10 THE OMAHA DAILY JBKEt SATURDAY , JULY 21. 1891. Public BusineMi lit in Plain Slmpo for Popular Perusal. CLERK SACKETT'S ' ANNUAL STATEMENT SIiiU ComplntnSlumlllg of Ihu Cnuntjr'l He- ccljiu. JUpriulltiirrA mill I'ltiiinclnl Con- illlluii Ki IT.Mndo source * of Itorontio Olitrlliiitlun of KxprnilltUfM. I'or the flrHt time In the history of Doug las county are the records In such a condition that It Is possible to inako n complete finan cial statement from the county clerk'B ofllco and Btrlku a bal ance showing the true condition tit the ae's and liabilities at this date , and a cardful and Intelligent perusal ot tnls state ment must certainly afford the taxpayers of this county great satisfaction , from which It appears that even In these times of great financial distress and depression , the credit and standing of Douglas county have con tinued to Increase until the county IH today In the bent financial condition In Ita history. A. year slnco I took occasion to say that with proper financial management the neces sity for registering and paying Interest on Douglas county warrants would cease. The condition of our funds at the present tlmo servo to bear me out In the correctness of that statement , for although the amount ot the annual levy has been reduced tlnco 1S92 , yet every warrant Issued by Douglas county has been redeemed except about J2.000 In the "soldiers' relief fund , " to the redemption of which the board cannot apply any of the pro ceeds of any other fund and In consequence thereof thcso warrants must wait the colec- tlou of the tax ot that fund alone. Never before since the organization of this county has this , the most stringent period of the year , been passed without the neces sity of registering warrants In all the funds and paying from two to six months' Interest at 7 per cent on the mime. When we note the amount ot warrants that have been universally carried at Interest by this county it becomes to some degree ap parent to what extent the management of the finances has been modified In order to bring about thcso results. The amount of warrants outstanding at the following dates wcro : July 1 , 1891 . M" OCD11 January 1 , 1832 . 110,031 00 July 1 , 1832 . 29,811 5S January 1 , 1833 . 123,173 87 July 1 , 1M3 . r,9iri 01 January 1 , 1S31 . 04,13081 July 1 , 1&3I . . . 2,10000 In addition to having paid up In full the above floating debt , , which with unpaid chilms on hand had amounted to nearly If not quite $300.000 on Jaunary 1 , 1832 , there have been paid the following sums , which arc ai&o an addition to the floating debt of that date : IIOHpltal judgment , paid. . . $ 41,738 53 Insane judgment paid . 31,433 03 Rebuilding county hospital . 21,273 III Interest on Judgments . 12,371 74 Interest on warrant slnco Jan uary 1 , 1832 . 15,176 2C Total . $122,902.01 These judgments are ot long standing , ono of them dating as far back as 18SC. The amount expended on the hospital was ap plied to rebuilding that portion of It which fell down as a result ot faulty construction. This amount , together with the Interesfpald , practically amounts to a dead loss to the tax payers ot $19,724.40 , which might have been avoided by proper management. Statutory estimate of funds needed for the fiscal yoir , beginning July 1 , 1S93 , made January 10 , 1S93 : General fund . $230,000 llond fund , . ( KCOO ) llridge fund . r.0,000 Horn ! sinking fund . 75,000 Insane fund . 23000 Soldiers' relief fund . 7 000 Hospital fund . 10,000 Total estimate . . $517,000 Levy for the fiscal year ot 1893 and 1891 , made July 8 , 1S93 : General fund , 9 mills . $223,277 99 Itoatl fund , 2 mills . 50.930 CO Bridge fund , 2 mills . 50,950 CG Soldiers' relief fund , 2-10 mills . 5,033 07 Insane fund , 3-10 mills' . 7,012 CO liond sinking fund , 1JJ mills . 38,213 00 Total . . $382,129 98 UESOUHCHS. I.evy of 193. . $ 382,12398 Unexpended balance of levy of 1S32 . 113,10672 Collections of the unexpended balance of levy of 1891 nnd Ijnor lyearn . 39,3fi3 05 Balance In special cnsh fund. . . 227 CO Proceeds of sale of rtoad Im provement bonds . 151,41255 lllsceUaneoua collections , 'fees etc . 9.C12 15 Total . J 691,832 11 EXPENDITURES. General fund . % 233,785 71 Tloncl fund . 60,400 IS Bridge fund . 27,573 72 Hoau Improvement fund . 1,280 40 Soldiers' relief fund . 4,759 07 Insane judgment fund. . . . , . GU90 00 Insane fund . 330 25 Bond sinking fund . -13,313 32 Total J 373,551 C5 Halances as shown by the ledger at the close of business Juno 30 , 1891. Gom-rnl ( fund $ K0.737 2fi Itoud fund 2tiGll > IS Iload Improvement fund 150,120 15 Bridge fund 45,931 20 ' Insane judgment fund 878 57 Hospital Judgment .fund 5,811 ! IB Soldlcis' relief fund 1.10S BS Bond sinking fund 9,151 01 Insane fund 7,21635 Hospital building fund 23,09327 Total . „ J 321.237 4G ( A complete tabulated statement , of the financial transactions of the fiscal year end ing July 1 , 1894 , was provided by Clerk Sackett , but Is omitted from this Issue for want ot space. ) U may seem strange that a corporation K doing as much business as Douglas county fihould by any process lose sight of any considerable amount ot Its assets , but such has been the case ; on account of the fact that no record of the transactions between this ofllco and the treasurer's ofllco have been kept It was Impossible to know at all tlmos the true balance between the debit and credit sides of the accounts , when the transactions of tha two olllces wcro carried together , and Inconsequence consequenceot which thu actual assets of the county were constantly Increasing The reasons for this might bo fully explained , but I deem It Inadvisable to undertake It In n statement of this Kind. It Is sulllclcnt to say that the tax lists and records ot the. county have been carefully revised and checked up during the last two years and have been put Into such shape that U Is now possible to place upon the ledger all the assets ot the county , The tax lists have bcun re lieved from the burden of carrying a large amount of uncollcctublo tax , made so by reason ot the fact that much of It was Illegally levied , and In many cases personal tax Is carried ngalnst parties now dead or insolvent. This , with the exception of a portion * ot the personal tax for the years 1SS7 , 1SS8 , 18S9 , 1S90 and ml. reduces the showing down to what nro prob.ibly the actual assets ot the county and a liberal estimate has been mndo In this statement ot the uncollected portion of these years , and It la very probable that when the tax shall liuvo been collected the Interest will amount to enough to bring the total up to the present estimated figures without allow ance for uncollcctahlo tax. It Is necessary to bear In mind that the assets of ti corporation such as Douglas cctinty are different from tlioso of an ordin ary commercial enterprise , in that the county never draws Us check against the money collected , but against the money to be col lected , that Is tlio levy , and therefore , In arriving at actual balances , there U always an clement ot uncertainty us to whether the money will lu collected or not. The following statement exhibits the re sources and liabilities of Douglas county ns carried to the ledger for the llscal year beginning July 1 , 1K94 : ASSISTS. I.ovy of ISO I uncolleeti-il . .J 370,221 45 Ixivy of lt > 3.1 uncollectcil Imlunco 107.3.Y7 03 Levy of ISM uncolleeted balance 40,111 M Levy of 1831 nnd back ycar.i bal ance , , . . . , . , 11,531 ID Uncollected balance state tnmine tux ( estimated ) l.COO W Dnlunee of 1S93 tax over 15 per cent reserve nnd warrants imlil. 21 , 90 OS Balance } io pltal building fund , duo to other funds C.&W 37 Balance special cash fund 72 9' Due from city of Omaha , keepIng - Ing prisoner * 3,23786 Duo from city of South Omaha , keeping prfsoneni , . . . > . . . . . . 1,354 2 Diif from Px-Trens. Bnydcr. . . . . . 6,977 33 Balance cash on hand ( less Im provement fund ) . , . , . . 122,4(361 Total . . , 743.7SS 0 : LIABILITIES. Wnrrantfl outMnndlng July 1. . . ) 12,115 W Unpaid claims July > 41,201 Cl Uncompleted contracts July 1. . . . 110 000 00 Duo City of Omaha nnd South Omaha ( uncollected ) 18,079 20 Balance ( assetW for 1891) . . . . * . . . 537IS8 Gl Total .1 719,788 0 ; Note The above figures nee approximately correct , yet In some casca they lack verifica tion owing to the fact that wo have been crowded for tlmo to complete the work of comparing and proving the figures. Thus It appears from these figures thai Douglas county Is In the bent condition financially that It has ever been , and whllo the present administration cannot claim that It Is entirely the result of their labors , yet It Is true that the judicious management of the public affairs of this county during the last three years have contributed very materially to the result. With a proper management In the future this county need never bo cramped for finances nor need the expenses bo a burden upon the taxpayers ot the county unless some iinforsecn calamity occurs requiring the expenditure ot a larger sum of money than Is at present contemplated. TAXES OF 1591. The Hoard of Equalization for the present year adjourned on the Oth ot July , after completing their labors. The result Is as follows : Chicago assessed valuation $ 240,149 72 Clontnrf assessed valuation 9,71000 Doiiglna nfhessed valuation 328,916 10 East Oinalm assessed valuation , . 153,913 00 Hlkhorn nsse.HHbd valuation. . . . . . 120,339 01 Florence nspossed valuation 219,256 23 Jefferson iisscssed valuation 181,0)7 ) 56 MrArdle ns-iCHSPd valuation 216,222 17 Mlllnrd assessed valuation 196,515 OS Pintle Valley assessed valuation 283,913 75 Union assessed valuation 232,961 93 Waterloo assessed valuation. . . . 131,318 49 West Omaha assessed valuation , K58.026 4T South Omolin assessed valuation 2,016,163 87 Flrit ward assessed valuation. . . 1,118,8m 89 Second ward assessed valuation. . 1,110,157 07 Tlrd ward assessed valuation. . . . 5,359,856 03 Fourth ward assessed valuation. 2,753,678 00 Fifth ward assessed valuation. . . 1,337,003 07 Sixth ward assessed valuation. . . 1,626,8838) Seventh ward assessed valuation 1,839,015 S3 Eighth ward assessed valuation , 1,612,721 00 Ninth ward assessed valuation. . 1,980,900 30 Total . $21,681,430 62 1891. Lots , total valuation $17,010,70800 Lands , total valuation 3,272,821 00 Personal , total valuation 4,397,901 62 Total $21,681,430 C2 The assessed valuation for 1894 has been reduced $793,901.38 from that of 1893. Upon this valuation the levy has been mndo ns follows : General fund , 9 mills $ 222,13287 Iload fund , 2 mills 49.lfi2 ; SS Bridge fund , 1 7-10 mills 41,95843 Sinking fund , 2 mills 43,3 2 80 Soldiers' relief fund , 3-10 mill. . . . 7,101,43 Total , 15 mills. , $ 370,221 43 Notwithstanding the fact that the times have been growing harder and money closer In alt lines of business , yet Douglas county has been able to Increase Its financial re serve and at the same time reduce Its levy. The levies of the last three years being as follows : Levy of 189" $ 429,81018 Levy of 1893 382,12993 Levy of 1891 , 370,22143 The total reduction since 1892 be ing 58,58873- BONDED DEHT. The bonded debt of this county has been Increased $1CO,000.00 during the last year by the issue of that amount of bonds voted to aid In the permanent Improvement of roads and highways. The present debt Is as follows : Five per cent funding bonds Is sued July 1 , 1887 , due July 1 , 1907 $ 258,00000 Five per cent funding bonds Is sued July 1 , 1891 , due July 1 , 1311 108,00000 Six per cent court bouse bonds Ispued January 1 , 1881 , clue Jan uary 1 , 1901 , called and re funded July 10. 1831 119,00000 Four and onc-lmlf road Improve ment bonds dated July 1 , 1892 , Issued January 1 , 189 ! 150,000 00 Total $ 633,00000 Total annual Interest $ 25,190 00 The annual Interest payment will bo re duced $1,785.00 by the refunding of the court house bonds , which have been called and for which 4V4 per cent bonds will bo exchanged. The fact that the securities pf this county bearing only 4Vi per cent Interest sell at a premium at times of such general financial depression gives evidence of the fact that they are regarded as gilt edged in the mar ket. Two such sales having been made this year , ono of $150,000 at $500 premium and one of $119,000 at $ COO premium , both drawing 4 % per cent Interest. DISTRICT COURT. In closing there are a few Items to which I wish to call special attention , ono Item Is that of the district court which has grown to such proportions In the last few years that It now costs more than any other one department of the government of this county. The cost of maintaining the district court has been as follows : Total cost 1891 levy $ 33,303 14 Total cost 1832 levy 51,45969 Total cost 1893 levy 55,71091 This amount has now grown to such an extent that It absorbs nearly one-fourth of the amount allowed by law to bo levied In the general fund and should court expenses go on Increasing nnd assessments decreasing It must bo necessary to provide some other means for furnishing funds upon which to run this department of the county govern ment. REVENUE. The revenue provisions of the statute , so far as they relate to this county , have sub served their usefulness. The county has outgrown nearly every provision of the revenue law and about the best that can be bald of this Is that It should bo 'referred to the next session ot the legislature for an entire revision. A revenue law which per mits the publication ot returns that Indicate to the world that such a county as this Is going down hill In the value of Its property , oven In such times as these. Is a curse to the community , more especially when those reports and returns do not exhibit one-tenth part ot the truth , and It Is to bo hoped that the representatives of this district will use their best efforts to so remodel our revenue laws that an honest assessment of all prop erty may be Obtained. CIIARITV. It Is difficult to make any comparative estimate of thu expense ofthls department for the past year on account of the fact that the resources of the county have been more severely taxed to care for persons dependent upon charity this year , than ever In the history of the county , but nevertheless this department makes a most satisfactory showIng - Ing ; and feeling that the public will bo In terested In knowing how and to what extent the county has contributed to the support of the general poor , I append u detailed state ment of this branch. Prior to this year the number of applica tions for assistance made to the county has never reached 80Q In any ono year. About the only comparison that can be drawn Is In the' following manner. Total cost of maintaining the poor outside Douglas county. Hospital : Paid from levy of 1S91 $ 15,80835 Number of applicants , 550 Cost per applicant. , $ 2871 Paid from levy of 1S9. 20.K2U 81 Number of applicants , 750 Cost per applicant , $ 27 76 Paid from levy of 1S93 29,82632 Number of applicants , 2,003 Cost per applicant. . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . $ H 83 Tli/ / following exhibits u detailed statement of t/.o / charity department o'utslde of the poor farm and In charge of thu committee on charity nnd the county poor agent , for the yeaf ending July 1 , 1K01 : Totul number of applicants for aid , 2,003 ; male.- ) , i.4tt ! : females , fill ; married , 1,372 ; Hlnglp. 101 ; widows. 293 ; widowers. 5t ; di vorced. 13 ; deserted , 170. Total , 2.1XH , Nationality IK distributed ns follows : American. 1,079 ; Dane , SH ) ; Jew , 10 ; Gor man. 239 Polamlcra , 1M ; Swiss. 3 ; Swudu , 119 ; French , II ; Italian. 40 ; Bahbrnmn. 71 ; English , 51 ; Russian , 3J ; Irish , 135 ; Arabian , The length of tlmo applicants had le- Hlded In the city at the date of their appli cation lu us follows ; One month , 22 ; 2 months , 2 ; 3 months , 20 ; 4 months , 9 ; 5 months , 12 ; C months , 26 ; 7 months , 15 ; 8 months , 9 ; U months , 7 ; iu months , 7 ; 1 year , 330 ; S years , H7 ; 3 years. 143 ; 4 years. ICO ; 5 yearn , 113 ; 0 years , 131 ; 7 yearn. 132 ; 8 yearn , HO ; ! years ) . 74 ; 10 yinrs , 9J ; nyears , ; 12 yearn. Cl ; 13 years. 42 ; II ycitrn , 17 ; 15 years , S7 ; 16 yearn. 13 ; 17 years , 12 ; IS yeurn. 13 ; 19 years , 8 ; 20 years , 20 ; 21 years , 10. 23 years. S , 24 years , G ; 21 yuara. 3 ; 25 yean , 22 ; ft ) yuuro , 4 ; 27 yean , i 24 years , 3 ; 29 years. 1 ; 30 years ana more. 19. To- tul , 2.003.CAUSE CAUSE OP DISTRESS. Inability to obtain employment 1,351 Sickness , 623 Cripples , 20 Crime 4 Drunkenness 3 Insanity 2 Total .2,003 Number of persons representing families 1,902 Number of single parties 101 Total 2,003 Average number of persons to the family" represented. . . 3.95 Total number of persona In families represented 7,550 Total number of persons represented , Including single applicants 7,631 Number of applications refused 100 Number of applicants furnished as sistance other than transportation. 1,903 Total 2,003 Average number of montlm which ns- ( tlstancc has been given to each ap plicant 2.53 Total number of months assistance given to nil applicants-as above. . . . 5,809 Number of regunr dependents 211 Number of temporary dependents 1,792 It mfcy not bo generally understood Just how this assistance Is furnished to these applicants. Prior to September 1 , 1893 , U was the custom to give to such parties as the county wished to assist , orders upon grocers and other dealers for onb , two or moro dollars worth of goods , cither once , or per week or per month as the order stated. In this way the county was too often Imposed upon by such persons who used thcso orders ti buy things not actually needed , such a tobacco , cheese , green vegetables , sowing material , expensive canned goods , etc. , s that the true object was defeated In many cases. With a view to Improving the efficiency of the service and at the same tlmo mak the funds relieve the most distress possible the system In vogue at Chicago wa.s adopted which consists In having a "county store' or dispensary where the goods themselves are purchased at wholesale by the county and put up and distributed to each appllcan In person after a careful examination of tin conditions surrounding each case. Under this system It Is apparent that the county has saved nearly If not qulta 50 cents on the dollar Invested. Slnco the adoption of the present system on September 1 , last , the following' supplies have been disbursed : Flour 177,175 Ibs , Sugar 23,103 Ibs , Coffee 9,291 Ibs. Tea 1.1C9 Ibs , Heans 29,581 Ibs , Rice 14.553 Ibs , Hominy 12,120 Ibs , Oat meal ' 8,190 Ibs. Corn meal 17.5S7 Ibs. Salt pork 25,670 Ibs , Soap 11,600 bars Coal 3,321,400 Ibs Thcso have been dlstrlbutd upon G,104 orders to 1,903 applicants and at a cost to the county of $19,190.58 , not Including the cost ot maintaining the dispensary. In conclusion I have only to say that a careful comparison of , this statement with such as were Issued one and two years ago will show whore decided Improvement has jccn made In the manner of conducting the affairs of this county and while much has jeen done In that line , yet thu present Hoard of County Commissioners recognizes fully ; hat In many other ways can the public serv- co bo .Improved and much needless expense saved to the taxpayers. FRED J. SACKETT , County Clerk. THE CAPTAIN'S VISITOR. The I'ompnu * Captulii nnd tlio Lieutenant < > cncral. During the summer of 1808 , being In the service of the United States , I was stationed at Fort Wallace , Kan. , , says an officer In the Chicago Record. In those days the arrival of the overland mall coach was an event of some Importance , and those of us who were off duty used to bo on hand at the post radlng store and welcome It , and Incidentally .o note the number of bullet holes made In t since the last trip. Ono morning there got off the coach from .ho west a tall , middle aged man wearing a broad slouch hat , a long linen duster and a pair of cavalry boots , Into which his trousers were carelessly stuck. Seeing my comrade and mo In close proximity ho approached , and we , recognizing him , gave a military salute , which he gracefully returned. Ho Inquired who was In command of the ; arribon. 1 answered : "Captain B Is emporarlly In command In the absence of Jolor.el . " Ho desired to bo directed to Jolonel 's quarters. Wo pointed out the louse. Then I returned to the office , where I was on duty as clerk. Captain IJ was a pompous martinet who had never smelled powder In his life and was detested by both ofilcers and men. n duo tlmo ho .arrived , and having noticed .ho tall man ho called to his orderly : 'Orderly , go and ask.that man sitting In rent of Colonel 's quarters whether he s an officer. " The orderly returned with an answer In the affirmative. Said Captain B : "Give my compli ments to that officer and say that I doslro its presence at headquarters. " The orderly did so. Shortly after enter the tall man. Cap tain B , looking quite stern , asked ; "Sir , are you an olllcer in the army ? " "I am. " "To what branch of service do you be- eng ? " "Not to any particular branch at pros ont. " "On what duty are you ? " "Well , I have been traveling a Jlttle ately through the west. " "Aro you on leave of absence ? " "Not exactly. " "Well , sir. did it not strike you that It was your duty to report at' these head- juarters Immediately on your arrival In the garrison ? " The tall man admitted that H had not struck htm ; In fact he was tired and hungry and thought more of breakfast and a Ilttlo rest than anything else. Said Captain U : "Well , sir , that is no excuse for a breach of military etiquette. Wo keep hero a book In which we require all officers entering the garrison to register. Orderly , hand the register to the o 111 cor. You will be good enough to write your name , rank and regiment , with such remarks as will bo necessary. " Thu gentleman leisurely took the pen and quietly wrote : "William T. Sherman , lieutenant general , United States army. " A RESORT OF SUMMER. A Spot 111 I'crslii IVhurn tlio Tlicrmomotur SluHtH ii : ( > In the .Sliiuli ! . The hottest region on the earth's surface Is on the southwestern coast of Persia , on the borders of the Persian gulf , says an ex change. For forty consecutive days In the months ot July and August the mercury has boon known to stand above 100 degrees In the shade night and day , and to run up as high as 130 degrees In the middle of the af ternoon. At Hahrln , In the center of the most torrid part of this most torrid belt , as though It were nature's Intention to make the place as unbearable as possible , water from wells Is something unknown. Great shafts have been sunk to u depth ot COO feet , but always with the same result no'water. . Nothwlthstanding this serious drawback , a numerous population contrives to live there , thanks to copious springs , which burst forth from thu bottom of the gulf moro than a mile from the shore. The water from these springs Is obtained In a most curious and novel manner. Machadores , whoso sole oc cupation Is that of furnishing the people of liahrln with the llfc-glving fluid , repair to that portion of the gulf where the springs are situated and bring away with them hundreds of akin bags full of the water each day. The water ot the gulf where the springs burst forth Is nearly 200 feet deep , but tlio machadorcs tllvers manage to fill their goat-skin sacks by diving to the bottom tom and holding the mouths of the bags over the fountain Jets ; this , too , without allowing the salt water of the gulf to mix with It. The source of these submarine fountains Is thought to be In the hills of Osmond , COO miles away , Delng situated at the bottom ot the gulf , It Is a myxtery how they were ever discovered , but the fact remains they have been known slnco the dawn of history. Ksrunloit Hutu * Kunt. For full Information concerning summer excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ticket cilice. 1501 Farnam tre t , or adJrcs F. A. NASH , General Agent. TAKING IN m TENDERFOOT How Ho Stocked Up tifi the Bolnmne and Oashed'IU'it the End. A PROFESSIONAL'NfAkEN ' FOR A SUCKtR A ItnttlliiK Poker VlVnrjr with Incident * thnt Would Io Crcflll'&Ciiiintliilltll-Tlio Mlruclo of foght ActM hi lYi'o li { ck. The exploits of bnnada Hill on trains nnd towns between tli'o Missouri river and the Pacific In the Inter ' 60s and early ' 70s nro a fading memory to the old timer. In the heyday of his career Mr. C. Hill was about as smooth a manipulator of tlio pasteboards as border times produced. Ills versatility as a card sharp was supplemented with a genius for mimicry and disguises , which en abled him to pluck many a professional who had thoucht William a verdant from Way- back. The Incidents of the following story , related by Julius Chambers In the New York Recorder , .dovetail with the peculiar characteristics of Canada Illll and his shad owy Imago will bo readily recognized In the tenderfoot who was an "unwilling" victor In the game : PLAYING VOll A SUCKER. Ho looked a "tenderfoot , " sure enough. He boarded the train at Cheyenne , modcstl accosted the conductor , secured a stateroom that had just been vacated and took posses slon with the shyness of a young man molt Ing his first long journey. Ho did not attempt to make the acquaint ance of any of his fellow-travelers. Severa' ' of us , who had journeyed all the way from the Pacific coast together , knew each othci so well that we did not feel sllehted , how' ever , by his lack of appreciation. In our car and that just ahead of u were several suspicious characters. Hi who caught my fancy particularly was a tall , grizzly-haired man , cleanly shaven , o.v cept a fierce bflick mustache , evidently dyed The skin of his face was yellow and parch merit-like. Day and night , over since leaving Sacra mcnto , thcso men hall been playing poker In one or other of the smoking compartments. They had kept mostly to themselves , taking In a stranger from time to time as was neccssarv to complete their number. Al though they were professional gamblers , they were looking for other game than the mere casual traveler from whom they might be able to win a few dollars. Of course I was too old to be deceived by the pretense that these men were strangers. The olil thoroughbred whom I have descilbed af fected to treat his associate from the for ward car with absolute disrespect. The latter personage was dressed after the man ner of a cowboy , so far as the broad- brimmed hat and the top boots wcro con cerned ; but he made no display of firearms , said nothing about the number of his vic tims , and treated the sarcastic remarks of his associates with an Indifference that really commanded a good deal of respect for him. him.A A Mormon elder , ' who had "stacked up" against this game during one whole day's session between 1211(0 and Ogden , had lost considerable monpy ; but the regular players stood almost oven afid no occasion for any Ill-fealliiK or bitterness had arisen. UOPJBD IN. The next morning' after we left Cheyenne I went Into the smoking compartment after breakfast. TIio..youjig "tenderfoot" soon followed mo thither. He lit a cigar and gazed out of the , window , apparently quite Indifferent to the"gaino already In progress. Only five men hcrq playing and the young stranger was asked If ho did not want to "set In. " At first ho demurred , saying he did not know much about the game. Be sides , ho did not feel very well ; traveling upset him , he explained. Ho then Inquired regarding the character of the came and was told that it was a modest table-stdko game , nominally a $5 ante. Ho didn't appear to understand very clearly what a "table-btako" game was , but finally agreed to take a vacant camp stool at the table. , On being asked to declare the amount of money he was prepared to risk he said , In differently : "Oh , I don't care. What Is the average stake among you ? " he asked , turning to the first man on his left. "I declared $500 , " was the reply. "Three hundred. " said the next man. "A thousand dollars was mine , " added the fine old man with the black mustache , as his eyes keenly sought the face of the stranger , The statements of the other two pla prs es caped me , but they declared for amounts In the neighborhood of ? 500 each. According to these statements , therefore , there was about $2,800 on the table. The "tender foot" drew a large roll of bills from his pocket , and quietly counted out $3,000 , mostly In $100 bills , and placed the money before him , declaring to lose that amount. There was an expression of manifest sur prise upon the faces of most of the players ; but the old man's eyes gleamed with satis faction. Here was , a bird for the plucking at last ! Patience had been rewarded , and the fine old man would bo able to leave tlifl train at Omaha with enough money to en > able him to play faro bank when they reached Chicago. RUNNING SMOOTHLY. However much the average gambler may care for a "dhort card" game faro is his de light. It Is to him the quintessence of earthly pleasure and ho would bo satisfied to dlo any hour If ho were sure of an eternity at a faro table In the world to come. The cards were soon dealt and the game ran along smoothly for an hour or more. It was so dull and uninteresting that after watching the muddy banks of the Illver Plutto for awhile I had fallen asleep. I was awakened by the porter announcing dinner and was about to leave the compart ment to prepare to go to the dining car when my attention was attracted by the conduct of the old gambler , who happened to bo the dealer. I divined , more than de tected , an attempt on his part to draw a card from the bottom of the pack. The result was that I Eat still and watched de velopments. The cards were frequently changed and the discarded packs weie thrown out of the window. Having seen the young tenderfoot defrauded out of one jack-pot with more than $100 In It by a card dealt from the bottom of the deck my sympathies were strongly enll&ted In Mi behalf. One thing about him Impressed me very much. I felt sure that ho had detected the fraudulent deal , but ho said nothing whatever and lost his money like u thorough bred. The deal had gone round the table and was again In the hands of our old fellow- traveler' of the black moustache. Ho had called for a now pack of cards. When they were brougjit the "joker" and the "blank" were destroyed , the pack shuflled by thu dealer and finally cut by the man at the right of the dealer. HE HAD SAND. The "tenderfoot , " who sat opposite the old gambler , regarded the pretty pink backs of the cards as'theysero thrown out with the curiosity of a child. Ho commented upon the artistic designs. that embellished them , The "ante" had been raised $10 blind and It , therefore , cost SQ to get cards. "Tender- fool" casually looked over his hand and In a way quite unprofessional throw out two of the pasteboards , made good his $20 and raised the "ante'1 $50 more. Doth the men behind him "stayed , " and the flno old man , who was dealing , saw the nnlo , the blind and the raise , and added another $100. The "ago hand" dropped out , The man who "went blind" did the same. The "tender foot" took up the two cards ho had previously tossed upon the table In front of him , sorted over his hand again , saw the $100 ralsu and timidly said : "Five hundred better. " For the first tlmo I 'turned my eyes In his direction and looked him squarely In the face. I could sec that his breathing , though short and quick , was regular. Tliero was not a tremor In his muscles and his voice was as calm end deliberate- that of a judge administering the sentence of death. I As I looked Into hla eyes the eyes of youth and of gentle raising I saw In them the cold hcartlessncss of the experienced gambler. I noticed that he no longer tossed his long curly hair back from hla temples with a shake of his head ; that hla care lessness , hla studied Inattention , his frequent Inquiry regarding the amount of thu unto had all been assumed. As an electric shock the realization came to me that I was about to witness a death grapple between two professional gamesters who lived by their trade , with whom any act that rnsurod suc cess was fair and In whose hearts pity was unknown. The unexpected raise by the gentle "tenderfoot" was as much of a surprise to the people at the table as to me. The fourth and fifth hands at once dropped out and the delay that had given mo tlmo to make my study of the youngster's face was occasioned by the old man's hesitation us to whether ho would merely "stay" In the game or "raise back. " Ho finally "made good , " and , the first and second hands hav ing quit , the game resolved Itself Into n contest between the "tenderfoot" and the old thoroughbred. The call for cards followed , DRAWING PROM UNDI2R. The "tenderfoot , " adhering to his original determination , drew two cards. Leaning forward to look out of the window , I In voluntarily glanced Into his hand and I wat amazed to sec that It contained abso lutely nothing of value. Ho was holding up three odd cards of different suits , What ho obtained In the draw will never bo known. Ueforo I had recovered from my surprise the "tenderfoot" asked Indifferently "Doe . the 'ago' pass ? " "Never , " was the curt reply of the dealer. The fact that he would have to bet fir.it teemed to annoy the "tenderfoot. " Ho straightened out his arms as rf weary , dropped his hands to the side of hln camp stool and hitched It closer to the table. The whole movement was that of an In dolent man momentarily annoyed. And as bo straightened up ho said , almost peev ishly : "Very well ; I bet you $50 without look Ing. " As ho was searching through his pile of notes for a $50 bill , most of them being larger or smaller than that denomination , I distinctly caw the dealer do what I had been expecting to sec done- from the begin ning. ning.Ho Ho had placed his five cards slightly to his right , and when he laid down the deck the long nail of the little finger of Ills left hand "held out" five cards from the bottom tom , and he placed the rest of the pack adroitly upon his previous hand , remarking as he did so : "I don't take any , " THK LAST CALL. As I was sitting almost behind him I had no difficulty whatever In seeing the four aces In his hand which I confidently expected to find there. The fifth card was not'visible. . I felt no remorie , however , for the pretended "tenderfoot. " I had de cided definitely regarding his character and felt that he was entitled to his fate. As I expected , the dealer raised the bet $200. The "tenderfoot" looked over his hand , apparently for the first time after the draw , "saw" the $200 raise and then inquired : "How much of a stake have you before you ? " "Exactly $1,200 , " was the prompt reply. "Well , then I raise you $1,200. " "I call ; what have you got ? " "Kour aces , " replied the "tenderfoot , " layIng - Ing them on the table. The old man never turned a hair , but aked In a volco as calm as the last request of n dying saint : "What la your side card ? " "The king of hearts , " said the "tender foot , " adding the fifth card to the four already upon the table. The old gambler , being the dealer , dared not show his hand. He reached across and turned the five cards displayed by the "tenderfoot" back upward. They matched the others in the discard exactly. He then looked over his own hand again and saw that his fifth card was a ten of spades. As he bunched his cards and laid them thoughtfully upon the table he merely said : "It wins ; I overbet my hand. " He then bunched all the cards on the table the pack must have contained eight aces , for "tenderfoot" had evidently worked ft "hold-out" when ho hitched up his stool and tossed them out the window. * * * * * * As I gave the porter his tip on the fol lowing morning In Omaha he said to me In a garrulous sort of way : "Nice man , that 'tenderfoot. ' He gave mo a $20 shiner for a xamplo pack of all the cards on the train. " "Great guns ! " I exclaimed. "When did ho do this ? " "Tho night he came aboard. " LIBERALITY OF A CONFEDERATE. A Hidden ( Imptor in the History of the I.OHC Ciuian. Frank Rlggs , the son of the famous banker and his father's successor In the financial circle at Washington , told a correspondent ol the Chicago Record an Interesting story thai corrects a false Impression which many good people liavo carried for years. During the second term of President Grant , a man ol the same name of Plckott sold to the govern ment of the United States the records of tin. executive departments of the southern con federacy. From thcso documents was ob tained much evidence that prevented the pay ment , of claims of southern cltl/ens , who pretended loyalty for losses growing out ol the war. In a single Instance they saved several millions by showing that mall con tractors throughout the south had Been paid from tho. confederate treasury for services performed by them for the Postofllce de partment of the United States before the out break of the rebellion. They proved to bo ol great value In many other directions , and the price paid Mr. Plckett for them , which was something like $60,000 , proved to be one of the most profitable Investments ever made by the government. Plckalt had been the chief clerk of the confederate State department' held some similar office which made him custodian of the archives. When President Davis and his cabinet ( led from Richmond Mr. Plckott carted the records away and hid them In some place that escaped tne searchers of the union army , and the manner of their ill sap peurancQ was u mystery until they were de livered to Secretary Fish. It was always believed that Mr. Plckett pockelod the money and he was universally condemned by south ern people for betraying the secrets of the lost cause for a price. "The facts have never been told , " said Mr. Rlggs , "for Mr. Plckett exacted the strictest pledges of s > ccrecy from my father In regard to the disposition of the motley. Dut both of thorn , are dead now , and there Is no reason why tha truth should not ha known. Mr. Plckett. never , hud the benefit of ono penny of the money ho received from the govern ment for those records. Ho deposited the en tire amount as soon as ho received It In our bank to the credit of 'George W , Rlggs , truRtee for , ' and It was distributed In small amounts among the widows of confederate officers. Mr. Plckett made out the list of the people to whom ho wished It nont. The checks were all signed by my father. Each one was accompanied by a letter , which he prepared , and which my father signed , saying that the Inclosuro was forwarded at the re quest of a gentleman who felt an Interest In their welfare , but for reasons of his own de sired that his Identity should not be dis closed. The account was carried for several years , and all the chocks and vouchers are now packed away In our bank , " The MiiHlutr'N MlHtiikc * . An elderly lady who keeps a fashionable uptown school , and who lays no claim to good looks , tells the following In the New York Journal as a joke on herself : "Tho other night I left the homo of a friend , half a mile above my house. It was pouring with rain. I had on a heavy mack intosh and a thick veil , but no umbrella. I started to walk homo , when a swell-looking young man approached , raised his hat with a mashing smllo , and aukcd mo to coma under his umbrella. I took his arm with a smllo and walked with him to my door. Ho said sweet things all the way. When ! reached my door I thanked him for his sheltering escort. He suggested a little sup per. I said : " 'Young man , who do you take mo for ? ' at the same tlmo raising my veil and lookIng - Ing at him In the full glare of the electric light. He jumped half way across the street and cried : " ' ' " 'The devil ! Nitturul .Mlntuko , One of the oddest experiences that I ever had with my stammering , says a man who has an Incurable- Impediment In his speech , happened In the shop of an apothecary In London. As I was suffering from a stomach trouble , went Into the apothecary's to get a little Iplcac. "I want some Ip-lp-lp-lp " I stammered , unable to get out the rtst. "Somo what ? " ho asked. " " "Ip-lp-lp "Hooruyl" shouted the apothecary , at the top of his volco. He thought I wus Hiving him thu word to cheer , Every Jack Can Have a Jill , and Place to Put Her. m REAP THIS BILL. ® m ® $99.95 Puts Them to Housekeeping. m KITCHEN © ( iooi Htovo , , . < $7.no Cooking Outfit fi.uo m Kitchen Tiiulo 1.-J5 mm Tno Kllchun Ulmlrs si ) mm WrlnaiirTub , Water Pnll , etc 0,75 Ilund I.i > mu , ; | 0 m Kitchen Clipboard . , , . , . | , r > o KufrlKonUor , ; j.uo m I\tra ? furnishings , i0 ! m Waco m LIVING ROOM All Wool Curpot $10.40 Six-foot Extension Taiilo -i.OO MX Antlmlo High Hack Uhnlr.s n. to Antliinu Unckur. . i.M ) tUU-ploco Decorated DlniturSut b.75 Decorated Tublo hump . , , , , I.nil I.OUIIBO , , „ r > .7.r THU Window Hliudoi 70 Jjiioo CHAMBER All Wool C'uruet , $0,00 AntliUi | > Olintnliur yet j-j H7 Woven Wlrn riprlnj ? 1.50 llest Wool-Top iMliHie.s.4 , ! 1 UO 1'ulr Pillows i OH Drcorntuil Tollut Sot : ( ,15 Window Similes 3.nr > Va i5 Total. These Are House Furnishing Days . . , , , Wu tire OiitlltttiiB now Humes for Laboring Mun , Professional Men , Merchant * . Millionaires.uu , . ue wuuccutniiiixlulu uvoivbody. Any young mini cmi afford to ench " ! ! ! ! month " ' " , uml ! ° then " ' ! . " ? - . . ! . ! ! , ll'u A ° "Mi < lu < ' . ' IWX UttTo down uml a ilttlo ho u-in udd to his hill from tlmo to tlmo. Wo will next weolc nilrurllso nn Oiitlll , for nn ICIzlit-luxitn HOIHO. I Tills gives you nn Iduu of what ciin bo ilono for lino. Wo can xlunv you ontv otbor assort- incuts forniiinc moimy. I'orlnps woI1I .submit soon n lik'li-toni'il 10-ltooin House Uutllt for mi oven MM. and nil the goods ill bo Ulan nnd Substantial Our Terms Presents for All 110.00 worth of goods , Visitors Receive Souvenirs $1 00 a week or M.OO a month. $ ' . 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