THE OMAHA DAILY , B E ; SATURDAY , JULY 21 , IHiiJ. IVON A VERY PRETTY GAME Omaha Defeats Lincoln in the Hottest Con test of the Season , ROURKES PLAY SENSATIONAL BALL ' - of Tholr I'lfld- Fl o Doiihln I'luj-n n IViititrn Ing .Sammy AluMui'ldii Wiirmljr Ito- l > y IIH Olil Cuiiipiililoiu orcH of Ollirr Cumc * . Otnnlm , C ; Lincoln , 3. Hock Island , 9 ; Qulncy , 7. Den MolncH , C ; St. Joe , I. I'corlu , S OackHonvllle , 2. I.oulHvlt | , 7 ; Cleveland , I. Cincinnati , 7 ; IMttubiire , B : 10 Innings. Baltimore. 12 ; Washington , 8. liostun , 12 ; NK\V York , 1. llrooklyn , 8 ; I'hllmlelphla , 2. Toledo , 9 ; ( Jrnnil Huplds. 1. Hloux City , 8 ; Knnsas City , C ; 12 UIH.-P , . U will hardly appear crcdiblo to my read ers that whllo our sclenthts and philoso phers are busily engaged In endeavoring to Bilve the problems which must necessarily nrliio In the search for knowledge there nhould actually exist all the while among ua n man who known It all. llli name la lluckcrlno Ubrlght. In ages past , when people far different from ua walked the earth , greater In science , greater In art and greater In gall , the ono dealro that tenanted their souls was the unquenchable lihlrat for wisdom. Earthly desires chained them not. They lived within a tabcrnaclo of clsy. seeking only knowledge and power to understand the laws and nature of the universe and to control Its workings. The solemn and mighty nations who then ruled the habitable globe made i ; no difference between Bcleneo or base ball. They fathomed the mysteries of all creation , not only by analysis , but by superhuman perception. Yet they usht to learn too inuoh. They ossaycd to wrest from nature tliono tccretB only known to such men as Pa Itourke , Willie McVoy and Lily Langs- ford and , of course , fell. Now Huckerlno Ebrlght la the only living descendant of those obsolete guys whrse wisdom has been lost , their knowledge scattered to the winds , leaving only a few old oyster cans and horseshoes shoos as an evidence of their brilliant scl- encea. A few , however , remaining true to tholr preternatural selves , retained their purity and power ; they are all dead now but Duck. Ho stands alone Ilka an oasis In the middle of the desert , happy In the thought that ho lives In Lincoln and that his brain ID yet ai Bound and bright as a hard boiled B egg. egg.Once every so often , or thereabouts , Buck- orlno gathers about him a trusty gang of Salt Creek clodhoppers and comes up hereto to the metropolis and endeavors to demon strate ) to our students and philosophers that ho Is still as great as ho used to was. Uul a gbnco back over his exploits here will ahow no distinct traces of anything that he has ever done but make a big monkey of himself. The trouble with Duck Is that he cats too much hay. Ho should try chopped feed or bran a white , and sprinkle himself with rock salt every night before he goes Into hU stall for rest. - TOOK THE BIGNESS OUT OF BUCK. For the second time this month he made himself visible here yesterday afternoon out nt the Charles Street park. It was ladles' day , and there was a handsome crowd pres ent , all burning up with lire to see him and his antropomorphlcal curiosities toy with the Hoiirko family. When Buck strode upon the field he was as big as a real man , but at the termination of the disturbance It would have required a forty-horso power microscope to distinguish lilm from any of the Hying Infusoria that filled the air , ho had shrunk so. Daxendale would have looked like a giant beildo him. On account of the sickness of Regular Umpire Hogan , and the fact that Jack Has- hell waa taking MB annual bath at Court- land beach , Winded ! Scott Ca'm'p was elected to adjudicate' the fine points of the dispute between Pa and Buck. It would bo a prevarication to state that Wlnfleld gave eminent satisfaction , for he did not , and once Huckerlno got oo all-fired mad at him that he threatened to throw up the game. But your Uncle Dave whispered a few blrdllko notes In his largest ear , and Buck picked up his corn-cutter again and went right back In among the harvest hands , and worked until the sweat poured oft hl-s high SER1ESIT The Book of the Builders HISTORY OF THE. . WORLD'S FAIR - Burnbam Chief of Construction , AND . Millet Director of Decoration. BRING 6 coupons with 25 rents , or , sent by mall , 5 cents extra , in coin ( stamps not accepted ) . Address , Memorial Department , OMAHA BEE. SERIES NO. 21. THE AMERICAN ENCYCLOPAEDIC , DICTIONARY. 4 200 Pages. 250,000 , Words lysTitucTiru , i.\n USHPUC 4 3/lno of Knnirlrdiia anil a .1/lnt of Thero-aro inoro thlnim limtrnctlvo , imoful nntl vnlcrtiilnliiK In Uiativat ( book , "Tlio AuiericauJKncyclopodlo Dictionary. " | lmn in liny Hliillir | : imblU-nthm over IHSUI.UI. This. Kiy.-H work , now fur Urn ilrnt tlmo pliio4 wlihhr ihu rjiioh of uvoryono , lit a unliiuo imlillc.iUou , for tt la at tlio nim'j : Ilinu n iHTlccl dunloimry and u coiuplolo uiieyulO' podia. Only that number o ( the book i-oriv i > uml. Intf with tlu ; Borli'H niimbor ut the couiu.i UIVHplltlll Will iMI llllllVOfJll. ONHSumUiy and Thrvo Wimk-dny coupon ) , with 16 cents in t-olii , will buy onj oirt or Tljo .Amurluun HncyuloiiailU Diction- , ary. Srml orders to The lloj O.lluj. MBiionlem Bhould bo uittlrimal tj DICTIONARY DEPARTMENT. : NUMBER 19. THE 'CENTURY If 1 WAR I BOOK Bend or brine FOUP. cauponi and tea cent * In cola to this oftlc and rrcclve th * Itth part of thla superb work Ilia utorr of the war , told by .the leading general * on both ( Ides. UAONlKICENTI/r ILLUSTRATED. Addroit , War Hook Dcpt. , Omaha Uee. and manly forehead like dish water Into a newer. nuck ch e Sammy McMackln our Sam to rcpressnt him In the box , and the Uourlccs maltreated him Rhamcfulljr. It was exactly a charter toI when Sammy heard a wheezing nolso In front of him , and looking up he saw an old man , bending 'neath year * of toll , stamllnK In front of him and holding the trunk of a trco threat- cnlngl ? over his shoulders. It was Colonel Scory. "I'm Je t tboiit tuckered , Sammy , " he said , "ehasltii ; Willie Trafllcy over at Des Molnc.i , but let loose at mo , and I'll see what I kin do fur It. " Then the colonel swiped her , and John t . Sullivan matte a mess of It at first , and ho was safe. Tile Lily hoisted one to never- c.itix , and waddled back to the bench. Then a passed ball hunched Hnimlt along another notch , and on C'jptaln McVcy's heroic swat he loped fiercely home. Wllllo Ulll Moran drove ono down to lluckcrlno , but Muck couldn't . ce It for his feet , and Wllllo 13111 reached Eccond. Captain Mac , thinking that thla was n gcud tlmo for him to do some thing mori , endeavored to skate home , but lluckcrlno recovered thu sphere In time to nail him at the plate. Ilntch'H Uy to Wood brought the country Jakes In , und Joel Neal took his poiltlou fornlnst Ucnnla McCarthy. Neal la a shipoly looking fellow , with waflle-colorcd curls and a cold and haughty look , ami he pitched u magnificent game , If lii ) did permit Dennl * to walk as a starter. Itut Joel knew his huslnesu , and putting a Southern L'ague twist ta the ball , largo Mr. IIughe < pushed it down to Hutch , who not only caught Dennis nt second , hut also Mr. Hughes nt first. It was a neat double play. The Hoston Hoy's out from the Lily to Cnptalu Mac caused the agriculturists to get out their hiuklng pegs again. They made expeditious work of the Rourke1 , then returned and took the lead. lluckcrlno was llrst up. Ho didn't wait a minute , but just slashed the ball with his scythe , and before It could catch Its breath It brought up kcr-sook against the fence. With a walling cry and the odor of boiled cabbage he tore to first. Neal allowed Dovercaiix to perambulate , but both Wood and 1'lggy went out on flics , and Sammy McMackln was at the bat. Sammy was born la the glow of a wet morn , ami ho'a a hard nut to crack. The first ball the Memphis twlrler sent at him he punched In the cerebellum for two sacks , scoring both Duckcrlno and Mr. Hughes , and there was wild and unrestrained hilar ity among the country folks from Lincoln. The Lily shmmcd McCarthy out at first. SOMHWIIAT HAUD ON SAMMY. In the third the Itourkes Jumped upon Sammy's back and jolted all the plugs out of his teeth. Joel first hit him a welt nnd reached sta tion one In a common canter ; then old man Seory stuck a dado 'round the horizon with a rasping double ; Lily hit safe and Captain Mac's aromatic drive sent Neal and nniinlt swarming over the pan , and ou Moran's safe poke Langsford followed In their wake. Captain Mac , however , got a trifle previous and was expunged at flrt. Then Hutch went out to John L. nnd Kid Fear tried to make a hit , but couldn't. He propelled his club thrice through tlis air In quick succession , nnd when he saw what he had done he broke down and wept. Another smoking double wrecked the hay makers' hopes In their half , but In the fourth they swooped down on one more lonccomc llttlo tally and their last. Huckerlno thrust his wagon tongue down the throat of one of Joel's curves , nnd be fore Seery gathered up the fragments lie was on second. Devcreiux's sacrificial tap helped him to third , and a passed ball home. Then that wns all until the ninth , when doubles by Captain Mac , Old Hutch and I'a gave us two more. That was a half dozen raw , and Papa called his boys off , and as lluckcrlno filed slowly , sndly and solemnly * out of the gate the crowd gave him a cheer. That was like barbarians studding storks and ostriches -vlth jewels and bowing be fore them In worship. Wasn't It ? Klvo double plays of the sensational order were executed hy Omaha during the trouble , and Mr. Ebrlght made one sll by his lono- some. The fielding of the hcmo team was gilt-edged all through , Uourke's solitary error being a fumble of a hot grounder along the third base line. Langaford made a couple of Herman Long stops , and both Seery and Kear contributed circus catches. LlncJln'o fielding was bettor than the error column ehows , for only one Sullivan's was costly. It was by all odds the best game played this season. Score : OMAHA. Totals . . . .12 0 13 2 0 27 18 1 LINCOLN. Totals . . . .31 3 7 2 0 27 11 (1 ( Omaha 10030000 2 fi Llncoliv 0 3 Earned runs : Omabn , 4 ; Lincoln. 1. Two- base lilts : Seery , McVcy , 3 ; Hutchison , llotirke. McMnckln , Uns < es on balls : Off Nonl , 4 ; off McMiickln , 2. Double plays : Hutchison to McVey , 2 ; Hutchison to Langsford to MoVey , 2 ; LnngHfonl to Mc Voy ; Kbrlglit ( unassisted ) . Pn.ssed balls : Speer , 2 ; Mornn , 1. Struck out : I5y Nenl , 1 ; by McMncklnt 2. Time : One hour nnd forty-live minutes. Umpire : W. S. Camp. TuliH Won on llillicliml Illtx. QUINC'Y , III. , July 20.-fn ( ? < > chil Telegram to The llei > . ) Itock iBlund-Molliio bunched ItH bits In the fourth and filth Innings to day nnd won out In n good game. Score : Qulncy 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 1-7 Hock Itilnml-Mollne. * ! ) Hits : Qulncy , 9 ; IlocU Ifdnml-Mnltnp. 13. Errors ; Qulncy. 2 ; Hock Islmid-Mollnc. U. K.'irneil runs ; Qulncy. 2 ; Itock Isdand-Mo- llne , C. Two-base bits : McUantail , Kutz , Sweenoyf Krleg. Three-bano bits : Sage. V.oln , Bwe'enpy. lintterles : McDougal and Ilolnn ; Sonlcr and Sage , I.IMVHUICO'H Lut'Ky Iloinii Itim. DES MOINES. July 20.-Speclal ( Telegram to The lleo. ) DCS Molnes won the came from St. .loo today by timely hitting , Ltuv- rence'B homo run bringing In four runs. Scon1 : l > en Molnes 001 B 0000 0 G St. Joe 00000310 0 1 lilts : DCS Molnes , 4 ; St. JOP , 3. Errors : DCS Molnes. G ; St. Joe , 4. Earned runs : Dos Molnes. 3. Two-base bits : McFndden. Three-base bits : Preston. Donhk- plays ; St. Joe. 2. Home runs : Lawrence , liases on balls : Oft Hoxcndale , 8 ; off llrlstow , 9. Hit by pitcher : Hy lirlstow. 2. Struck out : Uy Itoxi'iidale. 5 ; by Hrlstow , 5. Tlmo : Two hours. Umpire : Ward. Attendance : 400. IVorlii rlungps On. PEOIUA. III. . July 20.-Flggemler bad the Jacksonville HliiRgera at his mercy , except In the tlrst , when Strothers' men got their only runs on two hits nnd two errors. Cap- linger was batted hard In spots. Score : Peorla 2-8 Jacksonville 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Hits : 1'corln , 11 ; Jacksonville , 4. Krrors : Peorla , 3 ; Jacksonville , 0 , Itatterlea : Klgge- mler and Ttrrien ; Capllnger and Snyder. Siunilliicr f the 'IViiniH. Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. Lincoln 13 3D 29 65.1 St. Joseph C7 37 30 G5.2 Omaha 07 3ft 31 M.7 Jacksonville on 35 31 n.1.0 Peorla GS 33 31 D3.0 Itock Island C5 : u 33 r.0.8 DCS MulnuH CO 31 35 47.0 Qulncy CO 21 45 31.8 WliHTKIlN I.MACitli : tl.tMKS. Hubby Curiitliur * Ilia Victim uf u 1'iiiiifiil Minimi ! lit fJruuil Hnplcn. ailAND RAPIDS , July 2t-Caruthers was disabled this afternoon , his rlttht forefinger being broken In such a way ua to force thu bone through the lle h. The accident demoralized the home team , nnd It came within an ace of being shut out. Score : Orand Itaplds 00000000 1 1 Toledo 0 0000540 0 HltH : Grand Uaplds , 6 ; Toledo , 9. Errors : Grand Ilapldu , 5. Karned runs : Grand Hup- Ids , 1 ; Toledo , 1. Two-baso hits : Callopy , Hughey. Carney. Miller , Mctlulekcn. NI- land. Three-base hits : Huttleld. Struck out : Halz , Callopy , Whcelock , Miller. Car ney. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Sheri dan. Butteries : liulz and Bplea ; Hughey und McFarland. Hot I'luy ut Kluuz city. 8IOUX CITV , July M.-U took Bloux City twelve Innings to beat the IJlucs today. Score : Bloux City. . , - Knnsas City - Hits : Sioux City. 11 : Kansas City , 9. Kr rors : Sioux City , 5 ; Kansas City. B. Unl- tt-rles : Cunningham nnd Kraus ; Hustings , Daniels nnd Donahue. Earned runs : Kansas City , 1 : Sioux City , 1. Two-b.iso hits : Klusmnn , Uonnhtie. Three-base bits : Mnrr. Double plays : McC'auley ( unassisted. ) Struck out : Hy Cunningham , 4 ; by Hastings , 0. Time : Threp hours nnd ten minute * , umpire : Peoples. Standing of Ilin TCMIIH. Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. Sioux City CO 41 22 G0.7 Toledo CO 40 28 Minneapolis G9 37 32 M.C Kansas City GS 31 31 M.O Ornml Haplds 71 3fl 3S Indianapolis 72 3T 37 Detroit G ! ) 29 40 42.0 Milwaukee CO 17 43 8.3 NATIONAL I.ICAdUi : UAAIK3. Srimtiir * .Simply llociimn Tliry Did Not Tiny Hull ti ) Win. WASHINGTON , July 20.-Poor fielding , Inability to hit the ball nt critical times nnd poor base running caused the Senators to lose today. Score : Washington 0 0 t 4 0 3 0 0 0-8 linltltnore- 2 1 0 G 0 3 0 0 1 12 Hits : Washington. 10 ; Baltimore , 17. Er rors : Washington , I ; Hnltlmoro , 1. Earned runs : Washington , ( i ; Baltimore , 9. Two- base bits : Hassamncr , Keclcr , Jennings , Hrouthern. Three-base lilts : Petty , Joyce , McClraw , Jennings. Home runs : Cart- wright. Struck out : Hy Potty , 2 ; by Drown , 2 ; by Unwise , l ! . Time : Two houru. Umpire : Hoagland. Hatterles : McGuIra and Petty ; Hoblnson , Drown and Hawke. Hut till ) ( limits Didn't Uul. 1SOSTON , July 20. Everybody put up n good game , and had Now York been able to land on Stlvctts nt the right time the game would have resulted differently. Score : Hostoil 08001003 * -12 New York 0 00000100-1 Hits : Hoston , II ; New York , 7. Krrors : Hoston , 1 ; New York , 3. Earned runs : Doston , 9 ; New York 1. Two-base lilts : Long , Tucker , Hannon. Three-base lilts : Stlvetts , Nash , Duffy. Home runs : Nash , Duffy. Double plays : McCarthy , Lowe and Nash. Struck out : Long , McCarthy , Ilurkc. Tlmo : Ono hour and thirty-live minutes. Umpire : Murphy. Hntterles : Hyun und Stlvetls ; Fnrrel and Ituslc. I'lillllrfl AVrro Kuslly Downed. HIIOOKLYN , July 20.-I5rooklyn made short work of Irwln's I'hllllcs. Taylor was bit hard nnd Just when lilts were most needed. Score : Brooklyn 0 0120023 * 8 Philadelphia 000020000-2 lilts : Drooklyn. 9 ; Philadelphia. 7. Kr rors : Philadelphia , 3. Earned runs : Hrooklyn , 2. Struck out : Hy Kennedy , 1 ; by Taylor , 1. Three-base lilts : Corcoran , Kcmnedy. Two-ba. lilts : Tre.idwny , Koutz , Thompson , Ituckley. Double plays : Daley and Fonts ! . Tlmo : Two hours nnd live minutes. Umpire : Emslle. Batteries : Karle and Kennedy ; Buckley and Taylor. CnloiipU Outrun the Spiders. LOUIHVILLK , July 20. The homo team won today's game In the fourth Inning , a base on balls nnd four hits making four runs. Score : Louisville 10040002 * 7 Cleveland 1 Hits : Louisville , 8 : Cleveland , 9. Errors : Louisville , 1 ; Cleveland , 2. Earned runs : Louisville , 3 ; Cleveland , 1. Struck out : G. TobetiH , Lntcnberg , Mullnne. Home runs : McKean. Two-base bits : Pfoffer , Blnke , O'Connor , G. Tebeau. Double plays : Brown to Weaver. Time : One hour and forty-five minutes. Umpire : Twite-hell. Batteries : Menefee and Weaver ; Mullanc , O'Connor nndlimner. . .lumped on tlio JnmiliH. CINCINNATI. July 20. The Iteds batted hard and won a ton-Inning game , -with home runs in the last Inning. Score : Cincinnati0 201002002 7 Plttsburg 0010121001-0 Hits : Cincinnati , 11 ; Plttsburg , 8. Krrors : Cincinnati , 3 ; Plttsburpr , 3. Earned rnnn : Cincinnati , 1. Two-base hits : G. Smith. Homo runs : Vaughn , P , Smith. Double plays : Jloltz to Hlerlmiier to Heckley. Struck out : By Chamberlain , 3 ; by Ehret , 3. Time : Two hour sand forty-five minutes. Umpire : Gaffney. Uatterlos : Chamberlain nnd Murphy ; Ehret nnd Mack. Standliiir of tbo Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. Baltimore G8 40 22 C7.G Boston 7.1 48 25 f.3.8 New York 71 28 f.O.C Philadelphia. . . . ; . . ' . . ' 67 ' - R7 HO 55.2 Cleveland G9 38 31 55.1 Plttsburg 74 40 ? l 51.1 Brooklyn C9 37 32 T.3.G Cincinnati 71 33 3S 40.5 St. Louis 73 32 41 43.8 Chicago 71 27 44 38.G Louisville 70 25 45 ? .1.7 Washington 73 19 54 2G.O IJUCIC'S I112ST THIS AFTKIINOON. Young .Mr. ItnrnpR to .Show Ilia Educated Slants to Omaha Sprrlator. ' . Buck Ebrlght slept last night. Ills dreams were brightened by the spectacle of Omaha -wallowing In the dust , nnd his ears were tickled by the soothing sound of Omaha groans , the while In fancy he drove his conquering hordes roughshod over the prostrate forms of the pulverized Rourkes. He had derided to put Barnes In today , and that , In Buck's estimation , means victory. Whltehlll will show Buck what pitching really means. The tennis : Omaha. Position , Lincoln. McVcy . First . Sulllvnn Hutchison . Second . Ebrlsht Hourke . Third . Hughes Lnnysford . , . Short . Pcqulxney Podroea . Left . McCarthy Seery . Middle . McQunld Fear . night . Wood Moran . Catch . Spccr Whltehlll . Pitch . Barnes Orlrlcet Thlx Afternoon. There will bo a game this uftwrnoon on the club's grounds between two teams cap tained by Messrs. P. B. Ford nnd W. Gavin. The names of the players are as follows : Mr. P. B. Ford's team Messrs. F. II. Mar shall , G. II. VnuRhan , H. New , W. 11. Vaughan , J. E. Florance , E. Stringer , A. McPherson. A. S. Cleave , F. Francis , D. BrotL'hle , J. Neal and J. C. Doyle. Mr. W. Gavin's team H. W. Taylor , G. K. Wilson. Uev. J. P. D. Llwyd , A. D. Robb , D. Johnston , H. LawrJp. F. II. Bur nett , P. Young , It. Kvaaon , Dr. Young , J. Mulr nnd It. Young. Such other players as come on the field will be chosen on cither ship , provided they do not come too late. Y. M. C. A. AguInU Conk. At 3:30 : this afternoon thusu two teams will line up as follows nt Y. M. C. A. park : Y. M. C. A. Position. Cook. Abbott . Catcher . Hall Jcllen . . . Pitcher . Connor Jefferls . First . TowiiHcnd Crawford . Second . Dunn Itustln . . . . . .Short . Gclst McKclvey . Third . 'Dolnn Lawler . Left . : . . Smith Uoblnson . Middle . Cannon Murquettu . Hlght . Hurlan Ord U'hiH u Tiilr. ORP , Neb. , July 20. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Ord's base ball team did n good day's work , playing and winning two games. In the first game the score was : Ord , II ; Bin-well. 6. Batteries : Ilurwell , Iteasoncr and liunnell ; Ord , HoHmelster and Ward. In the second game thu score wns : Ord , D ; Oreeley Center , 2 ; seven In- nlngx. Butteries : Clrueley Center , Smith und McGulre : Ord , Hoffmelster nnd Ward. Umpire : E. C. Temple of North Loup ( both games ) . _ _ _ _ In a < 'nnter. SCHUYL1311. Neb. , July 20.-Spectal ( Tele gram to The Bee. ) Schuyler defeated North Bend today on the homo grounds In n good game. Score : Schuvler . 0 1 0 2 0 0 OHll North Bend . 30200200 3-10 Butteries : Schuyler , II. lloubesky. Kim- brough and Dunkle ; North Bend , Klllmell and Jameson. Umpire : Dan ) . llnlibell Won by Hitting , HUDHKLL , Neb. , July 20.-Speclal ( Tele gram to The Dec. ) The Hubbell and Ches ter ball teams crossed bats on the homo grounds here this afternoon. Score , 8 to 1G in favor of Hubbell. Base hlt.s : Hnbbell , 21 ; Cheater. 11. Hatterles : Hubbell. Hallen- back nnd Shall ; Chen tor , Warrell and Fnr- Iclgh. Umpire : Clinton Luedoin. Time : Two hours and ten minutes. Illuo Hill Hen I HASTINGS , Neb. , July 20.-Speclal ( Tele gram to The llee. ) Blue Hill's ball team defeated the local Y. M. C. A. today , 13 to 10 , In u game chlelly characterized by In ability to Held the bull. Oareolu Oiltuluitnud. SURPRISE. Neb4. July 20-(8peclal ( Tele gram to The Bee , ) Ono thousand people witnessed n game of ball here today , Sur prise against Osccola. Score , 21 to 10 , In favor of Surprise. Mlndcii IV feu IB AIRFIELD. Neb. , July 20.8peclnl < Telegram - gram to The Dee. ) The Mlnden ball club played the homo rlub today before nn au dience of o\tor 1)000. ) Score : Mlnden , 23 ; Fnlrtleld 19 . , 9 < _ r UATIt T (10 ( TO t TOUIC IT. I.nUnvlow llJVndlf-'up AVon Handily bj nn OnUde'r ' on n M | - Track. CIIICAOO , , , UIy , 20.-Llke nearly all of the llxcd cvfiiUjut ) Washington Park , the feature todnythe I.ukevlcw event , went to nn outsider. Math won nt 10 to 1. He wns well played bj : hlsi owner. Pat. 20 to 1 , made n runaway rare.of the second , Loiulon , a C to G favorite,1 twon the fourth. Hover , played extensively nt 3 to 1 , landed the llfth. The last rnco wns won by Florpnn , nt 20 to 1 , with jLco Lake second. The track wns slOJv ( or the first time during the meeting. Insults : First race,1 'thrue-nuartprs of a mile : Strathrot ( Z'A' tn. i ) won , Slgnor (2 > , to 1) ) second , Uncle Luke ( I to 1) third. Time : 1:21U. : Second race , one mile : Pat (20 ( to 1) ) won , Lulu T (4 ( to 1) ) Becoiid , J P B (9 ( to 5) ) third. Time : IMG'S. ' Third race , Lahevlew handicap , three- quarters of a mile : Gath (10 ( to 1) ) won , (8 ( to 1) second , Frank 1C (8 to B ) third. Time : 1:18 : . Fourth race , mile nnd seventy yards : London (7 ( to 0) ) won , Chnrmlon (2 ( to 1) second end , Calumet (15 ( to I ) third. Time : 1:52. : Fifth race , six furlongs : Rover (3 to 1) ) won , Tariff Reform ( IB to 1) ) second , Constantine stantino (2l ( ) to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1'J',4. : ' Sixth race , three-quarters of n mile : Florenn (20 ( to 1) won , Leo Lake (4 ( to 1) ) second , Roy Lochlel (7 to 1) third. Time : l:18V4. : KanoiiK City Talent Hun nn Iiinlns- KANSAS CITY , July 20.-Thls was favor- ills' day. For the first four races the PP- Iti'tlons of the wlrie ones \vent through without n break , while Murpliy. the hist favorite. WUB beaten by but a HP car ried a heavy load of money. The snort was good , the track nnd attendance fair. Re sults : First nice , three-quarters of a mile , soil- In : Southerner won , Silver Dill second , My Violet third. Time : 1:19' : < : . Second race , live-eighths of n mile : Cy- antba won , Maud D second , Lucy Day thlid. Tlmo : 1:01. Third race , eleven-sixteenths of si mile : Brownwrod won , Halcyon second , Crab Cli'er third. Tltno : 1:09 : * ' , . Fourth race , one mile nnd fifty yards , felling : Montcll won , Hotspur second , Jo- acphlno third. Time : 1:51',4. : Fifth race , five-eighths of n mile , selling : Pastime won , Murphy second , Viola third. Time : 1:05. : 1:05.Hot Hot \Venther nt Itrlglitnn. NEW YORK , July 20. The attendance at Brighton Bench was much lighter today , the card not being attractive and the ter rible heat discouraging people from going. There wns no marked feature. Results : First race , mile nnd three-eighths : Chnuncoy ( even ) won , Joe Dan (8 to 1) ) second end , Roller (3 ( to 6) ) third. Time : 2:21V : . Second race , three-quarters of a mile : Ben Lomond ( even ) won. Avon (7 ( to 1) ) second. Solitaire (12 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1G4. : Third race , Hlx furlongs : Monaco (7 ( to 5) ) won , Cockade (6 to l ) second , Harry Heed (7 to 5) third. Time : lG'/i. : Fourth race , seven furlongs : Jack of Spades (7 ( to D ) won , ArmltnKc ( G tn fi ) second end , Logan ( I to 1) ) third. Time : l:28'/i. : Fifth race , mile and n sixteenth : Figaro (5 ( to 1) ) won , Marshal (7 to 10) ) second , Dr. Garnett ( G to 1) ) third. Time : 1:19. : Sixth race , one mile : Lifeboat (2 ( to 1) ) won , Major General (31to ( 1) second , Con nors (3 to 1) third. Time : 1:34 % . On HID Old Dominion Trnrk. WASHINGTON. July 20. First race , half a. mile : Emily W won. Pilgrim second. Consolation third. Time : 0:51. : Second race , sl.v and a half furlongs : De troit won. Grand Prix second , Kelme third. Time : 1:21. . - T Third race , -Jive ifurlonfcs : Johnny won , Little Charlie second , Delury third. Time : 1:04. : Fourth race , four and a half furlongs : Black Child won , Miss Bess second , Gypsy third. Time : Oifi7' ' .i Fifth race , seven furlongs : Pink II won , Successor second , Mlddlestone third. Time : l:32J4. , At KnsJ St. . ST. LOUIS , July-20. East St. LoulH re sults : , . First race , eleven-sixteenths of a mile : Luke Chards won. , I C W second , Ike S third * Time : 1:15. : * Second race. ' nine-sixteenths of a mile : Doyle won , Maud McMillan second , Am bushed third. Times : 1:004. : Third race , thlrteen-slxteenths of a mile : Tom Donahue won , Lemon Blossom second , Odessa third. , Tlme : 1:03 : ,4. Fourth race , six furlongs : Experience won , Schuylklll second , Rochcfort third. Time : 1:0514. : ' ' Fifth raco. ( Jve furlongs : Yonemlte won , Haroldlne third. Time : 1:01. : Trotting Stopped by Italn. DETROIT. July 20. A heavy shower put an end to the racing today after ono heat each In the 2:12 : trotting and 2:12 : pacing. Ryland T wns a strong favorite In the former event and won easily In 2:12-i. : Belle- flower. Ellar T , Miss Lido , Geneva , David D , Kitty Bayard , Angelina nnd Amber fin ished ns named. Kentucky Union was dis tanced. Albert sold for ? 20 and the field for 550 In the 2:12 : paring. John R. Gentry , however , moved out at the lower turn nnd was not headed. Time : 2:13. : Vassar , Lu cille H. Keal , Cambridge Girl , Albert. Charley Ford , Jack Bowers. Ellle Powers , Moonstone. Tom Webster , Alvin Swift and Vltello finished In the order named. 1JKITANNIA WINS AGAIN. Prlnco of WaloH * Ynclit ( lets In Nrurly Two Minnies Alii'iul nt the Vigilant. KINGSTOWN , Dublin Bay , July 20. The ninth of the races between the prince of Wales' yacht Britannia nnd George Gould's Vigilant was won by the former , as have been seven of the preceding contests. The finish of the Britannia was one minute fifty-seven seconds better than that of the Vigilant. The race was for a prize of 109 offered by the Royal St. George Yacht club. The course wns oimdrnngulnr nnd about fifty miles long. The start was from the east plor of Kingstown to and around the Rose- beg buoy , marking the Rosebeg bank , off the point of Howth , thence out to sea and around the Klsh lightship : from there back toward land null .around the Mugllns rocks off lirayhcml , and from there back to the starting point ; this course to be sailed over three times In order to complete the fifty miles. In addition to the main event , the race between the Vigilant nnd the Britannia , there were on this , the second day's racing of the regatta of the Royal St. George Yacht club , nine minor events , with thirty- seven entries. Nat Uerreshoft was at the Vlgllnnt's wheel throughout the day. The Britannia crossed the line nt 10:32 : nnd the Vigilant fifteen seconds later. The breeze was light nnd therefore not favorable to the Vigilant. Almost contin uously from the start the Britannia In creased the gap tint separated her from the American sloop , though In the last leg of the first round the Vigilant pulled up f > that when the east pier buoy was passed , marking the completion of one-third of the rnce , she wns but twenty seconds behind. The next round , however , the Britannia showed four minutes twelve seconds ahead and the rnco was plainly hers. Meanwhile the enthusiasm of the Hpectators had suf fered n liberal dampening by a succe.-slon of thunder showers that had swept over the coast. DISTRICT incviii ; : RACKS. Wheelmen nf Five Counties Meet ut York fcir u 'I'r'lMijIly ' Conlrit. YORK. Neb. , .Yulj' "JO.-tSpcclal Telegram to The Dee. ) T.ft jiecond annual tourna ment of the bicycle clubs of York , Sewnrd , Polk , Hamilton anil Flllmoro counties was held fills afternoon' 'at the track In the eastern part of 'toWri. Several riders nnd others were prfsi'nt from the different counties. The mil * irlmintilonshln was won by D. C. Kldredgo , pf York ; Osbloom of Btromsburg second , , J. Hunter of York third. Time : l')5. ! ) , * Two-mile : Durt of Aurora first , Payne of York second. Tlmo : B:52. Ounrtvr mile : Chllds of York Ural. Srdgwlck of iVork second. Tlmo : 0:38. : Half mile : ChlhlH.of York first , Hunter of York second. Tuna : 1:19. : One-eighth mile : Eldregoi fttvt , Soilgwlck second. Time : 0:1S : > / - . ' -FlVe mlle handicap : Os- liloom of Strom'rtifK ( scratch , firdt. Hurt nf Aurora secomi. Tlmo : 15:19'fc. : Boys' race , half mlle . Dwjght Mead of York llrst. Fiit man's , riiCH ? Inman of Osceobi llrst , Dodd o f A , ! ) fo i > second . Time : 3:30. : Dentil ofaildniHiiit Stiilllnii , WAKKFIJiLD , Neb , . July 23. ( Speclnl to The Dec. ) Clmtam ( .1,123) ) , the famous Ham- uletonlan trotting Htn'lllon , owned by Deb Knecti.i , died at the bitter's Block farm , sue mile north of Wiikelleld , yesterday evening , of inflammation of the bowels. He was II years old nnd Is known by al most every stock raiser and horseman In Die northwest. _ Miibor Wiintit lo fight Cl > ityiinl < l , NEW YORK , July 0.-Peter Manor wants to light Choynskl. His backer deposited 5500 to serve ns a forfeit for a proposed match of } 2,6CO u side. OrlrUetern Coming Hnr . LONDON. July 20.-I.ord Hnwke'H nma- Icur cricket team will sail for the United States on August 9. Miiilnrn Tret Thin Afternoon. Th era will be a trotting matinee at Union iiark , across the river , thla afternoon , thu first of a series to be held here' throughou ! the balance of the summer , The rnrd for tomorrow : A trot for nn < under ; 2:10 : pace ! 2:20 : pace and a free-for-al trot. The entry Hilt In each Is very fill and n good afternoon's sport Is anticipated OIIAMI'IONSIIIP COMKS TO OMAHA. llntllii unit Atntln Defeat Johimin and ( lull- metlii of Haittlng * In n < 'lo < i > Mnleh. HASTINGS , Neb. . July 20.-Special ( Telegram - gram to The lice. ) Though Hastings has entertained the state tennis doubles tourna ment for several years , never have the finals been as exciting and as selentlllcallv played ns this year. It would be Impossible to roncolve of two teams mote evrnlj matched than were Mensrs. J. W. Dattln nnd Roy Austin of Omaha anil Messrs , P L. Johnson and A. E. Gnllmettc of Hast ings. This In the third time Mr. Johnson has played In the finale , but luck has al ways prevented him wearing tbp champion ship medal. This afternoon nl B o'clock the finals began before n large crowd of spec tators. Johnmm nnd Giillmette took the llrst set , ( i-3 , and Austin and llntlln the second , G-l ; Johnson nnd Gullmettc the third , C-2 , nnd the Omaha team tied the sets by winning , G-3. The hist set was watched with breathless Interest , but the Omahii team played desperately , nnd the Hastings team seemed to weaken. Austin nnd Dnttln won the net , C-3 , and the match by two sets to three. An Idea of the close ness of the match may be gained by the totals nf games and aces : Austin and Bat- tin , 23 gapivs ; Johnson nnd Giillmette , 22 ; Austin and Dattln , 177 aceo ; Johnson inn Ciiillmettu , I'll. The tournament lm been an unqualified success.'.s rvn.isr RACKS. Program for tint I. . A. W. Meet to llo Held Next .Month DENVER , July 20.-The following pro gram of races Is nnliouced for the League of American Wheelmen meet In this city : First Day , August 1C Mile novice , chips A ; half mile , national championship ; two- mile handled ) ) , class B ; mile open , class U ; mile , 2:30 class , class A ; live-mile national championship ; half mlle open , class A ; onc- thlrd mlle open , special , class D. Second Dav , August 17 Half mile handi cap , class It ; mile , open , elnss xtwo ; mile national championship ; two mile Inn , class A ; mile , western championship , class B , open to riders rc ldliig west of the Mis sissippi river ; one-third mile , open , class A ; live mile handicap , class B ; mile , open , special , chiES A. Third Day , August 18 Mile , Denver cham pionship , class A. open only tn riders resid ing in Denver ; quarter mile national cham pionship ; half mile , open , class 11 ; quarter mile , open , class A ; mile , 20 : class , class II ; two mile , open , elasj A ; two-thirds mile , open , special , class II. Prizes to the value of $ , ' ,000 will be dis tributed. To Din .Minneapolis nxcnrHlonlflt * . The gentlemen who have signified their Intentions to-tnke advantage of the cheap excursion to Minneapolis next Wednesday evening to see the Rynn-Smlth contest , and there are nbuiit fifty of them , must apply ut Handle's elgnr store by Mond.iy evening and secure their transportation and sleeper , or the excursion will be called off. The undersigned has been to no llith1 trouble In making arrangements with the railroads. West hotel nnd Athletic club for special rates , nil for the benefit of the gen tlemen of Omaha who are desirous of wit nessing Thursday night's great battle , und If they do not step up nnd secure their passage by Monday evening the excursion Is off. No one need expect rates of me after that date and hour. There have been In the neighborhood of fifty gentlemen who npwlst-d me of tholr Intention of tak ing this excursion In , but It Is now high time they were making themselves man ifest. SANDY GR1SWOLD. TennU Scores at C'lilritgo. CHICAGO , July 20. Following are the results of the tennis tournament today : Slnglen : C. B. Necl beat Page , C-2 , rt-3 , C-2. Consolation singles : Neely beat Star , C-4 , fi-3. Lloyd beat Moulding by default. G. Wrenn beat Lloyd , G-l , C-8 , 0-2. Consolation doubles : King nnd Collins beat Beckwith nnd Van Inwngen , ti-3 , 3-G. G-l. Bradley nnd Stone beat Gnrrott and OlfTord , G-4 , 10-8. King nnd Collins beat Bradley nnd Stone , 9-7 , G-l. f.iuliis Second on the Kcltp n .S'aUi'R. SAN DOWN PARK , Eng. , July 20.-The race for the Eclipse stakes of 150 sovereigns has been won by McAlmont's Isinglass , 4 years old. Lord Rosebery's Ladas , winner nf this year's Derby , second , and Mr. Rose's Ravensbury , third. Wn.vnii Drifeali-c ! b.v Itiindolpli. WAYNE. Neb. , July 20. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) An Interesting game of ball was played here by the Wayne nnd Randolph clubs this utturnoon , resulting In favor of Randolph by a score of 11 to 15. ll < < ilcrs ( inlnml Firot. IMiu-n. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , July 20.-On the last [ lay's program of the Interstate Manufac- turera nnd Dealers association trap shootIng - Ing , Rollo Helkus carried elf first honors , closely followed by K. W. Fulford. J-\IKIIS. Drouth In Ion a Affording Alleged Italn IMnkmM n Hun-pit. FORT- DODGE , In , , July 20.-Speclal ( Telegram to The Bee. ) Two distressing ac cidents have happened at Rockwell City this week while a cannon and anvil were being fired to try nnd bring rain. Tuesday night John O'Donnell was severely burned , : i spark Hying Into n powder keg and cx- jlodlns : It , nnd on Wednseday night Win Squires had several fingers torn oft by i premature explosion of the cannon while ! io was ramming down the charge. The long drouth has caused n panic imong thei people of the smaller coinmunl- lles , who are telegraphing for ruin makers jverywhero. It l proving n rich harvest for faklr.s , who suddenly appear from ob- icurlty and offer to bring rain at figures ilghly profitable to > them.1-elves. HIIH I.ltol Onu Hundred Warn. IOWA CITY , In. , July 20.-Speclnl Tele gram to Thu Bee. ) Mrs. Maria Llthgow celebrated her 100th birthday hero today. 3he Is still hearty and was inirruiuulcd by icr children. She has thirty-live gruiid- L'hlldren , thirty-four grandchildren iml two great great grandchildren. The citizens held ft mass meeting tonight o assist In the movement for an electric itreet railway. The Missra. Sunvcrs of Muacutlne propose to put In the plant. Wanted for Oinnti-rfoltlng. CRESTON. In. , July 20.-Sppchil ( to The Uee. ) George Goddurd was arrested hero ast evening by Deputy Sheriff Lenlmrt. llo Is wanted by the United Slates court it Council Bluffs to answer to the charge ) f counterfeiting. It Is supposed that. God- lard waa a member of the counterfeit -iing which Deputy United States .Marshal tlchards ciipturcd In this city Home time igo. Guddnnl ns.serts his Innocence. C'upltul PiinUliiiii-nt for Two. DES MOINES , July LU ( Special Tele- ; ram to Tin ; Bee. ) The jury In the case igalnst John Hummlll , an accomplice of 3cmgo Wells In the murder of Conductor itldpath , returned a veidlct of guilty today , ind fixed the punishment nl death. Thu .rial of John Krout , another accomplice , vlll occur next , but ho will probably get iff with a lighter sentence. Itepnlillean ilndlelal Contention. CEDAR RAPIHS. la. , July 20.-Speclal ( Telegram to The Bee. ) The republican con tention of the Eighteenth judicial district vas held ut Marlon today. William P. Wolf if TJpton nnd William M. Thompson of llarlon were nominated. \Vealtliy Couple I omul Dead at lloiiin , SENECA , Mo. , July 20. C. L. Moore and ils wife , an aged couple living near Tiff ; ity , Mo. , have been found dead In their louse , both having been shot through tlio load. There Is no clew to the murderers , mt the object must have been robbery , as ilr. Moore was quite well-to-do and at times iad considerable money in the nouse. "N gro Conjurer' ' Killed by a Mob , JACKSON , Miss. , July 20. Alien Myers , n alleged negro conjurer , was set upon by u neb of negroet ) in Raiiktn county today , the fnlal shot being fired by Ellis Hcnnlngwny , r Jnckson colored man. "LIGHTS OF THE HAREM They ltiii | Two Anierlonn TourIM * Over tlir Head ullli I'nkrri , Whllo the two Americans , Messrs. Alter and Saehtlcben , who made a bicycle tout around the world , were In Aradnn , 1'ersbi a present from the village khan wns an nounced , as they relate In the Century foi July. In stepped two men hpArlni ; a huge tray filled with melon ? , apricots , sugar , rooli candy , nuts , pistachios , etc. , nil of whlcli wo must , of course , turn over to tins kh.iti keeper and his servants , and p.iy double their valtio to the bearers , as a present , This polite method of extortion was M- lowed the next morning by ono of n hohlci nnd more peremptory naturo. Notwltlifttniul- Ing the feast , of the night before at our PX- pcnse , and In addition to furnishing us ) wltli bed clothes which wo really ought to have been paid to sleep In , our oily host now In sisted upon thrco or four prices for hlj lodgings. We refused tn pay him morn than a certain sum , nnd started to vacate the premises. Thereupon ho nnd his grown r.on caught hold of our bicycles. Remonstrance1 * proving of no avail , nnd being tinnbln to force our passage through the narrow door way with the bicycles In our bands , we dropped them and grappled with our antagonists. A noisy sculllo , nnd then a heavy fall ensued , but luckily wo wore both on the upper side. This unusual dlnturbane. now brought out the Inmates of the adjoining niuleroon. In a moment there was a din of feminine scrcims nnd a Mutter of garments , nnd then a crashIng - Ing of our pith helmets Imtieth the blows of poker * and andirons. The villagers , thus aroused , came at last to our rescue , and at one ? proceeded to patch up a emprom'se. This , In view of the Amazonian reinforce ments , who were standing by In readiness for a second oncet , we were more than pleased to accept. From this Inglorious combat - bat wo c.imo off without serious Injury ; but with those gentle poker taps were knocked out forever nil the sweet delusions of the "Light of the Harem. " IVES AND "THE NUMBER EIGHT. Curloiltles nnd Wiiiulrr * In the Career of Ilin Deeeuned "Napoleon of Flminen " Only eight years have passed since Ives subjugated Wall street ; only n few days have elapsed since he died a man of 30 years. Yet It Is difficult to believe In his accom plishments , dllllcult to bcllovc ho over lived. He is nit hut Incredible , even to those who know him. Of all the remarkable persons who have been dubbed "Tho Napoleon of This , " or "Tho Napoleon of That , " ho was the ono who could perhaps best bear the comparisons which the title Implied. This was his career as summarized by the Provi dence Journal : At IS ho left his father's farm to enter the employ oNHarper & Bros , ns olllco boy , salary $2 a week. At 19 , clerk In an advertising agency , salary , $ ( ! a week. At 20. clerk In a broker's olllco , Wall street , salary , $10 a week ; adds to Income by small peculations. At 21 , "stock and bond broker , " capital $10,000 , with an assistant to whom ho paid $18 a week. At 21',4 , "Ives , Meeker & Co. , " capital , $30,000. At 21-T4 , "Ivos & Stayner , " members of Stock ex change. At 22 , principal owner nnd vice president of the Mineral Range railroad ; had "made" $538.301. At 22i. > . "Henry S. Ives & Co. , bankers , " controllers of the Cincin nati. Hamilton & Dnyton railroad , out of which he "milked" $2,000,000. At 22'fc bought option on Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and Telegraph system and aranged to sell tele graph to Western Union for $3.000,000. At 23. assigned ; "liabilities , $20,000,000 ; assets , $21,000,000. " At 21 , arrested and Imprisoned , having stolen and misappropriated $0,000,000. At 25 , tried. At 25V4 , free. At 27 , con ducted a "deal" with a Brooklyn dry goods house. At 28 , married nn opera singer. At 30 , died. EU'ht wns this wonderful business man's fateful number. He began at 18 to break the eighth commandment , was taken to task for It In 18SS , after the eighth of his leading "deals , " and finished the eighth year of his career at 8 by the clock on the eve of the ISth of April. NOT FIVE HUNDRED MILES. IlnllroiKl Ilnlldlng In mill Smaller Tlian for H Niimlnir of Years. During the six months of the present year , up to July 1 , only 495 miles of now railroad were built In this country. That Is Hss than for any previous half year for many years. It Is only n third of what was hullt in a similar fierlod of 1891 , 700 miles less than during the first half of IS')2 ) , and 530 miles below the first halt of 1893. The total track built In each of those years wns 2,585 miles In 1893 , 4,010 miles In 1S92 , and 1,012 miles In 1891. Usually the proportion of new track laid In the llrst half of the year Is between 30 and 40 per cent of the total reported for the year. If past experl- once Is to be repeated this year , this report of ' 195 miles built means that only about 1.500 miles will bo built In 1891 , nnd such a low figure as that has not been reported since accurate records have been kept. But , iccordliig to the Nu\v York Tribune , there Is good reason to bolleve that the total of now railroad constructed In the twelve months will bo largar than the result re- [ > orted for the halt year may seem to prom ise , Judging from the proportion of work that has heretofore been done In the early iart of the year. Railroad men are sur- iirlsed to know that even 500 miles of new iiavo been built , so quietly has the work ? one on , gererally on short lines widely dis tributed over the country , few of them naltlng connections with other roads. What ivlll be done the rest of the year depends , of : ourse , on ths changes that may occur In the state of financial affairs of the country. [ Jut It Is a fact of much significance that the unouitl of new road In which the Invest ment made Is too great to ha. lost by any 'allure to complete the projects is prob- ibly larger than at this time last year. A llrlghl- Mailer , Thin. The absent-minded man Is unlucky about setting into predicaments , but. like the cut if nine llvos , he gets out of them with rare ; oed fortune. A man who can't help for getting some things had an experience the Uhor evening which Is not common. The s'cw York Tribune tells the story. Ho had akcn some friends to the theater , nnd af- orwards they went to a hotel on Fifth ave- iiie for supper. ' When the waiter brought he bill the host discovered nn error of 50 : cnts In addition and handed It back to he waiter. The waller apologized , took iway the bill and shortly returned with It. iVhllo the host was scanning the Items a ieconil tlmo he ran his hand In his pocket 'or his money. A blank look came over his 'ace , .ind ho said to the waller : "I have forgotten my money , keys and ivcrythlng. Will you explain to the cashier ind tell him that I will send a check to- norrow ? My name Is " "Oh , " answered the waiter , "never mind ibout that. I'll pay the bill , sir. " This laving a waiter offer to pay one's bill ather stunned the host , but as ho was not siiown to the hotel ho thought the witest hlng to do was to accept the proposition , ; o ho took the waiter's name , saying : "All right , Ernest , I'll como In on my vay down town In the morning and hand 'ou the money. " "Von needn't trouble to do that sir , " nald truest , "you could hand It to me the next line you como In. " The next morning when the forgetful man vent to the hotel to reimburse the waiter 10 gave him a "fat tip , " of course. That vas what Ernest was counting on. I'iro In u Tin Can lrnclory. NEW YORK , July 20. Klro In the tin can iictory of J. H. Haas , 1C1-157 Bank street , ml In adjoining buildings , today did about 40,000 damuco. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report JOSEPH WALWITZ HANGED i Originally Sentenced for Seven YO.IM Ho Managed to Lota His Life , DEATH PENALTY FOR MURDERING A JAILER AVun Tr > liie ti > i : rupp frimi 1'rlinn Hit U'IIN luliTci'ptiMl hy Itrpuly llp- plniMiltlioiu tin Mint llcml Mllh ik Itimiltrr. TItKNTON , N. J. , July 20. Joseph Wnl- witvn.i hanged toilny for the murder of Deputy 1'rlson Keeper James 11. Llpplncott. Death rmultcd iucl | < ly. Just before Kolny to the scaffold Walwllz made n long , rambling speech , repeating Ills olil story that ho illit not lire the fatal shot , nnil that I.lpplncott was shut by Deputy Leonard. The crime for which Walttltz was liangcil was tlia murder of Deputy 1'rlson Keeper Jnmos I' . Llppiucolt In the state prison , Trenton , on the night of March I , 1894. Will wit % was serving a noven years' sentence - tenco In state's prison for horse stealing nt tlio time. lie was confined In the wing of the prison which was under the CATS of Deputy Waters. For sonic reason the door of Walwllz' cell hail not been locked nil ths night nf the murder. About mldnlKlit ho crawled from his cell to the corridor qnd found Deputy Waters asleep. Ito secured the keys of the jail and Waters' revolver imd started to make his escape. As Wnlwltz WRH t'lnorKliiK from the ante-room lending Into tlio prison center he met Deputy Llpplt ) . roll anil gnippled with Mm. A terrible light ensued and several shots were fired by each man. Deputy Llpplncott falling dead wltli a bullet halo In his left breast. WalwItB then encountered Deputy Keeper Leonard , who had been attracted by tha shooting , and after n desperate struggle , dur ing which tlmo both men emptied their re- vovers and Walwltz received a scalp wound , the latter was overpowered and placed In a cell. cell.Ho Ho was placed on trlnl on May 22 , the trial lasting but twcnty-thrde hours. Ho was onnvlcteil of murder In the first degree after the Jury had been out two and a half hours ) . , \\n ) i Ailltlim * I'limlo. KAYBTTKVILLI3 , W. Va. . July 20. Wash Ailklns won haiiKod today at noon for tha murder of Iko Itadford last November. He had been respited from June 9 to testify at the trial of Charles Daycs , his accomplice , who went to the penitentiary today for llfo. Ar.'miiHii * ropiillHtn Nomlimtn u Tlrltnt. UTTLIC HOCMC , Ark. , .Tuly 20.The pop- ullst state cunvnitlon today nominated tha following' ticket : Governor , D. H. lliirherj Bcorctnry of state , II. 51. Uonnr. nudltor. A. J. Nichols ; trcnaurer , T. .1. Andrews ; attorney uencrnl , I Jr. J. A. Meek ; slnto land commissioner , O. H. Jones ; t-omnil.s- Bloncr of nrp.lculturp , S. II. Nowlln ; Hiiper * Intcndent of mihllo Instruction , .1. I' . Cnrnn- Imn. The platform emlorEi-n the Omaha platform and deummlH tin- free and unlim ited coinage of Hllver at the ratio of 1H to 1 without wultlng for the co-operation of any other government. And Sim Smiled Thronjrli Her Tciirn , Chicago Tribune : Mr. McSwat Lobelia , wo shall have to give up that trip to the seaside. We can't get away on account of the strike. Mrs. McSwat It's a shame ! "Yea , It's too bad. Hut wo'Il save the money the trip would have cost. That'a some comfort. " "Oh , yes ! And now I can liavo thosa lovely diamond ear-rings you Bald < fo couldn't afford on account of our trip to the seaside ! " MnvfMiiiMilK of Si V K * < -IN .Inly 2O. At Ill-emeu Arrived Wlttcklml , from New York. At Qut'eustown Arrived Campania , from New York. At llainbiir/r Arrived Moravia , from New" York ; Fuerst HlHmnrck , from New York. At LIverpool Arrived Ilovlc. from Now York. At New York Arrived California , from Hamburg ; Scamlln , from lliinibur/r. At Gothenburg Arrived Virginia , from New York. Knur In .lull for One Drutli. EL PASO , Tex. , July 20. A man calling lilmsclf Churlcs Hales and who said ho cams licro from Arizona on his way to his old IIOIIIQ In eastern Texas , died suddenly and mysteriously todav In a negro dive In Juarez , lie had several hundrM dollars In iribncy ivhen ho crossed the rlvor. The p'roprlotor } f the saloon und thrw others are In jail In luarcx. An Insane girl who had been at tha Open Hoar for three months dlod ycsler- lay , and the funeral services will be held it that Institution at 3 o'clock this after noon. George W. Illtchens of Plalnvluw , Neb. , mil Miss Pressle M. Hrnnsklll of Le Mars , la. , were married on Wednesday evening , Inly 18 , nt S o'clock by Hev. Frank Crane it the First Methodist Episcopal church. They expect to start In a few days for on ixtended wedding tour to Denver , Salt Lalsa 3lty and other western points. Mm. llnatun 11 , Smith itna : , Cul. Like Other Women I have suffered for IS years with a complication nf trouble * , with continuous , almost nnbonra- hlo pain In my back. Tim < Jrli also proitra- I 9 1 g Sarsa- parilltt ted me. lint Hood's : : has cured ures mo of all my trouhlri , and I cannot speak too highly of It. Mils. 1 ! . it..SMITH , liox W Htna.Cal. , Hood'o Pills cure hcadnchoand Indigestion. NEBRASKA KAT1OKAL , J3AJSK U. A' . I > < 'i'UiHui-y , Oinalia , tirbrtmkn. CAPITAL - - $400,000 SURPLUS - - $55.600' Onicera nn < l IJIrrctoM-IIcnry W. Yiiie * , ! > " luiil ; John M. Colllnu. vlcu' | irc4lUtut ; I wU , lived , cashier. William U. 8. Iluihcii. ; itailil- nt cjuhler. THE IRON BANK CHARLES ST. PAS.K OMAHA LINCOLN TODAY.