Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1894, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE OMAHA DATLY flEJfWSUNDA ir , JULY22 * 1894 , 15
Volnmo of Business In a Jobbing Wny Shows
Little Change.
Much Needed the Umintry Produces
n Hotter reeling Among itlrrclmnt *
of All UIIIMM I-'rult Market I'ruc-
tlrully Hum All tliu UVck.
In a general way tlio past week has not
wltnes.-ed miioti change In tlio local Bitun-
tlon as affecting tlio Jobbing trade. Tlio
quieting down of ttio labor troubles on tlio
different lines of railroad nml tlio resump
tion of traffic In most sections of Hie coun
try lias naturally bail a beneficial effect.
TravellnB men who were stranded nt differ
ent points , or who were afraid to start out
until tlio trouble was over , arc now making
tholr territory and calling upon their trade
with the uiual regularity. 1'ubllo apprehon-
nlon of tnoro serious troubles to como lias
died out and the country Is generally In bet
ter shape to do business.
Just before the breaking out of the strike
on the railroads condition ! appeared to bo
Improving , and tlicro wcro great hopes that
the long expected recovery of trade was
about to set In. The coal strikes had been
settled and tlicro appeared to bo nothing
In the way of Improvement excepting the
tariff struggle In Washington. Then came
the great railroad strike just at the right
moment to smother returning conlldonco and
put a stop to all Improvement. Wlillo the
fctrlko has practically ended , there Is no
doubt but what It has made serious Inroads
upon the volume of summer business and
tlmt a good deal of the loss will never be
, nmdo up.
i Tlio dry weather of the past week has
been a disturbing clement In local trade
circle * , but fortunately this cause for dis
trust has been largely eliminated. Light
' nhowers were experienced over a greater
portion of the state just at a time when
merchants were becoming seriously alarmed
for the safety of the corn crop. These
i rains , according to the reports of grain men
who have been watching the con no of
events very closely , put the crop out of
present danger. Thus far thcro has been
no serious damage to the growing crop cx-
' cept In some few sections of small extent.
Omaha Jobbers generally are taking a very
hopeful view of the future of the jobbing
trade. Very few merchants can be found
who are predating other than better times
tor till ; fall. It Is not easy to sec why , this
fall , there should not appear a distinct Im
provement In the distributing trade of the
west. Most of the causes that have mi-
' settled confidence- should have disappeared
by that time. Prices have already dropped
on most goods In proportion to the reduction
of wages. The present low prices of all
building materials ought to presejit a suf
ficient temptation to bring about a resump
tion of building operations that have been
almost entirely suspended during the past
Another week has been lost to the fruit
trade of the city owing to the continued embargo
barge on the railroad lines In California. For
the past two weeks the Jobbing trade In this
line , which Is an Important Interest In this
city , has been at a complete standstill for
the want of supplies. This city has como
to depend upon California for Its supply of
summer fruits to such an extent that as soon
as fruit from that state , appears shipments
from southern points are stopped at once.
That being the case , the cutting off of sup
plies from California had left the market bare
and all that the jobbers could do was to sit
down and wait for an ending of the rail
road troubles , ns there was not much use
In trying to secure shipments from other
states , which would require too much tlmo
anil expenditure.
Bofor.o the strike prices on fruit were so
, low that n good , many shipment ? barely paid
the cost of railroad freight , leaving the
grower In California Httlo or nothing for his
labor , cost of the boxes , packing , etc. The
market has now been bare for so long a. tlmo
that there ought to bo a much better demand ,
and' It Is expected that the first cars that
arrive on the market will command much
better prices than prevailed earlier in the
season. As soon ns sufficient fruit arrives
the dally auction sales will bo resumed. Ac
cording to present prospects fruit will com
mence arriving today.
Country produce has sold mostly at about
steady prices during the wcok. The de
mand has not been very nctlvs and there
have been no wldo fluctuations In the mar
ket. The heavy receipts and only moderate
demand brought about a drop In the 1 ay
market , ' but at the , same tlmo there has
been a strong feeling , owing to the fact that
the dry weather has cut short the hay crop.
It would not , In the opinion of dealers , ro-
qulro much of a falling off In the receipts
to causa a rapid advanceIn prices.
The local money market Is exceedingly easy
nnd It Is doubtful If there ever was n tlmo In
the history of this city when money was so
plenty and could be had at as low rates as
at the present time. There Is plenty ot
money for every kind of enterprise that
might be undertaken ; It is only a
question of security. Tha banks and
loan and trust companies are all
wllllnc and anxious to make loans. It Is
claimed that a good many loans nrc being
made on farms at as low .1 rate as 0 per cont.
with an additional commission of 1 or 2 per
cent on live years tlmo.
That the clearings of the national banks
nro showing a considerable decrease as com
pared with a year ago , when business was
suffering from what amounted almost to a
money panic. Is generally regarded as one
of the results of tlio railroad strikes. For
'the ' whole country theru was n decrease In the
matter ot clearings amounting to 1C per
cent as compared with the corresponding
week ot last year. Omaha made a little
bettor showing than tlio average , the decrease
at this point bslng only 13 per c'lit. At the
simo time Omaha does not come up to the
record made by some other western cities.
Minneapolis reports a decrease ot only 9
per cent and St. Paul 3 per cent , whllo Kan
sas City shows a gain of 55 per cent and
Sioux City 22 per cont. On the other hand
Denver Is 21 per cent behind the record of
last year , Duliith13 per cent and St. Joseph
23 per cent. From this Omaha would seem In
occupy a middle- position among the cities
In this section of the country , being In this
respect considerably better off than some ,
hut not In as good shape as others.
Laying aside the question of percentages
nnd taklniT Into consideration the volume nt
clearings only , Omaha Is able to give a very
good account ot herself , as will bo seen from
the following , showing the week's totals for
a number of western cities :
Omaha , JI.6S9.201
Minneapolis 4,117.120
St. 1'nul 3,727,431
Uullltti 2,179.003
Milwaukee 4.083.7S : !
Denver 2.SU2.013
St. Joseph , 1.S5.X.C37
Bloux City B77.0S3
Ho ft ex Action of tlio Strllio I'olt In Umiiha
Hutlirr llmvlly.
"This has been the dullest week of the
summer In retail circles , " sold Mr. W. II.
Ilobcrson , malinger of 11. O. Dun & Co.'a
agency In Omaha.
"The effects of the Btrlko were not felt
BO severely In Onmliii until this week. Cal
ifornia fruit has nut been In market to any
extent , nnd the rellcx t-ffect of the paralysis
west , north and east of us has Noriously Im
paired our trade. I can hardly see why
this should be the case , for this city and
Otute worn almost wholly exempt from the
ill roc t cvllH of the Htrlke.
"Crop prospects generally nro good , al
though along the river rnlna \ needed and
Bhowora generally would be tfrulcfully re
ceived ,
"In wholesale circles the week has been
quiet , During the strike many fall orders
were canceled. A goo < l share of these arc
being renewed , and us Boon ns the fright
la passed trade will surely revive. The
Htrlke eemed to 111 ! country merchants
with apprehension , nnd ot cotirso the- far
west trade of this city was entirely cut off.
Although the labor troubles re over , to
all Intents and purposes , there In consider ,
'able uneasiness remaining , dim to the inut-
lerliiKtt of discontent among the late utrlk-
ers and tholr lenders.
"At South Omahit rrcrlpta of hogs were
large , rattle fair and xhrep linn. Hogs
have fallen and cattle are lower than last
ww > k , except on choice weights.
"Tho canal proposition 13 mill dragging
Its length along , with Its projectors a ( rood
deal discouraged over the numerous ob-
ntaclca encountered , but It la probable a
bond proposition will finally bo submitted.
"This would be n ROOK ! tlmo for the Job
bing bureau of the Commercial club to tnkc
up the question of amending the collection
lawn of Nebraska. The legislature will bo
elected In November nnd theneaslon begins
In January. Heretofore nothing ban been
accomplished In this direction from one
cause nml another , but times are ripe now
for n , proper assignment law In Nebraska.
The Jobber ; ) would do well to Initiate a
movement Immediately. "
SNOW , cnimuii & co's. VIKWS.
lint llrj AVoiithrr .Million tlio Outlook n
Little ( llimniy for Crop * .
Albert Andrlano , local superintendent for
Hnow , Church & Co.'s mercantile agency ,
writes : "The extremely dry weather re
cently prevailing IIOH had a very noticeable
effect on business , both la the city nnd
country. HeportM from different parts of
Nebraska anil Iowa are calculated to give
perloiiH cntiHe for apprehension. Unless ruin
comes In a very few duys corn will be se
riously damaged In Home uectlons of the
"Farmers nnd business men feel very un
easy over the situation , nnd are much de
pressed nt the gloomy prospect. The effect
of this condition of affairs Is apparent In
the small orders * nnd excessive caution of
buyers. In northeastern Nebraska nnd
western Iowa an abundant rainfall has done
much to restore confidence. Heyond thin
there IH little clmngo In the local situation.
Haiti IH the one consummation to bo wlBhcd
for. A sulllclent degree of moisture be
tween thlH tlmu nnd the middle of August
will assure an abundant crop , establish
the confidence of retailers on n firm basis ,
and the era of Increased trade and more
liberal orders will be ushered In from that
"With the gradual resumption of tralllo
nt strike centers a settlement of the labor
troubles may be expected to follow. The
tariff bill must soon be decided on some
basis , nnd the adjournment of congress
will put an end to further legislation for
the time being. The rciorted | uxodus of la
borers from this country , aided by the
remarkably low rates of transportation to
Kngland and to Hurope , will operate to the
benollt of the country. The claps of emi
grants most desired In this country are
cultivators of the soil , but It has been
amply demonstrated In the last few years
that the Ignorant and unskilled laborer
who seeks employment In the large cities
makes a most undesirable and troublesome
citizen , serving only to make the lot of
his follow workmen hero more burdensome
and Intolerant. A real scarcity of laborers
would do much to ameliorate the condition
of worklngmcn , and Incidentally Improve
business. It would seem strange Indeed If
an entirely natural succession of circum
stances would aid In a solution of the labor
problem. The business situation may at
present be best characterized as waiting.
Tills Is the quiet period of the year , and
from now on until the first of September
little change may be expectd to take place
In general affairs. It is important above
all things that congress complete Its labors
and adjourn , that labor troubles be set
tled In some satisfactory manner , and that ,
In a general way , nil Impediments to the
resumption of business be disposed of In
some satisfactory manner. liy the mid
dle of next month the fate of the corn crop
will be decided. With a settlement of the
tariff and labor troubles Importers and
manufacturers can adjust their affairs pre
paratory to a revival of business. The pros
perity of the "west will then depend upon
the crop , and a more Intelligent estimate
of thu prospects for a general Improvement
In trail' conditions can then be made.
"At this time predictions for the future
are mere guess work. The . chances for
prosperity or continued depression are about
equally balanced , and It depends entirely
upon the happenings of the next few weeks
which way the scales will turn. In the
meanwhile there Is no plausible reason to
suppose that a revival of trade will not set
In this full. "
I.onilfiii Crop Kovlew.
LONDON . July 21. The weather nt the bc-
Klmihi ? nf the week was unsettled , but Inter It
Improved. A full average yield of whent Is ex
pected. The white sorts were easier. Hed was
from 3d to Cd lowpr. The depression was due to
the finer weather , better crop news from France
nnd Kussla , and the weakness In Amerlcn. Onl-
Ifornlan , prompt delivery , was quoted nt 23s
per qunilcr , und red winter steamer cargoes.
July nnd August delivery , nt 21s Sd. Hour wns
alow nnd easy for both spot nnd shipment.
Prices were down 3d. Corn was weak on the
weather. lie-sellers pressed their offerings nt fill
decline. Mixed American wns held too hlsh.
llnrley wns lid ensler , owing to the weather.
Oats were quiet but firm , owing to the scant
supply. _
Liverpool Market.
LIVHUPOOL , July 21. WHEAT Close , dull :
demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1
California. 4s 9l5dN3 loi&d ; red western , spring.
4 'Jli'l&la Wid ; red western winter , 43 Glide
4s did.
COHN Steady : demand moderate ; new mixed ,
spot , 3s lid ; California brewing barley , 23s GdlJ
25s Cd.
Kl.Olin Spring patents , Gs 9d.
PROVISIONS lleef , extra India mess , fiSs 9d.
Pork , prime mesa , 70s. Uncoil , long nnd short
clenr , f.5 Ilis , , S6s ; long clear , 43 Ibs , , 37s. Lard ,
prime western , 33s M.
JUITTKU Finest. 70s ; good. KOs nominal.
CUKKSH American Hnest , nominal.
Kansas City Markets.
KANSAS CITY , July 21. WHKAT Slow , He
lower ; No. 2 hard , 4lfl44'4c ' ; Ni. : 2 red , 410tlie ! ;
No. ! l red , 4f43o ; rejected , 39llc.
CORN Slow : No. 2 mixed , ! 4c lower nt 350
33'ic ; No. 3 white. 3SiiiP-Bc. !
OATS Slow , but firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 23S20 ! c ;
No. 2 white , nominally 28e.
ML'TTEH-Steady ; creamery , 13J5c ; dairy , 12
© 14o.
KtJCIS Active nnd firm nt 574c. !
IIKCBH'TS Wheat , 3,000 bu. ; com , none ; oats ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none. _
Miiluth ( Inilu Market.
Dt'LUTII , July 21. WIIKAT Close : Weak ;
No. 1 bard , ensh nnd July , GS4e ! ; js"0. i north
ern , oih and July , C7c : September , GTiUc : Ue-
remlxT , S2io ; No. 2 northern , cash , d4c ; No , 3 ,
CSc ; njected , 45c ; to arrive. No. 1 northern ,
FLAX SM13D-J1.17.
Car Inspection today : Wheat , 141 cars ; oats , 7
cars.UKCnilTSWheat , 104 , 000 bu.
I'oorli tiniln Market.
PKO1UA , July 21. COUN Active , firm ; No. 2 ,
42'Je : No. 3. 41 e.
OATH Active , irregular ; No. 2 white , 373Sc ;
No. 3 white , 3IJ(33e.
UYK Dull , nominal.
WHISKY Firm ; fl.22.
llKfKIITS Ciirn , 37.000 bu. ; oats , 43,000 bu. ;
rye , CM bn. ; barley , none.
BIIII'MKNTH C'orn. 27,000 1m , ; oats , 21,003 bu.j
r e , 400 bu. ; bailey , " 00 bu.
. Now York Dry I oodn Market.
NKW YOIIK , July 21. During the morning
hours there wns an jrreKUlnr demand for special
orders , by mall nnd wire , but otherwise the
business was of the limited pro | > itlons usual
to Saturday , 1'rlntlimclotlm , quiet and steady
at 2c. Tall Itlvcr sales for the week , 413. Ox )
jdeees ; production , 115,000 plecca ; stock , 774,000
pieces. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wool Markiii.
OT. LOUS. July 2' WOOL III demand at
steady , unchnneeil i rices.
' 1'rlKco Win-lit Quotations.
ber , ( I.IUH.
_ _
Tlio Only Animal of Its Kind 11 Captive In
A whlto baboon , declared to bo the only
one ever heard of , has arrived In Bedford
England , from South Africa ,
Two years ago , says the New York World ,
some trek Doers came upon this baboon
and his mother In the Miirchlsa range In
the district ot Johannesburg. After a fierce
light the mother was killed and the young
male was led away In captivity. He was
brought up In Africa unJ has Just been
taken to Ungland.
He Is now full grown , being between three
and four feet In height. He Is pure white
In color. He Is a very heavy , well-grown
baboon und excites attention by his ceaseless
activity. Ho has a remarkably powerful
voice , resembling the bark of a large dog ,
but harsher and further reaching. Rest
and quiet are not possible In bin neighbor
hood ,
This baboon Is possibly a member ot a
white variety of the cliacma family , or pos
sibly a case ot albinism , which Is found oc
casionally In most races of animals.
The cliacma or pig-faced baboon Is a
native of South Africa , whore he Is very fre
quently found , and Is the largest of the
baboon family. Ho ordinarily grows to be
about as large as a mastiff , but Is much
heavier. It Is the custom ot his species to
travel about In troops. These would bo
very formidable parties for men to encounter
It the baboons were not In the habit ot run
ning away. When angered , however , or
pressed by hunger they occasionally attack
men nnd human dwellings. They are very
noisy and playful , and generally not had
tempered. The tur U usually brown In
The baboon U not easily domesticated ,
but he has been occasionally. There are
records ot & famous baboon who used to alt
In a chair at Kxter 'Change , In London ,
imoke a pipe and drink gin and water. A
fondness for alcoholic stimulants U fre
quent in the monkey family.
Wheat Olosotl Without thi Appearance -
anco of Sallying.
Corn Wai I'nny I'urly with Wheat , but He-
acted Later on Light Offering * and
I'ulr Demand Stocks ami
CHICAGO , July 21. Wheat closed without
the slightest aptanuico | of rallying , although
at the lowest price known since the present
system of trading commenced , September
finishing with a loss ot " ! > c. Corn closed
Vic higher , oats % c higher and provisions
with but Httlo change.
In wheat there was a very moderate trade ,
the price keeping within from ' /4c to % o
range. Thcro was fiee liquidation by longs
and not much demand outside the buying
by shorts. The weakness was due largely to
the lower cables , the decline In outside mar
kets nnd the disappointing exports for the
week. The weather abroad was said to be
Improving , and this was also a minor factor.
Liberal receipts at winter wheat points nnd
talk of prospects ot some kind of a settle
ment of the elevator troubles were Influences
that cut considerable ot n figure with the
course of the market. The continued
favorable reports where threshing Is In pro
gress was something ot a factor , showing a
much larger yield than , expected. Exports of
wheat and Hour wcro very moderate 256,000
bn. The market grew weaker again near
the closing hour , inlluenccd by the break at
Minneapolis , and the liberal estimates re
ceived hero for -Monday 101 cars.
Corn was quiet within from % c to % c
range. The market was easy early with
wheat , but reacted later on light offerings
und fair demand.
Oats wore easy early with wheat and corn ,
but firmed up , closing at the top on good
buying and unfavorable Iowa crop reports.
The range was % c for September.
Provisions were very dull , but steady on
the steady llvo hog market. Compared with
last night September pork nnd ribs are un
changed and September lard 2'/fcc higher.
Freights slow ; a load of corn was taken at
Tie to Buffalo.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
401 cars ; corn , 245 cars ; oats , 85 cars ; hogs ,
27,000 head , with 125,000 head next week.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlcles _ | "dpcn. | Higli. | Low. | Close.
Wheat.No. 2
July 02 ?
Snpt . * H B1H
lec . 08 68
Corn No , 2. .
July . IBM 42M
Kept . 42M 4204'JH 4 2 hi
Get . 411 4U I''W
May. . 3736 S1H
OatH No. 2. . .
July . 31
Altffn 28
tVpt. . . . . . . .
May IH 31M
Pork per bbl
July 12 50
Sept. 12 00 U 05 1-J CO 17 55
July 0 82 0 85 0 H2 0 35
Sept 0 B2J * U 8G U S2 U 85
Short Klba-
July. . 0 CO
Sept. . ( I GG U < VJ
Cash quotations were as follows :
ri.OUIl Winter patents , J2.80fi2.00 ; winter
strnlKlila. J2.10Jj2.50 ; Hprlns patents , J3.10ff3.lV ) ;
uprlllK HtmlKlitH , J2.20if2.70 ; linkers , J1.50ff2.00.
WHEAT-NO. 2 Hpilnn , 52ViW4i ; No. 3 uprlns ,
ii'imlnal , No. 2 red , "li'lH lic.
C'ORN No. 2 , 42'/c ; No. 3 yellow. 43e.
OATS No. 2. nominal ; No. 2 white , 35 < S3Sc ;
No. 3 white. 32 ? 39c.
UYK No. 2. 40c.
HAltLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal : No.
4. 43e.
Fl\X SEEP No. 1 , gl.2ttt1.2Y.
TIMOTHY SKBD Prime. J5.10.
PROVISIONS' MMM pork , per bid. , $12.43 ®
l.57's ; lard , per 100 Ibs. . JO.82V5ac.85 ; bert ribs ,
sides ( loose ) , ; C.C2'.ij6.C3 ; dry salted shoulders
( boxol ) . jr. . ij'j.lU ; abort , clear sides ( boxed ) ,
Ji.S7' ; ' . < . ( fi 7. ' . ' . > .
WHISKY--Distillers' finished goods , per gal. .
Thofollowinirurcro tlio receipts ana shipment *
fcr today :
On the. Produce exchange today tha butter mir
kct w.iannchanired : creamury. l'JK 17cj diary.
EfiB , ; ! I31C. ( )
Yi'Ktt'rdny'.i OuntutloiiH on Flour , drain nml
Pi-ovlsidiis , Alntiil' , lite.
NEW YORK , July 21.-FLOUR-Recclpls , 7,100
bbls. ; exports , 8,100 bbls. ; sales , 3,000 | ikgs. ;
market nominal In absence of demand ; low win-
tern steady , and offerings light ; city mill patents ,
Il.05ff4.30 ; winter patents , J3.233.33 ; city mill
clears , J3.S53.65 ; winter straights , J2.WJ2.90 ;
Minnesota patents , J1.40ff3.S5 ; winter extras ,
J..OOlfi.BO ; Minnesota bakers , J2.log3.40 ; winter
low grndea , $ iB iT)2.i ) ; ; sprlnc low grades , Jl.COJf
1.83 ; pprlnK extras. 51.wii2.3i ) ) . Southern Hour ,
dull ; common to fair extras , J2.00i82.70 ; good to
choice extras , J2.5053.40. Rye llotir , quiet ; sales ,
150 bblH. ; miperllnu , Ji75Ci-2.85 ; fancy , J2.UOif3.10.
lluekwheat Hour , nominal.
CORN MEA 1-Steady ; miles. 300 bbla. ; yellow
western , J2.65Jf2.SO ; Itnindywlnc , J2.SO.
RYE Nominal ; state , Ku ; Jersey , 52rr33c.
IIAHLEY Nominal.
HAKLKY MALT Nominal ; western , CSOSOc ;
Blx-rmved , S2frC5c.
WHEAT ReeelptB. 311,500 bu. ; exports. 109,700
bu. ; Bales , 3COU , ( > 00 bu. futures , 8,000 bu. Fiot.
Spot market Inactive : No , 2 red In store and
elevator , Me : allait , 57V e ; No. 1 noithern , Cl > ic
ilrllvrrotl : No. 1' hard , 66 ic delivered. Options
opened weak and broke the low record on rnlns
west , lower cables , enormous receipts , small
weekly exports and liquidation later In the
morning ; foreigners becamu good buyers and
the market rallied some , but closed $ tfi'C lower ;
July closed nt 56e : August , 6fiVi oiijir. closed
( MTUe ; Scpteinbt-r , ,17 7-lfi j57Hc. : closed G7HC ! Oc
tober , MMi'Mc , closed 5'Je ; December , liiniilKc ,
closed 6le.
CORN Receipts , none ; exports , 40f,00 bu. ;
mtles , 30,000 bu. futities , 1,00) bu. spot. Spot
tiiRiltet Inacllve : No. 2 , 47Vic III elevator , 473 < c
nlloat. Option maiket otvned weak on the rain
In th < - corn belt , but rallied with wheat , nnd
closed He down ; July closed at 4 'Vc ; August
closed 47Hcj September , 4iHffJC ( 13-lOc , closed
4 Hr.
OATS llooplptB , 82,300 bu. ; sales. 2f 0 bu. fu-
UIITS , 16,000 bu. cpot. Spot market neglected ;
No. > . 42c ; No. 2 delivered , 4Cc ; No. U wliltn. I3e ;
No. 3 white , lie ; tmrk. white western , 429j."ie ;
trad ; , white stall42 < i < .ruc. Option market dull
and weak , closing le lower on July , and Ue on
other month * : July closed at SS'.jc ' ; August closed
32l4c ; September , 31 7-161f31V4c , closed 31' , < .c ; Octo-
lier closed 32Vic.
HAY Uull ; HhlpplnB , GSflCOo ; good to choice ,
75WSIV ,
HOPS Pull ; mate , common to choice , 713o ;
I'nriflu roist , 100 13c.
HIDES Dull : wet palte.1 New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to C * > Ibs. , UilWic ; Tex IB , seleetdl , 3i
In BO ibs , , 4Q.V ; lluenos Ayres , dry. 20 to 21 lb . ,
lOVte ; Texas , dry. 21 to 50 Ibs. , Mff.VsC.
LEATHER Quiet : hemlock xolu , Ilucnos Ayres
light to heavy weluhts , 15918c.
WOOL Imictlve ; domes-tic lleece , IS Oe ;
pulli l. 2Uii25o.
PROVISIONS-lleef. iteady ; family. JD ; extra
mess , JS.Wfrs.M ; lef l hams. Jl ; city , extra
India. iiH'BS. jltf.oOffliUiO. Out mcnts. eteady ;
Plckleil bellies , 7'.ifSc : pickled shniildi'lii , CW
< Uc ; plckrlil bain" , 11 HO I- ' ' . I ird , nominal ;
western ( team clo. ed at J7.22H ; July closed at
J7.22 nominal ; Sept < > mlKT. J7.22 nnmlnal ; reOned ,
nulet : continent , J7.H5 ; S. A. , J7.R5 ; compound ,
< ifi'/4e. Poik , dull ; new mess.
14.25 ; extra prime , Jli.Wwl3.00 ; family ,
14.M ; ehort clear , Jll.OWlii.5a.
RUTTER l-'lrm ; wtstern dairy , 10Hc ; western
cn-ntnerj' , WflSc : western factory , Dtif/Hc ; El-
Kins , IRc ; state dairy , UBlTltc ; state creamery ,
C'H15ESK-En y ; slate. Urge , HSflDc : small
fancy , 7i ! < i9ic ! ; part Kklms , 2Ui5'ic ! ; full sklma ,
Hi 52c.
WIOS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania , llo ;
Wfstern frcuh. 12013c ; southern , ca."e , J1.00&Z.75 ;
receipts , 4'M pkgs.
TALLOW-Qulet ; 1 B-16o for city < J2 per plfff. ) ;
country ( pkgs. free ) , 4 7-lBo , na to quality ,
PETROLr.l'.M Weak : United closed nt Bio
naked ; Washington , In bbla. , JS ; Wiishlngton , In
bulk , J3.CO ; rrflned. New York , J5.1S ; Phllftdclphla
unit Ilaltlmore , J5.10.
ROSIN Quiet ; ( trained , common to good , J1.30
01.321 .
TlTrtPENTINK Dull Bt I9C2o. .
RICE-Dull ; domeotlc , fair to extra , 4HJjCUc ;
Jupun. 4\Co.
MOLASSES Quiet ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
K v l to cholro. aitflSc.
Pin IRON-Uull ; Scotch. llt.SKiK.CO ; AmTlcnn.
COPl'ER-Qulet ; lake , 9c.
LEAD-Qulct ; domestic , J3.10.
TIN Nominal : itrnltB. J19 : plates , mftikct dull.
HI' : doni tle. J3.37H bid.
COTTON BKKlt OIIlnHcllve. . practically nom-
liuil ; lower to lell ; pome talk of romvgslon * ;
undertone weak ; prime crud , > c ; oft crude ,
SSfTISo ; yellow butter Rradra , 3lf3Jc ; choice yel
low , nominal : prime yellow. SIHfrMc ; yellow , off
grades , 333c ; prime white , 380370.
Coffee AlarknU
NKW YORK. July ! l.-COFFEB-Ot tlons
opoaM dull at unchanged prices to K point * dc.
cllnn , clonlnx Inactive and weak under local
vlllng at S to 10 point * net decline ; * U-i. C.JW
lias * . IncluJlnc : July , : AiiKuit ,
Jll.OO ; September , IIS.WOH.OO : October , JI3.4) ; , IIS. Boot coffee. Rio. dull nd nom
inal ; NO , T , Itt.lii mild , dijll ; Cordav * . JU.Ootf
19.25 ; warehouse dpllvorO-s ! * V1J bam ; New Tork
stock today , lll.Wi ImAlAunltMl atali-s stock
13la baKfl , aitoAt for Uu > ainlt l Rtaico , ZD.Oo :
IHIRS ; total vlnlhtn for tnrOnltrd Ktntps , J57.J ) }
baits. nRnlnut 427.236 liofevlcxt year.
HANTOS , July 21. MarRM-weak ; icoocl avernire ,
nnmlml : re < > < > lpts , innotl./liA / ; stock. SH.OcH l m
IIAMIlt'Hd. July 2l.-iManet quiet ; prices un
chnngwl to UpfK Ion-erjiniilt4 , s.0i INIK * .
HAVRE , July 21. Maiket niik't , unchnnKOd
cliwnl milct at Uf dKimj < ; . ? nrii , ll.iv > ) IUIK-I.
RIO nil JAN'niRO. JWy'-Jl.-Market Inactive :
pxclmnifc , 9Ud ; recclpls. ' . "i)0 bngs ; cleared for
the United Hlate. , S.O'MJ'iigs ' ; stock , \IW Uigs.
Condition of Trulo- mill IJnntiitlnns nil
.staple nml Injury Produce.
In the line of country'pr > luce It will he natcd
that the week closed with Jaw receipt ? of veal
nnd with the maiket filmier'In consequence. In
addition to the rrcclptn of commission houses ,
there has been very llbenjl receipts of live \ il
calves nt the stock yards , and nil dealers ap
penr 13 ho loaded tip.
The market on old hens also closed wenk , anil
ix few sales were made nt G'io tn clean up , but
hardly enough lo justify that an n quotation ,
Eggs are selling at nil kinds of prices , nc
cording to the grade , but the nventge ] irlco
realized by shippers to commission houses Is
that qilal < Ml below. There Is a little better feelIng -
Ing In the cuff market , owing to the Improved
conditions In New York , It Is said that track
buyers are whispering It atoiind that they will
raise their price from 4o to DC If the market
retains Its present strength , I
Duller dlil not develop nny especially Interest
Ing features yesterday nnd hay remained un
1IUTT12R Packing stock , 8e ; go- * ! to cholco
country , 12013c ; crvamcty , solid packed , lii(17c ( ;
creamery , lulCkH , 171M3C.
EOOS Per doz. . Sc.
LIVE POt'LTUY Old hens , Gc : spring chick
ens , 12c ; spring ducks , 12c ; obi full-fe.ithcrcd
durks , 7e ; hen turkeys. f ic . gobblers , CffBc.
IILACIUIEUIllES-Good stock , J3.00.
VEAI Choice fat and small vcala are quoted
nt IHiSfCe ; coarse and large , Sfrlc. -
t'llUKSK Wisconsin , full cream , new make ,
1 OfOlle ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , OKlOc ;
Nebraska and town , part skims. cyTc ; Llm-
buiger. No. 1 , lOc : brick , No. 1 , lOc ; tin-lot. No.
1 , ISttHc.
HAY Upland hay , ST.GO ; midland , S7 : lowland.
JC.C.I ) ; rye straw , 13. Color makes the price on hay.
Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring
top prices.
PH1EONS-OU1 IHnls. per doz. , SI.
POTATOKS Good stock , on orders , 75c ; sales
In round lola to local trade. CT c.
MELONS OMd stock , crateil. SM.00030.00.
CUCUMIIHRS On orders. SJifoOc per doz.
OLD HEANS Hand picked navy , J2.154f2.23 :
medium , 52.10 2.15 ; common white beans , S1.75
ONIONS-On orders. 14R2c per Ib.
CAUUAGE Good shipping slock , on orders ,
TOMATOES Oood Mississippi stock , per 4-
basket cnile , J1.23 : St. Louis home crown , per
bu. IHIX , S2.75 ; per li-bu. box , 75SJSOC.
CELERY Per doz. , 40c.
It Is expected that California fruit will com
mence arriving In the market today nnd that
from this time on there will be something like
a regular rupply once more.
It IK usual nt about this season of the year
to have more or less alarming reports about Hie.
condition and prospects of the apple crop. His
tory Is repeating Itself this season. Advices
from Maine slate that there will be n serious
shoring fipm last year's yield. Various points
In New York furnish somewhat similar Information
mation , nnd Michigan prospects arc put down
na belmr nowhere near as promising as they
wcro n few weeks ago. How far these state
ments nro supported by facts Is problematical.
It Is suggestive , however , that canners have ad
vanced Ihelr prices considerably , and that driers
refuse to contract nt prices at which orders
weru quite generally solicited two weeks ago.
From now on the irado will take a peed deal
of Interest In apples , and a few remitks on
parking fruit fiom the Maiket Heeord may
not bo out of place. Country shippers nnd
packers of apples should make It a Volnt to pack
their fmlt honestly ; tlmt 1s , have Ihe fruit run
alike all through the barrel. Do not endeavor
to cause deception by placing good , sound. large
fruit on the top and lioltom of the barrel , and
fill In Ihe middle with n lot of gnarly , wormy
and decayed ' . . fruit. . . It . . does not pay. The decep-
Investigation , und
irnctlce It
" *
r ls should bo used. TUki > the barrel , one head
out , nail hoops , and break off the ends of the
nails at the Inside ; place n layer or Her of ap
ples , good and uniform size , smooth , bright ,
healthy , ns closely as pomlble , stems down
ward , on the lower end , thiln 111 ! up , a basket-
fill at a time , throwing wit sm.ill , wormy ,
gnarly and windfall apples , nnd shaking the
barrel well after each deposit until It Is full
two Inches above the rim ; place the head
squarely on the apples , and with n screw or
lever press force It Into place and nail securely.
Turn over thu barrel and malk name of apple
with red or black li-id otUllnell. In mind
that to ba shipped safely fruit must be packed
tight , to prevent rattllji 3 oij bruising. In ship
ping apples Ihe Hist of the season oaily va
rieties shippers should ne 'tlint openings are cut
on the side of the b.irr'ls"and also In both ends ,
to admit i of frca circulation of air , which will
greatly help to bring apples through In good
condition during warm wmthcr.
APPLES Good stock , per bbl. , S2.GOi3.00.
PLUMS Native red plums , per 24qU case ,
FIGS None.
BANANAS Choice stock , J2.00C2.50 per bunch.
LEMONS Fancy lemons , 300 size , SC.0006.GOj
fancy lemons , 30) size , SO.
ORANGES None of any consequence.
PINEAPPLES None on the market.
FIGS Fancy , per Ib. . 12MT15C.
DATES Hnllowces , G5 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. ,
'nONUV-Callfornla. 15c ; dark honey , 1012c.
MAPLE SYHl'P Gallon nans , per doz. , S12.
NUTS AlnionJs. 15fJ17c ! English walnuts , 101 ?
12c : lllberts. 12c ; llrnzll nuts , lOc.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , SO ; half bbl. , $3.25.
HIDES No. 1 green lilacs. 2'X.o ; No. 2 gicen
hides , Iifi2e. ! ; No. 1 Rrenn salted hides , Se : No.
2 green salted hides , 2ff2'ic : No. 1 green Halted
hides. 23 to 40 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 2 green salted hides.
M to 40 Ibs. , 2fi2'/ic ; No. 1 veal ealf , 8 to 15
Ibs. , 54W6e ! : No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 13 Ibs. , 4li4c ;
No. 1 dry Hint hides , Gc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
3o ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 4c. Part cured hides
HO > er Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each , 2.iGOc ;
( oven salted shearlings ( shaft wooled early skins ) ,
each , Gfiloc ; dry shearlings ( Bhnit wnjlril early
skins ) . No. 1 , oiipli , GimOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 2. each , So : dry ( lint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ih. , actual weight , BJfSe : nun rain wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , 4JGc ; dry Hint Colorado
butcher wosl pelts , pr In. , actual weight. 4fj-
6l4c ; murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight ,
4Gc. Have feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW ANO GREASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4 ®
4lio ; tallow. No. 3. ailffsiir : grease , whlto A.
4fl4V4c ; grease , white 11 , 3'.iWe ; grease , yel
low , 3c ; grease , dark , 2'.4c ; old butter , 2R2tycj
beeswax , prime , lS0IScj rough tallow , l'S02c.
St. r.onU ' onenil Iiirlict.
ST l.OUIS , Julv 21. FLOUU Kabler ; patents ,
JJ.7JO-.tO : I'xfa fancy , 2.40 S.GOj lancy , SilOiP
2.W , cln.Kv. 5J 7 : 1 l.W.
\ \ IIL'.VT I.ost , { % on heavy lecelpts nnd
foreign new * . Ni > . 2 led , cash , 4'J'.ic ; July , 43ic ! ;
Aamisl , 4S''iit ; < i i-tcmbtfr. Wlic ; Liucfinber , G3Vic.
UUIIN Hehl up in spile of bfiulsh crop nuws ,
but lost H.e . ; No. - mixe < l , cash , Sic ; July. XHiO ;
Sepiunber. LilVjc ; Dnember , 3\o \ ; May , SHio.
OATS -CJulet and mslcr ; No. 2. cash and July ,
2 , August , 2Si ! ; SeiiU'inber , 27-hiC.
lt5K--No. 2. 4ir IiU. regular.
JARLin' No Undine.
1IUAN liUlCliic , n Ml track.
FIiAX SKKIi In gjixt demand at SLIT.
OLOVUR SKKL'i.liJ08.SO. ) .
TlMllTIM SUKL-S .frjJH.iO for August.
11 AY-Slow , lower ; prlma lo choice timothy.
. . .
l"JTTERFirm : fancy Elgin creamery , 19c ;
'parator cn-nindv. UijlGc.
Kf H IS.I'll III at 7f.c. !
LEAD -Strong r al J3.13 , ,
SPELTERi'.lTi. .
OOUV MIJAL--K20 2.2i
W11ISK.YVI.2Ji "
C'o ri ( ; ; TI iy M : . < < i >
PROVISIONS Quiet , -steady. Port : , standard
esri. jobbing at JI3.IO. ' 'r..trll ' , prime to choice
team. J ! > .ti7iti0.77't. ! DO' tnilt meats and bacon ,
nchanged ,
RECEIPTS-Flour , t , < mJjlils. . ; nheat , 23,000
bu. ; corn , 78.000 bu , ; o.-rts , ij5ix ; bu ,
SHIPMENTS * FlJUr. 11,00 * ' bbls , ; wheat. 2 , 000
bu. ; corn , D2.000 bu. ; outs ,
31liiimiiulU AVifj'jU .Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Julyi 21nThe new yep hi-
turea of wheat sold dowrKtiidny IVStfSc , nnd cash
Die. There was no other icason for n decline
than such reasons an ImVfitllsicd for some time
pAst , particularly In tbel ctunt 'ti fiom heat to
cool weather In the niirlltncBt. There U too
much old wheat In Ibwiitiirket , with the new
crop oumlni ? In very frerlyplbr prlcen to bo tun-
talned , and although tlulyaM very low deulcra
profesH to sou nothing but. eix-culalivo advances
to Improve the markets ) n > n ome time lo come ,
nt least. Receipts In tbanoithwest continue to
be liberal since the nillr < uXlJi ll'Kun tn run freight
freely. Trade was inoadniofia local character.
Close : July , CGci Bvptemlwr , B3Kc : December ,
G5c. On track ; No. 1 bAtdi-CO'ic ' ; No. 1 north
ern , 5SVjc ; No , 2 northern , & 7c. Recolpta , HV.UUO
bu. ; shipments , Ift.lOU bu , ,
The Hour market was easy ; demand fair nnd
nellcrs asked from J3.2ofiJ.W for patents. JJ.OOil
2.2J for bakers. Production cullmaled at 23,000
bbU. for the twenty-four lours , shlpmentu , 41,174
bills. .
Ciittun .Market.
NEW ORI.KANS. July 21. COTTON-Qulct ;
sales , 30 bales ; receipts. S31 hales ; exports , conll-
nent , 37 bale * ; Block 45815 balei Fufirei steady ;
Kites. 7.O luileM ; July , J5. is ; Aunust , J .USi/6.R > ;
Heplembcr , W.UfiS.Cl ; Oclober , J&K < i < .t ; November -
vember , I.72frG.73i ( ! December. JS.S11IG.S2 : Jan.
uury , J6.S7tjC.bSi February , J6. ! 3rG. 4 ; March ,
JC.OJ bid.
MEMPHIS. July Zl.-COTTON-Qulet : mid
dllng , 7c ; r c lpla , 38 liales ; ahlpments , lil balm ;
vtock. 10.2S3 baltt ; wiles , ISO bnUa.
ST. l.OUIS. July 21 , COTTON-l > ull ; middling ,
1 1'lto ; salen , 100 Ixles ; i-rcHptm. non ; shlp-
liU'lltl. GOO balea ; Block , JO.OW balea.
NF.W YORIv. July : -SUOAR-Raw. . quiet
out steady ; fair refining , IKoi centrltneal , 94
t kt , Sl-lCd ; rellnt-J. quiet ; No. 8. 1 U-l b > 4c : No.
7 , 3XOI 15-Uc ; No. . > K < U U-lGo. . No , , iUy ,
SSo ; Nf > . W , S 9.1fl J3Hc ; No , It , : i4R3 11-I6C ; No.
12 , 3S 3c ; N < v 1J. 3o , off A. SlS-l c ; mould A.
4 9-16fVr ; utandanl A. 4 3-KtftV , rnnfeclloncrs1
A , 43-Iiiff4Hi < : cut loaf , S'WtUSc ; cnmhe.1.
6m ? 8-lBoi | wilrml , 49-liflriHc ( ; granulated ,
43-ISHIHc ; eul > cs , 49-l fll 4e.
LONDON. July 2l.-Hl'OAR-C'nne. dulli little
dolni ; ; centrifugal , Java , 13s 3d ; Muscovado , fair
rellnlriff , lls 9d.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sngnr DeuN A en In Aloinipollrcil Attention nn
' ( 'IniiiRo Yrstrrilii ; ,
NEW YORK , July 21. With a total
transaction of only 15,000 shares , more than
halt of which wcro In the stock ot the
American Sugar Hednlni ; company , there
was very little of Interest In the speculation
on the Stock exchange. Distilling , the silos
of which were 11,700 shares , nnd Richmond
Terminal , with hut 1,100 shares to Its cmllt ,
completed the list of stocks In which the
sales exceeileil 900 shares. So narrow n
market has not been experienced In ninny
years , oven of a Saturday. Scarcely any-
thliut wai done ilurlng the first quarter
of nn hour , except In Su ar. Not until
10:15 : wns there n sale ot Clilcano Oas , Ocn
cral Klectrle or Louisville. Sugar was In
Rood request In the early donllng" . and ad
vanccd 1 % per cent , reacting 1 per cent
and recovering per cent , mnklng a gain
ot li , per cent from yesterday's closing.
Distilling rose U per cent In the opening
trade , hut was nt once raided nnd sold off
l'i per cent. In the flnnl dealings the
covering of short contract * resulted in n
reaction of % per cent. Thu dealings In
the rest ot the list were so small nnd the
fluctuations so narrow as to not call for
nny special mention , the market closing
steady to firm , with prices about evenly
divided between the declines and advances
compared with the final sale * of yesterday ,
but In no caao was tlio changes above a
fraction , except In I'nlltnati , which was 1
per cent higher.
The railroad nnd miscellaneous bond mar
ket was fairly active.
The Evening 1'ost says : U might have
been Imagined from tha course of today's
market that nobody takes Interest longer
In our Investment ! , except In the Sugar
nnd Whisky trust stocks. These were the
only securities whose movement today at
tracted even passing notice. The further
break In Whisky stock was as meaningless
as the stock's movements usually are. Hut
the course of Sugar certificates was by no
means puzzling. The trust several montht
ngo staked all Us hope of a legislative
bonus on Its defenders In the senate. The
president's utterances against this conces'lon
hroko yesterday's price of Sugar stock.
Today the price quite as naturally rallied
on the prompt response of the senatorial
clique to the need of the occasion. The
situation to this extent is very simple.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
AtehlHon Northern P.iclnu.
AdnniBExpresi. . . No. Pac. pfd. . . . . .
Alton , T. H U. P. U. & O
do pfd itir Northwestern. . . .
Am. Express nn do pfd
H.iltlmoiv&Ohlo. N. Y. Central
Caiiailal'acluc. . . . N. Y. &N. Knff. . . .
Canada Southern. 4Sl < ! Ontario .t W
Central Pacific. . . Oit'Ron Imp
ChoH. , V Ohio Ort'ron Nav
Chicago Alton. . . . HO O.K. L. .tU. N. .
C. , II. &Q "SHiPiicltlcMnll
Chicago Gas 75 P. 1) . .V K
Consolidated Gas
C.C. C. &SU L . . . { Pullman Palnco. .
Colo. Coal .V Iron lltradlng
Cotton Oil Oort. . . Richmond Turin. .
Del. Hudson 1:10 : do pfd
Dol. Luck. A W. . . 13HK U. ( J. W
D. All. O. pfd R. O. W. pfd
D.&C. F. Co Hook Island
East Toun St. Paul „
Erlo J " St. Pnulufd
do pfd St. P. & Omana. . . -
Fort Wayne lull do pfd
G. Northern pfd. . Southern P.ic
O..VE. I. pfd Stiifar Hctlnory. . .
Hocking Valley. . Tonn. Coal , t Iron
III. Central Texas Paoltlc. . . .
St. P..tUululli. . . . T. &O. Cont. pfd. .
K. & T.pfd Union Paclllc
LakoErloA W. . . 155 $ U. S. Kxprosi
do pfd W. St. L. A-P
Lnko Shore do pfd
Load Trust Wells Fargo Ex. .
Loulsvlllu.VN. . . . Western Union. . .
Loulsvillo.tN. A. L. E
Manhattan Con. . . do pfd
MemnhlH.t C r , M.VSt. L
Michigan Cont. . . . 04 D. &K , O. . . . . . . . .
Mo. Pacific so O. K
Mobllo.V Ohio. . . . 1R N.L
Nashville-Chat. . . C. F. A 1
National Cordazo. do ntd
do pfd H.iSeT. C
N. J. Central T. A. A. AN. M. . .
N. & W. pfil 111)4 ) T. St. L. &K.C. . . .
North Am. Co do pfd
The total sales of stock today weie 45.603
shares. Including : American Susar. 21,100 ; Dis
tilling nnd Cattle Feeding. 12.300 ; Missouri Pa
cific , 10,100 ; Western Union. 600.
Now York Money .llnrket.
Kasy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed
nt 1 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , with actual
business In bankcis" bills at Jf.SS' ; for demand
and JI.S7U@4.87'i for sixty days ; posted rates ,
JI.SSTtl.K' ; commercial bills , Jl.SC'/ , .
GOVERNMENT HONDS-Steady ; state bonds ,
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
u s. r.s ro"g.7r.TTTr i"i 8 D. St. n. O. 7s . . _ .
U.S. CBCOIIP HOW I ) . AH. O. 48 72
U.S.-Inn- 114 Erlo 2nds 71
U. S. 4scoiip 1M tG. H. .VS. A. Os. . 1(10 (
U. S.2 roe lit ) do 7a 01
Paclflellaof'UJ. . . 101 H. &T. C. 5s lij ( ) : <
Ala. Clans A . fl ! ) dofl 101
Ala. Clans n . 10H M. K. &T. lot-la. . 70S (
Ala. Cla-jH C . 02 trto 2d-l 4VJS
Currencies . a.1 Mutual Unlonlls. . 110
La. New Con. 48. . Uli N. J. Cent. 11(1 (
Missouri Us . 100 No. Pae. iBts 1U8H
N.C. ( is Nc Pac. 2nd ! 74
08 N. W. Consols. . . . 141
R. C. noiifimd 1 do S. F , Dob. Oa. HIM
Tcnn. nuw set U. . 78 K. O. W. lots 0
Tonn nowseto. . . . 104 St. P Coimols 7s. . 120
Tcun. old O.s Ull 3t.T. O.&P.W.SB
Va. ( Jemimas. . . . . 7U
do deferred S. L.AS.F.Gen.0. O'J
Alchlnon4H Tex. Pae. IHIH. . . . H1JJ
AlClllHOll ' 'H A. . . . * do . ' ua
Canada So. 4'nds. . ifm U. P , Istsof ' 03. . 104
* Con. Pac. IHIH 'OS HiiiH WcBtShoro4tf .
bid. t offorcd.
Itoftoii Stock Quotation i.
BOSTON. Jnlv a I. Call loans. mr < 93 p r cent !
tlmo loans , -'MCW per cunt. Closlnt" prlcoa for
HlocliH , bonds and mlnliiir tiiiarja :
A. T. .V S. F W. Knit Dfd 77
Am. Sugar 102H Wi'Hilmrh. Klectiio 77u :
Am. Sugar pfd C4 W. Kli-c. pfd DIM
Hull Toleplionu. . . . 11)1) ) Wlu. Central
UOHIOII It Albany. . JOIl Atclilion Stlu BUM
lloMtoiuVMaini ) . . . . 147 AtehlHon ! 7'J
C. . 11. fc 7.m ( icn , Klectrle UK. . . HU
Fltchhurc 70 Win. Cont. iHts. . . .
do pfd 70 Atlanile. ,
Ren. Klectrle. an lloHton A Montana
llllnolH Stuel. . . . 411 llutto A HofUfjii. . . .
Muxlcan Contrnl- 1-10 Calmnot A Hoola. .
Old Colony :8o Centennial 78
Oregon Short Llr.o 5 Prnulctin 8
Rubher 34 Kuara.iriro . ,
San DlefTo 0 Onceola
Union Pacific 10 Qnlncy 78
U'cbt ICnd 404 Tamarack 108
Nnir Yurie Mining nuotiitlimi.
NBW YORK , July 21. The foliowhinra ; tha
closing nilntnit Quotations :
Oholor 13 I'lymoulti 10
Crown Point 43 Sierra Nevada , . . . . 4fi
Con.Cul. fc Va. . . . 276 Standard 160
Ucadwood CO Union Con 30
Gould iCurrj Mil Yellow Jacket. . , . HO
Hal , V Norcrots. , 45 IroiiHllvtir 10
Ilomestako 1300 Qulcksllvor S''S
Mexican HO do preferred 1'JOO
Ontario 7.10 Bulwer 16
Dphlr. liSO
Nun FRincUco Alining Quotation * .
SAN FRANCISCO. July 21. The oniclal oloMnT
quotations for iiilnlnr HtootuiojiworJ ai tel -
lows :
Aim ' . ' 1 H.iln.V Norcroas. . . 66
Dclchar 44 Mexican 80
llent.V llolclior. . . . . 1)7 ) Mono IS
liodlo Co H.I Oplilr 100
llnlwcr 11 Potonl 41
Cholhir B7 Hiivngo B7
Con. Cal. A Vn 3UO Sierra Nevada , . . . . C3
Ciown Point 02 Union Con 40
KilieicnCon S4 Utah . . . 0
( ionld & Curry. . . . 43 Yellow Jacket. . . . 37
. rinanclitl .Noli ! * .
NEW ORLEANS , July ! ! . Clearings , $1,037,007.
LONDON. July Jl. The price of gold at Ilucnos
Ayrm today ti 203.
PARIS. July 21. Three per cent rentes , lOlf
27o for the account ,
MEMPHIS , July 21. NBW York exchange sell-
Ins at Jl premium. Clearings , ? 193,2J2 ; lialancca ,
SAN FRANCISCO , July ! ! . Drafts , sight. lOoj
tcleKiiuililc , ISc , Silver bare , cfit/e2c , Mexi
can dollam , ClASIlio.
CINCINNATI , July II. Money , 3 fl per cent.
New York IIXCIIBIIKD , Ko discount , CIcurliiKS ,
Jl.720,000 ; for thu week. J1J.2SI.700 ! for the naino
week last year , JI1.SH7W.
CHICAGO. July 21.-riearlnpts , J11.97 , W ) : total
for Ihe week , 172,214,000 ; corresponding week last
year , 178,610,000 , Nuw York exchnnso. llrm ut
Ka premium. Kleillntf exchange , dull ; actual ,
JI.S7V4Rl.SSVi. Money rates , < per cent.
ST. U1UIS. July Zl.-Clearlnca. J1.172.678 ; this !
Tvwk. H9,434M9 ; correHpindlnit week last year ,
118.371,737 : Ian week , 21.7 > : s , < 3.1. lUlanrei today ,
J4I7.07I ; thl * week , JIS3.3I ] ; comwixmdlne week
last year. JI.B3S.333 ; Init week. J3.7M.VC : . Money ,
dull at 007 per cent , Uxctmngu on New York ,
Ka discount bid ,
NEW YOU 1C. July tl The Imports of p cl
this week wort III,710. nf which iil.OIS Him
K3ld , aifalimt a tntnl of 1120,440 last week and
II.301.011 the Cnrrr pnndlnir work nf UHt year. Tha
city banks trained by thu Interior movement this
week 11,483,000 In sold and leual tendi-ri * nnd lout
V K | ' < " illi-nn and ct.ld i-xnortu J700.-
000 , maklnc net train of 1783,000. The exports
of aptcle for lh week wer ! ( Jold , D,301.18 : :
hllv.r , .J101.617.
Oattlo Receipts for the Wcok Hardly
Amount to Ono Good Day's Supply ,
Not Knoiigli on Hulo to lIMnldlOi Quotation
ITndir Grades Much the HIIIIIP
u Mi-Uel Under Light
SATURDAY , July 21
The week closed with a light run of stock ,
thcru being only 850 head of cnttle , 4,300
head of hogs and 217 head ot sheep , ns
against Dll head of cattle , C.S3S head ol
hogs and D'JG head of sheep on Saturday of
last week. Taking the week as a whole the
receipts liavu averaged rather light In both
cattle nnd hogs , there being a heavy falling
oft ns compared with the previous week.
The following will show totals for the week ,
with comparisons :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Ilccelpts this wcok . 8.S29 40.1UI 2,000
KticelptH last wei-k . 10.2DI fil.Mi 1.020
Hiuno week last year. . . 10.118 22,791 8,827
Same week 1832 . 10.070 32.231 723
CATTLE There were very few dressed
beet steers here , In fact hardly enough to
make a market or establish prices. Thcro
wcro no very choice cattle. One small
bunch brought $3.UO , which wn * the highest
price paid. The market did not show any
material change. There were close to ten
loads of cows on the market , most ot them
being rather common. The market was
steady , with no very heavy demand. 1'rlcea
ranged very low , owing to the quality of the
offerings. The offerings ot calves were lib
eral and the market lower. The sales
ranged mostly from $1.25 to $2.25. The
highest bid on the best veal calves was only
$3.00 ,
As usual on a Saturday the market on
stockers nnd feeders was not very active.
I'rlces wcro about steady with yesterday , but
dealers are generally llgurlng a decline of
from 30c to Me , ns compared with ten days
ago. The decline 1ms been the heaviest on
the light and common grades. Representa
tive sales :
No. Av. TV. .No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Vr.
21. . . . 9M $3 00 20. . . .1125 J3 03 49..1143 1 9.i
13'-921 3M
1. . . . 770 110 4. . . . 5S3 150 1..1200 150
12. . . . S10 1 IS 1. . . . 950 1.15 1. . . . 920 175
1 . . 910 1 15 4. . . . 937 1 35 1. . . . 850 2 00
9. . . . 910 125 S. . . . 927 135 2. . . . 865 200
10. . . . 857 123 2. . . . 733 HO 16. . . .MO 2W
4. . . . 933 123 1. . . . 900 143 3. . . .1080 220
1..1110 1 23
3. . . . 413 123 8. . . . W2 145 8. . . . 730 1 C5
1. . . . CIIO 125 G. . . . 4K6 145 1. . . . SI1 2 OT
2. . . . 430 140 17. . . . BOS 150 1. . . . 720 225
3. . . . 473 1 40 4. . . . CJO 1 53
1. . . . 200 100 11. . . , 22 * 175 1. . . . 13) 22 !
8. . . . 201 125 2. . . . 220 173 1. . . . 170 22)
1. . . . 170 150 1. . . . 100 200 4. . . . 115 223
1. . . . 200 173 0. . . . 163 200 7. . . . 221 223
1..1310 150 1..1420 ICO 1..UM 103
1. . . . 500 1 60 1..1140 1 CO 2. . . . CC5 1 70
1..1300 ICO 1..1270 160 2. . . .1073 170
2. . . .1115 1 CO
10. . . . C02 200 2. . . . 520 225 23. . . . 800 235
1. . . . 53D 200 3. . . . 570 223 8. . . . 833 255
2. . . . 593 210 4. . . . 757 233 G. . . . f > 30 253
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
93 calves. . . . 192 $2 23
1 bull . ! 03) 17) 1 hull . 810 $1 8)
15 cows . 1046 1 fir 90 COWS . 10U2 250
7 toilers. . . . 921 2 75
HOGS Slightly Improved markets In the
east and the light receipts had the effect of
raising the hog market at this point Cc.
There was a pretty fair demand on the part
of both packers and shippers and the trade
was quite active at the opening. Whllo at
one time the trade slowed up and looked
a Httlo weak , the hogs wcro finally all sold
in good season at the advance noted above ,
The majority of the sales were made at
from $4.75 to $1.80 , as ngalnst $1.70 to $4.75
yesterday. The week closes Just 6c higher
than It was at the close of last week. The
market touched the highest point of the
wocjk on Tuesday , when heavy hogs sold at
from $4.95 .to $5.05. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sit. Pr.
4 . 300 40 $4 CO 59 . 239 SO Jl 80
2 . S75 . . . 4 CO E7 . 243 40 4 80
90 . 181 120 4 CO 72 . 2 ± ) . . . 4 80
1 . 2SO . . . 4 70 6S . 247 . . . 4 80
1 . SCO . . . 470 5S . 243 40 4 80
72 . 172 80 4 70 GS . 248 100 4 80
55 . 247 40 475 6.1 . 2227 . . . 480
71 . 2C2 120 4 75 71 . 223 80 I 80
81 . 200 . . . 4 75 C3 . 23S 40 4 80
C5 . 304 240 4 73 C5 . 220 40 4 80
76. . . . . . . .200 ICO 4 75 70 . 270 240 4 SO
53 . 236 200 4 75 C3 . 277 80 4 80
C9 . 249 320 475 73 . 220 40 480
7 . 220 . . . 475 51 . 269 100 480
72 . : .248 120 4 73 87 . 207 40 4 SO
73 . 215 200 475 87 . 226 SO 480
7 . 155 . . . 475 C6 . 233 80 480
74 . 171 200 4 75 f,5 . JCI 120 4 M
C7 . 254 ICO 475 72 . 216 1M 480
SO . 19S 2SO 473 73 . 1U5 120 480
73 . 205 12" " ) 473 51 . 20S 120 480
72 . 241 200 4 75 K > . 210 1M > I SO
82 . 2/13 / S ) 475 0 . 230 . . . 480
C7 . 213 40 4 73 7'J . 199 . . . 4 80
43 . 218 40 473 "CD . 223 40 480
67 . 241 120 4 77(4 ( 92 . 1S9 80 4 SO
C6 . 211 SO 4 77Vi 3 . 221 SCO 4 80
Cl . 250 13) 4 77 57 . 219 120 4 82 ' 4
83 . 228 200 4 77V4 52 . 262 SO 48214
77 . 207 40 I 7714 53 . 213 80 485
61 . 272 ICO 4 7714 5 } . S.,8 ] ( J > 4 S3
81 . 217 240 47714 64 . 373 160 485
74 . 224 80 4 SO C7 . 313 . . . 483
CT . 235 SO 480 04 . 2SO . . . 485
72 . 232 120 480 C3 . 218 40 485
76 . 2C6 40 4 80 62 . 263 . . . 4 85
6 . 273 240 4 GO
SHKI3P The sheep market was about
steady , with a fair demand and moderate
receipts. Some common mixed sheep
brought $2.25 , while some choice lambs
brought $3.75. Those prices were generally
considered about COc lower than the market
of a week ago. Kalr to good natives arc
quotable at $2.75 < gi3.15 ; fair to good west
erns , $ l.50@2.75 ! ; common and stock sheep ,
$1.752.25 ; good to choice lambs , $2.50 ©
3.75. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
43 native ewes . 93 J2 23
40 natlvo mixed . . . IDS 2 25
1 native lamb . . , . 40 323
1 native lainl ) . CO 3 2 >
17 native lambs . 47 3 23
94 rwtlvu Iambs . 73 375
1 natlvo lamb . 70 375
CIIICAOU 1,1 vi : HrooR
Tlicro Wat a Morn I.Ibcirnl Pi'iimml for
C'nttln Vfmtorduy *
CHICAGO , July 21. About 700 cattle arrived
: ixlay , nnd tlio total for thin week reaches 36,000
'icad ' , on against 27,508 head last week , nnd
57,372 brad a year IIKO , There was a more
Ilioral demand and nominally a steady market
at ycKterday'H quotations , or at a decline from
nut werk'fl prices of from lOu to 23c. An un-
umially large proportion of thin wreU'B ulilp-
mcnts have been shipped east alive.
Today' * receipt * of hoKn were estimated at
14,000 hend , making 114,000 head for tlio week ,
or 72,000 head inoru than lust week , and 10,000
iead more than a year UKO. In addition to the
1,004 head received today there \vuru from
> 3,000 to 14,000 stale IIOKX , maklnir thu supply
actually on sale 27,000 head. Tliat IH an un-
imially heavy load for a Hutuiday , hut tin-re WUH
on active domnni ) , and Instead of tlio expected
weakness the market Imd a ( Inner ton , Kales
weru quick at fiom JI.50 to )5.10 for iwor to
irlrne , and from fl.U to tf.03 wa obtained for
> iu bulk. This would Indloalo tin ndvixice of
Cc. I.lKlit welKhtu nr now about on a parity
with heavy grades , nnd It lookx n thoUKh the
iKtits would sell at a premium In tha n r
'uture ,
Them wan no radical chnnKO In the prices nf
tdieep anil lambs , Theio was n Unlit Inquiry
for thu foiiuer at fiom $1.15 to Jl.Cn , rind for
tlio latter lit from ! 2.75 to 11.6' ' ) . This week's
receipts iiKBreRate iil ) iit 2' head , or 3,600
iead less than for last wuek , and 10.COO head lens
than a year nico.
HecelpU-OiHle , 700 head ; cMvte , 200 head :
lions , 14,000 head ; vhcep , 100 head.
KniiHiin City Mm htouK Murkitt.
KANHAR CITY , July 21 OATTljK Ucceliitii ,
2,900 head ; shipments , 1W ) head ; market Blow
and Htraily : Texas steers. U.S..fiS.Ij ; Tt-xni , cown ,
1.3Vrf2.Ji ; bref teem , H.7'lfl4.70 ' ; native cows ,
ll.35ii2.Qi ) ; stockcrs and feeders. J2.W4/3.CO.
1IOC3S Jtpcelpti. 3,1100 head : shipments. 1.100
hcHil ; murkut itf0o | hlKhor ; bulk or MileH. > 4.Si f
4.W ; houvlex , i4.SJ@l.92V& : tuckers , 11.8501.9:14 ;
mixed , 14.8004.94 ; IlKhtn , M.7084. 65 ; Yorkers , 11.80
. , . .
miKUl'-llcculiils. 200 head ; shipments , 200
head ; maiktt uteaur.
HU IJHI ) I.IVB Stork Mnrkot
HT. I.OIII8 , July Jl.-CATTt.K-necelpU , l.MO
held , hlilpnmitt , } > / ! liivid. inuikcl stronuer fur > - stock ; price * tut quotnUy changed from
yt , ii > nl.iy.
HOOrt UMTlpt * . 2.0W head ; shipments , 1 too
li-'id , market steady and active ; parktrs ,
S. : ditcher * . JSOOfM.on. Yorker * , II.NHKV.M. The
\v e vliovtlnh IIIICI-K nl ul ns last week
SPHiP-r\rccl'l : | . 10 < - hmilt lUllpmcnts , 00
hcid : ; market quiet , mmlnal.
Tlmt itri-Mlvo : it : rtlnn IJrlnun Athlnlr * to
an llntlmnly ( iravo.
"It Is a mistaken Idea that people have
that , athletes din young , " nnld Dr. doorgu
Itallcy of Philadelphia to the Washington
Star. "It Is high llmo tint the conven
tional opinion of certain mrdlwl men and ot
some educators on the subject should be sot
aside , and that all the manly sports should
bo encouraged and fostered In order to pro
mote phyMcal development. Athletes , as
n class , are not short lived. On the con-
traryx many who have led sober and regu
lar lives have attained extreme old age.
"It Is hardly necessary to refer to his
tory to tistnbllsh this fact , but ns an II-
lustration , did not Socrates , who at the ago
of CO , nil ago whim olllcers of the army and
navy are retired , icrve ns hopllto In the
reloponhcslan war ? Though covered with
heavy armor ho took upon his shoulders a
wounded man , whom ho curried Into camp
whllo being pursued by the enemy. Wo
have numerous Instances of athletes who
hnvo not become stale. Many persons have
hcnnt of old Oabo Havel , who , at the ad
vanced ago of 70 , turned a luck somersault.
"Circus men are not only healthy , but nro
long-lived. The celebrated London clown ,
Joe Wallet , who has reached 75 years , Is na
lively nnd active as ho wns forty years pre
"A few years since the sporting papers
recorded thu death of Owen Swift , whoso
extraordinary career us a prize fighter may
bo seen In the musty old files of llfty years
ngo. Some tlmo since the death of Itendlgo ,
who passed from the prize ring to the pul
pit , was reporttd at tS ! years , and during
the last five years two other noted pugilists
have died at a rlpo old ngo.
"A few years since , In London , I wns
walking In the street with thu secretary nf
wio of the sporting clubs of that city , who
wns tnlklng to me of this very matter , when
wo cnmo across n very old man , whom ho
pointed out ns a corroborntlvo Instance of
what ho was telling me. This , man , In
days u no by , had been nil athlete of the
must violent kind , a man who misused ath
letics by such feats as walking 1.000 miles
In 1,000 hours and other like senseless ix > r-
formnnces. 1 agree with you that athlotto
exercise , llko anything else , cnn bo abused ,
but when used In thu proper wuy It helps
In n marked degree to sustain health and
II to. " _
Au Interesting Letter Which SpraUd for
LOVKVILLE , St. Mary's Co. , Mil , , Juno
15 , 1S9I. I have handled Chamberlain' *
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Itomcdy for
the past year. It gives the best of sntls-
factlon to my customers. I received nn order
last week for four bottles of the remedy from
n man residing sixteen miles from my place.
Today I received n letter from him , Rtatlng
that It has saved the lives of two mem
bers of his family. An old gentleman hero ,
who has suffered two years with diarrhoea ,
was permanently cured by ths ( remedy. Ho
can now do as much work as nny mnn of hla
nuo. I could mention other remarkable
cures , but the Remedy will show for Itstelt
if tried. 13. Love. 25 nnd CO-cent bottles for
sale by druggists.
What it < annon llnll Oiiu ! > < > .
In dwelling upon the wonderful power of
the guns of the Indiana , Albert franklin
Matthews , In nn article on "The Involution
of a Ilnttli'shlp , " in the Century for July ,
gives Illustrations from the recent Chilean
civil war , showing the effectiveness of tha
smaller sizes of breech-loading rlllc-guns.
A Eliot weighing 2GO pounds from an olght-
Inch gun of Fort Vnldlvln In Valparaiso har
bor struck the. cruiser Illanco Kncalada above
the armor belt , passed through the thin
steel plate on the side , went through the
captain's cabin'took the pillow from under
his head , dropped his head on the mattress
with n thump , but without Injuring a
hair , passed through the open door Into
the mess-room , where It struck the floor ,
nnd then glanced to the celling. Then
It went through a wooden bulkhead one Inoh
thick Into a room 25x42 feet , where forty
men wcro sleeping In hammocks. It killed
six of them outright and wounded six others ,
three of whom died , after which It passed
through n steel bulkhead five Inches thick
and ended " Its course by striking a battery
outside" In which It made a dent nearly two
Inches deep. It was filled with sand. Had
It released deadly gases no ono knows what
damage it might have done.
A 450-pound mlssllo from a ten-Inch gun
In the same fort struck the same vessel
on Its eight-Inch armor. It hit square on ft
bolt. The shell did not pierce the armor ,
but burst outside the vessel. It drove the
bolt clear through , and In Its flight the bolt
struck an eight-Inch gun , completely disabl
ing It. Such Is the power of the smaller
sized guns.
Cello Promptly Curoil *
A few days ago when I had an attack of
colic In the bowels , I took n dose of Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy , nnd within ten minutes nil ot my
colic pains had disappeared. I nm highly
pleased with the remedy and take pleasur *
In recommending It. Z. Dearso , Chatham ,
Mass. 25 and CO cent bottles for sale by
AVlion Nn Man 1'iirHiinth ,
A few days ago , Bays the Hoston Trans
cript , while a gentleman was buying Htamps
In the postolllce. some ono took hlH um
brella , ns he believes , by mistake , and tha
loser put this card In the morning paper :
"The kind friend who carried off my um
brella nt the postolllce yesterday will bear
In mind that the 'Gates of Heaven * are
only twenty-four Inchon wldo. My um
brella measures twenty-eight. At the other
place hu won't need It. Didn't Dives pray
fdr Just one drop of water ? He bad better
return It to No. 203 , Chamber of Commerce ,
nnd no questions will be asked. " A few
days later a boy brought In an umbrella ,
but alas ! not the iidvertlHer'H. He had
caught the wrong man's conscience.
Oregon Kldnev T.ea cures all kldnojr
troubles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggist *
INSTRUMENTS placdd on record July 21 ,
1SM ! :
Andrew Miller to Theodora Miller , o4 ! se
29-1&-11 t 5WO
W L Sulby , trustee , to William Colfax. lot
3ft. block 2 , and lot 31 , block 5V L
Selby'H tut add to South Omaha 700
William Colfax to llenjamin nnd K-irah
Alexander , lot S3 , block 2 , same , 404
Kama to J Fender , lot 31 , Mock 5 , mum. . . . 400
Otto HiiHCh to Cliailotte llurueh , lot 9 ,
Van HuriMi I'laco Ki
Mutual Investment company to Jecfio Tree-
land. Iota 6 , 7 and S. llurdetto Court 1CM
J T Smith nnd wlfx to ,1 A Hysliam et al ,
lot 10 , block 11 , lioutli Omaha 2.S04
Simon Hants and wife to H U Anderson ,
lot 13 , block 4 , Central pailc 2f
O M IViklnn to Alfred IVlklns , H &Vi feet
of n 37K feet lot 3 , Chiillinann'H mid 404
Wenztd Wolesi'iisky and wife to Om-ihn
I.onii and llulldlnt ; aat > oelatlon , lot 1 , block
21. Cieillt Koncler 1 , < 0 (
T Klnncy und wife to name , 30(4 ( feet
between 17th and mil ntreetH , anil 1Uft
fuel n uf s line of no nw 13-15-13 SOI
Special master to Mutual Investment com
pany , lots ( , 7 und 8 , llurdetto Court 1,200
Total amount of trannfuis , .J1C.12I
Is nn Invaluable aid to InvetitorB. Since January
let 89 per cunt of our predictions havii been ful
Our Co-operative Block Combinations are prov
ing highly profitable , nnd nru valuable to thosa
not In n. pt'Hlllon ' of HHiklng a business of fol.
owing the muikct. Slncu January 1st , 18'JIliH !
liur cent , has hern divided among uubucrlhcn.
PumphU'la flea upon UMiie | t.
FISH IR CO. , Stock Brokers ,
19 und 20 Ilroadway , New York City ,
Perform at 3:30 : , 4:30 : , 9 and 10 p. in. today at
Coui'tlancI Beach
Commission Merchant
PrlvaU wire * to Chlcico and New York. All
bu lne order * plucix ! on Culcuvo Uoard ft
Trad * .
CarieapondtDC * vollclltx } .
Office , room , , N w fork Uf * IIuIIJIoj
Ttlcphcn * IttJ.