Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    r iW ssRiila * - T-
' UKSDAY AUGUST M 1894. ri
tcoling In Wheat , Oora and Oats IN
Weak ,
Kurly Wonluicsi In Corn Win Overcoi
' I.ntrr ninl Tliero ( Van I'rcr Itrnllrlnc
Until for Local anil
Account * ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 13. A feeling ot extrc
jvcaknoss In wheat , corn and oats at I
openlnc was followed by a complete rcci
dry In corn and a considerable reaction
the other two. Provisions were attend !
upon the corn market , but surpassed t
leader In strength at the close. There v
Jieavy liquidation of longs by those v ,
tocrc conspicuous buyers at the higher prl
last week and the shorts covered freely. S
\cmbtr wheat closed % c lower , Septeml
porn Vic higher and September oats % clew
Provisions finished at an advance all aroui
1 Wheat was rather active , the price cov
Jng a lo range. The feeling was weak
The surrounding Influences were In the m.
' 6f a bearish nature and there was free real
'ing , longs selling out and not much dcmn
until the Ic break occurred. Initial trai
'actions were at losses ranging from % c
% c , at Ctc for September , and Immcdlat
declined Vic more , rallied from Vic to
nnd sold down from % c toVic , moved
% c , held steady and closed with Septeml
nt O'lc. The decline wns started on l
break In corn and advanced regarding i
yield and prospects In Russia and furtl
weakened on lower cables. The liberal
colpts , 90S cars , which Included two days
other years , nnd largo Increase In slot
this week , 1,682.000 bu. , making the sli
Jicre 20,325,000 bu. , also had a weaken !
.tendency. The principal bullish factor
the day was the liberal decrease on oci
passage , according to Ucerbohm , 1.703.
bu. New York was credited with free si
Inrc nnd the local crowd In general B
l Corn was quite active , the range for
day being from 19io to 2c. The feel
was weaker early , but the loss was overco
Jater. There was free realizing both
local and outside accounts and the coun
Bold freely , while the demand was noth
ursent , until a material decline had tal
place , when some of the early sellers tun
to buyers and rallied the market. The
action and further break was a continual
of that which developed Saturday and \
duo entirely to the rains which occurred
the west. The market opened with a decl
of from V4c to I'/ic ' nnd sold down % o m
for September and V4c for May , rallied fr
, % c to Ic , cased off from Vic to V4c , advan
from % c to 2c , ruled steady nnd closed
Oats experienced a good business at
lower prices , which were Influenced by
sympathy between corn and this marV
The trading was generally good , mostly
small quantities and scattered. The rai
for September was % c.
i Provisions were weak early , In sympai
with the grain markets. Shorts cove
later nnd the market reacted on n fair
found. Compared with Saturday night , S
tcmber pork IB lOc , September lard 6c i
September ribs 17V4c higher.
The lending futures ranged as follows
* Arilclueu TOpoIiTTTliKbT | Kbw. | Cloa
W beat.Ko. 2
Aup C'3M om :
Fcpt. . . . . . . B4M r 4
Dec M f > 7 B7H
Corn No. 2. . 7MM
Au ? MM
r > 4 G3Xtl
Oct. tl
OntH'No. ' . > . . .
Auir 20M 20 ! (
May 84ii4tH ! 34M 54 ! <
Pork per bbl
Auif 13 J. . . is no 13 37M 13 4
Sept 13 37)4 1:1 no ' 13 4
Jan IU 70 i ; so 13 53' 13 fc
Auir 7 SB 7 47M 7 35 7 J
Sept 7 37M 7 BO 7 37H 7 C
Jan 7 40 7 40 7 B
Short lllbs-
Aiicr 7 074 7 25 7 07K 7 2
Etpt 7 07 H 7 SB 7 07K 7 a
Jan 7 00 7 12H 0 07H 7 1
Cash quotations were aa follows :
FLOUII Quiet and steady.
Wit BAT No. 2 sprlnif , RUGHKc ; No. 3 uprl
nominal ; No. 2 red , oniilfolc.
ejOHN No. 2 , Mi5t'ic. .
OATS No. 2 , 29 4c ; No. 2 white , 32431fl ; NI
White. 32iJ33Hc.
RYE No. 2 , 46C.
llAHLUY-No. 2 , 57c ; No. 3 , 51 5Cc ; No.
, TI.AX 8KKD-I1.2S.
TIMOTHY HRKD I'rlmo. t5.23.
PUOVIH1ON8 MPRS pork , per bbl. . 13.
13.60. Uml. per 100 Ibs. , J7.45W7.47V5. Short r >
SUlca ( Ions ; ) , } 7.2 > ) { J7.2. > . Dry sillied Hhoulil
jboxml ) . t .C2',46.65. Short clear sides ( boxi
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per B
BUC1AHS Unchanged.
1 I The following were the receipts and shlpmc
for today :
I *
Ycntcrdiiy'd Qiiotiittoim on Flour , fJriiln u
I'rovlslonv Mvtiilp , lUc.
NEW YORK , Aug. 13. PLOUR Receipts ,
COO bbls. ; experts , 11,700 bills , ; sales , 20 , 700 pkt
fnaikct iiulet ; buyers holding oft on hlch grail
bailers and lower grades In fair demand , I
flour < | Ulet ; sales , 150 bbls. . Iluckwhent lie
CORN MEAL-Flrmly held ; Rrandywlnc. $
O3.20 ; yellow western , $2.SOfI3.10.
RYE l-'lrin nnd active ; miles. COO bbls. ; Bur
line. $2,75 T2.f5 ; fancy , $2.W J3.10.
1U1CICW 1 1 EAT-Nomlnnl.
RARLEY Nominal.
WHEAT Receipts , 242.000 bu. ; exports. 31
bu. ; sales. D.476.000 bu. futures and 323.000
epot. Spot nun ket lower nnd moro active , cl
Ing steady ; No. 2 nil , In stare and ekvai
67 He ; afloat , 57 * o ; f. o. b. , r > SV4c : No. 1 noi
ern , 65 > 4o In elevator ; No. 1 hind. 67 0 In i
Valor. Optima opened weak nnd decidedly lo'
on rain west nnd easier cables , nnd after ml
dull and heavy until early nftcrnoon uudde
turned llriu on big export purchases here. clo.i
nt IJic decline , or n recovery of % f4c from
lowest. No. 2 red , May. sii'tc. ; Augi
closed 67 o ; September , 67 l-16U58'lc. close. ! I
October , closed K.4c ) ; Ueccmbor , COTiWSlHc , clu
CORN Receipts , 24,000.bu. ! exports , 1,400. t
ealrs , 47,000 bu. futures and 20,000 bu. spot. K
market unsettled , closing firmer ; No. 2 , 61c
eluvator ; 61Uc afloat. Optlm market opened
u big decline on rain and llnuldatlnn ,
later In the duy rallied sharply with wheat i
cloned KUKo down. May , closed 0'iHc ; Augi
cloned We ; September , tJ'iWMo , clnsed W
October , 66ift58' ( ' ; c , closed f.SSo ; November , i
c , closed SS4c ! ; December , 5IViQ36Uc , clo
OATS Receipts. 244 , FOO bu. ; txiwrts , 100 t
rales , ( oo.uoo bu. futures and 10 > ) , nee bu. siiot. H
market lower ami morn active , No. 2 , 33c. ; Ni
delivered , 3lc ; No. 3 , 32o ; No. 2 uhllc. 37c ;
S white. 36c ; trock , mixed western , S3'-i1j3l
track , white western. Sl 'J'io ; track , wl
( lute , ! 70t9'io. Option market falily active i
weak early , closing at a partial recovery ,
lo net down. August , 3i f33'4c , clwwl S3
September , 3JUW33Hc , closed 33iij October , !
O35c. cloned J4ic.
MAY Klnn ; shipping , (5ff60c ; good to cho
76 87lio.
HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , W
1'aclllo cfint. 8tfl2c.
HIDES null ; wet salted , Now Orleans.
. (5 to 65 Ibs , , 4U5 > ia ; Texas selected.
o (0 Ilia. , 4rSo ; Ileunoa Ayrrs , dry. 20 to 21 II
lOUc ; Texas , dry , 24 to 40 Ibs. , 6(161(0 ,
LISATHUR-Qulet ! hemlock sole , llucnoa Ayi
light lo hfiivy welKhls. 15iflRe. )
WOOl < Firm ; domesdv , 19O23c ; pulled , 20W
COAIr-lMlll ,
PROVISIONS Reef , tleadv. Cut meats , 111
plckled brllleii. 7AOSicplckbd ! shonldets , 6
CKoi plt-kled ham" . H'i012 ' < * . Ijird , firm ; west
Bit-am clonvtl at J7.K5 ; JII-H. | l.OK ) tierce * at I
G7.H , city. 7U07Hc : sales , SO tlcrcrs ; opt
K\\f \ , 60 tlen-es September at $7SO ; Seplcm
closv < 1 at $7(0 ; rtllnrd. llrm : continent , $ fi
H , A * S-W ; compound , 6'c , Pork , Hteady ; * a
aw bbls.
IIVTT13R Quiet nnd uleadv ; western dairy ,
( MCA ; wotern creamery , Itffae ; wentern fnctc
lS > V .V.'Aic ; Elglni. 23c.
ESn StrxiK r ; state , largo , 7Q'3Uc ' ; m
hdOSFirmer ; ntalo nml IVnniylviuila ,
HHo ; wi-stvrn frt-sh , KHniCo ,
TALLOW-Stemly ; 4Ho for city ( $2 pep pki
country dikes , frt-v ) , r-ie.
PETIIOLEUM-DulliUnltcd closed at fO'Jc ' n li
AYaKhliiKtoii , bills. , $ iiVa ; lilnKlc.n. in bulk. $3
mined. New York. $5.1 ! : Philadelphia and III
mon * , $ MO ; Philadelphia and Haltlmorc , In bt
lidl.RICK Firm ; domeitlc , fair to extra , ( U < i ) :
Japan , 4S N\o.
MOI AHSKS-Qulet ; Nrw Orleans , oprn ket In ch-tlrv. txdllSc ,
PIO IRON-Dullj Hootch. S19.Mff.00 ; Aim
can , tH > . Mill.oa
ROSlN'-Qutcti Ktralnrtl , common to good , $
TI-RPENTINK Flrmj I9H 30o.
TIN Eailcrj utralu , M8.73. Platct , mar
BPELTKR-NtclecteJ. galci on
ton * rpnt tin at 11193 ; K tons Auguit tin
IIS.OO ; 2. > Innf "eptembrr tin nt I1V90. '
( XJTTO.V SEED OIL rirm ; prlmo yellow , .
CMC. _
OMAHA MAimtrrs.
Condition of Tr tie nttil IJnciliMoH : :
' - I'l-mlnrn.
Kliiptn mill 1'nilrjI'lmlnrn.
The work op'ns with thi market
country pntdtico quiet nnd without much chai
nil In prices. In fact , lliicondllUnn pievi
Ing nt the cloo of the \vcclr were still Inn , '
In force at Iho opening of the prasont wo
The following nre the prlcos pnld for the le
Ing lines of country produce :
IltJTTIJH Paeklng stock , lOo ; fair to gi
country , 11il5c ; choice to fancy , 17 < ? ISc ; ga
ercil croninery , IKiZ e ; Beparalor crodmory , 2i (
EOS-Por ! doz. . IU' .
LIVE POULTRY-Old benir , 41JIC ! roe t <
2HQ3o ; spring chickens , 6'4Wc ' ; tprlng due
Co ; old full. feathered ducks , 404'4c ' ; hen turkc
tf7c ; gobblers , COCc ; old geeno , filll-feather
4MrT. ( I
VBAI Choice fat nnd small veals nre quo
at 5'iffiCc ; cmirso and large , 3ilc.
CHIIICSn Wlncoitsln , full cieam , new mi
UViOUc ; Nebraska nnd lown , full cream , lOJfl
Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , 70Sc ; Ll
burgT. No. 1 , Ho ; bilt-k. No. It lie ; Swles , 1
' HAY Upland liny , $10 ; midland , $0 ; low la
18 : rye. draw , $ $ . Cobr makes the pi
on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only
grades bring top prices.
P1OEONS Old birds , per doz. , tOc.
Tlic nmrket on beans Is very high , an \
bo noted from Iho quotations given below. 1
s'-allfllcal pusltlMi of Cnllfornla limn beans ,
rellecled - 111 the most llbonil calciildtlons.
strong , nccoidlng to the New York dimmer !
llulletln , but aamo condition or other , proba
previous discounting of the pcsltlon nnd f
that 1'aclllc const reports nro no moro itlla
tluut usual , checks movement of purely spi-
Intlvo chnmcter. It Is llguicd out by sonu-
thorltles that tljo yield this season will
exewd ) carloiuls , and It Is claimed iil o ti
lefo ( ban 250 cai loads of the cmii of ISM
main on ( ho Paclflo const. In oilier words.
Is flguied out that the visible and pni pcci
supply for the next twelve months will not
ceed ISO carload * , against nn nppntrnt e
sumption Uist year of uiiwards of l.ixn ) carloa
There Is something suggestive , however. In
fact that purchases of spot stock cmi bo mi
at $2.60 per buthel , nnd ( hat tluru ate few
any Lu > ers of tlm new ciop for fiiluio dellv
nt relatively higher figures. Kurelgn beans
various sons arc offered for prompt nnd fill
delivery In n manner Indicating m ire than 01
nary agility on the part of handlers of the rai
but evhU.ico Is warning that any con ldeia
amount of stock Ilkrly to lake the plate of Ci
fornln llmas can bo secured from either home
foreign sources. That competlll m In sm.ill wl
nnd pea bcnns may become lively Is , Inwev
more Hum p.mslble , nnd Interetllng moveine
mav lake place In the Immediate future.
POTATOES Round lots. W0e ; small b
on oiderii , 75e.
MKLONH Oood flock , crated. $20.
CANTALOCPES Nevada ( Mo. ) Jems ,
ci-alo , $1.75.
OLD HEANC Hand-picked navy , $2.25 ; i
ilium , 12 1082.15 ; common white beans. $
sn 90.
ONIONS On orders. 2o per Ib.
CAHHAOE Oood shipping stock , home gro'
on orders. 2'Sc ; soutliem. 2c.
TOMATOES Clood stock , per 4-ba ket cri
75I7SSC- per ' .i-bu. box , 60jf60c.
CELERY-Per dor. . , Xlffinc.
The auction method of selling fruit Is prov
very satisfactory lit this point. The Fales
largely attended and Iho amount of fiult hand
large. Dm Ing last week there were sold
Iwvon nineteen nnd twenty cars of fiult nt
Onviha auction sales.
The present week opens with a large run
California fruit. At the auction sale on yesl
day mumlng a little over four cars of fi
were sold , containing the following : l.OM pei
1.R30 peaches , 120 piunes. 175 peach plums.
addition there wore 150 Iowa and Missouri app
The offerings for today's sale me leported
follows : ICO prunes. 2 neclnrlnes. 1,078 peacl
480 pears , also a third car. contents not report
Prices on e.'nllfornln fruits of all kind *
very low , nnd them ought to he a good deim
If low prices mo any Inducement.
An Omaha house has received the following
regard to apples frnm a Chlcaen dealer that 1
been looking the matter up : Wo have Just
Ished one of three very peculiar teasons In
apple trade , so peculiar In fact , nnd so uttc
diffeient from what most of us In the tr ;
nntlclpnted In all Iho Hirer- seasons , ( hat
seems almost like folly to talk nf prospects
the coming season. Tlieiu nro no pt
poets except that almost every one i
be fonled again. However , that thej-e Is tea
a failure In the crop , such as last's tr
might bo called , Is out of the question , and t
them lit to be a burdensome crop except In I
01- three localities Is not likely. Also that
total for the country will be a heavy quanl
unless something unforsoen should come up
one can doubt who fms been over the wr
apple country. It may be well then for nil th
who Intend to Invest heavily to look before tl
le.ip. nnd whether they Incline to the opln
that 60 cents , or $1 , or $2 will bo about the pi
to pay , to not set their slnkes too quickly
too deeply , as they may wish to pull them
again on short notice. A question often ns
1s , does It pay to buy and carry In stoiago
stocks of apples ? Wo cannot believe that
best results to the buyers ns a class can co
from the heavy storage of apples by them.
the coming one Is lo be n poor season , he ;
storing , will hlmply have a tendency to put
the evil dny when the goods mum be mov
adding Interest , Insurance , cost of storngo i
risk to tliH original Investment , nnd If
season preifttlses to bo good Its effect Is m
than likely to be discounted In the Increa
cost , which buyers will be forced or willing
pay In order to nil their houses or carry
their contracts with the storage bouses. Is
likely then to pay the buyer nr nol7 With
fruit grower It Is different , nnd wo say let 1
hold the goods until they nre ready to be si
Ho can hold them cheaper , and experience. >
leach him to hold them as well ns we can , and
bo can make a profit by so doing well and go
If the coming season Is to In ? n yc-ar of dccl
Ing prices like 1S31 nnd 1M2 them can bo
one view to uike of not carrying huge sto <
of apples. If a year of sudden nnd contlnui
advance like last year the case U not so clc
Still we venture to say that those who boui
nnd sold fieely did us well In the long run
the few who stored heavily In the fall and h
Into. There Is no surer profit than the 40 ce
to M > cents per bbl. , which It Is so easy to mi
In a steadily advancing maiket , while the sec
Ing heavy profit of a long tlege of stuiago
Komelhnes moio seeming than real , when shili
age , Interest. Insurance , labor and storage char ;
nro deducted.
APPLES ( lood Block , per bbl. , $3.003.50.
PEACHES Caltfoinla , $1.0001.25.
PLUMS Native red plums , per 24-qt. ca
$2 ; California Washington plums. $1.20 ; large
varieties. U.Z601.M ; small rod , I1.2J.
FIGS None.
PEARS Dai tic-It's , $ I.EO.
APRICOTS California , none.
CHERRIES-Callfornla , none.
nilAI KS Southern , 10-lb. baskets , Concor
33if40o ; California , $1.60.
BANANAS Choice Block. $2.00W2.50 per bun
LEMONS-Funcy lemons , SOO size , $7 ; fai
lemons , 360 size. $7 ,
FldR Fancy , per Ib. , ISc.
HONEY-Calllornlii. 15o ; dark honey , 10012s.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , pur doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds. 15W17c ; English walnuta. 1
12c : filberts. 12c ; Ilrazll nuts. lOc.
CIDER-Purc mice , per bbl. , $ G ; half bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 2140 ; No. 2 gn
hides. IViiMe ; No. 1 green salti-d hides. 3Uc ; 1
2 green ( ailed hides , 2f2UcNo. : 1 gieen sal
hides , 25 to 40 Ibs. . 3'ic ; No. 2 green salte I hid
26 to 40 Ibs , . 2j2Vic ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 to
Ibs. , 6Vi ] 6c : No , 2 venl calf. S to IS Ibs. , tft4 > .
No. 1 dry flint hides. 5e ; No. 2 dry Hint hid
Jc ; No. 1 dry fulled hides , 4c. Part cured bli
Ha per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS-Oreen nlted , each. ! 5 < iTG
green inltrd thcnrtlrigs ( abort wooled early Eklr
each , trl5c ; dry shearlings ( short wonted en
sklni ) , No. 1 , each. 6010o ; dry Mienrllngs ( h
wooled early sklni ) , No. 2 , each , 6c ; dry II
Kansas nnd Nebruika butcher wool peltg.
Ib. , actual weight. 6/Sc ; murrain wool pelts.
Ib. . actual weight , 4Q6c ; dry Mint Colon
butcher wojl pells , per Ib. , actual weight.
C'jc ; murialn wool pel I a , per Ib. , aclual welg
( uSe. Have fret cut off. as It U useless to I
freight on thim.
4Uc ; tullaw. No. 2. 3S03c ; grease , white
( IM'.ic ; grease , white 11 , 3'.4O3'lc ' ; greaee , J
low , ! c ; gr < aae , durk. 2Hc : nld butter , ! fI2' '
beeiwui , prime , ISfflSo ; rough tallow , 1V > ! <
Chicago Fruit ( Juotutlons
CHICAOO. Aug , 13.-Tho Earl Fruit compr
sold Cnllfoinla. fruit nt auction this moml
realizing- prices us follows : Pears , Itartlett. ll
$1.0001.15 ; green , In express cars , Jl.Klfl
Seckel , halt lioies , We , Peaches. Crawford. '
9oo ; cling , 70o : Foster , S" > o. Plums , egg , S01J3
Quackenliosi , $1.03 ; Purple Duane. $1.09. I'm. "
( Irons , H.0501.M ; Hunguilnn , ( > r > o m.H. UIMI
half crates. Fontalncblenu , tl. Will. SO ; Muse
$1,35 ; Tokay , $2.05. Thirty-one carloads Ci
fornln. fruit were mild here today.
Porter tiros. , Chicago , sld today at nuct
ten cam of California fruit : Ilartlett penis ,
4il.4S ; ( Irons prunes. U0ctfl,23 ; Uerman , 65oQl
Hungnrlnn. ) ; Tnigetly , Mcfitl.ZA ; i
plums , 75 'J'KKallenlnirg. ; . $ l.2 > ) ; WaihliiBt
6.1I&V ) ; ( Juiick < iliB8. K > o : ( . 'olumbta. S.'c ; lr |
ihnw , 9flc ; Jupiui , kOcOtl.oo ; early Crnwf
peaches , 6ScTl.2il : Inle Ciawfords. 90c ; Foil
49 < i < l.V > ; cling. 45 76c : Reeve Favorlle. 70C <
Smock , 75c ; omngo I'llng , TVli'J''c ' ; Susquelmnn
' flU.OO ; yell'iw nectarines. $1.2.1 ; lu-ctniln
C.'c4ill.lS : hulf crutrs Murcnt Bliiiita. 70c9Jl
Tokays. } 1.6flt.M ; Rcc of IVru , DtX.-fiJl.50 ; F
talni-blKin. $1.2.1.
Porter Hum. . Ronton. sold five cars Cnllfor
fruit at auction todnv ; Japan plums , J2.W ; P
pie Dunnes. l.i" . ; German privu . $1.10 ; Or
prunes. $1 J7'.4t Witlllng plunu , $1.60 : llrndilm
il.lJHCl.U'.i ! Washlnglon plunu , TSOsr * ; Hi
let I p ir > . WoGU.lO ; nectarines. $1.35 ; Tun
cllnir prnchrs. 95c J l.W ; Whltn freest no , $1 ,
Strawberry cllnc * . Jl.U'.i ; Crawford , C'X-fiU
Ciuwford clliitu , $1.15. _
Ni-ir York II ry i ooiU Jlurkct.
' NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-A very general or
demand for nil marketa covering aasortmcnlR
all dmcrliitl mi of K " ! * tonk n large qunntl
while many udvnncx ortlvra for cottons were
clliifd , Wiiolrn goulu had connlderablu alt
tlon , but no business of lniprtanc . Pi
cloths , dull f > r sputa , with a request fr e
tracln. nnd mK > ot IS.OCO plecvu for Septem
ut tSo le \i per coit. _
VUlble Supply nt ISrnln.
NiW YORK. Aur. U. The visible tupply
grain Balurdny , Aucuat H , aa compiled by '
Nrw York Produce KicliangiU aa follin
Wheat , ei.321,000 bu. ; Increuae , tSW , K ) bu.i co
J.lSi.W ) bu. ) Utonai * , i7i , o bu , ; oatj , 155.
bu. ; Increase. 1SS,000 bit. : rye , 230,000 bu. ;
crcaiet , 16,000 bu. ; barley. 87.0 0 bu.
Week Opened in Securities With n Slro
ntul Acllvo MurUrt.
Nn\V YOIUC , Aug. 13. The week opei
on the Stock exchange with n strong t
acttvo market , and as the day advanced
volume of business Increased and the de
Ing , assumed n buoyant tone. The chief f
tor In the market was first the report of '
Intention of the majority party In the hoi
to Instruct the democratic conferees to
cede from the houro amendments and ad
the senate tariff hill , and secondly the
complUhincnt of that purpose. Reports
rains In the west , which Inured to the be
nt of the crops , also materially assisted
Infusing strength Into the market. An I
portant feature of the situation was '
strength of American securities on the Li
don market nnd the good buying orders fr for tha nrbltrago shares.
Sugar made a trilling advance nt i
opening and then sagged off nearly 1 '
cunt on sales to realize profits , hut < Uilc
recovered the loss on brisk baying , and nf
midday moved up rapidly , recording an I
provement of 3 % per cent , touching 10
nnd closing within % per cent of the high
point of the day , being n gain of 2 % per c <
on the closing figures of Saturday. Sui
today came within Vfc per cent of reach
the best figures of the year 109 % wli
was made on May 4 last. Desldes the gene
Improvement In the situation there w
special Influences brought to bear on In
vicinal shares , St. I'ntil was bought by L <
don and Philadelphia und the west cove
largely In llurllngton. Hock Island \
strengthened by the statement , said to
made on the authority of President Cable , !
the next quarterly dividend would be p
at the usual rate. The market was strong
In the final dealings and closed nt or near
highest prices of the day. The railway f
miscellaneous bond market was string i
active In sympathy with the shares specti
tlon , the total transactions reaching Jl.M
GOO , most of the Issues traded In malt
The Post snys : There was hardly n sti
at nil active whlcli did not show Impro
ment. The Industrials were led by Distill
and Lead , reflecting the fact that those
curltles have been very liberally ruled by
Fcnute bill. Sugar was only moderat
but upon the nc vs fr
active up to noon ,
Washington advanced sharply.
The following were the closing quotath
on the leading sleeks of the New York i
change today :
The total sales of stocks today were. 253
shares , Including : Atchlson , 5MW : Atnerl
Sugar , 44,600 ; UurllnBton , 29,500 ; Chicago C
7.900 ; Dlstlll'tig , 39.50) ; General Electric , S ,
Louisville & Nashville , 8,400 ; NlonalLead 1
ferred , 6,500 ; Rock Island. 5,600 ; St. Paul , 28 ,
Texas Pacific , 3,000 ; United States Cordage , 3 ,
Western Union , 6UK ) .
v Now York Money Miirkut.
Eay at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; clo
business In bankers' bills at $ ( .884.8SVi | for
. for F'xty days ; pos
mand nnd $4.87@4.8 > K
rates , $4.87 874.8514 and , $1.S9 T4.90 ; common
bills. $4.8604.8614.
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Steady ; Btnto bor
dull ; railroad bonds , firm.
Closing quotat'ona on bonds wore as follows :
Huston Stock Oinitiitloin.
noSTON. Aug , 13. Call loan * , las Pur cis :
Him ; loan ! ) . 'JWStllH' per cunt. Closing prlcou I
Blocksbonds and mining alur.ii :
No IT York Ml nl u ; : ( Ju ) t itlo-u.
NF.W YORK , Auir. Ut , The followm : arj t
clottliif intmiiK 11114 1.itionsi
I.oniloii Mock ( JiKitiilloi
LONDON. Auir. 1M - ' . ' p. m , cloalmr :
1'iimui Inl .Noun.
I10STON. Aug. 13.-Clearlnis , i
lilH'n , Jl.013.Oil.
IIAl.TlMOIli : . Auff. 13. Clenrlnsn , l,772l
biilulH'm , U'U.MS.
Ni\V YOIIK , AUK , 13. Clearings , lAW-i
balance * , I3.7JI.S70.
I'HII.ADHI.l'HIA. Aug. 13.- < 'learln ( ! , J7.5
811 ; ixllnncfs , JI.32."J'.i. ,
I'AHlfl. AUK. 13. S. p , in. Three percent rent
lO-'f tic for the ncconnt.
MlIllI'lllH. Aim. l3.-ClcirlriK8 , IISC.HS ; t
ancrs , ) i ) ,3(5. New York excliaiifc nelllne at
CINCINNATI , AUR. 13. Clearlngg , | I,1C5 , (
Money. Z'.ifi' per cent. New York vxcbaiiEtf ,
( jSOv dliiciiuiit.
Ni\V : OIU.HANH. AUK. 13 , ClearinRB , ( COS , )
New York excliitnKe- , commercial , par ; bank ,
p r Jl.OOO premium.
tiAN KltANCIBCO , Auif. 13. Drafts , night. 1
Uleti.ciphlc , Uljc. Hlverliare , 62(62 c , Me
can dullan. SlViQIlUr.
LONDON , Aug. 13. The amount of bull
withdrawn from the lUnk. of KnKland on b
anct- > today I * IM.OOO.
i'AHIti. AUK , 13. 4 p. m. Three per c <
rentes , 103f I'.ic for thu account , llntlinnno
I iulon , XI 19c for rheckii.
KT. I.OUIH. Auir , 13.'lerlllg , | l,17 ,415 : b
ances , IH10.1I8. Momty , 6i(7 per cent. Ilxcliut
on New Yurte. Z5o discount bid.
CHICAOO , Aur. H.-Clearings. | 14. 45,000. N
York eiclKinne. futy at We discount. Fart I
exchanK , dull , catler. Stcillnir nchinxe , actu
Monty rt . 4U6 p r c nW
Week Opens with'Very Lkht Hccolpts
Catt'c aid IlGgsTmd No Elioop.
This Keep * I'rlro on llonlnibtp Offi-nngx
Hccf .Stri-rs Well Stittiilnrd Hog *
Sell KtroiijriU the figure * ot
SH urtlay ,
' ' MONDAY , Aug. 13
About 1,000 cattle anil 0,100 hoga were
cclvcil today , as against 1,923 cattle , 8 ,
hogs and 1,871 sheep on Monday of I
CATTLE There were only a few gi
cattle here , In fact the offerings of nil grm
worn light. The local Itlllers npparcn
wanted a few cattle , and anything that hi
pened to suit them was sold readily at fu
steady prices. Ono bunch of very gi
heavy cattle brought $1.76 , and some llgli
cattle $4.-15. The more common cattle \v
not In so good request , but they broui
about steady prices , and the market upon '
whole did not show much change. Th
was n pretty fnlr demand for deslra
bu'chers' stock , while the offerings wi
small. Good to choice cows sold at ft re
prices , but the moro common grades r
camiers were not In so good request , I
sold about the same as at the close of I
week. The feeling In the market for sto
crs and feeders was a little better , but th
did not appear to be much cause for
Improved feeling , except that the offcrh
were light , and the fact that there was so
little Inquiry from country buyers. 1
market might be called strong at about I
week's prices. Representative sales :
4C cous . 021 1 95
HOGS There ivas .no very decided chat
In the hog market today. The offerings w
light , with ahout the ' usual proportion
rough and light stuff. There was a fair
mand both fronOhe .shippers and the lo
packers for gopdCJo choice heavy and ml :
hogs at strong Saturday's prices , The b
hogs sold largely/sat ? 4.SO to $5 , with a
at $5.15. The common and rough hogs i
not sell so readily , but still they broiij
about steady prices. The offerings wi
mostly oil taken cqrly In the morning t
the pens were cleared some time before m
day. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sli. Pr. - No. Av. Sh. Pi
97 . 134 240(375 7G . 1S8 80 J4 I
103 . 1G1" 33) 373 GS . 170 120 41
23 . 178 . . . 3 90 3 . 365 . . . 4 :
5 . 1G6 . . . 4 W 75 . 219 120 4 '
101 . 124 80 4 00 87 . 205 2SO 4 :
112 . 118 40 400 7f > . IK ! 120 41
0 . 217 . . . 400 83 . 187 . . . 4 :
90 . 134 40 4 IS 76 . 211 200 4 ;
1 . 320 . . . 4 25 79 . 226 80 4 :
3 . S03 . . . 423 10 . 2S2 40 41
5 . 30 ? . . . 4 2.7 SI . 200 40 4 1
4 . 177 . . . 4 23 72 . 233 1BO 4 \
46 . 1G1 . . . 4 23 fiS . 216 120 4 ' ,
85 . 164 120 4 23 SO . 139 80 4 ' ,
87 . 1S2 200 4 23 83 . , . .187 1GO 4 "
106 . 175 ICO 430 72 . 221 40 41
10 . 130 40 4 30 US . 220 80 4 (
03 . 171 . . . 433 80. . . , . . . .217 80 4 !
76 . 178 200 440 73 . 205 8) 4f
63 . K.6 80 4 41 C . 226 . . . 4 (
3 . 230 . . . 440 12 . 2T.6 . . . . 48
2 . 325 . . . 440 f,2 . 216 40 4f
5 . . .101 . . . 4 ! iO 93 . 214 200 4 f
11 . 2S8 40 4 BO S3 . 213 200 4 f
102 . 163 SO 4 fiO 77 . 1i7 ! 80 4 8
S . 122 . . . 4 M 87 . 203 . . . 4 E
1 . 110 . . . 4 EO 7G . 2H6 120 4 S
2 . 2.V ) . . . 4 M 70 . 223 40 4 S
5 . 22) 40 4 EO 70 . 232 280 4 S
3 . 176 . . . 4 f,0 , 97 . 188 210 48
. . . . . . . . . . . 4 BO 70 . 2116 120 4 S
7S . 173 1GO 4 fiO 1BO . 213 2 > 4 8
7 . 1G2 . . . 4 DO - 1 . 4GO 80 4 S
06 . 187 40 4 EO ' C . (9.1 SO 48
M . 118 160 4 DO GI . 222 200 4 8
SO . 1S6 200 4 f.O 70 . 22.1 . . . 4 S
GS . 10G ICO 4 DO SO . 240 SO 4 8
S3 . 200 400 455 SO . 226 ICO 48
2 . 255 . . . 455 . G3 . 212 200 IS
10G . 172 1GO 453 . B . 281 . . . 49
G2 . 1G3 120 4(10 ( ; 87 . 238 40 4 9i
81 . 1S2 2SO 4 CO ' 18 . 217 . . . 4 9
50 . 182 in 4 GO GO . 227 80 4 !
B3 . 216 40 4 GO ' G7 . 2lil 80 4 9i
5 . 210 . . . 4 CO 87 . 23S 40 4 9i
19 . 281 40 4 0 74 . 221 120 49 ;
39 . 157 40 4 GO G3 . 279 1GO 4 ! >
6 , . 175 . . . 4 GO S3. . .i. . . . 107 SO B ft
7 : . 228 . . . 4 GO 4 . 207 . . . 50
7 . 181 . . . 4 GO 7 . 228 . . . 5 G-
87 . 173 120 4 GO C2 . 200 SO 5 ( X
M . 173 80 4 GO G2 . 2.H 120 50
S3 . ISO SO 4 C3 41 . 214 40 HO :
17 . 181 . . . 4 Gl 70 . 2IS ICO 50'
FO . 186 KO 4 G3 Dl . 268 . . . B II
75 . 206 60 4 GO B ( . 278 40 5 II
R3 . 191 80 4 63 151 . 23S . . . E II
51 . 210 120 4 Gj El . 2S3 . . . S ll
8 . 1GS . . . 4 65 G9 . 252 . . . Sli
PIGS AND nouan.
2 . 93 . . . 223 1 . 200 . . . 2 El
4 . 160 . . . 2 TO 1 . 300 . . . 271
3 . 1F3 . . . 2 CO 1 . 2SO . . . 27 !
6 . 183 . . . 2 EO 1 . 280 . . . 27'
2 . 1C . . . 2 DO 4 . 97 . . . 301
1 . 2SO . . . 2 BO 102 . 91 . . . 30i
1 . 190 . . . 2 EO 18 . 44 . . . 30
1 . 230 . . . 250 ' 6 . 88 . . . 32 ;
2 . SOO . . . 2 EO 13 . 173 . . . 3 El
1 . 1EO . . . 2 BO 7 . 90 . . . 3DI
1 . 220 . . . 2EO
SIIEICP There wore no fresh receipts , b
there was some little Inquiry , with the mn
ket nominally stwuly'-nt last week's quot
tlons. Pair to good , "natives are quotable
$2.252.75 ; fair , "lp good wes'crns , $2.00
2.40 ; common nnd > stock sheep , $1.7502.1
good to choice 40"to"100-lt > . lambs , $2.25 ? 3. [
ItcvelptH HIM ) MjiKiKlllmi ( if Stuck.
Olllclnl rrcclpt8 . ( ipJt "llBponltlcn or Htnrlc
shown by the l olot , the Union 8locl < Yin
company for IhiloiU' i'lKht hours nning : at
o'clock p. m. August 43 1804 :
, ; Cars. HP
Cattle . I'lt'v . 3S 1.
HOKS . J K . 77 C.
llnyoiT. CJtU Cattle. Hoi
Omaha Pacltlnir rnnipnny .
The C ) , 11. IlnmnwniV'iompnny . 105 1.
B\vlt anil ejinpany . 202 2.
The Ciidahy PackinBTCompany . 42S
John P. & | u'ru &U.VXJ .
It.- Decker & Uencn. . . . - . , . , . 103
P. I ) . Armour . M . .I > . ,
\Vllwni . /f-ri .
Shippers anil fiwteW , . ' . 235
Left over. . ' ! ) ' ! > .
Now Ynrlc I.Ivu Stuck Miirknt.
NEW YOIIK , Auir. J3. URRVR8 llecplpti , t' '
< la > , 4,623 liciul ; 33 CIUH on wile ; market li
but ntciuly : native nil-em , fairly firm : I4.HO I
100 Itm , ; railu KQMM. \ . 'Off ( .00 ; European cub
quote Ainerli-R/i stecru at WflOHtl for ilrent
welKhlHrefrliteralnr ti-ef at SViOSUd Ppr 1
exportH toOay. 375 iM-vVfH.
t'AI.VIIS HtccliiO , two tlayg , 1,803 lieuil ; 1.
on vale : mark ft active : lie per Hi. hlghTi ven
pour to prime. St.00&t.2.i per 100 llm. : Imtterm
culvm. JI.S5RS.tO : wenei-n calves , J2.SOW3.M.
HHKEP AND LAM1IH neceliiU. two ilayn. 2
927 livail ; 67 earn on wilu : market opened arth
aluule firmer , clo eil iltill : iwnii about clenri
vhfvp , poor lo prime , J.Wlr3.75 IMM10) ll <
lamtm. common lo choice. t3.00fl5.S3.
HOOS-IleciripU. two rtiiyn.1,4'.MJ heaili 3 co
on Bale ; market linn ; Inferior to choice ,
6.M per 100 lua. _
Nt , I.ouln Live atork Murkut.
BT. LOl'IS , AUK. U.-OATTLE-Ilrcelpti , 4.
lllsul ; hlpnitnt , COO hcnil ; market uteudy , Btm
and active ; Texas itecm. 1,000 to 1,200 H . . < 2
U3.15 ; 700 to 900 ll . . J2.C ) BS.75 ; cow . II 76RI. :
native itteri , 1.000 Iti. . I3.U : cow * . Il.16ij3.23 '
IIOQS-IUcelpU , 4/JM btftd
market nctlvt and rtrnilys lK t heavy nn
tnilclmrV Krndcn , JS.tSi bulk of rnle , $ } .1005.n.
SHMnP-llocelplK. 1,200 hendj mupmrnt * . l.
hendi market fining ; native mixed , J3.itf2.7 ,
Uinlu , 3.TO/3.(0. /
Oooil In Choice Cnltln Worn In Actlvo III
nmiul ami ijnUl Well.
CHICAOO , Aug. 13. Oowl to choice call
were In active dcmnnd nnd ccitalnly sohl i
well ag on the cloning days of lam weel
Not too many cattle In that clnK were ofterei
nnd the tone of the market wan linn and lirnlth :
There were a number of miles around JI.75 , ar
extra quality wan quoted n high an $ .1. Fi
the lowef Kmites tin1 feeling coniiniieit easy , tl
supply iM-Ing large , Init tlu-ro wan very Uttle.
any , hrlnVnge of values. The nupi'ly. ' whlc
wan csiliniilwl at IStx ; head , was mad ? up i
alxml ) nnllver. 2r,0' ) western * and lr >
TcxaiiK , Thp range of limitations for nalUi
wn from $1 to J5 , wlh | nalen moslly at frm
J1.7S to } 2.M for cows ami lnilln and at from | 3.
to 14.60 for jlcem. Western * were qiioic-d i
from $1.50 to J1.10 and Toxnns at from 12.25 I
13.50 ,
There were very liberal receipt * of hogK loda' '
S8oo < ) ln-nil lielngt \ entlmated numbei. In ai
dlllon in 4OiW otate IIOKB , making tin ? total BUI
ply on * nle iiulte (2onO. Not often are n mar
hog ! ) fcen In tlm yards In one day at thlH aim
of the fen on , but tlie inatktt did nut i > enm l
feel the preixure ; It "an active and hnoyai
frnm the Mart. Opening rale * were vanity i
from Be to IBc higher than Buliirdmy'e clo e , nr
1f It wsa not poonlble lo inakp salen to cnimll
good advnnlneo later In the day a majority <
the raleymen were not rtwaro of Ilia fact. Tl
ilcnuind wnn very keen , and by 10 o'clock tl
bulk of the plurt hud gone over Iho pealun. Tl
range of sale * for merchantable hogn wan i
from ( .W In I5.DO. It win n poor nrtiile thi
could not bo Hold nhoVL(5 , ami the bulk of tl
huslnem wnn at from } t to $1.13. The Iwtd fi
\vhlch $5.r > 0IIK pnld avcingcd 360 Ibx. , an
went to a Parker. The light weights old | > rl |
clpnlly nt from (5.15 to (3.30 , nnd from K..i ) I
)3.23 lionght the niOHt of the medium nnd licav
welghtp. .
There was n ftrong nmiket for lOiecp an
lambs. The continued modpinto nulvalx arc b <
ginning to have their natuinl effect , nnd price
for good Klock have n pllglit upward tendi-ne ;
Poor1 grades remain dull and are likely no lo r <
main. Trading was fairly net ve. nnd nuotnt'oi '
raimed from > 1 ( o U.EO for phcon and fiom 12 i
? l.r.for Ininbs.
The livening Journal roportB :
lions Iteeclpts , 2.1.501) head ; nlllcla ! Patnnla ;
20.13.1 head ; fhlpmi'iits Haluidny. 7.309 head ; le
over , about B.MO he < l ; imullty very poor ; ma
ket quiet and active ; beft graden firm , wit
prices favoring Kellers ; other grades weak ; Kali
rnngrd nt JI.8SWB.2.for light : J10Hi4 i ) fi
rough packing ; K.SOW5.30 for mlxeil ; (4i.r'f < 5.
for heavy packing and shipping lots ; pigs , $4.4) )
4.90.CATTI.K Ilecelpts. 18.IWO hond ; Saturday. 1,7
head : shipments Saturday , 1,228 head ; mark
SHEI3P Kwtlmnted receipts , 9.000 heml ; r
reltns Saturday , 1,723 head ; vhlpnicnta Saturda
1,023 head ; Hint ket steady.
liuiiKii" City l.lvn Stork n
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 13. CATTI.K Ilecolpl
3.200 head ; shipments , 3.600 bead ; market tlr
for best grades ; steady to slow for otheis ; T"x :
steers. $2.00 2.15 ; beef steers. f3.OSffl.GO ; nmh
cows. $1.00JJJ.73 ; Btoekem and feeders , $ l.2.Vff3 0
IIOOS-Hecelis. | ( B.rflO head ; shipments. 2,0
head ; best grades , firm ; others steady ; bulk i
sales , $ l.70'i3.10 ; heavies. 14.00ffo.22i.j ; paekei
$5.0on.-.22i-i : mixed , JI.80 J3.10 : lights , $4.4001.0
plKS. J3.rOif4.70.
SHEEP Itecclpts , 1,000 bend ; shipments , 1
head ; market slow but steady.
Stock In Sight.
Ilecoiil of receipts at the four prlnc'pal ma
ketH for Monday , August 13 , 1S94 :
Cattle. Hogs. Slie <
South Omaha . 1,0:17 : 6,102
Chicago . 1R.IK10 2X000 9.0
Kansas City . 3,200 S.fiOO 1. ! '
St. Ix > uls . 4,400 4,900 1,2
2G.637 39,502 12,1
ItrcclptH and Dlspotillon of tlic Crop i
New Yurie.
NRW YOnK , Aug. 13. COTTON Rasy ; ni
receipts , none ; gross , 1.S02 bales ; exports , l
Great Ilrltnln , GOO bab-s ; to the' continent , Si
bales ; forwarded , 15 bales ; sales , 730 bales ; lo pph
nerfl , 530 bales ; stock , 110,060 bales ; total toda ;
net receipts , 2,106 bales ; exports to Oreat llrltali
GGO bales ; to the continent. ROO bales ; stock , 20 !
713 bales ; consolidated net receipts. 3C3i'i b.ile :
exports tn Oieat lliltaln , 015 bales ; to the cm
tlnent , 673 bales ; total since September 1 , n
receipts , 5.SS0.720 bales ; expmts to Great Ilrltnli
2.810.230 bales : to Kmnce , 502.2' . " bales ; to tl
continent , 1G07CS9 balea ; to the channel , 9,0
MVEHI'OOI. , Aug. 13. COTTON Spot , ilul
fiep supply offering ; American middling , 3 27-3'Ji
the sales of the day arc estimated at 8.000 bale
of which BOO bales weie for speculation and e :
port ; receipts , D.OOO bales ; Ameilcan middling , 1
M. C. . September and October , 3 46-Cld ; Octobc
nnd November , 3 46-6d ; November and Decen
ber , 347-61d ; January and Pebniaiy , 3 48-GI (
March nnd ApiSI , 352-G4d ; tendeis of today
deliveries , none. " "
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 13.-COTTON Qulcf r
steady ; sales , 160 bales ; receipts. 1.SI2 bale :
stock , 33,131 bales , futures , dull but stead :
sales , 17,4 * ) bales ; July , J7.00ft7.01 : August. Jfi.
J6.EO ; September , SG.40fiC.41 ; October. J6.2iT6.4 |
November. $6.40H6.M ; December , J6.DWG.50 ; Jin
uary. tG.G4fl6.G3 ; Ki-bruary. JG.70Q6.71 ; March. $3.
( J6.77 ; April , JC.S2Q6.E3 ; May , $6.MQG.S5 ; Jum
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 13. COTTON Kasy ; mh
(11 Inf. GTic ; sales , 700 bales ; receipts , none ; shli
ments , none ; strick , 25,000 bales.
middling , 7c : low middling , GTie. ; good ordinal !
6c ; net receipts , none ; gross , 1 bale ; stock , 2,5 :
bales. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. Louis ( Icncnil Markets.
ST. I-OUIS , Aug. 13. FLOUR Steady ; lltt ]
WHEAT Weak on corn's decline , lower cable
and heavy receipts , closing ? AftrtO below Satin
day : No. 2 red. cash , EOWc ; August. D0c : S |
tember. SHic ; December , Bl'iWSHic ; May , DO c.
CORN Shot down rapidly until near the clot
of the session on reported end of the (1 rout I
but rallied later and closed about unchanged
No. 2 mixed , cash. 51 ie ; August , D3c ; Septen :
her. B3'lc : May , 49'c.
OATS lleuvy , lower ; No. 2 , cash , 23',4c ' ; No. I
29Vie ; September , 30y4e ; May , 3.1c.
IlYn No. 2 regular , 60o bid.
IIARI.EY No hading.
HRAN rirm ; 68c , east track.
KLAX SEED Finn ; $12.10 , this sldo ; $12.2 !
east side.
CLOVER SEED Unchanged.
TIMOTHY SKED Higher ; Aucust , $4.03 bid.
HAY 5i u lower ; very fancy , $13.50.
Hl'TTER Pepainlor creamery , 18C23e.
LEAD Higher : $3.05.
COUN MEAlT-$2.7 : < 32.E5.
WHISKY $1.22.
ItAfiOING G4c.
PROVISIONS Higher , "rm. Pork. Rtnmlan
mess , jobbing , $14. Lard , prlmo steam , $7.2.1
Jholce. $7.40. Dry salt meats , loose shouldeis
16.23 ; longs und ribs , $7.21 ; shorts. $7.37i. Ilaon
i > acked shoulders , $7.50 ; longs , $7. ! > 7i ! ; ribs , $3
shorts. J6.23- .
RECEIPTS Flour , 7,000 Mils , ; wheat , 430.01' '
iu. : corn. 47.000 bu. ; oats. 43,000 bu ,
SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat , 7.0W
.m. ; corn , 16,000 bu. ; oats , 8,000 bu ,
CotTt'o Alitrkct.
NEW YORK. Aug. 13. COFFnE Optlnni
opened dull nt 10 points down , ruled Inactive
generally weak nnd clwed steady and unrhangei
to 15 points down ; sales , B.MO bags. Including
August. $14.00 ; September , $ ll.i 14.10 ; October
H3.5 ; November , $12.75 ; December , JIV.70. Spo
wiffpc , dull ; No. 7 , ICUe. Mild , steady ; Cor
jovii , Uifll'U' ) ! . Rumored large business In Mar
iicnllMi. Wuri-hourii deliveries fiom New Yorl
Saturday , 5,723 lmK ; New Yoik stock today , 100 ,
C21 bags ; I'nlloil Stales slock. 13S.301 bags
! illxit for United States , 26.4'io bags ; tola ! vial
I > 1 for tlie United Slates , I64,7i ! | bagv , ngnlns
120,640 bags last year.
HANTOS , v\ug. 13. Firm : good average Santos
116.20 ; receipts , 21,000 bags ; stock. 22i.OOO ! bacn
Weekly report : Good average , per 10 kilos , Jli.2) )
receipts during week , HO.OiX ) bags ; shipments tr
Iho United Statt-ti , E3.000 bags ; stock , Z.-.i.OOi
halts ; matket linn.
IIAMI1URO , Aug. 13. Quiet ; prices unclmngct
to H 1'fir. lower ; sales , 10,000 bags.
HAVRE , Aug. 13. Opened dull nnd Vif lower
Dt 12 in. quiet and Vif lower ; at 2 p. m. qnle
ivnd unchanged to Uf lower ; closed quiet ; tola
ale . ll.dX ( ) bags.
RIO DE JANEIRO , Aug. 13. Weak nnd nom
nal ; no quotations ; exchange , , 9'id ; cleared foi
Iho United Slates , none ; stock , 217,000 bags
Weekly ieH > rt : Nnmbial ; no quotations ;
rliatiKc. 9 ? d ; receipts during week. 96OilO li
Khlpments to the United Slates during week
SG.Giii ) bnga ; stock , 217,000 bags ; marKct quiet aiu
weak. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MliinciipollHVbcut Miirl < t.
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 13. The wheat marke
opened lower this mining. Them was semi
buying after that by shorts , whlcli checked thi
pruvlous decline nnd turned prices upward , nni
they closed higher than Ihu lowest point touched
Th yield of spring wheat , wherever threshlm
has been done , 111 thei northwest , appears ti
fiilllll the recent expectations r > f n larger yb'h
than hail been estimated.Thn new. grain tha
han c inin In hern Is of a very ( Urn itnallty nn >
will 1 10 tn last year's crop. The tnnrke
closed : August , E6l'4c ; September , 5lci Dcccin
bcr , UiUfilfiKc. Old wheat : No. 1 hard , EOc
On track : No. 1 northern. Ete. with new hea
2fi2'4o under ( ho price of old on track. He
celpts , 1)7,000 ) bu. ; fhlpinenls , VI. W ) bu. Flou
was firm with wheat nnd quoted about Bo bette
today at I3.25ifl3.60 fr patenm ; $2.WG2.23 fo
linkers. Production nmounted to about 29.0 >
bbl . for the day ; shipment * , 32,000 bUi.
KIIIIHIII City Alnrkut * .
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 1S.-\VHEAT-l jr2 <
lower ; No. 2 haul , I'iHe ' ; No. 3 haul , 45'4c ; No.
red , 4io ! : No. 3 r d.45ii ( Ge.
CORN Unchanged ; No. 2 ni'xed , Clhff53o ; No
while , .
OATS lo lower ; No. 2 mixed , SQii3lc ; No.
ivhlte. So.
EdOS-FIrm : 9o.
UUTTI3H Firm ; creamery , ! CJJ2i > oj dairy , I4t
RECEIPTS Wheat. 20.200 bu. ; corn , 1,400 bu.
tain 1 ft * * bu.
SHIPMENTS Whetit , 16,300 tu. ; corn , 1.401
Liu , ; oatu , none , _
FrlM-o U'hniit ( { notntliiiiH ,
lull : n c mber , SO'Mo ' ; May , ll.Odti ; ck'aran.o
(0,006 ( cintuls. _ _ _
BT. LOU1B , Aug. 13. WOOI/-Flrm und un <
: honged. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hniiur MurUnt.
HEW YORK , Auif. 13.-BUOAn-n w ,
Mlrnndy Hanks nml Iletay Swan ,
Talked on , and on , and on , and on :
11 rUrandy , surely you're not through
Your washing , and your dcrubblng , too ? "
" Vest rirs. Swan , two hours ago ,
And everything's n while as snowj
But then , you ace , It's alt because
I use the SOAP called SANTA CLAUS. "
THE COMPANY , Chicago ,
The time to make a good trade
is when the other fellow wants to trade.
Just Now we Are the So Badly Do
Other Fellow We Want to Trade
And FO badly do wo want to trndo That wo will practically lentl vou
that \v nro willing io.u-lvo you from tlm money lo pay us with. This
150 to 200 cents In tneri'lianelUo for rotiiCH about tlinin h our Ono-Two-
one of your ( Joud Dollars Tlireo plan , whlcli U "Evolved" for
just such times us these.
What Is Our
24 Selected and
We Have
One-Two-Three Plan ? This
Special Bargains ,
1. Cash lit Unit-of purchase.
Something from ouch dnimrtincut , 2. i > t > much down and HO much par
which you can buy on iiwivo basis month.
until next Siitimlny nluht liulf 3. So much down and so much per
past Mini' , AM ) NO I.ONOKK. weak.
99 people Out of J OO Seern to Eat apd Sleep as Usual *
How wo will luu' li-and soin ntour Unwarranted ApprohiMHlons. but nil the
same such tlmi'.s us tin-so arc the lluyors' Times. Itcmombcr , wo urn the Utlior Follow
These are the Planks at the People's .
f. get exactly -WfjT you wa-pt
2. fl.t tlie PPTCE tnat you v/apt.
3. At trieTeplVlS that you \vapti
. I'arlor CouchcR ,
13. Silk Taiostry
FURNITURE. sprint ; e < lKe , fringed , uorlli ilo.OJi this
1. 2"iO Folcllng Tables regular prlco week > *
11.23 ; this week OH . 14. Onu lot of 1'liish ICocepltoii Chairs ,
2. Ono lot Ki'otl Kockurs , lalost style , fringed iintl < iue , worth $4.0u ; thin week
regular JI.5U irnoU- , ! this wuirk nil.1)8.
: t. 81.2. > sulld oUt : , lil h bad. , cano st-it : 15. ISO Chenlllo ( 'ouclios , spring edge ,
Ilockeis , sell.s ovcrywhero for 13..VJ ; this worth J15.UO ; this week S7.HO. '
wuok Si.08. 18. 500 odd pieces Parlor I'tirnluiro ,
4. l.OUO Koldlnc Hat Hacks , worth 2.V : ; conststliiK of gilt chairs , divans , recep
tills wuuk 7u. tion chairs , bamboo Roods , etc. , lit exact
! > . Odozou Muplu folding Chairs ( In- ly ( former pi-Ices.
Ishoil llKht , worth JI..O ; Oils wuuli ( ) > ! .
0. &OU Illljlo Stands , regular val .o tl.'X ; CARPETS
this 7. week A lut : IH of < - . solid oak Ctmtur Tables , 17. 2,000 yards KngflMi Linoleum U7i , reRU-
lur prlcu tlM pvfyard : this wuulc %
worth fc.r ! > 0 ; this wuolc UAo 1 . One lot MoiiuutUi Uugs , worth tl. < > 0 :
. oak
8. 'JO only , Mudlclnu C.ililnotssolid , .
. thl wuuk SIll . this wouk 74e.
worth if3.50 ; .
' . remnants of Ingr.iln ,
U. 13 only Infants' ( Jrlbs. with lil-li 1'J. One yard . .
* aJ7. . worth f)0o : tills week 10.1.
IO.OU this wi'uk -
sides , worth ; reinnaiiLs
. and yard
0. llalfyard
10. Onu lot solid i al ; Itook Stands ,
and iMIc
Itrtibsels , worth 5UC ;
regular price ti.UOj this week 81)- . ion and I5 .
21. One lot Misfit Jlrussols Carpet , real
PARLOR FURNITURE value iKi.00 ; this week Wll 75.
11. 5-plccc solid oak I'arlor Suits In 22. One lot llrussels Kug , regular
plush ortupesti-y , worth tliJ.WJ ; this week price JiUi ; tills week l > .
5Sl'J.7.r. . lil. One lot Velvet and Moquctte Hugs ,
I'i. Extra large size Dlvuns , pluih np- 40.\40 Inches , worth J.I.OJ ; tills week U8o.
holstui-y , .solid oak frame , woi-ih ' . ' 4. 2.UOO rolls Umbels Carpet , extra
this woulc SI HO. heavy goods , worth { I 25 : this week 08u.
Formerly Pe.plo's Mammolh In allmenl Housa.
Send 10 cents for postage on big 'OHcutalo uc.
Write for Special Baby Carriage Catalogue Mailed Free.
fair refining , 2"ic ; Kales , 4.500 bags centrifugal ,
06 test , S'.ic ; refilled , fairly active.
LONDON , Aug. 13. sriJAR-Canc , steady ; III-
tic doing ; centilfugal Java , 13s 3d ; Muscovado ,
fair refining , lla 3d.
iigln : llnttiT Market.
RLGIN. Aug. 13. HOTTER Finn ; sales , 12,60 (
libs , at 23'.ic.
' . ' .
Lot-ill Itnln * nml Cooler Wi-nllier for No-
liriisku Today.
WASHINGTON , Autf. 13. Tlie Inillcntlons
for Tuesday arc ;
For Nebraska Local rains ; cooler ; south
winds , becoming north.
For Iowa nnd Missouri Ixicnl rains nml
thunder storms ; cooler ; Boulli winds , lie-
comlnK north.
For South Dakota Conditions fuvornble
for local showers anil thunder storms ; de
cidedly cooler ; north wlmln.
For Kansas Fair ; cooler ; south winds ,
becoming northwest.
LuciU Record ,
Omcr. OFTIIB WiuTiittii UutiKiu. OMAIIA ,
Auc. 111. Omaha record of tcini > unituro tintl
rainfallcomp.iroJ witii porrospomllng ilay of
past four years ;
1 1H04. ifina. 1802. .
Maximum tomior.ituro ) oa = 7U = 7H = HU =
u-muorature. 08n = i-.l- fi ; > =
lomnoraturc. . 81 = 7a = 70 = 70-
I'rcclpUatlon Averairit . 01 T. .37 .00
Statemunt showing the coiiJHlou of toui-
perr.turo ami preoipltatlon at O.iulu fjr the
dny anil slnoo March 1 , IS'JI :
temuor.ituro . 733
Kxccssfor thu dny. . . . 11 =
KNC'jss slncu March 1 . , . 'YI1T
NnrmHluruclultatlnii . } A J"c '
Dullclency for thiidav . . .10 Inch
Dullcli'iicyiliicoMaruii 1 . 12.-J3 Inclim
Reports from Otliur Station * lit H P. M.
. . " Indlvalftt ir.iiMi of rain.
CKOHOK K. HUNT , Locul Furecaul ORIoUL
Ilimnl of I'nbllu Work .
At a meeting of the Hoard ot Public Works
yesterday afternoon the contract for the
construction ot wooden eldewalki for the ro-
Commission Merchant , \
Grain and Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago nnd New York.
All business ordura iilaced on Cfilcngo
Hoard of Trade.
Corrchpondcncc solicited.
Office , room 4 , New York Life Dulldlni ; .
Telephone 1308.
Book on Speculation und Lot tor mail
ed frejo on application. Highest roforcnco
lit ltrninl\vny , - Ntv Ynrlc.
lritt for li" > iin'lt , 11 nilln X Co ,
Grain and Commission Broker
I'rlvutn wlro toChlunio unit Now Vorlc.
Tutcphoiiu No. DID ,
Stand at the Head.
Tor thirty years
UucbcrVnteh Cases
Iiuvu been endorsed by
every prominent dcu-
The I ) no bur Iraclo-
innrk In this country ,
kimi ! thu Hall murk In
RUBY JEWELED 1 Knglr.nil a cuuruii-
1 ADJUS7CO /tcuof / pure metal , 17-
WATCHES Jewel Ilimpilcn inovo-
mcntaln Ducbcr cnsci
fctuml at the head ,
If your dealer does not keep nnr watches mall
un your ndiln-sj HIM ) wu will fond you III *
nniiio of u dealer who lion. TlIK V
WATCH WditKb , C'uiiKin , O ,
mnlnder of the year was let to Oeorgo 0.
Huso ft Co. for 19 'MO cents for four-foot
walks and 28 3-10 cents for elx-foot ,
Thu only additional business transacted
was the appointment of Jumci Iluynes an
Inspec'or of the repairing of the Sixteenth
street viaduct.
Iluimlille-iin ( 'aiifim , AVi-nt Oiniiliii.
There will be a republican caucus at tha
Dundee nchool homo at 8 o'clock p. m , on
Wednesday for Went Omaha precinct for the
purpose of sclcctliiK deleKUlcs to the county
conventions to namu delegates to the congru.
ilu-al and utato convcnllomi.
l H , M. M'QINNIB ,
Commit toemoiU )