Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Business Wan Not Bris' ' in Any of the
Speculative Markets ,
In Corn There U'm n Nrrvotn mill RntliiT
Uimcttldl I'rrlliiK with Ihn Mnrkut
Hulijrct In Huilili'ti Clmngo
HlllicrVny. .
CHICAGO , Aug. 22. Ituslncas wns not
brisk In any of the speculative markets , al
though nn unsettled ftcllng canned a great
many fluotuntlons , In grain the final out
come of the day' * trading was u decline ol
% c In wheat and l&c In corn , with oats anil
provisions practically unchanged. Selling
on thn hard npots was responsible for the de
cline , holdum realizing at the higher prlc.s.
Wheat ruled fairly active , the range for the
day being from % c lo % c. Klrst trades were
at 14c decline at Cr c for Kc | > 'ember , and Fold
off n fraction more , rallied from % c to 'lie ,
cased off 7c , advanced from l&c toic , held
steady , changed xorno and cloned at Cl c for
September. Thu matkft started out weak ,
notwithstanding the small recelptH and the
lower cables , which arc having more In
lliicncc , and room traders sold ( | tilto freely
for a while. The sentiment changed and
prices suddenly advanced on foreign news.
Thu weather was reported as a little cold
and rainy on the continent and private
cables gave n bullish Influence. Now York
led In the advances , selling up before the
turn here , and was also something of a fac
tor. At the advance there was < mlte a little
selllng.and prominent local concerns with ele
vator Interests were supposed to have sold
freely. New York lost most of the strength
and also reacted. The falling off In local re
ceipts no doubt caused a little more of the
sldo buying. There was rather free liquida
tion In September , selling that delivery and
buying December , the premium widening to
about 3',6c. Operators evidently overbought
themselves on the Russian crop ncwtt , and In
Belling out the price receded lo about the
Inside- figures of the day.
Corn ruled fairly active and fluctuations
covered from Tic to l c range. The feeling
was nervous and rather unsettled , with the
market sensitive and subject to sudden turns
cither way. The sentiment at the start was
a little bearish and offerings were quite
liberal at the time , Influenced by the various
weather and crop bull ncwti , being more fa
vorable than expected , and also to the fact
that the market closed near the top yester
day and some reaction wan anticipated to
day. Early offerings were readily absorbed
iiid a few buying orders coming on the mar
ket checked the decline , when the early scll-
) ro turned buyers and found but little for
salo. A firm tone then prevailed , but the
) utsldt' figures were not maintained , a ma
terial reaction setting In , and final quota
tions showed a loss for September of from
He to % c for May. There was moderate
country buying and some realizing for Inte
rior holders around outside prices. Opening
trades were at from 'Xic to % c loss , at D5c
for September , and after holding steady for
a while , advanced from ? ic to % c , eased
back from He to % c , rallied some , declined
$4c , changed some and closed with September
at 54l4c. - >
While there was no Independence whatever
In regard to the fluctuations of the oat mar
ket , quite a good business was transacted
and the market was active during the greater
part of the session. September opened at
30c , sold off to 30c , up to 31c , closing at
Provisions were firm , without much ac
tivity. Very few orders were on the market
for the outside. Armour & Co. sold some
ribs for January. The Chicago racking
company , who bought quite freely of Sep
tember ribs yesterday , were the most liberal
sellers today. The fluctuations In pork fol
lowed the changes of corn to a moderate ex
tent. Closing prices for January are very
little changed since yesterday. Pork closed
at $ t3.G7 % , or 2'/jO higher , and lard and ribs
rep'eat yesterday's final prices.
Freight rates , l c , and cargo of corn at lc'
lo Buffalo.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I onon I Low. | Close.
AUR C41i
S. pt 6BH
live 07Ji )
Mny U3H C2
; orn No. 2 , .
ScM C 5 BlVi
Get t > 4H
May M
Cut a No. 2. . .
AUK § ? ' *
sept.- . . , SOU
Oct 31M
May SoH S5M
1'ork per bbl
Bent l : ) co 1:1 : ns IR f.O 13 r.O
Jan ia iij 13 US 1H BC 13 C7H
Sl'pt , , . . 7 07Jt 7 IVJK 7 CM ! !
Jan 7 oi)4 ) 7 llfi 7 CO 7 C''W
Short Hlbn-
i-'ipt 7 III ) 7 3' ' 7 27K 7 27K
Jan 7 UO 7 UL'H U U7 ! 7 00
On all quotations were ns follows :
FI.Ot'Il-No siili-s.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring. BJftfiSWic ; No. 3 spring ,
nominal : No. 2 reil , Msri4Vic. .
COUN-No. 2. 545 c ; No. 3 yellow , GIUc.
OATS No. 2. 30c ; No. 2 while , 3tUiff34ic ? ;
No. 3 white , 3W < fjlic.
HYK No. 2. 48c.
IIAHLI-r : No. 2 , 63 53c ; No. 3 , 62ii5lc ; No.
4 , nominal.
FLAX HKMD No. 1 , Jl.23ffl.21.
TIMOTHY HKKD Prime , J5.43.
PIlOVlHIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , J13.G113.Gj.
1-anl , per 100 Ibs , , J7.CiH7.C.5. ) Short hbs , sides ,
liMise , J7.30iJ7.fO. Dry salted shoulders , boxed ,
JG.50ih6.62 > i ; shoit clear sides , boxed , 17.0)97.70. )
WHISKY Distillers' finished KJ Ja , per Kill. ,
JI.2 * .
The folluwlnt ; were the receipts and shlpmenla
for today :
On tlm Produce cxchancu today tha buttur mar
ket wan tlrm : cri'.imi'ry , 17&nihc : ; dairy , l'3'juc.
U , Ilrm at liH : UKe.
Vcsterilny'B Quotutlons on PI our , Griilu and
1'rovlsloiis , nietlllf , Etc.
NEW YORK , Aug. 22. KLOt'Il-Recelpts , 22.-
(00 bbls. ; exports , 8,300 bids. ; sales , 13 , I'M ' plfgs. ;
maiket iiulet and lower t > sell , buyers holding
off ; winter straights Irregular and pressed for
sale. Southern Hour , more active ; sales , 300
jikgs. llyo IKmr. fairly active ; sales , CW bbls.
COHN Mi : A I/- Steady ; yellow western , J1SOO
9.10 ; llnindywliic , J2.95iif3.2i ) ,
UYE-lull ; state , 52f53ci Jeisey , 4350c.
1IA11LKY Nominal.
1IAHLEY MALT Steady ; western , C7e75c ; two.
rowed , slate. 73c ; slx-riiwed , fcOjS2c.
WHEAT Uecelpts , 203,3iW bu. ; expDrts , 105.000
bu , ; sales , 4J5UOO bu , futures ami 32.000 bu.
cpot. Hpot dull and easier : No. 2 red , in store
t und elevator. Me ; iillnnt , M\v. t , o. b. , 59c ; No.
1 northern , 67c dellvereil ; No. 1 hard , 65o
ilellvvrtNl , Options opene > l weak under easier
cables and foreign selling , but promptly milled
on light receipts and talk of bad weather In
Uermany ; they were strung during midday , but
later declined under easier late cables and re nt
alising. closing nt * io dccllnu ; No. 2 red. May.
C Ui > i7c , closed nt OOTic ; August closed nt 5Sa ;
September , 6S05aiie. closetl nt CSHe ; October ,
W 4 (5UHe , closed at D'Jc ; Uvcember , C1H1P
C3 13-lCc , closed at C2c.
CORN Receipts. 110 , 400 bu. ; ( .iporltt , 7,800 bu. ;
sales , :23.000 bu. futures and 43,000 bu. spot.
S | t dull und eimler ; No. 2 , Clc In elevator ;
tie all.Kit. Options opened weaker and very dull ,
but became strong and advanced with Wheat ;
the rite was all lost In the afternoon and the
cloiio waa heavy at ? ic net decline ; May , MUff
5IUc , clotwtl at. 6iHc ! ; August closed at 61c ; Hep-
tember. 6iVttW ( ic , closed at &To : October , 59UW
COHc. cloned at 59ic ! ; December 57i ( 5'iUc closol
ul & 7Ha
OATS Recelp | , 210,200 bu. : exmrt | , 6i bu. ;
sales , I75,00 ) bit , fntuits nnd 216,000 bu. pM.
S | t fair and ncllvu : No. 2. 53 > jc : No. 2. dellv-
T I. 41i ! No. 3. S3c ; No. 2 while , 37'4e ' : No.
S white , 36Hc ; Irnck , mixed weilvrn , 3IWJ5c ;
truck , while western , 37 43ci track , white state.
3764)0. Options dull am ! Kcneially Ilrm all day
In sympathy with cash tuts , closing Utt c
lower ; August closed at S3T o ; September , 3lil >
3 1 He. closed nt 3IUc : October , UrfUHc , closed
nt 35 > iCj November , 36c ,
Y Dullj shlpplnir , UQOc ; coed to choice ,
IIOPH-Dull ; Ut common to choice ,
Pnclllo const , 8Bic.
II I DBS blow ; wet salted Nrw Orleans , re-
Irctcd , 45 to 65 Ibs. , 4f iVio ; Texas , irlrctvd.
U ft 4 < ) Ibs. . 4tf3c ; llurnos Ayres. dry , 20 lo , li
lb . , lOUcs Tun li. drt ) , 24 lo 3) ) lb . , ( tfUc.
LEA.THER-Qulrl ; hemlock sole. II. A. , llcht
lo hmvy , 15ft He ,
WOOL-quiuli donifstlo tleec * . lOCMc ; pulled ,
PROVISIONS Ileef , steady. Cut livuls. ntcndy ;
nlckled Rtn > uldi-i . C' ( (7c ( ; plcklnl hams , llHUiro. ch
Ijinl , rtrudy , wnlcro strain clitwl at Jl nuked ;
city at J7.W ; ulvii , 100 Ikrces nt W. numliwl ;
rvtlned. steady. Pork. Ilrm. $
llUTTEIt-Quleti wc.tcrn dairy , UUCiec ; w it-
KU crt jnery , WfftHoi wtstcrn factory , UO
lS'c ; niRlns , 51'KI slate dairy , HffM'e ; stnle
ere mry. . IwdlCir.
CIIKKHKl'lrm ; sl l larw. 7'iW'i'smnll ;
IfJO'ic ; | nri fkim * . I' frniir ; full skint * . 2Htv.
KOnH HtmilKlnl * nd Pnnsylv nin , l c
Ire limnw , b'.ffir . - ; irnitvrn ttn > h. Il'ifll7' ' c
en * . ' * . JI. ' ifl.i 61. n.-ipis. n.Jll pha * .
TALI.OW-fn * tll l ; l ; lo for oily ( JI pr
plilt I , conntiy IpkRs. trtu , Itifli * .
TIlr-iLKI'M-fJiil. . ! ; Wnsliltinlon , libN. . . '
\Vn liln U.n , In bulk. J3.05 ; rrllnml. Nxw York ,
ir , i : , . Plilliidpliihln and llnlllnmie. J6.I3 ; I'hlln
dflphln mid llnllliiK.iH , m liulk , 2. > .
ltoiIN--ntr ) sirnlnnl , common to KO B |
TrilPESTINE-Slcndv ; 2n'4ffJV.
tticii-t'irm : doniMtlc , fnlr to tlrn.
Japan , ( > 'THTi ' > e.
MoLAi-'MUf-Xlondi ; New Orlvnns. cpm kettle ,
g xl lo rlinlec. 3 ( | 3IV.
PIO IRON -Dull ; Hcotch. JIJ.5ifj:2..V ) ) ; Amcrl-
cnn , | Ii.niff ( | I3.nn.
roi'PERl'lim : Inke. Jfl.W.
LEAD- firm ; doinentlc , J3.I3.
TIN-tJulfl nnd linn ; slrnlls , JI9.M asked
pbii" > . mniknt sti > ndy.
HPIILTER-llnii-ly sleudy ; domestic , J3.50
iifknl ; rales on Mirneib"i t-ms Annii t tin at
HUM : 15 tons October tin nt JI9.70 ; 21 tons II. O. .
A nxuM nnd Heplembcr , JI9.00.
COTTON HKii OIICMIct : bidders lee nrm
for business ; rome demand at Inside prices for
local use ; expuiturs IndlfTcitnt.
( .MAIM ( .1 M It.M. At.MIHl.T.S
Coiiillllon of 'I'r.ili ! nml ( ) iinlil. ; > u on
Nlupli' nml I'lincy I'riiiliicit.
Thy Krnernl mniKrt on produce wns not much
changed , prices remaining ulwut steady.
. .
' * . * *
At thi > auction snle of ftult yiwlcrday three
cars upre -ild. .
"What " 111 the haixeft be ? " In the ciue/itlon
that fruit men me nhUIng In lefcronce t. > the
apple crop. It looks \ery niueh t\A If th'ic would
be no great cii.p tbH year , but Mill there may
Inu good ninny moie appb-s In the country than
some dealers me llgurliiK n.
Mr. J , A. Itlch.udson. lepieM > ntlng Woodall
& < "ii. of Liverpool , England , urrhcd In New
Voik lasl erk , rmoiitt' M the dlffeicnt apple
shipping points of ibis country and ' 'aniida. In
the Intel esl of his linn , uho are licnvy apple
Importeis. lie claims , nrcoidlng to 111" Kiult
Journal , England will have thu llghti-rt
crop of aiinles tiiiown In yturs , and furnishes
the following table , giving the lepllei fnnn the
dliTeient districts , as compared With previous
ycum :
Over Under
Aveinge. Avprnge , Average.
1SDI . 3 41 27 ?
1M3 . 7J 131 57
1TO . 13 M HO
1891 . 21 S3 SO
Out of ti table of 311 repoils , It ulll be noticed
that 278 show less than nn average yield.
According to this report , there appeals n favor
able outlook for apples abroad , I-'iom all advices
to hand the crop of tin : United Stales and Can
ada Is cnlciilalcd at lesi than n fair yield.
I'p to present willing nliout 150 barrels have
been shipped to England. The season Is nlniill
one monlli earlier than last year.
In Canada Horticulturist claims thai every
month the proMfiecl for n heavy yield of apples
has become more gloomy. Thai terrible SCOUIRO
the apple scab , has so weakened tlm ticcs Hint
both leaves anil fruit ale Inclined to drop , until
very little Is left to come lo maturity. Not
only In southern Ontario Is this the case , but
nlso In middle and noilhern Ontailo , where
blthcrlo there has been much less damage from
this funcus.
HCTTER Packing stock , 10c ; fnlr to good
country , llftlSc ; cholco In fancy , 17JlSc ( ; gath
ered creamery , l7Q20c ; separator creamery , 22c.
EGOS Per doz. . 12c.
LIVE POULTRY -Old bens , Cc ; roosters.i i { I
3c ; spring chickens , S IOc ; ducks , 5c ; hen tur
keys , "ifife ; gobblers , 3jCc ; old geese , full-fcntli-
creil , 45J5C.
VEAL Choice fat and small venls are quoted
at 5'ii6c ' ; coaise nnd large , 3ff < "lc.
CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , new make.
12fil2iO ! ; Nebrns'.in and Iowa , full cream , lie ;
Nebraska and lown , paii s'Klms. So ; Llm-
burger , No. 1 , lie ; bilck , No. 1 , Ho ; Swiss , No.
1 , HiT15c.
HAY I'Dland ' hay , Jit ; midland , J10 ; lowland ,
J9. Color makes the price on hay. Light bales
sell the best. Only top grades brlnir top prices.
PIGEONS Old birds , per doz. , tOc.
POTATOES Hound lots of home grown or
Kansas stock. 70ft7c pel' bu. ; small lots , on or
ders , SOc ; California , 75fSOc. |
MELONS Omul stock , crated , J20.
CANTALOUPES Home grown , per doz. , SOc ®
OLD I1EANS Hand-picked navy , J2.23 ; me
dium. I2.10Q2.15 ; common while beans. J1.7S
ONIONS On orders , 73c per bu.
CAI1IIAOE Good shipping slock , home grown ,
on orders. 2Uc ; southern , 2o.
CELERY Per doz.lOfflSc. .
APPLES C.ood stock , per bbl. , J2.7503.23.
PEACHES Cnllfoinla. J1.lOfTl.lS.
PLUMS California. Jl.00tfl.5i ) .
PRUNES Jl.iWgi.50.
r I OS None.
PEARS llarllelt's , J1.75.
APRICOTS California , none.
CIIKHRIES California , none.
GRAPES Concords , 10-lb. baskets , 3035c ; Cal
ifornia , J1.7I.TROPICAL
HANANAS Choice stock , $ : .Oillc2.M per bunch.
LEMONS Fancy lemons , 300 size , J6.50@7.00 ;
fancy lemons , 3GO size , J0.507.00.
FIGS Fancy , per lb. , 15c.
HONEY California. 15e ; dark honey , 10ie.
MAPLE SYRUP Oallon cans , per doz. , J12.
NUTS Almonds. 1517c : English walnuts , 100
12c ; niberts. 12c ; Drnzll nuts. lUc.
CIDER Pure mice , per bbl. . JO ; half bbl. , J3.25.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 2Uc ; No. 2 green
hides , l'J2o ; No. 1 green sailed hides , 3',4c ' ; No.
2 green sailed hides , 2H72'/CNo. ; 1 green suited
hides , 2. > to 40 Ibs. . Z\'tc \ ; No. 2 green salted bides.
25 to 40 Ibs. . 22Uc ; No. 1 venl calf. S to 15
Ibs. , S lffCc : No. 2 venl calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4fHV4c :
No. 1 dry lint hides , Be ; No. 2 dry ( lint hides ,
3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 4c. Part cured hides
Vie per lb. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS-Qreen salted , each. 23fl60c :
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , 5(15c ; dry slunrllnss ( short woolcd early
skins ) , No. 1 , each. 5ffilOc ; dry shearlings ( short
woolcd early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 6e ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , actual weight , 5frSc ) : mm rain wool pelts , per
lb. , actual weight , 4iijf.c ; dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4ft
6Hic ; murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
4gGc. Have feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow. No. 1 , 4O
44c ! ; fallow. No. 2 , 8t43ie : grease , white A ,
4 f4'Jc ; grcni * . white H , a'.Wftc ' ; grease , yel
low , 3c ; gieasc , daik. 24c ! ; old bultcr. 2tf2'4c ;
beesuax , prime , ISQIBc ; rough tallow. HiOJc.
Chicago Fruit notations.
CHICAGO , Aug. 22. The Enit Fruit company
sold California fruit In the vailous eastern mar
kets ns follows :
At Chicago : Pears. Rartlntts. refrigerator , J1.30
( il.tO ; venlllalor , SOc J1.05 ; Iluerro Clarlgeaii ,
Jl.lfl ; Flemish Reality , J1.15. Peaches , Susquc-
hanna , 75o : Orange Clings , J1.25 ; Foster , 1io ! ;
Eaily Crawfonl , 75c. Plums. Japan , $1.10 ; Egg ,
95ciJl.r . Gross prunes , Jl.H.'jUl.lS. Grapes , Mus
cat , JI.50 ; Tokay , Jl.S. 2.0i ) .
At Minneapolis : Pears , J1.401.50. Peaches ,
Freffltrne , $ luOCil.OS.
At Philadelphia : Peaches , 7ficiirjl.2.Pears ,
llartlett , ripe , J1.40. Prunes , Jl.0f1.75. | Plums ,
90c JJI.10.
At Montreal : Pears , Tlartlclts , JI , " -52.10. '
Peaches , Cling , SjcffJI.2) . Plums , JI.13511.30.
Porter I Iron. , Chicago , wild nl auction today
seven cars of California fruit : Pears , llnrtletts ,
J1.00OI.40 ; half Imes. tAfine ; It. Hardys , $1.10.
Plums , Japan , J1.25JI1.30 ; Golden Drop , JI ; P. D. ,
GSU9oc ; EgK. 70c < ? J1.00. Gross prunes , 85C0J1.10 ;
Silver , 70c TJ1.10. Peaches , Crawfords. late , Ci
85o ; Susiuehnnnas , WHSOc ; Jones , 70c. Grapes ,
Tokay , half crates , Jl.70ifl.80 ; Muscat , 85cWJl.60 ;
Itose of Peru , Jl.0.1.
Purler llros , company , Minneapolis , sold one
car Ilarllett penis , JI.35ft.40. !
t'olTeo AlarUot.
NEW YORK , Aug. 22. COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady at unchanged to ID points ad
vance ; ruled geneially ilrm on stronger cables
and smaller Santos receipts and full deliveries ;
closed steady. 6ifl5 iiolntB net advance ; sales ,
13,501) bags. Including : August , JH.70ffH.75 ;
September , JH.0.1 ; October. J13.30 ; November.
112.65 ; December , JI2.WVI2.65 ; Marcfi JI2.20IJ >
12.23. Spot coffre. Rio , dull ; No. 7 , J10 ; mild ,
riulet ; Coidovn , J19.0W19.50 ; sales , 600 bags , In
terior , 3o. Wnrclwnsu deliveries from New
York yesterday , 12,378 bags ; New York st , < ck
Inihty , 12.1S3 bags ; United Hla'-'s stock. 131,392
bags ; nlloat for thn Unltrd Stales , li9ixn ! ) bags ,
tola ) vls'hlo for the Untied Stales , 420,392 bugs ,
against 304,600 bags last year.
SANTOS. Aug. 22.-Qulet ; good nvp.-HRe , J1C ;
recelpls. 15,000 bags ; stock , 133l )0 ) lings.
IIAMIIUIIO , Aug. 22. Steady : prices un-
changeil to U pfg. higher ; sales , B.OoO bags.
HAVRE , Aug. 22.-Op ni'd nulet nt Uf decline ;
12 m. , ' . \f.1'tl advance : at 3 p. m. , steady , U
WJf advance ; closed net unchanged lo ! if ad
vance ; total pales. ? ) ,0i bags.
RIO DE JANEIRO , Aug. 22.-Qulet nnd noni-
nal ; receipts. 10i 0 bugs ; clcsred for Ibn I'nltcd
StHlm , K.lknl bags ; clearetl for Europe , 3,000 bafi ;
stock , ai.OOi ) tuns.
City Alurkotn.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12. WHEAT Hard. Ue
lilKheri soft , linchnnKed ; No. 2 hard , ISfflSUc"
No. 3 him ) . 47c : No. 2 i l , 47i04Sc ! ; No. 3 red ,
47e : rejected , 44fl45c ,
CORN-Slow ; No. 2 mixed , 61c ; No. 2 white ,
OATft Unchanged j No. 2 mined , 23i030jc ! ( , ;
No. 2 white , 33c.
HUTTER-FIrm ; cicnmery , 17BSlcj dairy. 9
I6c ,
EGOS Active nnd Ilrm nt lie.
RECEI1TS Wheat , 22,200 bu.j corn , noncj
oats. lO.Oili ) bu. , 800 bu , ; corn , SOO bu. ;
oats , none ,
Kliiiinclul Nutut ,
HALTIMORE. AUK. 22. Clearlnts , fl,900,673 :
biUanceii , Jt3,001 ! ,
NEW YORK. Auif. 22.-ClearlnBS , J73J13.508 ;
balances , Jl,237,334.
LONDON , AugK. . Amount of bullion gone
nto the Hunk of Envland today Is (58,000.
NEW ORLEANS. Auir. K.-Clenrlnts , J7W.2ie.
SVw ork escJiiuiKe , bank , par ; commercial , 50c
per JI.COO discount.
ST. IX1IMS. Auif. 22. Clearings. $3,113.943 ; > | -
aiicen. J670.4S8. Money , dull. tl 7 per cent. Bx-
nK on New York. BOc discount bid.
LONDON. AUK , U. ( lold Is ouotrd today t
Uuenos Ayres at 2 ; at Madrid , ItMj Lltbon
% ! & $ * ' Mi At" " " ' l
CINCINNATI , AU * . it-Money , 1341,1 pt/
NVW York rviiin < ' . ; o ill muni to | > ar. tn > nx
Clrnrlnim 12 K.J.IiM.
t'AIIIH , AIIR. n.Thiw p r P nl t'tilpn , 108
< 7r fnr ih" not-Mint.
niU'AMti. Ann. a-CImrlnij * , ftt.tM.u-
Mnn f. JVM per ent on mil ; 6 Jr ri fit m
tliiv. Ni > w Vorfc cxrhnngr sii-ndy. Steillnz Bin
Hlinrn Spi'iMiliitliinVn Itutlirr trr
lli"iillln' { In it Illcltrr ltiiMo ,
NEW YORK. Aug. 22. The xlmre p cul3-
tlon today was rnther Irrctftilnr , advances
and declines following each other with fro
( Itioncy , but the reactions , nc n rule , were
less than the gain ; , nnd consequently the
trndlni ! rejiilleil In the etitahllshment of n
hlRher r.ingo of values throughout the greater
p.irt of the Hit. London was In the market
both as n seller and buyer , hut not to nn >
great extent , nml the dealings as n wliok
were only In moderate volume , being jnalnly
confined to the professionals , the coniriilcsloi
houses reporting n falling In business. T.irlfl
probabilities had not it little ( o do with the
Irregularity of the share movement , there
helm ; more than one opinion as to the presi
dential action and tunny rumors. Distilling
wns the spectacular feature of the diy'fl trad
ing , In the changes being rung on the old
$5,000,000 loan story , now that the money
had been secured nnd again that It had not.
The clliie | of Insiders were active manipu
lators of the shares .mil the effort teemed
to he to shnke off the following and enable
the pool to get stock nt Its own. llgures.
Within n few minutes of the opening the
price jumped l'i per cent , to 20 , nnd was as
( Illicitly hammered down to ll ! % . llefnre noon
It had been advanced to 20 % , and shortly
after that hour moved back to 19 > .
then came nnothcr upward turn to 21 , with
u final reduction to 2Hi ( , leaving a gain of
2 per cent from yesterday on the largest vol
ume of business for months. Sugar , which
came next In point of activity , fell off ' /
In the opening dealings , but quickly recov
ered the loss and had advanced 1 per cent
by noon and nn additional % per cent by 1:15 :
o'clock , when 1M % , the highest point of the
day , was touched. During the late afternoon
the block was sold briskly and closed
down from the best , but ' / per cent higher
on the day. An effort was made shortly after
the opening to depredate the grangers , but
It wns stoutly resisted and was Ineffective ,
these shares being strongly held nml showing
advances at the close of ' / ! to % per cent ,
the latter In Burlington , which wns In most
demand. General Electric was In good buyIng -
Ing nnd rose t ! per cent , but realizing sales
In the later dealings caused the loss of the
greitor part of the Improvement , of which
only % per cent remained nt the close.
Some shares recorded declines , but only frac
tionally. The market closed generally firm.
The bond market was heavy In the morning ,
but closed Ilrm.
The Evening Post says : The advance of lc
In silver In the last twenty-four hours and
of 3c In the last two weeks Is regarded as
a bull factor. London was a moderate seller
of our stocks today. Northwestern's heavy de
crease for July had the effect of affecting
the recent Improved showing made In gross
earnings by other roads. The attention of
the street Is becoming more closely centered
upon western crop reports. Recent reports
arc more assuring.
The Evening I'ost's London cablegram says :
A further rise In silver was the only feat
ure today. It has been up to SOVfcd , but
closed weak at 30d , the attempt of council
drafts being disappointing. Forty lakhs were
sold at rates ranging uj > to 13d. Reports
are current that the Indian mints are prob
ably going to coin a British trade dollar to
take t.'ic ' place of a Mexican dollar. The
stock markets weio dull , with no business
but realizations. Americans were weaker ,
particularly Atchlson and Norfolk. The de
lay in signing the tariff bill is not liked.
Prices closed a shade above the worst.
The following the closing quotation'
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Rcoilp'.s for the 'DA'tf Shew a Still 1'urthor
P..lilng Off Jlu Number * .
Itrrf Sr | Tn Tito Snirrr lit Mitkn Mui'li i.f i
MiimliiK In tiriKCrnilliiiOtmcl HngH
Sell Mill Iliuliiullh Common
( Inulc * su-iuly.
WEDNESDAY , Aug. 22.
The receipts today consisted of 2,215 cattle
9,321 hogs ami 00 sheep , against 2-IO. > cattle
7,630 hogs ami 103 sheep yeatenlny and 1,58
cattle , 12,870 hogs und 415 sheep on WediU's
day of last week. For the three days thl
week the receipts foot up 7.01U cattle , 20,039
hogs nnd 1.9S sheep , as against 4,910 cattle
29.676 hogs and 1,210 sheep for lite corre
spending days of last week.
CATTLE Although there was a fair run ol
cattle there were very few corhfcd natives
the bulk of the offerings being mmle til ) ol
westerns. Really desirable beef steers ol
any kind were scarce and the bids made b >
the buyers looked lower , but taking ( ) uallt >
Into consideration the market would have to
bo quoted ns steady. The market on desir
able butcher stock , such ns cows and heif
ers , was steady to strong. The offer
ings were light nnd soon cleaned up
The market on stock cattle , which nre
wanted to put on 'rough feed during the
winter , was In a little better shape. The de
mand from the country has Improved some ,
what during the past few days and the mar
ket has firmed up. , The heavier feeders do
not show any material Improvement. Hcpre-
sentatlve sales :
No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
14..1127 $2 M 3. . . . CIO J3 23 1H..10C3 JI 20
21..11II 3 10
40..1134 420
1. . .900 75 1. . . , 910 i ro 7. . . . SIS 2 00
1. . .1000 1 00 11. . . . S2J i no 1..1020 200
I. . . . ( ! 70 1 M 1. . . . SOD i r.o 1. . .1120 2 00
1. . . . CSO 1 15 1. . . . 920 1 50 2. . . 720 2 00
2. . . . 8CO 1 20 C. . . . SA5 i ro 5. . .1010 200
4. . . .912 1 20 ' ' ,1000 i r.o 10. . 1011 2 10
3. . . . 710 1 20 i ! . . . mo i so IS. . . . .VII 220
" ' .1060 1 20 2. . . . DOO i no 23. ' . . . 901 2 SO
! . . MO 1 23 4. . . . H87 1 SO 9. . . . 840 2 20
1. . . . SIO 1 25 1. . . . USO 1 50 U 911 2 20
1. . . . C30 1 25 1. . . . SIO 1 BO 7. . . . 928 2 20
1. . . . 910 1 25 11. . . 1 30 20..1141 223
3. . . . 813 1 25 13. . . 892 1 f.O 23..1001 223
1. . . . 900 1 23 13. . . 900 1 IT > 1. . .1010 2 25
1. . . .780 1 23 I. . . 9SO 1 73 4. . .935 2 25
2. . . . "CO 1 25 2. . . 913 1 73 12. . . 100 2 23
1. . . .830 1 23 1. . . SCO 1 73 2. . .1023 2 23
3. . . . 50 1 25 I. . . . SIO 1 75 . 8C8 2 23
3. . . . CSil 1 2'i 1..1110 1 7 ? 48. . . 878 2 ? " >
12. . . . S20 1 23 1. . . . 770 1 73 1. . .1130 2 40
1. . . .780 1 25 2. , . . SCO 1 75 . 920 2 40
32. . . . 933 1 30 11. . . . 974 1 SO 21. . . 922 2 40
3. . . . SCO 1 50 1. . . . KID 1 90 . 740 2 40
1. . . 7CO 1 33 5. . . . 850 1 90 20. . . 930 2 40
10. . . 711 1 33 1..1140 1 90 7. . .1147 2 40
3. . . , 9CO 1 33 1. . . . C60 1 90 23. . . . 882 2 CO
5. . . 915 1 33 1 , . . . 730 1 HO 2..IU80 250
13. . . 932 1 W I. . . . UK 1 90 IB..1025 2 CO
M. . . 8S2 1 10 1. . . . 900 1 90 1..1020 2 C5
4. . . 830 1 W l.l.aC'OO 1 90 3. . . . IliO 2 75
1. . . 970 1 60 1. . . . 830 1 M 1..1300 320
1. . . SCO 1 50 7. . . . 915 2 00
S. . . SC3 2 25
S. . . . 2CO 73 l' ' , . . . 4SO 1 30 1. . . 330 1 0
1. . . , . 440 1 CO 1C. . . . BU 1 35 12. . . frr , 1 03
1. . . . 290 1 OJ 3. . . . 513 1 33 7. . . 742 1 75
B. . . , . 3C.2 1 HI 3. . . . WO 1 33 1. . . 400 1 75
17. . . 4S7 1 20 1..1.1350 1 40 27. . . 782 190
4. . , . 4G1 25 1. . . . "UO 1 40 2. . . 315 2 00
2. . , .1010 1 23 1. . . . 530 1 40 4. . . 7C3 200
1. . , . 320 1 25 4i..v4W 1 10 13. . . 723 205
10. . , . 192 1 23 5 460 1 40 37. . . C39 2 15
3. . . rlC. 1 25 12. . . . 738 1 50 S. . 913 2 30
. . 400 1 25 li. . ' . . 3C3 1 53 7. . 757 230
410 1 15 S , . ,110 2 00 .2. . . 140 2 50
1. . 330 1 25 21. . ' . 215 2 00 ' 2. . . 193 2 30
7. . 2i9 ( 1 23 I. . . . 230 2 00 1. . . .140 230
5. . 132 1 23 1. . . . 190 2 00 C. . . 201 2 50
2. . 240 1 50 2. . . . 275 203 . 120 2 f.O
1. . 2S ) 1 73 2. . . . 3M 2 03 s ! ! .232 2 BO
4. . 2S2 1 75 2. . . . 315 2 05 1. . . 190 2 50
2. . 1 75 1' ' . . . . 310 2 15 17. . .260 2 73
15. , , . 22C 1 85 l..V300 ' 223 8. . .133 3 00
2. . . . 230 2 00 1- ) 255 1. . . 180 3 Oil
1. . . . 11)0 ) 2 00" ' 2. . . 1DO-J25 1. . . 190 3 00
3. . . . 146 2 00 1. . . . 2SO 2 50
1. . . KM I 15 2..1140 1 33 1. . . .1510 1 60
1. . .12SO 1 13 2..1183 1 33 1. . . . I'll ) 1 50
1. . .14911 1 M ! . . . . " 870 1 33 1. . . .1340 1 30
1. . . .120) 1 23 1..1100 1 40 1 870 1 53
1. . . OCO 1 25 2. . . . 7SO 1 43 1. . . . 9)0 ) 1 53
C. , . MC 1 23 1..1440 1 50 2. . . . 813 1 CO
1. . .130) 1 SO 1..1170 1 30 1. . . .14IO 1 70
.1230 1 35 1..10IO 1 M 1. . . .10I ) 1 75
. 8CO 1 35 1..1030 1 50
3..14C6 2 CO
CM 1 50 2. . . . 9S3 1 60 1..10 173
2. . . 4S5 1 25 24. . . . .W ) 2 10 4. . . 751 2 25
1. . . Col ) ] 40 5. . . . 44C 2 1U . . 70' ' ) 2 25
1. . , Sill 1 51) ) 8. . . . M 2 10 . . SSH ) 2 30
3. . . 343 1 C5 13. . . 479 2 10 . . 821 2 30
2. . , 2W II. . . 515 2 Id . . S70 2 50
i ! . ! C40 31. . , 740 2 15 . . "SO 2 SO
i. . . 82) 1 ' , C.10 2 13 . . 841 2 30
i. . . 700 1 ' .CM 2 15 . . IJ3S 2 : I3
i. . . 5CO 1 ' C22 2 15 . . 93' ) 2 33
8. . . 5V ) 1 83 7. . , 807 2 13 . .1070 2 S3 '
1. . . fan i ss .723 2 15 . . 4' ' ) 2 4' ' )
1C. . . 6G5 1 93 41 ! ! . , 073 2 15 . . 811 2 40
2. . , . 760 2 00 1. . . . 450 2 15 . .90S 2 40
L. . . CCO 2 00 34. . . . 747 2 17' , . . ) 2 40
11. . , . dlO 2 UO 14. . . . CM 2 20 . .10 ? ) 2 40
10. . . . 521 2 00 . . 731 2 20 . . 85' ' ) 2 45
3. . . . C30 2 00 14. . 74D 2 20 . .1017 2 K > ! 4
1. . C40 2 00 7. . . . 635 2 2) ) . . 'JI2 2 Co
15. . 622 2 10 23. . . . " 09 2 20 ' '
1. . , 700 2 10 2. . . . 955 2 20 , 'l04' ) 2 75
10. . . 833 2 10
No. Av. Pr. Nil. Av. Pr.
12 steers 1300 J2 50 C3 steers. . . .124) ) $3 49
7 cows tC7 1 50 10 bulls 951 1 50
10 mixed 672 2 00 3 feeders. . . . 533 2 10
19 feeders. . . . 775 2 23 11 steers 7.VJ 2 50
3 steers 900 2 M 1 calf 170 3 25
HOGS The market opened active and
steady to strong on the best heavy nnd
liutcher weight hogs. The offerings of such
were picked up very readily by both packers
and shippers , some choice loads going as
high ns $5.60. The best hogs were cleaned
up quite early In the day. The fair to
medium hogs sold at about yesterday's
prices. There was a good deal of trash
among the receipts , pigs and rough hogs.
None of the buyers appeared to want this
class of stuff , and holders found It dldlcult
.0 work them off even at lower prices ,
ileprescntatlve sales :
live mixnl alirep In the yanlii which went
nt ( ibotit BtMdy'prlcos. Knlr to Rood mitlvea
nfe | iintfilip | nt | iUfi ( o 12.75 , fnlr to good
wettrrns nt $2 $ to } UO , common nml stock
8hp < M > nt $1.75 lo J2.2fi , good lo choice 10 to
lOO-lb Inrlihs al J2.25 to J3.7G. Heprespnta-
tlvt enlcs :
No. Av. Pr.
3 unlive mixed , looi \ OS
( 'lilt AU < > LIVESTOCK.
fiitllo lii Alt l.lnrH AVoro Higher All
Arniiiiil Yi'nli'riliiy.
CIIK'AOO , Auif. 21 Just how nuleh more val
uable ciiltln wenti lny limn in , ihe il.iy liofore
It Is unite Imp isslblp In my , but
thry were higher all nriiiml. Some > nlei
nlioued not ni ire thnn li'o ' tiiUiincc , while olheis
Ilidlcnteil n Kn'n ' of IS ? , ) c ami 2.V. liub-eil , iheie
wns "lie snip sic nlmve Ihe hlKhi'St price hen-
liifuio rmrlieit , J5c ImvliiK been pnld for a bunch
of vety fiipTlor thnrt horns. While In the ug-
Ktvjjiil1 reot'lptu wio fairly liberal the olTerltiKS
of KI ! 11 extni crudes were i-xlrcnii-ly light ,
nnd II vnn In thr- < descriptions that tin' ad
vance win * the miml priinnunei l. Kully one-
hiilf of HRday's run COII | MCI | | of rnnm' rattle ,
nbout'lO'i ' comlnx from Texas nnd l , ' l bvlni ;
rrnllU'd ti > the Wentern raiiKo , The 7nm ) nntlVnt
wen > prlnclttiilly cnmm .n . tn fair , and sobl
htwly nt fr > m tl to S3 for cown nnd bulls an I
nl from I.1.MI lo } 4.5 for steers. Theio wele
several trudtt ) nt better Itian > . ' . , porno fed
erns ffllliiknt jr. . : . " . . and n lot of shoit limn
enttlB frtchlnu 15.33. The bull ! of the western
catiltlirought from J3 tj II , with choice selllmi
ns hlKh us II. " . . nvxntis weie iiioteil | til Irnin
| l.r.o to 1.1.M , nccvmllm ; lo iiunlliy.
Hot : prices r itlniii > t < i Knnv stronger. They
meted up another "c to 10c today , the l.i'-l .
Unlit beltiK rnlnblo nt 15.70 , nnd the chilccM "f
Ihe henvy welKhts lirlnifliift fiom $ .1.85 tn f3.9.i.
The supply illxappoliiteil expi'ctatlnns , am UIIIIIMK
to barely 21OM hend. The proypecls of cmtln-
Him ; moderate nrrlvalncre the enili'cs of the
buoyant feeling. Shippers were free buyers , ii"t
far from half of the supply KOIIK | Int > their
hands. Mn t of the- business \\ns dine nl from
J5.30 to 15.63 , the iiunlily iiveniKlMB | fcior. Lluhl
nnd oidlnnry mixed lots mnde up the bulk of
the rccolplH , and those who wety * lo iKInc ? for
good henvy IIORN \\eli- unable l > III ! tirders.
The sheep and Innil ) mntkels were mixleniloly
netlvo nud very Ilrm , the forninr nt from II to
1.1.3. , nnd the latter at fiom )2 to 14.15 for | m > rte
to choice. The receipts for the first three days
of ( his week have been 11,010 hend fewer than
f < r the smile lime lust year.
Receipts-Cattle , ll.llOO head ; calves , SOO head.
IIOKS , 21,0-m head ; oheep , 8.000 head.
The EveultiB Journal leporls :
IIOOS Receipts today. 21,0X1 head : olllclal yes
terday , IIS3 ( head ; shipments yi'nlorday , 5.9ln
hend ; left over , about 7DM head ; quality pmr.
market active and Ilrm : prices ' higher ; pales
ranBed nt J5.15 3.G5 for IlKht ; I.S3W.2i ) for rouch
IvickliiK ; 15.60ft S. 70 for mixed ; f5.25H. > . ! iO for
henvy pncklm ; und phlpplni ; lots ; plus. I5.SO.
CATTLE Receipts toilay , ll.Oflfl head ; venter-
day , C.G45 head ; shipments yesterday , 2.3..G head ,
mniket nrtlve , Ilrm ; prices 10ft20e higher.
SIlEEP-Recelpts tixlny , 8,000 hend ; inntket
falllni ; Off In Nnmbcrx Slaughtered tlm
friiliiro nf ItiiHliiPH.i for tlmVr k.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 21 ( Special Telegram to
The Hee. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will say :
The movement of rings has lieen lessened , al
though sllll liberal. Packing returns show 270.000
hogs for tie : wetk , compaied with 315. < > 0
week and 2IO.OX ) n year ago. From March I the
total la 0,475.000 , against 4,701.000 a year ago.
Prominent places compare ns follows :
1S9I. ISM.
Chicago 2.0S5.000 I.C91roii ) )
Kansas City : 9.15.0110 670.0UO
Omaha . . . , 753,000 462.000
St. Liuls 357.0H ) 219.000
Cincinnati 18i.uoo 13.noo ( !
Indianapolis 2s.iV)0 ) 175.000
Milwaukee 258,000 lir.,000
Cedar Ilap'ds 137.000 HI,000
St. Joseph 223,00) 112000
Sioux City HG.OX ) 9.I.OOI
Ottumwn. 152 W ) 102.000
Nebraska City 132.i > K ) lll.uOo
Itecelpts mill lU | > cMllloii < if Stock ,
Olllclal receipts and disposition of stick as
shown by the books of the Union .Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock p. \Vednei-day , August 22 , 1891 :
Cars. Ili-ad.
Cat lie 70 2,235
Hogs 124 9621
Sheep 2 Gl
liuyors. Catlle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing company 8I ( > . . . .
O , H. Hammond company. . . . GOO 1,130
Swift and company HI 2 1S2 .
Cudnhy Packing company. . . . 073 lr,4) ) 1JI
John P. Squire & Co 7f > S
Cleveland , - SI
cudahy Ihos 2..9
\Vlls-m 370
niler IIU
A. Haas ! )5 )
It. lleckcr & Degcn 287
P.-I ) . Armour G30
I.ce Uothschlld 15
Ix.hnmn . . . . . ; 179
1. . llecker ; C5
N. Itothschlld
Shippers and feeders 412 137
Left over 2,250
Totals 2.373 10.S01 ISC ,
Now York Ilvo Stcink Miirftor.
NEW YOltIC , Aug. 22. I1KKVES Il'-celpts ,
2,200 head ; market nrm f r iood cattle ; dull for
other grades ; native steeis , Rood lo inline , J4.GO
( ! T4.00 ; medium to fair , $4.2j8 > l.50 ; Inferior to
ordinary , J3.73IH.1D ; very p..jr and ejmmon , J3.53
3.7.- , .
Slir.nP AND IAMI1S Ilcct-lptR. l.'i.OOO head ;
mfirlict opened slow , closing dull on clieep and
lie lower on lambs ; fully 5,000 lieail unmld ;
sheep , poor to nlrlctly prlcne. | 2.00/2.3"r lambs ,
common to cliilcc , { .l.MMri.OO.
HOC18 Hecelpts. DCCI head ; four cars on sale ;
market btcady at $5.75 { ? > n9' ' ) for good to choice.
St. I.onls I.lvo.Stuck Alnrkot.
ST. i.oins , AUK. 22. CATTM : necipts , 3,100
head ; rlilpmonts , l.COO head ; maiket active nnd
KtronK ! native steerp , 1,100 to 1,300 Ibs. . JS.r.'lii1
4.45 ; cows. Jl.OO ; Texas steers , 1,000 to 1,200 Iba. ,
J2.fMifTn.CO ; cows , $1 ! W i2.03.
IIOOS Hecelpts , 5W ) head ; shipments , 1,000
head ; market active and strong ; Cc ItlRhtM1 ; cod
heavy , $3.7Hjr.-.7. ; Kood IlKht and mixed , jr > . . " .0 < ij <
5.70 ; plus , commrji and loiiKh. J1.50SjTi.40.
SII13K1' llucclpls. 3.toO head ; shipments none ;
market active ; 13H12IJC lower ; natives , $2.2. > { j2.50 ;
lambf , J3.1W3.C5.
Kansiii City I.lvo Stuck Alitrknt.
KANSAS CITY , AUK. 22. CATTLB-Hecelpts ,
S.SOO head ; shipments , 3,700 head ; market stionK
lo lOc higher ; Texas cows. Jl.73ff2.20 ; beef st'e s.
12.5004.05 : native cows , Jl.2Sif2.75 ; stockeis and
feeders. J2.iXlff3.25.
HOGS Hecelpts , 8,900 head ; shipments. l.SOO
lead ; market steady to strong and } 0c hlKher ;
bulk of sales. Jj.l5 < ia.4. > ; heavies , J.1.305.C5 | ;
inckcis , J3.3.5.C.i ; mixed , Jl.00ff3.30 ; JlBhls , J4.70
O5.20 : plKS , 3.00J3.03.
SHBI3P Hecelpts , 1,10) head ; shipments , none ;
narket steady.
Stock In Sight.
Record of receipts nt the four principal mar
kets for Wednesday , AURUS ! 22 , 1894 :
Caltle. Hoes. Sheep
Snuth Omaha 2235 9,5''l GO
ChlciiKo 14,01)0 ) 21.ciiK ) 8.000
KniiFas City 8,3iX ) 8.900 1,100
St. Louis 3,100 6,500 3,300
Totals 27,035 41,921 12,400
MINNEAPOLIS , A tiff. 22. Them were but
few puppoitlnK 01 tiers tn buy \\henl today , and
local feeling was weak , caushiK a decline In
sympathy with the drift of the other markets.
Roc-lpts are Increasing In tlie noilhwest at
Interior nillroml polnls , tliowlnif evidence of an
Intention on the part of farmers lo sell some
what fieely , even at the present low prices. The
rlecllna nt tha close roused below the closing
prices of yesterday from 940 to ? Jo nn the dif [
ferent futuru months , with cash wheat fairly
well sustained at about Uc lower prices than
yesterclny. The demand was KOIM ! fur wheat ,
both old ami new , and nlthouRh receipts were
lamer than yesterday , they wein easily ab
sorbed early In the ilay , brlnKlnc prices nilher
above Ihe closing , which was more In sympathy
with the tendency of future markets than the
cash market was at the time most of the sales
were innile. The clone was at iSHo for AuKiist ,
052c for September , 51Hf51Uc | for Slay.
Old track wheat : No. 1 , 5S',4c ;
No. 1 norlhein , 57Hc ; No , 'i north
ern , 6Cc , with new wheat of the
respective Krndes selllnK 2o unilrr ( iM. R -
celptB , ] 2" ,000 bu. ; sh pments , 17,600 bu. About
per cent only of the day's receipts were ohl
whmt. The new wheat Is especially clean from
foul seeds ami cither dirt , anil Is expected to (
innko a slronu Hour. The Hour market was ;
riulet anil ruled eimy In sympathy with Ihn do-
rllne In wheat solllntc nt about ! 3.2) lo (3 40 for
patents ami 2 to J2.23 for baker * . Fiilr ile-
mund wan icixirinl that took about the produc
tion , which wns alr.ut 35HW ( bbls. of Hour for
llio twenty-four hours. Shipments , 38,221 bbls.
St. I.ouls ( ii'iierul Market.
HT. LOUIS , AUK. 22.-n.Ot'R-Quet | ,
WHEAT Fluctuated aultfl widely on ccmlllct-
Inir home anil forelKn business , closlnic ! 4o off ;
No. 2 re i , cash , BIHc ; AUK" * ! . B1c : September ,
6f.ic ; December , 6l3f34vc ; May , 40i c. ,
CORN Passed the dny much ns wheat , InxlllK
Kc ; No. 2 mlJi'd , cash , 65c ; AUKUBt , Bl'.ie : Sep
tember. B4c : December , 48 > ic ; May , 60Wf(30'Sc. :
OATS Firm , hlKher ; No. 2 , cash und Auuusl ,
3Hjc ; September , 31Tic ; Jlny , 3Clo. }
RVi : HlKhor ; No. 2 , this sldu , 64iu ! Uil.
IIARLI3V No tradlnit.
( IRAN I wi-r ; east truck , sacked , Me. 19
l-'LAX SEUO-Hluher , $1.20.
t'lMVKK t.
TIMOTHY 1-owor. with Hales at J5.10.
HAY Steady ; unchaiiKed.
Ht'TTKIl-l'uchanged. '
KOOS Higher ; 10ic. (
Li\D Steady ; spot , J3.22i4Q3.25 ; 8eilvinbCT | ,
COHN MI-AI < llnchanKed.
WHISKY Unchanged.
IIAOllINfl I'nchanKed.
I'HOVIHIOKB-Hleady , fUet | | , wllhout riuolable
HlX'KIITS-Flout4 , 7.000 bbli. ; wheat , 52.000
m. : corn. G.OOO bu. | oats , 18,000 bu.
BIIH'MKNTH Klour , 6.000 bbls. : wheat , < , 'HO '
) , ; corn , 23.0UO bu , ; oats , > 0IW bu.
C'otliin .Market.
nltdllng , 69-lCcj low middling , 65-lCc ; Ki > - l i.
irrilnary. 61-ICoj net nnd crom ivfelpts , 89
luli-s ; fi | rt . ountwue , 50 bales ; salt-n , 270
uilt'i ; stK-k. 29,277 bales. if
NK\V YOIHC , Aug. Z2. COTTON-nullj mid-
11 lib' . 113-lCo ; net and groai rcctlptf , none ;
lo Great Britain , 2iU balcij 19 tu
for Bnfants and Children.
I recommend ltiwituiorliirt ; 'any | irvn.-rlpllon
known to me. " II. A. A.-.r.i. ; : : i. 11 ,
111 130. Oxford CL , llrooUyn , N. V.
"Tho u < aj of 'Castorl.i tmlrrrsr.I nml
Us merits H ) well lno\vn t'.iat It * .vis : n work
of BUKTcrojratloi | : to endorse 't. ' 1'ew the
! r.Uill-Mit ! ( fnmllli" ! who do not kiv ; > C'.istorla
Wlllln wisy reach. "
CUU"i JIjUirVN , 1) ) . D. ,
l.'cw Yor ! { C'lty.
Cnnttirlncun-ftCnll- , Constipation , T y ,
Hour tttoiuirli , I > l.irruv : < i , Kniotntlon , ' *
Kills Worms , gl\ea rlii-p , mid promotes dl
gost ton ,
Without Injurious ) mc < 'tcalon. !
'Tor several years I linvo rccommendeA
your ' ( . ' .istorl.V r.r.d thr.ll Always continue tc
do M ni It li.n Invariably produced beneficial .v
results. "
inwi : K. I'Aiinnr , JI. I ) . , '
12Mh Street amiHi Avo. , New York City.
Tun C'r.s-Mrti COMPANY. 17 Mcniu * BTIIKET , I."E\T YORK CITT.
jIc''JHH [ / * t .1 ILL i -fjg
Reduced From
I IS EXACTLY UK - CUT , latest style , finished antlquo ; has
18x40 bcvol plate mirror , woven wire bpring with heuvy spiral springs In
the center , and patent castors , so that it can bo moved ab.iut easily.
Every fold'ng bed in our immense establishment is marked in largo ,
plain figures at almost } former prices to reduces our onormou stock.
All 'Gunn" Folding 13eds at lows than manufacturer's cost.
$15 Folding Duds for $7.5.
$18 1-oldliiB Huds for $ ! ) . 8.
$25 Folding Huds for $12.50.
$10 FoldiiiK cds for $22.50.
$50 Folding Ucds for $27.75.
$ 5 FoIdiiiK Huds for $31,50.
$75 Folding Hods for $3 ! ) .
$5)0 ) Folding Huds for $1.2.25.
$100 Folding Buds for $ ' 18.75.
$125 Folding Ujds for $ ( > 7.75.
Ice Chests , worth $10 , for $4.75 , .
100 ice chests , hard wood , all mdorn : improvements , size IIU
inches long , 20 Inches deep , 27 inches high , patent castors ,
perfect ventilation.
Refrigerators , with water cooler , $6.98
Description : Hard wosd , finished antique , latest style , airtight -
tight lockH , metal shelves , porcelain lined water cooler ; dimensions -
sions : 21 inches long , 10 iuulics deep , a'J inches high. Rednc-iU
from $15 00.
Terms : Cash or Easy Payments. ©
Formerly People's taitulh Hoan.
gild 10 cents for postagu on Big * ) )1-Ct ) taloguu.
/ ' Write for Bnby Carriage Cataloguu Mailed Free.
Goods sold on payments In Council Bluffs & South Omaha ,
Close evening at ( J:30 : except Saturdays.
cont'iient , 300 bales ; forwarded , none ; sales. CSO
bales ; spinners , 280 bales ; slock , 97,1 ! > D bnlrs ;
total today , ncl receipts. 2.517 b.ilcs ; exports to
llrcat llrltaln , 2.9S9 bales ; l" > the continent , 400
bales ; slock , 177,233 bales ; cinsolldated net re
ceipts , 8.008 bales ; expoils lo Orvat Hrltoln ,
10,082 bales ; to the continent , 3. < : .7 . laics ; total s ncJ
Scplember. 1 , net receipts , 5,8111,450 bales ; exports
lo On-lit llrltaln , 2.S51.612 bales ; to Franco , 602-
237 bales ; to the contlnunt , 1,708,093 bales ; to th
cliannel , 9.CS1 bales.
Now York Dry < .oo < l .llurliot.
NEW YOUK , Aug. 22. More activity has been
irescnt In all departments of the commission
nule today than nt any t'mi during the last y-nr
mil the volume of business has been very huge.
Irown sheetings of eveiy count and w.'lght are
Inner at cm rent rales and concessions arc no
onger obtainable. Illeached cottons have shared
n much attention. The m.iiKct begins lo re-
lect seriously the enormous curtailment of pro-
luctlon of cotton'goods that has been going on
it the rate of 16,000 pkgs. for nine weeks iillo-
ether and which furnishes n total deficiency
if 41,000 pkgs. at the lowest estimate , If It deed not
each 200.000 pkgs. Printing fabrics , active ,
lint cloths In demand , with sales of 40.001 pieces
it 2 11-lCc and 10,000 pieces nt 2 u , the latter
u Ice being bid at the cloke. Woolen goods In
rood rermest and many goods have been ordeied
or spring. _
Cotton .Market ,
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 82.-COTTON-Q.ulet ;
lali-s , 270 bnli-s ; ordinary , rii c ; HOIK ! ordinary ,
ioj low middling , f'Ue ! mldilllng , CHc ; goo < l mid *
Illng , 613-16c ; mldilllng , fair , 7G-I6c ; ri-celp's ,
19 bales ; cxpoits , coastwise , GOO bales ; Ri ? l ( ,
3,277 bales ; futures , steady ; sales. 9,500 bales ;
\URUst , 16.31 bid ; September , J1.3ilC.3l ; Ocla-
ier , J0.33 (0.31t ( November , JO 11170.42 ; December ,
6.49S6.50 ; January. J6.S3 < jC.r,5 ; l-Vbrmiry , J0.llj ( ( >
.62 ; March , JC.674JIU.S ; April. JO.73flO.74 : May ,
0.79jj6.81 ; June , J0,3.iff0.37 ; July , JO.91fjO.93.
HT. I.Ol'IH , Aug. 22.-COTTON-Qillet ; mid-
lllng , CT4c : sales , 000 hales ; shipments , GOO bales ;
ilock , 21tOO bales.
Oil Miirkets.
OIL CITY , PH. , Aug. 22. Nnllnntil Transit cer-
lllcntt'H opened at 80 % ; blRliest. 80 % ; lowest ,
* % ; cloHc-d , 80K ; uhlpmvnts , 87,807 bbls. ; runs ,
15,701 bills.
PITTHIII'IIO. Pa. , Aug. 22. National Trans ! !
ertlllcatiii opened at 80i : closed al 80H ! hlBheal ,
,05i ; lowest , 803 ; no salrs.
pot , .18s ; August and September shipment , via
npe , 38s. _
NEW YOUK. Aug. 22. miOAII Ilnw , strong ;
uilesxf \ \ bags c'litrifiiKal , 90 tent , 3jc ! > c , I , f. ,
bags , Cuba milim ) en. 89 test. 2Hc , e. I , f. ;
ellned , Ilrm.
Wool .M
HT LOIIIH , Auif. 22. WOOIQ.ulet , without
An a general household liniment for the
relief of pain , for slight nllnii.'iitu und from
njurles rofitiltlnK froni acc.'ldonts , Cliamlier-
aln'u 1'aln Dalin 1ms met with unparalleled
lucceua. It la also fumoua for IU cures of
lit'umatlBiu and lame back , For nulo ty
Irngglste. _
A Now Train to Chicago
Commencing Auguit 12 , the "Omaha anil
Chicago epeclal , " via tlio Chicago & North- ,
vcslern railway , leaves Omaha dally at 6:15 : ;
. m. , and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : next j
nornlnf. Vc-etlbulcd dining car , Wagner
leepera and chair cars form the tiiuliimetit
this train and all to "
, are up "North-
vcatern" standard.
1101 Famam itreet , city ticket office. . . .
Stand at the Head.
For thirty ycara
DticbcrWatch discs
liuvo been cnilorecilby
every prominent dca-
The I ) neb or trade
mark In this country ,
I and Ilia Hail mark In
I England lire n Rimrnu-
J ADJUSTED ' tec of jmro metal. 17-
jewel Ilampdsii move-
incuts In Duubcr discs
stand nt tha head.
If your dealer does not Ifcep our watches mull
us your address nlid wo will send you Ilia
nntni ) of it denier who does. THU DUKULB
WATCU WoiiKb , Canton , O.
We Have Corn
Write or wire us for prices ,
I1' . O. H. earn , Oniiilia , or
delivered at your station.
Telephone 218.
Omaha Elevator Co.
Co mmissiou Merchant
Cniin am ! Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago and New York.
All buslncM ! ) ordera placed on Uhlcuita
DourU of Trade.
Corrospondencu uollcltcd ,
Office , room 4 , New York Llfo Uulldlng.
Telephone KUH.
17. N. I > rjn > ltoi-u , Unitilia , Krltrai/tiU.
CAPITAL , - $400,000
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
Orrcer : and Directors-Henry W. Vales , prcs
lilrnl ; John H. Collins , vice-president ; L vile
B. Ili-cO , CMhlcrt William II. t ) . Hughes , ulit
ml cashier. ,