Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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TP.HMH or f
TMllv Hoc ( without flunlny ) On Year t * M
J > Mljr Jiff nnd Hunili ) . On * Your ww
HI * Mnntli S H
Hire- Month * i J j }
Kunilny Il e On * Yonr J ' "
Hntiinlny llpe Oni Yrnr *
Weekly lift. One Yetr "
Omahn , Tin * Iliv llullillni ? . . . . . . ai.
floulli Omiilm. Cnimr N nni ! Twenty-fourth fits.
Ouncll ITIi i UK , 12 IVnrl trcct.
nileiirti nmrf. in rimmbcr of Commerc *
fw ! York. Ilmmn 11. It nnd II Tribune DM *
Wnnlilimlon , 11)7 ) I' ulrcet , N. W.
All mmmunlnitlfnK rctnllntc to ncns nn < l rill-
torlat inntti > i idimilil lin niMrnnsfl To the l.-lltor.
All lm lne ( t I-Item nnl remittance * ii'ioiiM tie
ntMrwv.1 In ThHoe riilillnlilnic cnrnpnnv.
Omnlm. Drnflc chocks anil po'tolll" ' rAm lo
! mailo piin'jl > to thf r > r.1or of Hiow'npinv. '
Onorgo II TziH-tilirk fccrolnr ) f The 11" > < > rilb-
llnlilnir cominnv. llnn l "Inly " Born. ni ) tnnt
the nctunl mmiW of full nnd cnninteli * cop
of Tim Dnlly Mnrnlnir. i\onlntt : nml Sumliy III"1
Iirlntptl UtirltiK the month of June. 1S9I , wan ns
followii :
ononnn n T/.SCHITK
Hwprn to I cfore mo nnd milnicrlliiHl In my pren-
encn thin S l ilnj or lull iroi
( Seal > N I' ri3II * Notnry Public.
The democratic pnity can nhvays bo de
pended on for blundering.
Warrant shaving Is not a very profitable
business In Douglas county.
Chicago has made another gain upon New
York. Shu now has an evacuation day as
well as her rival.
Grover lias been taking his bitters on
the raw FO long that he wants all other
raw materials to go on tlio fro' list.
Republicans occupy a very enviable posi
tion Just now All they ha\e to do Is to keep
till and await the saltation of the Lord.
The Incorporation of n few new sleeping car
companies may cause Mr. Pullman to change
Ills tune both to the public ami his employes
The withdrawal of federal troops from Chicago
cage occurs none too early , as It has been
manifest for some da > s that their presence
thcro was no longer necessary.
There Is a prospect of a deadlock be
tween the two houses of congress over this
tles , as If the piths of the two houses had
not been siifllclcntly strewn with them al
If the president tries to take care of all
the democratic congressmen who fall to got
returned to congress he Is likely to have his
hands full for tho. remainder of his occupancy
of the white house.
The employes In the street commissioner's
department are unanimously In favor of mu
nicipal civil service reform. Their rival ap
plicants for those positions are unanimously
opposed to any such new-fangled notion.
Strange , Is It not , how closely President
Cleveland's statement of his position on the
tariff question coincides with the well known
attitude of Sen itor Hill. If Senator Hill Is
no longer a democrat , what Is President
Cleveland ?
Omaha has a now corporation , organized
for the purpose of manufacturing pulverizer
machines. It has numerous concerns busily
engaged In the manufacture of paralyzor
equipments. Hereafter people will bo pblo
to take their choice.
That white- handkerchief wrapped about
Chairman Wilson's head when ho made the
report of the confoienco committee to the
liouso was owing to neuralgia and not to
that tired feeling. This explanation Is due to
Mr. Wilson and his admirers.
Wo always admire enterprise , but when the
Omaha fake mill tries to create a sensation
by the pretended dlsco\ery of a Kansas
Bender murder den on the Dodge street
school slto , just because n few Indian skele
tons have been dug up In tlmt primitive
burial ground , enterprise goes altogether too
Senator Allen In his supplementary report
on the sugar scandal deals some of his spec
ulating assoclatct some rather sharp blows.
Ilul ho still expresses a wonderful confi
dence In the Integrity of the great majority
of senators. It must take a great deal to
shake Senator Allen's confidence In his fel
low man.
Characterizing the president's letter to
Chairman Wilson as "very extraordinary" Is
putting It rather mild. If the president
wants to communicate with congress , the
constitution pro\ldes for transmitting his
recommendations direct to that body. In no
place , however , does It innko the chairman
of the committee on wajs and means Uio
representative of the house for this pur
pose or the official messenger of the pres
ident. A message to congress would have
had the same effect and have been moro In
consonance vlth the general usage.
The handsome little souvenir of the recent
trip through Nebraska towns gotten out by
the Commercial club ought to bo one of the
most effective features of these business ex
cursions , designed as they are to promote
more cordial lelatlons between Omaha whole
salers and their customers. The Illustrated
story of the Journey Is a permanent re-
mlndor of the occasion , and serves to keep
the Omaha market constantly before the
eyes of bu > er In the tributary territory.
It should be made a regular adjunct to fu
ture excursions undertaken by the Commer
cial club for similar purposes.
It wilt certainly do no harm to discuss
annexation at this time. Omuhu and South
Omaha are bound to consolidate their city
governments sooner or later. Had South
Omaha consented to the proposal when It
was submitted to Its voters , both cities
would liavs reaped material binefUs from
the arrangement. The advantage to Omaha ,
now that the finances of South Omaha Imvo
reached a deplorable stage , would not bo no
marked at present , but they won'd neverthe
less bo substantial , A canvass of the annexa
tion sentiment will Inform us how the people
of the two cities stand ou this question
ttKsroxmnir.tTr KOH
The whole nltn of the president' * letter
endorsingtlip Wilson bill ns passed by the
house and ttm whole burden of Chairman
Wllson'n speech explaining the failure of the
conference committee to unite upon a tariff
measure was npptrontly Intended to throw
the blame for dls.igreemcnt upon the demo
cratic numbers of the senate and to shield
the democratic members of the house from
any Imprecations that might be directed
against them. The president and the demo
crats of tin ? house are unquestionably con
vinced In their own minds that they alone
are In the right In this matter and that they
have the unquallllcd support of the demo
cratic rnnk nnd file. The bill of necessity
had to originate In the lower branch of con-
grcua and It Is therefore more natural to
look ankatice nt any amendments mailo by
the semtc , whoso authority over revenue
measure.In ! generally regarded as subordi
nate to that of the house.
The SL-natc will , of course , Indignantly re
sent the Implied censure with which It Is
thus attempted to brand It anil In self-de
fense will neek to throw the responsibility
upon cither the piosldent or the house. So
far as the claim of superior powers over
rovonu" legistttlon on the pirt of the house
Is concerned , the precedents are practically
all against such a contention. The only
advantage given the house over the senate
by the con tltntlou Is the privilege of origi
nating all bills for raising revenue , but the
very same eluuse adds that the senate may
propose or roncur with amendments as on
other bills. Notwithstanding objectlonh
urged from time to time , the .senate has
ah\as freelj proposed amendments to such
blllH. often transforming the entire character
of the measure , and the house has accepted
or rejected the amendments lust as It would
did the > deal with any ordlnaty subject of
Icglslitlon Because the provisions of the
Wilson bill happened to have priority over
those of the senate bill In point of time gives
them no precedence for recognition by the
conference committee. When the conference
stage of legiblatlon Is reached the origin of
the particular matter In dlsputo cuts no
figure whatever. ' Under the law the senile
has the same legal right to insist upon Its
amendments as the house has to Insist that
the senate disagree.
Were tliu two committees left to them
selves to work out a tariff bill acceptable
to the democrats In both houses of con
gress It Is altogether possible and quite probable -
able tiiat they would have been able to &trlke
an agreement. The Intrusion of the president
Into the councils of the confeiymcc commit
tee , however , gave the representatives of the
house , i sciibe of added Importance and un
doubtedly made the rcpicscntatlves of both
houses all the more determined to uphold the
bill as agreed to by their house Yv'lth the
president on their Hide the house conferec.s
must have felt that the responsibility had
been taken from their shouhUn > nnd as
sumed by the chief executive. The senate
conferees must likewise have acted ab If the
responsibility for disagreement no longer
rested upon them. In presuming to endorse
the Wilron bill and to condemn the senate
amendments President Cleveland has volun
teered to bear the responsibility for dis
agreement and for the failure to enact u new
tariff law which Is likely to result. In this
ho has Elmpllflcd the situation for both the
senate and the house.
SUM , IIAIll'lAU O * 7HTN.
Mr. Cleveland never lets go by an oppor
tunity to tell the public that ho Is un
friendly to trusts nnd combinations. In his
latest dellvciancc he takes occasion , while
endorsing a policy regarding sugar which
Is known to bo perfectly satisfactory to
the rollnliiB monopoly , to remark that no
tenderness should bo entertained for trusts
and that he Is decidedly opposed to grant
ing them any opportunity to further their
peculiar methods. In his inaugural ad
dress ho used very plain and vigorous lan
guage In denouncing what he described as
Aggregations of capital and kindred busi
ness Interests , declaring that they are for
the most part consphacles against the pub
lic welfare , that they are hostile to the
American sense of fairness , and that It is
the duty of the government to protect the
people from the oppression and exactions
of these combinations.
In these utterances Mr. Cleveland knows
that ho Is playing upon a popular chord.
Ho Is In harmony with an almost universal
sentiment. Hut the question Is pertinent
whether ho is sincere , and It Is simply fair
to .seek an answer In the course of his ad
ministration In regard to the trusts. What
has been done by way of attesting the pro
fessed desire of the president to relieve the
people from the exactions of monopoly and
from Its Interference with free competition
In trade ? The last republican congress en
acted an anti-trust law which la still on
the statute book. It was adopted after care
ful deliberation and thorough discussion.
Has the present administration made any
adequate effort to enforce this law ? So
far as the public Is aw are the only cuso
brought under It was against the Sugar trust
In connection with Its absolution of the
rellncrles in Philadelphia. This cuso was
decided adversely to the government In
the lower court and an appeal taken. It
Is possible that something further will bo
done with It during the term of this ad
ministration , but by no means certain , for
the Sugar trust Is an Inlluence at tVash-
Ington. But why halt at this ono case ?
There are other combinations within the
purview of this law ami some of them
might be found less vulnerable than the
sugar monopoly. Why not Institute pro
ceedings against some of the lesser trusts
and give the law a broader t6st than it
has jet received ? The reason for not doing
so Is doubtless to be found In the fact that
the astute corporation lawer whom Mr.
Cleveland made attorney general does not
look with favor upon the anti-trust law.
He has pronounced It defective and In-
adeqaute , and very UUely he has convinced
the president that It Is so , and therefore
It would bo a waste of time and money to
proceed under It against the tuists.
Thcro U a way , however , in which Mr.
Cleveland can uhovv the sincerity of his
professed hostility to the trusts , and that
U by recommending to congress such legis
lation as he may deem adequate for their
suppression. Tills would bo In the line
of his constitutional duty , and ho can do
It at any time. It Is not necessary for
htm to withhold such recommendation for
his annual message , U would bo as much
In order now as In December. Let Attor
ney General Olney frame a bill that will
correct the defects which ho claims are
In the cxIsUni ; law and the president trans
mit It to congress with a recommendation
for Its early passage , and undoubtedly con
gress would promptly respond , because men
of all parties are In favor of such legislation.
Moreover , It would bo a creditable thing
to the administration , which thus far has
extremely llttlu that It can claim credit
for , and also a uood service to the party ,
which Is sorely In need of anything that
can commend It to popular regard. Hut
nothing of this sort Is to bo expected cf
Mr. Cleveland. He may really feel that the
trusts ore bad for the people and ought
to be suppressed , but ho Is not troubling
himself about them. The people have
learned to regard his repeated denunciation
of trusts and combinations as one of his
numerous platitudes.
T//B , inniitiXMKXT or run HKX.ITK.
The terms In which Mr. Cleveland and
Mr. Wilson have arraigned the democratic
senators bcforo the country , In effect charg
ing them with dishonesty and duplicity , It
would room must bo regarded by those sena
tors an so offensive and under the circum
stances so unnecessary that they cannot ,
with a due regard for their self-respect , fall
to resent the Imputations. lit his reference
to the sugar schedule the president speaks
of Incidents In connection with this feature
of the tariff bill that have aroused "a
dnrocratlc animosity to the manners and
minlpulatlons of trusts nnd combinations"
and BIOS ho shares In this feeling. The
president could hardly have stated moro
plainly his conviction that the Influence
of the Sugar trust was exerted upon demo
cratic senators and not without effect. If
his language means anything tliin Is Its
meaning , and It It sweeping In Its Implica
tion , applying with equal force to every
senator who supported the sugar schedule
of the senate tariff bill. Mr Cleveland
ought to know something about this. Ills
secretary of the treasury was moro than
( nice In consultation with representatives of
the Sugar trust and has been shown to have
had a voice In the framing of the sugar
schedule , If Indeed he did not suggest It us
It now stands. It Is possible that ho may
have done this without the knowledge of
the president , but scarcely probable No
body believes that Mr. Cleveland himself
was approached on this subject by any mom-
tier of the trust , but there Is good ground
for the Inference that he was not unaware
of what had been said to Secretary Carlisle
b > Mr Havemevor , the president of the
monopolj , and that he did not object to the
action of the secretary of the treasury In
connection with this matter. It Is there
fore fair to assume that Mi. Cleveland does
not speak without Knowledge when ho refers
to the "manners and manipulations of trusts
and combinations. "
The remarks of Mr. Wilson , chairman of
the ways and means committee. In the house
are even moro offensive and dimaging than
the Implication of the president. Ills state
ment was that the democratic conferees on
the part of the senate were not
free to act according to their personal
oplnlonn and Judgment but were fettered
by the npprelionslo'i that there were forces
In the senate pov erful enough to resist
successfully the passage of any bill v. lilcli
did not make concessions to great corpora
tions and trust interests. Here was a direct
charge that some of the senate democrats
j > re In the control of a trust , and the subse
quent reference of Mr. Wilson to the Sugar
trust leaves no doubt as to which one was
meant. It seems that the senate democratic
conferees sadly confessed to those of the
house the subjection that they were under
to the democratic allies of monopoly In the
senate and that but for this an agree
ment could have been reached without
dlfllculty. There Is In this something of
a reflection , also , upon the Integrity and the
rensa of duty of the senate conferees which
It may bo assumed they will hardly regard
with entire complacency. It docs not put
them In an enviable position before the
E\ > SpeakEr Heed , In his caustic reference
to the president's nnalgmnent of the senate ,
said : "If he has made a righteous charge
thelt characteis are blackened , and If ho
has made a false charge It Is for them to
see that Justice Is1 done for the truth of
history. " The present Indications arc that
the democratic senators will bo found stand
ing together In resenting the Imputations
cast upon them by the president and the
chairman of the ways and means committee
It Is perfectly obvious that to recede from
the position they have taken would be to
confirm and Justify these Imputations , which
would be more fatal to them politically than
would bo the defeat of tariff legislation
through their action.
uinr Aiiour TIIK
SOUTH OMAHA. July 20.To the Editor
of The Dee : Please answer the following
questions and oblige a subscriber :
1. How will the annexing of South Omaha
to Omaha affect the postolllce departments ,
and will this be a station to Omaha of lice ?
2 Can two postmasters hold office In one
cll > ? 13. K. M.
The object of annexation Is to consolidate
the two towns under one municipal govern
ment. When South Omaha Is annexed to
Omaha the South Omaha postofflce will become
a branch of the Omaha postofflce. There
would be no moro use for two postmasters
in one city than there would bo for two
mayors or two city treasurers. Chicago has
annexed a. dozen suburban towns that hud
sepal ate postmasters before consolidation
and have since been made postal branches
of the Chicago ofllce. Their postal facilities
lire as good If not better now than they were
under separate postmasters. They have the
carrier delivery , mall boxes and branch
olllcea that transact all postal business Just
the same as they formerly did. The facili
ties which the larger city enjoys for ex
pediting malls arc shared fully by the
branches. This will be true of South Omaha
after annexation.
There Is another point on which vse may as
well enlighten South Omaha people In this
connection. There Is a prevailing delusion In
South Omaha that a postofllce building will
bo erected there at no distant day. There Is
not the remotest probability that any tmch
structure will over bo built within tlirco
miles of the federal building now under con
struction In Omaha. New York City
with 1,800,000 population has only ono
postolllce building. The same Is true
of Philadelphia , Chicago , Huffalo , Cin
cinnati , Cleveland and otncr cities ranging
from 250,000 upward. Suburban towns rang
ing from 20,000 to 50,000 population adjacent
to these cities have never succeeded In get
ting an appropriation for a postofllco build-
in U Does It stand to reason that South
Omaha would be made an exception ? The
fact Is , that the people of South Omaha have
been humbugged by politicians with promises
they never expected to fulfill , It Is easy
enough to Introduce postolllce building bills ,
and It Is not much trouble to get nub-commit
tees to recommend appropriations tor them
just to assist some clever member to get a
renomlnatlon or re-election , when It la well
Known tlmt such appropriations stand no
show whatever of passing muster through the
This Is on unpalatable truth and may aa
well bo told now as later on during the progress -
ress of the discussion over annexation.
Cities which expect the present congress
to make appropriations for them for the con- j
structlon or completion of new public buildIngs - '
Ings are likely to see their hopes sorely
disappointed. The house committee on pub- |
lie buildings hus reported favorably nearly
fifty bills appropriating money for such pur-
po'cs , but BO Interwoven nro the. interests
bick of thciHi t'iailt ' ( will be practically Im
possible to seourcr Action on any one of them
separate froni Ihd rest. The committeeof _
course , had trl d Its utmost to have soiiio
tlmo set apar fgf the consideration of Its
bills , but It has , been" unsuccessful , and It
has no oprortjinlt to call any of them up
during n 8U ppt/uM ) ! ) / of the rules , In fact ,
the democratic ! loaders are anxious to have
this congress ifinkfc a record for economical
expenditures and tire opposed to any appro
priations not Absolutely necessary. If they
can shove these public , building bills on to
their rcpubllcan suecessors they hope to be
nlilo to draw 4sonie telling comparisons be
tween the moneyH expended under authority
of the two congresses. As all of the fifty
cities and towns whose bills have been
placed on the calcmlir think themselves en
titled to as much attention as any other th
prospects for all nre almost equally illscoiir
/ / { / . ; ; itAirMATMtiALS.
Mr. Cleveland Insists tlmt the principle
of free raw materials Is dear to the demo
cratlc heart What docs the Great Oracle
mean by raw materials ? Is lumber n raw
material ? Is pig Iron a raw material ? I
so , where arc they to be found In the raw
If woo ! Is to bo free because It Is n raw
material , why should we levy an Import dut }
on furs and feathers' Why levy a duty 01
hides , so long as they are not tanned' '
Marble Is a raw material , and so nre onvx
diamonds and other precious stones vvhci
they an unpolished , and jot the Wilson
bill Imposes very heavy duties on these
articles. Eggs , not boiled or hatched , arc
nlso a raw commodity , but there Is a tax o
3 cents a do/en on eggs. Hlco Is a naturn
product , but it Is taxed In tho" raw when
In ported. And the same Is true of castor
beans , garden seeds , dates , pineapples
olives and oranges. Herrings , mixed will
another raw material , called salt , are on the
dutiable list , and so ate codfish and clams
It strikes us that Mr. Cleveland's Idea ol
putting all raw materials on the free list
Just btcauso they nro law Is decided ! )
crude. The so-called principle of free raw
materials Is an economic fiction , with ne
moio principle back of It than the levy of
arbitraly duties upon tills or that commodlt )
under pretense of a tariff for revenue with
Incidental protection.
It Is stated that the persistent leader ol
the free silver men In the house , Mr. Uland
Intends to make another effort to get that
body to consider a bill for the free .coinage
of silver. It Is said that tliero will bo no
difficulty In getting a majority of the com
mittee on coinage , of which Bland Is chair
man , to agree to report such a bill , but the
chances of getting It before the house are
not regarded as favorable under the existing
rules. Of course there Is no possibility ol
such a bill becoming a law , even should It
reach the president , and Mr. Uland's object
Is simply to help himself In his campaign
for ro-election. , It la possible the silver men
will be disposed to help him In this. He
also finds encouragement In the fact that
there Is a good deal of wild talk Just now
In congress on Jhe silver question , In which
some republicans participate. It seems pretty
safe to predict ] h vev6r , that this eleventh
hour movement In behalf of sliver , If se
riously undertaken , will be abortive. It Is
to bo presumedthat ! a majority of congress
men are quite as anxious for a rest from the
subject as the people generally are.
The policy WhFch the state treasurer ? Is
pursuing with regard to the Investment of
the school fund will curtail the Income of
the various school districts considerably.
Under the constitution the interest derived
from the Investment of the permanent school
fund nnd the rental from leased school lands
goes Into the temporary school fund , which is
annually apportioned among the various
school districts In proportion to their rela
tive school population. Now when the treas
urer Invests the permanent school fund In
unregistered state warrants the tcmporarj
school fund loses whatever Interest might
be gotten out of an Investment In Interest-
bearing securities. State warrants draw no
Interest until they are registered. While
It Is true that the Interest on state warrants
would come out of the pockets of the tax
payers In the long run , a shortage of the
temporary school fund curtails the ability of
the people to afford primary education to
their children unless they raise the f Jnds by
excessive local school taxes.
The leading merchants and bankers of Chicago
cage have telegraphed the senate and house
of representatives that "the whole countrj
demands that congress ) terminate the pend
ing tariff legislation Immediately , " This
ought to settle the question at once. Con
gress will not dare to repudiate these In
structions from Chicago. The wrath of Chicago
cage as representative of the whole country
is so dreaded that no member of congress
will venture to Incur It.
Olnt'j'H Opportunity.
Globe Democrat
Now let Attoiney General Olney sail Into
the ttusts. They have no rlghtx tlmt the
public should any longer respect.
IllllO ( irUHX ( lOllllcHH.
Courier-Journal ,
The Boston Advertiser speaks of the Star-
Uyed Goddess as being "off her feed. " The
AilvertHei talks as If the Stnr-IJyed lived
on beans. Pali ! The Star-Uycd In right In
the midst of IOBH'M earn , watermelons , Ice
cream , tolu , chocolnteH nnd grecn-applcs-
and-snlt. Don't > ou vvoiry about our best
gill , you old Uoston hard-tack mummies !
Fnlargi iiient of tint Heart.
Chicago Dispatch ,
Mi. I'ullm in's heart occupies the entile
lelt side of his Will fed body. Its left Ihuilc
reals on the ainiplt,1 , ItH right ngaliiHt the
uturmim uivl Its.ncnier just abaft the fifth
rlli. Worn It and from It only could spring
the motive which resulted In the HlHtnrlcat
goclit'H pilitless acquisition prlcelesi to
the Hoclety nnd pilceless to Mr Pullman
Pessimists may howl until the cows come
home about the nordh'1 HelflHliness of human
natuie. Hut Mr Pullman Ix a living ,
though tired , refutation of the charge.
Siillu lent /or All Needs
Newi i J'pck World.
General ScliolleltV M reported nn thinking
that , "considering- cventH which have
recently taken place , an Increase of the
nrmy'H force Is needed " On the contrary ,
i tcent cventH have , .shown that the present
nrmy Is capable of dealing with any CH- |
tinbanco that l l HVdly to occur In thin
country. Seven ( /eguUira enforced United
States law nt Hammond In much ICHS than
sevti > minutes General Schofleld will have
to search for facts not so frenli In the pub
lic mind as u , bfutlft for a demand for u
larger army.
To AIuUii Arliltrutliiu I.fToctUo.
Hurfuln Ilxprenj
The principle of arbitration Is all right
ami tliu government Is thu natural arbitra
tor. Hut If there Is to be a national board
of lubitrutlon let It bo one which can beef
of tiomu use , not a mutual admiration no-
clety or suluiy drawers. The tlmo to settla
a strike Is before It beglnH. The only rea-
Hoimble vvny to accomplish that IK to for-
blil either u strlk or a lockout until the
questions In dispute have been submitted to
mil Investigated by nn arbitration board
ictlng under authority of the government
It Is not likely then that there would bo
many utrlkex , for , even If the arbitrator * ]
were not given power to enforce their de
cisions and that hardly Beenm feasible at
present probably neither party would care
to us.suine the odium of pcrxevcrlng In lia
war on the other after an arbitration board
) i ii InvKlKuteU and made public the rights
of the case.
j'K.tTVitKn or niK nt M ) ir HKM
It Is one thing to rend In the cncjclo
pcdlns of the great wall of China , but nn
altogether different thing to read n descrlp
tlon of It written by one wtio has made a
recent Inspection of a portion of the aiiclon
fortification. Prank (1 , Carpenter. In Ills
exclusive letter to The Hundny lice , gives
a highly Interesting account of his reccn
explorations , enabling the reader to fern
an accurate Idea of the wonderful ntruc
The contention of Nebraska nnd west
ern shippers that railway freight rates must
be reduced , and that railway earnings can
not reasonably lie expected to pay divi
dends on fictitious capitalization , has Inng
been a political Ksue. The Sunday Ilec
will present nn analysis of the Unties , jolnei
In the KlUgorahl-MlaHOtirl Pacific case re
cently adjudicated by thu state supreme
court. The annals rf railway Htock-Jobblilj ,
never presented clearer examples of scien
tific plundering prosecuted under the in mo
of "speculative construction "
"Woman nnd Child Labor" IB the sub
ject of u special article by the United Stales
commlsloner of labor. He nrguos that
women operatives are not crowding men
In mechanical Industries and the proportion
of minors In those Industries Is contlnuill )
growing less.
A labor dllllculty was Fettled In Hoston
the oilier day without friction between tl-o
workmen nnd their emplovprn , nnd aftei a
fashion that was muttully satlsfaclory A
disagreement occurred between the brkk-
liyers of the city anil their employers on the
old question of wages The inon. not waiv
ing their demands , continued to work
There had been competition In the build
ing trade for several months , nm ! , owing
to the narrow margin on which the con
tractors had to do business they did not
think that they could | ny the men moio
than 25 cents an hour. The men wanted
15 cents , and the controversy was referred
to a board representing both pailles The
Sunday Hoc will contain the details of this
Important case and show the workings of the
arbitration court In which the contention
was amicably adjusted
A continuation of Zola's story , "Lonrdes , "
will bo one of the features of The Sunday
Ileo.Tho sporting page will be found more
than usually Interesting. Society notes ,
fraternity events , musical gossip , labor
news , etc , will bo chronicled
The department devoted to women will
contain the latest Ideas In fashion's do
main , with Interesting gossip upon a varletv
of topics.
The cable and telegraphic service will
bo fully up to the standard maintained b )
The Uce.
_ / > 7/1/.VJS.
The gas combine In the Chicago city coun
ell Is pretty solid for an Immature institu
tion It will require at least a voar of labor
to reach the perfection of the Omaha elec
tric light cinch
Governor Hogg's pessimistic grunts are
not of Texai origin. The governor has Just
returned from the melancholy shades of
Tammany hall , and Is not lesponslble for
the after-effects.
The up-to-date brass band can occaslonallv
give the ear-drum a suggestive whack
When Congressman Hrecklnrldge arose to
address an osse'nblage of moralists-Saturday
nlcht the band played "The Girl I L'ft Ue-
hliul Me. "
Colonel Thomas J. Plckens , who died In
his S7th > ear , near Pendleton , S. C. , last
Monday , owned extensive cotton estates In
Alabama before the war , and In refinement ,
good manner and hospitality was a tjplcal
southern planter of the old school , Colonel
Plckens was a grandson of General Andrew
Plckens of revolutionary fame and a first
cousin of the wife of John C. Calhoun. He
was an Intimate friend of the South Carolina
General A. J. Pleasanton , who Is reported
dangerously 111 , Is a unique figure in the
streets of Washington and Philadelphia It
has been the general's unvarjlng rul for
years never to go out of doors even In the
driest of weather , without wealing heavy
overshoes , and to his precaution he attributes
his grand old age General Pleisonton Is
8(5 ( years old. He was the promoter of the
blue-glass cure of twenty jears ago , and the
name of "Blue-Glass" has clung to him ever
jvrvs. .
Texas Sittings : It Is In the tele cope
that distance lens enchantment to the view
Galveston News- Nobody denies the right
of the bild-headed man to strike when the
llles taKe his crown foi a tennis court.
Philadelphia Ledger : The sculptors nre
going to Imvo a separate club In I'.uls ,
adorned bv their own examples. Each
member will chip In.
Detiolt Tribune : She I shall never scold
> ou again for coming home late , William.
He You take mv bieath away. She Oh ,
William , If I could only believe jou !
Indianapolis Journal : "Johnson , you are
drinking too hard. Your nose la as red as
a beet. "
"Hut that comes from a week's ' fishing
"That merely confirms what I said at
first. "
Inter Ocean : "I just heard of a man who
struck for longer hours. " "Great Scott !
Who was he ? " "Sample tastei In a llqilor
store. "
Buffalo Courlei"This Is what might be
termed a bit of charp pinctlee , " murmured
the baiber's apprentice ns he started In on
his task of leninlng to hone a razor.
Hoston Commeielal "Do you believe In
second sight' " nsKoiI Dumley of Jack Pott
and the other answered grimly "No. I
saw a man with foui aces the other night ,
and I ahall not try a second sight fet some
time. "
Atlanta Constitution "What nre the
chances tn gain nilmKslon to the bar In
> out town" ' asKcd the law student of a
native. "Well , stranger , thar ain't no
tiouble ( Turin * the week , but you've got to
be mighty slick on Sunday. "
Courier-Journal. IMItor No , sit , we can't
use any more of your jokes until fall.
Humorist Why not ? let me ask ,
IMItor Heeause It takes three men to see
them , and I am opposed to overworking
the force In watm vveathet.
Four little queens to me were dealt ,
With which the gamete win ,
And Just Imagine how I felt
When every one stayed In.
Pour little queens Oh , Mistress rate ,
How longed I to rebuke her.
Tor sadly here , I wish to state ,
That we were playing euchre.
'llio Trend Timnril AHHIK lutlon.
Knmui3 CII ) Join ml ,
Mr. n T Jeffery , president of the Denver
& . Itlo Grande railroad , Is In favor of labor
nganlzatlons "The trend of human na
ture IH toward association , " he remarks In
in interesting Interview In the Denver
News "Wo sec It In the family , tn the
community , In states ami nations Men
; ather togcthei for mutual benefit , for pro
tection , anil advancement In theli material
welfare , " he mUls Kiom these obvious
ircmlKcs lie draws the i-oncluslon "tJmt the
dea of organization for mutual benefit Is
nhetent In human nature , " and cannot be
Utered Hut It can lie moulded , and to
that purpose he Invokes the attention ami
effort of employers
Soothing Syrup for I'rldo.
Chicago Herald
Oxford's victory over the Yale athletes
should 1111 the Hrlton's cup of Joy to over-
lowing. The successive defeats of the
Vigilant by the Hrltannla were Inexpressl-
ilv soothing to British pride , wounded by
a long series of defeats on land and water ,
and the triumph of thu English unlveislty
nen Is all that IH needed to nut John Hull
nto u condition of entire xatlufactlon with
ilmself No one In this country will be-
giudge him the victory honestly won , and
even the vicarious squawks of Canada can
> u berne with equanimity Hi other Jon
athan takes u licking bravely , as he cele
brates a victory modest ! ) .
I.lfo 1J 1
ler cigarette In fancy oft I see t
That darling little witch , the fair Lau
rel te , 1I
Offering tliu Incense of her love for me , I
Her clguretle. 1c 1
Challenging glances fiom her eyes of Jet c 1I
n.ibheil through the mnoku Her laughter , I
sweet anil free , (
Hushed all rny tender vvhlspeis of regret , I
My Turkish rival proved too much for me , It
And , as was best , we parted. I hud yul It
\ gentler love for consolation , she t
Her clgaruttu. 1
Fco Find by Moiklfjjhn on Immigrants
Who Want to Oomo Ilitlur
I'rolrrtltn Turin In Ito Intlcil nn tlin Pro-
Unit of foreign Intiint lndii trlc <
Icxt of tlie Hill Tutting mi 1m-
puit on Voters ,
1407 P Street , N. W ,
WASHING I ON , July 20.
Congressman Molklcjohn toiliy Introduced
a bill for the restriction of Immigration , as
"Section 1. There shall be levied
collected and pild a duty of $100 for each
and every alien Immigrant who shall conio
by steam or sitll vessel from a foreign port
to any port within tliu United Stiles. The
duty thus levied shall ! > collected ns now
provided by law [ or the collection of the Im
migrant fund duty , and paid Into the United
St.ttes treasury. Provided , however , that nil
alien Immigrant wlto Is sent for and requested -
quested to Immigrate to the United States
by a relative residing In and who Is a citi
zen , or has declared his Intcnllnon to be
come a clll7cn of the United States , shall bo
exempt from the pavmont of said duty under
such regulations as the secietary of the
treasury shall prescribe
"Sec 2. The duty Imposed bv this net
shall be a lion upon the vessel which shall
bring such alien Immigrant Into the United
Stales nnd shall bo a debt In favor of the
United States against the owner or owners
of such vessel , the payment thereof to be
enforced b ) any legal or equitable remedy.
"Sec 3 Nothing herein contained shall
admit any Immigrant who Is now excluded
from admission into the United States UIUT
existing acts for the regulation of Immigra
"Sec 4 This net shall take effect sl\t >
days after Its passage nnd approval "
Senator Allen today Introduced n bill pro
viding that the Interstate Commerce com
mission shall hold nt least one session an-
nunll > In the city of Omaha for the purpose
of hearing nml determining complaints of
shippers and others In Nebraska nnd ad
joining states affected by Interstate
railroad transportation rates The
bill nlso provides that the commission shall
give six wfeKs' notice , published In one or
more papers In Nebraska , of the time nnd
place of holding Its sessions , to the end that
nil persons desiring to prosecute complaints
may npp ar before it at sild tlmo nml pine ?
The bill was referred to the committee on
Interstate commerce
Senatoi Allen Introduced n bill rfpoalliig
the provision that the secretary of the In
terior be authorized , with the consent , of the
Omaha tribe of Indians , to allot In sever
ally , through an ntloting agent of th ? Interior
department , to each Indian woman and child
of said tribe born since the allotments of
land were made In severally to the members
of the tribe now living , one-eighth of n
section of the residue lands held by Hint
tribe In common. Instead of one-sixteenth
of n section , nnd to allot to each allottee
now living who received one-sixteenth of u
section nn additional one-slxteenlh of a sec-
lion of such residue lands
The bill providing for a resurvey of Grunt
and Hooker counties wus today transmlttei
fiom the senate to the house and the house
nonconcurred In the senate amendments pro
vldlng for the appropriation of $10,000 to
carry on the work , The bill was sent to a
conference committee Senator Allen will aci
as ono of the conferees foi the senate am :
Mr. Melklojolin will net In the same capacity
for the house.
H. G. Koepler of nine Hill Is In Washing
ton and visited Congressman McKeighan a
the capltol today
The secretary of the Interior has rendercc
decision i In the following I mil cases
Nobranka Anlhony S Huddle-son again ? '
Jorgoii Miller , T 31 N , U SIV , C'hadron
dl'trlct , decision affirmed , Millet's entry is
to stand , James Graham against Thomas P
Curren , T. 15 N. , 11. 41 W. , Sidney district ,
motion for review overruled and Graham's
pre-emption filing rejected.
South Dakota J N. Dougherty against
P. A. Mclntyie , T. 113 N. It ( lr. W. . Huron
district , decision aflirrnpd nnd Mclnt > ro's
entrj held for cancellation , Kitchen against
Randall. T 15G N , U 55 W . Grand Perks
llstrlct , motion for review denied and Ilan-
lall's entry held for cancellation ; Alvin III !
Ireth again t Hiram Pennv , T 16,1 , R. 51 ,
Ultchell district , motion for review denied
and Penny awarded the hind , Herbert II
! < app against Benjamin P. Able , T. 109 , H
60 , Huron disci let , motion for review de-
lied and Abie's entry held for cancellation.
Patents have been Issued ns follows :
To Nebraskans Chnrlcs Allen , Wuusau ,
rein guard : George H. Drake , Omaha , steam
) oiler ; Frank L and r. A , Joy , Premont ,
folding slool ; Charles J. Passick , Seward ,
cash reglsler.
To lowans Charles N. Hlood , Anamosa.
stump extractor ; Ernest C. Cole , Council
I ! In Its , damper for stoves ; John P. Perrli
and W. M. Thomas , North English , gate ;
Harvey L. Plsher , DCS Molnes , platform
scale ; Isaac N. Hall , Medlapolls , combined
water heater and range , Frank Kojip , Cedar
Hnplds , fire escape , Aaron Lancaster , Prince
ton , wind motor ; James H. Margin , Daven
port , sash fastener ; Ilobert M Sprague and
J. P. Rtittcr , assignors one-third to C. C.
Sprngue , Council Hluffs , basket truck.
Postmasters have been appointed as fol
Nebraska Emcrlck , v Madison county ,
Charles Lcthcby , vlco A. II. Richardson ,
Iowa Hrjant , Clinton county. August Wes-
sell , vice E , N. Naglo , removed , Tallejrand ,
Keokuk county , J S IvUfor , vice James
Wilkinson , removed. Tiffin , Johnson county ,
E , Sungstcr , vice A. R. Long , removed.
A postolllco has been established ut AlKnll ,
Mende county , South DaKola , with Claia E
Farwell commissioned postmistress
George A Mcade of Sioux City has been
awarded contracts for supplying Ihc gairlsnns
at Fort Nlobrara and Port Robinson with
coal ,
New hrhniliilo I'repiireil for Prenontntloii to
tliu 'larlfT l/'onfu-nnio Uiiinnilttno ,
WASHINGTON , July 20. Reprcsentallve
Robertson of Louisiana was prepared to move
Instructions to the house tariff conferees on
the sugar schedule when the bill was again
sent to the conference , but tliu special rule
left no opportunity for Instructions. Mr. c
Robertson's Instructions would have boon In j
the nature of a compromise which he says
would bo satisfactory to the Louisiana dele
gation ,
The full text of the Robertson Instructions ,
which were In the form of n sugar schedule ,
Is ns follows
Theie shall be levied , collected and paid on
all sugars ami on all lank bottoms , syiups
of cane juice or of beet juice , me hula , con-
centiateil meladii , concrete nnd concen
trated molasses , , i dut ) ot ( r. pel centum
lul valorem , and all sugais , tanlc bottoms ,
sirups of cane Juice 01 of beet Julee , nie-
lada , concontiated inulada , concrete or
concentrated mobilises , which are Imported
from , or are the product of any country
which ut the tlmo the same are exported
theiefrom. piyu dlrectl ) 01 Indirect ! ) , a
bounty on the export thereof , shall piy
it duty of one-tenth of 1 cent pel pound i
In addition to the foiegolng rates Then *
shall be levied , collected anil paid on \ >
molasses testing nhovoin degrees , and not
aliovu 60 degrees , polarization , a duty cf 2
cents tier gallo If testing above L > > ilegiccs
iiolarlscope , a duty of 4 cents p.-r gallon ,
That the treaty of commeulal tetlp-
loclty concluded between the United Hlntis
and thu king of thu Hawaiian InUri IH en
the 30th day of January , lt > 7S , and the pro HIJ
visions of any net of congiess heretoloro J
Willie not above the medium height ho \
shows In every movement a Intent force n' '
which only needs occasion to call It forth.
A wonderfully fluent talker and yet withal
unassuming he appeals strongly to the Inter
viewer. Ot French descent ho has tha ,
finesse of tha Ouuls , and the polished s
manners of the Anclen regime. Probably
B5 years of ago ho looks and acts Ilka n
man of 40 , and while his head Is showing
considerably through thu gray and his hide-
burns are also turning wlntery In color ,
there U about Frederick R Coudert a something
thing which Instinctively attracts men , and
It la this fasclnatlou coupled with a flntly
trained mind tlmt h mnde him a power
In the councils , not only of the dcimcratlo
pvty , but of eastern capitalists , for ho Is ft
millionaire. In nddltlon to being nno of
President Cleveland's strongest advisers.
J'ontmmtcr Oriicntt I'ltpi tlin I'rlcot to tin
I'M Id fur Ollliliil IrlrgnuiK.
WASHINGTON. July -Postmaster Gen
eral lllsscll has Usucd nn order fixing the
rates nt which official communications may
be sent during the llseal ) cnr ending Juno 30.
1J > 95 , In Accordance with statutes securing In
the government tlu > use of telegraph lines
"for postal , military and other purposes , "
Insteul of computing the ncttul of
trasmlsslon. the p < ina nt will co\er the num
ber of miles between the capltol of the state-
or territory or District of Columbia from
within which the message Is sent nnd the
capital of the .stale , territory or District of
Columbia within which It Is rece'lved The
rates are ns follows
Dav mesiMgi's , containing not more than
twenty words exclusive of plnce from and
( Into , JO cents , not exceeding 1 000 mile * , nnd
1 cent for each additional word Oiu'-qunrtor
of this rate to be added for each 500 miles ,
or fraction , but no rule on a menage of
twenty words In to be moro than 40 cents.
nor nn additional word more ttrnn 2 contn.
The rntes between nil points In any state.
tcrrllor ) or the District of Columbia shall
ho 2 ( ) cents for twenty words nnd 1 cent for
eich additional won !
Night messages' ' not e < ccei > tlng ! twenty
words , lri cents for a distance within 2,000
miles , nnd for n greater distance 25 cents ;
In each cise 1 cent fur each additional word
It Is provided that If on Jul ) 1 , 1S91 , or
during the ensuing ) eir , any company
clnrg-s the public for ten words or li-ss , ox-
elusive of the date , address nnd signature ,
n le-ss rate than Is herein fixed for twenty
words , exclusive of place from nnd date.
the rates prescribed sh ill rtur'ng the ) car bo
reduced by such company lo the rates charge I
to the public
As regulated by statutes government mes
sages arc to hive priori ! ) over all business
conducted over telegraph lines subject ( o nn
_ _ _ _
COHIAN : Titouiti.i : MUKINO AN INI : > .
< > oil oniim of the I'liiml Mutts l.lkulr to
IllIll1'llllt. .
WASHINGTON , July 20 Wlillc there has
been no open developments ns to the ne
gotiations bet ween the Stnte department and
the Japanese government respecting tha
withdrawn ! of the Japanese- troops from
Corc.a , there Is ground for the belief that
over ) thing is progressing towards a happy
termination and that that happy result will
be In a large measure attributable to the
beneficent exercise of the good olllces of
the United State. ! Without reference to the
publications that have purported to give
the language of Secretar ) Grcslinm't , dls-
palch It can bu staled now that It contained
nothing thnt could bo construed Into nn nf-
front even In n ttiplomntlu sense. The
quotntlons Hint have been given wore er
roneous , and especially in the sentence that
places the president In the position of as
serting that Japan Is wnging nn unjust
war upon Corei When the correspondence
Is published It will without question be found
that the dispatch contains sincere expres
sions of good will towards both parties to
the controversy and that the government
has simply and In n friendly manner depre
cated the mnlntenincc of conditions that
threaten peace , nnd the president lias ex
pressed the sorrow ho would feel should the
horrors ot war follow.
I.OIIK Contuitoil Linn Doc'ldcd.
WASHINGTON , July 20 Secretary Hoke
Smith today decided the case of Emll Hartman -
man against James II. Warren et al , Involv
ing title to valuable lands near Duluth , Minn
Tlio case has been stubbornly contested nnd
hus been before the department In some
form for twenty ) cars
Warren's title Is upheld and the secretary
affirms the action of the general land office
In dismissing Hnrtmnn's suit and also a con
test biought against Hartman's title by
Hyde and others.
Hi c oh ill' McN ) ill's Order
PORTLAND. Ore , July 20 Receiver Mc-
Neal of the Oregon Railway and Navigation
company has Issued n circular consolidating
the Washington nnd Oregon divisions and ap
pointing A J Horle superintendent of the
railway lines of the company.
Anut riu : AHMY.
Captnln KogeiH lllrnlii vAIII I'xmnlno the
Aitlllrrj rqiilitiiient at Chicago.
WASHINGTON , July 20-Special ( Tele-
gtam to The Hee ) The leave of ahsenco
granted Plrst Lieutenant Chillies L Col
lins , Eleventh Infanti ) , Department of
Colorado , Is extended to Include August
IS , 1891
Hy direction of the secretary of vvnr ,
Captain Itogeis Hlinle , Oidnanco depart
ment , will pioceed to Chicago and Fort
Sheridan , 111 , for the pin pose of m litlnir
u technlcil examination of Held artillery ,
ammunition carriages and equipments of the
light batteries at tlu-Ho places , under HJIC-
clal Instructions fiom the chief of oid-
nance , nml upon completion of the duty
contemplated will return to his station In
this city.
Hy dlieetlon of the president , Plrst Lieu
tenant William U. Hamilton , ruth ar
tillery , Is iletalled as ptnfcnsor of military
sclenci ) and tactics at the State university
of Nevudu , He-no , Nev , to take effect Sep
tember 1 , 1891. and will leport In person on
thnt date foi dutv according ! ) , relieving
First Lieutenant John A ! Neall , Fourth
cavaliy , who will then proceed lo join his
Captain Chniles Hobart , Third Infantry ,
will piocccd to the Wisconsin military
reservation , near Camp Douglns , Juneau
cnuntv , WIs , nml attend the encampment
of the Wisconsin National giniiil at that
plnce , fiom July 2'J to August A 1&9I , In
clusive lie will report by letter to the
govirnot of Wisconsin for such duty ail
may be icquhed of him during the encamp
ment , and aftei the close theieof will ic-
tiun to his pioper station
With the nppioval of the secretary < f
wut , leave of absence for ten tlayn IH
granted Flist Lieutenant ClmiloH C. Wai-
e-utt , Jr , Eighth cavaliy.
Captain Alesander Hodge-ra , Fourth cav
alry , will inoceeil to Gettysburg , Penn , , to
attend encampment of the Punnsyl-
Minla. National guards at thnt place from
August 9 to August 1 ! ) , 1831. He will report
by letter to the goveinor of Pennsylvania
for such duty us may he icqulieil of him
dining encampment , and after the close
theieof will rctuin to his proper station.
Leave of absence for three manthu and
ten das Is granted Plrst Lieutenant John
T Halnes , Fifth cavaliy
Leave of ab"eiHc for two months la
gtanteil Captain Rlchurct W. Johnson , as
sistant surge-on.
K , IM * HAlMOlf KRKl'KIUi.
SOUTH OMAHA , July 20 To the Editor
of The Hee In the morning Isauo of tha
World-Ileinid , In an nitltlo commenting on
Mgr S.itolll's dec Islon regarding saloon
keepers In Catholic societies , I read with
much regiet the stand taken by my cs-
teemul file-mi and brothei. John Nanglo , u
stand which has moro of this postulant ox-
piession than of a full , tried and piofessed
Illbeinlan Notwithstanding my great nil-
mil atloii for Mr Nangle as an Hibernian , I
ftel compelled to collect the false Impreo-
nlon conveyed by his remarks as regards
thu feelings of the gre it rank and tlio of
lllbeinluns toward the clergy No greater
njustlce ( Oillil ! - done tills iinlc-i and our
much beloved elirgy than the views ex-
ircssuil by Ml Nanglo If fifteen or clRh-
een yeais ago the ilergy criticised and IB-
lured the Illbeinlans they ceitalnly die ] not
lo so without some cause , as many of us
who Imvo faithfully served the order In
ver ) dtpiitment tor llftecn or eighteen
ears can testify 1 for ono clalno. that
ntich of the exalted attitude now occupied
y the HIlKinlans Is Holely due to the great
moral aiuli Intellectual Influence of the
clergy , who Imve rendered Invulu iblo HB-
ilstancu to the order I am confident (
old thu sentiments of the greater number
if Hibernians throughout the nation when
Ha ) , Give us more priests ami tpare ui
rom thu designing politicians and tin-
turupulous Huloiin men AH remarked by
Mr. Narigle , wo have a fuw mloon men
vho have without doubt bee-n iiinucro and
rnlthful to our cause , hut for thu on true
mi ! honest saloon man llfty me iniHcrupu-
ous anil ie ort to uvcry effort to decoy
heir fellow countryman with their patriot-
am We have approached tlmt period
vlien the saloon occup itlon Is not In liar-
nony with the iiresenl views of society , ands
even belle-veil to bo Inconsistent with th * >
equlriiments of nodal tasteHencn 1
itiongly favor the rc-legntlon of the walootv
ce-eperu from acllve oHlc-trx to llin innlta ,
lot be-cuusu we think lens of them au In-
llvlduals. but because wu think more of
ho principles anil grand motto of our order
-FiK-nduhlp , Unity and True Christina
Charity. W. J. M'CRANN.
, . State MeJIeul Examiner.