Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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rocolvoiV ( hlft .morning If tills Is correct and
thfl liopf butchers refuse to go tt work till *
morning It will Icavo tlio market In bad
Acting Mayor Conlcy lias nworn In about
twenty-five men an special policemen. They
are nearly all foremen of the different de
partment * In tlio several house * and nro not
expected ttt do anything except to protect
The hog butchers hold a long mee'lng last
night and discussed the situation In detail ,
None of tlio men would admit that they
were going to nlrlke.
A number of butcheri who hive been out
of work and who do not belong to the union
Jmvo been enraged at the different houses
Cndnhy , Hammond and Swift all Ray they
will butcher entile today , but the union
butchers claim that they have not any com
I petent men to do the work. Lively times
I ! i nro promised In llio packing district this
morning when tlio whistle blows for the
inon to go to work.
The stock yards company Is looking for
tlio biggest run of stock In tlio history of
the yards.
All the Valiroriiln Strllcnrn ttlll Ho Ar-
rnlgnod lit Dun 'Ilitir.
SAN FKANOISCO , July 30. The United
Stales district ttorney Is preparing nn
omnibus complaint against all tlio A. II. U.
men who nro In jail In northern Califor
nia charged with offenses against the federal
law. Complaints will probably bo lodged
before United Slates Commissioner Heacock
as committing maglstrar tomorrow. Tlio
complaint Is to lake the place of tlio mul
tiplicity of complaints now on file against
railroad strikers Tlie charge will allege
Interference with Intcrslalo commerce and
trade and conspiracy to retard the progress
of Iho Unlled Stales malls The desire Is
to simplify the many charges against slrlkcrs
of overt ncls occurring at different times
nnd places. "Wo do not want these men
to feel , " said Assistant United Stales At
torney Knight this evening , "that wo are
piling up charges against them. There Is
a dcslro to treat the strikers In a spirit
of fairness , nnd not to persecute them , butte
to punish them for their criminal nets"
The dcfcndnnts will Include between thirty
and forty strikers from Sacramento nnd Hod
Bluff , all of whom are now Incarccralcd
nt San Francisco.
Troop * AM1I Not Ho Knpt nt I'lillninn Un-
lens Work In Itcsninrd.
CHICAGO , July 30. Mayor Hopkins said
today that unless ho was Informed before
night as to whether the Pullman company-
Intends to start Its works this week the
troops In Pullman will be removed within
twenty-four hours. The cost of keeping Ihc
mllllta there Is heavy , the mayor said , and
unless ho Is convinced that there Is urgent
nr-cd of retaining them he will ask that the
troops bo recalled.
Up to a late hour tonight , so far as can
bo learned , no word had been received by
the mayor from the Pullman people. No
orders were Issued , however , for the removal
of the troops and nil Is quiet.
Arbitration CommlKMoiiorH Moot Todny.
WASHINGTON , July 30 Owing to the
delay of John D. Kernan In reaching Wash
ington , the meeting of the commission to
investigate the causes of the recent railroad
strike did not take place today. Mr. Ker
nan has wired Chairman Wright that he ex
pects to bo hero tonight , and the commission
will convene nt 10 o'clock tomorrow. The
preliminary meetings of the commission will
bo for the purpose of outlining a course of
procedure , and will be secret.
Judge Worthlngton of Illnols , the third
member .of the strike commission has nr-
rlvcd"ln , Yas.lilngton , and called at the white
house today *
Stock YuriUnieli Itnfiisn to Slril < n.
CHICAGO , July 30 Striking railway men
at the stock yards tried to Induce firemen
nnd engineers employed by the switching
association tq quit work today , but the at
tempt was not , succesKtul.Aj report was cir
culated that 'thirty-six bvvltehmen hired to
take the place of strikers were members of
the A. R. U , . and were oboitj to leave work.
TlfB flay"paia'ed without a move In that di
rection. The Santa Fe and Alton roads have
announced their willingness to take back
former employes nnd the news of the deter
mination was made public through the yards
today./ / - ,
Sending Out More Dnputlcs.
DCNVDR , July 30. On account of the
burning of the ralhoad bridges and depots ,
United States Marshal Israel Is preparing to
send out moro deputies to guard the prop
erty of railroads that are In the hands of re
ceivers. Twelve deputies have been sent to
Trinidad , where five more ex-Santa Fe em
ployes have been arrested on the charge of
Intimidating engineers and fireman.
Soldiers will probably not be withdrawn
from strike centers for many weeks yet.
1'repiirlng a Itct option for Dcbn ,
CHICAGO , July 30. The A. R. U. strikers
at a meeting today arranged for a reception
to President Debs on his return from Terre
Haute. All labor organizations In Chicago
will be Invited to Join In n grand demonstra
tion and street parade. He must bo hera
Thursday to look after the A. R. U. conven
Illinois ytcol Company Resuming.
CHICAGO , July 30. Twenty-live hundred
men went to work at the Illinois Steel com
pany's plant today. The works had been
closed down since the strike began. One
thousand moro workmen will be given em
ployment by the company before the end of
the week.
Colorado ( . ' ( ml Mint * Closrd ImlnllnUply ,
DENVER , July 30 The condition , of the
coal strike Is peculiar. At Newcastle the
men were told to take tholr tools from the
mlno. as the pumps were to be taken out
und shut down Indefinitely At Glonwood
The Book of the Builders
H. Burnbam
-THE MErA'ft Chief of Construction ,
'W ' F. D. Millet
Director of Decoration.
BRING 6 coupons with 25 rents , or , sent
by mail , 5 cents extra , In coin ( stamps
uot accepted ) . Address ,
Memorial Department ,
42QOPage3. 250,000 , Word *
ixsrttvoTiri : Ax
A Jlfllia of Idioielfilija iiitii a , l/li { of
Tliero arc moro tlilnsa hmnictho , uioful
ml entorfjliiluir In Hut eru\t book , "I'liu
American KiiMcloiKHllo Ulutloutrv , " thnn In
any umltltir publication uvur l&iiutj
Thltf im-al work , now for the tlrst tlmo
placet ! within llio rcncli of nrurjomi , Inn
tmlquo publication , far U In nt tlio H unu tlmo
pureM { dictionary and a compli > to oiioyolo-
OltlytliAtnutubor of llio book cortvupoa !
< lor with tlio wrk' numtxr of fiu COIIDJ i
BroWMitHl will bo deliver l.
ONK Sunrtiy mill TlireoVookd ty coupoui
wltll 19 tciita In coin , will buy onu pirf
of The American KnttcloptxIU Diction-
* rj. Suiul order * to Tha HOJ Otliij.
ilMionleiu Nhoultl bo oililresatU to
tlio manngcra today offered the men the
* nmo conditions under which they -worket
at tlio tlmo of the Htrlkc A majority n
tlio mlncm doidrcd to accept tlio offer , bu
vvcro Intimidated by nRlt.ilnm nnd tlie offer
was rejected. As a result tlio pumps will betaken
taken out and the mines closed Indefinitely
Dnnnninlr tlin Only I'I nro Ulirrn tlin Mllltln
\V1II Iln llrlMlniil.
SAN niANCISCO , July 30 The state
troops are withdrawing from tlio field In
northern California The several companies
of llio ruth regiment and of tlio Secom
artillery regiment vacated Oakland this
morning. They left bslilnd , however , a
military Biiard of about 100 men to preserve
order In the railroad yards In case no
further trouble arises within the next few
days these will bo withdrawn At Sacra
mento tlio six companies of the Eighth rcRl-
ment broUo camp this evening and starlet
for their homes. The stale troops nt Duns-
millr will bo held there for nn Indefinite
period , United States Marshal lialilvvln liav-
InK reported that the strlkois nt that point
nro still in a mood to make trouble. Strong
forces of United States regulars arc still 01
duty nt Sacramento , Hoslin and Truckoe
There Is no probability of their being with
drawn for several days.
ICmitmh } Coat Minor * Itriiiino.
DANVILLE , Ky , July 30 The w > , i from
fourteen coal mines In Laurel coin / rr
sinned work thla morning after ast-.ikp r tIng t-
Ing several months , compromise having been
made with the operators. The men havi
hold out for 70 cents per ton , for mining , and
the operators for CO cents The men ac
cepted 70 cents with n reduction of 12 %
cenls on the old scale for all labor nt the
Quit tlin Itnixl Kiithnr thin tlio Union.
CHICAGO JUNCTION , 0 , July 30 About
100 men employed at the IJaltlmoro & Ohio
railroad shops at this place arc Idle. They
refused to comply with on order of the com
pany to withdraw from Hie American Hall
way union and were discharged. The places
of forly-flvo of tlio men have been filled by
nonunion men.
II > | H ( irtft un Ointlnn ,
I1RA55IL , Ind. , July 30. n. V. Debs ar
rived In tlio city from Terre Haute tonight
and was nict at the depot by the labor or-
ganl/atlons nnd cltl/Sns of the county to
the number of 1,000 or more. He was lustily
cheered by the labor unions At the Hendrlx
hotel Mr Debs was given a big ovation by
the assembled crowd. Debs spoke to a large
crowd tonight.
I indur of tlio ( Jang Arrcfttml.
DnNVGIl , July 30 Joseph Wilson , who
Is believed to have been the leader of the
party who tarred nnd feathered Adjutant
General Tarsney at Colorado Springs , has
been arrested near Nevada , Mo It Is re
ported that he has made a confcs&lo'i.
Nil Ifol I'luti ) Shop Alt n llrsuiuo.
CHICAGO , July 30. About 100 men re
turned to work In the Nickel Plate shops at
Ninety-third street today. They walked out
during the strike. Their return allows the
shops to resume work at the usual schedule.
kntiinltu Not In It nt All.
PALMOUTII , Eng , July 30. The Rrltan-
nla and llio Satanlta sailed the Royal Corn
wall Yacht club course , fifty miles , today ,
for a prize of $300. The Britannia \von by
sixteen minutes.
They Ilonrcl u Tr.iln at Dlltclull nml Cnuto
Miuli Trouble.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , July 30-Special (
to The Ilee ) An army of Conimonvvealers
150 strong are on the way from .Mitchell to
this city. Yesterday the train which left
Mitchell vvns boarded by about forty of tlie
men , who got In box cars. When the train
pulled Into Farmer , the first station this
side of Mitchell , one car , containing about
tvvcnty of the Ooxeyltes , was sidetracked
Itvaa not known that there were any more
aboard until Spencer was reached , when
tvviintymore TV ere .discovered in a car of
wheat. It would not do to leave the wheat ,
so an effort was made to get the men out.
This was Iln.illy- accomplished , but It Is
said that n big1 Wealcr threw a trainman
from dne of the cars. Injuring him quite
Severely. If the report IH confirmed
they Intend to come to Sioux Tails every
effort Will be mndc to keep them from cre
ating nny trouble , even If the militia haste
to be called out.
The law of this state giving to the widow
all of the life Insurance of her husbind nnd
excluding all creditors from any claim on
the same IH likely to be tested Hon. J. G.
C. Schlegel. deceaaed , carried $3GOO life In
surance , which has been paid to the ex
ecutor of Ills estate. Under the law this all
goea to the widow , but on the petition of
the numerous creditors the court hns Issued
an order citing them to appear and show
cause why they are entitled to nny part of
the money The crcdllors have retained n
number of prominent attorneys here to test
the law. The mater comes up next Friday.
A report of the work done by the chil
dren's homes In Minnesota and the Dakotas -
kotas gives thu following flguies : The num
ber of children received In these three
states for the vcnr ending Juno 1 , 1814 , Is
2G2 ; the total placed Ihe Ilrst time. 207 : of
these olghty-elKht were In Minnesota ,
eighty tn South .Dnkotu , and thirty-nine In
North Dakota. The number replaced Is
eighty-five : fortytvvo In Minnesota , nine
teen In South Dakota , and tvventv-four In
Norlli Dakota. Receipts : " Minnesota ,
SW113S : South Dakota , $1 TOT 31 ; Norlh Da-
kola , $2,101.07r total. lO.OOI.-fl i\penses-
Minnesota , $3,141 18 ; Soulh Dakota. $1.89081 ;
Norlh D.ikola , $2,101.07 ; total , J9.133 08
Clilcugn Oniml .Jury INnlccs n Srnsntloiml
Itrpnrt ( 'oiuprnlng liiinihilng.
CHICAGO , July 30 A grand jury today
filed n report tn court saying : "We llnd
tlmt gambling Is being carried on to Its
fullcsl extent In Chicago with doors wide
open , nnd cappers nnd stool pigeons ply Ing
their vocation to catch the unwary for the
purpose of llceclng any vlcltm who happens
to fall Into their bunds , and that the he.ids
of the police dumi tmenl of this city me
giving borne o the places mentioned below
ample protection from nriest and prosecu
tion. "
A IlKt of places at which It Is alleged
that gambling Is being can led on Is ap
pended The jurv gives ns a reason for not
iLtnrnlug the Indictments ngalnst the pio-
jirli'toi.s of these place. ) that the assistant
state's nttorney Informed them that It
would be Impossible toecutp convictions
The assistant state's attorney denies having
made this ht.itenn.'nt. lie snays he merely
lold the juiy that It was difficult to get
testimony which would result In convic
C.t 3 1IOI.IC 3 ( > J\l T. A lltr.iJti'MltS.
Duli-gittm < ! ntlu > rlng nt hi. 1'ntil nmlu'U.
O. T. U. llolcgiitlon inrouti : > .
CHICAGO , July 30 Several hundred easl-
ern delegates to thp convention of the Cath
olic Totnl Abstinence union , lo be held In
St. 1'aul Wednesday , arrived In this city
nnd spent the day In VMtlng points of In-
toicpt They moHlly comn from New Yoik.
Itrnoklyn , Philadelphia , Iloslon nnd olhoi
eastern titles On thu way ninny of them
vlHlleil Nlngniu Palls nnd made numerous
stops nt cities along the mute The dele
gates rendezvoused at n Chh-ngo hotel , and
left for St rani In n body nt lftlpi : tonight.
One of the features of the convention will
lie a delegation from the Woman'H Chris
tian Temp-Miineo union Ono of the rnlhoud
companies It nderod Ml s Trances Wlllanl
the UHO of n private car foi the Journey to
fit. I'unl , and she being nimble to nttend ,
nuked that the cur bo used by n Chicago
delegation of the Woman's Chrihltiui Tem
perance union niul n. number of lady dele
gates. mysi of whom are Protestants , will
nttend the meetings' the union ,
' '
Illg Cfiloriiiln .lllnlng Deal ,
big mining deal was rutnplclPil today by
which the Portlan I Gold Mining company becomes -
comes the Hole owner of the Anna Leu nnd
Doublet lodes , fornierly owned by the
Amu/on company , nnd the llobtall No. 3.
in undivided Kevcn-slxlcenlhs Interest In
the llobtall. the White House. National
Hell nnd Captain lodfs , formerly owned
by the Usltlo .Mountain company. The con-
Hlderatlon Is KOO.WO cash ,
lfpilt Crop
LANDHIl. Wyo. , July 30.-Spcclal ( to The
Hoe. ) The Lander Is becoming n great
fruit country. Apples , iieachus. pears und
Binull fruit thrive nnd do well. Ono ranch-
nan near I , under will rnlso ovpr 125 bushels
of appt.'s this season. Ills orchard has Just
> egun btprlng , _
'Tr ' n fiillt-go JliiiniMl.
DALLAS. Tox. , July SO. Mayo college ,
he leading rdncutlonal Institution of north
rcxaa , In Delta , county.vaa destroyed by
Ire at 3 a , in. LosL J1W.OW.
Manitoba nnd Minnesota flowing Associa
tion Regatta Opened Lati Evening ,
Mlmirnpnllt' Crack Srnllcr Hrciirrw I lie
J'rliu ' for thu ' rconil Tlmo Iltihltli
\\liiH thn ilunlor 1'iinr In
MINNRTONKA I1UACH , Minn. , July 30.
Cloudy , fairly cool weather , with n fnl
breo/o that seems Increasing In strcngtl
promised good weather but rough water fo
the regatta this afternoon. The crows of the
four clubs , Minnesota ! ! , Wlnnlp'gs , Ha
Portages nnd Duhtths , nrc In excellent con
dltlon. The Junior might go anywhere nm
close racing In other events was also ex
pccted. Large crowds of visitors arc prcs
cnt from Winnipeg and Ouluth.
The first event was the half mile single
dash ut 5 p. in. for the T. R Collins' prize
won n year ago by George O Ncttlelon o
the Mlnncsolas. This will bo a fancy ex
pcdltlon of skill and speed and Is any man's
race. Tlio entries are W. N Armstrong o
St. Paul , J. S. Turnbull nnd J. C. Bradley
of Winnipeg nnd Ur Lyman of Duluth
Tlio first event on the regular progran
and the greatest race of the regitta was the
Junior four. The result of this race has
been more discussed than all tlio others
combined , nnd It Is qulto generally conceded
coded , oven by the crack Mlnncsotns , that
no club has a "dead cinch" on the race. A
protest against allowing Des Brlsay to row
In the Hat Portage fours has been filed with
the statute committee , but was not sus
tained on the evidence produced The clnln
was made that DCS Urlsay was n profes
sional , but under the rules of the associatloi
he cannot be barred Duluth's heavyweights
Winnipeg's confident crew , Hat Portage's
giants nnd the crack Minnesota arc pltte <
against each other and nil are prepared for
the effort of their lives. The race Is for the
new $1 000 Winnipeg cup presented by the
London Lancashire Life Insurance company
It must bo won three years In succession.
In the senior singles entries have been
made by Winnipeg , Hat Portage and the
Mlnncsotns. The result here Is also In doubt
but Tom Wnnn of the Mlnnesotas hopes tc
be able to show at least an open boat length
at the finish stake. Hnckett , the giant ol
the Hat Portage Junior four , Is the dark
In the junior doubles Duluth and Winni
peg will have fresh men , but the others wll
be represented by a crew- from Its four. The
Payton brothers , who have Inndled the oirs
ever since they saw n boat , will act for the
Fur the F. R. Collins medal there was a
very pretty race between James Turnbul
and James McDonald of Winnipeg and W.
N. Armstrong of the Mlnnesotas. Arm
strong won. Time- 03
Junior fours , mile nnd a half , straight
away Duluth , Winnipeg , Minnesota amJ
Hat Portage came In In the order named.
Time : 8.15.
Unijilrn nfcQunld'H Good Iyc Siixefl tlio
Gninn for Itoiton In thu Ninth.
BALTJMOHR , July 30 Umpire McQuald
shut off linltlmoie's chance of winning In
the ninth Inning Three men were on bases
and Iteltz attempted to Fcore on Gleason's
out to rielil lie was cleatly safe , but vvnn
called out. Score :
Baltimore 0 00100010 2
IJoston 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 5
13aso hits : Dnltlmoie , 7 ; Boston , 9 nr-
rors. Baltimore , I ; Boston , 2 Earned runs :
Baltimore , 1 ; Boston , 2 Two-base hits :
Uroutbeix. Duffy. Tucker. Double plnys :
Lowe to Tucker ; McCaithy to Iljan. Stiuck
out : By Hnwke , J ; by Stlvetts , 3. Time :
One hour and lorty minutes. Umpires : JIc-
Qiiald anil Campbell Batteries. Hivvke ,
Glenson iintl Robinson ; Stlvetts and Ryan.
Snmtois I.nnil Anothor.
BROOKLYN. N. Y. , July 30. The Sen-
alor surpilsed Foutz today byvlnning another -
ether game , nnd thus nmking the present
series two out of three in their favor.
Scoie :
Brooklyn 1 02110010 G
Washington J 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 10
Base hlls : Brooklyn , 9 ; Washington , 13
Rrrois : Brooklyn , J ; Washington , fl Rarned
runs : Brooklyn , 1 , Washington , o. Stiuck
out : By Daub , 2. Three-base hits : Daub ,
Hassamaer Two-base hits. Cartwilght.
Umpire : l rnslle. Time. Two hours nnd
eight minutes. Attendance , 1.140 Battciles :
Diuib nnd Klnslow ; Maul and MeGulie.
\Vaddy Couldn't Hold Out.
CLEVELAND. O , July 30-The Cleve-
lands pounded Wndsvvorth hard in the last
tour innings. Four of the vlsltois' runs
wore made on eirors Attendance , WOO
Score :
Cleveland 00010310 3-14
Louisville 1 00220000 t )
Base hits : Cleveland. IS ; Louisville. C
Errors- Cleveland , 4 : Louisville , 0. Earned
urns. Cleveland , G. Struck out : By Cuppy ,
3 ; by Wndsvvorth , 4 Home runs. Burkctt.
Thiee-base lilts : McKean. O. Tebeau Two-
base hits : Blnke. Clark , Flnlierty , Richard
son. Double plays : AlcGarr to O Tebeau ;
Blake to O. Tebeuu. Umpire : Huist. Time.
Two hours nnd twenty minutes Batteries.
Cuppy and O'Connor ; Wndswoith nnd
Unit CuptnreH tlio llrovtns Agiiln.
CHICAGO. July 30-The Colts pulled to
day's game out of the lire in the ninth ,
with four of their nine hits Score :
Chicago 1 00010024 8
St. Louis 0 40000000 4
Base hitsChicago. . 0 ; St. Louis , 11 Er-
rois : Chicago , 2 ! St. Louis , J Eained runs :
Chicago , 3. Two-base hits. Wllmot , Strut-
ton , Haw ley. Three-base hits : Connor ,
Haw ley Double plays : Irwln to Dahlen
to Anson ; Dahlen to Anson. Stiuck out
By Slrntlon. 1 , by Havvley , 1. Time : Two
hours nnd llfteen minutes Umnlie Lynch.
Battt'iles : Stintton and Kit ( ledge , Havvley
and Tvvlnehum.
( Jimlu-ri Mndn Many lllnniU i > .
PHILADELPHIA. July 30 The Phillies
vvero badly defeated by the New York
team today. Scoie :
Philadelphia 1 01020300-7
New Yoik 7000COOO -13
HUH : Philadelphia. U' : New-York , 15 Er
rors. Philadelphia , u , New York , l Earned
HIIIH Philadelphia , G. Double plays ; Fuller
to Ward to Parrel. Struck out. By Rui
ning , 3. Time One hour and llfty minutes.
Umpire Houglnnd. Batteries : Tanning ,
Grady and Taylor , German und Wilson ,
( innilx'i t Wlni it Clinic
PITTSBURG. July SO-PlttsbuiK won a
closely conteslctl gnme from C'lnclnnntl
today by hitting In the sixth Inning The
visitors made a grand rally In thu ninth ,
Imt could not overcome. Pittsburgh lend.
Scoie ;
PlttsblliB 1 0200410 * 8
Clnclnnall 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 C
HllsPlttsburg , 11 : Cincinnati , 11. Er
rors : PltHtburtr. 1 ; Cincinnati , 2 Earned
runs : Plttsburg1 , 6 : Cincinnati , tl Tvvo-bnso
tilts. Cllasscork , Sugden , Cross. Three-
mso hits. Qumbert , Cross. Home tuns ;
Donovan Struck out. By Gumbert , 1.
rime Two hours nnd ten inlnuteH Utn-
ilie. Gnffney BntteileH Gumbert and
Sugden ; Cross nnd Murphy.
Mumllng nt thu Tennis.
Played. Won. Loqt Pr.Ct.
lloston SI Cl 27 C 7
Baltimore 75 4tt 29 Cl 3
New York 79 48 31 COS
Cleveland 78 45 83 67.7
Irooltlyn 78 12 M 5,1.8
Plltsbnn ? 81 4J 3S G.1 1
Philadelphia 70 40 30 G..G
Cincinnati 7U 3 ! ) 40 ) . !
St. I.onla &J .15 -18 422
Chicago 80 33 47 41 3
Louisville SO 27 . 53 3J.8
Washington SO 21 GS 30.0
wi.hTi.itN I.IA : < .UI ; G.IMI.S.
Crcniin Gut n Giiinn finni the Cimlinyn In
tlin ii < 'H'iith Inning.
KANSAS CITY , July 30.- For eleven lout-
linings Kansas City and Detroit struggled
'or ' th vlctoiy. Everett made the hit In
he eleventh that sent Pears over the
ilntu. It was a dexperato nip nml ( tick
slruRBln from first to lost. Attendance ,
,000. Score :
Detroit 1 11
Cunnas City. . p.2.0 10
Base bits : Detroit , IS ; Knnsan Cltv , 18
5rror : Detroit. 1 ; Knnxis City , 3. Rained
Una ; Detroit. 3 ; KntiHua Cltv , G. Tvvo-bace
ills : Beard , Nlles , , Darby , Campau , Ever-
L'tt , Dungan , York (21. ( lloni" runm J < | us.
nnn , Double plays : Riiyiuoml to Olcnrtlvln ;
ivetelt to York to Enrle. Busou on UillHi
Oft Durby , ; olt Borchers , 6 ; off 1'enrn , 1.
itruck out : By Darby. 3 : by Dorch re. l
i'lmc : Two liaurs and fifty-five minute * .
t'mplre Krrltw. Uatlcrlps Pears ,
rrs nml JnnUchy Lhrby , Dnnlcla nnd Donn-
liuo. ICCJ
Toledo < . liooki tlio I.cndnr * .
BIOUX CITY. TrtlV .U-SlollX City out-
batted Toledo , hut-lost on earned runs early
In thu game. FTcuto :
nioux city . . . .rfr.,0 00023'o oo r
Toledo ft.1. ' 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 * C
Itnio lilts : Sioux-City , ! : Toledo , 0. I > -
rors- Sioux Cltv , 1 , Toledo , 0. lint nod runs :
Sioux City , I ; Yiilfrlf ) , I Home runs Camp ,
Ilntlletd. ThreeMiMo lilti. Urnlns. Krnus ,
Hart. Two-lmsp hits. Mnrr.- Double plnyn
Nllnnd to Connor , 2 : Connor to Cnrncy
Struck out. HyHalt , 3 ; by Ilughey. 2
Tltnu : Two hour * Knd llftcon minute * . I'm-
plio- People * inttorles : Hnrt nml llo > lo ;
Ilughey nnd MgFu ntul.
1'lnyrtl , , nt .Schtltrtotrn ,
MILWAmcnn , wi . , July SO Milwaukee
und Grand Knpldt plnycd n. tie game todny
The gnme was oalloil on account of dark
ness. Uinplte Shctldnn nnnovvly escaped
nnotlicr mobbing. Score :
Milwaukee 2 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 fl
Gland Rapids 110501100-9
Mils. Milwaukee , II , Ornnd HnpUK 13
Ilrrors : Milwaukee , 2 ; Ornnd Rapid" , 3
Kutied : runsMilwaukee. . C ; CJrnnd Rnplds ,
.1 Two-base hltir Klopf , Carney , Kllng-
inan , Carrel , 2. Three-base hits Spies ,
RettRer. Home runs : Wlttroek. Tuvlor.
Stiuuk outHv Wlttroek , 1 Time : Two
bourH nnd thirty minutes Umpire : Sher
idan. Hntlerles Wlttroek nnd Spies ; Relt-
ger nnd Lohmnn.
.Stumllng of tin ) Tinnn.
Plavpd. Won. Lost. Pr.rt
is i
29 I
1lin II If key's llnril l.ufk 'Irnm ( ! " ! ' u Ciiinn
from l-oiinv MrnuthnrH' Spat * .
JACKSONVILLE , III. , July 30-Special (
Telegram to The Bee ) The home team lost
today thiough linrd luck The Llncolns put
up n poor , fielding game , some of them play
ing like "Indians Ilnrnes for the \lsltors
could not pitch at all , and Unltz luid to bo
substituted Score.
Lincoln . . .320000120-8
Jacksonville . . 030002200-7
Earned run1 ? : Jacksonville , 2 ; Lincoln , 2
Two-base lilts. Strouthers. Devennoy (2) ( ) ,
Italtz , Spepr , Sullivan Throe-base bits
Lctcher. Home runs McKibben , Wood.
IJase liltn : Jacksonville , 11 , Lincoln , 10
llirois Jacksonville. 5 , Lincoln. C Hattcr-
les Carl h and Snydci ; Harnes , lialtz and
Spcer. Umpire Hognn.
Ciiino I'IIHJ for tin' ( imns.
QUINCY. Ill , July M ( Special Telegram
to The Uee-St. Joe stalled off brisk
enough today , but let down and played a
poor Holding game after the first Inning.
Qtilncy tied the score In the seventh nnd
won In the eighth A combination of ei-
rors , two bases on balls , three singles nnd
a sacrifice gate them live runs nnd the
game. Score :
Qulncy 1-10
fat. Joe " 1 00000012-7
Earned runs : Qulncy 4 ; St. Joe , 4 I3at-
lerlcsMi.Gieevo.v and lioland , Hrlstovv
nnd Stein. IJ.ise lilts : Sommers , Chiles.
Three-base him : Mum in , Cole , Preston.
Kirors. Qulncv , 3 , St Joe. 8
PUOUIA , July 30 Exhibition game.
Score. Peorla , 9 ; Des Molncs , 8.
Standing of tlio 'Irnms
Played. Won. Lost. Pr Ct
51 S
5T 1
53 3
51 4
Crlpplca Take a Kill I Out of thu Twill City
ABgrpgiitton 111 l.'usy Stylo.
The Twin City Reserves tan up against n
snag over on tit < Council Bluffs bottoms
last Saturday nftdmoon , which took a good
deal of base ball enthusiasm out of thorn.
The Twin Cltys are a nice lot of young
fellows , but their base ball education has
been neglected , hence they couldn't win on
their nlceness ( The snag was In the shape
of a picked njnu of old-time base ball
cranks who have not quite outlived thcli
activity on the1 dl.-tmonU , as the following
score will showviiFor'convenience sake the
picked nine was stvled "The Cripples"
The game lasted one hour and forty mln-
uU4 , . nml was a "howling" success from
start to finish. The features of the game
were the uncommon and phenomenal sprintIng -
Ing of the Cripples and the downright haid
luck of the Reserves. Score :
Cripples - 402350 1 15
Reserves 0 011020 4
Earned runs : Cripples , 5 ; Reserves , 2.
Safe hits : Cripples , 11 ; Reserves. 4. Er
rors : Cripples , b , Reserves , 9 Home runs :
Cripples , i. Passed balls : Clarke , 1 ; Cor-
bln , 2. Stiuck out : By Smith , 7 : by Welch ,
3 Umpire : Empky. Batteries : Tor Crip
ples , Smith and Clurke ; for Reserves , Welch ,
Corbin and Miller
The same teams will try conclusions again
next Saturday If grounds can be secured.
Neolii'n l.'rrorn mid Inability to lint lllttln-
R r < 'oit n Unino ,
NEOLA , la. , July 30 ( Special to The
Bee. ) Neola played one of the worst games
of the season yesterday. They could not
hit the ball and fielded their positions \ery-
poorly. The Conventions had one of the
strongest teams that ever pla > ed here. The
same teams play again In three weeks , on
the deciding game , they having won one
each. Score :
it n o A n it ii o A n
Sweeney , 2-c 1 2 2 0 ODolnn , 3b. . . . 20232
Holmes , R.1 0 1 1 5 Zltrndfonl , 113 4 2 1 4 0
Cr'Bh'n. c-rr 0 1 4 0 IMcAullff , 2b 1 2 2 1 0
Dlllln , rf-lf. . 0 0 1.0 Olclcn. p . . . . 2 1030
Cotter , Hi . . . 1 0 IS 1 ILawlcr , in. . 2 2101
Wnlts. 31) . . . 0 0 3 6 GAdnms. If . 1 2 0 0 0
Down * , in . . lion man , Ib 1 111 0 0
Hamll'n , If-2 2 122 IKIcffnor , rf. . 2 1000
Mcllvnlne , ji 2 1 1 3 Olllttlngcr , p 1 1 10 0 1
Totals 7 C 27 16 10 Totals . . . .10122711 4
Jfcolii 001020001-7
Convent Inns . . . . t 10
Ttto-lmse lilu Jtlon Sucenoj. Tliroe-lnpe
hits. I.uvlci , Klcffmr , llruilfnrd , Molrms Homo
runs : Hvsoeney Onulile PIIJS' Uolin to Mc-
Aulirf tn ll.miimn. HiiinUloa tn Cotter to WntlH
II-IBO on balls Oft Klui. J , oft Mcllilnr , 1 Kit
by iillchoi , Jilon , 1 Htnult out Ily Jtlon , 9 ,
by MLllvuInc , S. 'IImi ; l o hours and ten
minutes Uniphe.
Onmlm Club Has UK Interstate 1'liins I'rutty
U.'ll T.nlil.
The Omaha Tennis club held an enthusi
astic meeting last evening to arrange for
the Interstate tournament , which will be
held In this city commencing Monday , Au
gust 20. Tills will be Omalm'a first ventuie
In holding nn nll-tomcrs tournament , jet
from the numerous Inquiries , lecelved by
Sccretarv "Young Its Mil cess Is already as
sured. Denver , KansuH City , Sioux Cllv
nnd Des Molnes clubs will bo represented
In the tournament , nnd a strong etfort Is
also being made to-jiecure several Chicago
plajeis. Aa anr imtatt.euie.nt to get good
playeift to come to. Omaha the tlub will
be compelled to clfa'i ' pome valuable pil/ia
and will bo obliged' lo call upon the mer
chants of the cjlyiflir some llnnnclal as-
Hlslance A comill $ * . consisting of S S
Caldwcll , Kicd Lakennd II. U Snow , was
appointed to tnnvu-sho } city for mibscilp-
tloiiH The club ZuttJivH to raise { 100 Other
committees npponUt"L are
Groumla-Oorg1' ' ! : llavei tlck , S. S. Caldwell -
well and C II. YiMWS. .
Pilzes W OvvpnJ W. Battln , Qeorgo
. ' " '
E Haverntlck.
Reception C. SjiruHlnglmm , R. R. Young ,
J. W. Uattln ,
IMIsnn Iloirrdtt Iligliliindni * ,
EDISON , Neb. , July -Special ( to The
Bee. ) The Edlson"nml Highlanders plnyed
Saturday on tlio hoitto giounds , resulting
n a victory for Hie home team by n score
of 17 to 5 TheTTMltrie of the game was
llorton's woik In Inc1 box , he striking out
.vventy-one incn'ttiiH only giving the visitors -
ors three safe IilH | , fBjtteiles- Horton and
unilj , Mntiknti , .StiUKluml nnd Mai-Una
Umpire Haul. Time. One hour and llfty
nlnutc.s. _ _
Albion U on lit < edur Itupldn ,
ALBION. la. . July -Special ( to The
Ice. ) A red hot game uf bull was pln > ed
cHtenlay at Cedar Jluplds between that
earn und Albion The result was- Albion ,
; Cedar Rapids , < ; . UatteihH for Albion ,
danslk'Id and ClulK , foi Cedar Itaplda ,
Icnham and Uioss
hcirt | lit Dirihir.
DUNBAH. Neb. Jul ) J0.-gpcclnl ( to Thu
lee. ) In the bane ball game , wrestling und
mining matches In tween Cottonwood
Trove nnd Dunbar , the latter carried off
nil Hie pilzes. TMe .pre In the ball game
VIIH 49 to U , In thuiTxtllni ; . J to 1 , nnd In
he race , tlfteen > uids uhend.
Iliiinpliruy 011 llunillly.
HUMPHREV , Neb , July 30. ( Special to
The Bee ) Humphrey defeated I'latte Cen
tor's pl > keil team Sunday by n score of 3 !
to 25 , It wan a hot Kmup , and much beltlnf
xvnK done nome being nt odds of 10 to 1 on
Pintle Center.
JlliSUl.tS ON Till" ItUNNtMJ TltAOKH.
llrlghlon Hrmrli ritvorltos Inml In tlin Knelt
.Mnrh to I Titlrnl'ft Disgust.
NKW YORK. July 30-TliP favorites were
npspt again todny nt llrlghtan Dcach ami
thtInlpiit wore far from happy Rpnults-
I'lwt i nee , one mllo. Vagabond ( I't ti > i ;
won , Tom Flnlev (5 ( to 2) ) second , Hilly Hey
(11 ( to C ) third. Time.1.4f >
Hccnml rnce , one mile. Relff (2 ( to 1) ) won
Mlcmna tjuepn (10 ( to 1) ) Hecond , Mclntytt
(10 ( lo I ) thlid. Time' 1.18.
Third race , live furlongsjJossle Tarnl ( i
to 1) ) won. Pont Lear ( I to 0) ) second , Llltlt
Ullu ( GO to 1) ) third. Time 1.02.
Fourth rnce , five furlongs : lien Lomond
! to 5) ) won , Nick (2 ( to 1) ) spoond , Annie
nishcm ( I to 1) ) third Time : 1 01.
Tlftlt race , mile nnd a furlong : Lnun-1
(10 to 1) ) won , George Dlxon (2 ( to 1) ) second ,
W II ( I to r. ) thlul Time. 1.IWI
Sixth rnce , seven furlongs : Uobustn ( I to
1) ) won , Ilnrdv To(2 ( to 1) ) pproml , Jack
Rose (10 ( to 1) ) third Time : 1'29'i. '
"nrnloRik'it Splrtnlld poit.
SARATOOA. N Y , Julv 30-Fine
wcnthpr and a good track pinko tbo sport
u delight Results-
Tlrst race , selling , live furlongsThr
Commoner ( S to 10) ) won , Paladin O to 11
net-end , Nunklpooh (4 to 1) thlid. Tlmo.
Second race , ono mlle : Potentate (7 ( tn
10) won , La Mlspre ( R to 1) ) second , Gwendo
line (8 ( to 8) ) Ihlnl Time1IP ,
Thlid race , live furlongs : franklin ( -Ti
to 1) won. Archlrvpr (8 to C ) pernml , Tough
Timber ( fi to 1) third Time 1 03V
Tourth rncp , mlle and n pirteonth
Clementine ( S to G ) won. Chlpf Justice (8 ( to
1) ) second , The Queen (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time
1 M
MTlftlt rncp , five furlongsFondellne (2 ( tn
C ) won , Mistral (11 ( to 5) ) second. Innocent
(2(1 ( ( to 1) ) third Time I 01'4
Sixth race , mile and an eighth : The
Pepper (1 ( to 2) won , Hyderabad ( I to 1) ) si-c-
end , Miss Dixie ( tf to 1) ) third Time. 1.53
Opining I > ny nt llnrli-in.
HAIILKM. III. July 30-First rnce. five
furlongs Dllabird won Nobby second ,
Suspense thlul Time 1 03U
Second race , mile nnd seventy yards
King Mac won , Illlly McKcnzle second , LH-
tlo Chris third Time- 4C
Third race , six furlongs Geraldlnp won ,
Captain Diown second , Outlook third. Time-
1 \ \
Tourth rnce , one mile- Sister Mary won ,
Rudolph second , Somersault third Time
Tl'fth race , five fin longs- Lilly of the
West won , G II Morris second , Lizzie N
third Time : 1 02V
SKtli race , mlle nnd 11 slxlcentlr Senator
Irby won. Lucky Dog second , Peytonla
third Time : 1M714
Seventh I.IPP , seven furlongsRvnnntui
won , 1'rhipo Hemy second , Marlon G third
Time : 1 30.
On tlin Old Dominion Track.
WASHINGTON. July 30 First race , one-
half mile : Pathway won. Vexation ( Hlly )
Kcpond , Gladstone third. Time : 0 r,2'/4. '
Second race , one mile : Devise won , Doc
Birch second , Frank II third Time115
Third race , live furlongs nimstonc won ,
Tloga second , Pottowatomic third. Time.
1 02'J '
Tourth race , six furlongs- Grind Prix
won , llcllinet second , Lyceum third. Time :
Tlfth rnce , four nnd one-half furlongs :
nunlcc won , Lilly M second , Leocolus third.
Time : 037'2.
At HiiHt St. T.onlH.
HAST ST LOUIS , July 30 First rnce ,
five-eighths of a milp- Proctor won , llpssle
Lee second , Abe Colin third Time : 1 OfiVi
Second ince , three-quarters of a mile
Paradise won , Luke Richards second , Mny
niosaom third Time : 1.22
Third race , seven-eighths of n mile-
Ketchum wnn , Hart Wallace second , Llzzlp
V third. Time : 1 33'4.
Fourth race , one mile : Rocquefort won ,
Vlda bceoiul , The General third. Time :
Fifth race , three-quarters of a mlle
Davesar won , I Defy second , Odrey third.
Time : 1 21H.
iNriiui ) roitTin : mntiiv.
AniorlrniM Will Try Agnln to Cupturu the
Drltlsh I > rl7n In 1800.
LONDON , July 30 The entries for the
Derby oflSSfl show that Americans have de
cided to make another attempt to capture
this historical event The Lotlllard stnblcs
have two entries and the Keene stable has
live entries , of which two were bred in
America. In addition Toxhall Keene has
two enttlps , August Belmont has three en
tries , nnd Colonel O. II. Pnvne hns two
horses entered. Uoth Messrs. Belmont and
Pavno have enlered sons of Iroquols.
The tolal number of enlrles Is IMS , In
cluding seven from the duke of Westmin
sters stables , und three each from the sla-
bles of the duke of Devonshire , the duke
of Hamilton , Lord Rosebery , the prince of
Wales nnd Hugh McCalmont. Lord Dun-
raven hns ono entry.
For the Oakes of 189il six American
horses aie cntorpd. The Keene stable has
entered three , Foxhall Keene has enlered
one and the Lorlllard stable Iras two en
tries for the event.
Now Murk for I Ivo Ml Ion.
LAFAYHTTH , Ind. , July 30 The five-
mile bicycle record was broken at tljp meet
here today by T. J. Titus of New York.
The race was a five-mile handicap , class
H. L D. Cabanne (50 ( yaids ) won , F. J.
Titus ( scratch ) second , H. A Glthens , Chicago
cage , (100 ( yards ) third Time122815
Titus made It In 12:28 3-5 from the scratch ,
breaking the world's competitive record.
Hut IlnstlngaVo.i. .
HASTINGS , Neb , July 30 ( Special Telp-
gram to The IJee ) The Hastings Y. M. C.
A. team today took In the Mlnden Way
farers In a % ery listless game. Score :
Y. M. C. A 0-21
Mlnden 1-10
Batteries : Rohrer nnd Reynolds ; Card-
well nnd Pate.
I'ncllUt StoAnlirfp Mnrrlrtl.
BROOKLYN , N. Y. , July 30. Jack Mc-
Aullfte , the prize fighter , was married In
Ihe Holel St. George at 3 o'clock this mornIng -
Ing to Catherine Pow , known on the stage
ns Pearl Inm n of the Tnman sisters. Mc-
Aullffo stints for Bnngor , Me , tonight to
train for his light with Grlffo.
Ofnier Storey anil T\vo Toughs Kngige Inn
Ilrlnf llnttlo.
Odlcci Storey exchanged a number of shots
with two suspicious characters on the sonlh
side of the High school grounds at 2 30 this
The officer was palrollng Dodge street , near
the school grounds , when he noticed two men
sneaking along In the shadows Ho called lo
them , when one of the men drew a revolver
and fired three shots at him. Tlio officer
brought his own pistol Into play and fired
four shots , the last ono evidently finding u
mark , as ono of tlio fellows uttered , a cry
denoting pain and staggered for a moment.
He recovered , however , and , with the assist
ance of his comrade , managed to cscapo In
tlio vicinity of Twentieth and California
Odlcsr Slory Is sure that one of his shots
hit huid. Officers were ecourlng llio neigh
borhood for the inon nt daylight , It Is
thought the men were burglars who had
planned a robbery near the High school
The city Is full of Idle and suspicious
clmruclcrs at present and burglaries are a
nightly occurrence. JIIIKI'ITIKS.
The Woman'H Christian Temperance union ,
ivll hold a basket picnic at Hnnscom park
this afternoon from t to 7.
Musor Hros , of New YorK have brought
null In county court against Mrs.'J , J , Illlss
to recover $2SJ,94 , a balance claimed on ac-
Sheriff Drevel went to Kearney yesterday
with young Herman Ilurklnml , who was
iccommltted to llio rtformalory for Incor-
Igtblllly and violating his parole.
Tlio second annual plrnlo of the \Voodmcn
if thu World will take place at Hurling ! > n
jeach on Saturday , August 4 , Mislead of
\ugust 5 , as IIUH been annnunced
Walter Mistier allege ? thai Jnlm Lateuser
s Indebted to him lo the amount of $3ifl ! ,
'or services ri-ndcitd us olllro clerk , nnd
mi gone Into court to collect llio amount
An Ice cream social will b * Klv-jn by Urn
lazcl Terrace club at Huscull'H park , Fif-
eenth and Vlnton > tn'otH. Tuetduy evening ,
Inly 31 for thtt bJnellt of the Presby terlun
Tim remans of Sam Urburh arrived
'rum Grand Island at 0 3D o'clnrk last
\enliiK. comlnu over the Union Pacific.
[ Hi Is m.nilng the ( um-ral will ba held
rom the Jewleh temple on llurnfy xtrtiel
it 0 o'tlucli , with tha Interment In Pleasant
III ! Lemetery. Whlla not a resident of
) malm , Mr. tirbaoli hnd many friends and
vas well known lieio
Ropioaontatlvo Harris Thinks Urclo Snni
Eku'il Own the Pacific Roads.
IN liilliirnro Hiuli-r ( ImiTntiirnt Control
Woulil ll .Such ttnit 1'roli.ihly No I'ur-
HUT t IIIIIIKIH In tlin 'I rmnpni Intlnn
n Would llo > i > ic n ; .
WASHINGTON. July 30 Mr. Ilnrrls or
Kuns.iH , n member of the house committee
on I'.tciric railroads , tins submitted tlio follow
ing supplemental statement to the minority
rcpoit nmlnst the Uellly bill "I fully con-
our In the forcsolitK views of the minority
except BO far as tlio opinion la expressed
Hint the government should In the event of
foreclosure procetd to sell or trnnsfer tlio
property nciinlrcd to some other corporation
or company , ns Indicated nnd Biicsestnl In
HIP 1'attlsnn report Thcso agents of llio
stnto for the performance of n public duly
Invc , ns n nils , proven Incompetent nnd dis
honest ; Incompetent In protecting the rights
and Interests of the public , and dishonest In
using the powers entrusted to them wholly
for Belllsh ends and for the purpose of buildIng -
Ing up vast private fortunes nt llio expense
of the people.
"In the casj of the Pacific rallwa > s the
object of tlio original act vvns staled lo be
'lo promote the public Interests and welfare , '
nnd to Hint end subject to alteration ninund-
nient or repeal , and hence the subsidies of
hnd and moneys vvero placed In the hands
of the compinles as trustees foi the accom
plishment of Hint object Their brc.ich of
faith Is unparallcUd and undented , nnd Ihclr
sole excuse Ic llmt they did only that which
other companies did nnd followed the com
mon custom of rallvva ) builders and man
agers. Why then enter Into such an en
tangling alliance and permit or risk the sac
rifice of public duly and functions Lo private
nvnrlce. grerd and bid fnllh'
"I believe that foreclosure of the govern
ment lien should nt once follow default In
payment In that n complete transcontinental
line should be acquired and operated by the
only competent and legitimate power the
psople through their government Such
will bo the Influence of this action that prob
ably no further changes In the transportation
system of the country will be necessiry , but
that everywhere the public duty to bo per
formed will be recognl/ed ns paramount , and
tlmt capital honestly Invested will bo sills-
fled with a fair and reasonable compensation
honestly nnd justly earned. "
ropowl to Pri'srrto Thin Inroinpi rnbl
Mnnnlutn as u ISnthmil Krscruilloii
WASHINGTON , July 30 Senator SUlro
of Washington 1ms presented a memorial to
congress for a national park on the P.iclllc
coast surrounding the celebrated .Mount
Ranler near Pnget Sound. A Hrge number
of eminent scientists are Interested In this
proposed park and have nsblsted In prepar
ing the memorial and given a cordial en
dorsement to the plan.
The project has been quite carefully con
sidered In all Its details. It Is proposed to
make an additional park of what is nov
known ns the Pacific forest reserve. It I
Intended to utilize such portions of this reserve
servo ns will Include all the natural curl
osltles of the legion surrounding the grcai
mountain , Including eight glacier formations
In presenting the memorial to the senate
Senator Squire said. "Mount Hauler I ;
11.100 feet high. It Is superb In Its bold
ness , rising from ono canon 11,000 feet It
seven miles. On this mountain thcro Is a
colony of Arctic animals and plants a ;
effectually Isolated from other animals am
plants as are shipwrecked sailors upon ai
Island In inldocean separated from the res
of humanity. It Is Important to preserv
this rare colony of Arctic flora The pro
posed national park has a magnificent fores
which , like all those of the Puget Sound re
glen , Is world-renowned for the magnlflcenci
and beauty of ils hemlocks , cedars und firs
trees colossal In size and \AluabIc as rcgu
Inters of floods , and under their protection
snows melt slowly and thus prevent devastn
tlon of valleys. "
Ho also quoted from a report of the
German geologist , Prof. Zlttel , nnd from a
book by Prof , James Drjce , M. I' . , upon the
picturesque beauty and curious formations
about Mount Hunlcr. Hotli Eay that llku
the Yosemlte and the Upper Yellowstone ,
the region should be preset veil as n nntlona
pirlc. Senator Squire also quoted from ex-
Senator Edmunds , In honor of whom one of
the glaciers Is named , who says "I never
believed there was anything In America com
parable In grandeur to the scenery I have
been through in this region. I nm com
pelled to own , however , Incrcd'blo ' as the
assertion may appear , that tliero Is abso
lutely no comparison between the- finest
effects that arc exhibited there and what Is
sden on approaching this Incomparable moun
tain. I will bo willing to go 5,000 mllns to
again witness this scene. This continent Is
yet In Ignorance of the existence of what will
ho one of the grandest places as well as a
sanltailum "
Under the law by which this tract Is now
reserved U cannot be entered upon by any
person , nnd remains the property of the
United States , but the object of scientific
men who prepared the memorial Is to have
a public park In which the government m.iy
prevent the distinction of the timber and
Hint the natural features remain undisturbed
j'iusii : > iNriAiMMIINATIONS. : .
ItlR Hatch ofYitrrn onk-os to Iln flllt-il
l > y I.nji'l Di'iniH nits.
WASHINGTON , July 30 The president
today sent the following nominations to the
seinte :
Treasury John W. Pack of California , to
bo assayer of the mint of the United States
at San Francisco
Justice To bo Judges of probate , tcrntory
of Utah- Thomas J. Brandon , county of
Davis ; James L. Bunting , county uf Kane ,
John C. Oelumaro , counly of Topic ; J. M.
Giant , county of lllch , Achilles Perrln ,
county of Weber ; Noble Warrmn , county of
Cache ; William S. Wllles , county of Wall
Jnmcs n Crutchcr cf Idaho , to bo marshal
for the United States for HIP district of
Idaho ; Gibson Clark of Wyoming , to be at
torney of the United States for the district
of Wyoming , John A. McUermott of Wyom
ing , tn be marshal for the district of Wyom
Postmasters IMward P Jones. Del Norte ,
Cole ; Gttorgo II. Islaab , Ogden , U. T.
U l nt Voti-ruiiH Iti'ccnlly lloiiiiiinlicruil liy
ihi ) Uiuiriil dev oriuiif-nt.
WASHINGTON , July SO-Special ( to
The Hue ) 1'cnslons gtantcd , Issue of July
19 , were Nebraska Original John H
NlilioN , Angus , NucKolls Original widows ,
t'lc. Husnn Ii C'laiK , rranklln , rr.inklln ,
Nancy Hrushn , Nibnisku L'lly , Otoe.
luvvu : Original Dunle ! K Oundykoont/ ,
Hoonc , IJoone Additional Patrick O C'un-
nell , dccciiHcd , Mufon C'ity. C'eiro ( lonlo.
1U Issue OiMirgt1 8 llogein Muiint Veriinn ,
Mnn , lliMijaniln 1\ Day , dtceaHrd , .Mount
Ayr. HliiKKold OilKlmil widows , di
Maria Ounelwi'1. C'huiokei * , ClicrivKeo , .Mary
A , Hint , Knlo , WelMtur. Ilrldgot o'C'iinniilf ,
Atnmm C'lly , Curio am do , Ithodn , O Ilul-
lock , inolhri , Hnat Nodawny. AduiiiH
South Piikolu Original Chin lut J Lane ,
lledlleld , Silnk
Anll-'lnul Aiiiniidiiiiiit Tropum-d ,
WASHINGTON , July * iO Uepresenlatlve
Hiitcliesoii of Texas has Introduced n resolu
tion for an amendment to the constitution
o give congress jurisdiction over trusts. Tlio
amendment proposed la reported an follows
"Tins-Is and monopnllcii dealing In agri
cultural products or other articles of prlmo
ieces lly shall not exist In tha United BUtes ,
ind o mress ulmll have power la enforce thU
ntlclo by appropriate legislation. "
hi'ltlm ' * Out UN I.Unnsloji.
WASHINti'ION , July 30. The Bermto to-
lay pasiad the luiuso bill exempting tliouo
vlio have cntcied public land under tlie
lesert land ait from nuldnt ; Hio annual
Improvomcnln required by law nnd extending
the period within which rinnl proot cnn
bo nmdo to five yonrn ,
HUM nil In the lloiuc.
WASHINGTON. July 30-ln the house today -
day Mr. Iloutrllo presented ns n question oi
privilege n Joint resolution congratulating
llio people of llnwnll on the establishment of
n republic and rceoinlzlng It ns n free nnd
Independent republic
The resolution is ns follows :
Rpsolvcd , Ily the senile and house of
representatives In coimri' < a st > nthlpd , That
' ' * ' ' '
the people'oSf' |
lust nml puu-iful ii umpiinii or HIP power -
or , diitlps nnd u. < pwtslbllltlos of self gov-
oinmcnt. n * Inilloaud by ihplr tutcnt ndop-
tlon of a republican foim of government
Second , 'Hint thp rrpnbllp of Hawaii Is
rntlllul to oxprolsp and enloy Intprnnl
comity nnd the benefit * of nil her rlghtM ,
prlvlligos nnd advanlngpH under existing
tiontlps (1ml ( were coupiudcd betwppu thu
unitwl Slates of Amirlia nml the 1 alp
kingdom of llnvvnll
Thlid , Tint tin- republic of Hnvllll Is
horchv rccognls-pd bv tlio TnltPd Stalps of
Amcrlcn as n flee , sovereign nnd Indopcn-
VCI1 , { ! 'P llllt > ' " " " I"1 ' P'rildpiit ' of the
unltpd Hlntrs slmll give proper nollce of
the iccognltlon of ( ho lopubllc of Havvnll.
Rpferred to the committee nn foreign nf-
i\lilliltir : ' ( iooiM to Coma I rrp ,
WA8IIINOTON. July 30 The bill lo ex
empt from duty the goods of foreign exhibi
tors nt the Inlet stale fair at Tacoina. Wash ,
vvns favorably reported to tlio house todny.
Seimtor Voni IIITSoiiilltlnn ITnrlmngpd ,
WASHINGTON , July -Spnator Voor-
bees' general condition has not changed
since yesterday.
( Continued from Tlisl Page )
scr and T H Groves ns delegates to the
congressional convention at Norfolk August
SI. and John Illoiolnrd , M Itobb and T H
Groves to the state convention nt Grand
Island August 21 Iloth deleg-iilons go mi-
Instructed , but It Is understood Hint Mayor
Weir of Lincoln Is the choice for governor ,
to tlin Slnto Coin < iitloii tlnln-
Mlliulril , hut riivorthn l.cxIiiRtoiilnii.
HAKUISON. Neb , July 30 ( Special Tele
gram to The Heo ) The republican conven
tion of Sioux county mot hero Saturday and
elected as delegates to the stale convention
A. II Dew and W II. Davis , congressional ,
Sixth district W II Corbin , U A. Hlgelow
and II. S Woodruff
While all delegites are unliistriictcd , the
stale delegiles are MncColl men and congres
sional delegates are for Dorrlngton No
nominations for county attorney or county
Judge were made
\ nllroiintv lErinl | > lliiini.
OUD , Neb July 30 ( Special Telegram to
The Bee ) The republic-ill county convention
met this afternoon and mide the following
nominations County attorney , A II Babcock -
cock of Norlh I/nip and representative ,
Peter Mortenson of Ord Tlio delegates to
the stile convention Hon A M nob-
bins , candidate for at'o-ney general was al
lowed ( o select , and midc the- following nominations
inations- John Wall , i : J Babcock , Uivld
A. Card , George W Hall , II C Perry , James
A. Patton and Rd P Clements Congres
sional convention M I , Fries , Rllctt J.
Clements , George I Kelly , Herman West-
over. Frank Foster George Stratlido nnd
C C. Jewell , Jmllclal-Georgp W Hall ,
Edwin P. Clements , C J Babcock , John
Wall , H. H Thorngitc , James A. Patton ,
Wllll im McNtitt. The cuitral committee
was authorized to select and send delegates
to the stale senatorial convention.
In llox Huttn < onnty
TTRMINOFOHD , Neb , July 30. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee ) The republicans met
In convention nnd nomlmted B r Oilman
for county attorney The following dele
gates were elected for the state convention-
Messrs Van llnsklrk , A. I , Tlcld , S. P.
Delete , Thomas Beck and J II Parldla , and
C. J. Wlldy , W. McLnuglilln , Kd M Tracey ,
Iddo Joder nnd P. N. Mpntgomery were
elected delegates to llio congressional. All
favor P. M. Dorrlngton
In thu Iliirnw Twentj-Tlirpo Ypixr .
KRARNRY , Nob. , July SO. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The delegates to the congres-
slonal convention have sol Ct d D. C. How
ard ns chairman und the delegates will start
for the scone of action tomorrow. Mr. How
ard has had tlio honor of representing his
partv in convention nearly oveiy year for
the past twenty-three years , nnd 1ms an
Kirge an acquaintance as most any man In
the state.
'lo Fix tint Coim-iitlon Oiitn
TRKAMAH , Neb , July SO. ( Special to
The BeeA ) meeting of the Hurt county
republican cautral committee will bs
held here tomorrow to flx the dale for Ilia
county convention
The Burt county populist convention Is
called to meet August 17. A icprcscntatlve ,
sonnty ntlornoy un 1 n com til'-sloncr frjni
the Second district Is the ticket to 1)3 ) named
this fall.
NIIIICO Coiiiiinllini Arranged.
KULLIJUTON. Neb , July 30 ( tl
rho Bee ) The republican county central
: ommltlco held n meeting last Snturda ]
iflcrnoon with a full atlciidnnce. It Issue )
i call fur tlio county convention to convcnj
it this place August 1C All members o
.lie committee report icpubllcun gains Ii
.ho county.
Brings comfort nnd improvement n/1 / ( }
tontia to jiLihoimi enjoyment vliifn
rightly used. Tlio rnnuy. lo Hvo butter -
tor than others and enjoy iifinnoro , with
lest cxpnilituro , by moro iironiptly
.ti'ii ; the -.vorld'H hi'fct products to
thu limn of iihjbicnl being , will iitti'M
the vuliio to liwvlth of the pure liquid
laxntivo piinciplcs cmbiuced in the
remedy , Syrup of Fi H
IU oxeolleiiL-o ! H duo to it presenting
in tlio form most ucccptahlo nnd picas-
nut to the taato , thu lufifshingund trulj
lionofipinl projxjrtu's o a perfect ! nx
ati\o ; crTec-tuiilly citunsing the system ,
di ( polling c < iliN , hcndnchoi Mid fevers
nnd pornimioiitly ciiiiiig constipnUon.
It ha'j Riven H.aNfntl on to inillloiiannd
met with the appro fnl of tlio mctHnil
profuiuioii , bi'cnuso it ui'ta on the Kid-
iioyf , iivor nnd UoweU without weak
ening them nnd it id perfectly free from
ouiry objectliiii.iblo suhstnuco.
Syrup of Fics in foi wile by all drug-
rltiU iu OOc nuil $1 bottlufi , but it is mini
if'iutured by the Odiforiilu Fig Byrup
t/o only , whoso imino i * printed on every
pacVngo , also the name , Syrup of Fii/ * ,
and being wnll inforn-etl , you wjll JKI
fffpntwiy nuliFtili o if "lli'r"d.
' 'limned , purlflnl jml truiilllird Ii ) Uuiiruiii
UIMI > UHittulof < kln pnrlrtioiiiMl
Ltuullllurn , vull i < uni > t unj
ii n.lf lu/tolltlniiiiiinfr ) | ) IIHIIK ,
( iny | emu f r l . > linilt | . < nnj | , | , , iL
Jif ( l , Urni , o llio only
f Inllmnniiillon end dust'lpK < f lt | < i
pom , llio rante of moil
al illi.'lgurnllom. rolj * vir