Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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fyheat Went Down Nearly Ono Cent Under
Bearish Influence.
flott of tlio Now * Win of a Hcurlili Nature
and I.nngn Hold I'rccly Corn
Wns Active and
CHICAGO , July 19. Wheat went down % o
today under a hcivvy load of bearish In
fluences , but rallied near the close on buy
ing , finishing but % c lower than yesterday.
Corn clofod Tic lower , oats V4o lower and
provisions at a Blight advance.
In wheat there was free and general Until-
Hatlon , the most of the news bolng of a
bearish nature and longs sold freely. Open
ing trades were at from Uc to % o decline
nil gradually sold down % c more , rallied
$ &c , channed some and closed steady. The.
weaker tone was attributed largely to the
Increased receipts hero and In the northwest ,
the lower cables and decline In outside mar-
fcotp. The cooler weather and showers In
the Daltotas and Minnesota nlso helped to
depress the market. The decline was helped
later by the report that the prices of cash In Minneapolis had declined. The rally
toward the close was Influenced by better
buying , which some claim was due to the
l-ecent advance In corn.
Corn was active and weaker. Opening
trades were at from Vic to lie decline anil
Under liberal offerings sold down from Ic to
lu more from extreme'figures ' , i allied
from % c to % c , ruled steady and closed
fairly firm. The weaker feeling was due
Entirely to the Improved weather conditions.
Oats were long on free offerings , the mar
ket bolng mainly a long one. The range
was % c for September.
The provision marknt was dull and narrow.
Opening weak on lower prices for hogs. It
firmed up later on scarce offerings. Com
pared with last night September pork Is Co
higher , September lard 2MjC higher , and Sep
tember ribs Go higher.
Freights slow and easy at % c for wheat
nd corn to Buffalo and Ic for corn to Tort
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
" "Articles. ropoiiT"T iuTli. l Low. I Clone.
July. , e-w
Hl-pt. 6(1 (
6W1U5S so
Ccrn No. 2.
July 42X 42'i ' 424 !
Sept 4:1 : 42M
Oct 4'J
May 3B
OntH No. U. . .
July 31 if 31 §
Auir 27
J79S 27 2794
May 31
fork per bbl
Sept. GO
July. 0 80 G 82M n BO
Sept U 80 0 B7 ! o HO
El.crt Klbs-
Jnly 0 C2 c no 0 02 H nr
n co 0 B7M 07a !
rnnh nuotatluns were ns follows :
J-'LOITU Wcnlc.
WHIJAT N'o. 2 sprlnir. BIXflS'iHc ; No. 3
iprlntf. nominal ; No. 2 red , 54/"i4c.
COIlN No. 2. 42'to ' : No. 3 yellow. I2'4c.
OATH No. 2. nominal ; No. 2 white , SoffSJc ;
No. 3 white , 3IIt3S'c. ! ,
UYH No. 2. 415I47C.
HAIILUV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 4Cc ; No. 4 ,
4Cr.I'l.AX Snt3D-No. 1 , $1 22.
TIMOTIIV Hiin : Prime. $3.
PHOVIHIONH Polk , mcsH , per Mils. , I12.5S ®
12.C715. I/aid , per 10D Ibs. , Ki.83SC.87V4 : short
ribs Hides ( loose ) , JG.G7',4C.0 | ; dry B.iltcd shoul
ders ( boxed ) , G.OO gG.12li ; s'.ioit clear sides
( boxed ) . C.87'5W7 00.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
(1.2. ! .
The following were the receipts ana shipments
Jer today :
On the Produce oxcli.iniro today tha bitter : mar
ket wan firm : cronmcrv. 12W31"c ; diary , 11 ®
ESKH , steady at U < 310c.
OMAHA OI.MK.VI ; : , ni.vuKETi > .
Condition of Tr.ulo anil Quotations on
Staple anil fancy Produce.
The general market on country produce con
tinues rather nulet. Dealers note nn Increase In
the receipts of table erades of butter. The
Btrlkcs In the cast lurned some of the cheap
grades of creamery bultcr In this direction. It
Is said of this market that there Is only a de
mand for two grades of butter , the highest nnd
the lowest. The demand for the medium grades
Is never very large. Quotations remain un
Borne commlpslon men report that old hens
were a little weak at the price quoted below , but
still some houses arc quoting out CV4c , probably
with the Idea of drawing consignments , ns no
ales at that price have been reported recently.
The feeling In the hay market was a llttlo
firmer yesterday , owing to the dry weather re
ports. The receipts , however , are fully equal to
the demand.
In spite of the warm weather a good mnny
veal calves are arriving. At this season great
care should be taken In preparing veals for mar-
Kct. Calves from thrco lo six weeks old , and
Weighing nboul 100 pounds , or say from 80 lo ISO
hounds , arc Ihc most dvslrnhln weights for ship
ment. The head should bo cut oul , fa ns lo
leave the hide of Ihc head on Ihc Bkln , The
| gs should bo cut off nt tlio .knee joint. The
tntrnlls should all bo removed cxci'pltng Ihc
kidneys ; the liver , lights and heart should betaken
taken out. Cut the carcass open from the neck
through the entire lenglh. If this Is done they
lire not so npt lo sour nnd spoil during hoi
Weather. Many u fine carcass has ppollcd In
hot weather because not cut open. Don't wash
Hie carcnps oul wllh water , but wipe out with
b dry cloth. Don't ship until tha nnlninl boat
Is entirely out of the body , nnd never tie the
onrcuss up In a bag , ns this keeps the air from
circulating , and makes the meat more liable to
become tainted. Mark for bhlpment by fasten
ing a shipping tug lo Iho hind leg. Calves under
fifty pounds should nol bo shipped , nnd arc
liable * to be condemned by thu heullh olllcers as
being unlit for food.
IIIJTTKII Packing stock , 8c , ' good to choice
country , llT12a ; cienmery , solid packed , ISSlGu ;
creamery , bricks , ICffllSc.
iH1S Per doz. , 8c.
I.IVM POUUTHY Old hens , Cc ; spr'ng chick
ens , 12012'i- The demand fur geese nnd ducks
Is very light. Ducks , "c : hen turkeys , VffSc ;
gobblers , MJOo ; Reese , 6 > 44JCc.
VEAI Choice fat and small veals are quoted
at Cc ; con i no nnd large , 3Tlc.
< MIKI"HIJVlscoiiBln , full crenm , new mnke ,
if lie ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , 9i10o ;
H ebrusKa ami lowu , part skims. GifTc ; Llm-
irger , No. 1 , lOc ; brick. No. 1 , lOc ; Swiss. No.
1 , ISJMIc.
HAY Upland hay , J7.0 ; m'dtand , $7 ; lowland ,
16. GO ; rye ptnuv , J5. Color makes the price on jiay.
Light hales sell the besl. Only top grades bring
top prices.
i'lOUONS-Old birds , per doz. , Jl.
A few small packages of celery were received
ycslrnlay , being about Dm first of the season.
Hnmu very choice St. I mls homo grown to-
tnnloes wcro leeelved yesterday. Mississippi
Block Is becoming a little scarce , but a fresh car
Is tepoiletl lo arrive In n day or Iwo.
The Iradu In beans and pens Is much larger
than mosl people reallzo , Allhough this coun
try Is n largo producer of bjth. It dors not pro
duce i-noimh to supply the demand , Many of
thit agricultural states do not grow enough benni
to supply their home markets. Some Idea of the
extent of Iho ImiHirts m.iy lie gained from the
( act tr.nt during April the Imparts nf beans nnd
jpfiiH weru UI.UOi ) bu. , valued nt 1 120. 'HO. For
April. IS33 , HID sam * Imports readied 43,000 bu. ,
valued at (40D,00 < ) . showing a huge leductlon for
this year. l' ' r the ten months i-ndlni ; April 30 ,
1S'.I3 , DIP Impoils woie 971,000 Int. , valued ill
1917,000. nimpuu-d with I.CII.iMO bu. . valued nt
ll.COO.OOfl for the currt-siumdlng period of last
year. The exports of the same vegetables for
April , 1 M , were : * .7W ( tu.nlued nt JI3.000 ,
cqmpiired with K.M } bu. , valued at JVi.OOO , for
tha same month lust jeur. Kor Hie ten monlhn
ending April 20 , IS'JI. Iho lalal exports. S7C.SM
bu. , valued nt 1413,000 , compared with tlm tntal
i-xportH of M3.WI bu. , valued at } li < ) , Mr tin-
correslwndlng perlixl of last year. The Inipmts
were much l.tiger than the exports for loth
perUxIa , tluiugh they lire bolng largely reduced
by th slilpment of early beans from thu suuth
each seawm.
POTATOKH Good Block , on orders , 75o ; sales
t * In ruiind loin tu local Irade , Wjl' ' ' .
MlIl-O.N'S-axxl stock , crated. JM OOTJ30.00.
OANTAI.Ot'PiH-Per dm. . JI.50.
CIlCOMIIIIUS-On nrtlers. SiCSOo per doz.
OLD III3ANS Hand picked navy , J2.15tf.ri ;
nml In in. J.MOl15 ; common white beans , J1.75
ONIONS-On orders , I'iJo per lb.
t'AllllAQR OooJ inlpplne mock , on orders ,
T MATOiH-a < Mxl Mlsiltslppl slock , per 4-
basket enite , $ l..ti SI , I.ouU home gro\Mi , per
till. box. K.75 ; | > er S-bu. IK.X , 75GWo.
CUfcKItY-l'tT dox. , 40c.
Advices were rec lve l yesterday to the effect
that a car of California fruit as on the way
to this market and would arrive here on Mon
day Pf next week. This will bo tint tl-st cur
tu arrive since the nbari-u on shipments
brought about by thu strike. For the present
thu market continues luire.
A few blackberrlei uro arriving , but they arc
n'iM'.iiiintr In priif. nil the r i "ii Is
nti fiitl and Hi.euiiply li tunnUiR ihotl.
r'itrii |
APl'l.hrt-'tonil i"iik , pfr bid ,
m.Aciciii'.imcio.i.1 ! : : H < X(2.73. \ .
ntc'i < iiAftpiunruK8-Nor. : * .
ItED nAPPIIIJIlllIKH N'.in ? .
I'KA' HI5H None.
V9 rfl pl'JtnJ , p r 24 it , ca .
A car of Imnnnas arrived y * tcrilny nnd Juil
In time to meet the requirements of the trade ,
of local mpt-Hoit Imd run very low ,
Thi li-mnn mnrl' hn l * > < > n nunddv n Ivnnrlnu
cvtr since the c nirnxnirniml of ua tn weather and
prl'-m nrn potty will up now nnd slock ; arc
not very large.
IIANANAS-riiotco stock , $2.0002.10 per bunch.
LKMONS-fnnry lemons , 200 size , $0. < g6.0 ;
fnii'-y I'mnim , M ) tlzo , ( i ! .
ORANGES NWIP of any consequence ,
PlNEAPPLES-Nnno on the market.
nOK Fanry , per lb. , li'i ' 13c.
DATES Hallow ces , 63 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. ,
ItbNEY-Callforiiln , 13c ; dark honey. 1012e.
MAPLE HYHtT-Gnllnn can' , per doz. . $12.
NUTH AlinMtdi , IMI7c ; English walnuts , 10O
12o ; IHIi.'tH , 12c ; llrasll nuts. lOc.
riDER-l'ure Juice , per bbl. , $6 ; half bbl. ,
HIDES Nn. 1 green Iild s , 2'le ; Nn. 2 green
hldn , I'4 ' j2t : No. 1 Rici'ti salted hides , 3c ; No.
2 green miltiil hide" , 2IJ2Mo ; No. 1 green sailed
hl'Icfl , 25 in I ) lls. , Cc ; No. 2 green salted hides ,
2.7 tn 40 It * . , 2fJl1e ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 to 15
lltst , ' 4S c. Nn. 2 vi-nl calf. 8 to 1 > Ibs. , 4ifH < iC ;
No. 1 diy Mint hidefe ; No. 2 diy flint hliip * .
3c ; No. I dry miltM ! hides , IP. Part cured hides
Vie per lb. Iei < - than fully cuml.
SHEEP PHI.TH ( trc'pii salted , rach , 2"fJC < lc ;
grien silted slipirllngs ( short wu'iled early oklns ) , , fiil3ciiy ; MhenrlliikN ( shnit united early
sltlnn ) . Nn. 1 , with , MflOq ; dry shearllnKs ( shiirl
wooled willy skins ) . Nn. 2 , each , Ce ; dry Mini
Kansas and Ni-luaskn butcher wonl pelts , per
lb. , actual weluht , Milr , mmrain wool pelts , per
lb. . actual weight , 4S6c ; dry Mint Colorado
IniUliPlwiul pells , pei lb. , iictunl wclKht , 41 ?
6'e ; imimiln w il pelts' , per lb. , nctual welKht ,
4Cc. ) H.UP till , off , as II IH useless lo pay
freln-ht on tlicm.
TALLOW AND GREASE -Tiillnw , No. 1 , 4fi >
4'le ' ; tall nv. Nn. 2 , S'.PI'lo ' ; g'fnse ' , white A.
4t4'4c ; grensp , hlte II , 3/14c ) ; giense , yel
low. SP ; gitnMd.iik , 2'/si' , 'il-l butter , 2f2'ic ;
beeswax , prime , I3'ilse ; rotmh tallow , lliO-'c.
NJW : voitK < ; ! : MIIAI : , .MARKET.
n < ) iiotiitliini on I'loiir , fir.ilu nnd
rrmlnliuiM , JMi > tiil > , IJIr.
NEW YOniC , July 19.-rrOtm-necelpts , 10-
200 tibia. ; exports , 3,90(1 ( liblx. ; snles , 7,000 pkps.
Market dull nnd tundlni ; downward i exporters
out of the mnrki-t ; southern Hour , dull ; ryi-
Mour , quiet ; tales , 730 bbls. ; buckwheat Hour ,
COItN MiAt.-QiilHt : ; snlpo. 203 hbls. ; yellow
vtcsti-rn , J2.C3RJ.fO , Iliiindywlne , $2.80.
HVE Nominal ; state , 6Dc ; Jersey. 52f33c.
IlAItLICV MALT Steady ; western , CSflSOo ; slx-
rowid , S2fi83c.
\VirEAT-Hpcclpts , 314,200 lju. ; cxporti. 67,900
till. ; i-ales , S.SOO.IOO bu. futures , 32,0 < JO bu. ? pot.
Spot mnrki't elosed steady ; No. 2 led , ptnro nnd
elevator. 66'ic ; allimt. 6Sr ; No. 1 northcin , C34c
clPllveiril ; No. 1 hard , C7c delivered. Opllons
\\eru weak nearly nil day under heavy liquida
tion , which broke September below previous
low lecord ; cables lower and heavy , receipts
larpc and showers predicted tonight ; ChlcaRo sold
n lot of wheat lids afternoon , cndenvoilnR to
Ket more IOIIR stuff , but failed mid covered
nt advance ; close SW'ic down ; July , CC&4/ / >
67 1-lCo , closed al 66 > ie ; August , 57 7-Kc , at
67',4e ' ; f-'eptember , 6SVQOS4C , closed nt GS' c ;
Deeember , 61 13-ltiQCJlir , closed nt Cjijc.
COKN Hccelpls , 2.0JO bu. ; e\poits , 28,300 bu. ;
sales , 223OC < l bu. futures , ICf.OOO bu. Fpnt. Spot
m.nkel qiilel ; No. 2 , 47c In t-levntor , 47ic nllont.
Option markel opfiied weak with wheat , rallied
on the diy wcatltvr , eated off attain on npcuts
of rain , but finally rallied , closing nt MJ'tu
down ; July , clowd at 47e ; Autrusl , 47'4'TI7:1ic ' ' : ,
dnsed al 47 4c ; September , 45in7Tic. closed lit
17'Ar ' ; December , 4lill".c . , closet ! ntlie. .
OATS-Uet.cii.ts 51,400 bu. ; exports , 100 bu. ;
sales , 211.0JO bu. futures , 100.COO bu. spot. Spot
inaiket No. 2 , 40c , cloned nt 42o a"Ucd ;
No. 3 , SMille ; No. 2 white , 4"c , closed nt 4'c
bid ; No. a white. SS1jl2c ; track , white westt-rn.
tXlXc ; tiat-k , white stale , 42c. Option inaiket
we Ik early and BUbsuquontly elostd nt ? io up
on July and lie off on Liter Inonlhs ; July , closed
nt 3src ; Auciitt , 32U < ? 32ViC , closed at 32 c ; Scp-
temlier , 31'4fianie. ' closed at 31ic ; October ,
32ff32'jc , ctnspil nt 3J'e.
HAY I'll mer on llKbt receipts ; shlppln ? , 65 ®
C5e ; Kwod to choice , 75QS3C.
IKil'S Irrt'sular.
HIDES-lJiili-t ; wet salted New Orleans , se
lected , 43 lo C.I Ibs. , 4'ifil io ; Texas selected , 33
to 60 Ibs. , 4&3e ; IJuenos Ayies. dry. 20 to 21
Ibs. . lOVic ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , 5ffj'fcc. *
I.EATItEIl Steady ; hemlock hole , lluencs
Ayres Unlit to heavy weight * , ISfflSc.
\VOOIj Quiet ; donicsllo lleece , 19 23c ; pulled ,
1'ItoVlSIONS Heef , dull. Cut meats , steady ;
pickled bellies , 7'&f8c. ' I.ard , steady ; westein
steam closed nt J7.25fl7.274 } ; July , J7.20 nomlnnl ;
Seplember. J7.20 nomlnnl ; rcllned , quiet. 1'oik ,
firm ; family , J14.60ffll5.00.
KGOS Plrinj state nnd Pennsylvania , 13014c ;
Wfhtvrn fresh , ll'/jO12Hc ; soulhern , per case ,
J1.00G2.25 ; receipts , 3.S9J pkps.
HOSIN cjulol ; strained , common to good , J1.30
© 1.3216.
TIUH'ENTING-Qulet ; 24G2I1C.
CIIii.SE : Slow ; pait skims , Hi&Mic.
TALLOU'-Stcnityj 4 6-lC JIic for clly ( J2 per
pk ) ; counlry ( pkgs. free ) , 4 l-lCflMJic , as to
nUTTEU-Qulet ; western dairy , lOffllc ; west
ern citMincry , 13M7Vic ; westein factory , 9Vilip
" ltate Ualry > 1217 ° BtHt °
I'KTROLEUM Dull ; United closed at Sic bid ;
Washington , bbls. , $6 ; Washington. In bulk ,
$3 SO ; refined. New Yoik. $5.15 ; Philadelphia and
a llnioie. $5.70 ; Philadelphia nnd Dalllmorc , In
RICH Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4Uffl64c ;
Japan , 4) fjlic. !
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , open ket
tle , good to choice , 2bf3Cc.
PIG IRON Dull ; Scotch , $13.60322.50 ; Amer
ican , $11.00 14.00.
COPPER Quiet ; lake. 9c.
LKAD Quiet ; domcsllc , $3.10.
T.IJ 7'Woal5' ' 8tralts , $19 ; plates , market heavy.
SPELTER Steady ; domestic , $3.37' ' . bid ; sales
on 'change , C tons spDt tin nt $19.03 ; July , $18.95.
COTTON SEED OIL Dull and featureless ;
prime crude , 23c ; off ciude , 23S2Sc ; yellow
butler grades , 35 ? 3Cc nomlnnl ; choice yellow.
324c ; prime yellow. 33c ; yellow oft grades , 26
33e ; prime while , 36Jj37c.
St. Louts ( ifiicrnl 'Market.
ST. LOUIS , July 19. FLOUR Slow nt recent
WHEAT Declined He net on Chicago liquida
tion , rains and other ciop news ; No. 2 red cash ,
? 3 c ; J.uly' M74c ; August , 60'ic ' ; September , CJft ®
ClMc ; ; December , 65c.
CORN Drake Tie on crop news ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash , 33Hc ; Juij. , 3Wc. August , 33Hc ; Septem
ber , 40c ; May , 34ic.
.A9ATS Wenkl 1 ( 'er ; No. 2. cash. Sljic ; July ,
30Hc ; AUKiisl , 27Wc ; September , 27ic. !
RYE Dull ; 44o bid for No. 2 , cast side.
DARLEY No trading.
DRAN Steady at 60'iQ61c. '
FLAX SUED Lower at $1.20.
TIMOTnY , SEED-$4,70 for August ; $4.60 for
C'LOVKR SEED $7.6008.60.
] [ tjjow' ) lo"'er ; prime to choice timothy ,
'ER Easier ; separator creamery ,
IIAdaiNCl 6 > 417'ie
IXias IIlKher ; 714KJSC.
LEAIJ Dull ; si > ot. J3.15.
SPELTEIl-I iwer ; $3,17 > ,5 nskeil ,
I'ltOVISIONS Lower. 1'ork. stnndard mess ,
jobbing , $13.2.1. Lnid , choice steam. $0.75 nsked.
Dry salt meats , loose shouldeis , $6 ; loncs and
ribs , $6.75 ; shorts. $ G.87V4. Ilnnin , packed shout-
Jfrs. $7 ; longs , $7.Ci'i ; ribs , $7.75 ; shorts. $8.
HECEIPTR-Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , ISS.O'M
bu. ; corn , 57.000 bu. ; oats , 27,0i bu.
SHIP.MENTS-Klour , 4,0i hbls. ; wheat. 3,00)
bu.j corn , 40,000 bu. ; oats , Il.OiH ) bu.
ColTt'O Mui-Ucl ,
NEW YOniC , July 13.-C'Ol''FEi-Optlin8
opened dull at unclianKed to 10 points low PI ;
closed nulet nt Mf2H jitilnls decline , cenerally
dull nnd hca\y under loeal and European piis-
sure ; sales , 17.000 baits , Including : July , $13.25 ;
August. Jl4.COfill.75 ; September , M4.nQ4fU4.05-
tober , $ I3.6013.V ( ) ; December. fl3.c itl3.03. Spot
coffee , Illo , dull ; No , 7 , $16.60. Mild , quiet ; for-
dova. J19.008TJ.25 ; sales , 2.0DO bnjs | Nos. 7 nnd 8
nt Jlt.75. c. I , f. WnrehouFC tlcllverles from
New ork yesterday , S.4S3 lugg ; New York siook
today , 12t > ,843 baKs ; I'nlted States stock. 1C7.S3J
bags ; niloat far the United Htntes. 172m liass ;
total vlslblo for tlio Unlti-d Stalls , 3J9.253 bass ,
against 490,841 liags Inal year.
HANTOS. July 19-Klrm ; good average Santos ,
$17.40 : n-eelpls , 12.000 bags ; stock , 67.0VO Ktgs.
HAMlimiC ! , July 19.-Sleady ; prices unclmnge 1
to U pfg. lower ; sales , 2,000 baKs.
HAVHE , July 19.-Qulet ; net chnngts ' 4f hlglic.-
to lif lower , total sales , 14.CHW bags.
Hip 1)12 JANEIHO , July -Weak ; No , 7 ,
$15.80 ; exchatiKf. ' .Sd ; receipts , S.0'0 bags ; clcn-ct
for Iho Unlled States , 6n ( > l bags ; cleared for
Europe , none ; slack , 112,0 * ) bags.
IliinU btiitoim-ut.
LONDON , July 19.-TliB weekly statement of
the HaiiH of England. Issiii-d today , shows tlio
following changes as compared with HID pre
vious account : Taint reacive. Increase , { 30u > W :
circulation , decrease , Cil.OOO ; bullion , Incivnvo ,
8,231 ; other securities , Increase. 135.000 ; other
eposits , Increase , 044,000 ; public deposits , de
crKo , 99. , < 1M ; notes icseivp , Incteime , fkOOOO ;
ovt-inment securities , decrease , 300.0W.
Tlio pioponlon of tht > Hank of England's reserve -
servo to nubility In 66.00 per rent.
I'AIUS. July 19.-The weekly statement of
thti II. ink of France , Issued today , shiws the
following changes ns compared with the pre
vious uccounli Notes In circulation , decreni > e ,
24SiiOOOOf ! treasury accounts , lm-mi e. 123oi ) f ;
tn hand , Increiise. li.CU.OOOf ; bills ills-
! "lver ln l
Pi'iirli ( Jrulu .llurkut.
PEOIUA. III. . July 19.-CO N-Acttve ! No. 2.
42Vio ; No. 3 , 41\c ,
OATS-IrreKUliir. lower ; No. 8 white , I7'ici
No. 3 whltp. 34Ws.
HYK < ] ulet ; No. 2.
WHISKY Klini ; high wine basis. J1.S2.
PHIPMtNTS-Corn. : S0.650 bu. ; onts , 31.WO bu
rye. bu. : barley , 7W bu.
HECKHTS-Corn , SS.SW bu. ; oati , 21.1W bu. ;
rye and barley , none.
UH MiirkKlii.
OH. CITY. Pa. , July 19.-Natlonal Transit cer-
tlnoates opened at f3' ; hlgliot. S3T1 ; lowest ,
S3clovud ; , UTi ; shipments , 71,695 Lbls. ; runs ,
I-u. . July IJ.-Natlonal Tronilt
e r'inrtM ' ! ( opnn-il nt s.\ cl xtA at 83i } , hlglitst.
S3K , luivcut , s.1 , , nu li 9.
Slinro Siecnliitlon | npcticit n Slmjto
All Aroiiuil.
NnW YOIIK , Ju'ly "lO. The share specula
tion today opened a shade easier , was Ir
regular throughout the day and closed un-
scttledj with Chares below the last quota-
dons of J'f icrdi1 ' T'10 ' trndlnn wns light In
voluhul and Wi mainly professional. The
transactions In Sugar wereTiolfibly tljc total
sales , C'lilcago ' Oas find nistllllps IjfUtS ! \ \
only other stock In whlclt. tlje de.illngs wore
over 4.0QO shares. London was not In the
market to any extent , but bought moder
ately of SI. I'aul and Atchlson. Kfforts were
made by the bears to force the railway list ,
chiefly RrariRers , by the circulation of re
ports that the July earnings would show a
sorlous decline. They were partially success
ful. A block of 5,000 shares of Sugar was put
out for sale nt the opening , which sent the
stock down 1 per cent. As Boon as this
was out of the way a rally took place. After
midday good buying started an Improvement ,
which advanced the figures lo 103 , a gain of
li per cent. The higher range of vdlues ,
however , brought out some lonn stocks and
the shorts put out some new Hues , which had
the effect of causing n break to 101H , the
lowest point of the morning , from which a
recovery of l'/s Per cent had been affected
at the close , making a gain of > , & per cent
on the day. St. I'aul lost 7& per cent during
the mornlnc and an additional Ts per cent
In the afternoon , closing at the lowest prlca
touched. The preferred also declined 1 per
cent. Ilurllngton & Qulncy and Hock Island
each ' /6 per cent and Northwestern , which
appeared In the trading for the first time In
three days , U per cent. Distilling advanced
steadily from opening to close , the final sales
being at the best figure touched nnd U per
cent above yesterday's quotations. The only
other advance over a fraction Is 1 po * cent
In National Starch.
The railway and miscellaneous bond mar
ket wns rather heavy In the mornlnc , but
Improved nnd closed firmer.
The Kvonlng I'ost says : So far as the
stock market was concerned today , appear
ances once more Indicated total Indifference
on the part of the financial public. There
was borne very moderate selling of the reg
ular stocks , offset In the general movement
by equally restricted buying elsewhere. In
general the level of prices suffered lltllu
changes and these could bo traced directly
to surface spculatorn.
The Evening I'ost's London cablegram
says : The stock markets weie dull today ,
except for foreign stocks , which were strong ,
principally on German support , because of
investments following the rlto In 1'russlan
funds. The Hank of England's return to
day showed practically no change beyond the
transfer of 900,000 from the exchequer to
private accounts. Silver1 was bettor nt 28
11-lCd , and also rupees. Indian exchange
was firm nt 2 7-32d.
The following wcro the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today : ,
The total saleof stocks today were 129S73
shaios , Including : Atchlson. 44,100 ; American
Sugar , C2.&IO ; limllngton , 24,000 ; Chicago Gas ,
8.200 ; Distilling , 9.000 ; Missouri Pacific , 3.600 ; St.
Paul , 13,1100.
Now York Money Market.
Casy nt 1 per cent ; last loan nnd closed at 1
per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Dull , with actual
business In bankers' bills at } I.BSV44.SSU for
demand and at $4.87i4.87'/i for sixty days ; posted
rates. $1.8714 and Sl.SSfH.S'J ; commercial bills.
GOVKUNMUNT DONDd Strong. State bons. !
Closing quotations on bonds were as fallows :
lIoMtini Stock
BOSTON , July 10. Call loans , IKS' ! pur cent ;
tlmo loins. l.'H : iM per ccnl. Closlns prlcos for
slocksbonds an I iiiliilii ; Hirir.H :
Nnir Yurie .Mining Oil-it itloal ,
NKW YOIIK. July 10. Thu followlus arj tha
closing miimi ? quotaiions :
Cholor. 2."i Ophlr. 173
Crown Point. . . . 20 Plymouth 10
Con. Cal. .V V.i. . . . 320 Sle.rr.1 N'oviuU ( in
Do.uhvooil GO Stamlint ICO
( iould A Curry. . . . r > ( > Union Con 40
Iliiln.V Noiurosi. . li'J Ynllow Jacket. , . , 4ft
llomtttitalio 1,100 IronSllvor 10
Mexican no QiilckHllvor 22J1
Ontario 7M ) do preferraJ 1(100
N.lll rriucUco .Milling ( ) iifvtlt [ > : u.
SAN KllANCISCO. July 10-Tho ollleniclojlir
quotations foiiiilndu atuJ.cj tu < ( Jl
lows :
Ili-lclicr 7H Halo .V . . 40
lii-MtXIIolchcr. . . . . 110 Muxlcan Ill
llodlo Con 103 Ophlr 1H3
Ilulwi-r HI 1'otusl 4B
Chollar 2S S.IVIIKO ! IU
Con. CM1. .V Va ! , Sierra Kovad i ( U
Crown Point 7-j Union Con 3 ! )
KurKn'on 20 Utah 0
Oould.VCurrv. . . , 40 Yullow Juc'.iet. . . . 43
I.iiinliiii Stouk .Miir.'coc ,
LONDON. July It ) . 1 p. in. clo lni
DALTUIORK , July 19. Clearings , $2,013,783 ;
balances , } J7.l- ,
IlOiiTON. July 19. Dank clearings , $12,620.231 ;
balances , $1,731 719.
PHILADUH HIA , July W.-CIearlngs , $9.2 , :53 ;
balances , $1.411,303.
NEW YORK , July 19. Clearings , $72,670,278 ;
balances , $ J,4I2.S 4.
MKMl'HIH. July 19.ixchange selling at $1.
Clearings , $ : > 2,29J ; balances , IMI,8 0 ,
LONDON , July 19.-Tlm Dank ct England's rnta
Of dUcount remained unchanged nt 2 per cent.
NEW ORLEANS , July 19.-CUnrlnKs. $9C3.W1.
New York exchange , commercial , Wo per $1,000
BAN FRANCISCO , July 19.-Drafls. sight. lOc ;
lelegrnphlc , 15c. Hllvtr bars , 62KQ02UC , Mux-
lean dollars , UlffUHc.
BT. IXUIH. July 19. Clearings , $3.S3315 ! ; hal-
ances , $3U4,774. Mrney , dull nt 567 p-r cent ,
on Nen York , 2Ju dlicount bid.
Recasts Contluuo Liglit but Up to Iho De
mands of llie Trade.
Hutrhcrs * Slock niii't ' r'nc.lor * Lightly Dcitlt
In nt I.ourr 1'rtcri HoRt l > < Good
Itcqiicst nt > n Dime OH
Slicn'p Sternly.
- THURSDAY , July 19.
The fresh receipts of cattle , 2,500 , were
about the ame as yesterday's run. In the
case of hogs there was a slight gain , about
10,100 hogs being received today , as against
9.S14 yesterday. Thus far this week the
receipts foot up 0,300 cattle , 23,100 hogs and
2.C33 sheep , as egalnst 13,745 cattle , 37,500
hogi and SCO sheep for corresponding
four days of last week.
CATTLE While there were quite n good
many cattle In the yards , all told , there
were no fat corn-fed steers. There was no
market on dressed beef steers , for the very
good reason that thcio were none here to
make a market. The buyers have been very
Indifferent on this grade of cattle nil the
week , and the demand lias been light even
at the lower prices.
The offering * of butchers' stock were quite
largo , and the average of poor quality. A
largo proportion of the cows on sale were
thin and not overly desirable , while good
fat cows were few and far between. Prices
were very low , though perhaps not quotably
lower than yesterday.
Stockers and feeders were In largo supuly ,
a very considerable proportion of the re
ceipts being made up of this clacs of stock.
The demand , as of late , was not very large ,
and the market was Mow at prices fully as
low as yesterday , If not lower. The failure
of the pastures In the country from a lack
of rain appears to be hurrying till' kind of
cattle onto the market , while the same cause ,
that is the drouth , Is keeping would-be feed
ers from buying. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. .No. Av. 1'r. No. Av , Pr.
12. . . . 1200 3 05 Si. . . . 931 .1 25
SCO 1 00 19. . . . 743 1 TO 2. . . . 725 1 7G
SCO 1 10 1. . . . 730 1 60 1. . . . 310 1 80
S90 1 10 G. . . . 773 1 HO 1..1U60 1 S3
7S3 1 10 23. . . . 810 1 55 IS. . . . 96G 1 90
12. . . . SES 110 1. . . . 810 ICO 24. . . . 923 201
3. . . . 753 113 2. . . . 93-1 ICO 10. . . . S33 210
11. . . . SC7 125 7. . . . S30 ICO 1. . . . dOO 225
3. . . . 813 123 4 , . . . 937 1 C3 3..1133 225
1..1003 125 2..11CO 1 C.-i 6. . . . 7C1 223
6..1009 125 12. . . . 679 1 C5 1I..10IO 231
1. . . . C90 123 4..1030 1 63 1. . . . 9.10 250
1..10SO 1 25 2. . . . 930 1 6" 2..1500 2 60
4..1017 1 35 3. . , . 930 1 75 1. . . . KM 2 M
1. . . . 970 135 C. . . . 763 175 1..11IO 2 CO
2..1105 1 10 8. . . . 915 \ 75
23. . . . 410 1 25 C. . . . 493 1 SO 4. . . . fii 1 75
1. . . . 310 1 35 2. . . . 723 1 CO 7. . . . 320 1 fjl
13. . . . B17 1 35 S. . . . CS2 1 05 C. . . . 820 1 ! 0
S. . . . 4S4 110 1. . . . 710 1 C5 1. . . . S10 200
5. . . . 4SO 1 40 4. . . . 717 1 C5 2. . . . G70 2 10
3. . . . 633 1 45
2. . . . ISO 125 8. . . . 207 200 1. . . . ISO 275
1. . . . 290 1 25 2. . . . 220 2 50 2. . . . 170 3 00
220 150 7. . . . 151 250 1. . . . 170 300
276 175 1. . . . 00 260 1. . . . 110 300
2io 2 DO 5.-1BO 2 60 1. . . . 150 3 00
210 200 C.171 ' 12 60 2. . . . 220 300
100 2 00 1..H30 275 2. . . . 140 300
120 200 11. . . . 1S3 273 4. . . . 172 323
2..1110 1 C5 l..fj050 < 1 75 4..1273 1 fO
2..llOi 1 Co 2..t 3-l 73 1..1310 183
1. . . . 800 1 60 ! . . ( . 9IO"2 00 1. . . . 0:0 : 2 13
1..123' ' ) 1 S3 1. . 1VJO.,2 00
1. . . . 3SO 100 C..T7SO 210 21. . . . "M 240
4. . . . 623 1 W 13. . ; . 607 210 23. . . . SIC 24.3
2. . . . 630 123 14. . . . 57f 22) ) 27..769 245
2. . . . 933 160 2. . . . 613 220 1..1060 250
12. . . . 436 160 31. . . . 6C,3 220 8. . . . S3C 2 CO
2. . . . 630 1 75 14. . . , Bl ) .2 20 11. . . . S67 2 60
5. . . . 460 175 46. . . , 71(1,2 ( 20 9..812 250
1. . . . 690 173 23. . . . 629 22) 69. . . . 931 251
10. . . . 417 180 26..P555 225 9. . . . S60 2 f3
1. . . . 900 2 00 4. . . . 660 2 23 34. . . . SCO 2 63
4. . . . 492 200 6. . 33..2 23 2. . . . S)0 260
1. . . . SSO 200 1.-740 225 23. . . . 9V ; 260
3. . . . 810 200 3..H.59Q ' 2 21 8. . . . 772 2 CO
L. . . SCO 200 18..CS3 223 24. . . . 797 260
1. . . . 430 2 00 1.-.I610 2 23 23. . . . 070 2 85
2. . . . 480 200 7. . . . 623 225 21..1053 300
19. . . . 6S6 210 3. . . . C40 240 22..1091 300
7. . . . 805 210 2..1033 240 21..1059 300
Wiley Cattle Company.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
25 feeders. . . . SOI $2 30
1 bull 1550 1 40 16 cows E37 $1 40
21 cows S66 1 40 1 cow 710 1 75
2 cows 630 1 75 1 heifer 420 1 75
1 heifer 660 1 75 1 heifer 650 1 85
2 heifers. . . . 410 1 S5 1 heifer 630 1 85
14 steers 1312 175 6 cows U27 210
1 feeder 420 2 20 23 cows 90S 2 30
1 cow 1250 2 SO 26 steers 1330 2 S5
Des Molnes Cattle Company.
1 calf 270 160 27 cat es 201 273
82 calves 174 3 00 32 heifers. . . . 793 2 So
25 heifers. . . . 782 2 35 27 cows 8SS 2 43
25 cows 980 2 45
HOGS There/ was a good demand , both
local and shipping , but that was not suffi
cient to overcome the Influence of the lib
eral receipts and the reported decline In
the market at other points. The market
opened at a decline of lOe from yesterday's
market and was fairly nctlve , the hogs all
being sold In good season on that basis. A
largo proportion of the sales wcro made
at from $4.75 to $4.85 , as against $1.85 to
$4.93 yesterday. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bit. Pr.
9 20-5 40 $4 65 61 269 40 $4 SO
3 310 . . . 465 95 282 200 480
141 211 410 4 70 65 252 210 4 SO
3 276 . . . 470 61 253 SO 4 SO
10 242 . . . 470 77 202 . . . 4 SO
91 177 240 470 67 217 ICO 480
S3 186 160 47M 65 226 SO 4 SO
SI 189 200 475 63 260 . . . 480
69 224 200 4 75 63 222 280 480
S3 232 40 475 61 232 80 480
81 1H3 200 475 62 272 SO 480
7 229 . . . 473 61 233 120 480
72 210 120 4 73 69 227 120 4 fO
S3 197 32) 475 130 236 280 480
79 208 200 4 75 81 219 120 4 80
15 203 SCO 4 75 76 2JO 210 4 80
93 201 120 4 75 61 261 160 4 SO
72 207 320 475 65 238 SO 460
S3 200 ICO 4 75 65 232 120 4 SO
SO 200 200 4 75 63 238 120 4 SO
76 220 200 4 75 48 227 200 4 SO
81 201 3JO 4 75 67 236 SO 4 SO
87 198 120 4 75 60 211 40 4 SO
70 213 200 4 75 70 221 SO 4 S' )
116 167 360 475 62 227 80 4 SO
33 211 . . . 4 75 63 222 SO 4 80
72 2J6 240 4 75 63 221 SO 4 60
C4 222 ICO 4 75 73 221 200 4 SO
73 201 120 4 75 72 221 120 SO
67 198 SO 4 71 76 213 80 so
S3 225 ICO 4 75 78 212 120 80
71 1S1 200 4 75 C2 241 40 so
S3 199 . . . 4 75 71 2CI 120 so
63 271 120 4 75 7.1 21.1 120 80
CS 221 CO 4 7.1 G9 221 . . . so
68 223 40 4 75 09 2C3 80 so
25 201 . . . 4 73 CO 203 80 Si )
3 311 . . . 4 75 67 2W5 ICO so
4 255 . . . 4 75 61 218 SO
78 22S ICO 4 75 71 212 120 so
CS 212 160 4 75 C3 220 120 so
73 214 ICO 475 f6 211 1110 so
SO 20J 100 4 75 67 221 120 so
70 240 210 4 73 C7 215 SO 80
C2 211 120 4 75 74 205 40 so
79 221 80 4 7714 70 251 ICO so
74 205 SO 4 77i ! _ . C9 241 SO '
71 212 ICO 4 77'/i ' , . C3 2& , . . . so'
74 2JI . . . 477'4V' ' C C3 270 120
63 217 . . . 4774 70 217 200 8214
73 211 210 4 77'4 ' 111 231 SO 8214
63 231 . . . 4 7714 .72 238 120 8214
' .7 237 J20 4 77i ! 72 222 . . . S2'i '
221 . . . 4 SO 68 207 SO S >
257 60 4 SO ' ' 1011 209 SO 85
ci : r.o 40 4 so 127 270 so 85S3
6 ! 218 210 460 -60 290 . . . 6.1
CO 265 ICO 4 SO | , - 239 SO 85
Cl 229 SO 4 iO 67 292 . . . 83
SO 218 SO 4 SO , i 67 30J 40 85
79 251 40 4 SO ' . CS 230 SO 85S5
57 235 50 4 SO . 61 315 SO 85
87 219 SO 4 SO , ,61 263 SO 85
C2 212 SO 4 SO G8 2(9 ( 40 81
S. 216 . . . 480 67 2(3 ( 200 S3
Cl 234 160 4 SO 69 271 80 SI
60 271 160 480 , , 63 233 . . .
73 2GO 0 4 SO , , 60 2SI . . .
63 210 120 4 SO 61 277 80
68 234 120 4 SO - .65 2CO SO
3 3Cfi . . . 4 SO - . .02 2U . , ,
12 303 SO 4 SO ' 4S 312 . . .
70 2 1 60 4 SO til 294 . . .
CO ,202 . . . 4 SO ' 68 501 . . .
71 227 . . . 4 SO 17 288 . . .
1 410 . . . 200 1 300 . . .
1 ICO . . . 300 2 370 . . .
1 SCO . . . 3 W 2 460 . . .
1 : - > ' ) . . . 325 112 117 160
1 250 . . . 440 113 KG 200
SHEW The receipts consisted of 705
sheep whllo there was a load or two held
over from yesterday on sale. The market
was slow and weak. Representative sales :
No , Av. I'r.
S5 native wethers 10S $3 03
Kiiiisin City 1.1vi ) Stock Murlcot.
KANSAS CITY. July 19-CATTLi : Receipts ,
3,600 head ; shipments , l.fiO head ; market steady
to itronK ; Texas steers , S2.00S3.23 ; Texan L-JHV.
U.Mfiit * ; beef vUirs , l3.rofH.75 : millve cuws.
tl.10w3.CO , tlockrrs nnd feejem. J3.0KJ8.M ; bulls
and tl.7502.75.
HOGS Hccelpls , 7.100 IifaJ. thlpmtnts , 1 300
head , muikcl l < x < jlSc luuer ; bulk uf * ales , heav-
14 < r47i , rn k rt , 4 'ul ' 87 m t d f 4 75
. ,
SIIinpJlc.lpt. . , ( M head , ililpmenl * , 100
head , market iteady.
ItrrrlpK mill ll < | ' ( Mltloii nf Stock.
Official receipts and dlnp'U'ltlon of stock as
hewn liy the book * of the Union Stock Yards
compnny for the twenty-tour hours ending at
B o'clock p. m. , July IS , 1S5I :
C r .
7.1 1,1:1
tltf lo.f.9
i-pp . . . . . , . 5 765
Horses and male- . l 1
ftuycra. Oiltle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omiilin Packlnif company. . . . 2fi 2.207
' 1. H. Ilnimnond company. . . ' - ' ! 2 111 . .
Snlft nnd company . .v. 3RJ 1,938 47S
Cudahy Packlns comimny. . . 330 ! , > ICO
John P. Squire & Co . 1,1 13
Cmlnhy Ilro . 724
KlnKimm & Co . 1,030
J. Ixilimnn . ! > 2 .
L. Decker . . . . 71 . . . .
Hwlfl , fiom K. C . 17S .
It. Decker * lcicn . . 151 .
Hammond & Slandlsh . . 1 ! > 2
Ciulnhy , from K. C . 271 .
I.ornl . 129 61
Shippers and fcodcrs . C7S .
Left over . 600 1.4t.O 211
Total . , . 2,783 12,132 SM
Cuttle Iti-cdpts Are InorniiliiK 11 I.tttlo Tim
Itnpldly for ( Miirld-lV ( iooil.
CHICAGO , July 19. Oiltle receipts nn > In-
crntRlnit n trlllo to.i rapidly for the K "d of tbe
inaiket. There were almul 1S)00 ( ) head In todus'
arrivals , and ni n co ( 1ly number rctnalndl li
sellers' hands at the close of builnvsH yoslci
day the supply was quite nn Inrgp nx In or
dlnary limes. As the market Is not yd In
shape to take care nf average receipts. bu > ers
weru In a position to dictate prlcrs.Vdneilav"
m.uket , which opened s buoyant , finally cl ) Soi
lint with the enrly adxnncc nil lu t , nnd ttipii
was some further softeliliiK of prices today
Thi'io were many KIIOI ! catlle imioiiR ihe offer
IIIKS nnd fieinl lumchi-a that \\cio ntrktl >
choice , but only herennd thenn snkat me
14.4'J. ' and It would have taken Kometlilne r < c lly KOJI ! to brlnp IIH tinirli us $170
Kluin CI.CO tn (4.40 ImiiKlit tlu- bulk of the steel
nnd from Jl. ! " ) to J2.75 wen- tin ; prevailing prlee
for cows nnd built , llxlrn cnws and heifer
sold around J.1..V ) . The c.ilf markel lenmlns dul
and weak , ami t > o dnrs thai for stoeKeis am
feeders. Hecelpts of Texni caltlc were cstlmatti
at 1,500 head. Prices wenweak. .
The IIOK maikcl was In bad slmpc In Very Imi
shape. It wui n it an i-.isy tlilni : tu ( 't't n bid
of T5 for puch Rti > ck us Fiild at f5.2. , yrsterday
and till' KIenter purl ( if HIP day's Iradlnc was n
pilreB rniiKhiK diiw-nwaid from IS.05 Them were
a few trades nt fiom IS.1.1 tn J.V20 anil se\rin
nt 13.10 , but any thin- after S o'cli ck It tonli i
K xl nrtlclo 'to brlnjr ns mm h us J..O. The
slump , of ciiirHe , was due to the ImToiPlnsr sup
piles. Today's lunIIH Mllmnleil nt 21,00) lu-ud
whlcli numlier has nit bo" ! ! pitialed | since , lune
Thn hot weather nnd the fart Hint thu w-urk o
sliiUKhterlni ; Is nol iirugieRshiR nx "monthly at
could bo wished nlso helped to. weaken values
At the decline there wai fair aellxllv , I'HpprmH.x
In llcht , bul nol nil Ihc hogs changed hands
ami the clnsp wns weak.
Therewn a llcht run of shfpp , but not many
wcie wanted. The demand developed no more
vitality than was neces-sary to hold the market
steady , sales lichiK slow at yesteidnv's quota
tions , or at from fl.2.1 to J3.CO fur Inferior to
extra. Few nf the ofTerlncs sMd for moie thnr
J3.23 , the rullnB pi Ice bclnu from J2.DO to } 3
Sprlnp lambs were steady at from { 3 In 11.60.
Recelpls : Cattle , 13,000 head ; calves , 400 head ;
hogs , IW.O'JO head ; sheep , 0,000 head.
St. Louis I.n-o Mock Market.
ST. LOt'IS , July 19 CATTLE Receipts , 1.900
head ; shipments , 1,100 lipid ; mmkc-t nctlve , easier
for natives ; Texnns lfWc higher ; mitlvp stees. :
$1.63J4.33 ; cows , $1 s ; > { i2.M ; calves , $3.SO i.1.75 ;
TOMIH steers , light , $ MOfo2.70 ; cows and helfeis ,
HOGS Receipts. 3,00 head ; shipments , 2,300
head ; maiket iicllve , 10ifM5c lower ; best heavy.
$5.20 ; good medium , $1.13' J3.17'-i ; good light , $5.00
03.10 ; pigs , elc. . Jl 40Ifl.75.
SHEEP Receipts , 1.3UO head ; shipments. 1.400
head ; market active nnd steady ; lambs lower ;
nallve sheep , $2.252.50 ; lambs , $2.COQ3.59.
Ncir York I.lvo htnrk Mnrhet.
NEW YORK , July 19. REEVES Receipts , 1 ,
head ; mine cm sale ; nominally steady.
SHEEP AND LAMDS Receipt * . 5,378 head ;
Inmbs UG'ic higher ; gond Mieep ! } c higher ;
others steady ; sheep , poor tn prime , $2.2504.25 ;
lamb.s. cnminon tn choice. $3.12" . < iJ6.23.
HOGK Receipts , 1,00) head ; market llrm ; In
ferior to prime , 6.2 > { ? 3.73.
Stock In , ilit. (
Record of receipts of live stock nt thp four
principal maikets for Thuitdiiy , July 19 , 1S9I :
1'nttlc. Hogs. Sheen.
South Omaha 2.129 10.219 701
Chicago 13.000 28,000 C.OOO
Kansas City 3,600 7,100 GO !
St. Louis 1,900 3,300 1,300
Total 20,829 4S.C39 7.CC5
MliinriipollR AVIicnr Miirki-t.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 19. The -wheat market
opened weak on thp lower cables , beller weather
In the northwest and smnll expoits. After the
opening , prices bold down nbnul UP , when-
Ihey remained ptendy for some time and led to
heller buying. Receipts were larger In the notth-
wcsl , ns mine of ihe railroads are gelling In
shape lo run Iralns. There Is still a fair amount
of remaining In country elevntois lo cup-
ply Ihe railroads unlll the new crop begln.s tn
move , which will IIP nt nn eniller date than
usual , as Oils harvest Is In nd\nncp of the pre
ceding one by oneto Iwn weeks. Fanners have
a llttlo jet tn sell and It Is possible that near
the present rate of receipts may be kept up for
a month nnd then the new ciop will ho moving.
It Is nol apprehended Ihal Ihere will be nny
lack of supplies of old wheat In keep the loeal
mills going and fiiinlsh enough to sldp outside
to satisfy the oidlmuy demands , still then- will
be a smaller turplus than last year , although
equal to HIP average of olher years. There bus
been no tlneshlng done yel to nniounl to any
thing of spring wheat , nnd It Is possible thai
Ihere will be a disappointment In HIP yield , while
It Is hoped Hint It mav be larger thim expected ,
ns was Ihe case In the winter wheat counlry ,
but unless the yield Is larger than expected It
will fall cotifclder.ibly below thai of the previous
year , although the weather today Is better and
piomlses Improvement tomorrow. Good weather
from this time foiwnrd for two or tluee weeks
would secuie a good deal of wheat In central
and northern Minnesota as well as In North
At the lowest point of today's maiket buying
began fieely nnd the demand was much larger
than the offerings , with considerable outers nf
exports to bo filled. This put up pi Ices quickly ,
and HIP close was aboul Ic above Hie lowesl
price of the day , September closing to higher
than yesteidny nnd December 4c higher , while
track wheat was only \'tc \ higher nnd July even
lower than yesterday. July , 68c ; September ,
55c ! ; December , 67c. On track : No. I hind ,
C2',4e ; No. 1 northern , CO'.fcc ; No. 2 northern ,
The flour mills were grinding. It was esti
mated , about 22,000 bbls. for the day. and aie
expected to Inciense the amount Iho Jailer pail
of lids week. Shipments were 23,875 bbls. Re-
celpls of wheat , 13,430 bu. ; shlpmcnlfl. 77,280 bu.
Flour was nulet nnd steady at $3.25if3.60 for
patents and $2.0002.30 for bakers.
Cotton Marker.
NEW ORLEANS , July 13. COTTON Steady ;
sales , spot , 14,100 bales ; to arrive , 600 bales ;
stock , 45,360 bales ; fuluies nulet and easy ; sales ,
1.900 bales ; July. $6.61 bid ; August. 50.7ruC.73 ;
September. $6.CC176.C7 : October , $6.C3ffC.71 ; No
vember , $6.76 6.78 ; December. $ li.85576.S6 ; Jan-
uary. $ C.91(6.93 ( ; February , $6.97 bid ; March , $7.02 ;
April. $7.0S.
MEMPHIS , July 19.-COTTON Quiet ; middling ,
7c ; receipts , 8 bales ; shipments , 111 bales ; stock ,
10,296 bales.
ST. LOUIS , July 19. COTTON Steady ; mid
dling , 7 l-16c ; receipts. 200 bales ; shipments , 7W (
bales ; stock , 31,200 bales.
KIUIBIIS City Markets.
KANSAS CITY , July 19. WHEAT No. 2 hard ,
'Aa lower at 43c ; Nn. 2 red , unchanged at 45',4 '
46o ; No. 3 red , 43J43',4c ' ; rejected , 40f42c.
CORN UO'io lower ; No. 2 mixed , 30S36',5e ;
Nn. 2 white , 40ijr40'/ic. '
OATS About Ic lower ; No. Z mixed , 23 > 4l327c ;
Nn. 2 white , nominally 29e.
DUTTER Steady ; creamery , 13 T15c ; dairy , 12
EGGS Active nnd firm at D'.JQO'ic.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 102 cats ; corn , 80 cars ;
oats , 22 tars.
Liverpool Mitrtf-M ,
LIVERPOOL , July 19. WHEAT-Qulct ; de
mand fair ; bidders offer moderately ; Nn. l Call-
foinla , 4s 101104s lid ; red westein spring , 4s lid
CORN Quiet ; demand moderate ; new mixed ,
spot , 3s lllid.
DARLEY California brewing. 23s Cdfi23s 6d.
FLOUR-Hprlng patents , 6s 9J.
PROVISIONS Deef , extra India rnesn , 6s 9d.
Pnrk , prime HIPPS. 70s. Dacon , long arid hhort
clear , 65 lb.s. , 36s ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , 37u. Lard ,
prime western steam , 35n 3d.
Niuv York Dry < OIMH 'Market.
NEW YORK , July 19. For a very high tem
perature , the general deimnd was well
maintained , nllended by very fair nates of
bl < ached cottons , printed fabrics , white goods ,
cotton drees goods and other specialties. Agents
have mailo the prlco of l-uwieneii I.I , 4c net ,
reducing Farwell and Cabot blcnclii-d 'if. and
nndc the prices nf Fearless , Mnnnhansett ,
"Wi-athfnu" and Senule , with 36-Inch bleached.
Co ; PncahontiiH 4-4 , blenched , Cljc. nnd A von.lulu
and Rocheilale , 4-4 , Mem-lied , fjjje. Printing
cloths , ijulet and steady at 2"ic.
Dilliltll WintitMarket. .
DULUTH , July 13. Close : WHEAT Lower ;
No. 1 hard , cash and July , Ctltc ; No. I north
ern , cash and Jul > . COc ; Bcpu-mber , 67\4e \ ; Do-
cttnber , 6S ? c , No. 2 northern , carh , 67c ; Nn. 3 ,
61c ; rejected , 4So ; to arrive , No. 1 northern , CQVic.
RYE 40c.
Car Inspection today : Wheat , 233 cars ; oats ,
4 cnrs ; flax , 1 car.
RKCEIPTS-Wheat. 97,335 bu , ; oals , 24,800 bu ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 67.60J bu. ; cats , 3i,20J bu.
( hlriiKO fruit Quotation * .
CHICAGO , July 19. The Earl Fruit company
sold four cars of CallfjmlH fruit at auction
today. These cars were iwrmy-tnree flays
enrjute. Notwithstanding this long delay , tnu
cars of choice brnughl $1,537 nnd $1,317 respec
tively. Piices renlUitJ were us follows : Cherries ,
60ctol.S5. according to condition ; Tragedy iirunes ,
$1. ( * 2 15 ; Crawford peaches , $8.35 ; Halo's early ,
70cC$1.20. .
Sutur Ainrlift.
NEW YORK , July U.-SUOAR Raw , firm ;
Every Jack Can Have a Jill ,
and Place to Put Her.
$99.95 Puts Them to Housekeeping.
SB I'ook Steve } 7.50 pst
reeking Olllllt 60(1 ( "M
to KltClu'M T.lbln l.'J.-i ( g *
Tivn Klti'lioti Uluilrs ml W
I9S WrlnuerTut ) , Wutor I'ull , ute B.V.'i M
, aa > Iliinil l.t'inp HO * "
' IIP Kitchen Clipboard 4no A
Pffl Refrigerator , . . . . , , , . . , , . . 3.1)0 )
l"aC °
All \\ool ( 'ii-pi-t , . . . $10.10
® six-foot r.xiciHion r.itiio line KS
ij > a blAntlilito HlKh llai'U Uliulra fi,4t )
Eifl Anlliiio | UncUi-r 1,50 ( f
ll'O-pli-oo ' Dci-oralod Dlnnur i-ut H,7i ( * - *
© Doi-oiatodTublc Lump 1.0(1 ( § ? ? ?
grj LOUIIL'O , 6.75 Tjf *
net Two Window S-hailes , 70 fig
w "moo E3
XSk All Wool Cariiot $9.00
VW Antliiiu-Oliainbor ( < ot. , 1'J 87
an Woven Win1 Sprint ; i.&O
rM Rest \Vool-Top .Miitttuss 3.00
1'ttlr I'lllowi
© l.OH
Decorntud Tollut Sot ain
rag Window s-lmdos ,
§ Total.
® These Are House Furiiishiiigr Bays
ESS . . „ , , WoiiroOiilllttliis . now Homes for Laboring Men , I'rofossloiiiil Mm , MiMi'hanN , S-C
Allllldnalros , i on j.i-0 , wi-iict-oinmodato ovurvbody. Any VOIIIIK man ciin allonl l > > vi'
coiiiinoiH-o on ttiuvciilonu liibiilnto today , lie oiin pay n llttlo down and u llttlo ra
" each iniiiilh , uiul tlinu IIP cm add to his hill from Himto time. l&i
RSI Wo will m-\t week nilvurtisc an Outllt for un ii : lil-lootn linns'- . Tills elves / } < fe
5 ? yoiinti Itluiiof whutciiii huilono fortluu.Vo can Hliow you twenty other n sori- ' ( '
Gj ) iiieiits for iiiniL'money. IVili-ips wo will Mibmll soon a huili-tom-d lO-IJoom House Etna
Uutllt for an even $000 , and all tlio oods will bo Ulcti and "
tm * y *
Our Terms
$10.00 worth of goodi ,
H no u wu.'k or { 1.00 n nuiiilh.
t-5.00 worth of goods ,
* 1.0i ) u wuoic or 80.00 n month
50.00 worth of good- ) ,
$2.00 a wuck or J8.PO u month
{ 75.00 worth of goods ,
JU.5U u wcolc or $10.00 n month
S100.00 worth of goods
: t.OO \\uuli or H2.00 a. month
ROO.OO worth of gootN ,
il.OO a uoclc oi-aiO.OO a niontli
sale ? , S.OOO liajri ccntilfufral , 9fi test , at 3 3-lCo ,
c. I. t. and ex stoicrullned ; , dull.
TrlsctYlitnt ( ] niitiitioiH.
SAN FIlANflSCO. July 19. WIttAT : ilondvj
Dcccnitcr , Jl.CS'i ; new Rc-llc s , 92 % ; liny. Jl i7(4. (
AVotil .MlirlliU.
ST. LOUIS. July \VOOL-In fair move
ment at unchanged pi Ices.
JIM wii.r. rir.iir .i
Hrncly Pays Corlit-tt lias Iso I' I'ro-
( Illcctliin In Tutor < if tlio Noiitli.
CHICAGO , July 10. "I received a letter
from Jim Corbett's manager , William
Hrady , " said Will Davis of the Columbia
theater. "The Corbett party , " bo states ,
"start for home July 25 , and Jim will then
give his attention to Peter Jackson. " Cor
bett , so Hrady says , has been misunderstood
In the discussions as to the cliolco of n
battle ground. IIo docs not Insist upon
fighting In the south and Is willing to go
anywhere that a good sized purse Is offered.
I am now certain that the fight will take
place. Ono reason for so thinking Is that
the J20.000 stake money Is still Intact and
that neither party has hinted at withdraw
ing the cash deposited. "
I'arson navies , when apprised of the con
tents of Brady's letter , said : "That sounds
better. If Corbett will waive the Idea of
fighting In the south , every detail can be ar
ranged In short order. "
St. Paul Glohn &old to Ilio ICIttson IIclM.
ST. PAUL , July 19. The Dally Globe ,
which has been In the hands of a receiver
for the past year , was today sold at auction ,
the highest bidder being Charles Weaver of
Chicago , who represented the Klttson heirs ,
whose Interest In the paper was the largest
single holding. Ills bid was for $05,000 ,
which covered nearly the receiver's obliga
tions. The Klttsons have , besides , over
flOO.OOO Invested In the property , so that the
sale price really Is $175,000.
Knights of PjtliliiH CnNtln for Denver.
DENVER , July 19. The various Knights
of Pythias organizations nro arranging for
the construction of a Pythian castle In this
city. The building Is to be sulllclently large
to accommodate during the six nights of
each week from fifteen to twenty Knights
of Pythias lodges. The costlo will cost
$100,000 and a number of architects are fig
uring on plans.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head
aches. Trial size. 25 cents. All druggists.
AVhltocap Outragd In Alalmnm.
OXFORD , Ala. , July 19. A mob of thirty
whltccaps went to the homo of Jack Brown-
lee , colored , shot his house full of holes ,
boat the doors down and took him to the
woods , whore ho was stripped and severely
whipped. Ho was ordered to leave the
country. IIo has not been seen sluco and
Is thought to have been killed. Political
causes nro alleged.
MlmirnpnllB Prohibition Ticket.
ST. PAUL , July 19. The prohibition con
vention nominated the following ticket :
Governor , H. S. Hllleboo ; lleutentnt governor ,
C. M. Way ; secretary of state , C. 0. Winger ;
stuto treasurer , V. L. Hanbcn ; stnto auditor ,
3 , S. Johnson ; attorney general , J. C. Chllds.
The other places are to bo filled later by
the state committee.
Sco the performing lions aft. and ovo.
Courtland beach today.
Siirrctiilorei ! for .lury llrllxry.
CHICAGO , July 19. Mrs. Warren Springer ,
for whom Judge Ilaker Issued a bench warrant
on the charge of tampering with a Jury ,
volutarlly surrendered and was released on
[ 10,000 ball. Mrs. Springer's husband Is a
tarty to the suit In which she Is said to liuvu
ittompted to Influence the Jury. Wholesale
arrusts have followed.
Indiana Town Iliirnml Out.
PERU , Ind. , July 19. The town of Somer
set , southeast of here , woo almost totally
destroyed by flro today. The business portion
tion was destroyed with a largo number of
residences. Loss Is heavy , with small In-
nought Another Street Hallway.
MEMPHIS. Tciin. , July 19. The Memphis
Street Railway company , controlled by A. M.
Illlllngs of Chicago , has purchased for $110-
000 the Memphis & Rulelgh Springs rail-
Oregon Kldnov Tea cures all kidney
trouble * . Trial tlze. 25 cetita. All druggist !
Truinpn htrul u MlluniiUro rrclfht.
ALPENA , S. D. . July 19. About 100
Presents for All g
yi3itorstRgcelva Qiivenr3 ©
With J.r > worth of goodi , an Album Kil
\\lth MO worth of goods , u tonvonlr t\
Hpoou , \ty ,
\\llh $ 'J5 woith of goods , a Ortraj
IllllllOIIt. U u
With J50 worth of trootN , u TrumedS5i
PliMme. ?
With t75 worth of goods. iiC'eiiterTalilu era
\Ulh HUD woitll of iiouds , pull' lice : uai
Cm-ml as. /tv
Oloso Evenings at 6 ; 30 , Except Situnliys , During July and August.
Send lOo for postage on b'g ' 94 Furnitui'3 Catalogue.
Baby Carriage and Refrigerator Catalogs Mailed Free.
WM ,
Commission Merchant
PrUato wires to Chicago nnd New Yoik. AH
business orders pluced un Ch'caco UourJ af
Ti adc.
Corirspondenco bollrltej.
Ofrice. mnm i. New York Llfa DulMIni
Ttlfplione 13U3.
tramps took possession of tlio Mllwaukco
frcluht , stoned the crew off and refused lo
leave. The division superintendent wired
the conductor to eject them.
Two distinct shows at Cotirtlani ] beach
today tlio kopards and lions.
"Proof Ml\m- Dollar , ) . "
MONTGOMERY , Ala. , July 19. H Is un
derstood that Representative I'enco made an
Implied charge against Colonel Oateo , demo
cratic nominee for governor , when ho Intro
duced tlio resolution In the house concernIng -
Ing "proof silver dollars , " tlie report having
been circulated that Colonel Qatcs was ex-
lillrftlng dollars of 1S91 ( Into In proof of hla
friendliness to silver. Colonel Gates denied
the truth of this charge. Ho cxpresscdly
declares In his specclioa that silver dollars
are not now being coined. He states that
only fractional silver Is being turned out
at the mints.
Fraudulent IVnsltm I'liiiiilncra In Court.
ST. I'AUL , July 19. In the Unlt'ed Statei
district court today the cases of the pension
examiners from Austin , charged with fraud ,
wcro taken up. Dr. W. L. Holllster pleaded
guilty and paid n line of $1,000 , whllo tlio
case against Dr. Wheat was nollcd and Dr.
Gibson will bo tried later on the same
Shlloh's Cure Is sold on n guarantee. It
cures Incipient consumption. It Is the best
cough cure. Only one cent a dose ; 2Cc , 50o
and $1.00. Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
Fair , IVnriner nml North U'linls for No-
) > ru kii Todiiy.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The Indications
for Friday are :
For Nebraska Fair ; wanner ; north winds ;
becoming variable.
For Iowa Fair , except showers In the ex
treme eastern portion ; cooler In the eastern
portion ; warmer In tlio northwestern portion
tion ; variable winds.
For Soutli Dakota Fair ; warmer ; varlablo
For Missouri Showers and probably thun
der storms ; cooler In the northeast portion ;
winds bhlftliiK to northwest.
For Kansas Fair ; preceded by showers
In the eastern portion In the early morning ;
warmer ; north winds.
I.oral Record.
Ori'icr. OI-TIII : WiUTiinii HUIIKAU , OMAHA ,
July 10. Omaha rcuoni of toiiiuuraturo and
niliifiillcoinp.iroU wltUcorrospouiJing day of
past 1 four years :
lent. iBni ) . 1R02. IHOI.
Maximumtomporaturo ( US Ht > U5 = H'2O
Minimum lumimnituro. 703 Ol3 ! 7001 =
Avitrat'o tniiinuratiiio. . Hiia 7i ; = BOO Ti >
I'reolpltatlon UU00 .00 .00
StntomiMit showing tlio condition of to-n-
pon-.turoatul praoipltnilon nt Onnilm for the
day tinJ slnco Maroli 1 , 1BJI ;
Nonniil tumnoruturo 703
Exi-ess for thu ( lav. 1 =
Exuiiss slncn March 1 . . , . , 3U3 =
Normal precipitation ; IIC | ?
DnllrleiH-y fortlKidav .17 Inch
OolleliMiey xlneo Miiruu 1 U.t-1 Inchua
ItvporlH from Other StalliiiH nt H P. M.
pi tlU
Olll.llia 78 ( U .00 Cloudy.
North Platte 71 HO .00
Valuntlnu 7M HO .00 ( Jlii-ir.
Chlcniro HI 112 .0(1 ( Clo nJy.
St. I IIIH 7M HI ) .0(1T l'.irleioudj
St. I'.uu 7HI HO . .01T Cloudy ,
HI ) II'J T CloiKly : ,
KunBatt City 7H III ) T Cloudy ,
Di-nvur ( II 74 .1)1) ) I'.irtcloud }
Kiltf.ahaClty. : . Hi hM .00 Rloiiily.
ItunldClty 7M HO .00 Clear.
Ili-luim HI HOM .00 ( Moiiiljr.
lllHiniirvlc HI HO .00
M. Vincent 72 78 .00
Cheyi.-niii ) 70 , 71 . ( III Part cloudy.
Mllt-H City Hd | 1)0 ) .00 Clear.
Uli'viNton Hi ! HO .1)0 ) Cloudy.
"T" Indicates trace of rain.
CKOHOU E. HUNT , Local ITorouitt OOleU 1.