Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier to nnjr part of the city ,
II , W. TILTON , Lessee ,'lIONES-nuslness office. No , 41 ; nlghl
( dltor , No. 23.
The funeral ot Mrs. Carrlo Corsis will take
place this morning at 8:15 : o'clock at her
late residence on South Eighth street.
Regular meeting of council No. 1 , Commtr- Pilgrims of Amcrlra , this evening. R.
J , McBrlde , W. P. ; W. A. Travis , secretary.
Pilgrim Sisters academy No. 1 will meet
at 8 p. . in. Saturday evening In their rooms
In the Brown building. All members arc
earnestly requested to be present.
Bert Petty , a bootlegger who has licen
spending several months In the county jail ,
was released yesterday by order of the court.
Ileforo going he took Ihe debtor's oath to
the effect that he had no money with which
to pay the costs ot his prosecution.
Lewis Lee , u colored man living near the '
Rock Island roundhouse , was arrested yc'j-
tcrday afternoon on the charge of beating his
wife. The lattor's face was as black as mid
night , but It had two eyes that vvcro even
blacker , both of which she avcrrul had been
donated to her by her liege lord. He ac
knowledged the corn.
Frank Larson and Alfred Larson , who
threw brickbats at William Lowrle , were dis
charged by Justice Vlen yesterday. Their
mother was fined $5 and costs and Liwrle
himself paid It all on condition that she
would bo good. She had a black eye and he
had a sore hand to show for their lit'le '
neighborly goings on , and , In viewer their
mutual pains , they compromised.
Mr. Darnold of Vllllsca , father of the young
man who was brought up by the United
States officers for bootlegging , was In ihe
city yestcrdiy for the twofold purpose of
getting a bond for the young man and dis
covering how much truth there was In the
report that his son had been half killed by
the executive officers of the kangaroo court
nt the county Jail. He found there was noth
ing at all to the story , and , having put up
the bond , returned homo on the evening
train. _
A few more bargains Ipft In real estate
Good opportunities for ( speculation. Exam
ine our llxt. Farm loans wanted , lowest
rates. Fire and tornado Insurance written
In the best companies. Lougee & Tow IP.
C. O. I ) , llroun
Has rented the entire building south of
his already large store , nnd will put me
chanics to work In a few days to cut arch
ways through the partition walls , throwing
the two big storfi rooms together. And as
ho has been compelled to reduce his stock
| n order to make room for the workmen
ho has cut the bottom clear out of prices
In grocery , hardware , tinware and willow -
waor departments. He has employed an
txtra force of clerks , so you won't have
\o \ wait. This sale will not last long , but
I1I go on record us the cheapest sale the
fcople of Council Bluffs ever witnessed.
Remember. the big red store , Fourth
street and Broadway.BROWN'S
Where a child can buy as cheap as a man
1 ruins for Luku Miitmivu.
Leave Broadway :
10 a. m.
2 p. m.
B p. m.
And every 22 minutes thereafter until
11:55 : p. in.
Parties wishing to spend the day at Lake
Manawa take the 10 a. m. train.
Mrs. F. M. Scanlan is dangerously 111 with
typhoid malaria.
O. D. Wheeler has returned from a visit
to Cedar Rapids.
P. II. Fotherlngham and wife have re
turned from the east.
Miss Mable Wright has returned from n
Visit to David City , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schcldle have re
turned from a visit to Hlnton Station.
Mrs. Ed Spooner of this city Is lying nt
the point of death In Boston with cancer.
Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Loomls and little
daughter , Edith , of Janesvlllc , WIs , ore vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Tllton.
II. A. McChcsney of Iowa City Is the guest
of his son , C. C. McChcsney. He Is on his
tvay home from a trip to Colorado.
George II. Rlghtmlre of Maquoketa , grand
Vlco chancellor of the Knights ot Pythias
of lowla , was In the city yesterday.
Mrs. F. S. Stelllng and son left last evenIng -
Ing for Chicago , after spending the last
month with Mrs. and Miss Palmer on Fourth
Judge Joseph R. Reed , chief Juctlce of
the United States court of private land
claims , left last evening for Santa Fo , N
M. , to hold a term of court.
John W. Barrett , one of tlus teachers at
the School for the Deaf , has moved his fam
ily from the Institution to 112 Stutsman
street , which will bo their home.
John M. Scanlan , J. A. Spauldlng , J. L
Smith and J. A. Wesley will go to Lemars
next week to attend the meeting of the
grand lodge ot Knights ot Pythias as dele
gates from St. Alban's lodge.
F. E. Glllllaml has gone to Green River.
Wyo. , and Ogden , Utah , on business con
nected with the Order of Railway Tele
graphers , ot which ho Is secretary. Ho will
bo absent for about two weuks.
George W. DoLong has been seriously ill
for about two weeks with typhoid malaria
Ills physicians reported the symptoms
slightly Improved last evening , though as
yet his condition Is too bad to admit of
visitors. His friends will hope for a speedy
change for the better.
Ed F. Coglcy has secured a position In
ono of the telegraph offices In Chicago dur
ing the dull part ot the theatrical season.
Ho handles the key with all his old-time
dexterity , and has the advantage ot a good
many knights ot the tie pass In that he Is
never out of a job. Ho will go back to his
business in tlio fall.
Century War Book , Famous Paintings , Per
istyle to Plulsance , Sights and Scenes and all
folios bound by Morchouso & Co.
On and after August 1 wo will soil groceries
tor cash only. J , Zoller & Co. , 100 Broad
way. _
Eyes tested free. C. B. Optical Co. , Schnei
der's drug store. _
Caught a Cimnterfi'ltiT.
Deputy United States Marshal Hlllweg
came In from Pigeon postoffice In the north
east part of the county last evening with
Peter Sandstrom , a young farmer of that
vicinity , In custody. Ho was wauled for
passing counterfeit money and the Unite 1
Elates authorities claim to have at least two
cases agalnbt him. The counterfeit Is a
dollar , very finely executed and capable of
deceiving almost any ono until the silver
wash has worn off. It la claimed ho passed
oft ono piece at a livery stable and another
at a saloon , both In this city , He will be
given a hearing this morning by Commis
sioner Steadman.
Meycrs-Durfce Furniture company , 33C-33S
Broadway , Bargains In line furniture.
For fine rooms stop at the Victoria house ,
S36 Broadway , corner Bryant street.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for nalo at
Gas CO.'B office.
Domestic boap outlasts cheap oap.
llrukiiiiinii Mok < ' l > ury Aliout
P. M. Stokesbury , who will bo remembered
as the Burlington brakeman who was shot
and nearly killed by tramps while on duty
on the night of May 25 last , was disdained
from the Women's Christian association IKS-
pltal yesterday , after successfully undergoing
an operation by which a piece ot bono was
extracted from hla head. He speuKs In the
highest terms of praise ot the treatment ho
received vvhllo at the hospital ,
KVIIIIR l.niimlry company.
620 Pearl street. Telephone 290.
Hammocks cheap , Davli the druggUt. .
k .Wiuatrwotuen UM Doiaeitlo seag , . L" ±
J. J. Shea Declines the Nomination for Supreme
premo Court Reporter ,
Ho Could Not AlTnrd to Tiilic tin
Onicr , but rrnmliivnt I'ollllcliinn
Mute tlio I ) ( nioirncy limp No 11 opt a
of Currying tlio Unction ,
J. J. Shoa of tills city has sent Chair
man Fletcher Howard of the democratic
state central 'committee a letter In
which he positively declines to make the
rnco for the office of supreme court reporter
to which he was nominated by this week's
convention. In the letter he says the nomi
nation \\as given him without his Knowledge
or concent nnd that he was In no way con
sulted about It. Ills private business | s In
such shape that he could not serve If elected
and lie cannot spend the time to make such
a canvass of the state as he thinks should
be made by a man who accepted the honor
nnd the responsibility of a nomination , so
that he will under no circumstances allow
hli nnme to be used.
The nomination of Mr. Shea was a great
surprise to the people of this city , because
no one had e\cr heard that he was making
any effort to secure a nomination , or thai
he even had a remote desire for It. Since
the convention Is over , however , the fact
has been developed that a number of the
nominations were made on very short notice.
A prominent democrat was talking to some
republican friends shortly after his return
from DCS Molnes and he let the cat out of
the bag In this wipe "The fact Is , nobody
was looking for a nomination on the demo
cratic ticket this jcar. It wasn't a question
of who should have the honor , but or whom
we could get to take It. " He Intimated
finite strongly that no democrat was looking
particularly for an election this year , nnd
the fact that Mr. Shea secured the nomina
tion without his most Intimate friends Und
ine out that he was In the race does not
necessarily Imply that he did any very
"smooth work before the convention. HALE.
At Vavr.i'w ? \o\v Dry ( .noils Store.
"He fine Henrietta , 52c.
60c Serge , S4c a. > ard.
15c Delaine , So a yard.
35c light and dark Serges , ICc a yard.
IGc fine printed checked Lawn , 9c a yard.
12V4c and 15c Pongees , 8' c a yard.
12c dark Gingham , 7c a yard.
I9c cotton Crepes , all colors , 12c a yard.
35c light French Sateen , 7V c a yard.
Jl.hS summer Blankets , 05c.
$1.25 crocheted Bedspreads , C7c.
2 yard wide Sheeting , 1-Hfce a vard.
2'4 yard wide Sheeting , IGU-c.
2& jard wide Sheeting , ISc.
75c Unlaundered Shirts , 43c.
60c Lace Undershirts , short sleeves , 33o.
BOc Balbrlggan Underwear , 29c.
23c to SOc Windsor Ties at 18c.
ICc dozen white string Ties , a dozen at Cc.
35c Men's Fancy Suspenders , 12ic. .
25c Gents' Handkerchiefs , plain and fancy ,
ut 121 .c.
Gents' 4-ply Linen Collars at Sc.
COc up to $1.00 Lace Caps , 39c.
95e to $1.75 Lace Hats , .for children , 57c.
IBc Children's Hose , Gc.
lOc Ladles' Hose , 5c.
17o Ladles' Fancy Hose , SVic.
BOc Opera Hose , 31c.
3Bc Lndles' and Gents' Belts , 17c
Velvet Belts , 9c.
Spool Cotton 3c.
2Bc Combination Needle Case , 7c.
Buttonhole Twist , Ic.
100 yards sewing Silk , all colors , 3c.
3Bc Fluted Cuffs and Collars , 19c.
Children's School Handkerchiefs , Ic.
lOo Hemstitch Handkerchiefs , 4c.
No. 2 Patent Hooks and Eyes , Ic.
No. 3 and 4 Patent Hooks and Eyes , card
Elastic Webbing , 3c.
Corset Clasps , Cc.
Celluloid Picture Frames , 9c.
lOc Curling Irons , Be.
3Sc Window Poles , complete , ISc.
2Sc Lace Window Curtains , yard , 12' c.
BOc quality Curtain , a yard , 22c.
75c bed room Lace Curtains , a pair , 43c.
$ G 00 Chenille Curtains , $3 2B ,
Fine Hats at 43c.
Best quality Hats , nothing better made ,
$3.00 trimmed Hats , $1 C5.
Hats trimmed free for the next fourteen
Don't 'all to attend this sale , which will
last for four days , commencing Saturday ,
the 4th , until Tuesday , the 7th , at
142 Broadway.
Opposite Ogden House.
or THK toj vi : > Tiox.
ip\rotth : r.cusmirs Looking forward to u
Oooil lime Wlio Mill Talto 1'iirt.
The Des Molnes conference Epworth league
convention , which Is to be held at the
Broadway Methodist church August 7-9 ,
promises to bo a grand success. Del. 'gates
from eveiy part of southwestern Iowa will
be In attendance. Every local Epworth
league should bo at every session if possi
ble. A cordial Invitation is extended to the
general public , and It Is hoped by the com
mittee In clmige that all will avail them
selves of the inspiration of such a conven
tion. The following are the officers : Presi
dent , L. M , Shaw of Dcnlson ; secretary ,
James M. Klttleman of Indlanola ; treasurer ,
J. A. Snyder of Des Molnes ; vice presidents ,
Mrs. Mary Mellck of Perry , Mrs. R. A , Hog-
aboom of Creston , Mrs. J. W. Cannon of
Atlantic and Mrs. L. P. Slgler of Leon. The
following Is the program :
Tuesday Evening 7 30 o'clock , praise serv
ice , led by Rev. Alfred Knoll ; 8 o'clock , ad
dress of welcome , C. M. Hurl ; response , L.
M , Shaw ; address , Rev. L. B. Wlckersham ,
"What Are You Going to Do About It ? "
Wednesday Morning Sunrise prayer meet
ing ; 8 o'clock , praise service , leil by Rev. J.
B. Harris ; S.30 o'clock , business session ; 9.30
o'clock , reports from district presidents ;
10:30 : o'clock , bible study , Prof. C. M.
Hlllnwood , Wesleyan university ; 11:30 : o'clock ,
"The World's Fair as Seen by a 12-Year-Old
Boy , " Master George WInterbournc.
Wednesday Afternoon 1.30 o'clock , praise
service , led by Ilaiibon Harris ; 2 o'clock , ad
dress by II. E. Hopper , "Tho Educational
Function of the Epworth League ; " 2:30 :
o'clock , bllilo study , Prof. C. M. Elllnwood ;
3 30 o'clock , department meeting , In charge
of E. S. Ward ; 4:30 : o'clock , reports from de
partment meetings.
Wednesday Evening 7:30 : o'clock , praise
service , led by G. W. Ladd ; 8 o'clock , ad
dress by Rev , Frank Crane , Omaha , subject ,
"The Good Old Songs. "
Thursday Morning S o'clock , pralso serv
ice ; 8 30 o'clock , business session , reports
of committees , election of officers ; 9.30
o'clock , bible study , by Prof. C. M. Ellln
wood ; 10:30 : o'clock , reports from district
vice presidents.
Supplemental Program "Epworth League
In Character Building , " Miss Mamie Kun-
nells ; "Junior League Work , " Miss Alice
I'ettlgrew ; "Influence of Young Men In
League Work , " F. M , Wright ; "Mercy and
Help Department , " Miss Alice Balllnger.
Try a glass of Sulpho-Sallno or Sotcrlan
mineral waters from the famous Excelsior
springs at George Davis' , Paul Schneider's
and O. II. Brown's drug stores. John Lin-
dcr , general
I'luslclnns' prescriptions and family rco-
Ipes u specialty. De tken & Whaley's , 140
Broudwav. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone 48. _
The laundries use Domestic soap
Lively Uurmtrny.
John Schroeder , a farmer living- east of
.he city , and his daughter were driving down
Broadway yesterday morning , when they ran
ute a buggy that stood In front of Jensen
Bros' establishment , near the corner ot Glen
avenue. The horses were running as fail ni
they could , and Schroeder had them undci
no control whatever , BO that when the col.
llslon came there was an all around wreck
He and his daughter were both thrown nut
and for a few seconds It looked as though
neither of them would ever como out of II
without being seriously Injured , at leant. .
They picked themselves up , however , bul
llttlo worse for their unpleasant experience. .
Great Mid .Suiiinirr Inventory Sale In
I'ull Illiist.
This Bale wilt end August 11 , and In the
meantime you should lose no opportunity
of taking advantage of the great bargains
offered. Read carefully the following , which
are only a few of the many bargain * :
BOc all wool cashmeres , 37140 a yard.
BOc all wool suitings In plaids , Mllpc :
and mixtures , half prices , 25c a yard.
Fine wool mixtures and strlpo serges ,
worth 25c , for this sale , 12'fcc a
BOc nnd G8c all wool Trench Challls , 29c
a yard. This Includes our entire stock.
COc and 79c Japan and China silks , 2J
Inches wldr , sale price. 45c a yard.
SSc and CGc swivel silks , sale price , 39c.
Satin stripe vvaoh silks , wortu 7Sc , for GOc.
Sc bleached muslin ( remnants ) , Gc a yard.
HC-lnch unbleached mu.-UIn , 4c u jnrd.
Regular 7c brown sheeting , 5c a yard.
9c bleached muslin , 6"ic a yard.
12c ladles' vests , sale price , Sr.
17c ladles' rlblud / ° 'iU . 'or 12\c e&ch.
4Gc ladles' fine llsl" ve&ts , 2" > c.
Children's ribbed vvsts toIc each.
Children's gatieests , ICc each , all sizes.
BOO spring capes and jackets to go at Just
half price during sale.
Counc.ll Rlmfa.
I'ollco toitrt Notes.
The two Shoemaker boys , who were ar
rested with a boy named Davis for assault
ing Burt Clark , were discharged In police
court yesterday morning. According to the
story told by the Shoemaker boys the four
met on the street and the Shoemakers de
manded that Clark take back something he
had said about them and Davis. Ho agreed
to take It back so far as they were con
cerned , but refused to take It back as to
Davis. This sort of a compromise did not
suit them and they all struck out after Clark
and chased him up to the police station ,
where he stayed all night. They went to
police court for two mornings to stand trial ,
but Clark did not show up either time , and
Judge McGee finally discharged all three
ycslerdav morning.
Mrs. II. B. Parkinson had a hearing on
the charge of committing an assault and
battery on Dwlght Corlies , the 14-year-old
son of a neighbor. All the parties live on
Bcnton street. From the evidence It ap
peared that Corlies had been In the habit of
of Mrs. Parkinson
abusing the 8-year-old boy
and the latter put a stop to It temporarily
the other day by boxing his ears. The evi
dence of a school teacher who was expected
to testlry that It always took four teachers
to administer corporeal punishment to him ,
was shut out. Judge McGee thought Mrs.
Parkinson had considerable reason for tak
ing the law into her own hands and dis
charged her. About half of the First ward
was present at the trial as witnesses on one
side or on the other.
Grand Plaza telephone 45.
Grand Plaza bathing beach.
Grand Plaza picnic grounds.
Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all.
Grand Plaza's fine row boats are all the
go.Grand Plaza's excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to G and from 7 tolO.
rircd the I'liviiment Again.
The good story that was published to the
world as an illustration of the fearful heat
here a week ago last Thursday , to the ef
fect that the block paving in front of the
Grand hotel caught fire from the sun's rays ,
was battered up a little , though not entirely
knocked out , by the inconsiderate action of
the elements yesterday. Although the tem
perature was very comfortable all day long ,
the paving caught fire In two places In front
of the hotel Instead qf only one. A little
investigation s' owed that the cciuex windows
of plate glass In front of the hotel were re
flecting the sun's rays on the pavement In
such a way as to act like a largo sun glass
and the pavement lay smoldering away
until it finally got hot enough to break Into
flames. As a remedy for the block paving
nuisance It has been suggested that the ad
jacent property owners get their paving In
sured against fire and then put circular
windows In their houses.
Ituttln riug Day
At Des Molnes August 10. The rate from
points In Iowa are one faro for the round
trip. Tickets sold August 8 , 9 and 10 , good
to return August 11. A. T. Elwell , C. , R. I.
& P. , No. 1C Pearl street.
OHUflH llllll SSOO.
J , W. Owens , who married one of G'trner
township's fair daughters a short time ego
and deserted her the next morning , has nut
been heard from since his first letter I" his
wife , which was dated at Denver and In
which ho told her to get a divorce. Ri > v. II.
P. Dudley , who performed ihe ceremony ,
states that among the wedding gifts was JL'CO
in currency , contributed by the young man's
parents. When ho went away ho tooK the
money with him. In the letter ho wrote he
Informed the young lady that his life was
now blasted , but ho neglected to i ate just
how It got that way.
In order to meet the demands at an ever-
Increasing business the Eagle laundry Is
being rapidly fitted up with a full line of the
latest and best Improved machinery. A new
wristband Ironer just received is the latest.
It Is a beauty and well adapted for the work
demanded of It , but nothing Is to good for the
Eagle folks' . By the way , does the Eagle do
your work ? If not , why not ? Tel. 167.
Illugulr.oil lllniHclf.
Sam Haworth , the Indlanola man charged
with passing counterfeit coins at Creston last
mon'h ' , was brought before Commissioner
Steadman yesterday for a preliminary exam
ination , but the state failed to make a case.
When the coin was passed Haworth wnre a
very heavy mustache , but when the prose
cuting witnesses confronted him yesterday he
showed so broad an expanse of smooth and
shining cuticle in Its place that they were
muddled and could not Identify him. He was
turned loose.
r.riuul Plutu , Lii'io
No admlttanco to Grand Plaza will be
charged to persons who desire to rent boats
or bathing suits.
Ice cream and refreshments served In the
pavilion of Orand Plaza.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Manawa , Is the proper thing to take
these hot days.
Ihimlx on Your I'ockotn.
Between now and next Tuesday the county
Jail doors will open for about a dozen men
that have been serving more or less time.
Qulnn , Harrison , Wilson , Kerry , Cooper , Hen-
drlcks and Morris , all of them thieves ; Fos
ter , the tough who waylaid Constable linker
last winter , and Joslo Hulbert , who attempted
to shoot a man on Sixteenth street last
spring , have all completed their sentences
and will be turned loose next Tuesday.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache Tru
lira , 25 cent * . All druggliti.
Dee folios neatly bound by Morehouse &
Co. , Council Bluffs.
Domestic soap breaks hard water ,
Rrmluo on a Cycle.
Judge N. W. Macy ot the district court Is
one ot the latest converts to the bicycle
theory of locomotion. He rented a wlieol
In this city and had It sent to him yesterda )
The Judge has been thinking ot this sort of
thing for quite a while past , and his fUuro ,
clad In Its well known Prince Albjr' ccat
and broad-rimmed hat , will undoubtedly be a
familiar sight OB It skims along Shelby
county's prairies.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Muiiawu , Is the proper thing to take
these hot days.
Harding Creamery butter for sale at Tay
lor & Vaughan's , 610 Urond\\ay.
sin anc [ Swearin' 1A
and in anCj
your hair out
S 18
That's all
D are left
n to get
° bargains in
oj Clothes
S at the
n CO-
fi ' BIA.
D _ _ _ = = =
Men's Suits-
An elegant line of all-wool casslmcre suits
In light shades , sizes 34 to 42 , which we
clcso at $3.50.
A line of heavy homespun cheviots , also
light shades , at ? 4.25.
A lot of dark casslmere and worsted ,
straight cut sacks , at $6 BO.
A lot of assorted clay worsted suits , In
sacks as well as cutaways , bound or stitch
ed edges , closing at $7 BO ,
A line of black and blue tricots , heavy
weights , the best cloth munufnctured nnd
as nicely trimmed and and tailored as any
merchant tailor can produce , closing out ut
* 12.EO.
A fine line of minister's suits , high cut
coats , as well as Prince Alberts , In black ,
tan and gray , closing nt $16 00.
These are a few of our leaders In men's.
See the rest at the store.
Children's S.its. !
Nice line ot children's suits , In thtco
styles , at Too. Ages 4 to 14.
An elegant lot of cheviot suits , ages 4 to
14 , at $1.16.
A line ot dark and fancy casslmoro suits ,
ages 4 to 14 , at 12.00.
A few fancy worsted suits , ages 4 to 14 ,
at $2 BO.
All the best grades ot black and fancy 2-
plccc suits , at $3 00 and $3.25.
Wo have some broken sizes In assorted
knee pants , at lOc a pair , at 20c , 2Sc and
Boys' Suits.
Boys' suits , 14 to 18 'years , In cheviot ,
dark mixed , 3-pltces , at $1.76.
A line of casslmcro suits , same ages , In
light effects , closing at $2.76.
Good heavy weight woolen suits at $3.00.
Fancy black worsteds , same ages and siz
es , at $4.26.
Men's Odd Pants.
A good pair ot cottonade pants , In 2 styles
at BOc a pair.
A few fancy tweed pants closing out at
$1.00 a pair.
All wool casslmsre pants , taken from
suits that cost as high as $8.00 and $10.00 ,
light shades , . . ' 111 be closed at $1.60 a pair.
A line of the old style Harrison casslmcre
pants , every thread and fibre wool , nt $2 00.
An all worsted pair of pants , that are
hummers , closing at $2.SO a pair.
After the fi
23rd , there n
will be
no place D'
where you 0
can get BD
a suit D
for g
half price , for A
we quit fl
i business on , u
the 23rd. D
6 Columbia Clothing Co. , 18t aarnam a
0 ' _ ' Q
Many Business Houses Destroyed in an Iowa
< t. * \ '
Cedar Knplcls Department Called to the
Sccuo but Little Could Do Douo to
Save Any of tlio Threatened
1'rojierty ,
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Aug. 3. ( Special
Telegram to The Dee ) The most destructive
conflagration In the history of Marlon broke
out about 4 o'clock this morning In the gas
plant in the center of a block of business
houses on the north Bide of the park , and
before the names were gotten under control
the entire block had been swept out of ex
istence , entailing a loss of 1120,000. The
Cedar Rapids fire department was asked for
aid and sent two carts and twenty-five fire
men , but before they could arrive almost the
entire block was In ruins. The water pres
sure was Insufficient when the fire first
broke out , or it might have been controlled
before much damage had been done. Seeing
the block was doomed , the people set to
work to save the goods , and In some In
stances nearly entire stocks were carried to
places ot safety.
The principal losers are : Daniels estate ,
$10,000 , insurance , $3.500 ; J. W. Kendall ,
hardware , ? 1G,000 , Insurance , $6,000 $ ; S. W.
Rathbun , Reglstei ofllce , ? 5,000 , no Insurance ;
Shumock Bros. , groceries , $8,000 , Insurance ,
$4,000 ; Dumont Bros. , furnltute and under
takers , $10,000 , Insurance $3,500 ; Joseph
Coen , building , $7,000 , InsJiaace , $3,800 ;
First National bank , $9,500 , well Insured ;
Llllls & Wilson , Ouigs , $0,000 , Insurance
$3,500 ; Benjamin Nott. $7,000 , Insurance ,
$2,800 ; Koyes estate , building , $ G,000 , Insur
ance , $2,200. Other losses will bring the
total amount up to $120,000. Nearly all those
burned out will rebuild at once.
rum.tsnii > .
Fight for Federal Spoils nt Den Molnes
C auslnff Tioublo.
DES MOINES. Aug. 3. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) The publication of forty or
llfty private telegrams that passed between
Henry Stivers , Ed Hunter , Judge Klnne ,
Charley Fullen , W. W. Wllmer and Con
gressman Hayes , relative to the postofllce
fight In this city , has created an almost
riotous feeling on the part of the eminent
democrats concerned , andthe ranks of the
local democracy are all torn up with angry
dlesonslons , commotions nnd criminations.
There Is ono question wfujch they all unlto
In asking , and that Is : "How did Elboeck
get possession of the telegrams ? " They do
not question the statements contained In
them , but concentrate all their energies In
a desperate effort to l arri from what source
Colonel Elboeck obtained the tell tale mes
sages. As a preliminary 'step , Hunter and
Stivers have taken th'0fvyarpath ' after scalps
and have opened hostllluc 'by accusing Man
ager Ycarnshaw or some of the operators
employed In the Western * Union office of hav
ing betrayed confidence and given their tele
graphic correspondent ) ( o the enemy. In
the persistent accusaUqnS.tho | Indignation of
Manager Yearnshaw , haa been aroused , and
he has demanded an Investigation and called
upon the gentlemen to prove their charges
or exonerate him on pain of being made
respondents In a suit for'libel. It Is under
stood that Ycarnshaw has called upon Su
perintendent Tubbs of the Western Unlcn to
como to Des Molnes and make a personal
Investigation of himself and every employe
connected with the office.
Mnrn Medallion * Added.
CHICAGO. Aug. 3. To | Iowa , soldiers
monument commission was In session here
today and the following Hut ot portrait
medallions wcro added to the monument :
Generals F. M. Drake , James A. William-
con ; Colonels D. 11 , Henderson , W. H. Mer
rill ; Lieutenants Thomas S. Wright , B. C.
Haynes , Samuel Duffln , and Private Richard
Pickers. September 0 , 1891 , was named for
laying the corner itone.
Oregon Kldnev Tea cures all ktrtnej
( roubles. Trial ilie. 25 cents. All druggUti
Antelope Crop 1'rospoct * .
BRUNSWICK , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special to
The Bee. ) This country * aa vliltod by a
heavy rain yesterday. It was followed by
hall , but not heavy enough to damage crops.
Corn In the northern part of Antelope
county looks well and will go from thirty-
five to forty bushels to the acre. The late
rains have been a blessing to corn in this
section , and with an occasional local shower
northern Antelope county will have as good
a crop as It has had for years. The south
ern part of the county , however , Is almost
past redemption and corn stalks are being
cut for fodder.
A Cure for Chronic IJliirrlioca.
I had been troubled with chronic diar
rhoea for over a year when I received a
sntall botle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used and it
gave mo great relief. I then procured a
60-cent bottle and took about two-thlrda of
It , and was cured. I have taken some twice
since when I had a loosness come on and It
stopped It at once. I nope It will help
others as It helped me. I feel very thankful
to Mr. Stearns , the druggist , for telling me
of this remedy and shall be glad to have
this letter published. S. C. Weeks , Melrose ,
Mass. For sale by druggists.
I Fremont Affairs.
i FREMONT , Aug. 3. ( Special to The Bee. )
! Mrs. William Fried gave a large party
last evening in honor of lady relatives from
Omaha who ore visiting her.
The ladles of the Episcopal society wcro
well patronized at their ice cream social last
evening at the residence of 0. E. Lamber-
Plover shooting Is the leading feature of
Fremont sport just now.
Al Norrls' horse , Joe Sheen , of North
Bend was easily defeated by James Craig's
Bay Toga of Schuylcr in the trottlns match
at the fair grounds yesterday for a purse of
$100 , made up by the owncis of the horses.
The Cotterell Grain company of Omaha
began a suit In Justice Biles' court yester
day against the Farmers Co-operatlvo asso
ciation of North Bend.
The game of ball between the Hastings
and home Young Men's Christian association
clubs yesterday was rather soft. The homo
boys were disappointed at the last moment
by the nonappearance of their batteiy , Kim-
mcl and Palmer , nnd after selecting the
best from their ranks went In with an en
tirely Inexperienced battery and were de
feated by a score of 27 to 5. Marquette and
Tralll of Omaha will constitute the battery
for today' and a much better game Is ex
Mrs. Annto Braemol of the normal school
faculty entertained her elocutionary class
at her residence last evening. After a pleas
ant hour or so at various games and re
freshments she was presented with an ele
gant copy ot Tennyson's poems by her class
as a token ot appreciation of her faithful
labor In their behalf.
A large number were Invited to the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. West last even
ing to witness the blossoming of their night
blooming cereua and three ot the six pend
ing buds gratified their curiosity.
Colic Promptly Cured.
A few days ago when I had an attack of
colic In the bowels , I took a dose ot Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy , and within ten minutes all of my
colic pains had disappeared. I am highly
pleased with the remedy and take pleasure
In recommending it , Z. Bearso , Chatham ,
Mass. 25 and DO cent bottles for aalo by
druggists , _
Hob Mould Not Shako.
Louis Falst , who has been acting as a
United States deputy marshal and assisting
In guarding the Commonwalcra at Fort Sid
ney , returned yesterday and while going
down the street met "Bob" Newberry and
offered to shako hands with him. "Bob"
Is alleged to have refuted to notice the ex
tended signal ot friendship and coolly re
marked that ho thought that any one who
would serve as a deputy marshal was a
pretty bad name. Then they clinched and
for a few moments the vicinity of Sixteenth
and Davenport streets was filled with pieces
of clothing , arms and legs and bad words.
Olllcer Clark arrested the combatants and
they wore charged with disturbing the
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head-
tcbes. Trial size. 25 cents. All druggUU
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry fa'-
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi ,
/Stoher's Castoria.
Ov irconls-
U'c have 800 heavy and medium weight
overcoats , all styles , dark effects , ranging
In price from $4.00 to $20.00. They wilt bear
Investigation. Of course you don't want one
now , but we're closing out and overcoats
will go cheaper than anjthing else , because
they are harder to sell at this time ot the
jcar. You can save the prlco of an overcoat
by buvlng one now.
IViid-Summsr Coats.
Alpaca coats and vests , Dr.-ip , D'cte's
long -and short cuts , extra sizes , short and
stout makes , In all ImniitKlnabb shades ,
stripes and plaids , at just half last week's
closing out prices.
Furnishing Goods.
Wo carry the most complete and flneit
line of man's furnishings , the most popular
makes In this city , which have a reputation
for perfection Wilson Bros' , goods for In
stance In all lines.
\ full line of whlto shirts , negligee shirts ,
their undenvear , their suspenders , their
staifs , their hosiery , at prices less than wo
paid for them ourselves.
A full size working shirt , mode In Omaha ,
enough cloth In It for twice the money wo
ask for It , our price 25o a shirt.
Hats and C oves.
Wo will give you -an elegant black or
brown dtrby hat , all the latest shapes , all
slz.-3 , at 76c each.
Wo carry all classes of felt hats , ns well
as crushes , Stetson mak s , and other first
class brands. Wo must sell them , and If
prices ore any Inducement , we will como
pretty near doing It.
Elegant dress , kid or driving gloves down
to the cheapest mitt or woiklng glove , at
one-half the regular retail price.
Trunks and Valises.
If you Intend to go away or stay at homo
It will pay you to ECO our line of trunks and
vallsea and get pi Ices , ns wo have a largo
stock , and all the modern stjles In hand
bags and telescopes , at one-half the prlco
trunk stores ask.
In silk and alpaca , In all styles and sizes ,
at any prlco to close.
Paint , Oil and Glass Co.
Wp hnvo I.OOD Wl i lo/vj M stosk , mi lo by t'n
. A. Murphy MunufactiuliiR U imp my. No bailer sisli rii
bomiiflc , nlilcli HO willgl.t/u with .my Kind of gl is * tlutyoa
want , mid sell you for less niouoy th m you c.m liny the njjp
° L3t " * 'V ' ° °
Our Pal nt cm not bo uxcjlloa fjr dur I'Jlllty , bj i
' '
1 and 3 Fourth St. , - MASXIIC TEHPLS
Don't Fool Wiili Your Eyes ,
Headucho Claused by Eye St.'Uu
Many perioni nlioso heads are constantly ach-
Inn Imve no Itle.i what relief ELlcntlllcaly ut.
tei Kineses will ' , liI
Klve them 11,1s theory' ' no *
" . 1\in"ly , ) , " Increase ( - " "oi' the Perty trouble mtecl nnd gla.J ma
lend to TOTAI , IH.INDNKSS. " Our ability ti
adjust glasses safely nnil conectly Is beyond
question. Consult us Cjes to.ted frea of charge
w. snvxiotin. GRADUATE OPTICIAN Opposlta I'axton Hotel.
Stonm nnd Hot Wotir Hontln-j for
Roslcioicos and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council
BlulTs , Io\va.
" "
Cures the effects ot
eclfbUFe , excesses ,
frnUalons , Impotency ,
viuleoctlo and cunatl-
nation. Ono dollar a
box , Hit for (5. For
saltby TIIC GOOD.
Oimilm , Nob.
jHd's Bronjo-ceieig.
PrilonJH curatIraHi.piit for Kenrousor81"L
Jleujticlio. llrulu rbau llaiiBleiple8ii > M
iix-lal or uenorul heuraldnialnofor llMa
matUiu , flout. Kidney IlUoraon , Acid I/ *
iwiuiii , Annsmla. Antliluto for Alcoholic
nnil other eiceutea. 1'ricc , I1) , 6 and W cents.
IBt S. Wcsiarn Ov-mi * OMIMQIV
For tale by all druggglati. Omaha.
17 Pearl Street , James Block.
At 337 Droadwoj He Is the prototype ot
Sewing Machine , the swiftest , lightest running
nml best there IB on wntli , the winner of ail
Ilibt awards at the Woildn Tulr. There are n
otlicre jubt ns Kooil , nnil they are tlio clirnpest
In the market , lunglm ; from $19W to SG5.00 on
iosy tirms.
337 JlnmJwny. Council niuffs.
Typewriter tupplks and Typewriters for Baler
or nut.
ono. P. sANrono. A. W. IUCKMAN.
President. Cashier.
Fiisl National
Capital , . . $100,000
1'rolits , - . . 12,000
One of the oldest banks In the state of Iowa
Wo solicit your business and collections ,
pay 5 per cent on time deposits. will t >
pleased to sea and serve you.
Funeral Director rt
14 N. Main St , Council Bluffs
M : -itt > i < iunau .13
( era fur sale nil of his rial rslata and bust *
ness property In Council muffs , including his
rcnlikni.u , cor of Mi nviiiuu und 7th street ,
with or without corner lot , with large burn
adjoining. Ainu.
'I ho ihuwn building , fronting on Main and
Tear ! Uriels , 3-slory brlik , learn heated , ele
vator , itc. , ull In llrst-cias * condition arid oc- >
cupled by good tenants
1IU four ulores on South Main street ,
known as Drown block nnd Ccnlial block , ail
will ri'nud to good tenants. And
'Iwo inoit dtslinblu lots on south corner of
7lli street and ( th avinue. Also K lots In
Highland I'lanWrit Ilioaduay , nil In tha
city of Council muffs. I'm furtliir particulars
uiply to J. J. Hruwn , 2iC Houth _ 7tli street , city.
1M Ilurke , at Taylor's grocery. 61) Ilroadway.
Ton lufN'rrArTHifsuiT irio-itooii jjTifiJH
douse , modern , furnace , etc , Ur. U , I , Wood *
bury _
rifth ttvenuu and IVurl tlieot. Apply at Uc
olllce , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
work Must havt experience. Cull t tat 0.
Blltll Ktlttt ,