IHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 9-18. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JULX.22 , ISOtl-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE GENTS. Wash Dress Goods. * Wash dress goods arc going fast at Hayden Bros. Have you seen the crowds attending thi § sale the past week ? Still further reductions. This will be the last weelc of the big sale ; we invoice July 3 rst ; take advantage of the low prices. 32 inch wide silk stripe zeph yrs on sale Monday at 150 yd. Choice of all our fine impor ted double width duck suiting Choice of over 50 different styles in Japonette ; Haydens is the only house that have them ; isc yd. Mousseline de India , all back ! ground , reduced to 150 yard. Mousseline de Saline sa1 in stripes now at Haydens locyd. 32 inch wide printed organ dies IDC yd. 32 inch wide finest printed dimities reduced to IOG yd. Choice of all our fast b'ack lawns , they come in satin stripes and plaids , lace strip : s , etc. , a large line to pick from , now selling at loc yd. All domestic cluck suitings loc yd. Pacific jackonet and organ die lawns reduced at Haydens to 50 yd. They come in lighter or dark grounds. 32 inch wide canton cloths 5C yd- See our remnants tab'es of wash goods at 2l,4c and SG yd. You never saw such values as are now given by Hayden Bros , in wash dress goods de partment , all in order to reduce stock before invoicing. Linens and Domestics. t Closing1 out bed spreads. Look ov r our prices and com pare ; 4c , 5QC , 65c , 750 , 850 , 95c , $ i , $1.25 and $1.50 each. Look over our special bar gain in towels , 50 , IOG , 150,190 and 250 each. Get our prices on table linen and napkins ; we beat them all and can give you the largest stock to select from. Twilled and huck toweling and 40 yd. See the toweling we are showing at toe , Fancy striped fast colors of Turkish toweling loc yd. worth 250. i5c grade of English flan nelette 50 yd. White shaker flannel 5c yd. White wool mixed flannel 12 J/aC yd. LL yard wide brown muslin 40 yard. Yard wide bleached muslin 5s yd- 5-4 bj-own pillow casing 8 J c yard. 42 inch pillow casing , bleach ed , 7 c yd. Full standaid dress prints SG yd. Choice of all our domestic and imported yard wide per cale 6c yd. Fine zephyr gingham locyd. Striped and checked seer sucker 3-ic yd. Crinkled seersucker 50 yd. Linen finished zephyr in dress patterns of 10 yards each for 850 a pattern. If you want to save money there is no place like Haydens. We are letting down the prices inorder to red uce stock before invoicing. Dress Linings. All co'ors ' in best cambrics lie yd. I5C grade percahne ioc yd. All colors in silesia ioc , 150 and 2oc yd. Hair cloth , crinoline , collar and belt canvas , padding and wadding , in fact anyth ing you may want you can find in our lining department the largest in the west. Wall Paper. Closing out odd patterns of wall paper at your own price. "Wrappers and Waists. 25 dozen ladles' percale waists that are worth & 0o and 7 Bo , tomorrow wo will sell them all out at 29o. 25 doxen ladle * ' wrappers , made from the beat Uwiu and percale * , and are worth up to fl.&O , tomorrow take your choice at 79c. THIS OTTO \ > All departments must reduce stocks to the lowest possible limit before stoeH taking. A dollar yvill now do the work of two. The way the sales keep up in this departinont in the face of the extreme warm weather is simply marvelous. BUT THE PRICE IS WHAT TALKS. Bountiful storm serge , 10-inuhos wide , blues und blacks. 39c Beautiful storm serge , EXTRA QUALIT V 49c 15-inch wool serge , worth 7.r > c 5Oc id-inch wool fecrgc , all color * , Monday 69c 52-inch wool serge , blue and black , Monday. : 75c 50 pieces 38-inch all wool serge , in all lending shades , tans , brown , wino , slates , otc. , Monday 29c 50 pieces of Novelties , good value at 3f > c , Monday J5c 500 remnants of all wool goods , 'ii-inch ( , US-inch , 40-inch wide goods , sold all the way from uOc to $1.00 , for Monday 19e 50 pieces silk lansdowne , ALL COLORS , special for Monday 75c BLACK GOODB. BLACK GOODS. To get the correct thing at the correct price and at the correct time , visit our black goods depart nent , SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. 45-inch black all wool serge 50c 52-inch black all wool storm sorgo. 75c 45-inch English cashmere 40-inch Gorman Henrietta. . . t 5Oc SILKS. BLRGK DRESS SILKS. Never before in the dry goods business have such black silks been offered to the public at the prices we are making on them. Now is the time for you to get a black silk dress at half its regular value. Black India silk , regular 650 goods , for 39c Black Bengaline silk , wor.h 750 yard , for 49c Black India silk , 27 inches wide , for 59c Regular $1.00 quality black faille silk , for 69c Yard wide black India , worth $1.25 , for T5c 24-inch wide black satin rhadzimer , for 98c 24-inch wide black royal armure for 98c 24-inch wide black faille francaise for ' . . . 9Sc The finest and best quality black India for 98c An elegant grade black twill India for 98c At $1.25 wo olTor our entire line of black Peau do Sole , Royal Alma , Royal Armure , Caohmore , Gros Grain , Satin do Lyon , Satin Luxor , regular 82.00 silks , for this week our price on them just 81.23 a yard. ANOTHER BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES , We mean what we say. And we do a'l that we promise. If our prices are not the lowest in the city wo don't expect to sell you any thing. It will pay you to como and bee our prices before you buy men's , boys and children ' clothing. Upon one counter wo massed all the broken sizes in our light Ad ens' Suits. Every one of 'em marked down to a uniform price of $750The lots comprise Cheviots , Casslmores , etc. , In tan , grays and others. They are liar- gains at SI2.5O. ' .Pants Monday wo wo will place on sale -150 Mons" Never Rip Pants at Due. Buys a pair of htrlotly all wool Mons' Trousers in Cassimcres and Cheviots. Reg ular punt i.utturns ; will eiivo you $1.50 on every pair or your money back , All ' and Children ® ' Light and medium weight clothing at half prices to make room for now goods coming in , We now handle a complete Hue of Hur Cents , Barbers' Coats , Hatchers' Frocks , Waiters' Jackets , Aprons , etc. , at prices lower than any other house. fiT VTT.TXT A W A V Wltl > S2' ° ° worth of Clothing a heavy U-l V JillN JA. W ± \ . X uuck Mechanics' Apron. Matting1. China and Japanese mattings reduced from 20o to 12Uc. China and Japanese mattings reduced from 30a to 20c , Cotton warp matttngi reduced from GOo to 30o. Cheese Wisconsin full cream cheese , 7Hc , lOc , Swlsa cheese , IZV&c , He per pound , Drlck cheese , 8c , lOc , 12V4c per pound. By coming here you can get any kind 1 caciie you want at tbt lowsit prlcti. Notions and Fancy Goods SPECIAL INVENTORY BARGAINS. We are closing Crdquet sets worth $2.25 at $1.GO. Croquet sct worth $2.00 at S3c. Mlrrois worth $5.00 at $2.28. Handbags worth $1.00 at 4Dc. Satin belt hose supporters worth GOc , at 25c. Handbags worth GOo at 23c. Ladies' Belts Wo havea big stock of belts to close , llelts worth loc for Gc. IJelts worth 25c for lOc. Uelts worth 35c for 20c. Belts wcrth GOc for 2Gc , Millinery , Our varied display of this seasons' ' styles and the low prices wo make have kept this department far in advance of all competition. All shapes and makes may be fi/und hero , and no one e..n fail to find our priceu fcatisfuctory. We are now offering speciul induce ments in ordnr to dispose of our sum mer sU ek. We offer nil our seasonable summer , shapes at one-third their former price. A call will result in a purchase. Big1 Special Sale Odds and Ends. Remnants of ribbons wgrth 5e , Sc and lOc per yard foi ; 2c per yard. Remnants of ribbons worth 12c , 15c and 20c per' yard at 5c per yard. Remnants of ribbons worth 20c. 23 o and 2Sc per yard nt Oc per yard. Remnants of ribbons worth 30c to C5c per yard at 21c per yard. Remnants of laces worth 50c for IBc. Remnants of laces worth 75c for 25c. Odds and ends of all silk Windsor ties at 12' < : C , worth 25c. Qdds and ends In stamped linens worth 15c for 6c. Odds and ends In stamped llncna worth 23c for ICe. Odds and ends In stamped linens worth 35c for 19c. Remnants of embroideries at Ic per yard. Remnants of embroideries nt 2c per yard. Special now line of ladles' fine handker chiefs 2c. 3c , 7c , lOc. 12fcc ! and 15c. 160 OF THOSE ELEGANT $1.00 HAND BAGS LEFT TO CLOSE AT 49G. Carpets. The last week before taking stock , when these very low prices on carpets will be a thing of the past. The last week of all wool carpets for 45c. The last week of extra super carpets for GOo to COc. The last week of brussels carpets for 45c. The last week of velvet carpets for 75c. Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings. Only a few days moro and then wo take stock. Wo are now clearing up everything In our ladles' and gonts1 furnishings. Read carefully , you can make money to morrow. How Is this for a starter ? COO 20-Inch silk umbrellas , beautiful hand les , worth $2.00 , $3.00 and $5.00 each , your choice ot this lot for 80c. 100 dozen boys' black sateen waists , worth $1.00 , to be closed out at 35c. 1 case of ladles' Jersey ribbed vests , 25c quality , go nt lOc. 100 dozen ladles' fast black cotton hose , only I2' c per pair , reduced from 20c. Our entire stock of men's Stanley shirts on sale ; $1.00 fancy laundered shirts reduced to 98c. 100 dozen gents' wash , < tles. only fie each. House furnishing1 Goods. , , Wo have taken $5,000 ( worth of granite , flint , blue enamel and cameo ware and huvo put them Into 3 lots , and , put a price on them that ought to sell every pleca tomorrow. LOT 1 AH kinds ft jcupi , laddies , meas ures , etc. , 17c. ' t LOT 2 AH kinds milk pans , preserve ket tles , stow kettles , wash btslns , covered palls , etc. , 21c. i LOT 3 All kinds tea ; and coffee pots , handled pudding pans , large dze milk pans , etc. , 42c. 'J Festoon edge plate ? , > $ c each. Fancy creamers , 3c. eMch. Tumblers , lo eatih,1 ; Fancy and salt and pepper , Gc. White metal plated [ tea,1 spoons , 13o per set , worth 75c. ' White metal plated ( able spoons , 2Co per ' set , worth $1.50. ' Fireproof milk and 'baking crocks , 5c each. Just received a large shipment of nlckle tea and coffee pots ani\ \ tea kcttloi. Refrigerators at your awn. price. The Western waslTiTr at the same old price , $2.25. $2.25.Books. . Do not nils * our prelnventory book sale on Monday , COO elegant cloth bound books , Including "House of Seven Gables , " "Scarlet Letter , " "Ilevcrles of a Ilachelor , " "Dream Life , " etc , Your choice only lEc. Shakespeare's complete works $1.00. Tennyuon's complete works $1.00. COO new novels , Including 'Bhlps that Pass In the Nlsht , " "Called Hack. " "Oliver Twlil " " ' . . Your choice , "Adam Defle , etc. , etc. on Monday at To each. THIS S PIECE OAK PARLOR SUIT $13.50. $13.50. $13.50. s i bgarj' ; viiSJS3ga is 35a WE SET THE PACE ON Flj.v. > . . cn.ii VALUES. The above is a flvo piece oak parlor suit , with spring Beats , and upholstered stored iu plush , tapestry and brocatellc. For $ ia.50 it is a bargain that has never boon touched. By the way , when you are thinking of buying anything in the furni ture line , look through our stocks wo will surprise you on low prices and our qualities are of the best. heet Music. 2" OFF ON All SHEET MUSIC And 5,000 , Different Selections at 3c Each. Pianos ini Organs. Small Musical Instruments AT 'CORRESPONDING PRICES. Hardware. Before tal'lng Inventory we prc-.os3 to make sweeping reductions In this depart ment. Note the f.llowlnkg prices : 2 carloads of best Iron htel nails at leper per pound think of It , Hie per pound for best Iron steel nails , about the prlco of com mon bar Iron ; door bolts , 'lc ; mart co door locks , Me ; rim door lock' , He ; window fasteners , uc ; 2-foot boxwood rules. 3c ; 2-foot boxwood rules , braes bound , Hie ; double Iron smoothing planes , I,9c ; double Iron Jack planes , 45c ; double Iron tore pianos. G'Jc ; hatchets , lOc and 25c ; handsaws , 35c t'c and TGo ; 75o braces go at 25c ; lOc bracts go nt lUc ; rakes , lOc ; hoes , IGc ; shove a. 35c ; spades , 49c ; mounted grind stones trom $1 up ; hay forks , 49c ; binder twine from 7c PIT pound up ; rope , all sizes and kinds , cheap ; 2-key Jail padlocks , Co ; counter scale- from COc each up ; U. S. mall boxes only $1 each. In fancy and common screen doors , screen wlro cloth and poultry wire netting , wo have no competitors , Rubber and cotton hose , 7c per foot ; hose reels , hose bands and sprinklers of every va riety always on hand ; cherry stonera very cheap. We are havlri g a big run on lawn mowers ; you can find any make you want hero from $3.00 up. Also , a full line of grass catchers ; $1.00 handled axes , all sizes , go at 49c , In fact , everything In the hardware de partment marked down 25 per cent before In ventory taking. We carry n full line of flno builders' hardware , Including the following goods : Solid brass and bronze sliding door locki and latches , flat front English and American bronze sliding door locks , astra gal fronts ; fine front door locks and vesti bule sets , sliding parlor door rollers and tracks , Hush bolts , door belli , etc. Lace Curtains are lower this week than ever seen In Omaha , $1.50 curtains reduced to 7Sc pair. $2.00 curtains reduced to $1.00 , $3.00 curtains reduced to $2.00. And all gradea In proportion. This will only lait a tew day * . Railroad and Mining Supplies. We carry a full stock of railroad and min ing supplies , Including the folhiulng good.s : I'lcks , mattocks , shovels , crowbars , clawbar- , powder , dynamite , fuse caps , wheelbarrows , road scrapers , carts , plows , rope theavcn ; In fact , everything used In the construction of a railroad or m'nc. Hallroml contractors should nuke a note of the above. Special. Wo liavo arranged with the Cherokee In dian Ilalr Grower company to give an ex hibition of ladles with extraordinary growths of hair produced by their preparations. A lady Is now on exhibition In our store , for two weeks only , whoso hair tralla on the floor. You can see this marvelous growth of hair free of charge. Don't fall to call. Their preparations are on sale Inside our store , Cherokee Indian Hair Grower will grow hair on bald heads , stop hair from falling out and cause a continuous growth of thick , luxu riant hair. Cherokee Indian Scalp Cleaner will en tirely eradicate dandruff and make a de lightful , refreshing shampoo. Ono package sulllclent for twelve iihampoos. Hair Grower , $1.00 size , 85c. Our Prices. Hair Grower , COo size , 42c. Sculp cleaner , COo nUo , 42c. Homember that them preparations ore far superior to any others on the market and have a world-wide reputation. Try them. Grocery Dept. Profit Sharing in Hard Times. YOU can get more groceries for f 0c In our largo grocery department than you cat ) buy for $2.00 In any store In tlio city. Klat cnn ttcnk salmon only lOc. * < Cliolco sugar corn Gftc can. Clilco tomatoes only 9Vic can. ( / Oil cunllncs 4c can. Preserved blaeberries only Oftc can. Preserved blueberries only S'.ic can. California table peaches IC'/ic ' can. 3-pound can California golden drop plunil 14 Vic can. 3-pound cans California egg plums onlg 3-pound cans California green gage pluml 14'ie can. Soda crackers Go pound. 3-pound cans golden pumpkin only lOc. } Baking chocolate 17' c package. ' Corn starch 4' c. I Good rice from 3o per pound up. ' j Sweet chocolate only 4c cake. Pure condensi l milk only lOc can. Finest Imported queen olives 35c quart. Savlllo olives 2Gc quart. Arabian olives IGc quart. il Impored mixed pickles only Ifio quart. | Imported chow chow only IGc quart. French mustard only 2'Ac ' bottle. Large pa.la Jelly only 3Gc pall. Dried Fruit Dept. The new California fruit Is Just comingIn , Now Is the time to buy. New California peaches lie pound. New California apricots 12Vic pound. New California pitted plums 12V&C pountb New California cherries 12V c pound. New California prunes 8c pound. * \ Imported French prunes IS'/fcc pound. 'I Imported tcodless raisins G' , c pound. / Imported Valencia raising GVic pound. Raisin grapes 3c pound. Soap Dept. Imported cnstlle soap 19c per bar. ' White cnstlle soap 2Vtc bar. All kinds of washing powder 2c. White Paris soap So bar. Climax soap 3c bar. Progress soap 3c bar. Teas and Coffee * , Broken Mandellng Java lY'.ic pound. Golden Rio , 22c , 23c and 25c pound. Host Costa Rica coffee 27V c pound. Santos and Peaberry coffee 29c. Oriental Java coffee 32c pound. Fancy Old Government Java and Mochai 3Bc , or 3 pounds for $1.00. Tea dual , lOc and 12c pound. Japan tea , 25e pound , BasUet-flred Japan tea , 29c and 35o pound * English breakfast tea , 38C7 38c and COo pound. , Van Houten's cocoa , 7Cc pound. Ptiro American breakfast cocoa C5o pounfli Butter. I Fresh country butter , lOc , 12' c nml best , country butter made only 16c. Have yotM tried our creamery ? There Is nothing flneu made , and sec what yen can save by buying ] It at Haydens : ISc and 20c for the bC3p butter ever put on the table. Fish. Here Is a surprise for you In fish. George's Dank whole cod fish , the finest , you over saw , for Ho per pound. Mackerel , . 7V4c , lOo and 12'/jc ; brick cod fish , 2' at\ \ white , fish , Be , 7'Ao and lOc ; salmon , 10o | | Norway herring , 20c per dozen ; largo labru dor herring , C for 2Gc. Flour. To Intioduco Ilaydcns' best CX flour , wo will for a slioit time put In every sack one of the following articles. The ( lour Is warranted - . ranted to bo the best you ever used or money1 , refunded. Ono diamond ring. One gold watch i/ iTo Ono $5.00 bill. Ono net solid sliver plated teaspoons. Ono ladles' rolled gold watch chain. -Ono ladles' cluster diamond lace pin , Wo carry the lending brands of flour , sucli as Hayden's Dros. ' CX Superlative ( Rex paU cut ) hard wheat flour. ) X Minneapolis Superlative flour , $1,10 sack. Valley Lily flour , $1.00 sack. Central Mills' Host Superlative , 05o sack. Snowflake flour , CSc sack. A very good Hour for COc. - Good rye flour 80c tuck. Choice rve flour SI.OO. Ilcst rye Hour $1.1C tuck. Drugs. Paskola . Lnrgo , 85o " . Sumll , 4oo KluUitpoo Indian Stigwn . 7fia Uromo Scltxur . Small , OSa " . Medium , 20o " . Lario , -10o Cluunborliiin'ti Cello , Chuloni und Ulnrrhno Cure . 20o und -10o Misllln's Food . 05o Cnstorhi . 2T o Ayor'e Hair Vigor . 05o Syrui ) of Vlfts . -lOc and 7Co Plcrco'a Fuvarito Prescription . 7fio " Golden Medical Dlbcovory , 7So Florida Water . Lai-jjo , 25oa " . Small , a Lyon'n Tooth I'o wdor . liOq Mention's Unrated Talcum . . . . . . 20q .Viola Cream . . . 40o Mul vlna Cream . -10d "Old Glory" Suaj ) , ronilar ( , prlco lOe ; Monday . 3 for lOo Palm Soap , Hamo price . 3 for lOo Cocounut Oil Soap . Per box , 21o (12 ( In n box. ) MuBrayor'tf WliUky . Per bottle , COo O. Re. Taylor WhUky. . " 60o Old Crow " . . " COo Old llormltiiffo " . . " f.Oo Old Port \VliK ! . U5H Claret . UuV