Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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He Proved to Bo No Match for Mrs. Kemj
and Ilor Dog ,
blntiglitrr of n I'livorltn righting Cock
LciuU to family t'linlllct Hint CUIIAC *
Urvitt KxcitDiiiriit Ainons tlio
H < lilitturIt8 ! Detail * .
Not many moons ago tbo territory under
< ho Sixteenth street viaduct was the scene
of almost dally rows , brawls and fights. 01
late , however , the white winged dove ol
peace lias been flapping Its wings over that
particular locality until the squatter section
along the tracks lias been as quiet as the
nrave. Subscipient developments , however ,
liave furnished the conclusive evidence that
this calm was the forerunner of a storm
that has now broken forth In all of Its old-
time fury.
Not far from the Intersection of Sixteenth
and Mason streets there are a number of
fi'mnll houses , two of which are occupied by
the families of the Kemps and the Carvers.
Bonio years ago these two families had a
conflict over a cow , and since that day they
have not been on speaking terms , nor has
one member of the Carver family dnred to
cross the path of any member of the Kemp
family. They have stood upon their respec
tive sides of the street , glaring at one an
other and whetting their knives In the event
that open hostilities should be declared at
any time In the future. Other residents
of the vicinity have been crying for peace ,
nt the same tlmo urging the two warring
factions on to open mutiny and a battle. In
this they have been unsuccessful , both the
Kemps and the Carvers declaring that their
fighting days were over.
This morning peace gave up all efforts
to maintain that feeling of brotherly love ,
nnd burying Its face In Us hands , told the
heads of the two families to cut loose and do
their worst. The neighbors heard of the
war declarations , and arranging their forces ,
gazed as Interested spectators upon the bat
It so happens that Mary Ketnp Is the
owner of a dog , a big , brutal fellow , while
F. Carver possesses a rooster that has won
eevcral dollars for Its owners by doing up
other birds In the game pit. Soon after the
un had shed Its rays over the viaduct , as
the story told In court goes , Mary Kemp
crawled from her bed , and In looking over
her possessions she spied the Carver fowl
digging away at the vegetables In her truck
patch , making sad havoc with the beans and
lettuce. This was more than the good rich
blood of a Kemp could stand , and picking
up a chunk of coal she shied chlckcmvard ,
It striking the game bird amldshlp. The
bird made a couple of circles about the
premises and then dropped dead upon the
doorsteps of Its owner.
At about this tlmo of day Carver was
crawling from his couch and drawing himself
iuto his clothes ho went out doors , stumbling
over the dead carcass of a thing that for
years had been his pride and Joy. Picking
up the rooster , he cast ono glance at the
homo of the Kemps , and In casting that
glance ho saw enough to convince him that
Mary Kemp was the slayer of the bird.
Wild with rage and with blood In his eyes ,
he started across the vacant lot , fully Intend
ing to liavo It out right there and then. At
the door , however , he came to a sudden halt ,
and , In a measure , changed his mind , as he
was met by a bull dog that had not tasted
meat for three days. There was a hot war
of words and then man and woman closed
In for a tight. ,
Carver got first blood by landing a lower
cut left hiinder squarely under Mrs. Kemp's
left eye. As Carver struck , Mrs. Kemp
dodged and In countering she hit Carver
onp under the chin , that sent him to grass.
Tha crowd which had gathered gave the
round to the woman and at once called
Carver up to the ropes for the second go.
This was short and effective , Carver catching
the woman by the neck and shutting off her
wind. The spectators called a foul and gave
the round to the female , who was bleeding
likea stuck pig from the packing house.
After a short breathing spell the com
batants started on the third round , when
the dog appeared to toke a part , nnJ as
Carver was getting In some short arm work
on Mrs. Kemp's ribs , the beast Jumpad upon
him and at once commenced taking a break
fast fronii arms , body and legs. Carver
Weakened and acknowledged that ho had
not been given a square deal This ac
knowledgement , however , did not i-ton the
fighting so far as the dog and Mrs Kemp
.yvero concerned , for whllo ono was pounding
away at one end of the nviu , the sldo part
ner was Industriously doinp business at the
other end , giving Corvsr the appliance
of having passed through a thrashing mricli-
Ine. At last he broke nway anJ started tip
towij ) while the crowd went wild with Joy ,
as It was the biggest elrjw of the sraion.
As Caiver ran , Mrs. Ksmo divine I his
motives , opining that lie was on his \\ay
to the lo'lco station to sccurj n warrant for
her arrest. Not to bo behind In the arresting
business , she started for : ho sutlon , and
for a tlmo It was a sprinting race that
would have done credit to a couple cf pro
fessionals. Carver , however , possessed the
better wind and reached the station Koine
flfty yards ahead of his competitor. This
gave him the advantage and the first war
rant , but tliu woman was soon on hand
and got second place without an effort. The
result of 'the ' whole affair , Is that both par-
tics will be arrested and tried for disturbing
the peace and quiet of the'city. .
Central I.iitior Union of Clove mill Dcinnmln
n Coiigri-KSloiiiil liivontlKiitloii.
CLEVELAND , July 19. Resolutions do-
mandlng a congressclnal estimation of Hon.
Augustus J. Ittcks , Judge of the United
States circuit court , were adopted by the
Central Labor union at Its meeting last
It was asserted that In 18SG , while acting
as clerk of the United States circuit court In
this district , Judge Hicks entered In the
records a number of lawsuits known as the
Illrdscll cases , which were begun by fanners
to test a statute. The cases were continued
for several years , costs accumulating to a
largo amount. While the cases were pending ,
Clerk Kicks became Judge Kicks. It Is al
leged that of tlio costs ? 3,500 was not prop
erly accounted for ,
Kuhcrt Drandlow , who Introduced the reso
lutions , stated that the attention of Attorney
General Olnoy had been directed to the mat
The resolutions will bo forwarded to Con
gressman Tom L. Johnson.
Ilottom of it Comet-tor HIow Out lit ( 'iir-
lii < Klu' > nlth I'utul Ilcmiltn.
1'ITTSUURQ. July 19. The bottom of n
converter at the Homestead Steel works of
Carneglo & Co. , at Homestead , blow out nt
10:30 : o'clock today , scattering 3,300 pounds
of molten metal In every direction. Four
men who wcro In the pit were terribly
burned , two of them fatally. Their names
arc :
PI3TEU NELSON , burned all over the
body , will dlo.
TIMOTHY DIAMOND , terribly burned
about land and breast , will die.
Michael Hollcran , dangerously burned.
William Davis , bend and face burned , will
, Miirrluil ill tin ) Mllluril.
The Mlllanl .entertained n wedding party
from Lincoln yesterday. The party con
sisted of 13. L. llawllnga and Miss Minnie
nawltngs , and the bride , Miss Mary Lum
ber of London , England. The party ar
rived shortly after 11 o'clock , nnd utter se
curing the services of a local divine , hail
the ceremony performed In the parlors.
Mr. HawllnKD , who la n prominent young
business man of the capital city , started
vast with his bride In the afternoon on an
extended wedding tour.
Tlio Unknown I'loutcr.
Coroner Maul summoned a Jury yesterday
Bnd commenced holding an Inquest over
the remains of the floater found In the river ,
at the foot of Hickory street Wednesday after
noon. The testimony of a couple of wltncssts
was Introduced and an adjournment taken
until next Saturday , the coroner hoping
In the meantime- discover some evidence
that will lead to the Identification of the dead
man ,
A telegram was sent to the Denver addrcus
found In the pocket of the deceased , but the
reply came back that there was no such par
ties residing there as were mentioned In the
letter. The coroner Is still of the opinion
that the man was George Howard of Den
ver , and has wired the chief of police of that
city , requesting him to inaHo an Investiga
CloM'd A Kill n.
This certainly Is unusual , when a largo
business house has to close Its doors for a
day In order to bring forward duplicate
stocks , arrange them and mark down prices.
This Is the case with the largest retail busi
ness In Omaha. They find It necessary to
again close their doors to the public , and
today , Friday , their store will bo closed
all day In order to give tlmo for straighten
ing and arranging stocks , bringing forward
duplicate goods and making further reduc
tions In prices. The public appreciated our
efforts to glvo them a great reduction sale
last Saturday , as our store was crowded
to the doors all day. Today we will
make greater efforts , as wo must reduce and
close out our stock faster. The grandest
reduction sale for Saturday that has ever
been held In Omaha , Rest at homo all
day Friday , como Saturday and buy a years'
supply , as goods for all seasons , spring , sum
mer , autumn and winter will bo on sale
/A Till : DAKOTAS.
Crops In tlio Nortlim-Ht Much llencfltcil nnd
I ' 'or cut 1'lrrft KxtlMgiilxlicd.
ST. PAUL , July 19.In many parts of the
Dakotas and In northwestern Minnesota the
severe drouth has been broken by very heavy
rains , two Inches of rainfall being reported
around Vermllllon , S. D. , and other sections
had a very thorough drenching.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , July 19. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Half an Inch of rain
fell last night and quite a rain Is falling
now. Corn , potatoes , millet and flax will
bo greatly benefited.
WEST SUPERIOR , WIs. , July 19. Heavy
rains last night effectually extinguished the
forest fires which have been raging for sev
eral days Just out of the city and along the
Eastern Minnesota tracks. Word has been
received that several freight cars were
burned near Hlncklcy , Minn. , yesterday
Cou tl ml livncli Note * .
The balloon continues 'to be one of the
Interesting features , and some might call
it a "chestnut , " but It is noticed that every
body In attendance , becomes disappointed
whenever It falls to make an ascension , nnd
they are not backward In expressing them
selves. ,
The temperature of the water is perfect
for bathing. , ,
The number of ladles who are being
taught the art of swimming by the lady
expert employed at the beach Is still In
Manager Griffiths has given the patrons
of Courtland beach an entertainment tills
week that every one appreciates. The per
forming lions and leopards equal anything
In this line ever seen.
The ladies and children at the 2:30 : and
4:30 : performances have Increased greatly
In numbers. _ _
Gorm.m Lutheran * In Convention.
PITTSDURG , July 19. The synod of the
eastern district of Missouri of the German
Evangelical Lutheran churches convened
here yesterday , 250 ministers , lay delegates
and teachers answering the roll call. The
afternoon session was taken up with the ap
pointment of committees and other routine
work. The conference will be in session un
til Tuesday next. This synodlcal conference
Is the largest of the Lutheran bodies , comprising - .
prising all the ( Territory east of Ohio and
from Maine to Virginia. It has about 125
ministers and 160 congregations.
Fifth Ward Kepulillriins.
There will be a meeting of the Fifth "Ward
Republican club at 1809 Lake street this
evening ( Friday ) at 8 o'clock. A full at
tendance Is desired.
Charles G. Littlefield anil F. G. Patrick
were arrested yesterday afternoon for main
taining barbed wire fences within the city
limits contrary to the ordinances.
Most of the city ofilces wcro closed at 2
o'clock yesterday In order to allow the em
ployes to see the councilmcn play ball and to
contribute 25 cents to the Associated chari
Sparks from an engine set fire to Rosen-
berry's planing mill at Twentieth and Martha
streets yesterday afternoon. The fire was
extinguished before any considerable damage
was done.
The Woodmen of the World office paid
$9,000 In losses' on Wednesday of this week.
The order Is paying an average of $000 every
day , Including Sundays , to the beneficiaries
of Its deceased members.
The Omaha Pulverizer Machine company
has filed aitlclcs of Incorporation. The
capital stock Is placed at $20,000 and the Incorporators -
corporators are W. A. Paxton , John M. Jones
and Robert , Louis and Adolph J. Vlerllng.
Because of the threatening weather last
night only a few of the members of the
Hamilton Republican club ventured to at
tend their meeting. The proposed program
was postponed until the next regular meeting
on tills account.
A youth named Henry Grossman was ar
rested and locked up last night on tha charge
of Incorrlglblllty. F. W. Kracht , 422 South
Tnonty-Ilfth street. Is the complaining wit
ness against the boy , and he wants him
sent to some reformatory.
Those of the police force who could not at
tend the regular annual policemen's picnic
were given a holiday yesterday , which was
spent at Pries' lake. They took their famlllei
and lunches along and found ample amuse
ment In boating , fishing , shooting and other
outdoor sports.
Hon. C. C , Farmer , Mount Carroll , 111. ,
chairman of the board of managers ; Hon.
L. G. Ulalne , Lyons , la. , and Colonel n.
Wood Jewell , Manchester , la. , of the sovereign
eign finance committee of the Woodmen of
the World , are In the city In attendance at
the Ecml-onnual meeting of the committee.
Rev. Dr. Augusta J , Chapln has accepted
the unanimous call to the jiastorato of the
First Unlvcrsallst church of Omaha , and will
enter upon the regular work In September
next. In the meantime the church Is closed
for the summer vacation. Dr. Chapln becks
needed rest mid refreshment In an ocean
voyage , and will spend a few weeks In the
lake region of England , and In the Scottttsh
Highlands ,
/ . > O.V.I/ , JMIMHJMI'/M.
II. C. Lewis of Kctchum , Idaho , Is at the
Paxton ,
Senator U. F. McDonald of Ponder was In
the city yesterday.
A. V. Carter and wife of Rock Springs ,
Wyo. , are at thePaxton. .
Father English , pastor 'of the Catholic
church at Hastings , was In Omaha yesterday.
Mrs. L. A. Sundorland and daughters left
yesterday for a visit with relatives In the
Ni'liriiafcuiu nt tlio llotrU ,
At the Mlllard-1' . T. nirchunl , Norfolk.
At the Mercer Wlllam W. Shaw , Hold-
At the nellonc J. V. Gordon , Grand Is-
hind ; 1) . F. Hadley , Lincoln ; M. II , Weiss ,
Hebron ,
At the Paxton C , F. Grant and wife ,
Alliance ; T. J. Murphy ami wife , Grceley ;
Mrs. U. D. Crofson , Falrbury.
At the Arcnile H. A. Jloblie , Bancroft :
J. C. llrown , Albion ; Qeorgo F. Heine , Cat !
Kroeger. Hooper ; A. H. Shlckk-y , llroken
How ; Henry Davlson , Grand Island ; A ,
Itowan , Ord. |
At the Mcrcl mts 13. P. Dusscll. Colum
bus ; S. II. O .u 11 us , Chadron ; James 13.
Hell , Genoa ; 10. II. Snaffner , Chadron ; F.
W. Yelclier , West 1'olnts J. II. Uetweller.
IMholm ; J. F. Clabaugli and wife , North
Platte ; Longln Folcla , Lltiwood.
Grand Island WHew Swindled Out of Her
Savings by a Sharper ,
Intrntril Her ( 'inh In n llulf Intrroit In u
Tnriitrtnil Comlilimtlnii Unit rmlod
to MutiTliilIro VUlunx \Vcnlth
That a fool Is born every mlnuto was the
opinion of a great philosopher. Some people
ple never become too old to learn something
more of the crafty ways of that class of hu
manity that subsists upon the credulity of
others. All through their lives they have
lived In a world where the parlor of the
spider Is always open. Their experience has
counted the victims of the confidence man
ami the flim-flam artist by the score. Every
now swindle Is exposed In the columns of
the dally papers all over the country and
still the rural victim continues to saunter
heedlessly Into the tolls. He loses his
money and his confidence , while the un
scrupulous manipulator of the game fills his
pockets and begins the search after another
Mrs. E. A. Droadwell Is a widow who lives
In the bustling city of Grand Island. She
has existed among the snares and follies of
this wicked world for forty years and Is con
sidered a woman of good sense and discern
ment. llut recently she allowed herself to
fall a victim to ono of the most flimsy con
fidence games that has been perpetrated In
Omaha for some time. She has gained ex
perience \\hlch she values at $250 , and she
paid that amount for It In good hard coin
that she had labored for many years to ac
Since her husband died , which was nearly
ten years ago , Mrs. Uroadwcll has worked
hard to make a living for herself and In
cidentally to lay something aside for old
age. In this she was fairly successful anil
through hard work and economy she was
the proprietor of a bank account expressed
In three figures. During the latter part of
May her attention was attracted by an ad
vertisement In an Omaha dally paper. It
was to the effect that a responsible and
energetic man wanted a partner In a profit
able and safe business. It was the chance
of a life-time , but as ho needed the partner
Immediately ho was willing to make over a
halt Interest to some person .who could assist
him In the business and contribute ? 500 for
the partnership.
Hard work was not so attractive to the
mind of the reader , but she was favor
ably Inclined toward an opportunity to make
money easily for the remaining years of
her Ilfo and she finally concluded to reply
to the advertisement. The proposition was
signed by R. W. Trelegan , Colonade hotel ,
Omaha , and In another day a letter was
.raveling toward the address mentioned. The
reply was more than satisfactory. The
brilliant Inducements referred to In the ad
vertisement were repeated and enlarged upon
and the recipient was urged to come to
Omaha and sco for herself what a golden
opportunity fortune had placed Irf fter path.
After some reflection Mrs. Droadwell con
cluded not to let such a chance slip through
her fingers and on June 8 she arrived In
Omaha. She had no difficulty In finding
Trelegan , who then unfolded his scheme
for their mutual benefit. Ho represented
that he was the lucky and only proprietor
of the Star Novelty company , with which
ho had engaged to entertain the crowds at
Courtland beach for the remainder of the
season. He had part of his company al
ready engaged and these consisted of his
wife and a short-haired fairy who was with
out exception the greatest song and dance
artist that had ever appeared before the
American public. This celebrated artist
gave the prospective partner afree ex
hibition of her attainments which were so
different from anything that she had ever
seen that she was ready to accept the state
ments of the manager that such an attrac
tion was sure to bo a winner and bring in
shekels by the cart load to enrich the com
mon treasury.
All this and much more occupied several
lays and the upshot was that she deter
mined to Join the company and a contract
ind an agreement were at once drawn up.
By this Trelegan was to be the manager
at the show. He was contribute his ex
perience and ? 1,000 worth of scenery and
3ther stage furniture which ho claimed to
liavo in storage and Mrs. Droadwell was to
simply put up $500 for a half Interest and
remain with the company as secretary and
treasurer. It seemed like a good thing and
she was so charmed with Mr. Trelegan and
Ills engaging wife that she did not think
to make any further Inquiries about his
juslness standing or responsibility. She gave
: iim $250 which was all she had with her
ind went back to Grand Island with the
understanding that her manager would send
Tor her as scon as ho had completed the
preliminary arrangements anil signed the
rcit of his company.
After her arrival In Grand Island she
looked In vain for the promised communt-
: .itlon. As a couple of weeks passed with
no news she began to wonder whether she
liad been too hasty In letting go of the slmo-
leons and finally she wrote to Trelecan to
inquire the cause of the delay. Receiving no
inswor she addressed another letter to the
Talry of song and dance celebrity , but with
no better success. Then she became alarmed
ind took the train for Omaha. Arriving
licro she found that the party had left
the Colonade and had gene to the Homo
tiotel on Thirteenth street. There she lost
ill track of them. They had left suddenly
and no one knew toward what point of the
compass they had directed their departuiu.
A visit to Courtland beach developed the
fact that TreltEun and his show had never
been heard of there , and then for tlje first
time she admitted that she and her money
hail parted company. Then she went to
County Attorney Kaley and wanted him to
have a warrant Issued for the arrest of the
swindlers. Hut as they had evidently made
a masterly retreat nothing could be done In
this direction , and the victim was assured
that about the only thing left for her to do
was to go back home and try to make her
recently acquired experience fill the exca
vation In her bank account.
Win-it TriivuliiiR ; .
Whether on pleasure bent , or business , taken
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as
It acts most pleasantly and effectually on
the kidneys , liver and bowels , preventing
fevers , headaches and other forms of sick
ness. For sale In COc and $1 bottles by all
leading druggists. Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
The leopards glvo two performances at
Courtland beach today.
UlipulKturrrH unit * > uttrrB JMuIirrs IMcnlc.
A red letter day !
Greatest labor picnic of ' 91 ! !
Hall game , Herolds vs. Johnstons ! ! !
Athletic sports , all kinds ! ! ! !
llruss band anil orchestra ! ! ! ! !
Dancing , fishing and boating ! ! ! ! ! !
General Master Workman Sovereign , T , B.
McGuIre and Henry D. Martin will be the
orators of the day ,
Trains leave the union depot at 10 a. m.
ind 1:30 : p. m. Tickets only 35 cents. Come
every one.
Paxton & Gallagher received through the
U. S. customs olllco yesterday 514 chests of
new , 1801 , May pickings tea , direct from
their Tea Firing establishment at Kobe ,
lapan. This Is the first shipment of new
teas received at this port.
$15,00 to Pueblo and return , via the Union
Pacific. July 21 , 22 and 23. Account Mystic
Shrlno meeting. See me. H. P. Deucl , C.
V. A. , Uuton Pacific system , 1302 Farnam
Kiciirilou K.ito * K ; st.
For full Information concerning summer
excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam street , or
address F. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
Ilruuiflit 1IU Itrlilo Homo.
During tha early days of the present week ,
Robert A. McEacheron suddenly disappeared ,
keeping his whereabouts to himself , with the
exception of Informlnc n few of his Inti
mate frlcndii that ho was going to Rock
Island , III. , for-"a few days vacation. Yes
terday ho returned bringing with htm a
bride. The lady < was Miss Mary Case , the
daughter of ono of the oldest anil most re
spected families of the Illinois town , No
cards announcing the wedding wcro Issued ,
but Mr. and Mrs. McEarhcron will be nt
homo to their friend * at 1822 Corby street.
lly Viola ice
Llttlo Is accomplished In this civilized era ,
but with the gentle laxative , Hosteller's
Stomach Illttcra , tlio bowels are relieved
without abruptness or subsequent weakening.
Dyspepsia , malaria , rheumatism , weakness
and kidney trouble yield to this reliable
curative , foremost , also , among Invlgorants
and recommended by physicians. Glvo this
medlclno a fair trial and bo convinced.
Two distinct shows nt Courtland beach
today the leopards nnd lions.
Member of tlio Kcorgiinlriitlnn Coniiulttco
Kxiiinliu-ft the Onmliii IMiint.
Wlnthrop Smith , president of the Phila
delphia Mortgage and Truit company , has
been In the city for a few days looking over
the property of the American Water Works
company. Mr. Smith Is one of the leading
bondholders of the water works company
and la a member of the reorganization com
mittee appointed something over n year ago.
This committee consists of Ernest Trmlmnn
of New York , Roswell O. RoJIston of New
York , Gerald L. Hoyt of New York , Fred
erick Strauss of New York , Wlnthrop Smith
of Philadelphia , Theodore C. Woodbury of
Portland , Me. , nnd William R. Nicholson of
Philadelphia. All of the members of this
rcorgan.zatlon committee had visited Omahu
within the past year except Mr. Smith. The
latter Is ono of the directors of the Northern
Paclllc , and has been In St. Paul for some
time on business connected with that road.
Ho visited Omaha for the purpose of ex
amining the physical condition of the water
works plant. Ho Inspected the works at
Florence and the two pumping stations elsewhere -
whore , and expressed himself somewhat fa
vorably PS to the general condition.
The effort to reorganize the American
Water Works company cannot , of course ,
bo effective until after the termination of
the foreclosure proceedings now pending. A
decree of forcclo-ure Is expected In Septem
ber. The property will then be sold , and
until then no organization Is possible.
John L. Webster leaves for New York Mon
day for the purpose of taking testimony In
the foreclosure case , and will be gone sev
eral days.
See the performing lions aft. and evo.
Courtland beach today.
Kiploslun In Which Mri. Kuohol Is IVrlmpH
I'utnlly Ituriu'il.
Mrs. Kuohel , wife of a motor conductor
residing at 410 South Twenty-seventh ave
nue , was badly , and , perhaps , fatally burned
about G o'clock la t evening by the explosion
of a gasoline stove , over which she was pre
paring the evening meal. The explosive
fluid had nearly all burned out of the reser
voir , and In some manner became Ignited ,
exploding with terrific force. Mrs. Kuohel
was knocked down , and the fiery fluid ran
over her clothing , burning her arms , neck ,
face and head In a frightful manner. A
physician was summoned , and she was
placed under the Influence of strong opiates ,
and everything possible was done to relieve
her sufferings. Her Injuries may prove
fatal. The loss to the house and contents
will not exceed $150.
ixt > latmtlon of itho riiidlnir of Skeletons
I'ndi-r the Dmlgo School House.
Worklngmen unearthed three more skele
tons while excavating under the Dodge street
school house yesterday. In all six skeletons
have been discovered under this building
In the past two Weeks. At first there seemed
to be some sort of mystery surrounding-
finding of the bones In this spot , but an old-
timer dispels all this by alleging that this
building Is on the ground formerly used by
the Mormons and It Is concluded that this
Is the spot where these people burled their
dead during the time they were located on
the western banks of the Missouri. An un
dertaker who has carefully examined the
fragments of bones dug up is of the opinion
that they have laid In the ground for thirty-
five or forty years.
Second District Convention.
The republican electors of the Second con
gressional district of Nebraska are requested
to send delegates from their several counties
to meet in convention In Patterson's hall In
Omaha , on Monday , August 20 , 1S94 , at 2
o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of placing In
nomination a candidate for congress' and to
transact such other business as may come
before the convention.
The several counties are entitled to repre
sentation , being based upon the vote cast
for Hon. I. M. Raymond for presidential
elector In 1892 , giving one delegate at large
to each county , and ono for each 100 votes
nnd the major fraction thereof , as follows :
Counties. Delegates.
Douglas . 108
Washington . 12
Sarpy . 7
Total . 127
It Is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention and that dele
gates present be authorized to cast the full
vote of the delegation.
D. II. RODISON , Chairman.
II. M. WAKING , Secretary.
Dalloon goes up at Courtland.
llnlf Union to \VonilcrfuI IMnco.
Cheap rates to that wonderful health and
pleasure resort , via the F. , E. & M. V. U. R. ,
every Friday during July and August , one
faro for the round trip ; limit , fifteen days.
Cool , delightful place to spend your vacation.
Immense plunge bath , fine drives , tally-ho
coaches , carriages , buggies , saddle-horses ,
ponies , donkeys , etc.
Call at ticket office , 1401 Farnam stii'et ,
for furlher particulars. Through trains to
the Dlack Hills , with Wagner palace sleepers
to Hot Springs. _
Via the liuilliiKtoii Itoiitr.
July 21 , 22 and 23 , Iho Burlington Route
will sell round trip tlckeis to Denver , Colorado
rado Springs and Pueblo , at rate of $15.00 ,
account of Mystic Shrlners' meeting. < >
Trains leave at 10:15 : a. in. nnd 4:50 p. m.
The latter Is the Ilurlington's famous "Den
ver Limited , " which covers the 638 miles
between the Missouri river and the Rockies
In a single night.
City ticket ofllce , 13jl Farnam street.
$15,00 to Colorado Springs and return , via
the Union Pac.flc , July 21 , 22 and 23. Ac
count Mystic Shrine meeting. See me , II.
P. Deuol , C. T. A. , Union Pacific system , 1302
Farnam street.
IJnlloon goes up at Courtland ,
Hot SprliiSH , South Dakota.
Hot Springs , Bouth Dakota , Is a runark-
nbly nice place to go this hot weather , and
you can go so cheaply any Friday In July
or August. The P. , E. & M. V. R , R. will
sell you a ticket mt half rates , one fare for
the round trip , good fifteen days. Through
trains lo Dlack Hills , with Wagner palace
sleepers to Hot Springs , every morning. Ar
rive In tlmo for a delightful dip In the
plunge bath before breakfast. Call at ticket
jfllce , 1401 Farnam street , for further partic
ulars. Depot at 15th and Webster streets.
ITTMinO IT PAin lf ntT 4 If I
James Crowley Makes a Murilcrons Assau'.t
on James Redmond.
Wounds Are n < l Urrp mill riioiicht
tu Ho I'lititl llfiult of u Oimrrel
About Snmll ThliiK
Muilo City Mutters.
A murderous assault was committed upon
James Redmond by James Crowley , al
Thirty-first and R streets , about 12 o'clocl
Wednesday night. Redmond Is now being at
tended to by Dr. Thomas Kclley and Dr
Slabaugh at tha city hospital on Twenty-
flfth street , with very slim chances of re
The differences bclween the two mei
started about two weeks ago whllo at a dog
fight. They quarreled there and did not
meet again until WeJnesday night , when
Crowley approached Redmond and said , "Arc
you as- good a man as you were a few nights
ago ? " Redmond opined that he
was , and the two men began
scrapping , Redmond getting the besl
of the fight. Ofilccr Mulcahy happcnetl
along just In lime lo separate the men anil
ordered them to go home. Up to this time
tlio racket had only the appearance ol
a Jaw bone scrap , and Iho officer Ihought
nothing more of It. A short time afterwards
he learned thai the two men were fighting
again. This tlmo he took Crowley by the
arm and marched him two blocks away ,
telling him If he did not go home ho would
lock him up. Ho then returned lo chastise
Redmond In a similar manner , when the dis
covery was made that Redmond had been
stabbed with on ugly butcher's knife. The
wound was across the abdomen , and was
fully six Inches long. The blood was flowing
In a stream to the man's feet before he
knew ho had been cut. Ho felt the blow
but supposed Crowley had only used his
fist.When the officer saw Redmond's condition
ho hastened to overtake Crowley and the two
men were taken to Ihe police station. Medi
cal aid was promptly summoned and as soon
as possible Redmond was taken to the hos
In removing Redmond's clolhing It was
discovered that he had also been gashed In
the back. Crowley had plunged the blade
of his sharp weapon Into the center of the
back , making a gash about three inches
long and very deep. Hoth wounds are seri
ous and extremely painful , and II Is con
sidered doubtful If Ihe man can live.
Crowley works at the Omaha packing
plant. He Is a burly fellow and the police
say he Is tough. In Kansas City he was
a member of the "Dirty Dozen , " and hero
In South Omaha he Is a shining light In the
"Tin Front" gang on the hill. When Cap
tain Connell asked Crowley how he nould
like to face the charge of murder , he replied ,
" 0 , dat's niittln' when you gits use lo It. "
Asslstanl Counly Attorney Troupe filed a
complaint charging assault with Intent to
kill and will let that stand until Redmond's
condition Is more fully developed.
Redmond works at the Omaha packing
plant also , but In a different de
partment. lie also boards at a differ
ent place. He does not have the appear
ance of being tough , but Is a physical giant.
Ills home Is at Indianapolis , Ind. , and he has
anly been in South Omaha a short time.
AHkln ? for 11 Veto.
J. W. Smiley Is circulating a petition
imong the commission men at the Exchange
building which requesls Mayor Johnslon lo
veto Ihe ordinance compelling all dealers In
lead hogs at the yards to have them hauled
iway by rail. The petillon was being llb-
jrally sgned ; and had over fitly names al-
tached when shown to a reporter for The
Bee. Mr. Smiley claims thai It the ordl-
ianco Is passed It will practically drive him
jut of the business. He claims that by
jsing wagons he can remove his stuff as
eon as purchased and get It out of the way
.vhllo If compelled to hire a car It would
iavo to stand all day and would become a
misance. _ .
DlftciiKsliiK ravine Material.
The property owners on N strcel between
Cwenty-fourlh and Twenty-seventh held a
neetlng yesterday afternoon and discussed
vhat sorl of pavement they would like lo
iavo laid on this thoroughfare. The ma-
orlly seemed lo favor Ihe Louisville brick ,
ml a special committee was appointed to
nspect the different pavements and to re-
iort at another meeting to be held Saturday
nornlng at the Packers National bank. The
lominltteo Is composed of Messrs. Truman
luck. Henry Hardy , H. J. Abrahams , Frank
Mvonka and C. M. Hunt. This commltlce
vlll go lo Omaha today and inspect the pave-
nents there for Information.
"Much ; i | | y Gossip.
Herman Empklns , night car Inspector at
ho yards , Is confined to his home by blck-
icss. Mrs. Empklns Is also sick In bed.
Tom Deroak wlil bo placed on trial at 9
'clock this morning In the police court on
he charge of assaulting Frank Shoal with
ntent to commll great bodily Injury.
Intelligent people , who realize the Impor-
ant part the blood holds In keeping the body
n abnormal condition , find nothing strange In
ho number of diseases Hood's Sarsaparllla
s able to cure. So many troubles result
'rom Impure blood , the best way to treat
hem Is through the blood. Hood's Sarsapa-
Illa vitalizes the blood.
Hood's P.lls are the best after-dinner pills ,
isjlst digestion , prevent constlpalln.
Two distinct shows nt Courtland beach
: odav the leopards and lions.
ChlniRO & Northwestern IliiHwiiy.
July 17 and 18 , only half fare to Toronto ,
3nt. , and reiurn , via the Chicago & Norlh-
veslern railway , with choice of routes east
) f Chicago. Tickets good returning until
September 15. Special accommodations on
'ast trains for B. Y. P. U. delegatea and the
jencral public.
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam stieet.
Check your trunk at your home.
Iliilf Itutt'H ( o Hot hprlnKi , S. I ) .
$10.40 buys a round trip ticket to Hot
Springs , S. D. , via the Uurllngton Route ,
Vlday. July 20th.
Don't let that amount of money stand
letwcen you and a fortnight's stay at the
ileasnntest resort In the west. Tickets ,
324 Fiunain fetrect.
NuvliigH llnnk.
On and after Aug. 1 the fiours of business
if this bank will be between 9 a. m. and 3
) . m. Will be open as usual SATURDAY
ivenlngs , between G and 8 o'clock p. m.
iI.C. Acheson , prcs. Thos. II. McCague , cash.
Grinding razors , shears , cutlery , 1518 Dodge.
3STROM The officers ami members of
Capital lodge No. 3 , A. F. & A. M. anil
the Masons of the city generally are re
quested to meet at Freemasons hall , IWJS
Capitol avenue , nt 3 p. in. , Friday , July
20th , to attend the funeral of our deceased
brother , Adam B. Oatrom , from his resi
dence. 1700 N. .Tib street , llurlal at I'ros-
pect Hill. John 1'ray , W. M.
rnynest rior.-ors wood's Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
.cd iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standar-3
madejue Hands /hot Ser :
I couldn't ' slapcaii if it was thot liarrd on
me hands , how harrdit must be on the durrtf "
This is the way a good old Irish woman
praises some wasliing-powder or other
which she prefers to Pcarlinc. As it
was proven she had never tried Pearl-
me , the compliment would appear to be
in favor of Pcarline.
' Whoever heard of any one claiming
that Pearline hurt the hands ? Hut
there's the trouble Pearline is the orig
inal washing compound ; its popularity
has drawn out thousands of imitations so popular that to
many it indicates any powdered washing material. If you are
using Pearline , you are satisfied ; if you are dissatisfied , try
Pearline. If you are using something with which you are
satisfied and it is not Pearline , try Pearline you will won
der you were satisfied before. Pearline is economical and
absolutely harmless. Every grocer sells it. 415 JAMES PYLE , N. .
Gon'i Fool Witt You/ Eye ;
Headache OausoJ by Eye St in.
Many persons ho e bends nre constantly ach
ing h.ixo no lili-n ulint icllcf i-clcmlllcnly lit-
ted classes will il\o ; Ilium Thin theory Is now
unlvem.illy eMnbllilieil. "Imiiruporly IIIU-J Blam
es , will Imnrlnbly Inrionno HID troiiMo and tnny
lenil to TOTA' , IlI.INl'NKSM. " Our ability tu
niljusl Kln < * 9 unf.-ly uml curn-pily Is boyonj
auuttlon. Consult us. nycs tested free of charge.
THE & CO. ,
I * finVMOt'It. aUADt'ATP. OPTICIAN. Opioslta Pimon llnlel.
CUPIUKNIJ BtrriifTlhoiiH ami restores mnnll wvnh Oman * .
iwilmi2ollrVni1mTwlt" ! > i"Vitcm71'vI ! ) ' > clop''lH loeaiiso | iilnot p r cent nro lronbln.1 with
" " ' IUKM ; ' tl'i- ' only Known roii.i-dv to wllhotv . , . .
, i : C'I ! . . euro t an opcr.itlo ' ' fi iiOOi.H.
i i i
. . .
llinoiil.ils. A rh-on Uo'-s 'm'et "i
wrttlenpuaram. ( nnd money ivtuniiri If mnoxrs " - i t r u-I
lanont ruro. ffl.OO a box . n U for W r , , > . in > till ) . Sciul for -Irci Hi"iid ii . , , , ii '
n.vvor , < < > . . i o. io < i-/i . s.n V. i . o u. rHiobr
"ooilniau Priiif do. , lllu Farmm RI Om.ilmi Oaino Urj3. . liliilla. lo\ . .
. . , . ,
* 11 nui iiinrarpv m n n uuu , j > i iij
, niui < llo- . < , r | iu iciH > riilivoWni < ol llier ovcniu
ulnnt- bf nvoroxurtlon . winch lenflo nuUilul nun iiiiiy ert-oi . rmwimptlo , fice-slvu or insutiiii/'t'airKircurrlf'ii'rn e < r tolmee o milimi nr. " '
. - piicki-t. VI bint. . - , . . . nsS wS
VJ-M Per i or by mull propal.i. Will " cminr "
feru i'\V1 A'L V S.'li'V'V1" " ' " , " " ' . " ml Iho m"y ? Soi | | n"
"inffirw'rin'i.r . dri ! . . Nvl-vV . vft.V.'S'''CSI''III'Illrl'1'l'u' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n'1' ' '
i" * * iiiii wi .1(1)1 ( * r. Ji UilrC SI * AfflkfX.nlcljII 4 O > * > 1 UM III l' < r'lt * ft1 * 'llll 11)11
Bold In Omaha. Nob. , by Sherman & McConnell. v Kunn Co. unJ by VlcUers & Mcichant. driii
Sli Dcpartm-nts. jS Officers n.l . Telw Oldest Military Ss'iool In 1113 Missouri River Valley
Arll.l. . Ujtnnn.lum. Art , ElnnMlon. Mu-lfrn . llraltliful mai l influffncr. TliorotlRli instructlnn Firm but
poinlments throughout. a6ihurS > e | > l.6th. Per dialogue llnJ ilis.iplinc An > ointincii uncitellcil. Tcrml to suit
address Arclill.iil.1 A. Jone . l're t. . -ilni-.on. . Mo. tlietlmet SanUford lllustratrj Sellers raulocii , M. A..Rupt. * Islingtonilp. t i i
cenric of t dy. Music , Art. I.itcrlture. tinea ,
loa. Buiineis , Ac l. . 4liti licaliliful > ml | > l ; iit , ( In ) .
ater , itram he . aoth year opccu ScpU 12ili 1001.
REV. W. A. WILSON. A. M. , President.
GHHAT MILITARY SCHOOL OF TI1HVKST. . It'inljs iccon.l at tlio
War IeimrtiiiontimoMB military schools of tliu Unlluil Stales. I'ropiiros
for lollfji > . liiliioss ! , West 1'olnt or Aimui.ulK Hi ruin : fia-iilly , niiuiiuiilloU
locution. Hufoi'u bulcetlng a school , wrllo for illu-,1 rated i-attiluKnu to
And now conies Lincoln nml finds seven
Indictments against Omaha , ono of which la
We strongly suspect that wo nro the rliiB-
Icailers In tills particular kind of mlnclilcf.
But so far from ceasing our efforts , we go a
step farther today anil make this rcmarlia-
jle offer :
Such a price lias never necn reached bo *
Fora In furniture history. It Is lower than
this bed can be purchased In any other city
In the United States.
dm Sliiverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Dosorlpt on
Temporary Location ,
1SOU uml ! - < > JJfinu-liiH Sfraat.
ruri-ii tit Nurvuua litUlllty Iit
Vitality , Vurliuiuie , ACiuinir ,
1'hjnlrul Wfllknu-j , etc. , lij If ) .
Er l A I'll , Iho Illiiiluu Itemt ily.
\VrlUen icunrunleourt'un- . Hell
& Co. , Cor."jliill , t"lullL'i | hi IH | J A ,
* C".Cor.l li vl > oiijii | M n.M\IIA
Wt WtR tOU TO 8,000 PAIIfNTJ.
VTrlte for Bank Hcfercncca.
> -M *
Ho Operation , No Detention from Business ,
C V-308 M , Y Life Bin * . . OMAHA , NEE
summits ( IT n AMIIN' < ; I OX , t ) . C.
For Young Women. OallOKlate and Semin
ary Coin-Met ) . lieautlfiil ground * . 175,000
liullilhiKB. A cultured home. $300 to JIOO.
Send for Illustrated catalogue- Washing
ton , JJ. C.
"It Is n. liberal education to live In Wash
ington. "
1,0 ' t In-tn ctlun 111 all depart.
nWi"i'"Unf _ Mil IculKtuily film
AUA. | > l.bUitJacL | unvlllo. III.
i for.t'.J.WK ' IOIIII . A.M . .CornwullN.Y
is THE : DC ST.
Yon run nave money lir wt-nrliiir llio
W. L. Doiiclim 8i.OO : Shoe.
Horn line , wo nro tlio larcest manufacturer ) fit
this grailotir ihuoi lit tlio worM , ami KUarniitio tUrlr
mluo liy ftnni | > lnK tlio iiuino unil prlco on tl
bottom , wlilcli ] irotcct 5011 n iiliint lilgliprlccanuil
Ilia inl'lilli'iimn's proms. Our times c.uul | custom
vv.irlc In style. cn y llttliin uml Munrliii ; qualltlci.
\Voliavntlipm Hilil cvi-rjwlioro ntlowur price * for
tlio Millie uli en limn nnyiilhfr inako. TnkunoiuUi
itltutv. If j our dealer cauuot tunjily you , wo cau.
So'tl I/
A. W. Bowman Co. , 117 M. IGt-i. ;
C. J. Cnrlaon. I2IU N , 24th.
Ellna Svoiiaon , 20O3 N 2414.
iKiintz Novvmnn , 424 S. 13th.
W. W. Flslur , 29.23 Loavonworlh.
Kelly , Stlgjr & Co , Fiirrinm & 18th
T. A. Crosj25JO fi st So. Omnha.
Jlmiolientcr Mf . Co. , Mu , Uuiu-IienUr , I nil
| 5 , jmm
! CWr ?
Mechanical device for removing all ImpurltlM
from boiler ; I'KveruliiK ' ncallnir. foamlnv , al'l
remove all uM scale , without lh < t u e c ( cora >
pound or wunhlnn out. Bold itrlctly on Kuarant * !
in Glvo tatuructldii. Corre pon'l ' nca ollcltco.
General W < U-rn Otllc * 100 , le |
Oinulia , N b ,