R TiJli UMADfA DAtLV HKE ; MTITKDAY , AUGUST 4 , 185)1. ) "I COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL High Price of Com Tempted Holder * to TJnloa'l Ycstordaj. VUltAT WAS QUITE ACTIVE EARLY That Ccrtnl AV Incllnoil to Flaettmte with Corn , tlio Knrly Decline llrliiff uo to tliat InllttPiicc Stock * nml CHICAGO , Aug. 3. The high price of. corn tempted holders to unload today ami the market dccllnwl In consequence , closing Vic lower for September. Wheat wont down In sympathy wltli corn , loslns % c , but oals wcro firm , closing % o lilglior. Provisions finished at an advance all round. Wheat was quite active during the first liour , but later only ordinary Interest WHS displayed. Tlio feeling was a little easier. Initial transactions were the same to n frac tion as the dual figures of yesterday , with Sep tember at filc , and soo" sold down % c , rallied from "fcc to % c , changed some and closed at 53 % for September. The market was Inclined to fluctuate with corn , the early decline being duo to that Influence , though the liberal receipts , both here and In the northwest , were something of a factor. Tliero was fairly good buying on the decline , and when corn advanced wheat followed , cables , as was expected , helping the advance to Komo extent. There wns said to be an uc'lvi ' * demand for vessel room nt Toledo to lo.id wliuat to this point , but rates were advanced and nothing of consequence was transacted , though It was rumored at one tlmo that 100,000 bu. had been taken. The export Clearances of wheat and flour were light and aggregated 201,000 bu. , of which 78,000 1m. wro In flour. The weather In England was said to lie fine. Corn was active and unsettled. The feel ing was nervous and prices fluctuated sharp ly and frequently within from I'/ic to lc range. Initial transactions were at the same to Me under yesterday's closing , at 40Uc for September , and sold up a trine , broke sharply , then sold off lc for September and l\'tc \ for May. rallied nearly as quickly , recovering the break , cased off from ? ic to % c , changed seine , ruled Irregular , and closed with Scp' tcmber at 49Uc. There was evidently a de- Blre on the part of some of the larger holders to unload today , and offerings wcro very heavy during the first half hour , several largo concerns selling freely , which started the smaller holders to realizing , and as there wcs less support from the outside the price declined rapidly. On the break the demand Improved , room traders who sold early en deavoring to cover and found offerings very light. The price was suddenly advanced and helped along by the prediction of frosts to night In exposed places In Iowa. Oats declined early on the break In corn , but reacted later on good buying. The mar ket was fairly active , with a range of % c for September. Provisions were generally firm on better prices at the yards and good buying. Offer ings were scarce and the close was near the top. Compared with last night September pork Is 224c higher , September lard Is 15c higher and September ribs 7&c higher. Freights slow at % c for corn to Buffalo and % c to Port Huron. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were as follows : Kl.Otlh Unclianued. WHEAT No. 2 nnrlnR , 523iifJ53c ; No. 3 sprint' , nominal ; No. 2 ted , r.iOJ3 > ; c. COIIN No. 2 , 49',4c ' ; No. 3 yell.iw. 495JiiJ50c. OATSi-No. 2. 23o ; No. 2 white , 33i 34V4 ; No. 3 white. 33ffl3IV4c. IIYE No. 2. 4lc. IIAIILEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 4Sc ; No. 4. nonilnnl. FLAX SEED-NO , i , ji.22',4. ' TIMOTIW SEED-1'rlmc , J4.S5. PIIOV1SIONS Mesa p : > ik , per bbl. . J13.IOCT U.32 > 5. Lard , per 100 His. , * 7.00@7.12i. ! Short rlLfl , slilcs , loose. JC.90fC.i)2'i. } ) Dry salted shoul- derH. lioxed , JG.121 , * ; short clear sides , boxed , J7.02V4 07.3714. WIHBICY Distillers' Onlshed goods , per Bal. , J1.22. The following were the receipts and shipments for today : On the Produce oxchanu'o todav thu butter mir Vet was steady : cri-amery. 14M23c : dairy , 12h' ® lOc. KfKB , Bteady ; ' MC\V YOItK ( IKNICIIAL .U. Vestcrday'D Qnotiitlons on Flour , Grain and I'ruvlxlons , Slotiil" , Kir. NEW YOI11C , AUK. 3. FI.OUn-IlccelptB , 31- 000 bbls. ; exports , 6,000 bills. ; sales , 20,000 bbls. Market stonily , but quiet ; some demand for old winter BtralRhta nnd patents ; fair demand for Bprlni ; patents. Southern ( lour , dull ; sales , none , Itye Hour , steady , Iluckwhcat Hour , nom inal. inal.COIIN COIIN MEAL Stronpr : yellow western , $2.75 { ? S.OD ; llrnndywlne. J2.80W3.00. RYK Ixiwer , under heavier recclptirt Jersey , 47c. 47c.UUCKWIIEATNomlnal. . HA U1.15Y Nominal. 11AHLWY MALT Nominal : western , CSesOo ; Blx-rowed , 824JS5e ; two-rowed. 73c. WHEAT lleeelpts , 333.COO bu.J exports , 119.700 bu. ; sales , 2.S90.UOO bu. futuies. Cl , ( 0 bu. spot. Spot nuiki't easy ; No. 2 led. store nnd elevator , Clilic ; nlloat , K'ic delivered ; f. o. 1) ) . . &Gc atloat ; No. 1 northern , CIHc delivered ; No. 1 hard , C7c dnllvrred. Options opened steady nnd advanced wltli corn , but subsequently weakened ; nt noon milled ncaln. only to decline later , and closed weak at % Wio net decline. Weather west still dry ; aibles llrm ; wntlmi'iit seema bearish hero ; No. X red. May , CSViUUTtc. cloned at He ; Au- trust , W afMi1 , closed at Kc : September , E > 6 13-1G 37 7-ICc , Closed at 67c ; Oetuber , closi-d nt CS'.Jc ; Dt > c > > nilH. r. CO 7-lCJjGlUc. closed at CO c. CXUN-Itecelpts , 10,7uO bu. ; cxpoits , 1,000 bu , ; ales , r.03.000 bu. futures , (6,000 lui. spot. .Spot market Irri'KUlnr ; No. Z , MiG5C'te , elevator ; M14c delivered , afloat , Options were Krncrally weaker toilny , eloshiK at HWlic net decline. This mornliiK there wns n slutip ndvnneu on dry weather , but It waa nil lost later under liquida tion ; May , < 'J1i < JOlc , eloFed at MV4c ; AiiKU't , M Ci'MHo. cliwed nt UHic ; Keptember , S3H 5" > o. closed at Die ; October , WUlilHic , closed at Mc ; Novrinl > cr , G'JH ( ( ' ! > 3 ? > e. clouetl at Kfte : December , tWMVie. rioted at 50Hc. OATS llecelpts , 36,000 bu. ; * nles. 1M.OOO bu. futures , 37,000 bu. npol , Srft | market quiet ; No. S , < 2c asked ; No. 2 white. 4lo ; No. 3 white. We ; truck , white weatcrn , 45frlSc ; track , white stale. iWlZc. Options , quiet nnd Renernlly lower with corn , closhiK nt HtfUo net decline ; AUKU'l. 3I < ; ( f3lic , closed nt 3l\u ; September , 34U31ic , closed nt 3IUc ; October , 3IHc. HAY Finn ; KIHX ! to choice. 73 S7"ic. HOl'H Dull ; stnttt , common to choice. He ; I'uclllo const. St/SVie. HIDES Weak ; wet salted New Oileans sc- Iccted. 43 to 63 UK. , 4V4tc ! ; Texas selected. 35 to M lb . , 5c : lluenos Ayius dry. 20 to tt lt > 3. , 10'-jc ' ; Texan dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. , WiHo. LEATHEH-lJulel ; hemloek sole. Huenoa Ayres. lltibt to heavy wHuhts. HClSe. WOOL Hteiidy ; domestic lleece , 19U2oa ; pulled , X ! 5c. CHAL Dull. I'UOVISIONH Hef , steady ; family , tll.OORU.OO. Cut meats , slmdy. I irtl , hlKher : western ptenm closed at } 7.41f7.tO ; sales , none ; Heptember , 17.13 , iiomlnHl ; retlned , hither ; continent , S7.T5 ; sales , 00 bbls. : compound , CfjCUc. I'ork , llrm : sales , 300 bills. 11UTTEU Firm ; western dairy. 12H lCe : \ve > tein creamery , litfrio ; western factory , I2O 16He ; Elglna , 23e , I'KTIIOLrU'M Dull : United closed nt S7Hc ; VimhlnKton. bbli. , Ill ; WnahlnKton , In bulk , 13.51) : rrllned. New York , (3.15 ; Philadelphia and llnltlmore. 15.10. MOLABSEa-Dull ; New Orlennn , open kettle , coed In choice , ZSJiSCe. I'HJ HtON--Ktrady ; Kcotrh , tl'J.W-Ui.,0 ( ; Ameri can. lll.50 < fi.M. 11OH1N-llulli otiulne.1 , common to good , Jl.0 TITUI'HNTINK Bleiuly nt . . . HICK Klrint dome tlc , fair to extra , . , . „ . , _ . TALLOW-Hteudy ; 4 S-UtMUe for city : 4 S-lcy 4Ho for Country. , CIIKKSM Wvakrr : state , large. 7i8 c ; small fancjr , 7Ui9 Ci part sklnu , 34jOiic ; full skims , tid'llVl Dull , western fresh. HHOHc ; southern , cases. $1.0003.23 ; receipts. C.KI1 pkgs. COTTON Hiii : > OIU-Uull and Inactive ; prim * crude , Mo ; oft crude , 110'Mc ; yellow butter IlffJic ; cliolc * ydluw , nomuaal ; prim * y | bmHUdLV ; yplloir Off Rti\ff \ , prime white , IWWTc ; prime yellow , 32te. TIN Fltiuer , itrnlls , I.Vfo bl < l. Plate * , dull , ftptlt r , tnoeri domestic , l.t. iJ bid. OMAHA ( IKNKUAf , M t'ondltloii of Tmln anil Quotntloiu nil Nluplo anil 1'iuicy I'roiliipn. The ( sr mnrkot continue * very firm , nnd It It tnle to quote ptlct * Ic lusher. Ilecclpt * con * tlnuo llilit , wltli the demand fully up to the nrrltn ! * . The poultry market Inery wenk nnd price * aru the Itmest that they hnve been tlilii sum- nii-r. At th mine time the demand I * IlKht und rci-clpl * fnlily llbftHl. Thn butler lAatkcl I * llrm nt steady prli.fs. The report < > f the dry weather and cnmieqtient Btmit pasttirnRe In lh < ? west 18 woirylni ! eastern butlci men , n * the fullmUllR frnm th New V.nk Ilulletinuiul.l Indlcnta : ItcccUcm of but ter nn ll.e West Hide nre considerably anxloUK iiver Hi * lesull * of llio present scveru drouth tliniUKliout the butter belt of the nest. The butler la-It cmlitaccs northern tlllnofo , foulliTn \VI c.jn ln , central Mlnncratn , luwn , Neliriiiikn , nurlhein Knnfa * nnd n ixrllon of Dakota. ThrniiKh'iUt ( ! ] < < " stales thn drouth Is re polled to bu unusually MertIhN : yenr , ami the HulnltnHR In the crop of butler Is suld to he Viry IniRC. From letter * received by commis sion men from makety In producing * ectljns , couipi'lent JuilKes place the MielnknKi- hlKti na 50 per cnnt of u. normal make , while morn concen'nllve fsllmnleii place the shrlnknue ut 33 < per rent Ufi tn 'late. Wi Una one producer In central low/n : "The dinutli has been unusnidly sevcie this season , and It Is almost Impossible for the cowa .to net feed. They iiro drying up inpldly , nnd even If the wrntlici * should become much cooler nt tin * lime ofrltlnx It would Inkn scveinl weikH before we could iinikc nny butter for the enstern market. The pastut a have been burnt brnvn with HH > liwil. " An 'ther ' iirotuecr In Nel ra kn teli'Kinphs that tins lempeiiiluie Ihen : Is llu di'tinin In tinsh.idu , nml that It Is Impossible for the cows to obtain stilllelent Class. Kuch Is tlip tenor of tin : letleia 1-ece.lved from th' , * west , which me rnusliiK tmxlely In this mniket. A well Imnwn lecelver here was nsUwd IIH to tlio probiibhouleomc. . "It Is hind tn sn.v. My western advlcea liidleala nil umifual slntc of nffiilra In tinprndnelnK secllun * ' . We Htnrli-d 111 the 1st of June with n IIIIKII make , but It lias shrunk very rapidly during Hie past few wrpkx. limiiiK lliw ri'ccnl railroad troubles ton- slderabl" ' butter WIIH stored In HIP smaller towns of the went for lack of transportation fuullltles , but tn orfsot this eaHtcrn mnikcts , llndlnt ; their supplies KeltlnK shoil , beKiin to dinw on their leserves tn stoiage. so wo an * feeling the full cfffcts of thi * shnttaKo Just the same. It must li Iiornc In mind , however , that In many sec tions the nun crop Is mined , and on this uc- count the ptallcs will IM ; urcd us finldcr for the cows , so that It will not be nil loss. Another thlnu to bo remembered by buyeis Is lhat It Is under such circumstances as the present that western manipulators get In their flue woik , nnd with some basis of truth they Issue such lepoits as to bull uvciy maiket lu the country. It Is nl ways hot In thu summer nnd the make ahvtiya slit Inks materially , nml we should he cautious how we receive news from Interested western cpeeulatoiH. " Ill TTEH Packing stock , aic ! ; uood to choice country.12tfl3c ; separator creamery , solid packed. ! 0 < jJ21e. EOUS Per dcz. . llT12c. LIVE I'OUI.THY Old hen ? , 4HQ5c ; sprliiR chickens. 75Ko ; sprint ; dueks , Bo ; old full- fenlheied ducks , tic ; hen tuikeys , 7c ; gobblers , SWCc. VEAL-Cholce fnt and small veals are quoted nt SHfiCc ; coame and lar e , 3fflc. ClIKESE Wisconsin , full cream , new nuke , lOffllc ; Nebrnskn nnd Iiiwn , full cream. OfflOe ; Nebraska nnd lowo. part skims , 6fI7c : LlmhurKor , No. 1. lOc ; brlek , No. 1 , lOc ; Bwlss , No. 1. HAY Upland hay , J10 ; midland. $5 ; lowland , IS ; rye straw , $ C. Colar makes the price on hny. ' LlRht bales sell the best. Only top grades brine top prices. PIOEONS-Old bllds , iwr doz. , U VE ETAHI.ES. POTATOES Ooo < l stock , on orders , 73c. MELONS Oood stock , cinled , J25. CANTALOUPES Nevada ( Mo. ) Jems , per crate , 12.25. CIICI'MIIEKH ' On onler's. SSfJIOc per doz. OLD HEANS Hand-picked navy , J2.25 ; me dium , J2.10S2.15 ; common white beans , SI. 75 01.90. ONIONS On orders. 2c per Ib. OAHllAGE Good ehlpplnff Block , on orders. c. TOMATOES Good stock , per 4-bnsket crate. 7r.iJ8fe : per U-bu. IKIX. r.nfWc. ( ( CELERY 1'er doz. . 3J@33c. FRUITS. At the first auction sale yesterday mornlnR n car of peaches nnd tomatoes from Texas waa sold. There were 328 basketc. KG boxes nnd 122 quarter boxes of peaches nnd 200 boxes of to matoes. In the afternoon two mixed cars of California fruit were sold. STRA WHERRIES None. APPLES Good stock , per bbl. , $3.00Q'3.50. HLACIC RASPUERRIES None. RED RAKI'IIERRIES None. IlLAt'KIIEURIES-Pcr ease. $3. I'EACIIES-Callfornla , tl.33Ql.40. PLUMS Native red pluma , per 24-qt. case. $2. : . " , ; California Washington plums , Jl.W ; largo red varieties , Jl.75ff2.03 ; small red , $1.00. PRUNES-J2. FIGS None. PEARS liartlett's , J2.00S2.23 ; other varieties. Jl.50iffl.73. APRICOTS California , none. CHERRIES California , nune. GRAPES Knnsns City home grown , J2.50 per 6-baskct crate. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Choice stock , J2.00j2.M per bunch. LEMONS Fancy lemons , 300 Bize , J7.0007.CO ; fancy tenons , 3GO size , J7. ORANGES None. PINEAPPPLES None. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fnncy , per Ib. , 15c. HONEY California , 15e ; dark honey , 10@12c. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. . J12. NUTS Almonds , 15T17c ; Eiutllsli walnuts , 103 Ie : filberts. I2o ; Brazil nuts. lOc. CIDER 1'ure Juice , per bbl. . JO ; half bbl. , J3.I5. HIDES No. 1 green hln > s , 21ic ; No. 2 green hides , l' @ 2c ; No. 1 green Baited hides. 3c ; No. 2 sreen salted hides. 2li2'ic ; No. 1 green salted hides , 23 to 40 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 25 to 40 Iba. , 2i2Vic ; No. 1 venl cnlf. 8 to 13 Ibs. , GtiOGc : No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4j > IV c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 5c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , Sc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cuicd hides Uc. per Ib. lehs than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , ench , 2.fTCOc . : Krcen salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , Cfl3o ; dry shearlings ( short woaled eally skins ) , No. 1 , ench. DWlOc : dry fchcarllnga ( short woolctl enrly skins ) . No. 2 , each , ftc ; diy Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , SUfSc : murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual welKht , 4ICc ; dry Dint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , tl } C'ic ; inurmln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4S6c. Have feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay fielght on them. TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4-gi 4Wc ; Inllow , No. 2. 3UJJ3Vio ; grease , whlto A , 4fT4lo ! ; grease , whlto 11 , 34O3'Vic ! ; giease , yel low , 3c ; Krensc , dark , 2He ; old butter , 2ft2Hc ; beeawnx , prime , 1501Sc ; rough tallow , ! Vi02o. ClilciiRO Fruit OnnliilloiiH. CHICAGO. AUR. 3. The Earl Fruit company sold California fiult at auction trnlay , realizing the followlm ; prices : 1'eara. llarllett. J1.W1.40. I'cnclu'B , Early Crawford. Jl.0jifl.20 ; FoBtvr , J1.05 ; Gulden CIIIIK , 51.0 ; " ) . Pluma , quaci'nbos. Ji.sri , Piiibnnk , $ lt > 3 ; llmilshaw , J1.55 ; Purple Duanen , JI.W81M ; Columbia. Jt.50. Pnincs , Tragedy. cxvr ripe. J1.5Q4J1.M. Grapes , half ciatea , Toknv. J2.0.1 ; .Muscat , { 1.23 ; Fontnlnebleau , J1.10Q > 1.2.1i lllncl. Hamburg , Jl.-'O ; Sultana , very small , GOc. Twelve carloads sold hero today ; weather cool. Porter Ilros. , Chlcasi , sold live oars of Cali fornia , fiult today nt auction : Darllett pears , refrigerator stock , Jl-20fll.IV. ventilated , overripe , KiSVta ; Columbia plums , J1.D3 ; Yellow Egg plums , JI.Wn.03 ; Crawford peaches , 90ci$1.30 | ; Clings , J1.10. P.iiter Ilros. , New Yoik , sold ten cars of Call- foinla fruit nt auction today : llarllett pears , $2 , lOW..GO ; Howell pears , J1.45 ; Crasvford peaches , 7r.r4fSl.-IO : Tuscan Clink's. 1. Will , 10 ; Fosters , C.K ; ( rjl.2i ) ; llermuds , Jl.oom.03 ; Iliadshaw plums. 75cfiJ2.13 ; Magnunibonums. J1.2. * , ; Purple Dunnes , 90ciiJ1.00 : llurbnnks. 70c < TJl.r > 5 ; Washlnglons. J1.1D KM. 20 ; EKK plums. Jl.001il.-15 ; McLatiKhlln , JI.03 ; GIYISS prunes , Jl.J..fi 1.C5 ; German prunes. 75cfi Jt.30 ; half crates Fonlalncbleau grapes , 51.10. Mlnneiipoll * Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS , Auir. 3. Wheat todny wns un settled within n narrow range , closing < c l wer than yesterday , while cash wheat sold nt yeu- terday'a prices nnd closed the same. A few cara of wheat me coming In dally , but not enough yet to affect the market. U la lee enrly yet to know whether farmers will sell fieely or not. but from pnst expel lenoes It la believed thnt they will sell readily even nt the piesent law prices. Receipts were linger nnd ntnounted to 173 cars , with 23 cara shipped. The demand for It' on track was only fair. There wns no olio who wanted to put In mine , but local mil ler s bought the best and shippers the poorest Thu larger millers have plenty of old wheat In store la grind , leaving none absolutely In want of wheat on Irnck except n few millets who de pend on buying dally for their current use , rinse : August , Wie ; September , S2Xc ; De cember , 67 c. On track : No. 2 hard. M''ia ; No. 1 northern , 67c ; No , 2 norlhein. KJ'.ic. ' Receipts wen < ll.SOO bu. ; shipments , 14,030 bu. Flour wns stendy , with n demand equnl to tlio supply , und production ! ) of about 27.000 lit U. for the 24 hml is ; shipments. 29,409 bbls. ; patents , J3.2'3.4J ; Lukem , J2.004j2.23. _ SiiK'ir ' vurkot. NEW YORK. Aug. S.-RtTOAR-llnw , steady ; fair refining , 2 MGc : centrifugal , 96 test , 3'to ; rellned. quiet ; mould , 4 ll-lCJlic ! ; crushed , &H . LONDON. Aug. 3. StO ! All-Dull ; centrifugal , Java , 13s ; Muscuvado , fair rellnlne , 11s. STOCKS AM ) IIONO.H. Hull Movement In KIIKIU- Win the IViiluro of Speculation. NEW YOHK. Aug. 3. Tlio feature or the eliaro speculation was the bull movement In Sugar , which was based on Information re ceived from Washington to the effect that the senate and house conferees on the tariff bill hail agreed on the HO differential In favor of refined sugar. As usuul , the Sugar clique appeared to have the news In inlvr.nco of the rest of the street , and their brokers hail acquired a goodly amount of the flock before the general run ot traders wcro rwar * of the reason ot putting the price up. At thu opening the buying was to brisk tha : the official reporters ol the Stock exchange w < r unable to catch the prices In the eider made , ami the flrst quotation given in the ticker was " 1,500 shares , 103 to 104 , " the lower figure being % per cent above the closing ot yciUrday , An advance of 14 V'cr cent was inailo before the" buylrtg moveme'lt lost force , nnd when It did n reaction ot i per cent took place , but before - fore noon It had recovered the lull advance. During the early afternoon U.o stock was not very tartly dealt In , nni fluctuated within narrow limits , but nt 2 o'clock there was n rcn-swal of the purclms- Ing movement , largo oloclo changliiR hands at rapidly advancing prlM * , until ill ! :4o : o'clock 105V4 was touched , belli } ' . A gnln ot 3 % per cent on last night's prlco. A reac tion of % per cent followed on realizing snles , with n final rally of ' ,6 par cent , leav ing nn Improvement for the day of 2 % TIT cent. The preferred stock snlneil % per cent. In the general list Ilia only sliarei prominent In the trading wcro the granger * , Distilling and Chicago Clas , nnd while they were fairly firm during the morning , It was not until after 2 o'clock that they niadi ! any material appreciation , but under the buoy ancy Imparted by the Suinr boom tho.itto . sharply , selling up from the low.Ml point of the dny IVt per cent for Northwestern nnil St. I'aul , % per cent for Ilurllnnton U ( Jiilni-y and Hock Island , 1 % per cant tor Chicago Gas anil Louisville & Nashville nnil 1 per cent for Distilling. Some -if the fpeclnjtlcs nlso shared In the advance , K-insua & Texas preferred moving up 1 per cent. Subse quently there wns a fractional reaction , due to realizations , final dealings showing n par tial reaction , the market closing at or l.enr the best prices of the ilar. The bond market was strong all iliy : The Evening Post says ; Tie un-lercrciund Information which guides the operations of powerful speculators was undoubtedly re- vponslblo for today's stock mark-it. What ever the Immediate motive mov have been , the course of prices In ttio I.iit two hours left little doubt that the bear party , which for n week past has controlled the ir.nriifrt , was now In full retreat. Not until the c'oa- ' Ing hour was the purchasing power cf the week's bear speculators turned full upon the market. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today ; The total sales of stocks todny were 117.014 shales , IncludliiK : American Sugar , C1.500 ; Hur- llnRton , 7,500 ; Chicago Unit , 4,4'M ' : Distilling. 0,900 ; Loulavlllc & Nashville , 3,800 ; Rock Island , 3,900 ; St. I'aul , 14,800. Nrw York Money Uliirkut. NEW YORK , Aug. 3. MONEY ON Easy at 1 i > cr cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed at 1 per cent. Pltl ME MEKCANTII.K PAPER 3 ? 5 per cent. STE1U.INO nXCIIANGE Klrm , wltli nctuU luiHlness In bankers' bills at $4.SS'.4 T4.8Si for demand and nt J4.R7Hia4.87 % for sixty dayn ; posted rates , J4.SSR4.SSV4 and J4.S9T4.SO',4 ; com mercial hill * . J4.86 O4.ili ! l. SIL.VEU Cl-HTir. : < IC'ATES-64iIC5c. OOVEIINMENT IIONDS Steady ; state bonds , dull ; railroad Uonds , stroiiB. luslns ( imitations on bonds were as follows : lloston Stiiclc Quotations. HOSTON. Aiinr. .1. Call lo.ina , l < ai ! < par cent : llmo loans. L H.i3K per cent. Closing prices for mocksbonds tind nilnhii' sli.irjct : San FriincUco Alining Quotation ) . SAN KKANCISCO. Auir. I ) . The ofllclnl cloltiu auotalloim for inlnniv stojea to 1 ly werj a-j fol- OWB : Alia 23 llalo.t Norcross. . . (17 ( liclcher 811 Mexican 110 HcBUt Ilolclier. . . . . 125 Mono 15 lloillo Cot 105 Ophlr 235 Ilnlwer HI I'otosl 45 Chollar 35 S.'iv.-iso 3U Con. Cal. A. Va 4''B Sierra Nevada 77 Crown Point 7B Union COTI 72 Kurcitn Con 25 Utah 6 ( joulil IL Curry. . . . fie Yellow Jacket. . . . 40 New York .Mlnlnc ; Inotation , ! . NEW YORK. Auir. 3. The following ara tlio closlnir niinius quotationi : Con. Cal , .t Va. . . . at)0 ) Sierra Nevada 70 Deadwood 60 Standard 140 Gould A. Curry 60 Union Con 15 llalo.V Norcrofli. . ill Yellow Jacket. . . , 42 Hoincstalco 13IIU Iron Silver 10 Mexican 100 Qulcltullvor 225 Ontario 760 do preferred 1'JOO Oplnr. 200 Uulwor IB I'lyinouth 10 London Stock Quotations , LONDON , Aug. 3. 4 p. m. closing1 : Consoln , money , . . . Moxlcan onlliiary. IMI CouaolH , ncc'nt. . . . St. Paul com BUM CairiUlan Paclllc. , ur > N , Y. Central ODH Erlo 14 Pennsylvania. CO Erle''ds 74 Ktmdlnir fiji Ilia. Cuutral 03 Mox. Cen. new -In. 84 Finaneliil Nutns. HOSTON. Aug. 3. Clearings. | 12C03,9S2 ; bal anced , 11.704,81' ) . 1IALTIMOUI.3 , AUB. 3. Clearings , Jl.902,640 ; Imlancen , } 1T7 , > 4. NKW YOItK. AUK. 3. Clearings , J72.300.207 ; balances. J3IHO,7S4. LONDON , Aup. 3. The price of gold nt Uuenos Ayrrs today If 273. I'HILADin.rHIA , Aug. 3 , Clearings , 110,203.- 301 ; ImtanceH , $1,3411,221. 1'AIIIH , Aug. 3. 4 p. in. Three per cent rentes , 102f Co for Ibo account. LONDON. AUK , 3. The Stock exchange will bn cloned tomorrow nnd Monday. NEW YOHK. AUK. 3. Honker , Wood & Co. will ship I.W.IAIO gold on tomorrow's steamer. CINCINNATI. Aug. 3. Clrarlngx , $1.799.650 , Money , 34/0 / per cent. New York exchange , 2Jc discount. LONDON. Aug. 3. Thu amount of bullion Kone Into the Hank of Kngland on balance today Is 1173,00) . MIOMPH18 , AUK. 3. ClenrlnKN $199.559 ; bal ances. IM.TlS. New York -exchange selling nl tl.Gi ) premium. NEW OIILKANB. Aug. 3.-Clenrlngs. $1,030.081. New York exchange , commercial , pur ; bank , 75c per $ iooo premium , HAN FHANC18CO. AUK. 3-Drafts. sight , 12 c ; teleBraphlc. Itc. Silver burs , C2HtJCc. Iex- Icnn dollars , MiiU Uic. rIT. IX L'lH. Aue. 3. Clearings , $3.746.529 ; bal ances , > 7WS'J8. Money , dull ut 607 per cent , Exchange un New York , 25c premium bid. CHICAGO , Aug. 3.-ClearliiKH. $14,7:2.000. Nc York exchanKi * , slendy ut par. Foreign ex. change , par. tilerllng exchange , actual , Jl.87',44 ' ? 4.MH. Money rales , 4j6 ( per cent , WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. The cnsh balance nt the close of bunlness wus $119C9J1S. The stated umount of the xold reserve Is 153,53 ,170.tr \ $1,700,0(10 ( enguBtHl for ext > ort yesterday und today , leaving the true amount $52,239,176. IIKIILIN , Aug. 3 The weekly slnlemei.t of the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the fol lowing changes us compared wth | tlio previous account ; Cush In hand , decrease. 7,240.000 marks ; treasury nates , decrease , 720,004 marks ; other securities , Increase. 4WX .000 marks ; note * In circulation , Incrcaie , 1,000,090 mark * . OMAHA UVlSJOCK MARKET i ! . < , Hccaipts for the foaj * Show a Rermrkablo Tailing Off , fa Numbers. p i CATTLE TRADE SHOWS SOME IMPROVEMENT Homo Href Stocr. Itccclrril unit Hold lit t 1'rlcrft Itrcontly I'lilil IIogH Ailvitnro fromj 1'lvo to t-'lftucm Cents nnil .Veil ItrUkly. FRIDAY , Aug. 3. The receipts today In round numbers were SOO cattle , 'G.SOO hogs and 485 sheep , as against 1,445 cattle , 11.000 hogs and Gl sheep on Friday of last. week. For the week thus far there have been received 7,600 cattle , G9.250 hogs and 1,078 sheep , as against 9,417 cattle , 61,246 hogs and 1,323 sheep for the same days of last week. In spite of the light receipts today , 8,000 more hogs have been received this week than last. While the packers arc killing both cattle and hogs , their operations are necessarily limited by the strike. The fact that they bought some stock today would seem to Indi cate that they have hopes of tlio old men going back. In that case there would , with out doubt , bo an Immediate demand for stock , but until the strike Is finally se'tled there must of necessity be a good deal of uncer tainty regarding the market from day to day. CATTLE For the first tlmo In- several days there were a few pretty good corn-fed steers In the yards. There was no shipping demand but local wan'cd few , packers a cat tle and there was a stronger feeling to the market. Packers appeared to be buying In anticipation of a possible settlement of the disputes with their employes. One bunch of 1291-lb cattle brought $1.40 , the highest price realized In several days. There were only a few really good cows In the yards and there was a pretty fair demand , though limited. In consequence , the market was stronger on such and on the best grades lOc to IGc higher. The common grades did not show much If any change. There was some little trading In stoekers and feeders. The supply Is much lighter than It was a few days ago , and , as the demand Is fully as good , It not a little better , there Is a better feeling In the mar ket. A few loads sold at $2.25 to $2.40. Uep- resentattvo sales : DRESSED IIEEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 23. . . . 9:0 $4 00 31. . . .1135 Jl 10 109. . . .1291 $1 40 MIXED. 9. . . .1170 2 40 COWS. 1. . . . 810 1 00 4. . . . 977 1 23 53. . . . 832 1 C7'4 1. . . . 810 1 00 1. . . . 800 1 25 1..110. ) 1 tS 2. . . . 975 1 10 3. , . . 833 1 40 5. . . . D3 1 90 6. . . . 930 1 15 2. . . . SRO 1 50 1. . . .11(10 ( 1 90 3. . . . 686 1 15 2. . . . 920 1 60 2. . . .1090 2 00 4. . . . 875 120 1. . . . 740 160 3. . . .1183 200 1. . . . 880 125 1..1000 103 21. . . . 834 200 2. . . . 1090 1 25 HEIFERS. . 2. . . . 235 1 00 4. . . . 632 1 45 8. . . . COO 1 (10 ( 1. . . . 6:0 1 25 23. . . . 619 1 43 9. . . . C.9C 1 75 5. . . . 602 140 1. . . . 730 160 0. . . . 8SO 200 CALVES. 2. . . . 100 200 10. . . . 134 200 7. . . . 289 240 3. . . . 173 200 2. . . . 170 200 1. . . . 160 375 BULLS. 1..1290 1 35 1.1. .1180 1 60 1. . . .13.10 1 63 2. . . . 805 1 45 1.J..1300 1 63 1..1540 1 63 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3. . . . 446 135 1. . . . 600 210 43. . . .707 230 1. . . . 330 175 4. . . . 770' 2 20 60. . . . 900 250 2. . . . 205 1 75 11. v , G16. 2 20 20. . . . 826 2 40 8. . . . 4SO 1 83 12. . . . 764 2 23 9. . . . 944 2 60 2. . . . 820 200 17.S03 > 2 25 7. . . .987 270 1. . . . 730 2 00 27. . . . 811 2 23 SOUTH DAKOTA CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. % No. Av. Pr. 3 cows . 1090 $1 60 1 cow . 1000 $2 00 1 cow . S10 260 fl COW . 1030 260 1 cow . 1210 2 CO ,1 cow. . , , , . . . SCO 260 15 cows . J.1029 260 4 steers. . 1040 260 HOGS The decrease in the hog receipts by about one-half , as compared with yester day , and the fact , thai one of the packers was quite a liberal , buyer , put the hog market In much better shape. There were , however , a good many holdovers , but the demand was sufficiently heavy t < r clean up everything that wasof--any account. There"was 'an ad vance of from 6ct io lOci'on the better gfades of heavy and butcher weight hogs , while the advance on the commoner hogs , which sold extremely low yesterday , was even greater , amounting to all of lOc to IGc. The best hogs sold largely at $4.65 to $4.75 , with $4.80 the top. The commoner light and mixed loads brought from $4.40 to $4.60 , while the trashy stuff went at still lower prices. Represent ative sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 96 . 165 120(380 84 . 214 280 $4 55 75 . 224 120 400 67 . 175 120 465 6 . 218 80 4 00 5 . 260 SO 4 65 6 . 121 . . . 400 86 . 226 160 4 65 9 . 188 40 4 10 76 . 210 40 4 65 105 . 1C2 80 4 20 3 . 216 . . . 4 55 1 . JSi ) . . . 4 23 122 . 175 160 4 65 89 . 204 10) 4 23 , 92 . 211 240 4 55 88 . 161 120 4 23 63 . 201 160 4 65 102 . 166 200 4 23 SS . 193 203 4 65 IS . 233 . . 25 61 . 187 80 4 55 3 . 323 . . . 4 25 92 . 208 240 4 53 00 . 195 240 4 25 164 . 220 169 4 55 1 . 300 40 4 25 45 . 188 160 4 65 61 . ISO 40 4 30 8 . 260 . . . 4 55 73 . 202 200 4 3. ) 68 . 263 320 4 65 163 . 186 360 4 30 15 . ISC . . . 4 CO 67 . 173 120 4 30 75 . 221 120 4 60 31 . 239 tO 4 33 SO . 23S 240 4 60 78 . 175 210 4 35 Itt . 227 360 4 60 j . 420 . . . 4 33 78 . 213 160 4 60 163 . 230 620 4 40 78 . 202 160 4 60 93 . 109 160 4 40 30 . 238 40 4 60 93 . 204 120 4 40 75 . 214 400 4 60 78 . 1S1 200 4 40 72 . 235 120 4 60 S9 . 171 80 4 40 73 . 195 40 4 60 103 . 144 120 440 72 . 221 40 460 76 . 218 120 4 10 70 . 220 40 4 CO 89 . 171 280 4 40 C9 . 204 80 4 60 93 . 157 80 440 4 . 220 . . . 4 CO 74 . 173 ICO 4.40 67 . 229 80 4 CO 7JI . 167 160 440 70 . 250 160 460 22.1 . 220 . . . 440 Co . 223 200 460 63 . 247 320 4 40 74. . . . ; . . .219 200 4 CO 6 ; ! "l70 . . . 4 4" , 71 . 232 120 4 60 C4 . 200 40 4 45 65 . 268 . . . 4 60 " : ; : ; ; . . . . -4 43 i . 220 so 4 60 63 . 248 3SO 4 43 CO . 212 . . . 4 CO 61. . 253 40445 72 . 210 SO 4 GO C7 , . 200 . . . 445 73 . 223 120 46214 37 . 207 200 445 1,14 . 231 320 4 G214 70 252 440 445 88 . 2T,9 321 463 75 ! . . .165 160 4 45 71 . 1)2 ) 200 4 65 41 . . .199 80 4 45 73 . 230 160 4 63 93. . . .178 160 4 47 > 1 69 . 231 200 4 J1S 70 219 . . . 4 C5 I ) . 243 40 4 60 . 101 . 1C6 80 4 60 73 . 229 160 4 C3 63 " . .239 240 4 50 C3 . 201 280 4 63 M . . . 197 200 4 50 67 . 221 160 4 65 9 230 . . . 460 74 . 252 120 463 5 .296 . . . 4 60 78 . 21S 40 4 63 IftO .166 200 4 60 61 . 231 80 4 65 67 . . . . .242 320 4 60 64 . 240 120 4 C5 74 201 160 4 60 75 . 240 40 4 63 SI . .233 160 4 60 83 . 211 160 4 65 17 255 40 460 63 . 249 40 4 67'4 103 . U9 200 460 C5 . 230 80 4,0 7 224 200 4 50 63 . 282 . . . 4 70 : : : : : : : : fSo Jw 77 . 263 40 470 4 . 327 . . . 470 71 . 235 2uO 4 62V4 it . IS ? 240 4 C2 66 . 223 200 4 70 S ? . ,94 i$0 $ 4 M * ? 1 . 270 . . . 4 70 Vl 217 120 462V4 69 . 284 120 470 TO . w 20 lu % e . m . . . 470 . 031 in 4 f,3 69 . ! 6) SO 4 70 J . MC 120 465 72 . 248 210 470 J ? . Jn ij J d 61 . 246 . . . 4 75 ? 4 J . lg 040 455 65 . 265 280 475 | aJ : „ 4651 J63 . 223 40 475 3 . " 3M . 4 55. 63 . 210 120 4 75 5 . 224 465 i 67 . 228 . . . 473 . 2 . 270 . . . 475 ,0 . 2 40 465 , - J ? . , , , 200 4 63 69 . 230 . . . 4 80 21 . J33 4 M - 64 . 290 80 4 80 „ 177 240 4B5"-- ' ' 63 . 2)1 120 480 23 " : ' : : :24o : Jo J w < > > co . 201 40 4 w . SKIPS. 1 . IV ) " . 2 5ft , IT 4 . 162 . . . 270 i . ,35 250 1 * 1 . 3W . . . 275 t . 1M " 2M - 3 . 293 . . . 275 ! . om 2 W o . \ ' . 34 ° 2 75 { . ,60 2WK'A 6 . 210 . . . 275 j . lee JOT , i 1 . " 0 275 { . 220 : 26ft' I . 216 - 2" i . | 2601 " , 9 . 136 . , 275 ? , . , ? , ' ; 260 1 . 2SO . . 275 ! : : : : : : : : s6o : : : 2 $ . . 12 . m . . 315 SHEEP Thero-'woro a few sheep In the yards but the demand Is very light and there Is practical . Jio. market. Ilccolpts iiiifI > M > i > ltlon of Ktnok. omelnl receipts ; V'l .Oll PO ltlpn of Block na hewn by the boolfR pfj.tlie Union Stock \urOa company fpr tlie U'WAj-fouir hours ending At 3 o'clock p. m. , Ai-ut,3. , Ib9l ! RECEIPTS. Cnri. Heml. Cuttle . . . - > M Ilot-a . . . ' . . 73 6.-71 jlornea and mules . , . 1 IS DISPOSITION. lluyers. Cattle. HOK * . Sheep. O , II. Hammond company . 2S 380 Bwlft nml company . * S 2.SW Cuilahy Packing company . 272 3.WI John P. Baulro & Co . 819 llilttuln . - . "J Klngan & Co . 1,173 Coey & Co . > 5S9 . . Heck & Co . . 12 . , Liverpool 1) . 11. Co . . . 634 It. Ilecker & Uecen . M . J. Lobtnan . . . . . u . ti" n. H. from" . c..i. . lee : : : : : Shipper * and fce.ler . 220 J70 Left over . _ ; . 00 Total . . S03 10,704 Nut * York I.lvu MocK Murkot. NEW YORK , Aur. 3. 1IKEVE.H IlecelpU. 4,000 head : on le. M cams murkrt uneven ; Kuo < l cattle low ; brely ncmly ; common to medium active and lOo higher : native atevni , choice. M.76 ! ( food to trlctly prlm , ll.55 4.87i ! : mtillum to ulr , l.off4.45 ! common to ordinary , UHe'd4.13HJ very poor , HHi Uuroprrm cab nutted Amertrnn merrs nt SUflS'iC ' per | b. , drrfsrd weight * , refrlKcrat ir licff at cyc' o per lit.l no FxporiR loilny , lomoirow. Z.CW beevec nnd 4,010 qunrtcr * of beef. OALVEH - Receipt * , 197 heml ; on fn\e. \ 6JJ lii-nil ; market very iHill ; 1m t little ilolnp ; pi Ices nti ult ttraily ; Vcnl , RO.M to prime , Il.50ft6.00 ; primp Imltermllk cnlve * , nominally nuolrd nt 12. HIIEEP AND LA.MIItt-llrCFl | > tn. 6.279 hrnd ; on Knlo , 6C rnrni ni Improvement In ilvinnnd ; choice frei h InmLn , He higher ; others bnrely fUruly ; nvrr 7,000 lirail imxold ; Khrrp , fair lu primp , li.Anfl3.it ) per 100 Ui . ; limb * , common to choice , K.'KH.SO. tecc-lptu , 8,79 head ! miUkct utendy ; CIIICAK ) HVi : STOCK MAHKKT. Tliero Wim -Nnlruortliy Chuiipo In tlio Market Yritrriluy , CHICAGO. AUK. 3. There wns no noteworthy chniiKc todny tn the mnrkct for nny description of cnttli * . Good to choice beeves , ns on Iho prc ceding dny , were In light supply. In coed d < * innnd nnd strong. I'xportcrs hnd ordem t } Illl , nml with n fnlr Inquiry from eastern buyers nnd locnl dressed href concerns the offerings of the rlitht kind of cattle proved Inadequate , The dr-mnnd for common to fnlr umdes wn not n whit belter thnn bocf , tut the decrcnoi'd ir ccliUs prevented nny further siftenlntf of prices The cstlmntrd nrrlvnls worn 7,000 head , of which nbout 4,5l ) were nutlve , &M western and 2,0iw Texnns. NnllveB were quoted nt from $1 tn $4.85. westerns nt from $ : .7 ; > to $3.9J nnd Texnns nt from $2.W to $3.50 fur grnssers. Not ninny snles were inndc nbovc 14.M. There \vnn n sharp reaction In the hop ninrkcl , The Increase * In Ihn receipts \\hlrh It wns sup posed would result from the strike of the Omaha butchers did not materialize , nnd with only u fe\v more IK.K.I than came In last Friday nnd thu stimulating Influence of cnol weather thn mniket wns brick nnd hlKher. Heavy hogs sold up to from $4.8. , tn $5.2. * , ( there- wen * two Uncles at the latter figure ) , nml IlKht wclxhtH going tj from $4.N ) tn $5.15. The pens were cmptUM enrlv , nnd the lalo fnles Rave sellers ns good satisfaction ns did those mndo eailler In the dny. Although the qunllty averaged rather com. tnon , It l.i noted that the larger pint of the snleH were nt from $5 to $ , " > .li ) . Th ndvniice wns Hi" most tnnrked In the common to fulr mixed iDts , some of thnt sort showing nn ndvuncc of luc. luc.lood ( lood sheep nnd good lambs have been In small supply nnd prices have nvcrnKcd n Irllh * tinner. In low grailes there hns been neither activity nor flrimicsp. Tlierc Is prnctlc.tlly no demnnd for fenllm ? pun'osos , nnd very few sheep nuv KotntonMwnrd nllvc ; thc-refuro sellers hnvi * In look to the three blK locnl slaughterers for the nbsmpllon of the receipts. Thetc Is very little competition between them , nnd prices remain nlmoHt unpreci'dcntpdlylower In spllo of the con tinued IlKht arrivalfctalrs rim from tl tn SI."I for lubbfuh tJ from 13.JJ to $3.50 for choice. Sides of lambs were nt fiom $2 t JI.M , chli'lly nt from $1 to $4.50. They ndvnnccd early In tin * week , but declined 23c yeslenlay. The sheep and lamli mnikcts were both ( Inn owing to the small receipts. HccelplR Cattle. 7,000 head ; cnlvcs , C.OO head ; IIORR , Zfi.iK'O ' hend ; sheep , 3,000 head. Tht KvenhiK Journal reports : HOOS KBllmnted lecelpts for today , 20.000 hend ; olllelal yesteidny , 3C.S3S head ; shlpmuntB yesterday , 9,333 hend ; left over , nbout 7,00. ) head : quality poor ; mnrkct nctlve nnd llrm ; prices 50 lOc hlKher ; sales ranged nt $ I.SOif .20 for IlKht ; J4.60Ji4.70 for rouRh P'lcklnft ; $4.$085.10 formHcd ; tl.8'iiri.lG for heavy packlni ? nnd shipping lots ; pics , $4.45(14.70. CATTLK Kstlmntcd receipts for today , 7,000 head ; yesterday , 12.G20 hend ; shipments yoster- dny. 4,835 bend ; mnrkct steady ; natives were quoted nt $ I.0044.S5 ; westerns nt $2.7503.90 , nnd Texnns nt $1,2503.50 for Erapscrs ; not many sale * were mnde above $4.50. SHEEP Estimated receipts for todny 3.000 hend ; yesterday. 9.203 hend ; shipments yrsteiduy , 1,007 hend ; maiket slow nnd unchanged. St. Louis Live Storlc I\lurkit. ST. LOUIS , AUR. S.-CATTLE-necclpts. 2.100 hend ; chlpmcnts , 1,200 head ; market slow but steady Kenernlly ; native * sti-ors , 1.200 Ibs. , $3.40 ; mixed. $1.10fll,85 ; cows nnd heifers. $2.15 ; Texns steers. 1,000 to 1,200 Ibs. , $2.C5J3.25 | ; cows nnd heifers. J1.752.10. SHEEP Receipts. CM hend ; shipments. 100 bend ; market quiet nnd IrreKUlar ; heavy native sheep , $2.35 T2.50 ; Iambs. $3.00ifr3.25. HOOS necclpts , 2.00 head : shipments , l.fOO head ; mnrkct nctlve nnd stronger : best medium weights , $5.03 ; llRht , $4.S3S5.00 ; bulk , $4.9UC. > .00. N City Llvo Stock -Murlmt. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 3.-CATTLE Receipts , 3,600 hend : shipments , 2.700 bead ; mniket sternly to strong ; Texus steers , J2.on 3.00 ; beef steers. J3.0003.60 : native cows , Jl.OOffiS.OO : stackers and feeders. J2.10I3.45. HOGS Receipts , 8.600 bend : shipments. 1.600 head ; market 6filOc lower ; bulk of sales. Jt.S'liff 4.90 ; heavies , J4.S3T5.00 ; packers , M.83T3.0i ) ; mixed , J4.70tT4.90 ; lights , ? 4. 7004.93 ; pigs. J4.COJJ 4.90. SHEEP Receipts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 500 bend ; market slow and steady. Stock In S Following will be found the total receipts nt the four principal markets for Friday , August ' ' Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 783 6.771 Chicago . 7.000 26.000 Knnsas City . 3.ROO KCO ) St. Louis . . 2,100 2,500 To'tnl . 7. . . .13,683 42,871 4,500 Wool Market. BOSTON , Mass. , Aug. 3. The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter nays of the wool market : There has lx.cn nearly 5,000.000 Ibs. of wool sold since the 21th ult. The nmount disposed of since January now exceeds by several million pounds the quantity sold In the corresponding period of 1893. The tone of the mniket Is very perceptibly stronger. liiees alt nronnd nre Ic higher than a fortnight ngo : the decline Is checked nnd nn established price Is more gen erally recognized thnn for n long tlmo ; this strength has continued for n fortnight with In- dlcntlons of permanency. At any intc It will require some very unusual occurrence to rele gate the market back to the condition of a fort night ago. Dealers nre busy packing and ship ping the wool that has been sold. It may be paid that 76 per cent , nt least , of the Immense quantity of wool sold In the last two weeks was taken to satisfy an actual demand for stock. Manufacturers bought largely to cover goods sold , many of them having received re orders for heavy weights. Fleece wools nre a full Ic per Ib. stronger than they were two weeks ago. The demand Is nctlvc ; stocks nre light. Upward of 1.000,000 Ibs. of nil kinds of Ileeco wool hnve been purchased In this mnrkel since the 24th ult. The cnll has been quite mis cellaneous. The demand for territory wools has In no wise nbated since our last review. Ijirge sales have been made on the scoured basis of from 33c to 33o for line nnd line medium , nnd from 2Se to 30c for medium. The sales of the week In Hoston amounted to 4,837S50 Ibs. domes tic and 100,000 Ibs. foielgn. making a total of 4.937,850 Ibs. , against n total of 6.335,400 Ibs. for the previous week nnd a totnl of 973,050 Ibs. for the corresponding week last yenr. The sales since January 1 , 1891 , nmount to 7S,034.,1S5 Ibs , ngalnst 74,567,050 Ibs. a year ngo. The dales tin the week In Now Yoik ncgrcgnto 1,780.000 Ibs. The sales for the week In Philadelphia nggregnte 1 805 600 Ibs. 'ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3. AVOOL Steady nnd firm nt recent advance. Ht. Louts ( ipiipml Market. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 3. FLOUR Dull , unchanged. WHEAT Opened stronger , but sold off with corn , closing lie below yesterday ; No. 2 red. cash , 4S71C : August , 4S'ic ; September , 491ic ; December , 62 % < f53c. CORN Opened ' , $ fflc higher , but broke on n shaking out of long corn In Chicago , closing ' . > .8 ( > * 4o below yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 48c ; August. 47Wc ; September. 47e ; May , 42V4c. OATS Unsettled ; No. 2 , cash , 2J'/ic ' ; August 29c : September , SO'.te ; May , 34c. UYE No. 2. cnsh , east track , 4Uic. I1ARLEY No trading. 1IRAN Firm ; east track. 62c asked. FLAX SEED-J1.19. CLOVER SEED Unchanged. TIMOTHY SEED Unchanged. . . . . HAY Strong ; 25J50o higher ; choice timothy , liUTTER Steady ; separator creamery , 17f22c ; choice dairy. 15fll8c. EGOS Higher nnd stiff nt lOe. LEAD Steady at $3.65. HPELTBU Quiet lit * 3-20. CORN MEAI.r-J3.25S3.40. WHISKV-11.22. COTTON TIES Unchnnged. PROVISIONS Strong 'nnd ndvnnclng. Pork , BUxndnrd mess , Jobbing. II3.C214. iJinl. prime Btcam. J6.90 ; choice. J7.05. Dry salt ineatB loose shoulders. J6.1214 : longs and ribs J6 90 ; shorts. 1703 Ilacon , packed shouldem , 7.25 ; longs , J7.75 ; ribs. J7.87W : shorts , J8.00 8,12V4. UECEIPTH-Flour. 4.000 blls. ; wheat. 93,000 tm corn , 63.0iTO bu. : onts , 38,000 bu. SIlIPMBN'rS-Flour. 8.000 bbls. ; wheat 8,000 bu : corn , 52.000 bu. ; oats , 24OQObu. _ Coffpo Murkot. NFW YORK Aug. 3. COFFEE Options opened easy nt 1W20 points decline ; rated quiet nnd weak under Havie decline nnd full irtvlpm It Santos ; closed stendy , 10i20 points net de cline ; sales. 6.750 bags. Including : August , J1I.70 ; September , $13.90 ; October. J13.30 ; Nov.-iMb.-r , J12.90 December. J12.70012.75. Spot coffee , lllo. quiet No. 7. J16 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova. JI9l > Oi ( 19.25 ; sales. I.(00 bags Dourbon Santos. 6 to 7 spot. JI8 ; 20) bags Mexican. Warehouse deUverles from New York yesterdny Yoik " * I'- ' 9.766 bugs ; Now , > < . * - „ 112,910 bags : United States stock. 1S0.1S5 bags ; ttlbiiit for the United States. 233.000 bags ; tolnl visible for the United States , 363.135 bags , against < lSANTSs ? Aug.1 V Firm ; good nverugo Santos , J16.20 : receipts , 19.000 bags ; stock. 1S8.000 bag. HAMHURU , Aug. 3. Dull ; prices 4 < 3l pfir lower nt opening nnd WfflVi I'fg net decline nt Close : sales , 11.000 bags. . , , , HAVRE , Aug. 3. Opened quiet at Ufi'TiJ lovtrr further ' /if decline nt 3 " ; nt nr n quiet , / ; J"m. . quiet , further > ,4f decline ; nt 5:30 p. in. quiet , further decline of > , lfj total unles. 15,000 b"lllb DE JANEIRO. Aug. 3.-Flrm : No. 7 , Rio , J17.40 ; exclmnge. 9d ; receipts. 11.000 baes , clwired for the United Stated , 1.000 UIB ! cleared for Europe , none ; stock , 175.000 bags. Cotton .Miirkt't , NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 3.-COTTON-Qulet und ( lenity : mien , upot. 400 l ile ; to arrive , 10 bales ; recelptN , 17 balex ; exporta. continent , 2DI bales ! coastwlve , 1,400 balea ; ntuck , 40,892 bales ; futures , steady : miles. 17.700 bales ; AugiiHt , J6.41 ft6.42 ; Heptfinber. J6.3IH6.35 : October. J6.37 6.38 ; November , J6.45C,46 ( ; December , 16.5106,53 ; Jan uary. J6.601/6.61 / ; February , J6.664i6.67 ; March , J .72 < (6.73 : April. JC.7S06.M ; Mny , } 6.Mj | .M. ST. uilJlS , Aug. 3.-COTTON-Qulet ; mid. dllng. 6Tic ; > alea. 600 twlea ; receipts , none ; uhlp- menta , 2UO bnlea ; mock , 26.4W bulea. NIIW Vork Dry liumH .ttarkeu NEW YORK , Aug. 3. There waa u belter tone to the market nil around and duple and gray cottons begin to allow II. aa with the inllln atopped nml ( ho alocka being reduci l values iiru atrudler , u * 4-yard cottona are nnn r at 4Hc net ahortened time. For bleachvd cottona , cultun ( VanueU , colored cotton prlnH , dreu gooJi , WISE ADVICE USE HADE BY llENIFAIBBANKKiPM ] ( < : - FOR THIS WEEK. Every tlay from 7 a. m. till 0ttO : p. in. , and on Saturday till 10 p. m. Figures don't lie , unless a liar makes the figures. The best music always draws crowds in Oinajia , and here are some melodies adapted to the times which dis tance Thomas and lead any band in the city an entire lap. Upright Folding Bed , antique , Half Sash Lace Curtains with with W. W. mattress 7 00 fixtures ) oo Mnntel Bed , with W. antique , 95c Curtains , per pair 65 W. mattress 6 SO Entire Picture Stock 30 per cent "Boston Rockers" with arms. . . . 1 63 off. "Boston Rockers" without arms. . 110 Laundry Stoves 290 12.75 Rockers 1 85 Sensation Cook Stove 9 99 Full Upholstered Rockers 3 C5 Peninsular Range 1985 . 116.00 Cheffonler 975 $18.00 No. 8 All Copper Tea Kettles. . . . 74 Chamber Suit 075 No. 8 Solid Steel Spiders 21 { 30.00 China Closet 10 CO No. 9 Solid Steel Spiders 23 $48.00 Sideboard 2900 10-qunrt Bread Raisers. 47 Mohair or Tapestry Couch 9 75 14-qunrt Bread Raisers. 03 Lounge , oak frame , tapestry 37-quart Bread Raisers C2 cover 390 Medium Bread Boxes 47 $2.60 Baby Tender 125 100-pound Flour Cans 93 All baby carriage s 'A from "Empire" Wringers 2 75 marked down prices. " " "Keystone" Wringers 1 73 "Sleepy Hollow" Easy Chairs. . . . C 50 Granite Iron Kettles 1 39 Kitchen Cupboards 3 45 Piano Lamps 4 25 Muslin Couches 5 85 $9.50 12-plecc Toilet Sets 565 Heavy Ingrain Carpet , per yard. . 22 $30.00 Clock for 1560 All Wool Ingrain Carpets 49 $30.00 Clock for 16 25 Tapestry Brussels Carpets 49 $25.00 Clock for 13 60 $1 Hassocks , 10 feet high 13 feet ' $20.00 Clock for 1200 across , weight 10 pounds 39 $12.00 Clock for GOO Gray and White Blankets 100 $3.00 Clock for 4 25 (1 GO Bedspreads OG $0.60 Clock for 285 Comfortable Comforts 60 $1.10 Jardonler for 90 60o Pillow Shamholders 25 $2.60 Jardonlcr for i 05 6 foot 1 or 1 % In Brass Trimmed $2.75 Umbrella Jar for 1 60 Curtain Poles 15 $18.00 Dinner Set for 975 $7.00 Portieres 4 85 $12.50 Dinner Set for T 76 $1.75 Lace Curtains 83. $10.00 Dinner Set for 660 COME TO OUR PARTY THIS WEEK. TERMS : CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS Formerly People's Mammoth Insfallmenl House. Close evening at 0:30 , except Saturday. Send 10 cents for postage on big ' ! ) ' ! catalogue. , ® ® © ® ® ® © © ® A'o Holler. A'o Steam. A'o Ritglncc- 1IEST I'OWEH for Corn nnd Feed MI1U , Hilling liny , UunnlngHopuralorK , C'roiiinurloB , &o. OTTO GASOLI'NE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. 1 to GO II. 1' . 8 to 20 H.I' . Eend for Cataloeuc , Prices , etc. , describing work to be dona , Chlcaeo , 245 Lake St. OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS , Omaha , 107 S. 14tb > t. 33d & , Walnut SU. , PHILA.DELPIIIA.I'A. hams , tnrtan plaid * , fancy chcvlotH nnd otlirr autumn fiii-clalllcH thuru wan niuru liusln.sn ilolnk' . Heavy wvlKht woolcnii wt-re looked after with more Intcrcbt and fair ri'BUlta nnd buycra ore more prvsalni ; In their demand for new IlKht welKht that HK'i'lltH are Irackward In Fliowllif. 1'rlnt clothe , dull ut 2c , leus 1 per cent. Liverpool JUiirlti't. LIVKHPOOL , AUK. S.-WIIKAT-Klrm ; de mand poor ; holdcra offer FimiliiKly ; No. 1 Cali fornia , 4s SilfT1 9d ; nxl winter , < : i 3iltMa | ( < I ; red HprliiK , < MlUa M. COIIN Klrni ; demand poor ; new mixed , spot , In til. UAHLHY California brewltiK , 23n C.lf(2s Cd. I.'I.ODlt HprliiK piitentH , KM 'j.l. IIIITTKIl KlnoBt , 70s ; Brnd , C H. I'ltOVISlONB lleef , uxtra India menu , C7a M. PerU , prlmi ) niftia , C7n M , liacon , IUMK und eh jrl clear , 45 llm. , 35H W ; lonK clenr , K Iba. , 3C . lju-J. prime ueulern ttenni , ZCs. C1IKKS13-American Iliifsl , Ka , TALLOW- . The rocelplB of wheat for the past three dayo \vvru 3I3.0UO centalD , IncluilInK 1'ACKX ) centals American. Ilect'lptH of Ameilenn coin durlnx thu pant three dayx , none. The weather Is cloudy. Kiuimin City llnrlrtH. KANSAS CITY. AUK. 3. WHHAT Hard wheat , Kti'iuly ; > "i'l win-lit. HCI Inuer ; No. 2 linnl. 47c ; Nu. 3 hard , 4c ; No. 'J led , 4Cc ; No , 3 red , 4Jc ; rejected , SSfflOc. COIIN lo hlKher ; No. 2 mixed , 4M'IGUc | ; No. * OATH Vie hlKher ; No. 2 mixed , ! 9fi30c ; No. 2 wliltp 32c IIU'ITBK Klrmj creamery , ICOZOo ; dairy , H Ko'os-Blondy nt SVic. IlKCKIITH Wheat , 5,300 bu , ; corn , 1KX > bu. ; oan. 8.C bu. BHII'MUNTS-Nonc. Oil MnrhrlH. OIL CITY , I'a. . Auir. 3. National Tranilt cer- tinrateH opened at 7i ! i ; lilKhfHl. 7'J4i ! lowent , mi ; cloied ut 7'Ji ! ; uliliiiiieiitu , 78.819 hhU. ; runt , JPITTHHIJIIO , I'u. , AUK. 3. National Transit 7'J cloned at 7 i hlKhent certlMraK-a opened ut ti ; , Ti % ; lowent , 7 ? i. Duliilli Wlirut .Mitrliut. DULIJTH , AUK. 3. WIII5AT No , 1 hard , cash Wo ; Auumt , We : Na. 1 northern , mill , M > ic ; Auirunl. Wo ; Heptember. MUc ; Nu. 2 norlhnn , ciuli. ? c ; No. 3. 4Ic ; rejected , 44o ; to uirlve , No. 1 norlhern , MKc , ( nred fur by H 'l tlvr . MlsH Nellie Campbell , who was taken to the police itatlon la a dangerously 111 contll- Stand at the Head. For thirty years Ducbcr Watch Canes have been endorsed by every prominent ilca- Icrln IhoUnltcdStutcs. The Dtiobor trailo- mark In this country , Laud the Hall mark In RUBY JEWELED j Kncland are n guitran- J ADJUSTED ' leu of pure metal , 17- { V WATCHES jewel Hampdcn movo- tncnts In Ducbcr rases stand nt the head , If your dealer does not keep nnr watches mall us your adilri-sft and w will send you the nnmo of R. dealer who does. Tun minim * WATCH \Vnnus , Cumon , O. WALL STREET ! Operutflnuiiurnsliilly In Wiill Struct through uur Co-i | nitlvo It. II , tml : < Syndicate. Dividends paid up to June l&lh. 1894 , u fol lows ; llecrmbrr , INU'J. ! i'JHi > er cunt. Net. , / IIIIIKII.i / Hut ' im nt .1/UIT/l , l . 17 " Aiiril , ii 14 Mill / , ' IS June , It " thus muklnv 10 } per cent , earned and paid In nix montlu. Prospectus uUliiK detailed Informa tion of our plun mailed free on application. HU'lieit references. MI.1N.IIA.N& ( ; 4)Nlorknnil Crnlii llniliui. , 4llln > uilw y , Nuvr Vnrlt tlon on Tuesday nleht , was removed by hqr friends today to her homo at Atkinson , Neb , Her relatives nuuurt that the young woman's half-utarvfd condition was duo to her tllncsB and not to her Inability to no * cure funds or food. Her parents and brother ure Keelni ; that she In given the best of cara and her speedy recovery to health Is prom ised , _ The water ot Courtland Is ai clear u * cryital and temperature perfect.