* THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt i' AUGUST < l. LAST APPROPRIATION BILL General Deficiency Bill Wind * Up Tlieso Measures In the Senate. PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC of 8JHOOB30 Auiirilcil by llio Court of Cliilnm Incorporiitcil In the Mravirc Coiifcrrnco Id-port oil the llhcr itnil Ilnrhor lllll. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The last of the appropriation bills the deficiency was passed by the senate this evening , after It had bocn under discussion nearly the entire - tire day. The bills for the admission of New Mexico and Arizona to statehood were reported to the senate and placed on the calendar. The house bill for the protection of persons furnishing materials and labor for the construction of public works was passed. Tliu deficiency appropriation bill was then taken up by the senate. Among the coimnlt- tco amendments adopted was one appropri ating $ lgOOC.VJ to pay the judgments rendered by the court of claims In favor of the Southern I'aclllc railway. This opened the question of the rotations between the general government and the Pacific railroads , Mr. White , democrat of California , Inquiring whether It was the purpose of the appropriation committee to provide for all the judgments of the court of claims against the United States. Mr. Cockroll , chairman of the appropriation com mittee , replied that It was the ! urposo to pay nil final judgments , except as to the bonded railroads , but the Southern Pacific railroad wan not a bonded company. It was doubtful , said Mr. White , whether the Item should have been put Into the bill , In view of the unsettled conditions of the government claims , not only against these railroads , but against their stockhold ers. The question arose , ho said , whether It would not bo better to let the matter re main unsettled until the government claims were fully adjusted. The amcndine-nt was adopted. A strong discussion wan brought out by an amendment proposed by Mr. Call to pay naval ofllrers and sailors , or their heirs , the difference between their sea pay -and shore pay for the time they served on vessels which never went to sea from ISfiO to 18C5. Three such claims had been allowed by tie | court of claims , when congress Invoked the statute of limitations and barred all future claims more than six years old. Mr. Halo opposed the amendment , as did also Sen ators George. Pryo and Chandler , while Sen ators Hoar and Galllnger advocated It. Mr. Cockrcll then moved to lay the amend ment on the table , which was agreed to. On an amendment proposed by Mr. Illanch- ard , but which was ruled out of order , Mr. DIanchard appealed from the decision of the chair and Inaugurated obstructive tactics by making the point of no quorum. On the roll call flfly-one senators , eight more than n quorum , answered to their names. Mr. IHanchard's amendment gave rise to a very unusual scene In the senate , for Mr. Allen demanded that the remarks of Mr. Cockrcll , when making his point of 'order against the amendment , should bo read by the reporter. Mr. Cockrell thereupon re peated his statement , which Mr. Allen Inti mated was not the same as the one first made when the clause in the rule was not stated , and Insisted upon the reading of the stenographer's notes. Senators Hale , Tucker and other republicans and democrats explained - plained that the rules did not require a senator In raising a point of order to state what rule It came under , leaving that ques tion to the presiding officer. The pros and cons were fully discussed , until ( lie presiding ofllcer ( Mr , Jarvls ) directed the reporter's notes to be read. This was done , and Mr. Cockrcll's supplemental statement was con firmed and Mr. Allen proved to have been In error. The question recurred on the appeal from the decision of the chair , but Mr. Halo moved to lay the appeal on the table * and this was done. At 0:20 : the bill was passed and the report of the conferees on the river and harbor bill was submitted , but was not acted on. After a short oxccutlvo session , at G:30 : the sen ate adjourned. U.HI : Pcpnrtmont of Agriculture IHHIIO it Uulloltn Coiiriiriiliitf Their I'rc | > .inltloil WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Farmers bulletin No. 19 , Issued by the Department of Agricul ture , gives some directions concerning the preparation and use of a few of the insectl cldo agents having the widest range and at tended with the greatest usefulness , economy and case ot application. There are constant calls for Information of the character con tained In the bulletin , and the effort has bocn made to give In a concise yet com plete manner the best method of preparing and applying the remedies suggested. The overwhelming experience of the past dozen years , the bulletin says , makes It almost un necessary to urge on the ground of pecuniary returns the adoption ot the measures recom mended against Insects. To emphasize the value of such practice It Is only necessary to call attention to the fact that the loss to orchard , garden and farm crops frequently amounted to from 1C to 75 per cent of the entire product , and Innumerable Instances could bo pointed out where such loss has been sustained year after year , whllo now , by the adoption of remedial measures , larger yields nro secured with Insignificant expenditure for treatment. It has been es tnbllshed that In the case of the apple crop the spraying will protect from 25 to 7C per cent of the fruit which would otherwise be wormy , and this at a cost ot only about 10 cents per tree for labor and material , The cotton crop , which formerly In years of bad Infestation by the leaf worm was es timated to be Injured to the extent of $30.- 000.000 , Is now comparatively free from such Injury owing to the general use of arscnl- cals. Showings of like Import could be adducer In regard to many ether leading staples , bul the foregoing , the bulletin says , are sufTlclonl to emphasize the money value of Intelllgenl action against Insect enemies. ItlVIMl AM ) IIAIUIOU 1111,1 , . Hcmito unit HIIIIKU Como to nit Agreement On tlm .M < 'ii MI re. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The river and harbor appropriation bill was reported fron the conferees to both houses today am agreed to. As finally presented , the bit carried ? 1USS,1SO , an Increase of $1,919,491 from the house bill. Compromises were reached on sixty-live of the senate amend inonts. The senate receding from twenty am the remainder being accepted by the house The Important ono of the senate amendments which were receded from was : $100,000 for restraining works at Do Guerre point , Yubi river , California. Some of the most Im portant compromises were : Striking out the Item of $10,000 for Wilmington , Cat. , wlilel was Inserted by mistake , the Improveinen having bocn completed. A commission Is pro vldod for lo report to congress on the ad vlsablllty of effecting a separation bctweoi the Mississippi and Itcd rivers at their June tlou. A provision for the upper Mlssour river between Stubbs Ferry , Mont , , am Sioux City. la. , Is reduced from $155,000 t $110,000 , $20,000 for the river between Pierre and the mouth ot the Sioux river In South Dakota and $25,000 for between Pierre am Bismarck being dropped. The sum for the Columbia river Is reduced from $250,000 to $100,000. and for Salmon bay , Washington from $100.000 to $25.000. Cnngrr * * OrttliiK After the Miirqnls. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The house com mlttuo on Interstate and foreign commerci devoted an hour today to the discussion o the sleeping car system. For a text It had Representative Drlckner's bill , which was Introduced during the Chicago strike and which provides that after January 1 , 1895 rallroid companies engaged In Interstati commerce shall own or control by lease al sleeping cars used on their roads or branches operated or controlled by them , and fixing a penalty of $10 a day for failure to comply in each case. Severil members speke In fev * cf the principles embodied la th bill Mcmbcri of the committee Julleve n meas ure of that kind will b < reported which will ncliiilo dining cars and nil palace cars , nit the time will deiubtl * bo extended to .890 , with n view to giving the companies Imo to adust their business to the change , TO KVVi.STIJATi : : I.YNCIIINtlH. iditV1M Crumiiln Prompt * Itrprrnciitntlro Itlitlr lo Ask for nil tnvrntlRittlon. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The house spent large portion of the day In dlncusslng two Jills , one for rcclnsslflcatlon of the railway mall clerks and ono for the classification of clerks In the first and second-class post- ofllccs , but neither was acted upon. The conference report on the river and harbor bill was agreed to without division. A resolution on the subject of lynchlngs , which created something of n sensation In view of the agitation ot the lynching ques tion by Ida B. Wells , was offered In the house today by Mr. Blair of New Hamp shire , as follows : Resolved , By the senate aril house ot rep resentatives , In congress assembled , that the commissioner of labor bo Instructed to In vestigate and report the number , date , lo cation and attendant facts and circum stances of alleged aspiU'lls by males on fe males throughout the roiin'ry ' during the ten years last preceding th" passage of this lolnt resolution , for or on account of which organized but unlawful violence has been In flicted or attempted to be Inflicted. Also to ascertain and report nil acts of organized but unlawful violence to the person , with the attendant facts and circumstances , which liavc been Inflicted upon accused persons al leged to have been guilty of crimes punish able by due process of law which have taken place In any part of the country within the ten years last preceding the passage of this resolution. Such Investigation shall be made by the usual methods and agencies of the Department of Labor and report made to congress as soon as the work can be sat isfactorily done ; and the sum of $25,000 , erse so much thereof as , may be neeessary , Is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of the same out of any money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Mr. Dunphy of Now York objected and the resolution went over. Mr. Outhwulte , from the committee on rules , then presented a special order giving the remainder of the day after the morning hour to business reported from the commlt- tee on postolllces and post roads. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Outhwalto It was agreed that when the house adjourned today It bo to meet on Monday next. Mr. Catchlngs then presented the con ference report on the river and harbor bill , which was agreed to without division. Under the special order the remainder ot the day was devoted to business reported from the postolllce and post roads commit tee. tee.Mr. . Dunphy of New York called up the bill for the classification of clerks In first and second-class postofflces and for fixing the salaries of the same. After considerable discussion , without action on the bill , the house , at G o'clock , took a recess until 8 o'clock , the evening session to be devoted to pension bills. LIKUTKJfAST 3IANKY OOKS I'llKV. secretary Lumont Dlsnpprcnei the Sentence of the Court Miirtlul. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Secretary'La- mont today disposed of the case of First Lieutenant James Maney , who was tried by court martial as the result of the killing of Captain Hedberg at Fort Sheridan , near Chicago. The lieutenant had been previously tried and acquitted by the civil courts on a charge of murder. The charge proved be fore the court martial was conduct unbe coming an officer In assaulting his superior officer. Of this charge he was found guilty and sentenced to bo publicly reprimanded. After a thorough examination of the case , which has been before the department for many weeks. Secretary Lament today en dorsed upon the record of the court , "Dis approved by the department. " This finally ends the cme and Lieutenant Maney will not bo reprimanded nor will he again be tried. No reason Is assigned for the department's action and It Is left to surmise whether the sentence was regarded as Insufficient , or , as Is more probable , whether the view Is taken that the lieutenant's acquittal of the more serious charge of murder by the civil court should stop further proceedings grow ing out of the bame offense , for Secretary Lament has uniformly shown himself to be very jealous of encroachment upon the Ju dicial bench. Inasmuch as the sentence was not one of dismissal. It did not como before the president for his action. CIIOI.IOIIA NOT CONTAGIOUS. Interesting Though Horrible Observations of it Coimtl In Turk-jr. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. United States Consul Jewett , at Slvas , Turkey , sends to the Department of State an Interesting ac count of the cholera outbreak In that city. Ho argues strongly from his personal ob servation that the disease is not contagious , and In proof tells of the children playing In the gutters running with water polluted with cholera excrotla , which water Is also used to wash Infected linen and the house hold utensils In which meals are cooked and served. Another case Is where the well occupied the same bed with the sick , some times t'ireo husband , wife and child In bed together , ono purging and vomiting. In splto of these practices 82 per cent of the population escaped the disease. The consul gives an account of the feeble and Im potent attcmnt of the authorities , local and national , to stamp out the disease , telling how the quarantine directors , who were paid $7 each for two months service , cor ruptly allowed people to pass the lines for fees. After May 30 the government rec ognized no cases of cholera , although they occurred at the rate of fifteen cases and three deaths a week. AUVISKS TlCUi ; n.ANTINO. J. Sterling Morton nyx Something Must lie llano to Kv p Up thn Forests. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Responding to a resolution of the senate. Secretary Morton has laid before that body a reply In which ho nays that experiments | n arbor culture throughout ho United States arc very much needed. Ho says that the denuding of the forests IB progressing at the rate of 30,000 acres per day. The distribution of plno seed among Inexperienced people has not proven of utility , and he recommends that young trees bo bought Instead. The mainten ance of extensive forests , ho says , Increases the rainfall In tholr vicinity , but such forests consume and modify the distribution of water supplies In a far greater degree than they cause rainfall. IN Till * TllAIN or UTAH. Notr Mexico nnd Arlzoim Favorably Ili'com- inriMlril for Statehood. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. In th8 senate today Mr. Blackburn reported favorably from the committee on territories the house bill for the admission of New Mexico , and Mr. Faulkner , chairman of the same com mittee , also reported a bill lor the admis sion of Arizona. Both were placed on the calendar , ftninlnittril by the rrrnlilent. WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. The president to day sent the following nominations to the senate : Kills Mills of Virginia , now consul general at Honolulu , to bo secretary of the legation and consul general of the United States at that place. John M , Grlflln to be postmaster at Madera , Cal. Nuw Nainr for T.nir Clerki. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Secretary Smith has ordered that the employes In the In terior department , formerly known as law clerks , hereafter be officially designated as sistant attorneys. Cnnllrmeil One roitinnstur. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The senate In executive session today made public the confirmation ot Edward P. Jones as post master at Del Norte , Cole , Lumorcnx Oolnc Homo to Wurotulii. WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Judge Lamoreux , commissioner of the general land office , left tor his home In Wisconsin to remain a month , Picnic at Courtland bttch. , Clan Gordon. CLOSE OF CAMP LINCOLN Last Day of tlo Interstate Kounion at fnpoiior. MANY THOUSANDS IN ATTENDANCE of ICniunn nml TliurMmi of NrbniMm the Votcrniifl with iio : > qiivnt Trlliitlcft tu tlm I'lilrliitUm of Union Soldier * . CAMP LINCOLN , SWKRIOU. Neb. , AUg. 3. ( Special to The Dec. ) This Is practically the last day of the Interstate reunion o ( the Oraiul Army of the Kopubllc. Many will leave tonight and tomorrow every one will gather up their frying pans and blankets and retire peaceably nnJ orderly to their homes an they did at the close of the war , almost thirty years ago. That the reunion has been a success no one who has seen the crowds and witnessed the enthusiasm will doubt. The old soldiers ot southern Ne braska ami western Kansas have come to love the meadow camp and the little grove where they have listened to the elo- ( luence of their leaders year after year. They appreciate the kindly hospitality of the people of Superior and willingly make great sacrifices rather than miss being with their old comrades once each year. It almost , seems as If the farms and ranches must be deserted for miles around when one elbows his way through the crowd that swarms Cnmp Lincoln. John J , Ingulls , the ex-senator from Kan sas , and Hon. John M. Thiirston of Omaha are the drawing cards today and each train Is loaded with crowded humanity , turning out to hear the wily Kansan and the silver- tongued orator from Nebraska. Many have coino by wagon from fifty miles over the Kansas line , and farmers who do not know how they nro to hold out through the com ing winter have como In splto-nt everything. List evening Captain Hunter's Flambeau club gave an exhibition and bombarded the camp with fireworks from the crest of the hill. Tonight the exhibition was repeated. Around last evening's camp lire a largo crowd gathered to listen to the humor of Major Lew Hanback and the stories of Col onel Dick Dine. Mrs. Pond of Itcd Cloud rendered a recitation and now and then the whole assembly would burst forth with some rousing old war song. All the bands and drum corps mustered this morning for review and then formed to escort Senator Ingulls and Mr. Thurston from the train to Camp Lincoln. The whole camp , with the exception of the physically disabled , which each year forms a larger element In a Grand Army assembly , turned out. Commander Adams and his mounted aid header ! the procession and the two orators tors were given a rousing reception at the depot. INQALLS' ELOQUENCE. At the speakers' stand they were received with the greatest enthusiasm. Ingalls was the first speaker and congratulated the man agers of the Interstate reunion on the mag nificent assemblage and thanked the auJlenco for the warmth of greeting. "Since I spoke to you a year ago , " he said , "many things have happened , many have crossed the frontier of the kingdom of the dead , to whose boundaries we are all fast approaching. As I came through Kansas this morning I witnessed a dreary procession of mea who had been battling with the pltllass forces ot nature and were forced to give up the struggle. As an Inhabitant of more than thirty years on the frontier , I have often heard It said that the rain belt Is moving westward. I don't believe a word of It. Wo have been trying to raise corn In western Kansas long enough. Beyond the line drawn north from the Gulf of Mexico no moisture but from Irrigation can bo depended upon. Buffalo nourished there before white men came , and If settlers will graze their herds of cattle and horses that region will suppjrt a peaceful and contented people , but it Is amply demonstrated that It will not ralso. corn. "Another condition confronts us that al most amounts to civil war. I recently passed through West Virginia. All along the line were opposing lines of soldiers and strikers. It was like passing through an enemy's coun try thirty years ago , and , coming to Chicago , I was kept In that city as in a city held by siege. The only difference between despotism and a republic Is that one Is a government of law and the other Is a government cf persons. There Is ono class In this country who would make good strangers among any nation of the world. A class that has known no law but the bayonet ; no means of redress but bomb and stlleito. I am not opposed to foreign emigration , but for the dregs , sewage and scum of European humanity the gates of Castle Garden should never swing Inward. One of the rights of American citi zens Is free emigration. With me , when I was a prisoner of war In Chicago , there were thousands of men deprived of this right. The men who de prived us of that right deserved the same fate as the rebels of 1861. I don't know that I ever before said anything laudatory of Graver Cleveland , but , partisan as I am , I say that when the president ordered the army to open the gates of trafflc ho did one act for which every citizen should be thank ful -nut that was only ono virtue among a thousand sins. I am no pessimist ; 1 be lieve that the American nation can solve any question that may confront It. and this nation shall not perish from the earth. He discussed the meeting at the unveiling of the Leo monument at Richmond sixty days ago , and the present sentiment of the south toward the north. Continuing , he Bald"But If great principles are maintained this government shall not become a gov ernment of persons Instead of laws. THURSTON'S TRIBUTE. In the afternoon Ingalls was followed by Hon. John M. Thurston. He said : 'Thero has been no time In the" history of the re public that there has been such need of bravo men. I am glad to meet bravo men whoso patriotism has been tested , renew ng once more their fealty and loyalty to tbu patriotism In our country today. In every other great problem of government , and wo need patriotism In our country today. In every ether and of the whole civilized .world the oppor tunities of people are limited by conditions and heredity which cannot be shaken off , and I flnd a man born abroad coming here , with the right to enjoy equal prlv- legos , trying to uproot and destroy our gov ernment , I feel llko saying. Go back from whence you came or wo will set out the old bayoneta and send you back. No such man need to try to bring about better gov ernment with dagger and bomb. If there Is aught that Is wrong there Is ample rem edy In the constitution and ballot box. That country and that country alone Is prosperous In which every man has an opportunity to work every work day In the year at a fair nrlco. Every man should do his best to bring about such a condition In the way ho thinks best. If you do this you wl do as great a work as when you pinned the star to our glorious banner with your Immortal bayonets. These are critical days , but It Is not the tlmo to criticise the government , but to stand by It and let neither party nor prejudice stand In the way of patriotism. This land was given that the earth's troubled millions might flnd here a homo of rest and peace ; it was given that the oppressed of every land might here flnd a refuge ana freedom , and that It should become a peace ful valley , full of happy homes , with the blossliiK of God upon us all. " Resolutions wore passed unanimously thanking Commander Adamn and the people of Superior for their tireless work In mak ing the reunion a success. In the evening Hon. 13. N. Davis of Kan BUS addressed the camp lire and good stories and songs whlled away the last evening of the encampment. Hurt County Humluy School Wnrlcnr * . LYONS. Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special to The Deo. ) The Burt County Sunday School as soclatlon closed yesterday after a two day * ' session. The speeches and papers were very Interesting. The address yesterday morning by Key. Mr. Wilson , D.D. , of Tekamah on "Culture of Child Piety" was a leading feature ot the day's program. Lovl Lover- Ins , an Omaha Indian , conducted the prayer and prulse service In the evening. Mr. Lev ering has attended the Bellevue college ol Omaha for the last three years. II also attended school In Philadelphia before going to Ilellevuo , He has prcptrad himself for THE GREATEST FAMILY RESORT IN THE ENTIRE "WEST. Music evdry After Bnloon Asccnsipn noon after 2 : 'io o'clock. Pnrnchuio Jump ov cry evening nt 7:40 : Also every evening. o'clock. RE-EMA6ED-Pei.alag LIONS AND LEOPARDS-RE-ENGAGED p /c / Is attended by the Every Afternoon and elite of Evening OMAHA , This Week AND SOUTH OMAHA , All Next Week. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Sunday Aftciucon nud Evui n Courtland Beach is a resort where the business man , banker or laborer finds enjoyment , both afternoon and evening. Elegant Broad Verandas Upon which the multitude may sit to enjoy the musical prorogram produced daily. Includes admission to the beach and all performances. ii GOES UP n/rnv / rur DAILY LltlU Lift missionary work among his people and will devote all his time to that hereafter. Officers for the cominglyear are : President , n. G. Nesblt ot Craig- ; vice president , George B. Huntsborger of .Lyons ; sectary. Harry Lauglln of Decatur. Tho' association will be held In Craig next year. UNO or man LIVING. Lincoln 1'ropcrty Owner Finds Himself Ucfriuliint In u IMvorco Suit. LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special to The Bee. ) William Kelfncr was the owner of two city lots , on each of which were store buildings , yielding a good rental. Dut he developed a fondness for the flowing bowl and his property was dwindling away. His wife persuaded him to deed over to her his stores , giving her the right to collect the rents. In one of the stores was a saloon and when his wlfo vent to make the first collection she discovered that her husband's bill for drinks more than balanced the rent. Tlilnes went from bad to worse until finally the police were called and Officer J. H. Cramer responded. He , did not make the ar rest and Judge Amasa Cobb , who had been retained by the wife , complained of him to the chief of police , with the lesnilt that Cramer has lost his Mar ot h been In definitely suspended , which Is Jnfcci ) to mean the same thing. The oillcer claims that he could not arrest a rn.ui In his own house , but Judge Cobb ti > s that Cramer pitched In and had a coed time along wl'h ' tVe rest of the rioters. Today Mrs. Kiefner filed with the clerk of the d strict court her ap plication for a divorce , setting out , all the above facts , nnd asking tilso that her hus band bo restrained from collecting ths routs from the property. George H. I'ettlbone , a traveling man who was married to his wife Parmella In 18S5 In Darlen , N. Y. , charges her with unfaith fulness and asks divorce. Annie Larson of Hock Creek and Mrs. Bernard Dolan of First and B streets were before the commissioners of Insanity today. The case of Robert Ilarr against the State of Nebraska , from Cumlng county , was filed In the supreme court this morning. Barr was fined | 25 In a criminal action and alleges error. , The case of D. M. Osborno against the Piano Manufacturing company has boon appealed to the supreme court from Lan caster county. The smallpox patients who have been con fined In the pest house for some tlmo were yesterday discharged as cured. There were four of them , two having died with the dis ease. It has cost the city about $800 to care for these patients. W. R. Dennis has begun suit In the dis trict court against the Insurance companies by which his stock , of goods In the opera house- was Insured. . . . The railroads haVor agreed to rnlso the blockade of O streot-mnlll August 10 , when the street will be .permanently abandoned. The executive committee of the Hepubllcan State league will meet In this city August 16 to make preliminary Arrangements for the fall campaign. The graduating exercises of the Lincoln Normal university 'will1 ' toke place tonight and tomorrow nlghto At the last mcetlngi.pf the board of con trol of the State Homo for the Friendless a very Interesting rolforl was read from the superintendent. Sirs'L.'B. ' ' . Hall. She stated that since the lastu mealing the Institution had received twcniyoa. ? children and two adults. Nine homes have been visited by the Buporlntcndent"lliirlng the month and five of the chlldrenlmiva been found homes. She also reported that fifteen of the children have during the moutli-returnert to friends. At the present tlmirtttoro are In the home ten adults , ninetyoritf children and twenty-two office employes , making a total of 12J. Struck by n 'to. 4 SI. Truln. RED CLOUD. Nob.1 Aug. 3. ( Special Tel egram to The Dee. ) A shoemaker from Alma named Green was struck by a freight on the n. & M. near Atnboy this afternoon. Both leg * were broken and his skull was fractured. He was going from Alma to Hastings and took the wrong train and was put off at Guide nock. Ho was walking back and the train caught him on a bridge. Ho caught hold of some rods tinder the pilot and saved himself from going under the train. Hunting * N.BITH Note * . HASTINGS , Aug. 3. ( Special to The Bee. ) Ncwa waa received here today of the death of Miss Mary Adftmi of this city , In Cleve land , O. Mlas Adams waa vliltlng relatives In that city and stepped off a rapidly moving cable car to b < burled to tha pavement. She died a few minutes after being taken to the hospital. Miss Adams was a graduate of the Hastings High school , in the class of ' 92 , and was a general favorite with her friends and schoolmates. Her parents are now living In Texas , but Miss Adams still counted Hastings her homo. Mrs. Laura S. Cole , widow of Dclevan S. Cole , who was murdered two years ago , died yesterday and was burled this afternoon. Mrs. Colo's death came Just two years and a day after her husband's murder. A meeting of Adams county citizens to discuss Irrigation will bo held Saturday at the court house. FOUL PIY FKAKEU. I'lns NufT , Diikota County' * Kx-Tronsurer , Drowneil In Cry till l.uUo. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The naked body of ex-County Treasurer Pins Neff was found In Crystal lake late last evening by two fisher men. Ho left here Wednesday afternoon , saying ho was going bathing. There are suspicions of foul play , as there are several bruises on his head and his clothes cannot be found. He was a pioneer resident and a wealthy citizen. He leaves one daughter. Coroner Sawyers today Impaneled a jury to Investigate the affair. Drs. Maxwell and La hey in a do a postmortem examination and decided that death was caused by drowning. After several hours' search Neff's clothes wore found about a quarter of a mile from his body , about twenty-five feet up on the bank and In the illicit brush. The pockets were rifled of all but his eyeglasses. The coroner's Jury was taken to the scenoof the fatality , and while there the scapular worn by Neft was found in a new-made hole In the ground about thlrty-llvo feet eas't of the fishermen's tent occupied by Charles Ehr- hardt and son , Ilyan , residents of Sioux City. A silver dollar was also found In the tent under the bedclothes , covered with dirt. A silver watch Is still missing and the Ehr- hardts are being hold until the verdict Is returned by the Jury. The circumstances are strange , an the deceased was a wonderful swimmer , oftentimes swimming the Missouri river at this point. An adjournment was taken until 9 a. m. tomorrow , It being thought that young Ehrhardt will confess by Hint tlmo. The funeral will bo held Monday morning , awaiting the arrival of relatives from Canada. The victim was 69 years old and leaves ono daughter here and a brother and sister In Canada , who are cnrouto here. He was ono of Dakota county's wealthiest and most re spected and highly honored citizens and an Important factor In county affairs. 1'IIOMISKS A .HENS < VTION. Intcrpntlnff Io lopmont In the Wliolegnlo 1'olHonliiR at u llnvulock Hotul. PLATTSMOUTH. Nob. , Aug. 3. ( Special Telegram to The Bee- . ) The wholesale pois oning ot the boarders at the Stoldlng boardIng - Ing house at Havelock Monday morning , In which twelve machinists who have tholr homes In this city partook of the poisoned food , promises a sensation. The trouble was caused ut the breakfast table , and out of the two dozen boarders not ono escaped the poison's effect. By thla time all have re covered except Robert Schopor , who came to his homo In this city the day of the poisoning and Is now seriously 111. The poison was traced to the milk used at the breakfast table , und some of thu same milk was sent to a chemist , who finished his analysis yesterday , and found that the milk contained poison , Just what kind the chem ist und boarding house pcoplo refuse to di vulge , their Intention being first to locate the party who dosed the milk. Suspicion points to a girl who until re cently worked In the boarding house , but was discharged. The girl formerly lived In Plattsmouth and Is well known here. Her name , however , Is withheld until the mys tery clears up. Sunday afternoon It Is stated that the girl made threats against the par ties running the boarding house and said that the boarders there would noon tlnd an other place to live. Sunday evening a part of the milk was served for supper , but no 111 effects resulted , Over night the crock ot milk wag stationed In on .unlocked re frigerator , setting outside the house. It was evidently doaed during the night , s every boarder who used any of the milk at breakfast Monday was Immediately taken sick. Everything points to tb * girl's ifrllt , but the authorities will Investigate a trifle further before causing her arrest. i'il DtuU Ht Tun-nee City. PAWNEE CITY , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special Telegram to The DM. ) Ransom NlchoUon , a young man 20 years old. dropped dead on the street tonight. He had bocn running races and It Is supposed his death was caused from heart failure. Crop Failure I. cuds to Sulclilo. HASTINGS , Aug. 3. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) An old farmer named Garrett , living near Konesaw , committed suicide to day by putting the muzzle of a double-bar reled shotgun under his mouth and pulling the triggers by a stick. Garrett was an old soldier who went to Texas about three years ago , returning last year. His crops last year and this year were complete failures , and , as Garrett had lost about all the prop erty ho had In Texas , ho Is supposed to have pondered over his troubles until ho decided on sulcldo. The coroner's Jury rendered a verdict ot suicide. Ntiinton lluslnoas MCII'H Cnrnltnl , STANTON , Neb. , Aug. 3. There was a bus iness men's carnival hero last night under the auspices of the Young People's Christian Endeavor society. The street parade In the evening was very fine and was com posed of about forty young people , represent ing the different business houses of the city. Some of the costumes and banners were ele gant and costly. The hall was crowded to the doors. _ Died nt n CSolil Cura Krtrnsit , GRAND ISLAND , Aug. 3. ( Special tote to The Bee. ) Joseph Freeman died at the Grand Island Gold Cure Institute suddenly today. Coroner Roeder was urged to look Into the case , but after examining the corpse and talking with the attending physician ho thought an inquest was unnecessary. Freeman came hero from North Platte , where lie has a wife and family. IVcullur CIIHO of rolsonlii ) ; . KEARNEY , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) This afternoon while John Roe , son of Colonel J. II. Roe- was bathing In the Platte river ho was so badly poisoned that his oycs swelled shut. Ills arms and body are also badly swollen. How ho was poisoned Is not known , but It Is supposed lie came In contact with poison Ivy. Hebron .Hiimluy Kchool Picnic. HEBRON , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special to The Beo. ) The Sunday schools of the different churches throughout the county united In ono grand picnic In Hebron yesterday. F , S. Mickey delivered the address of welcome. Singing and eating continued until late In the evening. _ Nrliruilui City Hey Injnrml. NEBRASKA CITY , Aug. 3. ( Special Tel egram to The Beo. ) Sovon-ycar-old Don David Rest , living ono mlle south ot this city , whllo playing In a hity mow , fell to the floor , a distance of twenty feot. Ho was unconscious when found and his Injuries are thought to bo serious. Milton ! Chllil Drontnncl. MILKORD , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special to The Bee , ) Nellie , the 4-ycar-old daughter of Mrs , Trimble , was drowned In Lake Qucnclm- qua yesterday whllo playing along the bank. The body was found by a party of boys from Lincoln while In bathing. A picnic Is not complete without some of Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. A lunch with It Is fit for the gods. Coolest ride hereabout to Courtland beach. § World-wide , I means world-tried. ( The high reputation land enormous sale of iBeecham's * Worth \ v-v * rf ( \a$3F ) PlllS ( Tulclcis ) reflect the wisdom of two generations. aj cent * a boi. { V ) m gifltFORtf Thla extra ordinary Re- Combination JMzzfaen , jiiveiinlor Is „ , Falling Bon- the - most wonderful Gallon.Herv discovery of oiutTrltchlna the axe. H of the eye * lias been en and ether dorsed by the IcadiugBclen- Strengthens , tlllo moil of I n v 1 s orates Europe and andtoneythe Amcrioa. entire i ye tern. Hudyan U Hudvan cores purely vego- Deb Ulty , Ncrrousncw , Hudyan stops EmlnslouB , Prematureness aiiddcvolopta of the < liS' and restores charge In 20 I'alns voalc orKan * . . In the Unys. Cures , back loisei LOST by day or MANHOOD nichtstoppcd quickly. Over 2,000 pilvnte cniloraomenl * . 1'ri'in.ilurencsn means ImixitciiL'y In the first HliiKi1. It Is a Hympton of seminal weakness nnd barrunnoHs. It cun be cured In 3) < luyn by til * u.io of Iluilynn. The now cllnoovery was mailo by the specialist * of thn old fumoUH Iluilmm Medical Institute. It IH the stronseHt vltallr < * r nmiliIt li very power ful , but barmles.1 , Hold for $1.00 n paxikago or six iHicUaKca for 15.00 ( plain sealed box * * ) . Written Kiiuranleo Blvrn tor a cure. If you buy six boxen anil ure not entirely cured , six m - will be Kent to you frrp of nil charge. Send fur circular * nnd tcMlmonliila. Aildrean HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Market St. , San Framilsco , Col. Read ilie Glorious Record of RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS CHICAGO , PHILADELPHIA , LONDON , 1811.1 1871) ) mi "PURE""SILVER GLOSS" For the Laundry , & CORN STARCH , For Puddings , Blanc Mange , Etc. NEBRASKA. NA.'TIONAJL BA.NH U , H , Ueiioittoril , Omaha , Kcbraikn , CAPITAL - - $400,000 SURPLUS - $55.600 Offlctr * and Dlrrctoni Henry W. Ynrn. prv Mtnt : John fi. Collln * . rlc * > urildeutj H. Itetd. CMtilcr. William IL K Kuctci. jut caahUr. , THE IRON BANK