I PERFdRMAXCE BEBIHS AT BilS O'CLOCK ' SHARP , 15,000 , SQUABETOS of WONDERFUL SCEHER ! A TRIUMPH Modest , handsome and shapely -OF ladies neatly and classically cos tumed in a series of marvelous groupings and intricate evolutions. r > * /n TTpr 3T7 7 1rnN > JfJ FtgzJSfy- * * " In this Magnificent Display of Fireworks will appearthe like ness of 1 Head Council Modern Woodmen of America , 350 REDUCED irr ) > - ! I > Z1 * 1 r * * i < . I * j , Performers on CT3 iCT3 V r S. A.ND Tilt. P3 I i em the Stage. * -3 CX3 s = > G S RATES ON ALL Cfc- fej eg . Emblem of the Order tea Music * Charming by ST2 = " r f 2 = s = 5 CX3 " 0 ' Theatre Band- Boyd's - OO 'i-i ' C = 3 IN A BLAZE OF GLORY. Admission , with good scat 50 ° Admission , with reserved seat 7 c Family Boxes , Heating' 11 vo persons $5.00 Single Saat In Boxes 1-00 Children under 12 years 25c Children occupying Reserved Scats or Box Scats full price. Take the Sherman avenue cars and change ours at Locust street ; no transfer slip is ncccssnry. On entering cars at Locust street pay ten cents , conductor gives you a return ticket. On returning from Courtland Beach conductor takes up this return ticket and hands you a transfer slip which will take you to cither end of the Sherman avenue line you may desire to go. 5 ACRES OF MASSIVE SCENERY. A BEAUTIFUL BALLET AND GLITTERING TABLEAUX. AWE-INSPIRING ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS. Ladies and children unes corted can visit this refined performance with perfect pro priety. RESERVED SEATS 1 Tickets POMPEII Olf S.tLK AT to Kuhn's ' , 15th and Douglas. Also admit to Conrtand ! Kinslor's , 10th and Farnam Beach while Oourtloiid Fuller' ' ? , 14th and Douglas Beach tickets are not good Kipliuger's , 13th and Far for . nam. U. P. train to Pompeii leaves Council Bluffs at 9th and Broadway at 7:00 : pk m ; Pompeii. returning leaves Courtland Beach at 10:45 : p. mFare for round trip 25c. BISHOP BONACOM DEFIED Hastings CathJics Will Support Fa'her Ecglisb , the Deposed Priest. THEY APPEAL TO THE PAPAL DELEGATE Indignation .MeotliiB nt St. Cocolla'H Church lu Opposition to the Ilomuvul of Their Pastor CHUSO of lliu Trouble. HASTINGS , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to The Iloe. ) St. Cecilia's Catholic church con tained about 350 members tonight when the parish nicotine , advertised for a few d ys past , was called to order. After putting Patrick Hlncs In the chair and choosing Patrick Franoy secretary , John C. Stevens announced the subject to como before the meeting. He stated that Father J. E. English , the priest of the parish , had been ordered to leave Hastings and report to David City on the 1st of the month by Illsuop Itonacum. Ho claimed that a priest could only be removed upcn charges preferred and that no charges had been inado that Father English might have a chance to disprove. In the naino of the parish ho thought that nn open Investigation wna duo and it Ungllsh was found un worthy of tilling the priestly ofllco In Hasting * ho should bo sent to a monastery and not to David City. This seemed to be the souse of the meeting to a dot and a number of speeches wcro made to that effect. A committee on resolutions pre sented a Berles of resolutions setting out Father English's life In Hastings for the last six years ; how ho had won the love and respect of Catholics and Protestants ; how ha had Increased the value of the church property fully $15,000 , and detailing the man- no r In which ho Incurred the enmity of the bishop of the diocese , A speedy and full trial of the charges. If any existed , was de manded as a right of the priest and his congregation. A petition to Mgr. Satollt war also drawn up and signed by all present. Messrs. J-C. HlcVcns and Tom Dronnan were appointed delegates to present the memorial nnd resolutions to Satolll and funds for their transportation Immediately raised. The dis satisfied members were not present and the sentiment of the parish as manifested was unanimous. HOW IT OAMi : AltOUT. liu-ntt I.viiillug I'P ' to the I to 1110 vn I of rather Kim-Hull. The removal of Father English from Hastings Is generally regarded as a part of the plan of punishment tobo meted out to the priests who preferred charges of mis conduct and maladministration against Dlshop Donacum. The charges against the bishop , It will bo remembered , covered a wldo range , culling In question not only the spiritual character of tbo accused , but also his honesty and his morals. Few of tin signers of the Indictment had personal grievances to air. Most of them were , llko Father Knglldh , reluctantly forced to take Hides against the bishop In the Interest of religion nnd the preservation of tha church In the diocese. A trial of the bishop on the charges was promised by Mgr. Satolll , the papal delegate , during his visit to Omaha lu June , 1S93 , and ho expressed tbo opinion , based on the evidence In his posses sion , that the removal of Illshop Donacum was the proper remedy. The trial then and subsequently promised failed to materialize. Instead an Investigation wai undertaken by Archbishop Hcnnesay of Dubuque , last April. With the exception of a committee of Lin coln Catholics , the Investigation was limited Btrlntly to partisans of the Indicted blihop. Archbishop Hemtesay reported to the apos- tollo delegate that the better class of the laity and a majority of the priests of the dloce.se sustained Illshop llonucum. During tbo archbishop's visit to Lincoln a pnper extolling the administration of Illshop Ilona prujunted tn Ui4 irknUljc for their signatures. Thrco of them re fused to sign , and they assert positively that a majority did not endorse the admin istration of the bishop. On the strength of the cx-parto Investiga tion of Archbishop Honnessy and his conclu sions , Mgr. Satolll Indicated In a letter to the complaining priests a disposition to sus tain the bishop and dismiss as frlvobus the grave charges preferred against him. No formal decision , however , has been rendered. Prior to the favorable report of the arch bishop , niehop Bonacum declared war on the nominal head of the rebellion. Rev. M. J. Corbett. After the report the war was prosecuted with redoubled vigor , resulting In ousting Father Corbett from the Palmyra mission and setting him adrift. Father English Is the second victim of episcopal wrath , and Father Fitzgerald , secretary of the complaining priests , Is believed to stand next in line for punishment. Father English Is a priest of fifteen years standing. Ho came to the diocese of Omaha In 1879 , and served a faithful and success ful apprenticeship on the missions In the Interior of the state. As a reward for his zeal , the late Dlshop O'Connor promoted him by making him pastor of the cathedral In Omaha. While at St. Phllomena ho en deared himself to young and old of the con gregation and brought about a unity of ac tion and organization such as the , cathedral had not before experienced. On the division of the diocese In 1SS7 , ho was assigned to the Lincoln division. Illshop Donacum as signed him to the Hastings mission , accom panying the assignment with profuse promises of permanency. Late In 1892 , when reports affecting the administration of Illsliop Uonncum wcro laid before the proper authorities , Illshop Scannell of Omaha was ordered hy Mgr. Satolll to Inquire Into their truthfulness. By order of Bishop Scannell , acting under Instructions of the papal dele gate , Father English procured certain testi mony In his parish. For thus offending he was Immediately singled out by Bishop Donncmn and subjected to Indignities and persistent csplonago which could not be calmly borne. Emissaries were sent Into the parish to provolto discord and divide the congregation. But they were unsuccessful. When Archbishop Hennessy visited the parish , during his tour of Investigation , per sistent drumming and tearful appeals resulted In securing only four signatures to a paper requesting the removal of Father English. The order of removal to David City was Issued some weeks ago. Upon Its receipt Father English wrote to Mgr. Satolll , re viewing the situation and requesting to be heard In person at Washington. The dele gate replied that Illshop Ilonacum could not remove him except for grave causes , and from documents In his possession ho Judged that the order was made "for Just and most grave offenses. " Wherefore , the order must be obeyed. The passing of sentence on ex-parto evi dence and denying1 the accused priest a hear ing or knowledge of his accusers or of the accusations has aroused much Indignation In Omaha , as well as In Hastings. It Is cer tain a personal demand will bo made upon the delegate , In a day or two , for a copy of the charges , and It Is not Improbable , If a copy U obtained , that the accusers will bo required to substantiate them. The row In the Lincoln dlocesu Is not set tled by any means , nor Is It likely to bo until it Is settled right. There ore sutllclent rumors and substantial reports current to warrant the prediction that an ecclesiastical oxuloslon Is an early possibility. Fnlli City Operator lIHil Up. PALLS CITY , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special Tele gram to The llee. ) James Fitzgerald , the night operator at the Missouri Pacific depot , was held up by two footpads yesterday mornIng - Ing and relieved of 122 , During the scullto Fitzgerald was severely bruised and choked Into Insensibility. There Is no duo to the rubbers. While out riding yesterday afternoon tha her attached to the vehicle fell ikwn , throwing MUs Jessie Morton out , breaking her right arm between the elbow and wrist. with Ilurnlnf ; n Hum. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special Tel egram to The Dee. ) July 23 the large barn on tha Chris Monnot farm was dotsroyed by tire , which was supposed to bo of Incondlary origin. A reward was offered for the capture of Joseph Lleberlng. a farm hand of Mor- met' who hud skipped out. Sheriff Fergus received a telegram ( row Uern , Kan. , day stating that Lleberlng had been cap tured. The sheriff went after him immedi ately and brought him back without requisi tion. Ills trial was held this afternoon and the case- continued to August 27. On ono complaint for stealing a gun he was fined $10 and costs. In default of bond ho went to Jail. MAUUIITBU WOULDN'T MAKE Ul' . Attempted Doubln Mimlor nt Ur.uicl Is ! mill by n FlnniliNli Htep-1'athrr. GRAND ISLAND , Aug. 22. ( Special Tele gram to The Dec. ) August Lesslg attempted to shoot his wife and stepdaughter last night and later made a mock attempt to commit suicide. Lesslg Is out on bonds to answer to the charge of assaulting his daughter. He wanted to settle , but the daughter protested. Llsslg was enraged and tried to kill both. All are alive and none seriously injured. Lesslg Is In charge of Sheriff Porter of Merrlck county , of which ho is a citizen. From Sheriff Rorher , who was In the city this morning , the following particulars were obtained : He received a message at quite a late hour last evening notifying- him of the shooting. He proceeded to Chapman , but learning' that Lesslg had , after the shooting , taken a team and began traveling- west , he came on to Grand Island and drova north towards the farm of a man named Koehlor , who was a friend of Lesslg's. Ho supposed that ho woulii find his man thcro and his suppositions were correct. Koehlcr was at first unwilling to permit the sheriff to take Lesslg , but when told that any resistance would be very se verely met Koehlcr subsided and this morning Sheriff Rorher brought Losslg to Grand Is land , leaving at noon for Central City , whore ho will bo safely housed In the couty Jail. - llunnntt Cunp Mooting. 11ENNETT , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special to The Dee. ) The fifth day of the camp meetIng - Ing hero has shown an Increased attendance. A number of new arrivals caine In and others are yet to come. Over fifty tents are on the grounds , many having two fam ilies In them. J. G. Southwlck , who has charge of the grounds , keeps a street sprink ler laying the dust , making everything pleasant. Rev. Mr. Sclby delivered the morning sermon to a large audience. Evan gelist Wilson preached at the .1 o'clock service , and T. C. Webster of Omaha spoke In the evening. Rev. Mr. Sclby and Mrs. Roberts conducted the young people's meet ing. The attendance today has bean very gratifying to the management , largo num bers from the country being present. The meetings are growing In spiritual Interest and enthusiasm , and many are coming to the altar. Wednesday afternoon occurs the annual election of ofllcers of the association. l > iiniuroiii Tramps Arre ti < il. FREMONT , Aug. 22. ( Special to The Bee. ) While the guests of the Now York house were at supper last evening a gang of tramps appeared at the kitchen door and demanded supper , and upon the refusal of the cook to comply two of them stepped Insldo and threatened to tear the house down unless their order was filled then and there. They were arrested. This morning the spokesman of the party was sentenced to ten days In the county Jail , with a bread and water diet. A committee of builders having examined the Central school building , which was con demned by architects , decided that a few hundred dollars In repairs will malco the building perfectly safe , W. II. Meangcr left lost evening for Col- fax Springs. _ K Wutnr Crowdtul with Crooks. WEEPING WATER , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) Housebreak ers have been gutting In their work here. These reported are : J. M. Teegarden had about (200 In Jewelry stolen ; George Gllmoro , $5 and Jewelry ; I. N. Woodford , $10 , The residences of D. M. Johnson , Ed Jones and Oeorga Woods were also entered , Tbo town Is full of crooks. * rhluf Hound Ovt'r. HASTINGS. Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to The Uco. ) Kbens-zer Lawrence , the milk wagon driver who robbed hU employer and fled to Michigan , was today bound over to the district court In $100 ball , which he could not JuruUh , MOST INSTRUCTIVE 'LESSON EVER PLACED THE HUMAN MIND , I CONSERVATION OF IM01STURE Lancaster County Man Has a Scheme that Will Beat Irrigation. STORES SURPLUS' RAINFALL IN SOIL Has Treated Several Acres on I1U Furm According to Ills Jlolhod und IH Now Prepared to Demonstrate Its Success. LINCOLN , Aug. 22. ( Special to The Bee. ) The governor Is In receipt of a letter from I. N. Leonard , living about seven miles northwest of the city , in which he calls at tention to a paper published In the state horticultural report on tbo conservation of moisture. Mr. Leonard states that he has four acres of land treated In this way , and Is ready to show at any time any place on the plcco of ground within two Inches of the surface soil as moist as It Is usually found at Its best In April or May. Ho advises that every man put himself to work digging holes every rod square and filling with top soil. In this way , ho says , ho has demonstrated the fact that every acre of land so treated has held back and stored up every drop of moisture that fell upon it , and will bring It back to the surface when needed , by the power of capillary at traction. He declares that his plan has passed beyond the experimental stage and is now an established ( act. A cordial In vitation Is extended to the governor and his staff , members of the legislature anci all scientists who may desire to inspect the land so treated to call and examine It. The latest story George Washington Davis has Indulged lu Is to deny the ownership of the coat that was found near the wreck , notwithstanding the fact that the clerk who sold It to him visited Davis In his cell and positively Identified him as the ono ho sold a suit to , Oscar Bell Is n young lad whose mother made complaint to the police last night that he had become drunk by drinking alcohol. It was her Intention to'tiava him sent to the reform school , Ijjil n elder brother living In Omaha arrived | u town this mornIng - Ing and took him baclfwKh , him with the promise of putting' him toi work. The students of the university have read with delight the tribute 'paid to Prof. L , A. Sherman by the Chlcafeo Record , which regards him as a valuAii ) ) ) acquisition to the Chicago university , evqn for so short a time as the summer term , t u The * police court held a Urge audience this morning when the cash > dt the state against T. Youngy Johnson for grand larceny was called. Judge Waters' . f | lil that Inasmuch as he had como Into nopansslon of the ring lawfully ho cciiild not ba held for stealing It , wherefore he was discharged. Another new project fur'ttio ' straightening of the devious course ofny.ilt creek has been set on foot , which Is uptlto result lu some thing definite being 'ufccdinpllslied. U Is understood that the property owners along the west bank of Salt basin have agreed to give the right of way clear across the bottoms toms over which a new channel for the creek will be excavated , making all the property east of Salt basin available for residences and manufacturing purposes , and It Is sup posed that these property holders will be willing to give such amounts as they are able toward the construction of the proposed canal. The cost of excavating the channel over this route Is estimated at $50,000 more than the one talked of over the Burns prop erty , the right of way of which has been refused , I'opulUti' lluy at HASTINGS , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) This has been a populist day In Hastings. One of the largest crowds of farmers ever In the city gathered at the fair grounds , ate roast ox , listened to populUt speeches and talked politics. The thousands present weru Addresstd at IMMENSE GRAND STAND 10,000 , PEOPLE , length by Congressman McKelglmn , Prof. W. A. Jones of Hastings and others. In the evening tlio populists transferred their celebration to the city and speaking on the streets by McKeighan and others at tracted quite a crowd. Tomorrow morning the wagon brigade to Grand Island will leave Hastings at 9 o'clock , stopping at Oonlphan for dinner and to conduct a meeting there. Flit 13 AT TAliUAUB. Severn ! Frnmo nulltllnRS Uostroycil anil They Arc Not Mliwod. TALMAGE , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special Tele gram to The Dee. ) The most disastrous flro In the history of Talmage occurred this after noon about 5 o'clock. The flro started In the rear of Meyers' livery barn and soon spread to adjoining buildings , which were all frame , and burned rapidly. The village having no flro protection of any character could do nothing. The livery barn of Meyers Uros. , Dr. Ewhs' ofllco and residence , Klrby's bar ber shop , Mrs. W. H. Nekirk's millinery shop , Mark Hertstein's Jewelery store and I'aul Hamplo's harness shop were entirely destroyed. The wind being In the south the flre soon spread to the Talmage bank , but this building being brick was saved , but the adjoining building , being a frame structure and occupied by Coorgo Strocnicr as n saloon , was entirely consumed All the buildings burned were old frame structures and the flro w/ll / prove of ultimate benefit It they are reytawJ with brick buildings. The en- Urn loss Will aggregate $3,000 ; Insurance , $1.009. IfliniilmoiiH for Iiryun. FLATTE CENTER , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to Tlje Dee. ) The democrat * of Platta count/ met ID convention today at this placg. TIja convention was harmonious In every respect and was unanimous for Hon. W. J. Bryan and free sliver. The fol- Icwlng delegates were sent to the state con vention : W. N. Hensley , George Lehman , J. A. Kehoe , J. J. Sullivan , C. D. Murphy , II. H. Elliott , T , J. Johnson , II. 0. CarriRg. D. A. Halo and W. W. Wilson. Float con vention J. B. Delsman , S. Hyan , D. A. Hale , Fred Schure , J. Hengler , G. Rhode , H. S. Elliott , J. A. Kehoo , O. TerwIlllKcr , O. Baker , A. J. Zellter , H. U.iun. Senatorial G. W. I'hllllps , J. J. Sullivan , D. G. Kavenaugh , P. S. Grlflln , J. I1. Walker , M. Sweeney , Pat Hayes , Joe Lockhart , Dave Schupbaugh. It. S. Moran , Chris Shirts and U. Regan. John M , Gendering waa nominated for county at torney and Detricii Headier for the legisla ture. Congressional convention delegates are : Joe Locklmrt , D. C. Kavenaugh , J. W. Lynch , Dr. Oltey , II. C. Carrlgg , O. 8. Mor- gun. Hubert llraun , J. P. Walker , II. 3. Elliott and M. Luenaz. Judge Hensley made a strong speech In favor of Judge Rob inson for congress In the Third district. Arrcittril a Smooth Sohomor. HEBRON , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special to The Ijee.SIerlft ) , Llndsey returned with W. O. Parker from Des Molncs last evening. The charge lodged against Parker Is forgery. Parker , who was a highly respected resident of Chester , this county , forged the note * of different well-to-do farmers and hypothecated the notes for security. Upon such forged paper he obtained $1.850 from the Tliayer county bank , $350 from the First National Hank of Hebron , $ G50 from Farmers' Banker or Chester und $2,100 from a bank at Bell- vllle , Kan. He kept his paper In good standIng - Ing at the banks until August , 1803 , when the banks pressed for payment. Ho then realized that his game was at an end and left Chester for parts unknown. Detectives lo cated him at Des Molnes. Itril Clouil Hey Hurt. RED CLOUD , Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special to The llee. ) night-ycar-old Roy Rife fell on a pitchfork yesterday afternoon. One tine passed entirely through his hody , penetrat ing his lungs. Ho ls resting easy , with a possibility of recovery. , llurtiiril lliMlilunru Kuliliod. HARVARD , Nob. , Aug. 22. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The house of Cleveland Eller was robbed this afternoon , the robber securing $20 In cash and other valuables , Domino of C' . A. hwiuuoii. WAUSA. Neb. . Aug. 22. ( Special to The Dpi ; . ; Mr. C. A. S\\aii5on , au gd ] uuU Roman Sports and Games 18 Centuries Ago. Immense Lake 3OO Feet Long 10O Feet Wide with Pompeiian Flotillas. respected citizen , passed away today. Ho had been suffering many months from an attack of paralysis , which had taken him suddenly when on his way to Texas last spring. Yesterday1 ho was seized with another attack , which ended fatally. Mr. Swanson was one of the earliest settlers hero , and was the principal founder of the flourishing Swedish settlement here. Ho leaves a wife and family. W. C. T. U. Cnnvintlnii nt York. YORK. Neb. , Aug. 22. ( Special to The Bee. ) The tenth annual convention of the AVoman'a Christian Temperance union of the Sixth district will meet hero tomorrow. It has been definitely settled that the York college will run the coming year. It was thought for a time that It would bo necessary to close the school , but the money has been raised to pay the Indebtedness and the school will open September 1 with very bright prospects. MADE Tim mil' iiAsiLr. Tornmlo limit Kricnaaii I.ruvos New Urlraim for New Yorlt. DUBUQUE , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The torpedo boat Ericsson left New Orleans for New York today , notwith standing a dispatch from Philadelphia de scribes her reception In the Delaware river last Monday. A dispatch from Washington , In an effort to discredit ex-Secretary Tracey , cites the breaking of her propellers on the trip down the Mississippi as proof of the Impracticability of Inland ship building , to the possibilities of which the ex-secretary called the attention of congress when the contract for the Ericsson's construction was let. As a matter of fact , this breaking was anticipated , owing to the unprcccdcnt- edly low atags of water , and the boat left Dubuque equipped with temporary propellers bored through , so that little more than con tact with the water was required to break them. Had they yielded less rendlly the boat's machinery would have been Jarred. However , It worked perfectly , which gives Lieutenant Usher hope that the forthcoming trial on the Long Island course will prove the Ericsson the speediest vessel afloat. llody of u Hey I'oiinil In the Itlvor , I1ARTLHTT , la. , * Aug. 22. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) A floater was found In the Missouri river here today ; about 13 years old , dark , hair cut short , and appears to hive been drowned about four days. iriSSTlSltfl I'liXHIOXS Voternns of the l.utoVi > r Itaiitoiuburcil hy llm < : 'nuriil Coiormni'iit , WASHINGTON. Aug. 22.-Speclal ( Telo- Kram to The lice. ) Pen.sluna grunted , ( sane of August 10 , were : Nebraska : Original John I- . . Kayo , Cedar Ruplds , lloone ; ThonuiH J , McConnaclt , West Union. Additional-Robert T. Rubin- nan , Cedar Rapids , Ilouno. Restoration und reissue Amos A , Lyon ( deceased ) , Aiuorn , Hamilton. Reissue Kber Palmer , Ficmont , Dodge ; Joseph B , 1'arauns , Uuldc Rock , Webster. lowu : Original Andrew O. Crawford , Conrad Grove , Utiliuly. Reissue Jlimes A. Walker , Des Mollies , Polk : Lybrnml F. Nolen , Carroll , Carroll. Original wldciwu , etc. Mlnora of JumeH Mnrtow , Hurt , KOH- tnith ; Harriet Coulter , Oakland , I'uttaw.u- tumli'i Sarah K. Cluland , Ureenllcld , Atlnlr. Colorado : Increase ; Henry Hoodson , Pueblo , Pueblo. South Dakota : Reissue John Iluntnmer , MadlHon , Lake. North Dakota : Original Walter Blocum , Fnrgo , Cast ) . Montana : Relusue John Grady , Cokedule , Park. Lout IIIVlfo ami Hnhlfi. J. Krelswlrth , a tailor who cjine to Omaha from Lincoln last week , reports to the police that he lost his wife and two children. Mrs , KroUwlrth waa to come to this city this week , but she did not Inform her huabaml when to meet her and she came on Monduy evening. She could not find him and ittoppcd over night at the Grand hotel near the depot. She left there Tuesday and started out to look for her husband. This Is the last seen of the woman and her two children , and the h unhand Is becoming very anxious as to her safety. He U itopplng at Thirteenth ami Jones atrecU ( or the present. AERIAL AND FIREWORKS , Ml u > uOfl DESCRIPTION , CALLS VETERANS TO TIME Church flowo Fires the First Gun for Strode in tbo First. GRAND ARMY MEN AT WEEPING WATER Bovon Thotnuml I'oople Untortnlnuil nt the Soldier * ' Id-union loxtordny Interesting Features or the Ocialon : U'lll Coa- tlimo buvcrul Days. WEEPING WATERNeb.Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram to The llee. ) Hon. Church Hews addressed on enthusiastic audlonco of 7,000 people at the old soldiers' reunion held hero today and tired the first gun for Strode for congress. He arraigned the present admin istration for Its hostile policy towards th old veterans and at times was sarcastic In the extreme. Ills account from personal ob servation of the Buffering existing in many of the western counties among the old sol diers and their families from crop failures and the taking away of their pensions brought tears to the oycfl of many of his auditors. Ho mad nn earn est appeal for Judge Strode for congress from the First district and urged the old soldiers to stand together In November as they did from 18G1 to 18G5 and send u comrade to Washington to meet face to face the con federate brigadiers from the south who are today In control of congress , sitting In Judg ment as to the value of union soldiers' serv ices In saving the government they were seeking to destroy thirty years ago. Ho held the vast audience nearly two hours and at the conclusion received a per fect ovation from the old veteraiiB present. A llfo-slzcd portrait of McKlnoly , elegantly framed , under which hung an liincrlptlon In largo letters , "Our Next President , " occu pied a prominent position on Hie platform. The stage robbery was one of the features that attracted a largo crowd on Main street , The ball game between Louisville and Weep ing V.'aier for a silk banner and champion ship of the county was a ( jowl one. Score , 6 to 8 In favor of Weeping Water. Tomorrow Wcpplng Water will play against Wahash. The balloon ascension tonight was a great attraction nnd occurs every evening. About nixty horsemen took part In tha cowboy drill , which was a unique feature. Every train Is bringing In crouds and tha success of the reunion Is already assured. Orocory Stock lliirnril. An Incipient flre caused a barrel of gaso line to explode In A. Muchek's grocery at 210 North Eleventh street at noon yester day , and the structure was gutted by the flames. The lots will amount to $ GOO. No Insurance. Tha origin of the flro Is un known , as It started while the proprietor wax standing outside In front of the build ing. When moving Into our present home I found a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Ilulin left by a former tenant. On the table I found the statement that U was good for cuta and burns. I can testify to the truth of this. Nothing In all my experience hai found Its equal for treating blisters or burns , I'1. E. Barrett , manager Sentinel , Lo iv.vw , Minn. Pain Balm Is also a cure lor rheumatism. For sale by druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfo ? Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry fo Etcher's Castoria *