Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier to inr part of the cltjr.
II. W. TILTON , Leuee.
Tii.ipiioNis-itueinf : : omc * . NO. 41 ; night
editor , No. 23 ,
A marriage license has neon Issued to n.
W. Cllngman , uged 22 , and Minnie Ebncr ,
ngcd 18 , both of Pottawaltamlc county.
Frank William and B , B. Moore , charged
with stealing a lot of hay belonging to Mlko
McCarty , were discharged by Justice Vlcn
The funeral of the late George Itolcomb
will take place thla morning from the resi
dence of lila Ron-ln-law , John N , Baldwin
on South Sixth street at t ) o'clock.
Edna H. , { -months-old Daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Nclnun , died al 3:15 : o'clock
yesterday afternoon of cholera Infantum , at
the family residence , 9.11 Avcnuo D ,
City Attorney Hazlcton and City Clerk
Kurmtiehlcn will go to Cut-Off this morning
to get tome Information upon the saloon
question. They expect to return today.
A man named Young , who lives opposite
Poster's grcpnhouso on Harrl&on street
pounded Ills brldo of a year In n shameful
manner night before last. An Inform itlon
will probably be tiled against hi mtoday.
Clarence Edward , 11-months-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Oleson , died at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon of cholera Infantum. The
funeral will take place this afternoon at 2
o'clock from the residence , CIO North Sev
enth street.
Justice Vlen discharged J. K. Nehon and
W. A. Van Norman ymterday , charged with
the larceny of a $15 horse from Peter Nlel-
1,011. The prosecu Ing witness failed to ma
terialize and the cost were accordingly taxed
up against him and on execution Issued for
his property.
By a typographical error The Bee was
made to give the number of excursionists
who visited the city on Sunday as much
smaller than It really was. The ten cars
brnneht In OriO visitors , and the Rock Island
piople , as well as the excursionists , are well
pleased with the result of the venture.
In W. 0 , Wlrt's mall yesterday was a
refreshing bit of mining news. It was In
the very practical form of a draft , a divi
dend on stock held by him In the Mount
Rosa company. Despite the strikes and other
depressing Influences this mining propertj
has now reached a dividend paying basis.
The big temperance tent held an average
audience last night , who had assembled to
hear Dr. Trac's Illustrated lecture upon the
World's fair , but owing to the doctor's In
ability to deliver the lecture owing to some
throat trouble , Mrs. Tracy was Introduced In
Ills stead and carried out the program. The
lecture was Interspersed with views from
the lantern and deserved a larger attend
ance. This was the last of Dr. Tracy's
course of lectures In this city.
For Sale 22V6 acres fruit lands Inside city
limits , $300 per acre. Farm loans wanted ,
lowest rates. Flro and tornado Insurance
In best companies. Money loaned for local
Investors. Lotigco & Towlo , 235 Pearl street.
In order to meet the demands of an ever-
Increasing business the Kagle laundry ls
being rapidly fitted up with a full line of the
latest and best Improved machinery. A new
wristband Ironcr just received Is the latest.
It Is a beauty and well adapted for the work
demanded of It , but nothing Is to good for the
Eagle folks. By the way , docs the Eagle do
your work ? If not , why not ? Tel. 157.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Warren Hough of Crescent was In the city
Miss Pearl Uttcrback left for Nebraska
City yesterday.
Miss Anna Madden and Mary Klrlcy are
visiting friends In Neola.
Mrs. H. J. Chambers has returned from
her visit to Avoca friends.
Miss Vernlo Hlaliton of Neola Is a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlshton.
Harding Creamery butter for sale at Tay
lor & Vaughan's , 510 Broadway.
Grand Plaza telephone 15.
Grand Plaza bathing beach.
Grind Plaza picnic grounds.
Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all.
Grand Plaza's fine row boats arc all the
go.Grand Plaza's excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to C and from 7 tolO.
A nice , ccol swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Munavva , Is the proper thing to take
these hot days.
Second lou.i Iteilliliin.
To the Members of the Second Iowa
Infantry , Greeting : Comrades On the 10th
day of August next , by proclamation of
Governor Jackson , made In compliance with
on act of the Twenty-fourth general as
sembly , the battle Hags borne by the various
Iowa reirlmonlB during the late war will
bo transferred from the arsenal to their
permanent resting place nt the state house.
The flags will , as far as possible , bo borne
l > y the old color guards and escorted by
us many members of the old regiments as
can be assembled. AH members of the
Second Iowa Infantry arc urgently requested
to be present and paitlclpato In these Inter
esting exercises.
At the request of many comrades , and
In order that duo preparation may bo made
to Join In these exercises , I further an
nounce that a reunion of the regiment will
be held at Des Molncs August 9 and 10.
We will assemble at the capital August
0 at 2 p. in. It Is hoped that all will at
tend. Respectfully ,
Late Colonel Second Iowa Infantry.
iviins ; T.uiiiulry Company.
520 Pearl street. Telephone 290.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Luke Manawa , Is the proper thing to takd
these hot dajn. ,
Domestic boap outlasts cheap soap.
Attempted to Iliiril u Hum.
An attempt was made to burn the old
Patton livery stable on North Main
street yesterday morning between 2 and
3 o'clock. The doors of the establishment
were left open on account of the heat and a
get tlcman standing ou the west sldo of the
street caught a gllmpso of a man as ho
jumped out of the east door and started off
on a run towards the city building. A mo
ment later S. Jensen , who keeps a restau
rant near by , caught sight of flames and
started a cry of lire. The noise awakened
one of the stable hands , who rushed down
stairs , attached a piece of hose to the hy-
druit and commenced playing on the fire ,
which had been started In ono of the stalls
1 is tlju. m.inger directly under the horse's
The flames were running clear to the
celling and In a few seconds more would
havy been communicated to the hay mow
and a block of buildings would In all
probability have been destroyed. As It was
the damage to the building was slight. A
horse occupying the stall where the tire was
lighted hail both eyes burned out and had
to bo shot.
HlKtnrlxMl tlio hurvlco * .
Some little complaint was made about the
action of the Manawa band Sunday morning.
The Baptist church was well tilled with a
crowd of worshippers and the sermon was
about half over when the dulcet strains of
a dozen or so horns cracked the air.
"Johnnie Get Your Gun , " or the "High
School Cadets , " or whatever else the pleco
was , did not harmonize with the preacher's
train of thought , and ho had to stop to wait
for the musicians to get a block uway before
ho could resume. The members of the
church and congregation wish The Dee to
call the attention of the proper paily to
the matter so that the disturbance reed not
occur again. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Try a glass of Sulpho-Sallne or Soterlan
mineral waters from the famous Excelsior
iprlnga at George Davln1 , Paul Schneldur'a
and O , H. Brown's drug stores , John Lin-
Oer , general agent.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main itreet. Tele *
Nkouo 43.
J , Mi Banks , & Stranger , Locked Up on a
Serious Charge ,
llrpre enlrd Illnmilf n * In Need of a Ulrl
for Iloiitouiirk nnd Coi ted Una to
Go with Illmlllirrent
Quickly rollout d.
Yesterday about noon a strnnger giving
his name an J , M. Banks applied at the
Christian Homo for n girl. He said his
wife and two children were In the city and
he wanted to take- the lrl homo With him
at once. Ho picked out n half-witted girl
named Lottie Shaffer , 1C years of age , who
was walking about the grounds , and asked
to bo allowed to take her. Manager Lcmen
told him that there was some red tape to
bo gone through with before he could take
any of the Inmates home with him , and
that ho should have to be convinced first
of all that Mr. Banks was a suitable man
to be put In charge of a friendless child.
Banks replied that he was a member of the
Methodist chinch , but Mr. Lemon , remark-
In to himself that the jag Banks carried
with him did not exactly accord with his
profession , remained obdurate.
After Lemon had gone Into the house
Banks went up to the girl and told her
to get her hit nnd follow him to a barn
about a block distant. She was simple
enough to do as he said , but a mill named
Topping , who works about the place , had
been Instructed to follow her. Just as the
two met nt the place appointed Topping
slipped up and Informed Banks that ho
was under arrest Banks refused to sub
mit without a struggle , but he was finally
landed In jail by Olnccr Wolff
Mr Lemon went to the olllco of City At
torney Hazelton , where ho signed an In
formation charging Banks with kidnaping
He sajs he means to prosecute the fellow
to the bitter end. But little Is known
about Banks , excepting that he seems to bo
connected In some way with the rail
roads. He had In his pocket a number of
railway passes. _
UC.MOVAi.SAI.i : .
C. O. l
Has rented the entire building south of
his already large store , nnd will put me
chanics to work In a few dajs to cut arch-
nays through the partition walls , throwing
the two big store rooms together. And as
ho has been compelled to reduce his stock
In order to make room for the workmen
he has cut the bottom clear out of prices
In grocery , hardware , tinware and vvlllow-
waer departments. Ho has employed an
extra force of clerks , so jou won't have
to wait. This sale will not last long , but
will go on record as the cheapest sale the
people of Council Bluffs ever wltnsssecl.
Remember , the big red store , Fourth
street and Broadway.
Where a child can buy as cheap as a man.
For fine rooms stop at the Victoria house ,
326 Broadway , corner Bryant street.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at
Gas Co.'s ofllce.
Army of the TVIIIICRHCP.
Elaborate preparations are being made
for entertaining the Army of the Tenebsee
when It holds Its annual reunion In this
city for two days , commencing October 3 ,
189 J. General G. M. Dodge Is taking the
lead In the affair , and this Is a guaranty
that everything will be done In a first class
fashion. The Army of the Tcnnebsee differs
from the other military organizations that
have met here In that none arc eligible to
membership except those who Wore officers
during the war. It Is expected that there will
be between 400 and 500 visitors to the city at
the time of , the reunion. The executive
commlmttee , which has just been appointed ,
Is composed of the following gentlemen :
Lieutenant John Y. Stone , chairman ; Thomas
Bowman , George F. Wright , Alajor J. W.
Paddock. Thomas J. Evans , General C. H.
Frederick , Colonel J. J. Steadman , Lucius
Wells , John Bcrtshelm , Major T. S. Clark-
son , Smith McPherson , Cap'aln ' Theodore
Guitar , Captain J. P. Weaver , Dr. F. S.
Thomas , Tank Trimble , N. P. Dodge. J. R.
Reed , Spencer Smith , Colonel T. M. Stanton ,
W. II. M. Pusey. Colonel D. B. Dalley , William
Groneweg , E. W. Hart , John N. Baldwin , D.
W. Bushnell , Colonel S. S. Curtis , I. M.
Treynor , Major George R. Richmond , Walter
I. Smith , Captain W. L. Paulson , Captain
Oliver Alison , secretary.
Trains for Lake Miimnui.
Lcavo Broadway :
10 a. m.
2 p. m.
6 p. m.
And every 22 minutes thereafter until
11 55 p. m ,
Paitlos wishing to spend the day at Lake
Manawa take the 10 a. m. train.
Best all wool Ingrain carpets 65c during
July , to make room for new stock.
Hammocks cheap , Davis the druggist.
Stuck Ono SiiloonlHt.
The five saloon keepers who were arrested
about two weeks ago for disobeying the
mayor's Sunday closing order came up for
a hearing In polled court , yesterday morning.
Olllccr Murphy was the only witness for the
state , and he said he was unable to give any
testimony that would show that the saloon
keepers had done anything more than open
their places. Jacob Ncumayer pleaded
guilty to the charge of selling. Fortunately
for him , there are two laws governing this
class of offenses. The city has an ordinance
Imposing a flue of $10 on violators of the
Sunday closing law , and the state has a
mulct law that Is considerably harder on
offenders. The first law Is sprung on those
whom the city officials wish to treat hand
somely , and the second on all others. Neu-
mayor was lined $10 and costs under the
ordinance. All the other saloon keepers
were discharged.
A. P. Boren , a 77-year-old drunk , was dis
charged by Judge McGee upon his promise
to keep straight In the future. George Dal-
rymple and Robert Brungen were fined $5
and costs each for the same offense.
B. F. Rodgers. suspected of being Impli
cated tn the Oakland avenue burglaries , will
have a hearing this morning.
MlclKiimmrr No n.
Our midsummer annual clearing sale com
mences Wednesday , August 1. Notwithstand
ing the fact that some wonderfully low
prices have been made during the past
month , wo will make still deeper cuts on
all Rummer goods. Store will be closed all
day Tuesday , marking down goods and get
ting ready for this great event.
Watch dally papers for particulars.
F. , W. & Co. .
Council Bluffs , la.
Physicians' prescriptions and family rec
ipes a specialty. Dcetkcn & Whalcy's , 140
Domestic soip breaks hard water.
Suing Cor nil Aeridi'iit I'olley.
Susan E. Moore of Brlntleld , 111. , has com
menced an action In the superior court for
$3,000 , that being the face of a policy In
tha Union Fraternal Accident association of
Council Bluffs which slio held on the life
of her husband , John D. Moore. The latter
was killed while hunting , but the company
refused to pay. She now brings suit , and
makes the following panics defindants : P
R , Crocker , C. E. Pennlck , C , Q. Thorpe ,
C. II. Thorpe , J. E. Lockwood , W. 0 , Me-
Intosh , J , C. Copeland and Leonard Man
Eyes tested free. C , B. Optical Co. , Schnei
der's drug store.
Washerwomen use Domestic tcap.
I'lllik hues tlm City.
AJ u result of the squabble that took place
a few months ago between the- banks and
the city board of equalization , a suit was
commenced In the district court yesterday
by the Citizens State bank. U will be re
membered that otter a great deal of vvhlp-
raining and lowering o ! asssesi-
menti , the board finally nt the last minute
before adjourning by ono itruke wiped out
all It hod done and put the nsicssnunU
back where they hnd been originally , thus
pleasing no one. In the pell Ion filed yes
terday the Citizens bank alleges that Its
ns oismpnt IB higher In proportion than other
banks of the city ; that It was discriminated
against In that other banks were .exempted
front taxation for property on which It was
taxed , and , lastly , that It was assessed In
the sum of $10,000 for United States legal
tender , which should not ha\o been assessed.
Wnlilo Nil Mill Cletn n Licking on Account or
lllH llrolhcr Hurra's i : nipudc ,
Ever since last winter , when Harry Nason
and Mrs , F. E. Klngsbury left for San Fran
cisco on the same train , relations between
the two families have been somewhat
strained. Last evening Mr. Klngsbury and
young Nason came together on Broadway ,
near the corner of Bryant street , and the
result was disastrous to Nason's reputation
for valor , while Klngsbury Is under arrest
on the chare ? of assault with Intent to do
great bodily Injury.
AAcordlng to the- story told by Klngsbury ,
he was walking along Broadway when ho met
Nason , his brother Waldo and the latter's
wlfo and sister. Nason stepped up to Kings-
bury and accosted him In a manner that
that gentleman considered Insulting. He Im
mediately grabbed the young man by the
coat collar and commenced to shakeh 1m vig
orously. Waldo stepped up , and , asking what
was the cause of this sort of action , pro
ceeded to defend his brothe'r from the at
tack. Klngsbury transferred the scene of his
operations and knocked Waldo down. While
Waldo was picking himself up Harry Im
proved the opportunity of gcttnlg away , and
sprinted at a lively rate up the street , never
stopping until he was safe Inside his home
on Benton street.
Waldo and Klngsbury then had It out
alone , and although Klngsbury had nothing
much against the brother , his blood was up
and ho did on ( stop until he had bruised
Waldo up considerably and planted a bad
cut over his eye with a ring he wore. The
father of the two voung men came down
town as soon us he heard of the encounter
and ( Hod an Information against Klngsbury ,
and the l.'ter WOE arrested.
The Klngsbury case will come up In police
court this morning and some Interesting
developments are looked for.
( Inind 1'liirt , Like Uanaw.i.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will be
charged to persons who desire to rent boats
or bathing suits.
Ice cream and refreshments served In tbe
pavilion of Grand Plaza.
1'ouild u Itiiliy.
Joe Smith , who works at Bcno's and lives
on Sccpnd avenue , near Sixteenth street ,
was awakened about midnight Sunday night
by the sound of a child's voice plaintively
calling "mamma" from the vicinity of his
back jard. Mr. Smith does not usually
answer to that name , but he did In this
case , and found a little 7-jear-old girl wan
dering about disconsolately ! She explained
that she belonged to some people who had
been camping In that vicinity , but had lost
them. Her father's name was Henry Hub-
man. Mr. Smith sent her to the police
station by G. N. Martin , and her parents
called for her during the day. They ex
plained that they started off without count
ing their children's noses , and very naturally
did not notice one absent out of the swarm.
When they had gone several miles on their
way they discovered that one was missing ,
and accordingly came back to find her.
On and after August 1 we will sell groceries
for cash only. J. Zoller & Co. , TOO Broad-
w ay.
II. A. Iliilrd AflHtKiiM.
H. A. Balrd , proprietor of a Broadway
fruit stand , made an assignment yester
day for the benefit of his creditors. His as
sets arc given as $3,500 and liabilities as
$1,800. Poor collections are the cause. Mr.
Balrd states that all his. creditors will be
paid off dollar for dollar. John G. Wood
ward Is named as assignee.
Suit for Diimngcs.
Frank L. Blakcmore and A. W. Blakemore
of Blockton , Mo. , are the defendants In two
suits commenced by Lev I Loeb , another
Mlssourlan , In the United States circuit court
yesterday. Loeb charges the first with mall-
clous prosecution and the second with
slander. He demands a Judgment for $10,000
In each case.
Meyers-Durfce Furniture company , 330-338
Broadway. Bargains In flue furniture.
I'rogiam for Lmrn Social-I'liocnlx Club
Part } to Conrtliiml.
Following Is the program that will be
rendered at the lawn social to be given at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Wheeler
this evening :
Song , with Guitar Colonel T. B. Smith
Haimonlcn , with Guitar..Blsmaick Nltsche
Soprano Solo Miss Nellie Sage
Violin and Harmonica
Messrs. Gibson and Newell
Cornet Solo , with Organ
Mr. Carley nnd Mrs. Munshavv
Song Miss Goia Goodman
I'oem The Village Choir. W Heed Dunroy
Violin nnd Organ.Mr. Ralph Pearl and Wife
I'lioiMiU dull I'urty.
The1 Phoenix club will give a party at
Courtland beach on Wednesday evening ,
leaving Twenty-fourth and N streets on a
special train at 7'15 o'clock. The following
commmlttccs will be In chaige :
J. T. Donahoe , master of ceremonies.
Arrangement Tom Larklns , chairman ; D.
T. Kane , Art Adams , John Salmon , J. D.
Montague , P. Martin , John Rcllly.
Reception John J. Pollard , chairman ; M.
C. Kelly , T. J. O'Neill , M. J. Nugent , A.
M. Galagher , Robert Larklns , Eddie Halpln.
Floor E. A. Pollard , chairman ; William
McGiirkc , William Buckley , J. Williams , T.
V. Tatum , John Ashe , George Faux.
Magic Cltj ( iotfslp.
Miss Edith Luce of St. Joe Is visiting
her parents.
Miss Jennie G. Levy Is visiting friends
In Shelby , Neb.
Sulon , the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Gibson , Is sick.
Banker C. M. Hunt Is able to bo out
after a few days' Illness ,
Mrs. Moore and children have gone to
Iowa on a month's visit.
Miss Dora Duncan has returned from a
visit with friends In Missouri.
Mrs. A. J. Caughey Is homo from a pleas
ant visit with friends at Atlantic , la.
Mr. Will Wltten Is home from Colorado ,
where ho was visiting his Invalid wife.
Mrs. Samuel Nixon of Shambaugh , la. , Is
visiting at the home of her son , Mr. A. A.
Miss Mabel Bcachy of Ottawa , Kan. , Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Denny
Mrs. G. A. Ackcrman and her sister , Mrs.
Qulgloy of St. Joe , are visiting friends In
the city ,
Mrs. J. C. Graham visited friends In
Hebron for several days and returned home
last evening.
The Knights of Pythias lodge by special
dispensation will work the three ranks next
Thursday night.
Assessor Samuel T. Shrlglcy Is home from
a month's visit with old friends and rela
tives In Indiana.
The laboring men of South Omaha will
hold an open meeting at Twenty-fourth and
N streets tonight.
Miss Dora Melchor of Atlantic , la. , and
Miss Fredrlca Voeken of DCS Molnes are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Mclcher.
John Mullen and Denny Murphy were ar
rested for fighting on Twenty-fourth street
last evening. After the men reached the
police station Murphy struck Mullen an
other blow. They both gave ball for their
appearance this morning.
The verdict ot the coroner's jury In the
death of little Mary Wagner was returned
at R o'clock , afler the jury hail visited the
scene of the accident. The jury stated that
the child had como to her death by being
run down by a Missouri Pacific engine
going at a speed of twenty miles an hour ,
which was In violation of the city ordinance ,
and recommended that a flagman be placed
at this point.
Pledged Her Cmtjnis Bevenues to Sconro
Money for the Enterprise ,
I'rcHlilrnt.rlnjn Seii'il * n Note to All tlio
Cent nil Aincrlciin Omi'rniiu nt on tlio
) * - > lo Tnlc
of Cruelly.
NEW YOHK , July 31. Tlio World has
the following :
MANAGUA , July 30. Scnor Diiarte. n
leading attorney , lias gone to Ulueflclds to
Join General Madrb , the scctetary of state ,
carrying \vlth htm ninplo powers to settle
the Mosquito troubles , rive hundred troops
left the Granada and a thousand left here
today for the coast. They will meet at
Grey town.
It Is reported TOO \oluntcers from Hon
duras arc on the way to the toast. Ileforo
starting they demanded a guarantee of pay ,
which President Zelaya secured from En
glish merchants , pledging customs as se
President Zelaya has sent notes on the
.Mosquito question to all the Central Ameri
can governments. lie. has asked aid from
Guatemala and Honduras. The president
assures the World correspondent that the
reports from Colon and I'ort Union ore
grsatly exaggerated. He sa > u General Ca-
bc/as Is holding his position , but adds there
has been fighting w filch resulted fo\orably
to Chief Clarence. The American minister
has protested against the t > elmre of a num
ber of launches at Haina by General Co-
be/as , the launches being the property of
American citizens.
COLON , Colombia , July 30. Refugees from
Hanm and Blueflelds tell horrible tales of the
cruelties perpetra ed by General Cabezas and
his subordinates when they found Chief
Clarence approaching. Not even the women
escaped their fury. Chief Clarence captured
large quantities of arms and recaptured all
his cannon. General Cabezas expected to ro-
t.tko Bluellclds within ten days. He threat
ened to Kill all the Indians and those v\ho
aided them and destroy tholr property. Be
fore the last fight Chief Clarence v , as offered
the governorship of the territory under Nicar
agua , but he refused It.
He , with 300 men , attacked Corn Island and
managed to secure a foothold there , after a
hard flght of ( he hours. Tlio Mosqultos lost
heavily. The Nlcaraguans me panic-stricken
and are bald to be preparing to flee.
A German schooner , loaded with arms con
signed to the Nicaragua ! ! government and
which left here a fen ilajs ago , Is reported
wrecked off the Cobta Ulca coast. The
\vieck Is believed to bo the work of the
enemies of Nicaragua , as the arms ha\e
been lost.
NEW YOHK , July 30. The Herald's Pan
ama dispatch sajs : News has been re
ceived from Bocas del Hera that the
schooner Enterprise lias been chartered
thera by refugees. The vessel Is being fitted
and armed for a new expedition against Corn
Island and an attack on the Nicaragua ! ! au
thorities. The band of refugees who re
cently organized on expedition reached Port
Llmon and were there disarmed by Costa
A British warship has gone to the Mosquito
reservation via Blftaficlds. Ti3 ! farces of
Cabezas. which are entrenched In Kama ,
seized launches and 'lighters belonging to
Americans. They were used to embark
troops for Blueflelds. The Unit'd States
consul protested and the ; launches were re
turned. Commander O'Neill of the United
States steamship Marblehead landed 180 blue
Jackets In Blueflelds , to protect American in
terests there.
( In I in H > ll\lll Victory.
LONDON , July 30. It Is stated the owners
of the tiansport Kow Shlng have demanded
damages from JapaultlirouE'1 , ' the English
foreign ofllcc for the linking of that \essel.
On the day following the fight between the
Chinese and Japanese ships a
cruiser encountered a Chinese Ironclad In
the Prince Jeiomo gulf. The Chinese claim
their \essel was victorious and that the
Japanese cruiser was taken off by her con
sort In a crippled condition.
Kotlrn to u MoniKtcry.
nOMC , July 30. Signer Tanglongo , the
central figure In the Banca Romano frauds ,
Is said to bo on the point of retiring to a
monastery of Passlonlst fathers , where he
will devote himself to religious exercises and
eventually leave an offering of thanks for
his acquittal. He will do this In fulfillment
of a vow made by him whileIn prison.
New fmindlitiid I .ccl'lntnrs Impelled.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , July 30. Messrs. Emer
son and McGrath , members of the legislature ,
were unseated and disqualified by the court
today. Both were adherents of Whlteway.
Mr. Emerson was speaker. The charges
agilnst the two members Included the un
authorized expenditure of public monejs with
the connivance of the executive council.
Amerlciii 1'orgcr Sentenced In niiglaiid.
LONDON , July 30. Charles Bertram ! ,
alias Donaldson , a forger Known to the police
of the United States , was sentenced today
to three and a half years' Imprisonment ,
after having been convicted of obtaining
goods under false pretenses.
< lilneso Collect tlio Duties ,
SHANGHAI. July 30. The branch of the
Chlntrso Imperial customs at Chcmulp Chun-
san continues business , receiving the Corean
duties as usual. Japan , so far , has not In
terfered with the collection of these duties.
hpiuiliIKU Itont the Millujs.
PARIS , July 30 A dispatch from Call-
garan , on the Island of Mindanao ot the
I'hllllplno group , says the Spanish troops
have attacked and completely routed , the
Malay Musselmen , killing 230 of them.
Training Ship Atrosn the Oicun.
QUECNSTOWN , July 30. The United
States training ship Portsmouth arrived
hero this morning. She reports all well on
board , and will remain here a week , after
which she goes to Southampton.
AxHcmhly of i iirdlimht unit I'litrlurrlm.
HOME , July 30. The pope Is about to convoke -
voko an assembly of cardinals and eastern
patriarchs , for the purpose of discussing
the question of the reunion of the eastern
churches. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
running u I'rnu Trudo .Ministry.
SYDNEY , N. S. 'W , ' , , July 30. The ministry -
try presided over by Sir George Dlbbs has
resigned and Mr. Rcedl leader of the oppo
sition , has consented to term a new minis
try. ' , '
uviiRc.of the .icuo.
HONGKONG , July { til A blue book , Issued
today by Sir W. RAblrison , the governor of
Hongkong , reports l./O'.boO / people died from
the plague In the 'Canton ' district.
Deny l.cilownrliNkt'H Death.
PARIS , July SOA-VlVo1 French papers con
tradict the Etdnnt that Cardinal
Lcdowschskl , the nr.cfcct of the congregation
of the propaganda , , Is ,
I lorcnco KnVqfr'ffvt ' * n Divorce.
LONDON , July . SOjTrFlorcnco Emery , the
actress , hab obtalnVd , \ll\orce from her hus
band upon the ground of Ma misconduct with
other women , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ItlMimrck Siirforln from tlin
BERLIN , July 30. Prince Bismarck Is
suffering from a slight attack of prostration
by the Intense heat.
A < quitted of Kllllinr n Striker.
MOKKRIA' . Mo. , July 30.-Chnrlc8 H.
Clarke , the Wnbash brakemnn who , during
the recent utrlko shot nnd killed Alex Mo
Cambuii ; , a Htrllur , who was Interfering
with him , has been acquitted utter a wcek'H
trial. _
Hulled Out for Ihri'o Yearn.
ST. PAUL , July 30. This afternoon a
severe hull storm did much damage In
Stevens county , near the Pope county lino.
The towns of Traumas , Bvvnn I.ako nnd
Danarr and uouthvvnrdti toward Hancock ,
Buffered most , from 5,000 to 10.000 acres
were completely stripped o all growing
cropcho \ \ In a renter amount at terri
tory It was partially defrayed. All windows
dews on the north nldp of Imlldlngii In Mor
ris were broken , nnd the gnidcni there nro
ruined nnd the nurroundlnif country much
damaged. This Is the third successive son-
con n Imll ! < term has visited the unmc local
ity , nnd the loss Is for that reason the more
severely felt ,
( Continued from First Page. )
a few days ago , took out a largo cargo of
flour , as did the two preced'ng Ptenmcrn.
Chinese mcrchints of the better class admit
tint their country Is stocked up with provl
Duly Oliiinco In tn Itunti Mutter * to
u Settlement nt Oner.
CHICAGO , July 30. A. P. Martz of Hong
Kong , who arrived In Chicago today chrouto
to Paris and who owns a large line of steam
cr plying between Tonquln and Hong Kong ,
expresses the belief that Japan will bo a vic
tor In the war with China If the struggle
Is a short one , "Tho Japanese arc much tlio
better fighters , " said Mr. Martz , "and have
a much superior navy. The Chinese have
the advantage of largo numbers , large wealth
and credit , and should the war bo a long
one the forces of the Mikado arc likely to be
defeated. Japan Is not financially able to
long maintain the struggle , but the Chinese
have countless thousands of men to take the
place of those killed In battle. The Chinese
rivers swarm with small gunboats which
will prove effectual In naval engagements
Unless the Japanese arc able to decide the
matter within a short time their forces are.
I think , doomed to defeat. "
Code Cubles to I lilim I'rohtblteil.
NEW YORK , July 30. The Commercial
Cable company announces that It Is advised
that bath private and government messages
In code for Fee Chovby cable , arc pro
The Anglo-American Telegraph company
announces that cablegrams to China must
bo written In plain language , except to
Shanghai , Amoy , Hong Kong and Macao.
Secret language Is also prohibited to Pee
Chow , both for private and government tele
Ordered Hack to IVUIll.
EVANSVILLE , Ind. , July 30. Minister
Charles Dcnby , who Is In this country on
leave of absence , has been ordered hick to
his post at Pckln , China , on account of the
waillke situation between China and Japan
over Corea. Minister Denby Is In Detroit ,
where his wife , who Is now here , will join
him. They will then go by the quickest
route to PeKln.
C'lilnn ISiijInc Torpc lues of Grriniiny.
BERLIN , July 30. China has ordered four
torpedo boats of German firms.
i.o.\a into VT u
Itiilua Itcportcit In Kunvis , .Missouri anil
Wcatrrn I own.
KANSAS CITY , July 30. Notwithstand
ing the recent record breaking hot winds
over ICans-as and Missouri , nnd the consequent
quent predictions of total IOPS of crops ,
rains have occurred In several of the af
flicted district1' , from whence now como
encouraging reports from farmers. In Cher
okee county and vicinity In the southeastern
corner of the state the greatest corn crop
over i.ilsud In that section Is nssuied. Here
the wheat ciop will nluo be extraordinary ,
many farmers teportlng n > leld of thirty-
live bushels an acre. In Johnson and Norrls
counties , Mo. and that section contiguous
to Kansas Clt > , the s-ame llatterlng reports
are made.
SIOUX CITY. July 30. Rain Is falling
here tonight , breaking the long drouth.
The storm covers a laige territory.
I'ronilnont Washington Itcptilillc-iiu Called to
Ills Door mid Ne\er Sucn Allio Asnln ,
SPOKANE , Wash , July 30. The people
of the southern part of Spokane county are
Intensely excited over the kidnaping and
murder of Chaflcs aioysteln * a prominent
farmer and republican politician of Allca.
Gloysteln was culled out of his house at
midnight last night nnd has not since been
seen. Ills hat , cut with a blunt Instrument
and covered w 1th bloody hair , was found
today by a seaeihlng party. The missing
man had Incurred the enmity of the popu
lists of his neighborhood , and the feeling
against him In that paity was Intense. A
short time ago he was hung In elllgy and
a number of threats made against his life.
Journeymen I'luinlicre In Session.
ST. LOUIS , July 30-The United Associ
ation of Journeymen Plumbers , Gas Fitters ,
Steam Titters and Helpers met In fourth
annual convention here today , President
John A. Lee of New York In the chair.
The delegates were v elcomed by Mayor U.
I * . Walbrldge , President Lee responding.
Committees were appointed , that on cre
dentials reporting almost Immediately , seatIng -
Ing all present.
At the afternoon session the St. Louis men
submitted H proposition for a number of
changes In the constitution. The annual ad-
dieis of PreMdent Lee showed that 1,700
new membeis were taken Into the organisa
tion during the past year , making the total
membership about 10,000. During the vcur
local unions were organized In twenty or
thirty cities , which had not been repre
sented before. In his address the president
made a number of recommendations. The
secretary and treasure's report vvns re
ferred to a committee on finance without
iru.t iiuie
Local Itiilnn and South \\lml4 1'romUed for
NcliraoKu Today ,
WASHINGTON , July 30 The Indications
for Tuesday are :
Tor Nebraska Local rains ; wanner In the
vicinity of Valentine ; south winds.
For Iowa Local ralno ; south winds.
For Mlstouil Partly cloudy ; southeast
Tor South Dakota Fair ; south winds.
Local Itvcoril.
July ! iO Omaha rccora of tompur.itura and
r.ilnfalluoiniurod with corresponding day of four years :
1804. 1803. 1092. 1801.
Maximum tomuoraturo 94 = H8O H0 = 84 =
Minimum u-muunituio. 70 = d4 = 00 = 05 =
Avtiniiru tomperatuic , . HJ = 70 = 70 = 74 =
Precipitation 03 .T .00 .00
Statement showing the condition of torn-
pcrr.ture and precipitation at O.naru for the
day and slnco March 1 , IS'Jl :
Normal toiunor.ituro 7u =
Excess for the day 07 =
EVCCSH ilnco Murch 1 440 =
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Uellclency fortho duv 07 Inch
Deficiency since Marcli 1 10.98 Itichud
ItnportH from Uthnr Stiitloui ut 8 1' . AI.
" t , " ImllcaH H ti .ieu of rain.
( jKOltGK V HUNT , Local OfllctU.
Arr ' ( tt ' ( l fur 'liirrluc THMMIIJT ,
KANSAS CITY , July 30. Joseph Wilson.
chftrKwl with belli } ? u lender of the party
that tarred and fuathcred Adjutant General
Tiininey nt Colorado RprlntjH. Colo. , vvau
lodued In Jail here tonight to await requlHl-
tlnn papers thai will permit of Ills I > CIIK |
legally taken buck to folonicloVllnon
wan arrested at Mount Lebanon , Mo. , by a
Children Cry fof
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry to ?
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfot
Catcher's Castoria.
Colorado tUlcctlvo. who li.n ti on
him several dnj * He claims IIP Is Inm-
cent of the chnrRC nml .lays ho run readily
prove nn nllbl Wilson vvna formerly a
deputy In Denver ,
Mv'.V7.tM'Ji/ IIKATII.
Two of Conductor 1 , . II. Itlilpith'o Sluyrr *
Mill Muni : .
D12S MOIN'HS , July 30-Special ( Telegram
to The Uoe. ) OeorceVecms nnd John
Hnmtnlll , convicted of the murder of Con
ductor Ij. II , Uldpnth last April , were todny
pcntcncod to be confined In the Kort Mad
ison penitentiary until August 21 , 1S-95 , on
which day they ante he linnRod , unless a
Btny Is Kinnted , .Motion * for n new tilal
were oveiruled , but efforts will bo nude
to cariy the cases to the lUipreme court.
John Krout , who turned stnte'a evidence
ngnlnst them , 1ms been released.
llu HiiKliiii Itrtrt'iulilnif.
CUnSTOX , In , July 30-Special ( to The
lice. ) Thu JturlliiKton Is puiimltit ; Its ie-
trenchmcnt work with u vengeance , and the
epidemic rm struck CioMton. About thltty
men , employed In the various dcp.utmontx ,
havu been dlsml"Mcd on account of tdnck
business , Some of the men huve been con-
tlnuously in the employ of the loid for
twenty-live > enrc , hut Miry wen1 laid off.
N vcr before In the history of the loud have
there been no few men at vvork and on
such fhort tlmo UK at prt. ent.
Jumped from u lloli I U Inilon U lillo , \ li cp
SLOAN , la. , July 30 ( Special Telegram to
The Uee. ) James Hyorly met v\ltlt a veiy
serious accident Monday moinlmr. Ho was
sleeping on the second lloor of lintel \Vlni--
gar , ncnr an open window , ami while
nxlccp jumped through the window , talcing
the rcrcen with him Ills cries awakened
the landlord nnd gucstf , who found him
lying on the ground \vlth bin left lei ;
linn Doun I ) } u PropoUo- .
DirrnOIT. Mich , July SO. The little
steamer Glad Tidings v\as sunk In the Do-
tiolt rlvor nenr I'corso this morning by the
vvhalob.K'k ptopUlor rathllndei. The crew
are .ill dtovvned. They ,11 c
M1CIIAIU , WIJSTl'AIII , , captain.
AUOPSTViSTI'AHL , his biother.
Ai'ciuBT .MIND :
All of Detroit A misunderstanding of
tlio ptoniiK'i's signals seems to have caused
the collision.
Motrinentri of ( ) nn Mcnnier * .Inlj ; i ( ) .
At liromcii Aulvcd Ktns , ft jm Ntvv
At Liverpool Arrived Servln , from New
York ; Numldlnn , from MoiUi-'Vil.
At Gibraltar Airlvitl Kuldn. frun New
At New Yoik Arrived D-le-shi'id , fiom
Antwerp , Suite of California , fiom Glas
gow ; Chextei , fiom Southampton ; SUilu-
ilain , from Amsterdam.
At QueenstovMi Arrived Pavonla , from
Militia All ( iiinc from Iliuiimoml ,
HAMMOND , Ind. , July 30. The last of tlio
militia left the city todny.
' WORi-n A tiUTI.'JJJA ' A
( Tasteless Effectual. )
run ALL
Such as Sick Headache ,
Weak Stomach ,
Impaired Digestion ,
Constipation ,
Liver Complaint ,
and Female Ailments.
CoTercdi7lth a Tasteless & Soluble dealing.
Of all clrUL'glsls. Price 2T cents a box.
New YorU Il < not idCiml St.
This extra
ordinary lie- Constipation ,
Jnvenator JJizzlnets ,
Falling Ben-
the most -
wonderful etUlons.Ntrv-
o us twitching
discovery of
the axe. It of the eyes
has boon and other
dorsed by the pa.ts.
IcadliiKscIcn- Strengthens ,
tllio moil of in Vic orates
Europe and and tones the
America. entire tyetcm.
Hudyan Is lludjan cures
Purely vcgo- l > eb lllty ,
Nervousncts ,
Hudyan stops Emlislons ,
Prematureness and develop ! a
of the dis and restores
charge in 20 weak organs.
1'alns iii
. the
days. Cures
back , lo ci
by day or
MANHOOD nightstopped
quickly. Over 1,000 private endorsements.
Frematureneaa means impotency in th <
Ant stage. It la a symptom of seminal
weakness and barrenness. It can be
stopped In 20 days by the use of Hudyan.
The new discovery was made by the apea.
lallsts of the old famous Hudson Medical
Institute. It Is the strongest vltallzer
made. It Is very powerful , but harmless.
Sold for JI.OO a package or six package !
for $5 00 ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written
guarantee given for a cure. If you bur
six boxes and are not entirely cured , alx
more will be Bent to you free of all charges.
Bend for circulars and testimonials. Addrem
10t2 : Market St. , San Fninolsco , Cul.
C , . All Dlsonsoa of the NOB5.
Throui , Olios' . Stomach , Llvor , Qlood
Skin and Kldnoy Diseases , Lost
Manhood and ALL PRIVATc DI5-
Gallon oriiililitHN ,
Fin PflrlAJ , v SfllrlAJ 1410 TAKNAM ST
Hi OCdllDJ ( X 0001103
, , O.UAIIA , Mill.
A 1'nllfiil HetHtri How lie Coiifrurfrrt l > li > -
tfiitf diidOIP Iff tint lltil ntl ,
Mr. LOOM Welch. 31st and M street * . Poutt
Omnhn , mi employe nt the Stock Yartlf
Hale Darn , says ;
Mr. Leon Welch , Slit nnd M Sta. , 8. Omahs
"I have had a thorough personal experience
with what Is known 111 the Copclnnd nna
Shepard s sU'ln for tln-ciiru of chronic ill-
seutc , nnd 1 think It would be verj hard to
praise It too hlghlj It Is very Inexpensive ,
costing but a inetc ttlllo comparatlvoly , ycl
I In Hove It to lie the boat njstem of treat
ment now known.
"When I begun with Pi Shcpaul I had
been 111 with rheumatism foi me a year. It
rnme on uftir getting wet while washing-
biiKKh'R nnd doing uthei work Exposure
to cold especially to d imp cold seemed to
dovflop the double. The dlxonso. vvnn main
ly In the nnklt" * , crlpplhur me so I could
not get mound The dot and ankles were
grentlv swollen and diopslcal , RO that 1
could make deep dents In the skin by pica-
sing with thy llngi-r After xlttltiK nwhllo
my joints became xtln but would Umber up
If I wnlki'd , Iwns FH cilplod that I could
not attend to m > diitlttt and luld oft until
Dr. Shfimid cuicd inu. which took but a
few weeks. I am all right now. "
Ofllce Hours 3 to 11 a m ; 2 to G p. in.
Evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays
only , C.30 to S : 30. Sundav , 10 to 12 m.
Steam and Hot Wntsr Hoatln ?
Residences and Bulldlnga.
202 Main. 203 Pourl Streets , Council
BlufTs , Town.
Fho , Tornado and Accident Insur
ance Agency.
The stroiifjost and most popular com
panics in the world. City property
and farm lands bought nnd sold.
17 Pearl St. James Block.
First National
Capital , - - $100,000
Profits , - - - 12,000
One of the oMest banks In the state of Iowa.
Wo solicit > our business anil collections. U'o
pay & per cent on time deposits. Wo will b
pleased to see and servo you.
rtru for stile all of Ills renl cBluto and busi
ness proiierty In Council Bluffs , Including hie
residence , cor , of Cth avenue and Till street ,
with or without coiner lot , with largo tarn
adjoining Also :
Thu Ilrown ImlldlnK , frontlnK on Main and
Pearl streets , 3-alory brick , steam licatul , lie-
vator , etc. , all tn llrnt-ciaBH condition and oc
cupied by good tenants.
Ilia four business stores on South Main street ,
known us Drown block and Uaitrul block , all
well rented to good tenants. And
Two most desirable lotH on south corner of
Tth street and 6th avenue. Also 2S lots In
llluhland I'lace , West Ilroaduny , alt In the
city of Council Illiirfs. Tor further particular *
apply to J. J , Ilrown , 256 South Tth street , city.
id HIIike , at Taylor's grocery , HI Uroadway.
land season of IS ! ) } . Apply to Leonnia
take port payment In horsctt and part In cash.
Apply to kionard Kvcrttt ,
lioiiHtwork , lllitrul UJKI-B. U. A. SIcKtuxon ,
Oikland uvuiim.
LOST , A aoi.n wmanT tcAnr PIN WITH
diamond set , lUturn to ! K e olllcu and get
rvH urd.
roi fliKNT , AITIH : SIIT. i , lo-iiooM imicic
house , modi in , fuinuce , tic , pr , 13. I , Wood-
buiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LOST. HIIVIU : iir.i/r iiucia.u. MONOCIIIAU
I ) I ) . H. llc\\ard If reluimd to 242 Houth 7th
Paint , Oil and Glass Co.
Wo have I.OOO Wl ulows li Btpsk , mvlo by t'n
A. Murphy Manufuutiirlnx Ujccipiny .So luttor HASH cm
bo iniulu , nhlchu will ulimo with any Kind of K\nt \ * th ityo i
want , and hell you for IOM inoniiy th in you ciu buy tlio u > > r ,
fcitppy Hush inadu In thu uant for. l < ul ui Klvu you urlooianl
vvu will gut your order.
Our 1'alnlc-in not bo excelled fur dur.ibllUy , bj i jty >
finish or coviirliiK can iclty by luiyollur nilxoJ p.ilnti In t'l
murkut. Our prlco b tl.23 pur gallon.
1 and 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BU1LDIN S.