Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier to any part of th < city.
II.V. . TILTON , Lessee.'HONES-nuilness otnc , No. < 3 ; night
dllor. No. 23.
.11 i\TJUfi. :
Tlosle Simons Is sick at her homo on North
First Btrcct with diphtheria.
Tlio Merchants Maroons defeated the Dtl-
buquo base ball club Sunday by a score of
12 to 3.
A. W. Mangiltn , father of Miss Mantle
MnnRinn , Mm.V . S. Maync and Mm. H. J.
Woods of this city , died In Omaha yester
Irvln I'lercc , a bootleKKcr from Avoca , was
put In tire county jail yesterday In default of
t. bond of $200 for his appearance before the
federal grand jury.
Mlns Maude Toot , who lives In the western
pirt of the city , submitted to a surgical
operation Sunday ! > y which a largo tumor
\ > &a removed. She Is doing well.
The funeral of Dr. C. It. I'lnney will take
plnco this afternoon at 5 o'clock at his late
residence on I'earl direct. The following
\vlll act as pall bearers : Drs. C. II. Ilouer.s ,
p. Macrae , John Green , II. I ) . Jennings , J
kl. Ilarstow , T. H. Licey.
The fact that some of the members of
TJalbey'a bind played at the funeral of Hn-
jjlnecr Dcpcw last Sunday gave rise to the
report thflt It was IMIbey's band that fur
nished the music. It vsas the First Infantry
band of the Nebraski National guards
Margaret. C-months-oId daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. J. Cook , died of cholera Infan-
turn jfKterday , after a. brief Illneis The
funeral will take place this afternoon at 1
o'clock from the resilience In Garner town-
Bhlp , nnd the remilns will be burled In Wal
nut Hill.
The executive committee of the Society of
the Army of the Tennessee held a meeting
yesterday nnd mnd out a partial ll t of
committees to look after next October's re
union. The list Is to bo revlecd by the sec
retary of the committee by next Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock , when another , meet
ing will be held at the court rooms of the
government building.
Clothing valued at about ? 70 wai stolen
from the residence of Mrs. Shoem iker. on
Klxth avenue , yesterday , and a search war
rant was Issued for a house where It was
Supposed to have been secreted. The woman
who was thought to have done the stealing
liad made good her escape and had taktn
every scrap of the stolen property with her ,
so the warrant was returned unsatisfied.
Antono Chlcoilo , an Italian , will have a
hearing In police court this morning on the
charge of till tapping. He went Into a lunch
counter near the Northwestern depot and en
caged the woman who Kept It In conversa
tion while his pal , a colored man , sneaked
In at the side door and made off , with a
cigar box containing the assets , of the es
tablishment. which amounted to nbout $19.
The darky escaped.
Two desirable houses for rcnt. * Good lo
cations. Bargain In Uroadvvay property near
ppstofllcc. Farm loans wanted , lowest rates.
rlro and tornado Insurance written In best
companies. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl st.
BA.LI : .
llpinnnnt lit llttlf 1'ilcc.
Our semi-annual Inventory sale has left
us with thousands of remnants In various
lines , which wo shall place on sale at half
price ( nothing reserved ) ; this Includes
every remnant In our store , such as em-
broldenes. silks , dress goods , prints , ging
hams , muslins , etc.
All remnants figured at the original
price , and marked In plain figures , and
your price one-half what goods are marked.
Council Bluffs , la.
PJSHSItX'AL l'.llt.l < IIt.ll'Il ! > .
County Supervisor Perry Kcrney was In
the city yesterday.
John Whltmore Is sick with typhoid fever
at his homo on Avenue G.
Miss Helen Stuart of Walnut Is In the city ,
visiting Mrs. Andrew Kastner.
Mrs. Maude Fnllon of Chicago Is a guest
of her mother , on east Pierce street.
Miss Lucllo Williams of Norfolk , Neb. , Is
Visiting her parents on lienton street.
S. C. Oood and wife are home from Colorado
rado , where they visited for thiee weeks.
Leo Bennett left for Chicago last evening ,
after visiting his friends hero for a couple
of vvceks.
Mrs. n. N. Whlttlescy and daughter , Mrs.
Charles Conlcy and children , and Miss Lilian
Bennett have returned from p. visit to De
Solo , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson. Mrs. T. C.
\Vesterdahl and Miss Gencvlovo Simpson
went to Blair , Neb , Saturday to attend the
Scotchmen's oullnc.
Mrs. E , Klnsclla , who has been vlslllng
Mrs. George Davis for the past week , re
turned Sunday to her home In Madison ,
Neu , accompanied by Mrs. Davis.
Mrs. C. M. Hamilton and children , Helen
nnd Harry , who have been visiting her father ,
Mr. J. 0. Ilrjant , for the past four months ,
left jestcrday afternoon for their homo In
Toledo , O. _
Clr nil riiicu Attractions.
Franz Qu. ncllhofer's Alpine yodlers , a
troupe of vocal and Instrumental artists ,
which won great distinction on Midway
Plalsanco at the World's fair , will bo at
Grand Plaza , Lake Manawa , commencing
Sunday , August 12 , and concluding Sunday ,
August 10. They will give two performances
dally , at 4:30 : and 9 o'clock p. m.
Try a glass of Sulpho-Sallno or Soterlan
mlrornl waters from the famous Rxcclslar
springs at George Divla' , Paul Schneider's
and O. H. Brown's drug stores. John Un
der , general agent. .
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
Hammocks cheap , Davis the druggist.
Owxns Knpent * .
J. W. Owens , the Garner township school
teacher who created a sensation a few weeks
ago by deserting his bride of twelve hours ,
has returned from his hasty trip to Denver ,
and he came back without any compulsory
measures being taken. To all appearances
ho has confessed to his wife- that a bridal
trip Is not what It Is cracked up to bo when
taken alone , and she has forgiven htm. The
neighbors have given up their Intention , so
freely announced for n few days after his
disappearance , of giving a necktie * party , for
Owens and wlfo have settled down to mar
ried life with the most evident enjoyment.
The Garner township gossips have still been
unable to ascertain what was the reason for
the bridegroom's strange action , for all the
parties ore most cruelly non-committal.
A drop In the ocean does not amount to
much , but the drop wo have made In our
furniture prices amounts to considerable. Furniture Co.
Girls or women furnished situations of all
kinds. 625 Broadway.
Washerwomen use Domestic scap.
Cuttlnif Dunn on tliu lllnlin.
The recent dry spoil has affected the In
surance companies considerably , or at any
rate they are anxious to lot the public think
BO. In the Sunday Bee It was stated that
the losses of the last month In Iowa are In
the neighborhood of $ - > , 000.000. The com
panies 1m ve altogether taken In about 14,000-
000 In the shape of premiums , so that the
margin for the other eleven months of the
year Is not very wide. One Insurance agent
elated yesterday that ho had just received
a notice from his company prohibiting him
from writing any moro policies on frame
business houses so long as the hot and dry
weather continues. _
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , for good
Tel. 167.
Knur Nf\r Member * .
The Ganymede Wheel club held a regular
meeting last evening , at which four new
members were taken In H. I ) . Drown , C. K.
Btoddard , William Green and llert McCor-
mlck. The * next meeting will be held Aug
ust 21 for the purpose of putting the finishing
touches on the arrangements for the racing
meetlnt' , which takes place on the 21th aiid
Oitj Oonncil Puti in an Hour Over tlio
Transaction of Eontino Work ,
Siiffgcittlfm of the City Attornry Itenillly
Acted Upon Itooliitlons Ili-K
the I'nyliiK fur llmergrncy Cuiea
ut tliu Jlo'plluU.
The city council held a meeting last even
ing , and In a decolletto fashion contrived to
get through the business before It. In the
absence of Mayor Cleaver , I'rrsldent Keller
occupied the chair , and Councllmcn Brc-
vvlck , Oleason , Gralil , Nicholson , Rlshton ,
Spclnnn and While were present.
I * . O. Mikcsell , the poll tax collector , was
allowed (50 on account.
City Attorney Ilazclton reported that In his
opinion the ordinance with reference ) to
sidewalks on Main and Pcirl streets nnd
Broadway ought to be changed so as to
order work done In front of specific property.
The cl'y ' engineer was Instruclcd lo draw
up an ordinance making the required changes.
The committee of tlio whole will meet
Thursday morning at 0 o'clock to look over
the three streets.
The remonstrance against repaying Oak
land avenue was again laid over until the
next regular meeting.
The commlt'eo to which was referred the
request of the poundmaster that a fixed
salary be paid him In place of the fees , as
now , asked for and was granted more time.
The request of the Women's Christian
association and St. Bernard's hospitals that
the clly pay for Iho care of emeigency cases
at the rate of $25 each month , and $5 per
week for all patients more than one at any
one time , was finally disposed of by the
passnge of a resolution , which read In sub
stance as follows :
Resolved , That It Is the duty of the
County Hoard cf Supervisors nnd the ovcr-
Mer of the poor to pay for all emergency
cases , nllhoUKh the tlty has the power to
do HO 11 is further
Resolved , That Inasmuch ns the cltv of
Counell muffs pays more than two-llfths
of all the money received In the county
poor fund , It Is entitled to have Its poor
cared for at the expenseof the county.
Resolved , That at the next meeting of
the county board In September this council
make an effort to make arrant-m nls
whereby Ihe cotinlv shall pay for ihi cure
of nil such emergency cases.
The Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company was ordered to plank Its
tracks at the corner of Twenty-first street
and Fifth avenue within thirty days.
The committee on fire and lights was In
structed to buy a carloid of balel hay.
The petition of property owners in
Lewis townbhlp that the road along Indian
creek ditch be put In passable condition was
referred to the committee of the whole.
Adjourned until next Monday night.
lliinl Tlmrs it Ihlnf ; of the Punt.
If you will note the prices Duncarr Is quot
ing for this week you will need no explana
In our wreckage s-ile we offer :
Infants' button shoes for 20c.
Child's button shoes for 35c.
Mlbses' button shoes , patent tip , for 7c.
Ladles' calf button shoes , $1.
Youths' fine shoes , $1.
Boys' shoes , $1.
Boys' fine shoes , $1.35.
Men's nice shoes. $1 25.
Wo have the finest line of ladles' hind
turned and welted shoes for $3 GO , worth
Our men's hand sewed calf shoes for $3.50
cannot be duplicated for less than $5 00.
Stacy , Adams & Co.'s men's fine shoes ,
I'lnest line of men's tan hand sewed shoes ,
$3 CO.
Men's fine shoes , warranted grades , for
$1 60 , $2 00 , $2 50 and $3 00. Ladles' shoes
from $1 , the cheapest , to $3 50 , the best
made , and every pair warranted.
Next door to Bono's. 28 Main street.
For fine rooms stop at the Victoria house ,
326 Broadway , corner Bryant street.
Struck bnmiicl Huns.
Samuel Haas , who Is largely Interested In
the canning"factory , was badly hurt by an
employe yesterday afternoon. The name of
the employe was Frank Jackson. He had
broken tlio rules of the establishment In
some way and Haas undertook to give him
his walking papers. Jackson had been drinkIng -
Ing and felt ugly. Picking up a hatchet , he
made a rush for Haas , striking him a vicious
blow on the head. The blow almost stunned
his victim , but some of the other men dis
armed him before he could do any further
damage. Officer Cousins , who lives near by ,
was summoned , and , In putting Jackson
under arrest , he was also hurt. Jackson
struck him on the top of the head , robbing
him of considerable skin and putting a big
lump In Its place. He was finally landed In
the city jail , with charges of drunkenness
and assault and battery placed opposite his
name on the book. Haas was covered with
blood from the wound on Ms. head , but last
evcnlnc stated that he was not seriously
Injured. Jackson Is a notorious character.
Harry Haas also fell a victim to a
"striker. " While the row was In progress
ho was standing near by and some ono hit
trim a heavy blow on the Jaw. Ho came up
town with the side of his face protruding
several Inches.
Fcr cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Telephone -
phone 48.
n > cs tested free. C. B. Optical Co. , Schnei
der's drug store.
The Nunr Tlmllng I.Int.
There has Just been Issued frorn Pryor
Bros.1 Bee Job office a neat catalogue , or
moro properly speaking , a finding list , for
the free public library. The volume con
tains over 300 pages , and Is a typographical
beauty. Booktakers will find In It a great
convenience , as the arrangement Is such that
one can easily find any book for which he
Is searching , even If ho cannot remember
the name of the author or title of the book.
The list contains the titles of all books In
the library , under the names of their re
spective authors , alphabetically arranged ;
also a list of all books under the headings ,
alphabetically arranged , of the several sub
jects to which they relate ; also an Index of
subjects showing the pages on which books
so arranged by subjects may bo found. It
Is , In fact , a model list , and will prove a
very welcome help to those who use the pub
lic library. At the meeting of the board yes
terday evening the members expressed them
selves as highly pleased with the job , and
considered It even better than the sample
presented the printers.
Remember the lawn social this ( Tuesday )
evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Tullcys. Music will be furnished by the
Mandolin club and other "musicians. Re
freshments served and a general good time
expected. Come.
Muy Have u Onp-rmirtti Crop.
Alderman Henry Rlshtcn returned yester
day from a trip of several days through the
eastern part of the county. He states that
there was a big rain storm there , and the
farmers arc considerably encouraged. Where
a few days ago the farmers of York , Ncola
and Norwalk townships could not see an ear
of corn In sight they now think they will
have a fourth of a crop. One man has a
big wheat field with a yield of eighteen
bushels to the acre. The roads , for the
first time In weeks , are now In good con
Domestic fcoap outlasts cheap soap.
\ \ \ \ \ Start Up Aguln. '
The financial difficulties that temporarily
embarrassed II. A , Balrd have been satls-
ractorlly adjusted and the store was opened
again lust night. The reorganization Involves
a illcht change In the firm , George Damon
becoming a partner , with half Interest.
Gas cooking stoves fcr rent and for sala at
Gas Co.'s otllce.
Dltorcr * for Two.
II. 0. Hartwell commenced a suit In the
district court yesterday demanding a divorce
from Lucluda A. Hartwell , whom he married
I i
In Washington township , but who deserted
him , he Kiiys , three years ago test May
S. O. Reynolds Is plaintiff In a divorce
suit ngalnst his wife , Mary J. Reynolds , to
whom he was married December 20 , 1864 , In
New Brunswick , Ind. As grounds for the
separation he alleges that his better half
left him In January , 1892.
Took In Cclrbnttlon ,
A. Fcllentrctcr has returned from Dts
Molncs , where he attended the Battle Tlag
day exercises and took part In the parade.
He was a member of the first Iowa In
fantry and the Twenty-sixth Iowa Infrntry.
About sixty members of the former were
present. Mr. rcllcntretcr had the honor of
a personal Introduction to the governor and
secrttary of state. Twenty first class artists
were at work for over n week decorating
the capltol for the celebration. The decora
tions cannot be described so as o do justice ,
but will alwa > s be remembered by those
who were fortunate enough to witness them.
To give the people of Iowa an opportunity to
sco this grand display at Iowa's capltol It
has been decided to let It remain during the
state fair.
Oood stenographers , bookkeepers , clerks or
house girls secured at 625 Broadway.
The laundries uce Domestic soap ,
WITH mit n.ini : ix unit .I/M/.V.
I'atliotlc Talc of it .Motlirr'H Snlcldo Induced
hy HID llnrd Time * .
LYONS. In. , Aug. 13. Mrs Adolph Max
and two children , a boy of 5 and a child of 1 ,
were missed here yesterday and search has
resulted In the recovery of her body In the
rlv r with the smaller child clasped In her
arms. The body of the other child was not
found. Tear of starvation and lack of em
ployment led to the deed. Three little
children are left. Her husband Is believed
to be at Lincoln , III.
Cutclllns : U an All Stilus.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 13. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Sheriff Davenport was notified
today that the Milwaukee officials have found
that they cannot convict Bob Lennox , the
bank forger , on the charges there and offered
to turn him over to him. Davenport has gone
to bring Lennox back. Hejs positively Iden
tified by parties who went to Milwaukee as
the man who worked the Corn Exchange
and Security National banks here for $3,500
on forged checks.
John 1' . llnntoek Drnd.
DUBUQUE , la , Aug. 13. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) John T. Hancock died
suddenly this morning. He had been sick
for some days with cholsra rnorbus , but was
supposed to be out of danger. His daughter
left his rorn this morning , and , returning a
little later , found him dead. Ho was at the
head of the vvholsesale grocery house of
John T. Hancock & Sons , and was a director
In the Dubuque & Iowa City railroad.
( , . I' . I.IIMIO'H Queer Position.
FORT DODGE , la. , Aug. 13. ( Special Tel
egram to The Bee. ) L E. Lange , postmaster
at Laurcns , Pocahontas county , has decided
to become the democratic nominee for con
gress In the Tenth district and repudiates
the action of the democratic convention In Its
Indorsement of J. C. Baker , the populist.
Lange was chairman of the congressional
convention that nominated Baker.
rntnl Quarrel Over 11 Woman.
WHAT CHEER , la. , Aug. 13. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Last night , In a
quarrel about a loose woman , Wren Hlmrod
struck Dan Gallagher above the car with a
rock , from the efpcts of which Gallagher
died ten hours later. Hlmrod claims self-de
Hoogu I.oft for Kurope.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 13 ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Friends of H. D. Booge , one
of the absconding Sioux City bucket shop
men , received a telegram from ono of Booge's
Chicago friends , announcing that Boogc left
New York for Europe two days ago.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backacire. Trial
size , 25 cents. All drugg sts.
\Vkhltll National , Ono of Iho OlileHt In the
State , Closet ) Its Doors.
WICHITA , Kan , Aug. 13. The Wichita
National bank , the eldest banking Institu
tion In the southwest , went into the hands
of the comptroller of the currency this morn-
Ing. The bank's last report , made In July ,
showed only $26,000 In specie on hand. It
Is said the bank holds considerable bad
paper. The county commissioners have
$14,000 In the bank.
The deposits amounted to $260,000. The
capital stock and surplus aggregate $300,000.
President M. W. Levy Is In Kansas City ,
having gone there last night to sea If ar
rangements could bo made to tide over the
trouble. The closed doors this morning
told of his failure to secure help.
Cashier Walker said : "Irresponsible people
ple have been attacking the stabll ty of the
InstltutlorKfor three weeks , and there has
been a constant end heavy drain on us
since that time. The county commissioners ,
among others , listened to the stories afloat
and checked out $10,000 without giving us
any notice. I believe the suspension Is
only temporary , nnd even If the bank Is
closed for good vvc can pay all our debts
If we collect 35 cents on the dollar of what
Is due us. "
The excitement about town Is very great ,
but it Is believed that all the other banks
are prepared to protect themselves.
Colonel J. C. I'httt Drnnnoil.
GEORGETOWN , Cole , Aug. 13 Colonel
James C. Platt , orgarrlzer and president of
the Denver Paper Mills company , fell Into
Green take today while fishing. Ho was
dead when taken out. The cause of death
was apoplexy. Colonel Platt was born
at St. Johns , N. P. , In 1S37. He served In
the war nnd served In the Forty-first , Torty-
second , Forty-third and Forty-fourth con
gresses as a republican frorn Virginia.
Doctor Shot by Hnrun Tlllovcs
ALTMAN , Colo. , Aug. 13. In a fight with
three men who had stolen his horse yester
day Dr. A. C. Leavenworth was shot In the
thigh. The doctor recognized the thieves as
Tom Purse , Tom Ferguson and "Tho Kid. "
It Is believed they committed most of the
robberies which have disquieted the citizens
of the camp during the past few weeks.
Death of u Wealthy Wlilnn.
PERU , Ind. , Aug , 13. Mrs. Mary Shirk ,
widow of E. J. Shirk , the millionaire banker
of this city , died of a complication of dis
eases In this city last night , aged 68. She
was one of the wealthiest women In the west
ern states , her fortune being estimated at
from $4,000,000 to $6,000,000 In bank stocks.
IIIK Week's lliimiicK4 In Rotil.
HELENA , Mont. , Aug. 13. The receipts
of gold bullion at the United States assay
office at Helena during the past week
amounted to $120,088.74. This Is the largest
week's business In the history of the olllco ,
not only In amount , but In number of bars
melted and assayed , 130 being handled.
All VVern IteHtiiuil.
TENBY , Wales , Aug. 13. Twenty excur
sionists who were reported to have been
drowned by .the upsetting of an excursion
steamer here were all rescued by boats from
Caldy Island. The steamer was bringing
the tourists to the regatta at this place when
It capsized.
Itulnforclni ; tha tierinun bqimdrnn.
LONDON , Aug. 13. A spclal dispatch
from Berlin to the Standard says It Is re
ported that tie | Cruiser Irene , formerly com
manded by Prince Henry of Prussia , brother
of Emperor William , will bo sent to reinforce
the German East Asian squadron.
Chief Clarence lefu 'i A ltunop.
NEW YORK , Aug. 12. A World dispatch
from Port Llrnon fays : Clarence , the Mos
quito chief , has refused to accept aid of
fered by sympathizers in Honduras and Salvador
vader , It Is reported ,
Three HOJTH Drowned.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 13. Three bays , Frank
Burns , William Slattery and Matthew Slat-
tery , aged 10 to 13 years , were drowned
while swimming In Bloody Run , near Nor
wood , yesterday.
( Continued ttom
tin caucus action will be the passage of
the house bill with the sqnnto amendments ,
While the house bill Is a better measure In
my judgment than this the nt nsuro which
will b. come n law Instead bytolay's action
In a wonderful Improvement ; on the Me-
Klnley law. It gives free wool , free lumber ,
free hemp , flit and jute , and
reduces largely the duties on
manifold goods Into which nil thesj ma
terials enter. To Illustrate , the average
duty on woolen goods under the McKlnley
law Is 9S'4 ' per cent. Tlilp has been re
duced more than half. Jh ret Is also con
siderable reduction on all schedules and the
average on all will bo about 38 per cent ,
as against nbout GO per cent under the
present law. The right of the president to
Impose taxes without congress Is taken away
and given back to the congress to whom It
belongs nnd from whom It was wrested by
thtMcKlnley law It should not be for
gotten also that the sjstem rccomm-'iided
by the house , known as the Income tax , Is
retained In the bill nnd becomes a part of
our fiscal policy , lly this It Is proposed to
tax what people have In excess of their
needs , rather than to tax what they lined
and have not got. "
There Is good authority for the statement
that the president wit neither sign nor veto
the senate tariff bill , but vv'll let It become
n law without his signature under the ten
diys provision of the constitution.
HIM Providing n Moiln of ruj-nidit Ilo-
portcil Aitlii | t.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13 Considerable In
formation regarding the French spoliation
claims and thosa for stores and supplies
furnished the union forces by southern men
who were loyal to the union during the
civil v\ar Is contained In an elaborate re
port recently submitted to the house by
Representative Dunn of North Carolina
from the committee on claims Some time
ago there was referred to the committee a
bill to provide n mode for the payment of
thcso claims nnd the report advanced many
reasons why It should bo enacted Into a
In brief , the bill provides that the claims
fo * "stores and supplies" nnd for "French
spoliations" shall be annually estimated for
upon lists furnished by the court of claims
and plac.d upon the sundry civil appropria
tion bill ; that for the first year the ap
propriation shall not exceed $2,500 000 , I. P. ,
{ 500,000 on the first named class ,
J2.000.000 on the second class ,
so as to pay off what has accumulated In
consequence of no appropriation having been
made by the last congress and that the
other appropriation shall not exceed $500,000
to each. The sums appropriated are pro
vided to be paid on the claims In the order
In which the same are allowed by the
In this connection a statement of the
claims Is pres ntcd which shows that on
May 1 last 2.039 cases , claiming J15.283.2C7 ,
had been tried and the sum of $2,219,313
found due thereon ; and there remained 2,706
more to be tried , claiming J22.429 SOS.
After the amount Involved In the French
spoliation claims a letter Is presented from
the court of claims which shows claims
of $23,992,320 ( which ts more than half of
the highest estimate placed by any one on
the amount claimed ) have b.en finally dis
posed of and awards' made thereon for
51,382,291. whereof the sum of $1,304,099 has
been paid , leaving a balanc of $2,078,190.
sivs IT'S iiirrruit.
Si'inito Hill with All Its ranltftun Improve
ment on the McKlnfry Act.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13 ( Special Tele
gram to The Dee. ) Congressman Bryan , In
regard to the action ofl the house democratic
caucus In voting to recede from its disa
greement to the senate bill today , said :
"Tho senate bill as It now is , all of Its
faults , Is an Improvement over the McKln
ley law/ ' .
Congressmen Picklcr and Lucas have de
cided to hold n competitive examination for
admission to the Annapolis Naval academy
at 10 o'clock , August 24 , at Huron , S. D.
All young men between the ages of 15 and
20 years will be eligible for the examlnat on.
B. F. Hood and Rev. C. B. Clark of Huron
and Hev. M. L Lane of Miller are announced
as the examining board. Congressman Lucas
called at the Treasury department today and
secured the allowance of a claim for $975 50
to Curran Wilson of Bijou Hills , the amount
due him for constructing a government buildIng -
Ing at Crow Creek Indian agency. The
money will be forwarded Immediately. Con
gressman Lucas w.ll leave for South Da
kota next Thursday morning.
Mrs. M. A. Jefferls has been appointed
postmistress at Hlnsdale , Leo county , la. ,
vice B. F. Jefferls.
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved the selection of the National Bank
of the Republic of New York and the Con
tinental National bank cf Chicago as re
serve agents for the First National bank
of Lake City , la.
Important Dlscovprj In Kthnology Miulo by
Prof. Cjms Tliomiifl ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13. What was char
acterized as the most Important discovery
concerning aborigines made In many years is
announced as the result of researches made
by Prof. Cyrus Thomas of the United Stales
bureau of ethnology. Contrary to previous
statements , Prof. Thomas set forth as a
fact that Mexican civilization originated with
the Malays of the south Pacific seas , and
established a connection between the
languages of the Malays and the Mayas , now
In Yucatan. The latler language , according
to his vlows , is n direct off-shoot of the
Malay , that spoken by the people of Malacca ,
Java and Sumatra. It is claimed at the
bureau that this discovery throws now lighten
on the aboriginal races , and will result In
an entire remodeling of the views hereto
fore advanced as to the history and native
civilization of Central America. : TKIJATV CONl'IKMIJD.
bcimto tu Kxcrutlve Srsslmi Takes Action on
'I hi * Mutter.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13. The senate went
Into executive session at 12-20 to vote upon
the Chinese treaty. There was no debate
and a vote was Immediately taken , resultIng -
Ing In the confirmation of the treaty. The
vote was 47 to 20.
lor nil InitMtlKHllon of Lj
WASHINGTON , Aug" 13. The steps taken
by Representnllvo UUIr of New Hampshire
to secure congressional Investigation through
the commissioner of labor of the general
punishment by lyncfyin 'of colored men who
are supposed to have qutroged women are
stirring uu unexpected degree of Interest.
Since the resolution was Introduced -great
numbers of communications on Ihs subject
have como to Mr. Blair , although but ten
days have passed since tlto mailer was made
Most of the letters are from religious
bodies and organizations of colored people.
The colored peoploi both north and south
seem to he greatly tntorosted in the proposi
tion and resolutions /hnvo / come from meetIngs -
Ings In New York anil New Orleans , and
many cities between1 'tho two. It Is not
expected that the Invebtlgatlon will bo un
dertaken during this session of congress ,
but probably will bo begun uirly next ses
sion , provided , of course , that the house
votes to have It undertaken ,
> mlimU > il by the 1'rcsiclcmt.
WASHINGTON , Aug 13. The president
sent the senate the following nominations
War Lieutenant John Bellinger , Fifth In
fantry , to bo captain and assistant ( juarer-
To bo Agents for Indians Thomas B.
T < ter , West Virginia at Fort Hall agency ,
Idaho ; Marshall Petct of Indiana , at the
Klamath agency , Oregon.
IVnultlcx fur I'orrflu illllt try Coiimiliiloiin.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Representative
Houck of Tennessee has Introduced a bill
that will make ihayy penalties for forging
military commissions or discharges.
bruiitu Took lliliius 1'uty.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13. The scat of the
tariff war having been transferred to the
houte , the proceedings la the senate today
were comparatively tnme. The report of the
conference on the sundry civil bill was
ngrccd to with some modlflciitlms , and the
bill was sent back to conference. At 3 p. m ,
the senate adjourned ,
HUM slmiFil IPJ HIP I'rmlilriit.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13 The prr 'ilenl
has approved the following bills ! To ex
tend the time of ptymcnt to purchasers of
lands of the Onnha tribe cf Indians In Ne
braska ; to make OikUnd , Cnl , a sub port of
entry. _ _
nr.i < os TIII : m'.t.w.\H Tit.tvttb ,
\Viulitluy Curd nt Suriititgt llm I.tttlo to
Icinpt tlio Tuli nt.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , Aim. -Nothing of
a pirtlculnrly attractive nutun * was carded
today. Hearths :
Plrsl race , live nnd n half furlongs : Pep
per (2 ( to 1) ) won , Cherry lllossurn (10 ( to 1) )
second , Duck Massle (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
1 09'S.
Second race , one mile : Pearl Song (12 ( to
1) ) won , Boston ( ! ) to 6) ) xccoml , lllKhtrnoro
(7 ( to 2) ) third. Time 1 U'4.
Third race , three-iiuurters of u mile Gall-
leu ( fi to 5) ) won , Chiirinlun (4 ( to 5) ) second ,
Lustre (3 ( to 1) ) third Time 1 14
Fourth race , mlle aiul n sixteenth : Phllo-
pcna (7 ( to 2) ) won , Huvvthoine ( no belling )
second , Chief Justice (6 to 5) ) third. Time :
fifth race , live furlongs : Mnrcttl ( even )
won , Viilk > rU > (7 to 1) ) second , Plcnrroon (10 (
to 1) ) thlul. Time : 1 OJH.
Sixth nice , Hcven fut longs : Skedaddle
(4 to 1) ) won , Volt ( G lo 1) ) second , MlfS
Annie colt (9 ( to 2) ) third Time : 1 29
Seventh race , rnlle nnd a quiti tur , over
five hurdles : Mars (30 ( lo 1) ) won , Hills (8 ( lo
1) ) Hccoml , Laughing Slock (0 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : 2.33U.
Mill ScrntdiltiR itt Jerome.
NHW YORK , AUK 13 The chief Interest
In the mclng ut Jerome 1'nrk was In the
dead heat between Farrier nnd llhicl : Hawk
nnd lire number of scratches , for out of
Rlxty-three horses entered only thirty-seven
went to the ) > osl. Results.
rirst race , one mile. Stonenelllc (1 ( lo 1) )
won , Annie Hlshcp (3 ( lo 1) ) second , Hnlion
(4 to 1) ) third. Tline. 1 HV
Second race , Titan course Harrington ( Ute
to G ) won , Heldemoc (1 ( to 1) ) cecond , Peck
sniff (100 ( to 1) ) third Time. 1 22
Third race , three-quartern of n mile Fnr-
rler (1 to 2) ) and Hlack Hawk (10 ( to 1) ) dead
heut , Sam Weller (15 ( to 1) ) third Time
1 lt , < 4
Fourth race , half a mile : Harry Reed
(0 ( to G ) won , Pont Lenr (13 ( to 1) ) second ,
Cockade (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time 0 19.
Fifth race , live and a half furlongs ; Dog-
gelt ( formerly Repeater colt ) (20 ( to 1) ) won ,
llulvln.i ( U lo 1) ) second , Hailstone ( J to 1) )
third. Time : 1 11.
Sixth race , one rnlle : Dally America ( I to
G ) won. Kingston ( even ) second , Sir CuUsby
(15 ( to 1) ) third Time : l:4GVi. :
Run-off : Parrler (3 ( to 10) ) won , Black
Hawk (5 ( to 2) ) second. Time : 1.16.
IIunkliiKim'H I'rogiHin.
HARLHM , 111 . Aug. 13 First race , live-
eighths of it mile. Lllllarr Lee won , Pull
Measure second , Lulu T third. Time. 1 Jis'i.
Second race , mile and u quaitui : Uun-
gnrven won , Hassle lilshrnd second , King
Mack Ihlid. Time : 2.08.
Third race , five furlongs ; Mlns Alice won ,
Ruck Knight second , Sallle Calvert third.
Time : 1.0.2.
Fourth race , seven-elghthM of a mile :
Linda * won , Cash Day second , Sister Mary
third. Time : 1.27M.
Fifth race , mile nnd seventy jnrds : Oet
There won , Mulberry be'eond , Remorse
third. Time : l:4.y : (
Sixth race , seven-eighths of n rnlle : Tar
tarian won , Someranult second , Alccnor
third. Time : 1.2 ! " ! .
On tli ( Hit Dominion.
WASHINGTON , Aug. U First race , one-
half mile : Atonte Carlo won , Suspense
gelding second , Rose tllly third. Time :
0 51.
Second race , seven-eighths of a rnlle :
Julia L won , Cheddar second , Tlogn third.
Time : l.'U
Third race , three-quarters of a mile : Mc-
Keevor won. Some More s > ceon < ] , Kmlly
third. Time : 1-1G
Fourth race , live-eighths of n mile. 1'ni-
stone won. Kenjon second , Gon/aies third.
Time : 1 Ol'i.
Fifth race , three-qmrters of a mile. Torn
alor won , I'otlawaltarnle second , Graceful
third. Time : 1 10.
Onrcomu ut Ktifft St. Louis ,
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 13-inst St. Loula rc-
Kiil s :
First race , nlne-Mxteenths of a mile : Tom
E won , Londonvllle second , The Broker
third. Time : 1.00.
Second race , five-eighths of a mile : Sat
inet won , Jennie Llnu second , Chris third.
Time : 1.0714
Third race , thlrteen-slxtoenlhs of n mile :
Pagan won. Justice second , Fillmore third.
Time : 1 28 % .
Fourth race , five-eighths of n mile : Idefy
won , riorella second , Airtight third. Time :
1 07.
Fifth race , three-quarters of a mile : Jar-
dine won , Southernest second. One Dime
third. Time : 1.22&
Prompt Action of nil Unglnecr I'rovi'nts
A crew of a LenlEh Valley freight train
had a narrow escape from death near Wllkes-
barre recently. They were saved by the
prompt action of the engineer , John Titus.
The engine with three freight cars was
going down a heavy grade near Miner's
Mills at the rate of about thirty miles an
hour. Tllus was at the throttle nnd was
keeping a sharp lookout ahead. The track
was clear for nearly a mile. Suddenly the
entire roadbed a few yards In front of the
engine settled down , leaving the rails and
tics skeletonized for several yards.
At the rate the train was running and
on the down grade Titus realized that he
could not stop the train In time and he
opened the throttle wide. The train jumped
forward and , gaining Impetus In the few
yards separating It from the hole , flew over
the unsupported rails , and before Its weight
could displace them was on Ihe other side.
The train was stopped and the crew hur
ried bick. The ground was still sinking ,
and the hole was fully thirty feet across.
They couhl not eec the bottom. It was over
an old mine working. Several veins had been
worked out and the timbers supporting them
gradually rolled unlll Ihey gave way.
Strike on tlio ( interment \Vorl < .
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn , Aug. -One
hundred negroes employed nt the govern
ment works on the Tennessee river struck
today , demanding shorter hours. They sur
rounded W. A. Kirk of Madlbon , Ind. , the
contraclor , nnd Foreman Porter , nnd dis
played pistols , tlireiitenlni- kill them.
Olllrers were sent to the scene and quelled
the riot. The leaders will be arrested.
Tcius Cotton Lrop All Itlght.
FOUT WOUTH , Tex. , Aug. 13. Reports
sent out from this section of Texas to the
effect that boll worms had appeared In large
numbers and threatened the destruction of
the cotton crop are without foundation.
Cj clone In Sp tin.
MADRID , Aug. 13 A cyclone has swept
over the provinces of Madrid and Cluldad
Real. Considerable damage has been done
to the crops and over 100 persona are reported
to bo either killed or Injured.
Strut ton's i : | iil ltlnn Honored.
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , Aug 13 The requi
sition of the governor of California was hon
ored today by Governor Altgeld for the re
turn of James K. Straiten , the escaped con
vict arrested In Chicago.
Lump l.xpliiHion.
A lamp explosion In A. T. Dooley's house ,
1434 North Thirty-fourth street , caused an
alarm of lire last night. Smell UBS ,
Held No Mooting.
The Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners did not meet list night , as Commis
sioner Smith Is fclck and Secretary Brownlee
| | v Ago n y is annoyance j
concentrated. '
Guinea )
Box , /
( Tastclcsi )
are concentrated
remedies for the
annoyance of
Indigestion or the
Agony of Dyspepsia.
aj ctntt a boi.
Is out of the city. One of the members said
that they would not meet again until next
Monday , AS there was no Important or pressIng -
Ing business ready for their consideration ,
F mto Pla.vrrnlui . Itrfiurd lo Piny nt n
Itnmiin Pnrtqurt Mimiteiii' Ago.
Llvy , In his famous book , "The Annals , "
Ix. 30 , relates In the following suggestive
words lire story of a singular stilko which
occurred at Rome In Ihe > cir 300 U. U. , nnd
was probably the first etrlke cvtr known :
That year occurred an event little worthy
of being related , nnd which I would pass
In silence had It not appeared as Involving
religion. The lltite plajcrs , dissatisfied be
cause the litest censors had forbidden them
to take part In the b.mqucl In Jupiter's
temple , according to the ancient custom ,
withdrew , every one of them , lo Tlbur , so
that nobody was left at Homo to play dur
ing the sacrlftcis. This Incident shocked
the religious sentiment of the senate , ami
the senators sent messengers to Invite the
Inhabllanls of Tlbur lo make every effort
In order tint the phrvers should be restored
to the Romans. the Tlbur tines , having
promised not to neglect anj thing necessary
for that purpose , mused the llule placrs
lo come to the place where the onntc met
and exhorted them to go bick to Rome
Seeing that they couhl not prevail upon them
to do so , they employed rr stratagem In keepIng -
Ing with their character On n dty of festi
val , under the pretext that music would In
crease the Joy of the fcasl , every citizen In
vited the lluto plajcrs Individually to his
house , and wine , of which pcophv of tint
profession are usually fond , was given to
them In such qtmntllles Dial Ihey fe'l ' Into
a deep sleep They were then tliroun Into
wagons and transported to Rome. They
only became nwntc of whal had happened
on the day after , when dawn surprised them
lying on the carts , which had been left In the
forum. A large crowd had ; ! emjl' | > d , nnd
they were Induced to promise that they
would remain at Rome The tight of attend
ing the banquets was restored to these ( lute
phrj ers.
( ll'IIC llll ) .
Youth's Companion1 Alexander Dunns ,
the great Frcneh author , was n quadroon ,
and slioued his African parentage In his
woolly hair , his dark sk'n , his thick lips
and his prodigious bodily strength. But It
Is needh'ss lo say that many people looked
askance nt him on account of It.
"Was not > our father , sir , n mulatto ? "
a man asked him once
"Certainly , " said Dumas. "My father was
a mulatto , my grandfather was a full-blooded
negro and m > great grandfather was a
monkey ! "
"What ? "
"Yes ; my genealogy begins where jours
leaves off. "
Brings comfort nnd improvement nnc
t ° nds to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many , who live bet
ter than others nnd enjoy life more , with
the value to health of the pure liquid
Ir.xative principles cmbiaced in the
remedy , Syrup of Fips
Its oxccllencc it due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the laate , the refreshing nnd trulj
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ntivo ; effectually ciennbing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches Mid levers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has civun satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession , becau c it acts on the Kid-
neyr , Liver and Bowels without weak
cning them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syiup of Figs ia for sale by all drug
iats in < iOc anul bottles , hut it is man
ifacturcd by the California Fig Syruj
oo. only , whose name is printed on even
package , also the name , Syrup of Fij. "
and being well infonred , you will no
" " " tit , i" v Mib"t'tirr ' if nflen'd ,
WE Xcrvous
CURE Special
Catarrh , all Dlsoasos of the Noso.
Throat , GhostStamrrch , Llvor , Blood
-Skin and K dnoy Diseases , Lost
tfanhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS
Cull en or addn m
DrSBirlcs & Series ,
Tim ontir
lor birrs Tin ABmK
itfei in so IIAVH _ . .
Semus riUinitf , hullliia Memory , - . , -
rauKe 11 > ) im.tuuuxti'nnil quick/ ! but mrrlr reitorei
I.o.t 5. Hiilioud III old or younv. ( 'n ' | ly cat rfi d In yeit
pnikct . 'rlit'r 00n. | ntUnco ( ill for * fi ( Ml with
ivrlUrneiiiirniilrffnriircnriiioiirrririiiKlril. Uon t
luu an imitation but ln > l > t on liavlntr IMIAI'O. If
rourdrticir'-thaiiiiitKutlt n nlll icnd It iiicpald
Urlenml ilnllrnt Co. . UliriGO , ILL. , pr Ikt/r / > cc > l > .
BOi.l ) liy Kulin * Co , Cor 15th and Douiriax Bti , and
J A nilkr Co. Cur IIHi.VIiiiUKlanhli. .OMAHA
We will tend Ton tb * mtrreloni
French Preparation CALTHOB
frrr. and a local guarantee that
( lALfMOd will Ueitora your
Health , Mtrencth nuil Vizor.
Hie it and pay t/talitJIeJ.
Address VON MOML CO. .
CUdutU , Oil * .
(7. K , l > ei > < > ltoi'U , Uniahiiilniitl. . a ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
ordcera and Directors Henry W , Yulrs , pres
ident , John S. Collins , vice-president ; l.\\l
8 Ueed , Cashier ; William H. U. Hughes , assist
ant cashier.
Any disconsolate chronic Invalid , any ni
fllctcd , distressed or stricken mortal In
Omnlin , nuiy apply any time at 311-312 N.
Y. Life Building , and recolvo frorn Dr .
Copeland nnd Shepard , the most efficient
treatment now In vogtio at a nominal fco
rate per mouth , all medlclnca Included , for
the briefest period necessary to a permanent
cure. And this generous provision I * not
John A Anderson , a nmdlcr , 1111 S. llth 8t. ,
pn > 1 WHS iKilnoncil and illMunxcd v catarrh
fur fmir jours M > Item ! Htninncli unit blcxxi
Wiio nil ulRoaactl until 1 was \\pll nlKti hroUcn
iliwn I'l Slit pant took me In Itiiml nml curt-l
tm > ii | > nil ilRhl. It didn't take lone , nml liU fco
\ui but a tiltlo. "
limited to any particular class of maladies.
It applies to nil cuiahlo chronic InllriuUles
alike , and with the Fame- assurance of rad
ical and lasting be'netUs to all sufferers
ullki.01'l' Sufferers from anv chronic dl-
n v r ij Henso who mnv so desire , will bo
welcomed to a trial treatment free on np-
lying Irr per&on.
Olllce Hours 9 to 11 a. in. ; 2 to C p. m.
Evenings Wednesday H nnd Saturdaja
only , C.30 to 8. 30. Sunday , 10 to 12 m.
Steam nnrl' Hot Watsr Hoallrr ? for
Roalloico3 nn-t
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Muin. 203 Pearl Stiects , CounclJ
BlulTs , lown.
At 337 Droadna ) He IB the prototype of
Mnclilne , the BnlflcBt. llffliltnt runnlna
nnd best there In un earth , the winner of al )
III l uwnidH nt the \Vcii Ids I'alr. There nro no
utlieiH just as K'wd ' , und tlu > > me the cheapest
In the inaiUet , ranging fium $19 DO to } C5 00 on
eaay tcinis.
337 Ilinaduny , Council Bluff * .
Tjpcwrltcr supplies und lpe rltcrs for sal
or lent.
17 Pearl Street , James Block ,
President. Cashier.
Fifsi National
Capital , - - $100,000
Profits , - - . 12,000
One of the olilcst banks In the state of low * .
We solicit your business and collections. W
pay 6 per cent on time deposits. We will b
pleased to eeo and serve you.
Funeral Director ? Embalmer
14 N. Main Bt , Council Bluffs.
Olllco in-TICI.ICIMIO.SK-i-ltukliltiiioa 33
( cm ( or sulo all of his rial entatu and bust'
n-us property In Council lllur ( > . Including hl
rmldeme , cor. ut Ml uvinuu and Till street.
with or without curmr lot , with largo baru
udjolnlne. AUo
The Hi own building , fronting on Main and
I'eurl streets , i-story brick , uliam iKutcil , tit.
valor , etc. , all In ilrtt.ciass condition nnd oo.
cupkd by Kood lennnts.
Ills four buslnc stons on South Main street ,
known us llrown block nnd Central Muck , all
well rented tu RI > I | tenants. And
'IV u mutt deilrablu IntH un miuih corner of
7h ( street and Mil uvinue. AUo 23 lot * III
IIlKhlnnd I'lare , Wnt Ilroadnii ) , all In tin
clly iif Council Itlufru Tor ( urlher pa tlcular *
apply to J. J. llrown. iM South ilh street , tlty.
roii HUNT. bAitaY : , rmvA'ruTuiiN , NUAU
riflli uvenue und I'tarl ktrtct. Apply at licit
1M I lu rite , ut VV. S llcimi r' , MS llrimdway.
rou HAI.I : , is IIKAD noHHis ; AND MUIXB ,
ilrutl und ilrlvlni ? . Cunnliikhuin liuck anil
coun > , i buues , 4 ixprt s and ImkKUKu waion t
2 truik und scitury uukutm , lu set * doubl *
nml Blntdc Imrni'Hn , 2 ( arm unions , Wntt
l.ewls. 16 Main street Council Illuffs
secure by applying tu ) ardmusUr olllce , Ck |
U. & 8t * 1' .