Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILJ BEE * . SA URDAy , JULY 21 , 1801.
Imporlnnt Business Coming Bofora tlo Ex-
ccutivo Board ef the Heights of Labor.
Coninllilntlim vrlth the rrtloriUlon of I.iilmt
I lii.iiiclul Aid to lleln unit HU
Aitiiucliitffi Settling Difference *
wllli I'otTilrrlf.
Loral members of the Knights of Labor
ire Jubilant over the fact that the general
officers of the order will hold a session In
this city , beginning next Monday , whlcli
will , In all probability , last for n week or
more , as It Is said there Is considerable bust-
ness to come before the general executive
board which demands Immediate attention.
Among other things to be considered at
this meeting whl be the proposition to unite
the Knights of Labor with the
American Federation of Labor anil
other kindred labor organizations In
accordance with the resolution passed at
the last general assembly , where It wan evl-
dent by the vote tint the rank and file ol
the order were In favor of such n move If It
could bo consummated In a manner that would
not compromise the cardinal principles of the
knights , which , the members hold , are nec
essary to the proper protection of Its mem
bers and a people's government.
The rcHiilt of the resolution mentioned has
been that two meetings of a national charac
ter have been held on the question of a
general unity , ono at 1'hlladelphla and one
ot St. Louis , whore considerable progress
was made In the direction desired. The
Bung In the way of the proposed union lias
at each meet ng been the desire of the
knlghti to maintain their trade assemblies ,
while the federation delegates demanded
that the trade assemblies be turned Into the
fedciatlon without making any concessions
favorable to the knights.
The general officers of tlir knights have
BO far placid themselvex on record as un
alterably opposed to iuch a union , and have
demanded that trade cards be exchanged ,
which has been refused by the federation
It Is said now that on offer Is likely to be
made by the officers of the knights to form
p union with the federation on the same
lines as proposed by J R. Buchanan , the
eyndlcato writer , who proposed that the fed
eration endorse the demands In the preamb'c '
of the knights an their own and that In
this case there would bo no trouble In one
set of general ofllcers attending to the whole
business of organized labor In the United
States. Of course there can be no definite
action In this respect taken nt this meeting ,
as about the only thing the general offi
cers have power to do Is to formulate a prop
osition as liberal as they deem proper to
submit to a committee from the federation.
Prominent knights say that the proposed
union Is likely to bo completed before the
end of the present year. The action of the
general executive board at Chicago pledging
support to the political demands of the
Knights of Labor and the A. R. U. Is re
garded as evidence that the ofilcers of the
f deration are now In sympathy with the
effort to form a general union of the labor
forces , both as trade organizations and as a
political power In the Interests of the tolling
District Master Workman Cohen Is author
ity for the statement that the local mem
bers will provide several meetings during
the stay of the general officers where mem
bers high In the order will talk on the bene
fits to be derived from an organization such
ns the Knights of Labor are. Mr. Cohen
says that Henry n. Martin Is one ot the
best orators on the labor question In the
country , and that everybody knows that
Thomas B. McGuIre of New York has few
equals as a pleader for the tollers' rights.
Mr. Cohen anticipates that many now mem-
bent will bo taken In In Omaha durlp the
scKslcn , to commence Monday.
It was rumored last evening that Past
General Master Workman Powderly would
visit Omaha next week , and In case ho should
It Is likely that a meeting' will bo gotten up
for him by his admirers In Omaha , who
think ho has been unfairly dealt with by
the general officers. If Mr. Powderly comes
to this meeting of the general ofilceis , it Is
likely that this visit will bo made for the
purpose of making a final settlement -
mont with the order , as there ore
Btlll some differences between the former
leader and the present general ofilcers.
It Is understood that some , of the general
ofllcers are In favor of rendering financial
assistance to President Debs of the A. R. U.
and his associates In making a defense
against the crimes they have been charged
with , and In case such action receives the
sanction of the general executive board all
the knights In the country will bo asked to
contribute to a defense fund for the ofilcers
of the A. R. U.
At this meeting thcro will also be several
appeals from locals brought before the officers for final adjudication , nil of
wjilch will bo ot minor Importance and will
only effect the locals Interested at the present
Nearly all of the laws ot the order have
been made by decisions ot the general
master workman , but hereafter that power
Is not lodged with ono man but In the
whole number of the general olllcers at the
regular and called meetings.
The labor world Is so disturbed at the
present tlmo that the eyes of the whole
country will be directed toward Omaha for
the next few days , and the Important meetIng -
Ing to bo held hero will draw the presence of
a great number of labor leaders from all
parts of the United States.
Messrs. Martin , McG-i're and Sovereign h&ve
accepted nn Invitation to attend the Knights
of Labor picnic nt Sarpy Mills park next
Sunday. The picnic Is given by local assembly -
bly No. 374 , composed of upholsterers and
mattress makers. The members of this as-
aembly are expecting a largo crowd out to
hear the general officers speak.
I'uHtmuiitora of tliu 1'ourth Ornilo Fix Their
Oun bitlnrlo *
Ono of the most remarkable features of
the management of our postal system , says
Harper's Weekly , Is that nearly all the
postmasters of the country fix their oun
salaries , They are not permitted to draw
any amount that pleases them , but they
make the returns to the department with
out supervision , on which returns their com
pensation Is based. The postmastera who
are paid In this way are the "fourth class"
postmasters the men whoso compensation
Is less than $1,000 per annum. When the
compensat'on ot a postmaster reaches
$1,000 n year his ofllco Is raised to the
"presidential" class. The fourth class
pastmastorH are appointed by the postmaster
Kenornl without the "advlco and consent"
of any ono. Postmasters of the first , second
end and third classes are appointed by the
president and confirmed by the senile. At
the beginning of this year there were
CS.80G postolfices In the United States , and
of these 65,382 wore of the fourth class ,
The postmaster appointed by the prvsi.
dent draws a fixed salary. At one tlmo all
of the postmasters drew fixed salaries , Hut
the sudden growth ot very small towns
made readjustments of salaries of these
towns so frequent that congress determined
on an elastic compensation , to bs proportioned
tioned to the business transacted ut the
olllce. According to this arrangement , it
the business of an ofilce was twice as heavy
in the latter part of the ytar us It was In
the first part the postmaster's componsa <
tlouould be Increased proportionately.
At first this sliding scale of compensation
waa based on the sale of stamps. Uut
this offered many temptations to cllshoiu
only. Postmasters would sell largo quail ,
titles of Btuinps at a discount BO as to re-
ellio a commission on them , The would
use the Btainpn In making purchases , and
then credit their offices with the sale ot
them. In particular they would eend tha
Btainps to newspapers to pay for subscrip
tions , which they solicited , and thera was
a standing advertisement in most of the
big newspaper * some years ago ottering
stamps for sale In any quantity. No
doubt Homo ot the newspapers sold stamps at
a discount.
The new system gives the postmaster In
the country office a commission on the
amount ol stamp * which be cancel * . That
li , he Is paM according to the amount ot
business which goes through his office.
Uut In supervising the return * from Co.OOfl
Dfilcen , the Posofllce department must rely
on the honcit } of the postmaster. U can
not keep n force of Inspectors ut work OVPN
seeing the cancellation at the * mnll offices ,
The postmaster keeps an account of the
value of the stmpft ho cancels each day ,
and makes returns under oath to the Post-
office dcinrtmeiit Ills compensation In
calculated on the basis of the business re
ported. If the cancellation for a quarter
( three motitliR ) amount to $50 or less , the
department pn > s him n commission of 100
per cent. On the next $100 the commis
sion Is CO percent , on the next $200 , CO pet
cent , and on nil above that , 40 per cent ,
until the percentage aggregate $260. The
orctlcally the amount of business at u post.
office fixes the amount of the postmaster' ) !
compensation , practically he fixes It for
In addition to the Income from cnncella.
tlonn the fourth class pstmaster has a
xmall Income from the sate of waste papc >
and dead printed matter and from box
rents. Under the hw of 1S3. ) the fourth
class postmaster furnishes bpxes for the
postolfice , which arc turned over to his suc
cessor 01 the property of the government ,
The \box rents belong to the postmaster.
Itulii Wrought liy ttiu Itrcrnt
The scries of earthquakes In Greece which
began In the third week of April and con
tinued for several days to devastate the
country have resulted In a loss of little
more than 300 lives , but the ruin and loss
of towns and villages have been appalling.
A number of the tovsns have been rendered
uninhabitable and small villages and ham-
letH have been entirely eradicated.
The regions that have felt the terrors of
this visitation most , says the New York
Sun , arc those which made up the ancient
Phocis and llocotla , lying on the shore of
the channel which separates the island of
Eubola or Ncgropznte from the mainland
to the north ot Attica.
The heaviest shock felt at Athens came
on the evening of April 27 and lasted for
fifteen seconds. It occurred nt 9 20 In the
evening , while the weekly epltaphlon pro
cession was In progress , and the cathedral
was crowded. The glass rattled In the
church windows , Images fell to the ground
and as the women begin to scream and
faint n voice shouted that the building was
falling. A terrible panic was averted only
by the coolness of Premier Trlcoupls , who
besought the congregation to be calm , assur
ing them that tlieic was no danger Immi
nent so long as they left the church slowly.
Then he ordered the doors thrown open arid
the cathedral was soon emptied.
The town of Atlante , which was little dam
aged by the first shock was levelled by those
that followed. When the earthquake had
passed more than two-thirds of the buildings
In the town were mere heaps of ruin. The
remainder were badly Injured , The whole
population , which numbered about 3,000 , de
serted the town , and eight villages within a
short distance of Atlanto were abandoned.
The suffering at Atlante immediately fol
lowing the shock was especially great , as the
ground was so torn and the streets so seamed
that the Inhabitants were afraid to seek shel
ter In any of the ruins from the cold rain
that fell for a week at the time of the earth
The monasteries of St. Martlnos and ol
Proskvna were destroyed , and the church at
tached to the latter fell In during a vesper
service. Thirty persons were killed and as
many more dragged from under the ruins
maimed and bleeding. In the harbor of Pelll
the pier was split In two and sank Into the
sea.Larlssa , Vole , Chalchls and Patros were so
shaken that the walls were rent and the
roofs collapsed of hundreds of buildings
In the four towns. Larlssa was a town
of about 20,000 Inhabitants , composed of
Turks , Greeks and Jews. It Is in that
portion of modern Turkey which was the
ancient Greek province of Thessaly. At ono
tlmo It was a powerful city , and Is now the
seat of a Greek archbishopric and n Turkish
pasha. Chalchls Is the principal town of
the Island of Eubola. The city Is situated
In the narrowest part of the strait , with
Its fortress , ono of the most Important
in ancient Greece. It had a popu
lation of 0,000. Nothing remained of its
former grandeur beyond a few fragments of
white marble In the modern houses and
The Island of Zante , whlcli was also the
scene of the earthquake last summer , is ono
of the largest of the Ionian group. Syra Is
the capital city of the Island ot that name ,
wh'ch ' lies about 120 miles southeast of
Athens. It Is the chief commercial port of
Greece , and produced wine which Homer
praised. The population of the city Is about
20,000 , and Is the residence of a Roman
Catholic archbishop as well as the seat of
the Greek bishop of the ( Jyclode1 , the name
of that group of Islands to which Syra be
The destruction of Thebes was complete.
Not a house was left standing. It was one
of the three cities that contested the mili
tary supremacy of ancient Greece and was
the capital of Boeotla , the country lying to
the northwest of Attica , of which Athens
was the foremost city. The old city was
built on a hill that it might be easily de
fended In time of war. Nothing remained of
Its grandeur beyond fragments of Its monuments
ments and city walls.
Modern Thebes vvas a place of about 3,000
Inhabitants. The neighboring country was n
fertile plain which supported many peasant
farmers , and the prospect of draining Lake
Copals and the Llv.dlan marshes had prem
ised to benefit and extend agriculture In the
region. _
The Cow Saw Uor Own Itclli'itlcm In u
Sulouii Dour mill HlHiistoi * I'olloucd.
A little man with sunburned whiskers
and wearing his pants In his big rawhide
boots , and carrying a hoop-pole as large as
himself , drove seven cows over Fifth street
about 8 o'clock yesterday morning , says the
Cincinnati Enquirer. Up to that time Mike
Harplman had a saloon at 23 East Fifth
street. Ono ot the features was a very bril
liant glass door. Amonc the cows was a
red and white ono , which was evidently the
queen cow In her eating grounds In Ken
tucky. She was good looking and she knew
it. As she was passing Mike's saloon some
one walked out and the glass door swung
In and out on the spring hinges. It at
tracted the attention of the good looking cow.
In a minute she saw another cow in the
glass. It was a good looking cow , but Miss
Cow was not on to the fact that she was
looking at herself. The green-eyed monster
took possession of the good looking cow , so
she left the herd and went at the cow In
the glass. The cow In the glass did not
weaken worth a cent at the approach of the
belle of the herd , which angered the belle
all the more. The man with the sunburned
whiskers raised hlu pig pole and hit the
belle , trying to get the belle back to the
herd , but the belle said to herself : "Not on
your life. I'm the prettiest cow In these
parts and no common , slop-fed beast like
that can size me up when I'm walking the
street attending to my own business , so I'll
Just take a butt at her. " IJy this time the
belle was on the sidewalk.
IJang ! Crash ! The belle had let go with
her horns , and smashed glass , frame and
everything else. The cow In the glass had
gone and the belle evidently thought she
had gone Inside , for back In the bar ran
the cow. There was a looking glass on the
sideboard , and the belle saw the cow In the
glass once more. She made for her. The
barkeeper tried to drive her out , but she
would not leave It. She drove out the bar
keeper and proceeded behind the bar , The
looking glass was smashed with one crack
of the horns. Glasses and cocktail mix
ers , whisky bottles and battles ot beers ,
cigars and cigarettes were all tossed up
In the air and landed In a heap on the floor
The barkeeper by this time had reached
the sidewalk , and seizing a barrel rushed In
and threw It at Miss Cow , who ran back
In the sitting room. She tossed over tables
and such and' ' the barkeeper locked the door.
Detective JacUson came along and bo did
the man with the sunburned whUkers.
Jacknon told Mlko to hold the cow for dam
ages , and the man with the whiskers bald.
"Well. It yo' all think yo' Kin hold 'cr ,
why yo' all hold 'er till yo' git tired. "
Then he started out. The covv lieard him
and began to snort , Mlko hated to Bee the
house tossed over , so ho unlocked the door.
Then the good looking cow walked out
quietly and accompanied the man with the
sunburned whiskers down the street.
$16.00 to Denver and return , via the Union
Pacific , July 21 , 22 and 23. Account Myitic
Shrine meeting. See me. II. P. Deuel , 0.
T. A. , Union Pacific system. 1302 Farnaui
( Continued from First Page. )
nhlchc etriiRRlcd nnil lost In 1SS8 , niul
fotiffht mid won In ISO. ! .
"The president Is right ; there Is no middle
ground which we can occupy. No bill
which does not provide for free raw mntcrl
ala can be permitted to become n h\v.
niuu. NOT rtiBCii.
"H Is unnecessary to enter Into any argU'
tnent to define or designate articles
constitute raw materials. - Bvery domocrai
knows what they are. Any article may b <
considered raw material when It Is In tin
lowest or crude state. This definition l
ample and sufficient nml will redeem oui
pledges If It Is honeitly applied. The party
platform Was for free , not freer , raw materi
als , as Is now Ingeniously contended.
"H the president In Ins wisdom had seen
fit while the debate was progressing In the
senate to have aided my eftorts to secure
adhesion to tlili principle by expressing Ills
views In favor therof In some proper ancl
legitimate way I should ha\e been gratified ,
and It unquestionably would have been c (
practical benefit to the cause. I rejoice
that he. has expressed them e\en now ,
although I am not required to defend the
manner and form of their presentation ,
even If they so required , for which I dc
not assume the re ponslblllty.
"I respectfully differ from the president
In his assumption that a tax on sugar la
necessary a't this time , conceding that an
Income tax Is to be retained Clearly botli
are not n cessary for any legitimate pur
poses of the treasury. Tlio president speaks
of the 'democratic principle and policy which
lead to the taxation of sugar. ' He asserts
that In the taxation of sugar 'wo arj In no
danger of running counter to democratic
principle '
"I desire only to suggest that If It was
desirable that sugar should be taxed , ' .is n
legitimate and logical article of revenue
taxation , ' as he now says. It seems stitngc
that the president did not In his last nniuinl
message inn'o ' sonio Intimation , cu g iiMon
or recommendation to that effect. lie en
dorses the Wilson bill explicitly 'n his
message , although It piovldcd substantially
for free raw sugar. lie permitted tliu house
to pass that measure without n vord ol
protest , suggestion or hdvico that there
should be a tax upon sugar , which has come
to be largely regarded as one of the neces-
satlcs rf life.
"Secretary Carlisle , the trusted financial
officer of his cabinet , speaking unquestlon
ably cx-cithedra , outlined with great care
the ssentlal provisions of the proposed tnrlft
reform bill , but made no recommendation
whitover for a tax upon sugar. While free
sugar was bslng carried through the house ,
the administration remained quiet and pas
sive , but now after the house has acted and
the country has been led to expect free
sugar the administration shows Its hand and
declares for a duty upon It ,
" 1 am not now antagonizing Its suggestion ,
I nm simply stating the facts of history
Under the existing circumstances , with an
Income tax retained In this bill , I voted
for free sugar before and shall do so again
In my Judgment the house cannot now hon
orably retreat from its position in favor of
free sugar. The president's suggestion came
too late. The senate must recede from Its
amendments. "
Mr. Hill In closing his speech called at
tention to the fact that the president , who
had been so often quoted In the tariff de
bates as favoring the income tax , had at
last come out In no uncertain tones against
It , He tnibte < l the president's words would
have their effect. He ( Hill ) wanted to perfect
this bill. He knew it was claimed his
wishes should not be consulted because he
did not Intend to vote for the bill. Ho never
should vote for It as long as It contained the
Income tax , but he wanted to see It made
While he was speaking of free coal and
free Iron Mr. Pugh created a sensation by
asking Mr. Hill who owned the coal and iron
ore which hu ( Hll , ) and the president desired
should bo placed on the free list.
" " Mr. Hill em
"I do not know , replied ,
phatically. "I know to what the senator
probably refers , and It may bo brought out
in this debate. I do not know who owns
the coal and Iron mines whoso coal and Iron
would come In free. I do not care. It makes
no difference. "
A slight demonstration In the galleries
greeted Mr. Hill's reply , which was renewed ,
when , with uplifted and threatening hands ,
he declared that unless the democrats of
the senate yielded they would go to the
wall and the president would go to the front.
Mr. Hill , after his declaration In favor of
frco sugar , proceeded to say the free sugar
clause In the tariff bill had been universally
endorsed by the democrats of the country.
He read from a dispatch from Evansvllle ,
Ind. , which stated a congressional convention
denounced Hill , Brlco and Gorman as the
"Benedict Arnolds" of the democratic party
for opposing free sugar.
Mr. Voorhces aross and denied absolutely
the truth of the dispatch on the strength
of Information given him by Congressman
Taylor of Indiana , who was on the floor.
Sharp words between Mr. Hill and Mr.
Voorhecs followed.
Mr. Vest took the floor when Mr. Hill
was seated. After the speech of the sena
tor from New York , ho began , It was a
subject of congratulation that ho and the
president had at last found a platform on
which both could stand. The lion and the
lamb had at last lain down together , and
were led as little children by the ways and
means committee. He left It to
others to decide which was the
lion and which the lt > mb. The senator from
New York had said that free raw materials
was a cardinal principle of democracy. The
president went further and declared that
failure to place raw materials on the free
list was democratic psrfidy and dishonor.
Why did not the senator from New York
vote for frco wool , he asked.
"I did not vote on several motions when
the bill was In the committee , " replied Mr.
Nlll , "but I distinctly voted for frco wool
In the senate. "
"If my very soul was thrilling and pul
sating for free raw materials , " retorted Mr.
Vest sarcastically , "at the peril of my life
I should have been on hand to vote on every
roll call for the cardinal principle of the
democracy. "
Mr. Vest then proceedeJ to read the letter
of aceptanco of President Cleveland In 1892
pronouncing In favor of freer raw material.
Yet now he denounced freer raw materials
as perfidy and dishonor. In scathing tones
ho arraigned the president. He had
been Ills friend , he said , In thunderous tones ;
ho defended him on the floor of the senate
when his friends could have been counted
on the tinners Of one hand. Where did the
president get the right to dictate to con
gress ? To denounce one branch of congress
to the other ! Did ho embody In his single
body all the democracy , all the tariff re
form sentiment In this country ? Mr. Cleve
land was a big man , but the democratic party
was bigger than any one man.
It had survived Jefferson , Madison , Jack
son ; It would survive Orovcr Cleveland.
Under what clause of the constitution did
Mr Cleveland get the right , after a bill had
been sent to a fuU and free conference be
tween two houses , to make an appeal to his
party friends to stand by his Individual
views ? Mrs. Madison had said In her me
moirs that the capltol had been placed atone
ono end of the avenue and the white house
at the other to prevent the president from
exercising an undue Influence on the legisla
tive branch of the government. If the pres
ident could send a letter to his friends here ,
ho said ho had the right to send his cabi
net to coerce members In congress ; he had a
right to do as ho had done during the fight
over the repeal of the Sherman law , punish
recalcitrant members of his own party. It
was a mockery to talk of a full and free
confcrcnco when ono of the conferees came
to the committee room with the orders of
the president In his pocket ,
Mr. Vest spoke with bitterness of the pres
ident's denunciation of the senate bill , which
had been passed after four months of such
toll and responsibility as ho should never
assume again. Yet , ho said , those who were
Instrumental In harmonizing the differences
and bringing about Us passage tariff re
formers before Mr. Cleveland began his
phenomenal career hnd been arraigned as
traitors who. sought to dishonor their party.
Personally the bill dIJ not suit him. Ho
was a radical tariff reformer , but If he could
not get all ho would take what he could
"I glvo It an my opinion , " he declared
In conclusion , "that we pass this bill or no
bill. "
"Do you mean to ay. " asked Mr. Aldrlch ,
aa Mr. Vest waa about to take bla Beat , "that
you dlil not know of Ihri cilttcnco ot the
president' * letter for the seventeen days
which It remained In. Mr , Y\.llson'n pocket ? "
"I do , " ropllrd Mr. Vest. 'And further , I
doslro to say I knew perpnnajly that both
the president and Secretary .Carlisle under
stood the difficulties under which wo were
laboring. Mr. Carlisle saw the original 400
amtndmcnts and urged us 'to ' secure the
pnsrige of some bill at Any sacrifice , de
claring the failure of alt tilrlrr legislation
to be the greatest calamity could hap
pen to the democratic pirty. Therefore ,
when I saw the president's letter , pHdng
on us the odium of framing A bill tint means
dishonor to the democratic party , to use
but a mild expression , I Vd8 struck with
Infinite amazement. I am hot here to de
fend or attack the administration , but to
proclaim the rectitude of our motives. "
"The defense which the senator from NPW
York has made of the president , " added
Mr. Vest , "reminds mo of n desperate mur
der case which I once tried The only de
fense I wns able to make wns that the ac
cused was suffering from such utter moral de
pravity that ho WHS nrturl'y ' Incapable of
crime. lie was acquitted "trwards he
came to mo to thank me the verdict
In doing so he said , howcvi at he would
rather go to the penitential , ur life than
agiln listen to the defense I .ado of him. "
( Laughter. )
"And so , sir , I say In conclusion , In nil
friendliness towards those who have as
persed our motives , that so far as I nm
concerned they need expect no further con
cessions. I have labored earnestly and
honestly to bring about a satisfactory set
tlement of this question. Hut , sir , I have
reached the limit. It would be unbecoming
In me , Mr. President , to suggest to our
conferees what they should do. They are
older and wiser and know what is best , but
It Is certainly fitting thnt they should under
stand the wishes of their colleagues. And
so I say , for myself , I know , and for many
others , I believe , that If I was a member
of that committee I should say to the con
ferees from the house In answer to the de-
nance which has been flung In our faces
'Gentlemen , thcro Is our bill. It Is the re
sult of great labor and Infinite pains. It
has met the approval both of the free trade
and protection elements of our party. It
Is adapted to conditions , not theories. It
li not perfect , but it is as nearly perfect
as we can hope to make It at this session
In any event , such as It Is , there It lies.
You are at liberty to take It or leave It. '
"That , sir , would bo my position. I
would not recede from it so much as a hair's
breadth. "
Mr. Gray moved the senate Insist upon
Its amendments and consent to further con
ference. Mr. Hill's motion , however , will
under the rules take precedence. There
was nothing , said Mr. Gray , In speaking
to his motion that hnd occurred to make
unusual action upon the pait of the senate
necessary. He did not think It wns neces
sary to retreat on account of the deter
mined attitude of the house or threats from
any quarter. He commended the wisdom
which overcame the difficulties which stood
In the way of passing the bill. At this
point it very hot personal controversy devel
oped between Senators Gray and Hill.
Mr. Gray said that during the time the
democratic senators were endeavoring to
jgree upon a tariff bill that would command
forty-three democratic votes the senator
from New York never raised his voice In
favor of the doctrine of free raw material' ,
whch he now advocated.
Mr. Hill On every ocpaalon when the sub
ject of free coal and Iron ore was up I ad
vocated that there be no duty levied upon
them. i
Mr. Gray There ere thirty senators within
the sound of my voice that know what I
say Is absolutely correct.
Mr. Hill Will the senator from Delaware
name a tlmo when I failed to go on record
for the position I now ( Jccnriy.
Mr. Gray I did not sa > ; the senator went
on record , nor do I refer to what occurred
in the senate.
Mr. Hill What other record.
Mr. Gray The fenator ( well knows to
what I refer. '
Mr. Hill I know of no such occasion.
Mr. Gray Docs not the sjnator from New
York know of the long conference which
occupied the democratic senators over this
bill. * < > 'l '
Mr. Hill I recollect well and will never
forget it.
Mr. Gray During that time I and other
democratic senators never lieard the voice
of the senator from New York raised In
behalf of free coal and Iron ore.
Mr. Hill The senator knows I spoke at
length upon this Item. I d d not go Into
details of the bill ; coal and Iron ere were
not discussed by the other senators.
Mr. Gray The senator from New York
has arraigned his fellows In the senate for
not supporting his amendments. I decline
to take In tructlons from him.
Mr. Hill Does the senator mean to say
that I have endeavored to Instruct him ?
This was sad with such deliberate dls-
tlnctnes' , and Mr. Hill had advanced from the
back row to within so short a distance of
Mr. Gray that there was anticipated a very
closs and bitter war of words.
Mr. Gray gazed Into the eyes of the senator
from New York for a second and said : "I
do not want any personal controversy with
the senator from Now York. The democrats
of the senate know and I know the senator
from New York has taken every occasion
to tell the democratic senators what they
should do and how they should proceed with
the matter of dealing with this bill. "
Mr. Hill asked Mr. Gray to say what ho
had said In the democratic conference re
ferred to , but Mr. Gray retorted that lie
would not be led Into the Impropriety of
disclosing what took place there. Mr. Gray ,
continuing , said that the New York senator
had no authority to lecture and Instruct
the senate , at which point Mr. Hill Inter
rupted him to say that he had not endeavored
to Instruct the Deleware senator , nor to ro
lled upon any member of the senate. Hut ,
he added , that If In pursuing what ho con
ceived to bo n proper course In the senate , he
had reflected upon him , he could not help
It and ho supposed It was because of such
reflection the Deeware ! senator was tqul mlns
Mr. Pugh Bought to ask a question , but
Mr. Hill declined to hear at the time , when
Mr. Pugh remarked that ho had hoped to
end the controversy by such a question.
"Might open It , " Mr. Hill remarked , as
ho took his scat.
Mr. Gray resumed his speech. He said ho
would not attempt to gain brief applause by
declaring what his Individual views were.
It was well known that his views were as
extreme as those held by the extremes ! of the
tariff reformers.
Hero Mr. Aldrlch was recognized to put
a question. Ho said Mr. Gray had called
attention to the fact that the senate tariff
bill was an abandonment of democratic
principles and ho wanted to ask the senator
whether he did not think the president's
letter Justified that view ,
Mr. Gray replied .t iaUitlio president had
shown himself abundantly able to vindicate
himself. Ho said the , president had the con
fidence of the American pspplo and had never
betrayed it.
ALomcii TA'KJES. ' A HAND.
Mr. Aldrlch Hut the attitude of the pres
ident la that any evaxlon of duty , however
small , Is an act of peUldyi and dishonor.
Replying to this thrust' Mr. Gray declared
that Mr. Aldrlch was simply Joining with
Mr. Hill In his attempt to ) create discord.
"He Is , " said Mn , Gray , "simply doing
his utmost to help alongUhe dance , and ho
and the senator from NeW York should sim
ply waltz down the aisle together. "
At the conculslon , 'pjf , Mr. Gray's speech ,
Mr. Vllas took the llqoji iud offered as a sub
stitute for Mr. Hill's motion a motion to
Instruct the conferees'tb recede from so much
of the sugar amendrWiU as provided for a
duty of one-eighth rft a cent per pound on
refined sugar In addition' , to the 40 per cent
ud valorem on all sugars.
Mr. Vllas addressed the scnato In support
of Ills amendment. He deprecated the per
sonalities that had been Injected Into the
debate today. The conference had failed.
The two houses were arrayed against each
other , yet It waa proposed that the senate ;
further Insist on every one of the 034 amend
ments. Was that the way to accomplish re
sults ? The majority In the house today , was
a majority sent by the people to crystallzo
tlitt doctrlno of tariff reform after years of
agitation. The house , after montliu ot labor
ious work , had sent to the senate a measure
of tariff reform that had been received with
joy by the country. When the senate had
heaped upon that measure Its amendments
the bill was not received with cordiality by
the people. Yet It was proposed to stand
fast for each of the C34 amendments. What
would Justify the equate In taking that posi
tion now ? If the senate did this It violated
tbo spirit of the constitution. The senate
sought to make articles dutiable which the
house placed on the free list The amendments -
ments he offered , he said , would strike down
an Iniquitous and Indefensible amendment
placed In the bill by the senate. With that
cxccp Ion ho was prepared for further In
sistence on the senateamendments. . Ho be
lieved sugar a proper subject of taxation , but
the discrimination In favor of the sugar re
fining Interest was n tax levied for the pur
pose ot s 111 further enriching the most
gigantic trust In this country.
"Docs not the one-eighth of n cent dif
ferential placed on refined sugar , " asked
Mr. Caffcry of Louisiana , "Inure to the
benefit of the producersJ"
"Tho senator from Louisiana Is better able
to answer that question than I , " replied
Mr. Vllas.
"Hut It has met with the universal dis
approbation of the caucus ; H has been placed
In the bill as n peculiar advantage to the
trust. As such I deal with It. Let us
deliver ourselves from the Charge of sub
serviency to a colossal and Croesus-like
combination. The sugar corporation , ho
said , had been able In n single year to divide
nearly one-third of the aggregate of Its gi
gantic and Inflated stock of $76.000.000. Did
such n corporation need protection ? "
Mr. Caflcry , In reply to Mr Vllas , said
he was In the senate to gmrd the Interests
of his state. Sugar was Its most staple
product. The producers of Louisiana were
also manufacturers of centrifugal sugars ,
with which those of the trust competed , and
they were entitled to the one-eighth of a
cent differential. A fair revenue duty on
sugar now was what the situation demanded
and all the sugar producers of Louisiana
demanded. He wns a democrat , he loved
his party , but If the lime came when he
had to choose between his state and his
party he would stand by his state. If
the one-eighth of a cent differential on
refined sugar was stricken out , he declared
In conclusion , ho would not vote for the
bill.Mr. . Sherman , replvlng briefly to Mr.
Caftery , declared that In his opinion n fiat
ad valorem duty of 40 per cent wns suf
ficient to protect the sugar producers of
Mr. Palmer of Illinois proclaimed that ho
was In favor of free raw materials and
announced that he would oppose the one-
eighth of a cent differential to the sugar
trust. He thought the sugar producers of
Louisiana were In poor company when they
Joined hands with the Sugar trust. The
partnership should bo dissolved.
' "Does an Identity of Interest constitute a
partnership ? " asked Mr. Caffery.
"Oartalnly , " replied Mr. Palmer. "An
Identity ot Interests and division of profits
do constitute a partnership. Protection , '
Mr. Palmer continued , "was a sham and a
fraud. "
"Did you believe when you moved to take
barbed wire from the free list and place a
duty on It that protection was a fraud ? "
asked Mr , Caffery.
"I did , " replied Mr. Palmer amid laugh
ter. "If the materials out of which barbsd
wire was made had been on the free list I
should have supported the proposition to
placa the wire on the free list. "
Mr. Blanchard of Louis ana , who followed
Mr. Palmer , charged bad faith on the part
.f some of the democratic senators. Ho
pointed out that In the democratic caucus
the concessions placed In the senate bill had
been assented to by forty-three democratic
senators. The one-eighth d fferentlal on re
fined sugar was one of these concessions.
The 40 per cent on raw and refined sugar
was another , and the payment of a bounty
for the remainder of the present jcar was
another. This last agreement was violated.
"Somebody , " said Mr. Hlanchard , " 1) not
1 vlng up to his agreement , which Is as
binding now as It ever was. "
The Louisiana penator said that ths
caucus arrangement had been violated In
the failure to provide for the continuation
of the bounty for the remainder of the year
by cutting It out of the bill with the expec
tation that the provision would bo Inserted
In conference. Mr. B anchard proceeded to
say that It was time to be plalnspoken. Over
$100,000,000 In his state- was Involved , and ,
without Indulging In threats , he desired to
say that the Louisiana representatives ex
pected that the caucus arrangement would bo
carried out to the letter.
When Mr. Hlanchard concluded Mr. Cock-
rcll moved that when the senate adjourned
today It be to meet on Monday next.
Mr. Hill attempted to resist the motion ,
but It was not debatable. The motion was
carried , 30 to 23 , Messrs. Hill and Irby voting
ing witli the repub'lcans against the demo
crats. Then , at 6:10 : p. m. , the senate went
Into executive session and at 5:30 : p. m. ad
journed until Monday at 12 o'clock.
Irreilorlc II. Couilcrt nxproiwrs Ills Opinion
of tlio Prcslilrnt'B Tariff Lottrr.
Receiver Frederic R. Coudcrt , ono of the
close legal counselors of President Cleveland ,
said yesterday In speaking of the president's
letter to Mr. Wilson on the tariff :
"Mr. Cleveland's last expression is almost
equal In Importance , and may be In Its re
sults , to his recent proclamation as com
mander In chief of the forces ot the United
States. It certainly I am now alluding to
his tariff letter of yesterday was calculated
to warn , to admonish and encourage at the
same time , and any warning coming not
only from the head of the democratic party
but from the chief magistrate of the nation ,
cannot be minimized nor disregarded. Thcro
is no uncertain tone about It and Its note Is
as clear as that of a clarion. The president
gives fair notice to the democrats In con
gress that the fate of the party , for the
present at least , Is In their hands. The
leaders cannot , without violating their BO-
emn agreement with the nation , refuse com
pliance with the obligations that they In
curred at the last general election. They are
bound to give * the people a tariff bill and they
are bound that that shall bo nnt a shallow
pretense which holds out hope to the nation
and breaks It at the same time , but a sub
stantial and generous and complete com
pliance with the promises so freely made.
"Tho letter also brings before the nation ,
and especially before the party , the danger
which It runs If the growing belief of many ,
In , as well as outside , the democratic ranks ,
that the democracy Is unfit to direct the
destinies ot a great nation , Is allowed to
grow. Whatever Mr. Cleveland's enemies
may say , or whatever critics may be disposed
to carp at , ho Is certainly making a very
clear and clean record for himself on this
all Important question of the tariff. Ho
feels , and ho shows It , that the people at
large accept his pledges and rely upon his
promises and there Is In his utterances some-
tiling of personal disappointment and almost
personal resentment , which , I think , gives
great force to his utterances. It means
this : You and I came Into power together ,
mainly upon my assurances , solemnly made
and reiterated , that the people of the United
States should get relief from the oppression
of tariff laws run mad. If these pledges are
broken , bo the responsibility upon you , not
upon ino ; I mean to observe them ; I am now
seeking to carry them out and If our good
undertaking Is to be burled In dishonor , It
shall not bo tbo fault of Grovcr Cleveland.
"Tho people understand this. It Is time
that all democrats should become alive to
the Importance of saving their honor by pre
serving their principles. "
ronllrmt'd by tliu hiumtn.
WASHINGTON , July 20. The senate today
confirmed the following nomlnitlons :
Clinton I ) . Hrccklnildge of Arkansas to bu
minister to Russia ,
Postmasters * California Mark Hughes at
Sonora , William A. Griffin at Oakdale , Oregon
gen Thomas J. Craig at Eugene. Texas
William Harklns at Ladonla. Missouri J , F.
Mclntyro at Odessa , M. Y. Rusk at Brook-
fleld. _
Atncrlrii Might < i t hliurn.
WASHINGTON , July 20. The UnlUd States
consul at Tien Tsln reports that new Chinese
cotton mills have placed orders amounting to
(1,000,000 with English firms for cotton ma
chinery , and ho suggests that American cot
ton machine makers might secure- some of
these orders In cases where their machinery
Is as cheap and gives better results than the
Homo 'look 'IhliiK * 1'imy Yt'Htunliiy.
WASHINGTON , July 20. In the house
today halt u dozen bills were passed wlth-
3Ut opposition. The Tucker bill , providing
Tor the election ot United States senators , was
son Idorcd unt.l recess. The night session
was devoted to pension business.
Cu ll In tliu Trruturjr.
WASHINGTON , July 20. Today's engage
ment ot gold at New York for export to
morrow aggregated { 1,1500,000 , which leaves
the true amount of ( he gold reserve JfiO.OOO-
000. The cash balance today vvis $122,558,121.
7 rorr or I.ITTI.I : KOM IACIS.W.
A romantic love affair ended In marriage
nt Weeping Water. The parties had never
seen each other. The lady , Miss Moggie
Dastlan , arrived at Elniwootl on the early
train to meet her lover , Mr. M. Deltz. Hut
n few hours elapsed before they were
clear gone on one another and decided to
marry as quick as possible. They passed
through hero nt 10 a. in. on their way to
Plattsmouth to Interview Judge Rnmsey on
the subject. That the union will be n
happy ono their friends sincerely hope. Mr.
Deltz Is reported to be worth $20,000.
A gentleman , who resides on the west
side of Washington county , recently went
to Hlalr and took license to get married
from the county Judge. He afterwards
went to Dodge county to have the ceremony
performed and was obliged to get a license
there. This rather nettled him and so ho
thought to get even on the whole deal
Judge Jackson should whack up and refund
the money , but the Judge assured the young
man that he hadn't got It under false pre
tenses and that If he failed to marry In
Washington county as ho had agreed that the
court couldn't help It.
William Barnes of Shclton , the oldest bach
elor In Buffalo county , called upon County
Judge Ens e llt > g it 11 o court 1 ouse and askc 1
for u marriage license. Being asked for the
name of the lady , when the license was
being filled out by Deputy Cornett , Mr.
U.irncs refused to divulge It , telling the Judge
It was none of his business. That official ,
surmising that Bill had never before been
married , explained thnt the Information was
really necessary before the Instrument could
be Issued. This made Barnes hot and ho
left the ofilce.
The Portsmouth ( la ) Leader tells a rather
romantic story of a young man named E.
G. McNoal of Lincoln , Nob. , who was on his
way to Milwaukee to mirry his Inamorata ,
and while the train wis stopped at Ports
mouth for a few minutes he got off on the
opposite side of the depot , anil when the
train again started he attempted to board It ,
but wu kicked off by the brakeman , who
doubtless took htm for one of Kelly's rc-
cru Is. The young man teleghaphed his
affianced. Miss Fannie Uristol , and she came
on and the twain were made one in Harlan.
"I saw n love affair brought to n happy
conclusion recently , " said Dr. Culllmoro of
Beatrice. "A poor young man was devoted
to an equally poor young girl , and wanted
to marry her , but the parents objected
seriously Parents are always unreasonable
and these parents held that the young man
should have a few dollars ahead before tak
ing the girl to the altar ; but the young
man was determined to marry and get the
few dollars afterward , and the girl told
her mother that if she couldn't wed Tom
she would take a gallon of poison and die.
And so the folks gave In. The joung
people were married and went to house
keeping In a little cottage with morning
glories climbing up the window frames. They
are happy as birds. Ho goes fishing every
day and enjoys himself hugely. She takes
In washing and does nil the housework. He
never abuses her ; If she doesn't take In
more than $1 a day he does not scold her.
Llfo with them Is an oasis. H will be until
the husband has to go to work. "
A largo number of joung people nt a
wedding supper In Fullerton thought that
they would have some Jolly fun with the
bride and groom and keep them up the re
mainder of the night. They repaired after
the supper to the house of the bridegroom ,
where they supposed they would spend the
night. After waiting several hours they
concluded that they were fooled them
selves. The bride and groom had quietly
gone to the house of the bride's sister , Mrs.
Hurley. The party returned to Mr.
Storch's In search of them. Supposing he
had found their room , Joseph Storch de
luged the room end bed with rice , but WHS
chagrined to find that he was serenading
the wrong party. The young people do
Mt care to lie Inf.r7l.7 : J riout the matter.
A New Vertion.
In a symposium In n periodical of the cur
rent month on the question " \Vlut Consti
tutes a Good Husband ? " Mrs Amelia E.
Barr sets her face against the poetic "lovo
In a cottage" Idea. "Do not , " she says ,
"choose a poor , struggling man. A man in
this age has no right to talk of love In n cot
tage , and roses and honeysuckles to pay the
rent. No man who really loves a woman
will ask her to share with him the ugly
wretchedness and limitations of poverty. If
ho Is In earnest about getting a home and a
wife he w.ll work and save for that purpo e ;
if he cannot manage this before marriage
ho will certainly not manage It after mar
riage. Marrying Is easy , housekeeping Is
hard. "
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a A suusciumoN nr THE YEAR 14.