Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1894, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BRK : SUNDAY , JULY 22 , 18t. $ )
Tow Weddings anti Fewer Functions Cora-
prise the Record of the Past Week.
MnrrliiRo In JiMtloii , Onturlii , In Which
Otiuilm 1'roploVfta rnrllclpntit *
Tnnnlii'lcii the Uit t Social I'utl
.UmiMiiuiit * mid Whereabout * .
The Inlllal effort of the Emma flower
mission Thursday to supply the hospital !
of the city with ( lowers was crowned with
Miccesi , early In the morning baskets and
boxes of cut flowers arriving nt the south
gate of Mrs. George W. Hoagland's resi
dence , where Iho flowers were made up Inlo
bouquets by the ladles Invited by Mrs. Iloag-
\ land to assist In the work , and In the aflcr-
noon Iho bouquets were distributed by young
ladles Interested In Iho mission. And their
vlslls lo the different ho-pltals were full
of Incident and Interest. Fourteen Instllu-
tidns were visited during the course of the
afternoon , the work of distributing the
bouquets devolving upon Misses Julia
Knight , Anna Dlshop , Gcrtrudo Clark , Liz
zie Isaacs , Mary Duryea , Emily Waholoy ,
Kato Drake , Belle Allen , Pauline Lowe and
May \Vyman.
So worthy Is ibis charity which Is to
stand as a memorial of the lute Emma
Iloagland lhat It has already altraclcd
favorable attention , nnd shortly a board of
officers will bo chosen lo conllnuj Ihe good
work. All Ihoso having ( lowers to share
will confer a favor on Mrs. Iloagland and
nt the same tlmo brighten many darkened
lives If they will send them lo the Iloag
land residence nexl Thursday.
( Iriiilmim nnil Drwnr.
The following nccounl of n Toronto wedding
will be Inleresllng lo many Omaha people
who are acquainted with the groom. The
Dally Free Press of London , Out. , July 12 ,
tells the slory as follows :
A prelly family wedding look plnco nl
No. 97 Wharncllffe Road , South London , at
noon yesterday , when Miss Marie Alexandra ,
second daughter of Mr. J. S. Dewar , clly
edllor of Ihe Free Press , and Mr. Theodore
Gradman of Ihe firm of Drowning , King &
Co. , Omaha , Neb. , wcro Joined In the holy
bonds of wedlock. The Interesting ceremony
was performed under Ihe glare of the electric
light In the spacious front parlor , which had
been darkened for Ihe occasion and pro
fusely decorated with palms , ferns , smllax
and other flowers. Rov. Evans Davis , M.
A. , reclor of SI. James' church , olflclaled.
The bride was given away by her father ,
nnd looked charming In : i dress of dotted
Swiss muslin , trimmed with Valenciennes
lace , and carried n boquet of white carna
tions. Miss L. M. Dewar , eldest sister of
the bride , was bridesmaid nnd was attired In
n dress of cream cashmere , trimmed with
cream moire , and carried n bouquet of pols
do sontcur. Miss Irene C. Dewar , In a dress
of white silk , made a beautiful little maid
of honor. The groom was attended by Mr.
James II. Dewar of the executive office ,
Union Pacific railway , Omaha.
After the newly wedded pair had received
the congratulations of Umse present the
company , to the number of fifty-one , sat
down to a sumpluous wedding breakfast ,
during which telegrams of congratulation
were received from friends In Chicago , Win
nipeg , Omaha and elsewhere. The brldo
was the recipient of numerous nnd beautiful
wedding presents , among which was a
diamond brooch from the groom , all of
which testify to the esteem In which she Is
bold by her many acquaintances. Afler Ihe
thinner man had been fully sallsfled Ihe
young couple lefl on the -1:30 : express for
Buffalo , and were followed to the Grand
'Trunk ' railroad station by many friends ,
who showered rlco nnd old shoes upon them
Wllhoul stint. From Duffnlo they go to
Cleveland , Ihonce by bent to Duluth , nnd
from there to their home In Omaha. The
brldo Is well nnd favorably known In Lon
don , nnd carries the best wishes of a liost
of friends lo her weslcrn home.
On Mliimilonldl'H Miorcx.
Minn. , July 13. Thinking of the thousands
of clly folk who are at tills
moment enjoying the heated term
at seashore , mountains or lakeside ,
concourse of pleasure seekers have found a
more delightful spot than Mlnnotonka. Sit
ting hero on ono of Iho broad verandas of
l\ Hotel SI. Louis I see before mo a scene
that beggars description.
Around the southern shore lo my left Is
the iitrotch ot land called Coltagowood
and hero are some of Iho most beautiful
Hummer homes on the lake , not to forget
mentioning Northvlno , the charming spot
uolecled by Sir Charles Gibson ot SI. Louis
lor his hospitable abode. It stands far
round to the right of Hotel St. Louis and
Is1 built on a point of land thai overlooks on
the front the dancing waters of tlio lake ,
while far to the left , right and rear lie
hundreds of acres of beautiful woods , parks
and meadows , all In the possession of Sir
Charles , who Is the largest property owner
on Lake Mlnnotonka.
Ono can scarcely know where to com-
munco to tell of Iho almost Innumerable
charms of this lovely place , for every spot
lias Its own particular attraction. Straight
before me I can just detect the spires of
the Lake Park hotel , which , together with
tlio Lufayotto ( a very "swagger" place ) , and
Hotel St. Louis makes up a trio of three
most templing hostolrlos. The latter ,
; - - tl' mentioned last , does not stand least
j In' ' Iho opinion of pleasure seokurs by any
5 means.
' What do wo do all day long ? Well , I'll
< t tell you.
. ' ; In the morning on early walk Is first In
! ' order , or a row or Ball on the lake , for
; _ the lazier ones , and nt 11 nil make a mad
rush for the mall ( plaaso notice that I said
| mall nol male. ) After luncheon we sleep
I nnd oh , how wo do sloop.
; ' You may have Irled II In a summer hotel
V At C:30 : the orchestra reminds us thai U
i Is tlmo to dress for dinner , nnd each fair
9 damsel stands bcforo her wardrobe nnd
i , Blghs , shall It bo "my now ono. my blue one
or the ono I made last ? " nnd finally talcs
the white duck with the red belt nnd tie
nnd the Inevitable Knox sailor , nnd feels
satisfied that BO gowned "she's right in It , "
for that costume s cms to answer for all
hours of the day hops Included.
Afler dinner wo often take a moonlight
rldu over Iho silvery water , and ot course
"Goodby. Sty Lover , Goodby , " "Nelllo W'is
a Lady , " rite. , get a good share ot the at
tention. On Saturday night swallow tails
and full dress are .In order , nnd that evenIng -
Ing Is the tlmo ot all the week. Ami 'tis
then the wary mosquito does good work , ns
Bin.dry fair arms und shoulders can tCHttfy
next day.
As ytt I hnvo not told you of the beautiful
| " club house of Iho Mlnnotonka Yucht club ,
p , the largest Inland yacht club In 'ho country.
* A member took us through It the other
evening nnd wo were moro than charmed.
Just a parting word to ih.i chnpplca , lei
whtto duck und flannel trousers bo a inirt
ot your wnrdrobs- ( you want to bo strictly
fin do Bluclo and contemplating a
Biur.mcr outing.
And , girls , don't forgot the Krox sailor !
IMrnlu ut I'rlfH l.tiUi * .
In honor of Mlsa Rcba Ilium ot Sluux
Falls , S. D. , who Is the guest of Miss Jon-
nlo Ilium , 003 South Thirteenth street , n
plcnlo was given last week at Pries lake ,
boating and fishing furnishing Iho means of
enjoying a pleasant day's outing.
w Those In attendance were : Mr. and Mrs.
D. Harris. Mr. nnd Mra. M. Goldsmith. Misses
Thresa Harris , Flora Anahull. Brooklyn. N.
V. ; Carrie Nathan , ll.rtha lllchonbarg. Jen
nie. Ilium , Delia Kli'ffur. and Messrs. Sol
Frank , I < ew KeUTer. H. Illrslisttln. I , Har
ris , M. Knhn , Henry and Joe Ilium.
A .lolly Mirprlxi- .
Tuesday evening the Social Four gave a
surprise party In honor of one of Its mem
bers , Mlsa Leonlc Groves , at her home , 253d
Chicago street. Dancing and games weru
the principal features ct the evening , after
which the guests repaired to the lawn , where
a dainty supper wan served , During thu
evening a number of pleasing piano solos
were rendered by the .Misses O'.Mallcy nnd
Whlttlcscy nnd Mr. Dotnn.
Those Invited wcro : Misses Mae Hcvcn ,
Mamlo HlKRlns , Knto Welch , Margaret
O'Toole , Mary Gentleman. Anna Gentleman ,
Hay Whlttlesey , Tessle O'Toole , Annlo De-
Kan , Nelllo DeRiin , Josephine Woollier , Joslo
nc-gnn , Mamlo Mlltard , Mantle O'M.illoy ,
Selma Dahlstrom : Mtsjm. J. P. Klnney , 1 .
II. Murray , n. 13. Welch , W. It. Klnney ,
Jean Murphy , 0. 13. Klnney , Emmet Mur
phy , Dan Lea , J. Unhlstrom , C. Ilatkln ,
Wank Murphy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Groves , Mrs.
O'Toole and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Duller.
A TiMliiU Ten.
Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hunter gave an exceedingly pretty tennis
tea nt their re Idence , on Spencer street , In
honor of Mlsn Ilelley of Ilurllngton , la. The
tennis tea Is a novelty In the west , and
the guests wcro enthusiastic in praise of
the latest function. The table was a pretty
sight , the center being n mirror surrounded
with ferns and bearing on Its tmooth sur
face a tennis racket made with ferns with
a floral ball to give realism to the picture.
The white spread was laid out by strings
of smllax Into a tennis court nnd each
guest's place was found by a plate card
of celluloid , racket shaped , while the courses
wore passed on tennis rackets covered with
The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. George n.
Kddy , Mi. nnd Mrs. II. E. Cole. Mr. and
Mrs. H. U. Ochlltrcc , Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Oclnltrce , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter ,
Miss Nellie Rclley , Ml-s Kanny Madison ,
Mlsi Anna Hungate , Miss Terlo Ochlltrce ,
Charles Hui.gate , Carl Ochlltree and Mr.
Sharp. _
1'lriilu at .MnMiuvu.
Thursday was a delightful day for a pic
nic and n number of the members of the
Klrst Methodist church took advantage of
the day by going to Manawa with their
pastor and his wife. In the party weros
llev. Frank Crane and wife , Mr. and Mrs.
J. 0. I'hllllppl , Miss Ruth I'hllllppl. Miss
Sed Taylor , Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Elchcl-
br.rger , Edna Elchelberger , Charley Eichol-
bcrger , Nolan Houtzon , Mr. Richard Slovens
and wife , Al Stevens , George Glsh , Jake
Glsh , Mrs. Templelon , Florence Templeton ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Wlckershnm , Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson , Mrs. Frank Stallard. Mr.
Hmry lirown nnd wife , Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Drown. Miss Edith Waterman , Miss Ruth
Drown , Miss Estclle Drown , Mr. and Mrs.
T. F. Godfrey , Mr. nnd Mrs. Roberts , Miss
Spencer , James Godfrey.
Movpini'iiti mill Wliprrnlmuts.
W. Farnam Smith left for Spirit Lake
last week.
Miss Don no has gene to Spirit Lake for a
short visit.
Miss McKenna returned homo yesterday
from Hot Springs.
C. U. Halllciin has returned from a trip
to London , England.
Miss Magglo Kerr has gone east on a two
weeks' visit with friends.
Senator A. H. Urlggs and Miss Drlggs
left for Colorado last week.
Ml-s Emma Elder of I'eorla , 111. , Is the
guest of Miss Bertha Sloan.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Monroe are
happy ever the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lehmer go to Chicago
cage this week on a short visit.
Miss Mary Glass of Napoleon , O. , Is the
guest of Mrs. J. R. Manchester.
Rev. A. W. Macnabb and wife have
returned from their trip to Canada.
Mrs. Richards and daughter returned to
their home In Freeport last week.
Miss Clara Palmer and Mrs. George Pal
mer went to Spirit Lake last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rlngwalt returned
from Estes park , Colorado , Wednesday.
Mr. Francis E. Halley and family are at
their summer cottage In Honey Creek , la.
Miss Fannlo Coburn nnd Miss Durges are
at the Hotel St. Louis , Lake Mlnnetonka.
Mr. John W. Paul , who has been In Chicago
cage the past week , returns home today.
Mrs. H. G. Counsman and children arc
spending the summer at Honey Creek , la.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lunt have returned
from a visit to her mother at Racine , Wis.
Mrs. T. M. Schumacher and Mrs. A. P.
Drenlg have gene to Hot Springs , S. D. , for
a month.
Mr. Louis Vlerllng of Chicago Is expected
here the llrst of the weak , to remain most of
this month.
Rev. J. M. Patterson , late pastor of the
First Presbyterian church , Is visiting friends
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gllck returned yester
day from a two weeks' visit with relatives
In Chicago.
Miss LIIllo liath entertained the Once a
Week Social club In a very becoming manner
at Its last meeting.
Miss Susie Vandcrcook of Springfield , 111. ,
is the guest of the Misses Donahue , S34
South Seventeenth street.
Mrs. Henry W. Yates , Miss Bessie Yates
and Miss Florence Yates returned from Hot
Springs , S. D. , Wednesday.
Miss Ada Alexander has gone to Colorado
and will spend the remainder of the summer
at Colorado Springs and Manltou.
Mrs. A. M. Pinto left Thursday evening for
northern Wisconsin , where she will spend
several weeks with her parents.
Miss Jones of Chicago has returned from
her visit In Council Bluffs , and will spend
a few weeks with Miss IJennotL
Mr. and Mra. H. P. Whltmoro and daugh
ter , Eugene , leave today for Pennsylvania
and Nuw York to spend the summer.
Miss Liura Sanderson leaves this evening
for a visit to her old home , Freeport , 111.
She will also take In Chicago on her trip.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wapplsh left
this week for Northfleld , Minn. , where they
will spend the summer visiting Mrs. Wnp-
ptch's parents.
Mr i. Louis Hosteller of Albuquerque , N.
M. , Is hero with her children. They are
the guesls of Mrs. D. Schleslnger , Mrs.
Hosteller's mother.
Rev. Charles W. Savldge united In mar
riage the past week , Mr. F. A. Firth and
Miss Elizabeth Corns , Mr. Charles Daker und
Miss S. Jennie Roberts.
Mrs. T. C. Ilrunner , Miss Laura Drunnor
and Miss Helen Buckingham have gone to
Carroll , la. , to spend a week with Mrs.
John Guild , formerly of Omulia.
Lr. and Mrs. William J. Bradbury , slnco
returning from St. Paul and the lakes , have
been stopping at the Hotel L)3lloiic , but for
the remainder of the summer they will ro-
sldo at 1G1I Emmet street.
Mr. J. T. Augur of New York City and Miss
J. A. Johnston of this city were united In
marriage Wednesday afternoon at the resi
dence ut Mrs. Hiukmun , Kov. J. M. Pallor-
sou , now of Drtroll , olllclullng.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eslabrook left lust
week for a trip through the Now England
slates , after which they will be joined by
Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Crawley of Chicago nnd
go to Long Branch , where they will bo the
guests for some tlmo of General Eckert , the
president of the Western Union Telegraph
The marriage of Miss Nannlo Johnson and
H. W. Muoru waa solemnized Monday even
ing ut Trinity Methodist Episcopal church ,
Ur.-n. K. Tlndall of Scward Street Methodist
Episcopal church otllclntlng. After the cere
mony the bridal party returned to the brldo'a
home , 1610 North Twenty-fourth street ,
where supper was served.
Miss Jentle Yates , who returned 'from St.
Joseph yesterday , U the llrst of last ceason'j
debutantes to receive the congratulations of
fr ends upon the announcement of her en
gagement to Mr. Edwartl C. Smith of the
Missouri town , head cf the firm of C. I ) .
Smith & Co. , wholesale druggists. The
marriage , however , Is not lo take place until
thu fall.
Messrs. Hal and Frank Morsman are at
homo from Hot Springs , S. . They left
quite a colony of Omaha people at the
springs. Including Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Den
nett , Mr. and MM. Fonda , Major Paddock ,
Mr. and Mrs. Uogga , Mrs. Dulndorff. Mrs.
Dakar , and Mrs. John A. McShane , ac
companied by her slater , Mrs. Hogan , Miss
Lonergrun and the Misses Durko or Chicago.
Tuesday evening the residence of Mr.
anil Mrs. D. L. Campbell , Park avenue ,
was the srtre of a luwn feto. The occasion
wai In the nature of a surprise In honor
of the 3Gth birthday of Mr. Campbell. He
was Imluco.l to take a short buggy ride
only to return a victim of as complete a as was ever Inaugurated. Muslo
was furnished by the Moiart Male quartet ,
whose previous good work has been greatly
enhanced by the addition at Mr. Fred Abel
as Ilrst tenor. Thalr rendition of Duck's
"Goodnight" clo-cd an evinlng of genulna
pleasure. Delicious refreshments wcro
served during the hours cf the entertain
Lyman Dlckford and wlfo of Rochester ,
N. Y. , are visiting relatives In this city.
A pleasant event In connection with this
visit Is that Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlckford nro on
their wedding tour , although Mr. Dlckford Is
73 , Whllo his wlfo Is GO.
A pleasant llttlu party wm given Sunday
afternoon In honor of the 8th birthday of
Clara Goldsmith. After Indulging In numer
ous childish games and a bountiful repast ,
the > cry young folks alt departed , after hav
ing enjoyed n splendid time. Tlio partici
pants wore : Cora Rothschild , Joslo Levy ,
May Rothschild , Minnie Meyers. Hatttc Raph-
fclil. Hazel Calm , Viola Calm , Blanche Grotte ,
Blossom Rothschild , Dora Levy and Abe
Sampson ,
Last Tuesday n number of young Indies of
fhe First United Presbyterian church , with
their Sabbath school teacher , Miss Emma
Stiles , spent n very pleasant day nt Dellcvuc ,
Arriving nt Dcllcvuq the young ladles laid
aside nil formality and each did her best tn
make the day pass pleasantly , and a jollier
crowd would have been hanf to find. Lunch
was served nt 12:20. : Those present were :
Miss Emma Stiles , Edith Howe , Marie Mcn-
zle , Anna Heywood , Grace Hunter , Florence
Hardy , Graca Kennedy , Edith Wallace , Net
tle Wallace , May Gibson and Miss May Hobbs
of Bellevue.
A very enjoyable time was spent at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Gocrne ,
1020 Cumlng streel , Tuesday evening ,
In honor of their son's 10th birthday.
The house and lawn wcro beautifully deco
rated for the occasion , nnd several selections
were given by Ed Oliver nnd olhers. Rc-
freshmenls were served during Iho evening.
There were prcsenl : Misses Carle Scholler ,
Lolllo Metcalf. Delia Oliver , Llllle Oliver.
Florence Frcdlck , Mamie Goerno , Kate
Gocrne , C. E. Oliver , T. Hodgln , Harry
Smith , Frank Newcomb , Sam J. Howe , Ed
Clark , Ed Oliver nnd Hal Howes.
Enllro flock of fine millinery of Dllss ,
1511 Douglas streel , now In hands of re
ceiver. Must bo sold at once. Goods at
your own price.
An Imprnvril Typn HeHlgiioil nnd Itnllt In
I'm nro.
The use of compound locomotives abroad
Is much more frequent than on our Ameri
can railways and some of the types adopted
over Ihcro as a- result of a number of years
of experience differ widely from any of our
own engines. The Paris , Lyons & Mediter
ranean line , which , by the way , Is fre
quently referred to In France by the somo-
whtit gruesome nickname of the "pour la
mort" road , began experiments In 1SSS with
compound locomotives for express service ,
nnd afler four years of sludy evolved a
design which Is of some novelty , at least to
master mechanics on tills side of the water.
These engines have Iwo coupled driving
wheels on each sldo nnd a leading truck
with two or four wheels. There are four
cylinders ; those for high pressure sleam
laken direct from the boiler are placed oul-
sldo the frames of the locomotive between
the front driving wheel and the rear truck
wheel , and are connected to the rear drivers ,
whllo Ihe low pressure cylinders are belween
Iho frames over Iho cenler of Iho Iruck
nnd are coupled to the front drivers. While
the outward nppenrnncc of the engine Is
therefore decidedly unusual , the most In-
leresllng feature about It Is the boiler. In
the 1888 type of engine the weight was
117,000 pounds , whllo the latest type weighs
but 39,200 pounds. This reduction In
weight was obtained In two ways : by sub
stituting steel for copper In fire boxes , after
our own custom , and ly .reducing 'the
length of Iho boiler from 13 feel 3 Inches
to D feet 10 inches. The latler Importanl
change was made aflcr some noleworthy
experiments on boiler construction had been
carried out by the engineers of the company.
It had been known for some time that by
using In a fourteen-foot boiler tubes with
ribs projecting from their Interior surface
Instead of plain tubes , that the fuel was
burned moro economically. Unforlunalely
this desirable feature was offset by a draw
back which more than counterbalanced It ,
viz. : The steaming capacity of the boiler
was reduced. Then experiments were made
to ascertain If the advantage could be re
tained and the difficulty avoided by using
shorlcr tubes , and It was found thai wllh
ribbed lubes 2.5G In dlnmeler the maximum
cvaporallon Is obtained when Ihey are 9.84
feel long , which length has been adoplcd In
Iho new engines. The capacity of thl
cylinders has also been Increased 20 per
cenl , so Ihnl now they are 13.39 and 21.26
Inches In diameter with a stroke of 24.4
Inches. The Walschaert valve motion , with
which some of the Columbian exposition
locomotives were equipped , is used for Hie
high pressure cylinders , and an Independent
motion of special design wllhout eccentrics
for the others. Doth uro controlled by a
single steam reversing gear so arranged
that a definite ratio of expansion In the
high nnd low pressure cylinders Is always
malnlalned. The new engines arc found lo
not only weigh less and bo more economical
than the older type , but to evaporate more
water In spite of the smalled boiler , a strong
proof of the value of careful scientific In
vestigation In designing machinery.
A liurnynril Itoyo.itt.
Delrolt Free Press : Old Hen Yes , It Is
true that at times , In moments of enthusiasm
or unusual energy , I do lay an egg with a
double yolk.
Pullet Well madamc , as the rcpresenta-
llvo of Ihe Egg Layers' union , I wanl lo
lell you Ihnl your energy Is misdirected
and your cnlhuslasm uncalled for , and If
you offend again you will hear from us un-
pleusanlly. Good morning.
$3.00 , $2.70 nnd $2.50 shirts for $1.85.
$2.00 nnd $1.50 shirts for $1.00.
ALDERT CAHN , 1322 Farnam.
William Kennedy Is at the Paxton.
II. E. Wotzke of Norfolk Is al Iho Mercer.
N. W. Rlley of St. Jo Sundayed at the
George W. Lltllo of Randolph Is al Iho
R. II. Musgrove of Columbus Is at Iho
II. S. Weld of Chicago will Sunday at
the Mercer.
Clyde Spelt of Lincoln Is registered at
the Dellone. .
Jamoi Egan of Lincoln Is In the city , at
thu Paxton.
W. S. Reed of Chadron Is registered at
the Arcade.
C. R. Crltcholl of Denver la registered
al Ihe Mtllard.
W. L. Norcross of Philadelphia Is. a guest
al Iho Murray.
J. G. Miller of Minneapolis was at the Del-
lone last night.
0. D. Rose of Now York Is a Sunday guest
at the Murray.
A. M. Anderson of Tekamah Is In the city ,
at thu Merchants.
J. D. Sutlon of Sliver Creek will Sunday
at the Merchants.
L. E. Uallanl of Milwaukee was at the
Mercer last night.
W. S. McCool of Ponca was at the Mer
chants last night.
H. J. Franklin of Manilla , la. , was at the
Dellono last night.
E , W. Rusaell and wife of Ord are stop
ping at the Dellone.
F. H. Strong of Hay Springs U a Sunday
guest at the Arcade.
H. E. Reynolds of Kansas City was at
thu Mercer last night.
L. V , Dabcock of Kansas City was at
the M Hard hut night.
V. M. Stevens of St. Louis slopped at
the Mlllard last night.
W. 0. Harrington came down from Elgin
and Is registered at the Arcade.
W. H. Black came In from Chlcaga last
night and Is stopping at the Murray.
Mr. G. M. Natllngcr , secretary of the
Omaha nnd thu Mutual Loan anil Building
associations of this city , leaves today for
Iluftalo. N. Y. , to attend the second annual
convention of the United States League of
Local Building and Loan associations. The
convention meets tn the Buffalo Library
building Wednesday morning and will con
tinue In session three days. A banquet will
bo given the delegates by the associations of
Buffalo Wednesday evening , and an ex
cursion to Niagara Falls on Friday. Mr.
Nattlnger Is deputed to represent the asso
ciations of which he Is secretary , as well
as the Nebraska State leagua ,
IB 1
Annual Volksfest J > f" ' Plattsdeutsoliers at
Ruhr's Park Tcdaj ,
Itnlr.i for the Contest hi tlio llolicmlun
Htntn Tmtrnuinriit Interest In No-
brnsUu Sucngurft'ftt Ore vlii | >
I.ocul Cie.riiiiin Coislp.
Plattsdcittschcrs protnlso to gather In
force nt Huscr's park today , where the an
nual volkafest of the society Is to bo held.
All the arrangements for a sociable time
and the successful ending of the affair have
been completed by the committee on ar
rangements , consisting of Fred Stoeckcr ,
Glaus Pahl nnd Claus Uolnver. Attrac
tions have been provided to suit the tastes
of almost anybody. ' naces , shooting and
bowling alley contests are among them.
Societies from Avoca , la. , nnd Lincoln are
expected to arrive , and will bo met at the
Union depot nt 9:10 : this morning. The
combined forces will march from Germanln
hall at 1 o'clock In the afternoon to the
Webster street depot , whence extra trains
leave for the park half an hour later.
Another train Is scheduled to pull out for
the grounds at 3 p. in.
The music will be furnished by two bands ,
the Union Pacific and the Fort Omaha.
Julius I'eycke Is to preside over the bowling
alley contest , where the award to the win
ner consists of a fine gold tnrdal Louis
Helmrod and Hans Peterson are to look after
the shooting matches. Here , too , the prize
will be a medal of pretty design. Return
from the park can be made by train at S
and 11:40 : In the evening and by carryalls
to the Hanscom park motor terminus at any
time. Iluser's Is to be brilliantly Illumin
ated during the evening.
From Information received by Philip
Andres the eastern delegates to the conven
tion of the American Turnerbund nt Denver
will arrive In. Omaha over the Hock Island
at 9:40 : this morning. The meeting was orig
inally to have been held on the 8th day of
this month , but the railway situation at
the time being such as to Impress the dele
gates with the fear of a walk home , the
convention was postponed until next Tues
day. To show the representatives of ath
letic associations from the cast proper cour
tesies the local society has decided to re
ceive them at the depot , and leading Ger
mans of the city have volunteered to pro
vide u necessary number of carriages to en
able these sixty odd men to obtain a view
of all the interesting points tn Omaha. After
the drive they are to dlno at
Maurer's and the Vienna restaurants ,
and later on they will probably
bo convoyed to the Plattsdeutsche picnic at
Iluser's for a short stay. Making nn early
return the evening train will carry these
delegates to Denver , accompanied by Ne
braska delegates. While here they will also
be entertained at Gcrmnnta hall nnd In the
Gorman club rooms , where light refresh
ments ore to be served shortly after their
arrival. The committee from the Omaha
turnvoroln having the matter In charge con
sists of Philip Andfey'i , Herman Kundc , Dr.
II. S. Lucke , Julius Ppslner , E. Waltzenborn ,
August Specht , William Altstadt , Henry
Rolitff , Herman Schsjcffer , D. M. Mohr , Paul
Wurl and J. Krage. '
linlieiiiliin Stntiv Toiiriiiinicnt.
The coming Doheftiiari state tournament
continues to bo tho' ntprcstlng topic In Bo
hemian circles. If , predictions come true
the affair will surpass 'anything attempted
heretofore In this line. Increasing activity
and Interest surely nugur well for the event.
The committee from 'IhoiSoulh Omaha sokol
having the preliminary arrangements In
charge has been compelled to effect a change
of program In the place. ] Last Monday Sarpy
Mills was selected for .a pile. Saturday , Au
gust 25 will be i the Drst day
of the tournament , The visiting
teams and delegations will bo
received and conducted to Thalia hall. South
Omaha , where luncli and other refreshments
are to be served In the evening. The selec
tion of a leader will also occupy their time.
On the following Sunday the contest will
commence in earnest and early at Sarpy
Mills. The four Omaha teams , consisting of
two classes In the first and the same number
in the second division will go by motor to the
hall In South Omaha , and from there all the
turners are to bo taken by carryalls to Sarpy
Mills. In the afternoon of that day special
trains will accommodate spectators with a
rldo to the park.
On Monday the announcement of prizes
Is to be made In South Omaha , and the rest
of the day spent In sight seeing by the
visitors from the Interior of the state , under
the guidance of members of local societies.
On the opening of the tournament Mayor
Johnston of South Omaha will deliver an ad
dress of welcome to the visitors. The re
quisite number of athletes to constitute a
team Is six , and fifteen teams will probably
take part in the tournament , representing
Omaha , South Omaha and the moro thickly
populated Bohemian centers In the Interior
of Nebraska. In the performances men are
to ba credited as Individuals and members
of teams at the same time. The first
division will exercise on apparatus In per
formances rated from three to flvo points ,
the latter being considered the highest and
equal to 100 per cent. For gymnasts of the
second division , performances rating one to
live points are allowable.
In the long Jumping one point will be al
lowed * or the first twelve feet and an ad
ditional point for every two feet up to six
teen. Thereafter every foot Is to be counted
as n point. High Jumping from three and
a. half to four and a half feet Is counted at
three points , with additional points for
every four Inches thereafter.
Flvo feet In height will be considered
as ono point In polo vaulting ; seven feet ,
three points , and an additional point for
every six Inches to eight feet. Four Inches
above that constitute an additional point.
Fifteen feet Is the lowest In rope climbing
und necessary to gain a point. On six ad
ditional feet two moro points are granted
and another ono for every two feet there
after. Lifting fifty-pound dumbbells twenty-
five times with ono shift from right to left
or vlco versa , entitles gymnasts to a point.
Above that number of lifts they are credited
with an additional point for every live clear
raises. In nil the exercl'cs first and second
prizes for the first and second divisions
are to bo awarded ; prizes consist of diplo
mas nnd medals.
These rules were adopted at a recent meetIng -
Ing and according to members will bo
strictly enforced. The oxerchcs are to bo
adjudged by nlno Judges , three of
whom are from Omaha , In addition
to the Tel Jed sokol , the local Dohcmlan
Catholic society and Benevolent Tyrs are to
participate. Anton Stolger , John Krechler
and Charles Dartos , are the local Judges ,
The first team , first division , will consist of
the following : Rudolph Havelka , Joseph Chvnl ,
F. D , Flala , F. Flala , Joseph Novak , Joseph
Poclval , John Moravcc. , Second team , first
division , of : Frank Flala , Joseph Koran ,
John Valenta , John Muthauser , Joseph Flala ,
Will Dartos , Anton Novak. First team , second
end division : John Panousok , Frank Maclml ,
Martin Kalclk , V. Pqypndra , Peter Sip , Peter
Drosdu. Second team , .focond division : An
ton Rlchter , James Sves.tka , Joseph Kunce ,
B. Flala , Frank Souva and Joseph Blalm ,
The tournament wl | | be- the fourth annual
ono held by Nebraska , Bohemian athletic as
Iluvo iiiMitl ; Novo.
The Bavarian society1 has provided nn
attraction for Its plc'nlojat Huser's on July
29 , in the person of , hoJoxpreslibnt of the
Stuttgart Athletic club , Nave , vtio Is to
exhibit feats of physical strength , only second
end to n Sandow. Music nnd gimcs will en
tertain visitors during the remalndor of the
time. _ _ _ _ _ _
lntiT < ' t In > m'iiK < 'rN"it.
In German circles Increasing Interest Is
manifested In the approaching Nebraska
Snongcrfcst to be held at Columbus next
month. Tha affair continues tn be almost
the sole topic In singing circles , with a view
nt making It the grandest state affair of
this kind , As has been published heretofore ,
some doubt AS to the absolute advisability
of sclenting such n difficult song us "Die
Golster.iohl.icht" for rendition has been
expressed locally , and the opinion Is gaining
ground that Omaha's societies will probably
ba called upon to render this , while unsup
ported by societies from the Interior of the
state. Since this seems to bo the probability.
Omaha singers Are discussing the reported
action of Fcst Director I'ohl at Columbus
In engaging an Omaha orchestra , which
Is to accompany the choir In this song. It is
contended , slnco It becomes more probable
that Omaha nlono will be called upon to
glvo this number , that local singers
ought to have been consulted about the
selection of a band , which Is to play such
nn Important part In the successful rendi
tion of the spirit's battle. Without decry
ing the ability of the engaged band , they
say none but finished artists In their line ,
such as can be furnished by Omaha , ought
to be employed to glvo proper expression ,
convey a proper understanding and attend
ant appreciation of this beautiful song to
the hearers. This Is only contention for
complete success at the fcst , It Is main
( ioriimn < : < nsl | > .
The battle of Gravelotte , where many of
their whilom comrades yielded up ( heir
lives fighting for the black , white nnd red ,
will bo commemorated by the German Vet
erans association on August 19 ai Henning-
Prof. Stelnhnuscr has organised ill * Omaha
Military band and reports u number of
Valiant Colonel Dusch of the German Vet
erans association has gone to hla ranch
In Antelope county.
The Omaha Scli'ioUon veroln.vlll v'slt
Dcnnlngton some ilme next month ami en
gage In a shoot.
New System of Printing fortlm Illlnil Com-
Inir Into I' * i1.
The Maryland School for the Blind , on
North avenue , has received the first bible
published In the Now York point alphabet
for the use of the blind. This bible may
have n strong influence In revolutionizing
the alphabet system of study by the blind ,
says the Daltimoro Sun.
The now blblo Is In eleven large volumes
and was executed In Louisville , Ky. , by the
American Printing House for the Blind ,
which Is nn annex of the Kentucky Insti
tute for the Blind. Eleven employes wore
occupied for nearly a year In preparing the
copies , which are being sent to all the
schools for the blind In the country
through the American Bible association.
The alphabet In which the work la pub
lished consists of a series of raised points
grouped arbitrarily to represent letters syl-
ablcs or entire words. This alphabet Is In
use In most of the schools for the blind In
this country In connection with the "lino
alphabet , " which consists of raised Roman
letters. Many educators of the blind cling
to the old line alphabet and give It the pref
erence In their schools , while others claim
for the point alphabet superior advantages.
Superintendent F. D. Morrison of the
Maryland School for the Blind Is one of
the most earnest advocates of the use of
the point system , which , he says , is not
only more concise and more easily made ,
but Is more easily learned and moro quickly
read than the line alphabet. Ho also says
that the line alphabet requires a much more
sensitive touch than the point system.
Little boys nnd girls at the Maryland
school have acquired great facility In readIng -
Ing the point alphabet In a short time. They
can write , too , with case , their writing Im
plements consisting of a soft pad covered
with heavy mnnllla paper and a stylus ,
with which they prick little points on the
paper from right to left , to be road from
left to right. The pupils who leave the
school carry on regular correspondence in
point writing with their former classmates.
Many years ago , nt a convention of educators
caters of the blind , Mr. Morrison expressed
his belief that the New York point system
would supercede all others. His state
ment was not credited , so widespread was
the usa and belief In the advantages of the
line alphabet. Since that tlmo largo num
bers of standard works on religious , liter
ary and scientific subjects , as well as text
books , have been published In the point
"Tho greatest drawback to progress In the
Introduction of the point system , " said Mr.
Morrison yesterday , "has been the fact that
the only bible for the blind was In the line
alphabet , a big work of twenty volumes.
Thlsf was a big stumbling block that seemed
for a while Irremovable , owing to the great
expense of making a new bible. That
stumbling block Is now removed , and the
advocates of the point system feel that they
may advance their arguments with confi
dence at the coming convention of educators
caters of the blind at Chautnuqua , now that
they are able to take their stand blblo In
A ntiHo IiiHlmmtlnn.
One of Nebraska's great congressmen
sauntered Into n barber shop In Washington
for a shave recently , says an exchange. The
tonsorlal artist was ono of those who have
manipulated the faces of the greatest men
of the nation. McKolghan took his sent In
the big chair and the artist , who claims to
have scraped the face of General Washing
ton , approached the congressman with razor
and napkin , and after having adjusted the
cloth stepped back In wonder. ' "Massa Con
gressman , " the artist said , "you reminds
me of DanleWViebstah. " Mr. McKelghan
smiled visibly mm replied : "It Is the slzo
of my head or the massive brain that puts
you In mind of the great orator , I suppose ? "
"No , sah , " ho stammered ; "no , sah ; not yo'
head , sah. It Is yo' broff. "
$3.00 , $2.75 and $2.50 shirts for $1.85.
$2.00 nnd $1.50 shirts far $1.00.
ALBERT CAHN , 1322 Farnant.
Miirrlugt )
The following licenses to wed were granted
by the county Judge yesterday :
Name and Address. Age.
Wlllliim P. Arnold , Omaha . 23
Henrietta Sunder , Omulia . IS
Cnrl Samuel Anderson , Omnha . 21
Carrlu Jorgcnson , Omulia. . . . . . . . . . . 0
A flro occurred in L. F. Wright's house
at 1314 Capitol avenue last night , but was
extinguished before any considerable damage
was done.
Special Detectives Vizzard and Miller of
thi ) Union Pacific arrested G. M. Hlttlo last
night while ho was attempting to break Into
a box car.
Albert Cooper's home at 419 North Four
teenth street was slightly damaged by lire
early lust evening. Prompt work saved the
house from destruction.
Louis Proctor was arrested last night on
n warrant sworn out by Pat Fennessy of 212
South Twelfth street , charging him with
stealing some clothing and $1U from Fen-
ncusy'u rooms on July 4 ,
National Association of Stationary Engi
neers No. 1 of Omaha ( educational ) bus
chosen II. A. Seymour delegate , and Charles
L. Mullen alternate , to represent It at the
national convention to bo held In Baltimore
In September.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
United Workmen Establish "Floral Day"
in Honor of Deceased Members ,
llouito Clrmilng Cnmplntntl nt .Mnmmto
Hull ( Irinvtli of Colinnliiis Ciinii | of
\Viniilnieii rinns for itttV : Anniml
Outing Sccrot SorliMyNotes. .
Whllo for many years the A. 0. U. W. has
had a Memorial day , which Is celebrated on
the anniversary of the death of Father Up-
church , the founder of the order , n feeling
has arisen among members of the order
that a day should be set aside on which the
order could show remembrance and respect
for deceased members and give some sign
that , although a brother might have gene
before , ho was not forgotten. Memorial day
Is celebrated In the middle of February nnd
on account of the season , such exercises as
are desired cannot be performed. The senti
ment has finally culminated In the adoption
by the lodges of this city of a "Floral day , "
which has been arranged somewhat upon the
plan of the national Memorial day. Sunday ,
August 5 , ha been set as the date. It Is
proposed to hold on that day memorial serv
ices at some place yet to be determined. A
grand procession Is also to be one of the
features. The ceremonies will bo participated
In by upwards of 1,200 memners of I ho order
tn tills city. Committees will be appointed
to visit the cemeteries and place flowera on
the of dcjeate I brothers. Master Work
man J. G. Tale Is expected to bo present
and deliver an address. Committees have
been appointed by some of the ledges to
perfect arrangements and thu other Judges
will appoint theirs during the coming week.
The following committee was named by
Unluii 1'acilic lodge No. 17 at Its mooting
Friday night : F. L. Otis , KII Clarrett ,
George D. Johnston , Henry McCoy , M. G.
Edwards , C. A. U'agncr , Henry Yinglmg ,
E. C. Deckford nnd F. II. Droadllild. North
Omaha lodge No. 159 , has named the fcl-
lowlng : C. II. Walker , S. S. Watt nnd
James Burr. , . .
ilki : UlllViixli TlifinsolviM.
The local lodge of Elks Is at present In
n most prosperous condition , and notwith
standing the hot weather the regular weekly
communications arc well attended. At ill-
most every meeting new accessions are made
to the order , and they are of a class that
are an honor to the organization. For sev
eral seasons past the annual outing of the
Elks took the form of a clam-bake , and
Pries' lake nnd vicinity will remember for
a long time those Joyous occasions. This
year , however , it has been decided to aban
don the clam-bake , and on next Saturday
afternoon the Elks will hie themselves to
Manhattan beach , Lake Manawa , where
they will disport themselves In the sands
and waters of that famous resort , and after
wards sit down to a special dinner that
will be served in the French restaurant
In the pavilion. The arrangements are In
the hands of the following committee :
Messrs. Hewitt , Cronk , Lumbard , Barrett
and McGrath.
MiiHonlu Hull Kvnovateil.
Masonic hall has .been thoroughly re
novated during the past two weeks. The
rooms and halls have been cleaned out , the
furniture repainted or varnished , and the
furnishings well cleaned. An admirable oil
painting of Bellevue In 1S5G has been hung
up in the reading room. This picture gives
a good representation of the trading post ,
Indian school and other buildings of the
Bellevue of that time. Including the build
ing containing the lodge room of Nebraska
lodge No. 1 , tlio first lodge In the state.
Columbus Cuiiip \Voodnu'll. .
Columbus camp , Woodmen of the Wcrld ,
Is rapidly becoming one of the strongest
lodges In the city , although Its organization
was completed only two .or three months
ago. It Is a Bohemian camp , being the
first ono organized In the city. It has
brought within Its membership many mem
bers from other societies. Sixty names are
on Its rolls nt present , the average age being
32 years. The officers are : C. C. . John
Plpal ; clerk , John Krechlor ; banker , V.
Novacek. |
AilijilHtii Orovn OMIrrrs. I
The public Installation of officers of Ani i
gusta grove , Woodman Circle , of Council
Bluffs took place Friday night. The of- |
fleers were Installed by Supreme Secretary I
J. T. Yates of this city. After the ceremony - |
mony a very pleasant entertainment was
given and refreshments were served.
The officers are : W. G. , Miss Cutter ;
E. A. , Miss Kracht ; W. M. , Mrs. Hitchcock ;
W. C. , Mrs. Hlckman ; W. T. , Mrs. Haggerty ;
I. S. , Miss Colter ; 0. S. , Miss Kracht.
Sorrct Sot-Inly Not en.
C. C. Farmer of Mount Carroll , 111. , chair
man of the board of sovereign managers of
the Woodmen of the World , has been In the
city during ( ho past weak examining the
affairs of the sovereign camp of thp city.
He 1ms reported that the finance * of the
order are In good condition. They have In
creased more during the past six months
than any preceding year.
Golden Rod circle , Woodmen of the World ,
gave a most entertaining Impromptu program
at Its meeting last Tuesday night. The
attendance was largo.
Alpha camp , Woodmen of the World , gave
ono of the moat Interesting social enter *
talnments In the history of the camp at the meeting.
llonulits Comity Institute.
The annual Institute for the teachers of
Douglas county will convene at the High
school building In this city tomorrow mornIng -
Ing , continuing during the week , with lec
tures or entertainments each evening.
Superintendent Hill has secured the ser
vices of Prof. Eastman of the Iowa univer
sity , Prof. Andrews of Hastings anil
n number of other prominent educators
to assist him In the work. All
of the Douglas county teachers
are expected to bo In attendance. School
officers nro urged to bo present nt the say *
slons , and n general Invitation Is extended
to the public.
We'll gve you
For the bottles
if you buy a case of
$2.50 a case delivered.
flio I'jirosf MliiomlVntoc ,
Toil-phono im
nil ! S. I''ih SI. , Omaha.
Delivered Dally.
Perform nt 3301:30 ; : , 9 and 10 p. tn. today at
Ladles' shirt waists , In two good pat
terns , neat stripes In medium nnd darlc
blue , usual price $1.00 , this week C9c. Send
Co for postage.
All Hint have sold during the season at
$17.50 , $20.00 , $22.50 , $23.00 nnd $30.00 ; choice
now for $12.08.
Another lot of those that usually sell for
$1.23 ; choice GOc. Send 17c for postage.
Perform at 3:30 : , 4:30 : , 9 nnd 10 p. m. today at
Wiltons ,
ADVANCE Axminsters ,
Moquettes ,
FALL Body Brussels ,
Tapestry Brussels ,
Ingrains ,
Rugs , Etc.
New carpets will be exhibited for
the first time Monday morning.
A comparison of these goods with
last seasons' styles and colorings will
soon decide the purchaser in our fa
1414-16-18 Douglas St.