Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Corn Wont Sonrhe Aea'fi ' Iowa's Crop Bul
letin Furnishing ho Bullish Influence.
, Howotrr. tt'rrc Not Vvry Liberal ,
AVIlllo thu Dciimml lit the Decline
AVii Very J'alr mill Im-
l > iovcit I..tter.
CHICAGO , AUK. II. Corn went tearing
again today , ( lie Iowa crop report furnishing
( lie bullish Influence.Vlicat was buoyed up
by tlio reports of the heavy export business
done at the seaboard yesterday. Alsa on
rumors that as much as 100 boat loads wore
worked' for export today. September wheat
closed lo higher at Baftc , September corn
3l4c higher at GGc , and September oats % c
higher at 30'ic. '
Provisions closed firm at a good advance.
In wheat there was a very fair trade , al
though closing was rather ( julct. Tlio feel
ing devekpcd at the start was weak , but
Was of short duration and tlio market after-
Wtrd ( exhibited a good deal cf strength , much
of which was maintained. Initial trades
wcro at from Vic to Vfcc loss and sold down
from ' , 0 to lie , changed some end closed
steady. The early decline and weak opening
was due to tlio action of corn , the rains
and large receipts , ell of which had depress
ing tendencies , and was further depressed
by the Italian crop report , which stated
that the yield In that country was nbovo the
average. Offerings , however , were not very
liberal , while the demand at the decline was
very fair and Improved later. Influenced
largely by the heavy clearances at the sea
board and reports of fresh export business
at Now York , 121 loads being reported since
yesterday. A prominent c-rn speculator was
credited with being a liberal purchaser , and
this added some strength to tlio market.
Cables wcro also higher and outside markets
wore firmer , especially New York. Local
receipts were much heavier than expected.
A large local short line wan claimed to have
been covered , and this gave a good degree of
steadiness to the situation.
Corn was act vc , prices changing frequently
within from 2c to 3c range. Tlio tone
at the start was weaker and Initial trades
wcro the tminc to Ic under the llnal figure ! *
of yesterday , and gradually worked up Hie
for May and UVic for September frcm thu
Inside quotations , eased off V&c , advanced
I'/ic , and closed firm. The early weakness
and selling at the start was attributed to the
rains which occurred In Iowa , Kansas , Ne
braska and Illinois , and to the crop report
from the last ncmcd state , which was rather
bearish , and which announced the yield
l.kcly to equal that of last year. The trade
was principally local. At first the market
was Inclined to sell lower , but cfferlngs were
quite readily taken and the market gradually
hardened and sold Up sharply when the lown
weekly weather bulletin was posted , which
vas qulto bullish , predicting an area of less
xhan 0,000,000 acres and a yield of one-third
of en average crop. Domestic markets were
firmer and cables lower.
Oats were weak at the start , but firmed
up latr on K-od buying and the strength
In corn. The range for September was I'.fcc.
Provisions were active and generally firm
on covering by shorts , light hog receipts and
the strength In corn. Compared with last
night September pork Is 30c higher , Septem
ber lard , 12V c higher , and September ribs
20c higher.
Freights slow , with charters for wheat ate
% o to Buffalo.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open I High. | Low. | Close.
Wheat.No. S
Aug S-IH 63 . ?
Sept M
Dec BU 67 U
Corn No. 2. .
Aug SS
Sept SUM
Oct May 1 nil
Oats No. „ ' , . .
May 34
Fork per bbl
An ? 13in 13 75 13 45 13 70
Sent il : no 13 hi ) 13 f,0 13 7fi
Jim 111 HI ) II 05 13 BO 13 02J {
Auir 7 no 7 1 5 ? 7 57'.4 '
Sepl 7 6'J ) . 7 or. 7 00
Jan , . . 7 00 7 07M 7 00 7 CO
Shorl Illba-
Auir 7 30 7 50 7 30 7 45
Bepl 7 no 7 60 7 30 7 45
Jan 7 11 ! ! 7 1(1 ! ( 7 11M ! 7 17H
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOL'R Unclmneed.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. SIHWie e ; No. 3
eprlng , nominal ; No. 2 red , fil'.ifioJc. '
CORN No. 2 , 6Cic ; No. 3 yellow , 56c.
OATS-No. 2 , 30Ve ; No. 2 white , 33 3i,4c | ; No.
S white , 33J33He.
RYE No. 2. 4Se.
HARLEY No. 2 , 57e ; No. 3 , C3c ; No. 4 , nom
FLAX SEED No. 1 , Jl.t9.
TIMOTHY SEIJD-Prlme. $3.40.
PROVISIONS Mess poik , per bbl. , $13.70f 13.75.
Lard , per 100 „ $7.57HW7.60. Short ribs , sides
( loose ) , J7.40fj7.r > 0 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
J6.50fl6.62i4 ; short clear , sides ( boxed ) , $7.73f
WHISKY Distillers' flnlshcd goods , per cal. ,
Tim following were the receipts and s'alpmenis
for tofl.iy :
Condition ot Trulo unit Qiintittloiti uu
Htiiplo mill Fiinuy I'roituuo.
There was lltllo or no change In Ihe produce
market yestcnlay as reKards price , quotations
remaining about the same , as will be noted
Llvo poultry continues vcrj' dull and slow , the
receipts helm ? large and the demand not overly
brisk. The demand Is perhaps as larec as usual ,
but the receipts are move than double lmt
they were a few weeks afro.
Tlio extreme heat of the. past two weeks or
moro has had a very bad effect upon the qual
ity of the CKKS comliiR forward. Dealers who
have operated upsn this market for years re
mark that they never saw the time when the
quality averaged so low as at the present time ,
It seems stiniiKo that shippers should not cx-
erclso morn care In selectliu ; tlm stock before
makliiR shipments sa as to save paying frelKht
uinrn spoiled stock. 11 Is nothing uncimmon far
enws of e BS lo be received lhal are prac
tically worthless , Ihere nol helnu enough Kood
KK In the lol lo pay for the work of candling
them out.
Itl'TTER-Packlng Block , lOc ; fair to good
country , UGlSc ; choice In fancy , 17iJlSo ; Kath-
ered creamery. 17WWc ; separator creamery , 22c ,
KUGS I > r do . , lie.
LIVE. POUI/nnVOld hens , 4ffi4o | ; roisters.
! HF3c : spring chickens , CHIi'c ; spring ducks ,
Cc ; old full-feathered ducks , 4t4lic ; hen turkeys ,
Ci(7o ; Kobblcm , 506c ; old geese , full.feathered ,
4i Cc. |
VEAIr Choice fat and small veals are quote < l
at fliifiCo ; coaiso nnd birne. 3Itc.
CIIIOEHE Wisconsin , full cream , new mike ,
llHWIJo ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , lOJillc ;
Nebnuka und Iowa , pail Bklms. TfISc ; l.lni-
bunter. No. 1 , Ilo ; brick. No. I , Ho ; Swiss , No.
1. 14B15C.
HAY Upland hay , $10 ; midland. $9 ; lowland.
18 ; rye straw , 16. Color makei lh price
on hay. Light bak > cll the best. Only top
grades bring ton prices.
PlUUO.NB-Old blnl3. per dor. , SOc.
POTATOES-Uound lots , 70ft75c ; fmall lots , on
Orders , SOc
MKIXINS-Hnod stock , cralcil , $20.
CANTALOUPKS-Nevada tMo. ) Jems , per
crate , Jl.W.
OLD HKANS Hand-picked navy , 12.25 ; ma.
dlum , J110OJ.15 ; common white beans. 11.75
ONIONH-On nrder . lo per Ib.
CAHIIAflK Qotxl shipping slock , homo frown ,
on ordem. 2Uc ; southein , 2 ? .
TOMATOES Hpma grown , on orders , per U-l-u.
banket. 7Sc.
CELERY Per doi. , S3 I40c.
Whllo the receipts ot California frulu arc
veiy largp. there Is no very greal ninount of
choice ( hipping utock iimonK the arrival * . A
tare * proportion of the ( mil l ion rlpo to stand
rmlilpplng Miul the proportion of really good
hard fruit U ( mailer than on previous yeurs.
Thu only explanation for thin li the fad that
the frull men of California were put hack about
two weeks by the ulrlki-s on the rallnuidit and
Ihe fruit gut the .tart of them. Had they Iwn
utlc to commence ( hipping when the frull wan
flrat ready for market lh y would have t > ren able
to keep It and there would not have lieen so
much Hpo frull. II vtould bo letter for Ihvm
If they would dry the rlpo fruit now , u It la
Ifb ringing hardly rnoutrh t" pay railroad clmwa
and only iscrvm In deprena the market on Ihe
bcllrr uunllty. The fruit It ot good in and
fair nnd there would ( erm In bo no other reason
far tin not arrvlng In better condition except
that It In not picked nxin enough.
At the auction rale ymlenluy morning Home
four caru were tllvpoaeu of. Prices , ax will bo
noted below , are lower on peachen. The gen-
Aral opinion uppenr * to be that the henvy run of
Uartlott pearit U druwlctf to cloit , auj that
the mnrkM will not BO ny lower on irooil dock.
It would " m olio ni If peaches must hare
touched Imltnm.
BTRAWItiRIllis-Norie : ,
AI'l'LHS-Uwi. ! rlock , p r bbl. , (3.00O1.M.
IILACK tIAHPItCItlttns-None.
linn HAft'ltnP.KIIW None.
ia ,
1'LI'JIH Nniivo ret ) pluni.i , per 2.qt. | can.
J2 ; California Wtn > hlnil ( n plums , J1.2S ; iarnc red
vnrli > tle . tl.3 * 1..V ) ; unmll red , J1.2C.
PRt'Nis-JI.25Cl.iO. :
FH1HNone. .
I'lIARS-Uarlliitl's , ll.50ni.75.
APRICOTS Culifornln. none.
rilERRIKB-Cnllfnrnln. none.
( IRAI'ES Houthern. 10-lb. batktta , Concords ,
U 40c ; Callfoinln , Jl.W.
ItAN'ANAP'-Clmlcc stock. J2.001.1.M per bunch.
LEMONS-Fnncy lemon * , 3fX ) size , JO.OW7.00 ;
fancy lemons , SCO size , Jfl.Gog7.00.
riOM-rnncy , per Ib. . I5c.
HONEY Calllornla , ISc ; dark honey , I0fle. !
MAPLE HyRtJl1 Oallon cans , per doz. , J12.
Nl'TS Almonds , IJHKc ; Emllsli walnut * , 103
12c ; nibertn. 12c > Ilrar.ll nuts. inc.
CIPI'R Puie ] Ukr , per bbl. , JG ; bnlf bbl. , J3.25 ,
HIDES No. 1 Kicen hides , ! 'ic ; N > . 3 Rre ° n
hides , ! V4n2c ; No. 1 green sailed hides , 3'ic ' ; No.
2 icrrrn nillcd hlilfn , 2i2iicNo. 1 green saltrd
hldci > , ' - ' . ' to 40 lh * . . 3'ic ' ; No. 2 green tailed hides.
25 to 41 llm. . 2fl2Wc ; No. 1 vral ralf , 8 lo 15
Ihs. , CmiCc ; No 2 veal calf , 8 lo IS Ibn. , 4 ( it He ;
No. 1 dry Hint hides , Ce ; No. 2 dry Hint hides.
Jo ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 4o. Parl cured hides
V4o per Hi. leu than fully cured ,
SHEEP PIILTH Oieon salted , each. KQMc ;
cn-cn raited shearlings ( short woolcd early tltlns ) ,
each , CrlCc ; illy shearlings ( short wniled early
fklns ) . No. 1 , each , UftlOc ; dry fhearllnxs ( short
woolcd early skins ) . No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per
Ib. , aciual wclghl , ujS < % : murrain wool pells , per
Hi. , aciual wclRJit , 4fiCe ; dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 43
C'ie ; murinln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight ,
< 8te. Have feet cut off. as It Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW AND DREARE Tallow , No. 1 , 40
) ' , lc ; tallow , No. 2 , 3' ' ff3 > Jc ; greace , white A ,
< f4'ie | ; grease , while II , SttfHHr : gic-ofe , yellow -
low , 3c : giease , dark. 2ic ; old butter. 2 t24c ! ;
beeswax , prime , 15gi8c ; rough tallow. H45/2c.
MW : VOIIK < SIMRAL : : .MAiticir. :
Vmtcriliiy'H Qiiotiitlons on flour , ( irnln anil
I'mvlsliiiiM. Mctiil * . Ktr.
NEW YORK , Aug. -Fi.OUR-Rec > lpts , 23.300
bbld. ; exports , 32,300 bbls. ; ales. lH.'if ) pkgs. ;
market quiet , wllh buyers and sellers lOc apart ;
very lltile eximrt Inquiry. Southern flour , dull.
Rye Hour , mnre active ; sales , rA ) bbla. ; fancy ,
$2.00ff3.o : ; . Ruckwheat Iliur , nominal.
CORN MEAL Firmly held : Ilrandywlne , J2.03
3.20 ; yvlliw western , J2.SOfj.1.10.
RVE Firm ami acllvo ; pales. GOO bbls. ; super-
line , J2.7f2. | ; fancy , J2.90ifj3.10.
1IARLEV Nominal.
WHEAT Receipts , 131,000 bu. : exports. 300 bu. :
sales , r > ,025,0"0 bu. futuios nnd IW.tWO I'll. ' spot.
Spol nmikct higher but less active ; No. 2 red ,
In store nnd elevator. RS'ie : nllnat , CSKc ; f. o. b. ,
5iic ! ; No. 1 northein , C0ic , delivered ; No. 1 hard ,
CS'tc. delivered. Optlnns opened weaker on rains
west nnd big car lot receipts , hut reacted sharply
on talk ot moio export buylni ; . In the after
noon there was another sharp advance , folloxvlni ?
the wept , and the clote was Ptiong at I' ifllUc
net advance. May , CC l-lGRHiiic. clni-ed 67V4c ;
August , dwell SS4e ; September , "tHlitt 5-lCc ,
closed r.D'ic ; ' October , closed CO'/ic ; December ,
Cl 3-ir. C3Vc , closed W-ic.
CORN-Recelpts. 47.400 hu. ; exports. 43,100 bu. ;
sales , SCO.O'Vi bu. futures and 20.000 bu. spot. Spot
maikel 2e higher , but Inactive : No. 2 , Cl'lc In
store and elevalor ; CHie asked allnnt. Options
opened weaker on rains In the coin belt , but
sxm reacted and weie strong all day on llcht
car lot estimates and a bullish crop estimate ,
closing at 1U02'&C net advance. May. CTiQECHc ,
rloseil frc ( : August , closed , C2v o ; September ,
r,9\iiiCl io , closed CH' c ; October , clnsed di ic ; No
vember. SDHfl.VilaC , closed COc ; December , 5r.5i
.r > 7'ic. ' closed r,7'ic. '
OATS Receipts , SnO.OnO bu. ; exports. l.SOO hu. ;
sales , C2I , ( ini. futures ami 102,000 bu. epit.
Spot maiket lirmer nnd more active ; No. 2.
30'ic ' ; No. 2. delivered. 34Up ; No. 3. 32.e ! ; NO 2
white , 37c ; No. 3 while. 3Ccj Irack , white state
ami western , 3'ffilBc. Option market weaker
early but later advanced with corn and closed at
Uc net advance. August. SS'S Sitc .closed 31fc ! :
Scplcmher , :3'.iiS3lc , clnsed 3ln ; Oetobor , 34'i ' ®
3.r.c. COMM ! | SJe ; November , clised 33slc.
HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , STflOc ;
Pacific const. "S5I12C.
HAY Firm ; shipping , SUffGOc ; good to choice ,
7CiS7'jC. !
HIDES Dull ; wet palled , New Orleans , se
lected , K to 6. , Ibs. , 41J. > ijc ; Texas s \cted. ! 3
In SO Ihs. , 4lne ; Diienss Ayres , dry. 20 to 21 Ibs. ,
19 < tc ; Texas , dry , 24 to 40 Ihs. . fifi'G'lc. '
LEATHER Quiet : hemlock sole , Huenos Ayres ,
light to heavy weights , luSilSc ,
WOOL Flim ; domestic , 19023c ; pulled , 20JI25C.
- .
PROVISIONS Beef , Hnn. Cut mentn. firm.
Lard , strong ; wehtern steam clo pd at $7.93 ; sal.s.
100 tierces at J7.90 ; city , J7.r,0 ; September closed
at $7.90 nominal ; refined , stronger ; continent ,
J8.30 ; S. A. , J8.5 : . . Pirk , Hrm ; sales. 100 bbls.
CHEESE Dull : state , large. 7Vifmc ; ; small ,
7Jiifii1ie ! : part sklmi , 3i ! < 5 < li'c : full skims , 2iT3c.
EGOS Strong : state nnd Pennsylvania. 1C@
174c ; western fresh , l,1Uf17c ; ens 'B. $1 2"iJ72.01.
IIUTTER Quiet nnd stfndv ; western dairy , 12' , '
WKo : western creamery , Hff23c ; western factory ,
)2V ) { TlSW.c : Elglns. 23c.
TALLOW Stendy ; 4Hc for city ( $2 per pkg. ) ;
country ( pkgs. free ) , 4Hc.
PETROLEUM-Dull : United closed nt SOM-c
nskeil : Washington , hbls. , 6 ; Washington. In
bulk. $3.50 ; refined. New York , jr.13 ; Philadelphia
ami llnltlmore , J5.10 ; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore ,
In bulk , J2.CO.
RICE Firm : domestic , fair to extra , 4ijiff4)ic ;
Japan. 454n4 c.
no IRON Dull ; Scotch , $10.00322.00 ; Ameri
can. Jin.cOfi 13.00.
ROSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , $1.10
TURPENTINE Firm ; 2nijlff30c.
COTTON HEED Oil. Firm ; prime yellow , 32 < i
TIN Higher ; straits , $19.33 asked ; plates ,
SPELTER Neglected ; sales on 'change , 1" lim )
August tin at J19.05 ; 2 tons Seplembcr nt J19.23.
Silled of the Product In Liverpool At Other
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 14. 4 p. in. Closing COT
TON Spot , moderate business ; prices Hrm ;
American middling , 37ic. The sales of the day
were 10,000 bales , of which DOO were for specula
tion nnd export , nnd Included 9.-30 * American.
Receipts , 0,030 bales , Including 5,100 American.
Futures opened firm , with a fair demand , and
closed steady at the advance ; American mid
dling , L. M. C. , August. 3 49-6103 M-GM ; August
nnd September. 3 49-Gi | E3 fd-G4d ; September mid
October , 3 W-6I1T3 51-Cld ; October nnd November ,
5 Cl-nid , buyers ; November and December ,
3 63-Gld , buyers ; December and January , 3 M-CIJ ,
value ; January and February , 3 53-Gd ! , buyers-
February anil March. 3 83-G4Q3 DTi-GId ,
ST. LOl'IS , Aug. 14. COTTON' Quiet , steady ;
middling , GTtc ; sales , GOO bales ; receipts , none ;
shipments , nine ; stock , 23,000 bales.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 14. COTTON Stendy ;
futures , August , JC.4G bid ; September , $ G.4t'JG.42 ( ;
October. J6.43fiC.4l ; November. JG.MfiG.51 ; Decem
ber. JG.MJfG.CO ; January , J6.G.ffl > .G6 ; February
JG.7100.72 ; March , $ G.77 G.78 ; April , JG.8.1WG.S4 ;
May , JG.b'jgc.90 ; June , J6.93iJ6.Oaj July , J7.01S7.03.
Outslilo Kpceiiliitoi-s Tuken In by the Inside
< } i > ng- oil Mm Street.
NEW YORK , Aug. 14. Wall street has
again proven It Is not entirely safe to take
It for granted that speculative movements
op the Stock exchange are certain to be made
up on lines which public opinion might re
gard as a logical sequence of crop condi
tions. As a matter of fact , the street finds
delight In furnishing surprises to Its habi
tues from which no profit over accrues to
the outsider. Last evening the sluro market
closed strong and there wan a buoyancy to
the late trailing which gave promise of In
creased strength. The tariff bill had been
passed by both houses of the national legis
lature on the lines laid down by the senate ,
the bears were Jubilant , trust stocks In bad
npute , the crops reports were more favor
able , rain had fallen In the corn belt , the
grangers were being bought back by the
sellers of a few lays ago , the general situa
tion was Improving , sterling exchange was
easier and the flow of gold was about to
turn around. These arc conditions which
confronted Wall street this morning , and , as
If to give a still more rosy hue to the situa
tion , the London market became strong , but
there was good foreign buying orders on the
board at the opening. It wua to bq expected
that llrat prices made should bo made higher
than those of the night , and , as a rule , they
were. Some of the shorts were urgent to
cover and there was not a little buying for
the long account. The amateurs doubtless
believed n steady and healthy appreciation
In values had set In , but the professional
speculators , the clique ot Insiders , were not
ready yet to let the market get out of their
hands and the usual tactics were employed to
check the upward movement , which had
sot In with force.
The Sugar pool , most powerful of all the
Wall street combines , took a turn at ham
mering tlielr'own shares. The secretary of
the trust gave out a letter he had written ,
denying Congressman Wilson's statement
that the company had purchased (112,000,000
worth of raw sugar , and putting their pur
chases at only $12,000,000 , thereby cutting
down thu alleged prospective prollts to a
comparatively Insignificant sum. U wan
rumored , too , that the free sugar bill was
An early advance of 1 per cent
on the stock was quickly wiped
out and a break of 6 % per
cent was engineered with Intervening rallies ,
BO as to let holders of the shares down easy.
A big stop loss order was caught on the way
down , for which , very likely , the clique was
gunning. At the lower figures there was
good buying and a recovery was made to
107 , % per cent , the closing prices being
H per cent lower and U per cent below the
closing &alo ot yciterday. Sugar pr ferred
loit yt P r cent. The grangers opened
except for uurllngton , which was unchanged
The gains wcrt fractional , except In St. I'aul
which was up 1U Per cent. The whole groui
took an early dip In common with the res
of the market , the entire list becoming mi
settled and fluctuating widely In many casci
and with much frequency. The Irrcgularltj
continued until the late Afternoon , when i
strong tone was Infused Into the trading am
rallies were made which wiped out the earlj
lotsee , and , In a majority of Instances , ad
vaticca were recorded on the day's transac
The bond market was strong and active nl
day and most of the Issues traded In macli
gains ,
The Evening Post says : The market was
Irregular , It showed ctrcngth in spots am :
an undertone that waa firm , despite the real'
Nations. The sentiment on the whole was
bullish. Ilrokers arc Inclined to regard the
reaction this morning as only natural and
speak hopefully as to the future. The Indus ,
trials were the feature. Distillers sold UF
two points nt the opening. Its reaction was
on celling by brokers who missed their mar
ket , owing to their presence In other securltj
crowds. The buying and selling In the
grangers was about equally divided. The
former was based on the Improved condi
tions of the crops because of recent rains ,
The latter was due to bear operations
The Post's London cable says : The Im
provement In all the stock market continues ,
but dealings In Americans ore still mainly
professional , notwithstanding the passage ol
thu tariff bill , which caused a small boom
this morning. Prices closed Vi to % per cent
under the best on realizations , but the under
tone was firm. South Americans were
strong , the public buying considerable. The
Greek bondholders , at their meeting today ,
declined for the present to accept Trlcoupaa
proposal of a settlement of the debt. The
matter stands ndjourncd. Gold flows In anil
further largo amounts are expected from
India and Australia.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading sleeks of the New York ex
change today :
' offered.
The total sales of stocks today were 329,620
shares , Including : . AtcMson , 4,000 ; Sugar , 111.-
300 ; Iturllngton , 24,000 ; Chicago Gns. ll.WX ) ; Dis
tilling , SO,4X > ; General Electric , 4.500 ; National
Lead. 7,100 ; Reading , 3,000 ; Rock Island , 3,500 ;
St. Piuil , 42.000 : South Railroad. 3,701) ) ; Texaa
Paclllc , 3,000 ; Western Union , 5,300.
Now York Money MiirUut.
Kni-y at 1 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Weak and lower ,
owing to the passage of the tariff bill , and actual
business In bankers' bills la done at Jl.87',40 ?
4.S714 for demand and nt $4.86UM.S it for 60
days ; poster rates , J1.87V4W4.8S and $ I.SS',4i > 4.SD ;
davs ; posted tales , J4.87"Ml4.88 and J4.8S'i < S4.89 ;
GOVERNMENT I1ONDS Firm. State bonds ,
quiet. Railway bonds , strong.
Closing quotnt ons on bonus were as fellows :
llntton Stock Qijntntlnni.
BOSTON , Aug. 14. Call loans , IK-as percent ;
lliuo loans. yXC'iaW per cent. Ulo Uir prices for
stocks , bonds ami mining
Now York MlnUis ( juntntloni.
NEW YORK , Aug. 14. The following arJ the
closing immnc quotation1 * :
London Stuck Qiiotittloni ,
LONDON , Aug. 14. 8 p. m. cloalnyi
MONK V-W per cent.
IIAHSILVKII-'H ] 3-10d per ounce.
Tim r.ilu of dlHcoiint in the open market loi-
short lilllH Is Menu-Hi Pur cunt , < " ' tor three
inoiitliB' bllla IB D-lUtt ( ? | per cent.
Sun FnincUeo .Illiiln ? lluntntloni.
SAN PHANCISCO. AUK' . 14. The offlclnl cloilnt
duotatluua for mtnlii ; atoo a tu I ty won at fol
low H :
Alta i.t : Mono ' . ' 3
Ilelcher. . SB Ophtr "S
llt'Dt.t Ilelcher. . . , , 1MII 1'otonl 41
L'odlo Con IliO Savaso si !
lluhver ' . ' 1 Slerr.i Nevada HU
Chollar 117 Union Con O'J
( 'on. cal. jt Vn 410 Utah r
Ciowii I'olnt 70 Yullow Jiieket. . . . 47
Muxleun I''U
Nc-w York Dry liooila Mnrkcr.
Nn\V YOHIC , AUB. II. Conalderable shlpplns ,
followed by some business , marked Iho mornlnB
hours. Ihoimh later In the day there were per-
Bonul deniandg. Mull and tclrKriiph ordem look
n large qunntlly of prlnls. und wllh deliveries
on these nnd other mlvnnco outers a itooil vol
ume of business wan completed. 1'rlntlne cloths
In fair demand , with sales of nlwut 40,000 pieces
ipots and next week nt 2Hc Hal.
I'liiiini'liil .Sot i.
NRW OIII.KAN8 , Aiiff. 14. Clearings. $1,163,600.
I1OSTON. Aug. 14. Clearings. $12,232.102 ; bal
ances. $1,571.334.
1IAI.T1MOUK. Aus. 14. Clearings , $2,283,201 ;
balances , $ 7I35.
NKW YOHK. Aug. H. Clearings , $71,653,012 ;
balanci-H , $4,145,3SO.
riUI.ADKM'IIIA. Aug. H. Clearings , $3,750-
I7'J ; baluncca , $1C33. 2V.
rAltlS. Auir. 14. 1:30 p. m. Three per cent
rentes , lint 12Vic for the account.
I.ONUON. AUK. 14.-Oold quoted today at
Huenos Ayres at 2.CC anil at Lisbon at 30.25.
WAHIUNOTON. Aug. 14. The ranh balnnefl
liKlay was $110,792,50 } , of which $32,811,831 was
Kolil reserve ,
MIIMl'HIS , Aug. H. New York exchange sell
ing at $1.50 premium. Clearings , $205,535 ; bul-
lUice * , $107.100.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 14. Money. 3UBC per cent.
New York exchange , 45CCOO discount. ClearIngs -
Ings , $2,197,550. $
RAN KHANCISCO. Aug. 14-nrnfls. sluhl. lOo ;
telegraphic , 12\tc. \ Hllvcr bars. 62StC2)c. | Mexi
can dollars , tl'il/51) c.
BT , I.Ol'IH. AUK , II. Clearings , $ ) .47S.t57 : bal
ances. JJIS.07J. Money , 607 per cent. Uxchange
on New York , ! 5o discount bid ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 14. Clearings , JH.617,000. 1'or-
tlgn exchange , htavy ; sterling , actual , $ l.b7f #
1.88. N w York exchange , (0COo | lilicouut.
Monty rale * , 8 per cent.
Continued FalliiifeCff in Eccoipti the
FcatuiQ ofj the Day i
1'iiclter * 1'ny Strtiii't ; 1'rlccs for Kultulilo
orferlnit * ItutclKTH ( Iritdc * nnd ntncliem
In Itetter lteiiie | t llig Turn Up-
uunl aiurAilviinco Slmrply ,
The receipts today consisted of 2,000 cat
tle , 10GOO hogs and 3d sheep , as against
2,300 cattle nnd 13,600 hogs on Tuesday of last
week. For the two days this week the re
ceipts amount to 3,050 cattle , 16,700 hogs and
SOO sheep , as against 4,230 cattle , 21,985 hog
and 1,870 sheep for the corresponding days
of last week. This shows a decided de
crease this week on stock of all kinds.
CATTLE The offerings of cattle were con
siderably In excess of yesterday's receipts
and there was considerable Inquiry for the
more desirable grades of corn-fed steers.
The packers all wanted a few head and they
bought up what suited them nt good , strong
prices. One bunch of 1,214-lb beeves brought
$4.45 , while there wcro quite a number of
loads that went above $4. There was more-
doing In the market for butchers' stock than
for some days past. The receipts were not
especially large , but there was quite a showIng -
Ing of fair to good cows nnd heifers In the
yards. The local buyers took hold better
than they have been doing on most days
since the commencement of the strike and
the market was active and stronger nil
around. The market on veal calves is very
low , ns will be nuted from the sales. A
few loads of stockers and feeders changed
hands , but the general market on that class
of stock Is slow nnd dull , the demand being
very limited. Prices were not particularly
changed from yesterday. The bulk of the
salca were made at ? 2 to $2.25 , with n few
head at $2.50. Representative sales :
. .1405 3 35
. .13SO 1 75
21. . 761 2 10
30. . 649 2 10
5. . 712 2 13
C. , , . 9nfl 2 20
4. . , . F51 t < t't
23. , . .IUCI * . 2 > .
IS. , , . 7-5 * * * * 5
13. . , . 329 2 25
' . 460 2 23
15i' , . KCf 2 30
21. . . . 838 2 30
10. . . .K03 2 45
.1205 2 50
40 ! ! .1041 2 50
No. Av. Pr.
20 atocrs 1219 $3 15
HOGS This was a great day for the
sellers In tlio hog market , as everything ap
peared to como their way. Reports from
other markets were favorable , provisions
wuro up anil there was both a good local and
a shipping demand. The shippers wanted
good hogs nnd were willing to pay for them ,
and the market opened active at the start
and all the way from IGc to 25c higher than
yesterday. The majority of the good loads
went at $5 to * 5.25 , with a top at $0.35 , while
the light and light mixed loads of fair quality
brought $ -1.80 to ? 5. The underweight stuff
nnd pigs sold as usual way down as compared
with the better loads , the range being wide.
Representative sales :
SHKEI' There were a few sheep In , but
nothing doing In the market. 1'rlccn are
nominally steady. Fair to good natives are
quotable at $2.26 to $2.75 , fair to good west
erns , $2 to $ ,2.4.0 ; common and stock
$1.7 ! > to $2.25 ; good to cholco 40 to 100-lb
lambs , $2.25 to $3.50.
. Itccclpn iinil DlipcMltlmi if Stonk.
OiTlclnl rrcelpts nnd dlnivxltlon of stock ns
shown by the liouks nt the Union Stock Yald *
company for the forty-elnht hour ! * Hiding nt 3
o'clock p. m. , August 13 and II , 1SDI :
Cattle . ft ) J.01D
ling * . 131 10.COI
Bhccp . . . 4 M ]
lluycrn. Caltl * . Hogs.
Omaha I'nrklni ; company. . , . l.fiis
n. 11. Hammond company . Ift ! l.S'tc
Htrlft nnd company . M2 I , II !
Cudahy raclilng company . 317 2.7CD
John 1' . Squire & Co . 1,20
Cud.ihy Hrofl . . . . . ( ifi
Chicago I * . & I' . Co . 8VI
II. Morris . 220
U. Decker ft Uegen . 32S
Ik Ilcckrr . . . . . . 0 . . . .
Omaha r. Co. from K. C . 21 . . . .
Hhlpiters and feederx . . . C97 200
Left over . , . 600
ciuc.Yuo i.ivi : srouiv M.\UICIT. :
Hiilo of Cuttlo UVro at Nominally Knlr
1'ricrs Yc' trrdtij' .
CHICAGO , Aug. II. Sales of cattle wore at
nominally fair price" . There was firmness In
good to choice grades nnd weakness In other
descriptions , but not n quotable variation any
where. Ilecclpts were llghl and the demand fair
nt from Jl to T2.60 for natives , from tl.f.0 lo 11.10
for weslern rangers nnd from $1.2. " > to J3.30 for
Texns cattle. The supply consisted of about
2.COJ natives , 2,000 westerns nnd 1.000 Texas ,
aboul all of which were closed out before noon.
The ndvnnco yesterday of H4e In the London
market stimulated the demand for good entile
nnd the tendency In lhat class l still upwnrd , as
there Is no doubt nboul there being a short
A brisk trade nt higher prices was t1 : situa
tion In hogs. Wllh fresh nrrlvnls of barely 13.-
000 head , holders at once look a linn position.
They Insisted upon an advance of lOo nnd got
It , the best llghl weights going to } 3.3i and J5.10 ,
and from $5.65 to $ r > .co bHng paid for fancy
heavyKvcn those prices did not check the
an lor nf buyers , ami hy the middle of the fore
noon decent lots h.ul changed hands at least
once , nnd the cry was sllll for mote. Within
the last week prices have ndvanced from lOc to
Ific , nnd since August 1 there has been n gnln of
from 33c to 45e. The bulk of the day's sales
were nt from J5.25 to J5.50 , though there were
many Irades nl from 15 to tl.lC , and a few nt
lower llgures.
Sheep prices were fnlrly stendy nt from Jl In
} 2 for poor to common nnd nl from $2.50 to $3.SO
for good to extra. There wan a light supply and
a fair demand nl lhal range. The lamb market
was firm nt from 12 to JI.CO. Sales of Ihe foimer
were principally at from $2 to $3 , and from $3.50
to $4.IX ) took m < jt of the lambs.
Itecelpts , cattle , 6,000 head ; calves , 1,200 head ;
hogs , 13WO head ; sheep , 11,000 head.
Tin1 Mvenlng Journal reports :
IIOOS-Hccelpts today , 13,000 head ; yesterday.
37,510 head ; shipments yesterday , 13.IJS head ; left
over , 7,500 head ; quality poor ; market active nnd
Hrm , with prices lOc higher ; all parties buying ;
sales ranged at JI.9W5.15 for lights ; $ I.70W5.00
for rough packing ; $4.95f , " . . 13 for mixed ; $3.or.j ?
6.53 for heavy packing nnd shipping lots ; pigs ,
CATTLE nsllmnled receipts today , 5,000 head ;
rccelptH yesterday , 19.231 head ; shipments yes
terday , 3.S19 head ; maiKet steady.
811 HIM' Estimated receipts lodny , G.OOO head :
receipts yesterday , 9,976 head ; shipments yester
day , 120 head ; maikei steady.
St. l.ouls l.i\v stork SliirUct.
ST. LOUIS , . A us. 14. CATTI.E Receipts , 3.SOO
head ; shipments , 300 head ; market steady and
generally llrln ; native steers. 1.2')0 to 1,600 Ihs. ,
14.LVD4.40 : 1.100 t 1,300 Ibs. , 1.409X9.5 ; COWB nnd
heifers , J2.25B2.C5 ; Texas steers , l.OJO lo 1,20) Ihs. ,
3.00fi3.25 ; QDWS , Jl.505l2.23.
HOGS Receipt ! ' . S.i'i'O ' hfntl ; shipments , 2.000
head ; maiket 10015c higher : choice heavy , { 5.37lb
® 5.IO ; KOO < ! llghl , J5.2JII5.35 ; pigs and common
stock , J4.90JI5.00.
SHEEP Receipt ? . 2,410 head ; shipments. 200
head ; market strong , higher ; natives , J2.25Q3.00 ;
lambs , J3.uOi53.90.
KuiiHUH City I.Ivo nttick MitrUut.
KANSAS CITY. Alls' . 14. CATTIE-nccflplR ,
8,100 head : shlpnu-nts , 3,700 head ; inaikrt steady
to lOe hlKlK'r ; Texas teors.'S.O1) ) ; beef BICPIS.
$3.2534.CO ; native cows , $1.4iH2.75 ) ; stockcrs nnd
feeders , tl.70ft3.00.
IIOC1S Receipts , 11,600 head : market , 10fT20c
hlRher ; hulk of mles , I5.00U5.25 : lu-avy. ? 5.1.5ff
3.45 ; packers , J5.204/5.45 / ; mixed , $4.95if5.20 ; plus.
SHEEP Receipts. 2,600 head ; shipments , 100
head ; market steady.
Niuv York I.lvii .StncK .Miil'liet.
500 head ; market nominally weak.
S1IEHP AND L.AMIIS Receipts , 6,100 head ;
market very dull , barely steady ; sheep , poor to
prime , J2.25@3.50 ; lamhfl , common to prime , 33.25
IIOQS Receipts. G.2CO head ; market Hrm ; In
ferior lo good hogs , $5.5005.85.
n.uck in yisiit.
Record of receipts at the four prlne'pal ' mar
kets for Tuesday , Aug. U , 1891 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omaha 2,019 10,601 801
Chicago 5,000 13,000 5.00)
Kansas City 8,100 11.600 2.COO
St. Louis 2,800 3,900 2,400
Totals . 17,919 39,101 10.KI1
Chicago Fruit QuotiitloiiH.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. The Earl Fitilt company
sold California fruit tit auction as follows :
Pears , Ilartletts , In ventilated cnrs , 90c4Jl.H5 ; In
C. R X. refrigerator cars , 51.45W1.GO ; Clapp'B
Favorites , Jl ; licurcc Clalrge , 11.03. Peaches ,
Early Crawfonls , 53ciJ1.00 ; Late Crawfords , ! )0c
ftJ1.05 ; Mnry'H Choice , 83c ; clings , 709'Je. |
Plums , Washington , SOc ; .lapnn , $1.70 ; egps , 7.p ,
85c ; Katsuma , 90cfJ1.00 ; Columbia , 7'.030e . ; Golden
Dr : p , 7ri8"c , ; Victoria. $1.00fi1,05 ; CJuackentos. * .
J1.05. Prunes , dross. J1.03fl.20 ; Hungarian , fOe
WJ1.20 ; German , J1.00W1.05 ; Silver , 7f.e : l.'nllen-
bcrg , 99c. drapes , half crates , seedless , Fontalne-
bleiiu , J1.10. Nuctarln s , 93c.
Porter Drew , company sold today at auction
nine cars of California fruit : llartlett pears ,
Jl.00ei.50 ; Early Ciawford penchcx , fiOcUM.lO ;
Late Crnwfonls , S'fi90c ; clings , J1.33T1B3 ; Kus-
iiuehannns , J1.10 ; Fosters , Jl ; nectarines , SScfl1
Jl.OO ; egg plums , KcffllM' Golden Drip plums ,
75ifTS5c ; Kallenhcrg , J1.15W1.25 ; Washington ? , SOc ;
Gross prunes , SOcCJJ1.25 ; llungarlans , SOcffJl.13 ;
Muscat grapes , half crates , 40cftJ1.45 ; some In
very poor condition.
PorUT llros. company , Iloston , pohl nt nuetlon
three ncrs of Cnllfjrnla fnilt : Crawfoid peaches ,
75cflTJl:55 : ; Tuscan clings , 40cffjl.l"i ; Puiplo Du-
ancs , 9Sc < 7$1.24 ; German prunes , $1.00ftl,37'i ' ; Co-
lunihla plums , J1.00fT1.7.ri ; .Jeffersnns , J1.23 ; > ellow
cling peaches , J1.121 5t.2.'i ; H . l hn\v ulnins.
nftgcdy prunes , Silver prunes , J1.21 ; Green Gagi-s ,
JI.25 ; grapes , Jl. 12 5(1.50 ; yellow egg plums , 93c
flSl.O ) ; Hartlctt pears , overripe. "OcljJI.33.
lorter Uros. company. New York , sold twelve
cars of California fruit n.t auction today : Hart-
lett pears , J1.25Q2.63 ; Crawford peaches ,
40S90o ; Wofihlngton plums , 60c5fJ1.10 ; Japan
plums , $1.1D : Itradshaws , J1.OT01.30 ; Columbia
plums , 8HC0J1.40 : Gross prunes , tl.30Ql.4ri ; ( Ici-
mon pmneB. 75c0Jl:40 : ; Silver prunes , Jl : Kalten-
herg , Jl.10ifl.15 ; red nectarines , J1.80 ; Fonlalne-
bleau gnipes , J1.45.
St. I.iiiiU ( Jenenil .tlitrhot.i.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 14. FLOUR Firm , qiilet.
WHEAT Opened weak , but after fluctuating
with waves of buying and Inaction closed fttflc
alw > vo yesterday's flnnl prices ; No. 2 red. cash ,
G0c ; August , 61-c ; Septemher , 62Hc ; Uecem *
her. 55140 ; May , C0c.
CORN Weakening early on reports of rain ,
shot up on buying and the Iowa crop report ,
closing 2Vjf3c above yesterday ; No. 2 mixed.
cash , M'.ic ; August , CCu ; September , M'ic ' ; May ,
Bit- .
OATS Strong , hlsher ; No. 2 , cnh , 30 ? c ; Au
gust , 31c ; September , 31'Je ; May , 36c ,
RYE Film : sales , no. 2 cash , 62ff521'.c. '
HARLEY No trading.
1IRAN Firm ; sacked , east track , 6Sc.
FLA7C 8EED-J1.25 , east side.
CLOVER SUED Unchanged.
TIMOTHY SEED-IIlKher ; $5.05 for August. 1
HAY Dull at yesteiday's decline ,
IUJTTKII Unchanged.
EOGS Weak ; lOVfcc
LEAD I iwer ; J3.2714.
SI'ELTER-T-Nomlnal ; 13,20.
CORN MEAI J2.75W2.S3 ,
COTTON TIES Unchanged.
RAGGING Unchanged.
PROVISIONS-IIIgher , strong. Pork , stnnd.ird
mess , jobbing. JH.25mi.37t ! > Lnrd , prime Ktenm ,
)7.4' ) ' ) ; choice , } 7.t , V. . Dry salt meats , loose shoul
ders , SC.37'i ; rllm and longs , J7.50 ; nhorts. J7.C3.
Ilacon. packed shoulderi , J7.50 ; IOIIKS , JS.121i , ;
ribs , J8.25 ; shorts , JS..10.
RECIIII S Flour. 3.000 bhls. ; wheat , 82,000 bii. ;
earn , 31,000 bu. ; oats , 36,000 bu.
HHIPMENTH-Flour , 9,000 bhls. ; wheat , 6.000
bu. ; corn , 20,000 bu. ; oats , 19,000 bu.
KiinmiH City .MurUotx.
lower ; No. 2 hard. 47V4c ; No. 3 hard. 46',4c ' ; No.
J red , 4CUc ; No. 3 red , 45V4o ; rejectnl , 42c.
CORN Unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 63o ; No. 2
white , 6252iilc. .
OATS-Hlow ; No. 2 mixed , 30f31c ; No. 2 while ,
nominally 33c.
llU'lTER-FIrm ; creamery , 17O20o ; dairy , 14
EGOS-FIrm ; lOc.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 69,400 bu , ; corn , 600 bu. ;
3atu. none.
HIIIPMENTS-Whcat. 12,900 bu. ; corn , 603 bu. ;
join , none. _ _ _ _ _
Oil Miirli.'U.
OIL CITY , I'a , , Aue. . National Trnnalt cer-
tltk-atcn onrncd at t > OTi : hlghert. SOTi ; Imvt-it ,
bOK ; closM , 80 % ; tales , 137,917 bbU. ; runs , 98,213
bbl ,
PITTHIIURC1 , Pa. . AUK. 14. National Transit
cerlltlcateH i > | iennl at SOK ; cloned ul SOU ; hltfhvBt ,
WTi ; lowest , bO > ; no nilt-s.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. H. WOOIKaslcr. . Ho lower
all around ; Missouri and Illinois medium comb
ing. ISUUIKc ; coarse and braid and medium
cl ilhlng , l UI5c ; mt'dlum , C to 12 months , Tout.
13i H Vje ; coal BO and low , SWlle ; western and
northein medium , ll 13u ; course und low , 7fldc ;
cholco tub-wonlifil. 2lu.
.tlnrkdt ,
NEW YORK , Aug. H. HUOAR-Ilaw. firm ;
Fair rellnlnK , 1 11-lCa ; centrifugal , 'J6 test , 3ic ! ;
rrtlnvd , firm and fiilily active ,
LONDON , Aug. 14. SUdAR-Cane , steady at
premium prices ; centrifugal , Java , llu 3d ; Mu -
. ovado. fulr Itltnlntr. Ill id.
FrlMiiVhfitt Murket.
SAN FRANCJHC'O. Auif. 14. ClcarancfB , S7.301
: ntal of wheat , wheat , quUter ; December.
iSHo. Max , l.Wc ; new nclkr , tl'.io ' ; Btyt m-
tier , SOc.
Ed Pftrdrlilgc , t o Noted Board of Trail
Spjoulfttor , Ornzod by Drink.
U'ii VIoliMit nt l-'lrst unit .Miulc an Attnup
to llriiln tlio ( iimriUvltli u ( Jlmlr
Violent llxcrlliiiis Siirrrrilril
by Stupor.
CHICAGO , Aug. 13. Strapped down lo
his bed , Imprisoned by bars and locked door
In a barren room on the fourth floor of the
\Vashlngtonlan homo "I'lunger" IM Pnrd
rldgtf , who yesterday threw the Hoard o
Trade Into a turmoil by fighting with a door
keeper , Is undergoing a most rigorous treat
merit for alcoholism. He was taken to the
homo yesterday by his con , who was asslstci
by several friends. The nervy speculator hai
to bo conveyed to thu homo In a close car
rlagc and was placed In charge of the doc
tors only by main forco. Ho became vlolcn
when ho was being prepared for a protractet
stay and It required four attendants to carrj
him upstairs and Install him In one of the
cell rooms which are reserved for the wors
patients. Pardrldge Is ono of the most prom
Incut of the lloard of Trade operators. Ac
counted a multi-millionaire , the proprietor
of ono of the largest dry goods stores in the
city , and an operator of remarkable nerve
he Is a unique llgure on the Moor of the
board. For months ho has been on the bear
side of the wheat market and his winnings
on 'change for the last year arc said to read
Into seven figures. Pardrldgc has frcqucntl )
of late worshipped freely at the shrine o
nacchus , and has created several scenes 01
'change. A few days since he appeared 01
the floor In an unsteady condition and threv ,
money broadcast about the pit , raining sue )
an uproar that ho was suspended for sixty
Yesterday he attempted to go on the floor
and , after a fierce fight with a doorkeeper
was finally curried from the building. Ai
the Washlngtanlan home for Inebriates , Mr
Pardrldge succeeded In creating as much
excitement among the inmates today as he
did on 'change yesterday. Immediately upon
Ms arrival he was handcuffed and placed In
a box-like apartment , with three blank walls
and a grated window left to his gaze.Vhcn
the physicians and guards left him , however ,
he put at naught their efforts to tic his hands
and feet. One little article on his person
was overlooked by the custodians In searchIng -
Ing him a largo locket atttachcil 10 his
watch chain. When the guards left him he
manased to squirm around so as to reach
and unfasten the locket. .This * contained a
small , sharp knife , with which he proceeded
to cut his bonds. He soon parted the leather
handcuffs and next broke the leather strap
tied around his feet. Pardrldgu jumped up
to his window and yelled down at the crowd :
"I'm Ed Pardrldge ; you all know me. They
are trying to rob or kill me. I'll give $500
to the man who will get my lawyer. For
God's sake help me. "
As he continued his entreaties , he grew
more and more excited , and said : "If none
of you will get my lawyer for $500 , I'll give
you $ GOO , $700 , $ SOO , $930 , $1,000. Hurry
up , for the love of heaven. They are going
to kill me. I'll give any one half my for
tune If he'll get my lawyer. "
The attention of the guards was attracted
by the fearful yelling and two of them went
to the "plungers" room to subdue him. The
latter , when he heard steps In the hall , made
ready to brain some of his captors. He stood
with a heavy wooden chair uplifted In his
hands. As the door opened and the head of
the first guard appeared he brought his
weapon down with a crash. The guard
dodged Just in time and escaped the blow.
He came very near being brained , though ,
and he pounced upon Pardrldge and with
the aid of his companions threw the
"plunger" on. his bed and bound him to It.
The employes say that Pardrldge's Is the
worst case they have ever had to handle ,
and they were all much relieved when he
had finally been strapped down. The guards
were afraid to go near the "plunger" during
the night , but his struggle before he was
subdued had weakened him and he collapsed
utterly this morning. This forenoon his only
ilemonstratlons were a few yells and a series
3f warwhoops , which could be distinctly heard
nil over the house. This stopped and he
then mumbled , talked to himself and then
fell Into a sort of sullen stupor and went to
Superintendent Somcrvlllo was not In
clined to be reticent about his patient today.
"Yes , " said he , "Mr. Pardrldge is confined
liero now and will probably be forced to re
main with us some time. He Is suffering
from a severe attack of alcoholism , and will
require a long course of treatment before ho
will bo cured. It is our belief that wo shall
sffect an ultimate and permanent cure , but
lust now he Is not In a very encouraging
condition. He cannot be seen at all , oven by
Ills relatives. Neither his wife nor his son
Is permitted to go near him. Ho is by no
means tame and that Is the reason In Itself
ror Isolating him. But It would make him
ivcrse to see his relatives. "
"Does his mind seem nt all effected ? "
"Yes ; In fact his trouble now seems to bo
moro duo to a temporary derangement than
inythlng else. "
This afternoon J. E. Dsakln appeared be
fore Judge Dunn with a petition for a writ
if habeas corpus to compel T. Smnmerfleld ,
nanagcr of the Washlngtonlan homo , to pro-
luce Pardrldge In court. The petition re-
: lted that the noted Hoard cf Trade plunger
was being held a prisoner In the Washlng-
; onlan homo against his will. Judge Dunn
{ ranted the writ and made It returnable-
1:30 : o'clock tomorrow evening.
Pardrldgo left the Washlngtonlan home
tonight In charge of friends. Mr. Summer-
leld says his treatment was that usually ac-
: orded patients.
Cnffco MnrUot.
NKW YOnK. Aug. H.-COKI-'KR-Optlons
ipvnnl steady nt unchanged to 6 points decline ;
.ales . , 23,500 hags , Including : November , $12.,5 ;
, , , , - , . . . , . . . .
i f\v i til n * ijvr\ limit j * > * >
itock , 179.777 bnga ; ullnat for Iho United mates ,
13,000 bags ; total visible for the United Htatcs ,
32,777 hags , against 4K..128 bags last year.
SANTOS. Aug. H. Firm ; good average , $ IG ; re-
elpts. two days , 34,000 IIHKH ; Mock , 2C.I.OOO bugs.
IIAMIIt'HC , Aug. 14. Irregular ; prices un-
ihangcd to H pfg. lower ; sales , 0,000 bags.
HAVItn , Aug. 14. Opened < mlet ; prices > AC
ewer ; at 12 in. , riulet , ' .if higher ; ul 3 p. in. .
Inn ; August , lit higher ; others unchanged nt
:30 p. m. ; closed quiet , without further change ;
otal sales , 17.0/1 hags.
ItIO Ii : JANKIUO. Aug. H. Nominal ; no
lUolallons ; exchange , 'J 7-lCd ; receipts , two days.
9.000 bags ; cleared for Iho United Htatcs. 20.000
> Hgn ; cleared for liuropc , 0,000 bags ; stock , 220-
00 bags. .
Minneapolis U'lirut Mlirltet.
MINNKAl'OI.IS , Aug. II. The wheat market
ipened rather easy this nininlng , with FOIIKJ dls-
Kwltlon to sell , as ruins being reported In Iho
vest nns thought sulllclent lo relluvu the pre -
nt strain on corn , but repoitn fioui Iowa and
ither places Indicated that them had been bill
Utlc relief and that the crop In many placet *
vould bu small. There was un advance In corn
Bhlloh's Cure Is sold on n guarantee. U
Mires Incipient consumption. It Is the best
: ougli cure. Only one cent n dose ; 25c , COc
ind $1.00. Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
The following licenses to wed wcro granted
jy the county Judge yesterday :
S'luno nnd nddresH. Age.
3. J. HobliiHon , Hplkcr. Neb . 33
tlnrlllu Newklrk , Fremont , Neb
HinuiH Gnlloway , Hontli Umuliii . 23
Olla M. Johnson , Hotith Omaha . 18
.Vlllliim Keller , Oinuhii . 32
Vugustii Kopuld , Omalm . 2J
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney
I'jubleH. Trll site , 20 cents. All druggist * .
MhlHiumiier Assooinlliiii .Meet.
The grounds of the Fremont Chautauqua
mvo been selected as the meeting place of
ho Young Men's Christian associations of
Nebraska. The conference was to open Mon-
lay evening , with an address by the liov.
I. I * . U. Uwyd. but the rains prevented.
itr. I.lwyd epoku lust evunlng , together with
lev. N. I' . Jtalrden. i'crctary of the Hup-
Ut House Mltitonary toclety.
Mr. 0. M. Copeland , tbe utato secretary
for Nebraska , Is on the field niul conducts
the bible nnd nssoclition training clnnscs.
An excellent catcrrr ( urnlshcR mcnls to
the guests on the grounds nnd good c-
commodntlons nre provided nt the cottages.
I'rcoldent ItliiKlund of llnstlngB college In
to deliver the nddnts on good citizenship
ami also conduct n "quiz. " The general
secretaries nnd physical directors meet for
conference Thursday and the state commlttco
on Friday.
Chancellor Crook delivers the address Fri
day evening , and Saturday will lie made i
day and evening of pleasure , music , etc ,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head
aches. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists.
xiro XJHIHO t'ii\ns : I.YSVIIKH.
( lnvo Tlirlr l.lvrs for iin A 'uult un u ( llrl
of I'ourtiTii Minimcrn.
JACKSONVlhhK , Kin. , Aug. 14. A special
from l.auravllte titys : The two negroes
who assaulted a llttlo girl of the immc of
1'olts In I ifnyptto county a. few days nso
wcro raptured near McAlpIn yesterday. Ti.ejr
confessed their guilt nnd were carried to
the Krone of their crime and lynched. Miss
1'otts Is only 14 years of IIRO.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial
size , 25 cents. All tlrtitfKlsts.
I'ulrViitlirr nnil XorllirmlVlniU fur N -
1irii Iiit 'I'uil'iy. '
WASHINGTON. Aug. ll.-The Indications
for Wedncsdny nro :
For Nt'brnskn Fair ; northeast winds , be
coming vitrlnble.
For Iowa nnd Ml-'sour' Fu'r ; cooler , north
wlndc , becoming vnrlnlilo.
For South Dnltotn Fair : Noiith winds.
For Knnsns Fnlr ; cooler In eastern portion
tion ; variable winds.
l.ocnl llccoril.
OrrtcKOFTiip.Vr.ATiiin , Ovuiu.
A.UB. 11. Omaha record of iqiiitiar.iluro ntul
mlnfalloompareil wltu rorrospjiutlng dtiyof
past four years :
1801 , 1803. 1802. 1891.
Maximum lomooralnro 87 = H'J = 85 = 80 = *
Mlnliuilli ) tLMiiuuritUlu OH = 01 = li-J = - 71 = >
Avorntru toiiiuoratilfi' . . 7H = 7i ! = 74 = 78 =
I'rcolpltiillon oi ; 1.17 .00 ,00
Stutoinunt ahowln ; tliu cjudltlon of tom-
pciT.turonnil invcipltiition : it O.iuihn for tlio
day mill sincu March 1 , 1SJ1 :
Nornnil tciniiornturo 73 =
UXCOKH for lliu tiny > > >
Exccbi slncu Muruh 1 -lOliS1
11 Inch
Norniiilrucliltallim |
Dolleloncy for thoitav 1)8 ) Inch
Doliclunoy since Marcli 1 12.31 Inchus
Jlrpurl * front Oilier .Statloiu lit 8 1 * . M.
GEOKGE E. HUNT , Local Forecast Official.
When Baby was sick , AVO GOTO her CostorlA.
\\Tien she was a Child , she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss , bho cluns to Castorla.
\r'in she had Chlldroii , she gave.them 0 istorlfc
Our Bond
Guarantees no
Pay until Cured.
Bond for our Now Book.
119 S. 14th St. Omaha , Neb.
Or. 'E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
3 sold under poilllvo written Kuaranlce , by author-
rod acoiitfl only , to euro Weak Memory ; IXIHS ot
Jraliinnd Nerve 1'owor ; Lost Manhood ; ( JulckiioBo ;
tflKht Lop e ; LM1 Dreams ; Lack of Confidence ;
S'ervoiimcM ; Lasidtudu ; nil Driilim ; Ixiea of I'nwor
if the Ouneratlro Owns In olllur poi , cau od bj
) Terezurtlon ; Youthful Krror0 , nr ICxcehelvo Ueo ot
I'obacco , Opium nr Liquor , which soon loud to
illtorConsuinpllon. . Inrnnily nnd Death , lly mall ,
la box ; 0 for $8 ! with written guarantee to euro or
ofundmoney. SvKST'HCO.uailHYllUI' . Awtaln
uod only by
Goodman Drug Co. , Omaha.
Or the I i llli-rly CurcU
by utliHlnUtrrlni ; l r. llulur * '
It can b riven In u oup of ooireo o'r In , or In food ,
without the knotflodgft of the patient , llli.taolulelir
b > nulF . and will clttot a pgrmnnent nd ( need/
cure , whether the patient In a moderate drlnkeror
an aloohollo wreck , It haf booi , given in tbouitnd * .
of a eei , ind In crcry Insunoe a porfeot cure liu foU
k.ned. li.NivrrKulU. Tliooritouionoolmprcijunod
\ lththe bcoomee an utter Impoillbintj1
iCr tbe liquor appetite to ellit.
OOI.IIi.N : MIT.OIKIO UO. . I'rop'rt , Clnelnnvtl , C.
48-cnae b .ok of partUPlitre Ireir. To bo bad p'
'or tale by Kulin & Co. , LiruggUta. Coroa.
ICth and Llouulaa ttreoti , Omaha.
ll-Ki > l AKtl
< ' " ! "I Nervous licbWtx. Lost
Vllullty. Vuncueeit , Atruplir ,
IMlJtlcul WrukncKN , tc. lir IN *
* ! . the ( tint Hindoo ltcmti/r.
\Vrlllrn cMiir.liilri ufcurr. Holi
Commission Merchant
Grain ami Provisions.
Private wires to Chlcuio und New Yorlc.
Jl buHlni-83 urderu placed on Chicago
Sourcl of Trade.
CorrcHiiundencu Bollclted ,
Office , room I , New York I.lfo Ilulldlni ; .
ilfnl fur Kvimvtt , ////i/'liu iC C'u.f
irain and Commission Broker
I'rlvutoTlrti Ki Chicago anil Now York.
Tuluphunu nu. & 1& ,