Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Eolified All Low Wheat Reorila
Ycstsrdny's Trading.
Drj "Weather In tlm Corn licit Mutln tl
Market for tliut Cerent Very Strong
la tlm 1'iico of tlin Dccllno
InVhuitt. .
? ; CHICAGO , July 23. Wheat eclipsed i
> ' low wheat records today , September touc
f Ing f > 2c. Outside markets at home ai
abroad were weak , ahd this , with other ben
Ish news , caused the decline , the mark
closing Ic lower , .and but V4c from the bo
torn figures. Corn was ( Inn , closing IV
higher. Oats closed V&c higher , and pr
visions finished at a slight decline.
Wheat opening trades were at Vic advam
i * and gradually rallied from V&c to Vic mor
declined lc , advanced V&c , changed BOH
and closed weak. The early steadiness w ;
attributed some lo the action of corn at
the decrease on ocean passage ct 810,000 b
At the advance tlicre was heavy liquidate
and offerings much larger , due part
IP against purchases In the Interior and
longs selling out. The lower cables , liber
receipts at winter wheat points and tl
break at Mlnneapolos all combined to mat
the situation weak. Outside markets wei
all lower , there being a sensational bres
In the northwest , and this was one cf tl
principal weakening features. The vlslb
supply showed an Increase of 617,000 bu
and was one of the weakening feature
There wns a general lack of support to tl
market and no demand to speak of outsk
the buying by shorts. The export clca
ances of wheat nnd flour were light and ai
gregated 293,000 bu. , of which C7.000 bi
was In flour. Continental markets genorall
weaker , Tlicre was no export business dor
here.Dry weather In the corn belt made tl
corn market very strong In the face of tl
decline In wheat. Shorts covered freely an
the buying was liberal. The range ( or Se ]
tember was lc , nnd the close near the to ]
Oats were "unsettled and Inclined to weal
ness early on frco offerings , but rallied laU
on the strength In corn. . The range for Set
tember was % c.
Provisions were steady early on buylni
but weakened with wheat. Compared wit
Saturday nlght September pork 1s 7Vi
lower , September lard 2' c lower , and Sci
tember ribs unchanged.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
" "Articles. i dpcn. f"7ligli. | Low | Close.
WlrntXo. y ' '
B2 ? < B1J
61-N 03'
Dec 58 CUK 605
Corn No. 2. .
July 41 4.1 ! < j 41
42'i 43-1
Oci 42M 43 ?
May aoji 3H 30 ?
Onto No. 2. . .
July 33
AUK 271S 27)
Kept 27-H 27 >
3 lit 31 ?
Pot-it"per bbl
July , 12 37) )
Sept. 12 60 12 5S 12 42 12 42 }
Laid. 10(1 ( Ibs
0 8A o sr (1 80 0 S2
0 85 U b5 U B2W 0 S2 }
Ehorl Hlbs-
Jnly G 00
Sept l r.'J u nn U CO 0 5'J.l
Cash iiiotatlonn | were ns follows :
FIX > IMl Unchancvd.
VVH13AT No. 2" KiilnR.51i ) > J$77i3'ic ! : No.
iprlnu. nominal ; No. 2 red , DHiffMc.
COHN No. 2. > i ; No. 3 yellow , 4t'c.
OATS-No. 2. 31U5l3lic ! ; No. 2 while , 33lift33c
No. 3 while , 31f33c.
nYK No. 2. Me.
BAULK Y No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , nominal
No. 4. Sift He.
KI.AX SEED No. 1 , J1.19P1.25.
TIMOTHY 8KKD Pilme , 15.10.
PllOVIHIONB-Porlt. nice * . | ii-r Mil. , J12.37V45
12,60. Lard , per 100 llm. . 0.80fIG.S2' ' < . ; shoit HI.
lliles ( loose ) . JO.C21i0C.C3 ; dry snllt-d phonlder
( Imxcd ) . tC.008l > .12yi ; short clear uldcs ( boxed )
| 6.S7'.4fl > 7.00.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal-
The following were the receipts nna snlpminti
Jcrtodtsy :
On the Produce cxch.iuiri ) tod.iv tlm Outtor nrir-
ket was firm ; creamery , 13&17Kc , F-SKB , firm
Mi\v voitK GINIUAI : , . .M.incur. .
Yrnterdny's Quotutlonv on Flour , flniln nnil
Provisions , Metal * , itc. :
IS I- NEW YORK , July 23. FLOUR Receipts
IE 21,300 bbls. ; exports , 11,000 bhls. : union , li.OO
E plena. ; market dull and heavy. Southern Hour
lull ; sales , 200 pkgs. Rye flour , dull. Uuckwliea
flour , dull and nominal.
CORN MBAL-Stendy ; sales , 300 bhls. ; yellow
western , $2.65fl2.80 ; nrnndywine , $2.fO.
IlYK Nomlmil ; state , tie ; Joiscy , f > 2037c.
B.III. . HY Nominal.
HAIU.KY MAI/1' Nominal ; western , CSfflEOe ;
tlx-rnwcd , SiflSjc.
WHKAT lleeelpts , 231 , 9M bn. ; expoits. 103,701
bu. ; salea. 11,230,000 bu. futures. 112,000 1m. spot
Spot matUct weak. closing nimlmil ; No. 2 rei
In stnro nnd elcvutnr , f.Cio ; , W c ; No. :
northem , C311c delivered ; No. 1 hard. C3Uc de-
llvcred. Options Irregular , oponltiB lower undei
luxrvesllne presume , milled paillally with corn
but again turning weak under active llquMa
tlon , clostd nt the lowest | iohit ; August , GCTl
67ic. closed r > 7'ic : September. MVWT'.ic ' , closei
fiGUc : December. KITifTnitdc , clnseil OOc.
COHN Hxporln. 11,200 hu. ; sales , 335,003 hu. .
futuren , SO.iHiO bu. rpot. Sjul maikct , stronK
No. 2 , . 484c ! In elevator ; Wic delivered , Optlor
market active nnd higher , closing nt best prlcci
on hot weather icporls for eenttal portions 01
the corn belt ; Hop , ember , 473 fMX < 9o , clowl l < ' ,4i >
October. 47HOISV&C , closed IS'ic ' ; December. 4J > U
iS'Jic ' , claaed < sc.
OATri Receipts , C.S.IOO bu. ; exports , SOO bu ,
sales , CG.COO bu. futures. ) bu. spot , Spol
market nulet ; No. 2. 42c ; No. 3 , lie ; No. . '
white , 42ci No. \vlille , 40c ; tincli , white west.
ern. < Oi,4VMc , Option market ijulel. firmer , will
corn , but cased ( iff and closed urnk ; July closei
nt Wo ; August , 33j33'ic , closed 32'e ' , ; September ,
32l3 32&4o , closed 32'lc ' ; October , 32'iW32licl
closed 32i4c.
HAY Dull ; shlpplnir , GSffCOo ; Rood to choice ,
HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice , 73o ) ] ;
Padllo coast , inane.
Illl > ns-Dull ; wet salted New Orleans , se
lected. 45 to 6J Ilu. , 4UWI5ic ; Texas , selected. Xi
to 60 Ilia. , We : Iluenos Ayres , dry. 20 to 21 Ibs. ,
lO'.ic ' ; Texas , dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. , tfJ.Vic.
I.KATHHIt Quiet : hemlock olc , llucnos Ayrcs
light to henvy woljshts. IDfflSc.
WOO ! * Inactive ; domestic fleece , 19ff2c :
pulled , 20fi'jrc.
I'ROVlHKlNS-Ileef , steady. Cut meats , quiet ;
pickled bellies , 7HtSe. ) Lard. Billet ; wemern
cteitm closed at JT.2J ; refined , quiet. 1'orlc. quiet ,
IltJTTBIl Vlrni ; western dairy , lOffllc ; w .st-
ern creamery , 13141fl8io ! : western factory , S'-jiU
Ho ; iiKliiH. ISHo ; statu dairy , noise ; state
creamery , 15ffl't1,4c.
CHUnSB-Steaily ; state , large. 7 < i 3o : small
fancy , 7KOOic ! ; part skims , 2V4W5',4c ; full sUlma ,
1-XiaS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania , HfJ14' c !
western , freeh , li'iHTn'ic ; bouthcrn , cases , 11,00
fa 3.iv ) ; receipts , 5'JS6 | ili .
TAIJ.OW-Qulft ; 4 5-lOe for city ( J2 per jkB. ) ;
country ( pkKs. flee ) , 4 7-lCe , as to
I'KTROIKI'M-Weak ; llnlte.1 clnseil nt Slo
naked : WnshlnKtnn , In bbls. . ill ; WnMilniMon , In
bulk , J3.W : refined. Nuw Yoik , J3.15 ; I'hlludclphU
unit llnltlmorc , (5.10.
ROSIN Quiet ; strained , common to eooil.
Jl.2mOl.32-l :
rl'lll'KNTINU-Dull ; 20 20Uc.
HICK Dull ; domestic , fair to extra , HiOCUo ;
Japan , 4MMfic.
MOLASSis : Quiet ; New Orttans , open kettle ,
Kor-d In eliolre , ISfiSCo.
PIG IRON-Dull ; Scotch. 110.5HJ22.5) ) ; Amorl.-nn.
COl'l'lIR-Qulct ; lake. Oc.
I.KAD Quiet ; dome.nlc , M.10.
TIN-ClcFcd firm ; straits , I1S.SS bid ; plates ,
maikct , oulet.
Hl'HI.TKIl-Steaily : dom stle. I3.37U bid.
COTTON Siii : > -lnncllvo. . pniclleally nom-
Inul ; lower ti sell ; sunn ) talk of concessions ;
tindertono w < nk ; pilmp crude. 'o ; off crude ,
li rJi yelluw butter tirades. SlfllJc ; choice yel
low , nominal ; prime yellow , 3i'j ' i"Jc : yellow , on
croilcs , 32fl33c ; pi line white ,
CiilTco Mnrkpt.
YORK. July 2S.-COFI-'ni-Optl.-n
opened > vcnk at 2 < > poliiln lower on local Helling ,
large receipt * In llrnzll nnd weak Havre ; clos.i
tcady , I'iil5 ' ) polntH lower ; sales , 16 , Til IUIK .
IncludliiRi July , Jll.lWtJ15.W ; August. JH.Ii ;
tk-ptcmcbr , Il3.70il3.73 | ; OctolxT. J13.in13. 5 :
December , l'.70 < ji : 13. Spot colfee , Rio , dull
and nominal : Nik 7 , 118.U ; mIM. nulel , ahaut
tendyj Oirifovn , tl9.UUiT19.U ; sal H , M ) | II H
Cenlrnl American , p. I. ; wurehousn dHlverlm
from New Yik Baluidny , IW.UU IUIUB ; New
York stock today , 104.011 l"Ks ; United Stntta
* t'H-k. H,73 ! | J.K : nllual for I'nlted Hlateu. buRf : totnl visible for United ( Hates , 3S3-
873 bnKs , nmlnrt 44siM bajs Intt year.
BANTOS. July CL Klnt ; ITVI | avemk-e , 117.10 ;
n > celpls. H.OiO l < ar. i klctttk , 9J.OO. ) hn A Weekly !
Mat. e > xl nvfi-BKV , per 10 klh > , jn.iDi recelpu
tUirlnu tlm week. Cl.'OiJ ' bao ; shipments
Unltrd States , 19.1UO bans , clock , V3.WJ batni.
HAMIIl'RU. July rx Sleudyprlco HOI Pfc.
lower , sales , t.OW bass.
HAVltK , July -Opened Uf lower ; at U in.
UCHf lorr r ; b r lr ntcmly at 1 P-.l",1"
lioTl.lnj-i inlrf. < ! ,0 < M boKif. total calfK. I.VOon bfi
RIO JANHlno , July tt.-QulH ; N' . . 7 , III
> l5.70i x < .hnnce. U I ; receipts , ll1 ] > *
clrired for I'nltrd Slnlfii , none ; clinrcd f
nurnpc. nuns ; ttock , 113.000 bias.Nc.c. . . . ,
Quiet ; cxitmncn , slnmlaril 15 , 7 per 10 klli
rxrlmniff. 9'Jd ; lecelplii durlnR I lie w k. M.i
bncsi hipwnl to United Slnles , Cl.OM bag
Mock , 123,000 baps.
OMAHA < > iNiit.U. : : MAItKI-Tf.
( Vnillllnii of Tr lie mill QiinlnllniH "
Hlnpln nnil 1'itiiny 1'niilnun ,
The wc k opens with n stronger < -RR mark *
ns will be niited from the quotations BVI !
below. The advance appear * to be duo to II
llBht rtcelpts nnd to HIP Impiovnl condition
the market In caitern cities. The price has boise
so low for a white back that II did not pi
lite farmers to save tholr CRRS for market , nt
the receipts have dropped ilnwn to n Very lu
IKilnl. On Hntiiidiiy only 111 cases were i
celvcd. On other lines of produce there wi
no Important change ycslriilny. '
HL'TTnil I'm klnir Mock. Si- ; Rood Jo clioN
country , I2f/I3c : crennieiy , solid packed , loi/li
creamery , In Irks , 17 ; 1" < ' .
K(1 S Per don. , SViflSc.
' lii > . SUff fptlt
I.IVB POl'LTHY-Olil n ! S
chlrkcni , 12c ; i-pilni ? ducks. I2c ; olil fulljfeall
erH ducks , 7c ; hen luiki-ys , JffSc ; ttobblet
5filc. (
VnAICholcc fat nnd small veals arc quoti
ut 5HiIOc ; ccmirc and larRe , 3flc.
CIIinrtIS : Wisconsin , full cream , new nink
lOfillc ; Nebraska nnd lown. full cream , Wlft
Ncliraska and Iowa , Part skims. Cf7c ; I.ln
buiRpr. No. 1 , Id ; brick. No. 1 , iocs Swiss , N
'HA" ' "I'plaml hay , 17.M ; midland , Ji ; lowlan
JO.Mj ryu straw , $3. Color mike. : < the price on ha
MRht liales sell the best. Only trip etudes brli
top prices.
I'laUONS Old IHrds. per doz. , tl.
The Reneral maiket Is about steady , no In
pmtant challRes bchiR lulled.
Old IMMIIS aur In IlKht supply nnd nrm. Tl
dome ! > tlc crop of I mini last year Is tinocrstm1
In have been Fonie hat laicer than usna
thoURh no ilntn .Is nt picfent obtainable of tl
mini yield of thu vnilous states. Incluiilr
f'anada. One thlnjr Is certnln , however , tin
notwlihslnndlnit Ihu IIIIRK area of thin countr ;
and the fart that the domestic growth Is n
couinRed bv a heavy ptotectlvo duty , the farn
Ing clnsa do not ciilir upon ihi > Imlustry of ru
llvntlni ? the bean with nny splilt. nnd to suppl
the ti-iiilienicnts | of our pvi.ple w are con
pelled annually to RO abroad In senich of pull
clcnt fleck to mei't tins necessities of the cour
try. The lijip"rlntlons tin p.iyt ciop year , c
Kay fi.ini October. IKiS , to ilate , have been 111
4' . ' > II.IRH , ThouRh this quantity to some woul
uppear laiRO , It may be said that the Itnporl :
lions of Ihc previous year reached the heav
total of Ifl7. ISO hags , or a deilclency this scam
In comparison of over 63,060 baRs. Under tli
ppiinK | > .il new tariff the rate has been induce
neaily one-half , and should the mcamno lw > ioni
law. the Impoitallnn the conilni ; crop year wl
probably nsMime lai'Re propottions , the grower
In HutiRary lii-lnu fully awake to the Importanc
of the tiadu of this country.
I'OTATOIJH Oood Block , on nrders , 7".c ; salt
In lound lots to local trade , ftiffiOc.
Mfll.ONS Good sticli , cratcil. } 3..00j:5.0) .
CANTAI.OL'PKS Per doz. , JI.f.0. .
CfCt'JHUJRH On orders , 33gMc per doz.
OI.I ) 11KANH Hnnd picked navy , J2.131JI2.2 ;
nuMllum , 52.10U.M ; ; common white beans , fl , i
61. M.
ONIONS On orders , I'.iiJSo per Ib.
CAIIHAOU liood shlpphiK stock , on ordori
2Ji2'to ( ' ,
TO'.MATOl'S Good stock , per 4-bnskct crnti
$ l.WWI.2per : ! < j"bu. box. C5c.
CI-LIRY : Per doz. , < oc.
For the first time In two weeks or more ther
was s.ime California fiult on the niarKet. Ther
was n car of cherries , which had evidently bee
on the r odd for pome time , as the fiult was I
poor condition , ami not Rood cnotiRh to adml
of UK tieliiK shipped out In the country o
onb'i-s. Then there wns n mixed car of peaches
plums nnd apricots. The apricots were In fnl
condition , but the fruit was very small. Th
rienches were p'or , but the p'nch plnmi were KOOC
A car of pears Is icpoitcd to airlve on Tuesda
( tiHlny. )
AI'I'l.KS-Gond stuck , per libl. . J2.GOS3.00.
RRD RASI'llinirttKS None.
HLACKHHRRIKS Per rnse , $3.
PIJACIIK8 California , $ l.,0.
PMJMS Native red plums , per 24qt. case
t2.M ; California peach plums , 51.75.
KIRS None.
APRICOTS California , tl.2 * .
CHIMtltlUS Cnllfornla , none nt to ship.
HANANAS Choice stock , J2.00O2.50 per bunch
I.HMONS Fancy lemons , 300 size , JG.OOQ6.50
fancy lemons. SCO size , tli.
ORANOKS None of any consequence.
PINEAPPLES None on the market.
Fias-Fancy , per Ib. , 121tf l3c.
DATES llnllowccs , C5 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib.
1IONRY California. 15c ; dark honey , 10W12c.
MAPI.U SYRUP Gallon cans , per cloz. , J12.
NUTK Almonds. Ijill'c : Klmllsh walnuts , 101
12c : filberts. 12c ; Ilrazll nuts , lOc.
CID13H Pure Juice , per bbl. , } ; half bbl. , $3.25
HIDES No. 1 Rreen hides , 2tc ! ; No. 2 greet
hides , H iS2c : No. 1 green sailed hides. 3c ; No
2 grocn salted hides. 2ft2'ic ' : No. 1 green snltec
hides , 23 to 40 Ibs. . 3c ; No. 2 green ealtcd hides
2.1 to 40 Ibs. . 2S2'ic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to li
lb . , rilifiGc ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4iMUc
No. 1 dry flint hides. 5e ; No. 2 dry flint hides
3c ; No. 1 dry suited hides , 4c. Part cured hide :
V4c per Ib. less than fully cured.
SlinKP PKlVrS-Green sailed , each. 25'760o ' !
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins )
each. 5hic ! : dry shearlings ( short wooled wirl >
skins ) . No , 1 , each , SWIOc ; dry shearllnKS ( shor
wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry fllni
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells , pel
Ib. , Rclual weight , 5@8c ; murrain wool pelts , pei
Ib. . actual weight , 450o ; dry flint Coloradi
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4fi
C'/ip ; munnln wool pells , per Ib. , actual weight
4'U'Cc. Have feet cut off , as It Is useless lo pa )
freight on them.
TALI.OW AND GRBASK Tallow , No. 1 , 48
4Uc : tallow. No. 2. 3' < . ( ff3 > ic ; grease , white A
4ff4Vic ; grease , white H , SMiS'ttc ' ; grease , ye ]
low , 3c ; grease , dark. 24c ! ; old butter , 2W2'ic '
beeswax , prime , ISfflSo ; rough tallow , li Q2c.
St. I. "tils ( .onerul Murliot.
ST. LOUIS. July 23. FLOUR Lower ; patents ,
J2.C5K2.75 ; exlin fancy , J2.35ff2.45 ; fancy , J2.20JJ
2.25 ; choice , J1.SOJJ2.W.
WHBAT On buying ran up He early , bnl
weakened on foreign news , closing with n nel
loss of ? ; c ; No. 2 red , cash , 48 = ic ; July. 4SJ6c ;
August , 4Sc ; September. t3Mc ; December , 525tc.
CORN Gained l'.4Tf2Uc ( on weather nnd crof
news ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 39 > .4c ; July nnd August ,
40c ; Setcmbor | , 40TH'S41c ' ; May , 36 > .ic.
OATS Heavy eaily , but higher late with corn ;
No. 2 , cash and July , 27ic ; August , 27'ie ; Sep
tember , 27'ic.
RYK No. 2. 40c bid , 4lc asked.
HARLKY No trading.
1SRAN Steady ; Me , east track.
FLAX S10IOD-J1.17.
TIMOTHY SKUD-J4.COffll.70 for August.
HAY Slow , lower ; prime to choice timothy ,
S10.lKMfll.IK ) .
11UTTKR Firm ; fancy Klgln creamery , 19c ;
patator creamery , 1501Cc.
I'XIGS-FIrm nt 71ic.
LKAD Strong , J3.2V5c for spot.
SPKLTKR-Flimcr : J3.SO.
COHN MKAL } 2.20tt2.25.
WHISKY ? 1. 22.
IIAGClNG-Clillf7Uc. !
PROVISIONS-FIrm , o.ulct. Pork , standard
mess JobblriK. J13.00. Lard , prime to choice.
Blenm , Jii.CJ'iit.7i1.4. ' ! Dry salt meats , loose shoul
ders , JC ; longs and ribs , JQ.SO ; shorts , J0.i ! : > .
llacon. packed shoulders. J7.12V4 ; longs , 57.75 :
ribs. J7.S71r7.k7W ; Bhoils , JS.12'.i.
RKCKIPTS-Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat , 203,000
bu. ; corn. 131,000 bu.j oats. 50,000 bu.
SHIP.MKNTS-Flour , 7.000 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000
bu. ; coin , 73,000 bu. ; oats , 8,000 bu.
Liverpool Mur. < utN.
LIVKRPOOL , July 23.-WIII3AT-Q.ulct ; dc-
mand poor ; holders offer ficely ; No. 1 Cali
fornia. 43 VdiHft lOd : red westein winter , 4s Gdj )
t CH'l ! wcftein spring , 4s 'J'idQ4u ' 10''d.
CORN Film ; demand mmlcrate ; new mixed ,
epot , 3s Ulil.
1SAR1.KY California brewing. 23s Cclff25s M ,
Fl.OUR-Spilng. fs Gd.
PROVISIONS rivef. extra India mess , CSs Cd.
Pork , prime mess , 70s. llacon , long and short
clear , 5 : > Ibs. , Siis ; Ions clear , 45 Ibs. . 37s. Lard ,
prime western , 35s 9d ,
Diiliith llriiln itl.irkot.
DI'LUTH , July 23.-WHBAT-Closo : I jwer ;
No. 2 hard , cash nnd July , G7c ; No. 1 northem ,
? ash ami July , & 5'so , ; September , 5314CJ Decem-
.icr , 55'ic ; No. 2 noithein , cash. 62'.c ' ; No. 3 ,
IS'.ioi rejected , 42'ie ' ; to arrive , No. 1 norihein ,
> Ce.
Car Inspection toilay ; Wheat , 211 cars ; rc-
: clpts , UC.OW bu. ; ehlpments , wheat , IS , 700 bu.
Moving Influrnru In Atrhlsoii AVus the
Atclilson Ili > lfi iiro.
NEW YOItK , July 23. The moving Influ-
MI co of the share speculation today was the
llsclosuro In regard to the Atchlson , Topelca
i Santa Fe Itallroad company , resulting
! rom Expert Llttlo's examination of the com-
lany's accounts. According to his stateMents -
Monts , the Income of the company since the
ast reorganization , In 18S9 , has been over
rated Borne $7,000,000 by reason of the fact
hat rebates allowed to shippers were not
'ropcrly charged on the books. It seems that
> vcr ? 2,009,000 of these rebates have been
idjustcd , leaving something less than J5.000-
WO sllll unsettled and carried as floating
lebt. While the reba'e system was Inaugu-
ated by President Manvcl , It was continued
mder I'lesUlent Helnliart , wio has , as occa-
don permitted , lessened me amounts by
: harclng them off to operating expenses. The
ippolntmont of receivers necessarily resulted
n the bringing to light of the facts , as well
is causing a discontinuance of the rebate
In the London market today both stock
ind bonds of the company were depressed
> y the news and the publication In London
if the statement of Hobert Fleming , rcpre-
cn'utlvclitre ot the foreign security
mlders , that Little's report showed an earn-
n g capacity suHlclent to provide for the
Ixed charges under the proponed plan ot
corganlzutlon , had not the , effect of reslor-
ng the shaken confidence ot the foreigners
In the property , and not alone were I !
stock nnd bonds sold abroad , but both Lontl
and the continent cabled selling orders ;
this market and started the decline hei
Atchlton stock here has reached such a Ic
point Hint a serious decline would wipe
out altogether. It did break % per ccr
the closing price being nt a rally of Vi P
cent. The bonds were heavier and low (
the fours selling down 4 per cent to 7 ni
closing at 7 > ,4. and the seconds 2 % per cc
In 20 , with a final recovery lo 20V& .
The effect of the Atchlson discovery i
the general stock market was dlsastrot
nnd there was heavy selling of shares
other companies , under suspicion of ptirsuli
similar bookkeeping devices. A good do
of long stock was brought out and the ben
hammered the stocks In turn , which ga
evidence of weakness. The course of uric
wns practically downward , all Ihc forcnoi
nnd up to delivery hour , at which time Ml
sourl Pacific had declined 2 % per cent , 1)1
tilling Ivi per cent , St. I'mi I and Unit
Pacific 1 % per cent , Northwest , Ilock 1
land , Northen Pacific preferred and Dcnv
& Rio Orande preferred Hi per cent , Ilu
llngton & Qulncy nnd United States Leath
preferred 1 per cent , nnd the rest of the II
a smaller fraction , After 2:15 : o'clock the
was some covering of short contracts ni
the lower range of values Induced purchase
for the long account , which combined
bring about n recovery of ' ,4 to 1V4 per ccr
This rally was maintained to the close , c
ccpt lu a few Instances , Burlington & Qulnc
St. Paul , Iloclc Island , Missouri Pacific , Dl
tilling and Lend receding Vd per cent. Sugi
was the exception to the rest of the mark
nnd led In the transactions , monopollzli
more than one-half of the entire buslnca
Opening % per cent hlgnor , at 103 , tl
stock receded to 102 % , rose to 103Ui , brol
to lOl'/i. nnd then , about 11:30 : , took a shai
upward turn to lOH'.i on good buying , Induct
by reports that the tariff bill was likely
fall , leaving the McKlnlcy bill In force. 1
the final dealings , a reaction of % per cei
took place , but the tone ot the market i
the close wns strong.
The bond market was weak during tl
day nnd closed rather heavy.
The Evening Post says : Today's dotvi
ward movement of prices began with forelf
selling of Atchlson securities , for which the :
was unfortunately abundant reason. It hi
been long suspected that the secret of tl
Atchlson bubble-blowing of two and tun
years ago had not yet reached Its end.
The following were the closing quotation
on the leading stocks of the New York e >
change today :
list assessment paid.
The total sales of stocks today were 2H.M
shares , Including : Atchleon , 4,000 ; America
Sugar , 113,800 ; Hurllngton. 4,400 ; Chicago Oaf
9,001 } ; DistllllnB , 19.MO ; Missouri Pacific , 11,100
Northern Pacltle preferred , 4,290 ; Rock Islam !
3,100 ; St. Paul , 19,1)00 ; Union Pacific , 2,700 ; West
ern Union , 1,800. ,
Now York Money MiirKet.
Kasy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cenl ; close- -
1 per cent.
1-RIM13 MERCANTILE PAPER 305 percent
STERLING EXCHANGE Klrmer. with nctua
business In bnnkers' bills nt Jl.gSU0l.8S % fo
demand nnd nt ! 4.S7 > 4@4.87 ? > ( or sixty dnys
IHisted rates , SI.SSff4.S9 ; commercial bills , J.S > 6' .
GOVERNMENT EONDS Easier ; stale bonds
[ Ulll.
Ulll.Cloilng quotations on bonds were as follows :
ItoHton Stoclc OuotiitUms.
nOSTON. July 2i.-C.ill : lo.ini. me'J pjr cent :
tlino loiuiH , ' 'K 3 per cent. Uloslii ; prices foi
stocks , bonds and minium siniMs :
Sun I''r.iiiulMc Mining Oiiohitloni.
SAN FRANCISCO , July ' . ' : ) . The cloihu
luotntlonu for milling utou tu 1 ly wjrj ; u tjl -
Iowa :
Nuiv York Mlntni ; QnotittloiK.
NEW YOHK , July B3. The followini are the
: loulnu' mmniR iiuotitnoim :
I.iiiiilon Stock Mirkot. :
LONDON , July 23.-4 p. in , closlnjr :
TnuHOlH , iiiuntty. . St. Paul com OOU
: oiiHolH , iicu'nl. . . . N. Y. Central 100H
Zamdlaii Pacific. . . oou I'einmylvanla Dim
Krlu 13K llcaillns. . , bM
Krio'Jds 76W Mux. Con. nu\v4s. B4i
Ills. Central 03 Muxican onllnary. Ibtt
nARSILVEU-'JSKd per ounco.
MON1JY-/ / : cent.
The ram of discount In the open market for short
IH IK H per cent , and for thit'O monthb' bllla In
11-11) ) percent.
HOSTON. July 23.-ClearlriBS , Jll,37S,058j bal-
.ncoH , J1.I73,3J4.
I1AI.TIMORH. July 23.-Cleai1ni { . J1.747.C32 ;
lalanccs , J2J3.234.
LONDON , July 23. The price of gold nt Rucnot
lyres today Is 274 ,
Ni\V ; YORK. July 23.-Clenrlnes , J50.C92.225 ;
mlances , $3.SCO , US.
PARIH , July 23. Three per cent rentes , 101 f
2 > ic for the account.
PHILADELPHIA. July 23.-Clearlnes , 17,537-
II ; balances , 1,710,017 * ,
MlIMI'lllH , July 23. New York exchnnKo rel-
ni ; nt II. Clearings , Jlb9,122 ; balances , JS7.119.
CINCINNATI , July 23. Money , 385 per cent.
'ew Yoik exchange , 453 to pur. Clearings ,
; .2'9.7W.
BAN FRANCISCO , July 23. Drafts , slKht. lOo ;
L-leKtuphlc. 15c. silver bars , 6 iC2Hc. Mexican
ollnrii , 51t5HjC.
UT. LOUIB. July EJ.-Clearlnt-s , J3.319.149 ; bnl-
nce , J3t'7,53J. ' Money quiet , iy7 per cent.
: xchunKe on New York , par bid.
NK\V ORLEANS , July 23.-Clearlngs. JM8.321.
'ew York eichaiige. commercial , f > 0c per J1W 3
ri'inturn ; tank , Jl.iS per Jl.lKO pruntum.
CH1CAQO , July . CIartnKs , JU.559.000. New
'orU exchange. 0o premium , titerllne exchange ,
ull ; actual , JLI7U and JI.6S'i. ' Money ratci ,
tf per cent. . . . . .
, i.
Slight Gain Notetf iu ? Reoetpta for the Pii
- , , . > _
Not rnoitcli llcrn""to"T ' t llio Tcnrppr
the Trmle Umlrr ' ( ! rudrn Slow Sulo
Hoj { In Ootnl Supply nnil
I'lvo Cents I.ourr.
MONDAY , July 23 ,
The week opens with a gain In the i
cclpis of both cattle and hogs , there bel
In round numbers 900 cattle , -1,000 hogs a
820 sheep , as against C61 cattle , 1.CS5 hoi
and COG sheep on Monday of last week.
CATTLE While the receipts of call
amounted to nbout 000 head , fourteen loa
were billed direct to the packers nnd the
could not have been many over COO he
on sale. Out of this number there we
only n few good corn fed beeves , so that
very fair test of the strength of the marli
was possible. The packers wanted a f <
cattle , and bought them at an ndvnnco
fully lOc nnd IBc. The feeling on the mark
was decidedly better. The shippers , howevi
were not trying to do anything , nlthoui
eastern markets appeared to be more favc
able ,
The market on butchers' stock did n
show any change of Importance. There w
a good deal of trashy stuff , which Is sellli
very low and Is slow sale at most any prlt
There nppcarcd to bo a little more liio.ul
for the better grades. The market on calv
was no better , being slow nnd weak at lu
week's decline.
The market on stockers and feeders w
very slow. There were no fresh receipts
any account and the offerings were most
those In the hands of the regular dealei
The country demand seems to have sudden
disappeared , nnd the dry weather Is gene
ally the cause ascribed. The few cattle th
changed hands brought about Saturday
prices. Good to choice cattle of this dcscrl
tlon are generally quoted at about $2.70 to 5
while the commoner grades sell anywhe
from $2.50 down. Representative sales ;
No. Av. Pr. .No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi
22. . . . 961 J2 35 22..1U18 J3 80 39..1101 JI V.
2. . . . MO 325 S ) . . . . OSS 390 23..132- ; I V ,
1..1080 365 11..13SO 420 20..121S 44 ;
1. . . . 750 I 00 1. . . . ! > 40 1 25 1. . . . 840 1 50
r , . . . . 900 1 10 2. . . . 950 1 33 7. . . . 710 1 K
1. . . . 800 110 G. . . . 763 150 1. . . . 910 200
6. . . . 913 1 IS 10. . . . 7(51 ( 1 M 1..122. ) 223
3. . . . SCO 115 1. . . . C40 1 M 3..1140 2 K
2. . . . 303 1 10 1. . . . COD 1 45 1. . . . 740 1 C.
2. . . . 375 1 10 . - . . . 457 1 45 1. . . . 7SO 1 C3
322 1 2) ) 8. . . . 8S5 1 M 3. . . . 800 1 7.
"M 1 23 7. . . . S10 1 C3 2. . . . C70 1 75
500 1 23
1. . . . 210 100 1. . . . ZOO 175 1. . . . 300 200
4. . . . 210 1 m 3. . . . 2.V ) 175 1. . . . 1.W 223
1. . . . SM 1 0' ) 1. . . . 330 2 00 2. . . . 220 2 DO
3. . . . 110 1 60 2 2JO 2 00
1. . . . 950 1 00 1. . . . MI ) 1 40 n. . . . 7CO 1 80
1..12IO 1 23 I.e.:1150 1 50 1. . . . 9W 2 00
1..1110 1 35
2. . . . 5S5 ISO 3. . . . 4M 2 00 15. . . . a' , " 223
8. . . . 440 200 3. . . . 603 200 4. . . . 703 230
1. , . . 659 200 22. . . . Mil 203 3..77C 230
12. . . . C23 20i ) 1. . . . CM 210 23. . . . E42 245
1. . . . 430 2 00 3. . ' . . f ) 2 20
No. Av. Pr.t - No. Av. Pr.
15 bulls 1033 Jl 45 13 caws 840 J2 00
1 heifer 4V ) 1 W 2 calves. . . . . 190 210
13 cws & hfs. S20 2 33 18 feeders. . . . 943 2 09
HOGS For a Monday the receipts of hog
were quite liberal ! bul the quality was IK
overly good. T..o liberal receipts , nnd tli
prospect of still heavier to come , had tli
reverse of a stimulating effect upon the mm
ket nnd buyers started out from the firs
offering EC lower than on Saturday. Ther
was a pretty fair ; demand , and the marki
was reasonably active , the. bulk of the hog
selling 'at'7the ' decline noted."The ' latctrt
ports from eastern , .markets proving favoi
able , the active demand had a strengthen ! ) !
effect upon the market and the close wa
firmer , the highest prices being paid at th
last. Nearly everything sold nt $4.70 t
$4.75 , with a $4,85 top. The most popula
price wns $4.75 , as against $4.8
on Saturday. The present week open
with the market lOc to 16c .ower than I
was at the opening of last week. Reprc
sentatlve sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sir. Pr.
4 393 . . . 4 M ) SO 209 80 4 75
. . . . . . . . 3M 4 fie R9 193 100 4 75
. . . . . . . . 120 4 G3 66 23S 80 4 75
40 222 240 4-B3 92 205 fO 4 75
3 310 . . . 470 90 215 210 475
4 220 40 470 05 212 1C1 175
C Id . . . 470 03 2S3 10) 475
4 l-lO . . . 470 07 23S 201 473
12. , 273 . . . 4 70 OS 21(1 ( 00 4 75
4. . 29) . . . 470 73 237 2SO 475
1 230 . . . 470 77 233 200 473
4 M ) . . . 4 70 71 218 80 4 75
5 320 . . . 4 70 44 207 100 4 75
87 177 120 4 70 73 227 120 4 75
70 227 240 4 70 SO 211 120 4 75
07 210 240 4 70 77 2M RO 4 73
78 207 210 4 70 73 213 SO 4 73
DO 205 100 470 11 237 . . . 475
C 231 . . . 470 39 211 2W 475
71 239 240 4 70 73 237 ICO 4 75
78 - 24 200 4 70 15S 20" 320 475
79 Wl ) 100 4 70 CO 2SO 120 4 75
93 170 100 470 75 2JO 100 475
01 243 120 4 70 72 217 200 4 75
S3 212 200 4 70 6 170 . . . 4 75
84 175 2' 470 77 197 SO 473
8 2SS . . . 470 03 251 10) 475
70 230 240 4 70 03 222 12) 4 75
61 ISO 120 4 72'i 87 215 SO 4 73
81 231 2SO 4 TlVi 70 22ii 80 4 75
, . . . . . . . . 100 4 72'i ' 71 23S 80 4 73
12 H9 4' ' ) 4 72'.i ' 71 237 SO 4 76
09 233 100 4 72'i 5 298 . . . 473
70 223 200 4 73 4 210 . . . 4 73
ft ) 245 40 4 75 70 222 2 > W 4 75
? 2 231 ICO 4 75 S3 230 120 4 77V
10 200 . . . 4 75 CO 305 . . . 4 77V
24 233 . . . 473 74 310 SO 477V
D 218 80 4 75- 61 211 SO 4 80
09 230 201 4 73 63 249 . . . 4 80
57 200 SO 475 M = 73 40 480
75 227 2.SO 4 73 07 230 100 4 SO
53 198 80 4 75 63. , 210 . . . 4 85
. . . . . . . . 100 4 CO
SHEKP One-half of the receipts of sheet
today were billed direct to n local packer
For the balance the demand was very Ugh
and buyers and sellers were very wldi
ipart In their Ideas , so much so that then
was no trading. Fair to good natives an
luotnble nt $2.7B3.10 ; fair to good westerns
52.252.75 ; common nnd stock sheep. $1.7CQ (
2.25 ; good to choice lambs , $2.50@3.7C.
our CAOO LIVI ; sro o it.
Much Compel Ion AVns novclopr-d for Cuttli
on YoHtrrjluy'8 Murkot.
CHICAGO , July 23. There were nbout 11XX (
: attle , of which 2OM were credited to Texas ,
For native catlle the knarkct varied from stronc
lo 15o hlKher , It , wn. rather slow early , lull
soon developed a natlBfactory degree of activity ,
ivhlclt It maintained to the close. Exporters ,
? aslern buyers nmr 'fi" local trades were nil
looking for Htock. 4rul > there was more compel ! '
lion of thu kind that Incllnua prices upward tlmr
'ma ' been seen for pinne days. In useful shipping
; rndc8 about nil orjilAsl1 week's decline was re.
; overed. and the poorer sorts are not far be-
trlnd. Texas cnttloTWcrc not salable at nny ad.
mce , Uuycrs areCl'H'RInif ' for liberal arrival !
this week , and are Imldlns oft for n rise. Tin
\rrlvals Included a .train of thirteen cars ol
Montana cattle. They were choice , and It wnf
ihouitht they would : sellclose , to K per 100 Ihu ,
Moat of th ( day's mipnly was brought up b >
loon , nnd the close wn nrm.
Fur n couple of imQlVIn the mornlns the ho
narket was veri Mtsatsfactory | to sellers ,
lluyers held back and deemed bent upon KctllnK
: he sturf'below Hatiirdtiv's prices. Some of the
? nrly sales were made ut a small reduction , nnil
t looked nH though there might be n general
lecllne , b it ns the nurnjMK wonon the demand
ncrensed , and before. 9 o'clock all signs of weak
ness disappeared.STln * -receipts , which at tlrsl
, reru estimated nt ifW'ij ' 28,000 to 30,000 , turned
> ut to bo In the nelgftborhood of 31.000 , but the
irarkct grew stronger- nevertheless , and any
Ilrne after about J o'clock nveracred nbout Be
* ller than for Saturday , The close wns active
md slrong. The llRht hogs were brisk and Ihc
x'st sorts were iruoliM nt J5.I5. Choice heavy
mid nround J5.20.
The sheep and lamb markets were without
lotcworthy change. The former were iiuoled quid
It from J1.25 to J3.60 for Inferior to extra , niul
lales of the latter were on n basis of J2.75W4.CO ,
; ' 'ew sheen chanced hands at better limn J3.23 ,
md from Jl to J4.41 took the bulk of the lambs ,
RECEIPTS C.ittle , ll.COO head ; calves , 300
lead ; IIOKH , 34,100 head ; sheep , 7WO ( head.
The Evenlnr Journal reports ;
HOQH Estimated receipts for today , 33.000
lead ; Saturday , 13,133 head ; shipments Saturday ,
; , & 00 head ; left over , about 2.00) head ; iiuallty
mor. Market nctlvo and firm ; best itrudes
mixed n shadn hlKher , Sales ranged at JI.90CT
.20 for light , Jl.C51t4.S3 for rough packing , JI.73
/5.10 for mixed , Jl.90fi3.20 for heavy packing
md shipping lots ; piKs. JI.1004.SO.
CATTLK-RccclptK. 11.000 head ; Saturday , 371
icad ; shipments Huumliy. 2.757 head. Market
Inn : best erode * . HflOo hlKh r.
SHEEP Receipts toduy , 7,000 head ; Saturday ,
, U7 head ; shipments Saturday , none. Market
Irm ; best grades , MilOo higher.
Kuniiis City U * tituoic Market.
KANSAS CITY. July -CATTLC-Recelpts. .
, W ) hc4 ; ihlumtnts , 8.MW head ; market ilul' (
nnd steady to Ifle lower : Tcxnn uteers. JZ.1
3.23 ; b rf ulrcr * . 3rHTM. . 5 ; native town , Jl.r
J.20 ; itwktrs nnd ffflns , J2.VMf3.KI.
HOUR llrcoliiln , 3,000 hcail ; shipments , t
head ; market steady to itrunRl hulk of .ilc
JI.WiM.90 ; heavlcf. JI.KOlVOO ; pAckers , JI.CK
.00 ; mixed , J4.fOff4. ( & ; llRhts , ( l.701(1.W ( ; pit
HlniP : : Ilecclpts , 800 In ad ; shipments , nan
mnrkct steady , . .
.St. I.oul * l.ivn Stock Miirlint
RT. I.Ol'ia. July I3.-CATTI. , ! ; lUcelrMii. t , '
hfad ; uhlpmenH , 800 head. Miukct dull , utrai
Rcncmlly : native KMB , I , Zoo lb . , 13.70 ; row
: .l2'tff.25 ' ; Te.xns iterrii. WW1,200 ! ! ) ! . , J2.JO
3.10 : cmvfl nnd heifers. Jl.MfJJ. 15.
llOdH Receipt * , 2,300 bend ; shipment * , I , "
head. Mnrlipt active , 5c hlKher ; good medlu
weights , $ J.Wirf > .10 ; KIMU ! light , Ji.00i75.10 ; rout
nnil common , JI.25Jfl.T5.
H1IKKP Iteoolptu , 3uo head ; shipments , 1
head , Mnrkct dull , without change.
Now York I.lvo .Stuck Mnrkut.
NH\V YOltK. July 23. HKtJVKS-IlecelpI
3.700 head. Mnikct active , lOc higher ; nail' '
steerK , Kond tu prime , JI.C5WI.J5 ; medium
fair. JI.3Atf4.G5 ; common. $ J.60fCl. ) .
SIIKHI' AND I.AMllS-llccolpts , 20. MO hea
Matkrt fairly active ; sheep , sh.idu firmer ; KOI
Innilm , HP higher : others Meady ; nhcep , poor
Rood , J1.tiOi73.2jj lanihii , very common to chole
J3. ) < i.23.
HOaS-Itccrlpts , 6.100 bend. Mnikct hlghe
Inferior to choice , Jj.M3G.00.
MlniiriipolU Wtll'ilt MnrUet.
MIN.S'KAPOLIS. July 23. Wheat declined n
iiioul 2c this mottling , reacted lie nnd clnsi
weak nnd unsettled. July , 6Sc ; Hepteinher , 02
nrccmher , r > 5 < ic ; No. 1 hind , f > 9c ; No. 1 northei
fiTlJe ; No. 2 not them , tsiie. Th s makes only
decllno on July , hut I'i * ' on nil other ftitur
nnd on cnnli wheat , Hi'celpls Were 1S4.920 hu
shipments , 41,1)20 bu. The I a rue receipts nt i
points , nn liierensc In the vlnlhlc supply , ni
wcnk nnd easier cables \\erc the enures of t !
decline. With the lurco iei5oliitn comliii ; nnd II
larKO slocks of old whenl en hand , buyers we
ncrMiun nbout inn It I UK nny new purchniMnK en
tracts In order to pimtn n the mnikel. No vci
large lines of whenl wore oltercd for pule , n
IhoUKli some fair amounts cnme on the nmrkc
and under such nITrtlnKS Ihc matltel bloke ens
On Ihc other hand. If there had boon nny denial
for InrKu lines much of tac break wntild 1m' '
been raved , bul buyelHwere nlmnst coinptete
out of Ihc market for anything el. e than f <
local oiieralorn , who were buylni ; for a turn i
nffalrs n fraction only.
The flour maikel wni easy In iiytnpiitliy wl !
wheat , and prices yielded n lltllelth paten
offered nt 13 20f3. and bakers nt J2.H-I02. :
The estimated production WIIH alxnit 20,00' ' ) 1)1)1
for Ihc day. Shipments were 41.0S2 bbls.
Clneimmt !
CINCINNATI. July 23. KI.OUII Slow , cas ;
fancy , J2.35O2.50 ; family. S2.OOJI2.10.
Wl I HAT Lower ; N.I. 2 red , ISffWSc ; receipt
7S'X ' ) bu. ; shipment * , 4.MO hu.
COHN Slrnily ; No. 2 mlxfd , < l'ic. '
OATS Pair demand : No. 2 , S2VJC.
UYi : Dull ; No. 2 , 40c.
PUOVISIONS Poik , fair demand. Lard , fa
demand ; JC.70. Hulk meals , moderate doniaiu
J7. Itaeoii , steady ; } S.2."i.
WHISKY Good drmand ; rules , Ii71 bbls. i
1IUTTKH Strong ; fancy Ulgln creamery , 19. .
2'c ' ; dairy , 12c.
SlUlAlt Steady.
KliCIS SUiw , easy ; 8'ie. '
Cllii.SU : : llalely steady ; prime to choice Oh
Hat , 7j8c.
Nn\v York Dry < niuln Alnrkrt.
NEW YOIUC. July 23. lluslness has turned on
much boiler than wus piornlped nt thu operrln
of the matkct. The demand for southern mm
kets hns been quickened l > y the prorpecttve ail
vnnce In freluhlH , nnd weslern buyers woic we !
represented. The largest icauestui for brow
nnd bleached coltons , printed fiibHcs , dies
goods , cotton flannels nnd sllkx. Woolen good
wele In good delivery on oidcrs for heav
weights , but Bluing goods were wholly Inactive
Priming clolhs were steady nt 2jc , with u fill
business In sixty-four miuarcs and odd.
Cotton .Market.
N13W OULRANS , July 23. COTTON Easy
sales , C.50 bales ; reculpls , 1,024 bales
slock , 4G.82G bales. Kuluics , slendy ; p.ils , 27if ]
bales ; July. $8.73 bid ; AiiKUst JC.JSjiii.W ; '
ST. LOUIS , July 23.-COTTON-Steady ; mid
dlliiB. 7Vic ; sales , 200 Imles ; lecclpts , 2')0 ' bales
shipments , 300 bales ; stock , 29.SOJ bales.
IVorht itlnrUetH.
PEORIA , July 23. CORN Active and higher
No. 2. 43c ; No , 3 , 43V4c.
OATS Active , easier ; No. 2 white , 3GV4c ; nev
No. 2 white , S2'ic ; No. 3 white , S3o ; new No.
white , aiff.'lHic.
RYE Nothing doing.
WHISKY I'll in ; hliili wine basis , J1.22.
RECEIPTS Coin , 65,450 bu. ; oats , 18,300 bu.
rye , l.SOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , I6.G50 bu. ; oats , SC,30 <
bu. ; rye , none.
KitiiHitH City AlurltPts.
KANSAS CITY , July 23. WHEAT V4c lower
No. 2 hard , Ilu ; No. 3 hard , 42iffl3o : No. 2 red
41Jl'lc ; No. 3 red , 43RI4c ; rejected , 398 lie.
CORN-Hc higher ; No. 2 mixed , 35',4036c ; No
2 white , S'jJflOc.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 25iB2C'iC ! ' ;
No. a while , nominally 30c.
HOTTER Weak ; crearneiy , Hfl5c ; dairy ,
EGGS Firm nnd active ; G'.Je.
VUlblo Supply of ( > rnln.
NEW YORK , July 23. The visible supply 01
grain Saturday , July 21 , as complied by the Ne\\
Yory Produce exchange , Is us follows :
Wheat , 53,772.000 bu. ; Increase , 617,000 bu. : corn
3.649,000 bu. ; decrease , 2SS.OOO bu. ; oats , 13.3,2,001
bu. ; decrease , 373,000 Lu. ; rye. 2C8.000 bu. ; In
crease , 12.0UO bu. ; barley , 92,000 bu. ; Increase ,
3,000 bu.
Oil Mnrkfts.
OIL CITY , Pa. , July 23. National Transit cer
tificates opened nt 83'i ; highest , 83'i ' : lowesl.
83V4 : closed , 83'i ; shipments , 144,129 bbls. ; lulls ,
1G0.210 bblB.
PITTSHURG , Pa. , July 23. National Tiansll
cerllflcnles opened nt S3Vi ; closed at S3U ; high
est , 83U ; lowest , S3V4 ; no sales.
Supur Jlnrkct.
NEW YORK , July 23. SUGAR Raw , dull
nnd easier ; fair refining , 2 ll-16e ; centrifugal , SC
test , 3Hc ; sales , none ; refined , dull ,
LONDON , July 23. SUGAR Cane , very dull ;
centrifugal , Java , 13s 3d ; Muscovado , fair refin
ing , lls 9d.
Milwaukee Wlicut.
MILWAUKEE , July 23. A lot of 10.00 } bu.
of No. 2 ( prlng wheat In store wns today sold
on 'change for 60c the lowest figure ever
reached In this market.
KlRln Untlor AlnrltPt.
ELGIN , 111. , July 23. 11UTTER Acllvc : sales ,
lO..W Ibs. at ISc , 8.SUO Ibs. at IS'.ic , 2,700 Ibs ,
'Frisco Win-lit .Mnrknt. .
SAN FRANCISCO , July 23.-WHEAT-Q.ulet ;
December , 99u ; May , Jl.Oi ; new sellers , 93c.
Wool .Market.
ST. LOUIS , July 23. WOOL Firm nt recent
Sea the performing lions aft. and eve.
Courtlnnd beach today.
WKATIlKlt 1-UHKV.tiiT.
Local Itiilns unit Cooler In KiiBtcrn No-
ImixUii Toihiy.
WASHINGTON , July 23. The Indications
for Tuesday are ; For Nebraska Local
rains ; cooler In the eastern portions ; varia
ble. winds.
For lown Fair , except showers In the
northwest portion ; warmer In the eastern ,
cooler In the western portion ; winds shiftIng -
Ing to west.
For South Dakota Fair ; cooler In the
eastern portion.
For Missouri Fair : warmer In the south
ern portion ; south winds.
For Kansas Fair ; cooler ; variable winds.
l.ooul Record.
July ' . ' ; ) . Omihi ; : record ot tomnonituro and
ritnfulluomKirod : | with corresponding day ol
past four years ;
18D4. 1803. 1R02. 1801.
Maximum tomuerattiro 00 = 02 ? 100 = H0 =
Minimum luintiuruiuro. 073 < " > 'J = 70 = Cfl =
Avurairo tomuoratiiro. . B'J = HU = > 003 70 =
I'rcolpltution . 01) .00 .00 .00
Stiktomutit showing thu comlHlou ot tom-
poruturoaiid prouipltatlou at Om.iltu tor tlm
day and ainco .March 1 , IS'Jl :
Normal tciiiiiariituro. . . . 773
Kxcoss for the duy . & =
K.vcess since Muruh 1 . . . 3.8U3
NnrmtilpriiRlnltutlon . IB Inch
Dofluloncy for tlm duv . 15 Inch
Deflcltmuy since Murou 1 . , . 10,07 Inuliut ,
Hcports from Otlinr Ktiitliiim ut H P. 31 ,
i. " Indlciilea trucu of r.iln.
CKOUOK K. HUNT , Local Forecast OnlclU
Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne
ma a delicious uroma. It Is perfectly pure
md naturally fermented ,
Two distinct "hows at Courtland beach
today the Koparda and lloiu , . ,
Hot Weather
DURING THESE DOG DAYS we are oiToring- our en
tire stock at RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES , so muoh
so , that it will pay you to PURCHASE NOW any
thing1 that you may need in the house-furnishing
line. Never were goods SO CHEAP and prions will
three carloads of choice Furniture , Carpets and
Stoves , which were bought at about 50 PER CENT
ONTHE LLARand , _ which we will sell , BEGINNING
TOMORROW , at less than manufacturer's cost. For
want of space , ONLY A FEW of the many bargains
are named below :
$25 Dedrocm Suits , for. . . . . . $13.75 G5c Ingrain Carpet , for 32c
$3.00 Bedsteads , for ? 1-28 $1.00 Urusscls Carpet , for 67o
$3.GO Mattresses , for $ 1-G3 $7.50 rortlcres , for $ 3.76
$2.50 Springs , for 90 $2.50 Lace Curtains , for $ 1.25
GOc Chairs , for 29c $1.50 Comforts , for 75c
$22.50 Sideboards , for $13.75 $1.00 Pillows , for HOc
$10.00 Uookcases , " for $ E.25 $12.50 Cook Stoves , for $ 7.45
$35.00 Parlor Suits , for $10.50 $15.00 Dinner Sets , for $ G.75
$15.00 Couches , for $ 7.90 $1.00 Toilet Sets , for $ 1.93
$1.00 Center Tables , for $ 1.75 $3.50 Lamps , for $ 1.G5
$12.50 Wardrobes , for $ C.7G $1.00 KocUers , for $ 1.85
$14.00 Folding Beds , for $ ' 7.85 $ lfi.OO Chcftonlerj , for $7.35
$12.50 Uaby Carriage ! , for. . $ C.S5 $7.50 Extension Tables for 3.GO
$8.50 Ice Boxes , for $ 4.1)0 ) $4.50 Kitchen Safes , for $ 2.88
$12.50 Itefrlgerators , for $ C.87 $10.00 Buffets , for $ 3.50
$5.00 Gasoline Stoves , for $ 2.C5 $13.60 Hall Hacks , for * 6.75
Tenifio Headosd Oollison on the Big Fou
the Result.
rirenmn mid Two Trumps Instantly Klllci
and the Engineer Injured Ho Hint Ho
Wilt rrobubly Ulo Without Ile-
lllC Able to Explain.
CINCINNATI , July 23. There was n head
end collision on the Cleveland , Cincinnati
Chicago & St. Louis at GrlMUhs station , lit
teeu miles from this city , at 7 o'clock till
morning. Three were killed and ten In
Jured. The killed arc :
FRANK TAYLOR , fireman , of Indianapolis
The Injured are :
Engineer Hart , may die.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrlll of the Cleveland
Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis passcngei
J. B. Lucas of Aurora , Ind.
W. D. Howcll , postal clerk.
EUvood Hopper , secretary Latonla Jockey
George Grlfllth , clerk Board ot Education ,
J. K. Jenkins , mall clerk , Cincinnati ,
knees bruised.
Warren J. Lynch , chief clerk to Tralllc
Manager McCurinlck , Hllght bruises.
I'orter French , colored , cut on head ,
John 1'rlce , Judge at Latonla race track ,
heml bruised.
Grntz Hnnlcy , secretary Kentucky line-
Ing. association , Lexington , Ky. , head
Engineer Driver , Fireman Lnmiirlennd
Ilrnkeman Miller were hot hurt. They
went on with their train as usual.
The express from Chicago , due hero at
7:30 : , was on time , but the St. Louis ex
press , which runs on five minutes ahead ol
the Chicago Incoming train , was an hour
late. At Grllllths a light engine was run
ning down to the gravel bank In charge ol
Engineer Hart. He forgot his orders.
Knowing the St. Louis express was late ho
pulled out and was met by the Chicago ex
press. Hart will die probably , not being
able to tell how ho made the mistake In
orders. Ills fireman , Frank Taylor of In
dianapolis , was killed outright. Charles
Sherman and another tramp who were stealIng -
Ing a ride , were also killed. There arc ten
wounded besides the engineer , none fatally
except the engineer.
Th postal cars of the Chicago express were
damaged. The rest of the train was brought
Into this city. No passengers were seriously
Injured. The engineer and fireman of the
express train saved themselves by jumping.
The two tramps killed were stealing their
way on the postal cars. There were KCVCII
postal clerks at work In the cars. Al
though the shock was greatest on their cars
J. B. Lucas and W. D. Ilowell of Jackson ,
0. , are the only two reported badly hurt ,
the others having narrow escapes. HowcH's
wrist was broken. The Injured are being
cured for at the hosplta In this city.
A Cur fur Clironlu Diarrhoea.
I had been troubled with chronic diar
rhoea for over a year when I received a
small botle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used and It
gave me great relief. I then procured a
50-ccnt bottle and took about two-thirds ot
It , and was cured. I havu taken some twice
since when I had a loosness come on and It
stopped It at once. I hope It will help
others as It helped mo. I feel very thankful
to Mr. Stearns , the druggist , for telling me
of this remedy nnd shall be glad to have
this letter published. B. C. Weeks , Melrose ,
Mass. For sale by druggists.
Two distinct ehows at Courtland beach
today the leopards and lloni.
Kxplorliig Ihu Count of I.OMK Island.
GARDINER'S HAY , L. I. , July 23. The
crack ships ot the North Atlantic squadron ,
the cruisers San Fraucleco and New York ,
bearing the naval mllHIa , anchored here ,
seven miles from Grcenport , this forenoon.
A beautiful afternoon , foggy night and a
smart easterly blow this morning were the
conditions , The divine- service was con
ducted on the New York at 10:30 : a. m.
by Chaplain Phillips. lu the alter-
Operate Nuc'cmsfnlly InViill Street through
our Ca-Opcr tivo 1C. It. Stock Syndicate. "
Dividends paid up to Juno ICth , 1894. as fol
lows :
Vercmlicr , ISO'J , 'J'J per cent. A'et
January , IH'Jl ,
Frbruai'U , "
April , " 14
M U , " is
June , " 11
thus making 10) per cent , earned anil paid In
six months. Prospectus glUng dclallcd Informa
tion of our plnn mailed free on application.
Illfhest references.
< O.Mi cKur.U CJniln
llrolirrt , 41 llroitdwuy , Now Tork
Commission Merchant
Prlvale wires to Chlcneo and New Yoik. All
builncm ordcn placed UD Chicago IJoird ot
Correspondence solicited.
Office , mom 4 , Now York Lira Dulldlnf
Telephone IMS
noon four boat crews were sent to cxploro
the adjacent coast with a view of familiariz
ing themselves with the surroundings In case
of the possibility of future defense. They
have provisions for the night and will re
turn In the morning.
TlinimiH ( ! . I'lattViintH Antl-Tiinimniiyltos
to ICIi'Ct it Itcpiilillciin Muyor.
NEW YORK , July 23. In an Interview
Thomas G. I'latt pronounced against a
straight ticket and In favor of a union of all
forces opposed to Tammany rule , though he
Insists the head of the ticket must bo a re
Mr. IMatt says : "I have never said that I
was In favor of a straight republican ticket
this fall , and as a matter of fact , I think
all those elements of our citizenship which
are opposed to the present government of our
city ought to get together and make a ticket
that would be generally satisfactory. I liava
said again that the head of any such ticket
must be a republican , To that I adhere. We
have tried the experiment of electing reform
democrats here and It docs not work. The >
Invariably come to forget that they were
elected to bring about a revolution In the con <
duct of municipal affairs , and the Idea that
sooner or later possesses them Is that they
must take care of the national democratic
party. They want to bo good , but only eo
far as Is consistent with the success of the
democratic state and national tickets. Their
acts are performed with one cyo fixed on
Albany and the other on Washington , and
nona at all on the welfare of this city. Re
publicans have hud all the experience ot
that sort they want. The demand for a re
publican candidate for mayor , a republican
who thoroughly represents his party , IB uni
versal among republicans and In a sine qua
non of the combination.
An Intcruiitliiff Letter llilvli Npeiiks fur
LOVEVILLE , St. Mary's Co. , Md. , Juno
IS , 1SUI. I have handled Charnberlaln'a
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
the past year. It gives the best ot satin-
faction to my customers. I received an order
last week for four buttles of the remedy ( rum
a man residing sixteen miles from my place.
Today I received u letter from him , stating
Unit It has saved the liven of two mem
bers ot his family. An eld gentleman here ,
who has suffered two years With diarrhoea ,
was permantntly cun-d by this remedy. Ho
can now do us much work as any man of his
ago. I could mention other remarkable ,
cures , but the Remedy will show for Itstelt
It tried. B. Lave. ° & and CO-ccnt bottles for
eale by druggists.
Till ; lli.VI.TV : MAIUUM' .
INSTRUMENTS placed on record July 23 ,
1891 :
J A IlJrljiicli nnil wlfu lo t ! 1 ! Malmalen ,
part of lul II , lil nit C , llj.lucli'H 2nd mlJ.J CW
F A riilllco uml wlfit lu n A HvLlienl. lot
&l , Muck 2 , lloff.iiiin Toraco 409
John Urlcksou anil wife la I1' A I'lillleo ,
Bamtj U9
C II ( to dun llwIlL'k , lit * 3 to ( , and
II to 2't , 1'ruyn'n culxllv In lIvOo path , , . . I
0 (1 1'lnhcr niul iv if ii tu Jolm McAiillf , ne
and H nw 31-10-11 , 12,000
1 N 1'kTcu ami wlfu tu William and KOBU
lledle , lot 13 , block 2 , 1'lerco'i mtxllY COO
Total amount of transfers