THE OMAHA. DAILY BEEtlSUNDAY , JULY 22 , . 1891. WORLD-FAMED WALL OF CHINA Trip Oror thj New Imperial Fnilroad to the Wonderful Fortification. FiriEEN HUNDRED MILES OF MASONRY io Napoleon lit Chum urn ! III * Jliirtmroui Dcoil * iMirinliiB Srcnr * In Jsnrlli China Men n I'low Honrt Moru About the llitllrimtl. ( Copyrlfthtcil 1831 by Trnnk O. Carpenter. ) In tlio vice regal tpcclal train running through north Chlnn , from Sh.-ui Hnl Kwan to Tlen-Tsln tiy rnllro.1i ! to tlio great wall of China. On n special train through some of the least known parts of the Chinese empire. D.inhlni ; along at the rate of forty mllea an hour through the plains of north China. The Btcam demon of the present cutting Its way Into the most famous ves tiges of the cclottlnl past. These arc some of the wonders of the Journey I nm now making over the new Imperial road of this vast empire In com pany with the party of ex-Secretary Poster In the private car of China's most powerful statesman and ruler , LI Hung Chang. Wo liavo traveled already nearly 200 miles through the agricultural and mining dis tricts of this part of China , and have planted our American Hole leather on the borders of Manchuria. We left the New York of north China , the great trading city of Tien- Tsln , and Ha million almond-eyed people , In the early morning of two days ago , and plowed our way through tens of thousands of brown grave mounds to the eastward. We pu sed the myriad huts of tlio city of Tong Ku , at the mouth of the Pelho river , nnd turned to the north almost under the ahadow of the frowning battlements and of the Krupp and Armstrong guns of the Taku forts. We Blood on the platform and Baw the scores of queer windmills which , with their square white wings , pump the brine of the Yellow sea Into the tail pools of the government reservoirs , and watched the gangs of yellow coolies cutting down ' 'T. ' . r : rrS A. . , fc , , 1 , it fj THE QUBAT WALL OP CHINA. the mountains of salt and loading It for Tlon-Tsin. whence It will be shipped off at high prices as a government monopoly tor the people of the Interior. We rode for an hour over salt marshes , upon which Mongolian ponies , red cattle nnd donkeys grazed , and then entered the rich gardens of the great plain. Here every Inch was cultivated , nnd the farmers were everywhere where- laboring In the Holds. Wo saw the wheat planted In rows , two feet apart , eprlnging from the soil In Its luxuriant green dress of the early spring , nnd could note the curious methods of work of these the best farmers of the world. The crops ore planted In small tracts and everything Is cultivated with the hoe and the plow. There la no cowing ot grain as with us , ana the rows of wheat , corn and millet are weeded and fed with manure. The wheat Is planted In tlio fall and In the spring , as now. the rows are plowed nnd other crbps planted between them. Kverywhero over the landscape you see nllos ot manure , each containing about two tmshels of brown earth , and hero and there Vneh and boys gather up this manure Into Tbaskcts nnd carefully shako It out over the newly planted crop. This Is after the seed lias been sown. Now a donkey or n man pulls through the row a little roller of stone , mixing the seed and the manure with the soil and pulverizing the earth till It Is as line as the sands of the seashore. Every one Is at work In the fields. Little children of 3 and G years go through the rows with baskets tied to their backs pulling the weeds with throe-pronged hoes. They put each , weed Into their baskets and It Is saved for food or fuel. There you BOO boys driving donkeys and now and then you will sen a man plowing and men and boys hitched to the plow nnd doing the work of liorses. I photographed one man on my way to Peking who had his whole family harnessed ( o his plow. He leaned upon the handles with all his might , while his three sons and one daughter tugged and pulled In drawing the plow through the furrow. Ho grow quite angry nt my pointing the Camera at him and rushed up to mo and tried to take U out ot my hamls. I shoved Llm back , however , and with the assist ance of my donkey boy was able to mount and gallop away. THE THU' TO Till ! GUEAT WALL. AVe saw Borne such scones on the way to Tong Shan , where the famous Kalplng coal mines are dtuated and where we were en tertained over night. We pjsFcd many coal cars carrying the black diamonds down to the sea to bo shipped In the company's steamers to all parts ot south Clilna , and nt every station wo found a crowd of almond- eyed , yclluw-fjccil mortals gazing at us In wonder. The trip from Tong Shan to the wall has been over the new government railroad , and our special train t > the first ot the kind which has gone over It. The line Itself has only been opened to trulilc for a few days , and this will bo the llrst report given to the clvllUetl world ot Its character. It Is a railroad that any country might own with pride. Well ballasted and well laid , the steel track Is ns solid us though It had been used for n gen eration , and Its stations and bridges have been built to tny. The Lull Ho bridge , which we crossed tcvernl bourn ago , near the walled city ot Lan Chow , Is nearly 2,000 feet In length , and It has live great spans , each of which U 200 feet long , U has a number of smaller spans , nnd It Is built upon arches ot solid stone , the Iron work being inado by the same company that made the great Forth bridge In Scotland , ami the heavy arches were sunken by the pnuo- matlo process. Crossing this we rode onward part ot thb time lit a speed ot forty-tlvo miles an hour past other clt- lea , till wo came In sight ot the mountains ot Manchuria and stopped with the end ot the railroad , almost on the edge ot the sua and within a stone's throw of the broach lu the great wall , through which the rail road Is to be extended hundreds ot miles further on Into the wilds of the almost unknown country of Manchurln. Hero under the shadow of the great Chinese wall , gray with Us ago of 2,000 years , we nto our lun cheon In the viceroy's car , nine representa tives ot the most progressive nations of the present at homo and In comfort among the ruins ot thu greatest work of China's historic past.U . U Is Indeed a curious slgnt for China. Our party consists ot six Americans , three Unglltthmen and two Chinese olllclaU , In addition to a retinue ot servants and train men. The Americans are : General John JV. Voder , ex-secretory of ute , and hl wife ; Mr. Orr , a wealthy citizen of Evans vlllo , Intl. , and his tire young lady daughters who are related to Secretary Foster , and who arc making the tour of the world with him , nnd last of nil , your correspondent who haa been sent out here to wrlto up the modern movement In China. The three Englishmen are the officials In the employ ot LI Hung Chang. First , there Is Mr. O I ) . Churchward , who has built railroads In Australia nnd New South Wales , nni wlto Is one of the best ot modern clvl engineers. He Is In charge o the locomotive works ot the viceroy nt Tone Shan , and In the absence1 of Mr. Kinder , the general manager of the Imperial railroad of China , who Is carrying on the survey Into Mnpchtirla , Is the super intendent of the rood. Dr. Robertson Is a young physician who was connected for some years with the Chinese imvy , and who li now In charge of the viceroy's big naval hospital nt the Kalplng coal mines , and Mr Garland Is the English traffic manager of the two Chinese railroad systems. The two Chinese officials are well educated Chinese gentlemen , nnd they speak English perfectly. Mr. Chun 01 Ting was for yenrs consul gen eral of China to Cuba , nnd ho Is now In charge of the coal mines here , managing a capital of millions , nnd Mr. Tong , his secre tary. Is a graduate of Yale college , and one of the brightest young men of the empire. Iloth of these men are clad In official dress , wearing gorgeous silk gowns , big cloth boots and black silk caps with red but tons In the center of their crowns. They nro good talkers , nnd nro full of Information concerning China. The spe cial train which wo have mlgnt be that of nn American railroad president , and we travel In It with as much ease and comforl an wo would have were we a congressional party traveling to the funeral of a senator of the United States at the expense of the government. The train consists of an engine built on the English plan at the Chi nese car works at Tong Shan , of an open car In which are carried the sedan chairs and the coolie bearers needed for the trans portation of the ladles In our trips nway from the railroad ; of a second special car which' can be used for smoking or loafing ; of an open observation car In ivhlch we can sit outside and watch the every varying panorama of Chinese farming scenes and of the vice-regal car proper. This last Is made of Siamese teak finished In the natural wood. It Is as hard ns ebony , and It takes on the rich dark color of oiled chestnut. It contains half n dozen rooms , which are furnished In foreign style. The sofas nre upholstered with the finest of blue and silver brocaded silk , and there are plenty of tables and easy chairs. The walls of the car nre In blue and gold. The win dews are large , nnd those at the top of the car and serving as ventilators are of stained glass. Pictures of the finest Chinese em broidery hang upon the walls , and the larder Is filled with a plentiful supply of all sorts of things , liquid and solid. It was after n good dinner that we took our trip to the I great wall. We spent s > ome hours In walking about It. Wo climbed to Its top and cx- nmlned the great towers which crown It at every few hundred yards , nnd lu our Amer ican shoes tramped over the brick pavements which were trod by the Chinese wnrrlors who built It , now more than two thousand years ago. We made measurements and examinations of It at the breach where the railroad Is to pass through It on Its way Into the Mancliurlan wilds , and with our own hands pulled from Its sides four great bricks , which we will carry back to the United States as mementoes ot the trip. THE GUEAT WALL OF CHINA. What a wonderful structure It Is and how mighty It must have been before the days of gunpowder and cannon. I liavo seen the pyramid ; , but this massive wall Impresses me more forcibly than they. The greatest of all the pyramids Is an Immense pile of stones , covering thirteen acres and reaching to a height less than that ot the monument at Washington. The great wall of China , If the brick and earth composing It could be carried to the valley of the Nile , would car pet the bcit parts of Egypt , and It Is a work Incalculably greater than the monuments ments of the Egyptian kings. I visited It where it runs through the Mongolian moun tains , about ninety miles from the city of Peking , and I found there an even more solid structure than that at Shan Hal Kwan , on the edge of the sea. It begins hero at the head of the gulf of Pechlll and runs up and down the mountains , clear across the boundary of northern China , sep arating the country from its vast tributary provinces of Mongolia and Manchuria , till It reaches the great desert of Gobi , above Thiblt. It Is mare than 1.200 miles long In a straight line , and with its windings up the hills and down the valleys It measures all told a distance of more than 1,500 miles. This wall Is about thirty feet lu height , eras as tall us u three-story city house. Its width at the points where I have visited It ranges from fifteen to thirty feet. The average parlor Is not more than fifteen feet wide , and If you will Imagine n solid block of three-story houses fifteen feet deep , built across the United States from New York to Omaha , you can get a faint Idea of the size of this great wall. Such a block , lion ever , would bo easy to construct In comparison with the work needed for this vast fortifica tion. It would cut the plains of New York , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois and Iowa where the soil has much cluy and where the railroads could carry the materials. The great wnll ot China Is built right over the mountains. It climbs up crags so steep that the bricks had. It Is said , to be carried on the bucks of goats. It crosses peaks taller than the Allegheny mountains , and at one point goes over ono which Is 5,000 foot above the ECU , A large part of It has n foundation ot granite blocks from two and n half to four feet thick , and the base ot the wall Is ten feet wider than the top. The bricks ot which It Is made weigh from forty to sixty pounds , or as much as a 6-year-old boy , and the clay for these bricks hud to bo transported long distances from the Interior nt some portions ot the wall. These bricks are of a slate color. According to measurement they arc fifteen Inches long , nine Inches wide and about five Inches thick. They nre put together In n solid masonry by means ot llmo mortar , and they are built up from thu foundation In two walls , each about three feet thick , running parallel with each other , the space between being filled with earth and stone well rammed down , The top of the wall Is paved with these bricks , and Its average width Is about fifteen feet. It Is everywhere so wide that two two-horse wagon loads of hay could ba driven along It and the hubs of the two wagons would not touch. Six horses abreast could be easily driven upon Its paved highway , and on each side of the road along Its whole 1,600 in 1103 ot length there la a brick crenellated wall ns high as your head , which would prevent them falling off In case of a stampede. At short Intervals the wall Is crowned by great two and three- story towers , made of those big blue bricks , and at the passes In the mountains there are arched gates of stone , some of which are beautifully carved. Hero and there the wall Is double , a second wall running over the country som distance back from the first , and on the peaks near It there nro often watch towers , In which the guards stood In times past and warned the soldiers statlonci on Us top of the ndv.incclnff hordes which they spied coming from the wilds beyond. HOW IT WA3 HUILT. Much of the great wall Is still In perfec condition. Standing upon U nt the city o Shan Hnl Kwan wo could see It climbing up the Mancuttrlan mountains , jumping the GATE OF WALL , 2,000 YEARS OLD. gorges and scaling the peaks. Gray with Its llfo of twenty centuries , It seemed to grasp the earth of the pre-cnl with Its mighty hand , and where It crossed the mountains It seemed ns Imperishable ns the hills whose hoary brows It crowns. At other places , however , time has gained the mastery , and nearest the railroad there Is a breach nl least 100 feet wide , and one side of the wall , where It bounds the city of Shan Hal Kwan , has been almost overthrown. Its sides are covered with mosj , and the grass haa grown upon Its pavements. No arches now guard It , and It only remains as n monument of the hun dreds of thousands of almond-eyed men who 2,000 years ago thus sought to protect their homes nnd those of their descendants from the savages of the north for all time to come. No one can stand upon Its ramparts and not be Impressed with the strength of this great Chinese nation. Seventeen hundred years be fore America was discovered ; at a time when our blue-blooded nncestors , hnlf naked and altogether savage , were wandering through the wilds of France , Germany and England , when Home was still n republic , lighting her last battles with the Carthaginians , 200 years before Christ was born , these same Chinese people built this mighty wall. Their history states that It required an army of 300.000 men to protect the builders , nnd millions must have been em ployed In the undertaking. I have seen enough of the building of railroads and other works In China during my present tour to understand how It was probably constructed. There was no machinery used , and few cat tle and horses. Every foot of It was built by man , and in Its 1,500 miles of mountain climbing there nro today bottled up within this structure the vital force of millions of the Chinese of the past , a monument to the thought that while man dies his work re mains , ns docs the hand that carved the Venus dt Medici nnd the pen that wrote Shakespeare and the Acneld. These Chinese of 2,000 years ngo probably carried the earth and stones which formed the filling of the greater part of the wall In baskets , and this earth was rammed down by means of discs of stone or Iron as big around as a half bushel measure and from six to eight Inches thick. It Is In this way that the em bankments of the railroads nre being built today. It takes eight mtn to each of such discs. There are boles cut about Its circumference , and In these ropes about ten feet long are fastened. The men stand nt equal distances about the disc , nnd by pullIng - Ing back raise It nnd throw It upward often to a height above their heads , and It falls upon the fresh earth with a thud. A ninth man often sings a song whllo these men thus work , keeping time to his music with the weight , and joining In the chorus , the weight falling at the end of each verse and line. It Is the same with the packing ot the earth with wooden stamps. Each nun has one of these about the weight of the dasher In an old-fashioned churn , nnd the gang of stampers sing as they work. The bricks were made by hand , and men and women aided In their laying. Such wood as was used in the towers was pulled up by human niusclo to the top of the wall , nnd the saw- ine of the timbers was with cross-cut saws. THE NAPOLEON OF CHINA. The organization required for the buildIng - Ing and the defense of such an army of laborers shows a high state ut civilization. The man who began the work was one of the great men of the world's past. He has been called the Napoleon of China , and ho to a largo extent was the founder of the Chinese empire. His name was Tsln Chi Hwangtl , and he consolidated the many kingdoms of China Into one. Ho built at his capital a vast palace , with many build ings , which were connected by colonnades and galleries. Each set ot these buildings he had made the exact counterpart of the palaces of the rulers ho had conquered , and when the whole was completed ho bi ought them to his capital and kept them there In state. He built this great wall In ten years , and organized many public works. Like Alexander and Napoleon , ho grew vain us he went on In his conquests , and ho de cided that Chinese history-should begin with him. With this view he committed an act which has made him In the eyes of the Chinese the most despised nnd detested of their emperors. This was the collecting of all the libraries nnd histories of Chlnn to gether nnd burning them. He had all of the copies of Confucius and Menclus that could be found * committed to the tlames. and for fear that there might be other books written than such ns ho desired he killed tlio 500 most eminent of the scholars of his empire. It la suld that not a single perfect copy of the Chinese classics escaped destruc tion , ami such as exist today are made up Irom the parts remembered by scholars who were not known to the emperor , and which were written out after his death. Vll.lTTLK OF TIIK YOVXUSTKltH' Eight-year-old Fred was the youngest nomber of a large family , and , unlike many joys of that ago , was accustomed to re gard himself as a person of llttlo Impor- anco. At the table he nto what wns given to him vlth a thankful heart nnd a vigorous appo- Ito. Ho was not consulted as to his per sonal likes or dislikes , as far as food was concerned. Naturally enough , therefore , his Ideas were nuch confused when , on the occasion of his Irst dining out nt the home of one of his schoolboy friends , ho was asked whether he vould like his slice ot beet rare or well done. " " stammered Fred bash- \Vhy-I think , , - ully ; and then , with his usual bright smile , to said : "It doesn't make any difference , Mrs. Jrown. Any old thing will do nicely for no ! " * * Ilcsslo was just finishing her breakfast ns > apa stooped to kiss her before going down own. The llttlo ono gravely took up her lupkln and wiped her cheek. "What , lossle ! " said her father. "Wiping away mpa's kiss ? " "Oh , no , " slio sntd , looking up with a sweet smile. "I's wubblng It In. " Teacher Sammy , In the sentence , "I have a book , " what Is tha case of the pronoun I ? Sammy ( promptly ) Nominative case. Teacher Next boy , tell me In what cse to put { he noun book. Next IJoy ( thoughtfully ) Dookcase. * 'Plckey ' I'd think Jimmy nice would feel list like an orphan. Mamma Why ? Jlckoy Why. his papa and mamma lot him do everything he wants to. Frances nnd her papa had a few squares o go and the latter asked ; "Frances , shall ve walk or take the street cars ? " "Well , papa , " replied the little girl , "I'll walk It ou'll carry me , " 4 Father ( solemnly ) This Is going to hurt ue uioro than you. Napoleon , Napoleon ( sympathetically ) Well , dent be 00 rough on yourself , dad ; I ulti't worth It. MORSE Friday our stoJo was closed all day to give us time to arrange stock and mark down prices. Saturday ( as you all know ) wo wore crowded to the doors. Same for Monday. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday. Lower Than Ever , If cost will not do it half cost will close out our CAPES , SUITS , JACKETS , TEA GOWNS. Lower Than Ever. MORSE CLOSING OUT , Vista Water ( . i All Day ' MONDAYI I in our drinkinfg fountain. Help yourself . . ' T it is free. , MORSE ID , Your Time To Buy Your Carpets. Monday you buy them at a low price and have them made and laid for nothing. Closing Gut. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Tlio China and Glassware Depart ment continues to draw the people ; and why should It not ? You can buy Rood , reliable goods at hal' the prlco you have to pay for questionable quali ties. First class merchandise at manufacturers' ' cost and under. This la the magnet that draws. MORSE CLOSING OUT , These were marked down Friday : 49c comforts. 69c comforts. 98c comforts. 8c Berkley and Lonsdale Cambric. 72 < iC fine Out ing Flannel. 4-4 Sheeting. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday. Draperies. For the more songr ot a price. Lace CurtaiusLaco Muslins. Screens very cheap. Oil Cloths and Linol eums 25 per cent off PRICES'WILL ' DO IT MORSE CLOSING OUT , Monday. Ribbons. The only prices wo have are : Ribbons at 2o " " Co " " 9o " " 12o " " IGo " " 22c " " 27c But sec them for the price. WOMAN AND CHILD LABOR An Important Subject Discussed by the United 3Utjj Ojnn'.ninar WAGES , HOURS OF LABOR AND PROSPECTS Women Not Crowding Itlun lu Alocluinlca Industries , While the Proportion ol Children la tirudimlly tSrowliig I.esH in Thoau Industries. ( Copyrighted 1891. ) The presence of women and children In ncchanlcal Industries Is considered by many as u menace to the pp ltlon of men , affecting lot only their tenure , but , their wages. Hy others , their presencp Is considered as an evidence of advancement , nnd , so far us vomen are concerned , as tending toward heir Independence , securing to them freedom rom burdensome dependence and making hem a moro actlvo factor In the affairs of ho world. All agree'however , that children ought not to bo engaged * In any Industry , but should use the yenrs dt childhood for the purpose of securing mich-n practical educa- ton that they may U > more able to become olf-supportlng when .they reach maturity , 'ho discussion of the question , therefore , Is nterestlng sociologically , b\it \ it Is often con ducted moro from tho' standpoint of senti ment than from fact. 'Tho results of the ? lavonth census gveiisi'tlio ( ? ' facts and show learly the tendencies ot the times In respect o the employment of the classes named. In this article I shall deal only with the vomen nnd children employed In the mo- hanlcal and manufacturing Industries of tha ountry , because this Is sufficient for this Imo and purpose , and , further , the classlfi- atlon of all the population of this country a to occupations , both remunerative and therwlse , has not yet been published by tha ensus olllcc. The total number of persons , men women nd children , engaged lu tho. Industries named was , lu 1890 , 4,711,832 , as against 3,732,595 n 1880 , 2,053.996 In 1870 and 1,311,240 In SCO. Iteduced to percentage- ) , these persons constituted , In 1SCO , 4.IT per cent of the vbolo population ot the country ; In 1870 , . .33 per cent ; In 1880 , 5.45 per cent , and In 890 , 7.52 per cent. As a side fact from the ns under discussion , I may remark that MORSE CLOSING OUT , Vista Mineral Water FREE to you all day Monday. It is pure. It is healthful. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday We were closed Friday. Marking down prices. Greater sacri fices made than ever before , to close out our business AT ONCE > MOKE CLOSING OUT , Monday. I should say prices were cut Friday on Silks. China Silk , $1 Ulienoy Roods , Including llros ! . ? 49c Ono table of No\olty Silks. .Some have sold for A lot of Fancy Silk , they aiol coods. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Glassware. At 75c n , dozen Your choice of all our 81. $1.23 and 31.50 Thin ong. Tumblers. At J8c a dozen Tin top Jolly Tum ble rs. At ISc Your choice of our 25c , 30c and Hoc glass Berry Bowls. At j5c Quart size Wlno Decanters , cngravea. At 29c A fine plain glass Water Bottle. Prices will do it. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Hosiery. On Friday hosiery was marked away down. Monday. Ladles' Seamless , 12Jc Lndlcs' Tan Seam less , 12c | Childrcns , Seam less , ! ) c Ladies' Silk Hose , 5lKs Boys' Bicycle. 18c HALF COST IS SURE MORSE CLOSING OUT , Monday Black Goods To be sold , all have been marked low. One lot of silk and wool Novelties that have never sold for less than $1.75 , go for 75c. Prices like these talk. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday. Laces must go faster. Lace Dross Nets. Lace Flouncings Black Laces in all widths. White Silk Laces. All must go. Half Cost Will Do It. MORSE CLOSING OUT , Summer Underwear- At Co Ladies' 25o gauze vests. At 18c Ladies' silk finished vests. At 23c Ladies'fine lisle vests. At 35c Ladies' ox- tru fine lisle thread tights , At23o Ladios'lislo vobts , long sleeves. 33fr per cent , off Dr. Jaeger's under wear. those figures Fhow conclusively that a con stantly Increasing proportion of the total population Is engaged In the mechanical and nnnufacturliiB Industries of tno country. If \\e consider women alone the same fact ap pears ; for In 1800 , talcing females above 15 years of age , there were employed In the mechanical industries of the country 270,897 , being , S6 of 1 per cent of the total population ; In 1870 , the number was 323,770 , being .84 per cent of the whole population ; In 1SSO , the number had arisen rapidly to 531,639 , or LOG per cent of the total population , while In 1890 , the number had grown to be 815,428 , or 1.35 per cent of the whole people. The proportion of the total population was prac tically the same at the censuses of 1800 and 1S70 , but Increased largely before 18SO , and tea a still higher point In 1890 , as shown. These two comparisons between the total number of persons employed In manufactur ing Industries , separated as to males and females , would Indicate a relative progress In the total number employed ; but as the women Increase In number and m percentage , that Is , both In fact and relatively , we must discover the relation which tlio chlldicn , or persons under in years of age , bear to the whole , and then wo may bo able to determine whether the employment of women Is a menace to the position and wages of men or not. Unfortunately the classification of the renms of 1800 illd riot glvo the number of children employed In manufacturing In dustries , but In 1870 wo llml the under 15 years of ago of both sexes to liavo been 114,028. or .30 per cent of the total population ; In 1SSO It was 181,921 , or .36 per cent , being a slight Increase relatively , while In 1890 the actual number had fallen to 121,194 , being only .19 per cent of the total population. This Is on exceedingly gratifying showing and proves conclusively that not only Is the number of children employed decreasing , but thaP the relative proportions of the total population allows a still greater decrease. A more Instructive comparison , however. Is to be found In discussing the proportion of the total number of employes engaged In manufacturing Industries. This comparison shows that In 1860 20,00 per cent of all the persons employed In manufacturing Industries were females over 15 years of ago ; In 1870 they constituted 15.70 par cent of the total number employed ; In 1880 they wcro 19.45 per cent , and In 1890 they were 17.91 per cent. The relation therefore to the total number of persons employed was quite sta tionary at tliu last three federal censuses , and * 'as only about 3 per cent In 1890 over what It was. In 1870 , and nearly 3 per cent relatively less than In 18GO. The women are therefore not crowding upon the men In mechanical Industrie ! , TUB I'UOI'OUTION OK CHILDREN ( MOW ING uss. The proportion of children has fallen , very rapidly. It was not given la 18GO , but In MORSE CLOSING OUT , Monday. Linens. lie Bath TowoJa. 5c All Llnon Towels. $1.00 Oar $2.00 Damask. 44c nicnoh Damask , CC- inoh. $1.39 12-1 Spread ( Mar- Eolllos ) . MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday Dress Goods. Three lots of Dress Goods that are hum mers : At lie One table of changoabla Novelties. At 29c Ono table of Scotch Suitings. At 75c Ono tnblo loaded with choice floods worth up to $2.00. MORSE CLOSING OUT , Muslin Underwear. At $1.00 Extra long elab orately trimmed chemises. Drawers , corset covers , regular $1.35 goods. Silk Underwear , made of China and surah silk at loss than half prlco. Infants' Dresses Half Price. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Toilet Articles Cnldor's tooth pow der 12c English tooth pow der loc Vcnnard's Wosh..l3c Hay Hum 29c Prorch I < orfumo..07o Tot low's face pow der 12o Swans Down OCc Ijiibln'b powder..lie Spougo cups ODc Almond meal 13c C'uslllohoup , lOc Magic secret I7c Honu luilr pins Olc Funoy pins 05c pmcns WILL no IT 1870 the persons under 15 years of age were C.5S per cent of the total number of em ployes In manufacturing Industries ; In 18SO there were C.fiG per cent , whllo In 1890 there there were only 2.57 per cent of the whole. There can bo no other conclusion than that the children are disappearing from our great mechanical and manufacturing Industries. This Is the result of two causes tlrst , public Bontlment and general opportunities for edu cational work , and , second , the law which In many of the older states , or In those more largely Interested in mechanical In dustries , prohibits the employment of chil dren under 10 years of age. In some of the eastern states , those In New England es pecially , the law relative to the non-employ ment of children has been so rigidly en forced that thcro arc practically no children under 10 years of ago In the factories. When this law becomes general throughout tlio manufacturing states , and Is well and rigidly enforced , no child under 10 years of ago ought to be found In any manufacturing es tablishment. To the mind of the writer- anil this has bcon his opinion expressed con stantly for twenty years children under it or 15 years of ago ought not to bo found In such establishments. 1 know very well that there is a conlllct In this mutter , because states that , on the other hand , have com pulsory education laws , and , on the other , laws which prohibit the employment of chil dren In factories , have found themselves ' In the position of preventing the support of parents through the wages of children , thus making It Imposslb'o ' for the children to at tend school , and yet nuking no provision for the Mipport of the parents. This problem will some tlmo be solved , but It will liavo to bo solved along very broad lines , which I am Inclined to think the public Is not ready to adopt ut present. It Is a serious dtlllculty and one which may well agitate the minds of people who are looking to the amelioration of conditions. WAOI3S OF WOMEN AND CHILUHEN. " The facts as to numbers having been given , "It may bo well to see what proportion of the total wages paid In the country falls to women and children. From recent calcula tions ) I nm uble to state that the wages of males constitutes 87.73 per cent of the total i wages paid In 1890 , while the wages which went to females over 1C years of ago was only 11.3'J per cent of the total amount , the children receiving but .88 per cent of the wholo. These .percentages , triken In compari son with the percentages as to the number employed , are quite Instructive , while name- what disappointing ; as for Instance , In 1890 the females above. 15 years of age constituted 17.91 per cent ot tlio total number of persons employed In manufactures , yet received but 11.39 per cent ot tlio total wage * paid out. The children constituted 2.57 per cent of the total number of persons employed , yet re ceived but .88 per cent of the whole wages paid. Looking ut the classification of wages. It Is found that 70.85 per cent of the total number ot males received P and over per MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday. Carpets. All Carpets bought Monday wo Vrill lay free of charge. This Offer for Monday Only. MORSE CLOSING OUT , Men's Goods. 1JUY NOW. Tun hose , 20c. Fast black (50c ( ) . . 35c Halbrlggiin tin. dorvcii rl)50c ( ) Men's $1.00 white shirt SOc $1.25 negligee shirt 75c PRICES LIKE THESE TALK MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Retiring from Business. Our stock was not moving : fast enough , so we closed our store last Friday to make further re duction in prices Saturday. Our store was crowd ed all day and Monday it will be , too. MORSE CLOSING OUT , Notions. At-4o- Coats1 throud , At Ic- Hooks and oyos. At4c- Durnlng cotton. At7c 1'lns and trnys. At 17c- 17cUorullno stays. At 7c- 7cTwln stays. At3c- Tupo measure. At Oc- Safety pins. At 3c- 3cItubbor Itubbor corset At 27c-Slk ! shield,0 ? * " At Oc Holts. At 3c Largo fans. At Oc-Illndlini ribbon. At 3c Ladles' collars. PUIOES WILL DO IT HORSE CLOSING OUT Monday. Boys' Clothing Your choice of four lots. lot 1 , $2,00 $ , Lot 2 , $3,00 $ , Lot 3 , $4,00 $ , Lot 4 , $5,00 $ , They hnvs sold for more than twice our price. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Monday Cloves HKY.VZKR'S HISST At $1.99 Roynlor's 8-inoh best. At $ i.i3 Best Icld 7-hoolc. Af97c Boat Kid G-hoolc. At $1.00 White kid Gloves. Retiring from Business. MORSE CLOSING OUT , We have a very large stpck of BLACK SILKS that must be sold and the prices that we have put on them will do it : If you have the least thought of a black silk dress for the fall. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Dress Goods. Large stock to select from and must be sold ; if one price will not do it , we know what will. Perhaps half cost will. Retiring from business. weelc , while90.02 per cent of the whole num ber of females over 1C years of ago received less than $9 per week , and a little over 28 per cent of the whole number of females em ployed received less than $5 per wcolc for their services. Nearly all the children , that Is , those persons under 15 years of age , em ployed In manufacturing ebtabllshmenta re ceived $5 per week or less. WOMEN TAKING THIS PLACES OP IIOY3 AND OIHLS. This Is not the place , of course , to dlscusa the reasons why women receive less than men , but the facts certainly Indicate that the women , Instead of crowding upon the moil to as great nil extent as Is generally sup posed , are rapidly taking the places of boys and girls and doing the work which they formerly did In our factories. The constantly Increasing proportion of men Indicates this , but supplemented by the constantly de creasing pioportlon of children , thu fact be comes apparent. On reading the foregoing statements tlio Inquiry may bo , what proportion of the females over 15 years of ago are married ? There nro no very general statistics on this Hiibject. but so far us Investigation shows It may be estimated with a fair degree of ac curacy that about 10 per cunt of the women employed In the manufacturing Industries ot the country are married. LHOAL UBSTIUCTION8. The employment of women has become more und , more the subject of legal restric tion. They have been classed with the children and legislatures have felt It In cumbent upon them to regulate the em ployment of women and children so far as hours and conditions were concerned. It has not bcon deemed wise to Interfere with the employment of male adults ; nevertheless the male adults have found their work regulated to a certain degree through the regulation of the work of women and chil dren. The hours of labor of men were IOIIK ago lessened , but the hours of labor ot women and children were shortened only through positive legislative enactments. Tlio whole ethical , social and political effect of the employment of women In manufactur ing establishments U u broad subject , thu discussion of which must bo prefaced with a knowledge of the actual facts. UAKHOLLi U. WRIGHT. Washington , D. 0. AND Leopards Perform at 3.30 , 4:30 : , 9 and 10 p. in. today at Courtlpjnd Beach.