Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt MONDAY , .rULY 30 , 1804 ,
Prospectors Flecking to the Gold Fields in
the Uintali Mountains ,
A 90,000 Mold llrlck nt the .Mint Turn * Out
Only Copper unillnc An Albuquerque
llnnltlll 1'rolmUy llo tlio I.user
Thli li the outfitting point for the new
Cold discoveries In the Ulntah mountains ,
forty miles north of hero , says a Vernal ,
Utah , correspondent of the Denver Times.
This point Is 120 miles out from Price ,
on the Hlo Grande Weatcrn , and 1G5 north
west of New Castle In the Grand Valley.
There Is a ihlly mall from here to Price ;
also a telephone line to Fort Duchcsno ,
which gives practical telegraphic communica
tion with the outer world.
There are from 300 to COO prospectors nl
the new camps and In the hills surrounding.
Two town sites arc being surveyed , nnd
people are romlng In rapidly , especially from
the west. The writer has examined many
lamplea of ore from the new diggings , but
It Is of a character , generally , that cannot be
estimated as to value without assay. The
writer haa been bhown two samples of cin
nabar that , under a powerful glass , shows
much fine gold. It Is said to run $1,010 In
cold , and there Is no reason to doubt It ,
though from the small quantities shown It Is
suspected that this class of ere la not plenti
The othtT specimens of ore showed
small quantities of galena and gray copper ,
but the glass docs not rf-vcJl any such thing
as gold.
Assay certificates are plentiful , show Ing
gold values from $2 to $1.200 per ton , nnd
the veins are said to be from seventeen to
seventy feet In width.
The excitement hero Is genuine. One man
hero refused $30,000 for a quarter Interest
In five claims , and the Hutch. Warner , Whit-
more company are offering $150,000 for nlno-
Etxtcenths of their block of claims. They
are apparently posted as to what they have ;
but some friends ought to remind them that
$150,000 Is an awful lot of money.
The lust named company Is building roads
to their mines and shipping in forge , tools ,
tents , wheelbarrows , etc , as If to make use
of the remainder of the summer.
Gold brick swindles have been frer/uont ,
but never until the present time has the
swindle been undetected until the mint oin-
clals had the worthies" compound In the
melting pot.
Last week the Colorado National bank
received from the First National bank of
Albuquerque an express package presumably
containing a gold retort valued at $15,000.
It was tuincd over to the mint , and al
though there were suspicions circumstances
noted , says the Denver Times-Sun , It was
not until the metal was melted and ready
to bo poured Into the molds that the truth
dawned on the clllclals. U was found that
the only metals in the retort were zinc and
copper , and that Its value was about 9 cents
per pound.
The Colorado National bank was notified ,
and In Ha turn notified Its correspondents ,
but no explanations have been received from
them. Some doubt as to a swindle having
been perpetrated la expressed , and It Is as
sorted that the parties who turned the
"gold" over to the Albuquerque bank were
themselves of the opinion that they had
made a find. Many stories have been cir
culated of fabulous finds In the neighbor
hood of old Pueblo churche- , and It Is sup
posed that some > one exploring the ruins of
ono of these churches discovered n mass of
bell metal ) ! which he took to the Albu
querque bank as gold and had it forwarded
to the mint In Denver.
Said J. C. Heinz , assistant cashier of the
bank : "There has been ample time for us
to have heard from the bank at Albu
querque , null , as wo do not hear , we think
that It has suffered no loss. We know
nothing of whcro the stuff came from to the
bank. Wo have It , and aio leady to return
It If the Albuquerque parties so desire. It
resembles gold In appearance , but the mint
officials could find nothing In It. The ex
press charges were prepaid , so wo are out
nothing. "
Word has been received here that a vol
cano In a northern spur of the Harqua Hala
range of mountains Is slowly awakening from
Its slumbers , says a Prescott ( Ariz. ) special
to the Denver News. Three distinct
shocks of earthquake have been felt in that
vicinity and great clouds of smoke are ris
ing from the mountain.
The first news of the eruption was brought
by Captain Jones , an old prospector , who
arrived In Wlckenburg a few clays since
bringing a report of the disturbance. On
the day before , while coming In from the
west , ho noticed the apex of one of the moun
tain peaks crowned with smoke : It was
whlto and dcnsa and seemed to him to cover
nn area of more than 250 feet square. The
smoke rose steadily and straight. He ob
served It for three hours , until It was hid
den by mountains. Ills attention was at
tracted to the Immense volume of It , and his
wonder was Increased by his ItnowleJge that
these mountains are perfectly baic of lim
ber. IIo also heard deep rumbling sounds ,
but did not notice any trembling of the earth.
The theory of the -volcano did not occur
to him , though there was no other reasonable
way of accounting for the smoke , until ho
reached Wlckonbuig. Ills nearest point to
the mountains was about twenty-five miles.
On tolling his story several men remembered
that there was an extinct volcano In that
vicinity , which showed evidence of compart-
tlvo recent action. This theory of the- smoke
nnd rumbling waa confirmed the next day
by a party of travelers who had just come
In by the Ehrenburg road , which lies much
nearer the mountain. In speaking of It they
said they had heard low , heavy rumbling pro
ceeding from the direction of the mouUIn ,
and had distinctly heard several shocks of
earthquake. At night a rosy light was dif
fused from the mountain and by day a col
umn of dense smoke ascended. There are
no BOttlements In the near vicinity , but many
cattle range thereabouts.
In the Immediate locality of the supposed
volcano there Is said to be numerous evi
dences of volcanic action In fact , every
thing may bo said to owe Its appearance to
this force. Miles and miles of country are
covered with lava , and three distinct craters
liavo been discovered. Eminent geologists
claim that some of these have been extinct
less than 300 years. It Is a tradition among
tlio Indians who have lived In the vicinity
for centuries : that five volcanoes were ouco
active In the range of mountains. A party
will soon start to make further observations.
The Durnngo Herald gives n lengthy do-
Ecrlptlon of a gold-saving process evolved
by Mr. Henry Trachsler , chemist and geologist
logist , which threatens to revolutionize the
ore-treatment business. After experimentIng -
Ing for a > ear on La I'latlo ores ho an
nounces that he has found n process which
auporcedes every one that has been In the
market up to now. It Is entirely new and
much cheaper than cyanide. In fact , ho
places his highest figure at $ t per ton. about
the cost of stamping , nnd says the gold ex
traction occurs In ono hour. The process
IB purely chemical nnd acts on pulverUed
ores. Tellurium ores can be treated by
this new Invention without roasting. The
yield Is staled at 95 to 100 per cent of the
assay value. The- Inventor , who made his
experiments In New York , will soon visit
the La Platte district and give his new dis
covery a practical test.
The present nnd future outlook for all
clauses of mining Is equal. If not , superior ,
to that of any other portion of the state.
The mines of gold , silver and copper , prin
cipally gold , on the Manco/ side of the Ui
Pluto inountnlna In Montpzunia county , nro
being rapidly developed and are Increasing
In quantity and quality as progress Is mule ,
A thorough Investigation of the La Plata
mountain iiilnrs. mde a short tlmo slnco
by Major H. 0 , Cooper , says the Denver
Times-Bun , give the following result : 1'roiu
twenty-two mining properties examined from
twenty-tvvo different localities , on average of
$26.90 perlon was obtained , the greatest value
being lu cold. Tbe4u were obtained by
actual mill run tests of not loss than a hun
dred pounds from each mine. The highest
values were from the Durnngo Girl , $181 98
per ton ; Iliilldozcr , $4789 per ton , the Comstock -
stock , $4672 , the r--st of the mines examined
ran nil the way from fO 75 to $36 29 per ton ,
mostly gold In value. None of these samples
were picked except one , and there are now
thousands of tons of thin class of ores lying
on the dumps of these mines , waiting for
the Introduction of come system by which
theao area can be treated nt or In near
proximity to the mines , whereby a high per
cent of their value mny be recovered at n low
cost of reduction. Hud It not been for the
past and present unsettled condition of the
financial affairs of the United States , there
would now be several reduction works In
full blast , and the output of precious metals
from Montczumti nnd Li Plata counties this
year would have been as a thousand Is to
L. J. Court , an old-time prospector , 1ms
just arrived In Prescott from u three months
sojourn In one of the most Interesting and
least knuvn portions of the territory , savs a
special to the Denver News. The wonder
land from which he has returned h the coun
try lying between the Maratlln and Verde
ranges of mountains. Ho reports good In
dications of mineral all over that section and
an abundance of onyx and marble , also com
bination blanket strata of turquoise , n very
nlcn looking specimen of which ho brought
with him.
Mr. Court thinks that section contains
more Aztec ruins than any other portion of
America , evidences of human habitation be
ing found fiom the highest peaks to the low
est valleys. In ono place ho found a reader
or street three miles In length , perfectly
smooth and straight nnd sixty fed In width
On cither side of the street the cntlro dis
tance nre ruins. The nnd was evidently
built prior to some mighty earthquake , us It
ends abruptly at the brink of a > aw mug
cha > m
He- dug up and found lying about a great
number of skeletons , which were In a fair
.stale of preservation , the heads of all being
alike very large over the cyos and receding ,
and almost flat towards the back of the
head , jaws well developed , but front upper
and lower teeth small and sharp. The ruins
show the people to have been workers in
stone , lotne fragments of work In turquoise
being found here and there.
Every available fcot of land had once
been cultivated , as many of the gardens laid
out do not exceed thirty feet square In di
mensions. Unmistakable ruins of stock
cor rah are found at Intervals. The region ,
although llttlo has heretofore been known
about It except by cattlemen , la acry ac
cess Ilile one and will no doubt become nn
interesting resort for travelers. Water for
Irrigation had once been stored In reser
voirs , evidences of which are still easily dis
Prof. J. U. Hatcher and his party of
students frem Princeton college , who have
just completed n tour through the bad lands
of this state In search of fossils and petri
factions , have met with very good success ,
sajs a Chamberlain special to the St. Paul
Pioneer Press. The party has been In the
bad lands between the Cheyenne and White
rivers since March 1. Since completing
their task In the bad lands the students
have started on an overland trip to Yellow
stone park. The collection of fossils gathered
by Prof. Hatcher has been shipped from
Hermosa to Princeton. It weighs 9 000
pounds , a lid consists of rare specimens of
extinct animals. The choicest and most
valuable specimen Is the Elotherlum , or
extinct pig. The specimen was found pro
truding from a bank of one of the deep
hollows in the bad lands. This la the only
skeleton ever found of this character In
that district , and was perfect , no bones be
ing missing. The carcass Is larger than the
living rhinoceros. Another sueclmen was
the Tltanothcrlum , or extinct rhinoceros ,
which was twice as largo as the living
rhinoceros. The professor also found several
specimens of the rhinoceros family , and the
Metamynodor , n relative of the rhinoceros.
A flue specimen of the Poebrotherlum , n
species of the camel , Is among the collection.
This animal was very much smaller than
the modern camel. Then there are skele
tons of numerous small animals. He found
a few fish skeletons , the only ones over
found In those beds. Last year's expedition
from Princeton succeeded In obtaining the
only crocodile ever found In the bad lands.
On the trip this year n good specimen of
the Amphlsbacnold lizard was unearthed , the
only specimen of this reptile , so far as
known , ever found In the world. This has
no llmbs'at nil and was a very low order of
lizard. Prof. Hatcher believes that Prince
ton college has the most representative1 col
lection of fossils In America.
A prairie fire has been raging near Meadow
A largo acreage of tomatoes Is being raised
near Tecumseh for the use of the canning
factory at that place.
Pine Uldge Indians are visiting nearby
Nebraska towns nnd buying everything from
Ice cream to wearing apparel.
A new house belonging to a German named
Mr. Welch was burned down at Meadow
Grove. It was worth about $900.
D. P. Wllcox has retired from the manage
ment of the Aurora Republican and has been
succeeded by L. W. Hastings , the owner.
A conference for bible and missionary
study , conducted by Augustus Nash of
Omaha , has been In session nt Ashland.
A fire , which came near to binning down
the residence of George Keeler at Cedar
Bluffs , was started by mice gnawing matches
Alexander Dates , arrested at Valparaiso for
burglary and an attempt to commit criminal
assault , was bound over to the district court ,
nnd , falling to give bond , was sent to jail.
At Ponca n boy dropped n cow bell from
the roof of the house of Dr Devore. The
bell struck the head of the doctor's 2-year-old
boy , cutting a deep gash four Inches long.
1J N. Adams , a Norfolk btreet car driver ,
was stricken with sunstioKo while at hh
work , from the effects of which he could not
see , and all he know was that ho was In
tensely cold.
Paul Jensen of McPhcrson county found a
coyote , and n large one , too , making a meal
off one of his finest caives , and ho "roped"
and diaggcd the brute to the nearest pond
nnd drowned him there.
Hearing the firing of guns , the 10-year-old
son of Editor Itackus of the Dubols Item
ran about half n mile out of town and be
coming overheated soon after died The
guns were being fired to bring rain.
Editor Hoozo of the Gretna Reporter has
disposed of his paper to W. S. Hakor. Booze
and newspapers never ought to go together.
Mr. I ) . Is olt to California , to Invest his money
In some rich mining property.
Ed llley , assistant cashier of the First
National bank of Madison , was running to
catch a ball In the nlr when ho ran Into the
slcklo bar of a mower that was standing nn
the ground Ono of the slcklo guards pierced
his arm and another his leg.
J W. LaRuu , living three miles west of
Stcelo City , lost two valuable mnres , and on
account of the fact that ho Killed nine
rattlesnakes , ono water snake and one
garter smilio near to where the mares died
ho thinks the mares died fiom snake bites.
Scene , Roca , Neb ; date , July , 1894
Tragedy In three acts Jones had a dog
The dog contracted n habit of biting neigh
bors Ono of bald neighbors shot the dog
with n gun nnd Jones was mad. Act 2
Jones devised a bchcme of vengeance. To
Inconvenience the family of the boy who had
thus taken the life of his beloved canlno
ho put Into the well from which they ob
tained their water , first , pieces of the curb
nnd secondly , the dead dog .which had caused
all the trouble. Neighboring property owners
protested. The town council ordered the dog
removed , and a few days later Jones took
oath that the dog was no longer contaminat
ing the water of Ilia well. Act 3 : A few
days later the same carcase of the same dog
was found In another well. Jones was fined.
It cost Jones $26 85 to bury his dpg ,
Waco has a miserly mortal , says the World
of that place , who , besides Grousing his bees
with lightning bugs so they can neo to work
nights , denies himself the privilege of know
ing the exact time through the accurate
mechanism of a clock or watch. Instead of
these ho has a device patterned after the
telephone. It consists of two tin cans con
nected by a string and Is at least novel. The
can on ono end of the string Is placed close
to his pillow , and the one on the other end
located right close the hen roost. This lat
ter can Is partly filled with corn , and when
the chickens wake up In the morning they
begin picking at the corn In the can and the
rattle of their bills against the tin Is thus
conveyed to tho-miser , and he crawls out of
bed. Ills neighbors have requested him to
die , both orally nnd In writing , but he re-
fii'Cfl to until the days grow shorter so he
won't lose so much daylight
Considerable dnmnRo has been done the
wheat crop In all parts of North Dakota.
The Sioux Tails Driving Park nMoclntion
finds Itself In debt $2,931 ! ns a result of be
ing unable to get a good attendance at the
race meetings.
The pontoon bridge across the Missouri nt
Chamberlain has been placed In position and
Is now ready for traffic. It was washed out
by high vva'cr early In the spring.
In many parts of Dakota the Revere drouth
has been broken by heavy rains , two Inches
of rainfall being reported around Vermllllon ,
S. D. , and other sections having a thorough
The most successful teachers' Institute ever
held In that part of the state Is nowIn
progress at Armour. Ninety-four teachers
are In attendance and It Is the Intention to
have a four weeks' session.
The rain makers employed by Ynnkton
county began work the other day and a
steady shower afterwards prevailed , notwith
standing the government predicted dry
weather for this locality.
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
Railroad company has begun work pre
liminary to an extension of Its line from
Ilelle Tourcho to the Hay Creek coal fields ,
about twenty miles distant. Chief Engineer
Ilerry Is In the field with n large corps of as
sistants. The work of grading the new line
will begin In about a week.
The new monument at the Soldiers' home
at Hot Springs was erected In honor of Gen
eral Logan. The monument Is cut from the
sandstone quarry there , and represents the
general In full uniform. This monument
Is erected by the Monumental association of
the Soldiers' home of South Dakota , and It
Is Its intention to erect other monuments
to heroes.
The water works compiny permanently
shut down its plant at Vcrmilllon owing to
the Inability of the city council and com
pany to agree us to the proper compensation
This will cause much Inconvenience to con
sumers , who depend entirely upon the sup
ply derlv-d from the plant. The few wells
and cisterns In town are mostly dry owing
to a lack of rain and actual hardship will
result from the shutting down of the works.
Points of law Involved In the case of the
North Ameilcan Loan and Trust company
against the Colonial and United States Mort
gage company of Hull , England , ara being
argued In Redfield before Hon. Thomas Ster
ling , referee. The suit was brought by the
North American company to recover $10,000
claimed to be due for fees and commissions
earned while managing for several jears the
business of the Colonial In this and other
states. The case has been pending for
nearly two jeais.
The rich strike of refractory ore In Yellow
Creek gulch , one und a half miles from Lead ,
created excitement similar to that of the
early days. All the ground In the neighbor
hood has been setaked off and the owners
consider they have a fortune In sight. The
ere assays all the way from $100 to $140 a
ton In gold , with about twelve ounces In sil
ver. Development work has already com
menced on several of the claims with good
results , and should the ore prove lasting It
will create considerable of a boom for the
Hills , especially Lead. The ground Is all
owned by Lead people.
South Dakota crops In general are not over
half as good as they should bo. One Is led
to believe that the farmer Is more or less
to blame for bad crops. An interview with
several farmers who claim their crops are
all right while others' fields are rttdly dam
aged reveals the fact that the manner of
sowing grain Is of Importance. The former
sow their grain deep and change the land
from wheat to corn ground from year to
year , while the latter simply harrow their
grain la and the winds dry the ground up and
spoil the crop. Reports from over the state
Indicate that fully halt a crop will be har
vested and In' some localities a full crop.
The Holden chlorlnatlon plant at Cripple
Creek Is. now handling thirty tons per day.
The C. O. D. , one of Cripple Creek's pro
ducers , Is shipping ore north from ? 130 to
$175 per ton.
Fish Commissioner Calllcolte recently
placed 10,000 fish In Castle creek and RoarIng -
Ing Fork river.
Eagle county Is threatened with a war be
tween cattlemen and sheepmen. The cattle
men will not allow the sheep to remain on
the range.
It Is said that Cripple Creek dividends , to
bo paid this month , will aggregate $117,500.
Mines owned by individuals are not Included
In this total.
In Navajo basin , near Tellurlde , a group
of new gold claims have recently been dis
covered. The tests show from $19 to $100
per ton gold.
The Florence and Cripple Creek railroad Is
now handling merchandise Into Cripple
Creek at the rate of sixteen to twenty car
loads per day.
The Thundershott company has made n
rich strike In the Mnuch Chunk mine , near
Georgetown. A test was made with retuins
of 750 ounces sliver and 25 per cent lead.
A cyanide mill Is in operation on Junction
creek , In the La Plata gold district. It Is
credited with successfully handling the low-
grade gold ores , even those of the rebellious
Durlnc the month of June the Maid of
Erin , Leadvllle , shipped 1,875 tons of lead
caibonates , 520 tons of sulphides and 218 tons
of Iron ore. The output will be restricted
until prices advance ,
The free milling gold ores of the Frisco
district , on Ten Mlle creek , are receiving
attention. Tunnels are being driven on
several of the veins , and all disclose good
gold ores. The mines are within easy reach
of the South Park railroads.
The Nortli Star mine , in the Sllverton
mining district , has not shut-down for a day
In eleven years , during which tlmo It has
shipped 25,000 tons of ore and 5,000 tons of
concentrates , which produced 2,000.000 ounces
of silver , 10,000 ounces of gold and 8,000 tons
of lead , The average value of the ore Is
$ C5 per ton.
George Comstock of La Jara , who left on
June 25 to go to Cochlt , on his trip became
cra < sy and got out of the conveyance nnd
started home on foot. Ho became worse
and lost his way and on July 4 found hlmselt
In Prescott , Ariz , When he left homo ho
had $200 In money nnd a gold watch , all of
which Is missing. Comstock Is now on his
way home.
Work on the Dear Creek road Is being
pushed more rapidly than was expected.
From Morrison the road Is completed above
the old toll gate. There Is also a large
force working from the Luther ranch down ;
they expect to meet at the Phelps place and
the road will probably bo ready for travel
borne time next week. The Evergreen sum
mer resoits depend upon this road and Its
completion will make a great difference In
their business.
The coal drilling outfit drilling west of
Loulbvlllo stiuck a second vein of nice coal
sixty feet below the first one , making two
workable veins of coal on their property.
The first one , at u depth of ICO feet , Is six
feet , and thu second , six and a half feet In
thickness. This prospecting , with the find
nt the Acme anil Caledonia mines , thoroughly
demonstrates the fact that the vein of coal
now being worked In this vicinity Is only
the top vein , the lower being of or harder
and clearer quality.
A prospector has found a fine gold mine
In the Medicine How range of mountains ,
Three thousand Texas cattle were branded
at Uvu and will be trailed to the north and
to North Dakota.
IIrook trout bring 30 cents a pound In
Raw lings. A fish pond at these prices
ought to be a paying Investment.
A new horticultural hall will bo built at
Fort Collins In connection with the agricul
tural college there , The cost will be $11-
The placers In and around Laramlo are
said to be turning out finely this year. The
men working them nro receiving good re
turns lor their labor.
An emigrant wagon , while trying to ford
the lllc Horn river , was turned over undone
ono horse drowned and part of the vvagdu
lost. The man , by a great effort , saved
his wife and child. (
Farmers at Wlieatland will raise great
crops this year. U Is said that nowhere
In the west will such a crop of potatoes
bo reported as will result from their cul
tivation In Laramlo county.
The Yellowstone Park Land and Improve
ment association will at once begin work
on the Omaha canal , which will take water
from the Die Horn river. It will be thirty
feet vvldo nt the bottom , four feet deep nnd
fifty-five miles long , and cost $200,000. It
will start ten miles north of Tcrrcy.
Ranchmen In thd tll | ? Hum bisln stnto
that several distincterthqutl < o shocks wore
felt In that section n. few days ago. GIiiss
In the windows WOK broken nnd other slight
damage done. The iriorles were accompanied
by low rumbling Hollmlx.
The Silver Crown miners nt work on the
Palrvlew property jprpdlct that they will
be down 200 feet more In seven weeks , says
the Cheyenne Sun. ' The shaft la already
ISO feet deep , making the depth nt that
time 350 feet. It Is expected that the ore
nt that depth will bo of sufficient value to
pay expenses for the remainder of the work.
There Is one thing nbout Silver Crown , nnd
that Is that work tan bo continued all win
The track of the II. & M. Is now forty-four
miles west of Sheridan , a little beyond Pass
creek , which Is on the Indian reservation
Rauchcstcr , close to Tongue river , Is now the
nearest point nnd will be the distributing
point for the present town of Dayton. Catlle
In the vicinity of the work are looking fine
and beef round-ups are starting out to be
ready to ship as soon as the track will bo
ready , fly the 1st of September or there
abouts the road Is expected to be open to
Hillings , Mont.
Roseburg his been shipping In aucar by
A wagon road from Salem to Sclo , to bo
built by subscription , Is being talked of.
Orvllle Hall , a Joseph boy , has n couple
of pet fawns ho captured the other day while
A Medford man has started to San Fran
cisco with a band of horses he proposes to
drive the entire distance.
A duck was hatched out at Junction last
week , having two bills where Its eyes should
be and one eye between them.
The How of water nt the Hartley county
artesian well Is nbout n barrel per minute ,
and the projectors nre still sinking.
Salem society Is somewhat pained to note
that Judge Hewitt , the new Incumbent of the
circuit bench , wears no tie with his stand
ing collar.
Mrs. Sarah Dctomis , the old lady who died
In her 100th year In Astoria , was the mother
of twenty-six children , only two of whom are
now living.
The Wasco warehouse , at The Dalles ,
though filled to overflowing expects to re
ceive from 500,000 to 1,000,000 pounds of wool
yet this season.
The Hcppner Gazette says that Morrow
county enjoys the distinction of having a
lady stage driver , perhaps the only one In
the United States.
At Gervals Sunday the wife of Jim Hong
gave birth to a son. Mrs. Hong Is a white
woman and Is married to a Chinaman. This
Is the fourth child.
Men are at work on the Union Pacific
road west of IJonnevllle as thick ns files.
The- company wil undoubtedly build the
road as boon as money and men can do It.
Several carloads of California fruit and
vegetables which were caught in the block
ade at Ashland , while In transit , were sold
by the railroad company at any price they
could got.
Agent Matthews of the Klatnath reserva
tion Is sending men and material to Ynlnax
to begin construction upon n substantial
bridge the department lias authorized across
Sprague river nt the subagency. '
The latest nnd best find In the mining dis
trict e-ist Is said to be that of Thomas Heady
and Ed Hanahan. It Is situated near the
Mabel mine. Prospects of $7 to the pan have
been obtained and the richest of the ere
shows much free gojd.
The county court of Linn county Is taking
effective steps toward the extermination of
the Canada thlstlo. A commissioner has
been appointed for icach district with power
to employ whatever means are necessary
for the destruction of this annoying weed.
The total acreage of full-bearing hops In
the Independence vicinity Is 784 ncres , und
the amount of spring planting Is 240 ncres.
making a grand totnl of 1.124 acres. Last
year there were marketed from this acreage
over 560,000 pounds' of hops , which brought
a revenue of more than lOO.OOO.
Mart 'Williams of Monroe precinct , Denton
county , ' Is gathering up 1,000 head of sheep
to be driven overland to Portland for J. L.
Castle. It has been demonstrated to be
much cheaper to drive mutton sheep to the
Portland market than to ship them by rail.
The average price paid for mutton sheep Is
$1.25 per head.
In view of the fact that there will be a
largo yield of hops throughout the state ,
and a prospect for very low prices , there
Is n movement among the growers to re
duce the price o picking to 23 cents for the
nine-bushel boxes , the Eugene Guard says.
Unless the cost to the grower Is reduced ,
many yards will not bo picked.
An Interesting study is tint In connection
with the wheat aphis nnd Its enemy , n long ,
slim , small worm that reaches out and sweeps
the neighboring fields. A gentleman tells
the Albany Democrat of n peculiar experi
ence. He placed one of the worms on a
stalk of wheat with eight nphlses. In ten
minutes the worm had destroyed all of them ,
gradually wending Its way among the ker
nels of the wheat nnd taking nothing but the
cultus aphis.
Prospectors are pouring Into the mining
districts of Clarke nnd SKamanla counties.
Walla Walla Is figuring on saving about
$3,000 n year by salary reductions recently
The Edmonds Lyre announces that ma
chinery has been purchased and preliminaries
adjusted for estnbllshlng the Johnson Iron
works at that place.
Something over 200 shingle mills and fifty
small sawmills In the state are Idle on ac
count of the railroad strike. The loss In
orders , vvageb , etc. , to the state Is estimated
at $3j > 0.000.
The purchasers of the Abercorn rails offer
to donate enough to finish the spur of the
Northern Pacific into Aberdeen , and one of
them , W. P. Book , offers to board 100 men
for n month while the work is in progress.
Dr. Pearsons , a Chicago philanthropist , Im
pressed with the Idea that Whitman college
should be Dr. Whitman's monument , has
offered a donation of $50,000 , provided $150-
000 additional be raised by December , 1895.
Horse Heaven this year promises the big
gest yield of grain In her history. Kelso
IJros. are now negotiating for 30,000 grain
sacks for their own private use , anticipating
00,000 bushels of wheat , barley and oats.
The haying season has commenced In the
Colvlllo valley , nnd the yield of timothy
promises to bo the largest for years. The
wheat crop looks good and a big yield is
promised. The fruit crop Is also excellent.
Two of John Suiter's cattle sampled a
quantity of dynamite that the river drivers
hid left In Albert Pressontln's yard , opposite
the mouth of the Sauk , and In consequence
tvvo carcasses are now for sa' ' ° for fertilizing
purposes ,
1 f | ,
A long train of wagons , containing camping
material nnd supplies , 'and accompanied by
nbout fifty men , lias paused through Union-
town en route to Elk City , where the men
will assist In the coiisliuctlon of u new
wagon road. ,
Gold dust Is beliif ? brought from the Hoodoo
dee , Gold Hill and' ' other mining claims up
the Palouse river Into Pnlouse , $3,000 worth
of the yellow melnln having been shipped
by one Institution in Palouso dm Ing the
month of Juno.
A gentleman who too1 ] ' the trouble to measure
the actual number of'iiilles ' , by cars , stranded
at Pasco , says thattlhdro are fifteen miles of
cars on the sidetracks at that station , In
cluding engines , freight cars , cabooses and
passenger cars , '
The Monte Crlslo filcctrlo Light and
Power company artf nt 'work ' on their water
power at the head of Sauk river In Monte
Crlato. It Is estimated that Inside of 1,000
fcot they can obtain over 100-horse power
throughout the year.
The tramway of the Pride of the Mountain
mine at Monte Crtsto Is completed. Its
largest tower \a \ a single timber four feet In
diameter and 102 feet high , weighing about
twenty tons. This tramway will furnish
means of transportation for the large output
of the mine.
Mr. K , A. Houchen of Ilwaco , deputy fish
commissioner. Is making arrangements to
hatch out a lot of young salmon the coming
year. He has made an offer to P. J. Mc-
Gowan , the well known cannery man , to
hatch out 2,000,000 young fish for $1,000 ,
Mr McGowan to furnish the eggs. The
young fish are to bo hatched and put Into
North river , a stream running Into Shoal-
water bay. Mr , Houchen backs his offer
with a valuable guarantee. Mr Houchwi
hatched out a lot of sllversldo salmon last
year with very primitive appliances nnd was
quite successful , securing 0,000 young fish
from 7,000 young C RS.
Upward of $18,000 worth ot the stock of
the Cotton Mercantile company at Pullman
was sold last week by Kerch or Hen lltir-
Btinder to Spokino parties. The transfer Is
to tnko pt.tcc nt once. The figure was 40
per cent on the dollar , A dividend will bo
declared shortly ,
An attempt Is being made by the commis
sioners of I'lcrco county to have a wagon reid
built Into the 1'aclflc forestry reserve. Con
gressman Doollttlo has been telegraphed ( o
assist In securing n $10,000 federal nppro-
prlntlon for the purpose. The government
money Is to be used only upon the work In-
slJo the government reserve.
Owing to the railroad troubles the price of
oati nnd wheat In Ilolonn has gone up to
$1.30 n hundred , wholesale.
The Albcmnrlo mine , Cochltl district , re
ports n thirty-five foot vein of ore , some of
which assays $100 to the ton.
Notwithstanding n delay of twenty-three
da > a on the road , four cars of California
fruit sold In Chicago for $2,880.
The nrmy. worm , which was reported In
the ca tern part of Montana recently , Is
said to have moved as far west as Helena.
Citizens of Glla llend , Arl , nro jubilant
over the finding of plenty of water In n well
being bored by the Southern Pacific company.
About 100 men nro employed at Fort Harrison
risen excavating In the rock quarry. Tents
hnvo been put up and the men llvo on the
The Sanln Po line Intends putting on n line
of refrigerator cars between Las Cruces nnd
Chicago for the benefit of the fruit growers of
New .Mexico.
To reach the San Juan placer gold field * ,
and the Johnson creek and IJlue mountain
mining regions , Dolores station on the Ilio
Grande Southern Is the nearest
On the San Juan river , In the southeastern
part ot Utah , placer mining Is being op
erated extensively , nnd much gold Is being
extracted and shipped to various points for
sale and refinement.
Fruit growers In the vicinity of Haley ,
Idaho , have the market to themselves this
year , as no fruit can como from the outside
by rail Just now. Good prices ought , there
fore , to bo had for all homo-grown fruit.
Contracts for the gradlnH of the road bed
for the extension of the San Pete Valley
railroad of Utah from Mantl to the coal beds
southeast of the city will bo let at once nnd
the work of construction Is to commence.
The railway extension from Eddy to Roswell -
well Is moving along satl factorlly. The
rails ere In place to tlio second crossing of
the Pecos , a short distance below Lake
McMillan. The bridge will be finished In
nbout tvvo weeks.
The recent discoveries of rich pUcer mines
on Johnson and Recapture creeks , In eastern
Utah , prove rich deposits of coarse shot
gold , but these discoveries were made too
Into for much work this season , as there Is
n lack of water except for three or four
months In the spring of the jcar.
News Is received that Engineer Mix and his
corps of surveyors have located the Payette
k Seven Devils railroad from Welser City
to a point fifty miles distant nnd moved on
toward the Seven Devils. The promoters of
this road seem to be confident ot Its opcritlon
in the mar future ami the people ot Idaho
are building up great hopes on Its final mom-
A car load of gold quartz has been shipped
to Kansas City from the banks of the Min
nesota river near Delhi , Minn. , to bo crushed
and converted Into bullion. Geologist Ed-
lund of Minneapolis has a force of men at
work getting out gold quart/ . He Is highly
pleased with the outlook , as there are any
quantity ot quartz along the river. More men
will bo put to work nt once.
The summer Institute and conference In
the interest of Indian education which was
authorized to be held nt Helena , Mont. , from
July 31 to August 1 , will bo held Instead at
the Indian school at Fort Shaw , Mont. , at
the same time. The change Is duo to tie
superior accommodations for visitors at the
Fort Shaw school. The succeeding and last
conference will be held at St. Paul , August
Reliable Information reached here , says
the Eureka , Nov. , Sentinel , during the week
that Charley Bourn had made a valuable
strike nt South Bald mountain In a claim he-
longing to Tom Rockhlll ofVhlto Pine.
The ledge Is three feet thick nnd jlelds ore
that runs from $700 to $1.700 per ton In
sl'ver. ' The find Is about eight miles from the
Bald Mountain gold belt. The ledge has bren
Known for tvvo or three years , and rim I'Ulton
und Clay Slmms have valuable locations
on It.
The hop Industry Is a new ono In Idaho ,
but that It has already attained respectable
proportions Is nttestcd by the fact that
growers cannot secure sufficient pickers to
haivest their crop. There Is no longer nny
doubt that the western valleys of this Htato
ure especially adapted to the production of
this most important crop. The future ot the
business would hnvo been nssured had not
congress determined to cut down the hop
duty. Owing to the cost of labor , particu
larly for picking , this reduction may prove n
very serious drawback , but Its effect can bo
determined only after a practical trial.
There \a \ much curlo'lty prevalent In Ari
zona , says the Phoenix Gazette , as to the
result of the Southern Pacific company bor
ing for water at Glla Bend. The company
bcgnn boring early In May and Is still ham
mering away night and day on the scheme
The company Is desirous of securing n sutn-
clent flow of water to supply the railroad
and also the town. Quicksand vv.-u encoun
tered to n depth of 470 feet ; ot this depth
the friction becimo so gieat that the 10-Inch
casing had to be abandoned and 8-Inch sub
stituted. Red clay was encountered , then
clover seed sand. At a depth of 808 feet a
terrific rush of water came Into the well and
attained a depth of 088 feet , or within 140
feet of the surface. The well Is now
down about 1.000 feet and bonus In red
city. When hard pan Is reached work will
bo stopped nnd the wnter utilized for town
nnd railroad purpose' .
\Vlicii 1 raveling.
Whether on pleasure bent , or business , take
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , ns
It acts most pleasantly nnd effectually on
the kidneys , liver and bowels , preventing
fevers , headaches nnd other forms of sick
ness. For sale In BOo and $1 bottles by all
leading druggists. Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
- 4
Fine sandy bottom at Courtland.
HIK In st C'lmnor.
Indianapolis Journal1 "Did that fellow who
was hanged dlo In the hope of a better life ,
like the most of them ? "
"I am not right sure nbout that , " re
turned the minister. "Ho made his break
fast entirely off Ice cream. Ho seemed
to have some doubt that there would bo any
of It where he was going. "
Refreshing , exhlllraUng , a bath at Court-
land beach.
I.lto In
"Well , what are you thinking about
now ? " Inquired Xantlppo sharply.
Socrates looked up. It was evident that
ho had been kicking himself , mentally.
"I was wishing , " ho said , with reckless
disregard of the consequences , "that I had
caught on to that Platonic-affection Idea
bcforo I married you. "
Pullman's Wealth the Fruit of Unscrupulous
Sharp Practice.
Tim ( Mil story of liivriitlnn by tlio 1'oorniHl
. Monopoly lj- ( lie Ulrli ItplulU of the
Skin Ouino I'luyril Upon tlio
The I'ullmnn 1'ntaco Crtr company , with
nssots amounting to $10,000,000 , 1ms mnilo
tluit Immense sum out of an Invention tlio
first patunt to which \MIS obtained by un
lititntilo carpenter of Chicago , who now
sleeps In a lonely Rravo nt O.ik Woods , nml
\\lioso widow Is living In respectable po\erty
In nn humble cottage on tlio Weil side.
It Is the old , old story of imontlon by the
poor and monopoly by tlio rich , says tlto
Chicago Times. There Is nothing In It that
sa\ors of dovvnrlght fraud or wrongful dis
possession , but all through the history of
the genesis of the sleeping cir there runs n
thread of Injustice , selllshncss and connlv-
ancvs which even today marks the Pullman
company with the brand of nodal and Indus
trial outlawry.
In 1S53 a poor but Ingenious carpenter ,
Plymou II. Greene , came to Chicago. lie
was skillful In his trade mid added to tils
Income by doing stencil work , and being of
nn Inventive turn of mind m.\ny useful de
vices grew from his hand and brain. In
1S57 he completed n design for nn adjustable
berth to railway pisscnger cars , his Inven
tion being today the vital principle of the
modern sleeping car. Ho showed his plans
to a number of railway olllclnls , but received
no encouragement. At that timeGeoigt M
Pullman was n cabinetmaker and house-
raiser. Doing nn acquaintance and friend of
Oiecno ho was shown the plans. After
studying thorn closely he pronounced them
worthless Orocne , however , did not give
up. Ho snveil up a llttlo money , and In the
winter of 1857 went to Washington ami se
cured a patent on the first adjustable sleep
ing-car berth Ileturnlng to Chlcngo In tlio
spring of 1S5S , Mr. Greene emle.i\ored to
place his Invention with the railroad man-
ngo.-s. having no money to construct cars
hlmfcelf. One load , the Chicago , Ilurllngton
& Qulucy , did finally lit up a few cars with
the Grecno berths , and they were pro
nounced a success.
In the- meantime some time In 1858
George M. Pullman , who had previously pro
nounced Greene' ln\cntion worthlesss , se
cured patents on n sU-ppltig berth device
almost exactly similar to that of Mr. Greene ,
and In 1859 made a contract with the Chicago
& Alton Itallioad company to fit up two old
passenger cars on that roul as sleeping
coaches. In 1SC3 Pullman secured an old
shed from the same railroad company and
, built the first sleeping coach. Greene hid
no money to fight Pullman's alleged Infringe
ment and was helpless. At this juncture a
Cincinnati man named Woodruff appioachod
Grceno with an niter to purchase his patent
Greene was Informed that us ho had no
money to push his device or protect It from
Invasion ho had better part with It. Grecno
had already spent all his money and was
penniless. Woodruff got the patent for $500
Then Pullman appeared- upon the scene.
Whether by agreement and connivance or
not a suit was begun by Woodruff against
Pullman for Infringement of patents , and
Gieeno was made a party to the suit. Ho
was compelled to niako two trips to Clncln.
natl to attend court. It has been claimed
that the legal contest between Woodruff and
Pullman was of the most friendly nature.
At any rate Pullman won the suit and ac
quired the earlier Grecno pitcnt. It covered
the device which Is In use today in every
Pullman car , and which has brought untold
millions Into the coffers of that great cor
poration. It has made George M. Pullman
one of the great capitalists of America.
Notwithstanding the purchase of Greenes
patent by Woodruff and Pullman's subse
quent legal acquisition of the same by a
peculiar court proceeding , tlio palace car
magnate was evidently not yet sitlsfied with
the validity of his title , for upon th ? expira
tion of the Greene patent In 1871 Mr. Pull
man felt the necessity of securing some
further evidence tof rclinqulshmcnt fiom
Greene. Mr. Pullman undertook the task
himself. Ho went to Greene and asked him
to sign certain documents pertaining to the
application for a renewal of the patent. Mr.
Greene's signature was not necessary , ho
claimed , but ho would like to have It as a
matter of courtcsj , and ho was willing to
pay $125 to Mr. Greene for his trouble and
tlmo taken In signing the paper.
Mr. Greene attached his signature as a
matter of friendship without Inquiring Into
the specific details of the Instrument. He
never heard from Mr. Pullman again. 0111-
clals of the Pullman company hero , It Is
said , repeatedly declared that the Greene
patent has been worth hundreds of thousands
of dollars annually to the company during
the last twenty years.
Mr. Greene became an Invalid and went
Into the photographing business In 1863. For
several years lie was an Invalid. Two years
ago he died , leaving n widow , who resides
in an unpretentious cottage at 312 West
Adams street. Her husband died leaving
her not only pennlles > s but heavily Indebted
for expenses incuired during his laht Illness
She talked freely of the sleeping car Inven
tion the other uiy. though without a trace-of
bitterness against those whom others allege
deceived her husband and deprived him of
the fruits of one of the most valuable of
modern Inventions. Her husband was poor
and without friends. Ho was forced to part
with his patent , and others gained wealth by
Its use. She bellovcd that she was happier
than George M. Pullman and did not wish
to malca any harsh statements.
"A short time before my husband died , "
Mrs. Grceno said , "ho dictated n complete
statement ct the sleeping car patents and
his transactions with Pullman and Wood
ruff. He was urged to do so by friends
who claimed that ho had been deceived Into
parting with his Invention for a song. The
statement was a complete history of the
case , of which I have only been able to give
you an outline Among those who urged
my husband to leave this statement was his
cousin , Mrs. J C. Strong of Decornh. la. ,
who was visiting us. She wrote several let
ters to George. M. Pullman concerning the
matter and urging him to assist Mr. Grecno.
I believe some of these letters were replied
to. In one of these replies Mr. Pullman
asked for the statement left by Mr. Grceno.
Tills was after his drain Mrs Strong en
closed the djlng statement of my poor hus
band In n letter to Mr. Pullman. That was
tvvo years ago and wo have never heard
from Mr. Pullman. He has my husband's
statement , and I have forbidden my friends
from making any further appeal In my be
half. "
Mrs Grceno Is In reduced circumstances.
She iccclvcs assistance from the Photog-
raphcis union , of which her husband was u
member. Several members of the union ,
who have known the family for many years ,
corroboratu the story In every detail.
Fine sandy bottom at Courtland.
Dollars or Kicks
for women , according to whether they do , or don't
do , their washing in a sensible way. If they use
Pearline , it means good , hard dollars saved ,
Pearline is economy. All that ruinous
rubbing that makes you buy linens
and flannels twice as often as you
need to , is spared , to say nothing of
your time and labor.
See the troubles that women have to endure with
other ways of washing. There's that hard , wearing-
r.'Sa out rub , rub , rub , or the danger of ruining things with
acids if you try to make it easy. Washing with Pearline is
absolutely safe.
% P t1 rl FedJlers and some unscrupulous crocen will tell you " this Is as rood as "
vJCiiU or "tho tame as readme. " IT'S rALSK Pcaillno U never peddled ,
Jt tf "D _ _ 1 _ a"J if your Rroccr sends you something m place of I'carlmc , bo
honest send it test , 4U JAMES PYU8 , New York.
nn.l 1'owor Omul nlll help.
, S. t ) .
fijlrlf brljtlM with apporlnnltlm for pTOflln-
'llj ' lJ1nT * | mnnl , And onmlamn t harttolxa
mllllondlro In HiVit iulrnntiiii nf thoui , olllior ,
V > to $ ! n mnnth In nil ynu nno I.
IJ ' u iw"l inn nur l' mplil t , Prl U < t ,
nncll'lnt. Tlnvnlllviplftlii'ihlni , , .
The Udgemont Company , Omnhn , Neb.
WE Nervous
CURE Spscidl
Diseases ,
Cntnrrh. All DIsonsoH of the Nos ? ,
Throat. Ghost. Stomach , Liver , Blood
Skin nnd Klclnoy Dlnonaos , Lost
Mnnhood and ALL PRIVATE DI3-
Call on or nililiens ,
Dr. Searles & Searles , '
Tor hcnd.ichn ( whether lclc or nervous ) , tooth-
nthc , neui ililn , rhcum.illsni , lumbago , pilua
nntl vvenknr ti In tlio Inck , pplno or icUlnevi ,
linlns nrotinil the liver , pleurisy , swelling of tlia
Julius anil imlns of nil Idtuli the npplkallon it
Hailuay's Itc.nly Roller will nffonl Immediate
tnhc , untl Us tnntlmicd use for a few days e (
fccta a pcrmnntnt cure.
Summer Complaints ,
A linlf to a tetiFimunful ot Heady llellcf In a
half tumbler of water , npcntcd us often ns the
( HscharROH continue , nml n Humid Baturatcd
with Heady Hellef plicid over tlio utomuche or
bowels will n oid InniKdluto relief and soon ef
fect a. cure.
Internally A Inlf to a tenspoonful In a tumb
ler of water , will In n few minutes , cura
CrnmpB. Hpamtis. Hour Stomnch. Nnimoa , Vomlt-
InR. Heartburn. Nervousnesa. bleepnestiess , Slclt
Ileudnche , Flatulency nnd nil Internal pnlns.
MnUilii In lt < Viiiliiut I'oniM Cured
mid rinvmititil.
There la not a remedlil agent In the world
Hint will cure fever nnd niiue nnd nil other nm-
InrlouB blllouB nnd other fev < ! f13"nliled by HAD-
WAY'S PILLS , no quickly as HAIHVAY'S HBA-
I'rlce GO cents per bottle. Sold by nil druggists.
Our Bond
Guarantees no
Pay until Cured.
Bond for our Now Book.
119 S. 14th St. Omaha , Neb.
Dr. E. C. West's Ncrvo and Drain Treatment
M enlilundur ixialllvn wrltli'ii ' Kunrntiton , bynuthor-
Izod ngniits only , In euro Wnk Memory ; ljm ot
Drain nml Nerve I'oworIx ; .t JlBiiliomljyulPkneaoj
Nlltht lattm ; l'lDioninn \ ; J-ni.l ; of Conniluico ;
NurvouFIicw ; Ijuwltmlu ; nil Prnlns ; Lnsant I'lnTOl
nf Ibo ( li'iiortitlvo Oruna In ulllnr pox , cnmod bj
iiTor-oinrtimi ; Youthful I rrora , or Kiccuslvo Una ot
Tobacco. Opium or I liiior. | wliloli noon loud to
MinorCoiiHUinptlnn. . iJiFanllymul Ilo.ith. lly iiutll ,
( Inbox ; lifer < : wll/milttoiiL'unriiiitco / to euro or
refund money. WJ'Hf'H C'OIIOII SVItUl' . A certain
euro for C'oiiKlis Colds , Anthmn , UroncbUln , Uroup ,
IVlmnjilnc CnUjtii , Horn 'Hirout. IMounnnt to tnko ,
Hmnll rlzo dl'LCDHnm H ; olilBio. Bl7n , nnw21c. ; ola
Tl flo OlMIlAN'IJIIWtiwuoctoulyby
Goodman Drug Co , , Omaha. )
WEAK line ; : ut Nervoiu Dubllliy Lout
VllnlUjr , Varlcuteit , Alroplir ,
I'll j Klin ! WiakniiK , etc. by IH
EtlH DAro.tlniifii it lllniliiiiitanitJr.
Wrllli-n uimriilrM rt iire. Soli
iy .V Co , Cor. ntli .V. lioui.'InmiHtii. nnd J.A.
' tt Co. Cor.Kill V : lioiivlaBiiHtji .OMAHA.
V , S , J > C } > oltui'U , Unntlnl , Aibiua u.
CAPITAL - - $400,000
SURPLUS $55,500
Officers anil Directors Henry W , Yarci , pr
Idcnt , John S. Colllnn , vlcoprc.ldanti I < u l4
H. lUed. Ca.hlcr. William II. H. llualui. u Ul <
unt ca hler. j
Or dm ll < | ii r IlutilC r'unllltrly Cured
It } liUiiilnldrrliiu Dr. llnliiiV
UulJcn ,
II oin be given la a aup otuotlto ur tea , or In foo1.
without ing kiiowledgn of the patient ItUabiolutol ?
/inrmlefln. and will ttfeat a ponniinflitt and wpovd/
euro , whither Ilio patlinl < u a nodorato drinker or
an alooholla vrroo4 It liar b en ulvun In t1ou amt
of o e * . and In every luitanoa A perfool euro huful *
wed ll Never Pull * . 'IhetyitainouoaluiprOKnatixi
Ufa Ilia Hpealflo , It b oome an utlor liniioviiblllcr
.nno liijuorappsilto toeiltt
{ .III.DKV MI'tUIKIO . ITop-M , OUcliiHutl ,
4D-Biue t ok of parllii'Un Ire * , To In h 'l " '
Tor Bale by Kuhn & Co , DniKK'sta , Cornoi
ICtli and Doutflaa strcuta , Omutio ,