Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY JBEKfi : TURDAr , AUGUST 11 , 1894. o
Ho Offers a Resolution Galling for Information
mation Concerning tbo Tariff.
llo Will iipo ; < o tlio Cnliininlo't Fnl n Imucs
mud Inrumuu * C'onfcreua I.lkcly
to Iti-port that Tlioy t'nnnnt
* HU Agreement ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. At 12:25 : p. m.
Senator Hill tried to obtain recognition to
offer a resolution calling for Information .as
to tlic status of the tariff conference , but was
temporarily crowded out by other buslncgi.
While the resolution of Mr. Hill was lying on
tlio table and had not been read , Mr. Qrajr
moved on executive session. Few senators
responded to'the viva vocc vote and Hill de
manded the jcau and nays. Several conserva
tive senators \otcd against the motion. Hill ,
Jlurphy , Pugh , Palmer and Gibson voted no.
Gorman , Ilrlce and Jones did not voto. Mr.
Vest voted no. The motion was lost yeas ,
21 ; nays , 32.
Senator IIIll'n resolution requested the sen
ate conferees to report to the senate the
principal Items of disagreement on the tariff
bill and as to whether an agreement was
likely to be reached.
Senator Harris stated that the main dis
agreement HUH on xugar , coal and Iron oro.
Objections wtru made to the consideration
of the resolution , as It lacked unanimous
Mr Hill Insisted that It was a proper mat
ter for the consideration of the senate at this
The vlco president decided that under the
rules the resolution must lie over for a day.
Senator Vest said ho was heartily In favor
of the resolution. "When It comes before
the senate tomorrow , " ho mild , "I shall
take occasion to make a statement b ° fore the
senate which can bo done without violation
of the confidence of the conference. It Is
time , I think , that the calcium light of truth
be shed on the work of the conferees ; that
the calumnies and falsa Issues which have
been heaped upon the conferees and cent
broadcast over the country be dispelled. With
this end In view I will , when the resolution
Is consldcicd tomorrow , speak nf the In
famous lies which have been Invented and
circulated as to the work of the conferees on
the part of the senate. "
Senator Hill suggested : "Perhaps the sen
ator would like to tree his mind now. "
"I'm ready at any tlmo , " declared Mr.
Mr. Alilrlcli of Hhodo Island executed a
flank movement by calling up a resolution
heretofore ottered by Senator Allen. It was
an unimportant resolution , but It gave Mr.
Aldrlch the Moor and ho claimed the Allen
resolution was morning business Ho moved
to strike out all after the word "resolved , "
and Insert the resolution of Mr. Hill.
Fierce opposition \vas made to the consid
eration of the resolution. Mr. Aldrlch said
the opponents were "trying to filibuster It
out of sight , when the country wanted the
Information. "
Mr. Mills objected that the amendment
\vas not germane to the resolution , which
was for the consideration of a bill for the
Issue of $50,000,000 treasury notes , which led
Itr. Hill to ask :
"Is the amendment not as germane as It
Is for a senator to discuss the Chinese ques
tion In a tariff speech ? "
Mr. Mills Insisted It would be a breach of
the rights of the house to direct Its conferees
to return the bill.
At 2 o'clock the resolution and all pertain
ing to It went over until tomorrow under
the rules , and the senate proceeded to the
consideration of executive business.
The senate remained In executive session
until 4:30 : p. m.f when It adjourned to to
morrow at 12 o'clock.
Milking I.Ui'ly Competition for
HID Anu'rlciin runners.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. The possibili
ties of the refrigerating system of transportIng -
Ing perishable articles of food arc set forth
in an Impressed fashion In n report to the
State department from Daniel Maratta ,
United States consul general at Melbourne.
By a scientific application of this system ,
as yet In Its infancy In the United States ,
the Australian producers , though more dis
tant from England by many thousand miles
than American farmers , arc able to main
tain a competition that grows more formida
ble every year. Tlio report makes It evi
dent that wo have to fear heavy Inroads
on 6ur long cherished British market for
pork and poultry and dairy products. The
consul general gives a description of the
Australian chilling system and some figures.
Ho shows that the butter product exported
during the last season amounted to $3,704-
736 , and will bo largely Increased. The
butter arrives In England In excellent con
dition and finds a ready market. Under tbe
direction of the Agricultural department
promising experiments are being made with
the sterilizing s > stem , which produces butter
that 'Will kfep perfectly In any climate.
Nearly all the export butter Is now produced
at central factories , and the farmers are paid
for their milk , not by measure , but by its
quality , or by Its results In pounds.of butter
This system is giving the most thorough
satisfaction. Considerable headway Is being
made In the manufacture of export cheese
under a bonus. The government Is also en
couraging the production and export of as
many as possible of the productions of the
soli , the principal of which are pork , poul
try , eggs , concentrated milk , green peas , etc.
Shipments by refrigerators have already
been made with promising results , and It has
been found that green fruits can bo put In
the market In good condition by using
aerated chambers.
Snnntor Hill Suys the Tlmn to Do Some ,
thlni ; Him Arrived.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. In explaining
Ills course today , Senator Hill said : "My
object In offering the resolution was to ox-
pcdlto the disposition of the tariff. Hvory
day's delay Is injurious to the business in
terests of the country , and tha bill should
bo disposed of at once one way or the other.
It has now been In conference committee
for over a. month , and further delay Is abso
lutely Inexcusable. The conferees ought to
know each others' minds by this time , and
if they cannot agree the fact of such a dis
agreement should bo reported to the two
houses , when. If no understanding can bo
reached upon n bill , congress should promptly
adjourn and glvo the country orest. _ We
have now been In ses.slgn for nearly a whole
year and have had umple opportunity to
legislate. A senator or member who does
not know exactly what ho wants to do on the
tariff question after all the time spent In
useless deliberation is unfit to represent
any constituency , Wo have deliberated
enough ; wo want action.
"Congress must arouse from Its lethargy
and should act In accordance with the public
sentiment and not lu defiance of It. Klther
pass the tariff bill at once or adjourn and go
homo. These are my sentiments , and 1
bolleva they are the sentiments of nlno-
tenths of the people of all parties. "
tuiiulry ci : ll 11111 In lli llo\ne ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. The house de
voted Itself today to discussing projects
for a government exhibit to cost $200,000
at the Atlanta exposition , and to give each ol
tha arid land states 1,000.000 acres of land
to encourage the reclamation of their deserts ,
contained In senate amendments to the sun
dry civil bill. The former furnished an
opportunity for patriotic speeches from the
northerners on a reunited country , and an
enthusiastic majority voted to Instruct the
house conferees to support a substitute hav
ing practically the same effect us the amend *
numt. No decision was reached upon the
rid bud project. BO that thu conference re
port on the sundry civil bill will come up
ggain tomorrow. Thu house took a recess
until 8 o'clock , the evening session being
devoted to private- pension bllli.
ChanOIrr Want * tlio Kluctlon * IiiTotliat il.
Chandler , republican of Now Hampshire , at
L-2C p. m. today offered a rcnolutlon directIng -
Ing the committee on privileges and elec *
116ns to investigate , the recent elections and
ascertain It frauds prevailed ,
Mom : MONKY run ruitx cnooit.
Two Hundred Thousand Dollnr * Added to
tlio Amount to Hn iprinted. :
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10.-Spoclrtl ( Telegram -
gram to The lice. ) Congressman Mercer I *
reeling unusually happy this afternoon over
an amendment which has been agreed to in
the sundry civil bill. The house lias Just
adopted the conferees' report on the bill.
Senator MandGrson succeeded In having an
amendment attached In the senate Increas
ing from 1500,000 to $700,000 the limit of ex
penditures for the construction of Fort
Crook. . Congressman Mercer did his work
well and had the amendment accepted by
the bousa conferees , and when the house
adopted the report this afternoon Mr ,
Mercer was the happiest man on tha floor.
Ho Olrcfl Homo Import Opinions on tlio
T > * tln of Armor I'lntm.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10.-The Invistlga-
llon of the alleged Canct'lJ armor plate
frauds was resumed today. Captain Snmpsoi. .
the chief of the oritnanoa bureau of tha Navy
dcparlrf fit , was the nllu < "H. The principal
matter of Interest was : iH opinion of the
method of treatment of pl.i'cu ' by ,
concerning which he fcilU t'mt ' n plate hard
ened In one section and siftef.i'tt In another
wan not to bs dcpcndr 1 upon. Pjptnln Samp
son said a plalo could nut tu considered uni
form If specimens from different parts varied
20,000 pounds In tens' ! " str"ntUi. In on ex
treme case n difference of 0,000 or 10,000
pounds might bo pormlttcl.
Aakctt to Kxpliiln Why Ho Mnde CrdarqiiUt
Shoot nt n Murk.
A court martial has been appointed to con
vene at Fort Omaha next Monday morning ,
at which time and place Major Worth will be
placed upon the rack for the purpose of find
ing out why ho commanded Private Cedar-
qulst to do some target firing at the Dellevue
rlllo range last spring.
Ccdarqulst Is a private In the Second In
fantry , and was with his company nt the
range for target practice. Major Worth ,
commanding , ordered a squad out for prac
tice one Sunday ! and Cedarqulst refused
to shoot on the ground that It would be a
violation of the sanctity of the Sabbath. He
was court martlaled , found guilty of dis
obedience and sentenced to the guard house
for two months. The case was carried
up , Cedarqulst's attorney claiming that the
command to shoot on Sunday was unlawful
because Inlolation of orders Issued by
President Lincoln and reiterated by Presi
dent Harrison , and because in violation of
army precedent. The War department af
firmed the finding of the court martial ,
holding that a soldier must under any cir
cumstances obey the command of a superior ,
but It remitted the uncxplred portion of
Cedarqulst's sentence , and ordered that
Major Worth should be tried by court mar
tial for violating the rule of the military
service mentioned.
The detail of tbe court Is as follows.
Col mel James J. Van Horn , eighth Infantry ;
Colonel James Blddle , Ninth cavalry ; Lieu
tenant Colonel Dallas Dache , deputy surgeon
general ; LI.utcnant Colonel Mcrritt Barber ,
assistant adjutant general ; Lieutenant Colonel
nel Daniel W. Benham , Seventh Infantry ,
Lieutenant Colonel Heuben F. Bernard ,
Ninth cavalry ; Lieutenant Colonel
Henry It. Tllton , deputy surgeon
general ; Lieutenant Colonel George
M. Randall , Klghth Infantry ; Major Edmund
O. Fechct , Sixth cavalry ; Major Charles S.
Ilsley , Ninth cavalry ; Major Adam Kramer ,
Sixth cavalry ; Captain L > uls II. Uucker ,
Ninth cavalry ; Captain John S. Loud , Ninth
cavalry ; Captain William Baird , Sixth cav
alry , Judge advocate.
The case will be prosecuted by Captain
Balrd of the Sixth cavalry , assisted by Cap
tain Day. Ex-Judge II. J. Da\Is of this city
will look after the Interests of Major Worth.
Heroic Mother Ilurnuil to Dontli with Her
Child In Hur Anns ,
SCLMA. Ala. , Aug. 10. News has reached
the city of the horrible death of Betty Sim-
kins and her babe near Pine Tucky. The
mother was awakened by flames. Half
dazed she ran out , but later she thought of
her babe and rushed Into the burning build
ing. She came out with her child In her
arms and her clothing In flames , but fell
and without uttering a word expired. The
child lived an hour.
Only TITO JltnliicHi llougos liemaln.
CHAMPAIGN , III. . Aug. 10. The business
portion of Clifford , a thriving town In the
northeast part of the county , was almost en
tirely burned. Twenty-one business houses ,
two grain elevators , the Illinois Central de
pot , extensive grain cribs and 30,000 bushels
of grain were burned. Only two business
houses In the town remain. The loss will
amount to $200,000 , partly covered by In
rithlim bufT rn from Tiro.
DANVILLE , III. , Aug. 10. Almost the entire -
tire business portion of Flthlan , 600 Inhabi
tants , Just west of this city , burned last night.
The origin of the flro and loss cannot be
stated at this time. Most of It was without
How They Want I'ny.
While the Commouwcalera were serving
their sentences at Fort Sidney , Mr. Jacob
Market of the Pacific Hotel company had
the contract for feeding the prisoners. As
Is customary In such cases , the prisoners
were required to work In the kitchen of the
fort , and were used as waiters and dish
washers , as required by tha boarding house
The feed contractor was , of course , paid
so much per day , or meal , for each prisoner ,
and had his help very cheaply. It Is dif
ferent , however , now. . The Commonwealers
have been drifting Into Omaha for some
tlmo , and yesterday a dozen of them
commenced suit against Mr. Market and the
hotel company for wages In sums ranging
from } - to $20 each , claiming that they did
work for tha company and Market In cookIng -
Ing , dishwashing and other service. Inci
dent to camp life at Sidney. The cases will
be heard next week.
Hlimhml Him with Knives.
Two complaints wore filed In the police
court this morning charging Peter Dcruso
with stabbing with Intent to kill Frank
Decker and Charles Hoot Thursday night. Thu
men are all barbers and were taking In the
pleasures to bo found In the "burnt district. "
The men began striking at each other and
Dcriuo seriously slashed his comrades with
a razor. Officer Godola succeeded In placing
them ail under arrest and Decker and Hoot
wera turned over to the pollca surgeon to
dress their wounds. Yesterday Decker
appeared at the station and swore out the
complaints. Hoot was unable to leave his
home , but the cuts of neither man will prove
Men's Muetlng.
Tha regular monthly meeting of Omaha
council , No. 2 , Commercial Pilgrims of
America , will be held this evening at their
council chamber , Fuller's hall , Fourteenth
and Douglas streets.
Services of Initiation will bo held , con
ducted by Supreme Worthy Pilgrim Ila-
worth , Hev. Brother Mackay assisting.
Every member U requested to bo on hand
at S o'clcck sharp , as vis , ting pilgrims from
Council Bluffs , Ues Mollies , Lincoln and
other cities will bo preient.
C. O. LOBECK , Worthy Pilgrim.
Hn t Train to Chicago.
Commencing tomorrow , tbe Chicago &
Northwestern Hallway company will put on
a fast train between this city and Chicago.
This train will bo known aa the "Omaha
and Chicago special , " It will be fully
equipped with Wagner lewra | and a dining
car. The train will leave the Union depot
at C 45 o'clock each afternoon , arriving In
Chicago at 8H5 the following morning.
Tbe lions and leopards give their last per
( ortuauca on Sunday. They are worth seeing.
Ordorlng of Troops to Bouth Omaha Will
Interfere with the Encampment ,
Only 820,000 nt tfio Dlapo'itt of the Ailju-
tuiit General nml Ilili Will No Mora
Tlmn 1'ny the Kxprmo at
the Campaign.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 10. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The troubles at South Omaha have
very probably settled In the negative the
question of holding at Burlington Beach an
encampment of the state militia for this
year at least. All arrangements had been
perfected , and the Indications were that the
proposed outing of the boys would bo a most
successful one , but by the time the strike
Is settled there will be no money. The
legislature made an appropriation of $25,000
for the Use of the guards. The object of
this , It Is presumed , was to provide funds for
the annual field exercises. There being no
other funds at the disposal of the guards ,
this will have to bo nearly exhausted in
providing transportation for the troops to
and from South Omaha , and providing for
their support while there.
Colonel Bills has been at the Lincoln all
day , watting for Instructions from Brigadier
General Colby. All the companies of his
command ore under arms and ready to move
at a moment's notice. The deputies at the
governor's ofilce are In constant communica
tion with Colonel Bills , and have been try
ing all day to locate Adjutant General Gage ,
who Is In South Omaha , but so far have
failed. Although nothing has been given
out , the fact that members of the Lincoln
Guards are seen on the streets In uniform
Is sufficient Indication that they are under
Chancellor Canfield has written a letter
declining the offer of a position In the Ohio
State Unlvcislty , In the course of which ho
says :
Itut , gentlemen , twenty-six years ago I
consecrated very unreservedly \\lmt power
and nbllltv 1 possess to tbe cnusr of ad
vancing clvlll/utlon In the great trnns-
MIsslHslppI Imiln With the exception of n
\ory brief period , during which I was
simply being better prepared for this serv
ice , I hnve never withdrawn either fiom
this territory or from thH work. The people
ple of .Nebraska , lee , desire a university ,
nn Institution whoso work shall tend to
unite lather than divide all social forces ,
which shall bo maintained by the people ,
for the people , and Vvhtch shall be of the
people ns well ; which shall give strength
and vigor and assurance and new life to
every young man and joting woman In this
commonwealth , the influence of which shall
make for right and righteousness In every
community ; \vhlch shall send men to the
plow and anvil , to the shop and to the
market place , to the counter and to the
ollloe , with a song Instead of a sigh ; which
shall always and everywhere stand for
sweetness and light. With a confidence
far moie complete than It Is deserved the
regents recently placed tbe ceneral direc
tion of the life and growth of this Institu
tion in my hands. For three years they
have accepted my plans , they have con
curred In my suggestions , they have en
dorsed my administration , and In all this
have been approved by the faculty and by
the people of this state In a manner which
won my affection , quickened my energies ,
kindled my ambition , secured by loyaltj ,
and strengthened my determination to give
them the most elllclent and devoted service
God would grant me years and strength to
render. I feel that I have really but Just
lioKiin this service. The foundations are
only Just appearing above the ground To
turn from this now , and especially to turn
from this Just at the present In the midst
of financial stress and strain , to- put all
this In the hands of a stranger this would
seem faithlessness to duty , this would be
the desertion of my confreres and the people
ple of Nebraska. In an hour In which above
all others I might best serve them.
The cas ? of John R. Johnston and George
D. Stevens against Elmer E. Spencer has
made Its second appearance In the supreme
court , In the shape of an amended petition.
The amount of the judgment in the lower
court was $1,441.34.
A meeting of the republican county dele
gation was held in the Lincoln hotel this
afternoon at which Itvas unanimously de
cided to stand by the candidacy of Judge
Stcade for congress. C A. Atkinson was
elected chairman of the delegation.
Deputy Attorney General.Somers Is out of
the city attending tha county convention at
his home.
The chief's driver was slightly burned
about the face In Thursday morning's fire.
limiting Up Cltlrcns for Allowing I.uvvn Iloan
to Kun During a L'"lro
FREMONT. Aug. 10. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The tenth annual commencement of
the Normal school Is progressing very sat
isfactorily and proving Interesting to the
largo number of friends of the school and
graduates In attendance.
Misses Emma Knocll and Jennie Plam-
beclc gave a pleasant dancing party at Tur
ner hall last evening.
The Nyo-Schnelder company Is receiving
numerous orders for wheat , rye and oats
for feeding purposes , corn being too high
Water Commissioner A. C. Hull , who Is
also chief of the flro department , has a long
list of names whcm he proposes to call on
for a fine for allowing their lawn hose to
run during the late flro , thereby reducing
the water pressure , to the detriment of the
fire department. The city pumps are sup
plying 800.000 gallons of water dairy , but
In time of a flro It Is the pressure that Is
needed quite as much as the supply.
The midsummer meet of the Young Men's
Christian association of Nebraska begins on
the Fremont Chautauqua grounds on Men-
day , August 13 , and continues to the 20th.
The object of the meet Is to afford the
young men of the state an opportunity for
bible study under the direction of capable
teachers , and to discuss and plan the best
methods of work , as well as a pleasant and
profitable vac.itlon. A large number of the
best known lecturers In the west have prom
ised to bo present , and friendly contests
In base ball , basket ball , lacrosse , tennis
and bicycle races will occur for the amuse
ment of the athletes. Rev. Frank Crane
of Omaha Is expected to deliver the In
itiatory lecture on Monday evening.
Nobrnslm City Militia ITnilnr Arms.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb , Aug. 10. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee ) Captain WI1II un
Mapes nf company C this morning1 received
the following dispatch. "Hold your com
pany In readiness to take the first train
for South Omaha. C. J Hills. "
Within an hour after the receipt of the
dispatch officers and men , forty In number ,
were at the armory , and preparations were
being imahwl to take the field. This after
noon Captain Mapes received another dis
patch , as follows :
"Await further orders from commander-ln-
chlef. C. J. Bills. "
The company will be held tinder arms
at the armory waiting further orders.
It plu hip < l lhi > Drug Htock.
BERTRAND , Neb. , Aug. 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The Armstrong drug stock , at
tached by creditors last week , has been re-
plevliicd by M , Scrantou. who had a bill of
sale from Armstrong. The goods liava been
returned- the building from whence they
wore removed.
On complaint of some of the bondsmen
the saloon of C. Fanlenau has been closed
by the village board until Auguit 15 , at
which tlmo his license will likely be re
Fifteen prairie schooners from the western
part of the state paued through town today.
Norfolk Company Ilolit Under Order * '
NORFOLK , Neb. , Aug. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) A telegram to Captain
Tracy of the Moore Rifles to take bis com
pany to South Omaha on the first train
caused considerable excitement here this
morning. Within one hour after receiving
the orders fifty of the fifty-four members of
ths company were at the armory and ready
for Instruction * to march. The company
left the armory amid the cheers of citizens
anil inarched to tlio depot , but on arriving
there were Instructcill by Colonel Bills to
await further order * here. This greatly dis
appointed tbo boy ? , who were very eager
to see their first Abnlco. -
Appoint n Corn Comtnlttpo to Ancrrtnln
Whrro it Ciiu Do IloU Obtained.
MADISON , Neb. , A % 10. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Madison county alliance mot hero
today to discuss vrttys" _ and means for meet
ing the condition 'wnifh now confronts the
farmers of this county. Alt parts of the
county were represented , about fifty farmer *
being present.
D. W. DarllngtcnT > resldent of the county
alliance , was In the chair.
The committee's report en rain making was
received and the committee Instructed to
continue operations ,
A committee was appointed to investigate
the points of supply and find from what
quarter feed , grain , etc. , can bo shipped
at the least expense. The committee was
also given authority to receive orders for
the whole county.
Dr. Mackay of the Reporter read n long
paper on the "Woos of the Farmer and Irri
gation. "
The whole Irrigation subject was fiHIy dls-
cnssed , and to the satisfaction of some pres
ent and the Reporter man , It was shown that
this vicinity could bo cheaply irrigated , and
that it would pay to do go
D. W. Dirllngton was elected ft delegate
to attend the national Irrigation convention
at Denver , which convenes In September
A colnmlttce was also appointed to arrange
a grand ovation far Senator Allen on his
The old Scotch plan of disseminating or
spreading the news Is to be used. The news
of his coming will be received hero by Mr.
Blckley and spread by carriers over the en
tire county.
The new opera house Is to be commenced
next week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hud a T'Oitdcil ( Inn In the Ilnggy Which
\ViiH Acrtdrntnlljr Pinch irguif.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Aug. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) 0. D. Basslngcr , a hard
ware merchant of this place , had his left
arm shot almost off this morning about 10
o'clock while out hunting in company with
F. M. Cook , who also had a very narrow
escape from being instantly kitted. The
men were riding along in a buggy when one
of the guns , which they had resting on the
scat between them , began to slip from the
buggy and Mr. Uasslnger made a grab for It
Just as It was discharged. The shot struck
his arm just below the elbow and shattered
both the upper and lower bones , and entirely
destroyed the elbow Joint. A few
of the shot grazed Mr. Cook's arm and the
flash singed his hair and moustache , so close
was the discharge to him. They drove to
to\vn us rapidly as possible and called Dr
Pratt of this place and Dr. Hlldreth of
Lyons , who at once decided that amputation
was necessary. They amputated the arm
about three Inches above the elbow. As
Mr. Basstnger U a large , fleshy man and the
weather so oppressively warm some doubts
of his recovery are entertained.
Injured While * Stinting a Itldo.
KEARNEY , Neb. , Aug. 10 ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) This morning Eugene
Anderson , a young colored man , while stealIng -
Ing a ride from Omaha to Kearney , fell
under a freight train in front of the Union
Pacific passenger depot and was badly cut
and Injured internally. , ' His head was cut
In two or three places. Ho was Immediately
conveyed to the Wpmen's Christian Temper
ance Union hospital.
Foundry Iturnc l at Hasting * .
HASTINGS , Nebl , Aug. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Ffre was discovered In
the Morltz foundry and .iron works about
6:15 this evening , but had gained such head
way that the bu.ldlnga were nearly a total
loss before the flames could bo extinguished
It Is thought to have caught In the black
smith shop. The plant , was valued at $5,000 ,
with $2,000 insurance.
Too Hot toSVorlc Outdoom.
NEBRASKA CITY , Aug. 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Hot , dry winds visited this sec
tion again yesterday and today , doing great
damage to the already drouth-stricken crops
Trees are beginning to show plainly the lack
of moisture and have a shriveled and un
healthy appearance The intense heat prac
tically suspended all outdoor work.
I'lr.Ht Kfghuent l.nroiilr.
YORK. Neb. , Aug 10. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Company A , First regiment of
this city , were called out this mornIng -
Ing about 1 o'clock. They left at G a. m
on a special train for South Omaha. Cap
tain N. P. Lundeen was In command of
the company.
LOUR I'lno luting Homo Ahlnzo.
LONG PINE , Neb. , Aug. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Fire at the railroad
eating house was caused'thls afternoon by
a falling spark from the switch engine , smalt
damage only being done before it was ex
ifcmlao or .Mrs. lirll T. Cvuna
BEATRICE , Aug. 10 ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Mrs. Bell G. Evans of Chicago
cage , who has been here v.sltlng for some
weeks past , died today at the home of her
sister , Mrs. Harry Woodworth. Heart
trouble is assigned as the cause.
> un Wjck St.irts for WiiHhliigton.
NEBRASKA CITY , Aug. 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Ex-Senator C. H. Van Wyck ,
\vlfo and daughter , Miss Happy , left for
Washington iast evening. They will bo ab
sent about three weeks.
Not Itovcnuo for th Your Shows n Falling
Off of jma.KIl ) .
CHICAGO , Aug. 10. The annual state
ment of the Chicago & Northwestern road ,
which was Issued today , covers the opera
tions of the thirty-first fiscal year of the
company's operations and brings the figures
down to May 31 of the present year. The
total passenger earnings of the road were
9,226,466. an Increase of 1,270,027 over the
001 responding period ending May 31 , 1893.
Freight earnings were 21,28 1,929 , a decrease
of $723 , GO I. The net revenue for the year
was $4,307,543 , u decrease of $472,166. Div
idends amounting1 to $3,906,591 were declared
during the year , bond } to the amount of
$351,000 were cancelled , and bonds to the
amount of $804,000 Issued.
The western rpads have added another day
to thane set for tut saio of tickets to the
Grand Army encampmr-nt nt Plttsburg. The
sale will begin September 7 Instead of Sep
tember 8 , as previously1 agreed upon. Tickets
purporting , to havp jWin sold by the Ohio
Southern from Sprfngfipld , 0. , to Denver and
return on account of the meeting of the
League of American Wheelmen at the latter
city have been found In the hands of Chicago
cage ticket brokers. , fn answer to the re
quirements uf v i rn roads the tlckeU
bear a return limit , gjt fifteen days , and ap
parently have not been used cast of Chicago.
Pending an explanation from the Ohio South
ern. Chairman CallUvell of the Western Pas
senger association lip notified all western
roads to dishonor tbo tickets.
Think TlHifr .r . tliti Men.
Larry Casey and tFrnnk Fisher , two men
known to the pollcot and the tougher ele
ment. were arrested ' /yesterday / on suspicion
of being the personU Who stabbed and pain
fully wounded JfcaH'W' ' Easley , a . Boldler ,
Thursday night. Easley was found lying
on the sidewalk Iri front of Ed Miller's
saloon near Ninth and Dodge streets with
a bad looking wound in tbe back. He was
taken to tlio police station where hla wounds
were dressed. From the description which
Easley gavu the polled the officers teen
arrested Casey and Fisher , and are con
fident that they have the guilty , parties ,
although the men claim an alibi. They
will be held for further Investigation.
Forcot the Mortgage.
Divld F. Clark of Dakota City , who has
been Visiting frl nda at 2217 California
itreot. was arrested yeiterday afternoon
by Ddtecllvea S vago and Dempioy on a
warrant charging him with obtaining $30
front a , resident of his lioma city under false
pretenses. It la alleged that Clark bor
rowed $30 on property , agreeing to give a
mortgaga to the lender. Ha left the city
without complying with hi * agreement.
How the Drexel-Morgtin Trust Squeezed
the Railroad Lemon.
Its Orlglnnl riontliiff Debt of 817,000,000
linn Clint Iho Itonil Over 87,000,000
in llircn Venrii 1'orced Into
Itecclxcrs' Ilandt.
NEW YOItK , Aug. 10. ( Special to The
Bee. ) In August , 1891 , the Union Pacific
floating debt was exploited as aggregating
$20,000,000 , and was characterized as a moat
serious menace to the property. Eminent
financiers evolved the idea which developed
Into the trust now commonly known as the
Drcxcl-Morgan trust , and concerning which
there Is today considerable uncertainty as to
Its tlnal end. As stated , the debt was al
leged to be $20,000,000 , and as It was thought
that the company would need some extra
funds , provision was made for the Issuance
of $24,000,000 of notes , and these notes were
to bo secured by the pledge of every avail
able assets w hlch the company could gather
up. Into the trust thus formed were placed
securities with an aggregate face value of
$100,113,365 , and an estimated value of
$11,312.335. The trust was formed In Sep
tember , 1S91 , qnd by the end of that year , or
within three months of the formation , there
were Issued of the new notes US. 470.000 , and
these notes were turned over to creditors
to pay a debt of $17,140.000 , the difference
bctwcon these two amounts , or $1,389,750 ,
was exacted by the creditors as a discount
In advance. The total , or highest amount
of the notes that has been Issued , Is $18-
710,000. and of this probably at least $1,500-
000 represents the discount or bonus. The
result is that the Union Pacific made Its
creditors a present of $1,500,000 , and then
agreed to pay them tj per cent per annum ,
or 18 per cent during the three years , on
the. amount thus presented. Or , to place
tha facts differently , In 1891 the Union Pa
cific owed $17,200,000 ; In 1S94 , If no part
of the debt was redeemed In the mean
time. that debt \vould be $18,700,000 , making
the total payment at the end of the third
year $22.06rtooo. Thus , In three years the
bonus and Interest cost the company $ JSGfl-
000 , being an average of $1G22,000 per an
num , and representing an annual cost
equaling 9'i per cent of the original debt.
Judging from the enormous sacrifice which
the company made , by thus submitting to
the extortion of almost 10 per cent Interest ,
one might suppose that the security offered
was \ery poor , and that the company had
been forced by dire distress to seek help from
a Shylock. It Is therefore somewhat sur
prising to find that the security was par ex
cellence. So good. Indeed , that after the
terrible depreciation which has taken place
in all securities during the past eighteen
months , such financiers as compose the com
mittee , viz : Messrs. Morgan , Stewart ,
Kiug. Anderson and Orr , declare that the
collateral Is today more than adequate for
the ultimate liquidation of the outstanding
uotes. As a matter of fact , ( hero never wus
a time during the history of this trust but
what the collateral was so much more valua
ble than the face of the notes , as to entitle
It to the classification of "gilt-edge , " and
consequently deserving of a very low. In
stead of a very high rate of Interest. When
the first $18,170,000 of notes were Issued , to
pay aboul a $17.000,000 debt , the value of the
collateral was $11,912,835. In August , 1893 ,
when the notes had been reduced to $11-
400,000 , the value of the collateral was $24-
663,910 , or more than double the debt. It
is clear , therefore , that not only has the
floating debt been well paid for In Interest ,
but It has been most excellently protected
as to principal.
But the bonus and Interest paid by the
Union Pacific do not cover the total cost of
the debt , for there have been some heavy
sacrifices of value In the sales of collateral ,
the proceeds of which sales were used to re
duce the outstanding notea. During 1893
the Union Pacific suffered a net loss of
$926,630 , by reason of the collateral being
sold for that much less than It had actually
cost the company. That Is to say , collateral
for which the Union Pacific paid almost
? 5,000,000 , was sold under this trust for
about $1.000,000. Possibly the entire loss
Incurred in the process of liquidating the
$7,000,000 notes that have been paid , ag
gregate not less than $2,000,000 , and In that
event the original debt of $17,000,000 has
cost the Union Pacific upwards of $7,000,000
In three years , or about 14 per cent per
annum. Perhaps no one is surprised that
a receiver was necessary under such condi
tions ,
What Is the condition of this trust today ?
There are $11,000,000 of the notea still out
standing. They are drawing G per cent
interest , but are now -overdue. The Inter-
estT however , Is being paid by the receivers ,
and , moreover , that Interest Is being paid
in advance month by month. In view of
this list named circumstance and also in
consideration of the fact that the collateral
Is deemed ample , the committee , a majority
of whom are creditors who hold the notes ,
advise that note holders do not press the
payment of the principal at present. This
committee has almost unlimited powers of
sale , and can close out the trust estate at
no matter what risk to the company , If It
so elect. Due- credit must be given to those
who thus counsel at this time , for a forced
sale of some of the stocks In the trust
would In all probability result In the loss
of control by the Union Pacific of some of
Its branch lines. Not that this would bo
much of a pecuniary loss to the Union Pa
cific Hallway company , but It would cause
endless confusion and entail future losses
on the system. On the other hand , there
are some very valuable stctirltles In the
trust , such as the Pacific Express , and If
these were to bo sold out before the Union
Pacific reorganl/atlon committee is ready to
buy them In the company would suffer
serious loss , although the note holders
would doubtless be paid In full.
In regird to the cost of the loan It must
bo noticed tint the notes can be bought up
sometimes at a discount , and so the cost bo
reduced. For Instance , for Hie notes re
deemed In 1893 the amount paid by the
company was $87,998 less than the face
value. Thla amount was , however , de
ducted from the above figures , hence the re
sult Is changed but little by this Incident.
There Is , on the other baud , a large expense
upon the company for the payment of taxes
on the notes , tor all the expenses of the
trust , for commissions , for sales of collateral
and for attorney fees , etc , etc
The probable outcome will be an extension
of the debt until a reorganization committee
can take bold of the matter In proper shape ,
and then these notes will be cared for
either by the holders waiting and participat
ing In the plan for reorganisation , or In
some syndicate taking them up to hold for
the reorganization committee In the mean
time the holders of the notes are getting
their Interest ; they have good security , and
have nothing to fear from any danger of
the loan being declared Illegal. J. II. W.
Landed MUionrl I'liulllo Freight Cnr Jump *
tint 1 nil It llmkmiiiin Hurt.
While the crow of a Missouri Pacific
freight train was doing some switching near
the Platta rlrer at Plattsmouth last uvon-
Ing , a car loaded with merchandise Jumped
the track and went Into the river. William
Jones , a brakeman , was struck by the car
His left hip was dislocated and his left leg
broken. He was brought with the train to
Omaha and taken to a hospital.
A Now Truln to Chlrnco.
Commencing August 12 , the "Omaha and
Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North
western railway , leaves Omaha , dally at G:45 :
p. m. . and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : next
morning. Vestlbuled dining car , Wagner
sleepers and chair cars form the equipment
of this train , and ro all up to "North-
woMern" standard.
1401 Farnam street , city ticket offlco.
The lions and leopards glvi their last per
formance on Sunday , They are worth seeing.
\ & like Cotyparipg 1 Capdi to
brilffapcy of f { ? up" fo < prppai' ( >
b f aptf
It furnishes n house complete , and does it up brown. We have
another outfit for an even $150 ; another for $ ! ) ! ) . ! )5 ) ; another one
for $500. Then we have n complete schedule , with the price- ) op
posite each article , and a blank space for you to ( ill in.
Young man , marry your best girl at once , and establish a home.
You can pay in a little down and the balance in small weekly or
monthly payments.
Parlor Carpet , llrussels (13ixl2m..JtI ( ! IS
Parlor Suit , B plccn. cnuheil plinh , Carpet (9x12) ) Ingrain $ 4.87
eOce , oak frame . J26 80
1 I'arlor Table . 12.50 { piece , linnlnoud , bevel plato mirror
2 Palm L.IPO Curtnlna . $200 Chamber Set $11.87
1 Pair Chenille Curtain . (400 Chair and Hocker $ 2.73
1 - . 98a
1 Hmyrn-x Banquet HUR Lamp . I 3.6) 2 Window Curtntn.i.nml fixtures. . . . Ma
2 Pairs Luce Curtnlns $ 1.90
$31.71 Toilet Set , 10 pieces $ 3.25
LIVING ROOM. Spring , Mattress. Pair Pillows , Comrort.
Pair Dlankcts. 2 Pairs Sheets and
Carpet (11x12) ( Ingrain. 637
Lounge 675 Pillow Blips J12.M
Fancy Hocker. oale frame , an ; color
tapestry . 450 $38.27
Italian Itorker .00
1 Antique lluoUcnse , odjustable elves
Antique Pcnlnc Ilocker 2.00
1 Antique Clnlr , 1.00 Kitchen Clmlr 2Jo
1 Center Table , 1.50 Kitchen Table $ 1.25
1 Pair Portleiea 3 SO
2 Pairs Lice Curtains 1.90 Cook Stole , first clnsi $7.00
S Window Cuitnlns. Including fixtures Kitchen Utlnslls , Including boiler. Tub.
380 Winger , Plat Irons , Clothes Ilorso ,
I ulsijue Decorated Table Lamp , . . . J 2 15 Wash Doard. Water Pall. Tin Warn
J3355 etc 7.00
Refrigerator ! $ 69S
All wool Iiucnln Carpet (12x12) ( ) . . . . J10 O $11.48
8-ft. Extension Table. hardwooU. . . . $ 6 00
6 HlRh Hack UlnlnR Clmlrs $6.00 HALL.
llanlwooil Sideboard , bevel plate
100-plece nilrrlr English Decorated. Dinner $1675 Set Hall and Stair Carpets (15 ( yards. . . $ 5 63
' ' Hall Rack with mirror $ 2.00
' ' "
Cuticry 'and ! ! ! . . . . . 111111 $ Z'K ) Oak Hall Clmlr * l &
Hanging Lamp j 2 Hanging Lamp ( elegant ) $ 2.25
$32.80 Mat pOe
CarpeiWxlZ ) Ingrain $487
HanlwooJ , 3-plccQ Clumber Set. bevel Servants' Bedroom ,
Plata mirror , $1217
Bluings , Mattresses. Fair Pillows , Comfort .
Bedstead and Sprlnr ' 3.GO
fort , I'nlr
Itlunkels , 2 Pulra Sheets ,
and 1'lllow Slips $12.25 Mattress , Pillow. Blanket. Pair Sheets
I Table $1.50 Pair Pillows Slips , etc 450
1 Chair , 1 Hocker
Window Curtains. Including fixtures $275 38o Bureau and Wash Stand $ 3DO
2 Pairs Lace Curtains $190 Mirror 60c
Toilet Set 10 pieces $ 3.25 Clialr 45o
. .39.77 $13.45
Total $264.68
Our Terms Cash , or
$ 1000 worth $1 00 week or $ 400 month Arc put topothor to stay. Buy a
15 00 " l.BO " 0 00 " Foiithoratono Cub and it is good for
BO 00 " 1,00 " 8 00 "
70 00 " ii 50 " 10 00 ' the uoxt gouorution. 100 puttorns
10000 " " 300 " " IL',00 " to uhooso from. Prices 40 per oont.
MO 00 4 00 15 00 "
discount from former -
bptcaanil Alaat tfnvurnblo - jn-icos to
riMi > ift > inonln ior/.arjfoi' llilts. cloHo tiiom out quick , as wo need
tha room.
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House.
Close evening at 0:30 , except Saturday.
Send 10 cents for postage ou big"JTcatalogue. .
For the Laundry , For Puddings , Blanc Mange , Etc.
ffo lloilcr. ft'ii Nti'im , No Knglnrrr ,
I1CST POWKIl for Corn and Tocil Mills. Bnllnff
liny , lluiiiiiiicSuimrutoiv , Crcnmorlos , Ao.
Stationary or Portable.
} to Mil. I' . 8 to 20 H.I' .
ml for CaUilottm * . Price * , etc. , dc rlbdiK work to txi ilono ,
o , 245 lake St. OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS ,
Omaha. 107 S. 14th St 334 A * Walnut ? U. . I'IIIliAI } L.l > ( lIA , PA.
Proonrs Oromo-Beierg.
RnlenJIJ ciiratlroauflnt for JJervoun or BUb
Jleailucho , Urain Ijhuuitlon , HleoulMinMJ ,
jirvclal or ceaer l Nrurulclui alia for ltl"W
inktUm , Oont. KUnoj Il ) orUrni , Aclu lr > -
| mi iu. Anmrala. Antldole _ ( or Alcobollo
nnil ther nicoues. Price. 10 , SSu
IBIS. Western Avnnu * . CHICAGO'
7or sale by all dracgglst * . Omaha.
U. y , Ufitoilloru , Uinalm , fi'ilinnl.a ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
Officer * anil Director * Henry W. Y te , pro-
lilent , John 8. Collliu. vlcc-prc | iltnl , Iewl
8. Hied , Ciuhler ; William II. a. Hughes , autit-
at citulilcr.
Blood Purifier
DSTer Tre ITorxic
A spi'Xm-'ia FOR
The Blood Remedy
of thu Doniinumilo.
OMAHA , Nub. A lit ? . 8,1B04. Tlio Etiliorsn
Ciiiniiiiny : Uiinllcinon Aflur nsln a niinilior
of ilifforfiit innitluliKH uml proiumitloiHuiid
ulMi iirciM-rlMlloim from fcoinci of llio Inibt phy
sicians fur KhouiimtlKii ! and 1.41110 HackI pur-
rluuetl a iMiuIci of your Gront Dlood Purl *
flor , uml IIHMI itut rtilluf llmt mmoof tliootn-
tir niu < llclin > liu > u Klvrii mo. If Improvumcnt
kuuplOUUH It llllH COIIIIIIOIICfxl , < Kllllll bu 011-
tliuly enroll liy thu tlmo I luivu ntrtl OHM but *
tie. Yours truly , U K.PA1TII ,
U > ( )5 Kanmm Hi.
All drilSHlita liuvo IU 1'rlcofl UOporDottlu.
Omaha , Nob.