Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Packing Honso ManagersIssno an Ultimatum
to the Striking Employes ,
Come of the Men Anxlnti * to ( In Hack , but
Mont of Th/Mii Itenmln I Inn
1'reinlUVlllmut Any
of Dlnorclcr.
South Omaha packing house managers ,
After n conference yesterday afternoon , de
cided on Ifntilng an ultimatum to the strik
ing employes. ThU Is , that unless the men
return to their places at the old wages by
Monday morning they will bo absolutely dis
charged , nntl then the houses will bo
manned with entirely new forces.
The managers are confident they would
have no great dlfilculty In securing new
men. They say they arc receiving apllca-
tlons from men who want work In Iowa and
Nebraska and that they can get all they
While the strikers In the main seem to
1)0 ) standing firm , a large number are
nnxlous to have the differences settled nt
once , and some of them say that If an agree
ment IB not reached soon they will go back
to work any how.
It Is expected that the committees sent
to Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City will
report some time this forenoon. A meeting
has been celled for 10 o'clock sharp this
morning , when the report from the special
committee will bo read. There were fully
1,000 men at the meeting last night. Clip
pings from newspapers were read and
speeches urging the men to stand by their
rights wuro delivered by a number of the
men.A large number of special pollco have been
sworn In by the city , pickers and stock
yards company. Sheriff Drexel has not sent
down any deputies , but sent some men who
.Vt'ero sworn In as special pollco.
At all the packing houses yesterday every
thing was quiet. A few new men have been
put to work , but the packers are still run
ning very light forces In the hope of being
Able to Induce the old men to come back.
"Wo will wait until noon today on the old
men , " sold Mr. Cudahy , "and If they do not
como back to work .by that tlmo we will
have to get new men to fill the places. "
"In case the men agree to cancel the par
agraph In their proposition which reads that
they will not go to work until the grievances
are settled In Chicago , Kansas City and St.
Louis , would the packers be apt to accept
the scale of wages submitted by the men ? "
was asked by the reporter.
"No , " said Mr. Cudahy. "We are paying
Chicago wages now and that Is all we can
Rtand. The men who come back will have to
go to work at the same wages they wore
getting when they \vent out. I am told that
X great many of the men want to como back
but are afraid to do so. Several of them have
admitted to mo that they have no grievance
whatever. It was our Intention to begin killIng -
Ing hogs at 9 o'clock this morning , but word
was sent over here to wait until noon , when
it was moro than llkclv that some of the
old men would go to work. "
At the Hammond plant 200 cattle were
Hilled and about SOO hogs. Eight cars of
hogs were loaded to be shipped out and five
cars of cattlo. The manager said that word
had been sent to him that some of the old
men wanted to come back and would do so ,
but they did not care to go Into the plant
when the gang that was out was watching
them. About twenty new men were put
to work here. One man came down from
Omaha with a dozen men. He left his
gang In the suburbs and went Into the housa
and made arrangements for the balance.
The gang then split up and entered the
place one at a time Ih order to avoid the
strikers. "We. have been receiving appli
cations from men who want work from
Iowa and from small towns throughout Ne
braska. In fact , the country Is full of
unemployed men , and wo can got all we
want. It Is true that It Is not an easy
matter to secure skilled workmen at once ,
but wo had to teach the gang that has gone
out , and wo can teach another gang just as
easily as wo did them , "
A few moro men went out at Swift's yes
terday , but Manager Foster said he was killIng -
Ing both hogs and cattle just the same. "Some
new men have been put to work , " said Mr.
Foster , "and If the old men do not comeback
back pretty soon we are liable to run out of
patlcnco and put men on who are willing to
accept our pay. I am not particularly
alarmed about any trouble , but ono thing is
absolutely certain , and that Is If there is
any law to protect our property and the
men who want to work I propcso to see
that It Is enforced. The men that I have
talked with tell me they have no grievance.
That some of them want to come back , but
. they are afraid to do so. I v.111 protect our
property and the men under any and all
circumstances. "
When asked If any of the hog butchers
intended going back to work , ono of the
union men who works In that department
said that the rumor was false. "There will
not be a single man go back If we can keep
them , " said he , "by reasonable argument or
influence. "
Notleo by the ( ] . II. Hammond Company ,
All the employes of the G. H. Hammond
company who recently quit work and who
may deslro to work must make application
to the company for reinstatement on or
before Monday , the Gth day of August , at 7
o'clock a. m. Those falling to apply by that
tlmo will be permanently discharged and
their positions otherwise filled.
Per A. H. Noycs , Superintendent.
Notice by tliu C'uiluliy I'aeldnj ; Company.
1 All of the employes of the Cudahy Packing
company who recently quit work and who
may desire to work must make application
to the company for reinstatement on or before
Monday , the Gth day of August , at 7 o'clock
a. m. ThosQ falling to apply by that time
Will be permanently discharged and their
positions otherwise filled.
By B. A. Cudahy.
Not lee hy hirlft anil Company.
All of the employes of the Swift and Com
pany who recently quit work and who may
desire to work must make application to the
company for reinstatement on or before Mon
day , the Gth day of August , at 7 o'clock a. in.
Those falling to apply by that tlmo will bo
permanently discharged and their positions
otherwise filled.
By A. 0. Foster.
Not Ice liy tlio Omiiha.I'aekliiK Con. puny.
All of the employes of the Omaha Packing
company who recently quit work and who
may deslro to work must make application to
the company for reinstatement on or before
Monday , the Gth day of August , at 7 o'clock
a. m. Those falling to apply by that tlmo
will the permanently discharged and their
positions otherwise tilled.
By James Vlles , Jr. , President.
An InlerentliiK I.etlerhlch Sneak * for
LOVCVILLE , St. Mary's Co. . Md. , June
15 , 1894. I have handled Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
the past year. It gives the best of satis
faction to my customers. 1 received an order
last week for four bottles of the remedy from
a man residing ilxteen miles from my place.
Today I received a letter from him , stating
that it 1ms saved the lives of two mem
bers of his family. An old gentleman here ,
who has Buffered two years with diarrhoea ,
was permanently cured by this remedy. He
can now do as much work as any man of his
DC ? , I could mention other remarkable
cures , but the Remedy will show for Itstelt
If tried. H. Love. 25 and W-cent bottle * for
( aid by druggists.
Colounl Watrom nml tha < . A. It.
MILWAUKEE , Aug. 3. - Colonel J. A.
AVatroUH , department commander of Wis
consin , who IIUH been denounced by the I'lill
Keurney post , Grand Army of the lie-
public , of Richmond for Interfering with
tlio collection of funds In the north for the
decoration of ugHllenj' graves In the south
by reporting that the money was used to
build a hnll at Itlclimond , Bay * he wants
tha matter taken up by the national en-
cixnipment. He snys Ilia ncllon lifts been
endorse * ! by the commnndrr-ln-clilef , the
print commamlcr-ln-chlef nntl ncnrly nil
the dopnrtmentH of the north. Mr. Watroun
says two attempts were nfiulc to set the
Itlclimoml people to Mop their practice
without cxpoHurc , but tliey would not take
" 10 hlntl
Courtland beach , Omaha's pleasure resort.
Clan Gordon.
HATUItllAV UNTIL 1O 1 > . M.
All Dny Nuliirilnr to Clone Out by
hrptcmhor Int.
We would like to close out our business
by September 1st , To do thin , commencing
with tomorrow ( Saturday ) morning , our
store doors will be opened to show the big-
cost nrrny of bargains ever seen by tlie people
ple of Omaha. A quarter of a million dollar
lar stock of dry goods , carpets and chlria-
ware to be closed out In a short time. The
sacrifice of cost or values will be great. This
sale commences Saturday morning at 8:30. :
Wo have time to give only a few sample lots
that will be put on sale at 8:30 : and through
the day. Fine dress challls at lV4c a yard ;
fine stilt linen dress goods at 7c a yard ;
dress goods such as you pay 7Gc a yard gofer
for 29c ; dress silks at 49c a yard. You can
not mutch them for less than $1.25. No
tions and toilet articles ; children's liosc , 4c
a pair ; laces and gloves must go ; ribbons ,
too , at 2c a yard. Then ladles' summer un
derwear , some at 8c a garment. The largest
stock of china In Omaha must ba Bold. Men's
furnishings that go with a rush tomorrow ,
and many other lines to be sold regardless
of any Tallies to close out by September 1st.
Coolest location , Courtland beach.
Clan Gordon.
At a meeting of the state transportation
committee of the Knights of Pythias , at Lin
coln , July 1C , the Union 1'aclflc and Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroads were se
lected as the oflldal route from all points
north of the Platte river to the Missouri
river , thence the Chicago & Northwestern
railway to Chicago , for the biennial encamp
ment at Washington , D. C. , In August.
Thorough and careful arrangements are
being perfected In regard to rates and special
train accommodation , of which all sir knights
will bo advised later.
Present Indications arc for a large and en
thusiastic attendance from north and central
Nebraska. WILL 11. DALE ,
Chairman Transportation Committee.
Fishing and bathing , Courtland beach.
Attention , A. O. I ) . W.
All members of North Omaha lodge No.
159 and Degree of Honor lodge No. 28 are re
quested to meet at their hall , corner of
Twenty-second and Ginning streets at 1:30 :
o'clock p. in. , Saturday , August 4 , to attend
the funeral of our late brother , J. W. Mel-
llsh. By order C. A. WALKER ,
Attest : Master Workman.
WM. W. CHRISTMAN , Recorder.
$15.00 to Colorado Springs and return via
the Union Pacific system , August 10 and 11.
AccountLeague of American Wheelmen meet
Sec me. H. P. Deuel , C. T. A. , U. P. sys
tem , 1302 Farnam street , Omaha.
First resort In the west Cnurtland.
Attention , I. O. O. P.
All members of Goodrich Lodge No. 114 ,
I. O. O. P. , are requested to meet at 17th
and Dtirt streets Saturday afternoon , August
4th , at 1:30 : o'clock sharp , to attend funeral
of our late brother , Jas. Melllah , deceased.
Services to be held at Trinity Cathedral ,
18th and Cap'ltol avenue at 2 o'clock. In
terment Prospect Hill cemetery. Members
of sister lodges are Invited to attend.
W. ' R.JUATHIS , Secretary ,
Kxciirslon ICnten Knat.
For full Information concerning summmer
excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul ticket office , 1504 Farnam street , or
address F. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
Fine sandy bottjm at Courtland.
$15.00 to Pueblo and return via the Union
Paclf\c \ , August 10 and 11. Account League
of American Wheelmen meeting.
See me , II. P. Deuel , C. T. A. , U. P. sys
tem , 1302 Farnam street , Omaha.
Popular music at Courtland beach.
Clan Gordon.
Flvo Drauncd In a Cloudburst.
TRINIDAD , Colo. , Aus. 3. Last night
there was n cloudburst In the hills above
Bcrwynd , and the water came down the
canon lending to that place In such vol
ume thnt n party of live persons , who were
ciuijht In the Hood , were swept away
and drowned. Camlo , the mall carrier be
tween Chlcosa station and Ilerwynd , on
the arrival of the Gulf train from Denver
nt Chlcosa , secured nn Italian miner , wife
and two children , a bov and girl , as pas
sengers for Berwynd. They had just en
tered the canon when the storm came upon
them , and so qulcqly came the rush of
water that they were unable to escape. A
searching party at once started out , and
by evening most of the bodies had been
recovered. _
Ltoas and leopards at Courtland.
11'JiArilttK JfUKIlU.lliT.
Va\r \ , Warmer mid Southeast Winds for
Nebraska Today.
WASHINGTON , Anir. 3 The Indications
for Saturday are : For Nebraska and South
Dakota Fair ; warmer ; southeast winds.
For Iowa Fair ; warmer ; north winds ,
becoming south.
For Missouri and Kansas Fair ; warmer ;
northeast winds , becoming southeast.
l.nciil Ituconl.
Aus. 3. Omaha record of lemnoraturo and
nitnfnUcoinp.irod with corresponding dny of
past lour years :
1804. lfl)3. ! ) 1892. 1HU1.
Maximum tomuoraturo 70 = 83 = 88 = 84 =
Minimum tuniueraiuru. 53 = 02 = 7U = Ul =
Avuraco toinuoraturo. . 04 = 72 = 70 = 72 =
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Stutomotit showing tlio uou lltlon o [ torn-
poruturound precipitation : it Oiiuha for tlio
day und slnca March 1 , IS'Jl ' :
Normal tciiiuor.ituro 7t > =
Dullcloncy forthoiluy.k 11 =
K\coss slnco Murcli 1 , -4339
Nnriiuilpruclult.iUnii 11 Inch
Deficiency lor UHI Uuv 11 Inch
Holloloncy blnco .Mtiroli 1 , 11.30 lucliuj
lluports from Other Station * at H 1' . M.
CEOUOK E. HUNT , Local Forecast Official.
Fin * sandy bottom at Courtland.
itiun ,
SAUIJR Fcrtllnnnil. age 33 years , at St.
Josepti'H hospital. Funeral Buturday ,
AitKuat 4 , at \i. in. , from The I'eople'u ,
ISth nmlVrbster strnots , Hcv. Chua.
KiwldKQ olllclutlnK. Interment , Prospect
Hill cemetery.
Deceased wns for sixteen yearn un em
ploye of the U. I' . II. It. tihops and leaves
many frlcmta nnd nctiunlntuncrs to mourn
Ills untimely Ucath.
New York and Denver paper epleasc copy.
ItKOlCK- Mary R , wife of Judge John I ,
llcdick , died at St. Louis , August 3. lle-
inalna will be burled from family rcM-
denco Sunday , August 5. Funeral private ,
Husband's Story of the Onrcor of ai Erat-
wLl'o ' Swedish Frima Donna.
Allege * Hint III * Wife Wai Addicted to tlio
Vlowlni ; Howl unit Was it Source of
Unhiippliienii anil Kxpennu
Other Court Caici.
The celebrated divorce case of Ilergstrom
against Uergstrom has taken another turn
In the district court. Yesterday Olaf
Uergstrom filed his answer and cross bill ,
In which he alleges that the numerous allc-
gat.ons made by Mrs. Dcrgstrom In her pe
tition are absolutely false , and tells a story
of the plaintiff's wrong doings that rivals
the charges made by licr when she had her
The Uergstrom case has been regarded
with some Interest , as Olaf Uergstrom Is
one of the most prominent Swedes In Ne
braska. Years .ago ho wa < a ( Baptist
preacher at Mollnc , III. , but that life grew
wearisome and he came west and went Into
the land bus ness In connection with the
Union Pacific railroad. He founded the town
of Gothcnbcrg In Dawson county , and fcr a
good many years owned most of the village.
Ho also went Into the Swedish colonization
business , and located a number of settle
ments of his countrymen In this country.
When going to Sweden after settlers It was
his custom to hire a brass band and take It
With him across the water , paying all ex-
pcnscu , and thus making an Imposing ap
pearance on the other side. He was fairly
prosperous In these undertakings and ac
cumulated propsrty valued at $200,000.
On July 7 his wife , Elizabeth , filed a peti
tion for divorce In the district court In this
county. She alleged that Olaf had been
unduly Intimate with the flowing bowl and
had also taken advantage of his abscnc ; In
the old country to supplant the caresses of
his wlfo with those who had no legal right
to receive them.
On July 14 Judge Walton made an order
In the case by which Olaf was directed to
pay $100 alimony Into court for the benefit
of his wife within ten days. At the expi
ration of nine days Mrs. Bergstrom's attor
neys went before Judge Scott and obtained
a writ of no exeat regna on the represen
tation that Bergstrom was about to leave the
state to avoid the order of Judge Walton.
Bergstrom was pretty smart , however , and
the sheriff was unable to flnd him , so the
writ has never been served.
In the cross bill filed yesterday Olaf
alleges that his wife has been a habitual
drunkard for ten years past. On their wed
ding day he took her to his home at Goth-
enberg , and she had no sooner arrived than
she sent for beer and whisky and proceeded
to accumulate a glorious Jag In honor of the
Before the marriage Elizabeth was a sort
of Swedish prlma donna , and after the ex
piration of two weeks of their honeymoon
she started out on a series of concert tours
which she kept up for two years , while Olaf
stayed at homo and supplied the money
to nil the vacuum In the financial side of the
project. Olaf states that during these trips
she drank to excess , and was even at times
so Intoxicated that she was unable to go on
the stage.
He denies all the charges made In the
petition , and firther alleges that his wife
has been so violent for years that he has
been unable to live with her , and has al
ways provided her with money , which she
has spent for booze and In the society of
other men. According to his statements
she has spent most of his property , and
now he thinks that the least the court can
do Is to release him from the bonds that
have been a burden for many years.
They \Vnht Divorces.
A razor , " -toge'her with a lack of conjugal
affection , Is what has destroyed the marital
happiness of John and Angelina Plowman.
At least that Is what Angelina claims , and
she has appealed to the district court to pro
vide her with a divorce and her maiden
name. She asserts that within a year or
two after their marriage her husband became
so violent that she was compelled to.leave
him for fear of bodily harm , and that In
his frenzied moods ho Invariably got his
razor with the apparent purpose of carving
her Into submission.
Minna Getz asks for a divorce from her
husband , John Getz. She alleges cruelty
and desertion as sufficient reasons why she
should be free.
John J. Hanlghan has brought suit against
J. Herbert McCloster for $1,100.49 , Seven
hundred and fifty dollars of this amount
Is claimed as due on promissory .notes and the
remainder for services performed.
Probate SI alters.
The quibbles over the Byron Reed estate
which have been on the dockets of the
county court for a long time past have been
amicably settled. All claims have teen
satisfied and the case withdrawn from the
Margaret V. Oliver has filed a c'alm ' of
$15,000 against the estate of the late
Augustus Kountze. This Is on account of
some subscriptions to the stock of a western
company which she alleges have never been
paid up.
Fine sandy bottom at Courtland.
Clan Gordon.
To all members of Hesperian Encamp
ment , No. 2 , I. 0. 0. F. You are requested
to meet at the I. O. 0. F. hall , 14th and
Dodge , at 1 o'clock sharp on Saturday
August 4th , tp attend the funeral of our
late brother , James Melllsh.
Scribe. c. P.
Democratic Stuto Ontriil ComcMtteo to
Mcot In Oin ilia Next JMonil.iy.
Just before leaving for Chicago yesterday
Mr. Euclid Martin put an end to the guessing
as to when the democratic state central
committee would meet. Ho Issued a call
for a meeting In Omaha next Monday. He
said that the date would have been set a
few days sooner except for the absence
from the state of several members of the
committee , who could not conveniently bo In
Omaha before Monday.
\Vii8 n Hard Klctit.
II. A. Allen , John McBrlde , L. C. Chap
man and II. C. McEvony , all of Holt county's
delegation to the Sixth district republican
congressional convention , wcro In Omaha last
evening on their way Ijome from Broken
Bow. They stated that the convention was
the hottest ever held in ( he North Platte
country , thirty-six ballots being taken be
fore the decisive vote was reached. Kln-
kald's men held together to the very last ,
and the Judge was defeated only because
the entire field was arrayed against him.
On the thirty-sixth ballot Dorrlngton's men
went over to Daugherty almost In a body ,
and many of St. Rayner's delegates followed
them. On the final ballot Daugherty re
ceived ninety-nine and one-half votes. The
half vote gave him the nomination. The
convention , which adjourned at 2 o'clock In
the morning , wns marred by no bitterness of
feeling , the best of good nature prevailing
among the heated contestants ,
Movement to Protect MlHsloimrlcif.
NASHVILLE. Aug. 3. The executive com
mittee of foreign missions of the Southern
Presbyterian church met In called session
here today to consider the question of the
safety of their missionaries In China , Japan
and Corea , The committee directed the sec
retary to telegraph Dr. J , Dachman , who Is
now In Washington , requesting him to cull
upon the secretary of state , the envoyu of
China and Japan and the Board of MUslonn
of the Northern Presbyterian church of New
York and take all necessary steps for the
protection of the missionaries In those coun
tries. A committee representing the North
ern Presbyterian church will have an Inter
view this week with Secretary Oresham re
garding the safety of their missionaries.
Deutli or Mr * . John I. JtcUlcU.
Mrs. Mary E , R dtck , wife of Judge John
I. R aick , died In St. Lou la yesterday for * .
noon. Private funtrili services will bo held
at the family residence Sunday afternoon ,
Illdo on the ( tcamar at Courtland.
Clan Gordon.
Orrnt Inducement * ' ! ilujr 111 the Shape ol
Cut rrlcsatnu All Linen.
Saturday wo crown the offers of this
week of extraordinary- values ,
Prices that spcaK. for themselves.
Golden and groent gage plums , He ; pre
served blackberries * nd blueberries , 9V4c !
best tomatoes , 8 cj choice sugar corn , 6c ;
best peas , g c ; largo palls of Jellies ,
all flavors , 35c ; standard soaps , 3o ; caatlk
soap , 2V4c ; golden pumpkin , 8c ; chocolate ,
3'Jcj Baker's chocolate , 17'/4c ; Imported
strawberry and raspberry preserves , 1214c |
baking powder , lOc can ; best salmon , lOc
and 12',4c ' ; French mustard , 2 > ,4c bottle ]
Golden Rio coffee , 25c pound ; broken Java ,
15c and 17l4o pound ; old government Javn
and Mocha , 33 < , &c pound ; Japan tea , 23c
Sugar cured bacon , lOc , llHc , 12V4c ; sugai
cured No. 1 hams , 12(4c ( ; California hams ,
9c ; ccrned beef , pigs feet , potted ham , ox
tongue , deviled ham , 6c ; pickle pork , 7c ]
dried beef , cooked ham , boneless ham , lOc ,
Ginger snaps , 7c ; cream toast , 10c ;
oat meal crackers , lOc package ; XXX oyster
crackers , 3' c ; XXX sodas , 6c ; snowfiakes ,
7'c ; sugar and grandma's cookies , frosted
creams and molasses cake , all at lOc. Our
crackers arc always fresh.
Full cream Young America and Wiscon
sin , lOc ; New York state full cream , 12',4c !
brick cheese , lOc , 12',4c , 14c , ICc ; llmburger ,
lOc , 12V&c ; , 12 c , lie , 16d ; sap sago ,
Ho , ICc package ; cdam cheese , $1.00 each.
Best cod fish , 5c ; mackerel , 7c , lOc ,
12c ; white fish , 5c , 7'/4c , lOc ; California
salmon , lOc ; fine Norway herring , 15c dozen ;
Holland herring , 7c dozen. Como here
for anything In this line you wish.
At 4c each 1 lot of ladles' Jersey ribbed
vests , worth 15c.
Ladles' 20c vests , reduced to lOc.
100 dozen ladles' gowns , worth $1.50 , re
duced to 9Sc.
1 case of ladles' fast black cotton hose ,
12 > ,4c , worth 20c.
100 dozen gents' fancy outing shirts , 50c ;
worth $1.00.
Men's Guyot suspenders , 12V4c , worth 60c.
Boys' fast black sateen waists 50c , worth
Ladles' silk mitts 12'/4c , worth 20c.
100 dozen gents' fast black cotton half hose
only 12'X.c , worth 25c.
3 elegant white fancy handkerchiefs for 5c.
Fine satin belt , silk elastic hose support
ers , 25c , worth 50c.
Shopping baskets , COO to close , at 3c.
Leather belts at lOc.
All silk Windsor ties 12c.
See the $1.00 hand bags In our window at
49c each.
Saturday we will have a special sale on
light summer clothing. Coats and vests In
flannels and serges worth up to $7.00 , at
$1.50. $2.50 and $3.25.
175 pairs worsted , never rip pants at 93c ,
worth $1.75 ; 200 all wool cheviot trousers ,
light colors , for $1.25 , regular price $2.25.
275 pairs all wool cashmere pants , medium
weight , neat patterns , on sale for $1.95 ,
worth $3.50.
Boys' and children's summer clothing at
any price to sell them.
Refreshing , exhlllratlng , a bath at Court-
land beach.
St. Agnes' Church 1'lcnlo GlmiiRog Among
Government Inspectors.
The grand annual picnic for the benefit of
St. Agnes church will take place today
in Syndicate park. No doubt the attend
ance Will be Very large and a most enjoya
ble tim' ts anticipated.Th following con
tests have been ) ( arranged to .take place at
4 o'clock :
foot free-for-all.
A 100-yard ra.ce ,
Running broad Jump.
Running high Jump.
Standing high Jump.
Standing broad jump with weights.
School girls' race , seventy-five yards.
Swinging 40-pound shot behind mark
without following.
Boys' race , shoes off and mixed In a bas
ket at goal ; first boy getting his own shoes
on and laced wins the race.
Cooklo race.
Prizes will bo given the successful con
testants. Supper will bo served at 5
Some think the strike will Interfere with
the success of this picnic. No doubt the
reverse will be the case. The. men will flnd
It more enjoyable to spend the afternoon
and evening at the picnic than about the
streets of South Omaha.
Changes jiuione Inspectors.
A few changes have just been made among
the Inspectors employed by the government
here. When Traveling Inspector Devoo was
hero a few weeks ago he spent several days
among the men and as a result of his re
port Dr. J. C. Ayers Is made Inspector In
charge here. The only changes In the
working of the staff Is that Dr. Blackwcll
goes to Swift's , Dr. Shormer to Hammond's
and Dr. Ayers to Cudahy's. None of the
salaries are affected by the change.
Scared Away from Ills llooty.
NEW YORK , Aug. 3. Alexander New-
berger , a jeweler and diamond merchant
on Broadway , was struck on the back of
the head with a piece of lead pipe wielded
by a would-be robber this afternoon. At
the tlmo of the assault Newberger was
behind the showcase In his store examin
ing a ring his assailant had handed him ,
and no one elbe was visible In the store.
The blow knocked Newberger down , but
he was able to call 'for ' help , whereupon the
man who struck him lied to the street.
He was overtaken Tiy an olllcer. He gives
his name as Kdwnrd Williams.
When my little plfl was one month old , sbo
bail a scab form on Her face. It kept spreading
until ( ha was complvtoly covered from head to
foot. Then tlio lutitl Dulls. Slio hail forty on her
head at one time , a6 < l moro on her body , When
gx | months old * he ilid not welch seven iioumb ,
a pound and n lulf lets than at ulrth. Then her
tkln HtarU-d to dry UP anil got BO Imil she could
not shut her e > es to Bleep , but lay with them
half open. About this tlmo , I started using ( bo
CUTICUUA KKMKDIUA , amHn orKmoniA i/it teat
comptittlu cur til. Tlio doctor and ilnic bills
were over one huntlttl dollart , the Cunt'l'iu
bill waa not more than Jtrc dollar * . My child
IB now strong , healthy , anil largo oa any child
of her ace ( see photo. ) , and It Is all owing
to C'UTICCUA. Youni with a Mother's lllesilng ,
Mils. 010 > . It. TUCKEll. Jn. ,
UK Walker St. , Milwaukee , WIs.
Bold throughout theworld. roTTSn Dnno ANC
CUE * . Conr. , Bole I'ropt. , no.lon. All about
the Blood , Skin , Bcalp.nnd Hair , " mailed free ,
tluby Itlrrnlihvi. fulling hair , nod red , rough
tandi prevented and cured by Cutlcurn Hoap.
Find la Ontlcnra Anil. Vain
tar IniUnt and grateful relief. It
ls the flrtt and only pala-kllling ,
Blrcnjtaealsf plutor.
How a Ntb-aska Youth Propwos to Onro th
Wounds of Lovo.
Determination I'ollimeil n Itinlo Quarrel
with III * Sireetheurt at llattlo Creek
rinal HrciKis to Ho Kimctccl lit
Uiu.ilia or Council II In flu.
W. B. Mumford of Battle Creek , Neb. , has
been In Omaha for a couple of days trying to
secure some trace of his brother , C. 13. Mum-
ford , who left home last Monday with the
avowed Intention of coming to the Gate City
and shuffling off this mortal cell by shooting
himself and then jumping Into the river , nil
because his girl had gene back on him. The
missing man ts a fanner and has been break
ing some prairie In ml In South Dakota this
summer. He came back to Battle Creek to
visit a young lady to whom he had bcon payIng -
Ing attentions for several months , and to
whom It Is alleged ho was engaged to be
Ho quarreled with his sweetheart. He then
left homo , saying that he was going to bo
steered across the Styx In Robert J time.
As the days passed his relatives became
somewhat alarmed and on Thursday they
received a letter In his handwriting stating
that he would kill himself the next day.
The girl also received a like note , and both
of the envelopes were postmarked at Council
Bluffs. The brother of the missing man has
enlisted the services of the pollco depart-
menu of both of these cities. An ofllccr In
the Bluffs Is quite positive that he saw Mum-
ford over there on Wednesday hanging
around ono of the saloons.
I.OSSCH llclnir Itcpurt (1 Dally , from All
Tartu of tlio City.
Numerous burglaries are being dally re
ported at police headquarters , along with
larceny and confidence cases. Early yester
day morning a man was robbed of $55 In
ono of the "burnt district" wine rooms by
Minnie Snow , a colored courtesan , well
known to the police. The new cases re
ported at the station are as follows :
Dr. McGrew , 1910 Webster street , lost $0
worth of garden hose , stolen from Ms house.
A. S. Hunter , 703 North Sixteenth street ,
$30 worth of clothing.
A watch valued at $30 was taken from
Mrs. Mathcson.
Sneak thieves stole a quantity of clothIng -
Ing from Frank Brundage at 1312 Jones
George Mctzer , 104 South Thirteenth street ,
lost $25 worth of clothing.
The Ice box belonging to R. Kallsh ,
Twenty-ninth and Hamilton streets , was
broken open and several dollars worth of
provisions taken.
Fought with the Conductor *
John Zlgler , a clgarmaker , was arrested
last night on the charge of asaultlng a South
Omaha motor conductor at the Farnam
street crossing. Zlgler was forcibly ejected
from the car and during the struggle sus
tained a scalp wound In the back of his
Brings comfort nnd improvement nnt
tenda to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many , who live hot
ter than others and enjoy life moro , with
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles cinhraucd in the
remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form moat acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ntivts ; effectually cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satihfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Kid-
ncyc , Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale hy all drug
gists in TOc and $1 bottles , but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whose name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Fif ; * ,
nnd being well informed , you will not
accept any aubstitute if oflero.d.
Hero IK a chair which has been cspcclnlly
designed for summer comfort. There lire
chairs for every month of the year ; this Is
for the summer of your discontent , when
upholstered furniture Is as hot as an oven ,
and the human body craves comfort.
The chair Is built on tlio lines of ono of
tha "Old Comfort" rockers of a century ago.
The back Is high and the armrests very
broad. The seat Is shaped to the body , and
the whole framework Is a veritable dream
of comfort.
The rockers are of the "long roll'1 pat
tern , giving the cosy , slow , continuous mo
tion so much desired for 'a luxurious chair.
The wood Is elm which Is hard and takes
a very rich finish. The head frame Is hand
somely carved and there are decorative
mountings of brass. Our price Is J3.00.
Chas. Shiverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Dosorljt on
Temporary Location ,
1SOO iincl 19OH JJouu/u
asmmm mm mm mmmm m mmmmfes
Sounds "odd" but it fits the case precisely After , -
a destructive cyclone , you "clear the debris , " and to
wipe it. out of memory you must sweep it clean !
after a hurricane of business as it is customary to ;
the Nebraska it behooves us to "clear away the :
debris , " or , perhaps , more Bostonishly expressed , ' .
' 'To dismiss the superfluous conglomeration of unwelcome - ;
welcome accumulations. " ;
Right here in Omaha we call 'em odds and
ends good honest merchandise they arc to be
sure but of no value to us , because we never car
ry goods to next season and above all , -we never
begin a season on broken stock ,
You'll find , by carefully looking over , some
thing you can use , in every department and if it
be your style and fit there is a golden strike right
there because the price is likely one half what it
used to be or , perhaps a trifle above.
In our suit department we have a good many
broken lots of suits can't very well sell 'em down
to the root , because we have always such a tremendous
deus collection same case with the trousers de
partment for the same reason we have some rem
nants in our boys' and children's department and
iu our hat , department and in our shoe deparment
and more so in our men's furnishing stock in
shirts underwear and the like , where the supply
and demand is tremendous.
We firmly believe in cleaning house of broken
lots experience taught us so and we therefore
apply the broom of reduction , and dust off the last
vestige of profit and often below the price they
could be manufactured at.
A sale for mutual benefit we clean house
* * "
you save the stuff.
t-4F . Tar Toanff Lndlci.
* * - * - * * -r fu * * m. Oldest Military School In the Missouri River Valley.
Sli Dcpitlmcnti. 18 Offlceri ami Teiclicrj. MUIObj
ArtUti. Ujmnuilnni , irl. I'.luoullon. Modem ap llralthful moral Influence , Thorough ( nitructlon. ] * Irm but
pointmcnti throughout MM yclr bcpl. tth. For Caulogiie kftij discipline . Appointments . unexcelled. Terms to suit
. , ' . . . . . . thetlipcs. Illustrate. ! catalog * t i
ArcblbnU A. JOHM I'rr.t. I.pilncton. Mo. Sandford Solloro.M
resbyterhn Home School for Yourr Ladles. One of the Excellent coarse of study : Uu&tc. Art. Literature , EIocu.
Id-st a [ | Uit U Missouri. Appmnirucm no.lcrnMii > lrani1 tloB. Business. &c l ocalio healthful imt pleasait. Gas ,
rt. Teachers bnrcialitM jlluslraled Catalogue. AiUresi cr , steam neat. UOth year opens Sept * 12th 1604.
Uo 't3l ROT. T. I * . Wultoii , I'reat. I. ilnctun , sin REV. W. A. WILSON , A. M. , Preoldont.
THE GKEAT MIMTAUY SCHOOL OK T.'inVBiT. . Kinkl second lit the
War Duii'irtniGiitumoiiK mlllfiry schools of tiu II iltu I JMtos. l'ropire <
for ( 'olluro. ( llu > lnoss , Wott I'olutor Anm.piIU. Strj.ij f.iuulty , imoiuullod
location , lluforo selecting a school , wrlto for IllniU-Uid uui.IujUQ to
LESLIE N\ \ \ X.JUJ.CI , Manager.
Tlio londlnir Hchool In the Wont. Is I ho pcliool yon want. Famous
CHRISTIAN COLLEGE old colli-Bo Kntlrcly ItufiirnlHliml. II.iiidHoniofiOpjBulUuatra-
, tul t'iit.iloiriie. OpeimSeptember G. - - - -
COLUMBIA , MISSOURI. Mrs. Luella Wlloox St. Clalr , President.
Chocolat = Merrier.
His reasons art :
Tea and Coffee create nervousness with
a people too nervous already ;
Hitter Chocolates arc not fit to make a cup
of cliocolatej cheap ( sweet ) chocolates are
impure , lience injurious ;
COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE
than Skimmed Milk is like Cream.
Chocolat-Menler Is an eiquislte Vanilla
Chocolate , as nourishing as meat , as low
priced as other beverages , and far mpfrior.
Ask for yellow wrapper. Your crocer lias it
PARIS ft $ ll ( ftS B E iR LONDON
MMVuua li AT. , I'lilcauu-bU . llrondnur , \ . V-
We will eend jon the marTelnni
French Preparation CALTIIO8
fre . and a Icxal miarautee that
( JALT1IU.H will Itratora Tour
Ilrallb , HtrengUa u < J Vigor.
Vit it and fay ifiatisft < t.
Adrlrooi VON MOHL CO. .
Boll/atrluaAfWto , UuUntU , UU * .
Teeth Without Plates.
Gold crown and brldso
truth , * 0 par tooth :
pillules * oxtracUon :
piilnlfH-i IHIIiiL' , Alloy
uml Hllvnr mlliiKs , } 1 ;
pil'u ' u'old , (2 and up.
liciuitlrul full
ficlal let-tli 15.00. Kit
3d floor , Paxton blk , 16th nnd Farnam it * .
Tel. 1085. Lady attendant. Gorman spoken.
Uao Dr. Daltav'8 Tooth Powtlor.
( Ono Mlle Went of Notre Dame University. )
Tliv TUIIi .triiilrllilr Trrni ll'lll Oyirn MomttiU ,
AV/il tint ,
Tlio Acmlomlc rotirso IF thorousli In tliu Prep ,
nrntory , Senlur nml ( . 'hiBKlcul nunleH. Mimic De
p.uIntent on the iilun of the lie t C'iin crvntnri'i |
of Uurope , IK umler the cliarKR of n complete
corps of tcucheie. Ktmllo nuulelr > il on the Kroat
nrt schools of Ihirn ] " ' Unliving nml imlnllMU
frqm llfo and the nnllnuc. riioiuiKrnphy nnd
Type-WllllliK tuiiKlit lliillilliiKH i'iiil | | > | Kil with
lire cHcnpe. A nvpi'iiilu ik'mrtini | > nt fr > r clilldron
under 13. Apply fur uituloKUc to Directress ol
the Acadvmy ,
Noti-o Dniun I' , O. St. .loncpli CD. , Intl.
The FltlU't'lrrt Vrur ll'lll Oiien
Tull couiaes In cliiHslci. Ivtlcrn , ucHcnco , Intv.
civil nnd niochiinlcul viiKlnccrlnK. Thorough
prcparntury nnd c < immcicliil couirien. Ht. 1M-
ward'H hall fur IIUJH un < lvr 13 la unlquu In the
c'oiiij > leU'iic6 of Its e < iuli > inrnt. CatuliiKUcs sent
fri'o un uppllcntlim to [ lev. Amlrcw Jl'jrrlssey ,
C. H. C. , Notia IXiina , Ind ,
l'ir Viiniitf l.iullcn. Tlmhriiest anclino tiatfnilT lr
> qul | > | > d In VlritlnU JUlocllo counri In Ancient
Btiil.uoilrrn l.iiiiuiinurN. l.lrriMinre.Srlrrirrii *
.llinlr. Arl nml l.lnriillnii. niifilr.cor nd toachera.
HltualeJ In VnllejnlVn near K'mnnLr .lliiiinlHln
Hrrtirry. Mineral \vntfr * Halulirlnu * clitnAtD. MU
esaion opani hapl , 13 IBDI. Fiirlllim Catilocutaddieiti
C'llA , I- COOK I ! , Hllll. , llnlllni , Vn.
THR , HICini.AND PA 111C , U.UNOI8.
Tha mo t bc.iutlful anil hculll.ful locution on
Lake MIctilKim. Thoiuugh Clamlcul. Academlo
and Commercial CIHIIUPS. IJvcry Inmriictor a
KueclalUt In hlii Inunchi-B , Hndomcd by tha lee-
Ulutor of llllnuli , and annually Iniptcteil by
orriclal repreientntlveii of tha mute. Mention
oprnii Heptmber 10th. Illuatrnted cutalogua vent
on application
WEOER Music Hall.Chicago AiM.r nrhMorvoei
in ) Iiutrum tt.i | KuUc. ltra.M llo Art , tl" - 'i ' n. Iklnrlt.Nor *
ma ) l > vit. | fur ttuclivrt. 'Unnti > KHl r i I Utrriul > Kln > H | it.
lutli bu4for IlluiUMiMlcatiaUi/iM , J. J * IUtt UfiHtr | * t * r. ,
flaili l nr. ri | iai toryCclleglate.Hulc. Art Count * .
UtiforUallddy.SnillhA' Bth.Hurlllu.trataclUil- .
iaoglie. AdJiel. . K , U\JI.I.41U \ > , A. U. JMk.ourllla , W.