Hurr * .
KAN'S\8 CITY , Aug. 2,1-Two recottln
were broken nt today's bicycle meet , which
closes the sport here. W. 'W. Tnxls. the
Philadelphia crack , mrulc n 11 } Ing half mile
ng-alnst the state record , lowering It from
I'M 1-C to 1:02 : 15bllc Lee- Richardson of
Chicago lowcicd his own for a half mile
backward tiding from 2:35 : to 2:32 : 2-5. The
attendance wan poor nnd the Interest
lagged , Johnson failed to t&Uc part , his
whrcl breaking down. Result ! :
Mile , class A : Charles Cnrll won In 3:26 : ;
R A. Jacques second , A. J. Jlonley third.
All Knnsai City men.
Three-mile handicap , clnss II : A. Mc
Donald of Now York ( W yurda ) , won In
S:01 : : A. B. Goehlcr. Iluffnto (100 ( ; , second ;
J.V. . Colmrn. St. Louis (270) ) third ; L. A.
CM I Lilian , Buffalo (170) ( ) . fourth.
Mile , open , clas.i A , time limit , 2:40 : : G.
A. Maxwell , Wichita , won In 2:35 : 3-5 , after
a moat exciting- race ; A. O. Harding , St.
Louis , second.
Twomilehandcnp , class A : C. 12. Jacques ,
Kansai City (210 yards ) , -won In 4:5S : 2-5 ;
E. J. Rawnon , TopeKa (130) ( ) , a close second.
Mile , open , class II , time limit , 2:10 : : S.
M. Hooker , Kansas City , wnn In 2:51 : 3-5 ;
II. L. Dobson , Chicago , second ; W. J.
Bruner. city , third.
Tlirip-tultp handicap , class A : A. ( J.
HardingSt. . Louli (110 ( yards ) , won In
7:10 : 2-5 ; K. J. RnwRon , T'opeka , second ;
Cbarlea Cnrll. city , third.
Two-mile lap race ! J. Johnson , Syracuse ,
broke his wheel In the stint ami ilrmipotl
out. In the flrst lap A. I. Brown of Cleve
land won , with A. D. Kennedy , Chloa o ,
second ; L. A. CnJIahnn , Iiuffnln , thlnl. In
the second lap H. L. Do'son ' , Chicago , won ;
Kennedy second , Brown thlnl. Third lap ,
Callnlnn won , Kennedy sedond , A. B ,
Goehlcr , Buffalo , third , tn the Html lap
Brown won , with Kennedy second and
Gochler third. Tills tied Kennedy and
Brown for llrst , and In the loss Kenn-idv
won. Brown not two , Callnhiui three. J
W. Corburn , St. Louis , third. Time : 5:3S : 2-5.
In Uie contest for the host pared mile the
record of Reddy Mnxvtoll of Wichita , was
not challenged , and he was declared the
wlnnor. Ho niiulo the rcconll of 2:2(1 : ( , the
same as that made Wednesday. Sid Bltirk ,
the vtorld'ii champion trick rider , gave another -
other exhibition against Powell of Fort
Scott , and won the prize offered by a. score
of 79 to 71 points.
TXVO inc : < oiti > s.
J. P. ItllM ( lilpj n Soronil fgom One nml
1hr ( > n-lflflli from Anotlior.
SPRINGFIELD , Mass. , AIIR. 23. J. P.
Bliss made n new world's bicycle record
half-mile flying- start of 5I > 4 seconds , nlso a
world's standing start of DS 1-5 seconds at
Hampton park.
The- track was In perfect condition and the
slight breeze favored rather than hindered
riders. Blls > s started from the flying half nt
3 o'clock. He was paced by Lumsden and
Glthcns nnd Brandt nml Silvia on tnndoms.
While pacing Blips , Lumsden and Glthens
nlso tried for the wotlil'a record In half-
mile tandems. Bliss nnuli > ( he quarter In
27 1-3 seconds , half In 61 3-5 seconds , thus
bentlns the record made by J. S. Johnson
of 55 seconds at Independence. la , , last Oc
tober. It alao lowered Bliss * best previous
time of 55 3-5 made at Walthtim on July li.
Lumsden and Glthcjis wont the half In
5) ) 1-5 , turning the quarter In 27 2-5. This
establishes a world's record for tandems.
In the standing start Bliss was paced by
the same two tandems , making the quarter
In 30 2-5 seconds , the halt In SS 1-5. Best
record formerly held by J. S Johnson with
a mark of W 2-5. , .
n lln Vom'l ( > > vn > > r .SUCH Itud Dobln.
CHICAGO. Attir. 23-Butl oble , the well
known horseman nnd driver was made de
fendant In a $10,000 damage suit , filed today
by Samuel A. Brown , the surviving partner
of the linn of S. A. Brown & Co. Tbe
complaint claims he made a contiact with
Dome that he should enter n horse named
Belle Veru In the various trotting races
In the circuit traveled over by him. In
stead of cling this the plaintiff claims that
Doblo entered other horsea nnd did not
give the plaintiff's horse nn opportunity
to test her speci' . thereby causing great
loss to the plaintiff , who cUlms the horse
would have won a , number of valuable
purses. _
ii : > rl of i.oiimlulf U'lll < * lmllongfl.
LONDON , Aug. 23. The Yachtsman
pays that It learns , upon rood authority ,
that the next challenge for America's cup
will be Issued by the earl of Lonsdale.
Vanity Fair today says It lieurs that the
prince of Wales was greatly annoyed at the
fill hue on Saturday last to sail the match
race between Britannia ami Vigilant. It
mlds that when Mr. GouM hoarded the
royal yacht Osborne In onJer to explain
matters , the prince t > f Wales remarked In
an Irtltatccl tone : "Don't talk to me about
centerboards. I know nothing about them. "
Wulitli- Won by Ono Illrd.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. a. The eighth
shoot for the possession of the Rlverton
challenge plate took place yesterday In the
Rlverton Gun club grounds. The con
testants were Robert A. Welsh , the pres
ent holder , nnd Leonard Flnlcttcr , both
members of the Rlverton ( Sun club. The
conditions of today's match were 100 birds
each , with fifty yards boundary. The final
score was : Welch , killed 91 , missed 9 ; Fin-
letter , killed 90 , missed 10.
Ilaiimgu to Vigilant' * Ki-cl.
SOUTHAMPTON , Aug. 23. The yacht
Vigilant was placed In dry dock today and
thoroughly Inspected. It vas found that
the hook mipportlng the fore part of the
centerboard hud been can I oil away nnd
that the lead about that portion of the
keel was damaged. The crntcrboard was
only chafed and Is virtually uninjured.
CycIlxlH' Itoiul Huclng nt Murrain.
BUFFALO , Aug23. . One hundred of
Pltsburs's wheelmen arrived In Buffalo
today In anticipation of the road race from
Buffalo to PlttsburB tomorrow. The cy
clists started to Niagara. Falls this after
noon , and will return for tine start tomor
row morning. Several Buffalo wheelmen
will participate In the race.
South Dnkotii .May Iluvo tlio Mglit.
PIERRE , S. D. , Aug. a. Efforts are
being made by Npw York paitlew to llntl out
If the governor will Interfere with the Con
bett-Jackson mill If attempted In this Mate
across the line from Sioux City. la. The
penalty In this state Is only for a misde
meanor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VurnlHli Hint ( iono from Vigilant.
LON'DON , Aug. 23.The Yachting World
Indulges In sarcastic comments upon the
mishap to the Vlgllant's centerboard. nnd
expresses the opinion Unit the Is
gone off the Amoilcan yacht , , and that "she
no longer Impresses us an Hhe did. "
Grunt U'lim from Imperial.
GRANT , Neb. , Aug. 23.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Two lliou.iand people
witnessed the ball gam- ? yesterday between
Grant and Imperial. Score , S to 10 In favor
of Grant. This ends a two Jayb' base bull
and shooting tournament.
llimkur Gets thu .tlonny.
PARIS , Aug. 23. At the Velodrome Buf
falo today the quarter mile bicycle nice
for professional riders WOH won by the
American. Banker. Wheeler , also an Amer
ican , llnlshvd bccond. There \\ure llitcun
competitors. _
Dlvon anil ilvrry Murahn.ll Mulched.
NEW YORK , Aug. ? 3.-G orge Dlxon and
Jerry Marshall , who clalin.i to be the
featherweight champion of Australia , were
matched today to light tu a Ilnlt.h for $ J,5 > K >
and the featherweight championship of thu
tit ferrlbiicr.
SCRIBNER. Neb. , Aug. 23.-Speclal ( to
The Ilee. ) North Bend came over to Scrlb-
ncr last Wednesday with n hired battery ,
but hud to -turn i scalped , to the tunu of
16 to 18 In favor of Surluner.
Ilrltniuilu llcfonU huttinllii.
WEYMOUTII , AUff , 23. In u race under
the auspices of the Royal Dorset Yacht
club today Biltannla defeated Satanlta by
one and one-uuurter miles.
Different Policy is Litoly to Do Pursued
from How Oa ,
I'rolmhllltjr imt | A jw , .ollry „ . , „
AiliipliMl In riimiHJiil Mutter * nnil
AlMi In Hi , , OpouUlllK tli'p.irt-
nu-iit f lliu Itoiul.
KANSAS CITY. AUR , 23. Hccclvcr J. 0.
Wilkinson of the Saul * K passed tlirousli
Kansas Clly on Ills return trip from New
York today. To a reporter ho wld that
thureoulcl be no more doelopmei.t * In the
affairs of tlie railroad
unlll utter the nr-
rlvnl of tlio new receiver , Mr. Walker , In
New York. Mr. Walker la duo to Iniul In
Now oYrk September 3. nml BOOH tlicreafter
the three roeelvem nnd Oenoral Solicitor
Peck , D. 11. Robinson , first vice president ,
nnd some of the parties Iti Interest will hnvo
it consultation. Mr. WIIMnsorf declined to stnto
In advance what policy thei receivers would
adopt , but hf was willing to say that ho
believed that an entirety now policy would
bo Inaugurated , both I in ths management of
the company's finance and En operation. I ) .
II. Uoblnson , he said , would remain at the
head of the operating department. Whether
there would bo chatscs : In my of the subor
dinate departments , ho declined to say , but
ho left the Impression Uat there would.
Receiver Walker , ho thought , would nmko
his olllclnl headquarters it Chicago , that
city being bis lionv.
TriiiKroatliieiitiil lliilt > * ( u II , , Adjusted nt
AlortliiK' "t Clilenuo.
SAN KHANCISCO , AMR. S3. Ulchara Gray
of tlio Southern I'.iciflc left for Chicago to
day to attend nn Important meeting of the
Transcontinental association. Speaking oC
his mission Mr. Gray said : "For some tlmo
there .has Veen considerable complaint on
account of scalping , cutting : and general de
moralization of rates , Tlwj asscclntlon has
n a Intention of Increasing I ho rates now In
force , but will endeavor to devise ways nnd
means for maintaining the present achod-
ule. "
Tlio meeting has a special significance for
the reason that all the roarls- leading to tlio
Pacific ccast , Including tlic Canadian Pacific ,
will bo represented. Hitherto the Canadian
Pacific line has uvlnccd a disposition to stand
alcof from uny agreement , and its willing
ness to Join with the others' at this tlmo
Indicates that the demoralization of rales
bids fair to be brought to an end.
Item-had C'rnw Ajonry. (
Crow Agency , In Montana , knew last eve
ning how It feels to bos connected with ( lie
rest of the world by a railroad , tlio first
train on the Ilurttnglon extension from
Sheridan being scheduled to arrlvo at the
Indian agency lute In tlio afternoon. Tor a
week pakt trains have been running Into
Aberdeen , which has been the terminus ot
the Burlington company until now. ny Oc
tober 1 , so a contractor thinks , the road
will reach Billings and connect up with the
Northern Pacific.
The tie contract on this extension of 112
miles , Sheridan to Billings. Is of great mo
ment , 3.1GS ties being laid to tlio mlle , which
would re-qulro 449,858 ties lo connect thu ex
tension , in addition to those used In sidings ,
spurs and switches.
AtchlMMiVIII Not , Inln Mill Amoclillllin.
CHICAGO. Aug. 23 , The Atchlson road
has announced positively that It will not
become a member ot the" Transcontinental
association , which the- Southern J'aclfle Is
making an effort to revUe. It will tfirow
no obstacles In the way of a reorganization ,
except that It will not become a member.
This ono thing , however , la sufficient to kill
the- association entirely. Tlio Southern
Pacific will not join the At
chlson on the outside , and unless
these two roads como together It will be. ut
terly Impossible to make any pretense ot
running any transcontinental association ,
Want IIHp lo Lot ( in.
DENVER , Aug. 23. Receiver Triimbull ot
the Denver & Gulf road today asked per
mission of the United States court to abro
gate their trackage contract with the Hlo
Grande between. Pueblo an I Trinidad , which
requires the payment of 1180.000 per annum.
Permission Is asked to make a new contract
with another company 4& & $10,000 per year.
j NulcH.
General Frelqlit Ajent Crosby ot the
Burlington went east last night.
The Hack Island has iinnounced harvest
excursions for September 11 , " 5 and Octo
ber 9.
P. M. Plumb , assistant master mechanic
at Marlon on the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railroad , was In town yesterday.
P. P. Humphrey cf tlio toke Shoru Is .look-
Ing nftcr the old comrades who will go to
Plttsburg this year to attend the national
The Union Paclfiu brought In yesterday
about 350 people -to the Modern Wood
men's log rolling t Courtland beach from
ColumbiiH and Intermediate points. The
special left the beach .about 10 o'clock.
A party of thirty Indians from the Pine
Illdge agency went to Kansas City Wednes
day over the MUsourl Pacific. They will
appear In Dr. Carver's Wild West show In
Falnmniiit park. Tliey were In chargs of
II. C. Undsly.
The Hock Inland brought In yesterday
a special train of eight cars from Lincoln
loaded with Modern Woodmen and friends
attending the annual picnic at Courtland
Beach. The train left Uiwoln at 8 30 , run
ning special , and returning , left the bench
at 9 p. in. Charles A Hutherfard , city
ticket agent of the Hock Island at Lincoln ,
was In charge ot the train
The standing joke ibout Dan Ifonln's an
nual rovlew of the Omaha Hallway News-
Jlopcrter has been knocked Into a cockcil
hat for , whisper , tlis long anticipated re
view Is out In the world Inviting criticism.
It Is a book of ISO -pages and pictures * of
prominent railroad iaeii , ofHclaln , an well
as the rank and file of the service crowd
Its pages , together with short blcKraphlea
of tlioao whose pictures appear throughout
the book. While pollt clans are worked
In ad lib , the book as a wliolu la
very commendable , nothing so exhaus
tive In a railroad sento having been given
to the public. It fills a want In tunny ill-
rectlons and the pictures are highly credit
able , the printing be Ing particularly good.
The review Is a credit Lo Mr. Honln and
to the large clientele which his paper cp
ably represents.
Movement * of Snijtolnirtm l Auiiit 23.
At San Krnnclsco Arrived United States
Htcamihlp BennlimUm. Departed-Alumccla ,
for Honolulu and Hyilney.
At New York Arrived Alter , from
At Hamburg Arrhcd Othello , from New
At Liverpool Arrived Indiana , from Hal-
° rt'
A Hamburg Arrived Stubben Hook ,
from Montreal.
At Ucnoa Arrived Wn-rru , from New
At IJremen-Arrlved Lahn , from New
York ,
u au nt Leavening I'owcr. J-atcst U. S. Gov t Report.