Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FlUDAV , JULY 20 , 1891 ,
orncn . - NO 12 PEARL STREET
Delivered by carrier to nny p rt of the city.
II. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TBLBt'IIOKBS Hulne otnce , No. 4J ! night
Ml tor , No. 23.
,1//AO MKXTltt * .
fidelity council , Royal Arcanum , will hold
Its regular meeting this evening.
Rev. George Muller will deliver an address
on "Political Reform" nt Uayllsa park this
A Urge number of young lady clerks at
the Boston more enjoyed an outing last
evening at Mnnnwa.
Unity Guild will hold Its regular meeting
this afternoon at 2 30 o'clock In the guild
room of Grace church ,
Riismus Chrlstloni-nn. aged SO years , died
at Wcston at 7 o'clock Wednesday night and
was burled yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
M. Hagcrby , who entered a dining car and
picked up n pall of fish , was sentenced to
fifteen days In the county Jail by Judge Me-
Gco yesterday.
A case of scarlet fever was reported to
the authorities yesterday. May Kofold , n 21-
year-old domestic- living at 1314 Avenue D
being the victim.
Ladies' auxiliary No. 17 , Union Veteran
legion , will give a lawn social at 12G East
Broadway this evening. Glee and mandolin
clubs will be present
A son of Mr and Mrs. S. Walton , living
on Avenue II , wns kicked by n horse Wedncs-
ndy. His upper Jaw wns fractured. It Is
feared that his Injuries will be very serious
nnd may disfigure him for life.
Marshal Tnrlry , living In Turley's Glen ,
nt the head of Willow avenue , was reported
sinking rapidly last evening , nnd there wan
fear that he would not llvo through the
night. He has been sick n long time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wise , who were arrested on
the charge of committing nssault nnd bittory
by prosy , were dlsc'tiai-Kcif by Justice Vlen
yesterday , he being tumble to find liny law
that held parents responsible for the crimi
nal acts of their children.
Gertie Watts , who charged William Lib-
bekn with falling to make change out of a
$5 gold piece which she gave him , thinking
It was a dime , was on hand yesterday morn
ing to prosccule Llbb l > n on the charge nf
larceny Her evidence was somewhat de
fective nnd Llbbekn was discharged.
Mrs. E Illll. who was arrested several
days ngo for filllnc thenlr with profanity
when David Ratlirfs wns present , was given
a hearing yeatcrday. Justice Fox Is now
wrestlltiK with the momentous question of
whether or not the use of profanity Is a
crime , nnd has tnkcn until Saturday morning
to decide It.
The excursion train to be run by the Bur
lington to this city next Sunday promises
to bring several hundred pleasure heekcrs
hero from the towns nil along the route.
About forty can have so far been spoken
for. The trains will arrive about 10 o'clock ,
and the pcoplo vv.ll spend the day at the
parks , the lakes and pleasure resorts gen
erally. _ _ .
Now is the tlmo to buy real estate. We
have several bnrgalns to offer In bus HCM
and residence properly. Fire insurincc
written 'n ' the best companies. Farm loans
wanted. Lougee & Towlc , 235 Pearl street.
fnn lie i-rcn on llroaduuy.
The most wonderful offers ever made on
any class of merchandise Is to be seen at
the Boston Store show windows. Such
price ? were never heard of.
Cloaks at lie , worth -l CO.
Clonks at 87c , worth ? tr > 0.
Cloaks at $1 31 , worth f C CO
Cloaks at $3 IS , worth $1200.
Every garment In our store one-halt the
irlglnnl price , and some cases even less , as
HID above list shows
Council Bluffs , la.
p. g. Don't fa" to E0 ° show windows.
i\mis I.nimdr } Company.
G20 Pearl streat. 'IVKphono. 290. } „
' nt ,
G. W. Culllson of Ilarlan was In the city
John P Organ Is visiting his old home
, In Troy , N. Y.
A. W. Relkman nnd family nro rusticating
at Lake OkoboJI.
Frank Chambers left last evening for an
outing nt Colfax.
Mrs. Addle Becker of Lincoln Is visiting
Miss EdHh Ross.
Mrs. John M. Lane-left last evening for a
visit In Wisconsin and Illinois.
J. W. Palmer has been called to Kansas
City by a telegram announcing the Illness
of a sister.
Deputy United States Marshal S. S.
Ethcrldgo of DCS Molnes was a Bluffs visitor
Mr. and Mrs. P. II FotherlnRham left
last evening for a visit with relatives In
Fort Dodge.
Mrs. Powell of Manchester , England , Is
the guest of her sister , Mrs. Robert Willy ,
150 Glen nvonne.
L. H. nnd Charles B. Hole of Chicago ar
rived In the city last evening on tholr way
from Chicago to Denver.
0. A. Loucks of the Milwaukee freight
depot , has rcturcnd from a two weeks' visit
with relatives In Nebraska.
Rev. T. J. Mnckay of Omaha ventured to
the cast side of the Missouri yesterday and
spent the afternoon vlaltlng a few of his
many friends here.
Elon G. Reynolds , secretary nnd treasurer
of Hlllsdtlo college , Mich. , left yestcrdiy
for homo nftcr a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Lcverett of this city.
Grand Plaza telephone 415.
Grand Plaza bathing beach. >
Grand Plaza picnic grounds.
Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all ,
Grand Plaza's fine row boats are all the
Grand Plaza excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to 6 and from 7 to 10.
Ejcs tested free. C. B. Optical Co. , Schnei
der's drug store.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Demoeriitlu Cam usr .
The democrats of Council Bluffs will hold
primaries tomorrow evening for the choosing
or delegates to the county convention. The
polls will bo open from 7 to 8:30 : o'clock.
The polling places and election officers are
as follows :
First Wnrd Wheeler & Herold's office ;
Ed AMilnwall. R. G. Oliver , Philip BetG. .
M. Wilson.
Second Ward 54" West Broadway ; A. T.
Whlttloioy , A. C. Schmoock , J. Lynch , John
Third Waid Creston house ; J. J. Hughes ,
Andrew Kastner , Charles Fox , John Do-
hany , Jr.
Fourth Ward Court house , superior court
room ; S. L. Etnyro , J. M. Fenlon , Leo
Swearlngen , A. W. Slack.
Fifth Wnrd Shields' store , Fifth nvcnua
and Tenth street ; W. W. Cones , James Kir-
ley , John K Cooper , A. Stsnton.
Sixth Ward West Broadway and Twenty-
third ; W. C. Bojer , W. B. Fisher , J. T.
Anderson , H. W. Payne.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
LakeMannvvn , Is the proper thing to take
thcso hot days. _
Best nil wool Ingrnln carpets , ( ! 5o ditrlug
July , to mnlto room for new stock.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone 4S. _
Marriage. lliiiiiHf > 4.
The following parties took out licenses to
wed yesterday at the county clerk's office ;
Name and Address , Age.
C , O. McOruvoy , l.ovlnnton , m , , . 27
Sue B. Rush. Macedonia , la . 20
William U. JoncH , Council Bluffs . 3J
Mrs. Mary C. I'lalney , Council Bluffs . 33
A nice , cool twlin at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Manaua , Is the proper thing to take
these hat da > s ,
Hammocks cheap , Davis the druggist.
soap outloita clitap toap. _ _ ,
\TiMifn I'timi / nf\Tnti nt ttiM n
Economic Lcp.guo Booking Ir formation as to
the Cost of Electric Lighting
Member * Sot Up tlm Cl/ilm ( lull thr City U
I'liylng heirnit TlmiR Too .Much
for Until On * mill Clcctrlc-
Ity at 1'rcnent.
At the next meeting of the city council
the matter of hiring nn expert to make an
electrical survey of the city will again coma
up , nnd a committee from the Economic
league will be present to urge the council
to take affirmative action. So far as can be
learned , n majority of the city council are
In favor of letting the contract for lighting
the city with gas and electric light to the
present company , whoso charter expired
about six years ngo , nnd whose contr.tct
expires In a llttlo less than three months.
The representatives of the Economic league
claim not to have any particular prejudice
against the Council Bluffs Uas and Eli'Ctrlc
Light company , but to bo merely Insisting
that the rates for light shall be brought
down to somewhere within reasonable fig
ures.Tho work of"nn expert , they clilm , Is
necessary to determine Just what Is n rea-
sonab'c ' figure The council at Its last meet
ing voted down the question of engaging
nn expsrt , because It was represented to
them that he would charge $25 per day
for the four days' work It would take to
nmUe the survey and the plats. Those who
have been Investigating the subject afsert
that It Is possible for good gas to be
furnished a cost not to exceed 50 cents
per 1,000 for heating and $1 per 1,000 for
llghtlirg , while the public now has to pay
$1 GO nnd $2. A corresponding reduction
should bo made In the cost of nrc lights ,
mid the result would bo a tremendous reduc
tion In the amount , of taxation
There Is onn o'cmcnt of opposition to the
plan of shutting out tlie Council Bluffs nnd
Electric Light company which has not been Into account very much , but has tx-
crted a powerful Influence. There are now
on deposit In the various city banks , It Is
claimed , more than $200,000 worth of the
company's bonds , held by the banks ns se
curity for money loaned In years put
Those bonds furnish all the security HIP
Innks have , and If nny wni were made on
the compiny , It Is easy to see that the batiks
would find themselves out of pocket to
the amount of the depreciation In the com
pany's stock. All the citizens of Council
Blurts who are financially Interes''d In the
banks nre consequently opposing "he Idea
of awarding the contract to any company
excepting the one now In existence. It Is
likely that the agitation will result In nn
appreciable reduction of the tolls now
The following communication received at
The Bee office jcstcrday bears upon the sub
ject :
COUNCIL BLUFFS , July 19. To the Editor
of The Bee- March 12 , ISO I , the Council
Bluffs Gas and Electric Light company ad
dressed the following communication to the
city olllclals"To the Mayor of Council
Bluffs , In. ' Under the contract for lighting
the city , bearing date September 17 , 1SS9 , It
Is provided as follows4
" 'It Is further agreed that the city of
Council Bluffs shall have the hole option , on
the cxplintlon of live jtars , to extend this
contract for the term of five years more. It
Is also provided that the company shall de
mand of said city In writing , six months
before the expiration of this contract ,
whether It Intends to exercise the option of
extending this contract as herein or not. '
"March 11 , 1S9I , Is six months before the
expiration of said contract. The undersigned
company hereby agrees to the five year ex-
tcns'on ' of tald contract on the terms and
conditions therein found and hereby requests
the city to decide by proper order whether It
Intends to exercise the option of extending
this contract as therein agreed , and If It
will do so. - ,
"Under the present contract for lighting
the city , dated September 17 , 1SS9 , the price
per lamp for 1890 was J100 ; 1S91 , $93 ; 1S92 ,
$9G ; 1893 , $94 ; 1S9I , $92. If the contract is
extended five jears , the price will be : For
1893 , $90 ; 1S9G , $ SS ; 1S97 , $80 ; 1S98 , $84 ; 1899 ,
$82 , nnd the company Is compelled to pur
chase the Iron towers owned by the city at
$520 cnch. " u * . * , v
Whal are you city officials Intending to
do In this matter ? The sum of $90 per year
for a lamp that burns but little more than
halt the time looks like a good deal of
money. It ought to bo Inveitlgated. The
committee appointed by the city coun
cil , aided by that appointed by
the Economic club , has had a good deal
of correspondence , accumulated a good deal
of data , but the only official that has read
any of It Is Mr. Nicholson. Mr. Hauss , an
electrical eng necr of Cincinnati , 0. , writes
Mr. Nicholson that the "average cost of pro
ducing a 2,000 candle power arc lamp In
this country Is $6 per lamp per month. "
That Is the average co t of a lamp burning
all night not half the night. The cost In
clude' ' ] nil expenses , Inclusive of Interest
upon the Investment.
Now , It Is clear that If the average cost
of producing this light Is but $72 per annum
for n lamp burning all night nnd every
night , $90 per year for a lamp burning but
little more than half the night can only bo
Jtibtlfied by showing this to be aery ex
ceptional town. Wlio says that ? What are
his reasons for saying It ? Why are the
city officials acting , nppirently , on the theory
that this Is aery exceptional place ? If
they ha\e Information to that effect why
not disclose It ? SUBSCRIBER.
Iriiln * for I.nUo Miumuii.
Leave Broadway : i .
10 a. m.
2 p. m.
5 p. m.
And every 22 minutes thereafter until
11 55 p. m.
Parties wishing to spend the day at Lake
Mnnawa take the 10 a. m. train.
The Eagle laund/y tvant lias been greatly
orlargcd and Improved , and wo are now pre
pared to turn out a largo amount of strictly
first-class work. Ncgllgo and colored sMrls
ladles' waists , etc. , n specialty. Wo gtiar *
nrteo not to fndu warranted colors. Tele
phone , 157. 724 Broadway.
Moro lln H ilm utnrn.
Another reminder of the late lamented A.
P. Ross , the forged-check artist , catno to
light y-tstcrday morning through the mall
when n letter from the Yorkvlllo ( III ) bank
was received at the Council Bluffs Savings
bank In this city , enclosing n bogus check
for $200. It was made payable to A. P. Ross
and bore the signature of F , M. Ross , be
sides the Indorsements of a number of promi
nent citizens of Yorkvlllc. Ross had no de
posit In the Savings bank , and the theory
of Mr. Blcrshelm , thf cashier , Is that ho was
well known In Yorkvlllo and secured thn
endorsements on the strength of old friend
No ? lonopol ) lit Iliottu'H C. O. I ) .
But groceries at frco trade prices. A car
load of antl-truet crackers , and the finest
on earth , will bo received today and will
be sold at such anti-trust , monopoly-para-
bzlng prices as these :
All kind * of toda crackers , 3lie per Ib.
Sweet crackers , do.
Ginger snaps , 5c.
O > stcr ciackers , 3c.
1 Ili-il In St. I oiiU.
M. A. Gregory died In St. Louis of con
sumption a few dajs ago , and his body was
brought to this city for Interment In Walnut
Hill cemetery. The deceased was In the
pa tolllce during the postmastershlp of Phillip
Armour , and slnco then has been In the
postal service. Some time ago ho was In a
railroad wreck and had several ribs broken.
The post mortem exam nation of the physi
cians led to the belief that these Injuries
were the cause of the lung weakness which
In the end cau ed his death.
Mejcrs-Durfee Furniture company , 336-338
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap. i
V.\Ictcil tliu I.amllonl.
Charles Schulthelsa was arrested yesterday
on the charge of assault with Intent to kill.
W. L. Patton owns the. building where
ScliultUclsa lives , and jestcrday dropped lu
to cMlf * ' the month's rent Patton claims
SohulUciss 1 vclcd a knife with a blade at
least three feet long nt him nnd threatened
to put In through him Schulthclia , when
arrested , is wore cut an Information charging
I'ntton with disturbing the peace. Both cases
will come up In police court this morning.
Irinpriiincc Cnmpitlc'i Open' .
Dr. Tracy , the temperance lecturer nnd
rcvlvallct. fired the first gun In his cam
paign against Intemperance tn this city at
the largo tent which has been raised at
the corner of First avenue nnd Seventh
street last evening. The attendance was not
very large , on account of the. threatening con
dition of the weather , and the doctor did not
give one of his regular lectures , as he had
Intended to do , but merely confined his re
marks to an outline of what he Intends tn
do durlne his ten days' edge In this city
under the auspices of the Ministers' associa
The tent , a large nffalr , which 1ms splendid
acoustic properties , will comfortably scat
nearly 1,600 people , and ns Dr. Tracy Is an
excellent talker and has n gdod Instrument
by which many attractive \lews used In
Illustrating his talks nro thrown upon the
canvas , there stems to be no reason why he
should not meet with the same success hero
that characterized his meetings In other
CliiiiiKln ? lot.illon.
J. J. Brown offers for sale all of his real
estate nnd business property In Council
Bluffs , Including his residence , corner of
Fifth avenue nnd Seventh street , with or
without corner lot , with large barn adjoining.
The Brown building , fronting on Main nnd
Pearl street , three-story brick , steam heated ,
elevator , otc , all In first-class condition and
occupied by good tenants.
His four business stores on South Main
street , known as Brown block and Central
block , nil well rented to good tenants. And
two moat desirable lots on south corner of
Seventh street and Fifth avenue. Also
twenty-elcht lots In Highland Place , West
Broadway , all In the city of Council Bluffs.
For further particulars apply to J. J. Brown ,
25G South Seventh slrcut , city.
.luclj'f 1'illKf ! Dr. ul.
Judge E It. Paige , formerly a well known
resident of Council Bluffs , died at his home
In Ch cage this week. He practiced law In
this city for a number of years , and once
served as county Judge. He also won con
siderable fame as a lecturer on scientific
subjects , much of his time being spent In
the study of science. Since he went to
Chicago he was engaged In the editing of
a society paper , as well as practicing h s
profes Ion. He leives a widow. Judge Paige
Is well remembered by all the pcoplo whose
residence In Council Bluffs dates back fif
teen years. _
I'ottolikn lt < stimint.
Messrs Gundram & Kehr of the "Post-
office Restaurant , " at C02 Broadway , are serv
ing a splendid regular dinner for 33c. , In
addition to short orders. These gentlemen
are well known in the city , having been con
nected with Metzger & Rnndlctt for the past
three jcars. and this Is a sufficient guar
anty that their patrons will be well treated
K you are looking for a good meal nt n mod
erate price give them a call and you will
bo well satisfied. -
Grmnl I'luz.i , I.ulK ! Almuiuii.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will be
charged to persons who desire to rent boats
or bathing suits.
Ice cream and refreshments served In the
pavilion nf Grand Plaza.
Real estate Is cheap In Council Bluffs
Wo can sell you A home , a vncant lot , a
fruit or garden farm cheaper than ever.
Now Is the time to buy. t Day & Hess , 33
Pearl street. _
Charged ultli 1 ml > " / 7lincnt. .
W. J. Murtaugh was ariestcd yesterdaj
morning on the charge of embezzlement ,
preferred by Frank Mulertz. Murtaugh
sold a patent hog trough for Mulertz , or
rather tried to. When It came time to settle
he claims ho found himself considerably In
Mulertz' debt , and ho has not since then been
able to pay up. He claims there Is nothing
In the way of embezzlement In the case , and
the court will ha\o a chance to see which of
the two Is In the right tomorrow morning.
- 1 - Si ± . , v rp _ v
Try a glass of Sulpho-Sallno or Soterlan
mineral waters from the famous Excelsior
springs at George Davis' , Paul Schneider's
and Q. II. Brown/s drug stores. John Lln-
dcr , general agent. - * '
Eyesight Is priceless ; It you need glasses
you need the best. C. B. Optical Co ,
Schneider's drug store. r *
New drug store , Deetken & Whaley , 140
Broadwaj ; also office of Dr. Charles Deetken
Stonril tlio lent.
Lewis Neeley and Homely Fuller , two
colored boys who have been In police court
Innumerable times , nmused themselves last
evening by throwing bricks and stones at
the tent where the Tracy temperance meetIngs -
Ings are being held. Officer Easdalo stole up
behind them and put a quietus on their fun.
They broke and ran , but Easdale caught
both of them. They are In Jail awaiting a
trial on the charge of disturbing the peace.
Postofilco Restaurant makes specialty of
Ice cream.
For fine rooms stop at the Victoria house ,
326 Broadway , corner Brjant street.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at
Gas Co.'s office.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
roiiaim jr.i.vr
Mlouz City Saloon Keepers UHO I'riiuil In
Completing Ihclr Petition.
SIOUX CITY , July 19. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) It has been discovered that
many of the signatures to the saloon peti
tion circulated tn tills county outside the
city nnd under which about thirty saloons
are running are forgeries , and that there
are not the requisite number or legal sig
nature ! . As a result of the discovery all
the saloon keepers and bartenders , about
forty In all , will bo prosecuted under the old
Clark law , and some who swore to the petitions
titions- ' correctness will bo prosecuted for
perjury and forgery.
AVcnt to Sleep Under Wny Car.
PACIFIC JUNCTION , la. , July 19. ( Spe
cial Telegram to The Bee. ) Frank Parks ,
a 13-year-old boy , went to sleep under a
way car In the Burlington yards nt this
point last night. When the car was
sw Itched his left foot wns run over , neces
sitating Its ninputatlon. He claims that he
came from Spokane and Is on his way to
his undo In New York. Dr. George Penn
of Spokane Is his step-father.
Crenton Woman Arrested.
CRESTON , la. , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Mrs. Laura Raynor ,
the proprietor of a confectionery store , was
arrested today , together with a number of
female employes. The proprietress Is charged
with keeping a house of prostitution. The
confectionery business was run ai a bl nd to
conceal the criminal character of the place ,
It is alleged.
Died of Ili-urt failure.
SIDNEY , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Edward 0. Sllem , who
has resided here the past year , died this
morning from heart failure. Ho was 111 only
a few days. Deceased was a native of
Esher , Surrey , England , and was In excellent
financial circumstances. His body was em
balmed today by Dr. Stowltts. The remains
will bo burled hero from the Episcopal
church tomorrow. Aged 27 jcars.
Two Coxeyltes attempted to escape from
their quarters today by cutting through the
colling , but their plans were frustrated by
the vigilance of the deputy marshals and
they are now enjoying the hospitality of the
guard house on a bread and water diet.
Kolililni ; tlio ( hcroliecfi.
MUSCOGHB , I. T. . July 19. The Cherokee
payment closed at Fort Gibson today and the
money and crowd moved to Webber Falls ,
where the payment will begin Saturday and
continue six days. That Is oneof the larg
est districts In the nation and will take more
than $1.000,000. The big payment at Fort
Gibson closed without a disturbance. Several
bold robberies attended It. Yesterday there
were three or four hold-ups right on thn
Prospects of Edng Ont/'tftho / ' Great Cities
of the Black 'Hills. '
i u >
j _ in
* i
No Symptom * of tlio Oi urtritl I'limnclnt He-
prtitaliiii In tluit Vlclnltj Some 1'olnU
of Intcriftt About u 1'rogrtM *
CDOCMONT , S. D. , J/uly / 1C. ( Special Cor-
rcspondence. ) Mono of I Ho tymptoms of
business depression , stringency or
conmierclnl lethargy prevailing to a greater
or less extent throughout the country arc
to bo detected In this thriving m tlrcpubllc
city In this exceedingly democratic summer
of 1S9I. Bustle , push , development and lin-
piovcmcnt constitute the order of the da ) ,
and under the Impetus of this steiuly progres
sion the foundation of a Ihe and prosperous
city has been well laid.
S tuated as It Is at the edge of the Ulack
Hills , with the mnrvoloualy rich peaks and
hollo\v3 of that wonderful region stretching
away 100 miles to the northward , and tens
of thousands of acres of river valley and
bench lands rolling far to the west , east
and south , oflorlng unuiuulled Inducements
for agriculture and grazing , ndgemonl pos
sesses natural advantages that cannot be
exceeded , and It Is upon these and their In
telligent development that her c tlren * have
so ( Irmly and happily pinned their faith.
The Initial move was made b > the railroad
company , as Is almost Invariably the case
In tne opening up or a new country , and the
town of Edgemont , slgnlfjlng , as the name
Implies , "tho edge of the mountain , " was
thus born.
Us location made It of necessity a Junc
tion point , and because of Its many advan
tages and the future that was apparent for
It , the 11 A. M. company seized tlmo by the
forelock and made It u division terminus ,
locating here Its round house and all the
plant and equipment necessary for the opera
tion of Us Hills division.
Prom lodgement the nnd was built to
Newcastle , where the great Cambrl.i coal
mines were at once opened up , affording con
stant omploj incut to 400 men nnd having an
output of 1,000 tons per day , or ne.\rl > 500-
000 tons annually. The rapid development of
the 1111 s country called for almost Immo-
iHate further extension of the lines , and from
lodgement a line was built to Ueadwood
lodgement's twin sister on the north et'gs '
of the Hills , cutting almost exactly In twain
what President Marvin Hnghltt of the
Chicago & Northwestern , cnaracterlzes as ,
"the rlcheit 100 miles squat c of territory
In the world , " Away to the northeastward
diving still deeper into the heart of the
hills , another branch line was built to Hot
Springs , that wonderful health and pleasure
resort so aptly denominated "the Carlsbad
of America , " the future of which e.-cn the
most sangulno cannot adequately foretell.
Such Is the location of Ecgemontwith
reference to the Black Hills , literally nnd
In fact the gateway city Uirough which
must come the untold millions of bin led
treasure now barely hidden Trom view , and
certain , with the recent Improvements In
reduction processes , to bo speedily uncovered
and placed upon the markets of the world
All but two of the knQwn minerals are
found In paying quantities In the Ulack
Hills , nnd the extension of the railroad
has rendered localltic.3 now accessible and
susceptible of working that were hitherto
barred for that very reason. illn
Ing experienced a setback , as did
all other Industales i nnd branches
of business , but It Is now picking up rapidly ,
and there Is mere placer gold mining going
on In the Hills today than , over before. The
gold output will clotely approximate $6,000-
000 this jcar. Tha natural outlet for all this
wealth of mineral and t precious metal is
Gdgemont , and more especially InIew of
the certain contact Uiero"wlth the coal and
coke from Newcastle ; the latter being of a
quality that Is hot exceeded any A hero In
the world. It Is burneU In large quantities
nnd renders the location of a large smelter
at Edgenipnt as certain 'Ifs any of the un
known posslblllfles of the near future. The
cost of Shipment of cither coal or ore to
that point Is very slight , as It Is a down
grade , and the coal trains from Newcastle
are made up of fifty loaded cars , bearing 2,000
tons of the black fuel , vvhllo the same is
true of the grade on the Deadwood line , Im
mense ore trains to ndgemont being possi
bilities , vvhllo seven or eight loaded cars Is
the limit the other way.
But while certain to profit Immeasurably
from the mineral wealth of the Hills , Edge-
mont la not depending solely upon that for
her future growth nnd prosperity. That Is
merely an Incident that wld contribute to
her coming greatness , for agriculture In the
surrounding valleys promises ns much for
this little city ns the mining In the adjacent
The soil of the valleys and higher bench
lands Is of tha kind to make glad the heart
of the husbandman , water being the only
essential for a heavy crop that Is not natur
ally furnished In abundance.
This year Its lack Is not apparent , for it
has been the wettest season ever known In
the Hills country and crops arc all that could
bo desired. Corn , grass , small grain nnd
vegetables are of a quality that would at
tract attention at a state fair. This simply
shows what the soil will do under favorable
conditions , and It may bo stated hero that
favorable conditions for good crops will exist
In the vicinity of Edgemont hence
forth. Regardless of the rainfall ,
soil tillers In the Cheyenne
valley will be strangers to drouth , for the
Edgemont company has Just about com
pleted n $00,000 Irrigation nnd power canal ,
and Is going Into the crop Insurance business
on a large scale. The canal taps the Chey
enne river fourteen miles above the city , Just
below the mouth of Beaver Creek , swings
over to the edge of the bench lands , and Its
mains and laterals will Irrigate 10,000 acres
of as pretty bottom land as the summer sun
ever shone nbove , while below the city the
tall race will furnish the water for 2,000
acres more.
But the Edgemont company , made up of
capitalists with not only the perspicacity to
foresee the possibilities of the future and
the brains to plan for them , but the money
as well to put those plans Into execution , did
not stop with the building of an Irrigation
canal. It was made for a slzo to furnish
power , ami factories destined to lo
cate In this promising section of
the great northwest will find
hero 10,000 natural horse po-.7er developed
for the use of man. But It was not the In
tention to write In this article of the canal
and the seventy-two loom woolen mill now
In course of erection , nor of the train load
of machinery from Philadelphia now block
ing the loner railroad yaras and waiting
to bo placed In position In the mill as soon
as completed. The same Is true of the
sheep raisers of this section , who arc al
ready negotiating cpntracts with the manu
facturers for their reason's clipping , of
drouth-suffering farmers who arc seeking
new locations In the Irrigated Chcyonnc
valley ; of the scores of now buildings now
In course of erection ; of the grading of
streets , and the many evidences of metro-
polltanlsm that this wonderful llttlo city Is
rapidly putting on ( In , fact , of what has
been done to Increase Edgemonfs popula
tion from 300 to 1,100 In three months , and
of what will mako'lt ' a city of G.OOO people
Inside of three years.
As Mr. Kipling says , , "that Is another
story. "
Edgomont Is undoubtedly to bo congratu
lated In having BO wealthy and enterprising
a corporation as the Edgemont company be
hind It , as It Is thus put In a position to
more speedily realize Ha hopes , but the
confidence In Its future Is by no means
confined to the members of that company
The actual citizens of the town arc largely
from central nnd weitcrn Nebraska and
from other towns In the Hills. They are
thoroughly Informed as to surrounding con
ditions and the possibilities of the future ,
and they are banking on that confidence to
the extent of putting every dollar they can
get hold of Into real estate , Even the men
working their teams on the cam ) construc
tion work put part of their earnings Into
land , batlsfled that with assured crop * , fac
tories with cheap power and the Increased
population that each would bring , there could
be but one outlook for ndgemont realty.
They have done 'what Hon. W
! ' . Ourley so strongly advocated
at a recent monthly banquet
of tha Omaha Commercial club. In reply
to a number who d ri1 ihw r w > t
resolution * which accompllihcd n < tlil'tR .lr
Ourlcy took the other side , nnd In a ringing
speech gnld It made nil the difference In the
world whether the parties pausing the reso
lutions meant what they said. He declared
that If 100 of the wealthy and representa
tive men of the city should get together nnd
resolve that Omaha must ho made n great
city , "and menu It , " there would lie such a
rattling of dry banes as had never b en
known before , nnd things would hum Inside
of three months. The citizens of Edgemont
nro ful.y . alive to their possibilities , nnd
they are not nlone In that realization. They
have resolved that Edgemont shall speedily
take the position In the business world which
she Is destined to fill. And "they mean It. "
uitinini > to ni.inriii.i > > i.
United Mute * Orul er Ciiliiiiihliv Sent to tliu
Troubled Torrlt ry ,
WASHINGTON , July 19 The mall steamer
which arrived at New Orients today from
the south brought ndvlccs directed to Secre
tary Herbert by Captain O'Neill , ocmmand-
Ing the United States steamship Mnrblehead ,
stationed at Minefields , Nicaragua , nnd these
wcro promptly telegraphed to Washington
Just what Captain O'Neill had to report the
secretary would not say , but It was undoubt
edly corroborative of the press dispatches
Tint the secretary regarded tne matter ns
being \ery Important was shown by his ac
tion In Immediately calling Into consultation
Admiral Ramsey , chief of the navlgitlon bu
reau , and Admiral Ghcrnrdl , commander of
the New York navy yard As n result or
ders were forwarded In Captain Stunner of
the cruiser Columbia , now at New York , to
prepare the vessel at once for sea and sail
for Illuoflelds. Coiling has begun alread )
and according to the report ntado to Secre
tary Herbert the vessel should bo under way
In the course of a day or two. Supposing
that the Columbia gets awiy from New York
Saturday morning she should arrive at 1'ort
Ro > al , W. I , on the 25th , and stopping enl }
long enough to take a fresh supply of coal
she should be off Blueflelds on the following
I'rlday or Sitniday She cannot go Into
the biy there , as she dra'vs too much water ,
and she probably will bo obliged tn lie about
twelve miles away In the open sea. Secre
tory Herbert sa > s she will not relieve the
Mnrblehead , hut that both vessels will re
main nt the station , so that one can alwajs
be on gtnrd while the other runs down to
Port Llmon to coal.
Nonilnuted I > V tliu I'n-sldcnt.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The president
todny sent the following nominations to
the eenntc'
State Clifton n. llreeKlmldge of Arkan
sas , to lie envoy e\triioiillnni v nnd minis
ter plenipotentiary of the United StnteM to
Russia , vice Andrew D. White , icslgned.
Tio.iaurj Walter I CiutPi of Now York
to bo suiveyor of customs for the port of
Pateliogue , N. Y.
Postmasters Charles I. , Shlpton , Mn-
rcngo , In ; Geoige E Iotouiiip.iii. Wln-
dom. Minn ; Ch.irlos Wnrncr , Wellington
O . Frank Cooper , Riivcnsvvood , W Vn
Eugene Tulpet. register of the land oilier
u Tuc'on , Arl" Hoiace M. Ucbok , nRent
re- the Indians of the Sac and I'o acetic }
In Iowa.
Tintr.i : .I//A///S KII.I.IQ.
Hoisting Apptr.ilu * llrolto mill I.rt the Cm
Drop Iliinn Ilio Mone.
WIL.LIAMSTOWN , Pa , July 10. Three
miners wcro Killed nnd two badly Injmed
In an accident which happened this after
noon In the Wllllamstown colliery. The
dead nre :
PARTIN TATE , nged 10.
The injure , ! nro : William Clarke nnd a
minor whose name has not > et been leaincd
Both the wounded men will recover. The
accident happened ns the- men were coming
to the sin face after having completed theli
day's work. The hoisting apparatus b -
came disarranged , and In sonic manner
forced the car tightly apalnst the Mope
The unfortunate occupants wcro dragged
along and squeezed between the car nnd thereof
roof until the machinery was stopped. All
the dead men arc married and leave large
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I"our Tlioutiiril People I'rcsont at the MeetIng -
Ing ut Toronto \cstrrilny.
TORONTO , July 19. The fourth Interna
tional convention of the I5aptls > t Young
People's union met here today with 4,000
delegates present. President Chapman of
Chicago formally opende the convention
An address was given by Rev. G. n. Rob
ins of Cincinnati on the possibilities of
Junior work. Then there were ten minute
speeches by J. Baker of Rhode Island , Iluv-
E. Manning , Detroit , and Ruv. W. Gelst-
wcrt of Minneapolis. The pioceedlngs were
finished tip by an open parliament , con
ducted by Rev. Walter Galley of Boston
When the evening session ; was resumed , nt
leabt 8,000 people tried to get Into Mashey
Music hall , when It could onlv hold 5,000 ,
The consequence wns that the Metropolitan
church was presneil Into servlc eto accom
modate the overflow. Addresses were made
by leading divines , and the proceedings
were brought to a close with remarks on
"The Chinch of tbo rutuie , " by President
J. 13. Ginmbrll or Georgia.
Tholr Weapons Tolil the Tulo.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex. , July 19. The re
mains of two unknown Mexicans have been
found on the ranch of Pedro Garcia In Presidio
die county. In the right hand of one of the
men was clasped a knife , while Is Ing beside
the other body was a cactus cutter , these
two Instruments showing by what means the
bloody work had been accomplished. It Is
supposed that the two settled differences
with a duel to the death , with no seconds on
hand as witnesses.
nought by 1111 Kngllsli Firm.
PHILADELPHIA. July 19. John Crossley
& Sons , manufacturers of England , have pur
chased the big mill of Homer Bros , in this
city. The mill gives employment to SOO
hands. The price paid Is said to bo $1,000.-
000. The new purchasers will take charge
In September.
IHiiiulrrH In Print.
How completely the sense of a sentence
Is altered by the omission of an Initial let
ter Is shown In the following selections
from various papers : "Tho conflict was
dreadful , and the enemy was repulsed with
great laughter. " "In consequence of the
numerous accidents occasioned by skating on
Taunton lake , measures are being t iken
to put a top to It. " "When the piosldent's
wife entered the humble sitting-room of the
mlno she wns politely handed a hair. " "At
a large dinner given last night at the ,
nothing was eatable but the owls. " "A
man was yesterday arrested on the charge of
having eaten a cabman for demanding more
than his faro. " "An employe In the service
of the government was accused of having
stolen n small ox from the Boston mall ; the
stolen property was found In his vest
pocket. " "Tho Russian soldier , Kachkln-
offoskowsky , was found dead with a long
word sticking In his throat. "
Ill till ) AtlllOitplllTP ,
Washington Star : "And father has for
bidden you the house , " bho said.
"Yes. " ho replied ; "this Is the last tlmo
I can sco you "
"HaroldI You must go and see him. "
"It's no use. The hst time I met him ho
made It clear that ho had decided on a lock
out and wouldn't arbitrate. "
Jyjuinia SjWKi *
/ ' -iS/v'/JV / / t
* - " ' .vafiifc ; * * " ; . M
J" "
-V # . pvY
With the nilvantauex of n < lgcmont ,
South Dakota , Is fciiro to bccomo a big
city.Let us toll you what they are and why
a dollar Invested In
Edgomont , S. D.
rp.ilrstnto mm n 111 double Itself Injldo
of two jL-nrs ,
UlOOiinu upwards , Kasy monthly
\Vnto for I'ami'hlct ' , 1'rlco List , flat ,
anil references ( ret )
The Udgcmont Company , Omaha , Neb.
rf.r.hrm irmc nitn M.
Poilrnmtor Lconimh of HoNc , Iilnlio , la
short J7.COO.
The miners In the Miirphysboro , 111. , OM-
trlct strtuk
The nrmy worm In (1c troyliiR Riimlt Rrnln
In the vicinity of AIUIRO'K
James MtilllKiui , the new consul to Snmon ,
stinted yestcrilny for lilo IMHI.
The trial of the cxprc i robbers at Nash
ville vviis commenced ycMi'nlny.
Murtln Itiimmcl , warned In Michigan for
nrson , 1ms been nrrestcd nt l-o * AiiKilf * .
The republicans of tliP riftrelitlt Missouri
dlHtilct have nominated Clmrle * 11. IHir-
ton for cnncrvHS.
Columbia Hnyc4vni found utility nt
Havnnnnh , Mo. , > estcrdiiy of the murder of
his biother-ln-mw ,
The Arknnsns populNt convention con
vened jesterduy , nnd nftcr nppolntliiK com-
mlttcc'J mljourned until todnv.
Hvery member of the A. It. V. nt Chev-
nine has Flttni'd u petition to eongrest for
the Impeachment of Attorney General
John Hnrtovv , a ncRio prisoner In the St.
Joseph Jnll , was shot by the Ktnrd ! < < -
terdny while attempting to ecutpe. He
mu > die.
The Itotnll Jo\\cleii niooclatlon , In FO -
Hlon nt Clnrlmuil , jrstirdny i-Urled otll-
ccm and ndjouined to meet ut St. l.utils
next July.
The Missouri ijnod of the nvatiKcllcal
Lutheran church pat'cd a ie8"lutlnn itat-
Itif ; the bible In Its until ety It ) the Inspired
word of God.
X'nlted States troops nro itlll guarding
rallro-td property nt Knlil , Ukl. Another
brldRO 110 feet IOIIK v\aa burned yeslerdiiy
near that place.
A woman with a curling Iron nt HI I'nio ,
Tex , stalled a lire In a dry good * store
\\blcli canted a loss of $17 ,000 befoie It
was extinguished.
In the Sittley tilal at Independence. Mo ,
yesterday the day was i'im umrd In the
expel I'M testimony eoiieeiulnir the inellmiN
if doctoiliiK ; the books by the bank wreck
ers.The wife of Millionaire Springer of Chicago
cage lias been positively Idintliud , is tbo
pet son who uttenuited to bilbe a jm Mrian
in a case In which hoi liusb.xtul was intei-
Purest flies me burning floicelv neir
Hojcl. a sm.ill town lu the vlrlnllv of ( 'lilp-
pcvvn Palls , \Vjs The entire uoitli put of
the "tate N lIKe a tinder boon account of
the long diotith.
The Northctn IMolllf Iris given notice
that Its entile svstem Is now opi u foi bus
iness , esiepl the Coeur d' bi.iiuli ,
which wan damaged by the Hoods , .mil
not been tcpalred.
A large number of pioinlnent Clilcaro
business mni have unltid lu a tclegium
to congress iiiglng It to take Immediate
action oti the tin Iff bill , as the suspense was
disastrous to ImslneM.
The national convention of retail Jewelers
Is In seslson at Cincinnati They ptoposc to
take some artlim to force w boles ilers to
cense selling cheap Jew eh y to dry goods
and other 111 inn to IISQ as premiums , claim
ing It damages their business.
Van Stornbcrg , chief of the Intel national
b.ind of anarchists , has been aricstetl In
Cholera Is Inero.T-Ing ninont ; the raftsmen
In the Vlstul i ilver The number of cases
nt Ciacow Is dwindling
In a sKlimlsli betvvun the rebels and
government foices In Sitno.t the latter
wcievictoiJous. . The reucls lost twnety-
two killed.
often ctpprnd" on Ix-iulv The ln s of ono incins
the lo s of the other. Cil i > ( nil la scl l"in IIP m-
tlful UuhiPd liulr. Bti < .jKcil anil patchy f"
bleachlnt- , never Is.
pcifcclly rc toica a ii < h. lustrous color imltoa
tliu hall h ilihv anil Is il in 'tmtnlnsj , Kilt ,
or TurKlbli I ) itht ilo not HlToi t It It Is ns n it-
iiial as nature. Detection Impossible UuoU about
It free.
free.IM1T.HIAL CIinMICAL , Sll'd. CO ,
202 Fifth Avenue , N. Y.
Sold by Sherman & McConnell , 1D13 Dodge
troot , Omaha , Neb
uBrP lyq iff
WE NerYolls
Catarrh. All Dlsonson of the Nose ,
Throat , Choa * . atomach , Llvor , Blood
Skin and Kidney Dlsoaaoa , Lost
Gallon or ao
Dr. Searles & Searles , "J&W&ti
Dr. E. C. West's Horvo anil Brain Treatment
Hsohlnudorpnsltho written cuiumik'O , liynulhnr-
Iziul ngentH only , to cuiounk Jlcmory ; Loss of
llrulnmul NCMO IVracrIx ; tAIniihoodQiilikiiesG ; ;
Nltilit I/OSHCS ; I'.vji Driinnn ; I nuk at Ciiiillilcnco ;
Nervouiirti * ; lnt > bludu ( ; all Drulm ; Io 3uC 1'unoc
of the Ociioinllvo Ort'nna In ulllir t > x , cnust d b ;
over-oxortlou ! Youthful 1'rrors , or llsctctlvo Use nt
Tobacco. Opium or liquor , wlilcli noon lead to
AlleurConsumption. . Jn < niiitynnd Death , llynmll ,
Mubnz ; ufiir5 : wild wrllten cuirnnteo to euro or
refundmomy. Wl.Hl'SCUlKIIItUniU' . Acorlnln
faro for * . GoM.l , AMImin , llrc > mlilll , Croup ,
\\hooplnj Coui'h. Rorn throat. I'lenmnt to tiilo
fmmll Flzo cll'couiliiuo I ; old Wlo. Pirn , nciw'iv. : old
Ufl--norWi 01 WAjnnitrsuodoulj by
Goodman Drug Co. , Omaha.
Or ( tit-M < iuor llnlilt I'oaitlirly Cuicd
by utluiiiiUKTliii : l > i. HiiiucV
Uiilili-ii NiK-rlllr.
It oan bo ctvcn lu a cup otuotleo or tea , or In foorl.
without IliokiiowleclB' ) of the putlcut It n absolute ) t
barmloifl , and will ctTrct a iioiinnncnl and 0pecdy
cure , nhctliur the patient fa a moderate urhiKcrar
an alaoholla wreck It Imr bean clvn In ihoiiinncli
of oaaf 9 and In every Inatince n perfect cure lua fol-
* ocd It Ne rr Pall * . 'llieiyatsmoncolmpreKnAted
t/lihtbn beiomtaun utter Impoumuillty
K-r the liquor appetite toextat
( JOUII- MM ) IHO t ( . 1'rop'ro , ( Inrliiimtl , C.
iu-iwa boo * or partliularj In-f. la bo bad o'
Kuhn & Co. , Druggists , Omaha.
l.xttnrtnl tlio llrilln of thn Ox.
In the treatment of
N. T Ncuroloftlrnl Rudely , Mccllnif April 4 , ISO !
. , A turf mis rrfurntcil of locum itur atmliv
'nlilali hn.l Lorn trailed \\llli hjpnlcrndo In-
"jM-tlonn nf OnitrilltlNi : BIX > i-nr nito lh
' indent. A mnn neoil firty , had l < rgun to nf
"rr with double \\n\\n \ \ This , nltir novcrnl
"mniitli * nf trrnlniv > nt , Imd illNiinwnrml , nml for
' time he Imd l > n iiillc | > M-ll The Utilcnl
> mtuma of lucoinotor ntnxla Ilirli cnnio on ;
'oiiinpleto U > of knecjiiltx , mmrn imlnii tn
"the ICKV ntnubi unit \vrll niiiktd. Inability
"tn flntul nlili DIP e > clonml. difficulty lt >
' the Idiuldcr nllil tHiweln , sexual
"power ln t ; n pnsi > cf cmwlrlcllon nrouml thit
" . Treitiiieiitnt begun nbotiln wcckn
' ' . nnd con l U > l nf n dally hjpodermlo ln
"Jcrtnn of rniimilllNi : "Itnmmond ) nv
"dniiK | , oomlilnnl ulth n Ilko amount of water.
"Imrmixrnunt xny mniKcd , n.-xual function *
pcrftcdv reflorril. c > mplol > * control oxer Mnd-
Mer nnd IHIHOIH. nnd nhorp | uln linil dinar *
"penred , general lifnltli Improudi able tp run
"up and > ln n Malr . nnd e. uld Mand Meftilr
"with hl e\o * fln ed No otlur treatment em-
"l > loje > l. Improvement ftrndunl nnd itcady.
Onto I'lve lroH | Price , < tilinclim < ) , (2.0.
Where Incal tlrupRljM nrc hot nuppllrd with
the llnmmnnd Animal Ilxtinrin they will bn
mailed , loRNlifr with all i-\l ( lin : literature
on the mibjecl , in ircelpt of price , by
1 111 ; < OUMIIII.Y fllCMII'Al. CD. ,
XViinhington , II , C.
Our Bond
Cunrnntooo no
Pny until Curod.
Bond for o\ir Now Book.
(19 ( S. 14th St- Omaha , Neb ,
Teeth Without Plates.
Goldurown and brldaq
leetli , JO per tooth :
p , iliile-n extraction t
p ilnlcsH Illllii'- . Alloy
iml MlM'ttmlngs , 11 ;
u u jrnlil , J- mid up.
c.iuilfnl full botartl.
llclul teeth S5 00. Pit KUuranUud.
B/U1.EY. B Doutlst.
3d flemi Paon I11U , intli and r.irniiu St3.
To I 1085 Luly utU'iidmit. Ueiinin spoken.
Uoo Or Bnlloy's Tooth Powdor.
and a
YOU ? Large Stock ,
The Aloe & Penfold Co.
1408 Parnam St. , Opposite Fazton Ilotal.
Fire , Tornado and Accident Insur-
unco Agency.
The strongest and most popular com *
panics in thu world. City property
and farm lands bought nnd Bold.
17 Pearl St. Jttmos Block.
1'reildont. Uashlur
Capital , - - $100,000
Profits , - - - 12,000
Ono of the oUlcM tmnka In the state of lowa
We solicit > our bunlnQts nnd colhctlons.V
B per cent on tlmo deposits. We will bq
to ECO nnd fccr\u jou.
7 Rninluirtnn Attorm-jn-u-mw rr. c
a buiiiuiiuyi ) tii-u iii mi Ktitu Una
fiidiiriil court * . Koiiinu UUU-7-8-U , Sliugurb
block' tiiiiiiuil llluiT'H , In
A/otice3i /
fera for silc nit of Ills re il ratato and bunl-
neHH property In Council llluffH , InclmlliiK Ilia
lexlilonio , cor , of HIM lutnui ; and TtM street.
\\llli or without cornir lot , with lurgo l > arn >
ndjulnlni ; Also :
'I ho Hnmn tnillillni ; , fronting on Main nnd
1'uirl btrcetH , 3-fetoiA bilck , Htiuni luuUd , cle *
\atoi , etc , nil In llrst-cl.isH condition find oc
cuplcd Ity good tintintti
lllH foui liimlncKH Hlorea on Boulli Main ntreet.
Known nn lixmn lilmk and Crntial block , all
will rented t > M > od temntu And *
Two most ileslinblo IOIH on south corner of
Till ttrcct nnd Ct'i n\cniie Aluo 23 lots tn
HlKhlatid I'licpVt t Ilrondtvny , nil In tin
clly of Coumll IlluffH Tor further | > iirtlculani
a | ply to .1. J. llrnwn , 2 > C bouth 7lh etrcet , city.
| M IliirUe. at Tnylor'H Kroccry , 010 Uroudway.
roit HAI.K , a OOD PAM FiTy imitsn AND
I'hncton , W. II. Thomas , Ml I'curl street.
All kin Is of Dyolnt
mid Die niliu dnno In
thu hUliuit style of
the art. Ki lo I , \n I
RUIiiud f.ibrlji m i'I
to lool : n geol in
no.r. Wont promptly
done an I delivers I
In all p irli of ti3
country , rfjn-1 fj ;
tirlua lilt.
lir O. A. TVIAO.I \ I ,
f fcS pgP ,
Ilratuluny , nnnr North
ttuMurn Depot ,
Tut hona 22.
& Co.
Empkie-Shugart . ,
BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels
Send for catalogue.
109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffy [ a. .