Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Majority of tbo Men Ceem Disposed to Give
Up the Fight.
UUcufl riI Ycntrnliiy lint No l.'oncliiiiluii
L'otilil II" Arrived At Hcrf Miltrhcra
Only Inclined to Hold Out Ml-
lltla 'May ( > Todny.
It Is quite certain that all the labor or
ganizations Interested will declare the strlko
nt the South Omaha packing houses off today
except , perhaps , the beef butchers.
The American Federation of Labor was In
ucsslon for three hours yesterday afternoon ,
when a resolution to declare the strlko off
was discussed , The sentiment In favor of
It Is known to be very strong. No con
clusion was reached , anil It was announced
that nt a meeting to bo held at 10 o'clock
this morning decisive action would bo taken.
At the same time the hog butchers held a
conference , but they say that their action
will net be made known until after the
meeting this morning.
There Is no question but that a majority
of the small portion of the men who are now
out nre In favor of declaring the strike off.
A number of laboring men waited on the
executive committee yesterday afternoon and
' bo made to the
't urged that a preposition
'tI packers to take the laborers back who went
I out. These are the workmen , however , who
will find It difficult to get their former
places. During the strike the packers had
no difficulty whatever In getting all the
laborers they wanted , nnd , of course , the
men who tendered the r services In nn hour
of need will not now be discharged to give
the eld men work. There are still some
vacancies , however , and the old men who
apply first will naturally be given the pref
A mass meeting was held at Twenty-third
nnd N streets last night , which was at
tended by a large number of laboring men.
The speakers were Sam Ncdry , Jasou Lewis.
Jack Sheep and August Beerman. Nothing
of Importance was done.
The beef butchers nre the men who
nro holding off , nnd their number Is
small compared tothe others. Ten
or a dozen cf the hog butchers and a few of
the beef butchers went to work ycs'erdar
morning In the different houses , and many of
the members of the American Federation ol
Labor are at wcrk. Many more of the old
men applied for their former Jobs ,
nnd nil who could be ustd were
morning , and all who could be used were
accepted. The others were told that as
soon as business picked up the r applications
would bo considered. Manager Cameron of
the Cudahy company said that he had as
largo a fcrco as he could use in most of the
departments. "I turned away at least sev-
onty-flve of our old men who applied for
their places this morning , " said the gentle
man , "but I did so because wo have all the
force we can bundle. There is room for n
few skilled workmen , to be sure , but wo now
have a force In the hog department to kill
2,000 easily. Frcm now on we propose to
give steady work to what men we use , and
will keep the force down to exactly what
wo can got along with. "
\ At both Swift's and Hammond's the man
agers stated that many of the old butchers
f as well as the wirkmen wcro coming back.
At the headquarters of the executive com
mittee no evidence of \veskenlng of the
men could bo ascertained. When asked
for his opinion as to how many union men' '
had gne back to work Secretary Flood said
that the number would not exceed twenty-
five. "Wo have had no communication
from the packers in regard 16 a settlement
of the strlko for a week , " said he , "and
wo do not expect any. Wo received a tele
gram from Chicago this morning stating
that , the men there were still firm , and I
cannot see any reason why the men should
weaken here. " _ When asked If he knew
that many of the butchers were returning
tov rk Mr. Flood said that there were
only a few.
"What do ytu do with the union men
who go to work under the existing circum
stances ? " was asked.
"Simply dismiss them from the union.
Fire them bodily , " was the reply. ,
"I wish you would make a general de
nial In The Bee ot that letter of Mr. Mc-
Kehdry's. Some person has been talking
to the young man who has considerable In-
uonce ever him , nnd I wish you would deny
his statement for the executive committee. "
Captain Bralnurd Is In charge of the troops
that are being held here. At midnight ho
lind not received any orders to remove the
companies , but said that under the quiet
condition of affairs ho anticipated that the
men would be ordered away very soon , per-
naps today. T n of the soldiers were re
ported on the sick Hat yesterday. The Gat-
tllng gun squad wont to Lincoln yesterday.
Last evening the two companies took
stands In different portions of the city and
were merely In reserve In case their serv
ices were needed. The city was In the
charge of the police. It was the quietest
night on the streets since the strike began.
No disturbance whatever took place as the
men were returning home from work.
There may bo come on in this vicinity
who Is Bflltctcd wit ! ) a stomach trouble.
It so , the experience of A. 0. Eppley , a
carpenter , and contractor of Newman , III. ,
will Interest him. For acouplo of years ho
was at times troubled with a pain In the
stomach , that ho says , "seemed to go through
mo from front to back. I began taking
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Whenever any pain oppsared I
took a dose of the Remedy. It gave me
prompt relief and has effected a complete
curt ? . " U Is for sale by druggists.
D'g circus aft. and eve. this week nt
Courtland. Take the children.
flt-15 T. M. lit Om ihil , H : in A. M. at Chlviigo.
The new vestlbulcd train now running on
the "Northwestern" cast dally.
Ono I'M I'd for the Itoiiud Trip.
The Union Pacific will sell tickets to the
sixteenth annual reunion to bo held at
Grand Island , at the rate of one fare for the
round trip from all points In Nebraska ,
August 25th to 2Sth Inclusive , also from
points within 100 miles of Grand Island ,
August 2Gth to September 1st , Inclusive.
D3g circus aft. and eve. this week at
Courtland. Take the children.
Pnvlni ; County ItimiU.
About three miles of the Dodge street pav
ing have now been completed and the work Is
progressing nt the rate of not far from 500
feet a day. There Is about two miles ot the
macadam yet to lay and the contractors have
changed their delivery point to the other
end of the district. The county commis
sioners express much satisfaction with the
macadam and declare that the results will
vindicate their Judgment. Of the $50,000
appropriated only $7,100 has been expended up
to date. No work has been done on the
Center street pavlng.'whlch will be left until
' the Dodge street road Is completed , when
the paving gang will bo transferred to Center
street , _
All InttTCJtliij ; Letter \Vhluli Speuk * for
LOVEVILLK , St. Mary's Co. . Md. . June
1G , ISO I. I have handled Chamberlain' )
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
the putt year. It give * the best of satis
faction to my customers. I received an order
last week for four bottles ot the remedy , fram
n man residing sixteen miles from my place.
Today I received a letter from him , stating
that U has saved the lives ot two mem *
berg of hi * family. An old gentleman hcfe ,
who hail suffered two years with diarrhoea ,
was permanently cured by this remedy. Ho
can now do as much work as any man of Ma
r > cc > . I could mo'itlon other rvmarkabla
cures , but the Remedy will > how for Hstelf
It tried. B , Love. 25 and tO-cent bottles fcr
tala by druggltti.
I'luycd ullli ii I'lulol.
.Tfhn Wolnnder , a 12-year-old boy , played
u Mi u pistol nt Portal Tuesday till the
thmg went off , and planted a 44-callbra
fcullot In UU left leg out ot reach ot the
docton. Dr. F. E , Heal of Papllllon was
called , nnd af'cr unsticccusfully probing for
the ball , which struck the femur nnd glanced
off Into the tl > nucs , had the boy brought to
Omaha and placed In the .Methodist hospital ,
Young Wolandcr's parents llvo nt Sixteenth
and Mnrcy etrco's.
I'Vcuh , riilnlnblc Stuck * Arc Ihn Ittilo In the
1'rorlnlon Drpnrtiiicut * .
Cheese Is away down.
Fancy full cream , lOc nnd 12',4c , Young
American full cream , lOc ; brick cheese , lOc ,
12V4C and lie ; sapsago at 8c pkg. ; Llmberger
cheese lOc and 12'4c ; Swiss 12'ic , He and
Butter always the best at Haydens1.
Best country butter at ll'.ic , 12'/4e nnd IGc.
Best separator creamery at IGc , ISc , 20c
and 22c.
The output of n large factory Is controlled
by us.
Hrfinmcr's lunch , 8' c ; XXX oysters ,
3'fcc ; XXX sodns , 5c ; ginger snaps and snow
flake crackers , Tlfcc.MEATS.
It Is hard to keep prices on meats down
under present conditions , buy now. cured bacon , lie and 12'c.
Sugar cured California hams , 9V4c ; Boston
long cut hams , SVSc ; salt pork , Sc ; corned
beef , DC ; pickled pork , 7Hc ; potted ham ,
deviled ham and potted ox tongue nt Co per
can ; pigs' feet , 5c ; boneless Imm , lOc.
Norway herring liic dozen ; Georgia bank
codfish , fie Ib ; mackerel , 7',4c ' , lOc and 12 > ,4c ;
California salmon , lOc per Ib ; white fish , 5c
and 7 Vie.
Thu Kntlro Stork of lloglu'd Pmnotn Shoo
Store from UolKI M nt .South Onmlm.
Hoglo's motto was
Sale begins Wednesday , August 15.
Corner 15th and Dodge , Omaha.
All Hogle's men's hand made $8.00 cordovan
shoes go at $1.00.
All Hogle's men's hand sewed $7.00 kan
garoo shoes go at $3.50.
All Hogle's men's hand welt $ G.OO calf and
kangaroo shoes go at $3.00.
Hogle's entire line of men's fine Goodyear
welt $5.00 calf congress nnd lace shoes go
at $2.50.
Hoglo's complete line of men's Goodyear
welt $4.50 and $1.00 calf shoes go at $2.25
and $2.00.
Hogle's entire line of men's calf custom
$3.50 shoes go nt $1.75.
All Hoglo's men's $2.00 shoes go at $1.00.
And all Hogle's $1.50 men's shoes go at
Remember It's Hogle's South Omaha shoe
stock that Boston Store Is selling now at
half price.
Cor 15th and Dodge.
Kxciirilnn ltiitc < int. : :
For full Information concerning summmcr
excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul ticket olllce , 1501 Farnam s'reet , or
address F. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
To Washington an return via the Wnbaslj
only $30.25 , with choice of routes , August
23d. 21th and 25th. For full particulars
call at Wabash office , 1502 Farnam street.
Half HntPi to WiiHlilngton , I > . C.
Last chin * to go east cheap ,
August 23 , 21 and 25 Burlington route
will sell round trip tickets to Washington ,
D. C. , at the one-way rate. This on account
ot the great Knights of Pythias Conclave.
Tickets and full Information nt 1324 Farnam
street. M. J. Dowllng , City Pass. Agent.
Miss Mary Martin of DCS Molnes , la. , Is
most anxious to see or hear from her sister ,
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson , recently of Omaha ,
Dog circus aft. and eve. this week at
Courtland. Take the children.
Dug Show uc tin ) lieueli.
Carl Krlcsel and' his dogs are at Court-
land beach. He gave- his first public exhibi
tion there last Tuesday afternoon. Con
sidering this fact the performances of the
trained animals may be called entirely suc
cessful. A large German poodle Uog aston
ished visitors by rope walking , while a
smaller quadruped swung himself comfort
ably on n small wire. A lapdog retains his
equilibrium on the end of a small stick held
perpendicularly by Krlesel , who , thereupon ,
elevates the cane to a considerable height ,
the dog neatly balancing himself nnd keepIng -
Ing his position all the time. Another heavy
poodle plays the clown , doing exactly the op-
cosllo from that which he Is ordered to do.
Heedless of his master's Injunction he , for
Instance , devours the lattcr's meal during
a momentary absence , and when he Is sup
posed to be securely chained. The dog ac
complishes this by stripping the collar over
his head with the use of his forepaws. The
return to the position he occupied when his
master left him Is made by pushing his nose
Into the collar and going the full length of
the chain , working first In one direction and
then In the other until the neck Is again
encircled by the collar. A very clever
trick Is also executed by a common cur In
maintaining his position on a hoop which Is
being turned. Altogether the performances
of the dogs must be pronounced very clever
Indeed. It might perhaps be difficult to equal
the intelligence of the entire set of dogs.
All have evidently absorbed their lessons well.
Ii fact , they have been taught better than
their owner perhaps dreamed of. There Is
nothing In their demeanor showing em
barrassment before an audience , such as
Krlesel himself might exhibit at times.
The canines know how to play their parts
and play them well. The show Is proving a
great attraction at the beach , and many ex
clamations as to Its excellency are heard on
all sides.
The scenery for Pain's "The Last Days of
Pompeii" Is being placed In position. About
400 young men who are to act as super
numeraries have been engaged , and now there
Is much animation behind the scenes.
A Cure for Cliroulu Diarrhoea.
I had been troubled with chronic diar
rhoea for over a year when I received a
small botle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used and It
gave mo great relief. I then procured a
GO-ccnt bottle and took about two-thirds ot
It , and was cured. I have taken eome ( wlco
elnco when I had a loosness como on and It
stopped It at once. I hope It will help
others ns It helped mo. I feel very thankful
to Mr. Stearns , the druggist , for telling m ?
of this remedy nnd shall bo glad to have
this letter published. S. C , Weeks , Melroae ,
Mass. For enlo by druggists.
About the Courts.
The Injunction suit of Eaten & Renze
against the city was argued before Judge
Scott yesterday afternoon. This Is the case
In which the owners of the bulletin board
around the old Fifteenth 'Street theater
site asked for nn Injunction restraining the
city from fencing off the wooden sidewalk
as contemplated by the Board of Public
Wcrks. After hearing the arguments Judge
Scott entered an order for a temporary In
junction ,
The estate of Charles and Elizabeth Cole
was closed In county court yesterday. The
deceased were the persons who were killed
In a motor accident on the Council Bluffs
bridge about two years ngo.
Frank D. Kent has been cited to appear
In court and show cause why ho should not
bo deposed us administrator of the estate of
Mary Kent. Kent Is now confined In the
county Jail as sn Insane patient.
A small Injunction suit was filed In dis
trict court yesterday In which Thomas
Golden , Fred Terry and Constable Dan
Daley are defendants , The plaintiffs are
Mr. end Mrs. Alexander McDonald , who
assert that the defendants are about to levy
nn their household furniture to satisfy a
usurious mcrtgngo for $30.
Hound to ilpt n CommUtlon.
Joseph Klrk'ndall arrived In the city yes
terday with a wason load ot apples , which ho
proceeded to peddle from house to house.
Business ' Qt brlik and he hired a strange
young mail 'to help him. The young man
sold about ftft'cn biisKotu of the fruit for CO
cents a banket , and then going
Into a house ho left a basket , and going out
the back door ran away with the proceeds
ot the tales. Klrkendall complained to the
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial
ilze , 25 ccat . All druc&lit * .
Warm Weather Seems to Oau'o Great Mor
tality Among Gasoline Liglils.
Property Ou-nrrn 1'rotcnt In Vnln
1'uttliiK Iloxrn Now Mdrwnllm
1'ut on tlio Truck of VIolMton
ul UurliHBO Ordlnniice.
It In n common sight In the suburban dis
tricts of the city whore the gasoline lamp
usurps the functions of the electric arc to
sco a sudden blaze of flame that gives the
Impression a few blocks away that the Im
mediate prcscnco of the flrc department
would bo desirable. A little Investigation
shows that the blaze Is nothing but a gneo-
Itno lamp that has Ignited the tnnk of the
Illuminating fluid at tha top and Is burning
away with nn Intensity that throws a bright
light for a couple of blocks.
The heated condition of the atmosphere
during the summer months Is the usual
cause of these disturbances. In the month
of July seventy lamps wsro destroyed on
this account , thus losing to the city fully 15
per cent of the usual candle power. During
the hot nights the heat of the Jet Is com
municated to the tank and It generally be
comes hot enough to Ignite the gasoline In
side and then the entire lamp Is practically
destroyed. As a general thing the oil burns
wUhout exploding , so that no more serious
coi.sequenccH follow the Injury to the lamp.
On recommendation of the gas Inspector a
corresponding reduction has been made from
the July bill for the loss of light through
these accidents.
At every council meeting a number of
piotests from property owners against the
order for permanent sidewalks on their
property are read and as a general thing
they are referred to a commlttoc by whom
they are placed on file. The Board of Public
Works has been condsmnlng rotten wooden
sidewalks In every part of the city and only
a small per cent of the property owners are
willing to put down the walks before they
have made a vigorous effort to get the or
der postponed until another year. In most
cases they fall to accomplish anything and
the permanent walks are being constructed
In spite of their objections.
A half dozen property owners are "protesting
against the proposed paving of Sherman avenue -
nuo from Ohio to Wlrt street. They repre
sent that the wooden block pavement Is not
entirely paid for yet and that It Is an Imposi
tion to Impose any more special taxes during
these hard times.
In accordance with the action of the city
council Tuesday night Henry Matthleson
began his duties as deputy city clerk yester
day. George Seay was appointed to fill Mr.
Matthleson's former position as filing clerk.
At the next meeting of the Board of Pub
lic Works bids will be opened for grading
Woolworth avenue from Thirty-second ave
nue to Thirty-sixth street. Other contracts
In prospect nre for paving with Trinidad
sheet usphaltum Chicago street from Twenty-
third to Twen'y-fourth streets , and Thirty-
eighth avenue from Dodge to Davenport
streets and for grading Thirty-third street
from Parnam to Dodge street.
In regard to the dumping 6f garbage near
the establishment of the Gedney Pickle com
pany , of whjch complaint has been made by
property owners , the commissioner says
that ho has repeatedly sent his Inspectors tot ,
that locality at night to watch for the men'
who were supposed to be dumping there.
In one case one of them was caught , but
when he was convicted In police court Judge ,
Berka suspended his fine. The greatest
trouble in preventing this illegal dumping Is
due to the reluctance of property owners to
testify against the offendcra or to give the
Inspectors any Information that may lead to
their detection.
The chief of police has Instructed all of Ills
officers to be on watch for people dumping
garbage elsewhere than at the regularly
designated dumps and to prompily arrest
any persons found guilty of violating the gar
bage ordinance.
No Doctor for Three Ycirj. :
"Wo arc using Hood's Sarsaparllla and
have not had a doctor In the house for OVPP
three years. Since I have been taking It
my arms , limbs and Joints are all the time
getting stronger and my fingers arc almost
straight , and I can put my hands together
which I have not done before for years. "
Mrs. Lizzie Archibald , 141G Ogden St. , South
Omaha Neb.
Hood's Pills cure sick headache.
Dg circus aft. and eve. this week at
Courtland. Take the children.
iuuucm > KATES TO WASHINGTON , . c
Grand Uncnmpmcnt of the Knights of
I'ythliis of the World ,
The biennial encampment of the supreme
lodge and grand encampment of the Knights
of Pythias of the world will be held at the
national capital August 27 to September C.
For this occasion the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad Company will Bill round trip tickets
from all points on Its lines , August 22 to
2G Inclusive , valid for return trip until Sep
tember 8. A further extension of time to
September 15 can bo secured , provided the
ticket is deposited with the Joint agent at
Washington , D. C. , on or before September 0 ,
The round trip rate from Chicago will be
$17.50 , and correspondingly low rates from
other points , Tickets will also be sold at all
principal points throughout the west and
northwest. No matter where you start
from , ask for tickets via B. & 0.
For Information In detail address L. S.
Allen , AEs't Gen'l Pass. Agent B. & O. R.
R. , Grand Central Passenger Depot , Chicago ,
A Now Tritlu to
Commencing August 12 , the "Omaha and
Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North-
wes'ern railway , leaves Omaha dally at 5M5
p. in. , and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : next
morning. Vcstlbuled dining car , Wagner
sleepers and chair cars form the CQUlpmcnt
of this train , and are all up to "North
western" standard.
1401 Farnam street , city ticket ofllco.
Identified thn Forger.
James Mllllgan was arrested by Sergeant
Ormsby Tuesday night while hanging around
the Merchants hotel. Mllllgan was acting In
a suspicious manner and It was thought that
he was awaiting n favorable opportunity to
rob the till. When the police sergeant ap
peared Mllllgan gave * ' him a lively chase to
Fourteenth and Farnam streets before he
could bo captured. Yesterday ho was
sentenced to twenty days InJail , ( jut sentence
was suspended. He was Just leavlpg the
court room when Detectives Savage and
Dempsey came. In. They recognized him as
the forger who worked off about a dozen
bogus checks In this city several weeks ago
and placed him under arrest again. Several
of Mllllgan's victims have Identified him nnd
he Is now charged with forgery.
Lost Ills Watch and Wealth.
John Hutchlnson , a mine operator , OP his
way from St. Paul to Denver , stopped over
In Omaha Tuesday night , and in seeking
some form of amusement wandered down
Into the proBcrlbwtl district. There he fell In
with a couple of girls ana somu young fel
low , anil nftor carmmtnK n round for a whllo
they visited Dlnnchb Hurton'a plnco. Hera
the party hud some , more drinks , and Hutch
lnson fell asleep , AVficn he awoke his com
panions were goneand BO were his wntch and
$7G In cash. Hutchlnion told his tale of
woo to the police- yesterday , and re
marked that he woalil not care so much It It
wasn't for the fact that ho was n nephew
of the chief of police ) of St , Paul and would
novel hctr the last tof It , as ho supposed ho
was onto all such games.
Hlmrt I'nllvo Mtorlc4.
Fred Blostlc Is accused by Louis VOR ; ! nf
stealing $38 worth of tools from the latter.
A warrant Is out for the arrest of Wllllnm
P. Stanley , who Is accused of stealing $50
worth of Jewelry nnd clothing from Bonlfacla
Mancual. ,
Willie McDonald , ithe young negro who
was arrested last winter for cutting down
electric arc lights , was fined $20 and costs In
the police court yesterday for disorderly
conduct ,
Ed. Dlnlcke , alias Victor Dcnnlson , was
arrested yesterday on complaint of J. 15
Itzard of the Colonadc hotel , who charges
Donnlson with passing a forged check for
$20 on him ,
Special order No. 22 , Issued by the chief
of police , Is as follows : 'Sergeant Ormsby
will take charge of the night detail of the
police department until further notice. Al
police officers detailed for night sotvlco wll
be obedient to his orders. "
The marshal of Mystic , la. , has written to
Chief of Police Seavey asking If a negro
named Williams is wanted In Omaha. From
the description It Is thought that the man
Is Joe Williams , who Is wauled here for ad
ministering poison to a whole family In this
city In December , 1892. One of the family
died and Williams was accused of the crime
but so far he has successfully eluded the olll-
The case against J. W. Wasson , who was
charged with passing forged checks on Dahl-
inan , a South Omaha saloon keeper , was dis
missed yesterday as the complaining witness
did not appear. There Is no doubt but that
the matter had boon fixed up and that Dahl >
man received the money which he claims to
have been d.vfra'ided out of In the tr'anoactlon.
The money was furnished by Wesson's rela
tives , who live In Minneapolis.
i Detective William Welbasky of Chicago
arrived In the city Tuesday to secure "Kid"
Gordon , alias F. J. Lewis , who Is wanted
In the Windy City for burglary. Welbasky
readily recognized Lewis , and says that ho
Is one of the most expert house breakers
In that part of the country. Lewis robbed
a West Madison street residence of several
hundred dollars worth of Jewelry In July
and made his escape , coming to this city ,
where lie was arrested. Welbasky returned
with his prisoner last evening. Lewis
and William Foley , another thief , were pho
tographed for the rogue's gallery this fore
TPHIII HrniiRht a Corpse lloinr.
CONCOHD , N. II. , Aug. 15. Karly today
n team belonging to Fltz Courser , a livery
stable keeper nt Hcnnlkcr , n town about fif
teen miles from this city , came into the
stable yard with the body of a young girl
named Nettle Douglass sitting In the buggy
stone dead. She had been shot.
Arthur McLean , aged 17 , went riding with
the girl last evening nnd during a quarrel
shot her and left the body In the carriage.
He Is now under arrest but refuses to talk.
The girl was 15 pears of age.
McLean was found lying face downward
by the roadside , but was neither wounded
nor unconscious. He refused to say any
thing whatever about the shootlnjr and was
taken Into custody. McLean has never
shown any signs of Insanity and the cause
of the crime Is a mystery.
There will be a meeting of the Fifth Ward
Republican club at 1811 Lake street Friday
evening at 8 o'clock sharp. J. W. Perman ,
vice president.
Married At the residence of the bride , 1C22
.Emmet street , August 11 , by Rev. W. K.
Beans , Mr. Byron J. Kuhn to Miss Fannie M.
Wedge , formerly of Baltimore , Md.
Last night the police arrested Pearl Emmett -
mett , 117 North Ninth street , for robbing
Hutchlnson , a western cattle man , of his
money ami watch. The watch was recovered ,
but thoj money , was not. The woman says
Hutchlnson spent nil his money for beer
and then pawned his watch to her.
The regular meeting of the Omaha View
Improvement club will be held at the club
roooms , Twenty-sixth and Lake streets , this
evening , the purpose being to discuss needd
Improvements In the northern part of the city.
It Is desired that all members of the club
attend. An Invitation is extended to all
north side citizens , requesting them to be
present at this meeting.
The Voung Men's Colored Cadet Cornet
band serenaded The Bee olllce yesterday af
ternoon , rendering several selections In a
most delightful manner. This band Is com
posed of seventeen pieces , all played by
young colored men , none of whom are more
than 16 years of age. The boys have been
practicing less than six weeks and are mak
ing rapid progress under the direction of J.
Waddle , the leader and manager.
Dg circus aft. and eve. this week at
Courtland. Take the children.
A l'AKAUKll'llli.
Willis Van Devanter of Cheyenne Is at the
John L. Burke of Salt Lake City Is at the
M. E. Wescott and wife of Dcnnlson , la. ,
are Mlllard guests. '
E. G. Fechlt , United States army , Fort
McKlnney , Is a Paxton guest.
Captain Balrd of Fort Washakle , Ruclcer
and Loud of Fort Robinson are at the Mer
cer.Tax Commissioner O. II. Swlngloy of the
Union Pacific , Beatrice , is a guest at the
Colonel J. J. Van Horn , C. P. Hardln , R.
F. Bernard and James Diddle , United States
army , are at the Paxton.
Police Sergeant Slgwart leaves tomorrow
for Laramlo , Wyo. , where ho will spend a
week or two with relatives.
C. C. Beldcn of Thompson , Belden & Co. ,
left for the east last night , where he goes
to buy the firm's fall stock of goods.
Judge Leo S. Estello has returned from
Long Pine , where ho has been spending his
vacation. Mrs. Kstelle will remain at the
popular Nebraska resort for some time yet.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Thomas , accompanied
by their two children , started Saturday for
Brandon , Minn. , where they hope to have
two weeks' fine fishing In the lakes which
abound In that region.
Captain Crowder of the regular army has
returned from Fort Leavenworth , where he
went to organize a court martial to try Cap
tain Johnson for the nonpayment of his debts.
The trial Is ordered ) for August 23.
Major James BIddoll of the Sixth cav
alry , Lieutenant > l R. F. Barnard of
the sixth cavalry. Captain E. G ,
Fechet of the I Eighth cavalry , from
Fort McKlnnoy , Wyo . , wcro stopping at the
Paxton yesterday.
James F. HuntSr ileft Tuesday for Den
ver , where he has accepted a position as
piugram agent forrCrnwford's now theater.
Hunter Is & hustleriln the advertising line
and hits many Oninhh friends who wish him
success In his nowwenturo.
iut tlii. llntnln.
At the I'uxton-CJ M. Iloughton , Irvlngton.
At the Mercer II. Uchlckcdantz , St. Paul ,
At the Mlllard-U. II. Stelnmeyer and
wife , Clatonla ; J. TViKock , Kearney : G. W.
Donlngton , Falls City.
At the Arcade AW M. Gue , A. C. Galtz ,
Wlnslde : J. II. Johnston. Hoatwlck ; 13. A.
Crum , Norfolk ; M.U. Felt , Superior.
At the i > l"'di iiMBf-II. Mueller , Johnson ;
1 > T llounle , Huntings ; H. T. Worei'stur ,
Teliuiniih : John Kerry , cimdion ; W. K ,
WhltcomU , render ; , N. Q. ( Jhtlberg. Kcur-
ney ,
Highest ot all in Leavening Power. latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Healthy llabios Ojght to Gain Steadily in
Wo'ght in August Four Things Ntcdcd
to Make Baby Thrive.
August for some babies Is a fearful strug
gle for existence.
An Infant needs pure air , proper food , clean ,
llncss and careful attention.
A healthy baby should gain steadily In
weight In August as well as In other months.
When an Infant has cut Its first tooth and
docs not thrive as a healthy child should ;
when It grons pale and fretful , throws up Its
food In undigested masses , the first thing the
practiced doctor will advise Is belated food.
Experience has shown babies gain
most steadily In weight and size when put on
a diet of lactated food.
The use of ljutated feud 1ms made cholera
Infantttm and summer diarrhea troubles no
longer a matter of feur In thousands of
Lnclutcd food nuteeJ with babies when
every other nutriment Is refused. After a
dav or two the puuy child put on a diet of
lactated food shows a decided gain in vigor
and liveliness and theic noon follows a rapid
Increase In weight and size.
Lactated food Is so absolutely free from any
possibility of contamination and Is so rich
In everything that bone , body and muscle
need to grow on , that babies regularly fed
on lactated food develop In evcrv limb and
part In a wav that delights the heart and
eyes of mothers.
Keep lactatcd. food steally at hand. It
will remove the anxiety of summer diarrhea
and dangerous weakness.
Our Bond
Guarantees no
Pay until Cured.
Bond for our Now Book.
119 S. (4th ( St. Omaha , Neb.
Always Reliable , Piirely Vegetable.
Pcifcctly tnstelcBa. elegantly coated , puree ,
regulate , purify , clennso and strengthen , n AD-
WAY'S PILLS for the cure of alt disorders of
the stomach. howelB. kidneys , lilndder , nervous
diseases , OUzInfss. vertlfo. costlvenesa. piles.
Ail Disorders of the LIVER.
Observe the following symptoms , resulting
from diseases of the digestive organs : Constipa
tion , Inward piles , fullness of blood In the head ,
acidity of the stomach , nausea , heaitburn , dis
gust of food , fullness of weight of the stomach ,
bour eructations , sinking or fluttering of the
heart , choking or suffocating sensations when
In .1 lying posture , dimness of vision , dots or
wi-us before the sight , fever nnd dull pain In
the head , deficiency of perspiration , yellowness
of the skin and eyes , pain In the side , chest ,
limbs , and sudden Hushes of heat , burning In
the flesh.
A few doses of IIADWAY'S PIL.L3 will free
the system of all the above named disorders.
I'rlco ! ! , > vuntH ; > Itnx. hold by Urn mtn
fir Hf-nr hv MHII.
Bend to DR. HADWAY A CO. , Lock Box 385 ;
New York , for Hook of Advice.
Blood Purifier
The Blood Remedy
of tlio Domiinondo.
* _ _ _
OMAHA , Nub. . AUK. 8.1894.-Tho Eubora-i
Company : ( Jcnllomun Aftur using u nunibur
of dllYnreiit medicines and premonitions , and
also pruscrlDtloiib from i-onio of the best , phy
sicians for Hliuuinatlsin and Iaim ) llauk.l pur-
cliasud a bottle of your Cront Blood Purl-
flor , and have cot rnllaf that nonu of tlio otn-
ur modlclnos have Riven mo , If liiiprovomont
keeps on as It lias commenced , ( Nhall bu un-
tltoly cm oil by the tlmo I have used ono Hot-
tic. Vours truly. 0. V. FAITH.
1(105 ( Farnam St
All druKnfats have It. I'rlco $1.00pur bottle
Omaha , Nob.
rojLDrcrs TDK JIBO > K . _ .
UnfDI.'IH In CO DAVS. Ciircn all \ ? i
Ncriu > DUt-nnc'i , Kulllnu Memory ,
I'art. l".SU'CMt' | "ncnWi-ukni'.i..itc. ,
c u o IfajrpailabiiHianiJfiulcklr butinrcly rritorei
l.o.t S. nhood In old or rounit. Kmlly carrfoil | n reil
pocket , : 'rU'0 I.ooa | ' ctoie. Sir lor rloullhu
lrrltt nKU > raiiliitaciiraarmanr7r ruiiilrd. Don't
t > uv an < unrnif < m but Imlit on ImvlnK IMIAI'li. If
rourdru'iltliaiiiitKotlt Mill lemlll tirriiald.
UrlcntBl .Mtdlcol Co. . IIIICAOO , ILU , or > i. l. .
FOLD hT Knlm < t Co. , Cor. 15th anil Houinoii HI * . , and
J , A. Kuller Co. . Cor 1HU & UuuKlati Bt . . OMAHA
\TeMlll nd Ton tb raarTtloni
French Preparation OALTHOO
free , nnd a l al Kuarantct that
CALTIIOS will Itratoro your
llcaltb , Ntrcncrih ud vleor.
i'te Hand fay if $ atisjltil.
Addreoe VON MOHL CO. ,
ll4HiU iMl < , H llll , Ohlfc
Teeth Without Plates.
Tectli extracted In
tlio morning , . * now
teolh buforo rtarkj
an toed j nold Illllnk" * ,
Ki llverll : prxliilfaa
cxtr.ic-tlon .Wo.
Bailey , Reliable Dentist ,
Third Floor , I'.ixUw DtMk , loth and Itanium
Tuluiihonu lUiV
i dy kttondaui. Oornim Syj keu
gmmm mm mm mm mmmmmmm
Has by heavy odds the claim on utirity a him Ire 1 dollars
lars to a peanut that our shoes are thorough and thorough
leather , sole leather counters , which"prevent a shoe
irom a dose of blind staggers , sole leather inner and
outer soles , which makes a shoe flexile ( forminc : a
light and unpinchei step ) , and a pure , full stock leather
tipper for serviced for retaining shape
And We P- - By This Guarantee
That we cheer 'illy ' refund your money for your old
shoes , or replace i.iem with a new pair any shoe
that'll wear out to'o soon , prove defective , or does not
wear reasonably well and this guarantee bars none ,
whether you purchase a low or higli price shoe.
And here is a pair of brand new shoes , to the man who
can prove the existence of a retailer ot shoes , under the
canopy of heaven , who has this much confidence in his
shoes , to offer a guarantee like ours That's why the Ne
braska keeps 2 large shoe factories hustling the year lound
OfoOur fall catalogues will be ready for mailing by Aug. 18th
THE GKEA.T MIUTAUV SCHOOL , Ol' ' ' T1IRVRJT. . KuilH second ut tlio
Wurnuimrliiiciitiimoniriiilliriry siMio > ls of tlu Uulluil Stitos. 1'ropiroi
for Cullu o. Iliiilncss , Wo-it I'oint or Ann ip )1N. Strjn , ' f.iuulty , iinoiiuilliU
locution. Uufoiosjlectlnau .school , wrltu fur llliir.nt > < l mt.ilo'U3 to
I M V * < 1JJ C ,
f Contra ! Colfego forYOBIIB Ladles
J Wcntworth Military Academy ,
j Elizabeth Aull Seminary.
( . Baptist Female College.
The liadlnsschool In the Wuit la tinmilioal you want. Fiimoiii
CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OKI colloso I'.ntlmly lt < iriii-ulliml , H.imlsoiiio 00 p.igo Illustra
, ted c.italOn'iiu. Oiieil hL'itunibjr | n. Adilrust
COLUMBIA , MISSOURI. Nlra. Luella Wlloox St. Clalr , President.
A Fine Giii
The style of cabinet work which boat lends
Itself to economic limitations In the Omaha
house of today Is that simple , light and ele
gant class of household furniture which
sprang Into existence during the eighteenth
century :
The Chlffonnlcro Is of that order and per
iod U U a. I'hi'inMR pattern , full of uraca
and beauty. The wood Is the light stained
Fronteru Mahogany , with high polish and an
tique trimmings of burnished brass.
The arrangement of the drawers and top
IB admirable , and gives almost the advan
tages of a dressing table. The mirror Is of
large al/.e and a fine pleco of French plato ,
The Chlffonnlero complete Is 0 feet 2 Inches
high and 3 feet 1 Inches wldo ; It has 9 draw
ers of 3 HlztB and a large cabinet.
An effective detail ls the curving front ,
which Is not only decorative and historically
accurate , but valuable as added space In the
Do not fcii.7 furniture n'ltlioiit fjeltlnn < nir
, / ( ( - Nitniinei' 1'rlcri.
Chas. Shiverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Dssorl ot on
Temporary Loc.illoti ,
JiOfl iiiuf I'JUHJoiiy'ii * H
Department of tlic University of Omalia
A Home for Youmr , Ladies.
With modern city accommodations and pa
rental oversight. Young men uro helped
socially , physically , Intellectually , morally.
Expense guaranteed , $105.00 per year.
Address ,
COLLEGE , Bellevue , Nob-
Tor VIIIIHH l.nillcH. Tliulsriot nndinnntcitpniliolr
equi | > r ul In Vlriiiula KiUictlc court In Aiiclont
uuil .ilodrrn Liinuiinuri. . l.llcl 'N ,
.11 nslc. Art nnd l.liiriitlnii. InflVcrennd letcno rl.
Silualodln Valley nf Va near KriMMik * Olmililitl l : ]
Hcrnrry . Mnr ! lv l ltr ritlnlirinim clinmtl. 6J < |
fision nftcni Hept 12 IKH rcrllhis Cntalocuoaddreis
< ! IIA * . L. < ' 4 > ( 'KK..Nii | > l. , llnllln. , Vn.
THE Noin u\K rs-ir.r.K MILITAUY ACAD
EMY. 1110111.AND PAHK , II.U.N'OIB.
'ilio most beautiful and healthful location on
I.alto Michigan. Thoiougli Classical , Acadomlg
und Canime-clnl Courses , lOvery Instructor a
tprclallat In his branches. Endorsed by the Ice.
JElutor ot Illinois , nnd annually Innpected by
orrielnl rcir | geututlvcB ot the utiite. Hcsalon
opens September 10th. Illustrated cululocuo eenl
on application
WEBER Music HallChicago. . < , ,
ami III.IMIIIII-I.I.I , lniii ) > lle Art riH-niluii IVIorlr , fur.
null Iknt fxr Uurhvri 'Irrmi niw > krulv lull Urmbrjiln * H | it.
lOlli. Mru.Uor . llluilMt ! enlWiu < J , ) II.H.C..4I , IHrnl.r.
< 15tli unir.
rll fcrWelle lj > inltliVai.Kir t-ciiic > r -
alutfuc. AddiexK F IIU.I.AItlJ A M JieliunTllleJII.
Bale ly nil First fy'Lass Dealers. Mimufaolurod by tno
Factory No. 301 , SL Loula , Mo.