Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1894, Page 15, Image 15

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Jobbing Situation Remains Practically Un
IMunl Number of Orders Arriving lint 8m l
In Viitiitno Pnnsnso " ' thn Tiirlff Hill
JtcllovcB Homo of thn Uncor-
ti\lnty l.lvo .Stuck.
It being tlio oft season In a good many
lines ot business , no great activity Is to bo
anticipated In Jobbing circles. At the same
time about the usual number of orders nro
arriving and tbcro Is a good deal of business
doing In tlio Jobbing district. Tlio great
trouble Is , bowover , tbat tlio orders are
nearly all very smalt and tlio volume ot busi
ness Is not large In consequence. It re
quires Just about as much labor to nil a
small order as It docs to prepare a larger
one tor shipment , BO that the Jobbers have
plenty to do
There Is every Indication that this will
lie a year ot small orders , as the retail trade
of the country Is In such condition that the
merchants cannot bo expected to buy liber
ally for some tlmo to como.
The passage ot the tariff bill was a wel
come ovcnt to the business men of the city ,
ai It nerved to rcniovo some of the un
certainties surrounding the business situa
tion , though Its provisions may not have
been pleasing to all. While some of the
effects of the bill on the market have al
ready been anticipated , there Is no doubt but
what a good many other changes In values
will occur. Tor example , In liirdware the
price on sporting guns of foreign make , a
good many ot which are sold In the west ,
will como down about 10 per cent. Cutlery
of foreign make and tin plate will be lowered
in price. The reduction In the tariff on tlio
latter will make a very material difference
In the price of that article. The American
manufacturers , according to a local hard *
ware Jobber , have had a very flno thing the
past summer. Hvory ono has been buying
In too small lots to Import plate , and , In
consequence , the American manufacturers
have had all the trade. It would appear
that these manufacturers have reached a
position where they expect to be able to com
pete with the foreign manufacturers In spite
of the reduction In the tariff. With the ab
solute certainty that the duty on tin plato
would be reduced , men have been putting
capital Into new plants or enlargements of
existing plants for the manufacture of tin
plate. Within a few days Mr. David D.
Oliver , general manager of the Oliver Iron
and Steel company , was quoted In Httsburg
dispatches as saying that the company's mill
on South Fifteenth street , I'lttsburg , would
soon bo turned Into- ono of the largest tin
plate mills In the world , and the American
Manufacturer of the same city said : "Thero
Is just now considerable activity In making
preparation for the manufacture of tin plate.
A number of new projects that have been
on paper merely have been commenced In
earnest. Old mills are nuking additions , and
the tin plato trade thus Increases the activity
In numerous lines of the Iron and steel trade. "
The list of good * that will bo affected by
the tariff changes Is too long for enumeration
In this connection. In a good many lines It
Is still a question as to what effect the now
tariff will have and on these the future course
of the market will bo a matter of Interest.
The situation In the drouth-stricken dis
tricts of the country tributary to this mar
ket continues a leading topic of discussion
among the local Jobbing fraternity. As
noted last week there are a good many
schemes proposed for relief In the way of
supplying work for farmers who have lost
their crops , but none of the plans proposed
appear to be In any danger of being car
ried out. A merchant who was In the city
tlio other day from a western county rather
discouraged those who have , been advocating
the furnishing of work by Claiming that the
people In his county had openly stated that
the county was In duty bound to support
them without work.
An event of special Interest to manufac
turers of the state was the banquet gl\on
the merchants of Beatrice by the Manufac
turers and Consumers association on last
Thursday evening. The attendance was very
largo and according to all reports the busi
ness men present were very favorably Im
pressed with tlio excellence ot goods of Ne
braska manufacture , as placed before them
on the banquet board. The attendance of
Omaha members of the association was not
so great as at the recent banquet In Ne
braska City , owing , no doubt , to the time
that would bo required In making the trip
to Dcatrlco and return.
Nearly rll the cities of any commercial
Importance have during the past week been
nblo to show an Increase In the matter of
clearings as compared with a year ago , so
many , In fact , that there Is a gain of 8 per
cent for the whole country. While Omaha
does not show as largo an Increase as many
cities she Is considerably above the average ,
the gain at this point amounting to 17.0 per
Business men generally appear to bo antici
pating some Improvement In the business
situation of the country and the course of
events In the business world Is being care
fully watched for signs pointing In the right
direction , nvery favorable change Is
grasped upon as an Indication that the tldo
has turned , and matters of comparatively
small Importance , that In ordinary times
would not attract much attention , afford
at the present tlmo no llttlo consolation.
The report of the Imports and
exports for July , which has Just
como to hand , Is looked upon as
ft. most favorable Indication. The Imports
of goods of foreign mar.ufacturo for the
month of July were the largest of any month
silica the commencement of the business
depression a year ago , the total
being $65,251,057 , of which amount
$38,959,913 was for articles free of
duty. It Is claimed that the Im
ports of goods liable to duty would haTe
been still larger had It not been for the
fact of the Impending tariff bill and the
prospective reduction of duties. The total
exports for July were $52.713,133 , against
exports In July , 1893 , of $69,113,857. The
seven months ending July 31 show almost
exactly the same exports for both 1893 and
1891 , the figures In the first case being
SI57.G11.3M , anu In the second $157,112,411.
The Imports for UK same period were $520-
.18,1,571 In 1893 , and oMy $401,191,253 In 1894.
The falling off In art.-lcs Imported free of
duty for the seven mo.Uhs was about $30-
000,000 , while in 0-itla lo articles It was
nearly $90,000,000.
The changes In tha Market for country
produce and llvo itocft 'lave , for the most
part , been favorable io shippers , the gen
eral tendency of valiui Jclng upward.
Several lines of country produce have
shown substantial Implement , as will be
noted from the inorUit reports given In
another column. In i/iost Instances the ad
vance Is ascribed to a falling oft In the re
ceipts. Fruits wore also considerably higher
at the close than trey were at the opening
of the week.
The live stock market has also been on
the up grade. The cause for this would appear -
pear to bo due In part to the Improved con
dition of eastern markets and to a better
local demand. The ending ot the
strike of the picking house em
ployes has placed the locnl packers
In a position to do business once more with
out hindrance , and they have been much
more liberal buyers than they were n week
ngo. In the way of cattle the receipts have
been too light to supply the demand on
some days , and the market 1ms been gradu
ally working to a higher level. The re
ceipts ot hogs have boon fair , but not heavy
enough to prevent the market from nnklng
a rapid advance. Upon the whole , the mar
ket lius been qulto satisfactory , so far as
sellers were concerned.
fioma ( ioixl Will Como from tlio Drouth If
I'urmori Only llti il ,
"Trnde Is not Improved , " sum the local
innnnger of n. O. Uun & Co.'a mercantile
agency , referring to commercial conditions
for the week. "Copious showers have fallen
In many parU of the state , breaking the
drouth , but they nro too lute to do much
Kpod , except for fall pasturage. Hay Is
-short , corn a failure , and the farmers of
KNebraska will this year bo buyers and con-
' \jumers Instead or producers.
"Theso dry years ore productive ot good
In ono way. They turn attention to the
Importance of Irrigation , rind emphasize the
necessity < > t varied farming fmrlnit the
coming winter considerable work will be
done In rrcnvntlng ditcher nnd bringing
lands under water. It would be good nui
Inesi sense on the part of our western
counties to bond themselves for fund * to
create Irrigation cnnnls , not only for the
Hake of future benefits , but because thH
would give employment to many worthy
mr > n who will need wages for the support
of their families. , .
"llxccpt that the tariff question Is In all
probability settled for the present , nothing
has occurred to stimulate trade during the
week. The effects of the new tariff law
have not yd been fill to anv considerable
extent , nnd the activity anticipated from
Its enactment must necessarily wait until
Hi terms nro fully understood and the- pres
ident has nillxed his signature. ,
"In these troublous times men should be
especially careful not todo or say any
thing which will unfavorably affect the
credit of business men or firms Nothing
In the world Is HO sensitive as credit. The
lenst suggestion of danger frightens a
creditor , nnd mnny a firm which has been
slightly embarrassed bus been driven upon
the rocks of li revocable bankruptcy by a
rumor having only a shadow of truth as
"The strike has been declared oft at South
Oinahi , nnd one more failure of the sympa
thetic walkout has been added to history.
It Is to be hoped labor troubles are ended
now. This country has burdens enough to
bear nt present without the self-imposed
one of a labor strike. "
BNOW , cinmcii & CO.M vinws.
Illiniums Down to Iliirdpnn unit Dcnlars
Preparing for Itctter Things
Albert Andrlano , local superintendent for
Snow , Church & Co.'a mercantile agency ,
writes ;
"To the casual observer there Is no ap
parent change In the business situation this
week. Much complaint Is heard of the crop
failure In the west , and much despondent
talk is general. To those , however , who
are In a position to carefully observe all ex
isting conditions nnd rate them correctly ,
there Is a. very decided change In the tone
of trade , both general nnd local. The tlnal
passage of the tariff measure has had a
noticeable effect on business In the cast.
Stocks and bonds almost Immediately as-
Hiimed a firmer tone , and a steadier market
prevails In American securities , both at
home and abroad. There Is little doubt In
the minds of eastern tradets that business
men in general will experience a gradual
revival during the next few months
"At Omaha nnd other Jobbing points In
the west thn crop failure is discouraging tea
a certain extent , and will no doubt retard
the progress of events , but both wholesalers
and retailers nro gradually recovering from
the shock occasioned by the misfortune of
n shortage of the crops. The prospects
were altogether so favorable and po en
couraging early In the season , the acreage
of corn planted so large , that business men
had come to rely largely on the result an
abuuJ nt crop a. term synonymous with
prosperity and easy times. The total failure
of the crops in some sections and the par
tial failure In others naturally resulted In
e\treme disappointment. It will take some
time for this teellng to wear off , but grad
ually It will give place to a feeling of more
confidence , and there can be little doubt
that the revival of trade In other localities
will materially affect business here.
"The enactment of the tariff measure and
the gradual revival of trade In the east
will naturallv benefit western Industries.
This about characterizes the situation In
conservative business circles at Omaha , at
Lincoln , and other points In this territory.
It Is difficult to state at this time Just to
what extent business * will be affected this
fall , Orders are coming fairly well In all
staple lines , while dealers in luxuries still
complain of a slackness In trade. Retail
business Is still In the dull season , and
little is to bo expected until some time In
September. Wholesalers are very careful
In extending credit. Retailers of the better
class are ordering very lightly. There Is
little demand for money at the banks from
responsible sources. There are many claims
for collection In the hands of agencies , but
most of them are hard and slow. There Is
no doubt that fall trade will be rather
light In general , but merchants are prepared
for this , and it Is not such a serious pros
pect as might be the case under other cir
"A matter which la being agitated to some
extent In business circles Is an amend
ment to the collection and foreclosure laws.
These are so lenient In this state as to
seriously affect the credit of the community ,
and there Is a general demand on the part
of responsible merchants for the enact
ment ot such laws as will amply protect
the Intel ests of local wholesalers , and pro
tecting the Interests of easier creditors and
Investors , encourage a feeling of confidence
much needed at this time. This Is an
Important year for Nebraska. It is a legis
lative year. An eastern capitalist largely
Interested In this and other western states ,
and whose Investments would sum up In
seven figures , recently made the statement
to me 'that a failure In the crops did not
do us near so much damage as the calamity
cry of popullstlc legislators. ' 'Men who are
well acquainted with the condition of this
state , ' he said , 'have never faltered In their
opinion of Its continued prosperity , nnd I
hold my Investments In Nebraska ns.nrnonR
the best I have. ' Eastern capitalists should
be encouraged to Invest In Nebraska , and
local business men should exert their ut
most efforts to gain and maintain the con
fidence and interest of the moneyed interests
of the east. "
St. LoulH General Market.
ST. LOUIS , Aus. 18. FLOUR Dull , un
WHCAT Dull , weak , losing nbout % c : No
2 red , cash. UOMc ; August , 50o ; September ,
BOTnc ; December , 61Hc ; May , 6814c.
COHN IrrcRular , closing Vic up for Septem
ber to Vic down for May , No. 2 mixed , cash and
Augrust , 6c , September , Me ; May , 49V4c.
OATS Quiet : No 2. cash and August , SOiic ;
September. SIVSc ; Mny , 35 } c.
KYK Nothlni ? dolnff.
HAHLnY No trailing
IIRAN rirm ; 70c. east trnck.
rLAX SEHD Lower : Jl 22 bid.
C'LOVnil HlKher ; J8.75f9 05.
TIMOTIIV Strong , unchanged.
HAY Dull , weak , not quotably changed.
IIUTTEII Higher ; separator creamery , 19
naas Dull ; ioc.
LHAD J320 bid for spot.
Bpni/mu-ji is.
COilN M12AL Lower ; $2 W02 GS.
WHISKY $1 28.
COTTON TI13S Unchanged.
J1AC5OINO Unchanged.
I'llOVISIONS U > wer , weak nnd dull. Pork ,
standard mesa , Jobbing , $14. Lard , prime steam ,
17 30 , choice , tl.K < & . Dry salt monts , loose
shoulders , Ji37Vi. ( IOIIRS and ribs , $730 ; shorts ,
$7 CO. Ilnonn , packed shoulders , $7 50 ; longs ,
$8 , ribs. JS 12'.4. shorts. $8 25S 37 .
UHClMPTS-riour. 1000 Mils. ; wheat , 8,000 bu. ;
corn , 21 000 bu ; mta , 20 000 bu.
SHIPMKNTS-riour. 9,000 Mils ; wheat , 11,000
bu , corn , 11,000 bu. ; oils , 2,000 bu.
Cotton Mnrfcitt ,
closing : Spot , quiet ; fro , ' supply offering ;
American middling. 3 27-3M The sales ot the day
wore d.OOO bales , of which 400 balca were for
speculation nnd export , and Including IS 300 bales
American. Ilecelpts , 3,000 bales Including 2 900
bales American Putures opened easy with the
demand principally for near options nnd closed
oulet. but steady. American middling , L M C. ,
August. 3 48-64G > 3 43-Wd ; September and October ,
3 4S eil3 43-64(1. October and November , 3 49-64d
sol I era.
Haifa. 6S bales , receipts , 215 bales , exports ,
coiRtnlse , 4CO bales Tutiires , dull , sales , 13,200
bales , August , ( ii.3S , September , $6 33iffl 31 ; Octo
ber , $6 33 < t/M / > 36 , No\ember , JG ! 3fiG 41 ; December ,
$ i ! 51(76 52 ; January , fC 57 j > < ! 58 , IVbruary , JO 63 ©
601 , Much. J GJ 670 , April. JO TVffh 70 ; May ,
JG hljfC S3 , June , Jo S706 S3 ; July , JG 3JO6 03.
Kaunas City MurkotM.
KANSAS CITY , Aug 18. WHIIAT lo lower ;
No. 2 bard , 47o ; No. 3 hard , 4 < ic , No. 3 red ,
47c : No. 3 red , 4MJI6c : rejected. 43fj > lle.
COIIN lo lower , No. 2 mixed. Blc ; No. 2
whllo , 52'io ,
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , SSkifflOTi ; No. 2
white , 33c
UUTTUR I'lrm ; cieamery , HifJ'SOo ' ; dairy , HO
KdCJS Active und firm ; strictly fresh , 10JP
UlIcniPTS-Whoat , 73,000 bu. : corn , 210 bu. ;
aits , 2 100 bu
HIUl'MENTS-Wheat , 11,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none ,
Toledo ( iniln Market.
TOLKDO. Aus. IS , WHUAT Lower , steady ;
rush nnd August , GJe ; .September , 63)o ; Decem
ber. SiiVljC.
COHN-Dull ; No. 3 mixed. 46Vic. nominal ; No.
2 ji'llow , 4Sc.
OATS Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , SOc ; No. 2 while ,
llVn-Diltl ; No. 2. < 7c.
CLOVUll HBUn Active , lower ; October , JS.OO ;
Noember. . $567'J ' ; rebruary. $3.93.
UKCIJIITS Wheat , 107.000 bu.j corn , 2,500 bu. ;
oats , 5.000 bu. ; r > e , 3,50) bu.
SlIirMUNTO rimir , 4.000 bbls ; oatu , 3.000 bu.
bucur Mil flint.
NEW YOllK , Aug. lS.-SUOAll-Ilaw , strong ;
fair rellnlntt , S'tc ; centrifugal , 90 loit. 3Su ,
HiK'H , none. Itellned , stiudy ; Nn. A , 4 l-lOttlUo.
No. 7 , 3 l-isei'ic ; No. S , 3 4 M6c ; No. 9.
1 lMS ? 4c ; N . 10. J\ti3 15-lto ; No. II , 3 1I-16M
3U : No. l. , 3'UM 13-lOUSc ; standard A , 4 7-160
4V : confectioners' A , 4 7-lClfl'ic : cut loaf ,
I > V < if < H6o ; cnithed. 4'4O4 B-lGo ; powdarvd. 3 13-19
t/3o / ; Eranulnted , 4 S-lWdMc : cub > . 4 IJ-lWc.
I.ONUON. Aug. IS. HUOAHCane , steady ;
LvnUlfUKul , Java , 13 < 3d ; muscovado , fair ru-
tlnlnrf , Us 3d.
DiilutliVlii > nt . Market.
DUMlTIt. Aug. : : No. 1 hard. cash.
GftVic ; August , U7o ; No. 1 northern , cnsh , & > iWc ;
August , Uc ; September , SIHcj December , SlVia ;
Xu. 1 northern , uish , HUc ; No. i. 47V c ; rejected ,
4CUc. To arilve ; No. 1 northern , new , 61 lie ,
old , 57&C.
Prism vVliimt ( Jiiotiitloni.
and stead ) ' ! DefemtKr. JUiSjcj Mny , > 1.04V .
V.\ool Mill-kill.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. It-WOOL-Qulsl ; rather
easy , without quoUUl * Uunge ,
In Wheat There Was a Light Speculative
Business Yesterday ,
( Icncrnl Iniprrnnlon Unit tlio Crop Dniimio
Unit IlccnOtcrcstliimtcil U'li * Clilvll/
Itcupimslbtn fur the Decline
Stockn nnd Iloiuls.
CHICAGO , Aug , 18. In wheat tlioro was a
light sicculntlvo | business , the range for the
lay being limited to from % o to V4c. The
feeling was easier. First trades were at
fractional advances , at CWto tor Septem
ber , but did not hold , and a % o to ' ,4o
reaction ret In , followed by a V4o to Uo rally ,
became quiet , ruled steady , and closeil with
September at from C3)ic to 53c. The early
firmness was attributed to the receipts falling
ever 100 cars from the estimates and to a
smaller movement In the northwest , and the
cables , whllo dull , jghowod no decline , all of
which tended to strengthen prices. The mar
ket , however , soon sympathi/ed with the de-
cllno In corn , and lower prices followed. The
northwest sold moderately and prominent
local speculators also sold freely , which as
sisted the wcnkness , the buying being confined -
fined principally to shorU. Klevator people
were moderate sellers. Reports from the
spring wheat country came In , like those
from the southwest one month ago , stating
threshings were turning out considerably
larger than expected. Private cables quoted
the weather showery In England , market
quiet and prices weak , and added that the
French crop was ascertained to bo large , but
the quality reported as unsatisfactory.
The crop damage scare largely collapsed
twlay , and corrf , which a week ago was BO
exceedingly buoyant that It was able to lift
not only Itself but every other market on
the floor , was heavy as tcad and closed with
a loss since yesterday of lo per bu. Wheat
Joined the funeral march of corn to the ex
tent of ' 4c per bu Provisions followed the
procession reluctantly , closing at a moderate
decline. The corn market was weak and ap
peared to need more buying orders from the
country , as the demand was very light.
The general Impression that tlio crop dam
age had been overestimated was chiefly re
sponsible for the decline. Trade was fairly
active. Receipts were only 245 cars , and for
Monday 350 cars ore estimated. The prices
of the day were made at the opening , and
these were at a trifle Improvement upon the
closing rates of the day before. The price
for September declined lc under the high
est It sold for at the opening , and It left off
Ic below Its current value at the close yes
terday. May pursued a similar course , gainIng -
Ing for an instant at the start Vic on the
previous afternoon's prices , but dropping Ic
of that and closing with a net loss of % c for
the day. The opening was at from 52o to
G2'4c and closed at 51e.
Trading in oats , while only active at times
during the session , amounted In all to a very
good day's business. The tone of the mar
ket was easily Influenced by the actions of
corn. September closed % c lower at 29c
b'd. May ranged from 314c to 31c and
ended with the latter price bid , a decline of
% c/ilso.
Provisions opened higher on light live hog
receipts , but under Increased offerings soon
sold down. Some steadiness was developed
near the close on moderate buying , and a
slight reaction followed. Compared with last
night , January pork Is 25c lower , January
lard 5c lower and January ribs lOc lower.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. _ I Open. | High. | Low. I Close.
Whcat.No. 2
Aiiff. , 63 ? *
i-ept r.4' <
Dee C7
Mny , U2
Corn No 2. .
Sent B2M
Oct 53 62 } ?
Oats No 2. . .
bipt 30
Oot SO W SOId 30K
May 34
Pork per bbl
Sept 13 30 13 30
Jan 13 UO aio 13 40
Sept. „ . 7 52 7 62M 7 45 7 52
Jan 7 55 7 65 7 46 7 47K
fclioit Rlba
Sept , . . . 7 20 7 20 7 12K 7 20
Jan 7 05 7 05 0 U2H 0 II2H
Cnsh quotations were as follows :
I'LOUll Winter patents , * 2 COB2 80 ; winter
straights. J230Q'2C5 , spring pitonts , $31003 CO ,
sprinB straights , J2202S3 , bikers' Jl C02 00
WHEAT No 2 spring , Ii2iJi54Wo ( ; No. 3
spring , nominal ; No. 2 red , 62 > 453'ic.
COHN-No. 2. B2 © 52o ; No. 3 jellow , C2ft
OATS No 2 , 2Dl c ; No. 2 white , 32 O31c ; No.
3 white , S2'i33vic.
llYi : No. 2. 46V4C.
IIAULUY No. 2. CSifCCo ; No. J , C3034c ; No. 4.
nominal ,
I'LAX BCCD No. 1 , Jl 25.
TIMOTHY 8RRD Prime , J3 80
PHOVISIONS I'ork , mess per bbl. , J13 300
13 33. Lard , per 100 Ibs , J7.4714 Short ribs sides
( looic ) , ? 7 2007.30 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
JG COJIli C2'4 ; short cleir sides ( boxed ) , } 1 C3JJ1.C5
WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per gal. ,
11.28.Hie following were the receipts anil shipments
for today :
Ycstcrday'fl Quotation * on 1'lour , Oriilu and
I'rovlsloiiH , Alotali' , Ktc.
NCW YOUIC , AUB. is PLOUII ncceiptB , 13-
000 bbls. ; exports , 35,400 bbls. ; sales , 2.COO pkss. ;
sales of holiday character ; buyers absent ; city
mill patents , J4.03O4 35 ; city mill clear , * 3.C50
3 05 ; Minnesota patents , J3 40O3.75 ; Minnesota
bakers' , J2.10G3 30 ; spring low gradea , } 1 ( W ®
180 ; winter patents. J1.3303 25 ; winter straights ,
> 2 2502 SO , winter extras , $1,0322 CO , winter low
grades , Jl G5J2 15 ; spring extras , Jl 802,30.
Southern Hour , dull ; sales , none ; common to
fair extra , J200ii2CO , good to choice , J2C00
330 Hyo Hour , Jjulet. siles , 250 bbls. ; superllne ,
J2.7CU3S5 ; fancy , J2SOO305. Buckwheat flour ,
COIIN MCAI < Stemly , yellow western , } 2 80O
3 10 : Urandyvvlne , $2 93 fJ 20.
HYK Dull , slate , C253c ; Jersey , 430COo.
11AIILI3Y Noinlnnl.
IIAHLUY MALT Slwidy ; v\estern , C7073o ; two-
rowed , state. 73c ; six-rowed , SO&S2C.
WHIJAT Ileeclpls. M.200 bu. ; exports. 137.000
bu , sales. C05.W ) bu futures and 4S.OOO bu.
SIM ! . Spot dull and easier ; No. 2 red , In store
and elevatoi , C7c , nlloat , 'B7ic ! ; f. o. b , G7 io ;
No. 1 northern , C4to , delivered ; No 1 hard ,
COTic , delivered. Options opened steady on buy
ing owing to unexpectedly Mimll cnilot le-
celptu nt Chicago , later reacted , but aim In
ste idled , closing ipilet at Ho net decline ; cables
dull and easy , and weekly exports small No.
2 red , Mny , closed at C5 > iO ; August closed at
C8'4o : September , 57G7He , closed at C7Hc ,
October , CSliStoHc , cloaeit lit 601,0.
COUN Hccelpts , ! ) , ) bu. ; expoiU , 1,700 bu. ;
sales , 103,000 bu , futures ami 48.000 bu. tpot.
8pot quiet and lo lower , No. 2. C0)ic ) In elevator
and GO % 61c alloat. Options weak and lower on
rains In the west last night , closed at Wile net
decline ; August closed at C3Uc ; September , & 8W
< (58c. closed at WSc ; October , C7HC53o , closed
at C7(4o ( ; December , MlihMSc. closed at 55HC
OATS Uecclpts , 326,500 bu ; exports , 301) ) bu. ;
sales , 62000 bu. futures and GO.OOO bu. snot.
Bpot dull ; No. 2 , 33ttG31o. No. 2. delivered ,
3IW 3ISo ; No. 3. SS , o ; No. 2 white , S7MO37T4O.
No. 3 Hhlte , 3Ci.-5c ; truck , mixed wmtern. 34tf
35o ; track. v\hlte state nnd western , 37l3c.
Options nulet ana weaker with corn , closing at
Via net decline ; August closed at 331c , Heptem-
ber , 33SC3I MCc , closed nt 33 tc ; October , 310
34'4c. cloaeil nt 34Ho.
IlAY Dull ; shipping , 65J60e ; good to cholco ,
HOI'S Dull ; state common to choice. CfllOc.
1'trlilc const , SOirn.
II IDIOT Slow ; wet nallp.1 New Orleans , re-
lecle-d , 45 to C5 Ibs. , 4lfll4o ; Texa > , selected.
K to 43 Ibs. . 4Q5c ; lluenon Ayrrs , dry. S ) to 23
] ba. . lOVic ; Texas , dry , 21 to 3) Iba , SffJWe
LHATHKll-Oulet ; hemlock eole. U. A. , light
to heavy , 15Ol c.
WOOU-Qulel , domestic Heeco , 13QUc ; pulled ,
PUOVISIONS Ilecf. quiet ; family ,
extra tnees , J8.OMI8 SO ; beeC hams , 113 ; city ,
extra India meas. J 1C 004)18 00. Cut nunu. quiet ;
pickled bellies , SUe ; pickled thoulders , 0o ;
pickled liama , lUiCJIH , . Lard , easier ; western
Hteam cUweil at 17. H5 ; sales , KO tlriera nt 17 S3 ;
September rlosej nt (7.90 , nominal redneil , dull ;
continent , IH.2J ; t ) . A. . IS.0 ; compound , l > V4u.
Pork , moderately acthe : new mesa , J15,0iifl5.23 ;
extra prime. I3 ( > H1J M ; family , I15.WO15 M ;
short cleitr , 1S.OO 18 W.
llUTTKH-Hlronu ; western dairy , ISOlKo ,
weaurn ereamery , 14i3vio , western fuctsry , 130
IS'i.o : Klglmt. ? 3iic ; mule dairy , none ; state
ciiniCSKrtuiuttate ) ; , TJfrOc ; > mall , 7KO
Ji.ei part dklins. JVtReHe ; full nkliiu , IWc.
iGIS : Klim. utalu and I'ennsiluinla. n'4OlSc ;
Ice IIOUHD. 15'iffICc ; ureslrm frrah. UUUlhio ;
caws , Jl My ] w.
TALLOW -Sternly ; city ( per pUir. ) . 4KCf l > ( u ,
oountry ( pkm. free ) . 4Vr4V' , u to quality
I''M Quiet , VVnshinKton , lil.U 60 ;
Wnihlngto , In bulk , JJOSi leflniwi > ' " -
15,13 , Philadelphia and rtnlllnviro | < ; t3 , Phila
delphia und Hummer" in l-ulki ii.M.
HO IN Stnvdy ; strained , common to Rood ,
| 1 1081 15. -
TUIH'KKTINR fliendy ; ri < 4i Mc
lUOB-riimi rtomestlc , fatr * extra , 4Hfl Mo ;
Japan , 4SWIV " "
MOIiAHfir.H Steady , New W l-inn , open kettle ,
B xl to choice. 2S < T3Cc II T
Pill iltON-Dull , Si tell , JIJMeM.M , Ameri
can , JIO oo 13 01) -
roppiit riinu Ukc.
LIJAD-l'Irm , riommtlc ,
TIN- Nominal , plaloi , dleJilW
HPfl.TI'.H-Nominal , nn nhles
COTTON Hiin : : OIL Firm. holden otter npar-
Ingly , eMportern taking mnio Intereitt , urtlos Mill
total , Including im ) bhl § of niimmci > clliw nt
J2c , rains In south cnil'lni ( f > hia npprrttrttnlon
nx tii the value of cotton i ciil for oil pr > luot
Prime ciudo. 20o ; off crude , ts/2 < c , vellow but
ler ttradM , aittMc ; cholu. ' sumraer > oljw | , nomi
nal ; prfma jellow , 32 Vjc. , i
( 'ondlllon of Trulo and ( Jiiot'illinn on
Slnpln mid I'lincy I'riiiliii'ii ,
The pist week has witnessed n few chtmgcs
In the mirket sltuitlon , cspeclilly the later
l > ortlon of the week.
Tlin butter market 1ms remained In about the
snmo notch wltlout quotable change , In ppHe
of the bulllsli reports are being pent out
from roinc sections of Iho coutitrj The re
ceipts were BOineuhil Fiimller tlnn for the
pnnlous week and It has been no etsy matter
for dealers to always secure en nigh BO < M | butter
to keep their customers supplied At the sime
time there has not been suiHilent pressure to
f-ircn the prices upuard In the' opinion of sunc
the full effects of the drouth hive not bten
felt by thn butter market an > et
The1 receipts of cgsi luxe shown nn Increase
duilnB the- week under review , the nnluils
Icing the lirgcst for any weik slneo .Hily 2) )
The very IU-BO proportion of poor stock aiilv-
Insf , however , has had the effect of cutting dmn
the receipts considerably below whit Is Indicated
by the lepirt of tha number of cases reeolvod
Coed OBRS IIAVO been scarce all the ttcek , no
much w > a mntnger fiellns Ins been de-
vclopeil durlnB the past few days nnd the mar
ket Is quoted lu per dozen higher than nt the
clime of last week
The poultry market experienced considerable
Improvement toward the close of the week
The mlxance was due nppiicntly to the de-
Lre"\se In the receipts , which amounted to some
seventy coops for the week The receipts are
still lirBC to what they" were a month ago nnd
dealers as a tule do not look for the adMince
to be of a ver > permanent character , ns they
Ilgure that rtcolptH will be stimulated , which
would rapidly foroo the nniket down nBaln.
The follow IIIB will show the arrlxils nt this
market of the lines of pnxluee tndlciled for the
wi-cks ending on the iHtea at the henl of
columns The IlBures represent cases of eggs ,
packages of butter , coops of poultry nnd earn of
potatoes :
AUB 17. AUB 10 Aug 3
Hggs . 1 2C4 1,204 042
Duller . & 17 1s3 717
Poultry . 431 COu 379
Potatoes . . 15 10 13
HfTTnU-PackliiB stock , lOc ; fair to Bood
countrj , 140I5c , choice to fancy , I7f15c ; gath-
cud creamer } 17020c , sepnrator crciincrs. 22c
iOOS Per do ? 12c
Ltvn POULTUY Old hens , OCTic , roosters ,
2'iifJ3c , cprlnB chickens. SltO' . sjirlnB ducks ,
Cjjbu , old full fcitliered ducks , 4'4Hc , Jicn tur-
kejs , C5J7c , gobblers , CffCc , old geese , full-
feathered , 4@5c.
VUAL Choice fat and small veals are quotefl
nt C'fefiGc , coaise and larBe. 35flc
CHlinSK Wisconsin , full cteain new mike ,
12fT12iSo ; Nebraska and Iowa , full creim , lie ;
Nobraskn nnd Iowa , part skims , So , Llm-
burgtr. No. 1 , lie , brick , No 1 , lie , Swiss , No
1 , II III So.
HAY t'nland Iny. $11 , mldlind , $10 ; lowland ,
$3 Coloi makes the price on liny Light bales
sell the best. Only top grides brhiB top ptlces
PIGEONS Old birds , pel do/ , SOc
In the veBetable line potitoes monopolize the
most attention. The supply nt this point has
not been large cud the feelliiB on the mirket
Is ver > llrm Present Indlcitlons would seem
to point to a vor\ light local crop , and ns has
been the case before this mirlcet will hi\e to
depend upon stock shipped In from n distance
An exchange pn > s that fnmi all sections of
the Dlack Hills of South I ) iKota come reports
of the enormous > leld of potatoes this jear.
Hvery rnnchmin r.'id settler , ln the Hills hod
planted ixilntoes In abundance , there being a
larser ncienge plant' d to' iwitoes this , jeir
thau e\ci befoio In the hlstijirj' of the C3untry ,
which Is piitinlly due to Ui ict tint the price
of potatoes only last spring reiehcil 2'j cents
per pound A careful estlimte plices the acreage
at double the amount ot Mn previous ji-u.
whllo the season Ins bounrninst fax arable for
their growth. It Ind beefl feared n short time
ngo that potatois would be a ding to the mir
ket throughout that sec lon , and would not
command a price sufficient < tr > more than piy
for their digging and haullnfr to market , but
recent adUces fiom NcbrflsUipand other states
show tint the potato crop In minv pi ices Is a
total failure , and on th it account the people
of the Illaek Hills will be .In.uiiioHlllon this year
to export Instead of Impart fhs necessary com
modity. . ,
The Minneapolis Market uecord sajs of the
ciop In that section that the general report la
that the aerease Is greatly , niBUmcntod ! this
jear throughout the notllmest. n\en If there
Is only half a crop , It the acreage Is doubled
It will bo seen that we will not go begRlng for
potatoes At all events , the hard times will not
allow pitatoes to advance eleu out of sight ,
aa the people who consume are learning a few
good lessens of substitution The man who
thinks that the dear people will eat half as
muiy potatoes at Jl 50 per bu.shel as they would
at 75 cents Is going to Und out that he Is In
error. Raise the price double such times ns
these on such articles ns potatoes nnd sou will
cut down the consumption a good deal more
than one-half. Simply because the mijorlty of
the consumers cannot ply the advance. There
la no question but that potatoes will be grod
property In the northwest , as they most nl-
wa > s arc , but shippers will do well to keep
them comlnr steadily nnd not endeavor to hold
them for a fortune Hear In mind that this Is
not the 5 ear for fortunes to bn made by holding
stock and standhiB slulnkages
POTATO CS > Hound lots , 7073c ; small lots , on
orders , SOc.
MHLONS Good Flock , crated , $20.
CANTALOUPES Nevada ( Mo ) Jems , per
crate. Jl CO
OLD HEANS Hnnd picked navy , $2 25 ; me.
cllutn. J2.10S2.15 ; common whlto beans. J1.73
ONIONS On orders. 2c per Ib.
CAIinAGC Good shipping stock , home grown ,
on orders , 2Uc ; southern , 2c.
TOMATOUS Home grown , on orders , per H-bu.
basket , 75c ,
OHLnnY Per < loz , 33W40c.
The fruit market has been active during the
past week , and the arrivals though laige , have
been none too heavy. The demand was good all
the week nnd the market gradually firmed up ,
nnd quotations at the close show considerable
Kaln ns eompircd with the opening of the week
Efforts have been madft for some time to find
an outlet for Callfoinla through export chan
nels , but heretofoie they have been unsuccessful ,
The past week cairled out the largest shipment
of fruit ever sent fiom California to Europe ;
In fact , It was the first experiment on a large
scale. On AuBUst 4 a train left Sacramento
with 11 carloads of fruit consigned to receivers
In London , and the outcome of this venture will
be watched with Interest.
fruit dealers express some doubt aa to the
success of the enterprise , feailns that the fruit
will not stand the xojagc co 03 to be marketable
on reachingLondon. .
The falling off of the Importation of fruit from
foreign ports this jenr Is remarkable. Durlnfi
the llrst six weeks of the present jear there
have been Imported at Now York only $21 C11
worth of oranges , ns against $142 901 Imported
during the same per'od last jear. The Impoita-
tlons of rals'ns ' have fallen off fiom JSG.SIO to
J1G , ! > 55 , and that of nuts from JI33.21G to $111.100.
Lemons have fallen off from $2G7,002 last > ear
to J2U.072 for the same period In 1S34 The
causes of this state of affairs ale due to two
facts. One la that the financial condition of
affairs In Ameika has made It Impossible to
give shippers to Sicily the usual banking facili
ties which this business tequlrcs 'Hie other Is
that the heax y looses made by shippers and 1m-
last year have made persons engaged
Iiorters Sicily trade extremely cautious Then
the growing of oranges in riorldi nnd California
has greatly affected the forwlgn trade , suppl > lne
the fruit nt a pi ICQ with which the foielgn
grow era cannot compete The decreased Impor
tations of rnlslns is owing to the superiority
of California fruit , which has driven them out
of the nmiket
S rilAWIlEHniES-None
APPLHS-Oood slock , per bbl , $3 003 23.
11131) UASl'IIEIlUIEH-None.
I'EAfllES-CaHfornla. $1 1M11 23
PLUMS California Washington plums. $1,23 ;
largo rod \ni-c'ik | > 3. Jl 23iUW-1 small red , Jl.2o.
PllUNnS H.25421.GO. '
Tins None. i
PEAnS-llartlett's , $1.75 >
PEAKS llartlett's , $1,50 1.75.
APllICOTS-Callfornla. none.
ciIEimiER-Callfornla. non * .
anAPES-Concords , 10-lb. baskets , S50IOc ; Cal
ifornia , J1.75. -
II ANANAS Choice stoctf , $1000260 per bunch.
LEMONS-Pancy lemons , 300 size , $65007.00 ;
faney lemons , SCO size , $6 6007 00 ,
FldS rancy , per Ib. . lit.
HONEY California , lc , ilnrlt honey. lOOlzo.
MAPLE SVHUP Gnllon canB per do : . , J13.
NUTS Almondi. 1S5J17C , " English walnuts , 103
lo : filberts , 12o ; Ilrazll nuts. lOe
CIDE3U Pure mice , per lib ! . JS , half bbl. . $ J 24.
III DBS No. 1 green lildog , 2 4c' No. 1 Kretn
hides. lH to ; No 1 green Batted hide * . 3Vic ; No.
2 green tailed hides. 2ff2ttckNo. 1 green salted
hides , U to 40 lln . 31ic ; No. ' 2 green salted hides.
SS to 40 Ibs. ZiCUc , No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13
Iba , SH Cc : No. 3 veal calf. S to 15 Ibs. , 4 < ? < Ho ;
No. 1 On Hint hides. Be ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
DC , No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured tildei
V > o per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTfl-Oreen salted , each. ! B1TMo.
ereen united theurllnga ( ihort woo led arly rklni ) ,
each , CO15c ; dn * * hearllne ( short wooled early
ekliu ) . No. 1 , each. O10c ; dry uhearllnt : * ( abort
wealed early sklni ) . No. 2 , each , He ; dry flint
Kama * nnd Nebrmkn butcher wool pelti , per
I'J ' , actual weight , 5J8c. murrain wool pelli , per
Ib , actual weight , 4 if 60 ; dry Hint Colorado
bulchtr weal peltn , per Ib. , actual walvht , 49
CHo ; murrain wool pelti. per Ib , actual weight ,
4C6c. llu\e feet cut off , aa It l useless to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW AND nnEASE-Tallow. No. I. 40
4'Jo ; tallow. No. t 3HO3VC , greate. while A.
44Vie , greas * . while It , JiJiM e ; Bra e , yel
low , Sci crraie , d rk. 1140 , old hutur ,
Uesnojc , prime , UO18o ; rough tallow ,
ChleiiKo 1'rult U'lutiitlonx.
CliiCAao. AUB. 18The Earl Trull company
old C'ullfotnla fruit today at auction In mintern
markets , in follows HurtlHl peirn $1.43i l 6i ,
Hummer Scckel , halt boxes , M-- . Peaches , efruw-
torO , " " -.UOi , hu nuehanna. McQJl.OO , Orange
nine KctJII M Pnines , Silver , it , Hunrulnn.
$1 91 ( Irrmnn , $1 SO (1ro < , $1 ( W , Pluins Kctscy
Jwn. | JI.OA , JI.OMII 10 Ornpcn hnlf
rmtes. Tokay. J3.l fll oo , Mtmeit. $ > l BS. At
Mlnnenpnlls : 1'i-nrn Uutlolts , J1.3' l 40 Pcichm ,
I'rnwfiinl , VOrffll CO ; OninKO ( "Hnir , "itnlfll 0) .
Poitof ttnw runpnny ( lilcnn" . i iM today
oitdit cnr4 of Cnllfiirnla. fruit nt auction i Ilirt.
Ictt penrs Jir.fillO ; II naliKenus. JIM , It ,
II ml ) s , "iScff II 00 Early Cnuvfonl ppnilicn , S5c
fijl 0) , Ijite Crawfonlii , 7MfM > c Muneilt frnpes ,
l-ulf crnton , $1 Sil ) ] 65 , rontalneblcaui. $1 40 ,
Itliuk Malxerw. $ liO , ToUti Jl i" > S 10. Ito'e of
Peru , $1 05 rlroxs piunrH , On-flll 15 , Hungarians ,
' K , Hllxer , Jl.iM , I r neh StX'olumWii plimn ,
Jli Jiipane c. ' .K ; Yelloxr
Porter Ilms company. New York , fold five
cant : Ikutlitt pear * . Jl KIK 10. Ilucmrc IlinlM" .
Jl Tiff I 45 ClliiB peaches. kOc JJI M Edg pluni" .
Jl i > ' > iji 10 , Columbian , $1 05. Ureu * * primer , Jl 03
130 Porter llros. colnpany , ni ton , sold one car :
Crxwford peaches , Jl.t'Wt 50. Unrtlett pcarH ,
$1 87iiri.3Hancock prunes Jl 3M ! ( I , llrad-
ulnxys , Jl 21 , Coluinblns , Jl to While rilnB
poaches , $1 M lied Trammer grapes , J.W ;
Chasselas , Jl S7. _
C'oiirno nf PiI K mi 'CliniiRu ( leMipriilly
Toxvuril it Illtrlior I.cvi'l.
Nn\V YOIUv , Aug. IS The course of
prices on the Stock exchange todiy vxns , with
one or txxo unimportant exceptions , toward *
lilghcr levels , nnd the market closed strons
nt or near tlio highest ( Inures touched The
causes which led to this upward movement
vve-ro the strength of American securities on
the Lin Ion Stock exchange , good buvltig by
the arbltrngc , nnd , perhaps , chief of all , the
confldonei Imparted to tlio street by the
declaration of the regular dividend of the
Burlington & Qulncy. The notion of the
lliirllngton directors has been taken to 1110.111
that they believe In an Immediate revival of
business and do not believe that the corn
crop has been annihilated. Covering of short
contracts was steady and the bidding for the
long account strong , nnd there was very
llttlo evidence of a desire nmong the traders
to get out of the market over Sunday , ex
cept on the part of the shorts. There was
good purchasing for a rise bejond tlio mere
advance of a day , and the trading was quite
confident f.t the close compaied with yester
day's tlnal figures The gains were : Great
Northern preferred , 2V per cent ; Tobacco ,
common and preferred , 16 ! per cent ; Western
Union Is unchanged for the day , having
gained and lost % per cent. The movement
during the early part of the wok was erratic
and the speculation somcxvhat unsettled , but
the trading Improved with the week's sub
stantial appreciation tn values , the more ma
terial gains being- American Tobacco , 7'A
per cent , American Tobacco preferred , S per
cent ; General Electric , 5V4 per cent , Sugar ,
t per cent ; Rdlson Electric ot Now Yirk , 5
per cent ; Chicago Gas , 1 % per cunt , Dis
tilling , IVi per cent ; Hurllngton & Qulncy ,
6 % per cent ; St. Paul , 5 % per cent , St 1'aul
preferred , 1 % per cent ; Rock Island , 4V&
per cent , Northwestern , 3'4 per cent ; St
Paul & Omaha , 2 % per cent ; St Paul &
Omaha preferred , 2 per cent , Minneapolis d
Manitoba , 3 % per cent , St. Paul & Duluth ,
2 per cent ; Denver & Hlo Grande pieferred ,
5 per cent ; Denver & Hlo Grande common , 2
per cent ; Louisville & Nashville , 3 % per
cent ; Union 1'aclllc , 1 % per cent ; Misosurl
Pacific , 4 per cent ; Northern Pacific pre
ferred , 3 % per cent ; Southern Pacific pre
ferred , 4 per cent ; Illinois Central , 2 % per
cent , Atchlson , 2' per cent , and Union Pa
cific. Denver & Gulf , 2 per cent.
The railway bond market was strong and
active , the tiansactlons aggregating $1,328 ,
000 , and prices , except In n few unimportant
Instances , moved upward.
The Evening Post sa > sThe baslh of the
advance today was the declaration of the
regular Burlington dividend , a decided Im
provement In gross railway earnings , the
better condition of the market , continued
weakness In sterling exchange and a fair
bank statement. The strongest point of the
latter vxos an Increase of $1,617,000 In the
loan Item.
Brokers qulto generally reported a broad
ening market , which was Indicated by orders
from the so-called "general public. " Con
servative interests , toward the close , were in-
Week Closes with a Lijlit Run of Cattle nnd
Fair Supply of Hoga.
Ilrc p Hell nt 1'nllj Mo lily I'rlri * . lint Com
mon ( Irmlt-M Ant I.lltln SoiiKlit Aftrr
UORI * lui n Alight railing
UfT hi Dciiinnil ,
The receipts today worn 1,300 cattle , 10.200
hogs and 41 sheep , as against 2,000 tittle ,
7,200 hogs nnd 217 sheep yesterday , and 1,200
cattle , $ ,470 hogs nnd Dll sheep on Situr-
day of list vxeek. The total receipts for the
week amount to 0,771 cattle , GIS7G hogs and
1,017 she1 ! * Compirlsons with the totals for
the previous week will show that there- has
been a heavy falling oft In the arrivals of
llvo stock at this point during the- past six
dajH , amounting to over 3,000 cattle and
about 10,000 hogs. The following will show
the totals far the past two weeks , as com
pared vxlth the corresponding weeks' re
ceipts of 1S03 and 1892-
Cattle Hop * . Sheep
RccolntH this week D.WI M,87ii 1.G17
Heoelpls Hit vxoe'k. . . 1J.717 H 5Hi
Same vvee-k last year. . . . 11ICO r.J.912 WOl
Same vxeek 1&92 8ll ! 21,321 1,5,61 ,
CATTL.HThe market was about ns quiet
ns usual on the last day of the week and
the trade vxns without feature of Importance.
There vxcre very fexv good corn ffd cattle
among the offerings , but such as there were
sold very readily at fully steady to strong
prices. Some l,3GC-lb beeves In ought $1 Gfi
and some lighter cattle $4 15 The general
tendency of the market has boon upward
during the week and pi Ices are noxv consid
erably stronger than thej were six dajs ago
There wis , as has been the rule for several
dnjs , a fair demand for desirable butchers'
stock and good cows and heifers hold re.ullly
nt all of steady prices. The more common
grades sold about the same ns all the week
Veal calves , which were very dull and weak
for some time , appear to be looking tip n
little There was very llttlo doing In the
stockcr and feeder market today. This Is
usually the case on a Satin dav in tills branch
of the cattle market. As In the case of other
kinds of cattle , the market has had an up
ward tendency the past week. Representa
tive sales
Ditossno nuEr.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr
20 1ICI $3 71 4S. .1133 Jl 05 20 1231 Jl 43
77 1I8S 3 81 S2 . 1181 4 15 It ISbfl 1 Go
17. . 13C3 3 90 s
33. . . 1393 4 15
2 . CCO 1 00 5 ! > G4 1 40 8. . . 773 1 10
1 . 1020 1 00 fi . . CG3 1 40 3. . Gib 1 00
3 7GO 1 20 12. . 913 1 45 9. "MS 2 00
1 . 1000 1 23 1. . . 930 1 CO 2. . 1010 2 CO
1 . 860 1 25 2 . . RSO 1 CO 1. 1100 2 03
J . 990 1 23 1 12TO 1 M 16. t > . > 2 2 10
7 . SIO 1 ,0 1. . 1150 1 50 27. 1017 2 21
2 CC1 1 30 1 . 170 1 G3 8. . 100 2 U0
3 . 770 1 30 21 . . . SS7 1 G5 19. . 902 2 10
3 7CG 1 30 IS S93 1 75 G. 911 2 CO
8 70S 1 31 7 712 1 75 9. lOVi 2 fO
I ' 120 1 15 11 . . . OS3 1 P3 2. 1"i5 2 M
C 934 1 10 2 . . 950 1 81 3. 1233 3 21
II . 880 140 16 . . . 820-1 83 4. 1210 .183
1 . . 400 73 3. . . . MB 1 20 8. . 773 1 85
2 . 4CO 1 10 f > . . . 4G2 1 JO 1 , . . 330 1 90
11 . . 511 1 15 C . . . 811 1 W S. . . "DO 1 10
8 . 513 1 20 2 . G30 1 CO S. . 687 1 90
8 522 1 - > 2 . . 625 1 GO 9 . COS 2 00
1 . 550 1 ft 1. . . . 500 175 1 . .760 223
5 . . I7G 1 30 0. . . SOS 1 75 1. . , . 750 3 00
1 . 21) 1 00 1 . . . ISO 2 00 1 . . 141 2 25
2 115 1 00 1 . . . SO 2 00 2 . 110 2 U )
2 TOO 1 21 1 . . . 14) 200 1. .M 100
4 . 127 1 CO 2 . 210 2 25 3. . . 230 3 00
1 . . H30 1 00 1 . . 1GO 1 30 1 . . 910 1 CO
1 . . 740 111 2. . . . 910 131 1. . . . 810 ICO
1 . 800 1 25 1. . .SCO 1 40 2..UW 2 CO
1 . .1830 1 30 6 . WO 1 40
1 . . . 070 1 50 1. . . . 70) ) 2 00 3 } . . . 97 2 23
8. . 537 1 05 1 . . . 700 2 00 1. . . . ROO 2 23
9 . 512 1 70 19. . . . 7CG 2 10 10 . . . BIO 2 23
U. . 720 1 n 11 . . . CSS 2 15 I. . . . 11J ! 10
I . 59" ) 2 00 II . CJ3 2 11 21 . 893 2 30
3. . . . S03 2 00 1 . . . CGO 2 20 12. . . 930 2 33
1. . . . 330 2 00 18 . . . 5GO 2 20 1 . . . 840 2 11
C . . CFO i 00 10 . . . 7H 2 ft 41. . . . 793 2 40
C. . . . GS3 2 00 9. . . . 8S3 2 23
No Av Pr. No. Av Pr.
2 COWK . . . 710 Jl 50 1 coxv 1110 Jl 83
7 fe'edcis , . . G21 I 0"i 2 coxxa 8S5 i 25
Scows . , . .926 321 1 COXXH 100 223
1 cow 710 223 1 calf 280 250
1 heifer. , . . 5'iO 2 CO 13 cows . . 996 i 63
1 steer . 11X ( > J 20 11 ste.MM. 1140 3 20
i steero . . . 10 320 2 Btci is . . . 120) 120
2.1 stiffs . .ISO" ! J 20 1G eoxxs , . 10jO JOT
41 stecra . . 12J8 3 40 SO cows 10.12 3 00
11 steels. . .12.1S 340 Gcows 1144 250
21 cow K . . . . CCS SCO Icow. . . . 1010 200
1 hclfei . . . .1100 3 15 8 heifers. . . 10G3 3 15
1 slat ? . . . . , ,1210 i CO 3 steers 1216 3 2,1
11 steers . 12M ) 321 19 nli crs 1211 323
1 coxx 103) 1 85 5 town S82 1 85
Ifi eows 881 1 SS 3 cows 873 1 Si
Icalxes. . . . 90 200 8 calves . . . . JOS 215
7 calves. . . 2i > 7 225 5 calxca „ . . 130 SCO
U cow H . . . .1049 30i ) 49 steels 12CG 340
19 eows 911 175 4r. Btceis . . 120J 325
47 sticis . . . 14S9 3 2.1 S COWS 1011 2 10
17 coxvs. . . . % G 280 12 stis. tiff , .1177 225
24 steel a 1227 3 30
20 cows 1021 280 1 bull 1220 175
2 bulls . . . . 1220 1 75 G cows 1011 2 CO
11 cows 1092 2 CO 1 coxv 1020 1 15
1 cow 1080 115 2G coxvs 1003 2 CO
2 calves . . .155 300 JO cows. . . 1003 2 CO
HODS Th3 conditions were not especially
favorable to the selling Interests today. The
liberal receipts for the last day of the week ,
unfavorable eastern markets and poor qiml-
Ity were the bear features that enabled the
buyers to secure a concession from jester-
day's prices. The general market was dull
and weak. The hogs sold all the way from
steady to fully lOc loxver , the mark = t being
uneven In the extreme. The best heavy hogs
sold largely ut $5.25 to $5.45 , while fair to
good hogs went nt $5.05 to $520 The week
closed with th" bulk jf the sales nt $4 00 to
$4 15 , as against $4.CD to $4,90 at tlio clobr
of last week. Representative sales-
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh Pr.
73 142 ICO Jl 10 SO 2IG . . . Jl 00
82 154 20i ) 421 til 223 40 500
110. : 1W 200 4 C214 C7 . . . . 215 40 505
1 . . . IT ) 10 470 SI . . . . . 212 120 BOS
13 210 . . . 4 Cl 7S 200 . . 5 01
91 ,1C4 1GO 471 til 1SS 81) ) 501
Is- . . . 17G . . . 4 75 78 202 40 G 03
9C , . . .113 . . . 471 70 219 201 G C5
M . 110 . . . 475 71 22) ) 12) 001
76 . . .162 40 471 SO WO . . KOI
83 . . . .114 40 471 76 202 . . . f. 0.1
04 171 320 4 SO CS 2M ICO G 01
81 Idi 80 4 80 10 22) 12) ) f , 01
11 187 . . . 480 CS 216 C 01
4 200 40 4 80 CS 221 1C ) 50714
3d . . . .183 SO 4 8S 70 310 ICO fi 07&
4 .305 . . . 481 5 2G1 . . . 5 Olfs
S8 . . . . 170 210 4 ST. 76 218 210 fi 10
96 189 4S1 4 81 63 23 ! . . f , 10
1 . 220 . . . 4 8.1 74 2)d ) 160 5 10
4 192 . . 4 81 f'l JJ | so C 10
1 . 23' ' ) . . 4 81 f,7 223 8) fi 10
SJ . . . 170 12) ) 4 SI 1,1 217 2oO fi 10
3 . . 2S1 . . 4 90 GO 2.1) ) . . . K 10
75 . . . . aa 1GO 4 90 70 221 ICO 5 10
91 . , , 170 41 4 90 72 22t 40 r. 10
81 . . 167 1GO 491 81 SIC B ) 510
ST. . . , 1'Jl IGO 4 90 G.1 L'l/j 40 CIO
6 213 , , . 4 91 1,1 211 . . . r 11
4. . . . 137 . . . 4 M 78 IRC SO 6 10
77 HI 210 491) Rl Ml 12) C 11
1 . , COO 81 4 VI Cfi 22G 120 S 12'ii '
83 . . 187 BOO 491 78 216 2)1 1 13'4
SO 178 ICO 491) 70 tit S ) C 11
ED . . 175 200 49D 77 23J 2W 515
Cl 208 ICO 4 SO 81 224 40 511
t * . . . .201 JCO 49) ) 71 217 240 fi 13
71) ) . . . 196 40 1 11 74 211 id 1 1"
G6 . . . .221 SO 4111 1,7 2I > 7 200 511
210 . . . 187 CS ) 4 93 ( .6 231 210 5 11
77 . . US 121 493 76 219 12) ) 511
83 . . . .210 41 4 M M Jig 1) 515
95 IS3 121 4 95 7(1 ( tit Z < y1 B 13
33 177 80 4 91 C3 222 2)0 E 17'i
C7 . . . 217 80 491 70 S ) . . . 52) )
91 HI 120 4)15 ) 63 211 121 52)
H 191 4) 5 00 04 213 120 62) )
70 177 . .ROO 71 2i > > 1C ) r , 21
fl . 221 121 501 Cl. . ' . . 213 SO 520
71 . 203 KO f. 01 CO. . . . 2V ) 40 521
91 . . 203 121 500 74 its 4) 521
S3 2 < )3 ) 200 COO M . , 201 80 C 21
183 . . . 182 80 6 CO * 272 S ) r23
7 121 IHO 6 ( K ) C.1 ! 6fl . . . f , :
CO. . 120 ISO 6 M 83 819 . . . 635
C9 811 2-iO GOT 51 2IS , , , 6 SI
79 198 120 COO U , 217 . . . G r
si 191 lo GOO c : r.H 41 540
C4 . . 201 UO 5 CO M 20 ? M B II
81 . . . .2)9 120 501 I. ] 251 40 641
82 2V ) 2SO & 00 11G 211 120 540
kU 211 ICO 500 C7 2.V ) . . . C 43
9 ! 200 SO B 00 fC 2-H . . . B 41
91 190 ICO EOO M 138 , . , & 45
pins AND nouoir.
4 170 . . jr. 1 2V ) . . . 300
1 180 . . . 2 M 9 71 . . . 3 40
1 150 . , iW 133 91 40 341
1 220 . . . 2 CO 11 91 . . . 340
2 . . . 130 . . . ! m 2 . . . . 91 . 3 M
1 . . . .f2 < ) . .20) h 121 41 3 M
I . . . .ill . . . 2 M 3 Uf . . . J CO
S iHO . , 275 15 71 , . 3 ( ft
S Idl . . . 2 75 1 ! , . . 74 . . S71
1. . . 211 . . . 271 15 . 116 , 375
1. 311 . . . 1 75 U2 129 21) 400
1 IV ) . 3 M
BH13I3I' Thorn was only one trnall bunch
In the yards , which told at about t-Uady
prices , Pair to good natives are quotable
at $225C(27S ( , fair to good xvesternn. $2.00
2,40 ; common and Block sheep , J175ffiJ25 ,
jtood to choice limbs , $2 250.1.76. lleprvsen-
utiro Bales :
No. Av , Pn
41 mUc > l native * . , , , , , , , . , , 10) J2 10
ClllfAH ) I.IV I ! .S'lOCIC.
I.lltlc Diilnir III Tallin unil ll with
( jmitiitlon * I'nrlmtiKril.
CIIICAOO , A r. H AlHiut 1 M c < Ulp nrrhrrt
tn.lny , nuking n llttlo more than M.OCO for thH
uoek , HKnlDHt M.7M I tt nrok ami 62 170 ln t
) oi\r , Tlip market \vn < vr Ihout ch\tiRC > . ruling
sternly ntiil flnn for KO < | "lock nnil tjulft for
on" gnuli-n Mli'i-m , from J3 NS l > J5 , Trains , from
Jl.r > tt34)eMrtnx ; , from M V ) In SID
In lioics tlu > mn for to.lay wan cstlniKlnl at
lli > hrnil mnMnir 131 W for thin wtvk nK > iln t
IM 636 list ik niul 134 G5J fir the com nvnul
Ingwiok last > car. At tin * iipcnlnir tlu < mutkpt
MUM llrm In n phuln higher wlillo lul.'r It wa *
Ininl t i pi t \ psi iilay'n prlois The Inipnu il
imMpoet for o in anil iMslur * ' * will pr )1nMv
tonlt In ilccKMiml Ii'vlitx | and Ivil ilfihrf
mi- looking fur hlRhcr piles n xl wioU
Phi'ip tpoiM't * t'tv wi'tc nliiflit 1 WJ hrnil ,
and fin ( he WP61 | Wrt mrnliKt 41137 hist v\ri > U
ni > l BIS > 3 auir nito Tunic wai llfi-lm nt
from It tn ID it for Hxvp unit nt from Jl 71 to
Jl II fur lunlw
IliKV'pl ' * i * > tilt > , 1 0 hiMd , cahes , none ! hv
C.O-iO hcitil , nhv | i 1,000 limit
1hi > i\inliiK : J.Hitiml tc | > ortii
r.VTI U' llwlnts 1 IWO lioml ulilpmrnt * 2 < , .
hnul , tniiktt fur lie l Tt'x ins nil I mill * t
Moaclv , olhi'ts CftKV lower , Tn Fti-ors J,1 10.1
300 , lio-f utters $2 < MfM A ) ; nntlu * iims , Jl T.s >
27i" xhHl < rn anil fiMiliMn $2 i ff2 7il.
11OUSIlpci'lpls 5i ) h nil KhlpmiMits , 12V )
hi-ul. nniUil CffliV liwi-r , Imlk of sail s. J' IW
CIO. hcaxlo * $110T.i,0 ! , pi.Uoix. fl 30JH GO ;
nilMvl. JIGOiif. S& , liKhtu tl l > ) iri 25 , plK * . J2.COU
4 < M
Nlinr.P llocplplH l.OOO lioml ; Hlilpm nti , none ;
mar'tft Flow nml stonily , fair tn KOCH ! nttltcs
J240JH21. fur In IT > < 1 tMjornn. J2MMOO ;
inmmnn ami utovkern , J2 00172.25 , K * > l to iliolco
Inmlw , Jl OOtfl 23
ColTt'ii .Murkot.
NKVV YOUK AH * -rorrr.i2-optioni i
op < n il | un > l\ Ftrailnt CM1D point * itrallnc ,
uilul KiMiorttllv 'lull nml homy muter wii l {
uililos anil iiimil \ nt rifTII points net ilo-
( lino. Kilos , 7 TiOO tnirs Imlnillntt , Vintist Ml 0
W1IS1 Hipli-niliii } ll 1" O. tilior JlHliTII IB ;
Ninimher , J12.NI. IVoonihoi , J12IM , Mnidi , SIS 10 ;
spot cufToi mo. ilnll , No 7 Jll ( 12' ' , : inllil.
qiilot ; ConloMi JIJ21 , wiloB none Wurchmi
ilillvorlni fi-oin Now Yorlc vvstonlny , 6 SSI Iwi's ;
Now \titk Btoik UKlix 111 "I ) IMKS Unllnl
Inlos stuck. 111711 I nK allnnt for the 1 nltitl
Slatis. 271.IKIO Imca , Inlil v Is We supply for tha
1 nlloil Stales , 410715 lns , nRalnst 3i 603 IIIK
lant > oar
Auir wrnk : ( rood nv-
oiap' Sanl'is $ H ! ioiiMits | , four iH > 9 , C4 009
Ivies st'Xk 291,0)i ) Inirs
HAMlll'ltd AUB is Mnrlcot P onil , prlpoj
'I pfi ? hlKhcr to \ pfu lowci , Mlos , II 000
\VIII3. . Ailjr. 1R Mailtot dull Vifl" > lower
at 12 t i- * < ! ilull nt a not iloillnof
tola ! mi 1 1 H , cue ) KKS.
111(1 Hi : lANPIltn Anir 13 Mnikpt ipilot ;
rinlplB 7C ) lnis. < l-aroil fir the Unltul Slntos ,
110 on IUIKH ; diaiiil for Ihliopo , 2,000 UigiJ
stock 232 OHO I ings
llnnnipiilli VVIirui Murlcnt.
MINNIIAI'OI.IH AIIK IS The whiut nitrkct
toilay v\as wi'ik ami Inwor w th Doe inher the
wcaUrst of the fiituio nmnths Optluna cloecil
frvim % c to So lnwoi tlnnoitoiilnv , anil w licit
on track Uo lower , whllo now w lent on tiack
ilns il 'tc lowoi Those vnriatlons were all
CMISII ! nppttontl > lij the lirsn slclils of now
wheat In tlio < imnlr > tlmn expcilnl and th
pnilnhlo Incrainc of pm Inct o\ci the tarllor
ostlniatos The Ineil inllllnt , ' lUininil for ohl
wlitnt tn Krlnd was vri > Rooil , ami ilcvator
people vveio lui > lnK the new rather freely to
store for oiuly KrlncllniT T h inniket closeil :
Aiiu-unl , B1\c , Sipti nilior , C2V * Deconilior , CPio.
OM wheat on track. N 1 Imril 68'ic ; No 1
norlhcrn. C7c , No 2 northern , CIHc , now wheat
clo cil 2c liclow the price of olil of 110 sa.mi >
Knule Hirelpls were 10,542 bn , shipment * 17-
210 Im The Hour mukct vvis eislcr , hut Cfn-
erallj slenilj . | iai < ? "l4) for pitinls. 12 O04i > 2 tt
for Inittis. Pioiluitlon was estlnnteil nt 32 OJV
lilils for the twuitj four houia bhliuncnts , 48 , *
190 hlils.
St. T.onls Il\nStoik Murkot.
BT I.OIMM , AUJ | 18 CAT ! Ijll Hecelpts , 900
hoail ; Blilpmcnt * . 2 2 houl Market qnlct ;
mi intlM-s nn sile , Tex is Hleern 70) to 1,000 lt > s ,
} 240fi1W , cutts njul liilfois Jl fO T2 15
IlOflh llecolpts , 2900 held , Blilpnicnta , 1100
licml Mnrki t sleailchiloe hciivv , J3 70 ; Bood
llKhl ami mliMIn olKht , JIMifiSn.
SIIIjljl1 ItccelptB 2W he nl , slilpincnt * . 100 henil.
Maikct 15ii20o lower for sheep , 3r.fir.0o lower
fin lambs , with not enough actuil halis to cs-
talillsh a
Nun Yurie Iliy < onils fllnrkot.
NHW YOIIIC , Aur. 13 Mull nml teli-Kraph
onlern were rccelxril for moderate to eooil as-
fioitinenUs of inanj netnlBtiiplci ami fancy cot
tons ami the peisonal ilem mil called for many
similar qualities lliislncbs v aa of larger
volume than usual on Situnliv mil promises u
MB Incioapo next vvedt I'lInlhiB cloths at a
stand until Mnnclnv I'riHluclliin for the week
at Tall lll\er 20)00) pieces , sales , 125.00J pieces ;
slock , 835,000 pieces.
J'nmmliil f > otoH.
NHW ORLHANS , Alts IS Clenrlncs , J850.G85.
HAI/riMOUl ! AUB. IS. Clearings , J2,073,003 ;
lialances , J201.023.
NIJVV YOUK , AUB 18 OloirlnB * . J73.292 967 ;
balances , Jl , 030,818. Weekly , J422272.I15 and J23-
LONDON , Aug 18 The amount of bullion
rene Into tno 11 ink of Kngland on bilance ,
CINCINNATI AUB 13 Clearings. J2 077 , 4'0 ;
for the wide , JI3 , 17J.750 , foi the week last yeir ,
? n'i78,7io.
11O.4TON AUB. IS CIcarhiBS. J12 211 511 ; bal-
anei s , Jl C2I.012. Tor the week J71,7S3C05 and
J3,0-i 1S3.
1'AlllH AIIB 18 Thico per cent rentes , lOlf
So for the account llxclmngo on London , 231
21e for checks
MI3MIMUS AUB 18 New Yolk cxclianira
sellhiB at Jl CO piemlum. Clearings , J148.401 ;
buhuiCLS , J57.22J
HAN I'll VNCIhCO , AUB. IS Drafts , slslit.
12".c ; tolesmphlc , ICc. HlUcr bars , G3ViC 3c ,
Mixlcan dolHrn , OlVaffJlTio.
I'HILAnni.I'IU V , AUB IS ClenHngs J8853-
827 , balnnces , Jl. 031,700 Tor the week , clcirlnga ,
(111 At ' 121 , liahmcts , Jl , 815,513
LONDON , AUB 13 Oolil la quoled at Ducnos
Ayrui twlny nt 2T.1 , at Homo , 1130 , ht. I'ctera-
IJUIB. 6 ; Usbon , 3125 ; Madrid , 2225 ; Vienna , 103 ;
Athens. 77.
NIJVV YOUK , AUB. IS The exports of speclo
for the week amounted to J934.000 In Bold nnd
JJ31.019 In nll\ri 'Ilio Imports for the week
were Hold , J3I7.0T4 , silver , JCI &S8 ; general
men Inndlac , J1G72,930 ; dry gooils , 52,031,501
CHICAGO , AUB. 18 Clearings. JI2.8I3.000 ;
tolnl for week 18.1,110)000 , coni-siiondlng week
last ymr , (11,7X3 000 Money , 4W4V4 per cent on
cull , 4Sid per cent on time New oil oxclmnco
v.enk .SteilhiB , commercial , Jt S4V4 and JlSJVt.
lliULlN. AUB 18 The weekly slnlement ot
HILImpeHal Hank of ( Icrnmny shows tint fol
low Ing cIuiiBes as onmpiied with the provloim
nieotmts : Cash In bund , Inoruisu , 11,1(0 ( 000
maiks , ticnsury notes Inciease , CSO.OOO iniil.a ;
other KoomllUs , Ineieaie , 11700000 marks , notes
In cliculallon , dccrtnHe , 13830,00) marks
RT. I.OI'IH , AUB -Clenrlngn , J.1 481 192 , thlH
wnk J2I.232C02. correspondliiB wttk , 1S91 , J11-
4k'iirl , last wetk , J21. 790 177 , Inemico our In3 ( ,
J1.7JJJ1I , or .17.25 , lulincoR today , { 62.1122 ; thla
wick J.1.37J.OS3 , lorresiiondliiB v\ik , 1593 , J1.C79-
1S7 , last week (4,201)291. ) Money , W ! per cent.
Exchange on New York , lOc dlBiuiint bid ,
I'rniii Oliver ,
OtilVHR. III. , July 10 , 1801. Mesjers. For-
sytho & Foraythe , prominent merchants of
this plnco , Buy they hnvo imed Clmmborlaln's
Colic , Cholera nnd Ularrhocn Hemedy In
tlinlr fainillca , In the most severe cases of
bloody llux , with perfect satisfaction , and
take plujHiiro In recommending It to tha pub
lic. This la the most uccessful medicine In
the market for colic , cholera morbus , dysen
tery , diarrhoea and summer complaint.
Tliero Is nothing equal to It for Rummer
complaint Incident to children. For sale by
druggists. f
Till ? ItlCAI/lY AIAKKICr.
INSTHUMnNTS placed on record August 13 ,
John Mangold ( md vvIM to China Jacobs ,
hits C nml 0 , block C , Mlllanl t 300
Ciitlurlnn Hinllli and huxhind tn Ann
Hiultli , lot 12. block 11 , Hiiusiom Plnco. 3,000
W 1' nnd wife to Inez C.'illiliin.
fine I km lot no HIV no and fracthm lit
no no 30-1C-13 und undlv Vt lot 8 , block
21 riorcnoo 1
J r I'lack compnnj to D M Uro , lot 4 ,
block II , n V Hmllh'H mid 3,300
homo lo Iliard of Church ! Jxt of U 1'
Ch of N A , lot I , block 13 Patrick's 2d
add , und loin 22 and 23 , block 1 , My tlo
paiU C40C
J N Tiunnlnii and v/lfc to 1 ! J Wheeler ,
lut 8 , block 4 , Cottage pnrlc 1
Total amount of transfers tl 1,903
11 mi Inv ilu iliio aid to Invmlirj .Sluuo .liiiiniry
IHIW ) per tunt u ( uiu punllctloul h.tvu IIUMII ( ul-
Our Co nparitlvd Hto'li Co ubln itlonH uru prov
ing lilifhll prullt.iblo , nnd nru v tliinblu to thonq
not In u twaltPm of mitkliuii Inntlii-nii of follow.
Inir tluMii.irknt Hint n Jitiiiiuy l i , 1MU1 , I4l ! put
cent , IIIH been divided uiiiuii ; MiibHurlburx I'jiu-
phlUtH ( liil mull nilUUHt |
FlSriiifJ cu , Stock Brokers ,
1 Hun il UO ilruail.i.o , flaw Ifuik tu/ .
Commission Merchant
Grain ami Provision * .
Private v.lrca to Chicago und Now Voile.
All biiHliiiHi orderu pincetl on
Uuurcl ot Trade.
L'oiri'bieindtncu | Hollalted ,
Office , room 4 , New York Life
Telephone UU3.