Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1894, Image 1

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Summary Punishment for Ohincso So'.dlon
Who Will Not Tight ,
rorclgnrr * In Clilna Indignant Over Japan-
me Cruelly In Their 'treatment ot
I'UBHi'iigcrit of the Transport
Ko\v .ShuilK-
LONDON , Aug. 3. A dispatch received
Acre from Tlcn-Tsln says that all deserters
from thu troops marching to Taku will be
beheaded today.
The Japanese legation In this city has re
ceived a dispatch from Toklo containing
affidavits of Captain Galsworthy and Chief
Officer Tumplln of the Kow Sluing , giving
their version of the battle substantially us
already published.
The Times correspondent at Yokohama
says the Japanese minister at Seoul , after
the collision there between the Japanese nnd
Coroan troops , placed Tal-tn-Kun , the king's
father , at the head of the Corcan govern
ment. Captain Galsworthy of the transport
Kow Shung states that he was prevented
from surrendering by the Chinese troops
aboard his vessel. The people of Yokohama ,
are In raptures over the naval victories.
Following the example of the sovereign the
people will contribute toward the expenses
of carrying on the war.
A dispatch from Tlen-Tsln to the Times
says : The excitement In China over the
cruel action of the Japanese Is Immense.
Foreigners hero are unanimous In their con
demnation of the barbarous conduct of the
crow of the Nanlwal and demand the pro
tection of foreign flags and prestige. Advised
by the Russian and British ministers the
Chinese government has shown the utmost
moderation and has obtained the general
sympathy of the foreigners In the east.
A dispatch from Toklo , dated August 1 ,
says that previous to the capture of the Kow
Shung ; the Chinese had landed 5,000 troops
at Asan , whcro they had .Intrenched them
selves. The whole Chinese'fleet la now as
sembled there and a. decisive naval battle Is
imminent. Committees of merchants here
are providing Immense funds for carrying on
the war. Dispatches from the Chinese gov
ernment at Pekln have been Imparted by
the Chinese legation to the carl of Klmber-
ley , foreign secretary , nnd to Lord Rose-
bery , prlmo minister , confirming the reports
that serious lighting has occurred between
Japanese and Chinese troops.
The Chronicle's correspondent nt Toklo
telegraphs that the Japanese fleet Is concen
trating Its strength at Kangh Wa , an Island
at the mouth of the Seoul river , and that a
great naval fight Is expected shortly.
Six guineas per cent Is being paid on mu
nitions of war carried by the Glen line of
steamers to Shanghai enrouto to Tlen-Tsln ,
and C guineas per cent is paid on coal
shipped to Shanghai.
In nn Interview today Hon. Thomas F.
Bayard , United States minister , said re
garding the Chinese-Japanese troubles that
the attitude of the United States would be
one of benevolent neutrality , adding that the
Instructions sent to the United States en
voys at Pekln and Toklo were direct evi
dence of that attitude.
Mr. Bayard leaves London for Genoa on
August 11 , with the Intention of enjoying-a
few weeks yachting In the Mediterranean.
Mr. Bayard will return to London before
leaving for the United States.
Franco was the first government to no-
cept Great Britain's Invitation to observe
Strict neutrality during the war between
China and Japan.
Japanese Legation In Washington Doubt tlio
Kcportml Fight In L'orea.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The only tele
gram of public Interest received at the
Japanese legation today related to the re
quest made by the Japanese government
concerning the protection asked to bo af
forded Japanese Interests In Pekln by the
American charge d'affaires there. An an
swer to a previous telegram giving the Information
mation desired by the Japanese government
had been sent already by Mr. Myakoa , the
charge d'affaires here , but evidently had been
delayed In trun.smlsslon.
The legation is without any official news
concerning the reported repulse of Japanese
troops at Asan. Considerable doubt exists
In the minds of the officials as to the exact
location ot the place and they will question
the truth of the reported light. The min
ister of foreign affairs at Toklo has promised
to keep the legation promptly Informed of
events with a view to having them made
public promptly hero.
The Corean legation Is fctlll without any
Information from the homo government con
cerning the condition of a0alrs In Corea , not
withstanding the fact that the telegrams
hnva recently been received through other
agencies from Seoul , Us capita ! . Much re
gret Is expressed by the Corean officials that
war should occur on Corean territory , as It
will result In great hardships to an already
poor people. The presence of a very largo
army In the country Is said by the Corcans
to bo a serious affair. Most of the natives
are agriculturists , and the presence of arm
ies will have the effect of diverting them
frqm tholr labors and result In a large loss
to tlio crops ,
It Is reported that : i number of Americans
have signified to Japanese officials In this
city tholr deslro to enter the military .service
of Japan during the pending war with
China. An ex-official of the United States
to the former country calls attention to the
fact that by the laws of the United States
It Is made a penal offense for an American
citizen to enlist In the military servlco of
cither China or Japan when engaged In war
with a country at peace with the United
States. _
Another Story of What \Vi > Cohifr On When
the. War Itrolce. Out ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. A telegram ha's
been received ut the Japanese legation giv
ing the substance of the formal representa
tions made by the Japanese government to
the foreign representatives at Toklo , de
fining Its attltudo on the Corcan question ,
The telegram Is : "Tho king of Corea has
appointed his father , Tal-In-Kun , to have
control of the administration of the govern
ment nnd to direct the reforms which have
been determined upon. Several days ago
the king summoned the Japanese mlnlbter
at Seoul to the palace , where he was In
formed that reforms In the administrative
policy of the Corcan government had al
ready been Inaugurated and ho would bo
consulted as occasion rose. The Improve
ments In Corea's administrative policy have
consequently , notwithstanding the repeated
refusals uf China to oven consider them ,
been put Into operation by the Independent
action ot thu Corean. government , which will
bo carried out according to the king's will ,
The question of Corea's autonomy and in
dependence Is thus affirmatively settled. "
1.1 1IDNU C1IANU rilNISlIICI ) .
Chinese Hmprror Thlnki tha War U Niu
llelni ; 1'rosectited ulth Dispatch.
SHANGHAI , Aug. 3. The emperor has
divested LI Hung Chang of the Yellow-
Jacket In consequence ot his supposed re-
mlssness In prosecuting thu war. Twenty
thousand Chinese have crossed the Yellow
river and 8,000 have left Moulden for Seoul.
Double pay has been promised to ship's offi
cers us a douceur.
lludly Drhijed.
NDW YORK , Aug. 3. The Anglo-Ameri
can Telegraph company this morning made
( he following statement : "The Great
Northern Telegraph company advlies ui
that no private telegraph traffic has been re
ceived lr < Lcndon from China yesterday or
today. A telegram received from IIlogo
showed that It was twenty-six hcurs In
transit. Telegrams for places In China not
served by the cable compan'es , addressed
post , Shanghai or Hong Kong arc forwarded
without any responsibility whatever. "
No Details of the KngaKcnipnt Have Vet
1'ccll Itecrllrd ,
LONDON , Aug. 4. A dispatch to the
Chronicle from Toklo says : H Is reported
there has been a fresh collision between the
Japanese and Chinese troops In Corea. It
seems that after their recent defeat the
Japanese assembled their whole available
strength and took the offensive , achieving
a decided victory over the Chinese. Details
arc expected tomorrow.
Oniclal IlcporM of tlio Hat tin llctween the
Land I'orcen In Corea.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Official notifica
tion of a battle between the Japanese and
Chinese land forces In Corea was received at
the Japanese legation here tonight from the
foreign office at Toklo. The telegram stated
that on the 2Sth of July a portion of the
'Japanese troops nt Seoul marched against
a much superior force ot Chinese Intrenched
at Shan Yeng. A battle ensued and after
heavy fighting the Chinese were put com
pletely to rout and a large number of pris
oners and munitions of war were captured
by the Japanese. On the morning of the
30th the Japanese proceeded to march against
Gasan. Shan Yeng Is situated between Seoul
nnd Gasan of Asan , where the fight between
the Japanese and Chinese , resulting In the
loss of 2,000 Japanese , Is reported to have
occurred. It Is the .opinion of the legation
officers here that the reports from Chinese
sources containing rumors of the defeat of
the Japanese at Oasan arc probably gross
exaggerations , though no dispatches refer
ring to a fight at the latter place have yet
been received.
German * Itesciled Fl teen C lilnamon.
BERLIN , Aug. 3. A dispatch has been re
ceived her from Tien Tsln from a German
official source saying that the German gun
boat Iltls witnessed the sinking of the Kow
Shung. It Is added that the crew of the
Iltls rescued fifteen Chinese who > were strug
gling In the water.
A dispatch received here confirms the re
port that the Chinese were victorious over
the Japanese In the recent battle at Asan ,
German Crulier.i Ordered tn Corea.
BERLIN , Aug. 3. The German cruisers
Alex and Rlne , Aronca and Marie , at present
on the west coast of America , have been
ordered to the far east In order Iff protect
German Interests.
Aufttrlii Sends a Cruller.
MADRID , Aug. 3. The cruiser Don Juan
d'Austrla has been ordered to Corea.
ixnr.ixs ox A STIIIKE.
Ilcrry 1'lclcers In Northern Wisconsin Want
More 1'ay.
WEST SUPERIOR , Wls. , Aug. 3. A pecu
liar strike Is on throughout northern Wis
consin. The Indians to the number ot BJV-
eral hundred are given permission every
season to leave their reservations and pick
berries for the owners of tha berry farms
In the northern part of the state. All the
Indians have quit , saying the pay was too
small and they would not go back until
It was Increased , Uuless the matter Is
settled in a few days the crop will spoil.
AtehlHon is 1'reparhiK No Now Schedule.
CHICAGO , Aug. 3. It has been reported
from the west that at a meeting of the en
gineers of the Atchison system the men had
decided not to sign the new schedule of
wages submitted by the receivers of that
lino. Vlco President D. B. Robinson of the
road declares that the Atchison receivers
have prepared no new schedule of wages ,
much less submitted It to the men and ,
further , said they had no Intention of mak
ing a new schedule of wages. Ho declared
the report was without foundation of any
The western roads estimate their earnings
have fallen off from 20 to 10 per cent on ac
count of the drouth.
Strike In the liiilldliif ; Truile.
NEW YORK , Aug. 3. More than 2.GOO
men , It Is estimated by the board of walking
delegates of the building trades , obeyed the
order to strike on the public school buildings.
The strike Is for nn Increase In wages.
The strike was ordered by the board of
walking delegates of the building trades , to
take effect on all school buildings In the
upper part of this city. Up to nooa- today ,
however. It failed to assume the proportions
promised by the representatives or organized
labor. Only five buildings were thus far
affected , and only 181 men have gene out.
No Violence at I'lillniun.
CHICAGO , Aug. 3. The force of men at
the the Pulman shops was Increased today
and at noon 552 men were at work. The
company expect to have SOO men on duty
Monday. But few of the workmen are mem-
mcrs of the A. R. U. No demonstrations
were made by the strikers and no violence
was offered the new men nt work.
After the men quit last night there was a
small riot in Roseland , where many of the
men live. Sergeant Raverty at the head
of ten police officers charged the crowd sev
eral times , but nobody was Injured.
Ktruck for Four Mourn.
GREAT FALLS , Mont. , Aug. 3. Every
wheel In the yards of the Montana Central
railroad stopped at nooli yesterday and the
westbound train was delayed for two hours
In getting a nonunion engineer. The local
union of the A. R , U. decided in the fore
noon that they would uphold ( Engineers
Bowker and Murphy and the strike was In
augurated because the master mechanic re
fused to reinstate them. About 4 o'clock the
men decided to go to work pending an Inves
Ichn Ur efl Itetter Organisation.
CHICAGO , Aug. 3. The second days ses
sion of the American Railway union conven
tion was devoted to the hearing of
reports from the organizations on the various
railroads. President Debs spoke , urging
more complete organization. It was ex
pected that action would bo taken regarding
the Pullman boycott ut tonight's session ,
Northern 1'aellUi Coal Company to Open.
TACOMA , Aug. 3. The Northern Pacific
Coal company at Roslyn opened Its offices
for signatures for contracts to go to work.
Abiut 100 signed , among them being a score
ot negro miners from British Columbia.
They were Instructed to report for work
1'li'nt Train Since June ill ,
PORTLAND , Ore , , Aug. 3. The Oregon
Hallway and Navigation company sent out
a through train for the first tlmo since
Juno 24 , when the flood In the Columbia
river destroyed the road bed for many miles ,
The damage has all been repaired and here
after trains will bo run regularly.
Fined for ObitriictlntrTlto Mall * .
SPRINGFIELD , III. , Aug. 3. George
Williamson , Charles McComas anil C. E.
Bradshuw , all ot Danville , pleaded guilty to
obstructing the malls and were fined | 25 and
costs each today In the federal court. They
were sent to jail In default ot payment.
Mtre-itor .Miner * Will tlo to Work ,
BTR12ATOR , III. , Aug. 3. At a mass meet
ing of the miners of Strrator and vicinity
It was resolved to go to work next Monday
at Columbus ecale of prices. This cuds
the bis ttrlki In northern Illinois.
Court Pronounces Sentence Upon the Mur
derer of Siidi Oarnot.
Sensational Scenes During the Court I'ro-
ceedhnfit Tlio Prisoner' * Intrrjoctlons
During tlio Examination of the \Vlt-
s Tcittlmony or a I'rlaoiinr.
LYONS. Aug. 3. Caesaro Santo , the mur
derer cf President Carnet , In the assize court
here today , w , s sentenced to be executed
by the guillotine.
There were few people around the Palais
de Justice when the trial was resumed this
morning. The court regulations and mil
itary guard were the same as yesterday ,
and as yesterday the prisoner was escorted
Into the dock handcuffed to two gendarmes
and with two more brlng'.ng up the rear.
The prisoner seemed even more defiant than
yesterday , and took his scat with a mocking
smile upon his face.
Lo Blanc , the soldier who was a fellow
prisoner with Caesaro at Marseilles , testified
that Caesaro told htm that he Intended to
kill President Carnet , probably at Lyons
when the chief magistrate visited that city.
"That Is a He , " Interrupted Caesaro , ex
citedly. "I never told you or any one else
anything about my plans. "
Lo Blanc continued : "Caesaro confided
to me that he was designated by lot "
"That is untrue , " shrieked Caesaro.
"How untrue ? " osked the Judge , turning
to the prisoner.
"I said to you , after you had made that
remark , 'But who would be so bold as to
kill President Carnet ? I saw him In Paris
surrounded by troops and police. ' You
answered , 'He will be chosen by lot. ' "
There was great excitement In court while
the prisoner and Le Blanc were speaking to
each other. Later Le Blanc said :
"Caesaro told me that he had often seen
King Humbert in the streets , but he added
that to kill him It would be necessary to
have a rlfie nnd shoot him from the street ,
as he would be so surrounded by soldiers. "
"That Is a He , " shouted the prisoner. ' "I
was never chosen to kill President Carnot.
Moreover , absolute liberty of action pre
vails among anarchists. "
The prosecuting attorney reviewed at
length all the details of the trial and de
manded that the jury should not hesitate
to do Its duty.
M. DubreuIIl , counsel for the defense ,
followed and made an appeal for the
At the conclusion of the public prosecutor's
speech there were visible signs of approval
throughout the court room at the eloquent
denunciation of anarchists , their doctrines
and their wretched tool Caesaro , whose life ,
counsel Insisted , the Jury should render to
Justice , the law and the rightful demand of
civilized society.
The prisoner smiled with contempt during
the prosecutor's address , and then In com
mon with all present he paid close atten
tion to the remarks of his counsel , whose
appeal for the prisoner lasted half an hour ,
nnd was based upon three points : First ,
that there was lunacy In the prisoner's
family ; second , his anarchist surroundings ,
third , the impossibility of reconciling the
assassin's religious life with a premcdlated
attempt at murder. Under the law the
presiding Judge prohibited the publication
of the chief portion of M. Dtibreuil's address.
At the conclusion of his counsel's remarks
Caesaro seemed pleased and the jury rose
amid a general movement of relief upon the
part of the audience.
When the jury went out there was con
siderable conversation , mingled with whisp
ered speculation as to how long the Jury
would be out. During the absence of the
jury Caesaro was removed to his cell be-
nCrtth the court house and the Judge retired
with his associates to await the return of
the men who were to pronounce upon the
prisoner's guilt. When , after on absence
of less than half an hour , the Jury re-entered
the judge resumed his place nnd for n
moment a deadly silence reigned through
out the court.
The prisoner was brought In and faced the
court for the last time. Judge Breullluc
turned to the prisoner for a moment and
then addressing the jury asked the formal
question : "Is Caesaro Snnto Geronimo
guilty or not guilty at the crime of assassin
ating the president of the republic ? "
There was some confusion as the Interpre
ter translated to the prisoner what was said ,
but audible over the Interpreter's voice was
the reply of the foreman of the jury :
"Guilty , without extenuating circumstan
ces. "
There was a deep silence ns the verdict
was translated to Caesaro , who received It
with a smile of contempt. The presiding
judge , so soon as the prisoner was ac
quainted with the jury's finding , arose , nnd
speaking directly to the assassin , said : "The
court condemns Caesaro Santo Geronimo to
death. You have three days In which to ap
peal to the court of cassation. " To this the
prisoner returned a scornful shout of "Vive
la revolution soclale ! "
The anarchlal cry was hardly uttered
when the gendarmes handcuffed the prisoner
and Jerked him toward the door leading to
the cells beneath the court. This door was
opened hastily , Caesaro was hurried
through and as he disappeared a feeble cry
of "Courage , comrades ! Vivo 1'anarchlel"
was heard echoing from the stone corridor
through which the assassin was being car
By this tlmo the presiding Judge was
bowing to his associates , to the public pros
ecutor nnd to the counsel for the defense ;
the audience began to disappear , the door
through which Caesaro had passed was shut
with a loud clang , the door of the judge's
room was opened , the public vanished , the
clock pointed to a quarter of 1 and all who
saw the trial rushed out to tell the outer
world of what they had seen and heard.
M. Dubreull , the prisoner's counsel , gave
notice of appeal , nnd In so doing asked that
the presiding judge's charge to the jury at
the opening of the session bo entered on the
NordensUJold ThinUH 11 Ituscna 1'arty Should
Ho Scut tar Wcllnmu.
LONDON , Aug. 4 , The Times says : The
Royal Geographical society has received tha
following telegram from Baron Nordensk-
Jold : The steamer Ragnvald Jarl , which
conveyed the Wellman expedition to the
polar regions , has been crushed In the Ice
near Wulden Island. Six men who were
with the expedition have returned to Nor
way , The other members of the party con
tinued northward on the Ice , but It Is evi
dently Impossible for them to penetrate far
and the expedition Is likely to return , very
much exhausted , to the Swedish houses at
Mossel bay. These houses are excellent ,
but the provisions they contain will not bo
sufficient. In August and September there
will probably bo no Ice between Enyl and
Icefjord , and Mossel bay will then bo ac
cessible. I think a relief expedition Is den
The Times , commenting on the foregoing ,
says Baron Nordcnskjold's opinion deserves
the most serious attention. It Is too late , It
remarks , to express an opinion upon the
foolhardlncss of the expedition. Mossel bay
may be beset by Ice early In the season and
It la to be hoped the party will get safely
out of their rash adventure. Doubtless Mr ,
Wellman's countrymen will not delay In tak
ing steps to prevent the possibility ot a
lamentable catastrophe.
Iniurgonti In Hrnxll . ro Fleeing.
LONDON , Aug. 3. The Brazilian legation
In this city says that there Is no truth In
the story cabled from Bu no Ayres on
August 1 to the effect that 3,000 Insurgent
troops are marching upon Porto Alegro , the
capital ot the state of-IllO Grimle do Bui.
The legation officials. sjiy thflt , on the con
trary , the Insurgents are floelne before the
government troops ,
roiiTV-ineiiiT HOCUS SII | > RB IIAVI : .
ClmrlcHton'ft Crew ( let a Short I'lay Hpell
lleforo doing to Aitlii.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3. It Is believed
hero that the United Stntoa steamer Charles
ton , now lying In the strctim off Mare Island
navy yard , fully equipped for sen , Is soon to
sail for the scenes of trouble In Asiatic
waters. The cruiser's entire crew are now In
this city enjoying a shore leave of forty-
eight hours. One hundred and fifty of ( ho
sailors arrived early this morning. These
Bailers were sternly warned not to exceed
their limit on shore , and , though It Is their
first opportunity In many months for recre
ation on shore , not one of thorn was allowed
any "shore money. " Immediately upon the
arrival of the Charleston here , after her
long service In Brazil anil at lllucllclds , her
marines were rushed Into service against
the strikers. The rest of her crew were kept
closely on board. Many of the sailors are
complaining of the apparent Intention to rush
them off to Asia.
Kvleted TcnantB.Illll Miiklnc yulek I'roRro's ,
LONDON , Aug. 3. The discussion of the
evicted tenants bill in committee of the
House of Commons has been concluded and
the report stage has been fixed for Monday.
Itunititn Town Consumed ! > y Fire.
MINSK , Russia , Aug. 3. A fire , supposed
to be of Incendiary origin , has destroyed one-
fourth of this town. Many persons are mis
sing and are believed to have perished.
rive Yearn for Dr. llcrz.
PARIS , Aug. 3. Dr. Cornelius Herz , the
Panama lobbyist , was sentenced , In contu-
maclo today , to five years Imprisonment and
to pay a fine of 3,000 francs.
Increased Output of Nltrato Fields.
LONDON , Aug. 4. -dispatch to the
Times from Iqulque , Chill , sayar The nitrate
fields promise a large Increase in output for
TAKE VI * S.trOLLl'S CltY.
Catholic Abstainers Kiulorao tlio Hdlct to
Saloonlhts of Tholr Faith.
ST. PAUL , Aug. 3. The Catholic Abstain
ers did not meet until after 10 o'clock today
and at once began work on changes In the
constitution. They hoped to flnlsh up the
work of the convention In one session. The
resolutions adopted strongly endorse the
papal delegate's temperance views. They
state that the union "soej In the , , recent
action of Bishop Wattorson , . which has bsen
so nobly sustained by Mgr. Satolll , a long
step In the right direction. It is believed
that this action will crystallize the Influence
of the church against the saloon , and whl
stamp this letter Indelibly upon the Irre
concilable enemy of tro church. The de
cision of the papal delegate cannot fail to
give additional authority to the recommenda
tion of the court of Baltimore , that all Cath
olic saloon keepers abandon as soon as. they
can the dangerous traffic and embrace a
more becoming way of making a living.
The decision will servo as a ? renewal of the
Invitation whioh our Holy Father , Leo XIII.
has already addressed ( o all priests of the
land to enter Into the work of temperance
"And with the clergy strongly committed
against the saloon , the , day of vindication
for the church In America will be near at
hand. The scandhl' -a. .preponderating
number of ' 'Catholics "in the saloon business
Is a disgrace too long endured. Whatever
the cauro of the fact a new day Is at hand. "
Considerable opposition developed during
the morning session to thd Women's Chris
tian Temperance union polyglot petition , It
b3lng considered an endorsement of prohibi
tion , and after a few speeches against It
the petition was withdrawn by Its friends ,
who believed It would be rejected.
M. T. Burke of Carbondale , Pa. , read a
paper on the mutual aid principle and a general -
oral insurance plan as/favorably ordered by
the convention.
Rev. Father P. P. Cooney delivered an ad
dress on the cause of temperance.
The following telegram was read :
"IIA1NES FALLS , Aug. 3. Archbishop
Ireland : Please give sisterly greeting to
convention. The Catholic church sets a
great example In Satolll's decision. Send
us fraternal delegates.
Mrs. O. R. Lake of St. Louis , Mrs. W. A.
Manning and Mrs. Phillip A. Dempsey of
Cleveland were elected fraternal delegates
to the Women's Christian' Temperance union
convention , which meets InCleveland. .
When the election "of president came on
there was something' a surprise. Tlio
candidates were Bishop Watterson of Co
lumbus , O. , and Rev. Father Cleary of Min
When ten unions had been called the vote
stood : Cleary , 203 ; Watterson , 73 , and the
bishop's name was withdrawn. Father
Cleary being elected. J. , A. Logua of Phila
delphia was re-elected first vice president ;
Mrs. 0. R. Lake , third vice president ; Rev.
A. P. Doyle of New York general secretary.
After the Installation of officers the con
vention adjourned to meet In New York on
the first Wednesday In August , 1895.
The nomlnntlo'n of Bishop Watterson for
president was Intended as' a compliment for
his firm stand on temper'anco nnd because
of his recent decision , but It has been
customary to allow the locality where the
convention Is held to select that officer , and
this precedent Is thought to have largely
Influenced the result. When It became ap
parent that Father Cleary , well known nil
over the west as a tcinperanco advocate ,
wouUr bo chosen , Bishop Watterson'B name
was withdrawn. In the course of the nom
inations Rev. Father O'Brien of Ohio , seconding
ending Bishop Watterson'B nomination ,
stated "that BishopWatterson would not
allow his name to bo considered In this con
nection In competition with any man , presi
dent or layman. "
This statement Is thought to have had
great weight with the delegates that Bishop
Watterson's name was not presented with
his consent ,
ItockSprlngg Celestials \VorLitlio Department
for Twenty 'Certiorates.
DENVER , Aug. -Dop\itj ! Collector of In
ternal Revenue Kobla h discovered , that
numerous certificates of. registration for
Chinamen were fraudulently obtained at Rock
Springs , Wyo. , being accompanied with photo
graphs taken J > y a photographer at that
place from pictures -sent from China. Gen
eral Kobls was tokf hy Chinamen at Rook
Springs that Gun Wall. D , merchant at Port
land , Ore. , would pay J3fl,0 ( apiece for certifi
cates. Twenty-two ' of .the Chliumen for
whom certificates q'f residence were Issued at
Rock Springs could not bofound. . Collector
Now said : "This Is a very serious matter ,
In my opinion , and I Ijaru referred It to
the Department of Justice and have for
warded a report to the commissioner of the
Revenue department , ivllh ithe recommenda
tion that a strict- and isarchlug Investigation
bo Instituted. I have 'no Idea what will bo
done In this matter. I do not think the
law will be suspended , bqt It may lead to the
appointment of upeclal agents' to thoroughly
sift the whole thing , for If the fraud has
been practiced elsewhere , as It certainly has
In Wyoming , It may be quite extensive and
serious. "
Movements of Sertcolng VcMcI * Anoint 3.
At Rotterdam Arrived Amsterdam , from
New York.
At New York Arrlved- Maryland , from
At Queenstown Arrived Lucarila , from
New York.
At New- York Arrived . Hindoo , from
Hulli -4 '
At San Francisco Cleared Dawn Moore
for Paytl , Peru. , '
Kx-aovernor Illalr
JACKSON , Mich. , AUK. 1-Ex-Oovernor
Austin Is pronounced by his physi
cians tonight to belt ) a , dying condition , due
to chronic inflammation of the bladder.
Man from Ornlnlla Wins from a St eng
Field in a Long : H&co.
Republicans of tlio Sixth Nclmmlm Ills'net
rick Tholr .Man After n Protracted
Struggle I.ustliiK Almost
Tilt Daylight.
BROKEN DOW , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special
Telegram to The Dee. ) The republican con
gressional convention held hero last night
was probably one of the most hotly contested
battles over held In the state. Up to the
thirtieth ballot ( hero was but. little change
with cither of the four candidates , Klnknld
keeping In the lead , with a vote ranging from
77 to S3. On the final ballot , the thirty-sixth ,
Dorrlngton's forces and all but fifteen of
St. Kayner's went to Daugherty , giving him
99 % votes to Klnkald's S2'i , with 197 votes
cast. The announcement of the result was
received with great enthusiasm by the audi
ence , the applause lasting several mlnires.
Mr. Daugherty was called to the stand , where
ho favored the audience with a great burst
of oratory and logic. St. Ilayner and Kln-
kald made short speeches , pledging their
support to the nominee , The following reso
lutions were adopted :
"The republicans of the Sixth
congressional district of Nebraska con
gratulate the country upon the prospective
early retirement of the democratic party from
power and upon the unmistakable Indlca'lons
of a return to the wise , pa'rlotlc , upbuilding
policy of the republican party , which has
never failed to maintain the national honor ,
protect the national credit , and foster the
many and dlvcrsfled Industries of the ccun.
"Resolved , That there Is nothing too gccd
for the bravo men to receive who periled
their lives to save the nation , and that the
nation's gratitude should mean more to thorn ,
tholr orphans and willow ? than the few lines
usually found In party platforms ; that tl.o
faithful union soldier Is entitled to every
dollar of the small pittance given III ill so
grudgingly by those whose duty It Is to be
liberal and that the money expended by the
government In pensions Is the most sacred
and most necessary of all the government
"One of the greatest problems before the
American people Is the harmonious adjust
ment of the relations between labor and
capital , the solution of which Is embodied In
the principle of arbitration , nnd we favor the
creation of a national labor commission to
promote the establishment of that happy re
"One of the greatest dangers confronting
our national safety is the admission of hordes
of pauper laborers from Europe to supplant
at pauper wages the American laboring man
and the little check upon the Inflow of aliens
from the criminal and anarchistic elements
of the old world , and we favor n policy that
will confine immigration as nearly us pos
sible to those who arc understanding seek
ing free homes and better conditions in a
free land.
"Whereas , In 1888 the republican national
platform declared in favor of the use of both
gold and sliver as money , and condemned
the policy of the democratic party in Its ef
forts to demonetize silver ; and ,
' "Whereas , In 1S92 the republifan national
platform declared that American people are
by Interest and tradition In favor of bimetal
lism , and demand the use of both gold and
silver as standard money ; therefore ,
"Resolved , That the demonetization of
silver by a democratic admlnlbtratlon In 1893
was a crlmo against the people ; that wo
voice the demand of the platform of 1832
and that we give new expression and em
phasis to that demand by calling upon con
gress to remonetlzo silver and provide for
the coinage of the product of American
mines at a ratio that will restore the equilib
rium of gold nnd silver and maintain their
"The Improvement of agricultural condi
tions should be one of the highest alms of
statesmanship. The development of agricul
ture and horticulture to their highest pos
sibilities will da more than aught else to
solve the vexed labor problem , by provid
ing an agreeable outlet for the idle popu
lation of our overpopulatcd towns and cities.
Scientific , productive , diversified farming
opens the way to the Ideal conditions of
human life. The western half of the United
States has a soil unsurpassed for fertility.
The western half of the continent comprises
the semi-arid and arid sections of the coun
try. To make it the most productive soil
In the world needs but the application of
sufficient water at proper times , where rain
fall Is Irregular or InsiUfllcient , by the vari
ous methods of Irrigation. Therefore , the
government having disposed of these lands
to settlers and to corporations for purposes
of settlement , It is the Imperative duty of
the government to assist the settlers thereon
In the intelligent application of irrigation ,
ami to that end congress should at once ap
propriate a sufficient sum for a complete
Irrigation survey of the seu.l-ai'd portions
of the west , and also the arid sections ,
and for the purpose of making experiments
and Investigations that will enable the farmer
to utilize Irrigation In the manner best suit
ed to his locality and surroundings , whether
by ditches , reservoirs , wells or other means.
"Whereas , The homestead act provides for
the commutation of homestead and preemption
tion claims at the rate of $1.25 per acre ,
and provided further that all lands within
twenty miles of the Union Pacific railroad
shall bo commuted at the double minimum
rate , or $2,50 per acre ; and ,
"Whereas , The citizens of. the Sixth con
gressional district living within twenty miles
of the Union Pacific railroad are within what
Is known as tha railroad limit and arc com
pelled to pay the sum of $2.50 per acre when
homestead or pre-emption claims are com
muted ; therefore ,
* "Resolved , That wo urge the repeal of said
law and the enactment In lieu thereof rif a
uniform rate of $1.25 per acre for commuta
tion of homestead or pre-emption entry , and
wo favor an appropriation by the general
government for the purpose of reimbursing
all claimants who have been compelled to pay
the double minimum price of $2.50 per acre
an amount equal to the excess paid over and
above the minimum price 9harged , nnd we
pledge the nominee of this convention to In
troduce , work for and support a measure In
congress looking to the remuneration of set
tlers who have been compelled to pay the
double minimum price , as aforesaid , "
Matt Daugheny , the sucessful nominee ,
was born In September , 1854 , on the Great
Western railway , In Ontario , Ho was brought
to this country at a very early age by his
parents , who located In Turnbull county ,
Ohio , where he attended school until ISO ) .
Ills father's death at that tlino necessitated
his going to work to help support his mother
and a younger brother. Ho secured work as
a wuter boy on a gravel train , where he
worked a year. His mother having married
again , he started out to do fur lilnm-lf , locating
In Tower , 0. , where ho worked for a family
for hlH board and clothes and ultcndcd school
two years. He then engaged as a clerk In
a store. Ho remained there four years ,
when he started west utul entered
West Fannlngton seminary , where ho re
mained until the close of his Junior year.
In 1673 ho began the study of law with Hon.
James Miller , late speaker of the lower house
of the Illinois legislature , In 1876 , having
attained the ago of 21 , he cimo to Nebraska
and located at Crete , where ho made his
home fourteen yearn , and made a record of
being un active citizen , rait of ! lj | tlnie In
the newspaper business , In 18S8 ho engaged
In the stock business with his tnother near
Ogalalla , Keith county , where Knarr re
sides with his family. Ills wife was the
daughter of a Congregational minister. He
was chairman of the Sixth concreiitlonal
committee two years ago. when James Whitehead -
head ran against Kern for congress. He Is
an * able and enthsulastlc speaker and n
man of great energy and executive ability.
He bears the reputation of being true to his
friends and n fearless defender of what he
believes to bo rlcht.
Indications tlint Hull Comity Will Olvu Him
I.lltln Support.
GRAND ISLAND , Aug. 3. ( Special to The
Beo. ) This evening's Issue of 'he ' Independ
ent ( republican ) says editorially of Majors !
"lie has In his favor the InMuencc of the
It. & M. , as railroads do not care much for
the character of their candidates If they arc
only sure that they can bo rolled on as their
tools. Hut that fact does not speak In his
favor. And It would be a humiliation for the
people of Nebraska to place him nt the head
of the state 113 governor. The people will
certainly not elect him. If the republican
convention should nominate him , they must
have the Intention to give up the victory. "
The Independent believes A. E. Gaily to bo
the best timber.
The Times ( republican ) Is thoroughly for
MncColl nnd has been waving his banner for
weeks. In view of these facts , It Is deemed
especially bold for Majors men to claim , as
they did two weeks ago. that the Hall county
convention , which takes place tomorrow , will
send a Majors crowd.
Delegation from Dalian Accused of Violating
Instructions ItoRurdliiK .Silver.
DALLAS , Tex. , Aug. 3. A mass meeting
of democrats of Dallas has been called for 3
o'clock this afternoon to protest against the
Dallas delegation In the Sixth district con
vention nt Corslcnna voting for and causing
the adoption of a free silver platform nt a
ratio of 16 to 1 , nnd condemning Pres
ident Cleveland's financial policy. The
Dallai delegates wcrcr lnstructo.1 against
fr e silver. In the Corslcana convention
at noon today a gold standard delegate
accused the Dallas delegation of violating
Instructions. Mayor Barry of Dallas called
the delegate a liar. A riot followed , and
chairs were used and pistols drawn. The
riot was stopped by the police. More than
1,200 ballots have been taken and the con
vention IB hopelessly deadlocked.
The riot demoralized the convention nnd at
1 o'clock today on the 247th ballot the con
vention adjourned to meet in Dallas on
August 21.
Furiiiii Countr Republicans.
BEAVER CITY , Neb. , Aug. 3. The repub
lican county convention held today was the
largest and most enthusiastic In years. E.
R. Dee of Cambridge was nominated for rep
resentative. No nomination was made for
coun'y attorney , as there candidates.
E. A. Paine was nominated for commissioner
In the First district. The delegates to the
state convention are : G. W. Norrls , P. L.
Hole , N. A. Pettygrove , T. A. Doyd , A. C.
Rankln , John Gllllland , W. T. McKlnney , C.
B. Sexton , W. H. Shafer and E. D. Reed.
The delegation is unlnstructed and Is divided
on governor. Delegations to the congres
sional and senatorial conventions were not
Instructed. J. A. Piper of Alma , candidate
for secretary of state , addressed the conven
Man Supposed to lie Implicated In the Tnr
Outrage the 1'crpetrator.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 3. Adjutant General
Tarsney of Colorado , who has been here for
some days seeking to encompass the arrest
of one of the gang who tarred and feathered'
him , came near being the victim of an as
sassin's bullet at the union depot in this city
tonight. It was onci of the closing scenes In
the dramatic play growing out of the Colorado
tragedy during the recent strike and his con
sequent ferreting out and arrest of J. R.
Wilson , one of the leaders1 of the marauders.
Several days ago General Tarsney located
Wilson near Nevada , Mo. , and , by a neat bit
of strategy , and with the assistance of De
tective Peterson of Colorado , succeeded In
getting him to Kansas City. Wilson was
positively Identified by Tarsney as being the
ringleader of the mob that tarred and feath
ered him. Wilson , however , declared ho was
Innocent. After some trouble Tarsney se
cured the proper requisition papers from
Governor Stone and the start for Colorado
was arranged fop this evening. C. C. Collins ,
deputy under Wilson In Colorado dur
ing the strike trouble , and who Is believed to
be the man who carried the feathers on the
eventful night , came to town yesterday , and ,
as he afterwards told a reporter , was bent
upon liberating Wilson. Shortly before the
departure of the evening : Union Pacific train
tonight Tarsney , Wilson and Pe erson
were driven from the Jail to the depot In a
closed carriage. Ever since coming to town
Tarsney has traveled under an assumed
name and has been In constant fear of vie
lence. Arriving at the depot Collins was
the first man the party met. He quickly
stepped towards them. With a salutation to
Wilson and at the same time placing his hand
on his hip pocket , Collins made an effort to
draw Wilson to one side. Peterson ,
in an instant , had pushed the
Intruder asldo , feeling for his weapon.
With a curse Collins drew away , then turnIng -
Ing toward Tarsney , made as It to strike him.
The general reached for his hip pocket , but
before either man could lift a hand Peter
son had stepped between them ajirt was
starting the trio for their train. In the
meantime quite a crowd had collected and
great excitement prevailed. Hurrying onto
their car , Wilson was quickly strapped to a
seat , while Tarsney nervously took a sent
near by and looked anxiously for the signal to
start. It soon came and the party In time
resumed their natural state. Collins , In the
rush , had been lost. It was afterwards
learned he had secured a ticket over the
Santa Fo road and left ) on that train a few
minutes later , believing Tarsney had gone via
that route.
11.1TTLK Iffit C'O.WJ10.Vir .J/K/W.
Hallroacl 31cn utul Industrial ! ) Jlnvn a
1'UcliiMt Ilitttlo at ConnelHvIllo.
CONNELLSVILLE , Pa. , Aug. 3. Jeffries'
Commonwealers , numbering about 200 , ar
rived here this evening , and at r.nco . Bcattcror
through the town demanding food. When
Baltimore & Ohio freight train No. YG pulled
out for the east about 0 p. m. the whole
crowd made a rush to cipturc transportation.
About all succeeded In getting aboard , but
when about a mile out of the yard thu tniln
was stopped and the swarm of boarders
driven off. They got together on the ground ,
and , with a rush enmassc , swept down the
opposition and crowded Into box cars. Then
the trainmen , reinforced by yardmen , made
a combined charge and a regular battle en
sued. The attacking party were mot by a
storm of stones , clubs , links , pins and scrap
Iron. Yardmaster George Workman and
Cashier Thomas were badly Injured , while
many of the Commonwoalers went down un
der the blows fiom the miscellaneous weapons
of the railroaders. Some of the army es
caped , but about 100 wore biMtcn back Into
the earn and were locked tn. The train was
run back to town and the prisoners jailed.
Ono of the Commonwealers , who was badly
Injured , was taken to the hospital and at
midnight had not regained consciousness , A
largo crowd surrounds the depot and gieal
excitement prevails ,
front Prmlli'lod fur Wln'oiihln
CHICAGO , Aug. 3. The weather bureau
here has ordered frost signals displayed
throughout Wisconsin tonight , and Prof.
Moore of tha bureau predicts severe frosts In
that state tonight. Last night broke the
record for root weather In the month of
August In Chicago , and serious damage to
the crops In the northwest Is feared.
Iii\iiitliiitltif ! Judge Itli'ltn' Account , ! .
CLKVULANO. Aug. 3.-Inspector J. W.
Nightingale of the Department of Justice
nt Washington arrived hern to tuko dianca
of the InvfHtlifutlon of the accounts of
United States Judge Hicks , against whom
cltargCB have been made by tlio Central
Labor union of this city.
Senate and Honsa Conferees on the Tnriff
Getting Nearer Together.
Neither Side \\lll ( let What U Want. . . , bu
tlio General Opinion Ainoni ; thu Con.
fcrcc.s In that Mime .Measure
\\lll Ho Adopted.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Before the tariff
conferees began their discussions today the
Impression among the leaders was that nn
agreement would bo reached In the near
future. The house conferees were especially
encouraged with the progress made during , {
the week and said that a bill could bo re
ported which would pass tioth houses and
becomu a law. Ono week ago the sennto ,
after thrco tlo votes , sent the bill back to
conference. The next day the conferees
met. It was nt this tlmo that the house
conferees were Informed that the senate
bill must bo accepted without the dotting of ;
an I , or the crossing of n t , This assertion ' &
was couched In more diplomatic language , <
however , but that was the effect of It. \
Substantially the spokesman of the sennto . \
conferees said to the members of the house :
"Gentlemen , the tariff bill has just escaped ,
defeat by three tlo votes and the fact that
a former republican senator refrained from
voting. Now you know the situation. It Is
a positive fact that the senate bill nnd no-
other can pass. U v , 111 bo unsafe to trust
It In the senate with any change whatever.
The only way In which there can bo any
tariff legislation is for you gentlemen to
take this bill and pass It. "
The session was very short. The sonata *
conferees announced to their colleagues that
the house members said nothing. The house
members held a short conference unions
themselves. No other meeting of the full
conference was held until Monday. The In
terval gave the house conferees tlmo to.
ascertain the tcntlmcnt of the house nnd on
Monday they announced that they were-
willing to confer and see if a compromise
could not be reached , but would not accept
the senate bill tn its totality as had been
Insisted upon Saturday. They pointed out
several defects In the senate bill.
There was for thu first time a wavering oa
the part of the senators who had stood be
hind what was known as the caucus'bill.
Many klcmocratld senators , not Including
those known as conservatives , said that the
house was entitled to some consideration nnd
that U never was the understanding that
there should not be some concessions to tliQ
house. There were so many senators whA
were of the same opinion as the house con
ferees that they made themselves felt , and
Instead of adhering to the position of Satur
day , viz , the s 'tiato ' bill In Its entirety or no-
bill , the conferees have proccsdcd with a vlow
of adjusting references and making conces
sions , corrections and changes. Neither
side expects to get all It wants , but both sen
ate and house conferees do expect a tariff
It Is true that the thice main paints of
difference have net been adjusted , but the/
are In a fair way to ba settled now. From
the start the sugar schedule has been the
main point of difference ; while the house ,
by Its vote made sugar free Us conferees
have been pursuadcd to concede that a duty
is necessary for revenue. The one-eighth
differential In favor of refined sugar has bsea
Ike obnoxious feature to the house , but It Will
probably be accepted as the conferees thlnlc
that the advantage to the refiners Is con
cealed In the ad valorem rate. The differ
ence between the raw sugar nnd rcfind ,
which will regulate the amount of duty to b3
levied , can bo manipulated by the trust to
fts great benefit , and the Injury of the con
sumer and the revenue of the government.
The senate c nferees tell the house members
to write the schedule so ns to prevent any
such manipulation and It will bj acceptable
If It retains the same duty and protection
to the sugar Interests contained in the sen
ate bill.
It is this problem that 1ms been engaging
the conferees for a day or two , and many
propositions have been presented nnd reJected
Jected , but the opinion IB expressed that It
will finally bo adjusted.
The other main points of difference , coal
and Iron ore , have aUo been the subject
of more or less dlscutslon , with but very
little success , as the points of compromlsa
do not afford as much latitude as the sugar
schedule. Tin fact that the democrats ot
the house do not care much about either
of these questions , save the principle in
volved , has given the senators reason to
believe that they can hold them In the bill ,
but the house conferees feel that they can
adjust the matter by securing free coal
with a proviso that tlio sennto rate of 40 >
cents n ton shall In Imposed on coal coming
from those countries which refuse the free
admission of coal produced In the United
States. It Is agreed that Iron ore becomes
less a matter of contention on both sides ,
and It Is believed It will not bo allowed to
stand In the way of a final agreement.
The tariff conference. In fact , appears tp
have reached very nearly the point at which
either an early agreement will bo reached
or a dclslon to report a disagreement. The
senate conferees npparently have arrived
at the conclusion that there has been al
ready u sufficient exchange of views upon
general lines nnd that the time has como
when the direct Issue must be raised. It is
stated that a sugar schedule has been prepared -
pared which the senate will accept and which
Is to bo presented to the house members aa
the extnnc limit to which the senate will
go. The schedule , It Is Bald , still provide. !
a differential duty on refined sugar and In
other particulars maintains the protective
features of the senate schedule.
Representative Bland has Introduced a res *
olutlon Instructing the commrtce on ways
and means to report a bill placing all sugars
on the frco list and for raising $100,000,000
revenue by the Income tax.
Mr. Bland says concerning the resolution :
"I have not consulted Mr. Wilson npr any
one else , but have acted on my own judg
ment In submitting the resolution. My purpose -
pose Is to press It If there Is an Indication
that the tariff bill will fall. The proposi
tion Is somewhat different from that sug
gested In Mr. Wilson's speech ( at the tlmo
the president's letter to him was read ) , as It
proposes raising the necessary government
revenue by an Income tax. This feature Is
essential , however. If sugar Is placed on the
free list. I believe this separata tariff
measure would quickly pass both branches
of congress If the general bill failed , "
Undo Sain U 111 Afi'i Local Dealers to Supply
Him with Matlonery.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. ( Special Telegram -
, gram to The Bee. ) When the bill making
appropriation for the supply of government
Htatlonary and printing was under considera
tion In the haute. Congressman Mercer suc
ceeded In having Omaha added to the list
of names of cities where bids for supplying
the stationary are to bo advertised. It was
a hard fight , but the conference committee
on the printing bill has agreed to allow
Omaha to remain on the list , although the
committee have stricken out several other
B. T. Halncr , city attornuy of ( luthrlo ,
Oklahoma territory , is In Washington for a
ton-day stay In connection with some matters
before the Interior department.
Senator Allen today Introduced a resolu
tion providing that the committee on finance
of the senate be dlechorged from further
consideration of his bill providing for the
Issuance ot $ [ 10,000,000 In trcahury notes for
the benefit of the "worthy poor" of tha
several states , anil asking that tha bill bo
placed on the calendar for present consider *
atlon by the senate.
The conference committee on ( bo river and
harbor bill hi screed to accept the