Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1894, Image 1

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Man from Ncmaha Fois'.ed ' Upon the Party
Party and Principle Sacrificed to Snit the
Will of Corporations.
Eepublicans in Btato Convention Name
Thomas J. Majors for Governor , '
Mr. Eosewater Etsigns His Position as Ne
braska's National Coinmitteeman.
bplnleil Contest Oi-r l.lnutenuiit anvurnor-
ulilp but fllooroVonUcclunitloim III
tliu Platform Skutchcs of the Noml-
nriM 'llio DIIJ' * Incident * .
. 11. li MOOIin
8iciuTAiiv uiSTATI : . J. A. PIPUU
TitiJASUunii . J. s. HAUTLCY :
° ! ? ! ! : u'A
ATT0.u.N.n.y. . : : :
AND UUlLUrNGS. . . . ! ! . C. KUSSCLL
Tom Majors has finally been railroaded Into
the position of republican nominee for gov
ernor of Nebraska.
The rnllroad rlngstcra liavo succ'cdcd In
forcing their pet candidate upon the party
In face of danger signals from almost every
county In the state. After the arrival of the
first delegates to the comcntlon the I ) . & M.
cappers used every Influence to force
the unpledged delegates Into line for Majors
and used their mi-uis and methods with
marked success. The Lancaster county dele
gation comprised at least twenty men who
were In fa\or of MacCoIl , but they were
simply forced by the railroad cappers to do-
Ecrt their candidate In the lntcr.'st nf Ma
jors. Such Influence was not to bo overcome ,
and Interests of the party and preferences of
the delegates cut no figure when opposed to
At an unusually early hour > cstcrday morn-
lug all Omaha seemed to be astir , republi
cans , democrats and populists being upon the
streets , discussing the outcome of the re
publican state convention to assemble nt
Kxposltlon hall. Great crowds surged
through the conldors of the hotels and the
committee rooms , as well as through the
rconiH of the various candidates who had
been seeking places upon the ticket which Is
to bo voted for at the November election.
The Interest that was displayed Tuesday
nnd Tuesday night had Increisod fully ten
fold and enthusiasm knew no bounds. At the
Mlllard hotel , the hcadquaitcrs of
the state committee , there was a
frightful crush , ovcry available space
In the lobby nnd the corridors being
packed to suffocation by men -\ho wcro In
dustriously working for Ihelr favorites. It
was a good-natured contest , with the chief
Interest narrowing down to the men who
were In the gubernatorial race.
All of the members of the central commit
tee were hard nt work , receding the creden
tials of the delegates who had anlvcd on the
early trains , furnishing general Information
and Issuing tickets of admission to delegates
and spectators.
Down at Exposition hall everything was In
a chaotic shape , but the members of the local
committee were rapidly getting things in or
der , so that at 9 o'clock when thu doors
wcro thrown open the Interior of the great
room , with Its seating capacity of 4,000 ,
presented a very pleasing apppearance.
It had been Intended to ba\e standards
placed through the room , on which would be
printed the mimes of the counties and that
the delegates from the several counties of the
state would sit beneath the o placards. This
lilan , however , was abandoned at the last
minute and the delegations wcro given posi
tions designated by th' } chairman of the local
committee. The first Moor , however , was
reserved for the delegates , the gallorlcb being
reserved for spectators who wore the holders
of tickets of admission.
The seata on the stage were reserved for
the ofllcers of the convention , honored guests ,
members of the central committee nnd rcpre-
EentatUes of the press. To the left of the
chairman's table there slood a life blze pic
ture of Abraham Lincoln , whllo on the right
llioro stood a largo picture of
Qeorgo Washington. At the rear of
the hall , almost hid by the draping of two
great American llags , hung n life fclze picture
at that old hero , General Sherman. At the rear
of the stage so\eral fligs were grouped , pro
ducing a pretty effect , whllo trl-colorcd bunt
ing hung In graceful folds from walls and
celling. Three cartoons , the handiwork of a
local artist , relieved the monotony of the west
wall and caused considerable merriment OR
they were \lowcd by the thousands. The ,
first was that of a hugo grass
hopper , whoso body was fully six feet In
length. This Insect HCcmed to bo In the
net of springing upon some unseen prey.
Its face , which was a perfect likeness of
that of William Jennings Ilryan , was tunica
toward the audience. Around Its neck
there was n collar , b.'arlng ; the single word ,
"Iliyan. " llencalh and to the left was a
Kitldo board placard , Inscribed "A 1'esllferous
Insect. " To the right of this cartoon was
arother representing Mr. Ilryun , surrounded
by n halo und branded , "The Oratorical
I'ralrlo l-'lro. " "In tills liryan was repre
sented upon a pair of skates , performing
acts which would cause the most accom
plished acrobat to turn green with envy.
The nc\t cartoon wan a companion piece ,
showing the kicking machine , which re
cently appeared In one of the Illustrated
papertt of the vast. Associated with this
was another cartoon , designated as "Hard
I4lnes for drover. " It showed the presi
dent of the United States yoked with a miilo
nnd both tugging away at a cart , which was
loaded with barrels branded "Sugar Trust"
nnd "Whisky Trust , " on the Feat of which
sat Gorman , who wan vigorously applying
the lash lo both Qrovcr and the mule.
An noon as the doom were opened the
crowd begun to file In nnd It was but a
Hhort time until the gullcry was tilled , so
that when I ho convention was called to
order two hoi-rs later by Hon. Hrad U.
Slaughttr , chairman of the state central com
mittee. standing room In the galleries was
nt a premium. The delegate * , however ,
were a trltlo slaw In arriving. The Lan
caster county del gallon wui about the first
on the ground und all ot the members were
pealtxl In a croup In thu rear of the hall. In
tht center Following them came the dele-
pains from Douglas and took their seats to
the left ot the Lancaster county men. The
from the othtr counties were
scattered , no attempt being made to keep
the respective factions together.
During the confusion of the arrival of the
delegations workers were busy discussing
the political situation , while friends of the
candidates cawed wood nnd built Up fences ,
putting on a rail here and there , whcro It
was needed and where It would do the most
good , Crowds clamored for scats on the
stage , but they were driven back and Into
the gallcrlca , the Idea seeming to prevail
among many of the people that admission
tickets were good for any portion of the
There wns music galore , for first there
came the Union 1'aclflc band with thirty
pieces , and to drive away the monotony of
waiting the boys rendered several of tlulr
best selections. While they were playing
the David City Glee club inarched Into the
hall and werj nt once greeted by n cheer
that eventually became nn ovation. The club
I * composed of ! ' . A. Snow , A. L. Hughes ,
C. W. Harwell , E. A. Smith , A. W. Illchard-
Bon , C. II. Taylor , John Harper nnd Mel
Ilauer , all clad III white duck suits nnd pink
shirts with fnow-whlte ties As noon ns
thcso singers nppcarsd upon the stage they
lined up and rang "I'tnl the Hells and Hall
the Dawn. " ThlH struck such n sympa
thetic chord In the breasts of the members
of thn audience Hint some more was called
for and In responding to the encore the boy.s
sang "Lilly , Come Kiss Your Grovcr ,
Sweet , " the chorus ot which runs :
"Lilly , come kiss jour Grovir C.
In your arms entwine.
Llliy. Lilly , Lilly , come kiss your Grover C.
Keep him right In line. "
Wltll the cose of th : song the audience
went wild with delight , but were brought
back to earth by the members of the Arlon
Oleo club of York , The members of this
club are : J. A. Parks , first tenor ; H. Sy-
mour , second tenor ; C. L. Cowan , first bass ,
and P. W. Ilroder , second bass. The uni
forms of the boys consist of tan suits and
white shirts. Their repertoire Is extensive ,
consisting of something like llfty campaign
songs , all new and appropriate for this fall's
work. Today the ones which were sung
were "Nebraska Is In Line When the News
Comes In , " with nn encore , "The Three
Hills , " Hilly Liryan , Hlliy Allen and Hilly
Hy this tlmo all of the dcle-
gnUs arrived and were escorted to seats ,
after which lion Hrad D. Slaughter the
chairman ot th ° republican state committee ,
rapped for order and a hush fell over the
vast audlenco , f-very person appreciating the
fact that the hour for nominating a repub
lican state ticket had arrived.
It was Just 11 o'clock when Chairman
Slaughter of the state ccntial committee
called the big convention to order and re
quested Itcv. L. G. Hrookcr of Kearney to
Invoke a divine blessing upon the delibera
tions of the day. The Invocation was short
and at Its close Sccretiry Tom Cooke read the
formal call which brought the convention
to Omaha. This done Chairman Slaughter
Introduced Captain C. E. Adams of Superior
as the temporary chairman of the convention ,
selected Tuesday evening by the state cen
tral committee. Chairman Adams acknowl
edged the burst of applause which greeted
his appearance and addressed the conven
tion briefly as follous :
Representatives ot the republicans ot the
state of Nebraska , I ncccpt this gavel In
obedience to your will , and thank you for
thu proud distinction jou have conferred
upon me.
I am proud today that I am a republican
nnd ntn Htlll more Justly proud of the fact
that republicans arc meeting all over this
broad land.of ours in. conventions to right
political wrongu find to retrieve national
dlBgracc and correct natlonul disasters.
Indeed , my fellow citizens , we cannot
shut our eyes to the fact that In the past
eighteen month democratic sumeini'V
has been ushered In , nnd not a few dis
couraging anil dlBpni aging- circumstances
liav'i- marked Us return to power , financial ,
moral , commercial disasters have spread
over the country IlUc nn Arctic wave nnd
cast a deep gloom over our country nt the
time when wo were experiencing our grand
est piosiperlty. All this , however , will be
but temporalWe have Inet here today
for the purpose of placing In nomination
n tlckrt to bo voted for nt the election tills
fall. This Is the time tor patriots to assert
their pattlotlc sentiments. The republican
party Is n puity of patriots. See that the
patriotic llres kindled upon your altarn
today will be of biioh n chniacter that they
will bo burning In every hamlet and town
ship , and at every llreslde thioughout the
land. See , lee , that llie e tires tire kept
conHtnntly burning. See that no paitlon
of patriotic duty Is obscun-d. Remember
that your Influence for good or bad gov
ernment lives fore\er.
The chairman announced that the tem
porary secretaries recommended by the state
committee were H. M. Waring of Omaha ,
C. E. Walte of Lincoln and C. H. Uarnard of
Pawnee. The Lincoln Glee club sang two
songs and the mill commenced.
G. M. Lambcrtson of Lincoln started the
real work of tlie convention by moving that
the chair appoint n committee of thirteen
on resolutions. U was carried.
Dr. Hanchett of Douglas moved that the list
of delegates as prepared by the state central
committee from the credentials presented by
the several county delegations be accepted as
the regularly accredited delegates to the
state convention. There were no contests
and the motion prevailed.
The chair announced the following as the
commlttteo of thirteen on resolutions : 0 ,
M. Limbertson , Lincaster ; C. L. Choffee ,
Douglas ; Iloss L. Hammond , Dodge ; M. L.
Haywurd , Otoe ; C. C. McNUh , Cumlng ;
C. II. Gear , Lancaster ; E. Hosewntcr , Doug
las ; Carl T. Seeley , Madison ; E. T. Hodson ,
Colfax ; W. H. Ncedham , Knot ; M. F. Stan
ley , Hamilton.
A motion sending all resolutions to the
committee without debate was carried without
The first test of strength of the contending
parties on the floor of the convention was
precipitated at the very Instant that the
decks wore cleared for action ,
W. E. Peebles moved that the temporary
organization be made permanent and the mo
tion prevailed.
Ueforo Peebles had hardly dcchred the re
sult of the vote Judge M , L. Hayward of
Otoc was on his feet with a motion that the
convention proced at once to take an Informal
ballot for candidate for governor.
Hen Haker of Douglas was equally quick
In offering an amendment to the effect
that the first ballot bo considered a formal
one.In support ot hla amendment Haker de
clare.1 that the delegates were not here on
n fishing excursion. Every delegate tm the
floor know whom he wanted nominated for
governor. Nothing would bo gained by
spending time on useless roll calls. The
delegates were hero not to feel around to see
how the other fellows stood , but to express
their preferences for the standard bearer
who Is to lead the republican party ot Ne
braska to victory In November.
The chair put the motion and whllo the
sound from the convention seemed to Indicate
that the amendment had carried , the presid
ing olllcer hesitated an Instant and was lost.
Ho declared that ho was unable to decide
between the aye and nay vote. The Majors
delegates who were opposing the amendment
at once took the cue from the chairman und
demanded a roll call.
The roll call proceeded In the midst of
great confusion. Douglas county passed
when Its name was reached on the roll call ,
but on the final roundup the vote wns an
nounced ns SI for the amendment and ! M
agatnil , Lancaster cast her fiolld sixty
votes against the amendment.
Long betoro the roll call had been com
pleted It wail evident that the amendment
had bten snowed under. The chair an
nounced that ( he amendment had been de
feated by u vote ot COG to .155.
The original motion offered by Judge Hayward -
ward was then carried , and the roll call ot
counties for the Informal lallot for governor
wn ordered.
Adams county gvvung off with sixteen votes
for Majors and nnn for Muct'oll , and the an
nouncement was gretrd by a cheer. The
call proceeded without Incident until Doug
las county was reached. There was a brief
lull of expectancy before Guy C. Ilarton ,
chairman of the delegation , announced the
vote. Kyerjbody had been looking for n
break that U , everjbodjr who wanted Tom
Majors nominated for governor. Uefore the
Douglas county vote had been announced
Majors and MacCoIl bad been
running neck and neck , Mtjori liaylus 120
votes and MncColl 117. Chairman Harlon
announced 103 votes for MacColl and the con
vention broke loose In a tumultuous cheer.
The hoped for break In the big county' ranks
had not come on the Informal ballot. After
Douglas county had voted MacColl had 225
votes to his credit while his opponent still
remained at 120.
There was another liunh of expectancy
when Lancaster county was reached. At
this point MncColl was ahead , but Judge
Cobb , chairman of the Lancaster delegation ,
cast the entire vote , sixty In number , for
Majors. There vvns renewed cheering from
the Majors contingent and after further con
fusion the call proceeded. There were some
surprises nil nlong down the list of counties ,
but none of n serious nature.
After the roll cnll had been completed the
David City and York glee clubs distracted
the attention of the anxious and swotting
crowds on the floor below while the secre
taries figured up the result of the Informal
ballot as follows :
The announcement of the result precipi
tated something nkln to n riot. Twenty dele
gates were on their feet and twenty mouths
were articulating with a fervor that defied
description. There were yells for adjourn
ment , cries for a roll call , jeers at Douglas
county , and yelps from a pack of unidenti
fied people on the outside. Chairman Adams
was utterly unable to either control the
crowds or to remember what little of Rob
erts' Rules of Order or of Cushlng's Manuel
ho might have known at one time In his
Judgj Aaron Wall moved that the conven
tion take a recess until 2 o'clock. In splto
of the facl , apparent to every fair man on
the floor of the convention , Chairman Adams
refused to entertain the motion and ordered"
tlu secretary to call the roll for a formal
ballot for the nomination of governor.
There had been no motion for a formul
ballot. Judge Wall's motion was clenrly In
order , but the secretary called the first
county on the list.
Instantly the confusion was redoubled In
every part ot the house , and In the midst of
the noise Ben Baker was seen standing on n
chair In the center of the Douglas county
de'cgatlon. For nearly five minutes the nntl-
MacColl forces endsavorcd to howl him
down. By dogged persistence Baker finally
compelled the reluctant chairman to recog
nize him. Then he demanded to know by
what parliamentary or moral right th ° chair
man presumed to order a formal ballot be
fore the convention had ordered It by n ma
jority vote. Ho demanded from the chair
an explanation of his reasons for refusing to
entertain n regular motion when there wat >
no other business before the convenllun , nnd
when that motion was clearly In order.
The discomfited chairman made no response ,
but eagerly upheld a point of order raised by J.
L. Caldwell of Lincoln to the effect that noth
ing could be permitted to interfere vvlth a
roll call.
Baker and several others were swept off
their feet by the howls of the Majors con
tingent and the roll call continued.
Majors gained In spots all through the roll
call. Adams county gave him Its odd Mc-
Cell vote. Ho gained three In Banner , nine
In Cass , ono In Cheyenne , two In Clay , two
In Colfax , ono In Cumlng , one In Dlxon , live
In Dodge.
Then Douglas county was reached and the
opportunity for the break came. Hut the
Majors contingent was doomed to disappoint
ment and Guy Barton announced 108 votes
for the choice of the overwhelming majority
ot the Douglas counly republicans. John
Thompson climbed on u chair and began
shoullng for tbo attention of the chair. In
stantly the convention was on Its feet and
Majors strikers from every part of the hall
rushed to the back part of the room In an
endeavor ) o stampede the Douglas county
delegates from their allegiance to the men
that elected them. After an uproar far
several minutes Thompson subsided and Ihe
roll call proceeded.
Gage counly passed and the Mjors gains
wcro resumed. Lancaster still held her
sixty votes In line for Majors. On Ihe flual
round-up Gage gave Majors three additional
The band played while the Dcrctnrleg
figured the totals , which were as follows.
Before the vote was announced , and when It
was clearly evident hat Majors had more
than the necessary number of votes required
to nominate , Guy C. Barton , chairman of
the Douglas county convention , moved to
make the nomination unanimous.
It took some minutes to restore order ,
as the delegates Insisted'on making some
noisy demcnstratlons In the way of calling
for Majors , howling , groaning and cheering ,
while n couple of bands ground out a medley
the like of which was never heard before.
Tom Majors could not resist the tempta
tion to speak , and as scon as his name wns
called he worked his way from the rear of
the room up to the platform , where he was
bested to the elevation , .after which , upon
being Introduced , he said that he thanked
the convention from the bottom of his heart.
Ho assured everybody that he would
to the principles of the republican party ,
and that he would be , elected , making Ne
braska the best governor which the state
ever had. He declared that he would con
sult and serve the best Interests of .the state
and that ho would Identify himself with
everything for the good of the party.
For more than half oNhls life he Bald that
he had been with the party lifTnb state of
Nebraska , nnd during that time he
had seen the state grow and develop from
a desert Into , one of the best
commonwealths In the nation , blossoming
,111x0 , the rose. The tlry weather , he stated ,
was not the fault of thq people , but came on
account ot some unknown cause. Ho pro
posed to stay vvlth the people and help care
tor them during their adversity. Not being
prepared to make a speech upon this oc
casion , he declared that about all that he
could say was that he would stand for the
principles of the party , asking the rank and
( lie to do the same. If this was done he
said that the republican party of Nebraska
would this fall roll up the largest majority
that has ever been known. There was no
malice In his heart , ho opined , as he was at
peace with all of the people of the state ,
regardless of party or creed. Dwelling at
some length upon his soldier record , he
pulled from a , pocket In his blue shirt a
small flag and wiped his brow , after which ho
retired to the rear of'Uio stage , where he
received the congratulations of his friends
who gathered about him.
The lovefeast having becn , declared at an
end , the chairman once more called the con
vention to order and Instantly a delegate was
upon his feet to move that the convention
proceed to the nomination of a lieutenant
governor. It was 12:30 : o'clock and a feelIng -
Ing of hunger was visible on every hand.
The motion to proceed with the nominations
was voted down and an adjournment until 2
o'clock was ordered.
The afternoon session of the convention
should have convened nt 2 o'clock , but when
that hour arrived there were scarcely a
dozen delegates In the hall , but ns the min
utes dragged along they sauntered In , the
Majors men feeling happy over the victory
they had won , whllo the others -nursed their
defeat , exprebslng the opinion that they
would get even. It was 3
o'clock before the chairman
called the convention to order , but prior to
that time there had ueen any number of
caucuses held. The general opinion prevailed
that vvlth Majors from the South Platte
country some of the other offices should
go to the other part ot the state. This had
the result of there being an attempt to
bring Tom Crane .back Into the
row for lleuteant governor , vvlth
the avowed Intention of slaughterIng -
Ing H. E. Moore of Lancaster. The
same movement clao had for Its object the
killing off of W. S. Summers for attorney
When the convention did convene nt 3
o'clock the Arlon quartet of York tendered
another ot Us selections , with the David
City Glco club following vvlth "He Ready
When the Great DayCqmes. " It was thought
t.nt this would endthe music , but In order
not to slight any ono the Lincoln Glee club
sang and then the convention opened up for
Just ns the gavel foil , Mr , E. Rosewater ,
Nebraska member of Hie nat.onul republi
can cmmltteo , tendered his resignation as
such to the state convention , as will be seen
by the following latter to Chairman Adams :
OMAHA , Aug. 22. Hon. C. E. Adams ,
Chairman Republican State Convention My
Dear Sir ; I deslfo through > ou to convey
the accompanying Utterto the republican
convention now In session. Very truly
jours , IS. ROSE WATER.
OMAHA , Aug. 22. 1BW To the Repub
lican State Convention ) Two years ago the
republicans of Nebraska through the uninl-
mous vote vt the state convention requested
the delegates to thu national convention to
place me on the national republican commit
tee. I have endeavored to discharge that
trust loyally and coniclenlloualy lo the best
of my ability The action of your convention
Imp Is me to tender my resit-nation ns na
tional commltteeman. You have nominated
a man for governor who lisa been brandeJ as
on accessory to forgery and perjury by a
republican congressional committee , of which
Hon. Thomas I ) . Reed was chairman , n man
bho elands self-convicted of falsifying of
ficial records and procuring the Issue of a
fraudulent voucher.while acting In the ca- '
paolty ot president of the state senate ; a
man who hai contorted with bnodler * and ,
Jobbers and converted the room of the lieutenant - ,
tenant governor at ( lie capita ) of the stale
Into a den for debauchery ; a man who has
been the pliant ton ! of the railroads , In I
season and out ot uraion , and whose nomlim- j
tlon was procured hy the coinblred Influence
of corporate cuppers , profemlana ! brlb'-
gh'fra. Jury fixers and Impeached itate hove
I cannot and never will ask any self-
respecting republican who loves his state
nnd country nnd dcalres to perpetuate the
free Institutions under which wo live , under
a republican form of government , to help
rivet the chains of subserviency to corporate -
porato monopoly nnd tyranny Upon the
people of this commonwealth .
Uellcvlng It my sacrrd duty to uphold the
standard of true republicanism nt any sacri
fice I dcslro to bo freed from nil restraint
which might bo Imposed upon me by re
maining on the national commute'1. Very
respectfully , E. ROSEWATHR.
After opening the letter nnd reading It ,
and without making It public , It was handed
to Captain E. J. Murfln , one of the Burling
ton strikers. This man , who was upon the
stage , read the letter , nnd nt once went
down Into the body of the house , where ho
found Tom Majors , nnd both of the worthies
went back Into ono of the reception rooms ,
where the document wai reread nnd dis
cussed. After n tlmo th'y appeared and
passed It over to Tom Swobo of the Douglas
county delegation. Swobe pondered over
the contents of the letter and then passed
It nlong among the men who were expected
to Keep quiet , the Intention being to smother
the fact of the resignation until such time
as the convention had completed Its labors
Hut the fact of The Bee gmlng Into the con
vention hall before the adjournment changed
thcso plans , though they held It from the
members until a considerable portion of tlu
work had been completed. While the work
of the convention wns being carried on the
parties who knew of the resignation b'lng
In the hall devoted the most of their tlmo
to roaming nround among the delegates , tell
ing them that If they would wait n few min
utes they would hear something that would
surprise them. During this time Hen
Baker of the Douglas county delegation nnd
Tom Majors shook hands and grew ns
chummy as a couple of school boys , patting
one another on the back. After leaving
Ben. Majors repaired to n cornsr , where he
plugged up n speech which he delivered
later on In the convention , nnd which ho
seemed Inclined to think nfforded him a
grjut deal of satisfaction.
Chairman Adams announced that nomina
tions for the office of lieutenant governor
would be In order. There were no nominat
ing speeches and the calling of the roll of
counties was commenced , the chairman of
each county delegation expressing his pref
erence for his man. Adams ctunty had been
called , when a delegate asked If It was a
formal or an Informal ballot. The chairman
replied that the ballot would be Informal
under the rule adopted at the mornlns ses
sion. As the call of counties proceeded it
was apparent that R. E. Moore ot Lancaster
county was a winner by a large majority and
the figures verified the prediction , for when
the totals were made ho had 523 votes , with
the other candidates tailing ) up like this :
Tom Crane , 145 ; H. P. Shumway , 148 ; E. M
Correll , 172. In voting Douglas went solid
for Crane and Lancaster for Moore , but be
fore the result was announced Douglas got
scared and switched her 108 votes to Shum
way. This caused a stampede , as all of the
country delegates were anxious to catch on
to the toll end of the band wagon , nnd for a
time confusion reigned supreme. Moore had
the nomination sure enough , but there was
a demand for a poll of some of the counties ,
whllo other counties demanded a formal bal
lot. To secure harmony the formal ballot
was ordered and the fight narrowed down
to Moore and Shumway. The result was
that Moore walked away with the prize.
While the vote was being counted Chairman
Lambcrtson of the committee on resolu
tions read the following platform , which
was unanimously adopted :
The republicans of Nebraska In convention
represented deplore the disastrous results of
the "change" In the ; policies of the national
government , decreed by the people at a tlmo
when the mental balance of thq country was
temporarily disturbed by the exhilaration of
a long course of peace , progress and material
prosperity , and the clamor of demagogues
and political quacks , and confidently appeal to
the people of the state for a return to the
conditions that existed prior to the elections
of 1S92.
Dismayed by the financial revulsion that
paralyzed the business centers of the country ,
when the results of the national and state
elections mode It certain that the policy of
protection of home Industries and the guar
antee of public credit and a sound currency
were about to bo overthrown by a democratic
president and a congress democratic In
both branches , the leaders of the party ,
wholly In power for the first time In thirty
years , have had neither the courage to em
body the principles set forth in their na
tional convention at Chicago In legislation , or
the wisdom to abandon their threatened raid
on the Industries of the country. But they
have kept the business Interest of the people
In suspense and uncertainty during twelve
months of unprofitable debate over the work
of framing a revenue bill , founded on no
definite or recognizable economical system ,
corrupt on Its face , discriminating against
northern Industries for the benefit of the
south , openly denounced by a majority of
those whose votes carried It to Its passage ,
and not only fraught with disaster to the
people , but confessedly stamped with "party
perfidy and party dishonor , " as. an abandon
ment of the causei of a "tariff for revenue
only , " and the principles and pledges upon
which they were placed In power. "How can
they face the people after Indulging In bucb
outrageous discrimination and violation of
principles" ns are found In almost every
paragraph of the Sugar trust tariff bill'
In view of the practical results of a year
and a half of democratic rule , we rcafilrm
with renewed faith and fervor the platform
of the national republican convention at Min
neapolis. We demand the restoration of the
American policy of protection and com
mercial reclproclly with our slbter republics
of Mexico , Central and South America nnd
the governments of the West India Islands
The republican party of Nebraska has al
ways been the consistent friend and ag-
gresslva champion ot honest money and It
now takes no step backward. While we
favor bimetallism and demand the use of
both gold and silver standard money , wo In
sist that the parity of the value of the two
metals be maintained , so that every dollar ,
paper or coin , Issued by the government ,
shall bo as good as any other.
Wo adhere to the doctrine that all rail
way lines are subject to regulation and con
trol by the state , and we demand the regula
tion of railway and transportation lines to
such extent und In such manner us will In
sure fair and reasonable rates to the pro
ducers and consumers of the country. To
that end -we.Insist that laws shall bo en
forced forbidding the fictitious capitalization
of such corporations and that the constitution
of the stale shall be rigidly enforced wherein
It Is provided "No railroad corporation shall
Issue any stock or bonds except for money ,
labor or property actually received and ap
plied to the purpose for which such corpora
tion was created , and all stock dividends
and other fictitious Increase of the capital
stock or Indebtedness of any such corpora
tion shall be void. "
Wo are In favor of the enforcement of all
laws , whether thuy nffcct the Individual or
the corporation , und.wo therefore demand
the enforcement of the maximum rate bill
passed by the last legislature until the same
Is d ° clarcd void by the courts or Is re
We are In favor of the enactment of laws
by congress that will provide for the super
vision regulation and control of coipora-
tlone engaged In Int-rntuto commerce , with
a view to preventing the fictitious capitaliza
tion nnd excessive bonding of such corporn-
WB denounce all combinations ot capital
organized In trusts , or otberwlst , lo control
arbitrarily the conditions of trade , und ar
raign as criminal legislation the manifest
concessions of the tariff bill now In the
hands ot the president to the Sugar and
Whl ky trusts
We r cognize the rights of laborers to
organize , using nil honorable mcaeurcM for
the purpose of dignifying their condition
and placing them ctt an equal footing with
capital , to the end that they may both fully
understand that thev an necessary to the
prosperity of the country Arbitration
Khould take the place of fttrlUes and lock
cuts for cettllng labor disputes
The extirpation of anarchy Is eukentlal to
the iclf-preeervatlon of the nation , and we
therefore favor the pending bill In congress
for the exclusion of anarchists.
Wo recommend that the ensuing legisla
ture submit nn amendment to the constitu
tion , to bo voted on by the people nt the
next general flection , providing for the Investment -
vestment of ( ho permanent school fund In
state , county nnd school district bonds.
We believe that the Industries of our state
should be diversified , to relieve the mass of ,
the people from dependence upon one class
ot agricultural products subject to crop
failures , and It being clcmomtnued that the
soil of this statn Is adapted to the production
of sugar beets , cvon In dry Reasons , n source
of Incalculable wealth , wo favor legislation
that shall bring to our people Its full rcullza >
Ever mindful of Ihe services nnd sacrifices
nf Ihu nun who saved the life of the nation ,
we protect against the Illiberal nnd unjust
policy of the Pension department under the
present administration , nnd pledge anew to
the veteran soldiers of the republic a recogni
tion of their just claims upon n grateful
The vote on lieutenant governor was then
announced and the nomination made unani
Mr. Moore was called up lo thp front and
after being Introduced ho spoke briefly , de
claring that ho was In sympathy with the
principles of the parly and Hint ho would
fight until the last foe was vanquished.
The band blew out another selection , nftcr
which J Wesley Tucl\er from Cherry county
climbed upon the stage to help the chairman ,
who helplessly settled back In his chair , ap
parently Inclined lo let the convention run
J. Wesley Tucker , assuming the duties of
the chair , announced that the lime for nom
inating u candidate for sccrelury of state had
arrived , and at the same time tie called upon
( lie delegates to express their abiding faith
In some man ns the list of counties wns
called As the secretary read the list of
counties the following men were named
Will M. Mnupln , T. J Plckett , A. R. Cruzcn ,
J. A. Piper , John E. Evans nnd Cash M
Fuller Then came the Informal ballot , with
the following result Mnupln , 120 ; PlcUctt ,
245 ; Cru/en , 104 ; Evans , 205 ; Piper ,
19C , nnd Fuller , ill. There was
no choice nnd the delegates were
Instructed to prepare for the second ballot.
The roll wns again called nnd ever ) thing
commenced to go toward Piper. PIcKett fell
out of the race and his mime was with
drawn , whllo one of the Evans men moved
nn adjournment until 7 o'clock. This motion
was how led down nivl the landslde com
menced. The seretnrlis lost all count of
the tally , but In the final wlndup Piper wns
declared the choice of the convention nnd
his nomination was made unanimous.
At this time , 4-45 o'clcck , the newsboys
entered the hull , crying The Hee nnd the
full particulars concerning the resignation cf
Mr. Rosewnter from the national republican
central committee. The delegates made a
rush for the papers , when the chairman
happened to remember that he had smothered
Mr. Rosowater's letter. Pulling It from his
pocket , he stated that ho had a communica
tion which would Interest the conventl-n
and ho at once handed the paper up to Elder
Ludden , who wss assisting In performing
the duties cf chairman.
In a Olear voice Elder Luddan read , whllo
a hush as quiet as that of the "grave took
complete possession of the convention , which
wns soon to become n perfect hades let out
for noon. When the sentence , "The action of
your convention compels me to tender my
resignation as national camniitteciuan , " was
completed , Hen Halter Jumped upon the top
of a neighboring chair and threw his
white hat toward the colling. The hat throwIng -
Ing was cntnglous and nil members of the
Burlington contingent from superintendent
down to section hand did Uic same thing , and
H the same time , striking the pace that Ben
had set , Johnny Allen and Captain
Humphrey , the two Impeached state olllclals ,
went the Burlington ; cohorts one bctjer.
These two men were occupy ng seats upon
the stage and after reaching across a tiblo
and grasping hands ( hey fell , one upon the
neck ot the other , nnd wept for Joy as they
patted each other's back. The convention
was In an uproar vvlth men standing up
on their chairs , some cheering , some groanIng -
Ing , some singing and some curs-
Ing. The chairman , J. Wesley
Tucker , and Elder Ludden wcro one and
all pounding the table , trying to secure
order , that the further reading of the letter
might proceed. . But order had no Idea of
stopping In that vicinity for any great length
of tlmo. and after howling ItsMf hoarse ,
there was a let-up for n moment. Taking
advantage of the opportunity , Dick Town-
ley , clerk In the employ of the State BankIng -
Ing board nnd a member of the Burlington
gang of heelers , moved Unit the further
reading of the letter bo dispensed with.
This was the signal for another round of
confusion , moio pronounced than the first , If
such a thing were possible. There were
cries of "Let's have the Iclt'r , " "D n the
little Joss , wo have run him out of the
party , " "Wo will no longer submit to his
dictations , " and many other interesting re
marks which will never go down In the
record , owing to the fact that they were
not uttered In a tone of voice loud enough
to waft them to the front that they could
bo recorded.
By pounding n hole In the table and
breaking the handle of the gavel , Elder Lud
den succeeded In restoring order long enough
to rsach the point whcro reference was
made to Majors being "a pliant tool of the
rallroids. In ccnson and out of season. "
Hero the convention once again became
a howling mob , home of the members hissIng -
Ing like vipers , whllo others , Imitated the
donkev that feeds In the meadow. Some-
mewed Ilko a lot of Tom cats , some barked
like dogs , until a stianger who happened to
bo In the hall boat a hasty retreat , declirlng
that It was a mnd house and that n Inrso
number of the pcuplo were 111 subjects for the
asylum. Hats , coats nnd cines were sent to
ward the root and the Burlington pluggers
commenced to stir among the delegates , urg
ing them to ncccpt the resignation and put
a stop to the disgraceful proceedings. The
gallery , which was packed with the Majors
and the Burlington forces , hero took up the
cry and howled llself hoarse , trying to add
to the din and tumult which wovalled on
the floor below John Thompson and Rots
Hammond , both of whom were walking
around with running sores und gaping
wounds , finding this nn opportunity to apply
a healing lotion , clamored loudly for the
reading of the remainder of the letter. In
voices that were heard far above the din of
the confusion they made themselves heard
ami llio reading was completed , though It
was frequently Interrupted by cat calls and
jeers , until the whole convention was once
more a seething mass of tumult and con-
fiiblon , with all of the members of the old
Etato house ring shaking the hands of Ma-
Jois and damning Rosowntcr. For half nn
hour this continued without any nlcna of
abatement. At the end of that tlmo Iwo
bunds were ctllcd Into action , the music
having u magical effect , 119 It at once soothed
the savngo breasts.
Order being restated , Judge Hayw.ird of
Nebraska City moved that thu resignation lu
accepted. The motion pievnlled , und again
getting the ear of the chairman , ho bald that
without discussing the letter of resignation
ho would nominate John M. Tliurston of
Douglas county to 111 ! the vacancy. Without
any ( .pooches the election of TliurMon was
made unanimous und again confusion held
full sway for a time.
There were culls for Thurslon , and finally
he wan found In the rear of the hall nnd
escorted to the platform , where he was.
greeted with a hearty round of applause * .
In addressing the convention ho said that
ho was nf the opinion that everybody knew
more than nnjborty ; ho believed morn Im
plicitly In the Intcgrlt } nnd honesty of the
majority than In the minority and ho be
lieved that there was more patriotism In
tha republican party than In any ono man.
Ho was of the opinion that the nominees
of the convention would be elected by rous
ing majorities when the votes were counted ,
but so far as accepting the appointment of
national comtnttUeman , he said that ho
would luve to decline the honor This an
nouncement wan followed by loud cries of
"No , John , don't you do It" "Stay with
( Continued on Second Page. )
Sixth DYriV Populists Satlsfud with Tlulr
Representative in Congrojs ,
Contention at llroliru How ( Iris Action
Kurlj lliU .Morning YcMl < < rility Spout In
lilting Itoikl Ox mill Cliioilni ;
. Mnji > r ' Sucrpsn lit Oiniiliii.
lHOKi.V ) : IIO\V , Nob. AIIIT. 22. ( Special
Telegram to The lice ) This has been a red !
letter day for the popullstB of this county. II
The ox roast had tint effect of drilling n
large crowd. The day wns taken up In
speaking by prominent loaders of the party.
A demonstration parade was formed at 1:30. :
Accompanied by the bands the nsscmblugo
marched up th ? main streets and around
the square with about 601) ) In lino. The
speakers were Judge Ilolcomb , Ocorgo M.
Sullivan of Alliance , Senator Stewart
of Danes. II. H. Hyatt of Cus-
tcr , Senator Darner of Daw son.
Judge Morlz of Kcva I'alin , Pohcrty
of DucllV L Green of Kciuncy and C. D.
Shrudcr of Logan. On the chairman of thu
meeting making the announcement that the
republicans and rallroids at Omaha had
nominated Tom Majors for governor the news
was heartily cheeud by the populists. The
rally did not bring toccther more than half
as large u ciovvd , s ICcin'S rally did four
years ago.
The populist congressional convention
of the SKth district convened In
the North Sldo opera house this
evening , and was at S 30 p. m.
called to order to J. H. Edmlnston , chairman
of the central committee. The largo hall
was appropriately decorated with bunting
and llags and was crowded to Its fullest ca
pacity. . Senator J. II. Mullen of Holt county
was tnado temporary chairman and E. A.
Sheldon of D.iwus was temponiry secretary
and II. Qoodrlch assistant secretary. The
chair appointed Senator Stewart of Dawca ,
Rhodes of Valley , Schroder of Logan , Dar
ner of Daw son and Stebblim of Buffalo on
Whlto the committee on credentials was out
the Cat Creek Glee club f.uorcd the audlenco
with several campaign songs. Mrs. 13. M.
Shroat was on reiiuesl called to the plat
form. She had been delegated by the Wo
men's Christian Temperance union to pre
sent their cause to the convention. She
spoke for fifteen minutes , assuring the con
vention that the women wanted to help them.
She urged the union of the populist and
prohlb tlon parties. Mrs. W. D. Orant , Mrs.
T. 13. Wheeler and Mrs II. It. Lockhart wcro
called on and thanked the convention for
the honor and assuied the convention that
they would glvo their support.
The committee on cr dcntlals mode n
report at 9 fiO. All counties were repre
sented but Grant and Arthur. Total number
of delegates reported , 197.
The temiKirary orgunl/allon wns inada
permanent by acclamation The chair ap
pointed on resolutions Mnrtz of Koya
1'ulm. G. M Sullivan of IoHullo. ) . J. 0. Leo
of Daw son , J. S. Salbbury of Buffalo , W. P.
Hlgglns of CusW , L. 1) . Stockton of Chey
enne , J. Wilson of Kolth. Hon. Mr. Houtz-
man of Holt , and L. S Tlbbens of Lincoln.
The committee on resolutions not being
ready to report , the central committee was
elected , and 1111 adjournment token at 11:40 :
p m. to await the report of the committee
on resolutions.
HHOKEN DOW. Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special
Telegram to The Pen. ) At 2:35 the Informal,1
ballot was taken , which resulted In 121 % ' -si
votes for Kern , 36 for Novlllo , 20 for Green ,
2 for Stewart , 2 for Darner , lfii/4 for Hyatt.
The formal ballot resulted Kem , 125 ; Ne
ville , 27 ; Green , 21 ; Ilyitt , 15 ; Stewart , 9.
On motion of the Custer delegation the
nomination of O. M. Kem was made- the
unanimous choice of the convention. The
motion was curried by a big vote. The reso
lutions adopted contained a plank favoring
equal suffrage.
KII : USKIIin rusi : .
lowu rnpullHift III ( In ; iiivi-nth : Congres-
uliiiml District .Malco .Mont Unumlcu.
LEMARS , la. , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram
to The Dee. ) The democratic congressional
convention of the Eleventh congressional dis
trict nominated Dr. Grasscr of Mouona county
today. Ills was the only name before the
convention , though ( .everal others wore pro
posed at the caucus Just preceding the con
vention , but all declined. Dr. Graeser was
nominated by acclamation.
The populists put In nomination for judges
at their Judicial convention today D. II.
Perkins of Lyons county , W. II. Palmer of
Sioux , F. V. Hoe of Mnnona and J. P.
Cavanaugh of Sioux City The democratic
nominee was a farmer and represented his
district In the Twenty-second general as
sembly. Resolutions wcro pas&cd condemn
ing the democratic congress for Its action
on the tariff hill. Considerable bitter foci-
Ing was expressed against the populists lor
refusing to fuse this year.
California Dniiiitpi.itH Ailjourii to Allow the
riilltluluiiH lo MnUii Tliulr I ( iiiil > lni > tloii8.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 22. The second
day's session of Die stntu democratic con
vention wns devoid of Interest. The conven
tion was called to order at 10 o'clock this
morning , and committees on platform and
resolutions and on permanent orginlratlon
and order of business were unpointed. The
convention then adjourned until tomorrow
morning. The political combinations , were so
far from made that the practical politicians
wore averse to going on with the business
of the convention. After a rather spirited
debate the convention voted to refer nil
resolutions to the committee on platform
without debate. James liitdd of Stockton
seems to bo slight ! ) In the lead In the contest
for the nomination for governor. There Is a
scheme to put Congressman Magulro out of
the way by nominating him for congress be
fore the convention reaches the nomination
for governor
HOI ; ru n.vKorv iiriiu.ic'AN ( : ; $ .
Aflur r.fT ttlui ; u Tmuporiiry Organl/nllon
Adjourned Lntll HI\H \ Mornliii ; .
YANKTON , 8. I ) . , Aug. 22. The South
Dakota republ can cjiivcntlon for the nomina
tion of congressmen and suto olllccm or
ganized here at I ) p. in. today. After effect
ing temporary organization and appointing
committees an adjournment was taken until
9 a. in. Tlmrbday. The strongest light la on
the- congressmen und Ind cations point
to the nomination of Robert J.
Gamble. of Yunklon to succeed
Congressman Lucas , and the renoinlnatlnn of
John A. P.cklcr. For goveinor C II. Shel
don , the [ ires' i Ineumlisnt , will bo ro-
nomlnated , nlliiJtigh .in anti-Sheldon caucus
composed of 100 lending spirits licM to
day indS' . .M. Shrldon of Hand county
( not related to Iliu present governor ) was
endorsed. Kor triaKurer 1C 1) . I'hllllps of
the Illuck 111113 was tald to be the fav rite.
The platform "III , It Is said , rantaln a
free coinage plunk , but no proh bill n clause.
Nrurlni ; tlm Tliri'i" I limit mil .Murk.
M1NEOLA , Tux. . Aug. 22. The Third con-
gresblonal district democratic convention met
In adjourned session h ro and started In on
the 2.KC9lh ballot. McCord. 21 0-13 :
YoaKum , 19. Kllgoro 10 2-3. The conven
tion hopes to reach a conclusion thin week.
Mint In Hit ) Ui-rl.
II. Williams , who lives on Half Howard
between eighteenth und Nineteenth was shot
In the ankle about 2.30 this mom ng by Of
ficer Drumrny. The olllcer was trying to
arrest him when Williams ran Into Tom
Murray's plunder yard on Harney and pull < l
a revolver on tlio olllcer. Orummy drew hl
revolver and got bla man.