Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY Rttfc TUESDAY , JULY 31 , 1891
Cora Was Again the Leader to a Genera
Advance ,
Inltlnl Trade * \Vcro nt Alxmt Siituntiiy'ii
Flnnl 1'lRiirrs , September Opening
fttroiiR mill I.ntrr KIIHII | ; ; Off
Stocks mid llondi.
CHICAGO , July 30. Corn was again the
leader In an advance all along the line of
the grain markets today. It rose 2 0 per
bushel , closing 2c higher , nnd wheat ad
vanced about 2c In sympathy nnd closed
l'/4o higher. Oats followed the load of the
other two , finishing with a gain of lc ,
The news affecting wheat would by itself
moat likely have caused n decline , but the
damage to corn appeared to the traders so
sensationally seditious that It more than
counterbalanced all that could be advanced
In the way of bearish features In the con
dition of wheat , and there. was a great
deal to be said on that side. Provisions
closed at a slight decline.
tn wheat there was a fair speculative
trade , the market fluctuating frequently ,
initial trades were at about Saturday's final
figures , September opening at G2c am !
shortly afterwards cased oil a little , ad
vanced from % c to % c , declined from % c
to y c , ruled firmer , advanced from lc to
2V c , changed some and closed with Sep
tember at C4'/4c. Thu principal surrounding
Influences were rather bearish , aside from
the action of corn. Among the bearish In
fluenccs were liberal receipts and reports
that KrancB would have wheat for export
this year. There was n small Increase on
ocean passage and ft large Increase in the
visible supply about twice what was ex
Minneapolis reported the receipts of three
cars of new wheat nt that point and this
acted as a bearish factor. There were 838
cars received here. A feature was the buyIng -
Ing of September and selling of December ,
the discount narrowing from 3'/4c ' to 3c.
The market rallied some after the decline ,
the crowd rather overselling on the visible
supply report. C'oslng cables were gener
ally higher , aiding In the rally at the close.
Corn was active , with the market broad
and ' se/itlincnt much mixed , the volume of
b'uslricss being heavy , with fluctuations sud
den and Infrequent within from 2ac ; to S'/Sc
range. The weather was the all absorbing
topic , nnd advices from the Interior were
eagerly watched for and very numerous.
Opening trades in September were the same
to > Ac under , at from 44c to 43&c , and on
May from Vic to IVic over the final figures
of Saturday , and both Immediately advanced
from } c to ? ic , eased off from < c to % c ,
rallied 2c , changed some , ruled flrm and
closed with September at 46c. There were
fair rains In Illinois and Missouri and some
In Kansas , but very Ilttlo In Iowa and Ne
braska. There were all kinds of orders
filled at the opening , selling from the wet
points and buying from the dry portions.
Illinois was said to be selling quite freely
and Iowa nnd Nebraska buying. The sell-
Ing' of the day was mainly by professionals ,
many of whom usually operate in wheat , and
the buying largely by shorts and receivers
acting for the country.
Oats were Influenced , by the strength In
corn and ruled firmer. The range for Sep
tember was l'/4c.
Provisions were easy at the opening on
the very heavy live hog receipts , but
firmed up later on the advance In corn.
Compared with Saturday night September
pork Is unchanged , September lard 7V4c
lower and September ribs Be lower.
Freights , % @lo for wheat and corn to
The leading futures ranged as follows :
" ArtfcioB"iMDpen l High. | How. | Cloae.
July. . fil 03 fiOU 6VM
ti ut. S4H
Tec. .
41 [
t'Lpt 43NQ4 40W 41P
Oct May ; 14 * P
OntB No. 2. . .
July 32 32 si ; 31
Scpl 2li ! SUM
May 32 ! < 34
Pork per bbl
July IV 50 12 lit ) 2 CO 12 00
Sept 12 55 12 OS 12 U5
July , . . . 0 " 2i !
vppt U UU U 115 u no C U5
Short Ulbs-
July 0 70 n 72) ) < 70 ft 72 !
Kept. . . . U l2V ! U US f > 7 G US
Cash ouatntlons were as follows :
WIIEAT-No. 2 fprlns , .Wiei 'tc ' ; No. 3 spiln ,
nominal ; No. 2 red. G2M7l'/ : .
CORN No. 2. 4Cc ; No. 3 yellow. 471j > e.
OATS No. 2. nominal ; No. 2 white , 32I3Ct4c :
No. 3 white , 31l33'.c.
RYE No. 2. 40c.
IIAKMSY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ; No.
4. nominal.
FLAX SEED No. 1. | l.cm1.27.
TIMOTHY SEED-1'rlme. li.
VHOVlSIONS-Mesa jiorlc. per bbl. . J12.57M ?
12.72'i : lard , per 100 His. , } fl.BOfli.72'4 ' ; short ribs
nldea ( Hose ) , Jii.70ffC.77'.i ; dry salted shmihlcrs
( boxed ) . SO.U08C.121t ; short clear sides ( boxed ) .
J7.00S7.2.- .
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
8UOAH Cut loaf , $5.13 ; granulated , $1.02 ;
standard A , 14.49.
TJio foiio\uinr were tno receipts : ina
Icr today :
Ycstorclny'n QuotutloiiH on Flour , flniln und
1'rnvlHlonn , 'Mi'liilr , Ktr.
NEW YOIUC , July 30 , FUDUIl Itecclpts , 18-
600 bbls. ; exports , 28.COO bbls. ; sales. 20,000 pkgs.
Mniket fairly active and cloned firmer , with the
advance In wheat. ( Southern Hour , steady ; sales ,
300 pkgs. Ilye Hour , steady , lluckwheat Hour ,
COIIN MKAI Knlrly active ; sales. 400 bbls.
11YK Lower , under heavier receipts ; Jersey ,
IIAHLKY MALT Nominal ; western , 6SflROc ;
Blx-niwrd. S2 iS5e.
W1IKAT llei-ipts. 157.400 bu , ; sales. 2,200,000
bu. fulurei , , M.O'Hi im , sp-it. Kpot m.irket quiet ;
No. 2 , led. In nto"'o i.nii elevator , tGc dellvereil ;
664c ! f. o. li.j S7c ntlwil. No. 1 northern. CITlo
delivered ; No. 1 hard , 67Ho delivered. Options
oiiened easier , but inilekly niilleil on steady
cubleH and sympathy with corn ; later reaction ,
owing lo Inciease In visible supply , but thla
speedily gave way to Ilimness , owing to another
Cl 1-lCc. doted at die.
CORN-lteeelpts , 62,1)00 ) bu. ; exports , 200 bu. ;
sales. 620.000 Lu. futures , ll'.Oi'O bu. not. Spot
mniket strong and higher ; No. 2 , 51HW53e In
elevator : MT > U54Ka ntloat. Option market strong
and higher all day on bad crop news ; foreign
bouses nnd outsiders were good buyers of De
cember ! closed 2Hff3o net advance ; May , 47 ; n ?
t9J&'OIKHi ' utw'4c , ' ! " " > ' rt ° " * l at Mo ; AiiKiitt.
WW U3c. clo.ed at 63u ; September , 49 > 4 < iKcl !
closed nt Ku ! October. COh S2c. closed at 32e ;
Jj2.Vmlwr > < ? WOMWc. , closed ut DOlic ; December.
46940 43ie. ! closed ut 49\Sc. \
OATS-Rccelpis. C.COO hu. ; expoits , none ; sales.
135,000 Lu. futures und 133.000 bu. ipot. Si , t
market moro active ; No. 2 , 40c ; No. 3 , 3'Joj No , 8
Sy.10 ! , . ? . S white , .39140 ! track , mixed
western. 4'itf4le ' ; track , while western ,
track , whltu state , 3Sfi53c. Option market ger.
HOPS Weijk ; slate , coimm-n to choice , C12c ;
I'aeltlo coast , H IJ .
HAY Dull ; shlpplnir , 53C * > Ci good lo choice ,
HIOKS-Dull ; wet salted New Orleans selected.
4j to ti UK. 4MMHv ; Texas lelecled. 3J to 5)
Ilia. , 4foo ; HuenuH Ayres , dry , 3) ) to 24 Ilia. . 5
4J5ic. !
LKATIlKn-Qulct : hemlock wile , Iluenos Ayres ,
light to heavy weights , II Who.
WOOL SlendJ-j domestic lleecc , 19f230i PUlUd.
l'HOVI810NS-llc f , ilrndr. Cut meats , steady ;
pickled bellies , 7He. Ijird. steady ; Wistein
( team closed ut 17.20 asked ; sales , none ; refined ,
uulet ; continent , 17.6) ; H. A. , J7.M ; compound ,
tOUe. 1'otk. < | iUet but llnn rj sales. 200 bbls.
1IUTTKU Kilmer ; western daliy , 12 15c ; west
ern ctvamery , lIUSOc ; western factory , ll'.jtflSo ' ;
Klgliis. Wo ,
I'HKKHK Finn ; state , large. 7OJicj snmll
faney , 7 fS'ie ; part skims. J'.Hf e.
IClC18 lUrtly steady ; weslem fresh , 13/llc ;
receipts , 4.4SJ pkga ,
TALLOW -Dull t 4Vio for city (13 ( per pkf.i | )
country ( pkcs. free ) , 4Kc. us to quality.
1'UTUOLUUM-Uullj Unltca closed at 6T'jo ;
-Itt'Tl - ,
Washington , bbl . , J < ; Wnshlngton , In bulk ,
tl.M ; retinal , New York , J&.I5 ; ritllA < lolt > hla nnd
llHlllmnre. JR.IO ,
ROSIN Dull ; strnlmd , common to K"o > \ , JI.21O
RICK qu et ; domestic , fair to extrn , 4UG64C
Japan. 4fl4He.
MOLASHKH-Dtill : New Orleans , cpcn kettle
BIKK ! til Choice. Z flSOc.
IMO IltON-Mofidy ; Scotch , Itt.Mfltt.W ; Amer
loan. NI.50fri2..V ) .
COI'PKR-Stpndy : lake. I9.1I&
LKAD-Hlenity ; dom.'Stle , J3.1 < ) .
TIN-Qulet liut steady ; straits , JI3.70 Mil
Platen , mnrket quirt ,
HI'KLTKItEasier ; domestic. J3.47 < 4 nfked
sales on 'change , 25 Inns tin , to nrrlve , nt Jl .8 >
22 tnts : October tin nt J18.SOJ 2 cnm August Iciu
nt . .
COTTON SPIED OH/ Dull , Inactive ; prime
crud ! 9c ; off etude , 22Scj yellow l.ultcr grades
3lfl35r ; choice yellow , numlnnl : prime yellow
S2'i(733u ' ; yellow off grade ? , 321/330 ; prime while
OCflJTc , _
Condition of Triilo mill ( . { untiUlDiil on
Stuplo mill Funny I'riiilucn.
The receipts of eggs Imx'c been decreasing TO
rnplilly that the market In gaining steadily In
strength. Last week only 1.124 cases were re
ceived , whllu only thiee weeks ago the ri'celpln
were 2,022. The farmers uvlilently hnvii not
reicanled the price of eggs n * suttldcntly hlsh to
wnnnnt them In gathering nnil carrying them
to market. Now that the market IB higher
larger receipts will be expected.
Thu butter market la also quoted n little
stronger for the same reason light receipts.
The receipts of butter were short over 400 cased
last week of the receipts of * thrru wekn URO.
Thorn nppenrs to be n general falling off In the
miike of butter all over the country , duo to thu
drouth nnd conxeiiuent drying up of the pastures.
Reports to Chicago pioduce from twenty-fix
creameries covering seven weeks show that they
turned out the first week In June 1.47U tuba of
butter. This was their heaviest week , an they
made 1,450 or 20 tubii less thu second week , white
th ( ! third week ( lift pludnct fell to 1,412 tub' .
The last week of June these cicatnerles turneiT
out 1,3)7 ) tubs. During July , however , the dc-
crease was in.nUcil , falling to 1,25.1 tubs the first
week , l.iei the second and to 1.015 ( he third.
bring an avciage falling oil' of about 33 per cent
from the Hush of the benron. So far na eptl
mates ha\e been received for last week's prod
uct. the falling off will be much more marked
than during any pievloux week , iind It Is safe
to say that the decrease will be fully SO per
cent finm the highest point. And still further
decrease Is thleatened for next week.
Reports from the Elgin district tire to the
effect that production han fallen off from one-
third to one-half since the 1st of June.
Wisconsin as a whole will nm show as heavy
n dectease as other states , because the drouth
has not been of such long duration. It Is esti
mated that the tsupply has fullen off fully n
third , however , and rain Is badly needed ull
over the slate.
Nebraska Is almost wholly dried Up. Very
little butter Is coming fiom that state and
creameries are quite generally closing up. In
some sections very little more butter Is being
produced than Is needed for local consumption.
Farmers In Minnesota are feeding their cows
hay , and creameiles ate generally cutting down
their forces. Six weeks ago prospects In that
slate for grass were the very best for years , but
the Bland has been destroyed by hot weather.
U5JTTKH Packing stock , Oijc ; good to choice
country , 12jl3c ; separator creamery , solid
packed , 17JlSc.
EGGS Per doz. . OlifflOc.
UVK POULTRY Old hens , 5c ; spring chlekens.
SWIOc ; spring ducks , lOc ; old full-feathered ducks ,
7c ; hen turkeys , 7c ; gobblers , SfjGc.
VEAL Choice fat and small veals nre quoted
at 6 < g6c ; coarse and large , 3f4c.
CHEESK Wisconsin , full cream , new make.
Italic ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , 9@lOc :
Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , Cj7c ; Lira-
but Her , No. 1 , lOi ; brick. No. 1 , 10c : Swiss. No.
1 , I3B14C.
HAY Upland hay , J8.M ; midland , J7.50 ; low-
laud , J6.CO ; ryu straw , J5. Color makes the price
on hay. Light bales sill the best. Only top
grades bring top prices.
PlOEONS-Oia Mills , per doz. , Jl.
POTATOES Good stock , on orciers , 75.
MELONS Good stock , crated. J25.00 < ff30.00.
CANTALOUPES I'er doz. , J1.50.
CUCUMHERS On orders , 35ff50c per doz.
OLD 1IKANS Hand-picked navy , J2.25 ; me
dium. (2.1002.15 ; common white beans. 11.73
ONIONS On orders , 2c per Ib.
CAIIHAGE Good shipping mock , on orders ,
TOMATOES Good stock , per 4-basket crate ,
Jl ; per 14-bu. box , DOffWc.
CELERY-Per doz. . 3.p , < 840c.
At the auction sale yesterday morning 1,020
peaches anil Sl'J peals were sold. Today there
will be two or three cars of peaches , pears
and plums on sale.
APPLES Good stock , per bbl. , J3.
PEACHES California. . Jl.3581.50.
PLUMS Nallvc red plums , per 24qt case
J2.50 ; California peach plums , J1.75.
-e . ,
I > BAR -2.S5S'2.50. ( '
AI'HICOTS Callfom'n , none.
CIIEnUIKS-Cnllfornla , none.
IlANANAS-Cholce stock , S2.00S2.50 per bunch.
LEMONS Fancy lemons , 300 size , JO.OO&6.50-
fancy lemons , SCO size , } 6.
OHANGEB None of any consequence.
PINEAPPLES None on the market.
FIGS-Fancy. per Ib. . 12',40l5e. '
HONEY California , 15c : dark honey , 10ffll2c.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per do : . . | U.
NUTS . iseiTc ; English walnuts , 10 ®
12c ; nibcrtn , 12c ; Brazil nuts. 10c.
CIUEU-I'uie Juice , per bbl. , JG ; half bbl. , J3.25.
HIDES No. 1 gieen hlaes. 2Hc ; No. 2 green
hides , l'.i(2c ' ; No. 1 green saltc.1 hides. 2c : No.
2 green salted hides , 2S2Hc ; No. 1 green salted
hldeB , 23 to 40 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 2 green sailed hides.
25 to 40 Ibs. , 2j21ic ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 to 15
Ibs. , 5',4SCc ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4f4V.c ;
No. 1 dry Mint hides , 5c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
Co ; No. 1 dry called hides , 4c. 1'nrt cured hides
lie per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEni' PELTS-Oreen salted , each. 2flGOc ;
gnen salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , f.WtOc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled eaily
ekhiH ) , No. 1 , each , GfflOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , to ; dry Mint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , ( ,0Sc : murrain wool pells , per
Ib. , uclual weight , 4f < ; o ; dry Mint Colorado
butcher wool pells , per Ib. , actual weight , 4 ®
Clio ; murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight ,
4iiCc. Have feet cult oif , as it Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW AND OnRASE-Tnllow. No. 1 , 4 ®
4'ic : tallow. No. 2 , 314 < 33ic ; grease , whinA ,
4ff4lSc ; grease , v.hlln n , 3V4 < ff3ic ; grease , yel
low , 3e ; glease , dark. 2'.4c ' ; old butter , 2i(2 c ;
beeswax , prime , U01Scj rough tallow , l'iS2c.
Minimi poll * Whciit Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , July 30. Wheat opened weak
nnd lower this morning nnd professional dealers
were selling short on the has s of a large In
crease expected In the visible supply , together
with weak cables , but there was n dllllculty luler
thai had not been calculated upon by them , nnd
ihat was the continued drouth in the corn belt ,
Italns hail fallen In some portions of Nebraska
and Mlwourl nnd some other state * , but the
particular states where the drouth was the most
severe and rains were needed the most did not
receive them. They were Nebraska. Iowa and
South Dakota. The cont'nued diouth In these
Important corn states and thu serious condition
of thu ciop United n bulge In coin , nnd this
frightened bhorts In wheat. Tiiero was very
lltlc long buying and the market closed lo
ilgher than Satuidiiy for futures and 14c for
spol wheat. The stocks of wheat In store here
nre qulle large and the new crop began to cume
n , thieo cam arriving today. Close : July , KG tic ;
September , C2'iC'52c ; December , C4f ! , " ! on track ,
Mo. 1 hard , Wic ; No. 1 northern , CCJc ; No , 2
northern. 55Uc. Utrcelpla , 187,000 bu. ; shlpmenls ,
20 > l.0i bu.
The Hour mnrket was steady , with n production
of S.oni ) bbls. ; shipments. 3.SS6 bbls. ; palents ,
J3.Slfi3.40 ; bakers. U'.OQG2.20.
The Market Record reports receipts nt Minne
apolis last week. 719.221) ) bu. : at IJululh , S7I.105
JU. , making u total of l.WO.OOO bu. , ngnlnst 1,271-
XK > the Kiune week hist year nnd ! ,2 > CkW bu.
two years ugo. It figures out M3.IKK ) bu. In
country elevators , u dfcreanu of about COO.OuO
bu. for the weik. Private elevator stocks hero
uv 420,521 bu. , n reduction of 2.IWO bu. for the
week. Public elevator stocks here tlecreased
394.3SS bu. . making iillogHher about 400,000 de
crease In Minneapolis and 000,000 decrease In the
nterlor. Farmers marketed last week , It was
estimated. In the northwest alxmt 304,000 bu. The
lew spring wheat Is beginning to move.
St. I.oulH < ] n rul Market.
ST. LOUIS , July SO.-FLOUU-Hlgher with
wheat ; patents , J2.CjSft3.G5 ; extrn fancy , $2.2-rjf
2.32 ; fancy , } 2.002.10 | ; choice , J1.73W1.00.
WHEAT After opening nervous tallied on
sharp demand , gaining tic over Saturday's closj ;
S'o. 2 ted , cash , 4Sc ; August , 4S'4j4tc ; Septem
ber , 4ST4cj Deci-mber , 63Hc.
CORN Gained lTi'i(3tc ( ! on Ncbniiikn and low.i
lamage ; No , 2 mixed , cash , 42c ; August , 43 > 4c ;
Beptember , 4lo ; May , 42Vic.
OATS Strong , higher ; No , 2 , cash , 2SHc ; Au
gust , ZStie ; September , 23o. .
RYE No. 2. regular , 40o bid ; 40 > ic , cast side.
HAHLEY-No Hading.
1I11AN Flimer ; Clo on east track.
FLAX SEED Higher ; JI.-M.
fl OVER SEED J8.0oatl.C ) .
IIUTTKlt Klrm , unchanged.
KOGS Firm , unchanged.
TIMOTHY Ixiwer ; J4.W for August.
11AGGING 6'l 7'ic. '
LEAD-Htrong ; J3.35 asked.
SPELTER-Dull : J3.1714.
CORN MEAIHlgher ; 2.30 J2.:5.
PROVISIONS Easier , quiet. I'ork. slumlaid
nets , jobbing , J13.U14. I < nrd , prime Mentn , J6.65 ;
holiv , ! Dry milt meats , loose shouldem ,
li ; longa and ribs. K.Si ) ; shorts , Jii.95 , llncon ,
mcked shouldem. J7.2J ; longs , J7.7J ; ribs , J7.b7'ii ' ;
sharts. S."ljS.121i. (
REC'EHTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. : wheat , ZII.OOO
Hi. ; corn , bu. ; ontu. &D.OIHI bu.
HlllPMENTS-Flour , 6.0W bbls. ; hent. 1,000
bu , ; corn G7OW bu. ; ouln , 19.0VO bu.
AVuol Market ,
ST. IX3UIS , July 30. WOOIActlvo nnd flrm.
vlth mime nprvoumtess , due to thu status of the
arlff bill. Missouri nnd Illinois medium comb-
nr. UViflt5\o ; coame and braid and clothing ,
nedluni , U'ic ; medium 'IVxus , six to twelve
nonths , lUrlto ; coarse and low , 7fllc ; niollum
western und northern. IKfHc : cuario nnd low ,
litfioc ; cholco tub washed , 20C22C.
Cuffra Murlict.
NIJW YOIUC , July 30-COFKKK-Optlon
openeil Irrexular. near months 6yiO polnti higher
und later HtlO points lower ; ruled generally llrm
on European buying and cloetd linn , 6 polnti
up for August nnd fieptrmlr ; tn\n \ , U.250 hrtR
Including : Augum , Ill.COt Hfptrmbpr , J13.7jffH.J5
October , JI3.30 ; December , J12.700I2.75. Kpo
CflffPP , Illn. tlrndy : N'l. 7 , 116.00 ; mild , cjulrt
Conlovn , tlj.00ni5.2i. Warehoute deliveries from
NPW Yoik Saturday , 10.517 lingn ; NVw YorK
nlKk ; today , 9C1.0SI bags ; I'nllpd Ht.ilen slock
119on IHIKR ; nltoat for the United Slates , M7.0.J
Ixigut total vlolbo for the Unltrd Htnten , Kt.K
I IKB. against 458 , ( ,0 bngs last year.
HANTO.-4 , July 30.-Steiidy ; good nvprng * 8nn
tos , Tir ; receipts , 14.DJO lings ; stock , 133 , < n bag <
IIAMIII'IUI , July 30-Stendy ; prices tin
changed to > i pfg. higher ; sjler , 17,000 bags ,
HAVItl : , July 30-Opened quiet ; prices 'i
lower nt1 \ m. ; half holiday : closed quiet. U
ndvnnce , or 11 f net advance ; tolnl snlrs , 17,000
RIO Di : JANEIRO , July 30. Weak ; No.
Rio , JK',0 ; cxchnngp. 9 5-lCd ; receipts , lli.OOi
liagn ; cleared for the United Stncs , none ; clcnret
for Kuropc , none ; slock , 1C3UOO bugs.
Week Opcneil on 'C'li'.inio with nn llnnclllci
CiiiKlltliinnrnilly > ,
NEW YOIUC. July 30. The week opcnci
on tlio Stock exchange with an unsettled
ffolliiK In speculation , which quickly ( level
oped Into weakness. In the railway list am
more particularly In grangers was the tie
presslon greatest. Advices from the corn
belt were very unfavorable , reporting severe
Injury to the crop by the protracted ho
weather. This naturally revived the reports
touching the next dividends , which were
more pronounced than ever against the pay
ments at the regular rates for the current
quarter. Dear figures were Riven out to
prove that the earnings would not justify
the declaration of dividends at the ustia
rates and the shares were hammered dowi
In the hops of bringing out long stock am
disclosing stop loss orders. There were
western selling orders In St. Paul , Hock Is
land and Hurllngton & Qulncy. The latter
stock was aUo sold by lioston and London
was a seller of St. Paul. This latter stock
was well held and gave way only % per
cent , with a final recovery of % per cent
Ono occasion for the comparative llrmncss o ;
St. Paul Is that the short Interest therelr
Is Btlll large and the traders are Indisposed
to go short of any very large amounts of the
stock. Hence not a great deal of short
stock was sold today. 13urllngion & Qulncy
was moat largely pressed for sale and the
rumor mongers were most fertile as to Its
uninviting future , resulting. In a decline ol
IV'i per cent , with a rally of only 14 per
Hock Island broke 1 % per cent , recovering
% per cent , and reacting % per cent at the
close , while Northwestern dropped 2 per
cent , closing % per cent above the lowest
figure touched. The general railway list was
weak during the greater part of the day , with
occasional slight rallies , and the market
closed heavy. In some cases at the lowest
point of the day , and In most Instances with
in a fraction thereof. The Industrials did not
share In the general depression and Sugar ,
which led In the transactions , showed most
strength , selling1 up to 2 % per cent on pur
chases Induced by Washington reports an
nouncing that the senate conferees were
steadfast against any change In the sugar
schedule. Realizing sales resulted In a re
action of % per cent In the final dealings.
The railway and miscellaneous bond mar
ket was only moderately active today.
The Post says ; A good deal of specula
tive selling was visible In today's stock mar
ket , centering , of course , In the grangers.
The corn crop and the dividend questions
wore the favorite advocates for the depres
sion , and they were effective more perhaps
from unwillingness to buy than from a
desire among real holders of securities to
sell.The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Atchlflon U. P. D. A 15 22
AdaniB Kxprusa. . . Northwestern. . . . 102 ! <
Alton , T. II JH do pfd 14054
do pfd itir. N. Y. Central ( HIM
Am. Express N. Y. AN. Km. . . . .
UalllmoraAOhlo. 71 ( Ontario A W
CanadaPacltlc . . . C'.Js Oregon Imp 11 !
Canada Soulhcrn. IHii'Oregon ' Nav 16
Central Pacific. . . luM O. S. L. AU. N. . . .
Chc . A Ohio HIM Pacific Mall
Cblcago Alton. . . . 140 IP. D.&K '
C. , B. AQ 72K PIliBburs
Chicago Gas 7t ; 6 Pullman Palaco. .
Consolidated Gaa 114 iltcadlng
C.C. C. ASt. L . . . yr > 'UlchmondTorm. ' .
Colo. Coal & Iron tmi do pfd
Cotton Oil Cert. . . 2UH K. O. W *
Del. Hudson B.O. W. Bfd S3
Eel. Lack. & W. . . 1G1 Honk iBiaua
D. .t R. 0. pfd 2I1K St. Paul
D.AC. F , Co 189H St Paul Dfd 117
KaBt Tcnn H St. P. A Omaha. . . S3M
Erie do Pfil. . .
Eriedo nfd Southern Pae. . . : .
Fort Wayne 15(1 ( Sugar Hollnory. . . 104&
G. Northern nfd. . Ot'ja ' Tenn. Coal A Iron
'C. AK. I. pfd Texas Pacific. . . .
Hocking Valley. . wit T. A O. Cent , pfd. . COCO
III. Central Union Pacific
St. P.AUuluth. . . . U. S. Express CO
K.A T.pfd W. St. L. &P 0
Lake Krlo i W. . . do pfd
do pfd Wcll Panro Ex. .
Lnko Shore Western L'nlou. . .
Load TriiBt 3H W. AL. E I )
LoulHvIllcAN. . . . do pfd 34M
Louisville AN. A. MA St. L
Maulinttan Con. . . U. AR. O
McmuhluA C li O. K
Michigan Cent. . . . 04 N.L
Mo.Paelllo C. F.A I
MoblloA Ohio. . . . 1H do nfd . . II. AT. C
Nallonal Ccmlayo. T. A. A. A N. M. . .
do pfd T. St. L. AK.C. . . .
N. J. Central lOUhi do pfd.
N AW. pfd 1BH Canton GO
North Am. Co JH Iowa Central U
Northern Pacific , H Qulcksll\or. 'Ji ) (
No. I'ac. pfd 1:1 : do ptd 12
The total cnlcs of stock tnclny were 137:31
Bluires. including : American SUKar , 35,800 ; Hnr-
llngton , 23,100 ; ChlcaKO Qa , 3.SCO ; CoimolMated
Oas. 3,400 ; General Kleclrie. 3,100 ; Missouri I'a-
clllc , 3,700 ; Northwestern , 3.410 : Rock Island , 11-
4M ; St. Paul , IT , * ) . ! ; Western Union , l.SOO.
Now York Money Miirlcct.
Husy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed
it 1 per cent.
KTEIILINO EXCHANGE Finn , with nctnnl
business In bunkers' bills at Jl.SS'i ' for demand
nnd nt J4.87V4 for sixty-day bills ; posted rates ,
[ t.SS < .Wi ; commercial bills , JL.Wi'U l.kCi. !
OOVEHNMENT HONOS Steady. Stale bonds ,
linn. Railroad bonds , wt-al ; .
Closing quotations on bonm were as follows :
i *
r i
Receipts of Oti io , Hogs and Sheep
Unusually , Hpavy for Monday ,
Liberal Receipt * ; Linvrr Knstcrn Miirkats
ami Htrlku of the Itntcliprs ( live thu
lleiir * n I'lnb Clmiicc ' llojfs
belling Much Lower.
MONDAY , July 30.
The receipt's for n Monday were very
largo , there being about 2,700 cattle , 12,200 ,
hogs and 240 sheep , as against 918 cattle ,
4,923 hogs and 820 sheep on Monday of
last week.
CATTLE The conditions were decidedly
against thu sellers today , Eastern markets
were none too .encouraging , receipts were
very largo for Monday , and ns a final bear
argument the Omaha beef butchers went
out on a. strike. Under these conditions
the buyers had little troublp In securing
a concession of from 15c to 25c from last
Saturday's prices. The market was slow
even at the decline , and the feeling was
weak. Some l,23S-lb. cattle brought $4.05
nnd one bunch went nt $1 , but the majority
of the sales were made at prices between
$3.05 and $3.95.
The cow market was from lOc to 15c lower
than on Saturday and slow at the decline.
There were quite a good many cows In the
yards nnd a good share of them were sold.
Calves are very low and do not sell very
As has been the rule of late , the supply
of stackers and feeders was In excess ol
the demand , nnd the market very dull nntl
as low , if not lower , than It was last week.
Representatives sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..103' ' ) J3 Ol ) 2L..11M 3 G5 1. . . ,1i3rt J3 95
22..lift ) 30) " " ' ,1HJ7 3 93
1. . . . IO 3 23 31. . . 127 ; 15 CO. . . ,1127 3 fl3
7 124i 3 25 19. . .1235 3 K 47 . ,1251 , 4 00
J8..10S3 3 10 3. . .1163 3 S3 10. . . 12JS 4 05
1..1370 3 40 .1147 3 90
41..1411 3 SO , .1337 390
920 . 7SO 1 50 10. . . 2 no
12' > 0 2 no
P.Ti 2 oo
. 8V ) 2 00
.1100 2 00
. 9.0 2 05
. 871 2 10
. 907 2 10
. > 21 2 15
.1150 2 15
. S10 2 15
. 7fr ) 2 15
$01 2 15
9 2 2 25
1(110 ( 2 25
IKK ) 2 25
1105 2 40
1210 2 f.5
1150 2 75
3 15
1 C )
1 7B
1 75
1 SsO
2 00
202 2 35
180 2 73
1070 1 70
SS5 1 70
1450 1 90
1. 700 2 10
10. 710 2 15
3. 755 2 15
1 074 2 15
1 . ' ,35 2 15
851 2 15
791 2 13
774 2 20
771 2 20
9. 337 2 25
3. 979 2 25
3 970 2 , SO
1 820 2 40
15 1031 2 40
2 1010 2 10
No. Av. Pr. No. : Av. Fr.
1 sine 1300 $1 75 127 cows . 1021 > 2 40
11 cows 10.0 1 75 1 ox . 1510 2 f,0
5 oxen 1090 2 t'O 1 steer . 1100 2 90
1 Bluer 950 290 1 steer . 1020 2 90
HOGS There has not been a Monday
since the yards were opened when the re
ceipts of hogs were as heavy as they were
today. There were a great many light
hogs and pigs among the offerings , which
are being rushed Into market from sec
tions of the country where there Is a fail
ure of the crops and where there Is no
feed. The average quality of the receipts
Is becoming poorer every day. All the
markets reported a large run , and while
there was a good demand , buyers were
aware of the fact that they could get all
the hogs they wanted , and Insisted on taking
off from 15c to 25c , the decline bfttng the
heaviest on the trashy stuff. The sales
averaged l"V4o lower than on Saturday.
The early market was fairly active , but
the close was dull and weak. The top hogs
brought $4.75 , as against $4.90 on Satur
day. The great bulk went at from $4.65
to $4.05 , as against $4.75 to $4.80 on Satur
day. Representative sales :
Nt. I.ouls liv .Stock Mitrkot
ST. LOtMS. July SO. CATTLE Hecelpls. 4.4W
lead ; shipments , 1,0 > M head ; maiket easier to
Oo lower ; native steers , none on sale ; cows and
lelfers. I1.7S02.60 ; Texas sleers. 1,0.x . ) t 1,31 )
bu. . l2.CHr3 ; lighter grades , | 2GO ( .80 ; cows
nd heifers , | I.IO2.1S. !
1IOC1S Hecelpts. 3V head ; shipments. 1,500
lead ; market iictlw , ICOtfJc lower ; best heavy.
C.I7VtHG.20 ; go < xl meillum and light , 13.10QS.15 ;
IKS ami rough , I4.00W4.90.
HllUUr Hecelpts , luo head ; shlpmenls , 300
teud ; market very dull for lack of supply ,
Kniimis City Live Stock Murkut.
KANSAS CITY , July SO.-CATTLU-llecelptn.
, C > X ) head ; shlpmenls , 2.600 head ; market for
leavle * CUlOo lower ! medium , steady lo weak ;
cattle , lOtflSo lower ; Tcxiu stccru , )2.wU )
110 ; beef fleers , tlllfrt.CO , native town , J1.10O
2,75 , * ti > eXrn nnd feeders , | J.0 | J,40.
I1OOS Urcnliilf. , i > W hrail ; slilpmcntii , l.OX )
heaill market opened 10iJ2io lower , closetl strong !
bulk nf fnlfd. t4.CJfl.70 ; heaMeK. I.,0I4. ) ;
iinckcrx , I4.70H4.SO ; mlxtd , J4.C5tfl.7o ; lights ,
14.WKI4.Mi pigs , | 4.tSfll.78 ,
fHir.MI' Uefelpts , 300 hendj shlinnents , 4,300
bend ; market dull nnd wcnk ,
Itcrclpti mill Dlipoiltlon of Stuck.
Omclnl receipts nnd dlnponltlon nt stock n
sh3\vn by the liooks of the Union Htock YnMs
company for the twenty-four lioum ending nt
S o'clock p. m. , July 30 , l 9l !
ItEOUIl 18.
Cuts. llmj.
Cattle 10(1 ( 2.712
t"K , 131 12,143
Kheep l 210
I'uyers. Cattle , lings , bhcep.
Omnha racking company 1.137 . . .
(3. II. Hammond company. . . Kl l,7ia . . .
Swift nnd company . , , , 303 2,003 . , .
Cudahy I'ncklng company. . . . 108 1.9IS . . .
Cleveland I' , tt. I' . Co , . . . . fM . . .
Cudahy Ilros ] , a S . , ,
lllaekshlro 4oj . . .
Hnmmond & Ktnndlsh . . . 3K1 . . .
East St. Louis 40J . . .
A. Hans. , , 95 , . . . . .
II. lleckcr & Degen 114
Wlysnmrlli , 271
Lee Uothschlld 32 . . . . . .
L. Ilecker 74 . . .
J. Lobmann 15 . . .
Loral 237 Kil
Shippers nnd feeders 73S
Left over. . . . . 400 2,000 107
Total 2.C33 13,013 233
Run of Cnttlo .Silica October of
CHICAOO , July 30. With the largest run o
cattle Blncc October , 1S93 , the trade today opene
iltilet and weak. A few light hanily steers o
extrn iiunllty Kohl early within from 6c to lc ! )
of the closing of the week , but the market wai
ho.-ivlly btirdenwl with nil other grades of natlvi
cattle , and the current of trade wn Blugsl. h m
fiom Gc lo lOc decline. The propottlnn of Texas
cattle was email , the total In quarnnllne falling
below 3,000 , while more than 22,000 were crowilci
Into thu native dlvlBlon. Shliipers and elatigh
tercm bought on n llbaral scale , but the supply
fully double the arrivals of the opening day ol
last week , was more than ample , nnd the markci
turned weak and closed lint nt from 15c to 2k
decllno heroin Hit- pens were nnywheic nenr
cleared. Few steers were gwxl enough to nel
above J4.CO. The- bulk of the KO.H ! to choice fat
steers Went nt from J4.10 to J4.CO , and plain to
fair grassy nteers nrjund J3.GO. Feeders mot
with u better ilemand Ihnn nt any time last
week , many young steers selling to local do.ilei-B
nrjuml { 1.73. About 1.500 western rnngcra niu ;
nearly 3,000 Texnns sold quite readily.
Tmlay'B arrivals of hogs were the largest for
a midsummer month In the hlslory of the trn-lp ,
Early estimates placed the supply nt 60iwo
head. Such n supply paralyzed the market nl the
start , nnd prices fell back from 15c ti 200 nt th *
llrsl turn. An occasional sale of extra line
heavy ami fancy light was madu enily at 13.15 ,
but most of the really choice offerings went on
the early market at from J3.05 lo J5.121 * . Fair
lo gord grade packing luigs were veiy Flow sale
at from (4.90 to J. , . and low grailc mixed and
rough culls n drug on the market nt from JI.CO
to J4.SO. The run fell nbout 3.COO short of the
early estimates , but the market continued to
weaken and closed lint nt 20c decline from the
closing pi Ices of the week , with upward of 2nooo
The sheep mnrket was fairly active , with
priced steady to llrm for all desirable grades nf
mutton stock. The run was about 1,000 larger
than last week , but all good grades found nili-
111 good season. Good to choice natives nnd
western wethers sold nt from J2.85 to $3.23 ; fair
lo good Texas nnd native mixed around { 2.60 ,
and culls nnd thin Bluff nt from II to SI. " , . The
supply of lambs was relatively smallest ; the
maiket had n better tune than nt the closing nf
Ihe week , with prices from lOo to 13c higher.
The bulk of Ihe good lambs KoUI nt from J2.75
to { 4.
Receipts : Cattle , 25,000 head : calves. COO head ;
hogs , 67,000 head ; sheep , 12.000 head.
The Kvenlng Journal reports :
HOGS Receipts today. bO.00.1 head ; olllclal
urdny. 14,534 head ; shipments Saturday , 6.9SO
head ; left over , about 2.noo head ; quality only
fair ; market dull nnd doniirnllzml ; prices 25c
lower ; sales ranged nt J4.85S5.10 for light ; J4.GO
4T4.75 for rough ; J4.G51i5.lO for heavy packing and
shipping lots ; plgB. $4.2304.60.
CATTLE Hecelpts today , 25,000 head ; receipt * ,
Saturday , 1,231 head ; shipments Saturday , 372
huad ; market dull nnd 10j2 c lower.
SHEEP Receipts. 12,000 head ; receipts Satur
day , 2.018 head ; shipments Saturday , 525 head ;
mnrket dull and prices lOc lower.
New York Llv Stoelt Market.
NEW YORK , July 30. HEKVES Receipts , 30.-
300 head ; mnrket * l > w but steady : native steers ,
choice. J4.90 f4.95 : good to prime , W.r,0f4.70 ; me
dium to fair , } 4.2oa4.60 ; common to ordinary ,
{ 3.75 4.2. , ; very poor , $3.35 < f3.50 ; bulls nnd dry
-cows. J2.2502.75 ; oxen. S3.0004.25.
SHEEP AND LAMIlS-Reeclpls. 2.1,000 head ;
mnrket demoralized ; sheep \io \ lower : lambs
' .4fl9ic lower ; sheep , poor lo prime , J2.0003.75-
IninbR. common tA choice , { 2.75 $ 1.60.
1 HO.GSr > Receipts ; 7cOi ) head ; 'market lower ; In
ferior to choice , J5.50S6.00.
Stock In SlRht.
Record of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets Monday , July 30 , 1894 :
Cattle. Hogs , Sheep.
South Omaha 2.712 12.149 210
Chicago 23.000 67,000 12,0)0 )
Kansas City 3.600 8.000 300
St. Louis 4,400 3,6i)0 100
Totals 35,712 80.619 12,640
Cotton Mitrkot.
NEW ORLEANS , July 30. COTTON Steady ;
sales , spot , 1,400 bales ; to arrive , 23 bales ; or
dinary , 6c ; good ordinary. G14c ; low middling ,
6e ; middling , 6c ; good middling , 7 1-lOc ; mid
dling fall' . 7 U-16c ; fair. Sie. nominal , Recolpts ,
net , 167 bale * ; stock , 47,734 bales. Futures easy ;
sales , 27.5111) ) bales ; July , $ ( ! .39TG.41 ; Seplember ,
JG.34JJC.33 ; October. J6.37J6.38 ; November. JC.44SP
6.45 ; December. J6.3G.M ; January. f6.59H6.60 ;
February , J6.556.50 ; March , JC.7106.72 ; April ,
W. M. Nclll , the well known cotton statistician ,
has Issued a circular estimating the cotton acre
age for the growing cotton crop us 21.0UO.OOO
acres , nnd the probable out turn of the growing
cotton crop. If there IB only 10 per cent better
yield per acre than hist year , nt nt Ifnst 8iOJ,000 !
bales. In this he allows 2,650,000 bales for Texas
and 0,650,000 bales for all other states.
NEW YORK , July 30. Under the pressure of
native liquidation , lesultlng from n brace of ex
ceptionally weak cable advices , supplemented by
exceedingly favorable crop reporls , the cotlon
market was very wenk. with August selling nt
JC.6G and December nt J6.S4 , thus making a. new
low price record since nnto-bclluin days.
ST. LOUIS. July 30. COTTON Quirt ; mid
dling , 7c ; sales , SOO bales ; shipments , 100 bales ;
stock , 27,400 bales.
Sucnr Mnrlcut.
NEW YORK , July DO. SUGAR Raw , market
steady ; fair rellnlng , 2 ll-1Cc ; centrifugal , 96
test. 3'c ( ; sales , 5,900 bags Cuba , centrifugal , nt
breakwater , 06 test , nt Site. c. I. f. ; 300 bags
Denial-am centrifugal , spot , 56 test , nt 3(40 ( , t-x-
shlp : W bags Cuba Muscovado , 89 test , at
breakwater , 89 test , 2 11-16C. c. I. f. ; 1,900 bags
Cuba molasses Migar at bieakwater , 89 test ,
at 2-Xc , c. I. f. ; 835 bngs Porto Rico molasses , fc9
test , at 2Sc , c. I. f. . and 750 bngs Denial urn spot
nt 2 ? > , c , ex-ship ; refined , llrm : No. C , 3T4W4 1-ltic ;
No. 7. 3 13-16f(4c ( ; No. 8 , 3 ll-16fT3c ; No. 9. % { >
3 13-lCe : No. 10,3H3ic ; No. 11. .1 9-lCfi31ic ; No.
12 3V.03 11-ICc : No. 13 , 2 13-lCf(3c ( ; off A , 4fJ
4 6-16c ; mould A. 4 IMG04Tf > e ; standard A , 4 5-16
I4'.c ; confectioners' A , 4 5-16ft4V4e ; cut loaf ,
6VW5 ( 5-16c ; crushed , 5Mfi5ICc ; pnwdcicd ,
4 H-lGCf4Tic ; granulated , 4 7-16fi4 ? e ; cubes , 4 11-18
LONDON , July 30. Sl'GAR Cane , quiet ; fair
refining , 11s 6d. .
KIIUHUH City IMnrlcets.
KANSAS CITY . Juy 30. WHEAT .c higher ;
Nn. 2 hard , 44c ; ; No. 3 hard , 42'tc ' ; No. 2 red ,
44V4c ; No. 3 red , 42' ' , < . .c ; i ejected , We.
IXHIN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 3SJ39cj No. 2
whlli' . 42'4T41fjC. ' !
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 2GH&3llc : No. 2
white. 30c.
1IUTTER Firm : creamery , 14J15c ; duliy , 12
EGGS Firm : 8c.
RKCE1PTS Wheat , 15tOO bu. ; corn , none ;
oats. 10.400 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 3.700 bu. ; corn , none ; I
oalB , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liverpool Mnrkotx.
LIVERPOOL , July 30. WIIKAT Quiet , but
steady ; demand poor ; holders offer moderately ;
No. 1 California , 4B GdJ4s 7d ; red western win
ter , 4a Idtfhi 2d ; red weetcrn spring , 4s M&
4s 7d.
CORN Firm ; demand moderate ; new mixed ,
I1ARLKY California brewing , 23s CdC25a Gd.
FLOim-l'atents. SB 9d.
PROVISIONS Ileef , extra India mess. Cfs Od.
I'ork , prime mess , C8s 9d. llaeon , long nnd short
clear , 55 Ibs. , 3Cs ; long clear , 43 Ibs. , 3Cs Cd.
Lard , prlmo western , 3C .
liulutliVbeut Mtirket.
DULUTH. July 30. WHEAT Close ; Higher ;
No. 1 hard , oath and July. 68140 ; No. 1 north
ern , cash and July. 6Gc ; September , 5)ic ) ? ; De
cember , rCtc ! ; No. 2 nirthern , cash , 63Kc ; N" .
3 , 47'io ; rejected , 44'ic ; to arrive , No. 1 north
ern. 67'lc. '
FLA c"SEEDJ1.23. .
RF.CEIPTS Wheat , M.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , K.100 bu.
VUlblii Supply of Crnln.
NEW YORK , July 30. The visible supply of
grain Saturday , July 28 , UH compiled by Ihe
New York Produce exchange , IB an fallows :
Wheat , 67,144,000 bu. , lncrens 3,372.000 bu. ; corn.
3,973i iO bu. . Increase 324.1 H ) bu. ; ontu , 1,24T,0')0 ' )
bu. . dcciease 125X ( bu. : rjv , 201,0)0 ) bu. . decrrase
7,000 bu. ; bailey , Sl.CioO bu. , decrease 13.1WO bu.
Oil MiirkHN. (
OIL CITY , Pa. , July 30. National Transit cer
tlllcntett opened ut 81 ; highest , 81 ; lowest , fO',4 ;
closed , bO'.l ; sales , r , > / bbls. ; shipments , 435,151
bbls. : runs. 704.1M bbls.
I'lTTHIIUHO , Pa. , July 30. National Transit
certificates.OIKMUM ! nt 8 ! > i ; closed nt 81 ; highest ,
81'Jj lowest , tl , No sales.
Noir York Dry i , oibi Murker.
NEW YOHK , July 30. In the dry goods markci
thu latter half of Hits day disclosed n much Im
proved request. Printing cloths weru In demaiu.
with snlen of about W.ouO epols nt 2 c. lens 1
per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :
Trlx'o Wheat .Mnrket.
December , J1.07H ; May , U.Olflt.
Krlsca'H Illg Fruit Iteculpts. :
BAN FIIANCIBCO , July 39-TUe trult receipts
Every day from 7 a. in. till 0:1U : ) p. in. , and on Saturday
till 10 p. in. Figures don't lie , unless a liar makes thu
figures. The best music always draws eromls in Omaha ,
and here are some melodies adapted to the times which dis
tance Thomas niul lead any band in the city an entire lap.
Upright Folding Red , nntlatic , 1 Half Sash Lr.ce Curtains with
with W. W. mattress $700. fixtures $ 90
Mantel Bed , antique , with W. | 93c Curtains , per pair C5
W. mattress 6 00 j Entire Picture Stock 30 per cent
"Boston Hookers" with nrms. . . . 1 OS off.
"Boston Ilockers" without arms. . 1 10'
Laundry Stoves 290
$2.75 Rockers 185
Sensation Cook Stove 9 9
Full Upholstered Hookers 3 C5
Peninsular Hange 19 85
$18.00 Cheffonler 975 No. 8 All Copper Tea Kettles. . . . 74
$18.00 Chamber Suit 975 No. 8 Solid Steel Spiders 21
$30.00 China Closet 1060 No. 9 Solid Steel Spiders 2
$48.00 Sideboard 2900 , 10-iiunrt Bread Raisers 47
Mohair or Tapestry Couch 9 75 14-qtiart Bread Raisers 53
Lounge , oak frame , tapestry | 17-qunrt Bread Raisers C2
cover 3 90 Medium Broad Boxes 47
$2.50 Haby Tender 125 100-pound Flour Cans 93
All buby carriage s V4 from "Empire" Wringers 275
marked down prices. "Keystone" Wringers 1 73
"Sleepy Hollow" Easy Chairs. . . . 650 ' Granite Iron Kettles 1 39
Kitchen Cupboards 345' Piano Lumps 4 25
Muslin Couches 585 $ ! ) .60 12-pleco Toilet Sets 6 65
Heavy Ingrain Carpet , per yard. . 22 $30.00 Clock for 15 60
All \Vool Ingrain Carpets 49 $30.00 Clock for 1G 25
Tapestry Brussels Carpets 49 $25.00 Clock for 13 50
$1 Hassocks , 10 feet high 13 feet | $20.00 Clock for 1200
across , weight 10 pounds 3D $12.00 Clock for COO
Gray and White Blankets 1 00 ] $ S.OO Clock for 4 25
$1 CO Bedspreads 95' ' $0.60 Clock for 285
Comfortable Comforts ' fjo' $1.40 Jnrdonlcr for oo
50c Pillow Shnmholders 25 $2.60 Jnrdonler for ; . . ; 1 C5
5 foot 1 or l'/4 in Brass Trimmed $2.75 Umbrella Jar for 1 60
Curtain Poles 15. $18.00 Dinner Set for 9 75
$7.00 Portieres 485. $12.50 Dinner Set for 775
$1.75 Lace Curtains 85 $10.00 Dinner Set for 6 50
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House.
Close evening at 0:30 : , except Saturday.
Send 10 cents for postage on big ' ! ' ( catalogue.
hero thla mornlnfc were unusually law. At the
wharves nlone over 24.000 lioxes nf fruit of dif
ferent vullttles were landed. Thc > Klut of the
market was BD ureat that peaches were din-
posed of nt lOc per liaHket. I't'iira Hald cor-
lespondlnKly low. Kxtra HteamliuatH have been
put on the Sacramento river , the capacity of
the regular bteameifl not belnK Kreat enouch
to iiiavu the rapidly ripening fruit erop.
liiittor Mnrkrt.
KLQIN. July 30. HUTTHU-Qulet ; sales , 8,000
Ibs. ntlie ; 8,400 lus. nti'.ic. .
i'liiiinrliil Noti'H.
nOSTON. July 30.-ClearlnKs , ? 0,3I3,873 ; bal
ances. $1,472,719.
ItAI/riMOIlE. July SO.-Clcnrlngs. tl.CSl.CIS ;
balances , (221 , CK.
NKW YOIUC , July SO. ClenrlnKs , ; 2,2C2,1I3 ;
balances , { 3,765,655.
1'AItlH. July 30. Three per cent rentes , 10U
45c for the account.
July SO. Clenrlnys , J0.313-
2SU ; balances , 11,210,3'JO.
LONDON , July 30. The price of gold nt
IliH'nus AyrcH today Is 272.
MKMPHIH. July 30. New York exclinnKO sell
ing at Jl. Clearings , SltB.lSI ; balances , t5SD07.
CINCINNATI , July 30. Money , SftC per cent.
New York exchange , 40&25u discount. C'lcarincs ,
HAN rilANCISOO. July 30. Drafts , sight. lOe ;
telegraphic. 15e. Silver bats , G ( tC2'ic. Mexican
ilollnrp , BU d ic.
NKW OIILKANS , July 30.-CearhiKS , JM4.291.
New York exchange , commercial , par ; bank ,
5c per (1,000 premium.
NT. LOl'IB. July SO.-Clearlnus , $3,341,231 ; bal
ances , J55fi.6i3 ; , Money , dull , Mi7 per cent. Ux-
changu on New York , 40o premium.
CIIICAUO , July SO. Ni-w Ynrk exchange , 20c
piemlum. C'learlngs , la.fcdl.t'OO. ' Korelgn ex
change. dull ; actual , $ I.S7H4l.S'i. ' Money , 4i/J / (
per cent ,
WAHIIINOTON. July 31. The cash balance In
the IrenKiiry today was JI25.iUO.W4. of which
Htf.MU 'lS Is KOlil reserve ; t50 < > , " < " In gold was
today engaged for export , leaving the true
amount of reserve 105,016.212.
There may bo some on In this vicinity
who is oflllctod with a stomach trouble.
If so , the experience of A. C. Kppley , a
carpenter , and contractor of Newman , 111. ,
will Interest him. For acouplo of years ho
was at times troubled with a pain In the
stomach , that ho says , "seemed to go through
mo from front to back. I began taking
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Whenever any pain appeared I
took a dose of the Hemedy. It gave me
prompt relief and has effected a complete
cure. " It Is for nolo by druggists.
Refreshing , cxhlllratlng , a bath at Court-
land beach.
Ilnil Too ( Jrail u I.oro for .Money.
AUSTIN , Tex. , July 30. Hob Illcka , the
r'ounK Texan who created a sensation In
Chicago during the World's fair by attempt
ing sulcldo to ttccuro a life Insurance , and
ifterwards shot himself through the liand
o obtain an accident policy , has suddenly
uul mysteriously departed from this city.
Ho represented several grocery ( Inns located
n St. Louis and New York and has sold
holr goods for spot cash away below the
narliot I'fico ' nnd Docketed the money. He
. . . Ill Wnll Street through
our Cii-Op rutiv K. It. Stock Syndiouto.
Dividends paid up t > * June 15th , 1834 , a * fol-
Ilrrcmffrrf Iti'J'J , " " \ \ierccnt. .Vet.
. / ( liliiiutHtll , jajj ' "
frliruiiru , " J < 1
Jlui-rli , 17 < i'
Aiiril , " 1-t
thus making 103 per cent , earned and paid In
six months. Prospectus KlUng detailed Informa
tion of our plan mulled free en application.
Highest references.
VVUI.VMA.N.t CO.Strtliilill Uinln.
Ill-odor * . 41 Ilrimdwiiy , N < i > Vorlc
Commission Merchant
Prlvato wires to Chicago and Now Tork. All
business orders placed on Chicago Uoard Of
CorregpomUnco solicited.
Office , room 4. Naw fork Llf Ilulldlnjl
Tcltflion * 130 * .
lias taken an actlva Interest in Young Men's
ClirlsUnn usaoclutlon affairs and frequently
led In devotional exercises.
Lions and leopards at Courtlnml.
Our of tin ) Triiln Itohliora Confvssns.
TULSA , I. T. , July 30. Curtly Darton , onq
of the men who liehl up the westbound
'Frisco train at Hedfork a week ago , lion boon
arrested near thai place and taken to Fort
Smith this mornlni ; . He admlU his cullt
and Klvea Infonnntlon that will doubtless
lead to thu arrest of the other membcra of
Cook's Imperial. World's fair
award , excellent clmmpaeno ; good cffcrvea-
cence , agreeable bamiiet | , delicious flavor. "
Coolest location , Courtlund beach.
Shot by u huldlor t I'lilluium
GHICAao , July 30. First 'blood In tlio
I'ulliiiuii campaign was slied at Kensington
last night. A man who was sneaking through
the Michigan Central freight yarda was shot
by 1'rlvuto ( Jliambers of company IK 116
will probably recover , but will lose an arm.
llo gave the name of Tote.
i i
Courtland beach , Omaha's pleasure resort.
Shot it .Mil 1 1 and Took I'lilxon ,
CAHTHAQU , 8. I ) . , July 30. Harry ;
Feathers , adopted ton ( if James Feathcra of
tills town , accidentally shot and fatally :
Injured his father'a hired man. ,1 tarry was
EO frightened at the accident that he tool ]
n , dying shortly ufterward ,