Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1894, Image 2

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    TIT I ? n\1ATTA ilATT.V TIT17. rXTTWHAV A Jtn.
Pollco Authorities nt Lincoln Try to Got
Davis to Incrimiuato Hinnolf ,
MUM ClmrReil ltli Wrecking the Jtoclc
Iil.ind Inilii NtlrkK to 111 * OrlRlnul
Htorj Mm Si-cuml Attimiejn to
\\ulrli Illi Jnlcrrsti.
LINCOLN , Aug. 12 , ( Special to The Dec. )
Qcorgo Davis , the negro suspected of
wrecking the Hock Island train , Is mill con-
flncd In the city Jail. No complaint has as
yet boon filed ngnlnst him , and It will de
pend largely on the verdict rendered by
the Jury nt the Impiest whether this will
bo done. This forenoon Harry t'ooto , the
brakcmnn of the Ill-fated train , called at the
ntatlon and wns allowed to talk with the
prisoner. Davis persisted In sticking to his
Btory that ho heard the crash while he was
In the negro club rooms and started for the
Bceno of the wreck. Kooto tried to laugh
Iilm out of sticking to this story , and whether
he succeeded only ho and Chief Cooper know.
After the brakcman had talked with Davis
a llttlo while In the presence of Captain
Ireland he seemed to think that ho had htm
on the point of confessing. Chief Ccopcr
was called tnd the two entered his cell
and talked with Davis over an hour. After
they had finished tha chief declared that
Davis still clung to his old story , while
l'ooto refused to talk about the matter. The
chief said that ho talked very reluctantly
nnd In a hesitating manner , but said ncthlng
to Incriminate himself.
Phllpot and Altschuler have finally been
chosen by Dav s to defend him , though It
looked for a whllo that the scenes of yester
day among the attorneys would be repeated.
Attorney Courtnay came In and wanted to
talk with him. Colonel I'hllpot was there
and objected , and the chief asked the prisoner
which ono he vented to look after lila In
terests. After much hesitation ho said he
would Ilko to love Phllpot and his partner
and this wns accepted by Courtnay as llnal
and ho withdrew his request to consult him.
I3r keman I'cote uas handed a photograph
of 1 > . II. Zernccko this morning and after
examining It lie declared It was the likeness
of the man ulio got on his train at llalani.
This leaves no doubt that Zcrnecke perished
In the wreck.
Whllo tlicro has been much talk on the
Btrect corners no threats have as yet boon
inudo against the negro and ho rents in com-
paiatlvo case in his cell As there are no
female prisoners nt present in the Jail he
has been placed In the female apartment
and faros much bettor In rcgird to con
veniences than any of the other inlsoncrs.
The mayor cf University Place telephoned
the police station this morning that Will
Itoso had been shot at Havulozk whllo at-
jtemptlng to steal chickens last night He es
caped , but was captured on the state farm
and Is now In custody at Unlvcrs.ty Plucc.
Ho was shot In the wrist and leg , and was
. qulto seriously Injured. Two other fellows
who were with htm succeeded In eluding
capture and arc still ut large
M : S N
, Ituln KnoiiKli to foul tlm Atmi > H | > lii > re , but
1)1 ) I resolution | , lttl , , < ; , , ( ) , ! .
FREMONT , Aug. 12. ( Special to The Bee. )
The ladles cf the Baptist church gave a
pleasant and profitable Ice cream boc al In
the city park last evening.
A heavy shower set In hero at 5 o'clock
this morning , but continued for only thirty
minutes. The temperature and streets are
greatly Improved , but vegetation still cries
for rain.
II. D. Dunning , C. II. NIcodemua , John ami
Otto Schurman , Guy , Darnell Colson ,
Deb Wall , Gus llagcnslck and Krank and
Joe lllllck were the Kremsnt delegation that
joined the Omaha and Chicago delegations to
the L. A. W. meet at Denver , and left this
Mrs. Allen , \\lfo of Senator Allen , has been
in the city during the week witnessing the
graduation of her daughter , -Miss Lulu , at
the normal.
The annual exercises of the State L'terary '
society , held at the Normal cliapel last even
ing , wcro carried out to the satisfaction cf
the large concourse of people In attendance.
After the exercises In the hall , all were
treated to a pleasant social given on the
college campus , which was appropriately
decorated with flowers and Chinese lanterns
for the occasion. The annual baccalaurato
sermon was dell\ered before the students
of the normal this morning by Hev. N.
Chestnut , pistor of the Presbyterian church.
The four boys who ran away last Monday
returned to their respective homes last evenIng -
Ing , tired and dusty and heartily sick of
their venture. They lm\e been to Kearnej ,
then to South Omaha and tltcn home.
Secretary Markell of tha Y-uimn Men's
Christian association Is receiving applica
tions for the accommodation of n sufficient
number of delegations to the meeting which
begins tomorrow to Indicate a large attend
ance. Four tennis courts en the ground
vero completed > esterday , and In fact the
grounds arc In perfect condition In all re
spects for a pleasant and bouellclal meet
ing. Rev. J. P. D. Llwyd of Omaha w ill deliver
the Introductory lecture on Monday even
ing , Instead of llov. Frank Crane , as here
tofore noticed.
Hurt County 1'ioplo Iluvii I.oxt I'alth In tin , . Arlluln.
TEICAMAH , Neb , Aug. 12. ( Special to
The Ilee. ) Ilttlu making by artificial means
In Durt county has proven a fiat f-illuro. and
the corn crop is practically a failure. Farm
ers are cutting up their stalks for fodder
and try to console themselves that this Is
the first falluru Hurt county ever had.
Nearly $ SOO was raised for the project , but It
could not bo done again.
The Uurt county pjpullst convention meets
next Friday. What few democrats there are
In the county will "fin.o" with the popj , and
thereby hope to knock down nn oflica for
The republicans hold their convention the
following Monday. The republican primaries
will be held Friday , and It la expected that a
email fight may bo engendered b tween the
Majors and MacColl forces , but with clunco *
for the ultimatum for MacColl Hurt county
Is entitled to fifteen d legjtct to the s > tnlc
convention , but will probably go uninstructpd.
Editor W. II. Koins of the Ilciald has at
last been confirmed ah poatmaMer of Telui-
mah nnd Is now In the oillco learning the
ropes. Ilia appointment gives general satis
faction. '
The new vault at the court house for Hurt
county records Is being rapidly pushed to
completion. Stuno 10.000 brkk will be used
In Its construction nnd It will cost the county
about $900. II.
District court will convene October 1 , to
4 200 Pages. 200,0007orch , F.
tXbiitucTin : .ixn UM/PI/C
A. JUtiio of Ktioirlnlita ami u Mint of
Utf fill nets.
Tlicro are more thine * Instructive ) , uiufiil two
unit eiiiertuliilnir In that irrvit booli , "flio Mo.
Ami-Hum Kiicyi'loptMllo Dictionary , " tli.m In
any similar publication uu-r lium-il.
Thin tiv.ilcrU , newer Urn Hmt tlino
pluicUlllilii lliu iv.ich ut mer.uiiiu , It a
unique ! imlilli illon , ( or It IH at the mme Urns
a perlict itlcllonury iimt u complolo oiiuycla *
Only that number of the lioovt rorrunpoud-
In ? wttli tliu scrlos iiumiKr o ( tliu uuupju
tircsi mini will txi itcllv or irt
KSumlny niut Thrco Wwilt-iliy coupoitl
vvlih 1A cents In c oln. wilt lu v 1)114 pirt
of Tit" Aiiierlmn KucyeloiwU i Ulullou * The
my fceiul onlerti to The Hoi G31ox
MuuordciH kliould bo uJJruvjJi to last
bo In session two weckn. The Orange nnd
Farmers Mutual Insurance company of
Washington and Hurt counties has been or
ganized and articles of Incorporation filed
with the Rtnto Auditor , U Is to succeed the
Pomona Grariga Insurance company nnd Is
officered ly | Hon. Watson Tyson , Hnti , John
Cameron , Mother Jcgcr , A. P. Job nnd A. J.
McClanahnn ,
The report of Superintendent C. F. llcck
to the stnto superintendent for the year end
ing Inst month. U to the effect that receipts
wcro $17,323.04 ; outstanding bonds , $20.fiI5'
total value of district propirty , $79-
703.87 ; rumber of bojs of school age , 2,303 ;
number of glrla , 2,100 ,
MIIUVI.III : : N t\Mi :
Wnlor UoiiiitiliMliiiipr TfikritHiininniry Mm-
nri-K itlth T io I roe CmiMiiiirrfl.
SCHirVLnil , Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Special to
The Hoc. ) Jnck Hayes Buffered n minstroke
Friday and now lies nt his homo In a critical
Mrs. Mary Lapacho of Albion Is visiting
In Schuyler , her former home.
M. lj. Weaver Is visiting the homo of his
boyhood nt Ayorsvllle , 1'a.
Voting liny Zollnian found n check for $53 ,
drawn to Joseph Shultz by Kred Kropf and
payable to bearer. His father took It to the
( Julll office , from where It was returned to I
Mr. Kropf , who had Issued a duplicate check I
to John IJriini , who lost the check.
Arrangements have been made by the
pastors of the Presbtcrlan , Methodist nnd
St. John Lutheran churches to conduct union Sunday evenings during the hot
weather. August 12 the Presbyterian pulpit
will bo oeciiplud by Hev Hnntcl , August 19
the St John Lutheran by Hev. Kunckey
and August 2G the Methodist by Hov. Lcanl.
A couple of men held forth on n street
corner ono .night this week nnd sold castllo
soap with various prized to dozens of gullible
citizens. 'The soap proved to bo scented ,
worthless stuff that had been cut Into small
cakes and stamped by Its dispensers to suit
Water Commissioner Wheeler hns turned
off thu water of do/ens who had been too un
sparing und Irregular In their use of city
water. The ordinance provides for Its Uho
on lawns from G to S a m. nnd from G to S
p m. , but many had been using It much out-
sldo of hours. Some hnd allowed nil night
flows , others sprinkled lawns nil day.
The firm of G. S. Roberts & Co. , harness
dealers , la dissolved , Mr. Roberts retiring.
Mall Clerk C. H. Cherry , who was Injured
In the wreck on the Reck Island at Lincoln ,
has many frlonds In Schuyler , where he vis
ited but recently.
Visitors at tlm Opening Session of the In-
tcriUiito < /'lmilt.iiiim | Itmrly iilti'rilnrd. : ( :
SALEM , Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Special Telegram
to The Hoe. ) The ' .Interstate
opened with Immense crowds and a brilliant
program , The great tent was' crowded ut
every bcrviua and every hour of the day
was characterized by n special service. Hev.
Sam Small , pi evident , preached the Inaugural
sermon on "Some trust In chariots , anil
Homo In hoises , but wo will remember the
name of the Lord our God. " The sermon
was a strong appeal for righteousness In the
way of the people and the conduct of public
affalis. Mr. Small declared that God con
fuses the council of nations that trust in
other than godly wisdom. Ho was esppclally
strong and sensational In his criticisms of
public men's habits and the fashions ot
modern politics. The sermon was greatly
admired and commented upon , receiving gen
eral approval. Rev. David II , Shields of
West Virginia preached In the afternoon a
most finished sermon on "The Thirst of the
Soul After God. " Dr. Shields Is a man of '
great pathos and eloquence and his thoughts
were fresh , vigorous nnd beautiful. At night
Rev. Mr. Francis preached one of the most j
delightful sermons cvei heard on the grounds.
His theme was "Songs In the Night. " and his
nblc and enthusiastic pleas for spirit life and
prnlso tn the service of God were full of
fire and conviction. Dlshop Turner of Georgia
Is expected tomorrow to lecture on "The
African Problem. " The music Is made n
special nnd splendid feature of the dilly proB"
1'iirinnr Orjyiiii/o nu Association to ISuilil
.lluoli Nrcdttfi liltch.
BURWELL , Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Special to
The Ilee. ) Articles of Incorporation of the
Burwell Irrlgitlon company were filed In I he
oIHco of the county clerk here Friday. The
now corporation Is composed of twelve rep-
representative farmers. The capital stock Is
$50.000 , nnd shares $100. Officers and board
of directors were elected last night , the man
agement being entirely from among the
farmers. There has been no rain here for , a month , and only thrco light showeis
since las year. The mcicury has registered
over 100 In the shadu every day for more
than n week , having reached 110 three- times ,
and once 112. The crops of every kind are
nn entire fillnre. Not one acre out of 100 oT
the small grain In this vicinity has or will
bo h.n vested , whllo almost nil of
the corn Is entirely Killed by
the extreme bent nnd drouth. There
Is no vegetables or hay to speik of. Undu
these circumstances everybody la consider
ably Interested , In Irrigation , and the new
company will receive the support of the en
tire community. It Is prapobcd to dig n
ditch about twenty miles long , and to aid
In this the precinct tn which Hnrwell Is slt-
ualod will be asked to vote bonds. Owing ti
to the fact that the crop was n partial fail- |
ure heio I ibt jear and for one or two jeirs
preceding that , many people will bo entirely
destitute in n very short time , and outside
aid alone can stand between them and suffer
A1 Imrn IV
AUIJUHN , Aug 12. ( Special to The Bee. )
Mr and Mrs J. C Dotuefteld are cnjo > lng cf
the pleasures of Denver and the mountains.
Shcilff Glisgow has purchased the com-
moilloiid rcsldcnso of Dan Glaze , Just u In
block north of the Jail.
J S Stull took his youngest daughttr ,
MIs Katie , to Omaha Tuesday , to bo treated a
for cntarrhll trouble.
Mi. Kellliir ; of Pana , III. , Is visiting his
son , Lawyer Kelllgnr , of this city.
Dr Opperneau was summoned to Lincoln
attend the joimuist child of Prof , nnd
Mrs Furdjcc , who Is lying very low with Sc
summer complaint
Mis. Il'iiry F. Welch died at her home ,
four miles southeast of Auburn , August 8. .
On Tuesday the deceased was stricken with
heart clkcase and lived only a few hours.
Slio leaves u husband and several grown
Died llcrtle V. , 3 months old , child of
Rev L L. Combs and wife of this city The
littlt- one died at Sterling , Neb , where the '
elder Is holding a meeting The remains
wcro Interred In the Sheridan cemetery nt
Thursday afternoon.
Hcniy Williams nnd M. W. Sanders of
Ncnmha City were In town Monday.
iJurxlars made u raid on several collars
nnd cupboards Wednesday night. The resi ing.
dences of W. H. Glllan , H M. Olllan nnd
. Hell is vvcio entered nnd all the eatables
taken , nnd n pair of shoes was purloined nt
ono placo. It Is thought to have been the
woik of tramps.
The drouth still contlnuta , unil old settlers
declare the Ilko was never known. Farmers
discouraged , ami are disposing of their list.
cattle , horses and hogs for mere nothing.
H. H. Holmes paid Atchlson n business nun
visit S.itnrdiv , at
Clarene ; Wvkcs of Syarcusc Sundaycd In
Auburn. held
C , 11. Thompson of the firm of Thompson
Pecry , together with his head clerk , M. York
Look , started for Chicago Tuesday lo
select their fall stock of dry goods.
Mrs. J , I ) . Strlckler Is lying very 111 with
lung trouble. New
i . , .
Dr. U. L' . Faurer , late graduate of the ties inr
Eclectic Medical college of Lincoln , Is now ' 105
practicing with Dr. Opperneau.
Hev. J. W. White left on Monday for n
weeks' visit to his family In Lebanon ,
Miss Nellie Wallace , who has been dan
gerously III , Is slowly recovering.
Miss Maude Duller Is visiting relatives at
Chester , Neb. has
Miss May Holme ? Is visiting friends In
Nemahi City.
< ! n n < l Islnml Moving fur Irrigation. new
QHAND ISLAND , Aug. 12. ( Special to
Bee. ) The Irrigation committee ap cases to
pointed by the meeting of citizens
Monday evening mot vesterday III
organized by electing 0 , F. Dontlcy presIdent - not
Ident and E. E. TJiompeou Hcrretary , Presi I ho
Footo of the Nebraska Irrigation asm- \
clntlon wan Invited to como here and look
over the Rlluntlon. A civil engineer nnd one
of the members or the committee have niide
n four' days' trip over the country nnd to the
South Loup river nnd reported favorably as to
the feasibility of Irrigating.
llrpnblli nni IIiirinonloiK In Hunt.
CnHIOHTONNeb.AUB , 12. ( Special to The
HiK . ) The republican county convention of
Knox county wns called to order at this
place Saturday by Chnlnnnn A. A. Loinn.
I ) . , 0 Jones was elected temporary chairman
nnd J. 0. Hnss temporary necrclnry. After
the committee on credentials made their re
| port L. I ) . Wcllmnn and H. M. McLeod wcro
selected permanent chairman nnd secretary
. Mr , Fiinko of Hloomflcld vvna nominated for
| county attorney nnd S. J. 0. Irwln of Cre'gh-
ton received tliu endorsement of the
convention for representative of the
Twentieth district nnd wns allowed to select
his own delegation.
The convention wns harmonious from be
ginning to end. There wni a large attend-
mice nnd every one seemed to feel confident
of republican siicccs this fall.
1'riMillrr Count } I'opullMx.
STOCKVILLE , Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The populist county convention
was hold hero yesterday. E. T. Jay , J. H.
Lincoln ' and E. P. Pyle were before the con
vention ns candidates for county attorney.
After a spirited contest E. P. Pyle received
the nomination. Charges of rings nnd slates
WLTO openly made In the convention by the
cnndldites. Dr. F. LaHuo was nominated
for coroner nnd George D. Miller for county
commissioner by acclamation.
The delegates to the state , cong-esslonal
and senatorial conventions are unlnstructcd.
D. L 'Mcllrldo Is a candidate for repre
sentative from this county. With the united
support of the delegates from this county to
the representative convention ho will no
doubt receive the nomination.
Dnitli of an Old settlor.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Special
to. The Bee. ) A. H. Wllhclm , a prominent
citizen of this city and county , died nt his
home last night of acute Infinmmatton cf the
stomach. Mr. Wilhclm came to Grand Inland
when n young man and experienced the hard
ships of the early days. Ho wns here In
the grasshopper year and was one of the
oldest Inhabitants of the city. He vvai the
local menibdi or tlio American Railroad
Ticket Brokers association , combining with
this the business of real estate , insur
ance nnd loan. He was 45 years of nge nnd
leaves a wife art ! family. The funeral will
take place tomorrow afternoon.
Itnl i itt Ucit I'olnt.
WEST POINT , Neb , Aug 12. ( Special to
The Bee. ) A heavy rain fell last nltht and
this morning , nnd Indications are for more
While too late to help the bulk of the corn
acreage. It will be of great service to lite
corn and pastures.
The Cumlng County Teachers' Institute
convenes tomorrow morning
The roads are coveicd with prairie schoon
ers containing burnt-out farmers going east
to obtiln v ork. Their stories of the condi
tion of things on th" line of the Fremont.
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad west of
Norfolk 1 heartrending.
Tuner il of nriMk 'tlttlni.
FAIRI3UHY , Neb , Aug. 12 ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee ) The funoial services of
the Into W. O. Hambcl , one of the victims
of the railroad wreck , were conducted by
the Misoiilc order this nftcrnoon and were
attended by a large corcourse of people. A
special train from Hebron brought In the
Masons and members of the bar from that
place ] , and the Beatrice bar largely
represented. The republican convention yrs-
terday testified to their esteem of the de
ceased by approprlite resolutions.
iJirn ftriulc bj I.lKhtiitrj ;
STOCKVILLK , Aug. 12. ( Special to The
Bee. ) A large frame barn belonging to William
. ,
liam Hlnton , who lives three miles west of
here , was struck by lightning last night nl7d
completely burned , together with nil his
sheds , cribs ami windmill.
The Teachers' Institute of Frontier county
closed today. The session has been very
satisfactory both In attendance and work. hundred and forty-eight were enrolled.
Kuox County I'o'pullhtK.
NIOBRAR < \ , Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Special Telegram -
gram to The Bee. ) Tha populist convention
for the Twentieth district , comprising Knox
and Iloyd counties , wns held hero yeslerday
nnd | placed In nomination H. M. Worth of
Knox county. I
-lieriilun C'oiiiit\'n ( Joint HO.IKO.
SHERIDAN , Wyo. , Aug. 12. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The Board of County Commissioners
er of Shrrldan county has contracted with
Mr. Cndy , an Omaha capitalist , for the erec
tion of a two-story brick building , 50x110
feet , which will bo leased for n county court
house. The county ngiecs to pay an annual
rental of $2,000 for a period of five years.
The Burlington extension to Billings , Mont. ,
Is now completed north from hero to the
Crow agency , a distance of seventy-two
miles , nnd the company expects to commence
running dally trains In about ten days. .
llov Timiml tliu .Switch In Tlino. ]
ANDERSON , Ind. , Aug. 12. Yesterday
Tom Dickinson , n lad 12 years old , saved a i oils wreck on the Big Four. The
westbound passenger express hnd Blde-
tn acked to let a fast freight pass. The
switch nearest the fieight was open and
out of the leach of tlif passenger crew ,
when the freight wns bounding along nt a
ticmendous speed. The Ind took In the sit
uation and changed the switch barely In
time to nveit a vvicck.
Fltjlit Annn I'Ulinrmnn. "
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 12. Contradicting re-
poi ts are received from Jeffeison barracks
a Hhootlng scrape between a party of
llsbermcn from tills city nnd a number of
natives near Unrrol'H Island this evening.
whlrli one of the latter was shot nnd
killed and another badly wounded. Tliu
IMity fiom heio vsas arrested , but all innde
denials of having killed anybody. There Is
difference of opinion ns to the cause of
the light. " ! H
Hun Down by n Slo.impr.
11ENTON HAnnOTl. Mich. , Aug. 12.-The
steamer Puritan of the Chicago , St. Joseph
Henton Harbor Tiansportutlon company
ran Into HIP tug Richmond and cut her In
two The Puiltnn was comlnp" Inlo the
h.iiboi nnd WUH running unusually close tn
the vvhnrf and at an unusual late of
speed when she struck the tug , which was
just leaving the dock The cnptnln and lily
cicvv trot off before she went clown.
Tiitlllng .Mimlormlth Illooilltoumls.
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , Aug. 12-Thomna
O'Uannon , n prominent meichant of this
city , was muitiered by nn unknown negro
11 Into hoin lust nlght. _ Hobbery _ was the '
motive of the crime The murderer e -
cnpecl , but bloodhounds vveie placed on his
trntl nnd the repot t teacliod here tonight
that ho hnd been surrounded seveinl miles
from here and will be ciptured by morn
. A lynching Is probable .
The president has vetoed the bill placing
Paymaster Yorke of the navy on the retired The
. _ _
H. M. Elliott , Augustln Daly's property the
, hired In England , has been stopped
New York under the contract labor law.
As an outcome of the engineering congress but
during the World's fair , n society was
formed which held Its first meeting In New
The schedule filed by the receivers cf In
Goodwin & Smith , ra llrcad contractors of
Yoik , who failed recently , shew liabili a
, of $ $41,344 30 ; nominal assets , ? 1,307 , -
; actual assets , $105.
President Caccrcs of Peru has assumed the
duties of his olllee.
Mexican soldiers hive been ambushed and nni
defeated by tliu Yaqul Indians. wo
It U reported that the schooner Manyan
been lost on the China coast. Me
The Kobylcs trlbo In Morocco have re /
volted and are clef j Ing the authority of tha fro
Oillclal returns show the total number of New
of cholera In Russia , from August 1 /
date were 133 , with 102 deaths. tin
There la reported to be a great deal of
fcellne In Russia because , the czar did
grunt amnesty to petty prisoners at
time of the murrlage of the Grand Duke and
\tula3 , as has been customary na
1 r
Aged and 3pcgijrro iiillionaira Slowly
Fassirg way at His Homo.
He tins Unlit Sliiri Ilues of Iliillroul Tlinn
Any Other'.ifiin-U'orlli Mini ) Mil-
lloiK , lint Novrru
, , , } ) ccnliitor ,
l-t f
NEW YORK , Aug. 7. John I. Illalr U reported -
ported seriously , if not fatally , 111 nt his
homo In Illilrstovvn , N. J. His ilnth will
remove a unique nnd striking figure from the
business world , n man who Is us well known
, In St. Louis , Knnsas City nnd Chicago ns he
Is In New York , writes n correspondent of the
Globe-Democrat. Ho Is now pist ! )0 ) , nnd until
his present Illness It hid always been his
boast that ho had never b > cn sick n dny In
his life. Ho began life ; without n dollar , nnd
Is now worth not less than ? oO,000,000. In n which I hnd with him n cuple of years
ngo he gave mo some very Interesting details
of his early life. IU was born , ho told mo ,
near JJolvlclero , N. J. , In ISO. ! , the descend
ant of a Scotch Covenanter , who came to
this country In 1710. Ono of his nncestors
helped to found Princeton college , nnd was
afterward its vlcj president and ono of Ha
"My futher , " said Mr. Illnlr , "died when
I was 14 yearn old , nnd from that time on
I wns compelled to shift for myself , nud
contribute to the support of my mother ,
seven brothers and three sisters. The first
money I ever earned was by trapping lab-
bits and muskrats and selling tlulr skins.
I got Jl for sixteen skins , and felt richer in
Its possession than I ever have since. When
I was 10 } cara old I became a clcik In the
store kept by n cousin of mine nt Hope. I
remained with him for seven years , .mil
then set up for myself. I removed to what
Is now Blalrstown , but which was then al
most a wilderness , and opened n gciurnl
store. I had managed to bave a few hun
dred dollars , and the balance of my capital
was loaned me by my mother and coiisjn. "
Mr. Blair prospered from the first , and
was In n few yenrs the owner of u chain of
stores , established ono by one and man
aged by his brothers
The building of a
small rallroid In Warren county , In which
RlnlrsUwn is sltmted , disclosed to him n
new source of wealth , by which he was not
slow to profit. I'he greater pirt of his vast
fortune was made by railroad building In
Iowa. Ills general plan was to organize a
company to build a reid thrcugh an unde
veloped bcctlon Then he would pcrstiiMlo
the people l.vlng along the proposed line to
issue count ) and city bonds suiHcIenl to
pay for the building cf the road , the work
being Invariably done by a construction
company , which was John I Blair In another
form. Bonds would be issued for this and
stock equal in anfount to the bonds turned
ever to hi i company , which was also h.mself
The settling up of the country opened by the
load nevei failed t6r make the stork valuable ,
antl In the endthesfirewd New Jersey shop
keeper became h many times millionaire At
ono period In his career Mr. Blair owned
and controlled mor miles of rallr ad than
any other man , Vanderbilt not e\cepted.
He built the town of'DlalrBlovn into a solhlly
prosperous place. Trt get to and from Blilrs-
town ho constrlicti'fltftlie Blalrstown i-Jllroad.
the chief business of which ims always been
to carry John I. Blair back and forth.
Mr. Blalr'a hbtts1iave alwas been simple
and unpretentious , arid he is known to every
man , woman nnd child In Illalistown as
"plain John I. " Ills garments are always
plain nnd usually Ill-tatting and shabby , while
his silk hat giVes every evidence of having
seen service long before the wa- . Through
out his long lift he has boon a hard worker ,
und until his present'sickness could be found
atat his desk at n50 'in the morning , and this
at all seasons of ( lie year. It Is his boast
that he hns never " S"n > cuhted , never attended
a horse'raco o"r uase ball came nnd has only
once been to n theater. " His business methods
are original and often eccentric. At one
time , he was a partner cf John P. Alley , but
differences ] | arose and they separated. Then
Alley sued for something like $2,509,000.
When the case came for trial Mr. Blair was
not ready and requested an adjournment.
There was n small army of lawyers employed
In the case nnd a hot war of words ensued.
The Judge , In the end , granted a postpone
ment , but oidercd that n bond for double
the amount of the alleged claim should be
A ? 3 000,000 BOND.
"The bond required will bo $5,000,000 , I
understand , " said Mr , Blair , when this de
cision had been reached. Alley's lawyers
promptly assured him that ho had not over
stated the amount.
"I expected th're would bo something of
the kind necessary , " Bald Mr. Blair In his
quiet way , "and so I brought this along"
"This , " proved to be a small black bag '
which ho had brought with him into the
court room. Ho now opened It and spread
before the judge ? 5,000,000 in government
"These will answer , I suppose ? " he In
The Judge , when he had recovered from
his surprise , said ho thought they would.
"But , " ho went on , "I will make you cus
todian of them , with the distinct under "
standing that none of them shall be used
while It Is part of the bond. "
"Your Iloncr need have no fear on that
score , " was Mr. Blilr's reassuring response.
"I only brought In a few this morning for
this purpose. There nre some that I will
have no use for while this matter Is pond-
InK. "
Mr. Blair seldom drives , always prefcrlng
to trnvel nloot When , however , the dlslinco
forbids vvnlklng , lu-harnesses up n poriy- to
Uoklng nag In n ramshackle vehicle that
saw Its best dpys a generation ago. Ills only
son nnd heir lives In magnificent style at
Belvldcrc < , N. J. , and drives steeds of great
value and beauty.
"Why ls It , Mr. Blair. " a friend once
nskod him , "that ) our son rides In such
splendid state while you Jog along In this by
wretched style ? "
"Well , ) ou see , " sild the millionaire ,
dryly , "I never had Hie advantage cf u rich
father. "
Years ago Mr. Blair used to take an occa
sional ( Iyer in politics , und In 1SSS wns the
republican candidate for governor of New bo
Jersey. There was n sort of tacit under
standing that ho was to furnish the money
and the wire-pullers of his part ) were to do
the rest , As Is usuil In such cases , he was und
bidly beaten at tlm polls. Ho took his de-
feat good-lwm9redJyJnnd | said that his ex- of
perlonce hnd rcmjndeji him of n western man on
who drove a lot'qf , hogs from St. Louis ,
where hogs were' , ; | jtoiv ] ) ) , to Chlcigo , where had
they were high , Md 'finding ' that before ho
there the hORj n ket had twisted around
that the swlr.-cl vvle higher In St Louis Into
than hi Chicago , mpv.,0 the hogs back again ,
reaching St Louja , .Just In time to find n him
depression In thp SI , , Louis market , which , .
was matched by , on , , elevation In Chicago. '
man said tlit | ) ip had not made much
money out of /jinsactlon / , but ho had ing
society of the ) ips.
"Well. I am HU.Q Hmt fellow " nll | Mr-
Blair. "I have , ijflticon elected governor ,
I have had tly ] wplety of hogs. " was
Mr , Blair hasijha ulsonicly endowed nn
academy nt BlaffUo.wn | , which bears his could gula
name , nnd has n ] < tVi founded professorships fate
Princeton niidaLifiU'ette colleges , besides
contributing gcnni0iBy | | ) to the support of was
number of wcMecn ifolleges , notably those
along the lines ot rnllwny built by him. ful
When ho dies the Jnrger part of the great
fortune will go to hU two children tlio BOH fut
already mentioned , nnd a daughter , the mler
latter the widow of , the Into Ctmles Scrlb-
, , the .well known publisher.
All In 111 , John I. Blair Is a unique figure
nmong the millionaires of the country , and , . . .
shall not look upon his like again. Dili
Movement * of Soueolii Vo B il , Aiiguit 1'J. I
At New York Arrived Steamer Fiirnesla , sup
from Glasgow , La Chninpalgne , from In
Huvrp color
At Havre Arrived -La Normumlle , from It
At London Arrived Mrmmtle , from Bal jured
timore. them
C'nptiirqil u ( Irritmn Kmbrzzliir. The
NEW YOHK , Aug. 12.-A merchant of
Germany , who Is wuntl there for forgery
embezzlement , wdr captured today Juxt you'ro
ho win landing fiom the steamer La It
rimnipalcne The exnet amount Involved
In his nlicffei 1 thefts Is imt known , tint It
In iuipt > o ecl to be liige The prisoner nek-
novvleiiged hli Identity , tint refused to imy
anything In rcgnnl to tils nllcged crimes.
( Irntn Sen UIIM Tlircitr Oourteiy to tint
I ) T .
Amnng the notable guests nt the I'lltli Ave
nue hotel during the past week wns c\-
Unllcd Slntei Senator Walton C , Sciulre of
Washington , says ( he New York Herald. The
senator la ono of the lirorul minded , level
headed business men who regard the metrop
olis ns flic of the grentest watering phccs
In the country , which accounts for his spend <
Ing so much of his time In the city during
' the summer months. In other jcars he hns
not been nveme to whlllng away n pissing
hour or eo with congpnlnl friends over tlm
exciting : tnstories of n quiet game of "draw"
poker , for , Ilku nil weiterncr-i , and It might
bn - ndded United States collators , he hns the
reputation of playing n powerful good hand
i , . A few nights ngo ho was Invltad to Join n
party , of his frlonds , all big men In business
enterprises nnd renown. Murh to ihelr sur
prise ho declined , staling that he had "sworn
off. " It was news to them nnd wcisloned
not n little comment. Ho did not. I owcver.
volunteer nny explanation to satisfy their
The reason for his forswearing the game
furnishes n very Interesting bit -History of
political-social life nt the nation il c.ipltnl
nnd discloses for the first time the lendon
of the acrimonious feeling thit char.i''orlzcd
the relations of the late United States Sena
tor Plumb ot Kansas nnd Unltod States
Senator Aldrlch of Rlio-le Islinil
The story has never been made public and
. was related to mo by n gentlem in of un
' doubted ' reliability who wns present on what
has become a memorable and historic occa
During Semtor Squire's term In congress
a small pirty gathered nt John Chamber-
lln's ono evening to Indulge' In n quiet ,
friendly game of "draw " Besides Sunatoi
Squire thsre were United States Senators
Farwell of Illinois , Alilrlch of Rhode Islnn.l ,
nnd the lute Senator Plumb of Kansas. It
was an assemblage of big- brains , big mone >
nnd grunt nerve , nnd the gnmo wan natur
ally n very Interesting one The game pro
ceeded In n very plncld way without nny
distinctive feature- other than tlm Kansis
senator's hard luck. No matter how good
his "hands" were he was sure to be beaten
The gnme had gone on for some time when
a messenger came to the door nnd Inquired
for Senator Plumb , salnK he was wanted on
Important business. The senator excused
himself and said he would be back ptesently
While he was gone his frlciuls jokingly con
spired to put up a "hand" on him. They ar
ranged it so that Plumb would get four jacks
and Fnrwell four queens. Know Ing that the
former was n stiff player , they anticipated
the heavy beting with inueli glee ami the
senator's crestfallen relief when they would
subsequently explain the piac'lcal joke played
on him Senator Aldrlch was the dealer.
The Kansas senator returned In a verj
short time and resumed his place at the
table. The others all wore their mos' serious
aspect. The cards were dealt as arrangc'l '
by the senatorial conspirators Senator Plumb
held three jacks "pal" and called for one
card Aldrlch dealt him n Jack fiom tlu
bottom of the pick , and Senator Plumb saw
In an instant he was on his feet , bo ling
with rago. The others tried to pacify him
but ho only became the more Infuriated
The others grsspcd him by the arms and
supplicated him to be quiet , explaining that
It was all n Joke that the ) Intended pliyng
on him , but the Kansas semtor , who was a
very serious man , would not bee It In that
The game naturally broke up , leaving the
participants In anything but a Jovial mood
Further explanations were .subsequent ! )
made to Plumb , but he would not forgive
Aldrich , and never spoke ti him afterward ,
though their duties brought them to
gether In the senate
From that night Senator Pqtilre nude up
his mind to qu t pok r "If. " said heto my
Informant , "a small gnme like tint can
arouse such bitter hatied nnd enmity among
friends , I never vvnnt to pby It ngam. "
Iiolclii7 Crlmai I' rjiutri * 11 Arilut ; i
llnrlmrmiM i ncniy.
Perhaps no barbarous ruler , bereft of
power mid overwhelmed by the advance of
the fnucaslnn race , over met n more pa
thetic fate than that of Lo Hengula , saya
the Now York Sun. Ccitaln flagrant viola
tions of utago and brutal dlsicgarj for every
dictate of humanity sealed the fate of the
king. On two occasions , during the hostili
ties , It is probable that further bloodshed
and untold suffering might have been
avoided If shameful injustice had not been
done to him. In the first Instance n deed
was committed vvhlcli most people would
regard ns a crime , though nn Investigating
committee bus declared It to bu merely a I
blunder. Iho second case was an act of
brutal treachery hard to paiallel.
The war had hardly begun when Lo Ben
gula sent three ambassndois to the com
mander of one of the military columns of the
'South Africa company. Unarmed and with
out escort , they walked Into the white camp ,
but the message they brought from the king
was never delivered. Two of them were ahot
dead In their tiacks nnd the third escaped
Into the bush. The respect shown to n ling
of truce In civilized warfare was denied to
the envoys of a barbarous king. No one has
been called to account. The committee of
Inquiry has defined the occurrence as an
"unfortunate misunderstanding " If this be , )
, the tonlble deed should be Included In
the category of those blunders that are vvorso
than cilmcs.
After the wr.r was practically over nnd
Lo Bcngula and thousands of h s people
wcro retreating to the north the king de
cided to throw himself upon the mercy ot
his conquerors and beg that the killing cf
his fallen tribesmen might ' Bopped He
sent ono of his ch.efs with a le.ter addressed
the ccpimnncler cf the white forces , In
which he said that his great desire was to
surrender and prevent further bloodshed.
evidence that he vuis sincere and submissive
missive ho sent with the chief an o\ wagon
containing ? 5,000 In silver , a present to the
British leader. The envoy had nearly So
reached his destination when ho wnb met
two English soldiers , who demanded his
business , The simple-minded black man
told thorn all there was to tell , und fol
lowed Implicitly the direct ! us they gave
him. They charged him to return at once
the king. They would deliver the letter
and the present at headquarters and tha
answer ot the white commander would boon
sent to Lo Bengula
Those two soldiers then committed the
heinous crlmo of destroying this message of
peace and submission , willing that massacre
suffering should continue If only they
might enjoy the Ill-gotten silver. The blood
Major U'llson and his fiylng column Is letwa
the hands of those men. It was after Lo was
Bengula had tendered his surrender and boy
vainly awaited the answer that Wil
son's pursuing party was slaughtered to a en
mini. Then the king pushed a little do'por n the
the wilderness toward the Xnmbesl and
with women nnd childen ! dying around But
, he , too , succumbed to his grief and
privations. For this act of desplcabio l
treachery , which cost hundreds of lives , Its
perpetrators nre In convict garb , each serv n
a sentence of fourteen years nt haul
labor | , , .
Neither the king of the Matabeles nor the | did
white men were responsible for the war. It to
forced upon them both by the thousands lire
) oung Matabelo soldiers , whom Lo Den * pel
was able to restrain no more than ho ball
the whirlwind. Ho deserves n bettor
, for , barbarian though ho was , tlieio me
much that In him all for
was good , as the
white men testify who hnd r.lureil his hos VOl'
pitality and helpfulness. It Is not n cheer hen
thought that his complete ruin was made until
Inevitable through circumstances of u sliaino- Then
character , imposed upon the unlmppy n n
by men who call themselves civilized. tails .
Mmli iiriiro < > i't HU lilci of tlm nnd
Ullihr * ' llrotli finiii .Vfrku , tlrnth
was ruminating about this particular eirl
siipersttt on of the negro race , says a writer prn
tha Atlanta Constitution. One of their
his b < .en very nick In this town nnd
got spread miiong them that he was con
, or "cunjud , " as thay speak It , and right foml
comes In the ill If ore nee betwojn the hdy
and the copper colored and mulalloes.
belief In "c njurln" eems ta be confined touches
mainly to the black negro. Old Aunt Ann plays
dcUares 'hat ' he was vunjud as alio' aj Ing
' born , for ho U turnln' r gtj ; gre-u " what
was thtse same black Africans who had '
nil the superstitions about llrer Kox nnd Ilrcr
Itabblt We hid nil colors among our slaves
when I wns n boy , but It was cnly the black ,
brrnil-nosed nnd ihlck-llppcd
- ones who told
ns stories by the cnbln fires nt night They
only Inid n love for the innrvctou * nnd their
descendants liavo U vet.
They believe In hoodoo or voudoo nnd con-
Jnrln' They hnve a strong emotional reli
gion , nnd If the spirit throws them down
In n faint It Is n sign they've got It good.
What It Is they g < t I don't know , but It
suits them , nnd there docs not seem to be
nny clinngd In their mode nf v\or hlp. IM
iieatlon has not made nny tlmt wo can tier
celvc. Homo white people nre nffected th
xmnu wny , but It Is the exception nnd no
the rule. With the negroes It seems to bo
spasmodic. Its effects havs no good Inlln
' once after the spasm Is over. Wo used tn
' say of ono of our servants : "Ilccky Is going
tcIn cut lip today. She fell down In n trance
lust night nt meeting nnd had to bo
out " And she did cut up. She was the
nur&c for four children , nnd they had to
kaep nvvny from her until slio got over her
nt She was nccusel of being n conjurer ,
nnd n black negro named Luke swore out n
warrant for her , nnd Tom Peiry , tin ? 'siiulre
Issued It , just to see what Lul.o could prove
He ? nld that she hnd made him sick In the
biek nnd kept him sick , nnd ho handed tliu
'squire n dlmo that aha gave him for n
chicken , nnd pointed out n spot on It Hint
was the sign the proof thnt she had con
jured the money b-foro she paid It to him
That was nil.
"What do yon wish clone with her' " said I
"Sho have to svvaller de dime , " ho said
"nnd dnt break do spoil. I tried rabbit foot ,
nnd I bury lizard under dc door , and I plat
do old mnro's innno when de roosters crow
for midnight , but It don't do no good. I Is
dyln' every day "
Ilut Luke got well and Becky didn't swnl-
low the dime , cither.
Ono of my fnthcr s negro women got Jcnl-
ous of Mlnty , the cook , nnd determined lo
poison or conjure her to denth Mlnty got
sick nnd my fattier told Juno to make her
some ehlcken soup. She got fiom nn old
ing a red scorpion's head , a ll/ird's leg , n
bat's w Ini ; , n bctty bug , nml three or four
centipedes , or thousand legs , as wo call them ,
.mil tlm tall of n green snake , nnd had the
horrible muss cooking In n niuccpnn whoii
my mother happened In lo roe how Mint )
was nnd took the top off the
pin to look nt the soup
Juno confessed thnt she had been githerlng
material for that so'ip n good while , and she
wasn't much illstuiued nt tha dUcovciy. She
declared thnt Mlnty hnd "cunjud" her hus
band , nnd I reckon she had. So my father
had to separate the families. Now , did
Slmkoipeare get bis witches' caldron und Its
voirmnus contents from the old Africans of (
Pillet of n fennv nikc.
In the cililion boll nnd bike ;
13 > e nf newt and lee of frog.
Wool of nnd tongue of dog :
Adder's foik nnd blind worm sting ,
Ll/arJ's lew nml owlet's wing.
Koiimneo of n TSrbriisl.u Cutllii Touiilii tlm
K.II M * " * vi nil * H.
The dispatches not lon ngo announced
the clMth of Al Diekensou , vvhlcn unim
portant event occurred from an overdose of
bid vvhlsl.y procured nnd nbscrbed In nn
olfecmo t3vvn In Oklahoma The simple nn-
nouncement of th s vagibomllsh character's
passing away piobnbly created no Interest
outside of liis Imnieili'ite family connections ,
relates the Chicago Mall , and yet 1 renicin-
bsr the time when Al Dlcl.enson's name np-
I > ered In the columns ot every dall ) news-
piper of the United States , and nearly all
the papers thmight the tragedy with which he
was unrelated of such Importance that im-
mensu nml .sensational headlines preceded
evry .11 tide bearing upon the subject
To nuke the story intelligible It is neces
sary to dive down Into western history of
twenty-foil i vears ago. At Hint time the
snppo'odl ) ft'itfle Republican valkv covei-
ng p vast area In southern Nebraska and
nrthern Kinsis , was leccivlng nn Influx
cf settlor- from every section cf the civilised
; L > l > e. nnd , as In all instances of n ulmlltr
nature , there w is .1 ccncral distributing rnll-
viny point from which nil supplies vvero
l.-HWn and from which emanated enough gory
cncounleis each month to build up a dime
braiy on the lilojil-nnd-thunder order Hint
would net the frimder of the snmo an un
limited foitnne.
veil , Neb , started by the B & M reid ,
nnd ninied In honor of Perclval Lowell
then n prominent of the corporation
was the base of supplies for the vnlley
Lowell was 175 miles west of Omaha nnd
located just at the foot of the great sand
hills district Lowell at present is scattered
over the wide world and as n town is en-
t.rely obliterated , nothing remaining to re
mind the traveler of life and activity , ser
rows and jos , crimes nnd worthy deeds ,
but a v.nter tank from which freight engines
dr.iw the necessary nrtlcle to create bteam
In 1S70 to 1871 , however , Lowell was n
typical v.estcin town , more lllto the Lcad-
villo of a few ) tnrs later than any town
recall The United Stales land offlco
was there , and It was the jumplng-off
place for the land of promise some sixty
miles away. Half n million lie id of Texas
cattle were shipped from there
every sen-
son , lunl from two to n do/en herdcis bit
the dust almost every month. It wns one
of this number of the genus homo thnt was
responsible for the wild nnd reckless career
nml final death of Dlcltenson , nnd It wns nil
about n woman.
"Dick" who was nn educated fellow , n
vMI engineer from Boston , and ol excel
lent famll ) , fell In love ivlth Helen Grat-
ney , the bcaullful daughter of the postmis
tress of Lowell , and rumor had it that the
oung couple were to bo married In lliu
meantime Asa Love , a Texas cattle king ,
appeared upon the scene and offered both
hands nnd foitunu , Including n held of 41)-
000 Texas steers , to the fair Ilulen ' Hick"
hnd no money , but he wns n dashing , ban 1-
somc chap , nnd ho won the da ) Love
pursued the usual course of his class ciml
got beastly drunk , nfter which ho bi'i imo
very violent nnd threatened lo shoot Dick-
ciiBon on sliht. ;
The latter's friends. Including the district
judge , a half do/en l.iwers all the i mil )
officials anil n number of leading biislni'si
men , persuaded the successful cultoi to tike I
tilp home. But Boston wn not Lowell , of
and "Dick" couldn't glvo up the wild lite
nnd the dork-ejed benuty of the plains lilo
ho retiiined nnd declared hlnipclf
The Intervention of friends , howevci ,
patched up the trouble nnd the two Inter
ested parties consented to incut In the
Grntney pallor one morning , dinkc hands led
nnd nllow the unfortunate dnmsul who hid
caused nil the trouble lo mnkc an tiuvo-
cnblo choice between mo
the men the tinsue-
ciSFful ono to go nwny forever nml le.ivo the and
happy couple unmolested. A mlmutei , the
major of the "city , " nn editor of a louil
paper , the district Judge nml ono or two
more outsiders vveio piesent to witness tliu
nuptials that were to fallow.
Both men surrendered their
the postmistress nnd the reconelliatlu't
i ffectcd. Helen selected the Boston
) nnd apparently everybody was satisfied
when nn altercation between Love und Dlck-
ciiHon broke out Love , who hud concealed
pistol I In his shirt , llrst attempted lo purl
weapon nnd kill his successful rival
"Dick" had seen enough of wostoin lifo
to be caught napping , nnd to the nslcm
luhment of ever ) body In the room icached
down In the leg of his right boot , proiliicul
short i 44 , llioH quickly nnd awaited ro
The shot struck Love In the mouth , but It
" not floor him. Ho frantlcilly endeavored
pull his gun , but fulled. Dlckemon
the four remaining shots , two of which
pirated the cattleman's heart , nnd lliu
balance striking htm In the abdomen
Now comes the most stnrtllng pait of this
melancholy ] tragedy. Love made n lunge
his slayer , nml grasping the empty re
volver from his hand , struck him the
nnd repeated this unheard-of nnslnu li'
both men went completely exhausted
, with a gasp , Love fell dead , the post-
rlein corresponding wlin tno nbovo de
Dlckenson reeovcred from the dreadful
In the conrne of lime , but ho never
mnirlcd the girl. Instead he bccumo a Call
wanderer , drunkard , gimhler. vagabond ,
a frightful example lo the world Ills
doubtless relieves his friends nnd
eirtnlnly removes a man who must have
prnyed ; for the destroer a million times
I ( ibt to I lil ! .
Chlcigo Record : "Professor , " said the
mctlmr , nftcr Introducing the young
b ) her side , "I have brought to you my
daughter I2loanor , who ncciU a few finishing
to her education. She paints , B.DKS ,
nnd U well up In Ibsen. TolMol Brown-
and the modern 1'reneh decadents Now
can you do for her' "
Nothing , " ma'um , ' call the private tutor ;
"Do you thai1 * " snld the mother ,
flushing with pleasure.
"Yes , mn'flin , " unlil the tutor , sadljr , " * ho
la htpolcas.
ClrHiipl'ius of
Aluriilmliiili'iliir" .
They nro telling n story of n Dutchman
who presented himself nt n registrar's office
recently to obtain n license for hU ApproachIng -
Ing marriage , nnd who , on being nskcd tlm
nnmo of the bride , was compelled lo confess
that It hnd quite escaped him , nnd he hnd to
letnrn home for the necessary Information ,
H'n n goad Mory of
of mind , nafl
the Now York Herald , but there nro others
on record thnt nre even better. There hnvo
been cases where persons have even forgotten
their own names.
Lvsslng , the hlHtorlan , was subject to the
most wonderful fits of nhMrnctlon. Ono
night , returning homo lute , lie. rang the front
door bell , nnd when the servant called out
from nn upper window thnt the professor was
not nt home , he f.ild , "All right , I'll come
again , " and walked nwny.
'I hero wns nn English clergyman , Rev ,
George Harvest , who wns engaged to u daugh
ter of the bishop of London , but on the dny
of his wedding went Hulling , and forgetful
of the appointed hour did not appear for the
imp l.als. The lady broke off the match.
.Mmlrlliut Mill < ! < > on tlm St > ir ,
NEW YORK. Atijr l2.-The World this
morning nnnounces that Madeline I'ollunl
Is to npperir on the ntnge under the limn-
ni.'oinent of Nelson Robtrts According to
Mr. Roberts , Miss Pollnril will hi-gln III C'lil-
ciifiro nnd will In NewYork tn the
middle of the winter Tliero nro Htlll ninny
cletnlls Incomplete , ami for that reason
mnny facts me withheld.
< : | IMI' | O Teletniili | l.lni' Open ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 12-The Western
Union ToloRinph company Issues notlco
today thnt the C'hlncm * telegraph line run
ning north from Tlcn-T.sln thiotmh Mnn-
ehlirlu to Helnmpo Is now open for mes
sages written In plain IniiKimir" This ro-
Htoies to the public the loutc to Russia from
Ciirrbign .MiiUriM u ( 'munition ,
BOSTON , Aug. 12 Delegates from nil
purtH of the United
States nnd Cnnnila ni-
rlved In town today to nttund the nnminl
convention of the Internnttonal A-st.'intlon
of Cnrrhme nml v'UKOt , Makeis " iiorrow
The ( llscusslii' ) of n ehnnge In vwiges nnd
bouts will como .icfote the convenOion.
Mr. W. V. Wood hns established n com
mission nml stock brokerngo business In the
Barker block.
Vi.s r.
liu C'loiiiliiiiM anil Mnmcrs In Knut-
rrn NeliuiHldi.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 12. The Indications
for Mombi ) mo :
For Nebniska and South Dalcotn Increas
ing cloudiness , showers In the enstein poi-
tlon ; warmer In the eastern poitlon , south
Km Icivvn Increasing cloudiness ; showers
In tliu we stein portion ; warmer ; vnilnblo
winds , becoming southetly
For Mlstmitl Fall , north winds , becom
ing soiitheily.
For Kansas Fall , vv.irmei In the eastern
portion , .south wind i.
1. Ill III lilMllllt.
OKPICBOP niB Wi'ATiiBii Uwtiiu ; . OvrvitA.
Auc. 1U Om ilia reeoiil of taninuiMturo ami
r.ilnlalluampiroil with i-oriosponillny clay of
past lour.c . , us :
180 1 18 < ) fl 1R02 1H01.
Mn\lmiiin toniDorituro 8B = H > 3 HH = 77 =
Minimum li'inuuritiiia r.r > 3 ni5 : 7(1 ( = 021
A ri iiro temnor ituio. 7fi = 03 71 = > 70 =
I'iciilpltntion . ' 15 .DO .00 .00
SUUMiiout mowing the uiuditijii of torn-
pci..tuio.m 1 | > r > ai | > ltuion : it O.n.ihu for tha
Uaj and sluuc ! Maivh 1 , IbJI.
I I lii : r. HUNT , UCll Farecwt Odlelil.
Mm , tnl.
Like Other Women
hivesuflerecl f or 23 > ears v\ithn ennipllcatlon
Iroiiblei , wall contlmioni , iilniost
pain In my back. Tito Clip also prontr.v
g Sarsa-
mo Ilut II oil's
Banapirllti has cured tires
of nil my troubles ,
I cannot speak too
highly f Mim r H KMIIII , J
Hood's Pills euro ii'liOimil Indigestion.
WE Jfcrvous
Cntnrrh , nil Dloonooa of the Noso.
Thront , Cho8tStomnoh , Llvon Blood
Sldn nnd K cjnoy Dlaoasoa , Lost
cnor adilrcHH