THE OMAHA DAILY BIT SUNDAY , AUGUST & 1894 WHY THE CORKANS REBELLED Frank Carpenter Given the Trno of Prcaant Difficulties. A KINGDOM OF VAST RESOURCES Mountain * of Hold Nugget * ns HI ? as Tour I'lftt The Kliic'A Hoard A Big Amer- liitu Nclirnio IVIitch the Chl- ne * i Frnatrntod. ( Cop ) righted 1854 liy Frank O. Carpenter. ) COREA , July 15. ( Special Correspondence of The Hoc. ) I have taken a run from China to Corel and It took mo thrco days to go from Tlen-Tsln to the harbor of Chemulpo. I was grounded for a time on the Pelho river , and had a rough voyage over the Yel low sea , but I am now In the biggest city of this wonderful kingdom and I nm surrounded by the queerest sights and the strangest people ple on the face of the globe. I found the harbor of Chemulpo filled with gunboats , and , nfter sailing up the river Han , I was met about four miles from the city with a chair from the American legation , which was car ried by four Corcans and which was guarded by soldiers. It was In this way I came Into the city of Seoul. I passed through the gates without trouble , and I nm now almost' at homo In this Corcan world. I have a mott efficient Interpreter , whom I call Gen eral Pak , Ho comes of ono of the oldest families of this country , and his grandfather was a big magistrate. Ho has as much cheek as a Now York plumber , and ho would male n good newspaper reporter. General Grcalhouse , the American advisor to the king , ha * loaned him to mo during my stay , lie Is the confidential Interpreter of the gen eral , and ho will accompiny mo In my tour over Corea. He Is such an aristocratic lookIng - Ing man that I always feel out of place when I ask him to do anything for mo. He Is far better dressed than I arn. His brand new horse hair hat , I venture , cost $15 , and this Is tied on under Jils chin with ribbons of black BIOS grain sflk. Ho wears a gown of the most dellc.ito sky bluo. This reaches from his neck to his feet. It Is tied at the waist with a purple silk cord , and the sleeves of It have pockets In them so largo that they would hold a baby. He speaks English well , and ho Is an Invaluable man In these troublous times. With him and a couple of soldiers or kesoes I feel quite safe. I usually rldo In a chair berne on the shoulders of four men In uniform , while the soldiers trot along at my Bide. I sometimes think that Pak Is ashamed of mo , or that he thinks ho ought to be- riding , too. Ho generally walks about ten feet In advance or that much In the rear , and swings himself along as though he were a gentleman of leisure If there are any other Corean nobles about I can't got him to help the photographer or do any sort of manual labor. This would bo beneath him. Ho Is very particular about my carrying anything , and we have to take an extra coolie along for this purpose. I have also n Corcan artist with me , and gtraiiKo ns It may seem I nm getting some very fine pictures made of Corean types and scones by this man. Ho paints aa well as sketches , and Is considered the finest artist of the kingdom. Ho Is noble and It Is hard to got him to do work quickly , but his pictures arc true to life , although they seem strange to American eyes. He sketched one of my soldiers for mo today , and also made some pictures of the rebels who are making such a trouble here. Ho gave mo a picture of an official on his way to the pal ace. I saw the fellow going past the door and asked him to sketch him. The official was dressed la a long , green gown , with official boots of black cloth peeping from under Its hem. He had a great belly band decorated with gold sticking out from his waist , nnd his horsehair cap and lingo wings fastened to Us back , personifying ears , and denoting that ho was always ready to listen to the commands of the kingHo sat In a chair upon n leopard skin , and two Corean coolies In uniform took him along on the dead run , while his servant ran by his side. Behind him came ono of the king's officials , possibly a general of the army from the country. Ho had amber beads around his neck , a bow In ono hand and a quiver of arrows at his back , while other arrows were fastened to the crown of his hat. The Coroans are good shots , and they still stick to the bow and arrow , both for amuse ment , and to a certain extent for war. The king's troops are armed with modern guns , but many of the rebels have bows and not a few of them carry tridents. And this brings mo to the rebellion. It Is a mighty big story , and It U hard to handle It In a newspaper latter. I am told by those closest to the king that the rebels did not intend to fight against his majesty at all. They only took up arms to oust the officials of their provinces. They have been terribly oppressed. Offices have been sold for years , and of late years the prices of these offices have gone up , and the tenure of office has been shoitencd. There Is ono man here who has had this matter In charge who Is worth many millions of dollars today. Ho was a poor man ten yearn ago , and his fortune has been made by squeezing. The officials have had to pay so much for offices that they have overtaxed the people to gat the money back , and they have oppressed thorn to such an extent that starvation stared them In the face. Had the king lot them alone and not come to the support of Ills officials there would have been no rebellion against him. He sent , however , his troops out to punish them. The rebels defeated the troops , anil the king asked the Chinese for some soldiers to help him put dawn the trouble. The Japanese also sent soldiers , nnd tlilH walled city of Seoul now swarms with armed men. There nro guards ovorywhero. The law against men going out at night Is strictly enforced , and anyone ono but a foreigner found wandering about the streets Is liable to arrest. The gates are carefully guarded and the walls are watched. The Japanese have a largo camp at the pass of the mountains between hero nnd the port of Chemulpo , and every ono Is excited and alarmed as to the possibilities of a war , not only between the king and his rebellions subjects , but between China and Japan , The Chinese and Japanese soldiers are by no means friendly to ono another , and the Japanese are ready and anxious fern n pretext to fight. The Baltimore Is still In the harbor of Chemulpo , and our marines are ready to march from there at a mo ment's notice to protect our legation and the missionaries. The Coreans to a largo ex tent look upon the matter ns a great joke. They walk about In their fine white gowns , smoking pipes as long as themselves , and laughing under their big blick hats at the queer figures which the Chinese and Japan- cso soldlcra make. They go by thousands to the camp , and they do not seem to real ize that the very existence of their govern ment Is threatened. The king" , however , understands It very well. Ho is terribly alarmed , and ho counsels with his officials night after night under the electric lights of the palace. He does no work whatever In the daytime , and there Is a rumor that he fears assassination nnd that he likes no dark corners In his palace. Ills troops have shown themselves unable to cope with the rebels among his own people , to say nothing of the Chinese and Japanese. They have been defeited several times , and they are largely outnumbered by the forcea of Japan and China which are now on Corean soil. The king's army consists , all told , ef not moro than 8.000 troops. Some of these are well armed , and a number have been trained by the American oillcors who came over here to organise the army. Of these all have left except General William JIoE , Dye , who has been moro of an In structor than a commander , but the officers are generally Corean , and they are not fit to fight the moro experienced heads of the foreign troops. In the meantime the king Is under the con trol of the Chinese , and all Information which Is sent out from hero by the Coreans Is dictated by the Chinese. Corea has claimed to. be Independent for come time , but she Is really under China's thumb , and when LI Hung Chang of the Chinese em bassy pulls the string she is compelled to dance. I can't give In a few words my reason for this statement. I may write of It later. There Is no doubt , however , of the fact. The catling In of the Chinese troops without asking the consent of Japan WAS contrary to the terms of the treaty which exists between China and Japan. Tim Jap- ancsc , naturally , were angry. They have large colonies at the port of Chemulpo on the Yellow sea , Gcnsan on the west coast , I'cuan on the south coast and here In Seoul an well. They own a great deal of prop erty , and they are the leading foreign na tion In Corea. They will not permit China to have this peninsula. This In ml has been the fighting ground of these two nations In times past , und It a war occurs now It will be the bloodiest of Asiatic history. The Coreans have a few Galling guns and some cannon , The Japanese and Chinese can sup ply their troops with all sorts of modern munitions of war. They have millions of dollars Invested In war material , and their soldiers and marines are armed with the newest and latest Inventions. As It Is now It looks as though China would , In such a case , have the friendship nnd support of the king , but there Is much dissatisfaction with the government here In Seoul , and the Jap anese would not lack friends or followers. The king , In fact , can't help himself , as re gards China. He has borrowed money from the Chinese government nnd all of his cus toms receipts have been mortgaged to pay the Interest on the debt. The king Is so much In debt and so hard pressed for money whether a war occurs or not ho Is bound to open up Corea to foreigners. He ha * a. wonderful kingdom , filled with enormous re sources , and It will pay American specu lators to keep their e > cs on the mining and railroad possibilities of this land. * Corea Is , perhaps , the least understood land In Asia , and It Is ono of the most won derful countries on the face of the globe. I paid my first visit to It six years ago , only a short time after It had been opened up to the world. About fifteen years ago no foreigner could land on Its coasts , and ship wrecked sailors wcro forced to stay In the country , for fear they might carry news of It to the barbarous people of Europe and America. During my stay In It I have traveled many miles over Its mountains and vnllpys , and I expect to push my way , If possible , right through the Interior of the country to the west coast. I have visited many of the countries of the world , but this Is the queerest and the least known. There Is little Information In the books of travel concerning It. There are no guide books whatever. It Is Ilko no other country , and every day I hear new and strange things about It and Its people. It Is going to be a very Important country In the eyes of the tnent of the American firm at Chemulpo and will par for what he wants with gold dust which he takes out of a pipe stem or from a belt Which ho has bound about his body under his clothes , Often men want to turn the gold Into Corean cash , and It Is by no means safe for them to have It found upon them. The mines are worked under a su perintendent , who probably gets n big slice of the output. I3y the old of modern mining machinery there Is no telling what they will produce. At present not even blasting pow der Is used to get the quartz , and the rock Is broken by building n fire against It , nnd then when It has become hot , water Is thrown upon It , and this cracKs the quartz. Such bits as can be gotten out nro laid on a flat stone , and big round rocks are rollsd over them ngaln and again to crush them , and at least 60 per cent of the gold Is lost. There ore no pumps , no quicksilver and no chemicals. Such of the gold as Is gotten comes from washing tha sand nnd crushed rock with water In hand pans , and In the winter the rock Is crushed and boiled to free It of gold. There are large copper mines In different parts of Corea , nnd a great deal of this Is dug out , smelted and used In the manufac ture of brass ware. Brass U moro used perhaps than any other metal. The eating utensils , Including dishes , spoons nnd chop sticks , arc made of It , and all of the wash basins of the country are of this material. The quality of the brass Is superior to that which I have seen In any other part of the world. It takes a polish like gold , nnd It Is wonderfully bright and pure , None of the copper Is , I believe , exported , and the same Is true of the coal. The Corcan coal mines , which He near the big city of Ping Yan , about 100 miles north Seoul , so Dr. Appenzcller , ono of the best posted mission aries of the country , tells mo , are rather coal quarries than shafts. The coal Is dug from the top of the ground , and It Is taken out at the minimum of expense. It Is a fine anthracite , and it would bring right hero In the capital from $10 to $12 n ton , A big trade could bo carried on In It to the dif ferent parts of China and the cast. As It Is , Japan sells millions of dollars' worth of coal every year , and the mines which I visited last month In north China were dis posing of from 1,700 to 2,000 tons of coal a day. The coal that comes to Seoul , however , goes chiefly to the palace , and the mines await practical men to turn their dusky lumps Into veritable black diamonds. Agriculturally considered the country Is very rich. Not one-twentieth of It Is culti vated , and the fact that the officials take MAP OF COREA. world. Its people are ot their own kind nnd General Clarence Greathonse , the Ameri can adviser of the king , tells mo that the land contains between 16,000,000 and 20,000- 000. This Is about one-fourth of the popu lation ot the United States. It is. In fact , moro people than there are In Spain. It Is half again as many as there are In Mexico , and three times as many people as can bo cci'nted In the state of New York. These people are scattered over a territory of about 100.000 square miles. Take your map of Asia. Look at the northeastern part of It and you see the peninsula ot Corea hanging down Ilko a nose from the lower corner of Siberia and the Chinese province ot Manchuria. This peninsula Is of about the same shnpo as Florida or Italy , and it has something Ilko the area of the latter country. It Is between 400 and 600 miles long , and from Its extreme north to the southern coasts the distance Is about the same as that between Cleveland and Now York. At no place Is It much wider than b&twoen Now York and Washington. The area surrounding It Is peppered with rocky Islands , and Its lower coasts are only a day's sail from Japan. Whatever be the outcome of this trouble with Japan and China It Is bound to result In the opening up of the country , and the character ot the land and Its resources will bo matters of Interest. It Is made up ot mountains nnd valleys. There are a few large plains , but the valleys are as fat as the low lands of the Nile , and the moun tains are filled with all sorts of minerals. The gold mines of Corea turn out from $ -,000,000 to $3,000,000 worth of dust and nuggets every year , and practically nothing but placer mining Is done. All of the gold belongs to the king , and I hear it whispered that his majesty has a great quantity of bullion stored away In his palaces. Not long ago It was a necessity that some money be raised at once to complete the electric plant which Is now being put Into the palace , and there was practically nothing In the treasury. Forty-seven thousand dollars had to bo got ten or the work could not go on. The king was especially anxious that there should bo no delay , and ho sent to Mr. Power , the American , who has charge of the electric ; lighting , two boxes ot gold dust nnd nuggets. These came from the palace to Mr. Power's house , the distance of nt least a mile , without a guard , and it Is a question whether the porters who carried them knew what they were bringing. The gold was packed In pine boxes , and these were hung upon a polo which rested on the shoulders of the two men who carried them. The only man who went with them was the Co rean Interpreter of Mr. Power. They were opened when they reached the house and wore found packed full of gold dust and nug gets. The nuggets were of all shapes and sizes , from that of the head of a pin to lumps as big as your fist. There were two lumps ot solid gold of this size and another was as thick as the palm of a man's hand and about the same shape , U was of such a na ture that It could not have been rolled far by water , and It must have bon found very near the slto of the original lode. This gold was sent by Mr. Power to the mint at Osaka , Japan. There was 175 pounds of It , and It assayed 87 per cent gold and about 10 per cent silver. U was sold to the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank for $47,000 , and the money was applied to the part payment of tha electrical machinery which Is now sup plying his mujosty with light. There Is Uttlo doubt but that the mountains ot north Corea ore full of gold , and a great deal moro Is probably gotten than Is generally supposed. The Coreau citizen has certainly no security of property , and the possession of money al ways brings the officials down upon him , and they suck at his vitals till the money is squeezed out ot him , Every now and then native will corns Into the establish- the greater part of the crops removes all Incentive to work , and the people farm only enough to keep them alive. Almost anything that can be raised in the United States can be raised hero , and rlco is grown side by side with wheat nnd barley. There Is plenty ot good grazing land , and the cattle are very fine , and form the beasts of burden of the country. I don't think the people are naturally lazy. They are strong and well meaning. They have a fair Idea of justice and right , and their civilization Is by no means a barbarous one. With se curity of property and Incentive to work they could easily bo taught to accumulate money , nnd If the forelgnors are allowed to take hold of the mines and build railroads Corea will In a short tlmo approximate Japan In Us progress. It has been several times on the verge of giving concessions to foreigners , and only a short time ago the king had agreed to such a proposition. An American , Mr. James R. Morse , who had spent years In Coroa and who Is the chief partner of the American firm now doing business hero , was called from New York to Seoul to see the king about the mat ter. Ho was a thoroughly responsible man in every respect , and he had at his back some millions ot American capital. Ho came to Seoul , and after a time got the promtso of such concessions as would have given him the exclusive right to build rail roads ever the country , to have opened up the gold mines and to have engaged In schemes for the general development of Corea. The papers were all ready to bo signed and the American left the place with the assurance that the next day all would be settled and ho could begin work at once. During the night , however , either through the Chinese or some other Influence , the king's mind was changed , and a message was sent to the American legation that his majesty had decided to grant no conces sions at present and that Mr. Morse was nt liberty to leave as soon as he chose. As to just how this change came about no one knows , but China probably had her fingers In the pic. It is said that one ot the for eigners connected with the court demanded that ho bo paid a big percentage of the profits of the scheme for the Influence which ho claimed to have exerted In get ting the king to accede to It. This was re fused , and ho probably got his revenge through the Chinese. In all this trouble which Is going on In Corea It must bo re membered that the Chinese arc the ene mies ot progress. They are not the true friends of the Coroan people. They have the upper hand , and they are doing all they can to keep the country back. The falling through of this scheme was a very unfortu nate thing for Corea. Had the papers been signed both the King and the American capitalist would now bo on the road to wealth. The people would have had a largo amount of their taxes remitted , for the king's treasury would have been full , and there would have been no rebellion. As It Is now , no ono can tell what will hap pen , but sooner or later this land will be ono of the most prosperous on the globe. Atlanta Constitution , In ancient days of chivalry , When women dared not have a right , She Idly sat , with folded hands. To wait the coming of her knight. nut now , since Freedom spread its vvln a , bhe's taken on another way ; St.e hustles 'round like all possessed , To speed the coming of her day. Cook's Imperial. World's fair "highest award , excellent champagne ; good efferves cence , agreeable bouquet , delicious flavor. " RUSSIA'S ' CtOOBY OUTLOOK Poverty's Pinch Growing Moro Severe Among the Oblldror J "the Czar , MORTALITY AND SICKNESS INCREASING Graphic Portrayal ofitlin Condition of tlio , Jtuasluu I'rimnnti ! ? lnjr thu Authur of "Tim I.xllonHystcm of hlbrrln. " In forming a judgment as to the economic condition of tlio Russlan _ peasant wo are not forced to rely solely upon * the direct evidence of observers. Indirect evidence of equal If not greater weight Is furnished by tlio food ho consumes , tlio taxes that ho pays or Is unable to pay , and the nature of his domes- tla environment as shown by statistics cf Illness and mortality. The food of the Russian peasant consists almost wholly of breadstults. It Is esti mated by the best Russian authorities that health and strength cannot be maintained upon a less quantity of breadsttiffs than tv > eiity-slx ounces a day per capita or G93 pounds a year. In view of the fart that con victs In English prisons are allowed thirty- six ounces per day of bread , vegetables and meat , twenty-six ounces of breadstuffs for the Russian peasant would certainly scorn to bo a low enough estimate , but It can easily bo shown that the per capita consumption of the Russian people Is much below even this modest allowance. The gross average product of breadstuff's In European Russia Is now about 49,610,000 tons per annum. Of this gross product 13,530,000 tons are re served for seed , 6,194,400 tons are fed to llvo stock , 1,136,520 tons are consumed by brewers and distillers , and 7,973,680 tons are exported. It these Bums be deducted from the gross annual product there will bo loft for the subsistence of 105,000,000 people about 20,475,400 tons per annum , or .190 pounds per capita Instead of the 593 pounds , declared by experts to be the smallest quantity upon which health and strength can be main tained. Hut the Russian peasant docs not actually get the 390 pounds to which ho would bo entitled It the food surplus were equally divided. The wealthier class of the population consumes , of course , much more than Its per capita share , and the amount loft for the peasant Is estimated by Russian authorities at 288 pounds a jear per capita Instead of the 593 pounds needed to main tain his health and strength. PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL IMPROVE MENT. The Increase In the export of Russian breadstuff- * from an average of 2,305,500 tons per annum In 1S66-70 to an .uerage of 7,973,680 tons per annum In 18SS-9J is re garded by superficial observers as an evi dence of Incieaslng national prosperity ; but Russian political economists have ngaln and again pointed out the fact that It Is an evi dence rather of progressive national Im poverishment , for the reason that the In creased export Is not the result of Increased production , but rather of' Increased and In jurious self-denial oi ) thp part of the pro ducers. The peasants , "in order to p.\y their taxes and meet the Interest on their loans , are forced to sell to speculators a large pert of the grain that theyflhqmsjlvos should eat , and the speculators send labroad. . Ihe Im perial commission recently appointed to con sider the decline In tfti prices of agricultural products ( Senator Pleve's Commission ) ic- ports that the incrpasoii expert nf food stuffs Is not accompanied with ft correspond ing Increase either In the area umlar culti vation or In the Intensity of culture. It Is , therefore , an Increase made possible Cnly by a relative decrease Jithomo , totHUmpUan. It Is obvious , I tliinK , , , that 'f ' tne Russian peasant sells grain that 'he actually ncids for food and lives upon" half the ciuai.tity that ho ought to consume , he must ba forced to do so by dlro necessity , RUSSIAN METHODS OF COLLECTING TAXES ? But the economic condition of the Russian peasantry may be shown In another way. Every one who Is familiar with the Russian method of collecting taxes and who knows the nature of the penalties Incurred by the de linquent taxpayer must be aware , I t'ink ! , that the average Russian peasant pays his taxes promptly If by any possible effort or sacrifice he can do so. He knows very well that a failure on his part to meet the de mands of the government will be followed by the seizure and sale of his property , and that it may even result In his being flogged by order of the cantonal court. If , under such circumstances , he falls to pay when called upon. It Is simply because payment Is out of the question , and the extent to which his taxes are In arrears , serves , therefore , as a rough measure of his economic condi tion. It appears from the official report of the minister of flnanco * that on the 1st of January , 1893 , the amount of Imperial taxes In arrears was $58,428.621 , not Including local taxes nor the Indebtedness of the peas ants for food furnished them from the pub lic storehouses , which now amounts to $200- 000,000 more. In seven Russian provinces , viz : Samara , Kazan , Ufa , Nizhni Novgorod , Slmbrlsk , Orenburg and Tobolsk , the taxes In arrears amounted to twice the annual assessment and In Samara and Orenburg to more than four times that assessment. The financial condition of the peasant far.mers In some parts of the empire would seem to be almost hopeless. The province of Kazan.vvlth a population of 2,209,000 , has an Indebtedness of $10,000,000 , of which $0,500,000 are Imperial taxes In arrears , while the province of Si- mara , with a population of 2,600,000 , has an Indebtedness of more than $28,000,000. It is extremely doubtful whether peasant families whoso vvholo annual budget does not exceed $320 , and whoso combined earnings amount to less than $1 a day , will ever bo able to cope successfully with such mountains of Indebtedness. They might possibly do so If they wore properly nourished and If their working strength was maintained at Its normal degree of efflcacy , but a population that is only half fed and that Is consequently quently weak and spiritless as well as dis heartened can hardly be expected to bear the heavy burden of current obligations and at the same tlmo bring up arrears. SICKNESS AND MORTALITY , ETC. There Is one other class of facts which may bo made to throw light upon the eco nomic condition of the Russian peasant and that la the class which Includes statistics of sickness and mortality and Information with regard to the nature of the peasant's domestic environment. The abnormally high rate of mortality which prevails In Russia has long been regarded by physi cians and political economists as a conclu sive proof of widespread popular suffering and privation. The Russian death rate Is not only twice that of Great Britain , but It exceeds , by more than one-quarter , the death rate of all non-Rhsslan Europs. The annual reports of the Russian Medical de partment show that tha rate of mortality for the empire as a whole ranges from 31 to 37 per 1,000 , and that In the thirteen central provinces of European Russia It reaches 62 per 1.000. In r the year 1893 there wore 128 uyczds , or districts , In , the empire where the number of deaths exceeded the number of births , and where , consequently , the population was actually dying out. Ac cording to a report made by Dr. Kkk to the St. Petersburg Society of Physicians In 1886 the average duration of human llfo In Rus sia Is only 29 years , while In Germany It Is 37 years , and In England 53. Reasoning from the experience oftwestern , Europe , It might , perhaps , bo supposed that this high rate of mortality Is due to the santltary con dition of the over-crowded tenement houses In the Russian cities , and that It falls , therefore , mainly upon the poorer class of the urban population ; but such Is not at all the case. The researches of Dr. Kkk have called attention again to the fact , previously noted by the Russian statistician , Yanaon , that the average rate of mortality In Rus sian cities is considerably lower than In the adjacent country , and that the excessive mortality shown by Russian vital ( statistics fall * chiefly upon the agricultural popula tion. FRIGHTFUL MORTALITY AMONG CHIL DREN. ETC. It may , perhaps , bo contended that tha victims of thla high rate of death are for the most part children under 5 years of age , and that If a given number of Adult Rus sian peasants wcr computed with on number of ndult poaiants from western Ku- rope the Inferiority of the former , In point of health and strength , would not be no ticeable. Hut this contention IB not sup ported by the facts. It Is true that 58 p r cent of all tha children born In Russia die before they uttnln their Clh year , but It docs not , by nnr means , follow that the 42 per cent who survive nnd who finally reach the age of maturity re sound nnd well. The unfavorable conditions which prove fatal to the 5S per cent who die , affect also the health and strength of the 42 per cant who live , so that n largo proportion of them are physically defective or unsound oven In the first Hush of early manhoml. From Russian conscription statistics It appears that out of 423,000 young men sum moned annually to render military service In Russia , 67,000 , or nearly 16 per cent , are rejected on ncount of various physical defects and disabilities. In some parts of the em pire the proportion of unsound or defective recruits Is much larger even than this. In the province of Smolensk , for example the province where the economic condition of the peasants Is declared to bo "most lament able" the number of recruits found to bo unfit for military service In 1891 was 2,012 out of 9,507 , or nearly 22 per cent. In the Prl-Vlsllanskl region , which comprises the Polish provinces , the average number of re cruits condemned by army surgeons In IS'10 was 20 per cent and rose In some places to 33 per cent , LOW PHYSICAL CONDITION. In order fully to appreciate the signifi cance of these figures wo must bear In mind the fact that conscripts In Russia are not drawn from the vvholo number of males ca pable of bearing arms , but only from young men who have just attained their majority , and who are supposed , therefore , to bo In the prime of their youthful vigor If 16 to 33 per cent of the joung In this selected class nro found , upon examination , to fall below the normal standard of health and strength , the physical condition of the great mass of the population cin readily bo Inferred. Prom this necessary brief and hasty sur vey of the present economic status of the Russian peasant farmers. It clearly appears , I think , that a very largo number of them some tens of millions at least ore being In sufficiently fed , Inadequately paid for the work that they do , disproportionately taxed and reduced generally to a condition which , If not hopeless , Is at least extremely grave and critical. GEORGE KENNAN. Oregon Kidney Tea cures Dackachr Ue. 25 cents. All druggists. EABNINGS OF CLERGYMEN. Intmostlnj ; Facts Dniltiroil from Kxtrnnlte Investigation' . Some very Interesting facts In regard to the pay of preachers In the United States have been collected by Mr. II. K. Carroll for the August number of the forum. The ex tensive Investigations matlu by the author of the article , covering as they do the records of all the chief denominations , show , as might have been expected , that the salaries paid by the city churches are much higher than those paid by rural churches , and that the average earnings of a clergyman are considerably larger In the northern than In the southern states. On the whole , says the New York Sun , It seems that country min isters make as good a living as country doc tors , and are better off than country school teachers ; while those urban salaries which are regarded as prizes of the profession are higher than those of college professors , or than those of Judges of the federal and most of the state courts The salaries of bishops are considered sep arately by Mr. Carroll , for the obvious rea son that their average Income exceeds that of the great body of the clergy , just as the average income of the bench exceeds that of the bar. In the Protestant Episcopal church the pay of bishops varies from $3,000 a year , with $300 for official and traveling expenses , In the case of the episcopal heads of mis sionary jurisdictions , up to $12,500 , with an alowance for house rent. There Is only one salary of the latter size , however. Another Episcopal bishop has $9,750 and a house , one has $6,500 , two have $6,000 each , three $5,000 each , and one. In the central west , only $3,300. It appears that , In most cases , a house is provided gratuitously , and often an allowance of $1,000 or less Is added for a secretary or f * expenses. The conclusion reached by Mr. Carroll Is that $5,000 maybe bo taken as the average salary of an Episco pal bishop Te pay of Catholic bishops Is estimated at from $3 000 to $5,000 a year ; archbishops , on the other hand , receive about $10,000. To each of the sixteen bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church , north , Is given a salary of about $3,500 , plus $1,500 for house rent. As they are Itinerant , their traveling expenses are considerable , but these are defrayed Independently of their salaries. In the Methodist Episcopal church , south , the bishops receive but $3,600 for all purposes , Including traveling expenditures as well as house rent and salary. There are In the various denominations , including the Roman Catholic church , about 240 bishops ; their average Income Is $5,000 , which Is con siderably moro than that of college presi dents , whose average earnings are only about $3.000 a year. Turning to the pay of ordinary clergymen , we find that In one of the Protestant Episco pal dioceses In an eastern state four churches give their rectors $10,000 apiece , together with n house ; another $9,000 , and four $8,000 each. Three-fourths of the churches In the same diocese pay less than $2.000 each. In an Illinois diocese three c crchcs pay $6,000 apiece , one $5,000 , one $4,000 , and three about $3,000 each ; but other salaries range from $1,000 to $1,500 In the Presbyterian church the average sclury of a pastor Is between $1.000 and $1,200 a year , but there are eight or ten pastorates which pay $10,000 a year or moro ; six of these are In New York City , and one of them gives Its preacher $15,000 , besides the use of the parsonage. In the Southern Presbyterian church , on the other hand , the highest salary Is $4,500 , and there Is a descent from this ilgure to $100 , or oven less. The average salary of Congre gational ministers Is $1,047. The high est salaries are paid In New York and Brooklyn. Ono Congregational church In the former city gives $12.500 , three In Brooklyn give $10,000 each , others In Brook lyn pay $8,000 and $7,500 ; In Boston two churches pay $7,000 apiece. Materially lower are even the highest InoDm&a obtainable by Methodist ministers. There Is , apparently , In the Methodist Episcopal church , north , not a single Instance where saliu-y and house rent together amount to $7,000 , and there are but thirteen churches which pay be tween $5,000 and $6,500. In the 115 richest churches the salary ranges from $3,000 to $7,000. Outside of the cities the Incomes of Methodist ministers range front $2,500 downward , many a place paying only $500 \vltli a house. In the Methodist church , south , few pasters receive as much as $4,000 a year , and none obtain more than that sum ; the average Is not above $500. The earn ings of Baptist preachers are , as a rule , very small. In one northern city a Baptist salary of $10,000 Is paid , and In the same place five other Baptist ministers receive $5,000 each. In New York and Brooklyn not moro than four got as much as $5,000 apiece. In the couth $4,000 Is about the highest salary paid , and that Is given only In Baltimore , Louisville and Atlanta. Among the Lutherans the largest salary recorded IH $6,000 , and that only In a single Instance , there are not very many salaries amounting to $3,000. But It Is the custom of the Lutherans to provide a parsonage , and the perquisites are relatively large , In some oases exceeding the salaries. The pastors of the Dutch Reform church are well paid , qulta a number of them getting from $5,000 to $10,000. It Is stated , dually , that some Jewish rabbis receive as much aa $12.000 In salary , besides perquisites. The statistics laboriously compiled by Mr. Carroll should put an end to the current notion that preachers are , as n class , under paid. There Is no lack of prizes In their profession , and they are sure of a support commensurate to their merits , An Intorcitlng 1.utter Which biiuuks tor lUeir. LOVEVILLE , St. Mary's Co. , MO. , Juno 15 , ISO * . I have handled Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the past year. It gives the best of satis faction to my customers. I received an order last week for four bottles of the remedy from a man residing sixteen miles from my place. Today I received a letter from him , stating that It has saved the lives of two mem bers of his family. An old gentleman here , who has suffered two years with diarrhoea , was permanently cured by this remedy , He can now do as much work as any man of his ago. I could mention other remarkable cures , but the Remedy will show for Itstelt If tried. D. Love. 25 and W-cont bottle * ( or ale by druggist * . CO-OPERATIVE HOME BUILDING Second Annual Convention of the United States League. THE KERNELS OF THE PROCEEDINGS Instructive Array or SliitUtlciU Truth * , Opinion * nnil experiences .MorltR of the herlnl niul I'ermum nt 1'laiu ItosoUHUms mill Ollllccr * . fifty delegates representing fourteen states constituted the second nunual conven tion of the United States League of Local Building and Loan associations which held a two days' session In Buffalo , N. Y. , the last week In July. The business of the con vention was education and consultation nn Interchange of Ideas and experiences , und discussion of wajs und means best calcu lated to promote thrift nnd home-getting tluough co-opcintl\u effort. Although the mental fenst was attractive In Itself , the Buffalonlans broke In upon tha repast with pleasurable relaxation. A reception and ban quet gave the delegates a preliminary fill of Queen City hospitality , and It supplemented later with nn excursion to Niagara Tails. President Scjmour Dextcr's opening ad dress was a rovlow of the history of building and loan associations .In the United States. Ho sketched their progress from 1S31 to the present time , and reminded the assembled delegates that they repre sented 5,600 associations , with an aggregate capital of $150,000,000 and 1,500,000 shire- holders. The alms of the National league nnd the reasons for Its existence , ho de clared , wcro to piomote the Interests of the loctl mutual , loan .mil building associations In the states , territories and District of Col umbia ; to promote the enactment In nil the states nnd territories of such laws as will secure the Just and safe management of sach asboclotlons for the mutual benefit of all shareholders therein , and us far as pos sible prevent the use of such associations of their good name for speculative purposes or for the profit of one class of shareholders at the expense of the others , to devise nnd promote the adoption by nil local building , loan nnd saving associations of systematic , equitable and safe methods of conducting their business , and to encourage and stimu late the building nnd owning of homes by the people of the United States. FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS. "There are certain fundamental truths nnd principles to be always remembered , " said the president. "You cannot create some thing out of nothing. You cmnot pay out more money than you receive. Since the building and loan association deals only with Us own shareholders , It cannot piy to one member that which It does not receive from another. When It sccUs to make large dividends on Its shares It must make Us bor rowers , the homo builders , pay largo Interest , large fines on default , nnd ictaln an undue share of the profits from the withdrawing shareholders. Thpre are three principles which must be followed to make this co operative movement successful and enduring. They nro safety of funds , equality ot bene fits and simplicity of mo'hods. The last year has been ono of the severest In the history of the nation In the testing of the strcnth and soundness of methods In financial Institutions. It Is with congia'ulatlons ' and pride that I point to the record made by the 5GOO associations during the last year. So far as I am advised , you can count on your fingers the number of local associations that have pissed into the custody of a receiver during the last year. No class of share holders , depositors or Investors In the nation have suffered as light a loss upon their hold ings or deposits as holders of local building and loan shares. " RIVAL PLANS. The liveliest debate In the convention oc curred upon the relative merits of the serial and permanent plans. The serial plan com prehends the Issue of shares at regular In tervals , all shares In one. Issue being carried to maturity on an equality , and maturing together. The system Is nearly as old ns the association movement In the United States , and Is in most general use at the present time. The permanent plan Is com paratively new. It Is an Ohio Idea , and has reached Its greatest development In that state. In substance , the permanent plan means the Issue of shares at any and all times , nnd makes the account of each share holder Independent of any other. In the serial system , perslstance Is rewarded by In creased profits In the permanent. There Is no Incentive to perseverenco other than In creased dividends or compound Interest. Mr. Charles R. Price of Now Bedford , Mass. , was the chief champion ot the serial system , and was vigorously supported by Judge Seymour Dexter of Elmlra , N. Y. , president of the convention. The advocate of the permanent plan was Mr. K. V. Hay maker of Defiance , O , deputy Inspector of building and loan associations In the state. The papers of Messrs. Price and Hay maker went Into the details of the respective systems , the merits ot each being urged with much force. The sentiment of the conven tion favored the serial plan , and for that reason Mr. Haymaker was subjected to a lively cross fire. Ho disclaimed perfection for the permanent plan , but contended that It. possesses many points of excellence which render It far superior to the serial plan. On being informed that dividends are de clared annually , as a rule , under the perma nent plan , Mi. Eldridge of Boston declared the permanent plan was laigely for the benefit of the well-to-do , who found It a convenient way to Invest their surplus money , being free to deposit and withdraw at will. Ho said building nnd loan asso ciations were established chiefly for the benefit ot the people who could not afford to run bank accounts , and thought that the permanent association was a thing which was hitched to another line than that which was Intended for building and loan associa tions. To this Mr. Haymaker replied that the Ohio permanent associations had Ini tialed the Almighty , and are no respecter ot persons. He thought the moio money that could bo got hold of by the associa tions the moro im that association would bo In the community. Judge Dexter thought the permanent , under the present system , was a savings bank , pure and simple , and that was what they ought to call It. It was likely to cause a stagnation of funds , and It was merging a straight , cUan , pure building nnd loan association Into a savings bank. "Upon the lines which you are operating In Ohio , " said ho , "you have no right to ask that state to exempt you from taxation. " "An association with $2.000,000 assets , " sild Mr Haymaker , "can do moro good In a community than any four with $5,000- 000 as ; ts , such as yours In I'lmlru. " "Yes. " replied Judge Dexter , "but that $2,000,000 divided among ten soclotlos will do a thousand times moro good than If hoarded In the cash box of a single society , for It will como closer to the people. " THE PERMANENT DETAILED , Mr. Haymaker held his ground remarka bly well Though subjected to a lively cross- examination from all sIdeB , his prompt und pointed replies showed that ho was loaded for all comers. The plan which ho success fully championed ho detailed as follows. "In conducting an association upon the permanent plan persons are permitted to subscribe for stock at any time. Each stockholder's shares are treated as sep arate seiles , and an account Is kept with each member of the dues paid In by him and of the dividends to which ho Is en titled at each annual or semi-annual dis tribution ot profits. Pev/ associations In Ohio today exact uny membership fee from persons subscribing for block , but the charge of a nominal sum , usually 25 cents , Is made for a pass book , and this Is the only remnant of the old practlco of de manding an Initiation fee of so much a shore. The practlco of compelling non- borrowing members to keep up their regular dues by Imposing * a finfor each delinquency Is fast disappearing. They are permitted to regulate their payments according to their convenience , to pay less or more than the regular dues or to coa e payment alto gether. Stockholders very soon learn that their share ot the dividend depends upon the amount ot their payments , and In those associations which , are liberal to their mem bers many pay far in advance of their reg ular dun , mut the ilellmnient member Is the exception rather than the rule. The associations nlso accumulate and maintain n reserve fund for the pajr.icnt of contin gent loan's. The shareholder U nlso per * fnlttod to nllow his money to remain with the association \mt I such time after Its maturity as ho shall have need for It , By 'allowing a member to withdraw his stock nt any time docn wny with lint dreaded experience ef the sorhls of hiving lo meet and pay off nn entire scries of stock at one time. The entire plan Is simple , logical nnd reasonable. It mnltcs cieh stockholder practically Independent of his fellow. Each member Is rewarded In tha exact proportion to the economy nnd self-denial which he practices and the filthfillnesis In which ho Keeps tip his required pigments or the en- tciprise with which he pa > s nitre limn the required sum. When the member falls or ceases to pay he Is not punished for the default - fault , but his dividends do not Increase , but remain nt the same figure each dividend day until he aqiln resumes his payments. " INSTRUCTIVE STATISTICS. The growth of building nnd loan aasocla- tjons In the states ot Pcnns > lvnnla nnd Now York formed the thcmo of pipers prepared bj Mr Michael Brown of the former nnd Mr. William M. Bloomer of the latter state. Mr. Brown stated there had been 250 socie ties organized In Pennsjlvnnlu since 1891. The average membership for each society Is 21908 The average Income for each so ciety Is $35.054. nnd the avenigiponso ot running each society Is $30' * OJ , average sal ary account was $ . ' 61 Them ro about 75,000 women In that state who hold stuck In the associations , which Is valued at over $30,000- 000 Commenting on these figures , President Dexter said Pennsj hnnla just the kind of societies which mnko u sun-ess of savings und loan associations They have many as sociations with small numhcis of shares und light expenses "I'ho expenses for running the associations In Pcnnsvlvanla , " said he , "during the Hit jour , for handling the many millions , wcro $100.000 less than the ex penses of the national associations In Now i'ork state for handling $3,000.000 " Regarding New Ynik Mr. Bloomer sild then ) were lilt associations In the state , with n membership of iSJ.G'ii , of which 31- 117 wcio vvnmon I'ho assets of the societies are $11,409714 , nn Increase of $1,224,571 over the preceding ytir They were operated In 1S92 at nn expense of 2 per rent of the re ceipts , as against un operating espenso of 10 tier cent bj the so-railed national : ! The rate of operating expenses In 1893 was about tha same In 1SOJ they had loaned on bonds nnd mortgages $10,250,000 , and In 1891 this amount had been Increased to ever $30,000- 000. EXEMPTION AND DECEPTION. Mr. Julius Stern of Chicago , counsel ot the Illinois Statu leigue , delivered an ad dress upon the necessity for nnd the Justifi cation of the exemption of building nnd loan associations from taxation. "Notwithstand ing all the feather-headed talk about labor and capital nnd their relations to each other at the present day , " said he , "thero Is one thing true. The creation of capital Is the first step on the road leading fiom barbar ism to clvlllzitlon. Exemption laws nro as old as the laws creating taxation , and It has long been the custom to exempt church and educational property It must bo conpcdcd that It Is good morals and economics for u government to foster home-owning nnd thrift. That a loan association Is a pure co-oporatlvo measure is the basis for our plea for exemption " National associations came In for a vigor ous drubbing. President Dexter devoted n good portion of his address to an exposi tion of their int-thods , their unequaled pre tenses nnd ban en realizations. Mr. E. E. Phclps dealt with the nationals In detail. Ho said statistics had proved that the aver age llfo of the national association was 2.5 years , as against 6 3 years for the average local association "But , " he declared , "they make hay while the sun shines. The great grandstand play which they make does Us business well , nnd proves again the old state ment that the American people Ilko to ba humbugged. Nothing tends to the destruc tion of thrift more than the loss of the small savings. " He further said ono of the great est dangers from these national associations VVT.S the dense Ignorance of the general pub lic concerning building nnd loin associa tions. A largo number of papers wcro read , dealIng - Ing with the mlnutla of association work , and nro of Interest to these chiefly engaged In active management. RESOLUTIONS AND OFFICERS. Among the resolutions adopted'was ono recommending1 the employment by associa tions of only men skilled In ical estate val ues on committees to examlns property for loan purposes , and that perfcns serving on such committees bo paid. As a means of arousing Interest In the work , the convention recommended the naming of a building and loan association day , to bo properly observed throughout the United States. The constitution was amended so that the clues of any state league shall not ex ceed $100 per annum. The officers chosen for the ensuing year nro : Mr. D. Eldridge of Boston , president ; Mr. Julius Stern. Chicago , first vice presi dent ; Mr. R Bader , Cincinnati , second vlco president ; Mr. E. B. Llnsloy , Three Rivers , treasurer ; Mr. John Hourlgan. Albiny , sec retary , and Mr. W. L. Finch , Cincinnati , as sistant secretary. The executive commtttco Is composed of one member from each state league In the national organization. The convention of 1895 will bo hold at Cleveland. an' WIVK. Town Topics. The trials I nm having with my gentle manly wife No mortnl could endure them very lonir. And so I have concoUed these few simple rules of life , Ao we find them formulated In this sonir , 'Till the humble bee Blmll humble be nnd Kiovel at my foot ; 'Till men's vests lire out from shoulder blades before ; 'Till thp cubic oars shall atop blockingup the busy street Shu slmll never wear my waistcoats any more. When a half dozen car fares nnd a dollar ninety-nine Seem us much to her In shopping as two dollars , Wo will have a common drnwer for her outing' HhtrtH nnd mine , And likewise for our cuffa nnd for our collnrH. When the butterfly fchnll flutter by no moro from llovvor to tock , And every field In nnd luihcH lies. I will trimt her with the llguiea of the combination lock That Intervenes between her nnd my tics , When the wnnlmnn scornH to take a bribe , the turnip to take a ball , And rko the buoyant duck to take u mvlm , She mny wear her husband's yachting cap , lilH pallor hat nnd all Or ncuily all that appertains to lilin. When the nndertnkcr overtakes the last of mortal men , And for burlul makes him nettle In ad vance , I decline It yes , I Bvvear It that then , and not till then , Can she wear my Sunday go-to-nicetlng ! Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head aches. Trial size. 25 cents. All druggists. With the adv.mtnKcs nf , South Dakota. Is "ro to become a big city 1/a in toll you what they are and why a dollar lnvot > ti'd In ndgomont , S. D. real rstatu now will double Itself Insldo of two years , Ixt $100 und upwards. Kusy monthly terms. WritH for Pamphlet , 1'rlco List , I'lat , and rofurencus free The Hilgeniont Company , Omalu , Neb ,