Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1894, Image 9

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tJJL. f L.A JL , , .JL. . . .A .JL& rif .JL. iT
THE TIME r -/o
In order to close out the balance of our Hummer novaltics in dress goods wo
will place on sale Monday the following goods at prices that cannot latl to convince
oven the shrowdst buyers that this is not an advertising scheme , but a genuine
clearing sale of dress goods. Read carefully the prices quoted below. It will bo
to your interest to do sov
A 36 inch black serge for ' . 12 j C
A 36 inch black novelty for. 15c
A 46 inch wool henrietta for 39c
A 40 inch all wool henrietta for 39c
, ,4 A 46 inch imported Arnold henrietta for 69c
These are only a few of the many bargains
to be this department. Examine our
goods before purchasing and be convinced.
the Popular Fabric for Dre ;
We Show the Most Complete Assort
ment of Black Silks in the West.
Givernaud Bros , cashmere finish black grosgrain
; 5c
grain , regular $ i.25 quality , this week
VAIll ) .
Regatta black gros grain silk , guaranteed to
wear , regular $1.50 goods , this week
Guinet black cachmere finish gros grain silkwar
ranted to wear , regular $1.75 quality , this
week the price is
The finest quality of a Bonnet black gros grain
silk , regular price $2.85 , this week our price
is $1.
A YAUI ) .
. Standard Sheet Music 3c Per Copy
Comprising such popular titles as ' 'Over the Waves , " by .T. Rosas , "Melody In F , "
by Rubenstoin , "Turantolle , " bj Holler ; "Fifth Nocturne , " by Loybach ; ' 'Ermine
Potpourri , " by Jncobowskl ; "Fadollo Impromptu Brilliant , " by Bohmm.
And Thousands of Other Selections Equally as Good.
Instruction Books one-half ort regular price. All the late "Songs" and "In-
Btrumcntnl" selections one-half price Monday.
In string instruments wo have made the same cut. Violins regularly sold at
$5.00 go at $2.60 Monday ; ones sold at 810.00 , J6.00 Monday. Mandolins formerly
sold nt 812.00 , go ut $0.00 Monday ; ones sold at $20.00 go at $10.00.
SAN JOS T o famous Stewart $10.00 and upwards.
GrUITARS From $2.25 up to the world renowned " Washbum. "
PIANOS to rent from $3.00 up per month.
ORGANS from $2.00 up per month.
First-Class Piano Tuning , $1.50. Work Guaranteed
Is there any book published that you
want ?
Do you want a blblo or prayer book ?
Do want anything In the line of sta
tionery ?
If you do , remember wo have them or
will got them for you , lues than any sta
tioner , bookseller or dry goods hou&o In
the olty.
of the Wolf , " by Stanley J. Woyman ,
Just received. Price lOo.
For Monday only.
80-Inch Crystal cover trunk , Iron bottom
tom , sot-up tray , $5,00 , ; former prlco ,
! ! 0-lnoh equnro top canvas cover
t Jiik , Iron bottom , $5.00 ; former price ,
A line crystal cover trunk , $2.50 ;
witli * 5.00.
IV in eh line Club Iby , 75o ; worth
Waists and Suits.
15 dozen standard percale wrappers
with embroidered yoke and sleeves , reg
ular $2.00 wrappers , Monday our price
to close them out $1.30.
25 dozen $1.25 waists , in Hghtanddark
colors , and nil sizes , Monday they all go
at 89c.
25 do/on standard print waists , regu
lar COo quality , your choice Monday 25c.
Sporting Goods.
In this department you will flnd bicycles
and accessories , guns , revolver * , ammuni
tion , Bulling tackle , bajo ball goods , lentils
goods , etc. Here are a few of our prices :
Loaded shells , Jl.CO per 100.
Ilaso ball bats , 30o , worth EOc.
Lawn tennis rackets , $1.75 , wnlli fJ.CO.
Fish liooki , Go dozen ,
FUh Hods , 15c each.
Ilase balls ut roduoid prices.
S cd for catalogue and special prices on
bicycles aud suns.
Wash Dress Goods.
Closing prices , away down. Choice of
all our .Tanonotto sjld all season at 2 > e ,
on sain Monday , IOc yard. Come early
to get ogjoo pick.
Syrian crepe , serpentine crepe , cropo-
line and croponctto , on sale Monday , IOc
Printed mulls and organdies IOc yard.
47e grade of printed S.vissns , closing
price IOc yard.
32-inch wide of Japanese cloth , sold at
15e , closing price 7c yard , in navy and
black grounds , onlv 7c now.
32-inch blue ground Canton cloth ,
closing price 7c yard.
2.JO grnde bcngaliuo cloth , reduced to
8c } jard.
-inch wide light
ground pongee re
duced to 5o yard , and they are going
Simpson indigo blue prints , the best
in the market oc yard.
New dark stj in prints Co yard.
Beit shirting prints now 35c yard.
Choice of all our 3'j-inch ' wide percale
in hclittropo and blue ground on sale
Monday oc , closing price 5c yard.
Dress Linings.
Best stock of linings in the west , any
thing ami everything you may ask for
and you find it ut Haydcn's.
Look Over This
List of Bargains.
8-4 half bleached Androscoggin sheet
ing reduced to 15c yard.
9-4 half bleached Androeeoggin sheet
ing reduced to 17o yard. At this price
they will DO bold Monday , so come early.
Bleached or brown cotton llannol on
Monday fie yard.
Berkley No. GO cambric 7fo yard.
IOc and lee grade of outing flannel in
light shades , reduced to5c yard.
New line of fancy Turkish tidies IOc ,
loc and 2oc each.
200 do/en honeycomb towels , 2 for oc ,
or 3Cc a do/on. Come early to got them ,
for they will not la-it long.
30-inoh wide "Deep River" hhiintlng
just reroivod , only oc yard.
Bleached buck toweling iilc y ird.
White crochet bed spreads , 47c each.
We call your particular attention to
our Oil-Inch wide all linen Scotch cream
damask , on sale Monday 50c yard com
Compare our cream shaker flannels at
3jc , Sc , So and lOo yard. Wo buy them
direct from the manufacturer and you
can buy them i-hoivpor at Hnydon's than
anywhere else in Oraalu. All wo ask is
to compare them. You will save money
by trading at Hoyden's , whore you 11 nd
the largest stock to select from , and the
lowest prices ovcry lime or money cheer
fully lofundcd.
Notions ,
Wo are b'jund to create business in
this department. How to do it is the
We want to know if IOc worth of the
finest twin wire dress stays for 2jo will
do It ?
If lOe worth or two packages of pins
for lo will do it ?
If 50c bolts for ir > c will do It ?
If 25c side combs tor IOc will do it ?
If 2io worth rio rack for 5c will do it ?
If IOc shopping baskets for 3c will do
it ?
If * l.OO hand bngs for 40c will do it ?
If r > 0c hand hairs for 25c will do it ?
If IOc curling irons for 5o will do it ?
If lOo tracing wheels for 5o will do it ?
If 20o splashers for Oc will do It ?
Ladies' and Gents'
At 4o each , 1 lot of ladies' Jersey ribbed -
bed vests , worth 15c.
Ladles' 20o vests reduced to IOc.
100 dozen ladles' gowns , worth $1.50 ,
nt OSo.
1 case of ladles' fast black cotton hose
12o. } worth 20o.
100 dozen gents' ' fancy outing shirts
50c , worth 81.00.
Men's Guyot suspenders 12jo , worth
50c.Boys' fast black saloon waists 60o ,
worth 75c.
Ladles' silk mitts 12jo , worth 20c.
100 dozen gents' fast black cotton half
hose only 12fo , worth 25o.
Gents' ' 75a suspenders reduced to 39c.
100 dozen gents' Blackstone unlaun-
dorcd shirts , double back and front and
made from Now York Mills inusllu , only
COp each , worth 76c.
50 dozen gouts' unbleached half hose ,
Imported , only 12o , worth 25o.
100 dozen ladies' fancy lisle gloves
only 12jo , worth 25o.
60 dozen gents' tics 5o each , worth
1 case of ladles' ribbed vests lOo.worth
20o ,
Every garment in our cloting department marked for quick going Monday and
all this week.
Another drop in men's light all wool suits ; ft
they down are once more ; they woio S and $10 ; now $5.00
Another drop in s'll those line tailormadejj 'T Cl \
suits ; down" once more ; marked $11.50 , TS / ) l 1
marked 813.50 ; now they n rp . Vr * '
Ano her drop in thrso fine tailor-made /j jj ( \ C
men's trousers ; they wore marked 43.50 and ( S I . 7 )
U ; now they are 1. /
Sea them In our Doilgo street window.
Another drop in those find nil wool serge and ( T O A A
llannol cottts and "Vest'they ! ; are worth $3 "n "S I II I
and S5.CIO ; now they a'o$3-5G ! and WJ'\J\J
' * . Another drop in Inys' and children's suits ;
> > . thofco all wool line knee-pant suits , ayes 4
to 11 ; they wcrc-$3 75 and $4 ; now they are
Biys long-pant suttsV ages 1.2 .iS 18 , thoio xt > Q
that were 83.25 and SyuiuTv- they are S2 iS /
and , . . . . . . / . V-1
Rogers' AA teaspoons , 6oc per set ,
worth $1.50.
, . ' Rogers' A A desert spoons , $1,28 per
, " .set , worth $2.50.
Rogers' AA table spoons $1.59 per set ,
* worth $3.50.
1 , ' Rogers' A A mustard spoons 150 each ,
'worth 350.
Rogers' quadruple plated fruit dish
$2.98 , worth $6.50.
Rogers' 12 dwt. triple plated knives ,
$ i 25 per set
Gold stiffened Elgin or Watham
P , watches , hunting case and stem wind , $5.49
up , worth double.
Nickle alarm clocks 55c.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced
4 prices. All work warranted.
Wo can do no more 'than invite you to
look through this department when
thinking oflniying any thing in the mil
linery lino. Wo nro1 porilldont you will
find something to please you and our
prices are always witliln reason.
Drug Dept
Brown's Jamaica Ginger , 35c.
Plorco's Medical Discovery , ' 75c.
Piorco's Favorite Proscription , 75o.
Electrlo Bitters sniull , 40o ; largo ,
76c.Castoria . * '
Castoria , 25c.
Cutioura Resolvent , 75o.
Hunyadi Water , 25oJ
Bay Uuuif 15o bottle.
Imported Bay Rum small , 20cj largo ,
Florida Water small , IOc ; large , 25c.
Vasollno , 5o.
Pake's Celery Compound , 05o.
Ayors" Hair Vigor , ( J3o.
Seven Sisters' unit-Qrowm1 , 4Qo.
liorokoo Indian Hair Qrowor , 42o
andglo. , .
MoBrayor'fl Sour Wash Whisky , 50c.
0. P. 0. Taylor's Sour Mash Whisky ,
Old Crow Sour Mash Whisky , 60c.
Maryland Rye Whisky , COo.
Old Port Wine , 85c.
Prescriptions carefully compounded
at lowest prlco * .
Please note these prices :
II carloads of best wire stool nails at
Uo per pound. Think of It. One and
three-quarter cents per pound for best
wlro steel nails.
lOo mortlco door locks go at He.
IOc rim door locks go ut Me.
20o door bolts go at IOc.
Ific door bolts go at Co.
lOo door bolts go at Uo.
25a t > ash fasteners tro at IOc.
lOo sash fasteners go at Co.
In carpenters' ' , blacksmiths' and ma
chinists' tools wo have no competitors.
Note the following prices :
lOe 2-foot boxwood rules go at 3c.
lOo 2-foot boxwood rules , brass bound ,
go nt IOc.
" 7Co braces go at10o. .
40o braces go at IOc.
7Co hatchets go at 2oo.
81.00 handled axes go at10o. .
Farming1 Tools.
To reduce stock wo offer great reduc
tions. Scythes COo ; corn cutters ICe and
LVSc ; hay forks 40o ; shovels 35o ; hoes ICe ,
2Co and 35a ; in fact everything used on a
farm at bottom prices.
Rubber and cotton hose to close at 7o ,
80 and IOc per foot.
Lawn Mowers Wo find wo have qulto
a stock , so wo will make the prices only
$2.75 and up to sell them.
Great bargains In lancy and common
screen doord , wlro cloth , poultry wire
aau window sflrceo frames.
House Furnishing
Look at ihcso low prices.
Flint blown tumblers He each.
Salt bhakors 2c each.
Wine glasses He each.
Tin top jelly glasses 20o per dozen.
Cups and saucers 2jc ouch.
Festooned edge plates 2c each.
Gold band china cups and saucers Cc
Ghus sauce dishes He each.
Popper hlmkers 2c each.
f > ( Je cake stands 22c each.
Complete gla s lamp lee each.
Fancy cream jugs lOo eajh.
Plated teaspoons l.c ! per sot , worth SI.
Plated tablespoons 20c per sot , worth
Terra cotta cuspidors lllc each , worth
Feather dusters 9c each.
Crystal vinegar cruets IOc , worth fiOc.
Cobalt ! handle knives and fonts . " > 0e
per sot , worth SI. 50.
Fire proof milk and baking crocks Cc
each.We have taken f5.000.00 worth of
enameled ware and placed them in three
Lot 1 Contains articles worth from
25o to 50c. All go at 17c each.
Lot 2 Contains article * worth from
35c to 7i > c. All go at 21c each.
Lot 3 Contains articles. worth from
50c to $1. All go at 42c each.
Water pails 7o each.
Solid M bz. "copper wash boiler $1.05
each , worth $ 'l.riO.
Wash tubs 25c each.
Wash boards loc.
The "Handy , " u regular $4 clothes
wringer , for Monday only , each 61.75.
Wo arc still Belling furniture , and
July , generally considered adullmontn ,
has nrovoii as good as any month of the
whole year. Wo have sold as much
furniture and our trade has been good.
Reason ? Price. We are living up to
our motto The best goods nuide at the
lowest possible price.
This oak rocker is well made in ovcry
way. has leather e ibblor seat , is new
and slylMi , and usually sells us high as
85 ; our price , $2.35.
Mail orders iilled during this week.
When in need of any kind of furni
ture fcivo us a chance to figure with you.
Wo carry a $5l < ,000 Block , and guar
antee our goods the best , and you can
judge the prlco for yourself.
Fine Builders'
Wo carry ono of the largest stocks of
fine builders'hardwaio in the city , in
cluding the following goods.
Fine English and American bronze
sliding door locks , lint fronts.
Fine English and American bronze
sliding door locks , astragal fronts.
Plain brass and ornamental bronze
front door looks and vestibule bets.
Plain brass and ornamental bronxo
front door locks and vestibule sets ,
straight spindle.
Plain brass and ornamental bronze
front door locks and vestibule sots ,
swivel spindle.
Pine brass and bronze hinges , doorbells
bolls , shutter bars , snsh fastnora , tran
som lifts , letter plates , mall boxes , oto ,
Mining Supplies.
Wo carry everything used In the con
struction of a railroad or a mine , at 40
nor cent under all competitors , Includ
ing the following goods : Picks , mat
tocks , crowbaro , shovels , spades , wheel
barrows , dirt scrapers , carts , wagons ,
plows , powder , dynamite , squibs , cups ,
fuse , electric battorlos , platinum fuses ,
hammers , ulodgos , axes , bar iron , steel ,
Railroad con t motors should make a
uoto of the above. Wo wlU aavo you
Grocery Dept.
These Prices Will Make Us
t > loss starch , 31c.
Corn starch , 5jc.
Good rice , from 3c up.
Sweet Chocolate 3jc cako.
Baking Chocolate , 17ic pkgc.
Baking powder , IOc can.
Imported French mustard , 2jc bottlo.
" Mixed pickles , Co bottle.
" Chow Chow , Co bottle.
Oil Sardines , 4c can.
Mustard Sardines , Sic can.
Preserved blackberries , only IOc can.
" blueberries , only 8Jo can.
Imported strawberry preserves , 12jc
Columbia River Salmon , IOc and 12Jo
can.3lb. . cans tomatoes , 8Sc or $1.00 doz.
2-lb. cans corn , 5Jc , or fi'Je ' doz.
3-lb cans Golden pumpkin , 8Je can.
Early Juno pous , 8Ju can.
Pure fruit jolly on sale.
Imported maccaroni and spagotto
12jc pkg.
White Paris soap , 3c bar.
White Castile soup , 2jc bar.
Largo bars Castile scap , only 17c.
Dried Fruit Dept
Now d-ied fruits are in the market.
We have Valencia raisins at 3c } , Co ,
and 7jc pound.
Imported seedless raisins , Oc , 7c } and
8ie pound.
Now California apricots. J2Jc pound.
' Oregon apricots , "jo pound.
" California prunes , He and 8o }
New California cherries , lie and I21o
New California grapes , 3jo pound.
Vostizza currants , ( ic pound.
P lour Dept.
Wo carry the leading brands of flour ,
such as Huydon's Best XXXXX Super
lative Rex Patent , hard wheat Hour.
Minneapolis XXXX Superlative , $1.10
Valley Lily Flour , $1.00 sack.
Central Mills Superlative. Ooc sack.
Snow Flake Flour , Ooc.
A very good flour for 50c.
To introduce Ilaydon's best XXXXX
Flour , we will for u short tlmo put la
ono of the following articles in every
sack. The flour is warranted to bo the
best you ever used or money refunded.
One diamond ring.
Ono gold watch.
Ono to bill.
Ono sot solid silver plated teaspoons.
Ono ladies' rolled gold watch chain.
Ono ladies' cluster diamond lace pin.
Never say times are hard when you
can huy goods at Ilaydon'u for those
Sugar cured hacon iOc. IHo , 12Jc.
Sugar cured No. 1 hams 12o. }
California hams DC.
Cornea beet fie.
Pickled pork 7jc.
PigH foot 00.
1'otted ham , deviled ham and potted
ox tongue 6c.
Dried leof IOc.
Cooked ham IOc.
Boneless ham 10u.
Ginger snaps 7je.
Cream toast IOc.
1 pound package * oatmeal crackers
only lOo.
XXX oyster crackers only ! ) Jc.
XXX soda crackers 5o.
Brominor's lunch Sic.
Snowllako crackers Tic.
Sugar cookies , grandma's cookies ,
frosted cream and molasses cake , all at
IVc per pound.
Our stock of crackers h always fresh
and at any tlmo you can got just what
you want.
Tea and Coffee ,
Cracked Java anil Mocha , lee and 17la
Golden Rio CofTco , 23o and 2oc pound.
Old Government Java and Mocha 33lo
or 'J pounds for $1.00.
Good Japan tea from 250 un.
English breakfast tea , ! ! 8cloo , and
lOo round.
Ceylon tea direct from India , GOo
Fancy full cream Young America
chccso only lOo.
Wisconsin full cream IOc.
Now York Htato full cream 12io.
Llmborgorchuoso lOo , 12jo.
Swiss cheese 12jo , 1 ic , IOc.
Sup Sago ehecso Bo per package.
Brick olieobo 10u. 12o } , Me and lOo.
Edam cheese $1.00 each.
Pineapple cheese OOo each.
Russian Cavlor 2o ! ) per can.
Hamburger eels 25o per can.
George's bank codfish Co per pound.
Mnokorol 7jo , lOo , 12jo.
White Ush Co , 7Jo and lOc.
California salmon lOo
Pine Norway herring ICe per dozen ,
Holland hoiTlnc 7o } per pound.
Cjinohoro for anything you want u.
the Qsh Uuo ,