OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , AUGUST 13 , 1894. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WERE VERY POOR MARKSMEN Gunners in Chinese Forte Do No Damage to Japanese Ships. FLEET NEXT ASSAILED FORT ARTHUR No Ditnmgn Dnna on Kltlicr Side unit the Atdick Thought to Hit Only a Htiru to I.rurn tli Strength of tlio I'Drl . SHANGHAI , Aug. 12. The Japanese squad ron that attacked Wcl-Hat-Wel Friday , re ports of which engagements were furnished to the Associated press yesterday , consists of twentysixcssels. . II Is not known defi nitely how many of the fleet were men-of- war. The warships drew up In line of battle off the port and opened fire early Friday morning. Thcro were no Chlncso warships In the vicinity and the engagement was en tirely between the Japanese men-of-war and the forts. The whereabouts of the Chlncso fleet was unknown. The forts , however , were able without much dlfllculty to repulse the attack. About fifty shots wcro exchanged tint no material damage was done on either ulde. The soldiers manning the guns of the fortification showed themselves to be la mentably deficient In marksmanship. Most of their shots were III directed , the shells cither falling short of the vessels aimed at or going wide of the mark. When the fleet withdrew It proceeded to Port Arthur , which place It attacked Friday evening. Little It any damage Is reported to Imvo been done at this place. The operations are regarded as hav ing been no attempts to capture either Wel-IIal-Wel or I'ort Arthur , but simply ruses on the part of the Japanese com mander to ascertain the exact position and iitrcngth of the Chinese guns at the two places. On Thursday last two small Chinese gun boats were sighted going at full speed In the direction of Tlen-Tsln. LONDON , Aug. 12. The Times tomorrow will publish a dispatch from Tlen-Tsln con firming the Associated press dispatches of an Attack by the Japincse fleets upon the Chinese fort of Wel-Hal-Wel and Its repulse. A dis patch to the Times from Shanghai say a that the Chinese ofllclal report of the engagement elates that only twenty-lite shots were ex changed between the Japanese warships nnd the forts. The report adds that one of the Japanese ships was hit three times and nnher ( ono once. The flro of the. warships did no damage to the forts. ] iivuriis or I'IAKI , IIAKIIOU. Ono of the riucHt Naturil Iliivcns to Ho round In thu World. VICTOniA , D. C. , Aug. 12. From Aus tralia and the cast by the steamer Arawa , which left Sydney July 20 and arrived at Victoria August 12 , comes the following nous : At Hong Kong It Is generally believed that the plague would ruin Hong Kong as a port. A largo number of ships have been trans ferred to Macao. Ships are In great demand , bringing enormous prices If they are available for carrying troops. HONOLULU , Aug. 4. Japan was prepar ing to take a big hand' In settling the Ha waiian affairs when the dlfllculty with China came up. Pearl Harbor , which was lately taken possession of by the United States , had been surveyed and the commander thus describes It : "The more I sco of Pearl Har bor I am Impressed with Us military and commercial advantages. I ha\o visited all the principal harbors of the world and have never seen one that can compare In any way jvlth this ono. Twenty miles of wharves could be built there cheaper than at any other place In the world , as deep water Is close to the shores. The complete charts of the \\ork done will bo made as soon as possible nnd forwarded to. Washington. " Ten thousand dollars worth of bonds have been disposed of at par since the establish ment of life republic. The previous price was OS. A native jury In a native court refused to take on oath and will be tried for disloy alty. alty.Tho republican party has been formed to correct th errors alleged to bo due to haste In framing the constitution. Tax day brought thirty-one delinquents Into court for trial. Among others ex- Pi Incs Kaulanl paid her taxes under pro test. test.Tho volcano Klluei has become unusually active and the walls ot the crater are caving In on every side. The laUo level has risen several feet. Minister S. M. Damon has arrived homo from San Francisco. He thinks Important trade can bo opened with Dritlsh Columbia. Fruu rijl comes a report of a native re- voll In the Island of Vanulevl , rijl , which lias been suppressed by the government foices. The trouble aiose out of "Luvo ill Wai" or devil worship. The rebels surprised the native forces sent against them and killed several. This Is the only act of cannllnllsm Blnco 1S7C. Sir James Thurston and the constabulary stormed the rebels and suc ceeded In dispersing them. AVAI.V.S Visits 'llli : UIIIU.USO. llanresieil Admiration ut tlio Appearance of tlioossol anil Crow. LONDON , Aug. 12. During the fetes In London some time ago In honor of tha olll- cers of the American cruiser Chicago the prince of Wales expressed a desire to visit the vessel the next time she was at Cowes. Upon her visit this time arrangements were made , and arcoidlugly the prince's plnmce arrived at the side of the Chicago at bovcn bells Saturday. As ho stepped abaaul the ciulscr sha fired a siluto of twenty-one guns , the Urltlsh ensign was hoisted and the yards were manned. Adminl Erben , Captain Mulian , Lieutenant Commander Pot ter and Lieutenant Clover gicetcd the royal jnrty as they cam aboard. The prlnco of AV'nles wore the uniform ot a British admiral and the duke ot York that ot a post captain , while the members of the prlnto's milto ivcro attired In the uniforms of their re spective ranks , A guard of imulms was drawn up on the port tide ot the quarter deck and they were carefully Inspected by the prince. At the request of the prlnco all the olllcors of the Chicago were presented to him In turn. The lojul party was then escorted to all the different parts ot the ship. The royal party repeatedly expressed their admiration of tlio appealance ot the \p8scl , and on quitting llio Chicago the prlnco expressed the pleasure his visit had afforded him. The officers nnd crew of the Chicago arc elated with the success of their boat's crew In Friday's regatta , as they beat beveral heretofore unbcatcd crews. Some feeling Is expressid , however , at the coldness displayed by the spectators ashore. ll'o olllc rs of the Chicago were guests at a G o'clock tea and reception e\\on \ by Em peror William jestorday on board the Ihilicn- R"Ulern. The Imperial > cht was charmingly decorated with Mowers nnd plants tint the queen had sent from the conservator ) at Oshorne house. Gears' Gould waa also n KUCJJt. Emperor William \Ultcd Mr. Gould on board the Vigilant thin meriting. The crew of tin1 Chicago half expected the imperor would visit that vesitel , and his not do'ng to caused tonio disappointment. Ho had a long talk with Captain Mahan. In leaving the queen the emperor promised tu vMt her next yiar and to bring the empress with him. Multnl tlin Mjnti'rloiu MMunl. C'UI'DP.C , Aug. 12. Archibald Stuart , n yomiK Scotchnnn of an adventurous turn of mini ] , vo ) was \Ultlug this city for sport , has Just succeeded In doing what IN white man b > f re has done With no other com panion but h a Indian guide , he his com pleted tut- entire trip from St. John to Mlstanl , the great mjsterlous Inland tea. In the far north , by one route and returning by another. He has brought back with him Interesting accounts cf legendary lore and tribal superstition of the peculiar aborigines of this far northern country and found very largo areas of merchantable timber and , ycry large tracts of magnificent agricultural land In what was heretofore suppled to bo nothing but a worthless wilderness. AM , HUT Tintii : : Acyuirri : * ) . I'ml of tlio Trial of tlio Thirty Aimrihlntn In PnrI . PARIS , Aug. 12. The trial of the thirty anarchists ended today In the acquittal of all but three of the accused. After counsel for the defense had finished their speeches Paucr , Qravo , Dastard and llcrnard ad dressed the court , protesting their Innocence. Their remarks wcro couched In moderate language , denying In every respect the rant of the anarchists. The case was then given to the Jury , which spent two hours In con sidering the questions put to them by the Judccs. The verdict was that the charge against the prisoners ot belonging to a criminal association was not proven. Artlz , Cherlcotte and Ilcrtanl were found guilty of robbery and of having been In Illegal pos session of weapons. All the others were declared not guilty of the charges against them and wcro discharged from custody. Artlz was sentenced to fifteen years' Im prisonment at hard ! labor , Cherlcotte to eight years nnd Ilcrtanl to six months. The end ot the trial was marked by no In cident. Those who had been acquitted left the court room quietly. railed to I'rott tlio ColumluM Statute. NEW YORK , Aug. 13. A special dispatch from Panama , Colombia , sajs : San Domingo news has reached here complaining of the failure of the Boston Society of the Sacred Heart to erect In Isibclla the promised statue of Oclumbus Isabella Is on the other coast of Haytl nnd It was there that Colum bus In 1493 established the first European settlement in the new world. A correspondent In La Guayra sends word that the warship Achugo has arrived there with forty-two prisoners from Los Anges. A corps of military engineers Is about to start at Guana to select strategic points for the erection of new frontier defenses. Word comes from Managua that the Kcv. Mr. Wllburn , a Protestant missionary , has died there from yellow fever. A confidential agent ot the Costa Ulcan government has arrived there to treat upon the boundary question. I'nipnror Ullliitin ( 11 II inqiiLt COWES , Aug. 12 Emperor William , who canie on his Imperial yacht Hohenzollern to attend the regatta , paid farewell visits this morning to his personal friends on board the yacht prior to his return to Germany. Ho took lunch at Osborne house and there bade farewell to the queen , his grandmother , and other members of tlio roval family. His majesty this evening gave a dinner on the Hohenzollern. It wns on a most splendid scale. Among the most prominent guests were the prince of Wales , the duke of York , Prlnco Henry of Dattenberg , the members of tlio German embassy , the marquis of Or monde , the earl of Lonsdale , the carl of Coledon , Lord Brassy , Admiral Montague and Hen. Cecil Drummond. Troulili ) In n MexUan Coinpiny. CITY OF MEXICO , Aug. 12 C. H. La- throp of Chicago was arrested here Friday and Is now Icdged in Bellm prison , at the Instigation of the Mexican District Messen ger company. The arrest Is the outgrowth of the war between the American and Mexi can stockholders , who are fighting over the management of the company. Manager Com- magerra has been shut out of the ofllce , Treasurer Webb has resigned and the gen eral state cf affairs Is an Interesting one. The American stock Is held by Chicago men. StrlUo on tlio Trench 1.1 nor" . LONDON , Aug. 12. A dispatch to the Telegraph from Paris says that the cooks , steward and attendants ef the transatlantic lines have gone on a strike at Havre. The employes allege that the cause of the strike Is the poor food supplied to them while the vessels are In dock and other grievances. On Saturday 100 men on board the steamer Li Touralne quit work. Their places were filled by other men and the vessel sailed for New- York on her scheduled time. The company states that the strike will not cause any delay. Object to Ainorltun Customs ItcKiilat'on * * , BERLIN , Aug. 12. The dyed goods man- ufactursrs and exporters of Sa\ony have pe titioned the German Imperial government to support by diplomatic means their protest against the United States demand that In voices of Imported goods disclose the date of d > lng and the namj of the dyer. The pe titioners characterize the demand as an outrageous attempt to pry Into business se ct els. and say that It Is impossible for them tj comply with the requirements. I'criivhin KulxilH ( iiilnlng Ground. NEW YORK , Aug. 13. A World dispatch from Valparaiso , August 12 , says : The gov ernment of Peru , It Is reported , Is shooting the rebel prisoners. Ex-President Borgono lb going abroad President Ceasaros wants a loan raised Scmlnarlo declares that the country will be In the possession of the revo lutionists before September. This Is be lieved to bo exaggerated , though the rebels are gaining ground , Sailing \oisiU Colllcli ) . LONDON , Aug. 12. The bark Braokka. from Hcrnosand for Rio do Janeiro , was in collision with the schooner Pllgilm , from Port Madoc for Stetttng , on SaturiHy mornIng - Ing last off Anvil point. The schooner was sunk and four members of her crew were drowned. The Draokka received considerable damage. \ t ncrilotlan Iti'liulri Dcfrntiil. NEW YORK , Aug. 12 A World dispatch from Caracas , Vone/ucln , says The rebels have been driven out ot Cora nnd Ami The expedition from Curacao , which landed In BUEIIOS Ayres , has surrendered to the government , delivering up the arms and umunltlon being carried for the rebels. I'oruvlan Hulii'ls llttfoatcil. NEW YORK. Aug. 12. A special dispatch from Lima , Peru , says- The rebels have re tired upon Matuacaim and a serious combat has taken place at Tumbez , In which many wcro Killed on both s.des. A Trench modiste , accused of conspiracy , has been acquitted and liberated. Mosqn'to Trouble ! ) Nonrln , ? a Settlement. MANAGAUA , Nlcaragnm. Aug. 12. The news from the coast Is encouraging. It is probable that peace will be arranged be tween the Nlcaraguans and the Mosquito Indians. This result , It Is said , was due mainly to the Influence of British Minister Gosling. No Settlement of SteoniRo Itiitm LONDON , Aug. 12 , A dispatch from Hamburg sa > 8 the conference between the German North Atlantic Steamship company and the DrUHh steamship lines was abor tive. The German steerage rates remain ut $10. A new conference lias proposed. IColnfor , In , ; Ilia iluriiitu Mimilion | , LONDON , Aug. 13. A bpcjal dUpatch from Berlin to the Standard bays It Is re ported that the Cruiser Irene , formerly com manded by I'rlnce Jlenry of Pru * > 3ln , brother ot Emperor William , will be sent to reinforce the German Hast Asian tquailron. Chief ( "mime IttfilKoAolltlince. . NEW YORK , Aug. 12. A Woild dispatch from Port Llmon says : r-larono. the Mos quito chief , has refused to M of fered by sympathizers In Honduras ' and Sal * vndor , It Is reported Huxilillilitut In Ciooil t onilHIim. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 12. An ofllclal crop statement covering the condition to the middle ot Jul ) has been jmbt shed. It uajs summer and winter wheat were In moat excellent condition , SUNDAY WAS A BUSY DAY Democratic Fonso Leaders Preparing for the Parliamentary Battle Today , HOUSE WILL PLAY A WAITING GAME Confident Unit Having the Custody of tlio Tariff lllll The ) dill I'll * * It lterurille of the huimUi'M Action on tlio Hill Resolution. WASHINGTON , Aug. 12. This has been anything but a day of rest for the tariff leaders. They have been on the go from early morning until late tonight. It has been a day of conferences at the white house , at the private residences of the conferees and at the hotels. Secretary Carlisle was with President Cleveland throughout the afternoon. The senate and house conferees made no effort to get together , and they re main as vvldo apart as when their meeting broke up on Friday night. The house con ferees were In consultation Informally most of the day , though at no time were they all together at once. Chairman Wilson spent the day with Representative Drccklnrldgo of Arkansas at the Normandlo hotel , and was there called upon by the other conferees. Mr. Wilson did not see the president today. The meetings of the house men brought about a thorough understanding among them as to the line of action at the caucus to morrow and In the subsequent proceedings of the senate and house. They reviewed the situation from every possible standpoint and prepircd themselves for all emergencies. As one of them said tonight , It was like going over the field of bittle and learning the topography on the night before the great fight. At the outset the house conferees satisfied themselves of the parliamentary situation of the bill. They had done this with the greatest care. Speaker Crisp had been asked to examine with care the pre cedents bearing on the case , and It was un derstood ho had In turn consulted Secretary Carlisle , who , as ex-speaker of the house of representatives , is regarded ns ono of the best authorities on parliamentary pro cedure. From nn examination which had been made , the conferees were fully satisfied the house of representatives had the right to pass the senate bill now or nt any time. Tills determination went much further than has heretofore been understood. It was that the house , having actuil possession of the tariff bill , could pass It with the senate amendments before the Hill resolution passed tomorrow , or after the Hill resolution Is defeated. That is , so confident were the house conferees of their right to pass the bill at any time that they regarded their rights as entirely unaffected by anything the senate could do with th ? Hill resolution or with any other resolution. PRECEDENTS NOT ALL'FAVORADLE. They rcc-gnlzed there were some prece dents against tills position , but they re garded the overwhelming force of authority as with them and they therefore accepted It as settled that the house had supreme authority over the bill without reference to what the senate might do tomorrow or hereafter. This conclusion was of the ut most Importance In bearing on the action of the caucus tomorrow. It assured them , In the first place , there was no need of precipitate action toward accepting the sen ate bill before Hill's rcsolut on had passed This resolution could be taken up In the senate at 11 o'clock and it had been feared at first that the house caucus , which be gins at 10 o'clock , would bo compelled to take hasty action In accepting the senate bill In order to prevent the house from losing Its opportunity to pass the senate bill by the adopt on of the Hill resolution. Tt was agreed , however , that no such haste was necessary. On the contrary , It was felt the house. In having possession of the bill nnd a parliamentary right to pass It at any time , had everything to gain and nothing to lose by deliberate action. Under these circumstances It was deemed advistble to Infcrm the house fully as to the situation and to explain that precipttatlcn in accepting the senate bill would gain noth ing , while deliberate action In waiting what the senate would do might accomplish much. It was pointed out In this connection thut the house need be In no fear of the Hill resslutlon being rushed through. Mr. Wil son and h's ' associates had some strong friends In the senate , notably Senators Vllas , Gray nnd others , who , If the occasion re quired , would insist on a very complete debite ot the Hill resolution , which might last f r n diy. This the conferees reg-irded as assuring them a breathing spell and a making it pla.n the house need not rush to Its conclusion. Entertaining these views , th- house conferees did not bellcvo It was necessary or prudent for the house caucus tomorrow to then and there pass a res-lutlon to at once accept the senate bill. REALIZE THE SITUATION IS CRITICAL They realize the situation Is so critical the question of accepting the senate bill might como before the- caucus and develop such overwhelming nnd resistless strength that It would be useless to oppose it. They were prepared for this emergency and were prepared to accept It If It came. They would not , however , counsel It themselves , and If 11 came It would have , to he the out growth of tills spontaneous sentiment In the caucus , It was felt , however , that a dis passionate statement of the case , showing the house would lose none of Its right to pass the senate bill by deferring action for n day or so would bring about a conservative result in the caucus. Exactly what tills action will be was not definitely outlined , although the house conferees felt It would perhaps bo best for the caucus to adjourn and wait to see what the senate did Then , if need bo , another caucus could be held and mote Intelligent action taken after the sen ate had acted In the meantime the house would lose nothing. It the Hill resolution was defeated and the conferees think there Is at least nn even chance of Its defeat then the conference between the senate and house could be resumed with every prospect , in the Judgment of the house conferees , that a speedy agreement could bo reached. If , on the other hand , It was passed , the caucus could accept the senate bill or lake such action as It desired In any event the house conferees felt there would bo nothing lost by waiting for the senate to show what It Intended to do. As > et they say the Hill resolution and similar moves In the senate are merely menaces and It Is well enough to " wait to see If they "became accomplished facts. SENATE IS WILLING. Meantime the sonata Is quiescent ind Is disposed to remain In Inactivity until the house shall have had on opportunity to ex press Itself upon the situation. There Is undoubtedly a desire on the part of the largo majority of the democratic senators , practicality all of them , unless It may bo the Louisiana senators , to have the house- take possession ot the bill. This is duo to the Cdicral belief In the senate that the house will accept the scnat * amendments nnd that the bill will thus become n law , and they fear It the bill should again go to the sen ate It would bo long postponed. On the other hand , It Is believed If the house should agree to the senate amendments the senate would acquiesce In this action and wave the technical question which might bo raised over the disposition of the bill It Is un derstood Sciutor Hill , notwithstanding his opposition to the bill , would be disposed to accept the fivarable action ot the house as final and to permit the bill to go to the president without raUInt ; nny parliamentary questions. Tlio Hill resolution has had KM day In court , has gone to the calendar and could not be taken up except upon a vote ot the senate. It Is also suggested that without the actual possession of the bill a motion for Indefinite postponement would bo out ot order , and that the only means by which the senate could secure possession would bo through a motion lo reconsider Its action granting a confer nee and then to ask the house to return Iho bill. Recon sideration could not , In view ot the lapse of the time since the crantlnn of the con ference , be had except by unnnlmqus consent , and even with this secured and the request made upon the hotue , the1 return of the bill would depend upon the courtesy ot that body. It would therefore seem the senate can do nothing with reference to the tariff nt Its present stage. AM , iiriMs : : ON TIII : TAHITI' . If Hut In DlHponpil of' , CnnRrrM Will I'rob- iiblj Adjourn Thin Urclt. WASHINGTON , Aug. 12. The hope Is gen eral about the senate that the present will bo the last week of the session. This Is based upon the belief the tariff bill will bo disposed of early In the week , nnd with the tariff out of the way final adjorunmcnt Is expected almost any time. None of the ap propriation bills , with the exception ot the sundry civil appropriation and the general deficiency , remain to be acted upon to any extent by either house , and these nro In such an advanced state that a day ot zealous work would probably suffice to put them both In shape to be sent to the president. The Chlncso treaty Is the only other business that would hold congress for n day and this Is also In a condition to bo taken up and voted upon at tomorrow's session. When the senate adjourned on Prldny and after giving the greater pirt of the day to the treaty , there was nn understanding the sen ate should go Into cxecutlvo session on Mon day Immediately after the reading of the journal to take the vote upon the treaty. It was also agreed this should bo done with out further debate. The order of business for tomorrow , presumably , after the treaty shall have been passed upon , will be Senator Chandler's resolution for the Investigation of the Alabama elections. After that all Is uncertain nnd there Is no prearranged pro gram for the entire week. Almost every thing will depend upon the Mellon of the house on the tariff bill , but whatever that action may be It can be counted upon as qulto certain the two remaining appropria tion bills will receive final attention some time during the week. The conference report on the sundry civil bill has already been largely disposed of and It Is not probable much moro time will be spent upon It. The conference committee on the general deficiency bill has been In ses sion all day , notwithstanding It Is Sunday , and it was believed It would be In shape for early presentation to both houses. If , there fore , the house should decide to accept the senate amendments to the tariff bill , the senate could be prepared to suspend proceed ings on almost any day after Tuesday. If the house should decide upon the opposite course , there Is no saying what might happen In the senate. The tariff Is engrossing the attention of the house and It has so far no program whatever for the week. roil TIII : INDIAN- . I'oinpiinitlio Mntenunt for the Years 1H01 unit 189- . WASHINGTON , Aug. 12. A comparative statement cf appropriations nnd expenses of tha bureau of Indian affairs has been com piled by Commissioner Drowning. It shows that the total amount covered by the Indian appropriation bill for the fiscal year 1831 was $7,884,240 , and for 1895 , $9,338,880. The difference In amounts for designated objects far the two years is ns fellows , the first figures balng for IS1) ) * : Current and con tingent expenses , $185,000 and $189,100 ; In dian treaty obligations , $3,170,073 and $2,900- 157 ; miscellaneous supports and gratuities , $090,125 and $ CC9,134 ; Incidental expenses , $121,500 and J114.000 ; miscellaneous ex penses , $945,510 hnd ' $830,777 ; support of schools , $2,243,182 anfl $2.000,095 ; trust funds , principal , $30,994 ( none 'for 1895) ) ; Interest , $80,390 nnd 578,320. Biulh p"iyment f lands , $400,330 and $2,407,697 ; 'total ' for 1894 , $0- SS4.240 ; for 1815 , $9,33SSEO , nn excess over 1894 of $1,454,040. Although the object ot the Ind an appro priation act Is to make appropriation for curient nnd contingent expenses of the In dian bureau and to fulfil treaty stipulations with various tribes , congress has In recent years attached agreements with the various tribes and ratified them In the bill , which wns formerly dons bj separate acts. Certain objects are also appropriated for every year under the head of miscellaneous , which are not properly considered part of the cur ient expenses of the service. Of the total Epproprlatlons , $47,997 was for the removal of the Eastern Cherokees , pajment for Chero kee outlet bonds belonging to the Delewares , payments to Tonkawns and Pawnees for lands and of Slsseton Wahpeton scouts , leav- ng $7,390,244 for current expenses. The total appropriations for 1805 Include pay ments to tlio YanktonsTaklmns , Coeur d'- Alene , Sllotz nnd Nez Perces for lands , nnd payment for damages to settlers on the Crow creek nnd Wlnnebago reservation , aggrega ting , $2,5Sfl,81G , the amount left for current expenses for the present * year being $0,752- 004 , a reduction ot $044,180 In favor of 1895 I-Vr every purpose except for payment for lands cons dernbly less Is appropriated for 1S95 than for 1894 , and the total appropria tion Is $179,793 less tlwn the estimate by the ofllcc. AVATOIIJ.I ) niTII MUUI1 lNTiiliST. : Movements Against AVul-IIiil-Wiil Are the Snlijiit of AltiLh Com em , WASHINGTON , Aug. ,12. Ofilclals of the Japanese legation hero are -without any In formation concerning tllo reported fighting at Wei-IInl-Wel and Port Arthur. They arc Inclined to the belief the government Is awaiting full nnd complete reports of the Inttlca , ns It did regarding the fight nt G-Jsin , Coren , before advising Its representa tives abroad. Much Interest In the move ments against the above named places Is felt by olllclals ot the government here. At or near Port Arthur , LI Hung Chang has his great military stores , arsenals and other resources for a continuation of warlike oper ations. Doth Port Arthur and Wol-Hal-Wei are In the line of the direct route hy water to the mouth of the Pelho river , by which the city of Pekln can bo reached , and any movement against the former place Is likely to be a factor In the attempt which many persons hero believe Japin will make to over throw the dynasty nt Pekln. Moro G'oxtiltos Sint lloitif. WASHINGTON , Aug. 12. Another contin gent cf the Coxcyltca were provided with transportation on the Chesapeake fi Ohio railroad tonight and ltt the city There wes H \ty-ftvo In the party ami their destination Is said to be the vicinity1 cf Kansas City , Mo. Mill mill ICIcVutoV IliiriHul. WATBRTOWN , WK' Aug. 12-Todny nt noon ( Ire brcKc out 'in the Glebe mill and soon extended to the elevntor. It was nt one time fenrcd It Would extend to other bulldlngx , nnd Oconomowoo was telegraphed for help , but when their ennlnen arrived the lire- wild under cantiol The elevntor and mill were totally destroyed. L-m , $70,000 , Insurance , $40,500. divided nmong twenty-five companies. The _ supposed cuuso of the fire Is bpontanpaus _ combustion. rronilnent UIIIIVIM .Mimon Demi , ' LEAVENWORTH , Au , 12. Fritz Mnjors , grand master of the Krand lodjje of MnHoim of KnnsaH , died nt lite residence In Leuv- cnvvoith thlu nfttiniVio. He has been con nected with nil the Brand bodies of Ma sonry In Kansas for mnny jeaia CLEVELAND. Auff. li-Dr. Julius Wolf- enHteln , who hnd attained prominence UK an eye , cur nnd throat Blieciullst , died today. Ho wns a son or \Yolfenstcln , .superin tendent of the National Jewish orphan as } Him. \Viin hlnjj Smttllpoi Cam- * . MILWAUKEE. Aujr. I2.-U. O. D , Win- gate , secretary of the Btate Hoard of Health nf Wisconsin , linn Issued a letter to nil the authorities In HiirroundliiK cnuniie-s t ) keen u sharp lookout fet snnillnox HIIS- | M.'ctH that may attempt to leave Milwaukee' . The local depots nre being guarded by medical Inppvctorii. who examine all out- KOlnu piistenj.orB and baggage. Ilohbiiii Aluy ( litoll. . PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Aug. 12.-Speclnl { TclcKram to The llee ) - Fletcher Hobblns' condition Is much Improved slncu yester- ila > , and the doctor * think he hus u light- hit' chance for life. TORE UP A LAWYER'S ' PAPERS Govomor cf Oorn Objected Becin o Tlioy Wcro Not Written in Spanish , CAUSED A MINIATURE REBELLION Lnxrynr Called His TrlrmU Around Itlin anil rrocerilrd to ( lo ( limning for the ( lovrrnor Clllrciift 1'limlly Interfere. NEW YORK , Aug. 12. The American schooner George W. Whltford arrived this morning from Corn Island , Nicaragua , with n cargo of cocoanuts consigned to L. Schopf The vessel docked nt 'ihe ' foot of Vcsev street , North river. The Whltford brings news of an encounter between the natives and n few Nlcnraguan soldiers on July G last , during which four of the soldiers were killed nnd two wounded From what could bo learned aboard the Whltford It appears about July 4 a laujer named Russel , who Is a Jamaican , called on Governor Maxcmo Diaz In reference to n lawsuit In which he had been retained as counsel. The governor declined to examine the papers , as they were not In Spanish , nnd this led to a heated dis cussion between them und ended by the governor tearing up the luwjer's papers This enraged him nnd ho proceeded to lec ture the governor severely. The governor threatened to arrest him , but did not do so , there being no one eleo present but the governor's secretory. Russel defied the gov ernor to do his worst und requests were sent to Dlucflelds for troops to arrest the Hwyer Meanwhile Rtibscl had gathered about him several of his fi lends and openly defied the governor to arrest him. On thslr arrival the troops were ordered to arrest Russel at once Russel refused to surrender nnd his paity fired on the boldlers , killing four and woundIng - Ing two. The governor's secretary was slightly wounded , as was also a merchant who was riding on horseback through the streets. It was not known whether any of the Russel men had been killed or wounded. Russel and his friends thought their vic tory oltcicd a good opportunity to settle other grudges , so with eight ethers they set out to wipe the Nlcaraguen officials from the face cf Corn Island. They ran up against the rcma.nder of the troops , three in num ber. Two moro were killed. The only cno left wont Into hiding , leaving the governor and his secretary to the tender mercies of the Jamaclan and his followers. Russel ad vanced to the government house and the governor and his retreated to the cellar and barricaded themselves. In the shooting the secretary , who was wounded , opened flro with a horse pistol , wounding Mr. Hale , one of Russel's friends. Then the rebels retreated to the bush , from whence they made another outslaught , burning two government houses and the p cr. This last act Inflamed the pe plo and persons who had heretofore surrounded the Russel party , and on the following day Hale and several others were captured. Russel and Llnton escaped , but later were captured at I'ort Llmon. DIa/ emerged from his retirement and put all hands In jail. Then he re signed , leav ng a strong recommendation that the prls-iicrs be sentenced to the full penalty for the Insult to Nicaragua. In Central America this means death. When the facts of the occurrence reached the British authorities , Russel being a Dritlsh subject , It looked as if an explanation would be demanded from Diaz. Later , however , It wnsfound that the affair was not looked up'n . Indignity to England , but rather as a street brawl , so Great Drltain Is said to have dropped it. Ilra/llliin Itebrt Loiter Ciiptura I RIO DE JANEIRO , Aug. 12. H Is reported that General L. Sarnlvn , the defeated leader of the rebels In Rla Grande do Stil , who es caped wounded and was said to be trying to reach Argentine , has been captured. Al though the report Tias not yet been con firmed , It has caused n profound sensation. Congress has resolved that It Is Impossible to submit longer to the arbitrary conduct of Pres'dent Pelxoto. OUT Or /f/Asr .N I'K/.SO.V. American Meoli'inlnit Kiij-lm-er AMio Wont to Itiisslii HUH it rhrllllii ! ; I'.xpurlenee. NEW YORK , Aug 12. Nicholas N. Pred- crlckscn , a native of Aliska nnd an Ameri can citizen , arrived from London on the Paris today. He escaped July IS fiom the military prison In St. Petersburg , in which ho was confined two months and three days. From January 7 , when he arrived In Russia , to the time ho escaped , he had what , as he relates it , was a remarkable experience with the Russian police. Ho Is a mechanical engineer and architect. Last year at the World's fair , Alexis Ralbender , u Russian , son of General Alexis Rlabender ot Dlelgorod , Russia , represented Russia at the fair , nnd was judge of the liquor exhibit there. 1'red- erlcksen signed u contract with Ralbender for three years to superintend the building of a furnltuic factory on his estate. Ills salary was to be $ J,000 a year. FrederlcU- sen says he was placed In the military prison on the charge that lie was a dangerous crim inal. Ho communicated with United States Ambassador White. Ills passport had been given to the judge hy the police , und when Ambassador White declared vehemently that Prederlcksen was nn American citizen and ought to bo free they would not let him Keep his passport. Neither would they allow him to ball out. for they said there was no such law there. I'rcderlcUsen , some time after , during a heavy thunder storm ono night , managed to escape from the prison and made far the river , where ho reached a Dritlsh steamer , which took him to London There ho raised enough money to brlns him to America , Ho s.ijs when he was In prison Ambassador White advised him to file with tlio State department a claim against Russia for damages. Ho sa > s he will do so , plaelni ; them at $50,000. .I/.TO.V ILl-NTA I1IK AM.VS.IS I'.lUIl-'IC. Sri rot of tlio Mo\e for Krpar.ito Iteeehors for that I. Inc. DENVER. Aug. 12 Application Is now pending In the United States couit for n now receiver for the Kansas Pnclflc , and If a new receiver Is appointed It is requested that he be not Identified with the Union Pacific receivers While the application Is pending It Is stated that n movement IH on foot looking to the put chase of the Knnsan Paclllo by the Chicago it Alton with Prosl- dent Illackstone IIH receiver 'Ihe Munition IH of jjtcnt Interest to railway managers of the west , IIH It IH ackmnv ledged that the Alton will be In the Held titiletly for bual- ; Vt < hlxon to Soil hnrpliiH Itial rxtato TOPEKA , Aug 12 Judge C. T. Foster of the United Statea district court has mndo an order authorizing the receivers of tlio AtchlHon , Topeka & Bantu Fc to sell the unlmpioved lent ontate of the company nnd Homo town loU In La Junta and ilawlu.ia nnd the moat of the company'H real cstatu In vvestein Kaiiban , U ngtie'Kite& 10,000 acres. Noted lYnml" lliindlt Mill at I ar e. EL IlENO , Okl , Alii U-The recent re port rent from I'rcdonlti , Kan , that Mrs , Mundls , alias "Tom KliiK , " the notoiloiifi female horne thief and bandit who bioko jail hero December 1 last and IIUH Hliitu tjeen at In rue , had been apprehended In that elly proves to be a mistake The sheriff nf this county IIUH letunud from there without the prlboner A woman who nn- Hwured the description of "Tom King" had liti.'n arrested b > the filieilff of Wilson county , Kansas , but VVOH icle-ascd before the Oklahoma bheillt arrived. Itelndi ci Am rr SEATTLE , Wash , Atitf. 12-Advices from Alaska Btate that Dr Sheldon Jackson , on the cutter Dear , reached the De Teller reindeer station. Port Clarence , on July 3 Hut little lie was encountered , although the past winter was mutually hevcre In the Arctic The reindeer hrrd was found to have wintered In good condition. It now numbers GOO hend. One hundred nnd fifty fnvvtiM were Iwrn this pprlm ; . During- the lummer three now birds will bo established In different | > art of the rn tin try. t'pnn the arrival of William Itcllman nnd the tmrty of Lapp hcrder , the l.npp who has he-en In charge durlnir the IMKt your will lotnrn to his mission vvoik nt Capo Prince of Wales. > HOOl > 't > J'M.SMIOA It , .S If/ . ' . I.ittlo Piuisor of tlio County Sent of lu - riiu County Heine Itenicned. DEADWOOD , S. D. , Aug. 12. ( Spechl to The Dee ) The petition presented by Lead City to the county commissioners of Lawrence county asking them to call nn election to locate the county sent has been disposed of. The board held that the county seat had been regularly and legally located at Dead wood In 1S77 , nnd that the location could not now bo disturbed , except by a petition signed by a majority of the voto-s of the county to change the count ) scat to some specified place. Thereupon nn election might bo called , but It would require n two- thirds vote to mnko nny change. The peti tion piefcentcd was rejected because It was Insumclcnt , but even If It had been In duo form , It would have been thrown out , as nearly half of the names on It hnd been cither withdrawn or wcro Illegal. The Lend City people had been counting on the as sistance of the Homcstuke company , but tint corporation owns the ore bodies undcrllng the ground on which Lead City Is locate. ! and also the water The company has granted rights of surface occupancy to the citizens only so long ns the gicuiul Is not needed for mining purposes. Their mln'ng operations nro liable any time to compel them to use part of the tnwnslte The enl > reason they do not Increase their milling capacity Is the present scant supply of water , consequently the Homestake company de clared Itself opposed to nny change , and , as without Us hearty co-operation It would be Impossible for Lead City to get the requisite petition , the agitation Is practically over. . .u.inv.i.vtt in : . .oir.c'o w.i.v. Turin Itefurm ( lull ( nils Him u Keiugiiiln frnni tlio l > eniH rutle 1 allli. DELLAIRE , Mil , Aug. 12. The tariff re form meeting of Harford county democrats passed the following resolutions * Resolved , Flr t , that we cordially reltornto our endorsement of the de-nneiatic national platform of 1S'J2 and the efforts of om In- con uptlblo piesldent and the national house of leprcscntntlvPH to foimulate Into le-Kal enactment li > the Wllbon bill Its piomlhes nnd piovlMons Second , That In the name of the demo crats of the countiy we iipudlnto and con demn the obstructive and traitorous action of om senators from Maivlaml , who Kiosily mlsiciuespiU thc'lr ( .onstluanej at the be hest of the Sugar trust ami other combine * ! Tblid , That Sonatoi ( lotman's aspersion of President Cleveland and his p itrlotlc com so nieiltH and receives our unqu iltlled condemnation. Fouith , That It Is only consistent with the action of a senator who 1ms published to the world his peregrinations thioimh the filth and mire of politics that he should no longer consent to occupy the position hu has 'ought to prostitute by his renegade e-ourse , conscious as he may be that he has betrajcd the party which elevated him to It. xr.aito IIOJ//.N I'orni II Society for tlio IMiiritlon anil Itet- termcnt of tlm Itiio. NEW YORK , Aug. 12. The Women's Lojal league , nn Afro-American boclety , hav ing as its aim the education nnd betterment of the women of the colored race , held its first meeting tonight. Speakers outlined the educational campaign , which will at once be started by the formation In every Afro- American community In the cast of chapters of life legion. Mrs. Victoria Matthews , prch- Ident of the legion , said that while It had been organized for three years It had been working quietly until now , when the time had arrived to come to the front. She sild the most horrible Indignities were heaped on the negro , but lie had himself to bhmc for It , as he was too tame. He needed to be stirred up and when lie awakened to the false position the white race had placed him in ho would rise in his might and qulcklj bring his white brethren to their senses Their rights ns American citizens were too sacred to bo violated without protest. FATALLY BUB NED. I.Utlo Paul Xclson Klndlo-s n llonllro tluit CllllM'H lllrt Dentil. Whllo Paul Nelson , 5-j ear-old son of Mi nnd Mrs. W. T. Nelson , 33T1 Lirlmoro ave nue , was plajlng about a small bonlro yct > - terday morning , his clothing caught fire and before ho could be reached he was fatally burned on the chest and face. He died early In the evening. The remains will be sent this morning to Klrkwood , " 111 , for builal. Several months ago the parents lost nn older bon , drowned In the pond In the Miller park. _ Now Vorlc Iti imlilliun Confereni c. NEW YORK , Aug. 12-The World tomor row will sav. An Important conference of local republicans was held at the Ori ental bate 1 , Manhattan Reach , yesterday nfteinoon. 'llitie weie ptcsent ex-Sen ator Platt , Police Commissioner Muruiv , Judge Sabinc Smith and Samuel Qulgg H Listed an hour and a half This much may be stated positively. 'Ihe committee of thirty absolutely i of uses to give the Mllhollind people anj thing na nn mgnnl/n- tlon. If the Mllliolhiud people will come out and cnioll Wcdne-Hdov and Thursday nights and chow bv tholi numbPrs that they ale playing fair the county committee may be more disposed to give them tecognltlon These nre the words of Sabln Smith. AlK-old AiUlxiH Springer. SPRIXariELD. 111 , Aug. 12-Governor Altgeld tonight vvhcd Rcpti'sentatlve Spi Ingot is follow H : "Seeute fiee sugar If possible. The whole Ameilcan neoiile uio IntertiMted In this. Fiee bituminous coal could onlv benefit New England and the e iport towns nnd help a few men who own foreign mlncH. The entire countiy west of New Yoik cares nothing about It , foi om xoft coal In now Hold at t irvatlon prices As ficc coal will only benefit a Kmall t-cctlou , joii should nut stand In the way of a ineasino fet flu le- llef cf the whole connti > , and It Is vital that tome bill bepaFned at once. " Starting : n Vow s | t Innen's Union , KANSAS PITY , Aug. 12-At a mans nieuting tonight 100 local Bwllihimn helped oiganUe the "Switchmen's I'nloii of Kau nas City , " which IH a Htartei In the dliec- tlon of n now national bwlti limfii'H 01- grinlzatlon , to take the place of that JUKI recently disbanded. An appeal was IsHtuil to switchmen of this countij and C'anula , uxklng them to bend delegatcu to a nillonil convention to be held e.nly In tin- full to pel feet the national orr.inl/atlon P .1 McGuire ot tin' KnlghtH of Labor W.IH re fused permlHSlon to cpeak , and Intel they adupted Hbolutluns against alllllatlon with the knights. Colorado'H latent ( inld Strike. MfSCA , Colo. , Aug. 1The excitement ever the ncent told find has b en intei.Blfl d by the dlscovoo of rich float me extending over a vcrj wide teriltoiy , and many who have visited the Held ate making uiiange- iiu'iitH tu lenialn peimnnently. A new town has been Htarted and Is called Illnncn , and hulldlni'H ate In piocess of erecilon An assay of ore Helectcd with n view of avoid ing rich pockety foimntlons nve'ragc-s $700 to the ton In fiee gold. Pi niiMlMinlii llilucator ' hot. LANCASTER. I'u , Aug. 12 - Frank D Shldley , principal of the Duke street gram mar school nnd nn educator of local prom inence , wan xhot nnd fntall.s wounded this evening by Oeoigo Slmmon.s , aged U VC.IIH Simmons IH on eiiKlneer b > Hade While ill link he accused hlH wlfo of being ini- nioperlv Intimate with Bhlhlej , the ihaige , it IH said , bc'lng entirely without foundation. Ill nth of u 1'ruinliii lit levin l'linleliiii , ELDOUA. In , Aug 12-Dr. M Und. r- vvood , a loading phJHlclan , died suddenly last night of heail disease Ho was. during the war , surgeon of the Twelfth Jowa In fantry , poimlor In 1K&0 , and was prominently known ovci the stale He be-c im < - plum Inent during the Hamburg * t trout lex nnd watt liiHliumentnl In uxteimlnatlng ilu KI anel wao bhot ut several times bj them. FORGOT THE ORDERS Ovmsiglit of rv Eauta Fo Engineer Oosk * His Own and Another Lifo , SEVERAL PERSONS SERIOUSLY INJURED Conductor of Ouo Train fays Ho Forgot All About His Oulors , ADMITS HE WAS THE ONE TO BLAME - . . wiginodis Applied tha Air Brakes and Reversed 'I heir Engines. ONECREWSAVEDTHEMSELVES BY JUMPING I'liglncor U ho Uill ut Piiult htiild on III * Kngliio anil 111 * Maniclcil Itonmliu \\eie T.itien from tlio \ \ retk. KANSAS CITY , Aug. ,12. A disastrous head-end collision occurred "on tlio Atchlson , Topolta fc Santa IV , between llurdland anil Glhbi , , Mo , at 3 30 this morning , between express train No 5 , westbound , and ex press NoI , easthound , resulting In two trainmen being killed and several passengers Injured , and tht engines and combination ex press and baggage cars being completely demolished According to orders the trains were to have met nt Gibbs , anil It Is al leged No. I violated orders The killed are : ENGINEER HUMPHREYS of express No. I , Kansas City. GEORGE CAI'LINGER , express messenger of No 5 , burled In the wreck. The Injured me. Dan Mllsbough of CJJileaRo , baggage man of No. 1. badly biulbcd and hurt Internally ; may die. E. E. Derrick of Chicago , baggage man of No. D , cut and bruised from head to foot ; will probably die. Engineer Dan Daly , on No. 6 , of Fort Madison , shoulder bidly hurt. fireman Mark Kogurtv ot Tort Madison , on No. 5 , badly brulbcd ; will recover. Klreman r. P. Skjlcs , on No.I , of Kansas City , slightly bruised. Drake-man Holmes , on No. 5 , of Tort Madi son , hand smashed. Justin McCarthy , 22 jcars old , of Chicago , head and hand cut. Walter N. Durbln , 23 jcars old , of. Mil waukee , ankle cut. MET ON A CURVE. Tlio trains met on a slight curve and came together with terrific force. Both engineers applied the air brakes and re versed their engines , which action alone was the cause of saving many lives. As soon as the passengers and those of the train crew not hurt recovered from the shock they proceeded to rescue tlio unfortunata victims. Engineer Humphrejs of No. 4 was found at his post with one of his llrnbs cut off nt , the thlch and his head almost split In two. Ho died In a few minutes. Express Messenger C'apllnger was Instantly killed. E. E. Derrick , the express messenger and baggageman ot No C , had a very narrow escape , and his InjurUb may yet ho fatal. The momentum forced him through the slda of the cjjr and landed him on the embank ment about fifty feet away. Ills face waa mashed to a Jelly and his body terribly cut and bruised. ONLY ONE PHYSICIAN THERE. There was but one physician on the train. Ho was. kept busy until train No. G was run back to llurdland for asslbtance. None of the passengers on No , 4 were Injured. Engineer Daly and Firemen Kogarty and Skyles savoil their lives by Jumping. General Managci Krey was on the west bound train and gave directions and superin tended the work of relief. The passengers In the smoker and chair cars of No. C were badly shaken up Juatln McCarthy of Chi cago. was sitting In one cf the reclining chain when the crasli came and was hurled through n window and landed on n clay bank about bix feet from the track. His Injuries vvcra not serious , having suffered but a slight gash on his head and hand Walter N. Durbln of Milwaukee was In tlio smoker nsxt to the baggage car and was also thrown through a window , cutting his ankle. Ho had a narrow escape , being hurled almost forty feet , and landed within two feet of where the locomotives hy on the track. Conductor Cl g"rn wis In charge of No. 5 westbound. Ho handed his order to the Associated press reportei , which clearly stated the two trains wuo to meet at Glhbs. The odlclals of the Santii PC hero say tlio conductor and engineer of train No 4 vvoro responsible for tha accident hiving disobeyed telcgiaphlc orders to meet train No. fi at Olhb'i station. Tli3 engineer being killed outright , no statement , of couisc , could bo secured from him , hut the conductor Rtutoa ho entirely overlooked tlio aider. The total damage to properly will not ex ceed $14,000. _ _ 3l.l * . .S//0/ . \ 'I UK LKd , Onnor of it Stunt ( ur l.lno I'ottilily Do- fl llllH Illx PllHTl | } . I1ENTON HARIJOR , Mich. , Aug. 12. Alderman Charles Schrlvcr was shot In the leg byV W. llenn , owner of the St. Joseph . Ilcnton Harbor Eleetrlc Street railway , 021 ly this morning Several weeks ngo Dean's franchise cxp red , ind two weeks ago he was notified U remove n certain portion of the track to p ° rmlt street pivlnif. LiBt night the paving work was stopped on account ot the tracts nt having been re moved. 'Die city , with H'lno elder- men and foil } labuRib , went to the xcena tills morn ng U remove tiie tr.vks. Dean \wis there with feveial employes .nd a deputy sheriff , and when the marshal's men bcgiin to niovu tha tr eKs Dean llrcd at Schiiver , wounding him l > illy In the leg. Others of the mamlmlH party wcro covered by the guns of some cf the St. Josnph men. Dem was nrrestul and vvo'U vos rottimcil by the marshal's p sto uidir guaid and this afternoon the truck uj * pliul up on Ilia sldo of the street , 'ihuiu In consldmlile fccllnc egalnat Dean _ Illl kit ItlllllV fol till ! IlltfKtlKHtllHI. CLEVELAND , Aug. IS.-l'nltdl Statta Judge A J. HlelvH has returned from hla vacation , which WIIH vpptit In Mulne > Whin lied leK.lldliiK tlm InveKtl iilloii ubout to bu mudu of Ills olllclnl cunduet by the Judlclur } lommlitie nf 'he IIOUHP , JudKU Kicks talcl "I lmv < liten , i iou ( | lilstuncu from liomu .tnd Ihe mlliH 1 om n tclt-Rrupli million , and bine bein on > partially ail- vUod of what li IH tukun iilait * 1 must therefore ilrcline for the imiunt to vny inoro than Dint I it in nt home , itiuly for any Inveutluution the until" ! lilt H pinpntiir , nixl Imvo no ftur of a full and eompletu InvebtlKiiUuii , mid I notified UKuitormy Kfiiuul piuniptly ( lint 1 not only dll nut Ida 1 1) It fioni It , but i united It I inn eon- N'lent the result will fully exonerate in * from nil charge * of fraud ur vvroni ; elolmr.1 *