Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1894, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Great Preparations for Making it the Second
Regimental Band ,
All of Lincoln' * Society Lender * Will ! >
nml Hrml-MIIItnry Orcanl-
rfttlonn Will Attend In
Full Uniform.
LINCOLN' , July 21. ( Special to The Dee. )
Great preparations are being made for the
ceremony of mustering In the State band as
the regimental band of the Second regiment
next Friday evening at Representative hall.
U Is proposed by those having the affair In
charco to make It the "swcllest" military
event In the history of the a late. Manager
Irvlno of the band has prepared a musical
program of unusual excellence and the evenIng -
Ing program will Include In addition to the
military ceremony n promenade concert and a
dance of a few numbers. All the leading
Hoclcty people of the city will be present
and Invitations are to be extended to repre
sentative people In Omaha and other cities
of the state. The Uniform rank Knights of
Pythias , the Masons nnd other semi-military
organizations have signified their Intention
of attending In full uniform nnd altogether
the night promises to be a mcmornbla one In
the history ot the musical orginlzatlon ot
vyhlch the capital city Is so proud. In ad
dition to the state and city officers the
following olllcers of the Nebraska National
guard have been Invited and will be present *
Colonel C. J. Dills of the Second regiment ;
governor and commandcr-ln-chlef , Lorenzc
Crounie , Lincoln ; adjutant general , General
James D Gage , Lincoln , quartermaster and
commissary general , Colonel George E , Jen
kins , Falrbury ; surgeon general , Colonel It.
Emmett Glften , Lincoln ; Inspector general ,
Lieutenant Colonel Harry S. Hotchktss , Lin
coln ; Judge advocate general , Major John
C. Watson , Nebraska City , and the aids-de
camp : Colonel Clarendon E. Adams , Su
perior ; Colonel W. F. Cody , North Platte ,
Colonel II. O. Palno , Alnsworth ; Colonel
John C. McColl , Lexington , Colonel John P.
Pcrshlng , U. S. A. . Lincoln ; Colonel H. P.
Shumway , Wakelleld ; Colonel H. B. Mulford.
Omaha ; Colonel E. 11. Correll , Hebron ;
Colonel Nell Drcnnan , O'Neill.
Judge Wakeley and Robert W. Patrick
wore in the city today looking after cases In
the supreme court.
The Lincoln Libor club nt Its regular
meeting last night passed n resolution de
manding the immediate rcleasa of the Cox-
eyltcs confined In the Jail at Fort Sidney
and the secretary was Instructed to send a
copy to Judge Dundy.
The executive committee of the Commer
cial club held a meeting last night and
appointed a committee to secure suitable club
rooms. The club now has a membership of
230 of tha lending business men of the
city nnd Its prosperity Is npparently assured.
Attorney General Hastings has decided
that the $ S,000 water bonds recently voted
by the citizens of the town of Humphrey
are Invalid for the reason that In order to
vote the amount the authorities found it
necessary to annex suburban property.
The Howard club recently orgarUed by
Mr. W. D. Howard , 1148 O strsot , gave Its
first reception to the mem'/rrs and their
families last evening at 1741 I're sptct stiect
nnd the reunion of the Howard family
was a matter of cordiality and Measure
This club will not admit any ono to
membership not peculiar to Us title and all
of that name who wish to bi-came members
are Invited to address W. B. Howard , ] 148
O street. The club has now a membership
of twonty-bpven.
The farm house of Adam R Smith : .ear
Jamacla was broken Into jestjrday and flvo
$100 notes , a mortgage coveting \.cnty t
acres of land , some shirts , coat nnd vest ,
receipts In an old pocket boot , etc. , wcro
stolen. The family was away and entranca
was accomplished by the breaking ot a pane
of glass and then lifting tin1 cjti.Ii on the
inside. A number of p.iv.Ua papers were
destroyed. There is no duo ti the t'l'i'ies. '
Much serious opposition Ims developed
against the recent action of the coancll in
refunding the city's outstanding Inlcblf-dncss
of $534,500. The opposition is among local
capitalists who are endeavoring to prevent
the Issue of the new funding bordp. Print
ing the new bonds In the Stiuo Journnl office
was stopped by Mayor Weir yesterday on the
grounds that It was time enough to Move
them printed after they were Issued. They
claim that the council had no authority to
raise $13,200 for the commission i > f Green
nnd Vnn Duyn for placing the nt-v bonds ,
the commission being a little over 2 per
Fred Miller , a clgarmaker on F street ,
was arrested today on a summons charging
him with having beaten nls wlfi > , Suit vvas
released when Mrs. Miller cimo ti the po'Icn
station and Informed Chief Coopar that she
wanted her Fred released.
A similar arrest was made of B. J. Gordon
of Dolmont , whose temper resulted , according
to Mrs. Gordon , in the habit of coming home
drunk and assaulting her. Gordon was re
leased upon the failure of his wife to ap
A complaint reached the police station
that Peter Deck , living at the north end of
Fourteenth street , had also beaten his wife ,
but when the police arrived at the Beck
domicile Peter was not to bo found , and they
returned empty handed.
Daniel MacDonald , Cl years of ago and a
bachelor , employed by Sharp , the contractor ,
as camji cook , was found dead at G o'clock
this morning in his room at Fortieth and
South streets. In Sharp's family residence ,
where ho has lived for the past olght years.
Ho vvas an old soldier and was only ailing
a few days . The remains will bo burled by
the Grand Army.
The claim of Van Duyn and Green for
$5,500 alleged to bo duo them as balance of
commission on the refunding ot the $350,000
county bonds last spilng was rejected yes
terday by the county commissioners. The
firm appealed today from the decision and
the district court will be railed on to pass
upon the question as to what is a legal and
Just compensation for the work performed.
Dr. Francis N , Gibson filed suit In the dis
trict court today against the Lincoln Land
Improvement company , owners of the Burr
block , lu which ho was badly Injured In
the elevator January 16. for $10,000. Ho
claims to have been laid up for six weeks ,
permanently Injured about the throat , ab
domen , chest , back nnd splno , also sus
taining a partial paralysis of the lower ex
tremities , thereby causing him excessive
pain when bending or stooping He further
alleged that the elevator boy was careless
Incompetent and an entirely Improper per
son , to run the elevator , and that the ele
vator itself was defective in construction
and of an Inferior make.
Green & Van Duyn today brought suit
against the village of Cedar Rapids for $210
They contracted last January to piy par
for $9,000 worth of water works bonds , and
when the other day the bonds were turned
over to them they found that a six-months'
coupon had been clipped from each bond ,
The court granted the plaintiff nn order
to hold out $210 of the proceeds until this
claim Is satisfied , the bonds being deposited
with C. S. ImliolT.
A IT melt of POUOIIIIIR ; Htook
BEATRICE , July 21. ( Special Telegram
to The Deo. ) On the night ot December 30 ,
1S93 , John DryBon , residing In the northern
part ot Gage county , had four horses killed
by poison , A reward of $500 was offered for
the arrest and conviction of the guilty party
or parties. Today Constable Benjamin R.
Dillon filed on Information charging Theodore
and Alexander Ellis , father and son , with
the commission of the crime. The accused
were brought before the county Judge and
gave bond In the sum of $1,000 for their up-
pearanco for preliminary hearing next Mon
day. The case has already attracted con
siderable attention and tha arreat of these
two well known and highly respected citizens
adds now Interest to the affair.
Hurt County 1 urmcrs Anxloui.
TBKAMAH , Neb. , July 21 , ( Special to
The Boa. ) Farmers are getting anxious
about the drouth , for unless they get rain
within the next ten days the entire corn
crop will be lost. A good deal of It Is now
past redemption , A mass meeting was held
this afternoon at the court house to secure
"Rainmaker" Jewell ot Kama * , and Poat-
inaitrr 0. 13. lUrdwell lett tbla evening for
nelleruc , Kan. , tor material and Instruc
tions , nnd Is expected back the first ot next
week to begin operations. Over $800 was
raised for the project. Tha majority of the
people have no faith In It , but are ready to
try the experiment for onco.
Air * . J. W. Went Klltrd by LlfrlitnlnR Near
( Inmty ,
OANDY , Neb. , July 21. ( Special to The
Dee. ) During the terrible storm of Wednes
day , \vhllo Mr. and Mrs. J. W. West , old
residents of this county , were returning
home -'rom the Dismal river , where they
had been gathering berries , West was badly
shocked by lightning , and when he returned
to consciousness found his wife dead by his
Bide and one ofl his horses killed.
Sometime during the night ho managed
to get the other horse loose from the wagon
and Informed his son , who with neighbors
went after the body. Mr. West Is now very
low nnd Is not expected to live.
Jesse Smee , the postmaster at Logan ,
lost a flno horse by lightning and Isaac
Selby of the firm of Selby & Banks , lost a
flno mare during the same storm.
ntirgbtrs Ititlil n I'rmiiotit Ite ldoncn.
FREMONT , Neb. , July 21. ( Special to The
Dee ) During the temporary absence of the
family of Henry Schmidt yesterday afternoon
his residence vvas ransacked by burglars
and a silver watch and $20 stolen. Later
In the evening the police raided the railroad
yards and captured an even dozen , seedy
looking chaps and locked them In th < ? city
Jail Two sliver watches and a variety of
articles were found on them , but neither
of the watches was Schmidt's. As ono of
the gang made a break nnd escaped on the
way to the Jail , It Is supposed that he had
Schmidt's watch.
As Professor and Mrs. Conn of the normal
arrived at their residence last evening they
found It In full possession of the students of
the professor's classes , who had prepared a
surprise for them and were enjoying music
and games to the full extent , but the host
and hostess returned the surprlsa with a
handsome spread of Ice cream , cake , fruits
and lemonade , which was followed by the
presentation to the professor of a handsome
clock , Mr. M. R. Gllmoro acting as spokes
man nnd after a feeling response from the
professor the visitors withdrew.
The Young Men's Christian Association
Athletic park , corner of Main street and
Military avenue , which has been closed dur
ing the Chautaiiqua , was reopened last night.
The mid-summer association meeting of the
Young Men's Christian associations of Ne
braska will bo held hero on the Chautauqua
grounds August 13 to 20. A large crowd Is
expected. The mornings will bo spent In
bible study and discussions of best methods
of association work. The afternoons will
be devoted to state athletic contests and the
evenings to popular lectures nnd addresses.
Not tliu OliloKt Slgiml Corps.
NEBRASKA CITY , July 21 ( Special to
The Bee. ) Captain William Mapcs of com
pany C , Nebraska National Guard , takes
exceptions to the dispatch from Kearney ,
recently published In The Bee , to the effect
that company A had the oldest signal corps
In the Second regiment. The signal corps of
company C was organized last December
and has been In constant training over since.
The longest distance signaled by the corps
so far Is a llttlo over four miles. Tomor
row they will signal from the Burlington
bridge In this city to Hamburg , a distance
of twelve miles , and Captain Mapes Is con
fident of doing It successfully.
Ccriminlii Day lit M.inton.
STANTON , Neb. , July 21. ( Special to The
Beo. ) Friday was Germanla day In Stanton.
The Germanla society celebrated their tenth
anniversary and dedicated a beautiful banner.
There was a largo crowd to witness the
ceremonies , which consisted of a street
parade and open air dedicatory ceremonies.
In the afternoon nn entertainment was given
In Germanla hall , consisting of a speech In
English by M. M. Young , one In German by
Jacob Meyer and vocal and Instrumental
music. The hall was crowded to suffocation.
I'raoturcil Ills Skull.
GRETNA , Neb , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Ahrend Gerdes of Hll-
dreth , Neb. , fell or was thrown from a
freight train last night between Chalco and
this place and fractured his skull. After
wandering about until noon today he was
found partially Insensible and brought to
town , where ho received medical aid and Is
resting well. His father , a farmer , lives
at Wymore. Gerdes came from Hlldreth
with a load of hogs for the South Omaha
Jnlloil oil Ills \Vlfo' Order.
SCIIUYLER , Neb. , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) M. F. Johnson was ar
rested this afternoon on a peace warrant
Issued at the Instigation of his wife. Pre
liminary hearing was had before Judge
Allen , and In default of ball he was placed
In Jail to await trial next Tuesday.
< ! . A. It. StiUo Tand Solectod.
TECUMSEII , Neb. , July 21. ( Special to
The Deo. ) State Grand Army Commander
Church Howe yesterday appointed the Tecumseh -
cumseh Military band the state department
band. This band Is ono of the best In the
state and will flll the commission with credit.
< ! rnml Army IMdilu at Adams.
ADAMS , Neb. , July 21. ( Special Telegram
to The Dee. ) The Grand Army picnic here
today was a grand success. Delegations were
present from three counties. Commander
Church Howe was the speaker.
Klllml Himself VI hllo Cni/y.
TALMAGE , Neb. , July 21. ( Special to The
Deo. ) The coroner's Jury In the case of
Henry Neiman , who cut his throat yester
day , found that the deceased committed
suicide whllo Insane.
UlmppelVlim tliu County Scut Content.
CHAPPELL , Nob. , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Doe. ) In the county seat elec
tion between Dig Springs and Chnppell ,
which was held today , the count gives Chap-
pell 100 majority.
rails City Mini Cut to I'loutta
VERDON , Neb. , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) George C. Thompson of
Falls City fell from a train here today and
was cut to pieces.
ObodU'nco to tliu Letter.
A story Is told In central Maine of a
younc woman who distanced paterfamilias ,
so to speak , In the matter of parental author
ity : "Now , Mary Jane , " said the stern
parent , "I will consent to your going to
the dance at the Corner tonight only on one
condition. " "What Is that ? ' utked Mary
Jane , meekly , her eyelids drooping pathet
ically. "It Is. " said the father , "that you
won't let that voung scapegrace , - , bring
you home. " "I'll promise , " said the maid ,
iml she went to the dance.
Scene next morning "I thought you
iromhed mo not to let that fellow bring you
home' ' " said the angry parent , with fire Hash
ing from his eyes , "Ho didn't bring mo
homo , " said Mary Jane archly. "Out ho
came homo with you. for I saw him. " "Yes ,
but ho didn't bring mo. I told him what I
had promised , so wo walked homo and he
led the horso. "
1'nrtly Clouily ultli South Winds for No-
Iiraiku hiinduy.
WASHINGTON , July 21. The Indications
for Sunday ure :
Tor South Dakota and Nebraska Partly
cloudy ; south winds.
For Iowa Fair ; warmer In eastern portion
tion ; south winds.
Tor Kansas Fair ; variable winds ,
For Missouri Pulr ; warmer ; variable
I.ocitl Itecont.
July " 1 Omaha record of toiuperaturo nnd
ruin fall compared with corresponding day of
past four years ;
1804. 1R03. 1803. 1801.
Maximum tomuoriUuro 80 = Hfl ? J8 = 85 ?
Minimum tomuoriuuro. U19 lllio 08 = OBO
Avorniro tmnuoruturo. . 743 7G = 833 703
Precipitation . oo .00 .r > L .10
Statonumt showing the condition of torn-
par.ituru and prootplt Ulan at Ouuna for tuo
day ntul slnuo Mirali 1 , 13JI :
Normal tomixn.itut-o . . . 783
Dollulnnvy furthodnv . . . 43
llxeosi slncu Mured 1 . . . . . . . , . 3.853
NornmlprticlulttUim . . . 10 Inch
IHillclency for the Utiv . „ . 10 Inch
Uolloloncy klnco M'ircli 1 . 0.70 tuchoi
GLOUUB U HUNT , Local Forecast OmoUL
Majors trad His Oil Room Director Open
Headquarters Early.
Friends Apparently Alnrmecl Over the Vny
a row 1'olltlcnl Strim * Are Itclng
Illoivn , nil It \ > j nn Approaching
preaching Storm.
LINCOLN , July 21. ( Special to The Dec. )
A new politician blossoms every day now
In the capital city , and the "gang that stands
on the corner" grows denser and denser.
Tom Majors has opened his headquarters at
the Windsor * and Colonal Agcr , one ot the
best known oil room politicians In the state ,
Is his master of ceremonies. In , Its resume
of the political situation the Evening News
of this city says editorially : "Mr. Majors
endeavors to laugh oft the effects upon his
hopes of Mr. Hosowater's dash of cold water ,
but there Is an evident uneasiness about Uie
headquarters that can bo traced to that llt-
tla editorial. As one ot the men expressed
It : 'Wo understood that Hosey was not to
tnko any part In the preliminary campaign
for the nomination , although wo didn't ex
pect his support in the campaign It Tom was
nominated. In fact wa can get along with
out it then , but it Is going to hurt us like
the dickens right now when wo have to
knock MacColl out ot the box. It makes
the delegates afraid to nominate a man with
a record. ' "
Strode find Cluipmiiu 1'lglitlng.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb , July 21. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The republican cen
tral committee for this county met at Weep
ing Water today and fixed the counto" con
vention to occur at Wabash on August 11.
Hut ono county convention will be held , the
committee deeming It best to have the con
gressional delegation named and the county
ticket nominated at the same convention
The conte't over the congressional nomina
tion In this district Is becoming quite warm.
The Strode forces are attempting to pre-
\ent the delegation from this county being
bound to Judge Chapman by a unit rule , but
the prospect is that the delegation will be
named and Instructed Just as Chapman de
sires. StroJo formerly lived In Cass county ,
but the fact that ho Is now the Lancaster
candidate will hurt him hero In Cass.
TliHrMoii Count } Populists.
PENDER , Neb , July 21. ( Special to The
Deo. ) A convention of the people's Independ
ent party of Thurston county has been called
to meet at Ponder , Saturday , July 28 , for the
purpose of electing delegates to the con
gressional convention to bo held at Norfolk
August 21 , and to elect delegates to the
state convention to bo held at Grand Island ,
August 21. As near as can be learned from
T. H. Graves , chairman of the county cen
tral committee , the delegation from this
county will favor either Mayor Weir ot Lin
coln of Judge Holcomb of Ouster county for
Divided IluUvesn IMuct oil mill Mnjora.
WELLFLEET , Neb , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The republican primaries
held hero today were largely attended. T. M. !
h3C , C. A. Glaso and A. Slmms were se
lected to attend the republican county con
vention at North Platte July 28. The Ger
mans , who have heretofore been democrats
and Independents , were well represented. The
precinct is about equally divided on MacColl
and Majors and are for Evans for secretary
of state. It looks as though every ono was
republican hero this year.
Col fin County Duinocrnta.
SCHUYLBR. Neb , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Dee. ) Free silver democrats
of Colfax county were called Into conven
tion by Secretary Hogers today , but not
enough called at the court house to effect
organization , only five or six appearing. Mr.
Hogers will make a future call dependent
upon a time when ho can secure some of
Nebraska's free silver orators.
For Judge Klnkalil
STUART , Neb , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Deo. ) The republicans of this
tovvnjhlp hold their primary this afternoon
J. A. Hlce , J. W. Wertz , F. Dobnoy , J. N.
Hovoy , A. H. Strohm , O. C. Whitney and
William Cassell were chosen delegates to
the county convention at O'Neill July 28.
They were Instructed to support Judge Kln-
kald for congress.
All I'riM.lnctH Itoprvsontoil.
WEEPING WATEH , Neb. July 21.
( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The re
publican county central committee met here
today and every precinct was represented.
H was decided to hold but ono conven
tion. Primaries are called tor August 4 ;
convention at Wabash August 11.
In Hock Lounty.
BASSETT. Neb. , July 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Rock county sends a
solid delegation to the state convention for
Majors , Bartley and Moore , and a solid dele
gation for M. P. Klnkald for congress.
nvxrxKtm is
Not Kvon Knoutjh for the Chlcngo I'assen-
enr Aftiintd to rlht Over.
CHICAGO , July 21. The railroad situation
In Chicago Is as dull these days as It Is
possible for it to bo and the stagnation will
show heavily when the earnings are com
puted. There is comparatively no passenger
business whatever In any direction , not
enough In fact for the general passenger
agents to fight over , and when the general
pabsanger agents cannot scare up something
to row about the business Is about as near
nothing ns It can possibly be. Many trains
have left the city lately carrying not over
thirty passengers with through tickets , and
In many Instances the sleepers have been de
serted. The worst of the matter Is there
seems no Immediate prospects for better
times. In the freight department affairs are
more prosperous , and the roads will not
lose n great amount on account ot the strike.
Itoiulliolilnrx Looking Out for lliolr Cliilin.
PITTSBURO , July 21. In the United
States court today a cross bill of the Fidel
ity Insurance , Trust and Deposit company
In the case of William G. Mendenhall against
the Western New York & Pennsylvania Rail
road company was died. The cross suit Is
brought to establish the claim and make
stiro of the recovery of $20,000,000 second
mortgage bonds to the value of $10,000,000 ,
having been the first lien on the property
of the railway company. Since the road
went Into the hands of a receiver last year
complications have arisen , and thla suit Is
ono of the miny now pending In the courts ,
The court Is asked , to contlnua the receiver
ship and niuno a date for hearing the ar
guments In this case.
ii or TJIK ' . , t j ) ,
Will Ho Ilcnily for Itolllnc Stock by
Soitvinl > i-r 1(1.
MINNESELA , S. D. . July 21. ( Special to
The Dee ) The new town at the Larabeo
coal mines will bo called Aladdin , The
grading on the Wyoming & Dakota road
between here and the coal mines Is pro
gressing very rapidly , something like sev
enty-five teams being at work now and
about forty moro coming It Is now under
stood that a paint mill will be erected here
near the canal fulls shortly. The Hour
mill hero will resume operations In a short
time. New and Improved machinery will
bo put In , making It ono ot the best mills
In this section.
Manager Nix of the Wyoming & Dakota
line , who departed for Chicago yesterday ,
said that It was hU Intention to have the new
road hauling coal by September 15 , Before
ho loft he purchased an engine for the coal
mine , which will bo used to pump air Into
the tunnel. U Is understood that Chicago
nnd Dubuque parties will noon arrlvo hero
and put up a hotel and some stone blocks ,
Prohibition Spotter In dull ,
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , July 21. B. C ,
Caldwell , the prohibition spottsr who
created such a furore at Sioux Fulls some
months ago , li In Jail hero tor the at
tempted burglary ot saloon last night.
Ho was after the money which was left In
the saloon orcr nlRlit and was captured
after having broken lnTo"lhe building.
_ _ FnT
Sirs. Itobert LonU Stevenson' * Experience In
the Iterno Itlvrr District.
It waa my evil fo'rlu\e \ ! , writes Mrs.
Robert Louis Stevenson. . In the London
Queen , to dwell In a mining camp In the
Reese Rlvor district , An arid stretch ot al
kali desert , where no' green thing was to
bo seen on the face ot the earth. Beet
and bread ( I cannot triidgino on what the
cattle fed ) , bread and- beet was almost the
solo diet at Reese Hlyer. There was little
else , except when , on great occasions , and
at a vast expense , some' withered fruit or
withered vegetables wcro Imported from
California and Salt Lake City.
Every man and woman ( of the latter there
wcro only some half-dozen ) was his or her
own servant. I thought It very strange at
flrst to stand In my doorway , which over
looked the motley town , nnd see dapper
young gentlemen hanging up their dishes ,
pans and kitchen towels at their back
doors.And for some tlmo the Shoshone
and Fitito Indians that Infested the place
wore objects of Interest , not unmixed with
fcnr. I had supposed , on Information
derived from novels , that the proper word
for an Indian woman was squaw , that In
dian huts nre called wigwams , and that the
braves said "Ugh ! ugh ! " and continually
demanded "firewater ; " also that all one's
belongings were invariably stolen by them
at the flrst opportunity ; but these unsophis
ticated savages shudder nt the tnsto of
spirits , had no thought of thieving , nnd
called their wives "nmhnlas , " their huts
"wlckcaps" and themselves "hombres. " My
faith In the novelist Is , however , not en
tirely destroyed for the Indian did say "heay"
"sabe. " "Hombro " said
and . heap hungry ,
Shoshone Jim , a line , tall young man , with
tcetli filed to sharp points. I hastened to
lay before him what broken victuals I could
find. Having disposed of his food , he drew
out a large , sharp knife and carefully scraped
the crumbs from the table where ho had
eaten. This was , I afterwards discovered , the
proper etiquette for the occasion , and In
time my table became worn to a lower level
on the forward sldo from continual scrap
My Cousin Ben , a remarkably handsome
youth , whose few days came to an untimely
and sudden end In that forlorn country , did
all ho could to help mo In my household
tasks. The washing of dishes by a young
man was looked on with extreme disfavor
by Shoshone Jim. "Why jou wash dish ? "
ho demanded of Ben. "Oh , the mahala
makes mo , " was the reply. "You mahala ? "
Inquired Jim. Ben carelessly replied In the
affirmative , whereupon Jim rose , walked out
of the house , and disappeared on a trail
leading to the distant hills. Late In the
evening ho returned , carrying a young sap
ling carefully peeled and denuded cf Its
leaves and branches. "Stick , " said he , offer
ing It to Ben. "You whip you mahala ; no
good hombre wash dUh. " His face clouded
at Ben's refusal , then brightened with hope
as he said In an Insinuating voice : "You
llko I whip. "
It was the custom In Reese River to
breakfast , lunch and dlno on fried beef
steak and "flapjacks , " made by stirring
water Into self-rising flour. The formula
for the butcher's order was invariably "two
bits' worth of steak , and , suet to fry It in. "
I revolted against the "flapjacks , " and hav
ing fortunately brought With me some dried
yeast cakes , kept niv , family In good light
bread. The recipe for these yeast cakes ,
which keep a long time in a dry climate If
tied closely la a bag. Us mcst useful.
There were , doubtlc , miners of the Bret
Harte type to be found In our camp ,
but I have never had the good for
tune to meet them' , 'perhaps ' , because I
was one of only some half dozen
women in a town of hundreds of men , and
was shy of leaving th'e'llilmedlate neighbor
hood of my own house. 'I ' received presents
occasionally. Once nn a plc was sent to me ,
but the offerings were 'tothe ' ( sex only , and
came anonymously. One name , however , I
learned Johnny Crajcrofc. I have often
heard his footsteps , but Johnny's face I never
saw , though I laid many traps to catch him.
One was to send hlirl 'a''jeturn ' present. I
thought he Would feel compelled to thank
me , but his gratltudo took the form of deeds
and not words ; the next morning I found
two "sage hens" hanging to my door knob
The bait I hoped to catch Johnny with was
a Jar of imitation honey. I learned how to
make this honey when a child from an old
negro , who sold it under the name of
"manna. "
My flrst , last and only dinner party in
camp was an occasion of much tribulation.
Roast beef , of course , vvas the piece do re
sistance. Of calves' brains , sweetbreads
and tongue I made a presentable vol-au-
vent. Vegetables there were none. For
my pudding , I took two and one-half cups
ot common New Orleans molasses , one and
one-half of chopped suet , two and one-half
of bread crumbs , one teaspoonful of salt ,
cloves , cinnamon , nutmeg and ground ginger
to taste. After warming the molasses , I
stirred Into It one teaspoonful of carbonate
of soda , and then with my hand worked
all the Ingredients together , adding flour
to make a very thick batter. This I boiled
In a small tin pan , with a flannel cloth tied
over It , for six hours , and served It with
blazing rum. It was not a bad Imitation
of a plum pudding , minus the plums , and
almost as Indigestible. Except for senti
mental considerations , I am altogether op
posed to the plilm. pudding. When for
these reasons I think a plum pudding Is
called for , I use an ancient English recipe.
In the pride of my heart I refused all
help In my preparations for the dinner party ,
only allowing Ben In the kitchen after every
thing waa well under way. As I opened the
door for him to enter a hen that had long
been my bane fluttered In between his feet
This hen belonged to a gang of Chinamen ,
who were fattening her for their coming
Now Year's celebration. I Had several times
found her In the house , doing moro or less
damage , but was afraid to complain to her
owners. She began flopping about In the
Idiotic manner of hens , upsetting dishes ,
and utterly refusing to go out of the door
we had set open for her exit. Never was a
creature moro exasperating than that hen.
Finally she plumped Into a pan of dough I
had set to rise. Ben let fly a
hatchet he had picked up from the
hearth. It went straight to the mark , and
the hen was decapitated. H was a good
throw , but the result filled us with conster
nation. Wo closed the door , shot the bolt ,
drew the curtain and sat down In council to
consider the question of what wo should do
with the body of the hen. A fowl In Reese
River was an article of untold value. Its
price might ruin us. Ben buggested Install
"And become bond slaves to China for the
rest of our lives , " returned I. Besides , wo
found that neither of us had tlio courage to
confess the deed , and say , like Ocorge Wash
ington , "I did It with my little hatchet. "
Durnlng In the kitchen stove would not bo
safe , for the odor of bufnt feathers might
betray us. Tlmo pressed , and wo had come
to no decision. "Steps must be taken , " cried
Den ; nnd , catching up1 the fowl , he buttoned
It Inside his coat , sndtched up his hat and
disappeared. In a Short tlmo he
returned , unbuttoned' his coat , and pro
duced the fowl , pluoked and ready for
roasting. "Into the oven with U , " snld
he. "I had meant to'shy it down that old
shaft behind the house , but hadn't the heart
to waste the good meat. It will look well at
your dinner party , mid Kucsts do not ask
questions" "Hut the feathers and the
rest ? " I nsked , doubtfully. "No danger , "
returned Den. "I lay down behind a big
boulder and plucked It Into my handker
chief ; then I put In < a sU > no , tied up the
handkerchief and fluiiff Itto the bottom of
the shaft. There's not so much as n pinfeather -
feather ot evidence against us. After din
ner I'll send the bones tlio same road. "
I detected a look of surprise In the faces
of my guests when the him was served , but
I wfts the moet startled when a miserable
child , who had been spying on us unob
served , ( who would have suspected treach
ery from an Imp hardly weaned ? ) piped In
with : "Oh , Is that the chicken you and
Don stole ? "
Uroke. It Too Snddrnlj. '
Chicago Tribune : "Is this the proprietor ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Your men did a Job ot plumbing at my
house last week , "
"Yen ? "
"And there was a mistake In the bill. "
"I hope not , sir. I "
"There vvas a mistake , air , of $1 In adding
up the figures. Hero's the dollar. I always
good heavens ! What's the matter ? Boy ,
come hero , qyl"He's ' < lu i fit. '
The Solid South Again Wields tlio Scepter
of Democracy.
31 unit Itnlfttrnd 1'rrdlctn tltnt Nnvr tork
Wilt Henceforth Ho n Itrpulillcnn
Stnto nt n M nttcr nt Protection
to Her Industries.
( Cop > righted. )
NEW YORK , July 21. ( Special to The
Dee. ) It would not bo a surprise to vet
eran observers to find the people ot the city
of Now York slow to fully estimate the ex
tent and radicalism of the revolutions thit
profoundly affect her commercially and po
There are several things which New York ,
notwithstanding her mrtgnlflcent growth , has
disregarded , though they nro Important.
Take the trolley , which Is conquering the
world. New York , though sorely needing
moro rapid transit , cannot bear wires on
poles , nnd fancies that she Is only assert
ing her supremacy. Her cable cars , for
which Droadway was ripped from end to end ,
have nil the discomforts and dangers of the
trolley nnd lack the uniform force and ca
pacity for speed of the electrical apparatus.
The rapid transit that New York pines for
nnd refuses by trolley , or the extension of
the Manhattan system , Brooklyn has , and
with It occupies with case the enormous
territory spread before her for her great
Now York has had about all the advan
tages n wonderfully favored commercial
situation can give , nnd there has been as
sociated with them a free trade sentiment ,
reinforced by the Immense population , largelj
European rather than American. 'Ihl3 , In
part , accounts for the democratic m ijorltlcs
concentrated on Manhattan Island , and car
rying often two and sometimes three states.
If New York Is to go on as the mlghtv
city , she must depend for the ratio of In
crease that will keep her In front In over
whelming form upon the steady growth of
her manufactures. In other words , she
needs , ns the great agricultural states do ,
diversity of Industry , and that Is not the
democratic partisan policy for the sections ,
the states and the cities. The prldo of Now
York City has singularly Invested In the
democratic party , bcciuse she has been the
master of it. Ever since the war the con-
soivatlvo Influence of the city of New York
has held the wild democracy within bounds
It was this potentiality that prevented the
democracy , after the war , from becoming
popullstlc west and south , going In for the
scnllnc down ot the bonds nnd the Issue of
greenbacks to pay the national debt nnd
break the public credit , upon the theory that
the destruction of capital was the emancipa
tion of labor nnd the prosperity of the people
The lower end of Wall street has provided
the funds nnd the principles of the pirty.
Otherwise the financial policy of the con
federacy would have been that of the democ
racy long ago.
Dut the state of New York has lost the
primacy of the democratic party. The solid
south has resumed the director gcnernl-
shlp. Mr. Cleveland was elected the second
time without New York , and that simple
fact gave the state , and the city especially ,
a blow. It will no longer be necessary for
the democracy to nominate New Yorkers
for the presidency. That the power of
Now York as a democratic state was passIng -
Ing has been visible for several years. It
was plain when the New York delegation
was overruled In the nomination of Cleve
land In ' 92 , and his success outside of Now
York confirmed the Indication.
The formation of committees of wajs and
means by Carlisle nnd Crisp , giving the
majority of the democratic majority con
stantly , and , of course , svstematically to
the southwest , has meant that the southern
congressmen were accepting the situation
as masters of the party of the democracy
just as It was thrust upon them. The
united south nnd the divided north prepared
the way. The latest ways and means com-
mltt&e of Carlisle , and also of Crisp , Is sou'
sou' west. The existing committee is
west of the Shenandoah , south of the Po
tomac , the Ohio and Missouri. The gov
erning teirltory Is therefore bounded on the
east by Virginia , on the west by Missouri
and Arkansas , on the north by Kentucky
and the south by Georgia , New York Is
substantially not In It. The Immediate Il
lustration of this proposition Is seen In
the committee of conference of the two
houses of congress on the tariff bill. The
democrats have been for several years
largely occupied In what they have been
pleased to term tariff reform. We are far
along In the eighth month of the second
session of the flrst congress of Graver
Cleveland's second term , nnd each house
has given throe months to the framing of
a reform bill to redeem the pledges of the
democracy. Prof. Wilson perfected such a
bill , and the senate took It up , and after
three months' labor passed It with COO
amendments. The meaning of this , as all
who are aware of congressional methods
have Knowledge , is that the committee of
conference must prepare the bill to become a
law. Both houses appear In condensed
form In this committee. There never was
ono more Important. During all the more
serious executive business In the early stages
of the proceedings of the committee the re
publicans are excluded. When the demo
crats , who are In the majority and the
authority , get the bill Into the shape It Is
to assume as a law they will allow the re
publican members the privilege of hearing It
read and objecting to It without the least
The conference committee Is therefore at
this writing engaged In a work of legisla
tion ot unparalleled Importance , and the
southern village lawyers nro In full control
of It. The four democratic members from
the house , the majority of the representative
conferees , are from the contiguous southern
states of West Virginia , Kentucky , Tennessee
and Georgia. There Is not n northern demo
cratic member of the house on the committee ,
not one from Now England or any of the
Atlantic states , not ono from Pennsylvania
to Oregon , north of the Ohio , not one from
any state west ot the Mississippi.
This Is not the worst ot It. The northern
democrats on the committee of ways and
means were not placed on the committee of
conferencB because they were from the munu
facturlng states. This Is the most ex
traordinary record ot sectionalism of which
there Is record In our annals , and It Is proof
that the primacy of Now York In the demo
cratic party Is gone It shows the tariff law
to bo full of bectlonal hostility , aimed espscl-
ally nt those northern Industries that have
contributed BO much to the wealth and
strength and tlory of the country.
There Is still further evidence that New
York has been deliasod by the democracy
Wo refer to the pertinacity with which
the Income tax Is pressed , and the cer
tainty that It Is the strongest Item In the
tariff bill In the affections of the dem
ocracy and too much for the senior senator
from New York , who oppose * ! It with gieat
ability and courage , and truly represented
his state In doing so.
The response ot southern senators and
governors to the declarations ot the national
authority and responsibility In the presi
dent's proclamations tu the rioters were
most gratifying , and touched the hearts
of northern people as nothing had done In
a quarter of a century It Is reassuring
and delightful to li fir sound doctrine from
the most southern of the southern Btntos ,
and It Is worth moro than the cost of the
strike to have seen through the smoky mlfcts
of the strlfo the gigantic llguro of the Amer
ican nation armed and competent nnd call
ing for order not too soon and not too late ,
but Just In time.
The south , however , Is not with money
heresies and faUo doctrine nbout the scape
of legislation , for the diversification of the
accumulations of the people , and HIO sub
ordinate : ) all matters ot business to histor
ical sentimentality and radical prejudice and
The south would not bo solid against pro
tection or sound money If bectlonal feelings ,
and rcmlnlicences of days of war and slav
ery were not "so prevalent nnd so powerful.
Up to this tlmo tha democratic combination
tlmt has been most formidable was the
union of the Europeanlsm of New York with
the consolidated ( politically ) eoitthern con
federacy. What will New York do ? Now
that the solid foutlt limits New York what
Is Now York to do ? Is she to be tha * erf
of the far south and the fxr west * Is ho
to submit to the Income tux ns the southern
sugar Interest yields to the n ccsslty , as
they regard II , of ( he mrvlnleninco ot the
solidity ol the south ?
Is New' York not to exercise li r power
for her own protection } Is she to bo so
tamely submissive AS not to act In self-
defense ? Above nil cities , this ono needs
the development of mamifacUirtu , the em
ployment of the people In other than com
mercial or Agricultural pursuits , that the
farmers may have better markets nearer
homo , nnd that In the city she'll bo broad-
based In many Industries In which art shall
adorn labor nnd prosperity shall proceed
from brains and hand ! that are trained.
How Is the superstition that the demo
cratic party must possess Now York to sur
vive the evidences of current history that
the party Is against the city In Its public
policy nnd unfaithful to every pledge that
It has ever given ? It Is fair to say that It
will bo the fault of the republicans If New
York Is not henceforth a republican state ,
contributing her full strength that the
national government shall have republican
administration. MURAT HALSTEAD. * Aiium : AT
Thrlr Appear men tlio MBtml for the Mart-
Ing Out of Tiiilim.
BUTTE , Mont. , July 21 Nineteen com-
innles of regulars are In quiet nnd peaceful
possession of the railroad properties and
yards hero and freight and passenger trains
nre moving on nil lines running Into the
city. The flrst detachment of troops arrived
from Fort Asslnabolne over the Northern
Pacific nt 10 o'clock It consisted of six
companies of the Twentieth and Twenty-
flrst Infantry nnd had been stationed nt
licitnn several days awaiting the approach
ot the train beating soldlcis over the Union
Pacific Even depot olficlals did not know
that the special from Helena had soldiers on
board and very few people were at the depot
when It arrived at 2 o'clock this afternoon
The second detachment arrived over the
Union Pacific. It consisted of eleven com
panies from Fort Omaha , Fort Robinson
and Tort McKlnney , commanded b ) Capt tin
Dates The soldiers evidently expected a
warm reception nnd ns teen , ns the train
stopped a company was deplojod ns n skli-
mlsh line nnd cleared the yuds without
dlllleulty Colonel Penrose of Port Asslun-
bolno Is In command. The troops went Into
camp In Athletic park. The southbound
Union Pacific passenger train left the depot
on tlmo this afternoon under gu ird.
The Northern Pacific employes have de
cided by a unanimous vote to report for
Mt'ii Who Iliivo Ilei-ii fiiilllr of Coiitmipt
V\lll > t Ho lto-rniloid. |
SANTA FE , N. M. , July 21. The fout-
teen strikers arrested at Raton two weeks
ngo for contempt of court have been found
guilty by Judge Zecds nnd sentenced to
terms of Imprisonment varying from fifteen
to sixty days. Judge Xceds nlso Issued
an order approving the action of the re
ceivers of the Santa Fe In dl charging
striking emplu > es and filling their pi ices
with new men , and ordered further that
all employes of the Santa Po system In New
Mexico who may hereafter fall to perform
their usual duties shall bo deemed as hav
ing voluntarily quit the service ; that new
men employed In the places of these men
shall be kept In the service as long as they
are competent and perform their duties
satisfactorily , nnd that no persons who have
been guilty of contempt of court In these
cases or who may hereafter Interfere with
the operations of the road In any manner
shall bo re-employed by the receivers.
Not Guilty of Contempt In Koftisln ; to
Itim Ills Train.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , July 21. The long-
expected decision in Conductor Heartt's caae
vvas handed down by Judge Ross In the fed
eral court this morning. Heartt was adJudged -
Judged not guilty of contempt of court In
disobeying the Injunction. Judge Ross
found that the matter of resignation after
ha was ordered to go to work was Imma
terial nnd that the refusal to go to work
after being asked to take a train out was
part and parcel of transaction and that
Heartt was not acting In bad faith when he
put on his uniform and went down to the
depot to take out a train , tlo said that the
opprobrium that cornea from being a "scab"
was what deterred Hoartt from taking out a
. _ _ _ _ _ _
Supposed Iliijinn iii > 11 'I rick.
ST. LOUIS , July 21. The supposed boy
cotting of the A. R. U. by the Missouri Pacific
railroad was shown todato bo the result
of a sharp trick by a striker who failed to
be reinstated. This striker , with A number
of others alf > o left out , presented to Yard
Superintendent Jones "clearances" or cer
tificates of competency which they wished
him to sign to cnabln thorn to get work
elsewhere. All the certificates but tha ono
In question bore no reference to the A. R. U.
They were all signed at onc\ the excep
tional ono not being rend by Mr. Jones , who
supposed them all llko the ono flrst shown
him. When signed an effort was imme
diately made to take advantage of the oc
currence , but prompt disavowal has pre
vented the Invoking of the law , as the
strikers threatened.
A. It. U. I.c.idcr Clt < "I to Appi'iir.
WEST OAKLAND , Cal. , July 21. Presi
dent Roberts of Oakland lodge A. H. U.
has been ordered by Chief Justice Fuller
of the United States supreme court to ap
pear before Circuit Judge McKenna In San
Francisco on August G to answer to any
chaiges that may bo preferred against him ,
This action Is supposed to bo In anticipation
of any Indictment to bo found against Rob
erts by the federal grand jury. The order
of the court was served upon Roberts as ho
was coming from the populist convention ,
where he had Just been nominated for state
senate , ' .
Mob hemcd by Two I'ollcpmoii.
CINCINNATI , July 21. Deputy United
States Marshal Schlcsengor , who Is assigned
to the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton yards ,
fired three shots Into a crowd that was ston
ing him today. The mob fled , but returned
and surrounded the omccr. The appearance
of two policemen drove them away again
and the deputy escaped.
A , II IT. Lodcn Dissolved ,
CRESTON , la , July 21 ( Special to The
Boo. ) The local lodge of the A. R. U. has
been dissolved at this point , the action being
taken at a recent meeting ,
f/A'JO.V VACIVW tiltoi' JIB.V VIHll'l.AIX ,
Muny Who Idifimoil to < io on u Mrlko Uo-
1 > rl\i l of WorK.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , July 2-Speclal ! ( to
The lieu. ) There are over 150 shop em
ployes In Cheyenne who took no part In
the recent strike Inaugurated by the Amer
ican Railway union , and who have been
leady at all times ty go to work when
called upon to do so. AVhcn the shops wcro
closed these men wcr < > thrown out of em
ployment , although they bad nu Intention
'of joining' the stiiko. They claim that the
action of the nttlclalx at Omaha In ordering
the shops closed Indcllnltely \ a great In-
JUHtlcu to them It lu now proposed to peti
tion Judge Itlnvr for reinstatement.
SurvityorH Iliivn u Ifiml 'I I in P.
CHEYENNK , Wyo , July 21-Special ( to
The Uou ) The mirveyors who went out
with Cillmoio I/obueU on the government
survov Ing contracts havu hud a bard time
of It In the mountains around l.auilur All
the IJOJH except Claude Draper anil C T.
I.ob.ick IIHVO been down with mountain
fevei Thu Hlcknesi Imu Hindu It question
able vvh tlier the c-ontructn bd con
cluded Iwforo hliovv tiles.
I.ntlii'riniVIII IMulilUli n
I'l'lTSDURG , Pa. , July 21. At today's ses
sion of the Missouri synod of tlio German
Lutheran church It was decided to establish
a college at Sherman Park , Wcstchestor
county , N. Y , to bo known as the Concord la
college , nnd Rev E Dohn wns chosen dl-
rodror of the Institution at a salary of $1,000
per annum , with u free residence It was de
cided that $5,000 would bo required yearly to
maintain the college , and this sum will bo
raUod by subscription. No session of the
synod was held In the afternoon or night.
Cook's Imperial. World's Pair "highest
award , nxcellent champigno , good efferves
cence , agrceablo boquet , delicious flavor. "
Mediation Committee of the A. R , Hi
Notify the Southern Pnoifio.
Oumpntty 0 In I in tu UIITO linoiiRli .Men to
Oporntn the Itoul , lint the striker *
llopo tu ( let Tlirlr Otil
Positions Hack ,
SACRAMENTO , Cnl. , July 21. The modi-
atlou committee of the A. H. U. held a meat-
Ing this ( netting ami unanimously \otcil to
declare the strIKe off tmcuiulltlotmlly , They
si-lit a short notice tu that I'lfict tu Superin
tendent Flllmoio. The military will prob
ably remain two or throe dnvs > ol to look
nttcr u few hotheads who have been Intim
idating the workmen.
As Supulnteiident Llllmoic has nlrcady
declared that ho will not treat with the
striken ninl that no one \\lll be discharged
to inalto room for them , the outlook for the
A. H. U. men Is not | > t utilising. Tim rail
road company claims to h.uo enough men
already to conduct Its business , and prob
ably many of the strikers will not get luck.
Just what cltict this unconditional surrender
will ha\e on other parts of the stito Is not
Known , as the news Ins not yet been re
ceived by other lodges of the A It U. In
Oiklnml there Is euiy prospect tint the
strlKcri there will weaken now that their
stronghold at Saciamcnto Is gone. When
Oakland gives up the n lit , as It will prob
ably do within the nest twenty-four hours ,
the strike In California w'll bo a thing of the
pist. The action of the strikers In Sacia-
niento was brought about by a commlttio
of citizens , who showed them that their
cause was now hopeless ami persmdtd the
men to to to Kit back while thetu Is yet n
Last Thursday Superintendent rillmoro
mot a committee of strikeis and promised
that If the strike weie cilled off uncondition
ally all the strikers except those who had
taken an actlvo part In the destruction of
property , stopping of tialns and Intimidation
of the men , would bo taken back Into the
employ of the company It Is believed that
rillmoro will keep this promise , although the
lallway compiny professes to b able to run
the roads without the aid of the strikers.
The pluees of the old men are In many cases
filled by green hinds , and the road Is not b-1-
Ing operated as satisfactorily as before the
l lMM ! > N < : OIMJ ON AS USUAL.
Soiilliiirn I'm Illr HUH Mnrt < il Up unit Km-
plojini- All Urn Mm U Nrcils
SACRAMENTO. Cil , July 21 In on In-
tervlew General Superintendent Flllmoro ol
the Southern Pacific said "All trains ara
moving on the entire Southern Pacific sys
tem , both through and locil , between Ogden
and Portland and HI Paso. Agents have
been notified at nil points to receive all
freight offered for shipment. One hundred
and nlnotj-four cars of freight moved out
o ( Sacramento yesterday. There Is not a
pound of freight loft over hero for shipment
to the east , all having been cleaned up.
Seventeen firemen and about twenty
switchmen arrived on the train from the
east last evening and have gene to work.
This will glvo us our full complement ot
yardmen and firemen.
"Wo have started up our shops at all ter
minals with force enough to do all neces
sary work , confining same to running re-
pilrs. There are Gil men In the Sacramento
shops and no more will bo taken until fur
ther notice , or the business demands It.
"Wo are having more applications In every-
branch of the service than wo can llnd posl-
tlons for. Our employes are all satisfied
and there Is no trouble whatever at any
point. These who voluntarily left the com
pany's scnlco about three weeks ago are
cousldcicd outsiders and the company will
treat them us such. Their places have all
been filled , hcnco there Is no chance for ro-
emplojment. "
HAD TO u AVI : TIM : moors.
l.uko Slinro KmplojcH Jlefnuoil to Work
Under 1'ollco I'rotw tlon.
CHICAGO , July 21. The removal of the
troops from the Lake Slioio road last night
was made the cause today of the refusal to
work on the part of the men employed there.
The only condition under which they would
continue work was the return of the troops ,
as they declared they would not risk per
sonal violence and could not trust the police.
President ) Newell secured the return ot
Company C , Second regiment , and the men
resumed work.
A number of strmers returned to work to
day In the packing houses. The striking-
butchers held a mooting , but did nothing
more than discuss the situation.
A mob of strlkois collected In Pullman to
day and attempted to Intercept thirty Hol
landers who wcro on their way to work In
the Pullman shops. A detail of police es
corted the workmen through the crowd and
no violence occurred , although the olllcers
had considerable dlfllculty In keeping the
crowd In check A body of police was kept
on guard at the works nil day , as trouble
was feared.
IInrc MrllMi I i < iifl r < < Arrented.
CHICAGO. July 21. Shortly after 10 a.
m. today deputy marshals appeared at the
Ilevero house , where ninny of the leaders
arc staying , and proceeded to make addi
tional urroits. They had warrants for the
arrest of the members of the board of di
rectors of the A. U. U. , Hey Goodwill , W. E.
Burns and M. J. Clllott , directors , and lj.
P. Benedict , stenographer , being nrrested.
Warrants were out for John Macvohan and
Thomas Hogan , but they could not bo found.
Atliintln & I'ut'lllo hhopt CIoHiul.
ALDUQUERQUB , N. M. . July 21. The big
shops of the Atlantic & Pacific road at thla
point were closed for an Indefinite length ot
tlmo today. About 400 men are thrown out
ot work In consequence. The Order closing
the shops states that the financial depression
making this step necessary Is the direct result -
sult of the American Hallway union strike.
Northern I'm 111" 1 rulim Moving ,
SPOKANi : , Wash. , July 21. All tralna on
the main line and branches of the Northern
Pacific are moving on schedule tlmo. Di
vision headquarters hava been permanently
moved from Sprugua to Spokane.
1318 Farnnm St.
IlnvJlmid's Decorated Dinner 0 > 97 7C
boljfoimorly tlU.OU $41. IJ
Roitl Vlnnn.i Dinner hot , 100 QMQ 7 ?
pieces : formally * J5 tJ > lJ.ld
Knitllsh Decorated Dinner Wet : Q C 7j\
tiumuily Jin > J > ' ' '
DronnlK < ld Decoiated Dinner < TM | 7
but : forniuily tx ipli , ( < J
EiiKllsh Decorated Tollot Sol , O 0 \ ft
Uplocen : foimurlyjl > P " l v
nnallsh Dosnratcd Toilet Hot , CM OC
Upkcos ; toimerly S ( J.fliJ )
Klne Brown I'llnt Tumblers ; ; flfe
formurly lo ( ) " * " "
Visitors and Purchnsors Equnlly
T ° NS
Perform nt 3 SO , 4 30 , 9 and 10 p. m. today at
Courtlautl Beacli.