THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : /WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 15 , 1801 , CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS General Elcctrio Light Ccmmltteo Laid in Its Grave by Resolution. HENRY KATTHIESEN DEPUTY CITY CLERK Mow 8owcr nlntrlct I'ro | od for Wiilnut Hill Proportion for Completion of Union lint | to Ho .Submitted to Voter * Other llu .ntM. The life of the general electric light com- .nlllco wns abruptly terminated by a resolu tion which was adopted at the city council meeting last night. The obsequies were of the simplest order and no eulogies were pro- .louticed over the remains of that which had to K.tllnntly defended the Interests which It had espoused. The ordinance fixing the rates \o bo charged for commercial lighting , which was Introduced some tlmo ago and referred to the general committee , has never seen the light again and Is believed to have been burled In the same grave. The mayor communicated his usual veto of the bill of the Thomson-Houston Electric Light company , and the veto was sustained. The Item In the appropriation ordinance for two months' salary for L. M. Rhccm as acting city electrician was vetoed by the mayor , on the ground that if the council had not hung up the appointment of Edward Schurlg the office would have been legally filled and It would have been unnecessary to pay Mr. Rhccm. In this case the veto was not sustained. The bill of Frank T. Ransom of $17.70 for expenses to the supreme court In the matter of obtaining a mandamus against the county treasurer In connection with special tax cases was also vetoed. The mayor's objections were to the effect that the bill had never been authorized by concurrent resolution of the council and that the matter In contro versy should have been attended to by the regular legal department of the city. The Item was passed over the veto. The contract and bond of Thomas Casey for feeding city prisoners was approved. Also that of G. W. Tlllson for constructing the brick culvert at Forty-eighth and Leaven- worth streets , and that of George Huse & Co. for the construction of wooden sidewalks during the remainder of the current year. The city engineer submitted a plan for anew now sewer dhlrlct , which was referred to ho committee on sewerage. The plan con templates a sewer from Thirty-second street on Cumlng , west to Forty-first street , north on Forty-first street to Lafayette avenue , west on Layfao'te avenue to Forty-second , and north on Forty-second street to Hami lton , and such branch sewers as are required. The approximate estimate of the cost of this sewer was $13,374.50 , making the rate of taxation $1.00 per foot front. The appointment of Henry Malthlescn as deputy city clerk was affirmed without op position. A petition from three property owners asking that the paving of Corby street be postponed until another year on account of the hard times was referred. The Corby street paving controversy was reviewed by a petition asking that the street bo paved with Trinidad sheet asphaltum. The petition was accompanied by the certifi cate of the cl'y ' engineer that It represented a majority of the feet frontage on the street. It was referred , with instructions calling for a report at the next meeting. A resolution was passed ordering the con tractor to begin placing the election booths not later than September 10. A coal box provided with a lock and key will be placed In each booth. The pavement on Seventeenth street be tween Harney street and St. Mary's avenue , It was ordered , should bo covered with six Inches of cinders. The city comptroller was directed to ad- vertlso for hlda for lighting the streets of the city with electric llgh's for three years , the lamps to be forty-five volts and 9.5 A resolution by Holmes directed the Judi ciary committee and the city attorney to submit nn ordinance providing for the sub mission to the voters of the city at the com ing general election of a proposition to com plete the union depot at Tenth and Mason streets. Adopted. The following ordinances were passed : Ordering Jackson street paved from Thirty- sixth to Thirty-eighth streets ; declaring the necessity of grading alley between Twenty- sixth and Twenty-seventh streets and Pop pleton avenue and Hickory street ; ordering grading of Half Howard stjeet from Thirty- streets ordering grading third to Thirty-sixth ; ing of Howard street from Thirty-third to Thirty-sixth streets ; orderlnc grading of Thirty-fifth street from Farnam to Douglas streets ; repealing Thirty-eighth avenue pav ing ordinance ; levying special tax to cover coat of opening Hickory street from Thirty- second avenue to Thirty-sixth street ; special sidewalk tax ordinance ; levying special tax to cover the cost of opening Woolworth avenue enuo from Thirty-second avenue to Thirty- sixth street ; levying special tax to cover cost of grading Thirty-eighth street from Ames avenue to Fort street ; levying special tax to cover cost of curbing and paving Thirtieth street from Ames avenue to Fort street ; levying n special tax to cover the cost of curbing nnd paving Hamilton street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth street ; levyIng - Ing special tax to cover the cost of paving Thirty-third'street from Farnam to Harney streets ; levying special tax to covpr cost of paving Twelfth street from Izard to Nicholas streets ; levying a special tax to cover cost of paving Charles street from Twenty-.fourth to Twenty-fifth s'reets ; levying n special tax to cover the cost of grading Douglas from Forty-second to Forty-fourth streets ; levying a special tax to cover cost of paving Indiana avenue from Twenty-fourth street to Twenty- fifth avenue ; levying a special tax to cover the cost of repaying Jackson street from Thirteenth to Sixteenth streets ; appropria tion ordinance. " DlKHHtrr Pillion * . When live trouble Is neglected. Uneasiness below the right ribs and shoulder blade , dys pepsia , nausea , constipation , sick headache , furred tongue. Do you want 'em ? Of course not. Use Hosteller's Stomach IlltUrs and you won't be bolherod with them , or any olhcr symptoms of liver disturbance. Make Uasto when the first signs show themselves. ABUSING THE PUBLIC. Ourbago llunlrrt Dumping the FlUli With out Any Inlorforonce. The establishment of n dump at the foot of Poppleton avenue docs not seem to have had any effect upon the garbage haulers and the citizens of the ncrth end of the city are up In arms over the abuses of the syslcm from which they have to suffer. All of the ground between Eleventh nnd Thirteenth nnd Izard and Grace streets Is low and the portion that Is not occupied by railroad tracks nnd manufacturers Is covered with a deiiFO tirowth of weeds , willows and tall grilse. This Is the garbage haulers' de light , The territory has been pre-empted by thorn and notwithstanding the fact that the ground IH nil within the city limits It U be ing used as a dumping ground for the moat offensive kinds of garbage and night soil. Roads linvo been made through the swamp and the entire territory , bounded by the streets named , converted Into a dumping ground. Great p.lcs cf manure , garnished with load * 'if kitchen garbage and Hanked by barrels of nl ht iMl and cettpool cleanings , are to be seen at cvciy hand , and the ac cumulated rottenness gives up an odor that Is sickening In the extreme and the south winds cany It Into the homes cf pcoplu who live \vcet tl Thlrtpi'iith street and north nl most to the city limits , Garbnrie men are busy every n'sht dump ing on thrso grounds and no vfTort Is being made to stop them. The li.'ilncy Pickle com pany complains of the nuisance and a num ber of the business men win Imvo plants In that portion of the city ire highly Indignant over the ahiuo and are planning to take some step * to stop the nu.canco , I'm ' IV'leml Miillilliii ; . The I'nltcd StaUi marshal was engaged In auctloneorlne oft the Bales Commission com- etoclt and fixtures yestcrJo' . Deputy CoBg hall received two bids yesterday , the highest of which wa * $805. Dr. Miller , surveyor of customs , remarked ycnterday that the pasnago of the senate tariff bill wn n wise thing nnd will have n good effect. "If no bill had been passed the pwly would have gone to the devil on horsc back , " concluded the doctor. Internal Ilcvenue Collector North said yce- tcrdny that 418 Chinese had been regis tered In this dlntrlct , Mr. Norlh also ald that he hag had no trouble with Ihe wily Mongolians nnd none of them have nl- lemplcd to pass forged or counterfeit ccrllfl- coles upon any of his tgenls. The revenue agents In Montana , Colorado and Wyoming have had n great deal of trouble with the Chinese , and owing 19 the great number of these people In the above slates many of them have succeeded In evading the revenue laws by reason o' llio counterfeit certtflcalcs. Triers Unit Are on Tup Wednes day. GHOCRHV DEPARTMENT. 3-pound cans choice tomatoes , 7 He. 2-pound cans choice sugar corn , 7',4c. ' 2-pound early June peas , Slfcc can. 2-pounds string beans , " \\c. \ can. 3-pound can yellow free peaches , 15c. Evaporated apples , only 9c a pound. Halsln-ciircd prunes , "Vic pound , Valencia raisins , 31&C pound. English currants only -l'/4c ' pound. Broken mandellng coffee , 12'ic ' , 15c , 171,5c and 19c pound. No. 1 golden Illo coffee , only 23'/c ' pound. Japan tea from 15c up. Laundry soaps , Hadgcr , long bars , and while Paris , only 3c bar , SILKS. 25 pieces of handsome quality , silk-faced velveteen , In brown , navy , wine , cardinal , myrtle and purple , aclually worth 60c a yard , at 25c nyard. 10 pieces of n fine quality black silk vel vet , really worth 75c a yard , our price Is as long ns Iho velvet lasts 39c a yard. Plain colored India silks , 22-lnches wide , In black , cream , navy , brown , orange , cardi nal , light blue , olive , myrtle and wine , only 25o a yard. Colored moire silk , 20 Inches wide , In black , brown , ton and navy blue , actual value 70c a yard , our price Is 25c a yard. HAYDCN BROS. To Washington an return via the Wabasb only $ : ! 0.2o , with choice of routes , August 23d , 24th nnd 25th. For full particulars call at Wnbash office , 1502 Farnam street. Dg circus aft. and eve. this week at Courtland. Take the children. I.OHltiK .Money. Wo are arranging to take Inventory next Friday. In going through our largo stock we find many odd lots of stuff thai we do not want to invenlory , but propose to move them out with nlmost nny price as Iho lever. Our anxiety Is not what we lose on thso odd lols , bill It Is lo get rid of them. TO SELL THEM OUT BY FRIDAY. ODD lot of dress goods al Hfcc yard. ODD lot of summer and other corsets , -17c. ODD lol of dress silks , value $1.00 , for 19c. ODD lot of dress goods , value $1.23 , for 37c. ODD lot of notions to be closed out. ODD lot of lollel articles to be closed. ODD lol of remnants ( dress goods ) . ODD lot of ribbons. 2o yard. ODD lot of ladles' umUrvesls , 15c. ODD lot of ladles' handkerchiefs. Sc. ODD lot of kid gloves ( some $2.00 ones ) , 9Sc. 9Sc.ODD ODD lot of fine muslin underwear. ODD lot of dress silks ( $2.00 ones ) , C9c. ODD lot of men's furnishings. ODD lot of carpet matting ; rugs lo close. ODD lot of chlnawarc , must close. ODD lot of capes and Jackets. ODD , ODD , ODD , ODD. Lots of mors odd lots In all department lo be closed out , commencing tomorrow , Wednesday , morning. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. DOING SOME HUSTLING. Mliinif.icttirnrK ( Jetting Ilomly for the Com- . \\\K \ \ of the WllbCMi Hill. Internal Revenue Collector North was a very busy person yesterday and his whole force of deputlrs wore working as Ihey m-ver expeclcd to labor when they received their nppolntmenls. The cause of ell ( his rush of business was tha passage of the senate tariff bill by the house Monday night. This bill has , a pronounced effect nn the manufacturers of alcoholic spirits zind high wlno , and sugar. The bill increases the tax on bndel liquors 20 cents per gallon and removes the 2-cent bounty on sugar. Yesterday there was n rush of dis tillers to pay Iho bonded tax on all Ihe liquors In Iho governmenl store houses , and the Columbia Distilling company alone Is said to have paid over $ .10,000 In taxes. This liquor will bj removed to warehouses and cellars , and tlie wholesale dealers and saloon kcpers who can do so are laying In a big Block at present prices , for whlbky Is bound to go up 20 cents per gallon nn soon as the now law goes Into effect. All the oilier distillers In this dislrlcl are huslllng lo gel their liquors out of bond and before the president can sign the bill large quan tities of the Jng producing liquid will bs out of reach of the Jncroased lax. What effect this Increase will hnvo on the retail price of whisky Is yet to be determined , but Iho cheaper grades will probably re main at the usual price of 15 cents a glass. The manufacturers of sugar at Grand Island and Norfolk have aske.l the revenue collector to weigh all the condensed sweet ness that they 1'ave on hand In order that' they may secured the 2 cents bounty. A' foice of depulles were put al this work Immedlalcly nnd Ihoy expecl lo got oul of Iho way of Iho offecls of the bill before It can become a law. This bill will prove partlculirly disastrous to Iho mnnufaclurers of mcnl cxtrncls. This Induslry has been enjoying n protective tariff of about 35 cents per pound , but under the senate bill the tariff has been reduced to 15 cents per pound. The London manu facturers can make bulk extracl for 7 cenls per pound and pul II oa Iho market In New York for 85 cents per pound , which is cheaper than It can bo * manufactured In Omaha. The Australian dealers as well ns those of London can now successfully compete with American manufacturers , nnd ns Cudahy and Armour are the largest makers of cxtracls Ihey will bo the ones who will buffer the must. It Is not unlikely that this will grcally reduce If nol pul a stop to the manu- ' tactu'fo of meat cxtracls In this country , or at least In Omaha , because Ihe foreign firms can secure cheaper help and purchase meal much cheaper limn can the American deal ers. The manufacture of meal extracts has grown to be quite an Industry In this conn- ' iry , nnd now Iho proprltlors profess lo see nothing bul disaster for Ihem In Ihe passage of the senate bill , The tariff on white lead has been reduced 50 per csnt , but al Iho Curler Whlto Le'id works It Is said that this will not bring Ihem Into foreign competition. U will have a stlmulatliiR effect on this branch of trade , so It Is claimed , but prices will not bo re duced nt present. i\cnrnlon : Hutu * Kant. For full Information concerning summmer excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ticket office , 1501 Farnam street , or address F. A. NASH , general Agent. ( ii8 and Klrctrlc MxtiuvH. W. A , Puxton has remodelled his store room , 313 S. 15th street , Granite block , specially adapting It to Iho rapidly Increas ing business of F. M , Russell , who occupies It , wllh the largest and finest assortment of gat > and electric fixtures In the wcat. Hepnlilliun CuiU'iiii , West Oiimlm. There will ho a republican caucus at the Dundee school houce at S o'clock p , m. on Wednesday for West Omaha precinct for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county convention ! ! to name delegates to the congres sional and state coinoiitlons. A. CLEMENS. II. M. M'OINNIS , Comtnltteem n. D'G clrcu * ntt. and eve. this week at Courtland. Take the children. A Ntm1 Tntln to L'li\ \ > Commencing August 12 , the ' 'Omnha and Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North- \tcs cm railway , loaves Omaha dally at 5:45 : p. in. , and arrives at Chlrnpo SMS inornlni , ' . Vrttlbulcd dining car , Wagner sleepers nnd ch.ilr cans form the equipment of this train , and arc all up to "North western" standard. HOI Farnaiu &tro i , olty ticket office. DISCORD AMONG STRIKERS Probably Mora Thou Unlf of Them Have Qono Back ts Work , OTHERS WULD LIKE TO DO THE SAME Tliryro Prevented l > y the Lender * Olio of Tin-in Dfftcrlliofl tlio Sltiliitloii I'licUum I'rofor Old llinploycn junto Violence Lint Night. The rumor was on the streets of South Omaha last night that the strike was to bo declared oft today. Even at police head quarters the officers were congratulating themselves on the good news , but "not a striker could bo found who would admit that there was any truth In the report. The luadquarters of the executive committee were dark after S o'clock and none of the members could be found about the streets. One thing In certain , and that Is that a majority of the old men have made applica tion to be taken back. Many of them have been taken , while others have been refused. It was estimated when the most men were out that In all there were 1,800 strikers. It Is now estimated that at feast 1,200 of these men have asked for their old places and that 1,000 of them were put to work. Not as many persons from the outside have bcEn put to work as was first reported. The packers have said all the time that they would prefer to have the old men nnd they still talk that way. The following communication was given tea a nee reporter by Henry McKcmlry , who for n long time has been employed at the Hammond plant In the hog department. He went out with the rest of the men and Is still out. The letter explains Itbclf and Is as follows : Last spring the beef nnd hog butchers were organized under the American Feder ation of Labor. A Hliort time after n meet ing was called to organize the balance of the packing house cmp'oycs. I was pres ent nnd wns elected temporary president nnd signed for the charter under the condi tion that there wns to be no strike. 1C any trouble should arise It wns to be refeired to the Central Labor union of Omaha. Two prominent members of the union were pres ent and said the day of strikes wns over. This wns the belief of four-llfths of the men who lolned the organization before the strike. The strike wns the work of one or two who had some grievance agnlnst one of the packing houses , nnd the men were used for I have taken part In nil the meetings , nnd hnve nlwnys ndvocnted n , settlement. I paid it wns wrong to nsk the packers to settle for Chicago cage , Knnsns City nnd St. Louis. When the committee called on Mr. Cudnhy he Bald : "If you leave out these other places I will pay the schedule to the beef and IIOR butchers , and In regard to the Inborers , I cannot concede a general raise unless the other houses do , but will Rive every man a raise who Is worthy of It. " After the committee made Its report I said this was reasonable- fair , nnd every mnn in. the hall knew the clrcumbtnnces of his own family better than the men In other places , nnd charity begun nt home. I wanted to accept the terms nnd settle. It could hnve been done nnd every man could have been working the next morning with n raise of pay. The men found out that they had been fooled In regard to other plncos and went back to the packers , but It was too late. The packers had got together nnd hnd taken bnck the first prepo sition. The strike hnd gone beyond the ex pectations of either the packers or strikers. I know , ns the mntter stands , both are losing money , but the question Is which cnn stand It best , the packers , with their millions , or the poor mnn with his smnll children nnd nothing coming In. This Is for the cool heads to decide. Personnlly , I cnn stnnd It better than the majority , but there have been so many men who appealed to me to try to hnve it settled that I went yesterday to one of the managers and said : "If this strike should be declared off , what would you do with the men who were em ployed before the strike ? " He said : "If It Is declnred off I will re store every man who worked In this house before the strike to his former position , ex cept three men , who bent men In my em ployment. " I thought this wns n victory for the men , ' nnd made a personal nppeal to them to ac cept the terms , but it was of no use , nnd nfter I got through talking some , men In the hnll snld I ought to get a slap In the face. I don't write this for the benefit of the packers , for there are two houses I could not get a Job In. These nre fncts , nnd It Is for the cool bends among the strikers to see what is best to do to settle the matter. There was trouble on the streets again last night. At Twenty-fourth and Q streets Peter Hanson and his son w re assaulted by the men who are out. The bsy was knocked down and kicked and the old gentleman poundd on the face and head. There were neither police nor militiamen at the scone , and as a consequence the assailants escaped arrest. There are still two military companies re tained here , but Inasmuch as there has been so much censura by citizens of tho. strict work of the guards , a new system was tried last night. The guards were stationed at Twenty-seventh and N streets and at Twenty-fourth and N streets. When the workmen passed up this str et there was no demonstration whatever , nnd the crowd of spectators was much smaller that It has been any evening for the last week. The work of keeping the people from blockading the sidewalks was left to the regular psllco , and the change seemed to work very well. At an early hour yesterday the militia companies from York and Fullerton marched to the depot and took a D. & M. train for Lincoln. The David City and Batrlce com panies arc here today and will remain until relieved by other companies. Surgeon I'rltchctt arrived this morning and took charge of the camp. Ho reports that many of the men are ailing to a certain ex tent on account of the change In diet and water , but none of them are serious cases. The hog market took an upward shoot today and Is ID to 25 cents higher than yester day. To Cleans the SyMem. Effectually yet gently , when costive or bil ious , or when the blood Is Impure or slug gish , to permanently cure habitual consti pation , to awaken the kidneys and liver to n healthy activity , without Irritating or weakening thorn , to dispel headaches , cn''i or fevers , use Syrup of Figs. a : in P. M. tit Omilm , 8:15 : A. AI. nt Uhlcngo. The new vestlbuled train now running on the "Northwes'ern" east dally. Onn thousand beautiful stercoptlcun views Illustrating Columbus , Chicago , the Midway and World's fair by Prof. Lamar , Thursday night , Masonic hall. Admission only lOc. AINnro Invited. dii to WiiHliliigton , I ) , C. On account of the Knights of Pythias con clave at Washington , D. C. , the Daltlmoro & Ohio Southwestern railway offers a rate of one fare for the round trip from all points on Its lines. Tickets on sale August 22 to 2G , good returning until September 15. Splendid opportunity to visit the national capital at a low rate. For particulars apply to mi } agent Haltlmoio & Ohio Southwestern railway , or address A. C. Goodrich , western passenger agent , postolHco box 261 , Kansas City , Mo. O. P. McCarty , general passenger agent , St , Louis , Mo. Dog circus aft. and eve. this week at Courtland , Take the children. Ciiiirtliind Hi urli ( iostilp. The greatest bpectaculnr exhibition ever seen , Pain's "Last Iay of Pompeii , " be- glns at Courtlnnd Beach on Tuesday even ing next , The dog circus was put on yesterday after noon for the first time. It will be continued every nfiernoon and evening this \\eck anil U a show worth seeing. The baby lions that were born on Saturday lust are being held until Thuisday In order that the beach patrons may all t > cu the llrst lions known tit bo born In or nbout Omaha. The baby leopard and the llttlo fawn are alspjm exhibition. Messrs. Walter Craven and 0. n. Raymond , In charge of Pnln'H "Last Days of Pompeii , " have arrived , and , with Matter Mechanic Hunt , arc rushing things to completion. The scenery occupies fifteen freight cars and will be put up In a few dnye , Sebastian Miller , the strong man , la un doubtedly one of the strongest men In the world , If not the strongest. Ills feats of strength RIO something \vonJerlul and the two exhibitions which ; ho gave Inst evening ftl Courtland wcro iv/cll received. 31 U. CAM'K.\'JCJilt'S llKTVItS. Frank 0. Carpenter rpeclnl corresponded of The Dec , Is back-dram Asia after one of the most remarkable newspaper expeditions on record. Durlnr the past six months ho has traveled moro.than 25,000 miles , and ho brings back with him. the notes of a scries of wonderful experiences. Leaving America ho traveled a thousand miles up nnd down the Yangtse , through the most rebellious regions of the Chinese empire , Investigating the army , the forts and the wonderful fac tories of China. Ho then went to Tlen-Tsln nnd was hero entertained by LI Hung Chang who threw open everything to him. He at tended a Chinese banquet hero nnd took n trip by the new railroad to the Chinese wall In the viceroy's special car. Coming back to Tlen-Tsln he went by donkey nnd cart across the county to Peking and spent BOIIIO time there gathering matter about the em peror , the government and the capital of the Chinese empire. After a trip to the ruins of North China ho returned to Tlen-Tsln by river , and thei went by sea to Coren. He spent a month In the Corean capital , was given on audience by the king and the crown prince , nnd got nn Insight Into the life of the nobility nt Corea , such , ns he reports , as has not been shown to any one else. He Investigated the prisons , and , In company with soldiers , w s shown everything. He took a trip across the country over the mountain passes to the west coast. Some of the places were so steep that ho had to bo carried up them by men , and In his tour he almost starved. He looked Into the mines and resources ol Corea , and has dug out a vast amount of In teresting material. It must be remembered that there are no guide books on these coun tries , and that the matters about which Mr. Carpenter writes are not described In books of travel. It was only his letters and his good Introductions that enabled him to get the material which he has , and he writes us that It Is better than anything he has yel published. He Investigated the Corean army , with the assistance of General William McK. Uye , the American gfneral who went over there to reorganize It , and , with his photog raphers , took pictures of everything. Only a small amount of this mitter has been pub lished , and inany of the letters to come wcro written by Mr. Carpenter while on the ground. Going to the east coast of Corea , he next took a trip to Russian Siberia to give us a report on the trans-Siberian railroad. He successfully passed the examination of the police In Vladlvostock and took a trip over this road , a part of which Is now In running order. Coming back to Vladlvostock , he got the material for a letter on the Russian armies on the Pacific , nnd then went back to Corea , visiting Gcnsan and the port of Fusan In the south. Leaving Fusan he sailed for Japan and landed at Nagasaki , In the extreme western part. Ho then made his way through to Kioto , the mikado's old capital , and visited the great Chinese gun-works at Osaka. Ho has some original things to tell about the new Japan , and he 1ms Investigated a num ber of new Industries which , he thinks , are destined seriously to affect our markets. Leaving Kioto , ho- wont through the country by railroad to Yokohama , the seaport , and thence went to Toklo , the capital. Here everything was thrown open to him. Ho had letters from Secretary Lament to the minis ter of war , and Introductions also to Count Ito , the James G. Ulalne of Japan , who is the premier of the government. He was taken Inside the palace walls , and he had a chance to sec behind the scenes as to other Japanese features through his letters from the chief of our secret service at Washing ton to the chief of police at Toklo. He had a good chance to study the army. He saw the troops. In review. And he hnd many in terviews with prominent men on the present outlook. It takes forty days to get letters to Amer ica from Asia In advance of the cable , and Mr. Carpenter thinks rightly that he can. use this material to better advantage by bring ing it here than by remaining on the ground. Before leaving , lie made arrangements for full repdrts of everything that happened to bo forwarded to him. He has now confi dential correspondents among the leading men at the Chinese , Corean and Japanese centers , and his letters will be the embodi ment of his researches and of the latest news up to date. Ills letters will be the best things published during the present war In the cast , and no one can afford to miss them. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Special I'olleciniin Cue.H to Mm-oln Under Arrrrtl Miiglu City UnsHlp. A dudlsh man , about 35 years of age , wear ing a suit of light gray clothes and a linen helmet , drifted into South Omaha about two weeks ago. He fell n with Dave Anderson and rented a house from him. Dave was agree ably Impressed with the appearance of the young man out of a Job and git him swcrn In as a special policeman the strike. The man gave the name of Harry Johnston , although the police say his correct name Is Harry II. Ward. Ward wore kid gloves and strutted about the streets carrying a largo club and talked enough to disgust all but Anderson. He even gave the police Judge pointers en how to conduct his court and gave It out to others that he proposed to work great reforms through Dave Ander son and the city council. Last evening nn officer arrived from Lin coln with a warrant In his Inside pocket for Mr. Ward and lock him later In the night. There nre several charges Icdgcd. One Is for stealing a watch and another for steal ing a set of harness. Dave Anderson stood good for Ward's board at the Reed hotel , where he and his wlfo have been stopping , and he will bo out a few dollars besides a revolver which ho ban oil Ward when he made a policeman of him. _ Aluglu < Ity ( iosslp. Tom Maloney of Lennox , la. , Is visiting friends in this city. Traffic Manager J. F. Knox of the Cudahy company Is homo from a trip through the east and north. George Parks , the contractor , has gone to Sioux City to build a large beef hcuse'for the Cudahy Packing company. The members of the people's party con gregated at Haiier's hall night and held a meeting for an hour or two. The principal speakers were Dr. Rodolf and George A. Maguey of Omaha. GRANTED AND SUSPENDED. JiuUu Scott Dculilr * that I'npploton Avenue Dump IH All Might. An Injunction suit , was filed In the district court yesterday forenoon , In which P. & S , Iloyon and R. Peterson , the proprietors of the Gate City Malt Company , sought to pre vent the city from numplng | garbage at the foot of Poppleton avenue. The written pro test filed by the company with the Hoard of Health Monday was disregarded , so the com plainants sought a remedy In the courts. The petitioners 'asserted ' that Instead of dumping the refuse In the current , as was promised , they were' ' distributing It along the river bank. The oduis and the uncleanllncss arising from the mass of filth was claimed to bo Injurious to1 tbolr business , and they wanted a pcrmanient Injunction prohibiting any further use of Ibat point ns a dumping ground. Judge Scott granted a temporary restraining order. mid announced that the case would be hearth In his office In the Now York Life building at 0 o'clock Thursday morning. Commissioner of Health Savlllo asserted that the complaint was premature. Ho said that the work of preparing the chutes and rtinwaytt was being pushed as rapidly as pos sible , and that In a few days at the most they \\ould be ready for use. Then the gar- baKtt would bo dumpu ! out In the river and thcro would be no further cause for com plaint. In the afternoon Judge Scott and the attor neys for the opposing sides visited the dump , when the Judge bicamu convinced that the position of the Donrd of Health was correct. Ho therefore permanently suspended the In junction. _ T IHKlt , ANOKRSON HPtsy. ngtd 21 years , be loved wife of Andrew Anderson , August 14. 1531. Funeral Wednesday nftiynoon , Augiibt 15. nt 2 o'clock from family resi dence , 2314 Jack on street. Interment at Forest Lawn. Friends Invited. OH , THE BABIES ! 1/5 Did in Boston in a Week. Cholera Infuntum is Raging Now. Lactatcd Food Should Be Fed to Little Ones , August a Critical Time for Thousands. livery Mistake in Diet Must He Avoide.l. The death rate ROCS tip with n jump. There were nlmost hundredcases a cases of mor tality due to cholera Infuntuui alone In Ilos- ton during the lasl week , tuys the Herald of that city. One hundred and seventy-five babies died from this nnil similar cnu.'cs. The fearful jump In the Infant death rate that comes In August Is due to Improper feed ing durlnc hot weather. In thousands of homc-s where love nnd watchfulness seem to Imvu Mimnindsd baby with every safeguard , these two i.on > llllons that lead to cholera Inf.nit urn oftpn exist Improper diet and possibility of contagion In food. food.Theso These causes arc preventable , and every death from an Intestinal dlsoidcr shows ei ther neglect or Ignorance on the part of par ents. ents.There There Is no reason today why baby should not receive proper nourishment , and be kept absolutely free from any possibility of con- laijlon. Lactatcd food Is always obtainable. Physi cians nnd mothers who have brought up a family of children know how nutritious , liov easily digested , and how absolutely pure lac tatetl food Is , nnd how easily It is taken by children that cannot take other nourishment Lactatcd food saves babies' lives. The diet of a child from six months to thre years old should be as carefully regulated as In the first weeks of life. And during hot weather , especially , the first symptom of diarrhea should cause redoubled watchfulness Children who are evidently not thriving , who show a lack of energy , who are becoming listless , fretful , thin nnd weak , must quickly gain strength , or the slight attack of diarrhea that a strong child readily overcomes will prove fatal. There Is always a chnnco of slight mis takes In feeding baby , and In hot weather such elrors often icsult In cholera infantum , In case baby is not strong and abundantly nourished. Dables properly fed on lactate-1 food never succumb to cholera Infantum. The experience- hundreds of physicians , public Institutions , and thousands of mothers prove that lactated food Is the safest article that can be used as the diet of young chil dren during the hot months. Mothers who have never used lactated food should remember that It Is so Inexpensive as to be within the reach of the humblest home. Enough meals can be made from n dollar package to last nearly four weeks. The food thus prepared from plain directions on each package costs less than five cents n quart , and lactated food saves babies' lives. SEARLES& SEARLES , SPECIALISTS. TBfATMENT BY MAIL. CONSULTATION FREE Catarrh , all Dsoasa3 ! of the Noso. Throat , Ghost , stomach , Llvor , Blood Skin and K dnoy Diseases , Lost Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF men. Call en or , 'uWn'BH , UIIAIIA. NKU. Fine Gltiffonniere , The style of cabinet work which best lends ItBclf to economic limitations In the Onmhn liouso of today IB that simple , light and ele gant class of household furniture which sprang Into existence durlnu the eighteenth century : The Chlffonnlere Is of that ordsr nnd per- ted It U n ch ruling pattern , full of nrac and beauly. The- wood la the light stained l-'rontcni Mahogany , wllh high polish and oil- tliiia | trimmings of burnished brass. The arrangement of Iho drawers and top Is admirable , and gives almost the advan tages of a dressing table. The mirror Is of large size and a line plcco of Trench plate , The , Chlffonnlere complete Is C feet 2 Inches high and 3 feet 4 Inches wldo ; It has 9 draw ers of 3 sizes and a largo cabinet. An effective detail Is the curving front , which Is nol only decorative and historically accurate , but valuable as added space In Ihe nlerlor. /o mil liiij furniture irllliout utlltii/otir ( I'rlea. Clias. Sluverick & Co. FURNITURE of Every Dasorlpt on Temporary kocuiloii , l OO mill I'JUU UtHiitlit * Strut- U1LLAUD UOTEL , ULOOU Let's Swap 3 The time to make a good trade is when the other fellow wants to trade. Just Now we Arc the So Badly Do Other Fellow We Want to Trade And M > badly do wo want to trade That wo will practically lonrt von that \\ttnto willing toRlviiyou fiom tin ) money to p.iy us with , This ICil ) to 1200 ci'Mls In inrrelmiidUu for COMICS about tlironuli our One-Two * ono of your Good Dollars Thrco plan , whljli N "IJvolvoil" for Ju t such tlnio.i as Ihcso. What Is Our We Have 24 Selected and One-Two-Three Plan ? This Special Bargains , 1. Cash ut time of purnhnic , from ciicli department , ' . ' . So lunch down and so much per which you can buy on iiuuvu busN month. until nt'vt Saturday nlisht at half 3. So much down and so much per past nine , AM ) NO LU.NUKIt. \vculc. 99 people Out of | OO Scejn to Eat trpd Sleep as Usual * How wo will laiiKh-and HOiiintouiUinvurrintml Apin'olr.MisloiH. but nil the Mttmi such ! "TII ? llns llllvult' Times. Uoinombur , wo are Iho Other Follow ami tVANT TO TRAD ! ' These are the Planks at the People's { . YOU get exactly-WHAT you 2. At the ppJGE that you- 3. At tlie TEpjvlS that you FURNITURE. 13. Silk Tapi-ttiy Parlor C'ouchps BprliiK uilao , frliueil , worth ilS.OJ : this I. 2.V ) Folding T.ihlos , regular prlco \ > ct'k it 7. US. tl iV. this week < ! . - . 14. Ono lot of Plush Koccpllon t'halrs , 2 Ono lot Reed HocUi'rs , latest style , fringed nntliiaurlh | fl.OO ; this week ri'KUlar l.r > U foods ; this week wl.DS. II. 12 ! . solid ( Kili , lilu'li back cano sent 13. 130 Uhonlllo Coiiohi's. spring udeo , overywhuro for fJ.oJ ; tills worth JI3.0J ; thU week W7..SK week * 1. IIS. HI. .TOJ odil plot'os Parlor Furniture , 4 , 1.0JO roldltiK Hut Ilnclu. worth ric ; consisting bf Kilt oh.ilrs , divans , rooop- this tt'et'k 7o. tlon chairs , b.untmo Kooils , etc. , at uxact- .1 U'Odo/.on Mapln Folding Chairs , fin ) y out-liili foimor lirleu.-i. ished light , uoi-lli i\.M \ ; mis week Illli ! . I ! . Mil IIUiiU blamN , regular val.iu } l , ' 3 ; CARPETS tills neukiisr. 7. A lot of Milld o.ik Center Tables , 17. 2,000 yards Rnjsllsli Linoleum , regu win ib il.M ; this win' I ; iMu lar prlco il.OJ pi-ry.ird : tins week : n < - . 8. 'JO ( in Iv. Modlclnu ( ' .Illinois , solid oak , Ix. Ono lot Moquulto Rugs , worth $1.30 : worth M.5'J ; llih week S I II ) . this \ > uok 7lu. U. 12 only InfantJrllH. . Wllh lilli 1U. OMO yard remnants of Ingrain , slde- > , worm J5.UU ; this wrok * . ! 17. uorthftUc ; tills week id. ' . 10. Ono lot solid iak II nil.- Stands , -U Half yard and ono yard remnants r prlco t.UO ; this wuuk K.I. ' . llnisols ! , worth Mo mid uOo ; this \\tok lo. : and ifto. PARLOR FURNITURE "I. Ono lot Mlsllt llriissols Carpet , real * vu I no JI5.00 ; thN uuok ; ) 7J > , , II. Ti-plccu bolld oak Piii lor Suits In J. Onu lot lliii - < ols Rugs , ruimlar plusli ortnpeitiy , woith ffi.uu ; ; thla week prlco JiOJ ; this week 0 I . Silli 7fi. l. Ono lot Velvet anil Mociurttu Rugs , 1- . Extra largo sUe Divans , plu > h up- 40\IJ ( Inches , worth flui ; this nouK I'Mu. ' holslciy , solid oak frame , woith & 10UU : ll. ! 2,000 lolls llnisaols I'arpot , extra thlb MCOK * ! M'J. heavy goods , worth tl > : thin week OUo. Formerly Pete's Mammoth Irnlalhissnl Scud 10 cents for postage on big 'O'catulogtis. / . Write for Special Baby Carriage Catalogue Mailed Froo. A'o Holler. A'o Stcvm. No Engineer. 11EST POWER for Corn nnd Kecd Mills , Haling Hay , Running SopnrntcrH , Creameries , Ac. OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary OP Portable. -,1 to CO II. P. 8 to 20II. P. fend for Cntnlogup , Trices , etc. , doscrlbliiR work to be done. o , 243 Lake St. OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS , Omaha. 107 S. Mb. Si 330. dtlVnliiutSU. , I > IIII < A.U21,1'UIA , , PA. EDUCATIONAL. SWEET SPRINGS , Mo. THE GRRAT MIMTARV SCHOOL Ol1MB WEST. Ruilci souond at thr War Department aiiiou * military schools of tlu IJnltod Htitoi. ProuiroJ tat "H"10. * Huslnuss , West. Point or Ann ip.ilN. airju ; faculty , imoqu.illei locution , lluforu buluotln ii scliojl , wrlto for Illiutrai id c itulujiig lo infl \ VOJ.Ci , ( Contra ! Colleoo for Young Lndloa J Wcntworlh Military Aoadomy. j Elizabeth Aull Seminary. ( Baptist Female College. AMU3E.M blNTS. Stronger Than nlan or Beasf , The Muscular Qlmit of the Conlury1 Juu- slos wllh JV ) ' ntiml dumb-hulls and will lift in to 20 mon on n plitlform , imirrrKutlns&MO pounds. Mr. Miller hrnuks Mcmrsrllh Ills him1 list ni'cl ' chains with hU muvlts. fvxiri1- Miml to any person llflmi ; u weight equul to Mr. .Mllli-r'h lift. Ilu cliiilluiixiis ovaryhody to wrestle , c.ilch Hscntchcun. ( irufco-lloniiin and I'ornUli , bint two out of I In oo , one fall uiivh hold , for fluOor } MK > u blilo. At Gourfiand Beach TONIGHT. CHARLES ST. PARK BASH OMA.HA BALL j Jacksonville , TODAY. Department of the University of Omalii THOROUGH , CAREFUL. HELPFUL. A Homo for Voting Ladies. With modern city accommodations and pa rental overnight. VUUHK men are helped ! socially , ph > 8lcilly : , InUllccluully , morally. COUUSB3 - CI.AHSICAh , SCIKNTIKIO , MUSIC. NOItMAU COMMUIICIAU Expense Kiiar.inlccd , J1C5.00 pur year. BUM' ' SUI'I'OIIT nUI'AUTMKNT. Address , COLLEGE , Bellevue , Not- UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME. J'lin / ' //////'ir / / < IVir H'lll Ojii-it TUESDAY , SEPT. 4th. rull counts In cliuBlcn. IHU-rii , idenco , law. chll nnil inoi.lmtiii.-ul rngmoorlnii. Thorough tircimiutory unit cuinmriclal com BOB HI , ( M- wind n lull fur l > o > umlri U U unlfiii | > In th conipli-teneHH of Its eiuliiin | | > nl. CuialoKUca unit ficu on application lo llcv Andrew MoriUacx , C. B. C. Nolro l'am . Ind. IIOAUDINU AND HAY SUIIOOI. I'OIt KIM. i / mi . MI'AMII. Tall I tun bculns Wi'ilncmljy , September lOllu Kar catalogue and paitlculartt npply In the reo. tor , T1IU lliV. It. DOIinitTV , H. T D. , OMAHA. NDU. NATIONAL PARK SEMINAR ? SU3URB307WXSHIN 3TJN.D . C , For Youni ? Women Collt-uluto nnd Huniln * . ary Conista. Iloaiitlful cronmla. 175'XXt ' bulldinmi , A cultured honiu. WJ to $100. Send for Illustnited catalogue to WuBhlni , ' "It" Is a liberal education to live In Wnsh lUK'ton. " , . ynuK Mti.iT.iny ADA ; > / ; . i'tw. . . J WillUim It. H. A M. , Cornwall , M , V\i