Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1894, Part I, Image 1

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Bcpcrts of the Battle Eotwcon Land Forces
in Corea Confirmed ,
.Beriulscd at first the Japancsj Return to the
Fray with HotUr Encccsa.
Japanese Olaim to Ilavo Oaptnrod a Largo
Amount of War Materials.
CelcfltlnU Complutiily lloutcd nnil I'lcd from
tlio riclct Timnnl the Slilpi , 1M-
drntly Intruding to I'niUnrlc far
a llcultlilcr Cilino.
SHANGHAI , Aug. 4. A dispatch has been
yecelved hero which confirms the report
that a second battle has been fought In
the neighborhood of Yashan between the
Chinese and Japanese. It Is added that
the Chinese were defeated.
LONDON , Aug. 4. A dispatch to the
Chronicle from Toklo says : It Is reported
there has been a fresh collision between the
Japanese and Chinese troops In Corca. It
seems that after their recent defeat the
Japanese assembled their whole available
strength and took the offensive , achieving
a decided victory over the Chinese.
TOICIO , Aug. 4. The following Is the
official report of General Oshlma , who was
In command of the Japanese troops In the
engagement :
"After severe fighting , during five hours ,
from 3 a. m. on July 29 , we won a decisive
victory. The enemy's entrenchment , Shan
Ycng , was captured and over COO out of a
total of 2,800 were killed or wounded. Our
losses weresflvo olllcers and seventy soldiers.
"The enemy fled toward Shong Chow , and
perhaps Intends to embark In the Corean
boats near Yashan.
" \Vo captured many flags , four cannon ,
many rifles and much ammunition.
"Wo occupy the enemy's headquarters. "
Qrciliiini Said to Ho N < < Kntlutliif * with Other
Nation * with This Knil In View.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says : President
Cleveland has practically decided to unite
with Great Britain , Germany and Italy to
preserve the neutrality of what are known
as. the treaty portti of China
during the war. The Chinese gov
ernment has been fully Informed
of this Intention , and It Is understood the
emperor will submit without protest to the
forcible occupation of his principal ports. It
Is not a question of pride with him , but of
prudence. He realizes he Is In no condi
tion to resist the policy of the Kuropcan na
tions , and that an empty remonstrance would
do harm than good. The Japanese
government assents cheerfully to the arrange
ment , and has Intimated that a similar oc
cupation of lier principal commercial ports
would meet with no resistance. The plan
mat suggested by the British premier , but
the negotiations have mostly been con
ducted In Washington by Sir Julian Paunce-
fete , the British ambassador ; Baron Von
Eauenna-Joltscli. the German ambassador ;
Daron dl Fava , the Italian ambassador , and
Secretary Grcsham. An earnest attempt
lias been made to bring M. Patcnotre , the
French ambassador , and Prince Cantacuzcne ,
the Russian minister. Into the negotiations ,
but under Instructions from their govern
ments thcso diplomats have kept away from
"Washington , the former at Cape May , and
the latter at New London. Secretary *
Gresham has not answered the formal assent
of the United States to the agreement , but
oil the conferences have been held In his
ofllco , the memoranda Is In his hands and ho
lias so thoroughly committed this govern
ment that It would bo Impossible for him
to withdraw now without the sacrifice of
his dignity and the respect of those with whom
he has been negotiating.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 4. A strong denhl
Is entered nt the State department of the
published story that the United States han
or will enter Into a treaty with European
powers to forcibly occupy and keep open
the treaty ports. It Is also denied that
any overturss to that end have come to us
from other countries. When the conditions
wore such , that the war was only threat
ened , the United States did use Its good
offices to avert the evil. It did so to carry
out u settled obligation Imposed upon us
by ths treaty with Corca , whereby wo bound
ourselves to protect Corea In the following
terms : "If other powers deal unjustly or
oppressively with either government the
olhor Will exert { Is good ofllceS , on being
Informed of the case , to bring about an
amicable arrangement , thus showing Its
friendly feeling. "
This obligation was entered Into In 18S2
and It was under Its terms that the president
Indicated to Japan that ho would bo pained
should she Intllct un unjust war upon Corea.
That was as fur as the United States could
GO In the Interest pf our good offices , mid
besides the shifting of the war cloud from
Corca to China relieved us from the neces
sity ot further action. It. Is said at tha
Htute department that the attitude of the
United States toward tha belligerents In
the present war will be patterned upon our
course at Rio. Wo will side with neither
China nor Japan , but , us was Indicated by
Mr. Bayard , our ambassador to Great
lliltnln , who Is fully aware of what Is going
on , the attitude of the United States will
ba cno ot "benevolent neutrality. This
IH It ; keeping with our1 traditions and Its
prudence and safety has been amply demon
strated. In the past. As far as our own
commerce. Is concerned wo will accord It
such measure ot protection and Immunity
from Interference as muy bo justly claimed
as our rights , but the present disposition at
the State department Is to da
thin Individually , or not In con
cert with other European nations. In other
words , while wo may act as the other powers
upon that point , we will not be a party to
ntiy joint treaty or combination tha object
ot which Is forcible operation In China or
Japan. Doubtless It will develop that In
many point * we may act In accord with other
commercial powers , but as It remained for us
nt Hlo to adopt a bold and radical course
Elnelchanded , 10 It may be that In China
or Jupano Khali act Independently upon a
certain condition ot affairs.
At present we are scarcely In a position to
much of a demonstration In Asiatic
waters. Tha entire United States fleet thcro
consists of two vessels , the Baltimore and
the Monocacy. About n week ago orders
were sent to Bering sea to have the Concord
and the I'etrnl sent over to join the station ,
and that Is all that has been done In that
direction so far. Secretary Herbert , before
leaving Washington for Alabama last night ,
said that he had given no further orders for
reinforcements , and acting Secretary McAdoo
has pot moved In the matter today ,
The entire fleet ot four vessels three
cruisers and a little gunboat , and one of the
cruisers an antiquated old craft are In
significant when compared with cither the
Chinese or Japanese fleets. The possibility
of substantially strengthening our China
fleet within a reasonable time , moreover , Is
rather remote.
The available vessels are few In number.
The Charleston Is at Mare Island , and could
start across the Pacific at once. Then the
Bering sea fleet might bo broken up and
the Yorktown at least used , though It
would scarcely be worth while to send
across the remainder , namely , the Mohican ,
Ranger , Alert and Adams all old timers ,
slow and unprotected.
The Boston Is at Marc Island under re
pairs , which It Is estimated will take two
months yet to complete. The Bcnnlngton ,
on her way to San Francisco , Is running
with disabled engines and must bo over
hauled , and when the Philadelphia comes
In from ! she , too , must bo laid up , as
her hull Is In bad condition. The Monterey
could not carry coal enough to crass the
Pacific. That exhausts the list of United
States vessels In the Pacific. Ot course
some of the vessels of the North Atlantic
squadron might ba detached and sent to
China , but even by the most direct route ,
via the Suez , It Is estimated at the
Navy department that they would occupy
three months In the voyage , and the war
might be over by that time.
Members of the senate committee on
foreign affairs say that If a treaty Is to be
signed by all the powers , such as Is desired ,
It will necessarily have to be ratified by
the senate. No proposition has been made
to the senate concerning the treaty ports In
Japan and China. It Is also said that a
treaty of the kind would be liable to meet
with a great deal of opposition , as It Is
considered by many senators to be In the line
of entangling foreign alliances and con
trary to the policy of this country.
Some Attempt to llvroncllo Conflicting
Morten nf tlio War.
WASHINGTON , "A'ug. 4. Official notifica
tion of a battle between the Japanese and
Chinese land forces In Corca has been re
ceived nt the Japanese legation from the
foreign office"at Toklo. The telegram stated
that on the 2Sth ot July a portion of the
Japanese troops at Seoul marched against
n much superior force of Chinese Intrenched
at Shan Yeng. A battle ensued and after
heavy fighting the Chinese were put com
pletely to rout and a largo number of pris
oners and munitions of war were captured
by the Japanese. On the morning of the
30th the Japanese proceeded to march against
Yashan. Shan Ycng Is situated between
Seoul and Yashan , where the fight between
the Japanese and Chinese , resulting In tha
loss of 2,000 Japanese , Is reported to have
It Is the opinion ot the legation offi
cers hero that the reports from Chinese
sources containing rumors ot the defeat of
the Japanese at Yashan are probably gross
exaggerations , though no dispatches refer
ring to a fight nt the latter place have yet
been received.
The dispatches that have arrived de
scribing the conflicts between China and
Japan have been Inconsistent and confusing
on many Important points.
In all three naval actions have been re
ported. The first took place on July 25 or
26. This was .tho occasion on which the
transput Kow Shung , with 1,000 men on
board , w&s sent to the bottom. Beyond
this fact little Is clearly established respectIng -
Ing * the engagement. A Japanese "offi
cial" version ofyhat took place was pub
lished on the 2Sth. Last Tuesday was
printed another "ofilclal" version from Japan
which conflicts strangely with the 'former
6he. According to the earlier account the
Japanese vessels engaged were the AkHsu-
shlma , the 'Takachlho and tha HI Yel , and
beside sinking tha transport they were de
clared to have captured a Chinese war ship ,
the Tsao Klan. According to the latest
version the Japanese ships engaged were
the Akltsushlma , 'tha Ylshlno and the Nan-
Iwn , and not a word was said about the
capture of the Tsao Klan. When such
discrepancies as these exist between the so-
calUd "official" versions , proceeding from
the same source and having reference to
the same event , It Is not surprising that un
inspired communications coining from differ
ent places Viould not always agrea.
Thu next naval engagement to bo-reported
wan that of Taku. It was announced at first
that another battle had been fought on the
30th of July In which
, the Chen Yuen one
of the finest armor clads In the Chinese
navy was sunk , and two of China's best
cruisers , the Chlh Yuen and the Chlng Yuen ,
wcro captured. It was also said that a third
cruiser , the Fee Tshlng , was destroyed.
From the later dispatches , however , It
would seem that Japan was not so successful
as was stated. The Chen Yuen was disabled
In an action on the 27th not the 30th but
she succeeded In reaching port and In getting
Into dock for repairs. It Is , however , to bo
berne In mind that the second account came
from China. With regard to the disabling ot
the III Yel , It will be remembered that China
declares that n Japanese Ironclad 'was dis
abled In the fight on the 25th , while the
Japanese declare that thclrc ships escaped
without any Injury.
Only one point Is clearly established on
the evidence of both parties. The Chen
Yuen , If not sunk , Is at all event rendered
useless to China for some time to come , The
damage done to her Is reported by the Chi
nese themselves to be so serious that a con
siderable time must elapse before she'is ready
for service again. This Is undoubtedly a
great advantage scored by Japan. Precisely
how great It Is cannot be determined until
wo know the extent ot the counterbalancing
Injury It any sustained by the Japanese
Now , however , the main Interest of thu
war hag shifted from the sea to the land.
Yashan , or Ashan , Is situated on the Inlet
of thu Prince Jerome gulf , on the west coast
of Corea , Hero the Chinese succeeded In
landing a considerable body ot troops , who
Were strongly Intrenched. Too Japanese
made a xtrong attempt to carry the position ,
but without success , and started to draw off
their troops from Seoul. Their foes were the
very pick ot the Chinese soldiers , belonging
to LI Hung Chung's army of disciplined and
well equipped troops. The Japanese having
now succeeded In defeating these torce * they
will have lest1 to dread from the Invasion of
( Continued on Second Page. }
Emperor William Koturns from His Orniso
Off the Norway Coast.
Empire Will Probably Maintain an Atti
tude of Strict Neutrality ,
Kaiser Senth a Loiter and a Present of
Mouoy to tha School.
Imports Greater Than Last Year , While Ux-
purts Ilaio Uccrcuicd I'lill Armour
Looking After 111 * Meat Trailo
la I'ernon.
( Copyrighted , ISO ) , by the Associated Press. )
BERLIN , Aug. 4. Emperor William re
turned from his cruise In northern waters
looking bronzed and Improved In health. He
enjoyed his trip Immensely , and , according
to all reports , there was a very lively time
on board the Imperial yacht Hohcn/.ollorn.
The maltre do plalslr of the emperor was
again Baron von Huebesen , a young army
officer and art connoisseur , xvho endears him
self to the emperor by his charming manners ,
vivacious talk and rare social talents , among
which card tricks and sleight uf hand are
not the least.
Emperor William on his return had a long
conference with Chancellor von Capri/I , and
the chancellor Is the guest ot his ' ; / on
board the Hohenzollern. One of the results
of the conference was the dispatch of German
warships to the far cast. But German trade
\\Itli Corea Is small when con-pared with
that nf England , and thcro Is no prospect uf
other tlip.n u neutral attitude. The sympathy
of the people here Is rather xvlfi the Chi
Hallo has been en fete this week in cele
bration of the bl-ccntenary of the university
of that place. The streets have been deco
rated with Hags , floral nrchea and festoons cf
flowers In profusion. Over 110 foreign professors
" "
fessors wero""present at the colcbratlon , In
cluding delegates from mos * . of the countries'
of Europe and America. The mrange robes ,
hoods and picturesque costumes nf the dif
ferent student corps , the elaborate decora
tions and fine weather combined to form a
most brilliant scene. Banquets and recep
tions followed each other in quick succes
sion. From Norxvay Emperor William wrote
a letter of congratulation to the authorities
ot the university. In which ho dilated upon
the epoch ns marking the progress of modern
theology , philosophy and classical philology.
This letter has been much discussed for Its
political bearings , which are decidedly ot a
liberal tendency. Prince Albrecht , who rep
resented Emperor William at the celebration ,
announced that his majesty presented the
university with his portrait and a donation
of 36,000 marks. America was represented
at the Halle fetes by Prof. A. W. Jackson ,
the noted Orientalist , who appeared for Co
lumbia , Yale and Harvard , and Dr. Zelss of
Allentown , Pa. , and other noted men who
had called Halle their alma mater.
The trade returns for the first six months
of 1894 do not look encouraging when com
pared with those of the same period of 1S93.
There Is a decrease1 In exports of 90,000,000
marks and on Increase In Imports of 1E1-
000,000 marks , C and 8 per cent respect
ively of the total. The Increase In Im
ports ,1s mainly breadstuffs , and the de
crease In exports Is mainly textile fabrics.
The Lcsslng theater opened Its doors on
Wednesday last , but the T > erformance\ \ and
adaptation by Oscar Blumcnthal of H. A ,
Jones' "Bauble Shop , " under the title of
"Die Slttenrlchter , " fell flat.
Germany has suffered heavily through the
financial collapse In Greece. One well
known capitalist was forced to sell his
splendid villa.
P. D. Armour of Chicago Is here on busi
ness'and pleasure combined. He wants to
examine Into the meat condition of Ger
many and the Scandinavian countries for
Mrs. Calvin S. Brlce Is Tierofor her
Herren Wcrmuth 'and Rlchter are now en
joying a holiday. The former Is In Nor
Several nexvspapera state .that eighty
corpses were Illegitimately obtained and
used In the school of musketry at Spandau
In testing the nexv firearms. The Relch-
sunzelger seml-ofilclally denies this report ,
and adds that what the guns were fired at
was preparations wrapped In linen , which
belonged to the anatomical Institute.
A chess match was commenced on Thurs
day at the Nuremburg Chess club between
Turasch and Walbrodt of Berlin. The lat
ter Is only 10 years old , but ho Is reckoned
to bo almost the equal of Laskcr. He has
played In America and Havana , where
Lasker declined to meet him. At NureniT
burg. W.albrodt lost the first gume through
playing nervously. >
Owner of tha Vlclluut Unit u Narrow
Uarnpo from Droxrntng.
COWES , Isle of Wight , Aug. 4. George
Gould had a narrow escape from droxvnlng
yesterday when ho met the Vigilant In a ,
steam launch oft the Spit lightship. Just
as.JMr. Gould was walking across the plank
held between the two vessels the launch
gave a sudden lurch and Mr. Gould fell
Into the sea. He was weiring a mackin
tosh at the time and the garment flew over
his head , and for a time Mr. Uould's situa
tion was critical. However , he' kept his
head , and treading water , threw his arms
up , and Jus.t as he was sinking succeeded
In getting 'the ' mackintosh clear of his head.
Gasping tor breath ho waa hauled on board
thesloop. . Mr. Gould today was none the
worse for hi * Immersion.
Wrlliuun Il . ' crvc buccvM.
LONDON. Aug. 4. Henry W. Flelden. the
Arctic traveler , writes that Mr. Wellman
appears to have behaved exactly as It would
bo expected a plucky American would do
under the circumstances. If he succeeds ,
Mr , Flelden says , In reaching GUI Island. It
will be a very Interesting performance and
will repay the Wellman party for the trials
and anxiety they mu t have encountereJ.
American Woildlnc In I.omlon.
LONDON , AUK. 4. The marriage of James
Danle ) , eldest son ot Colonel Legeyt Daniel ,
and Mrs. Hatting * , widow ot Robert Paul
, lla'stlngs of San Francisco , . , tppk P'aco ' In
St. Peter's church , Eton aquarp , today. Mrs.
Mackey and Mrs. Goldsmith accompanied the
bride , who was given away J > y Ambassador
Bayard. A largo number ot Americans were
present. The bridal , palr .started for Swit
zerland this afternoon.
With Jtccv Water mid n Wlntl the Cup De
fender Wn Kuslly.
COWES , Isle of 'Wight , Aug. 4. George
Gould's yacht , the V/gllant / , has redeemed
the promise of her sailing master that , given
deep water and n strong wind , she could
defeat the prince of Wales' crack boat
Britannia. The race today was fifty miles ,
twice over the Queen's course , from off the
Castle at Cowcs westward to and around
East Tcpo buoy , leaving It on the starboard
hand and then westward , passing near the
west Bramble buoy to and around the
Warner light ship.
The prize was 100 .and . the race the four
teenth between these two boats , of which
the Britannia had von ten.
The Britannia and Vigilant were olfiolally
measured at Southampton yesterday pre
paratory to today's race and the Britannia's
time allowance was reduced to two minutes
and four seconds.
The start was In a stlffish westerly breeze.
A large crowd watched the first half of tl.o
race from shord ) but about tho. tlina that It
was completed a drizzling rain set In. Seme
seconds advantage .was with the Britannia
In the send-off at 10:40 : , but the Vigilant
quickly overcame. It and was put In the lead ,
which she held to the finish.
There waT great excitement as the two
yachts , with ordinary topsails and medium
jibs and foresails glided gracefully along ,
pointing eastward unfll they passed the flag-
boat , which , out ot compliment to the
Americans , was flying the stars and otrlpes ,
opposite the Royal Yacht squadron's castle ,
when both swung around virtually together
In order to pass the line. The yachts looked
beautiful , powerful and swift ns they fpcd
along , beam for beam , with the Britannia
on the VIgllant's port side and holding the
weather position. Their sails were well
filled and nothing prcttfcr could bo Imagined
than the sight they presented ns they went
on tha starboard tuck toward the opposite
shore , sailing through an. Immense- fleet of
yachts and affording nil on board the latter
a splendid view of tho. two racers before the
real struggle was commartced. But the fact
that the two cracks wore oollgcd to threat
their way through tha. . fleet of pleasure craft
prevented tha Vigilant from getting out as
readily as her opponent. "When the boats
got Into less crowded water , however , the
Vigilant opened out and soon drew level.
Then , for half a mile , It was first one
boat's bowsprit and then the other showing
In front. At the Lppcs buoy the times
were as follows : Vigilant , 10B5:05 : : ; Britan
nia , 10:56:00. : As , they ran back for
the Warner lightship the Vigilant was still
gaining , passing the home mark boat 1
minute11 seconds ahead. At Rydo pier ,
going eastward , the Vigilant had a lead of
4 minutes 4 seconds , showing a gain of
nearly four minutes. 'Running eastward
the Vfgllaut forged aheadrapidly-but In
brattng back against Uio'wlnd ' the Britannia
gained slightly , and she passed Ryda.pier. ,
on thp return from'-tho Warner Ifghtsh'lp' '
only 2 minutes 10V seconds behind thp
Vigilant. A long reach brought the yachts
back to Cowes for .the completion of the
first round , the time being as follows :
Vigilant , 12:37:15 : : ; Britannia. 12:41:05. : : The
VIgllant's lead hero wag 3 minutes BO
seconds , only twenty seconds more than her
time allowance on her rival. The wind
had hauled around slightly southward and
was strong enough to heel the two1 yachts
over most gracefully , every Inch of canvas
being filled and their bottoms showing up
clearly. After rounding the Lepes buoy on
the second round ( he yachts returned In * a
free reach and passed Cbwcs with the
Vigilant 4 mlnutcs-8 seconds ahead. The
American yacht on going outiof sight around
the eastward point of poxves on the final
round had further ; Increased her lead by
two seconds. Passing ; Clyde- pier going to ,
the eastward on the. last round the Vigilant
was B minutes IB seconds ahead. Warner
lightship was hidden fn ctr fog when the
yachts passed It. Returning they came In
sight off Cowes , about'a .mile from home ,
with the Vigilant S minutes B5 seconds In the
lead. . %
The times at the finish wore : Vigilant ,
2:37:40 : : ; Britannia , 2:44:30. : :
Consequently the 'Vigilant ' .won by 6
mlnut.8 CO seconds actual t mo , cnl by
4 minutes 46 seconds corrected time. Taking
the starting time as 10:40 : and the VIgllant's
finishing tlma at ' 2:3740 : ; It will bo seen
that she went over the course , slightly less
than fifty miles. In 3 hours , 67 minutes , 40
seconds , or roughly , speaking at the rate of
twelve miles an hour.
In addition to the , prince of Wales , the
duke of York and Commodore E. D , Morgan ,
the latter as Mr. Gould a representative , were
on board the Britannia. . George J. Gould and
Howard Gould were on Ijjard the Vigilant ,
with C. Oliver Iselln and Lord Lonsdalo as
their guests , while Secretary Pagot , who was
also on board , represented the prince of
Wales. On board the Vfgllant Mr. Iselln was
given charge of th ? head sails , and his ex
cited condition at come stages of the race
occasionally caused friction and once led to
n little tiff with Pilot . 'Draper , xvho appears
to have rcBonted. ' this 'an an alleged Inter
ference with his decartraent.
On board the DrltaiinliUj on the contrary ,
everything aeemedUo.yYor&perftctly . , A rep
resentative of * the7A 8cUUed press boarded
the Vigilant shortly .after the race was finished
ished , j
U would bo Imrrotalt&et to describe | n fit
ting terms tha elation ot Captain Hank Haff
and the Yankee crw qver'tho day's victory * .
It was a well'meritad case of "Lot the
ea < : le scream" and .tlier noble bird did so
vigorously and ( -onUnupujy , , Captain Haff ,
discussing the race , jald :
"Wo are eipeclaflyt projid of the victory
as It was won over'thu prince of Wales' oxvn
course. He Insisted it ; should bo a cup
course or no race ami Ve , won squarely. "
Mr. George J. aou\d \ ( olt happy at the
result of the "I feel '
race , xaylug : today's
victory will cancel njany of our defeats. We
regarded It ao the principal race of the sea
son. The Vigilant was sailed capitally today
and nobody could h .vo wished for better
weather or better handling of a yacht. H
waa a fair race today , and no flukes. The
wind fell slightly towards tbe end of the first
round , but both boats had the same ex
perience and certainly the Britannia was
no woreo off than ourselves. "
Ketinilor A bun loiu Mlvor.
LONDON , Aug. 4rTheTimes has received
advices from Ecuador to the effect that the
congress Intends to demonetize ) silver and
adopt a paper currency based upon gold ,
lllotlni ; llrueiv * il lu Hatruilor.
SAN BALVADqil. Aug. 4. Rioting hat
been renewed In Santa Tlila , but the wires
are down and particulars cannot be ob
EngHa'i Money No Longer Cares for Ameri
can Int rast or Invca'mcnt.
Profound Distrust in ttio Financial Future
of the United Sta'cs.
Liverpool Merchants Expect to See This
Country Irretrievably Euitiol.
Inattention of Congress to the Currency
bjstcm Thought to lie Lending the
Nutlou Ilupldly to H Silt or Itusn
for Circulation.
( Copyrighted 1801 by Press 1'ubllslilng Company. )
LONDON , Aug. 4. ( Now York World
Cable Special to The Dee. ) The Statist ,
the leading financial journal of _ Ungland ,
declares today the Immense withdrawals of
English capital from the United States are
no longer due to cither the domestic or
Australian money difficulties , but solely be
cause of distrust of the financial future In
America. This distrust Is amply explained ,
It says , by the "unwise currency policy
followed so long , the refusal of congress
to take proper measures to restore order In
the currency , and ( he unsatisfactory state
of the tariff. The durrency question , how
ever , Is the main cause of all the trouble. "
The Statist says the visit of several
leading American financiers to London just
now will be fruitless , because of these facts.
I have talked today with a gentleman
having Intimate relations with Liverpool
merchants , who says the belief Is very
general among them that If the enormous
English withdrawals of gold be not checked
the United States will In an appreciable
time , bo practically on a silver basis. Ho
reports a most gloomy feeling anung those
Liverpool merchants with American con
Channcey Depew dined last night with
Lord Rosebery and tells me that the English
premier has just bought a full length portrait
trait of George Washington , painted In 1S74 ,
to order for the second earl of Shelburno
While prime minister. The family has since
kept , the painting among Its most cherished
possessions until lately It was compelled to
part' ' with It and other heirlooms. Lord
Rosobery heard that the portrait was for
sals at Agnew's , went personally and bought
It within five minutes of his arrival there.
He Is an admirer of the great American
statesman and haa placed the portrait In a
conspicuous position In his Berkeley Square
Tha Standard's yachting expert declares
his belief that VIgllant's bad fortune In the
earlier sailing matches was duo chiefly "to
the fact that English air Is so much damper
and .heavier than American air that It very
considerably handicapped VIgllant's original
largo sail area. VIgllant's subsequent suc
cesses are attributed to the reduction of her
canvas. The VIgllant's victory today has
aroused great enthusiasm In the American
W. K. Vanderbllt has bojn entertaining
the duke and duchess of Fife ( the duchess
Is the oldest daughter of the prince of Wales )
at Danesfleld , a beautiful place near Henley ,
which Mr. Vnnderbllt has rented from Scott
Miss Maud Burke desires me to say there
Is no truth In the reports printed In New
York of her engagement to marry Mr. .
Helneman ot London.
Mr. Depew will go to Hamburg next
Murderers of an Old .tlnn iiml His Young
Wlfo Cuiivlutuil.
BRUSSELS , Aug. 4. The most sensational
criminal trial In the annals of Belgium was
colcludcd today at Mons by the conviction of
all but one ot the accused. In August last
the cottage occni > ledby _ an old man named
Ilondrlcks and his young wife , who wcro
popularly supposed to have money hidden In
their house , was set on fira and destroyed.
The charred remains o ftlio couple wore
found In the ruins and Itw as at first
thought they had been burned to death.
Facts came to the knowledge of the police ,
however , which led to an Investigation , when
It wus found Hendrlx and his wife had been
murdered , Both were found to have ter
rible wounds In their heads and necks.Tho.
cottage had been set on lire. In order to de
stroy dvery evidence of the murder. The
police began to search for the guilty per
sons , It being evident several had been- con
cerned In the crimes. U was learned that
a one-armed man named Van Ham had been
In the vicinity of the cottage on the night
of the murder. Van Ham was arrested and
made 'afnll confession. Ho described how
the deed had been committed , and as
cribed the first Idea to a man named
Dumcnclr. The revelations of Van Ham
served as the basis for further
Inquiry and the police gradually traced out
the existence of an organized gang of male
factors known as the Black Band of Center ,
of which Vanllum was the leader. This
band had , for five years been carrying on a
system of robbery and pillage , breaking Into
railway goods stores , pilfering from country
cottages and farm houses and In one case
robbing a church. No toner than sixty rail
way robberies were traced to members of the
The headquarters of the band was nt u
lonely country Inn , kept by a woman named
Godeuu , who , together with another woman ,
were soon In custody. The police found the
Inn handsomely furnished and full of rich
stuffs and valuables. Altogether , thirteen
members ot the gang were arrested and
placed on trial. Two hundred witnesses were
called by the prosecution and the evidence
against the accused was overwhelming. Van
Ham , Dumenelr and Del Houx were found
guilty of the murder of Hendrlcks and his
wife and were sentenced to death. The
other members of the b.uid were convicted of
burglary and other crimes and sentenced to
various terms ot Imprisonment.
IVru'n Now I1 renhl ut ,
LIMA , Peru , A"S4. . General Caceas
who was elected to the presidency on Maj
10 , has taken Mb seat as chfat magistrate 01
tbe nation.
Weather for Omnh.t ami Vicinity
Fairs Colder ! Soutn Winds.
1. Jap.ino < n Win I.iiud llatlln.
KuUitr Homo from III * hitmntor Trip ,
l.'iiKlUli CiipltutMU Dlntriut emigre * * !
Suiur hchrdiilo I'linilly ArritiiRuil.
It , I'.uropcan Annri'lilntH Cannot Coma In.
Mr . Stiinford Will Stiiiiilrlin .Stilt. )
Program of tlio South Dunlin Strike.
3. Lincoln School llonril In u I'lno llo\v.
Turner * Toll of DPIIMT Di'llghtii.
Trtiu Tal of Hunt for I'roi ; .
t. Soclfty Ki-itily for Call IVHtlvltlcs.
I.udy SoiiH'i-ni't In Slioi'Ucd.
Opiiortunltlun for Nohra > l < a Youth.
C. llrjan Wllllni ; to tin Snmlor.
Countlc.H Uhoo o .MaeC'oll DulfgatrH.
Local 1'opi Will Hold CoilvmtloiK ,
Martin anil llcrlliiN OllU-lal Sliocx.
0. Council HUilT * Local Jlattcrn.
lluxv t'olonol Dallny Took u Itrglmoiit.
Lrgary of Milfe l. 'fl by 1'otitioii ,
7. Omaha Lluxtul AKalu hy ttit'ilax ,
U.iiplru .Savt'K the I lirlslliiin.
Itolirrt,1 , K iif | of tliu 1'acorn.
I'romlnu of uWclc of 'IViinli.
U , i : 'lior from thu Auto liooui.
Local Labor Ciinforciicc.
10 , "LourikH , " by imiluola. : .
11 , Wom.iii : Her WayH ami Her World.
IS. lidltorliil and Conimviit.
II ) . tarppiitcr Tulln Why Corca Itcliullcd.
ilriiri ; . . Kvmiaii on Ittimlu'x Outlook ,
Co-Opfi-utUo Homo llullitlni ; .N'olca.
15. Condlllon of Ouiiilni'n l.oinl Tr.nlo.
Commercial anil l'' Nc\\ .
Live Slock .MnrluilM Itci ljv < l.
10. Weekly ( irliil/ Sporthi ) ; ( lonnlp.
JUliX tillOltZ O.CO.IL. .
Nut Knutigh on llund to Supp'y Ills Floct
for Unit Urck
NEW YORK , Aug. 4. A Shanghai dispatch
says : It Is bt.v.ctl In well Informed quarters
that the strongest reason against China's
fighting Is that her fleet has no coal beyond
what Is at present In the ships and which
would only give a week's steam nt the out
side. The Japanese are plentifully supplied
and are only n few hours from their exten
sive coal fields in Klusha. All the stocks
of coal In the neighborhood have been bought
up by the Japanese , British and Russian
fleets and China's supply Is too
far off to be of any use In n sudden emerg
ency. The supply of powder and ammunition
on board the Chinese fleet Is totally Inadc-
uatc to the occasion and would not last a
week , nor are there any resencs less than
four or five days steam off. It Is said that
the Chinese officials are pleading that ns
this is a special year of grace , being the
empress dowager's sixtieth blrthyear thcro
must be no fighting and they will forgive
tha Japanese.
irAxm ros > sE ! > siof ov HKH iiusuiixj ) .
film , llyers Suna Out a Writ of Ilulieai
( orpiiH for tliiit I'urptxn.
ST. JOSEI'H , AUK. 4. When the Burling
ton train from Denver reached this city to
night It was met at the depot by J. G.
Shields of I'Htsburg , Pa. , a cousin of 'K. M.
Dyers , , Uieiinllllonalre banker and Iron manu
facturer , and head of the Glrard Iron works
of that city , who' was a passenger on the
train. Shields was armed with a writ of
habeas corpus , Issued by Judge Ramcy , and
when Mr. Byers , accompanied by half a
dozen guards , under the charge of Samuel
Boyd of San Francisco , alighted , the writ
was served and Byers taken before Judge
Ramey In chambers. Boyd claimed posses
sion of Byers and produced a power of at
torney from Bycr's wife to substantiate his
claim. The custody of Byers was given to
Boyd , but Judge Ramey allowed the Shields
party to accompany Boyd and flyers back
to 1'Utsb.urg. Byers and his wife wont to
the World's fair last year , and while there
Byers showed signs of mental disability.
Dr. Tolnian of Chicago 'recommended p.
voyage to Japan and Byers left. Ills wife ,
when he did not return , Induced Boyd to
go after him. He found Dyers In Japan
and when A. M. Byers , his brother , found'
his wife had secured possession of his
brother , he sought to gat him away , which
brought on the proceedings here. There Is
trouble In th3 Byers family , the wife seeking
to secure possession of her husband , and
the brother being determined she shall not.
Dyers is In a-bad mental condition. The
party will leave for .thceast tomorrow.
Ohio Toxin Swept hy Flro
TOLEDO , 0. , Aug. B. The town of Oak
Harbor , a small town fifty miles southeast
of this city , Is In flames. At this hour , 12:30 :
a. in. , It Is reported that one corner of tha
town Is already destroyed and the flames arc
spreading rapidly. The Western Union tele
graph ofllco Is now threatened and prepara
tions have been mitlo to vacate nt once. Fire
engines and crews from thlH city are now
on the way to the eccno ,
OAK HARBOR , 0. , Aug. 5. (1:20 ( : a. m. )
The fire which started shortl yaftcr midnight
In Mylander's stave factory threatens to
destroy the town. Up to this hour It has
destroyed the stave factory , the I'ortagi
house , the largest hotel In town , a carriage
srep , thrcs residences and a number of
smaller buildings , The flic IN Ktlll spread
ing. No estimate ot the losses or Insurance
ance- can bo given at this hour.
Ani-rleiiii / \ < U-dtmtrd In Mexico.
CITY OF MEXICO. Aug. 4. United States
Consul eGneral Crlttendcn has Just received
particulars ot the assassination of George
I. Ilcndle , one ot the inoit prosperous and
wealthy mining men An southern Mexico.
The deed wai committed In jn Nicholas del
Oravlicru _ Mr , Bcndlo owned several valu
able mines , by u Mexican named Keys , who
escaped , Olllcsra uro cloi > e In pursuit cf
Revs , who was fcrmerly In Ilendlo's mines.
Hlnmrott hoeii In .UlHilK.tii.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 4. According to a
letter received today from I'ekln , 111. , Wil
liam Slmsrott , defaulting treasurer of the
Switchmen's Mutual Aid association , IB now
In Macklnac Island , Mich. The Information
comes to Grand Master Barrett of the Switch
men's association fro..t C. A. Kuhl , a prom
inent Insurance agent In 1'ckln , who claims
to luve left Slmarott several days ago.
Wan mi loxiu Afmi.
CONvBLSVILLi : . Pu. , Aug. 4. The man
who Is lying ut the hospital cottage In a
serious condition from the result of last
night's battle between Commonxvealem and
ra'lroadcrs , Is Thornac I.accy of Cedar Falls ,
la. Ills skull was fractured by a bluxt
from a coupllng pln In the hands of one of
the railroad men. Lacey may not recover.
Jumped fn | < Tr.irli on Iliu
NEW YORK , Aug. 4. A car on the
Brooklyn bridge train jumped the track near
the Brooklyn lermlnua late tlila afternoon
ind foil over Into the wagon road , xvhlch Is
fifteen feet below. Several p nons wrre In
jured , but nuiq were kllltd. Thu accident
was probably caused by the breaking of n
House and Sonntc Confurcca nt Lost Oorno teen
on Uuicratniuling.
Object to the Elimination of tbo Bounty to.
Sugar Qrowors.
Now Sukoilulo Rothices Protection One-Half
< Cent Tor Hundred Pounds.
No Undemanding Arrlteil nt on Thci *
Scheduler U hen ttio Ctiiiforcnco Ad
journed-Will I'rotialily Krucli u
I'll 11 Agreement Monday.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 4. When the demo
cratic tariff conference adjourned tonight
after an all day cession It looked as though ,
they wcro nearer to an agreement than at,1 ,
any time thus far. And yet the agreement
Itself , which Is the great end In vlexv. had
not been attained. The hopes of the con
ferees last night that definite results would ,
bo reached and made public today failed to
be realized. An agreement on sugar had not
been reached beyond the possibility of recall ,
nor had agreements been reached on Iron ere
or coal. The day closed , however , much bet
ter than It opened. It had brought out thai
the new sugar schedule submitted as an ultl- | |
matum by the conservative senators would 'I
bo accepted by the house conferees and that 3 !
thcro was little else than the formal and 'jl
final announcement of this acceptance to > l
make the agreement on sugar complete. So ijl
fully satisfied were the house members that J
this schedule would prevail that they urged * l
Its advantages on their colleagues on the Jl
house side and pointed out that In thotr 51
opinion It would rcduco the-benefits to the .t
trust by 60 per cent over the original senate. * | |
schedule. In view of the fact that the prop,1
osltlon came from the senators , this willing'I
ness of the house men to point out Its ad- ?
vnntageou * } features Indicated the common ; l
ground they xvere occupying. Indeed , ono I
of the conferees tpoko of the results of the I
day's work as e-iulx-alent to an agreement 'I
on the sugar schedule , but said It was not 'I
such a binding agreement that thcro could I
be no possibility of disagreeing on Monday. I
Thus It stands , with the conferees on ( ho I
point of agreeing , and yet hot actually at I
that point.As to when the quasi agreement < l
will become nn absolute finality the con- I
fcrees had no definite Idea when they sep- I
ar.tted tonight. As Secretary Carlisle wa M
wiih thema part of the day , It Is concluded I
thu schedule Is also satisfactory to the ad-
ministration. ' ' '
When the.democrata separated this evening1 - - '
Senator Jones fa hi he hoped they might call "I
on the republican conferees early next weeljt I
possibly , but not probably on Monday , though I
he stated something might occur to upset all I
calculations and prevent a full and complete I
adjustment of differences. The especially .1
now development of the day xvas the dlsclos- I
uro early In the morning that the txvo Louis,1
lana senators , Caff cry and Blanchard , could
not bo depended upon to support the now
sugar schedule. Their opposition waa based ,1
on the ground that It failed to take Into con- I
sldcratton the requirements ot the Louisiana
sugar planters for a bounty on their present I
crop at least. This caused some uneasiness I
at the outset , and It was felt the new ached-
tiler upon which hung the chance of a fult
agreement , might be wrecked by the opposl-
tlon of the Louisiana senators and several
populists. This feellng'wore off later In the '
day , hoxx'cver , either through Indifference or "I
concession to this opposing clement , and It
was not regarded at the close of the conference -
enco as a serious menace to the success of H
the conferees' efforts.
No attempt was made today , as on yes-
tcrday , to disguise the details of the now H
sugar schedule , and the conferee ? themselvea
officially confirmed Its provisions as made f
public yesterday by the Associated prose ,
but they pointed out that the latest phase ot
the proposition entirely eliminated the one-
tenth differential against sugars coming from
countries paying un export bounty on sugar.
This , It was explained , made the proposition
moro nearly approach the desires of the 1
liou&e. In other respects the new schedule 'fl
Is exactly as heretofore given , viz : On
sugars below No. 1CDutch standard ( raw
sugars ) , 40 per cent ail valorem. On sugars
above No. 1C , Dutch standard ( refined sugars ) ,
40 per cent ad valorem of the amount nee- H
cssary for the protection of refined sugars H
at the wholesale price In the country from H
which It Is exported , plus a differential duty
of one-filth of a cent per pound.
After the conferees had reached their vlr-
tual agreement on the sugar Echcdule they H
put this to onu side and took up thu question H
of Iron ore nnd coal , but adjourned without
approaching a conclusion with respect to
these tx\o products.
Messrs. T. S , Sharrotts of the board of
appraisers and Jacob Sliocnhof , deputy op- H
pralscr at the port of New York , who have
been acting us expert advisers to the sen- H
nte finance committee sine ? the I/Ill hai H
been pending In the senate , today , In H
response to a request , furnished the Assocl- JH
ated press un cellmate as to the difference
In the protection to refined sugar furnished
by the sugar tchedulu noxv almost agreed 1
on by the tariff conferees from the protec- 1
tlon furnished by the senate schedule , They ,
united In saying : "The prlco of raw sugar | H
Is always based on the amnunt of saccharine B
matter contained In It. Beet sugar an-
ulyzlng 88 degrees means that 100 pounds of 1
tlila clam of mi gar contains SS pounds of | H
saccharlno niatter. Hence It takes 113.63 . | H
pounds of 88 degrees sugar to make 100 JH
pounds of relncil ) sugar , or so called 'Oer- 1
man granulated' sugar. The London quota- | H
tlons for the year 1&93 average for raw beet B.
(88 ( degrees ) | 3,30 22-21 per 100 pounds ant } 1
for German granulated $3.85 17-21 for 100 1
pounds. This shoxvs an average difference ot 1
fit , 17 centH per 100 pounds , If you take tlila 1
raw sugar price and add the necessary 1
amount to allow for the quantity required 1
you have J3.75 11-24 , the outlay for the B
sugar actually consumed In making the refined - 1
fined mi gar. This leaVt-s 10 6-24 cents as tha j l
net balance to cover the coal nf refining , 1
"Cano sugars of UO degrees , so-called cen H
trlfu < al , give paunds of refined sugar , 1
and to get at the cost cf the uugar actually 1
ronfcumtd In making 100 pounds of refined 1
cane sugar we have to make the ncco eary H
. .llu'.xunco and arrive At the true quiutlty 1