THE OMAHA DAILY J3EK : FRIDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1891. THEY READ THESE LITTLE ADS BEFORE THEY KNOW IT , HE LITTLE AD.don'tcost you much of anything $1.5O a line a month and it helps wonderfully. Do cnroful. now , op you'll bo reading BOino of thcso little nils. If you do , wont some ono else ? Our ail. mon can write little uda to do you pood. Drop us a curd or 'j'hctie 238. SPEGIRL AnvrtlFem it for thtno column * will j1" . { Bj JJ the evnenln n " " ' " 9- ° ° until 12M : p. m. for * . . - p. m. for the jnornlnB nml Sunday cdlloni. Adxtrtlfcrn Iiy rrpucstlnu a num Iwr ch'ck. can Imve nnswcre uadrcuse.l to a num ' r < 'd le" " In cnre of Tim le. ! An.wrrs to n''ii ' 1 will b drilvernl upon prp cnlntlon .of tlio cliCLK. IlnlM. Itte i wmd nr t n v rnrd Ihcrenflcr. Notlilne taken for Ion than 25o for Drnt Insertion. . , . Tliegy nilvertlecmcntB mmt run con SITUATIONS WANTED. IVANTHD , POSITION AH TIIAV13MNO HAII.3- man wlti | reliable IIOURP ; salary n > ohjj-ct , will travel on conimlimlon. Adclicss T 11. Uej ; t WANTED MAI.E . HELP. EOMCITOnS. TKAMS FUnilOHNSTAI.I.MRNT goods American Wringer Co. , 1013 Hownr-l. ( KNIMtanTIO-WANT MI.N OP ( -ond niWrcns on ualury for retail "JlUV,1An.n 1518 Douslns. I > MHO bJ _ WANTI2D-Ilt'KI.iKQL'n. VAUinTT AND Hpcclally people. Address Clms. Osborno , i.t'iit- rlcc. Neb. " " " _ WANTRD-I'APnil TIIOMAS Murray , Murray Hotel. 1 > = 3 1 ° * _ TO Ht'lI.UINO rONTRACTOHS : WI3 IIAVK nbaut 150.W ) RpciKid-liunil brick In wall that we wish torn down nnd removed. Apply to Amer ican Illbcult & Sirs. Co. , 12tli nnd Jack Ron Bticcts. U M3I3 13 < Till : 1'AUTV WHO ANK\VI3lini > IIAlt- lendpr ml , cemllnR photo nnd roc'clvlni ; wrong lihntu In return , Hend same to The Ili-e omco , Omalm , nnd obllKC. 11 M333 13 _ SAI.KHMAN WANTIJO IN r.VlIHY COUNTY" In tl. H. ; ? 75.w ) month and MP-IIHPS , olllcu. [ ulvcrllBliis. delivery team fuinlHlied ; Rood monopoly. Addraw K. H. Co. , IK Colonn.idi MdB. , notion , MIIPR. II-MM2 17 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. VANTINO PIIIST-CI.AS3 OIRLS npply Scandinavian Y. 1 < Homo exuhnnue. 20j N. 16th. C-MU16 19 _ I WIMj THACIl DltnSS CUTT1NO ANU FUK- nlHh OHM of the bi'st system ! ) In tliu world. Any liuly cnn beoomo her own ill ess mnlsor In n few hjiir ( for IJI.1W. Offer for ten dnys only. Mrn. Kerns. li."J Cnai Rt. C-SI ) 21 * _ aim , von nonsnwonic AND unt.r TAKK care chllUrcn , In mnnll family. 2l7i ( Ilmmett. C 327 It * \VANT13D. aim , von anNniiAi , Hotisn- work. Mm. O. W. Loomls , 1011 Koulli 3Dtli avenue. C _ M333 13 FOB BENT HOUSES. TENTS FOR HUNT. 1311 FAUNA M ST. WANTHD-OOOD M13UIUM PUICIID 1IOUSE3. LUt your houses for rent with Ames. D-CC5 HOUSES , F. K. DAllLINQ , IlAltKlIK HLOCK. D-cca 11OUSUS IN ALn PARTS OF THI3 CITY. THE O. F. Davla company , 1W3 Faiimm. I > 667 nENTAL AQ1SNCY , 007 IIIIOWN 11LOCIC. D C63-A17 KBLKHNNV & CO. , II. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. D-C70 FINE 7-ItOOM CORNER FIAT AT 701 8. 1CTH Rtreet ; ranKO and all other convenience * . OeorgB ClouHer , room 2 , 1B23 Furnam street. 1) 300 FOR RENT IF SOME CENTIEMAN ! AND Ilia wife wouiil like to rent a ilt-sliuble modern house of nine rounm In a cholco location , we have It. Ili'BK.H & Hill. D 31A20 FOR RENT , MODERN 6-ROO.M COTTAOK ; call forenoons U21 Shermnn avenue. D MC2I FOR RENT , IjAllQi : TWO-STORY 11UII.OINO , formerly used by the Muihotl Tiunk Tnctory. 2430 Sewnul st , I ) 79i ) si FOR RENT. MOST OESIRAULK 1IOUSE.23I3 Farnum. R. C. 1'nttiTBoii. RUIIIKO block. D-M901 FOR RENT. DESIRAHI.E DWEM INQS IN all rmts of city. E. It. Sheafc , 31 1'axton hlk. B , 0 , 8 AND 10.ROOM > HOtlHEH. Al.b MODern - ern , limn nnd nhnilc. Apply at 211 N. Y. Mfo or Z124 Miami stieet. D-M1S3 .TIIE FRENXER. 111-110 N. MTH STRIIET : 21 InrKO rooms ; all modern conveniences , will rent cither luilC itciuirntcly. John N. Ficnzer , Opp. 1' . O. I > M2S1 IS 10-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVHNIENCKS. C21 8. 10th trvet. I > FOR RENT. FLAT IN l.lNTON lilOC'K. ner of Miimm nml 13th ptrei'ts ; G ruim < < . In reimlr : 117.0V per month , Innulre of John Hum- lln. 817. in block. l > M2W FOR RENT , EI.EQANT 19-ROOM HOUSE. 2M3 ( Hurt Ht. D-3J3 21 * C-IIOOM COTTAOB , MODERN. Sltf S. SOTII. D 321 19 FOB BENT FUBNISHEl ) BOOMS. TURNISIIED ROOMS ; MODERN ; SUITABLE for cue or tnq. 1919 DodKt. E 56 : nOOMS-FURNlSHEU OR UNFt'RNISHKD , 1013 Uoilifo tit. E-171-17' NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL conveniences. First-class board. 211 No. isili street. E-M278 20 FURNISHED ROOMS. KG BOUTH ll'TH BT. E MV33 Hll- ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 119 N. 15th. E-MJ0217 * FURNISHED ROOMS AT 316 SOl'TH 15TII Sl\ E-M151 S H- FURNISIIBFTlOOM. BATH , 6. 1911 FARNAM. . * E-2S.I-1C FURNISHED ROOM. WITH r.OAItn , 1421 i-MM7 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOI'SEKIIEPINU < uid front Blceplut ; roams. 1611 Honiinl. E-MMO S3 * FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. YOUNQ WOMCN'S HOME UNDER CARE OF Women' * Christian wisoclatlon. Ill S. 17th t. F-871 _ UOOM3 WITH HOARD 181G CHICAClO ST. F-.MS31-AM * FRONT AND HACK I'ARI.OR. AI O room ; tint-class board. 2191 Douglnn , VERY DKSuAIll. UNFURNlSHin * lONT and bnck p.\rlora , nlso furnlshe > ) rooms ; every- thine first-class , 210 nnd Si : South 2illi sln-ct. F-MtJt PLEASANT ROOMS WITH 11OA1U ) . 2130 1IAR- uey. F Mill SIC * _ 13NFTJBN1SHED BOOMS'FOB'TtENT t UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOUSE. kerplnv ; to uiun unj wlfu ; no chlldt n. 313 No , 17tl st. VQl\ RENT S UNFURNISHED ROOMSWITH all conveniences. SOIS Hurney Si. O-IOJ.I6 * rOKBEKT-STOBES AND OFI-IOES CORNER STORE. KO.OO. DOUQLA9. IN. QUln tn. 1-mWJ l-OR RENT UKdT STORIi ROOM IN TIIU city , ut IMS Uouglu itrc t. I-M17S 18 * FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES Continued. I Oil RENT , ROOM , CS UY 32 , 2ND FLOOR OF my ttore , nultnble for clonka nnd suits ; good light and elevator service. Mrs. J. Benson I M9S9 11KNT. THE 4-STORY BIIICK HUILUINf 01C 1'iiinnm street. The liullillne has n Ur - proof cement basement , complete stertn hell IIIR llxturm , Hater on all ( loom , gas , etj Ap Ply nt the ofllco of Tha Bee. l-fll ( , FOR RENT. THE REST' CORNER BTOIU- room In hchuyler. Neb. formerly occupied bi ! . . L. True & Co. Apply lo Bcliuyler Natlona _ " " " ' < I-M3I3 17 AGENTS WANTED. AOENTS , BOTH SEXES. TO TAKE CONtracts - tracts for reliable flnn. < 33 1'uxton blk , Omaha. J 741-ASO * WANTED. AOENTS TO TAKE ORDERS IIY xample at homo or tinvel , expen ci nnd KOOI R.ilaiy or commlsHlon to rlKht party. Samples ? ? " ' ° n npl'll illon. Address with stamp Lock Box 420 , New York City. WANTED , IMMEDIATELY. THREE CANVAS * . ITS , Omaha and Council Illurr.i , worth r .CO per ilav. I'xpi'rlfnreil Falpsmen only. Hnriii'tlilivnew Immense rales. Cull 2707 Q street , South Omalm J MZJ7 17 AGENTS MAKE 5.0fl AND J10 00 DAILYlTELL- Ing the electrical wonder. 415 N , 15th , 3 to 0 p. in. ; geneml agent wanted. J 321 13 * LADY AOENTS ONLY TO HEL BEST FE- mal. ' ipincily ) ( iio n to medical profession. Cure guaranteed. Schiller Co. , box 170 Nor- wnlk , O. J-M32S ll > * AGENTS : ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AND bent Rellors In Indies' Kimds , write today , It will pay you. Ladles' Supply Co. , 311S Forest nvenue , Chlcnuo. J 11331 17 WANTED TO BENT. WANT TO LEASE FOR TERM OF YEARS Tenement block or number of duellliiKs cen- tnilly located. Address I' . O. llox "a.1. K373A13 STOBAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS.1214 HARNEY. 11 072 STORAOE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. 11. Wells , 1111 Fnrnam. M-673 OM.VAN&STORAGG CO.,1502 FARNAM. Tcl.1559 M-C71 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. S. eov. bonded warehouse. Household Koods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lcavcnworth. JI-74S WANTED TO BUY. BEST FOR THE MONEY.HAVANA FRECKLES N M3C7-A13 CASH FOR LUMBER BUSINESS IN LIVE town ; give full particulars. T 8 , Bee office. -N M9SC S7 * WANTED A FF.W GOOD SECOND HAND bicycles ; must be. bargains. Omaha lllcyele Co. 323 N. 16th street. N-2S3-17 FOB SALE FUENITUBE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture & household foods. Enterprise Credit Co. , C13-C15 N. ICth st. O-673 FOB SALE HOBSES , WAGONS.ETO FINE SECOND HAND PHAETONS AND CAR- rlases. A. J. Simpson's Repository , 1411 Dodge. P 514-A21 : TOP nuaaiES jas & JOS.LRATHER TOP CAR. HUK J03. Drummond Cnrrlase Co. P Ml FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 HORSES WEUiH- Inp 1,000 Ibs. inch , 0 nnd 7 > cur old. Fred Terry. 430 Ramico block. P 761 THE BEST LEATHER TOP BUGGY IN OMAHA for JM.OO. Drummond , ISth nnd Harney.I' I' 650 FOR SALE , A FINE ROADSTER. ADDRESS A. II. Spurr , Creslon , Iowa. P MZ2J 23 * FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A FINlfli-AMILY horse , rather fast , coed liarneFa nnd buguy. Incjulrn at city comptroller's olllcc. P-270-13 SPAN OF HOUSES SEVEN YEARS OLD , b'ooil single diners , 1903 Duvenpoit street. P 253-19 * AUITION SALE AT 9 O'CLOCK A. M. , SAT- unlay. Aug. IS ; wo will vi > ll nt puhllc auction n lot of good homes nt Peyckc Bins. , 9th and Jackson. Win. 1'iunKle , auctioneer. l'-M330 18 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ICE FOR SALE : CAN SHIP OVER ANY ROAD out of Omah.t nnd Council Bluffs. Lamoreaux BIT'S. ' . 20C So. 16th , Omaha. Q-332-A17 ICE FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. GILBERT Iliim. . Council Bluffs. Q M523-A23 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL made. C. R. Lee , Wl Douglas. Q-774 BANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND FOR rale. C. W. Hull Company , ZUth & Izard sts. Q-775 WAGON UMBRELLAS. SIMPSON , 1411 DODGE. Q-5U-AJI FINE THOROUGHBRED 1. 1 4 V'I l\J IJ v % l. r , ROUGH-COATUD St. Bernard puppies : nil eligible to retclstrntlni C. J. Hctzler , M3D Maple utieet. Q IIS 16' I'OH SALE. THE KOUMfLAS TOH WELL knoun proprietary medicines , favorably lmo\\u In the northwest , with Hile rlphls lo manufac. turn and sell In North nnd South Dakota , Ne- hinska. Nemo l > ut responsible parties need mister. Address 11. F. Smith. Q MS19 HIS rou SALE , on wiuTriiAuiT r6u A Vowi one larKo ninaurlta carpet In kood condition. Call at G3I South 3l t stieet. Q-.M31I 19 MISOEJLLAWEOUS. HAVE YOUJl OLD CAHPET WOVEN INTO rut's. Smyrna rug * repjlied. 1521 Leavcnworth. II-M5I3 WANTED , 600 LOADS TINDElis AT ONCE , taken free from premises. Apply to Pnuik Kaspur , Boaid of Public Works , City Hall. H-M316 18 CLAIRVOYANTS. llllS. DU. II , WAUBEN. CLAIIIVOVANT. HE. liable business imdlum ; 7th year ut 119 N. 16. MASSAGE , UATHS. ETC. MME. LA HUE. il SOUTH ISTH. T-.MM1 87 * MADAME SMITH , 603 . JJTIir > " PLOOH , room 3. MiusaK ? , vapor , alcohol , steam , mil. phurlnu and sen bulha. T M217 U1 MASSAGE. MADAMtf llET NAIU > riTill 253 PERSONAL. THY HAVANA I'llECKLKS. A 19C SMOKE. U-MMT-AH _ _ _ UMllltELLAS MADE. HECOVEUED AND JIE- IMlroJ. lo ; South Slxteentti street. U-5sS WHEN OUT WITlFTUull'LADV VISIT J. J. Muller's new leu cteam parlors. 2303 Leaven- worth street ; everything U tmw. Including th tulldlne. Tel. 1030. lea cream ilellvlnU. _ U-478 : _ V1AVI HOME THEATMENT fOtl LADIES. Htullli Uxjk and consultation free. AdJres or call Vluvl Co. , ; < 8 llutt bids. Ludy attendant. TAKK YOUJl KIUBND : TINTYl'US , I I'Oll Kf. rructor , 61 ( 0 , l th street , U-MS3I PERSONAL. Continued. WHOLE AVHEAT IlllEAD KHOM UNIIOLTKD Hour at Imogen L. llatnsey'i , 117 N. 16th st. U-H1-A1J SAMUEL IIUHNS INVlTEflTrOU TO BRi : IIIf new dinner < ! * at > j.7S , formerly I10.0U. U-C01 A2I MASAOU UATHS. MME. I'OST , 31)14 B. 1STII U-3 > 3 HALDUFF- A picainnt ami convenient place , 1553 IVrnnm street. I'axton black ; ' 711.U . U MO TIIE WOMAN'S I1AKEIIY SUPPLIES VA rlety of choice poods , besldrs nve kinds of th best bread In maiket ; whole uheat bread n Teclally ; goal * delivered ; tclrphone 411. Mrs. C. Bavllle. mnn.iBi-r , HOI N. 21th St. U M3-A-23 HTIIAW HATS CLEANED. IIESHAI'ED ANI miule now. S03 N. 20lli St. U-S:3-A-2i MME. LA HOOIC , MASSAOE , 1JS3 LEAVEN worth street , third llooor , front rooms to left U-273 20 WANTP.I ) , sT'rfATION II V EXI'EIIIENCEI | ih > ilclnn , noulhcrn Nebraskn preferred ; Balls faclory references furnished. Add s < T 4iHe U-2W 20 _ _ WILL THE PARTT WHO ANSWERED 11AR lender nil , fendlnff photo anil rocelvlnR wronff photo In return , notid B.imo to The ll * * ntllce _ pinalm. nnd oblkc. U MJ58 19 cn\M Ftwniri'Nn AND milk. Waterloo creamery , 1613 Honnrd ; tel , 13J U-2CI H10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesncy , Kansas City. Mo. W CSI ANTHONY LOAN & THUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIFl loans at low rates for cholco security on Ne braska and Iowa farnu or Omaha city property MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omnlm real estate ridollty Trust Co. . 1702Farnam st. W 683 _ MONEY TO LOAN 6N IMI'ROVEiriMAnA real estale. Urennan. Love & Co. , I'aston blk \v-cw WANTED. J. N. FRENZER , OI'P. P.O W 7CS-3I MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA I'llOl'ERTY nnd Nebraska farms nt from 6 to 7 per rtnt % V. II , Mclklc. First National bank bulldlr. ? . W 69) MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE. B04 N.Y.LIFE. W 609.124' OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . ICTH ANU DouRlns streets , loan money on city and farm property nt lowest rates of Interest. W 653 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THF O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam st. W CD1 UNITED STATES MORTC1AOE CO. OF NE\\ York. Capital 12,000.000. Surplus JCOO.OOO. Sub mit choice loans to F. 8. 1'usey , agent. First National hank bulldlnf. W-CS3 LOANS. E. IL SHEAFE , U2 PAXTON IJLK. W-9M-S5 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATRH ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. 1 to E years. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. W CSS MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Drcnnan , Love & Co. . I'axton blk. \V CS2 FIRST MORTGAGES I1OUGHT ON DOUGLAS or Sarpy county farms. Reed & Selby , 331 Hoard of Trade bulldlne. \V-8I3 LOANS ON DOUGLAS OR SARI'Y COUNTY farms. Write tn. Reed & Belby. 331 Chamber of Commerce bids. W 881 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property : $3,000 & upwards , 6 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W-6S7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. D. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMGC I1LOCIC X 692 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. . nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of Roods : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan on" at any tlmo or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30C South 16th street. X-693 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON CHATTEL securities. Address P. O. Box 792. X 372-A19 SHORT TIME LOANS. 432 PAXTON ULOCK. X'JJ7 S6 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI lure , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind at chattel security , nt lowest possible rates , which you can pay bnck at nny time , and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. Wilhnell block. X-6D3 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build ing. X C96 BUSINESS CHANCES. SMOKE HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. Y M367 A19 IF YOU WANT TO BUY.SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or out of the business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First National bank , Omaha , Neb. Y 50S A24 FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND door , 30x80 , In one of the largest houses In Council Uluffs. 13 , care Bee. Council Bluffs. Y M633 FOR SALE. A RIG PAYING BUSINESS : NO competition ; $1,800 cash takes It. Address S CO , Bee. Y M106 S 8 WANTED. PARTNER TO TAKE ft INTEREST In good paying business and general man.iee- ment of olllce on salary of J73.00 per month ; references nnd small capital required. Call or address 401 , N. Y. Life Hide. Y-M203 18 J700- BUYS GROCERY CORNER , ROOD CASH trade ; sell at liuolco. Alex Moore. 504 N. Y. Life. Y 307 1C * FOR EXCHANGE. A 10-CENTER FOR 6C , HAVANA FRECKLES. 2 M367 A19 TO EXCHANGE. SCO ACHE RANCH IN NE- brnska for Rood horses and one-third cash. S. W. Boyd , Frenunt , Nebraska. Z M955 20 FOR EXCHANGE , FINE LANDS , WELL LO- cntcd , productive and somu cash , for stock of general merchandise. Address Lock Box 20 , Heaver City. Neb. 55 M90I 18 WELL IMPROVED FARM. SEVEN MILES from Ha tltiK ! . for Omaha property. C. D. Hutehlnsan , lt > . ! 3 Farnam , 7. M317 IS IF YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE LANPS OR buildings for meiclmndlso , or merchandise or buildings for lands Bend for our bargain Hat. Iluzlltt'M Exchange Bureau , Parker , fi. D. 7. M31I 17 WILL TRADE FINE EQUITY AND SECOND trust deed , well secured on Denver realty , for good farm In eastern or central Nebraska , clenr or lightly encumbered. S. J. Richards , Box 101 , Denver , Colo. Z M313 22" STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR bale or pan tiadc. Ix > ck Box 2i ( , Talxir , In. K-M.JI1 21' SEVERAL INSIDE PROPERTIES CCLEAR ) for acre or outside lot * . Well Improved J2.DOO faun for home came value In Omaha. 2 houses on one lot for equity In good farm. F. D. Wead , 16th und Douglas. / 3j ( 13 1 < ACRES' GOOD LAN ! ) ] HITCHCOCK county , clenr , to exchutiKC for IICIVH near Omalm. Dike , 39 Barker block , Z M343 17 * FOR TRADE , HAVE FOUR CLEAR LOTS ON I'.nh. ' just south of II. < \t Jl. rnllunv , in tmdu for line Nebuislta farm , nor west of Hastings , Fidelity Tiust Co. , 170J Fainam. 7. .11310 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C.F.IIAHRISON , 012 N.Y.LIFE. RE iiCO-sC * FOR SALE. 4,400 ACRES OF LAND CO M"lLES northwest of Omaha , Address Thomas Kcrl. Oakland , Neb. RE M777 Sl CHOICE GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM pofetotllce. In tracls from 10 to ICO acres. A Krent bargain. Will take some trade. N. D. Keyes. 617 Paxton block. RE M73 _ JAIIGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS. tale or trade. F. 1C. Darling. Barker block. H E-6J3 _ JARGAIN , A FINE 4JO-ACRE FARM. IS miles from Omalm , only { 40.00 per acre. C. R. BoatrlKht. 301 N. Y. Life. RE-323 a7 _ ' OR SALET'NEW I-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; car. 13th and Sahler ; Il.2o0.00 ; long time. Enquire 13U Farnam. Samuel Burns. R E 693 iTlST BARGAINS FOR QUICK TURNS. 1603 Dodge. H E-700 _ V PERSON WITH CAPITAL Til AT DIISIRKS lo Invest In good p.i > lng property worth > 1W- ( XM.W , call nt C1M3 Paxton Mock , Omaha. RE-M230 1S 2 FT. FRONTAGE ON HUHINKSS B mlle from Farnam xt.j ; always renting nt Jl'JS per > , considered by experts to ha w6rth 15.000 , Immedlato sale takes U far 12,800 , 36x100 n r. N. 2llh t. . motor. 4r. cottage , ISO1) . & acres south of South Omaha , JJCO. IS.OOO buys nn elegant home north of H.inveom pk. ; owner atuut to lcu\e city and walling ; to sell ; this Is u bargain. F. D. WeaJ. IClh and Douglas ) IE-32 < 18 Oil SALlToil TIIADE , lO-ROOM HOfSE IN Knuntza Place , BMjlli | uirt , on pnxil Ktreet , has hot water , heat , electric l" > ll , tlnlshed In hard ! , etc. , gix l luirn nnd full lot ; will sell cheap. Address T 43 , Ut > i > . HK-.M3H " MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. 0. K. GELLENHECK. BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 14 Oil UARGAINH IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; ( aiy paynirnlti Inalrumenl * rented ; rent * apply ca purthiue. A. Hospe , jr. 704 TYPEWRITERS. TYPHWIUTERfl IlOtrpllT. BOLD. T.X- changed , renle < l end rofmlrtrd. Typewriter nnd oniee supplies. TypMrtltCTii rented nt Jl per month. The Omalm Typewriter Exchanee , sue- to the typewriting department of tin Stationary Co.'Ill S. 15th , tcl. 1.161. . M BEE THE NEW DOtJffitlVrtTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Typewriter ! Exchange , lei , 1361 , NO. nt a. nth st. MI _ " " THE M"o"sT rcTMPLnfir STOCK OF STAND- aril lypewrllers n"'l .i'fpll ) < l . Vff conlrol lire Dcnsmoro fnllurnpli rrnil New Yost. Ilurttnlna In second-hnnd mnchlncs ill-placed by ours , All machines perfectly-rrpalred , ne\\- parts imp- piled ; prices moderate ; new machine * loaned while repairs nrimala. . ( United Typewriter & Supplies Co , , 1613 Farnjvni. St. Telephone J3S3. LOST ! LOST-IIETWEEN 16TIUAND rilir.\no AND 13th nnd Dnvcnpwt , larsc l"Knl envelop" con- mining deed and papers. Reward for reiurn lo 101 S. 13th tre < > t. M31 ? 17 LOST , A OOLO-RIMMED INTAGLIO WATCH oliium. Return ti > C < It. Townsend , room CII Bee hulldlnir , and receive reward. M331 17 * LOST. BETWEEN 14TH AND HARNEY AND Kill nnd DoUKlan , Hlci : charm , with m no * nnim "W. II. W. " on one Bide nnd u ciuncint set with nine pearls nnd a diamond nn Ihe other side. Reward , Return tu 2CI2 DntiKlns stieet. M32J 17 BtJSINESS NOTIOE8. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 613 S. 16th. 709 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- nco to 3J S. 16th st , . Brown block. M970 _ DAMAQi:0 MIKIlORB RESILVERED , 719 N. 16. 937 STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ; ALSO holnl range nnd general assortment of ranges , cooks nnd heaters ; water attachments put In and connected at Jns. Hughes , Ml S. 13th st. nnd Jackson. COS BICYCLES. HICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED Tires nnd sundries. Safe1 * opened , repaired. C R. Hellln , locksmith. 311 N. 16th st. 9CO BICYCLES , NEW AND OLD. 20 TO J12j easy payments ; we rent nnd repair. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 16th st. 703 BICYCLES-ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Bend for our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs nnd cycle sundries n all kinds. M. O. Daxon. 402 N. IClh tt. Ml UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER3 II. 1C. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embnlmer , 1618 Chicago St. . telephone 90. 705 BWANSON & VAL1EN , UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmcrs , 1701 Cumtng St. , telephone 1060. 70S M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer , 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 225. 707 HEAFEY & HEAVEY , 218 S. 14TH ST. TEL. 2C5 ; also 2tlh and N sts. . So. Omaha.70S 70S A21 HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL , ICTH & CHICAGO ls. , coolest hotel , fionllng on Jefferson square. All ear lines within n block ; cars to "Fall of Pompeii" only n block uway. American plan , 11.00 to J2.00 rsr day ; European plan , 50c to Jl.OO per day. M. J. Frank , proprietor. 711-31 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Room by day or week. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batlerles recharged ; electrical and gen- cial machlnlKts ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electilcal Worlcs. C17 and 013 S. 16th nl. K 711 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for eleclrlc light.nnd 'motor plants nnd all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elc trie Supply Co. , 418 Urid 420 S. loth si. 712 PLUMPERS. FREE-PLUMBING OV' EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water loatlng ; sewerage. 313 S. 1C. > 715 J , J. HANIGAN , PLUMBING , STEAM AND hot water heating. 2,703 Leavenworth St. 155 JOHN ROWE & CO. , PLUMHINO. STEAM AND hot water heating , gas Qxtures , globes , 421 S. 15. -1 481 TENTS AND ! AWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO..r MANUFACTURINGS OF - nlnK . lents. nngs , wjfgon , hay. stock covers , tnrpnulln ? , banners , streamers. 703-703 8. 16th it. , telephone 604.Tentd ) for rent. 713 WHY DON'T YOU RENT A TENT. TAKE A vacation ana rest yourself ? The Omaha Tent and Awning Co. have tents of all kinds that they rent cheap. 1311 Fnrnam st. 382 A17 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL. CARPENTER. OFFICE AND store fixtures a specialty. Patching and pUslerlng. 1513 Cnpllol ave. . tel. 408B52 " _ _ _ HAMILTON BROS.T" GENERAL CONTRAC- ton and builders , carpenter work , brick laying and plastering. 414 S. 18th St. , lei. 1179. OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS , J. F. Ponder , manager. Eyes tested free 222 South 16th , In Kinsler'a drug store. 813-17' ' THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1403 Fainam st. , opposite Paxton hotel. Eyes examined free. 701 HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , 1515 Burt St. , tel. 1107. 8C9 S5 NEI1RASKA HAY CO , , WHOLESALE HAY , grain nnd mill stuff. We arc nlwnyx on the market to buy or sell. 1402-4-C Nicholas si. 153 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17lh st. , Bee building. 716 MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING A specially. Douglas Prlnllns Co. , 419 8. 15th streel , Sheclcy bldff. Tel. CI1 for prompt service. 11733 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'RINO CABINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. R. Bell , R. A. McEachron , Z717 Leavcnw'lh. 157 UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH. M. S. Wnlklln , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 02. M120 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron curnlces. 1722 St. Mary's nvo. 394 EAG LE COR NICE WORKS ] JO HN EPE- neler , prop. , 108 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Edtab. 1861. 851 HARNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS. NETS , ETC. REPAIRING a specially. 113 N. 15th st. 717 GET MY PRICES 11EFORE YOU BUY A HAR- nrss. August lloline. 711 S. IClh si. 263 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS. ETC. , ground. Mclchlor Bros. , 1119 Farnam slreet. | M2S7 _ : tA/.ORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN MOWers - ers , etc. A. L. I'ndcrland , 106 N. llth. 720 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON. TENTIST. SUITE 2 < X > _ Paxton block , ICth end S'ainam ( . . tel. 712. _ _ _ ; ; ; 72j _ ) R PAUL. DENTIST. SOJil HURT BT. 335 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALVA J , GROVER. MATHEMATICAL AND surveying Instruments , t'nKlnccrs' and archi tects' supplies ; trnclng-JP cloth , blue process paners. 318 South 15lh ; tjfall orders. 8S7 LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING STAI1LES , INB LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ed Baumley , 17th ; and St. Mary's n\e. M 4S9 WHOLESALE COAL. OHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Cot'cespundenuv solicited. 008 Fuinam st. i1 } V23 FURNARES. BEST FURNACE MADElSOI'T COAL SMOKB consuming ami hard coal furnaces. Eagle Cor * * nice works , 10S-113 N llth t. 2 DYE WORKS. CHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE 1521 Farnain street. Dyeing of every descrlp. lion and dry cleaning. M753 PAWNBROKERS. RED MOHLE , 151714 FARNAU , JEWELRY , ' 731 mORTHANj AND TYPEWRITINO7 'AN SANTS "SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , 5ll N. Y. Life. Omulm. Ask for circular. 71S ' HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONHV , 91 ! N. NTH BT. 231 ' " "TAXIDERMISTS. " TAXIDERMY AND FI'RH BUND FOR CATA , lo u . Ororiie C. Uruurn , jr. , & Ca , 7W 8. Hlh. UNION PACIFIC BLACKLIST It Hns Been Growing at a Rnpid Halo in the Last Few Month ? . DEBS SYMPATHIZERS BEING LET OUT J'lilly Two ThniKiim ! Mm DlRclntrRCil from the Srrrlco of the "Htrrlnml" on Ac count of tlio Itrceiit .strike Other Itullroiut Affiilrt , As a result of the recent strike on tlio Union I'aclllc 2,000 men nro novr looking for positions elsewhere. Service letters by tlio fifties are beltiR written by the department over which J. II. McConnell casts a watchful eye and Invariably the letter closes with the single sentence "Discharged on account of the A. H. U. strike. Up to his discharge his work find conduct entirely satisfactory. " These letters arc In printed form and read as follows ; Certificate. UNION PACIFIC SYST13M. No This Is to certify , thnt has been employed In the capacity of at In tha Department of the Union Pacific System , . . . . " Division from to Specify reasons for leaving iw'rvlcc ; when din- olmrged Male cause nml partlcul.irH In siicli form nn will cnmcy u full and clear under standing of llu * same. Mr. McConncll talked freely of the strike and Its effects to a Dee representative. "Out of the 2,000 men who went out between Chey enne and Iluntlngton In sympathy with the A. H. U. on the Union Pacific 250 engineers and firemen are Included In the list , the others being car repairers , hostlers , wipers , trainmen , pumpers and others In the locomo- tlvo and train service departments. Some of the engineers and firemen , particularly on the west end , were with the company for twenty years and upward. In most cases the men do not blame the company for the action taken , stating , however , that they were mis led by the American Hallway union and they made a mistake In going out at all. Notwithstanding , however , tlio feeling that ran riot along the Wyoming and Idaho divisions we had only two engines dis abled. What might have occurred , however , had troops failed to take up stations along the western end of tlio line Is a much mooted question. "In some cases the places of the strikers have been filled with new men , but so stagnant Is business that wo have accepted the situation and allowed many of the places to remain unfilled until business warrants an Increase In pay roll. " Hvcry man who went out on a strike Is known at headquarters and the black list book has grown greatly since the reports have commenced to come In from division superintendents as to the number of men discharged and the causes leading up to their retirement from the service. In some cases telegraph operators have been dis charged for using threatening lan guage to operators remaining loyal to the company. In others men were "fired" for Interfering with United States troops , for malicious destruc tion of property , for participating In labor demonstrations and Incendiary utterances. Alt these reasons arc set forth In the book opposite the name of the individual and they stand there as Indisputable evidence of participation In the strike. Some little trouble Is anticipated by the management of the Union Pacific when It comes to displacing the old employes from the company's hoiibcs along the system to make way for new men who have families. Uut as the new men must have places to house their effects the company is deter mined to give their new employes privileges enjoyed by the strikers. In relation to the rumor of General Super intendent W. A. Deuel's transfer from Den ver to some other point or enlarging his field of work , which has been considerably cur tailed by the absorption of the Denver , Lcadvillo & Gunnlson by the Gulf company and the abandonment of the Colorado lines , Mr. McConnell said : "I have not heard anything about the matter , but should say at first thought that Mr. Deuel would bo continued where ho is. He has still 106 miles of road to look after between Jules- berg and Cheyenne In addition to several smaller branches. Then again , the switchIng - Ing in the Denver yards requires careful watching on account of the volume of busi ness handled there , so that I am of the opinion that no change will be made. " ItecrpiiHt'il ICnllrniiil AlUcngo. In vital contrast with the engine mileage on the Union Pacific during July of 1893 is the service during that month In 1894. The total for the system during July , 1894 , was 1,179,882 , aa against 1,553,353 miles In 1893. The greatest decrease , however , Is noticed on the Wyoming division , where the strikers held the road for weeks. Last year the service for the month of July amounted to 402,600 , while this year It footed up In miles 271,358. I.iiek HUM of rare. The dining car system on the Union Pa cific Is a good deal of a problem just at present , particularly with the Oregon Rail way & Navigation company , which , slnco It passed Into McNelU's hands , has had no service west of Evanston. The service was discontinued during the washouts on the BQIIBAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Building OMAHA , Nob. Advice FREE , RRILWRYT1MEGHRD . _ _ m l.ea\es I CHICAGO & NORTHWljST'N ( Arrives Omalial U. 1 * . Depot. 10th At MasonSts.Omriho _ _ | _ " " ll:05.mi : . Enslern Express. . , . . .7. . . S:30pm : 4ODpm : . Vestllniled Limited . : 0:55.1111 : . Mo. Valley Local . 10:30pm : B:4'im | . Omah.t Chicago Speejal . v215nm Lea\es ICHICAGO , BURLINGTON & g.lArrlvcs Omnhal Depot 10thiind _ Mason Sts. | Omaha VeiTlbulo . 9:50im : 0lDnm ; . Chlcuco Express . 4:2 : pm 7:0''pm : . Chicago und lowu Local . 8:00am : ll35nni..I'iiclllo ; Junction Local. . . . . .OiGopni Leaves IBURLINGTON , t MO. RfVER.JArViveV Oinahal liepot 10th and MUBOII Sis , f Oinnli IDilCain . Denver Exprens.T. " . 9:33am : 10:15am : . Di'ailuuod Express . 410pni ; 4:50pm : . Deiuer Expiess . 4:10pm 6:60pm. : Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) , 6:50pm : B15am. . Lincoln local ( except Sunday ) . , ll25.nn ; LeaVM" ! K."CM 8T. J. rcrri l rfl"vei Umahal Depot 10th ami Mason Sts. I Omalm " 9:4"mm : . Kansas nty Day Expreis . B:5pm : ; 45pin.lCr. _ _ Night Ex. via. U. I' . Trans. . CMam : Leaves'l CHICAGOr"R. Tr & I'ACIFIC. lArrlvea OnialialU. 1' . Depot , 10th & Mason Bls , | Omaha EAST. ' 10:16am. : . . Atlantic Express ( ex. Humluy ) . . 6OGpm : 6:2Cpm : . NlKlit Express . G.4Qam 440pm..ClilcuKJ ; Vesllbuled Limited. . . . > :25pm : ll35j ! in. Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. Jl. ex , Bun ) B.SSani _ _ J _ WEST. ' _ J ' B:33am. : Oklahoma & Texas Exp.lex. 8unit:3ipm ) : 1 ! 8Cpm. . . . . Colorado Limited. . . JilOpin Leuvea I UNION PACIFIC" JArrlvef Oinahal Union Depot , 10th & Mason Bts.f Omaha OiOOam . Kearney express Z sl&pni . Oveiiand Flye.r . 6IOpm : 3 :4Spm.Ileatrlco : & Htromsb'g Ex ( ex Hun.lUini ) : GM''prn ' ' . racllla Exprest C30pm ! .Fast Mall 4ZOum : > Leaves I CHICAGO , MIL. & BT. PAUL.IArrlvcs t Oiimhal Unlon _ Depot. 10th & Mahun Hta. | Omaha I 6:33pm : , . . , Chicago Limited 7 9:30ani : c llIO.iin..C'hlcaiU ; Exprets lux. Sun. ) . , . . . G:00 : | > m ' F7. E. & MO. VALI.EV. " | Ai7lvc t bina'hal Depo't l5th _ and " Wciisier Sls.6hialia _ | [ _ ' : Deadv ood"Exprem C:10pm : 8pjam.ix. : ( Sat. yyti. Ex. ( Ex. Mon. ) . . SilOpni . ; G.OOpm. . . Norfolk Expiess ( Ex , Sunday ) . . .lOilkim 6.iupm . Ut. Paul Express . 9MOutn r rfavn I iflSHOl'Ilt T'AtTFlT1 lArrlvri rJ Oiiulittl Depot Itth pnd Wcbut-1 Hta. I Omaha c " " TiFoOum . "Ht. "l ouls Exprer * . . . . . 6.00am t UMCpm . . . . . .St. l < oula L'xpluxH. . . . . . . . C:55pm : t rfinVri c. . ST. P. , tfT&'o. jArriveT 1S Oinaliul Depot 15th und Wubster HU. I Omaha S1 - ; . . ) ( ex. Hun. Nehiankn Lornl. . Sc ; . .Sioux City Accom. < Kx. Sun. ) . 8:0."jmi : c OMIOain. Sioux flly Accom. ( Hun. Only ) 8:00pni : iJilSpm" , .isToux "Cil'y."Express"Ex. ( riiiti.V K L7u\e r" SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC" . " lArrlve ? ? OmahatL'nlon Drpol , lOlli & MatuiiBt _ . ! Om.iha i " " . . . . . . . C'lly Pii senjer..7.7r.lOOpiii : / > u tiiiiJ } ' ; _ ' > " ] _ Uy 'Cess. ' „ . 1000.ini ! ' el"r"8IOUX crrV & " PA"CFiO. | JArrlve7 Umnhal Dvpot ISlh und U'eUtur Bt . f Omalm fi:39pm : Ht. Paul Limited . . . 9 : < 0im 11 > . . I'hlcuKO Limited S ) Warn l WAHAHI1 HAIIAVAY ) Arrhf V Oinahnfl < nloii Drpai. lOlli & Mason fn . I Omaha c lOl'm. ' . . , .81. Louis I'unnun JJall 1:341111 c Oregon Itnoc , and only lately has tircn resumed - sumod , the ear running ns far ns Kvnnston , coiupclllnR the Oregon people to furnish breakfast nt n pilut between Kvannton and 1'ortland. The Inconvcnlenco to the public has been c.'nsldcrabln , ind Mr. McN'clll has asked the Union 1'nclflo to run thn car through to 1'ortland , as well as I'ullman sleepers. On account of dull times the Union Paclflo lins discontinued the diners on the Oregon Short line and Utah A North ern , but Just aa noon as business warrants they will be put back. AI.DACi : F. \ \ AI.Kint APPOl.VriM ) . iJudRo Calilwrll I'lIN lint Vnrant Itccdlvor- nhlp of thn Atrlilvm. CHICAGO , Aug. 1C. Jtidgo Cnldwcll of the United States circuit court today on mo tion of Hon. Wheeler II. I'eckham , repre senting the Union Trust company of New York as trustee and nil Ilia other pirtlos to the reorganization , appointed Aldacc V. Walker receiver of the Atchlson property In place of J. W. Helnhart , resigned. lleforo being submitted to the court , the name of Mr. Walker had been approved In advance by the representatives of the London and Amsterdam committees of Atchlson security holders , and by the general reorganization committee In New York. Mr. Walker's ap pointment Is entirely agreeable to the two other receivers , nnd It In believed there will bo entire harmony In the future conduct of the affairs of the Atchlson system. Aldacc V. Walker , who Is chairman of the Western Trafllc association , has long been prominent In the railroad world. lie Was born In Rutland , Vt. , in 1SI2 and went through the civil war , being mustered out a lieutenant colonel. HP pcrved two yrarJ as n Vermont state senator and was appointed by President Cleveland as ono of the original members of the Interstate commerce eonunl.i- slon In 1SS7. In 1SS3 ho resigned to became chairman of the Interstate commerce commis sion and later accepted the chairmanship of the Western Tralllc association. Immediately after the appointment of Mr. Walker , Judge Caldwell left for St. I'anl. where the order for the appointment of the receiver will bo entered. Mr. Kclnhart's resignation will be accepted Immediately on the entering of the order. The order for Mr. Walker's appointment will take effect at once when entered nt St. I'aul , and will thus practically antedate Mr. Holnhart's resignation , which docs not take effect until September 1. This fact has caused some comment , but Santa Fo officials deny that It han the slightest slgnlllcance , or that any discourtesy Is Intended regarded the outgoing receiver. The officials explain that Mr. Uclnhart's resignation was so worded as to take effect September 1 , or at such Intervening date as his business with the road could bo comple'ed. "Tho appointment of Mr. Walker , " said Vlco President Hohlnson or the Santa Kc today , "Is ono which I think will receive universal approval , not only In this coun try , but In Europe. In fact , all the parties of Interest wcro consulted on the appoint ment. Judge Caldwell at once , by his Judi cial action , endorsed the selection. Mr. Walker's wldo knowledge , not only of rail road law , but of business generally , brings a strong man to act with the other re- cclt-ers , who also are much pleased wvth the choice. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MORGANS 1IUY A RAILROAD. Million Dollars Paid by the Baiilu-rH for the Lolllsvlllo Soul horn. NRWYOHK , Aug. 1C. A dispatch from Louisville , Ky. , says Charles H. Coster , representing Drexel , Morgan & Co. , bought the Louisville Southern railway at public auction today , bidding $1,000,000 therefor. IIo was the only bidder. The sale was made subject to the lien oC the mortgages of June 22 , 1887 , and June 1 , 1889 , to the Louisville Safety Vault and Trust company. The sale Is to ho submitted to Judge Turton for con firmation. Rnllu-ay Notes. Assistant Superintendent Kred Mcrtzhelmer of the Union Pacltlc ut Kansas City was in town yesterday. General Manager Iloldrege leaves for the Black Hills today , accompanied by some members of his family. General Manager Dickinson and Mr. Buck ingham loft yesterday for a tour of the Nebraska lines. They will be Joined at Columbus by J. H. McConnell of the motive power department. Pursuant to a request of Third Vlco Presi dent Stubbs of the Southern Pacific , a call for a transcontinental meeting has been Issued calling the meeting at Chicago Au gust 27. This meeting will have for Its object the restoration of passenger rates between Chicago and tHe Pacific coast. Nothing Striingo. Intelligent people , who realize the Impor tant part the blood holds In keeping the body In abnormal condition , find nothing strange In the number of diseases Hood's Sarsaparllla Is able to cure. So many troubles result from impure blood , the best way to treat them IB through the blood. Hood's Sarsapa- rllla vitalizes the blood. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills , assist digestion , prevent constlpatin. THIS XIXTJI H'.IHD FH1I1T. OMAHA , Aug. 1C. To the Editor of The Dee : Answer to "an nppeal to the repub licans of the Ninth ward , " to tlio "anony mous , " nnd therefore cowardly , "commit tee of republican voters , " well known to be nothing more or less thnn T. W. Dlackburn , Andy Wiggins , and others of the same atrlpe : You assume to t-pealc for "the better ele ment" of the Ninth wnrd republicans and claim that the delegation elected at tlio regular caucus duly called according to the rules of the county central committee and the usual public notice given , nt which meeting you were present. In company with over 100 other iCHldent republican voters of the ward , and nt which said delegation received eighty-six votes and upwards , is put up In the Intciest of certain candi dates who will come before the coming county nnd city conventions to bo held at least six weeks hence , when lit reality the delegates to these conventions have only to select the IDS delegates to the state anil con gressional conventions , and nro Instructed nnd pieced to support J. II. MacColl for governor timl Dave Mercer for congress man. Now , yon know the facts to be that your petition deli-gallon Is n. combination entered Into In Judge Tiffany's olllciat which meetlnft not more thnn six were present , nnd which wus followed by an ad journed meeting , at which nineteen were present , which represents about the strength of your alleged "better element" ) In the Interests of II. F. Cmly nnd Frank Hansom for the state senate. Messrs. Flnley , Wooley anil McOllton for the stute legisla ture ; Hurry llrome of the Sixth ward for county attorney , nnil C' . I ) . lIiitchlHun and J. II. Daniels for the city council. Fiutlicr , you know the fuels to bo that your delegation of "straw" men to be voted for nt the primaries on this coming Friday ( to elect whom your alleged appeal Is being circulated ) as delegates to the county convention , which has only to elect delegates to the Htutn convention , Is pledged to send to that statu convention In their stead the following politicians ( ? ) : Andy WlKKlna , T. W. niackburn. three months' resident In the Ninth ward ; C. IJ. Hulch- IIIHOII , F. II. Tiffany , A , II. Uurnt tt , two months' rcolilent In the Ninth ward. Bo It la evident that yours Is the "com bination of professional rustlers anil their satellite * , " Compare them with the nominees whom you so recklessly und ruth lessly assail , In point of general icspectabll- Ity , which your circular admits , and thulr residence and icputahle standing In our ward. Further , you know the facts to bo thnt while you claim that your petition delega tion IB for J. II , MncColl for governor , that among the men1 yon will semi to the stuto convention there ale no MacColl men. In view of nil the foregoing facts , In an swer to your "appeal , " w < ! conllilentlv he- Iliive that the republican voterw of Hie Ninth ward will In very truth "come out Filday , August 17 , from 12 o'clock until 7 p. m. , ami vote against the cumblnu" und elect the regular caucus nominees : Ninth ward caucus ticket Instructed for J. II. MacColl for governor. Delegates to county convention , which selects delegates to state convention : H. C. Alken , John I , . Parr , J. II. Ohnpman , W. W. C'ox , H. I * . Davis , J. A. LovKien. A. C. Powers , W. It. Hinlth , Charles K , Winter. Instructed for D. H. Mercer for congress , Delegates to county convention which selects delegate * II to congressional convention : Jesse Carroll. Andrew Cllhsun , Fred ( ioerne , John L. Mvo. wey. M. O. Maul , Oeorge. F. I'UKh , W , W. SlabaiiKh. S. Trontlc-r , J. K. Von ( lllder. Primaries , August 17 , ISO I , for 12 ( noon ) to p , in. , nt Twenty-ninth und Furimm , In the club room. These gentlemen represent tlio republicans of the Ninth wnrd , and are not the creatures and misguided tools of u few aspiring or UHKiuntli'd politicians. Ki-ppectfuly submitted to Hie republican voti-ra of the Ninth ward by the t-xfcullvo L'ninmlttee of the Ninth WurU Itcuubllcau flub. ! U AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA < 1 Watchman Murphy Captures and Jails a Burglar Laden with Spoils , PARTNER IN THE CRIME GOT AWAY Unit Knti-rcil Kajnirr'n llnnlMiiro Stdro VriiKiitiit ( iltciitil Illgliliiiul Turk Hn- fitpllon Ijut i\riilng : l'liMiiickot | Cuufjlit JlugUi city ( loiolp. Uarly last night the hardware store of A. C. Itaymer , on N street , between Twenty- fourth and Twenty-imii stnx.'ts , was onlornl by burglars. They got In by breaking through a rear window. As they were es caping with the plunder Watchman Murphy , In passing up ( ho alloy , met one of the men , mid asked him whore ho had been. The fellow made an effort to escape , when Murphy grappled with him and placed him under arrest and took him to the police sta tion , where lit- gave the nmno of 0. Jclv- nlngs. The other man escaped. Jennings had In his possession six revolvers and about 100 pocket knives , which ho had taken from the store. Ulghtnm ! l'a ik ItiTi-ptlon , At the reception given at Highland park last ovcnlng the following program was car ried out. Instrumental music , Kranek's band , Address , Mayor IM Johnston , music , Mrs. U. Masking , Miss Jean Itoyd Mullen , Mr. H. Ilasklns , Mr. James C. Carley. Address , General Colby. Vocal solo , guitar accompaniment , Mr. James 1) . Smith. Address , 0. W. Iluttorriold. Instrumental mimic , Kranek's band. Poem , Mr. W. Heed Dunroy. Vocal music , Mrs. W. U. Sage , Mrs. It. Ilasklns , Mrs. K. I ) . Munshaw. Address , Mr. Samuel P. Urlgham. Instrumental music , Kranck's band , it Plrt.poclu't. A pickpocket was caught In the act Wednes day night and Is now In jail. Ho gave tlio name of Charles Strlckler. While sitting In Dcaver's gambling house at a faro table Strlckler slipped ( leorgo Ohlcr's gold watch from his pocket , hut ho was captured and the watch recovered before ho gut out of the room. _ IMiiKld C Ity ( iomlp. Katie Uoborts returned from Kansas yes terday morning. Miss Nettle Harrington Is visiting friends In Dcnnlson , la , Thomas Galloway and Ella Johnson were married Tuesday ovcnlng by Hev. Wheeler , Upchurch ledge No. 2 , Degree of Honor , will give a high five party to members and friends on the 30th of this month. Hldcr Carl Smith and D. Crothcrs have been appointed to furnish pulpit sup plies for Itev. Wheeler's pulpit during his vacation. Madgo McKenzle , Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Sturrock , was christened Wednesday evening at the residence of Ralph Sago by Pastor Wheeler. Miss Anna Ilurross , sister of Mrs. George V. Ivlser , returned from. P.iola , Kan. , Wednes day evening. Their fclstcr , Mrs. Hanna , lies at the point of death from consumption. Tim Lynch , a man who has a sentence of thirty days hanging over his head , was ar rested again last night for assaulting Wil liam Jones. The fight took place at Thlrty- nrst and II streets. The republicans of South Omaha have ar- rat.ged for a grand rally for Friday ovonlng. The meeting will bo held at Twenty-fourth and M streets. lion John M. Thurston and other noted speakers have promised to bo hero. To Clrnni tlio System , Effectually yet gently , when costlvo or bil ious , or when the blood Is Impure or elug- glsh , to permanently euro habitual consti pation , to awaken the kidneys and liver rte a healthy activity , without Irritating or weakening them , to dispel headaches , coiciJ or fevers , use Syrup of Figs. Dog circus aft. and eve. this week at Courtland. Take the children. UICDUCKD KATIWTO IVA IIINOTON , II. O Gruml Kncnnipinunt of thn Knights at Pytlilus of the World. The biennial encampment of the supreme lodge and grand encampment of the Knights of I'ytlilas of the world will be hold at the national capital August 27 to September 5. For this occaHlon the liultlnioro & Ohio Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets from nil points on Its lines , August 22 to 20 Inclusive , valid for return trip until Sep tember S. A further extension of tlmo to September 1C can ho secured , provided the ticket Is deposited with the Joint agent at Washington , D. G. , on or before September G. The round trip rate from Chicago will ho $17. CO , and correspondingly low rates from other points. Tickets will also be sold at all principal points throughout the west and northwest. No matter where you start from , ask for tickets via B. & 0. Kor Information In detail address L. S. Allen , Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent H. & O. U. H. , Grand Central Passenger Depot , Chicago , III. A Now 'I ruin to Commencing August 12 , the "Omaha and Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North western railway , leaves Omaha dally at 5:15 : p. m. , and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : next morning. Vcstlhulcd dining car , Wagner sleepers and chair cars form the equipment of this train , and are all up to "North western" standard. 1401 Fanmm street , city ticket ofllco. Tlin Kith Annual Sliiln ( i , A. It. Ruunloii Will bo held at Grand Island August 27th to September 1st , J8U1. One- faro for the round trip via the Union I'acllln , Tickets on sale from all points In Nebraska , August 2 ! > th to August 28th Inclusive , and from points within 100 mlUs of Gram ! [ alum ] , August 20th to September 1st Inclusive. Noimirr or Ituunion , When Is It ? Aug. 27th to Sept. . 1st. Where Is It ? Grand Island , Neb. What Is It ? Sixteenth annual Stnta G. A. U. reunion. „ The Union Pacific will soil tickets nt , ono faro for the round trip from all Nebraska points on August Mtli to 2Sth Inclusive , and from points within 100 miles of Grand Island August 2Gth to Sptembur 1st , InoluUvu. To Washington nn return Via the Wiibnah only $30.2S , with cholco of routes , August 23d , 24th and 2uth. Kor full particulars call ut Wabasli olllce , 1C02 Farnam street. llnlf Butt * \VnnhliiBtoii , I ) , U , Last chance to go east cheap , August 23 , 24 and 25 the Burlington route will sell round trip tickets to Washington , I ) . C. , at the one-way rule. TIM * on account of the great Knights of I'ythlus Conclave. Tickets and full Information at 13-4. Knrnam etruet. M. J. Howling , City J'UHD. Agent , KxrurAloii Itittui Hunt. Kor full Information concerning stimmmer excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee & Gt , Paul ticket olllce , 1C01 Karnuin street , or address R A. NASH , General Agent. Dog circus aft. and eve. this week at Courtland. Take tlio children , mi : iti\LTY : M/VUKIT. ; INSTRUMENTS placed on record August 10 , 18'Jl : WARRANTY DEEDS. B F Manning to E O Datm , lot 2 , A II Sunders' add . < I t ( } Johnwm und ulfu t ) , lluti Piudit , Iota 3 to 7 , lilwk H , CluvunlJlu . 2.W > M H Mlllhi > urn and nlfn to O M Jimru , lot 1 , Mock U , BrlKiin' PlHU ) . 8,009 W H llumi-ll und lfe to Surui KvlUn- Kiiurd , H U feel , UU H und IV , Miulo/l / Plitcu . tCW QUIT ( JI.AIM DEKDH , E C Bates nnd wlfu lo B F Mulinlni ; , lot 1. A H Haildern' iid < l . 1 Midway Invi'stnniu t'orniviny lo ( ! M Jones , lot ) , block 12 BrlKKf Plare . 2S Jiiliiinnii Ahlstiaiid und nunluiuij loV K Uuixt-Jl , b C ! fi-et I'll H und I ! . Mjrtun Tutu ) amount of transfers. , , , , , , . , . . . . . . J3.GJS