Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1894, Page 15, Image 15

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    I 1 > I > t 1" ,
Bolter Feeling Prevalent in the Jobbing Dis
trict of Omaha.
Country CollectionIrns In All Tartu or
tlin Stntn Nliort Crop * nn KXCIIKO for
> ot MfrtlnR Obligation * rromptljr
1'rodiico iind Ilo Htock.
The last week has not been remarkable
for the development of any especially new
features In the trade circles of Omaha. On
tha contrary business has followed along the
same lines an a week ago without any note
worthy changes. This , however , Is the dull
Reason , when changes of Importance are
not to bo anticipated In the actual condition
of trade. When U comes to a question of
feeling there has been some Improvement In
the past six days. A week ago tha jobbers
of Omaha were feeling very much discour
aged at the prospect of what promised td be
almost a complete failure of the corn crop.
The talk In every quarter was of the most
discouraging character and the reports at
hand appeared to justify the worst fears for
the future business In the state.
Later the Information goes to show that
the flrst report as to the extent of crop damage -
ago was overestimated , as Is the rule In such
cases , and that the actual situation Is not
as bad as has been represented. At the
same time there Is no disputing the fact
that there has been serious damage to the
corn crop In many sections , and more or less
damage In every portion of the state. Job
bers are estimating that where the crop Is
only partially destroyed the higher prices
that are sure to follow will make up the
difference In the yield , so that the damage
will not bo o < serious matter except In these
sections where everything Is destroyed and
whore the farmers will Imvo nothing to sell.
Slnco the talk about crop damage com
menced thcro has been a noticeable falling
off In collections. Previous to that time
country collections were pretty fair and the
majority of the merchants were meeting
their obligations with reasonable promptness.
It would appear that Uio prospective short-
ace of the corn crop has been seized upon
by a good many as a pretext for putting off
their creditors.
A party of business men was discussing
the situation In ono of the local jobbing
hoiiEcs the other day when ono of them re
marked that ho could not understand why
U was that business was In such bad shape
of late In this country. This led to a dis
cussion of the situation In the United States ,
as compared with other countries , when .one
of the number produced the following , show
ing the conditions prevailing In the leading
commercial country of Kuropo : The losses
sustained by Qreat Urltam in her foreign
trade this year , up to June 30 , are shown
In n report recently made to the Board of
Trade of London and published by the Finan
cial News of that city. The loss In Juno
amounted to $1,380,000 , or 4.7 per cent , the
comparison being with the country's exports
In Juno of last year. This Is the heaviest
monthly loss experienced since the big coal
atrlko In England last summer. The shrink
age for the halt year was $7,155,080 , and It
Is now believed that the bottom has been
reached. At least that Is the opinion of the
Financial News. The shrinkage In Great
Britain's foreign trade since 1891 la enor
mous. The flrst half of that year her experts -
ports amounted to $992,000,000 , and for the
flrst half of 1892 they aggregated only $894-
000,000. Hero was a falling off of nearly
$100,000,000 in ono year. The next year the
shrinkage was over $32,000,000 , and this year
It was over $7,000,000 , as already stated.
The homo trade 'of the manufacturers and
Jobbers of Great Britain has also fallen off
considerably during the same period , though
not to the same extent that their foreign
sales have.
It there ore any business men In this
part of the country who huvo gotten the Im
pression that the situation is worse In the
United States than in other countries , the
above majr servo to disabuse their minds of
that fallacy.
The local retail trade In Omaha has been
qulot , though the cooler weather vvus some
thing of a temptation for shoppers to be
out , and during the latter portion of the
week added considerably to the volume of
The clearings of the national banks of
Omaha for the past week fell a llttlo short
of the total for the corresponding week
of last year , the decrease being 1.7 per cent.
Whllo n good many cities make a better
showing than this , Omaha Is still better than
the average , which for the whole country
la a decrease of 21 per cent. Omaha com
pares very favorably with other cities as
to the volume of clearings for the week , as
will bo scon from the following week's
totals :
St. Paul
Dllltlth 2,499,701
Milwaukee 3lr'ilo ! ?
Sioux City r l4,74S
Bt. Joseph 1.413,509
Denver 2,5GJW3 (
The strike among the packing house men
at South Omaha has had a very unfavorable
effect upon the live stock markot. The de
mand for beef cattle lias been cut off to a
very grott extent , and , owing to the low
prices , shippers have been holding back sup-
pllea until the demand should become more
active. This has cut down the receipts to a
very low point , and It has stopped the flow
of money Into the country from that source.
The receipts of hogs , on the contrary , have
been unusually large , but the gain was nil
nrndo during the first half of the week , before -
fore the strike assumed serious proportions ,
and before there had been time for the market
kot to feel the full effects of the trouble. The
receipts on the second day of the week vvero
the largest In the history of the yards , al
most 21,000 hogs being received on that day
The tendency of prices has been lower. The
fact that a largo proportion of the hogs com
ing to market at the present time are light
and only halt fatted would seem to Indicate
that the growers In the country are afraid
of a shortage of feed , and nro not waiting
to finish their stock , but are rushing It to
market as fast us possible. Prices at the
present tlmo nro the lowest that they havp
been slnco the crop failure of IS'JO ,
Dealers nt South Omaha do not look for
much activity In the Iho stock market until
the strike la settled and the houses are run
nliiR again with a full force of men.
The produce market of the past week has
experienced some changes that are of a
good deal of Importance to the general trade
The general tendency on most lines , where
there haa been any change , Is toward higher
prices. Whore advances have taken place
they have been duo In largo part to the dry
weather and consequent effects upon vcguta-
t un.
The most pronounced effects of dry
weather are to bo seen In the butter market ,
which has advanced steadily under the ln-
flucnco of the decreased receipts due. to the
falling oft In the production. The makers
of butter agree that the drying up of pas
turage nnd the general shortage ot feed
la responsible for the scarcity of butter.
Tha advance has taken pluco on both
creamery and low grades ot country butter.
In New York and other eastern markets
that are accustomed to depend upon the west
for supplies ot butter , the dealers are pre
dicting very high prlco * for butter this fail
and winter as a result ot the short pastur-
ase In the weit. A Nebraska creunery man
predicts that Good creamery butter will be
worth 30c In the near future.
The egg market baa also made a decided
dvanco owing to light receipts at this and
other markets. In spite ot the higher prices
that are being reported the receipts continue
Jlght and It beglus to look as U there vvero
no eggs In the country.
Tha hay market furnishes another ex-
nniplu of a rapid advance due to light re
ceipts In the faca of a fairly good demand.
The hay crop appears to bo very light all
over the country and dealers , who have
been keeping watch of the situation , predict
that the market will rula high all winter.
The poultry market , contrary to the gen-
oral rule , has suffered a decline the past
week and has , In addition , been very dull ,
Mnny Tlilnc * to Un Considered on Iloth Bide *
of Ilin Trndn Situation.
n. O. Dun & Co./i local manager , speak
ing of trade for the week , snya :
"Durtlncsa locally bus not yet been , ma
terially affected by the South Omaha strike ,
though It must be admitted that any dis
turbance of this character ha * an evil In
fluence upon trade , and will sooner or later
bo felt to the disadvantage of the com
"The bad crop outlook and the unsatis
factory nltuatlon of affairs throughout the
country huve not reduced the volume of
wholemle trade materially this week.
Omaha's peculiar situation has enabled her
to gather Into the commercial fold a large
number of short order men , who , buylnu
only frpm bnnd to mouth , as necessities re
quire , naturally Heck the nearest market.
Orderi are not large , but nro numerous
enough to bring the aggregate up to the
volume of other years at this season.
"Everybody Is buying light. liven retail
dealers and manufacturers , note this fact.
A tailor In Omaha told the writer the other
day that he had ZOO names of customers on
his books who have hitherto been good for
from ono to three suits a year , who this
jear have bpcn Satisfied with a pilr of
trousers , or have merely cleaned up old
"On the other hand , two or three of the
Kreat department stores have gone on mak
ing money every day , doing a strictly cash
trade , nnd Increasing their business from
month to month ,
"As has frequently been remarked South
Omaha Is the backbone of this city's trade.
The report of receipts for July has Just
been published , and shows that 20000 more
cattle have been received since December
of last year than for the corresponding
period of 18S1 } . There Is n falling off In hogs
nt all the packing centers , Including Omaha ,
nnd n gain In sheep nnd horses. The pro
portion consumed nt the packing houses Is
about the same. Some Idea of the extent
of the stock trade of this center can be
gathered from the fact that ,17,712 c.irs , or
enough to make a solid train more than
2GO miles In length , were received at the
yards In the last seven months.
"Our neighboring city of Council Bluffs ,
through Congressman linger. Is moving for
u fust mall train cast , and Omaha , commer
cial bodies should Interest themselves In
the effort , as It would bo fully as ad
vantageous to Omaha as to Council Bluffs
"Much regret Is expressed on nil sides
that It should have been discovered so late
In thi day that the canal proposition cannot
be submitted until the next general election.
At a general election there are so tinny
other questions of Immediate Interest before
the people that Internal Improvements are
quite likely to be neglected Besides , In
terest In this project was at white heat ,
and Siptember would have been a good
time to hold the election. However , aihll-
tloml time may make friends for the en-
tei prise of many who are still In doubt as
to it.M advisability.
"Reports from the east are discouraging
In evprvtlilng except the wool trade , which
has suddenly taken a spurt and astonished
the operators and financiers alike. Possibly
the hesitancy of congress has had some
thing to do with It , but probably manufac
turers having exhausted their stocks found
they could wait no longer for tat Iff legisla
tion , and bought to supply Immediate neces
sities , regardless of the outcome of the
Wilson bill What the east needs Is cer
tainty , nnd It matters comparatively little
which way the tariff feline leaps , so that
the leap Is accomplished.
"A local wholesale man , talking with me
about our lax collection laws , approves of
the suggestion th it plans should be made
for some sort of remedial legislation nt the
coming session of the legislature. It Is too
easy for the dishonest to defraud their
creditors and the Incapible to escape their
responsibility under our laws nnd the in-
torpretatlon theieof In the course of his
conversation he remarked that fully 20 per
cent of his customeis In the st.vte were
wives of men who manage the business ,
and who , for reasons quite well known to
former victims , find It Inconvenient to use
their own names.
"The courts have grown very liberal In
construing exemption laws as the years
have gone by , until now In Nebraska and
other states It Is extremely dllllcult to
reach the property of married men or mar
ried women to satisfy debts created by
bad faith or good faith. Judge Scott de-
cldod a case this week , which Involved the
question whether or not a wife whose hus
band Is In health and has the right
use of his faculties can have $500 exempt
from her personal property under the law
permitting the head of a family In lieu of
a homestead , lands or houses to select $500
woith of per onnl property for exemption.
HP decided against the husband , and held
substantially that If the wife Is the Judg
ment debtor and the husband Is In good
health and possessed of the use of his
faculties. In other words , Is the 'head of the
family , " ho cannot claim the exemptions of
a head of the family In his wife's property ,
either with or without her consent. "
"tnmpodo Cnuscd by the Simoon Jlns Not
I ntlrilr Snbildoil.
Albert Andrlano , local superintendent for
Snow , Church & Co.'s mercantile agency ,
writes :
"As stated In my report of lost week , the
tumors of damage to the corn crop were
largely exaggerated , as shown by subse
quent advices. Local showers during the
week have bad a wonderfully reviving ef
fect on the drooping plants , and a fair
average yield may still bo harvested. While
the Injury was teal , and lias undoubtedly
much decreased the average jleld per acre ,
the loss will not bo near so large as flrst
reported. To say that the serious aspect
of affairs created a panic among the
farmers Is no amplification , ns was well at
tested by the I.irge shipments of live stock
during the past week. It has also been a
sevete shock to country merchants nnd job
bers , and It will be some weeks before they
will recover. It Is to be hoped that favor
able weather will prevail from now on , for
It Is an Indisputable fact that business
suffered a severe setback fiom the un
favorable crop reports.
"During the week Just closed , little ot
note transpired In local trade circles , Orders'
are coming In a little mote freely , but they
are generally small , and wholesalers are
exceedingly careful In extending credit.
"It is Interesting- note each phase of
the business situation us It presents Itself ,
and In this connection It been partic
ularly Impoitnnt to remark the changes In
the matter of credits Undoubtedly the
debtoiH and cieditors In the west , anil prob
ably throughout the country are now nenier
together than ever before. Credit Is far
from cheap , and the average creditor Is be
ginning to Insist upon his rights , while the
debtor Is learning to appreciate more and
more the obligations which n liberal line of
credit entails The eager competition nnd
reckless methods of Jobbers nnd manufac
turers had almost entirely oblltctated all
sense of obligation In all but the heaviest
debtors , nnd even they often resented the
Inquiry of their houses relative to their
standing , but In these ilaja when houses
are mare cisj osed to icgard the quillty
than the quantity of tlielr ontstandlnirs ,
when the retailer 1 Imself 1 as been sub
jected to heavy loss , as a lu&ult of too
much liberality In the way of credits , a
change has been opeiatcd In. the s > stem
of ei edit. , as beneficial ns It Is proper. Mer
chants are more readily disposed to lay
open their affairs to the Inspection of the
business world , appreciating as they da thu
value of an easy line of credit There Is
more candor and a closer union of Interests
resulting In more confidence" between , the
purchaser nnd seller than ever before.
"Tho sttlke nt South Omaha , according
to the packers , will reach a settlement
early In the week. It Is to be hoped that
tbls well bft effected without trouble. It
seems strange that In times like this every
possible obstacle seems to Interfere with
the natural course of business. The tariff
bill In still In stalu quo , and the adjourn
ment of congress Is Indefinitely postponed
In the meantime , patience should be care
fully and persistently practiced. 'All things
come to htm who waits , ' "
INSTRUMENTS placed on record August 4 ,
1894 :
iucen8 O'Neill to H H Harder , lot 9
block Z. O'Neill's subdlv . . . l.OUO
Christian llnnsen nnd wife to John Hansen -
sen , n H of lot 17 , block S. 1'lalnvlew . . . 1,000
It J Olson to Jtns Jiicobgen , e & ) feet of
n 16 fe t of lot 2 , block 5 , Cunningham' *
BUbdlv . . . . . . . COO
J U i'faflly and wife to Arthur Hint , lot
10. block 10. In lubdtv ot tloilt 30 , Al-
brlght'a Choice . . . 1
n C llatci and wife to A I ) \\lilte. vr ' , i
of lot U. block 9. rialnvlcvY . 1,000
U Dunn anil wife to T C Uuckley , e ( i ot
HW ua vw 6-11-13 . 1.73)
Huma to same , n 10 feet of lot 13 , and a
V ) feet of lot II. block I. Mlllivrd 1'lacc. . 2,000
H V Kuhn and vita to VVIIIln Weaver , lot
11. block S , CrelRhton Hclchla . 1,850
i > O ICoertlne to VV A FVIkLinl. e It ! feet
at lot , block C , Shull'a Id add . -
r J Hengele to O H MoutKomery , n ! i of
n 65 feet of lota 105 and 1U6. NelwV * add W
Trunk Colpelicr and wife to W H llwuell.
lot IX I'clluim 1'Ucu . 60
Mary 1-anre anil husband to 1' O Kocrtlnc ,
e 20 ffet ot lot 0 block 8. Hliul | ' Id nJJ , . .
Sheriff to National Dank of Commerce ,
lot * 1 and I , McCorralck'a add .
Lloai and leopards at Courtland ,
End of an Exciting Week in the Oorn Pit
Leaves that Cereal Higher ,
Annthnr Jjirgn Increiuo In the Vlnllilu Sup
ply li Expected niul Till * Acted a *
it Dopresiliig Inllueiico Stock !
uiul lliiiuls.
CHICAGO , Aug. 4. The end of an ex
citing week la the corn pit leaves tlio price
Gc higher for September and 4c hlgber ( or
May than those deliveries wore worth at
the close of the preceding week , The openIng -
Ing today was easy , but It rocovcrcd and be
came very strong , winding up at a higher
pilco than thu closing quotations of any pre
vious session , closing % o higher. Wheat
was Inclined to heaviness early , but recov
ered on very heavy clearances from the sea
board and In sympathy with corn and closed
unchanged. Oats finished unchanged for
May and provisions closed slightly lower.
There was not much doing In wheat and fluc
tuations vvero limited from Vic to > c range.
Opening trades were at G34c for September ,
a % o to ' ,4o decline , and sold off a fraction
more , rallied from HO to % c , cased oft a
little , ruled steady and closed at 53o for
September. Some long wheat caino out early ,
but after the first decline offering became
smaller and the demand a little larger. The
market was affected mainly by the heavy re
ceipts , 733 cars , whereas 663 vvero predicted ,
and Monday's estimates wcro placed at 760
cars. There was a good deal ot changing
going on , buying September and selling De
cember. Another largo Increase In the vis
ible supply Is expected and this acted as a
depressing Influence The market was helped
toward the close by the heavy clearings , the
total wheat and Hour footing"up 1,013,000
bushels. Dealers are figuring on an Increase
In the visible supply from 3,000,000 to 3,600-
000 bushels and heavy Increase here
Corn was moderately active within nar
rower limits. The feeling continues a little
mixed , the tone at the start bulng easy and
firmer later , the close being steady at % c
advance for September and at from % c to
94o advance for May. There was an Incli
nation on the part of holders to soil at the
opening , and initial trades were at 48c
for September , a % o to4o decline , and
after ruling steady for a while advanced
from % c to % c , eased off Uc , rallied from
% o to % c and closed at 49c for September
The weather showed no rain in the corn
belt , but temperatures wcro cooler and no
frost was noticeable. The early sellers found
offerings quite readily taken and prices were
well supported , selling up later , being helped
by the rather unpromising predictions by the
signal service which Indicated no rain , but
clear and warmer conditions. There was a
llttlo rain In the lower Mississippi valley ,
but dry elsewhere. Receipts vvero smaller
than expected , only 212 cars arriving , while
vvlthdiawals from store were heavy at 284-
000 bushels
In oats there was a good trade within a
narrow range. Prices did not vary more
than ' /iQ and at the close showed a shade
below yesterday. There was good selling
of September by the leading buyers of yes
terday of September and selling of May by
the elevator Interests. Receipts , 258 cars , all
but one car being new.
The provision market was quiet and prices
steady , 5o covering the fluctuations In Sep
tember pork and 2V4c in lard and ribs.
Freights were firmer at % c for wheat and
corn to Buffalo and % c for wheat to Mil
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Opon. I High I Low. I Clone
VVhent.No 2
Aug. . om
Dec C0 i COM
Corn No 2. .
Aug CO 48h
tcpt . . . . . . . . CO
Oct 41) 4S
Miy 45H
Oats No 3 . . 41)M
Aug 205 ? 29M
Sept M 2HO3U ! )
May 34
Pork per bbl
Alii' 13 10
SeuL U 05 13 10 13 05 13 10
13 71) ) 13 70 1-2 CO 1' ' CO
Lint. 100 un
Antr 7 10 7 10
be pt 7 10 7 1 ! 7 10 7 12W U 87H 1587M U 85 0 85
fcbort Klbs
Aug 0 77K
fccpt 078 0 77M 0 75 0 77H
Jan U CO
Cash quotations were as follows ;
I'LOUR bteady and unchanged
WHEAT No i bprlng 52CT53T e ; No. 3
spring 4SfT > lc ; No 2 red , 62f53V : .
CORN No 2 , 40T c ; No 3 yellow , SOVifiJM'ic
OATS No 2. Ja io ; No 2 white , 2y ! ) ® 2'J3ic ;
No. 1 white , 3JWiC.
HIE No 2 , 41e.
11ARLEY No 2. nominal ; No. 3 , GOc ; No. 4 ,
1'i.AX SEED No. 1. Jl 54.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime , (1 85.
PROVISIONS Mesi pork , per bbl , } 13100
13 lVi ! Lanl , tur 100 Ibs. J7 07VJ0710 Short
ribs , ( rtdes. loose , JO S7VS&C 90 Dry salted shoul
ders , hoitil J6 OOffC 1 J'/i , short clear sides , boxed ,
J7 HM07 J7'i
VVHIblCY Distillers' finished BOods , per eal ,
$1 22
'Ilia following were the receipts and shipments
for today :
On the 1'rodnco exchange today the Dnttor m ir-
litt was Hit idj : crounury , 1 lBJ3o. ( dairy , l'JH < 3
lOc Kfb'U , steady , 1'Jc.
MW YORK < ; IMR.YL : :
Vistculiij'K Oiiotntlons on riour , ttrntii and
Provisions , Motnl * . itc. :
NEW YORK. Ausr. -PLOUR-necelpts. . 1C-
100 bids ; cxpoits , J4 COO bbln ; sales. 10 000 pkgs ,
steady , with fair Inquiry , winter wheat straights
w.tnted for L\port , also low springs , city mill
patents , J4 OujTI 30 ; winter patents , J3 ( Wf3 > ,
city mill cltars , 5,1 MS 3 c : , winter straights ,
SJVitt.'bO. Minnesota patents , 53 loifj 75 , winter
extras , J20QU2/ ! ) , Minnesota linkers , 5210-03115 ,
vvlnttr lo.v grades , Jl bOfrj 13 ; sprint ' , low giades.
Jl Oltfl SO ; stirlni ; cxtms S1.SJ1J2 jo Southern
Hour , steady , bales , lee bbls. , common to fair
extra , JJOOW.'CO , Rjod to choice extra. } 2 Hf )
300 llu floiu , stead ) , sales , 23) hbls , superfine ,
575jJ 63 , fancy , J ' ! XM10. Uuckwheat Hour.
UUCIvvVHEAT Nominal.
CORN MiAIririn , Biles , 200 Mils ; jellow
vvtntern , 5. 75 < if3 00 , Drundywlne , J2.'Ml < IOO.
RYE Nominal , Jersey , 47U450.
1IARLEY Nominal
11ARLEY MALI-CJulet , western , 0773c ; two-
rowed , 73c , Hlx-rovved , SOjiSJe.
VM1EAT Receipts , 304 WW bu ; exports , 10,600
bu , Balis , DMOOU bu futures , 32,000 bu. spot.
Spot market dull , No. j red , In store nnd ele
vator , G5c , and r.hlso f o , b alloat delivered ,
No 1 northern , Cl , c , No 1 hard , IV o deliv
ered. Options opened vviaker under small weekly
exports , sympathy with corn , nbwnea of frost
west and e.i > octcd big Inciease In the visible.
La to tha market followed a Hilly In corn and
regained most of tli > > early loss , cloning nt Uc
net deellno , No 2 red , May. CTU65\iC. ! elascd nt
UV < o , August , closed ut ! > 5Hc , beptember , C6H
Ji i > ! 4c. closed at MHc ; October , closed at 5THc ,
December. CO 3-I64/W4C. closed at COftc ,
CORN Receipts , 1.UOO bu ; exports , 3,500 bu , ;
sulPX , 170,004 bu. futures , 5,009 bu. spot. Spot
market llrm , No. 2 , Hl > a In stare , 6714" delivered ,
illoat. Options vveru weaker early on absence
of frost , but uoon rallied sh.irply on short cover
ing , und closed at Uo net advance , May , 00 $
.WWjC , closed lit COV&c , August , closed nt Wic ;
September , 64W54'5c. closed at 54ito ; October ,
WiWMf , closes ! nt Ma ; November , SJC , closed at
Wo , December , SOfrMfciC , closed at 505ic ,
OATS Receipts , W.kOO bu , exi > orts , 9.500 bu ;
sales , 10.000 bu. futuies , 42 000 bu spot Spot
nnrket llrm. No 2 , 4 Jo , No. 3 , 40Kc , No. 2
vvhlte > , 43HWUic , track , mixed , Wlbc , track ,
white , JOUSIc Options dull and etislir , with
corn , closing Uc off for tha day ; August , closed
ut 3Uic , ; beplrmber , 31J3UiC | , closed ut 34c ,
October , closed at 34'ic.
HAY -rirm , shipping , CJSWo ; KOCH ! to choice ,
HOI'S Dull , state , common to choice , GQlla ,
Paclllc Louit , itflic.
HIUKS Dull , wet salted New Orleans.
selected , 45&C5 llm . Wc ; Texan , selected ,
35860 Ibs , tif ( > c ; llurnos A > ren , dry , 2 < ) { r.'l Ibs. .
lOHc. Texas , dry. 2I 40 Ibs . C She
L.EA1IIKR Quiet ; hemlock sole , lluenox
Alts , light to heavy weights. UftlSc
VOOIKIrm , domestic , 19tf.5o , pulled , SO JSc.
COAL Iull.
PROVISIONS IJeef. quiet and unchanged ;
family , III ) OOV12.00 ; extra mesa , 53 ; beef Imma ,
521 : city , extra Indian mess , 116004)1800 , Cut
mulls , steady ; pUkled bellies , THOT'Jo ' , pickled
shoulders , GWc , pickled hams ,
LARD Steady , western steam clos d at 57(0
O7.ivi : mles. ItO tierces at J7.O : city nt 6 %
W7e ; September , J7M5 , nominal ; refined , steady ;
continent , } 7."J ; S , A. , 5S. compound , bUeViC ,
PORK Steady , tales , 100 bbls. : new me ,
JU25UU60 ; extra print. J12 Wills 00 ; family ,
511 00 < T < 15.0. . ) ; short clear. 5H C00U M.
ClliK3K Qulet ; western , putt skims. SJWic ;
full iklma. 2i 3lic.
IXICJS Steady ; western fresh , iviCHc ; cases ,
Jl OOW3.00.
TALIXW Market steady ; 4 J-16c , city ( pkg * .
IJUTTER-SltnJy ; weitern dairy.
crrnmery , 16ftl3c ! iVmtprn factory.
iKlnR. Tie , Imltfttlorl rrrnmery. If
mat * dulry , MR21C , ntat 'rrfxfneiy , 17O23c
PRTHOLUL.MDull , fifliruclo l J BKkpilt
\\ntlilnBtm. bldn. , J8 , VVVt ilnKton , In bulk ,
J3M. refined , New York. lial. Philadelphia nnd
Halllmorr , 53 10 , I'hllntlchiltla nnd llaltlmoro , In
bulk , 52 W. f , , , (
HOStN Dull , utrnliifJ , common to ( rood , JIM
1 27'i '
TURPENTlNK-Dull. j. .
IHCB Plrm : domestic , fnlrilo extra.
Japan. 4HJM\o. , , ,
MOLASSES Quiet ; New Orleans , op n kettle ,
gooil to choice , HlfSSe.
Pin Iltn.v I > ull ; Hcotch , Jlfl 50f:2 M ; Amcrl-
en n. Jti)2-yilW
COP1T.R rinn ; lake , 9Uo.
LEAtStroiiK ; domestic. J3.10.
TIN Nominal ! plates , dull ] spelter , nominal.
COTTON SEED Oil. Nominal , prlma crude ,
23o ; prime yellow , 52S:2'ic.
Condition of Triilo nnd Quotation * on
btnjilo unit t'unry I'miliuo ,
The market on butter continues very firm , nnd
jcntmlay the buvcrit ndvance-d the price on pack
ing stock VtC , as will bo noted from the quota
tions below The demand for butter appears to
be very giiod. while the supply \ short. A good
nniny commission houses uport that they have
calls for tvvle. . n much butter ns they nro able
lo supply The cnnmtr > men are becoming very
Inilllxli and are talking nlnut prices becoming
much higher In the neir future.
The supply of TICKS Is very light , and , ns Is
the case with butter , iknlirn have more call
for stock limn the ) can readily till riio high
prices do not appear to Increase the receipts as
expecttd , nnd It bcglnn to look ns If there were
not many pggs In the countr > to I u had
Ihe poulti > market icnmlned steady vc terdny
at the dicllne aln.idy noted , s > far ns eliickens
vvero concerned but > oung ducks are quoted
lower In > mpath > with the dicllne on other
kltuls of poultry. It seems a little strange that
the receipts of poultry should be ste ullly Increasing -
creasing ut a time when most other kinds of
country produce are growing scuicer. Whether
It Is due to a scarcity of fpd or to the advance
of the price of grain In the country It Is not
e.asy to determine , but the fact lumalns the
A grent deal 1ms been paid of late regarding
the decrease In the receipts of butter and eggs
and Hie Increase In the arrivals of ponltiy , and
for the puipose of ft-lvlng some Men of what
this amounts to the totals for each week , for
the past four weeks , are given below The
llgures In the Ciso of butter represent number of
packages , In egg the number of cases and In
l > oultry the number of coops Ihe lecelpta are
given for the weoka ending on the dates Indi
cated at the hcud of the columns They are as
Jul > 11 July 20 July 27. Aue 3.
Eggs . 'OJJ 1,20) 1,1. , ) usjj
Mutter . 1 .Jit ) 927 6U < 474
Poultry . . 172 J1J 3S5 373
It will Lo noted thit the receipts of eggs dur
ing the past week were less thin tine-half of the
lecelpts of the week ending July 13 , while but
ter has fallen off almost as much On Ihe other
hand the receipts of | > oultryhave been more than
double il In the Bime time. Quotations'
lU'TTER ' Packing stock , lOc , fair to Rood
country , llrc , choice to fanc > , HfflSc , gilh-
cred ci camel ) , ISiCMo , separator creamery , 21ip
"EGGS Per doz . Il fl2c.
LIVK POULTRY-Old h ns , 4V455c ; roosters
2'Adnc ' , spring chickens , 7 < RSr , spring ducks. He.
old full-feathered ducks , 7ff74c , hen turke > s ,
t0e , gobblcts , SSJCa , old geese , full-foathered ,
5 rc
VIJAIj Choice fat nnd small veals are quoted
at 6 < iff6c. coarse anil large. 3lflc
CHl.FhE Wisconsin , full cream , new make
llljl'llo , Nebraska nnd lown , full cream , 9 10c ,
Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , C07c , Llmburger ,
No 1 , lOc , bilck , No. 1 , lOc , bwlss , No 1 ,
HAY Upland hay , J10 ; midland , J3 ; lowland ,
J8 , rjo straw , JO Color makes the price
on ha > . Light bales sell the best. Only top
grades bring top prices.
PICiEONS Old birds , per doz . Jl.
POTATOES Round lots , GO Ko ; small lots ,
on orders , 70 750.
MELONS Good stock , crated. J25
CANTALOUPES Nevada ( Mo. ) Jcma , per
crate , JJ
CUCUMIIERq-On orders. 33010e per doz
OLD I1IJANS Hand picked ) ftmvy , J2 25 ; me-
ilium , 12100215 ; commdn * white beans. Jl 75
tfl 10
ONIONS On orders. 2cp0rlb ( (
C VIJIIAGE Oojd shipping stock , on orders ,
fOMATOES Good stocTc , per 4-basket crate.
75083C , per H-bu box , OOMfiflc.
CELERY Per doz , 305W3O. .
It being the last day of the week , there was
no auction sale of fruits nnd nothing of special
Importance In the fruit district bejond the reg
ular trms-ictlon of the usual Saturday's busi
ness. Prices on Callfornl i fruits are gradu
ally working to a lower Insls
According to the reports nt hind , at the pres
ent time , there will b nbeut. .30 cars of Cali
fornia fruit received hero Oils , week
At tha auction saleon Monaiiy It Is expected
that 4 cars will be offered ? , JOne c-ir will con
tain 1,200 Washington plums ; a second car , 760
peaches , 111 peats and x" plums ; a thlid car , 485
tlartlctt pe-irs. Contents.of. fourth car not yet
STRAWUERIUKS None' * - - -
APPLES Good stock , per.tbl , J3 003.60.
unn RAHPitERRtEs None.
ULACICriERRlES-Pcr cnse. J3
PHACIIES California , ' } ! 1501 23
PLUMS Native red plums , per 21-qt. else ,
J225 , California Washington plums , Jl 60 ; large
red varieties $1 Mffl.75 , small red , Jl 50.
PEARS Itirtlett's J1.752 00 ; other varieties ,
Jl 5001 73.
APRICOTS Cillfornla. none.
CHERIUE1 * California , none.
GRAPES Kansas C"y borne grown , 52 60 per
G-baskct crate , Cal fornla , Jl 73.
BANANAS Choice stock , J2 002 50 per bunch
LEMONS Fancy lemons , .100 size , J7 ; fancy
lemons , 3GO size , 57.
PIGS Pancy , p r Ib , 15c.
HONEY California. 15c ; dark honey , 100120.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , pel doz , J13
NU'IS Almonds , 1617o , English walnuts , 10 ®
12c ; filberts , 12o ; Brazil nuts lOc.
CIDER Pure juice , per bbl. , Jo ; half bbl. , J3 23.
HIDES No 1 green hides , 2140 ; No. 2 green
Idilrs , lH2c. No 1 green 8Bteii | hides 3o , No
i green salted hides. 22Vic ; No 1 green salted
hides , 25 to 40 Ibs . 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides ,
23 to 40 Ibs , 202KC. No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15
Ibs , SViigCc. No 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , 44lAc ,
No 1 dry Hint hides , 5o ; No 2 dry Hint hides ,
Jo ; No 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured hides
o per Ib less than fully cured
SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each , 25fl < Wc ;
gncn salted sheirllngs ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , 515c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) . No 1 , each , 6W10o ; diy shearlings ( short
wooled eirly skins ) . No. 2 , each , Do , clrj Hint
Kansas nnd Nebraska butchei wool pelts , per
Ib , actual weight , 5@Sc. murrain wool pelts , per
Ib , actual weight , 4@Ce ; dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4JJ
Clio , murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight ,
4i3Cc. Have feet cut off. as It Is useless to pay
Height on them
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1. 49
4V4c , tallow , No 2 S'ifflJHc ; greine , white. A ,
4(4'io , grouse , vvhlto li , 3'HWiC ' , glease , ) Clew | -
low , 3o ; glease , dark. 2Hc , old butter , 2R2l4c ;
beeswax , prime , 15SI3c , lough tnllo v , 1VJG2C.
St. TouU Griumtl niuikot.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 4 PLOUR Unchanged ; de
mand Improv Ing.
WHEAT Opened easier , but stiffened up , clos
ing about as Jesterdiy , No 2 red , rash , JS o ;
August. 4Sc ; September , 43H.C , December , G2'8c ;
CORN Onlneil ? 4 J'4o on buying and crop
news , No 2 mixed , easy , August , 48c , Septem
ber , 47c. Mny , me
OA18 rirm. No 2. cash. 20 < 4o ; August ,
September , SOV c , May , Sllic.
RYE No 2 In demand nt 41c ,
11ARLEY Nothing doing.
11RAN I'lrm , 62i\ east track.
PLAX hEliD-Hlghi-r ; Jl 2bid. .
HAY rancy timothy , J13.
UlTTTint Stead ) . unchanged.
EOOH Htead ) , unchinged.
LHAD Ixiwir , J330
.SPELTER-Qulet ; 13 M
CORN MEA 112 358.40.
COTTON TIPS Unchanged.
HAClQINa Unchanged
I'HOYlHIONb Quiet Pork , standard
jobbing. J1J b2'2 I nrd , prime steam. 40 90 ,
choice , S7.02i < j Dry salt ments , loosi ! shoiildera ,
1C . ' 3 , longs and ribs , JC 90 , tihorts , 5703 litcon ,
picke'd shoulders , 57 21 : longs , 57 75 ; irlbj ,
57tHj. shorts , 58 OOjpS 12V4I
RECIUPTS-Plour. 0.000 bbls ; wheat , 102.000
bu , corn 38 000 bu , oats , 4 000 bu
SHIPMKNTS Plour , 13000 bbls , wheat , 30,000
bu , corn , 27,009 bu , ; oats , 8.WO bu.
London ( roi lluport ,
LONDON. Aug 4. The weather has been un
settled , but mainly favorable to harvest pros-
IMJCIS The wheat market has been steadier In
tone for red wheats , while whlto , as a rule , was
firm , with light offers I.'ata wheat was plenti
ful Uti3.fl in wheat was pressed for nnlc Con
sumers' stocks are low , ' bit the demand was
quiet , Paicels were In modar.ita demand , and
spot was steadier and quiet. California nrilved
was quoted ut 23s 4jd Red winter parcel , new
crop , prompt delivery , wuinquoted at03 14 ! < 1.
Hour wns dull ut from 3.1 to 4d , down for all
positions Maize wus ntrang on Danube crop
liens , and clo ed quieter mrley was steady.
Oats were1 dull and easy ,
Sun Pritnolftoo Mliilu Oiiotiitloni.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4 rrfTho olHclil oloslnt
quotations for nilntii.tooKa ua y worj .11 foi-
AUi tta Halo A Norcross. . . Ut )
llulchor 83 ) . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Hi HI A. Ilolchor. . . . I''S Mono 10
Ilodlu Con 105 Ophlr -15
ItlllttCT It ] 1'otoal . , . , , , . 43
Chollar. SaviU'ii 3J
Con. Cal. A Va 41S Sierra Nevada 7J
Crown Point , 74 Union Con 08
KuruiiaCon VS Utah . . . . 7
CioulU A Curry. . . . ou Yellow Jacket. . . . 457
NEW ORLHANS , Aug 4-COTTON-Qulct and
steady ; sales , spot , 6) bales ; receipts , 4JI bales ;
exports , to France , 1,315 bales f coastwise , -a
bales , stock , 31,181 baits , futures , ttfiidy , fa lea.
15.900 bules Augusf , Jl , U bid ; September , JCSStf
640 , October , J6 4J40.43 , November , JCDObaeii
December , 56 MUC Co , January , 5SWfi CO , Tcb-
ruary , JUHJ672 , March , J6.7ie6.78. Apill , J6 63
ST. LOUIH. AUs. 4-COTTON-Quet ! ; roldJllnf.
6Ho ; sales , 100 tain ; receipts , 1W talei ; ililp-
in nt , 300 Ullm , stock. 26,500 balej.
Dnlntli Wheat .Murket.
DULUTH , AUB. 4 WHEAT- Lower : No. 1
hard , rash. Ma. Aliiruit. We. No , 1 northern ,
cash , to e , AUKUH , die , September , 6lUc , Id-
ccmber , Kc. No 2 northern , ca h , SJHoi No. J ,
47c , rejected , 4lo , to arrive. No , 1 northern ,
Slmrn Nppculntlon vVn < I'nlrly ActUo for n
Siiturdnj- .
NI2\V YOIIK , Aug. 4. The share specula
tion was fairly active for a Saturday and
\viu marked by a , decidedly stroiiR toni' , thn
ueneral list , with two or three unimportant
exceptions , rccordltiR nn advance on lliii
day's transactions raiiBlnir from > S lo 3'1 '
per cent. The trend of prices was upward
throughout , except for sUKar , which movol
Independently of the rest of the Hit , niul
In a few shires thcro was a alight reaction
shortly after 11 o'clock. Hut Jie
closed strung , with prices at or near the
best of the day and n fairly nctlvo M. nil tit ;
In progress. The more Important gains wcro :
Missouri Pacific , St. Paul and General U'.cc- '
trlc , % per cent , Pullman , % per cent , and
Loulsvlllo & . Nashville , " 4 per cent. The
greit feature of the speculation vva Suptar ,
which opened at 10(1 ( , 1 per cent higher than
the closing figure of yesterday , this prlro
hiving been set by the bull clique , nnd iherc
was considerable covering at that figure and
up to 100 % , which was the highest point
reiched. The support seemed to bo with
drawn. for the stock at this stage , Mid it
sagged off mainly on realizing sales to 101 % ,
when a renewal ot the covering movement
ensued , with a rally to 105H , with rt final
reaction of % per cent , leaving a net gain
of % per cent. There was no news
on the street regarding the sugar contro
versy In congress , but the prevailing opinion
seemed to be averse to remaining short ot the
stock over Sunday. Today being a holiday In
London , the market was entirely local in
character. United States leather preferred
fell off 1 per cent to 55 % , but recovered to
The railway and mlpccllancous bond market
was strong and active.
The Hvenlnc Post says' All the buying
which governed today's movement of market
prices wan of local origin ; for London s
Stock exchange was closed today and will
not reopen until Tuesday Hut the local buy
ing wns active , mid It was evident enough
that the covering process Has not yet been
completed All that was certain In the situ
ation was the fact that n settlement ot tlio
tariff question Is approaching nnd that no
speculator Is anxious to await that develop
ment with large outstanding contracts for
The following wore the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
The total sales of stocks today were S3 000
slinrcB , Including : American Sugnr , D8 000 , Iliir-
Ilncton , 2,400 ; Lai.kawanm. 1 800 , Distilling. 2 40) ;
La Clede Qua. 1,030 , Loulavllle & . Nashville ,
l.COO : Missouri 1'nclllc , 2.000 ; Iteinllnir , 2 , 00 ; H.
ti VV. I' , certificates , fifth assessment mid ,
4.300 ; St. Pnul , 11,100.
Now lurk .Honey Murket
Uasy at 1 per cent , last loan , 1 per cent ; closed
at 1 per cent.
STnitLINO EXCHANGE hteid > . with actual
business In bankers' bills at J4 8S > 4fj > l 8S\ for
demand nnd nt J4 8714 ® ! 9 ! > J for sixty da > s , posted
rates , f4 SS&t 8S'4 ' and | 4 8904 89'i , commercial
bills Jl f > 3U H R3V4
GOVERNMENT I1ONUS bteadj J state bonds ,
dull , ralliond bonds , Htionp :
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
llostun Stoo't ( junt itlnni.
nOSTON. Aiic 4 Call loans. 1W1K pur com ;
limn Ionia. UHd3H per tout. Closing prlcos for
Mocks , bonds and inlnin ? 8h iris ;
Noiv York J
NEW YOIIK. Aitf 4 The followmr aw the
closlnir nuninf quotntioiiH !
Now York VVYddy llnnli Stntcimtiit.
NHVV YORK , AUB 4 The weekly bank state
ment shows the following channel ) Reserve , de
crease , JJ.SoOOJJ , loiuiH Inciensp , JiiTO,900 , specie ,
decrease , JJOOJO , legal tendeiM decrease , J3.JC9-
SUO , deposits deciease , J2,4G3,100 , circulation , de-
crp-ise , JJS.'JOO
Ihe Innks now hold J6S033,701 In excess of
the requirements of the 25 per cent rule
Plnnncliil NutiH.
NEW ORLEANS. AUR. -Clenflngs. . J007,705.
LONDON , Aue. 4 liar silver , ! SHd per
IIOSTON , Aup. 4. ClearliiES , 112,735,763 ; bal
ances , Sl.WU'H '
HAI/riMOItE. Aug. 4 Clearings , J,350,778 ,
balances , { . ' 18,047
LONDON , A ill , ' 4 Tha prlco of gold at Uncnou
A ) res today Is 271
NEW YORK , Ausr 4 Clearings , tG3,073,720 ;
balances ,
PAIUH , Autr 1 Three per cent rentes , 102f
lOo for th account.
PHILADnLPHIA , Aug. 4. Clcarlnh's , J8.C90 , .
001 , balances , S1,2H,1M
MUMPIIIH , Aue 4 New York exchanuiselllns
at Jl GO Clearings , J273 213 , hnlntuis , 57.310
HAN I'llANPISCO. AUB 4 Dra/ta / Bight 154c ,
telegraphic , l o Hllver bars , 62'U/C3c. Mexican
dollirs. Bli4GSl > , c.
CINCINNATI , Aug -Money , 3 0 per cent ,
Now fork exchnniie , 23o discount Cleailnxs
Jl 82V.800 ; week , 511,337,0'W ' , week last year , J ) (03-
WAHIIINOTON. Aug. 4-The cosh balance In
the treasury nt he close of biiMlnestt tiMlay was
J119.220.70I. of which ; 2S0.fC3 Is gold reserve.
NKW YORK. Auir 4-The export of specie
from Iho port of New York during the week
vvaa : ( lolil , 53,10235 ; ; silver , JVt2C41l The Inl-
portn ilurliiK the same porlod vverei Dry hwls ,
tl,82it > 3J , Kcnerul inerchandlso , JS.C47.7S3
CIIICAQO , AUB -Money on cull , 4654,0. on
time' , tiilic New link exchange ( Kir to IVc
discount Burling * vxcluinge , actual demanil ,
51 SS'iJ sixty ilajn (487 % Hank rlearliiKS ! . ' -
I > JI,370 , far tlm week 587 118I'M ' , corieinondlnit
week last > cur. JT0.4Z7.T35
HT LOUIS. Aug -flfirlnns , Jl ' 47 233 : this
week. 5-'l,7'jtJ.SI ! ; iiirrtapjndlnff neck 1 )3 , 516.-
SCI.4.37 , last weik , Jl,21S 537 Increana this HC'ik
over 1K > 3 Jl 835.024 or 2 23 per cent , halinrtra
today. JMT.&U. lliU week , 53842,511 , < x > rc | mil'
Ing week , 1S9I 51.CJ1.4I3. I.isl wrek J2 V 6 178
Money dull 597 per cent. Ktchangt on Now
York , par bid.
Week Ends with Light Becoipla ixml au In-
crcaned Demand All Around.
Irc od llrrf Steers anil lliitrhrrV block .Sell
Unttnr 'lli.iu for Jinny Ditjn
tilmro In tlin Itriictlim mid do
fSctorut ftott'lii'ii.
The week closed with about 750 cattle nnd
7,450 hogs received , ns ngilnst 1.9SS cat
tle , U,7BS ) hogs nnil 105 sheep on Saturday
of last week. The Cattle rocolpti Imvo been
very light , but tlio receipts of hogs allowed
a heavy gain until Urn last ot the week ,
when they fell behind , the record ot the
previous week. Tlio following will show
the total receipts for the pist week , ns com
pared with the previous wick , anil llto cor
responding weeks In 1893 niul 1892
Cattle. HOK . Sheep.
UccelptH this week . . . tiuJ9 l.lsn
Kocelpti lust week . . . 11,435 71,001 1IU
Siiinu week 1S03 . . . . U0lr 2.1W3
Same week ISM . . . . 7,100 19 , ! iS 2..N3
CATTLI2 There were a few fnlr to good
tlry fcil cattle In the jnrds , ami while there
wns no shipping ilciunnJ , the local ilcmatut
was sulllclent to cause a good strong mar
ket. The loc\l packers were evidently pre
paring to innko an attempt to start up
on Monday , and they wanted a few cattle
Some good 1,311-lb. beeves brought $1.40 ,
with bcvcral loads at $3 80S ( > 4 16. The mar
ket on butchers' stock was In about the
same condition as that on dressed beef
steers. lie-ally dcslrablo cows brought Rood
strong prices , but the common and rough
cattle sold about as low ns nt any time
In the stocker and feeder market the usual
Saturday quiet prevailed , but what trading
was done was on a lusls ot a llttlo ( Inner
prices. The tendency ot the market on
this class of cattle has been stronger all the
week , nnd thcro has been a gain of from
15c to 20c since Monday. Iteprosentatlvo
No. Av. I'r. No Ax Pr. No. Av Pr
ll'SO ' U GO 72 1001 J3 00 I" ) . .1173 J4 IS
973 3 G3 3u 11'jO I 13 39 1313 4 40
1231 3 80 IS 12.11 J I.
1 160 1 10 1 . 1SO 1 25 3 . 873 1 10
1 . 900 1 10 C , 820 1 : . ' . 1 .710 2 00
1 . 930 1 10 1. , 900 1 10 1 , 122) 2 00
! . . . 740 1 10 11 . 770 1 31 1 830 2 DO
2 . 811) 1 10 2 10SO 1 M .82.1 2 00
1 . 8V ) 1 10 1 . 880 1 M 4 .807 2 00
1 870 1 10 1. , . . 920 1 CO 1 . "SO 2 00
7. . . 815 1 15 1 , . 7W ) 1 CO 1 810 2 0)
1 . . 910 1 lr. 2 940 1 M 1 R < 0 2 00
J . . MO 1 15 4 5C1 1 65 20 , . 8US i 15
14 . . 817 1 23
14. . . . 975 233
G. . . .301 1 00 1. , . 720 1 05 0 . . 710 1 70
' ' , 5 1 30 1 C43 1 fi 1 .760 2 00
1 . , . 470 1 55 3. . . 6,13 1 61 21. . . . 801 2 10
2. . 780 1 65 12 . . fj'i 1 C5 30 . . . 731 2 30
G . . , 180 1 10 4 . . . 2S5 2 'A 1 . . 2CO 1 00
i. . . , 170 1 60 1. . . 130 2 50 2 . . .210 3 0)
10. . , J23 2 00 1. . . 190 2 M 1. . . . 170 3 00
, 2J ) 2 00 1 .1 140 2 75
1. . .1150 1 15 2 . 107' , 1 25 1. . .120 1 60
: ERS AND I'fir
ISO 1 TO 2 . "IT. 2 21 7. WO 2 21
547 1 SO 1 . 780 2 23 2) . 7W . ! 40
4 . . . CT,1 t 00 2. . . . blO 2 25 29 , . 79J 2 43
2. . . 653 2 25
HOOS Moderate receipts of better average -
ago quality , more favorable reports from
Chicago , a very active shipping demand , and
some local demand were the features of
btrcngth In today's hog market , which re
sulted In their being an advance of IGc to
20c. It was a seller's market from begin
ning to end and they had most everything
their own way. The local packers bought
only a few , but enough to help out matei tal
ly In putting prices up. It appeared to be
a case where every one wanted a
few hogs , regardless of prlco The
packers claim that they are preparing
to start up on Monday , but that remains to
bo seen and until they are running again
full force the demand must be much smaller
than usual The bulk of the lions sold at
$4.70 to $190. with the top at $500. Rep
resentative sales :
No Av. Sh I'r. No Av Sh Pr.
78 151 160 J5 25 f2. . . . . 201 . . Jl 80
2 255 . . . 4 30 II 224 320 4 SO
C 316 . . I 40 15 . . . . .187 . . . 480
1 22) 40 4 rO 76 . . . 211 .00 1 80
CO . . . . 170 40 1 DO 69 . . 2gO 40 I 8D
69 201 1GD 4 50 71 . . 22 ? ICO 4 80
4 JSr. . . . 1 r,1 74 . . 223 ICO 1 SO
12 183 160 4 ' , ' 03 . . .229 120 4 80
SI 177 2DO 4 55 83 . . -14 10) 4 80
42 215 120 4 & 5 74 . . . . .227 FO I 80
85 ICO ICO 4 55 73 . . 220 01 4 SO
22 302 SO I D5 70 . . 236 ICO I 80
88 181 320 4 CO 72 . . . 221 120 4 80
r , 228 40 4 CO 111. . . . 221 1(1) ( 4 60
7 150 . . . 4 SO 81 . . . . 218 40 4 80
G 160 . . . 4 CO 64 . . 211 20) ) t M
61 241 240 4 CO 78 . . . . 218 160 4 80
C9 . . ISO . . . 4 CO M . . JD6 bO 4 K2" ,
120 . . .a.1) 440 4 CO 62 . . 247 IfO 4 821 *
67. . 181 40 4 fl 70 . 221 fO 4 823 !
70 197 ICO 4 Cl 76 . . . . 211 120 4 82V4
63 . .60 280 4 f5 81 . . . 22S . . . 4 85
1,3 . 1VO ICO 4 Cl 61. . . . .227 2SO 4 85
104. . 206 40 4 65 82 . . . . .220 10 4 85
83 . 177 . . . 4 67'4 70. . . . ,25 < i ItiO 4 85
CS 223 200 4 70 81 . . .211 161) ) 4 85
89 176 21) 4 70 . .160 . 4 S"
86 I 4) ) 4 70 71 ! . . .284 120 4 81
78 1MI 120 4 70 . . .2JI. . 4 BJ
70. . 200 4 70 . . . . 2VJ 12) I 81
5 . . M fl ) 4 70 2VI SO 4 ft
1CS 1SH 41) ) 4 70 77 2M 8) 4 S >
21 110 . 4 70 61 . 22. 80 4 * 5
70 . 217 40 4 70 C . 2 1 . . 4 81
86 . 197 120 4 70 61 . . .247 2) ) ) 4 5
St . lift 200 4 70 77 . 212 80 4 81
72. . 117 ICO 4 72'i fi 211 80 4 87 %
70 . 222 28) ) 4 75 71 . 231 80 49) )
59 . 21,7 f.0 4 75 S. . 211 121) ) 4 y >
C5. .207 SO 4 75 71 . .267 . . 4 M
75 . 20 J KM 4 71 71 23) 4) ) 4 90
' .221 KO 4 71 12 176 120 1 W
70. 2l9 ICO 4 71 12K7 . 2.0 . 4 ID
29 247 4) 4 r M. 211 . . . 4 W
71 ! l'J4 IS ) 4 71 67 . : . , ( 40 4 ! IO
87. . . 201 80 4 71 71 . 251 M 4 D
79 20S 2 > 0 4 71 214 120 4 91
94 191 210 4 71 70 . 218 2)0 ) 4 W
80 182 ICO 4 75 GO . 252 80 4 9)
83 204 SO 4 71 70 20 4)1 ) 9) )
77 S2 SO 4 71 7 334 . . 4 91
73 214 ICO 4 7M . ii.6 . 1 95
80 22G 160 4 75 ei . .1)1 1C ) 4 95
i2 i 113 200 4 75 49 . 2i,2 SO 4 95
'to. 2)i ) 81) 4 71 M 2.1 . . . 4 15
Cl . 2 .1 .4 75 51 eti G 00
M . 240 210 4 80 47 231 C 0) )
78 212 ICO 4 t.0 47 500
a . 116 270 1 . . . ,2M 2 71
i . , 180 2 73 1 210 2 SO
i . . . .ICO 2 75 Cl Cl 3 23
i . 340 2 75 54 113 3 21
i , . . 220 Z 75 112 4 00
SHRRI' There were no fresh receipts tif
sheep and no demand so far as could be
Icained. ,
llurolptH iinil Disposition of stock.
Official rocplptH ami disposition of Flock ns
nlimMl liy tliu liiuka of Ih" 1'nlon Slorli Amilx
oomimnj foi the luinO-Cnur liouia e.ulliu ; at
3 u clock p. m , AtiKuat 4 , ISOl !
Cm a. Hi ml
Cntllo 30 741
II.IKS 10) 7,45.1
Hursca aiul inuliH 1 27
lluycl.i Ciltlo. HOKB hliuep
Omiih i I'.ickliiK compiny. . . . 1,414
O H. Ilnmmonil romp my. . . . 77 1,411
Hwltt anil romp in > 33 5 ! > 9
'llio Cudrihy I'acklntf cmnimuy 417
John 1' H < | ulru & . Co CVl !
Mom II 015
( "luXLliml 1' 1' Cu 277'mllle 192
rianklnlim . . 117
It. linker IH Ctrl
1' I ) Armour 1,513
I * , lltcltir . . . . . 7
Cl. II 11 fiom K U in
HhlpperH and 103
Total 727 7,767
KHIIHIIH Clt ) 1 It ii Htoult Mlirltot.
KANHAS PITY. Aur 4 < ' T'I' ' " " -
dUO IK nil , slilpmuitH , 1,500 henil , nmikU steady
10 100 IllKV'l . 'JUXIIS Hill Ii,1
tUofiH , } : r.fil 7 > , imthn uiwa , Jl wtiS , mock-
cm and fridun , U 7Ufi3 45
lIOOH-IlrrclplK , 9 IX ) liciul , shipment 1100
Iliad , inuiket ununrd 61llOu lilnlir dim il wi-.ik ,
bMlk of tMlex. 149)0300 , IK.IMIS JI'J'M ' , ' . hi ,
} 4')31f51'l. ) rnUnl , | l lOfH 90 , 1 Kilt * .
Hlliii'-hciolpl : , rw IK Ml ; oMpmonU , CO )
hrad , market weak mid Blow ,
Stoik In
Record of recdpU of live vlock at tha four
principal markets baluiday , August 4 , 18JI
Cattle Jlox * Hllicp
Houtll Omit la . 741 7 ( „ > (
I'hlcauo , . . . 1 5M lli.OOO 1 MO
KanuiH City & . " 9,400 i , >
HI Loul * 1.00) 2100 &JO
Total H.7II 34.U13 2,400
St. I.ouU l.n Stock M trhnt.
BT IXl'll > . Auir -CATTl.n Ufcclpli , 1001
hfail. bl.lp'Miito , ) . : c ) l ? jil , nurkct 'lulet. n' )
native * on ul , Tri.m mcru , two In 1,000 lt ,
| > < Hf2 75. com , II ) < rr0
UOOH-lU-ccli.m , 2.1W head , uhlpmenta , 1,600
i mnrkot too hlghor nut llrin , ( rrxvl lirn\T.
ft is , mo.tiumPlKliln. . JUi. ( BOO. ) llpht , | \
iinl' ItPOMpt * 3O ll ( Bd KtllpllK-ntK , M
nmrkpt Ilfrlrnn niul notlitnit ilolnir.
( looil Imiiilry for All U
of t uttlp.
CHICAGO , AIIR 4 Thin pcU' ditto
RitPd nlxnit C9.300 hunt , iiRnlMt tO.711 hond for
lust 'k nnd Wi,7J ) head Imt yr r. Thcto WB
n MPiiily mnrkct nt front It to 1 1 so for tmllvrs.
from K71 to 1390 for wf < lrrni nut from Jl JJ
to M 60 for Tcunim Tnulo nn not motp nlrtft
tlinn on ntlior Kituidu > . tlioro liolne muno In *
< iulry from nil rlurm-a of liu > or . If nn > cutlln
W. > IP hi'ld ov r It wnn liprmimm'll M pro not
r.-llliiiif to nuii'l the jtripM olt ( < ri' < t
Thx ilnj'n heir n < ivlpH wom latlmxlrd nt 1 000
lu l tnukliiB isl 121 lifml for tldi w l im-nln t
JUf'iO Inud foi ln t work nnd Mill licud Iml
) p.\r Itif nnrkct nun a lltlli * unoveti Init n\t-r-
iiKPd lu lior TliiTi' n 0110 wile of | HM | nl
j.3.1 , uhli'ti In oo nliOM. ' the highest prki > > Mpr
ilny , nnd tlu'i-v m nn nvum-c H.hniiro of To ,
the luilk of mien makltiK nt lultcr than 111) .
riirfio lioavy IIOKI on * lipiomlntt ncuroor and nro
iiKiiln Hi'llini , ' nt ii Kood pri'inuini n\rr lliilitn
or tinlutor tin' lu t todiu noM nt fiom Jl SO
to K > .1 or from , j to inn undiT HIP top forhom > .
I his Inl for \\ Jo.35 vtiu pnUl avenged 3U
Atwut 1 MO slifip it-nched the snrdi todn ) ftiid
fi r tineik 11700 ni iiRiilnit 469J3 lunt vvpfk
mid 57321 a voir nco 1'ileeierf nomlnnlly
HtPiidv nl from U to } 1 10 for Infoflor to i > < tra
M-ndcs nnd nt fniin J2 to II 50 for tninbi of uir *
renpoiHllns nunllly
ItMcltitN I'iiHIi' 1 W ) In nil : rnlvc * . 300 head :
IIOKH , IhOtM hond slurp. 1601 hpnd
'Ihi' lIvrnlilK Journal tepoila.
lines ItivelptM li i > W l.piul . ; > p lcnlay. K 000
In nil. shlpini'ntn r. live lionil. Ipft uvir , nliout
4000 licud , ( iimlllj poor inniKPt opiMlinl Rp hlwhrr
on lipst Krnil < i. nnd othur Rriulpi mi > i < l > tuulcncy
\\nikir , Mil > > H iniiKPil nt JI8ii < J1.20 for IlKtit * :
SI fOffl 7j for i-nnpli paikiiiK. Jl VOW10 for lillxid :
J4 v. . 26 for heavy iinrUlne ami HhlpplMK loti :
plKi SI 13WI 71.
CATTI.illeeelpl : hmd olllclnl ji-Ktpr-
dny , 1,123 hrad. Hhlpimnts je.tinhy , 3.360 liond ;
markit Hlou nnd Htm < l )
' 'lirni'-llppplplM 5 Ml hcnil : olllclal p tpr
dnv 73S3 hpnd nlilpnuntR ) mi > iilny , 4Si hind ;
iiurkpt iimlmiiKPd , nmilict luuly nt IICO IS )
for nntlV'i J2 73W3 W fur westerns nnd il 235 ?
3 60 for inlxe I
Hlmiiiipollx \\lniit Mlirknt.
MINNHAI'OI.IH. Aur 4The vvhont nnrket
opened \viiik Ilih inoinlnnnd tiionuni i
illRp > illlon on th. ' put ol tin1 tiHI"1 to IrtiK for
louer prki 'llic tm. ral tuidin v of the under *
ns to tnKe I he Blunt nld - 'Hun' wis u Kood
dt nl of tnllv of nil Irininsid loii iliiiptlon of
wheat for feidln - stoik in CHHP Ilieus l < n Hnmll
mippl ) of mill and If com 11111111111 evui at tha
pit lent into It It rlu ipu lion. It \ is iln'mul ,
to feed vvliint In some | ilnii > t In 'he not thorn
HiUloim of Mliiiuitiiin am ) Nmlli Oikoti thin
i urn It H thum.lit heie Hint the pnsuit con-
dltlon of the wiathir in i > keep up for a few
ill } * timber nnd Injii'e rorn IK yoiul po sllile IP *
rovir > lliero mt a little rall > liofuii * the ilo p ,
nnd prlees ended Hie ilnv nlini st nt the wuna
llmno IIH nn Trlil ij ( lose AUKUM. MC : ) , Hep-
lunbir. 12Si Demnlipi , 6k On tnick Mm 1
hml , rMiO. No 1 mil Ihcrn. 67e No 2 northern ,
K < , , c llicilpts , 62 m Inl , HlilpiiKiilH , 3,1000 1'lour
Html ) , pjtiiits tl205i > 341 , lukerH1 $2.WjiJ ( 23 :
pmductlon , 1UU" ) bills . chlpmpnti 31 CS2 Wile.
( till IKO I'llllt ( lllOtlltlllllM.
CH1CAC1O Aur -The Karl Trult com.nny
sold fnllfoinla fruit nt nu tlon toil ly nt the
fi > llowlni ; irkes. llnrllctt pcaia 51 155 ? 1 41 :
I osier ptni'iPH. 51 ( H , nnc car Altiteat Kiapft
from I'liim bprlnrs I'm , In poor ordir , nt 7"o
per half rrale loin Inn urn sold hero ted ly.
lli-tween 1) nnd 1) cmi o\p rtid Monday
1'oiler HIOM cimpaii > , I'hlumo Mold 7 iar
Cillfornli fru t toili > nt nuitlnn liartlttt iiearH ,
rpfiUeinlori , Jl Join 40.enlllilid 90ciffl 00 ;
C'lnpp t fiiMiillp * ! , Jl " 0 , IVnlnliiphlPiu Rrnpcn.
" "Ill 4D , Itoais of I'irUH $110 , Gross pi lines ,
Jl Ji ) ( ionium pi uius , Jl 2) , ItuiiRiilm JllO ,
111) ) . CI-K plums , iicMJI 01. pmuji ! Dumos , 8V ( , '
Jl ' 35 , Jifrirwiii , Jl 15 MiiKiiiinr lloiiuini , Jl 4JI
1'oster peache * kkWHOO , OHVV fords SOcflJI IS.
1'irtei Hi OH , eonipnn ) Ncn VoiK , sold 1 u\rs
tixlnj nt million Hull Its. J201U201. Crnw-
fonH ppithPi 70tffJl 41 , OBI ; plums Jl 10fl.45 ;
puiple Iu mes , Jl 20 Japinesi $180 , I\U
$1 2j , Jcffcrsons , Jl , Oernina prunes , Jl 10J.fl 23
( nlfiMi Alarldit.
NHW YOIllv , Auif 4 COri'IJIJ Optloni
ope ltd dull nt uniliniiKPil to 5 points deillnP ,
mini Imcllvu nnd fentiirelei-n and with nenU
unilertone , ilosiil dull at 5 point * ! net loss to 10
pilnts lulianie Hilca 2230lii InclndliiK. Scp-
temliu. $1310 , Dticmlitr , $1271 , Maich $12 43ff
1210 Spot lolTce. Hlo , iiilet. | No 7 $1623. mild ,
quIit. Cordova , J19 OOffl 1 15 Warehouse dillver-
IHI fiom New orlv vpideriii ! > , B.311 lint-1) , NW
\ork Htoik toda > , 107 GIS ! IIHKS , United Hlatos
Htnik , 124.433 biKii , nlloit for the United Blnlis ,
237,000 haKH , total \Hllile uppl > for the United
Miles 301,433 ImKt. npilnst 402,7ti7 buna lust
Knnsiiltv niurl it .
KANHAS C11V , AUR \V1IEVT lo lower !
No 2 hard tj".c. No. 3 hull , 41c , No 2 reil ,
4. > Uc , No J led , He
CORN He lower , No 2 mlxeJ , 45M46c ;
No 2 while 4i < if)50e )
OAlfe blow anil 'Jo loner. No 2 mixed , 28Vi { ?
2U\c , No 2 white , 32c
1IUT1ER Plmi , crcameiy , ICJfSOo. dairy , US ?
Aetlve nnd steitily nt S'-c '
l'lb VMiiat , 10.COO bu , lorn. 1,00) bu. ;
OltB 1,100 lltl.
HHII'MUNIS Whcit , 500 bu. , coin , 2000 bu. ;
oats , none
. .
mould A , 4 11-16W I'tc , st imlnrd A , 4
Ol'io. confeclloneis A , 4 5 ll > { f l'4c ; cut
leif , 1lic , ciushe'1 , 6V4i1 ! 5-lGo , powdered ,
Kninulatcd , 47-H.tflXc , cubea , 111-10
Niivr York I'rv < .iioil. < .Market.
N13\V OKK , AUB 4 The presence of a few
Imjirs this niornlnB itaulud In very fnlr salts
'I he wiles nrc InrKely nildul to by mail nnd wire
for duiillcnte nnd ncn nssflitniints With commission -
mission inerchantH nnd drnlerH the week's bubl-
ms1 * vvna a detlilfd tncren e on the previous
one 1'rlntlnB dnthi dull , but htcndy nt 2)4c ,
lts i per cent to 2 1 ice Hat. Hales for tht
weik 138000 pieces 1'ioiliictlon , 22J.OOO pieces.
Htock , 1,133,00) ) plLCO.
Iliilhlii > itt l.oililiiM niul Liverpool.
LIVKHI'OOf. . AUK. 4 Today Is a. holiday ; no
Kraln nnd Hilton niuikcts
LONDON , Aug. 4 loday Is a holiday In the
stock market. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I ilHio Win lit ( > iiolatluii9.
BAN rilANCISCO , Aug 4 Clearances , 63210
erntnls of vvheit , vvheTt , dull , December , Jl 01T4 !
Mny , Jl 07 > i
\ \ < ml
HI' I.Ol'H , Atiff 4 WOOI -Bleaily ; firm for
wool , quieter for Texan anil territory
llniiiinonil I'liyli Inii Cullinl to Son n 1'a-
tli'lit niul Not ' Sim
( inn n.
HAMMOND , Intl. , Aug. 1. Crown Point
has a sensation somewhat similar to the
celebrated Cronln mystery. Dr. George D.
Hrannon , scctetary of the Like county Doard
of Health , wns summoned at a late hour
lant night to attend n man purporting to
have been shot. Since then he 1ms been
missing , although his friends and family
liuvo made every effort to nnd him. Many
are or the opinion that ho was foully dealt
with , the cause assigned being the prominent
part taken In the prosecution of a large num
ber \Vhltlng people under the new state
health ordinance.
The water at Conrtlnnd Is ns clear ai a
crystal and temperature perfect.
Illi Ut' InxtiKtlKiitlou I'mlpoii'il.
CL-nvi3I.iAND , Aug i The Department
of Justice has deferred the Hicks Investiga
tion tcmpor.irll ) , owing to the fnct that
Judgu Hicks Is now absent from tha city on
a vacation Mr NlghtliiKa'e , the special tx-
umlner tent Irro to tnko charge of tha
nutter , will lie occupied with thu Inspection
of the accounts of United States cummUslon-
urs and clerks for several weeks U Is
probable that the Hlcka Investigation will
lie taken up about S ptumbur 1.
' nlinoii 'loo HIII ill for tin ) Ciinni r .
VANCOUVNH. II C. , Aug 1. The stlmon
In the Pruber river are still very small , nnd
cunnrrH express great anxiety regarding the
outlook. The price of Ilih here has rlnou
to 20 ifiita. K-shlng on the northern river.1)
Is nl n very pror. An u number ofvhlto
flHhermon and Indians aru dependant on the
results of the Halting htaeon , there Is much
llnanclal distress.
I'lculo at Courtland be.icn.
Commission Merchant
( iruin ami Provisions.
Private vvlrea to Chlcngo nti < l New "Vork
All luiHlnt'HS ordtrn plucc'd on CtiktiKO
lioutd of 'irndc.
CoriL'SpomluiLe Hollclt.d
Office , inotn I , New Yorlc I.lfu
In in invaluable ltd to Invmtorn Hlncii Jinuiry
iHtKOporcont of our prediction * luvu buuii ful-
OiirCu-upjritlvuHtouk Coiiiblnntlunii urn iirov-
luliltfhli iiriifltabln , .mil nro v.Uu ililn to the
nut In u poult Ion of in tktui ; it bimln iia of follow-
IniC tin * inurkut. Hineo Janii iry ) t , IMlii , 13U par
ernl. Ima been dlvlduU UIIIUIIK uubtulb < jrH , Pain-
ilutu fruu iiion rcquuut.
ou. , stock Brokoro ,
ilro4ii ity , flow k'uru t u" .