THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MOHNttfo , AUGUST 20 , 180J. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. CHURCHILL NOT A WRECK Will Known English CtiUsamn Denies Govern ! Slanderous Reports , NOW ON A POLITICAL MISSION TO INDIA lle-lliiler Toll leu on u Considerable h alu nit Soon I > 1 lf Ketimi * from II In I'rmrnt Uork Abroad , SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 19. The Examiner /inbllHliea on Interview with Lord llamlolph Churchill , In which ho denies the story that lie was a victim of morphine nntl snys that report was maliciously circulated through splttf. "I have suffered acutely , " he explained , "from nervous prostration and Insomnia , brought on by the extreme tension of public nffalrs and constant attcnt'on ' to party In terests long after I should liavo abjured public speaking. I feel \ery much better now than when I left England. My appetite Is excellent and I deep well , BO that I have no doubt that when my tour Is completed I shall bo able to return homo and re-enter politics , entirely restored. The Har Harbor Incident was entirely fictitious and the pur ported Interview with \V. 0 Ibert , formerly of the Gloucestershire cricket eleven , pub lished In a Chicago journal , was a fabrica tion f re in beginning to end. I may say once and for nil that my Illness has resulted from overwork. Acting against the advice of my physicians , I continued to make public speeches until 1 broke down. The trip to South Africa was mode In the hope of re cuperation , but the fatigue of the journey was hardly beneficial. America has done mo a deal of gacd. I like the country and people end I have gained every day In strength nnd mental equipoise during the past two months. " Lord Churchill's vis t to India Is of a semi-official character. He has letters from her majesty , the queen , as well is from the prince of Wales , and his principal mls- Blon Is to look Into matters regarding the loyal rajahs. POINTS lin WILL VISIT. "Notably , I shall visit , " said Lord ChurchIll - Ill , "tho maharajahs of Avar Jalghur , Udal- pur and Jodhpur In Kajpootana , In whoso cap- ' Hals are many celebrated Jain temples of great antiquity. This Is not my first trip to India. I visited the empire some years ago and was piloted about by Sir Lepel Grlnin. Dut I did not see half of what I de sired , and this tlmo I shall proceed as far as British Murmah. " These loyal rajahs , whom Lord Churchill Intends visiting , are young men of the high est Importance In the Indian empire. They have all been educated at Mayo college , which Is near AJmlr. This Is an experiment of the government Intended to glvo the young rajahs of Itajpootnna an English training. It was founded by the earl of Mayo and has had n. most powerful effect upon the political aspect of India. In speaking of Lord Rose- bcry , he said : "It seems to mo that his present position might remind one of the well known jest in Punch years ago about Lord Beaconsfield : Why Is the present government likely to fall ? ' 'Oecauxe Its head Is dizzy. ' "There Is no doubt that Itoscbory made his mark when acting as Gladstone's lieutenant In the famous Midlothian campaign. Then It was that ho realized ho had some backing In the person of Mr. Gladstone and without doubt aspired to the premiership. Mr. Glad stone's support has been the key to Itose- l > ery's success. " In parting , Lord Churchill said : "I trust tint you realize that I am not the mental and physical wreck \\hlch the American newspapers have described. Had I been I \\oiild not have attended the royal academy dinner a few days before leaving England. I am on the road to complete recovery , and , as I said before , I must before many months are over ro-cnter the English political arena. " STOICM ON Till : VOI.UA. Steamer UxplUn Scut to the Itottom nntl 1'lvo 1'vrHoiiH IViI.ih. ST. PETERSBURG , Aug. 19. A dispatch from Hyblnsta , an Important commercial center situated on the bnnk of the Volga , says u storm passed over that city and the neighborhood on Friday last. The damage to property was Immense. The steamer Usplko was caught by the storm on the Shorno river. There were 100 passengers on the vessel and they wcro thrown Into a panic by the tremendous force of the wind , the furious downpour of lain and almost Impene trable darkness. The captain headed the vessel for the bsnch , his Intent being to run her ashore , lloforo this could bo done , however - over , the vessel sprung a leak and began to founder. As she foundered , her decks vvero blown up by the nlr In her hold. Everybody was thrown In the water. De- splto the fury of the storm passing vessels managed to rescue all on board , except llvo of the crew. 1IANO1T MINA AM ) U'IFIJ KIM.UI ) . Shot by Mrxlutn Soldiers While. lleaUUn ; ; Aircxt In tlin Mountain * . CITY OF MEXICO , Aug. 10. The killing of the famous border bandit Luna and his \\ffo by a troop of soldiers foity miles from this place has caused great rejoicing In Ta- mulojls. The solldcrs came unexpectedly on thi notorious couple , who took refuge behind some rocks and opened fire. The woman fought by her husband's side until they were both killed by the soldiers. They have com mitted hundreds of robberies and six miir- d rs. The dead desperado was once Im prisoned two jears In the Texas penitentiary , but , making his escape , has been a terror for bovoral years along the Hlo Grande. CONCO NATIVES maun. . Two 1'ortiiBUna * Soldlett Killed In an At. tuck lu the I'reo Mute * LONDON , Aug. 19. Advices received from the Congo stale show that further troubles have occurred with the natives arising from the Impressment of Portuguese-Conga na tives Into military service by Congo state of- llctals. The natives were highly Incensed at the summary manner In which their relatives and friends had been dragged Into a service that was repugnant to them and determined to avenge their wrongs. A strong native force was gathered and an attack made upon a nallva post. Two of the soldiers defending the post wore killed and two taken prisoners. rut 11 vviniiu in 'i\\o. 1 VANCOUVER , U. C. . Aug. 19. The steamer Empress of Japan , which has ar- rlved In port from the Orient , d d not call at Kobe or Nagasaki , nor will any of the tiiinspnclflc liners until the war Is over. When on the way between Ilong Kong and Yokohama the steamer struck u monster whale , cutting It almost In two. Parts of the animal stuck to the vessel , and had to M taker ) off , as they Impeded the vessel's progress , 1 ntul Ituilrottil < nllUlon In Mexico , CITY OV MEXICO , Aug. 19 , Last night the passenger train on the Hidalgo railroad collided with a pulque train coming Into the City of Mexico. Several persons were killed and a number badly hurt. The watchman fulled to signal , ( lulil Standard In hturo for Incllu. LONDON Aug. 19. In making the Indian budget itateinent in the House of Commons Secretary for India Fowler said India must HUQIIIT or later adept a gold standard. Illeyrlo Aifulimt llnmr. MUNICH. Aug 19 - A long distance contest - test between J , Flshtr , on a bicycle , and Cody , * a American cowboy , on horseback , ended today In a victory for the bicyclist. The conditions provided that the contestants should ride seven hours a day for three days. Fisher covered 160 miles and Cody 130. \VIM , Stli : I'OltMlli- : Miss .MnriKlcit of the Hod Cro s Society Ic- fie * 1'iiRtor I'riiiicl' . LONDON , Aug. 19. Miss Kate Marsden of the Itcd Cross society docs not propose to remain passive Under the charges made against her. Pastor Francis of the British- American church In St. Petersburg a few days ago wrote to the Times declaring In substance that the committee appointed to In vestigate the charges midc against Miss Marsden In England , America and New X a- land had found the accusat'o s had been prac tically proved and calling upon Miss Mars- den to surrender the decorations conferred upon her In recognition of her work among the Siberian lepers. Miss Marsden has now decided to prosecute Pastor Francis for libel. I.Nhon fallen In rininrn. LONDON , Aug. 19 A dispatch to the Times from Lisbon says1 The negligence of servants In leaving a lighted brazier unat tended caused a fire to start In the servants' wing of the palace occupied by the dowager queen , Maria Pla , at Clntra , about fourteen miles from Lisbon. The flames were only extinguished with great dlfllculty. Sonor. Costa , a me'nber elf the Chamber of Deputies , and two llremen were seriously Injured. The building sustained considerable damage , but Its costly contents were sivcd , The dowager queen was greatly alarmed by the fire. ' onio I > l tMrlnit.c In Hriirll. NEW YORK , Atig 19. A special dispatch from Valparaiso says : The party who Is opposing the conversion bill desires to post pone the date when It Is to take effect and also that some modification of Its provisions bo adopted. Hrnzil keeping her ships In Rio harbor for fear of further trouble. Mini Iliiaril In London. LONDON , Aug. 19. Miss Florence Bay ard , the daughter of the American nmbjsia- dor , and Miss Virginia Pauncefote , daughter of Sir Jul'an Pauncefote , British ambas sador to the United States , 1me arrived In London from Beyrouth , where they attended the Wagner festival. Spilti Treats with Argrnttne. MADRID , Aug. 19. Uy a commercial treaty between Spain nnd the Argentine rc- _ publlc , just concluded , It Is provided that for a period of two years Spain will not raise the duty Imposed on meats from Argentln and the latter country will lower the duties on Spanish wines. Cliolcni Spreading In ( illlrln. LONDON , Aug. 20 The Times dispatch from Vienna states that from Thursday to Saturday there were 327 new cases of cholera and 129 deaths from the dls ase in Gallcla. In Ilukowlna , thhty-elght new cases and twentyjono deaths were reported In the same time. , Morn Kiigllnli ( imii In Morocco. GIBRALTER , Aug. 19 The first cHss British gunboat Pramblo II , In consequence of the disturbed conditions prevailing In cer tain parts of Morocco , has been ordered to proceed to Tangier to safeguard English interests. Situation IH Unchanged. LONDON , Aug. 20. A dispatch to the Times from Lima says the situation is un changed. Some unimportant skirmishes have occurred between the government troops and insurgents. ItiiKolii mill Other 1'oireri Anxious. ST. PETERSBURG , Aug. 19 It Is stated hero that Russia and other powers continue to endeavor to restore peace between China and Japan. Hni/ll'H MlutNter of I Imiiico Units. RIO DE JANEIRO , Aug. 19 Dr. Frlere , minister of finance , has resigned. HKVKPTIOS TO 7..I/.M.I OOJitt.V.I.V. Three Thousand Now York AnarclilHts Greet tint rVnmlu Advotatu of thu Itcd ling. NEW YORK , Aug. 19. A reception was given Emma Goldman tonight at the Thalia theater , which neaily 3,000 persons attended. The affair was generally tame , and the spe cial force of detectives had nothing to do Charles Wilfred Mowbr.iy , the English an- nrchlst , was also present and preceded Emma Goldman by a speech In which he eulogized her heroism and self-sacrifice. Speaking of the police , he remarked : "The police exUt for boodle. They are here to protect thieves of associated society. " When Emma Goldman came on the plat form there was a great burst of applause. Her speech was chiefly devoted tc a rancorous cereus attack upon nil who were concerned In her prosecution , conviction and Imprison ment. "Imagine the prosecution of a woman for talking , " she began. "Anarchy was prose cuted October G , 1893 , In the court of general sessions. It was really the right of free speech that was prosecuted. The country Is today seeking aid of the old continent to help thorn get rid of anarchy. Who do they get to help them ? Those hateful Irish and the deceitful English. " She thsn launched forth Into Invectives. She called Assistant District Attorney Mo- Intyro a coward. Speaking of the Judge before whom she was tried , she said : "Judge Martlno Is not to be compared to Santo , Ravachol or Henri , who were all defenders of a cause they be lieved In. "I am with you again and again under the old flag of anarchy and freedom , " she con cluded. The speech was received with enthusiastic plaudits by the minority portion of the au dience and the meeting soon afterwards was brought to a close. Marie Louise , n French woman and ardent advocate of anarchy , pre sided at the meeting. or tin : jK/tv > At > .v co3ipr.iTm > , lorpmlo llout About at the Knit of a I. one Journey. PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 19. The torpedo boat Ericsson today shot up the Delaware rlvir and attracted general attention along the wharves , and such boats as noticed her stinted the newcomer. She Is bound to the Brooklyn nivy raids , and Is about complet ing a trip from St. Louis down the Missis sippi to New York. The object of the trip Is to test an Inland route an far as possible to the Brooklyn navy yard. After her ar rival at the mouth of the Mississippi she made the Interior water passage via Briton , Chandcleur , Mississippi rlvar to Mobile bay. From Mobile bay to Pensacola there was an outsldo run of fifty miles. With the exception of the trip around the Florida peninsula the boat kept Inbldo all the time. Ilallroiid Ho ) colt Agalnat Striken I'orco Thorn Out of the Country , ST. PAUL , Aug. 19. As a result of their connection with the recent great strike a largo number of railroad men In this city are making arrangements to leave this country , claiming they have been placed on the black list of all the railroads and can secure no places , no matter whether there arc vacancies or not. About forty of thcso have made pre- llmlnaiy arrangements to go to the capo of Good Hope and South Africa and others arc talking of going to Brazil. Hard ( lines here , work elsewhere and cheap transportation largely Influenced them , iilthough they claim the principal cause Is that they are marked men and have no chance whatever of em ployment In this country. Movement * of Seagoing VmnuN August ID , At New York Arrived Mohawk , from London , Amsterdam , from Rotterdam. At QUfHistown Arrived Auriiyu , from from New \ork. At Hamburg-Arrived Kerihvvlche , from New Orleans ; Stubbcnhuk , from Montreal. WAITING CLEVELAND'S ' WORD Only Thing that Standi Between the Senate and Adjournment. LITTLE MORE BUSINESS CAN BE DONE Scarcely n Cliioriitn Present Saturday Home itcady to Quit Toclaj Il | ioMtlon of the rarllT lllll by the rrcsidrnt the Only WASHINGTON , Aug. 19. The final action of the president on the tariff bill Is the only thing that stands between the senate and final adjournment. It Is the general opinion tint If It were passed upon by the chief executive adjournment could bo arranged within a few days. The last of the appropria tion bills received the final consideration of the senate during the past week and even without the passage of the Murphy resolu tion there would not have been much prob ability of any general legislation , owing to the likelihood of there being no quorum. The last roll call yesterday discovered only forty-five senators , two more than n quorum , In the chamber and the highest number of the thy was fifty-four. Several have left blnce , an It Is entirely probable that the ses sion Monday will open without the number requisite to do business In the face of ob jection. It Is probable , therefore , that the dally sessions from this time forward will be brief and that only bills to which there Is no opposition from any senator or over which there Is no contest v.ill be taken up The democratic managers hope to have the bill repealing the provisions In the tariff bill exemptlnc alcohol used In the arts nnd In the manufacture of medicinal preparations Included In the list. There appears llkelihdod of opposition on the republican side , and If thTP should be , this bill will necessarily go over until the next session. The democratic members of the finance committee also hope to report the supplemental tariff bills during the week , but do not expect action on them. Probably no considerable tlmo will be spent In rxccutlvo session In confirming nomina tions to which no one objects. The house of representatives Is ready to adjourn tomorrow. Its work has been com pleted , It Is only awaiting the action of the senate and of the president. It Is prob able that It will adjourn from day to day until congress adjourns. It may be , however , that time will be partly occupied by giving several days to the committees of the house to consider such business as they care to bring before the house , but this question has not been decided. Speaker Crisp , who Is at Old Point Comfort , will not return until to morrow morning , nnd Mr. Outhwnltc , one of the other members of the committee on rules , Is out of the ci y and no program will be arranged until they return. Tomorrow , under the rules , Is suspension day , as are also the last six days of the ses sion , but as a resolution for adjournment will not be passed until the president acts on the tariff bill , the rules with reference to suspension days will not go Into effect until the date of adjournment has been fixed by both houses. ItlVKIi A > U I1AKDOU HIII A LAW. Cleveland ItofusoH to Vote or Approve thn .Measure WASHINGTON , Aug. 19. The river apd harbor bill , carrying $11,000.000 , became a law at midnight last night without President Cleveland's signature , the legal limit ot ten days havlnc expired within which he could sign or veto It. It Is the third time In his two terms that a river and harbor bill has become a law without his approval , the onlv other bill of this kind submitted to him having been vetoed. Fears were expressed up to a late hour today that the present bill would b ; vetoed , as Mr. Clevland made It known to the river and harbor managers several months ago that he did not want the total of the bill to exceed $10,0 0,000. The appropriations were pared down In the house , but the senate raised the amount. The conferees finally reduced It to $11,478,130 , and thus It was agreed to in both houses. Aside from the amount carried by the bill the sundry civil appropriations bill also car ries JS.400,000 for river and harbor con tracts , making a total for this work of $19.- 878,130. An Important feature of the new bill Is that It authorizes no new contracts. S YD hNIl or A VJU'n Captain Nicholson of Incllmiapotls Commits Scilclclo at Washington , WASHINGTON , Aug. 19. Captain E. N. Nicholson of Indianapolis , superintendent of the Treasury department stables , committed butctde hero this afternoon by shooting him self. Ho was a veteran of the late war , dur ing which he served under ex-President Har rison. After Mr. Harrison was Inaugurated he appointed Nicholson , who had been Ms neighbor for thirty years , to the place he oc cupied at the tlmo of his death. The de ceased was at one tlmo a captain cm the police force at Indianapolis. Ho was about G5 years of age and leives a wife , married daughter and n t > on , who Is said to be cir- gagcd In newspaper work In Indianapolis. Captain Nicholson was a brother-in-law of William Meredith , late chief of the bureiu of the engraving and printing. None cf his Immediate family are here , but the son has been telegraphed for. Melancholia Is supposed to be the cause for the deed. ' atolli Cannot Ho Intervleuccl. WASHINGTON , Aug. 19 Mgr. Satolll , the papal delegate , has decided to maintain silence - lenco as to the latest statement regarding him that the pope will soon make the able- gatu's authority absolute and sovereign and answerable only to the pope. Newspaper men are refused admittance to his residence and It Is almost Impossible to gain any authentic Information concerning his actions. Slcl'hcraoii Wanted lo Kcalgn WASHINGTON , Aug. 19. Senator McPher * son came near tendering his resignation as senator from New Jersey yesterday. Ho went so tar as to procure a blink form of resigna tion , when seine of his friends succeeded In persuading him to forego his resolution. The senator gives as his reason for desiring to bo rid of his official responsibilities that his health Is very much broken. AroiiHed .liipineso I'litrlotlmii , WASHINGTON , Aug. 19. The Japanese legation has received a telegram announcing that the government of Japan has determined to Issue a domestic lun of $50,000,000. The dispatch states a strong outburst of patri otic feeling has been evoked by this propo sition and the people In all parts of the country are agcrly subscribing to the loan , llfud-hnd Collision on the llonton A. Albany , WORCESTER , Muss. , Aug. 19. The Adams express train over the Boston & Alhiny rail road , which left Ilos'on at 10 10 last night , collided head-on wllh the 11. IB p. m. accom modation train from Worcester while the latter was pulling over a crossing to Wor cester yards. Both engines were smashed , forward curs badly damaged and George Rossltcr of South Natlck and a man named Kuc'l of Boston , mall clerk on the Adams train , were Injured , Other trainmen , ex press mei > * engers and postal cleiks were shaken up and bruised , Coxry' * Army Well BALTIMORE , Aug. 19. ( Jovcrncr Drowu began to rid Maiyland of Coxcy'u Common- vveulera by sending about 100 of them to Cin cinnati on a special train. The others IK will dUpatch on special trains to their homes. Ho went to the house of correction last night with pardons for all those from the west and as soon ai the stripes could bo changed to old clothes the men , wcro lined up nnd marched to the waiting train. They were glad lo get out so easily and said they had been deceived by Coxey. TO nr.i.i' A , it. r. J/K.V. ifTort : mil Ito .Made lo Have thn Boycott ARalnU 'thrill Hiilnccl. CHICAGO , Aug. 19A conference was held h ° re today by representatives ot the railroad brotherhoods for the discussion ot mailers aftccflng the old organizations as n result of the American Hallway. union during the re cent strike. Among those present were Grand Chief Sargent and r. W. Arnold of tli ! Locomotive Firemen , Grand Chief Wilk inson , Messrs. Morrison and Tcrrll of the Brotherhood of Trainmen and T. V. Powell , grand chief ot the Order ot Railroad Tel egraphers. An agreement was reached to en deavor to s cure the relnstnlemcnt of mem bers who Joined In the American Railway union strike and have since rcpcnlcd of their course and are applying for membership In their old lodges. Sir. Wilkinson said that after the confer ence many of the men were out of positions through the strike and had applied for re- admlsslon to the 'brotherhood , confessing they had been swept away by the excitement attending the strike nnd the profuse promises of the leaders of the American Railway union They now had no jobs and the American Railway union was In no financial position to give them support. "We agreed to take the men back and will do all In our power to have the railroads lift the boycott from them , , for wo nro sure the trainmen will not again Icavo their lodgs under similar circumstances , " said Mr. Wilk inson. The officials of the Order of Railway Tel egraphers agreed to effect the reorganization of the dlsbinded lodges of telegraphers and will make personal appeals to the various roads to reinstate their men , iir.i.n UP itr inntsK r////r/.s. Wyoming Itiinrliinc'ii Complain of the Law lu < B iii inont In that State. ROCK SPRINGS , Wyo . Aug 19. ( Special to The Bee ) There Is a band of horse thlcvcb operating In the southern part of Sweetwatcr counly. About twenty head of fine horses have been stolen from the 4J and Valentine S. Hey ranches during the past month. A few days ago John Bhlr and Paul Walker , who were In search of cattle on Bitter creek , were held up by two horse thieves neat La Clcde springs. The men were driving about twenty-five head of horses south toward the Utah line. All efforts to capture the thieves have thus far been un- nvall ng , and a numbsr ot ranchmen to organize a possa and make a raid on them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rtcclrrs In Demand , In Wyoming. EVANSTON , Wyo. , Aug. 19 ( Special to The Hoc. ) Orlando North , manager of the Clover Valley Land nnd Catlle company , one of the largest companies operating In Wyoming , has returned from .Idaho , where ho purchased 1,000 head of cattle for feeding. In response to an Inquiry , Mr. North stated that while prices are now very low , he Is of the opinion that the coming season would show a marked improvement over last year. There Is a number of reasons why the present low prices cannot stand , one of them being the almost tolal failure of the crops Is several of the eastern and middle stales. The callle In those sections must of neces sity bo thrown on the market this fall. This will create a lively demand for western cattla early next season. rnoii uie,4ir./\a Jtoojf TO TIIK ar.uMS. VVuIilta'x Latest Sciumi r Story In the Scn- Hiitloiml / M . _ KANSAS CITY , Aug. 'w. f."special to The Times from Wichita says : Mrs. Simmons , alias "Blue Jay , " and tvvo , negroes were ar rested at 2 o'clock Ihls morning for the mur der of William Stnrck , a Sanla Fe watchman , last week. The coroner says he has positive evidence against them. "Blue Jny" has been the queen of Slum- dom In this city blnce her fortune was wrecked In the boom. She was once a noted belle of Lexington. Ky. , and received an edu cation In a well known female seminary of that state that embraced all the accomplish ments of an aristocratic southern woman. She took a fancy to a young man vvh > was born on her father's plantation and eloped with him to Kansas. When her father died a handsome fortune fell to her. This was soon dissolved In Uio whirl of the Wichita boom. She took to drinking and ever since has been the queen of the slums of Wichita. Just beforci his death , Starck said she struck the fatal blow. ' _ ' OltlHSHKIi Till. ItATXlt G.IOE1.T.K1 > . I'lvc-Dollar Kxcurxtou Ifato from St. I.onU to Chlraeo Mint lie Withdrawn. CHICAGO , Aug. 19 For some time past the Alton , Vandalla'and ' ) Wabash roads have been making arrangements to run a $3 excur sion from St. Louis to Clilcago on August 25. Chairman Caldwell of tlb ] Western Passenger association , however , llnds that the Yule of the association agreement permitting Inter state roads to make rates for such excur sions cannot be made tpapply to business be- twccn Important terminals In the association lerrltory and has called upon the three roads to cancel Ihe present arrangements for the excursions. " The chairman of the Western Freight asso ciation Is highly elated over the action taken yesterday in Buffalo nnd ho believes this will bo the end of tha rate troubles for the tlmo being and the western roads will not be called upon to make any reductions In their rales on grain nnd grain products. TllKllt II Oltlf ItEFRV ItrprcKrntatltcs of a New J r ey I'lrni llo- lug 1'rosri iitvd hy the < ; \crnmciit. NEW YORK , Aug. 19. The United States government Is proceeding against the mem bers of the great steel manufacturing firm known as the Benjamin , Atlm & Illlngworth company of Newark , N. J. The charge Is conspiracy lo defraud the government by furnishing castings for the Navy de partment that contained blowholes which wcro plugged. Pre-ldeht John Illlngworth and Secretary Abraham C. Denman of the big steel company were arrested yesterday and released enl tlielr own recognizances In the sum ot $1,000 for appearance next Tuesday before United States Commissioner Romalno In Jersey City. The charges are very similar to thane against the Carnegie Steel company In tliBjnjiUir ot steel plates. Jt.llfMO.ll > KUti > S l7.AltrKS CUT. Oregon Short r.lno Employ c Compelled to Accept i { ( eduction. PORTLAND , O e./AugJ 19. Owing lo the Inability of the Oregop Railway Navigation company to pay operatjng expenses , Ihe fol lowing reductions In vyagcs have been made ; All employes drawing over $100 $ per month , 12'Xs per cent ; on ajl drawing over $50 , to and Including $100 , t JO. per cent , The above reduction applies to anil lias been accepted by the employes of the operating department , ex cept trainmen , for whom a new schedule will likely be made. Cincinnati hniitli rn Train A\\ rerlccc' . LEXINGTON , Aug , ,19. Some miscreant threw a switch at Brannon on the Cincinnati Southern road , six miles south of here last night , and when the m.dnlght Florida special came ul ng , gqlng af the rate ct twenty- five miles an hour , It ran through , demolish ing the engine , derailing five coaches and seriously Injuring the engineer and fireman , Ed and John Bradley of Cine nnatl. The passengers escaped Injury. to lit ; lleUnnrcl , BALTIMORE , Aug , 19 , At a conference between Governor Brown , Attorney General Pee and countel for the 100 Imprisoned Coxeylt'B , It was agreed that the governor would pardon all luius exc p lug Christopher Columbus Jone and Marshal McKee , who have been held to tcvt the right of the state to Imprison them without trial. FUNDSFORALL BUT VETERANS Comparative Statement of Expenses of Cleveland and Harrison's Administrations. DEMOCRATS SAVED PENSION MONEY Thoroughly i\tnunciint : In the Considera tion ot All 8ulijectH hut Ihoio Coiuoin- lug the raymeiit of i\-lliilon : Soldiers' Clalmx. WASHINGTON , Aug. 19 Hepresentallvo Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois , the senior re publican member ot the present appropriations committee of the house , and who was chairman of the appropriations com mittee during the Fifty-first con gress , has prepared n statement which ho will submit to the house selling forth a comparison from his standpoint ot the appropriations for Ihe present and the Fitly- first congress. It Is captloncd , "Pension np- proprlatlbns reduced $29,099,504. Total ot other appropriations Increased. " Mr. Cannon says : "Mr. Cleveland by his estimates asked congress to appropriate for the public service of the coming fiscal year , Including permanent appropriations , $520- CG2,840 and congress has appropriated for such service $190CGS,3G9. This In round numbers Is $30,000,000 less than the president asked for public service. "A comparative statement of appropriations made at this congress for the fiscal year ending Juno 30 next with appropriations made at the first and second session of the last congress ( Fifty-second ) nnd at the first and second s'sslon of the Kitty-first shows that the appropriations this year are greater by $ J7,2G8bG8 than wcro those made by the first session of the Fifty-first , or Reed congress The statement also shows tha appropriations made this year are $28,835,989 less than those made at the second tcsslon of the last , or Fitly-second congress. This reduction Is cov- ersd by the Item for pensions nlone. There was appropriated this year for pensions $29- 099,504 less than was appropriated last year. It will be noticed , Iherefore , Uio appropria tions this year , excepting pensions , are greater than the appropriations made last year by $263,515. The tolal approprlallons for Ihe Fifty-first , or Reed congress , two years ago , were $988,417,183 , and those for the Flfty-sscond , or last congress , two years , $1,027,104,547. " ONLY SAVED PENSION MONEY. Mr. Cannon then rcid Ihe statement Issued by the Treasury department en July 2 , giving the expenditures and receipts cf thu govern ment for the past year and those of the previous year. Mr. Cannon's statement then continued : "This statement does not Include the postal receipts or expenditures there from , nnd as they balance each other , It Is not material to state them here. It shews the receipts of the United States f-r Ihe twelve months ending June 30 , 1894 , to have been $88,659,292 less than the receipts for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1891. This statement shows also that the expenditures for the twelve months ending June 30 , 1894 , were $16,884,595 less than for Ihe twelve months ending June 30 , 1893 ; hut this same slalemont shows the payment for pensions made for the year ending June 30 , 1891 , were $18.180,272 less than they were for the year ending Juno 30 , 1S93. "In other words , exclusive of pension , President Cleveland , for his full fiscal year , expanded $1,295,677 more to carry on the government thin Vv expended in the final fiscal year ending with President Harrison. "There have been many Increases In the salaries of democratic officials , and especially In the diplomatic and consular service. The salary of the first assistant secretary of state Is increased from $3,500 to $1,500. The minister to Belgium Is Increased from $7,500 to $10,000. The mln sters to Switzerland and Portugal are Increased from $3,000 to $6,500 each. The minister to Mexico has had the salary of his secretary of legation Increased from $1,800 to $2.650 The ministers to Nicaragua and CosU Rica for the first tlmo arc allowed secrelarles of legallon at $1,800 each , while the Bureau of American Re publics is cut down from $ ' 50.000 to $10,000. The s'x auditors of the Treasury department are Increased from $3COO to $4,000. or ntti'KHAoit HO/J/A.SO.V. rionecr In Kaiifias Politics Laid to Kc t at Ijiwreiep. * EAWRANCE , Kan . Aug. 19. The funeral of Governor Charles RobMsun. the first cx- executlve of the stute of Kansas , took place here this afternoon H was atlended by thou sands of people , Including many stale offi cials and other old citizens from various parts of the state. The services were con ducted by Rev. C , G. How land of the Uni tarian church. Death of an Aged I'rlest. BALTIMORE , Aug. 19.-rRev. James Hoff- zuegott died yesterday nt St. Joseph Pas- slonlst monastery , aged 81 years. Ho was the oldest member ot the Passlonlst order In America. He was born In Bavaria and hod been In the order forty-eight years. ilulliiH Claude. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 19. Julius Claude , a well known ticket broker ot this city , at ono tlmo president on the Guarantee Ticket Brokers association , but moro recently Its secretary , died today , aged 38 , of consump tion. He had a wide icqualntance with rail road men throughout the west. t int. Charges of Immorality Against the Cali fornia Ulvlno Not Credited. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 19. The official board of the Simpson Memorial church this afternoon unanimously adopted resolutions , which were subsequently endorsed by a ris ing vote of the largo congregation assembled at the morning service , statins Iho belief that the charges against the character of Rev. A. C. Hirst had been brought by an Irresponsible adventurer , evidently for the purpose of blackmail ; that the ofilrlal board , at the re quest of Dr. Hirst , had some months ago Investigated these accusations and had found them to be entirely without foundation. The members of the church and congregation ex pressed unswerving confidence In Dr. Hirst's Chilstlan Innocence of the charges , at the same time expressing their gratification that Dr. Hirst had declined Invitations from lead- Inc eastern churches and had consented to remain pastor of Uio Simpson church for another year. .tAS CO.N ro.v. . Meeting at Davenport , In. , Today lo lie the l.arRc'Ht In the Order'H IllMory. CHICAGO , Aug. 19. Two hundred dclo- cales to the thirteenth annual conference of the Sons of Veterans , which convenes nt Davenport , la. , tomorrow , leaving Chicago for that city over the Rock Island this after noon. "We will have the largest convention in the history of the order , " said Comman der McCabe. A prominent figures about the commander-ln-chet's headquarters was Major George H. Hurlot of llelvldere , who Is candi date for commander In chief , backed up by the Illinois delegation , Hrecklnrldffo Mill righting. LEXINGTON , Aug. 19. Congressman Brecklnrldge arrived hero last night. He reports having tpoken ( o 00 people at Bridgeport yesterday , of whom 1DO were ladles. Ho will recup > ralo here for the barbecue at Georgetown tomorrow , where he and his competitor , Stttle , will debale tlielr respective claims to represent the Ashland district. _ \Vlchltii hutlonil to Iteopen. WIOIU'IA , Kan. , Aug , -Arrangement * have been completed with the depositors ttnd creditors ot the recently clo.ed Wichita Na- tlonal bank whereby the bmk will reopen Its doors for business Seplembcr 1. The comp- Irollcr , It Is said , has been Tully satisfied ol the solvency of the Institution. .v/ir .i/or ; : .KJ.I/A.ST rni' /vr.i.s. llielr Old l.neiny Appointed Council for San .Salvador at Trl < oc > , SAN FRANCISCO , Aug 19. The Examiner snyri : San Salvador ha * n new consul In this clly. Carlos Yrlgoycn has been removed nnd the place has been given to .Dr. Eustorjo Calderon , who has been living In San Fran cisco during the past two years. Dr Cnl- dcron Is n native of Guatenmli , Ho closely sympathizes with the pr sent government and Is n bitter enemy of the Ezctas , by whom he was tortured as punishment for tnklng part In a revolution ngnlnst them. The appointment of Calderon Is the last move made by Iho Salvadorean government In the Ezcta mailer nnd In fact one of the most Important It Is plain that the gov ernment of San Salvador had good causa to mistrust Mr. Yrlgoyen. It was believed from the first that Yrlgoy en was friendly to the Erelas and It Is thought here his trip to the cast was partly In their Interest. What strengthened this belief in the minds of Min ister Giirman and his asslstanls at Washing ton hive been Iho lellers nnd tclcgrnms from residents of this city calling attention lo sev eral facts In connection with Yrlgoy en and the Ezetas. The appointment by Yrlgoycn of Mr Romas ns acting consul was consid ered by Ihe Salvadoreans hero ns another attempt to help the Ezetas. On * of the le e- grams sent to Dr. Guzman was from Dr. Calderon and It fully outlined the situation and called particular attention to the ami cable relations between the con.sul nnd An tonio Ezeta Mr. Yrlgoycn had served as consul under Ihe presidency of Carlos Ezeta and had been highly favored by him. It was natural that a return of favors should be made at this time when Antonio was In dlro peril. Dr. Caldoron also sent n telegram lo President Gullerrer , In which ho laid the situation before him nnd offered to ncl ns consul. Dr Calderon has received a lolu- gram from President Gulterrc/ which he said he would avail himself of his services. AA or i'o init K Thicc Person ? Illcm n to 1'lei ei and Many llulldlngi Otiin ignl , FORT SMITH , Ark. , Aug. 19.-List night at 9 o'clock the four powder houses of the Specr Hardware company , localcd two miles from here , on the Potcnu rher , exploded. The Hash was seen severnl minutes before the report of the concussion was felt. The rowder houses are n total wreck. A small cabin near by , the homo of Mrs. Cook , was blown lo splinters. Mrs. Cook , her daughter ind nn Infant were hurled Into eternity. Mrs. Cook was cut nearly In two. The powder houses contained 1,200 pounds of dynamite and 300 kegs of powder. The shock was felt at Van Burcn , Alma , Gro nwool , Hackelt , Kavanaugh and many places nearly twenty miles awiy. In Fort Smith thousands of dollnrs worth of property was deslroycd. The lall buildings swaved lo nnd fro and the crash of falling and cracking glass was like n discharge of artillery. The opera house , Boston store , Ar cade , J. J. Little's store. Acres & Co , Vaughn hardware store , Fugan Bourt and Iho Woslern Union buildings severely dam aged , while along Sixth street and Garrison avenue nre many wrecks No explanation has been found for the explosion. Aft ItKAlt 111 * yiiAHS. llenuirkihlii Story of Adventures at hen 'Iold hy n .Massachusetts Man. PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 19. F. B. Bertram ot Salem , Mass. , who has been mourned ns dead alncn 1S84 , pascsd through here today enrouto to his homer He tells a remarkable story of his adventures at sea during his long absence. After traveling for a time between Boston and Philadelphia , Bertram In 1887 sailed for the South Set Islands on the bark Clyde Glide. The Glide was caught In n cyclone off Tamatlve , Madignbcar , but all hands were rescued. Bertram then shipped aboard the Elexa , a British bark. This vessel was wrecked In December , 1883 , and all the crew , with the exception ot Bertram , perished. Iln was washed ashore on ono of the Solomon group ot Islands , where he VMS cared for by the natives unlll Mny last , when he was taken to Melbourne on a Danish brig. Ho sailed to San Francisco , reaching there Tuesday. I'J : * > T Aor jtiirniiAti , Well Knoun WtHDourl Politician Denying ItumorH of Ucllri-inent. KANSAS CITY , Aug 19. In reply to n letter from Colonel John W Polk of this city Inquiring as to the truth of the story that ho was to rctlie from public life , the following , under date of August 15 , was received today from Senatoi G. G. Vest , who Is now In Washington : "About every six months regularly some newspaper publishes a statement that I am about to retire from public life. Of course all these things are minufactttrcd for a pur- posj and are wllhout the slightest foundation In fact. I have told nobody any such Ihtng and piy no attention to any such stnlemcnls. Whenever I make up my mind to quit pub lic life , my friends will first'know it. and In Mich a way that there can be no mistake about my Intentions. " ' TO VllKl ) / / / / , / , l/.l.V.S l l'.SMTVrK. IllhiolH ( Inventor AKkrd to As lfit Sixteen Hundred Who Are Cnahle to Cot Work. SPRINGFIELD , 111. , Aug. 19. Governor Allgeld lodny received a loiter fiom a com mittee of Pullman citizens abklng assistance In feeding 1,600 families unable lo get work. The Pullman company Is alleged lo be Im porting men from all over the country and turning many old hands out on the street. The governor left tonight for Chicago nnd will personally Investigate the situation at Pullmnn Monday. WIIM Horn a Huron , CHICAGO , Aug 19 Herr Van Benthel , a Hollander of distinguished Uncage , who for a quarter of n century had lived In seclu sion In Kansas , died on a boal In Chicago harbor The dead man was by right a baron of the Netherlands , and his bister Is the Daroniss Von Voorst , living nt The Hague. His birth gave him a rlghl lo n peerage , but by the curious manipulation of titles In the Netherlands ho was declared n pic- lender and came to Ihls eounlry , purchasing 1,000 acres of land near Llndon , Kan. Ills wife was with him when ho died. Woman ANxanlUd at Her Home. OWOSSO , Wls. , Atig , 19. Mrs. James Curwood , a leading woman of this city , was repeatedly assaulted at her home. She de scribes her assailant as being a stout , handsome some- and well dressed man. She attempted to shoot him , but ho wrenched the gun from her , finally leaving her bound and senseless CltUcns and olllcers are scouring the eounlry. KCIIISIIH' I'lirmcrit emigres * Delegate , TOI'EKA , Kan. , Aug 19. Governor Lew- oiling has appointed the following delegates to the national farmers congress , which meets at Parkcrnburg , W Vu. , October 3 , and ti. Walter N. Allen of Merldcn , E. H. Holllebower , Bucyrus , Miami county ; G. 8 , Currier , Gurnctt , and J. B. Dykes , of Lebanon , Allen and Hclll.bouer are farmers. Ualmim DcHcrtliif * Ciilirornlu. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 19 , The Italians are deserting California In largo numbers. They find that It Is difficult for them to obtain work hero and many are returning to Italy. Others are going to the Koulhern states , particularly Florida and Alabama , Itulned hy ( liuiihllng , BOISE , Idaho , Aug 19 - The postmaster of Albion In thU stale lit short In his accounts $2,700 , The cause la supposed to bo gum- bllntr SUFFERING FROM SPY MANIA , Ohincso Searching All Vo s)1s for Perrons Unfriendly to Thair Interests , JAPANESE TORPEDO BOATS ACTIVE Thry Are Poroed Uio Tort I'.tv triinccN mid Cauxo Much Alnrm In Military l'lr < lf < forclgnvrH III .Much Hunger. LONDON , Aug. 19 A sp clal dispatch to the Times from Shanghai says It Is reported that Instead of n large' Chinese army only a smal force was routed nt Ynslmn by the Japan ese. The remainder of the army has. It Is said , gone north to join thu northern farces. Skir mishes are reported to have taken place nt Plug- Yang , province of Shan-Yc , and a great battle Is expected to be fought there shortly. LONDON. Aug 20 A dlspitch from Shanghai says the Chinese there arc suffering from a spy mania that his developed among Chinese officials. All vessels arriving In Twoo Sung river are boarded by Chinese naval officers and searched for ppys nnd con traband munitions of war Two prominent Japanese have been arrested within the French concession on an uiifoundtd charge of spying. They are still detained for trial. The dispatch further states that n number of Englishmen and Scotchmen have been obliged to Icavo the arsenal at Wel-Hal-Wcl owing to the war. They had been llred nt by the Chinese guaids and some of them would un doubtedly have been killed had It not been for thu protection afforded them by Chinese offi ce ! s It Is added that on three successive nights Jipaneso torpedo bo-its forced the boom guarding the water entrance to Wcl-Hal-Wol. They either evaded or countermined the tor pedoes that had been Hid by the Chinese and effected entrance to the ports , the defense of which had heretofore been sup posed Impregnable. The Jipaneso did not engage the forts , as It is said they were only In search of Ir-onnatlon a to the lines to bo followed In the c\ont of It being decided to make an attack In force upon the place. Sickness prevails in both thu Chinese and Japincso armies. China has acc'ptcd the offer of Lul Yung I'l , the celebrated ox-chlof of the Black Flags at Tonquln , who Is now a naval commodore at Canton , to reorganize the Black Flags ( o light against Japan. Mall advices from China show the Chinese government has prohibited the exportation ot horses. Horses arc regarded as contraband of war by Japan. Urgent orders have been sent from the northern to the bouth < > rn ar senals for powder nnd other munitions. Ho- crultlng for th ° army Is progressing actively. The Japanese have fortified the passes leadIng - Ing from China into Corea nnd have estab lished claborata defenses at Seoul. Ono hun dred and sixty thousand men hove been mobilized by Japan and the reserves have been called upon for service in Corca. II'J AH TltUtiT California Orouers Will Itiilvi the 1'rlco mid ( out rot the I'loclcu t. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 The World tomor row will say : Several far-seeing Callfornlans have lately taken steps to form a vvlne syn dicate to control and regulito the price ot products of the vineyards. There are nearly 2,000 acres of vines In Callfoinla. The value of the properly and the cellars nro estimated at nearly $ SO,000. For sis or seven years past the vineyards have produced yearly about 2,000.000 gallons of wine In excess of the demand and prices dropped till It was not profitable to pick grapes. The firms In the syndicate arc : Arped , Hnrasscthy & Co. ; C. Carpy & Co ; Kohler & . Von Benson ; Koh- ler & Frohllng ; the Napa Valley Wine com pany ; S. Lachmann & Co. , and B. Dreyfus & Co. A World reporter asked Mr. Eugene J. Canters , eastern agent of Haraescthy & Co. . at the St. Cloud hotel today how the wlna consuming east will bs effected by the for mation of a combination. "It Is nothing but a business syndicate. Now , the smallest grape grower will bo able to live , " replied Mr. Cnnterb. "But how about the prices hero ? " "The only i coplo who will suffer In the east are the dealers here , who formerly bought wine for " > ! > cents a gallon and sold It for $1. Prices In California will bo In creased very gradually. New Yorkers wll | not suffer ; table d'hote dinners will be just as coed and the claret will certainly taste better with the r flection tint under the now order of things thu California growers aro. not starving. " _ _ i > iin : or A vit.v \ M.\S. \ ThomnH lloHltt of Nc'u .Icrtny At neks III * Wlfu and ll'ililm and Sulrldcn. KEARNEY , N , J. , Aug. 19. Thomas Hew itt , an Iron moulder , made an attempt today to kill his wife and four children. Ho wounded them all , but not fatally , nnd then sprang from a window and ended his life. He had been suffering for some tlmo from typhoid malaria. Early this morning ho en tered the room where his wife and children were bleeping. He raised u knlfo which ho was carrying and exclaimed. "Julia , your tlmo has coino " With this he pushed the woman asldo anil sprang to the bed Ho made u vicious lunge with the knlfo at the eldest child , a boy of 7 , missing him and burying the knlfo In the bedding. Ho struck again and again at the children , but they had been awakened by a scream from their mother and ho Indicted no serious Injuiy , although all of the tour were moro or less cut. Mit , Hewitt throw herself between her Inbaiio htuband and the children , and In endeavoring to' catch his arum received u bad stab , the point of the knife entering the flesh near the elbow. The. downward stroke of the knife continued and toro the arm to the wrist , Hewitt then sprang through the window , fracturing hist skull and dying an hour latnr. i * /'JI'H . .11H.V.US / . I'art of HIM C'rcm of thu Coast Survey btuainnr M < , Artlmr Dnmiicd. TACOMA , Wash. , Aug. 13. A special to the Ledger from Ocostu says : On Saturday morning , while making a landing through the surf at Jo creek , fifteen miles north of Gray's harbor , a whale boat and crow of nine men , In command of Lieutenant Fiecman If. Crossby of the United Stated coast survey steamer McArthur , was capsl/cd and five men are missing namely. LIEUTENANT CRO.SSBY. JOHN FRYER. JENS GUDMUNDSEL. WILLIAM NOIIM. ALEXANDER SMITH. At present full particular cannot Ue as certained , owing to the dllllculty of getting news from that locality. hiiHi | uitiMi Mm oillior. OTTAWA , Out. Aug 19. Inspector Mc- Mlchael , who was Instructed some tlmo ago by the acting comptroller of customs to lit- ijulro Into the circumstances of the seizure ot the American tc hooner Louleo of Sandusky by Hubcollector McCormuck of Soulhport. Polee Island , has made his report , the re sult of which Is that thu comptroller of cus toms has suspend d McCormack from duty and pay , The captain of the Louise docs not seem to have committed any Infraction of the law and Mc.Mlcliac ) re-ports the seizure was unwarranted , \Vlll ItiorK'inlr ' Hiu Oiimp.iny , DULUTII , Aug. 19. A meeting will bo held In Duluth .September H to reorganize the * Luke Shore & Union Improvement Elovatoq company , which will bo Incorporated with * capital of $500,000. U U understood M. Jt Forbes , now the receiver of the Northern Pacific nnd Red River companion , will bci preKldcnt ot the new company *