SCORED THE SENATE Prctident Cleveland Writes a Letter on tlio Tariff to Chairman WiUon , THERE MUST BE FREE RAY/ / MATERIALS House Urged Not to Compromise but to Stand by the Wilson Bill , PARTY PLEDGES MUST BE REDEEMED Eenato 511 a Violation of Time-Honored Demceratio Principles. INCOME TAX A PERMISSIBLE CONCESSION Voted to Stand by Its Conferees und Auks fur Another Conference with. the Scimtu Suvoml I'olntcii Speeches JMailu. ' WASHINGTON , July 19. Intense Interest was created by Mr. Wilson's announcement In the house today that he had n letter from President Cleveland , which the latlcr liad permlied lo be made public. The teller was Ihcn sent to the desk and read amid profound silence. It was In the president's vigorous style , and was n stirring Irlbute to the Wilson bill , and a direct blow at any surrender to the scnale bill. The galleries were crowded , and Ihe scene on the floor was an animated one In antici pation ot Ihe debate on the tariff conference report when the house met. WhElo the journal waa being read , Chairman Wilson entered the room. His head was bound with with a while handkerchief , and he was evl- dcnlly suffering great pain. His appearance wai the signal for a great demonstration on the democratic side , the members cheer ing wildly nt the Fight ot their tariff leader. Kut the real sensation came when the pres ident's letter was read , as follows : INSISTS ON PARTY HONESTY. , Personal. EXECUTIVE MANSION , WASHINGTON , 'July 2 , 1S9I. To Hon. William L. Wilson. My Dear Sir : The certainty that a confer ence will bo ordered between the two houses of congress for the purpose of adjusting differences on the subject of tariff legisla tion makes It also certain thai the house will bo called upon lo do hard service In the cause of tariff reform. My public life has been so closely related to the subject , I have so longed for Its ac complishment , and I have so often promised its realization to my fellow countrymen as a result of their trust and confidence In the democratic parly , I hope no excuse Is neces sary for my earnest appeal to you that In this crisis you strenuously Insist upon p'irty honesty and good faith and a steady adher ence to democratic principles. 1 believe these are absolutely necessary conditions to the continuation ot democratic existence. I cannot rid myself of the feeling that this conference will present the best If not the only hope of true democracy. Indications point to Its action ns the reliance of those who desire the genuine fruition of demo cratic effort , the fulfillment of democratic pledges and the redemption of democratic promises to the people. To reconcile the differences In the details comprised within the fixed and well defined lines ot principles will not bo the sole task of the confcrenco , but , as now seems to mo , members will also have In charge the ques tion whether democratic principles them selves are to be saved or abandoned. Thora Is no excuse for mistaking or mis representing the feeling and the temper of the rank and file ot the democracy. They are downcast under tha assertion that their party falls In ability to manage the govern ment and they are apprehensive that efforts to bring- about tariff reform Jiiay fall ; but they are much more downcast nnd apprehen sive In their fear that democratic principle may bo surrendered. In these circumstances they cannot do otherwise than look with con fidence to you and these who you have patriotically and sincerely championed the cause of tariff reform within democratic lines and been guided by democratic principles. This confidence is vastly augmented by the action under your leadership ot the house of ropresentallves upon the bill now pending , SENATE BILL FALLS SHORT. Every true democrat and every sincere tariff reformer knows that this bill In Its present form , and as It will bo submitted to the conference , falls short of the consumma tion for which we havo. long labored , for which wo have suffered defeat without dis couragement ; which In Its anticipation gave us a rallying cry In our day of triumph , and which In Us promise of accomplishment Is so Interwoven with dcmocrallc pledges and dem ocratic success that our abandonment ot the cause , or the principles upon which It rests , means party perfidy nnd party dishonor. Ono topic will bo submitted to the con ference which embodies democratic principle so directly thnt It cannot bo compromised. Wo have In our platforms and In every way possible declared In favor ot Iho fno Im portation of raw materials. Wo have again and again promised that this should be ac corded lo our people and our manufacturers os soon as Iho democratic party was invested with the power to determine the larlff policy of the country. The party has now that power. Wo arc as certain today as wo have over been ot the great benefit that would accrue - cruo to the country from the Inuuguratlon of this policy. And nothing 1ms occurred to release us from our obligation lo secure the advantages to our people. It must bo ad mitted that no tariff measure can accord with democratic principles or promises or bear a genuine democratic ; badge that docs not provldo for free raw material. OUTRAGEOUS DISCRIMINATIONS. ' In these circumstances It may well oxclte our wonder that democrats arc willing to depart from this , the must democratic of all tariff principles , anil that the Inconsistent absurdity of such a proposed departure should be emphasized by the suggestion that the wool cf the farmer bo put on the free list and the protection of tariff taxation bo placed around the Iron ere and coal of cor porations nnd capitalists. How can we face the people after Indulging In such out rageous dUcrlmlnatlons nnd violations ot principle ? U Is qulto apparent that this question of frco raw material docs not admit of adjust ment on any middle ground , since tha sub jection to any rate of tariff taxatbn. greater or small , Is alike vlolatlvo of democratic prlnclplo and democratic good faith. I hope that you will not consider It Intru- live It I say something In relation to another cubjcct which can hardly full to bo tnniblt'- gomo to the conference. I refer to the ad justment of tariff taxation on sugar. Under our party platform und In accordance with our declared party purpose * , sugar Is n legitimate and logical artlclo cf revenue taxation. Unfortunately , however , Incidents have accompanied certain stages of the legis lation which will be submitted to the conffr- encj , that have aroused In connection with thin question , a democratic animosity to man ners and manipulations of trusts and com binations. I confess to Flmrlng In this feel ing ; and yet It seems to mo wo ought , It possible , to DUtllcIcntly frco oureclvt's from prejudice to cnablo ua coolly tovclli thn considerations which , In formulating tariff legislation , ought to guldo our treatment ol -uuar an a taxable article. Whllo no tenderness should be entertained for trusts , and while I am decidedly opposed to granting them , under the guise of turlft taxation , any opportunity to further thflr peculiar methods , I ( uggcat that we ough' not to bi driven away from the democratic principle nnd policy which led to the taxa tion of sugar , liy the fear , quite likely exag gerated , that In carrying out this principle and policy wo may Indirectly and Inordi nately encourage a combination of sugar re fining Interests. I know that In present condition ! ) this Is a delicate subject , nnd I appreciate the depth nnd strength of the feeling which its treatment has aroused. I do not believe we should do evil that good may come , but It seems to me that we should not forget that our aim U the completion of the tariff , and that In taxing sugar for proper purposes and within reasonable bounds , whatever clo may be said of our action , wo are In no danger of running coun ter lo democratic principle. With all there Is at stake there must be In the treatment of this article some ground niKin which we are all willing to stand , whcro tolerntlon nnd conciliation may bo al- Icwcd to solve the problem , without demandIng - Ing the cntlro surrender of fixed and con scientious convictions. INCOME TAX WAS A SOP. I ought not to prolong this teller. It what I have written Is unwelcome , I beg you to believe In my good Intentions. In the conclusions of the congress touch ing the numurous Items which will be con sidered , the people are not afraid that their Interests will bo negLcted. They know that the general result so far as they are ciaccrued will bo to place home neccssltl.'H nnd comforts more easily within their reach and Insure bolter and surer compensation to these who toll. Wo nil know that a tariff law covering all the various Interests and conditions of n country as vast as ours must of necessity bo largely Ihe result of honorable adjustment and compromise. I expect very few of us can say , when our measure Is perfected , that all Its features are entirely as we would wish. You know how much I deprecated the Incorporation In the proposed bill of the Income lax feature. In matters of this kind , however , which do not violate a fixed and recognized democratic doctrine we are willing to defer to the judg ment of a majority of our democratic brethren renI think there Is a general agreement that this Is party duty. This Is more pal pably apparent when we realize that the busi ness ot our country timidly stands and watches for Ihe result of our efforts to perffct tariff legislation , that a quick and certain return of prosperity waits upon a wise ad justment , and that a confiding people still Irust In our hands ihelr prosperlly and well being. The democracy of Ihe land plead most ear- neslly for the speedy completion ot the larlft legislation which their representatives have undertaken ; but they demanded not less ear- neatly that no stress of necessity shall tempt those Ihey Irust to the abandonment ot dem ocratic principle. Yours very truly , OROVER CLEVELAND. The reading of the letler was frequently Interrupted by enthusiastic cheers ana hand- clapping on the'c side. OPENED WITHOUT PRELIMINARIES. There were no preliminaries at the opening of the house. As soon as the reading of the Journal had been completed Mr. Outhwalte of Ohio , from Ihe coniml'leo on rules , offered the following resolution , by which two hours were to be allowed to debate the conference report on the tariff bill : Resolved , That after ths adoption of this resolu'lon It shall be In order , when the house conferees on house roil 4861 ( the tariff bill ) , make a report ot disagreement , to move that the house Insist upon Its disagreement to the senate amendments to said bill In gross nnd ask a further conference with the senate on the disagreement votes of the two houses thereon , that two hours of debate shall bo allowed on said resolution nnd without other motion the vole shall be taken thereon. Should such motion prevail the speaker will at once nppolnt the house conferees nnd the matter shall then for Ihe time being pass from the houso. Mr. Hopkins attempted to offer an amend ment to extend the time lo four hours , but objection wns made. The previous ques tion was ordered. This gave thirty minutes for debate. Mr. Reed took the floor and offered a word of protest against cutting off debate In Ihls summary manner. Ho thought there \Vero members of the democratic side who desired time tn express Ihelr opinions of Ihe senalo amendment- . With something of a twlnklo In his eye , he yielded ten minutes to Mr. Johnson , the free trade single taxer from Ohio. FOR SEPARATE INSTRUCTIONS. Mr. Johnson immediately launched a pro test against Uie spec al order because It gave the lioiu-o no opportunlly lo vole separ- alc Instructions on the different schedule ) and especially on the subject ot sugar. He denounced the discrimination in the sugar schedule In favor of the trust as criminal and declared , amid a burst of applause , that If the Sugar Irust or any other trust was to legl-late for the people , It made lltllo d ffer- enco whether that legislation was Imposed upon them by the McKlnley or the Gorman bill. bill."Mr. "Mr. Speaker , " Mr. Johnson asked , "In case this order Is agreed to , will It bo In order lo move to instruct the committee on sugar or any oilier single Item ? " "If the disagreements are Insisted upon In bulk , " replied the speaker , "it would not bo In order to move separate Instructions. " "That Is what I thought , " retorled Mr. Johnson , "Hint Is why I shall vote against this order. " "If the house Insists upon Its disagree ment , " 'Interjecled ' Mr. 'Warner of New York , "lhat would practically bo an Instruc tion for frco sugar. " Mr. Reed Ihen arose. After what Mr. Johnson had cahl. he began , the house could see what It would do to Itself If It adopted this rule. U would give the house no op portunity to express llself upon llio vllal differences between the house and the senate , but would put all the differences togelher without giving Individual points strength or emphasis. "It could not by a separate vote , " he gald , "strengthen the hands of the house conferees In the game of what shall I call It ? " "A bluff , " shouted a voice ns Mr. Reed paused. "No , " continued Mr. Rccd , deprecatlngly , "not a bluff. " It Is a game ot moral courage. If this rule Is adopted the dcmocrallc sentiment In this house will be muzzled. The senate will not be given an opportunity to see how much strength It liao here. In closing Mr. .Reed referred to the fact that the adjust ment at tlio tariff was cut.rely In the handset ot the louthern men. HOUSE MUST DO ITS DUTY. Mr. Outhwalte , on behalf ot tlio committee on rules , replied to Mr. Reed. The consti tution of the I'nlted States , he said , Im posed upon the house the duly ot prepar ing a rovemm bill. It Is Its duty to say the conferees shall adhere to their duty. Amidst u burst of applausa ho declared tlut the pending resolution would lr. an Instruc tion to Iho conferees not to recede from the pos ( Ion the democrats nt the huiise took when they passed the Wilson bill. Ho re ferred , amid continuous evidences ot en thusiasm , tn the moral courage shown by the house conferees tn standing out ag.ilnat the senate amendments. He pointed out the sacrifices made by southern m < jmburs In surrendering their privileged Interests , end said : "The crewt leader ( Mr. Mills ) who began Ihe light In the house , although from a wool growing state , nhl that It frcs wool would give the people ot the country cheaper clothing the \vnol growers of Texas would not hesitate to s'jc their picduct en the frco list. " "Why not give us tin opportunity to etc isop.iraloly on sugar ? " Inquired Mr. Johnson. "Up to this time , " said Mr. Outhwalto in reply , "I judge that there la no differ ence of sentiment on this -de. | Wo nre all shoulder to EhoulJer. " ( Loud democratic ap plause. ) Mr. RseJ , tn closing , In referring to Mr. Outhwalla'a eulogy of the house conferee * ' courage , risked what the courage amounted to that backed down. "How long will this courage last ? Is It to be permanent ? The gentleman from Ohio ( Mr , Outhwalte ) Is silent. Into the future ho cannot penetrate. ( Laughter. ) Hit mind Is not prophetic. He Ins takfti the first and last opportunity he wilt have to commend the courage of the ! HSO c Tferep * " ( Applause ) \VIM.IIU further debate the vote was then ( Continued on'Klttu Page. ) ARE NOT INCLINED TO TALK Senators Htither Ohtiry of Expressing an Opinion on Cleveland's ' Letter. RECEIVED WITH RATHER POOR GRACE Republican * Arc Inclined to Allow tlio Democrat * to U'ork Out Their 'U\vn Saliatlon bcnato Not Likely to Yield Much. WASHINGTON , July 19. The news of the reading of the president's letter was not long In traveling from the house to the senate. Mr. Wilson had kept his secret of the possession of the letter well guarded and It proved a decided sensation. Informa tion as to the contents at the document was eagerly sought on both sides of the chamber. A copy was furnished by the Associated press nnd was In great demand. It was taken to the democratic cloak room and read In turn by groups of senators of four or live , ono of them generally reading It aloud to the ethers , and In other In- Instances two of them looking over the shoul ders and reading with the senator holding the copy. After senators became familiar with Its contents they again gathered In groups to discuss the document , both with reference to points made by the president and the policy of the president In writing It. So Intense and general was the interest that for two or three hours very little attention was paid to routine proceedings on the floor In the senate. Whllo nosenator. . hesitated to express his views privately the democra tic senators were loath to submit to Inter views for publication. They said the circum stances were unusual and that for their action as a body In opposition to the position taken by the president they could not give publicity to their opinions , whatever they might bo. Republican senators were at first Inclined to express themselves on the policy of the letter , but when they discovered , as they soon did , that their democratic colleagues were generally inclined to remain silent they changed their policy as If by common consent , ami announced when spoken to upon the subject that they preferred the democrats should do the talking , declaring It was a time for republicans to be silent. CONSIDERED EXTRAORDINARY. The most common expression of opinion among senators was that the writing of such a letter was "very extraordinary" and In many Instances , where the speaker was sure of not being quoted , stronger words were used. These expressions were heard with slight variations on both the demo cratic and republican sides of the chamber. The proceedings in the senate tomorrow are expected to bo of unusual Interest. It Is hardly probable that many of the senators will express any personal resentment , but there are expected to be some very emphatic declarations against a change of front by the senate , especially from the conservative senators , who arc regarded as responsible for the most pronounced Increase , made in the bill. It was understood before the let ter made Its appearance that several of these senators , Including Messrs. Gorman , Smith and Drlcc , had announced a purpose to state to the senate that only the senate bill could pass , and to say In giving their reasons for this view that the bill had been the result of the most careful deliberation on the part of the members of the senate ; that It had been found to be the only bill that could pass when the Jones amendments had been ar ranged In the caucus , and that an attempt to change It materially at this late day would prove there had been no modification of sentiment since that time. Senator Hill has announced an Intention to take advantage of the president's posi tion and Influence to make another effort to Eecuro a recession by the senate from Its amendments for a duty on coal and Iron ore , and ho Is said to believe that ho will double the vote which his proposition re ceived when first advanced. During the afternoon there were several conferences among the democratic leaders , and at first there was a disposition to re fuse further conference on the tariff bill. This was advised by qulto a number , who felt very much aggrieved at the course taken In the house. The republican steering committee has held a meeting and the gen eral opinion was expressed that It was good policy to allow the democrats to do most of the talking on the subject. In the house the question as to whether the tariff question had been simplified or- further complicated by the president's letter was the subject of much speculation , after the stirring pro ceedings of the day. Members on both sides of the chamber agreed that It would have a profound Impression en the situation , but there was a disposition to wait until Its effects on the senate had been seen before prophesying the result It might accomplish. IS A DECLARATION OP POLICY. The letter , together with Mr. Wlson's speech , constituted a declaration of policy which was very satisfactory to the re"enue reform clement In the house. It was con strued to mean that the house would never yield Its principle of free raw materials , and in tills It had the strong support and Influ ence of the president. As to the effect of the letter on the sugar conflict , there was wide divergence of opinion. The Louisiana mem bers professed to bo well pleased with the president's letter and said that It clearly recognized nnd approved the policy of raising revenue from sugar. On the other hand , these members who have most persistently urged free sugar expressed apprehensions over the letter. They sad ! It seemed to make a deadlock certain. From the republican standpoint , the gen eral view was expressed by Representative Hopkins of Illinois , a republican member cf the ways and means committee : "President Cleveland's letter Is without precedent In the history of the country , " said he. "The queen of England , , even the Georges In their most arbitrary day , would not have dared to express such views ta a legislative branch of the government. " WUANUMNO OViit TIIISTLK3. Seimta mill IlniiRu Conrrn-rs Cnnnot Agree an tlin Appropriation for Kxtcrinlimllnn. WASHINGTON , July 19. There bids fair to be something ot a deadlock between the conferees on the agricultural appropriation bill over the senate amendment carrying $1,000,000 for the cxtcrmlnalton of the Rus sian thistle In the D.ikotns. Senator Hans- brough won a long legislative fight , and one which looked at times a hopeless one , wncn he succeeded In getting1 his plan tacked on as an amendment at the twelfth hour and carried by a narrow majority. Early this session the sena'or ' from North Dakota en tered upon his crusade against the thistle , Introducing a bill to give the sum finally ap propriated to kill It , but the bill met with defeat In both the house and senate com- ml.tees. Governor Shortrldge came from Dakota to urge congress to do something for the state In Its light. It was represented that the government owned Urge tracts of land In fested by the psst. an.l th.\t the nature ol the plant was EIICI ! that unless It was totally cleared away Us seed would be carried by the wind , and nil efforts of the farmers to wards clearing their own lands would amount only to suppression , nnd not to extermination. Secretary J. Sterling Morton wrote a let ter opposing the government old asked for on the ground that It savored ot paternalism , and recommended that the work should be done by states or Individuals , rather than the general government. Incidentally he made a humorous suggestion that In view ot the fact that sheep would eat thu thistle the Dakota farmers might abandon wh-.Mt growing and turn their attention to raising sheep. Ills suggestion was tnken nerlously in some quarters and led to correspondence between thu secretary and members of the houw committed on agriculture. After wrestling with the quettkn for some tlnu the house committee MlUd tbe _ ; 11. thut action being Influenced by certain parties who wrote that they considered other weeds more destructive In Dakota than the thistle , but thu point ot paternalism was the cliltf reason for the action. The senate committee followed the action of the house In reporting adversely upon the bill , but finally Senator George , Its chair man , was Induced to change his position on the representation that the government was a large land holder In the thlatlc-rlddcn ser- tlon , and the bill wait tacked on ns an amend ment to the regular agricultural bill. The thistle appropriation. Is the largest addition made to any of the regular house bills and the committee on agriculture Is talking defiance to the senatorial recom mendations. Still Senator Hansbrough may win In the end. NinV MIMSTKIt TO It JSS1A. Congrooinmn Irccklnrldg of Arlditxn * to Siirrrrd Andrrtr I ) . AMiltp , U'lio KcnlinR. WASHINGTON , July 19. Mr. Andrew D. White , minister to Russia , has tendered his resignation on account ot III health , It Is said , and Representative Clifton R. llrcck- Inrldgc of Arkansas , one ot the lending mem bers of the ways and means committee , has been nominated as his successor. The report first gained circulation nt the capltol nt 10 o'clock , and was fully verified by Chairman Wilson of the ways nnd means committee , who was cognizant of the facts that led up to the presldsnt's action. Much significance was attached by members of con gress to the appointment , and It was the main topic of conversation to the exclusion of the Impending tariff conflict. The appointment was finally decided upon yesterday afternoon. It had been In con templation for two wc'eks , and Mr. Breck- Inrldgc has been n frequent visitor at the white house1 during that time. He was with the president again nt 2 o'clock yesterday and remained for some time , the acceptance of the honor being concluded before he left. Mr. Wilson , who Is n clpse personal friend of Mr. Drecklnrldge was one of the few outside of the executive circles who was cog nizant of the facts of the case. The causes leading ui to the appointment were well known among Mr. Brecklnrldge's friends. He was ono of the foremost advo cates of President Cleveland's policy of re pealing the silver purchasing clause of llio Sherman act. This action proved to be un popular In Mr. Drecklnrldge's constituency and ho was defeated for re-election In the congressional convention a few weeks ago. At the time Mr. Brecklnrldge was absorbed In tariff work nnd could not go to Arkansas to attend to his Interests. Ills letter at the time stating that his public duties were paramount to his private Interests nt home attracted much attention. It was soon after his de feat for renomlnatlon that Mr. Cleveland be gan considering the advisability of nomi nating him to the Russian mission. Mr. Brccklnrldga has been conspicuously Identified with the house tariff bill of late , and throughout Chairman Wilson's severe Illness and absence lii "Mexico , Mr. Ureck- Inrldge was looked upon as his personal rep resentative. While the bll | has-been In con ference Mr. Drecklnrldge 'has taken much of the arduous work oft Mr. Wilson's shoul ders. ders.Mr. Mr. Drecklnrldge Is a native Kentucklan , but went to Arkansas In 1870 nnd engaged lii cotton planting and the commission business. Ho has served continuously In congress for twelve years , except wheji unseated on a contest In the Fifty-first "congress. He has taken high rank In congress nnd Is regarded ns a man of line scholarship , polish and lit erary attainments. No time has been set for. Mr. Drccklnrldgo to take his now post , but an arrangement has been made by which Mr. White will con tinue In olllcc until/such time as Mr. Breck- Inrldge's can relinquish 'his congressional duties and reach St. Petersburg , the under standing being that Mr. JQrecklnrldge will continue In the house until the tariff bill is settled. NOT A ItUlTLIIN THU MKNATIC. Itcport of 1)Uirrciii : ; on the Tariff Not I'roiliivtlvo or MpopclinmltliiK. WASHINGTON , July 19. When the senate met today the conference report on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was agreed to. Mr. Voorhce , the senate manager on the senate conference on the tar.ft bill , rising to a privileged question , asked that the house message on the tariff bill be laid before the senate. Mr. Voorhees stated ho was commissioned to say the bill had been under full and free conference and the conferees had not agreed to the amendments agreed to In the senate bill end that the senate conferees Insisted on their amendments. Having consulted members on both ildes , he said ho should asl ; to have the bill lay on the table , to be taken up 'for consideration tomorrow Immediately after the reading of the journal. The motion to 'lay on the table was agreed to. When the tariff bill had thus been dis posed of , the Indian appropriation bill was taken up. The most Important amendment was offered by Mr. Shoup ot Idaho , direct ing the president to appoint three commis sioners to allot in severally the lands of the Uncompahgrc Indlsns In Utah and to negotiate with the Ulntah Indians In Utah for the allotment of their lands In severally and Die rcllnqulshment of all lands i.ot needed for thlt purpose. An amendment wn's agreed to directing Ihe secretary of the Interior to Inquire Into the propriety of discontinuing the Indian contract schools as rapidly as possible with out Interfering with thn education of the Indian children , and to report to the next- session ot congress an estimate of the cost of substituting government schools for all the contract schools now existing. A further amendment was adopted appro priating $ inGSG , due the Wyamlotte Indians , to purcha o lands In severally from the Quapaw Indlnn * In Indian Territory for absentee Wyandotte Indians. The bill was then passed. At 5:45 the senate went Into executive ses sion and shortly thereafter adjourned. MA KINO NUW t > T.-TiS. Srimtu Comitilttoo I'ri'parlng Hills for Now Mexico nnd Arlzonn. WASHINGTON , July 19. While the senate committee on territories has virtually de cided to report bills for the admission of the territories ot Arizona and New Mexico , the prevailing opinion about , the senate hi that the bills will not to considered during ( ho present session of congress , unless the ses sion should be prolonged beyond the expecta tion of n majority of senators. Senator Faulkner , chairman of the committee on ter ritories , lias expressed the opinion that con sideration of the bills will be deferred until the short session. If,1 however , the tariff bill should cause ni ) adjournment to be de ferred for some time' , calculation might bo useless. There Is also a possibility that a subcom mittee on Arizona may not act on the di rection ot the full conunlttce to prepare the bill for the admission of that territory for presentation to the senate after the meeting ot the full committee next Wednesday , This subcommittee is composed of Senators Hill , Call and Davis. The two last named wire among the members ot the committee pres ent who voted against such Instructions to the subcommittee , mid an Senator Hill was not present ho Is not olllclally committed on the proposition. If , however , he chould prove to bo favorable to admission , there would still bo a majority of the subcommittee tee- opposed to admission. The members of the committee who favor a bill for admission are not , however , wor ried over the case , for they say that with a majority of thu committee favorable the subcommittee can easily be overruled , and In case of thu refusal on the part ot thn nub- committee to accept the Instructions ot the committee the bill can and will be taken out. ot their hands and' prepared by the full com mittee. Hence the advocates of admission admit no doubt as to thu favorable report upon both bills , tlio New Mexico bill hav- Inc already been put In shape by the sub committee Imvlnc It In charge. Another tjURiir Inxt'ktlgutlon. WASHINGTON. July 19-The senate Sugar trust Investigating committee bus decided to Investigate the new charges of BpeculHtlon by senators. THEY DID NOT OBEY DEBS fomo Men in Ohica-ro Not Afr.iid of Eeing "Branded ns Scaba. " STOCK YARDS MEN ARE STILL AT WORK \Vurnliig tliut 'llicy Would Ho Itriindcd tin SculiH lluil No TprrorA for Tliuni I'ulhimii iinploiIttlttlilnff : After Their , lol > . CHICAGO , July 19. The Debs manifesto resulting In the Overtoil edict , warning all railroad men at the stock yards to desist from work or be "branded ns scabs , " seemed to have little effect today on the men to whom It was addressed or upon the situation at the Block yards generally. Railroad em ployes rclurned to their work nil , switching wns continued nnd the packers seemed Inclined to treat the mat'.ur us a Joke. Joke.The The receipts of the different packing houses showed that business 'a Improving. There came In 13.000 head of ? attj ! , i-VuO hogs and 5,000 sheep. The Stock yards company will endeavor to solve the problem of * eurlnK protection lor Its men outside of working ho'tr ' * by lo Iivnt ; nnd boarding them In Its buildings. Cols were placed in some of the house-i ' .jday. The rough treatment of working moa by the strll.o's xtil ! goes on and cou-jIug ! rins are being used on heads ne-ii'Y us cfion as on trains. Cci blderable nlinn Is fell list Ihe fire of last night shnul'l prove to to only the first of a number pf outrages. At the Pullman works todiy Manager Mid- dle'on was b'iMly engaged In registers ; men willing to wor'c. ' The amion.icim * it tl .1 the shops will cpen as soon , .s a smiUclont force Is secured has developed considerable weakness among the strikers , and II Is claimed In Iwo hours today the mynnger registered 325 men. A force of about 1,000 will be necessary before the works will resume. Vice President AVickes says the works will then be opened whether the military forces are still on duty or not. About 100 Hollanders were Intercepled while on their way to tha Pullman shops lo- day by n crowd of slrlkers. A free fight en sued In which no ono was seriously hurt , and after rotreallng Ihe Hollanders reached llio shops In small groups and were put to work clearing up the works. The affair was the first case of violence that has occurred In Pullman proper. 1'OKT M'K IN NICY'S CONTINGENT.- Companion A , K and It of tlio Klghth In- fnntry ( ? o to Montana. BUFFALO , Wyo. , July 19. ( Special to The Bee. ) At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning orders were telegraphed to Colonel Van How , commanding at Fort McKlnncy , to dispatch the three companies , A , E and H , of the United Slales Eighth Infantry , now sla- tioned at that post , to Cheyenne. Accord ingly the troops marched shortly afler noon to Clearmonl , on the II. & B. railroad , where they will take the train. Major Wells was temporarily In command , but Lieutenant Ran dall , who has only just recovered from his accident nt St. Paul , will leave tonight , and overtaking the troops at Clcarmont , will assume command. The following ollicers went with them : . Captain Savage , Lieuten ants Ames , Gose , Miller , Terrett , Laftyetle and Dr. Henry Alden Shaw. Fort McKlnncy Is now left with two companies of cavalry and the headquarters staff of tlio Eighth In fantry. FORT ROBINSON , Neb. , July 19. ( Spe cial Telegram to The Bee. ) One hundred and thirty-eight men and .eight officers of the Eighth Infantry , under command of Lieutenant Colonel George M. Randall from Fort McKlnney , passed through hero this mornlnp. CHEYENNE. July 19. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Four companies of the Second Infantry reached Cheyenne nt noon. Four troops of cavalry from Fort Robinson nnd thrco companies of Ihe Elglh Infantry from Fort McKlnney reported to Colonel Bates , and at 3 p. in. the command proceeded west. Two special trains were required to transport the troops. CHEYENNE. Wyo , , July 19. ( Special to The Bee. ) Forty engineers , firemen , brakemen - men and swllclimen went west yesterday. They were from the Lohlgh Valley railroad and arc cnrouto to California to lake tlio places of strikers on the Southern Pacific. All were nonunion men. STILL TIKI ) UP AT 1IUTTK. Trains Will Move , TlmncliVlirn I bo Oinalm Troops Arrives HELENA , July 19. The strike in Montana Is practlcall ybroken , ns far as the Northern Pacific Is concerned. The through line and branches , except the short line from Ilozo- man to Butte , are now In regular operation. Passenger trains run under military guard. Nearly all classes of employes have re turned to work , or are ready to do so , except firemen. Butte Is about the only place In the state where A. R. II. men are united. The Union Pacific Is tied up for elghly miles between Dillon and Rutle , but this line will be opened tomorrow , when troops from Omaha reach the scene. It Is expected , also , that the Northern Pacific short line will then be put in operation. At present all through trains pass through Helena. CIT17.iNS .MUST KKIJ1' JNIJOOItS. Mayor I'lirilen of OnUlunil HUN Issued u Itlot Proclamation. OAKLAND , Cal. , July 19. Mayor Pardoe has Issued a riot proclamation In which ho orders crowds off Iho slreels and requires that people keep Indoors , leaving home only In the pursuit of their legitimate business. The reason for the proclamation Is staled by the mayor to be a condition of affairs In Oak land threatening the destruction of property , disturbance of tha ponce , Inlerferlng with travel by railroad trains and the cessation of commerce. FKIH'ltAIj TKOOl'S Ulil'AKT. Undo Snin'N SoldlrrH l.ravci Chicago 1 odity for tlui I'orlu. CHICAGO. July 19. Tlio federal troops moved out of Chicago today. At noon the Ninth regiment from Madison burrncks , Sacketls Harbor , N. Y. , left on a special train over the Lake Shore road. All other troopH marched to Fort Sheridan and will reach there tomorrow. The troops going lo Fort Sheridan Include the Fifteenth rest- niont and the details from Furls Itlley , IJrady , Leavenworlli and Nlobrura. No TruliiK North of Illllnn. LIMA , Mont. , July 19. The troops sta tioned at Dillon have been withdrawn and have joined the reft of their company on their arrival here. Quito n long line of tents nro pitched near the roundhouse , and the soldiers am patrollng the yards and company buildings. Regular passenger trains run each way dally , but cannot get further north than Dillon. Passengers and baggage are conveyed on to Butte by stago. it Is ex pected that the Union Pacific will run trains through to Ilutto In n tow days. George Vrooman , chairman of the grievance commit tee of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers , will arrive hero tomorrow morning. To Open Up thn I'nlon I'nulflc. GREAT FALLS , Mont. , July 19. Flvo com panies of the Twentieth Infantry from Fort Asslnaboln passed through this city last night on a special train. They ago provi sioned for thirty days and will open up the Union Pacific road from Dutte west. Moru Troop * for Tort Logim. DENVER. July 19. Improvements are be ing made ut Port Logan to provide quarters ( or an entire regiment ot Infantry and two troops cf cavalry. Eight companies of the Seventh have been heretofore stationed ni Fort Ixjgan. It Is now proposed lo bring the two detached companies to this | wst. U Is also staled thnt the McGregor cavalry squadron , two trt > ops of the Second , regi ment , will bo located here. ON TltlAI. I Ott MUIllHMt. I'lvo or tlio .Snrrnttifiito Stillu-r Charged with Tmtn Wrocklnir. WOODLAND. Cal. , July 19. The pre liminary examination ot the live strikers charged with murder ns n result of the recent horror at the railway trestle west of Sacramento was re sumed today. The Judge settled the first point ot contention by ruling that the live prisoners must bo examined Jointly. The case ot Wonlon , however , was finally pcr- mllltcd to go over until Monday. The hear ing of evidence- against Knox , Mullen , Hatch nnd Compton , all members of tlio mediation committee wan then begun. Johnny Shprbune was first called nnd proved n telling witness for the prosecution. He Is n 11-year-old boy. who Is In the employ of a Sacramento de'.lveryman. The lad sayA that on the forenoon ot the day of llio wreck he drove Worden lo the- outskirts of Sacramento and took Into his wagon n crowbar , snmo wrenches nnd other lools. Lnler Worden wns Joined by five other men whom Ihe bay did not know. They then set out for the trestle nt which n train was subsequently wrecked and live men killed. When within n few rods of the trestle nil the men left the wngon , taking their tools with them. The lad teslllled that he was then ordered to drlvo a short distance toward tlie city. Ho did ns Instructed , and while waiting heard a loud explosion. Soon after ward Warden came up and the Hey drove him back to the city. As they were entering Sacramento they were told thai a train had Just been wrecked. When told that Engi neer Clarke had been kl.lcd , Worden applied a vile epithet , and declared that he was Klad of It. This straightforward testimony left little doubt In the minds of most of the hearers that the men whom the boy had tnken lo the trestle were responsible for the wreck. A sensational climax , came , how ever , when young Sherbuno testified thai on the day following the wreck his employer sent h'tn ' to AVonlen with a bill for the rig , \Vordcn went with him to the office of the A. R. U. mediation committee In Sacra mento , and there- the bill was paid. The boy was on Iho witness stand all forenoon mid under a severe cross-examlantlon was not shaken. sritiKi : .MAY iti : i > i < : oi..vitin ori-\ Debs < ! lv < " > tlio Southern Turlllo Moil Au thority to Coinproinlxi * . SAN FRANCISCO , July 19. The strikers it Oakland are excited tonight over a report that Roberts , their local president , has In his possession a telegram from Debs In structing him to effect n selllcmcnt with the Southern Pacific company provided the com pany agrees lo lake back Iho strikers wlth- aiil prejudlc ? . II H also reported that Dslis tel egraphs that ho has come to an understand ing with Pullman. Besides this announce ment there has brcn little excitement in California today. This morning the Southern Pacific dispatched a train for Portland , the first that has been sent out on thai line slncN Ihe slrlko began , and lonlght the railroad nfllclah say that they have men enough and that they nre conducting their business without hindrance but the strikers , on the other hand , Insist that the through service Is still badly crippled. It Is certain that trains are running very irregularly. Military guards still go upon all Important trains and Die trouble Is by no means over. At Oakland , relying upon the militia , the company has reduced the number of deputies from 300 to fifty. A company of slnto mllltla. sixty men , was today ordered from Nevada City to Port Costa , where the strikers have caussd con siderable trouble. At Sacramento many oC the strikers are rcturnlnc to work. In the shops there are forty-six men at work today. Later reports from Oakland are to the effect thai Iho dispatch received from Debs did not stale that the. strike hnd been de clared off , but merely Informed the strikers that the strike In California could ba ended by n majority vote of Iho unions con cerned In It. AVhoN'xnlo Indictments AgilliiRt Striker * . ST. PAUL. July 19. In the United States district court today the grand Jury reported between fifty-five and 'sixty Indictments igalnst strikers nnd others for Interference with the malls during the recent strike on Llio various northweslern roads. Bench warrants were Issued nnd until the nrrests ire made no names will be given out. J'olti-r * Will Iti'tnrn to Work. EAST LIVERPOOL , 0. , July 19. The striking potlers , at a meeting today , rescinded the action taken lasl night , and by an almcst unanimous vote declared the strike off. Work will bo resumed at all tlio potlerlcs next Monday after n strike of six months. The men will accept a l-/i per cent reduction. IlrM Will Not ( ilvu Dull. CHICAGO , July 19. Messrs. Debs , Howard , Rodgers and Keliher were brought from the county Jail yesterday afternoon to Commissioner Hoyn's office by United States Marshal Arnold for the purpose of consult ing with the attorneys , who again insisted an their giving ball , but the prisoners de clined. Will Not Tnl < ItacU the Strllccri. M1SSOULA , Mont. , July 19. Strikers hero seem to regard their cause as lost , nnd many have offered to return to work. The officials have refused to laku back members of Iho A. R. U. Passenger Iralns on the main line are running , nnd It Is expected freight trains will bo sent cast and west to- nlghl. Striker : ) Out on Hull. OGDEN , U. T. , July 19. About fifty strikers , who were Indicted by the grand | ury charged with Interfering with the United States malls , were before Judge Miner Ibis morning and all pleaded not guilty lethe the charges. They were released on bond ranging from | 300 lo $1.000. HIIH Not Hoard from Ilclin. OAKLAND , Cal. , July 19. President Rob erts of the local A. R. U. denies the report circulated this ntternonn that ho had re ceived notice from President Debs that the strike had been settled. Ho says Hint as yet ho has not received a single telegram trom Debs today. Colorado ( /'mil Strlkn Alioiit r.'ndcil , DENVER , July 19. Coal mlno operators are confident that the sympathetic strike among Iho miners of Colorado Is aboul over , and It Is reported lodny thut Organizer Howells has concluded to call off the strike- unconditionally. Iliuninom ! A , It. U > VOICH to ItcKiuni1. HAMMOND , Ind. , July 19. Just before the close of a Etormy session the Hammond branch of the A. R. U. decided lo return to work. The mo- llott was carried by ' 12 to 37. The excite ment Is at a high point and troublu In ex pected. i Ilncliiniil OIT ut St l.oiiU. ST. LOUIS , July 19. The East St. Louis strikers' executive board today declared the A. R. U. strike off. A ballot was taken and the proposition was carried by a two-tlilrdii vote. In Ynitiirility ninl Out Todiiy. ALTOONA , Pa. , July 19. A number of men who.went to work In Mitchell's mints at Cambria yobterday for 35 cents n ton were Induced by thu others lo quit today , All Onlct ut Hi" I'rutt Milieu. BIRMINGHAM , Ala. , July 19. All Is quiet In the mining district today. It In now known that two nioro turilters were wounded In Monday's battle at thu Pratt mines , one of ICruUnued on Second Pago. ) ITALIANS CAPTURE KASSAIA Humbert's ' Arms Successful in the Cam paign Agaijst Afric.ui Arabs. FIERCE BATTLE WITH THE DERVISHES Town t'arrlcil liyosiuilt Aflor it Wonrf Tlirro 1)11)1 ) .Murcli llritvy Nullto I'uimtry for an Allude on JUirnptMin.4 ut Carealml. MASSO\VAII. Egypt , July 10. A flirco battle - tlo has tnkcn i > lnco between n force of na tives mid Itnllnna comtnnnilctl by llio gov ernor general and a largo force of dervishes that had sought refuge nt Knssnln. Tlio Italian troops \\cro victorious and Kassala was caiitiircil. A large boily of dervishes recently rnlilcd Ciircabal. an Italian village , killed many of the Inhabitants , and captured and ocnt Into tlio Interior ns slaves all those who were not mass.icred. After leaving Carcnbal , the dervishes niarcheil toward Agordat , with the Intention of capturing that place. News of the raid readied the governor ionoral ; who was at Korea on the llarca river , aa Italian post somewhat less than half way between this place and Kassala. The governor general had at his disposition a force of 2,400 troops , natives and Italians , commanded by Itnllnn ollicers. With this force hs started In pur suit of tlio dervishes ami after three days weary marching , arrived In * the vicinity of Kn sala. The dervishes , at the approach of thr Italian column , bought refuge In Kassalti and prepared for u desperate resistance. The governor general encamped for nwhllo on the Mnreb river and niado preparations to carry Knssala by as ault. On the morn ing of Tuesday last , July 17 , the Italian troops bilng thoroughly rested nm ndvanco was made on ( ho place. The dervishes ably defemkd themselves , but the town was finally carried by assault after a llerce battle. The dervishes loss was very heavy , and the Italians captmcd many ( lags ami a largo number of cannon. INDIAN SMAI.KKS .MUTINY. Nurrcnv Kxcupo nf tlio Schooner C. I ) . Itiiutl from Ill-Ill ) ; Sriitllnl , VICTORIA. 11. C. . July 19. The sealing schooner C. D. Rand has returned from a scaling crulso which was cut short owing to a mutiny of Indian hunters. The first signs of mutiny appeared oft SltUa on Juno li > , when the wages were paid. The In dians then lowered their canoes and prepared - pared to desert the ship. Owing to the now regulations Indians arc the only hunters available for Boring sea an white men can * -1 not us > e spears , so the Indians demanded $5 per canoe extra. To this the captain agreed and the Indians returned to the schooner.- The Indians again mutinied nnd took possession of the vessel. The mutineers numbered twenty-one , while the captain had only live white men and two faithful Indiana to help him , The Indians threatened to cut the throats of the .faithful seven and In tended to ECU ! tlo the vessel , securing the skins which they believed were In the hold. Several times the vesrel nearly capsized owing to their bad management. At last the captain and his seven men got tlio drop on the mutineers and drove them Into the hold where they shilt.thnm. 'He then sailed for Sltka , where ho obtained handcuffs from the government officials and brought the Indians down In Irons. WIli'KI-i : : > IIY IIVXAMITU AT SUA. Sovcn .11 I'M lllmvn to IMi-ri'H In HID Solent OIT Portsmouth , ICiiKlunil. PORTSMOUTH , Kng. , July 19. An acci dent resulting In the death of seven men occurred today. A Trinity House boat , hav ing a crew of seven trained wreckers on board , was engaged In blcwlng up the. wrecked yacht Azalea In the Solent , ns It was dangerous to navigation. In some man ner which will never bo known n dynamite. cartridge exploded , killing the seven men and shattering the boat. ColoiH-1 llci'iiiinilcIll In .lull. GUKRRRRRO , Tamnullpas , Mexico , July 19. A private dispatch from the City of Mexico announces that Colonel Nclvcs Her nandez , the olllccr sentenced to llfo Imprison ment for alleged complicity In the Gar/a revolution , Is lying In prison critically 111 and there Is but little hope of his recovery unless Immediately released from confine ment. Colonel Hernandez was In charge of the military forces here at the time of his ar rest and his friends are preparing n petition for his pardon , which will bo presented to President Ulaz. ( 'liiv < 'lilll ; OITi-roil to Mediate , BERLIN , July 11) ) . The London corre spondent of the Vosslsche Zeltung declares that both Russia and the United States have dona their utmost to avert war between China and Japan over Corea. The United Slates , the correspondent odds , has even exceeded the limits of friendly persuasion over Japan and China. A dispatch from Washington to a news agency here states that ; President Cleveland has offered to mediate in the Corcan question. Children Unrrloil OIT liy tinCurrent. . VICTORIA , I ) . C. , July 19. A sad drown ing accident occurred yesterday afternoon. Lizzie and Edward Spllltmtn , children of 13. Splllman , dlrcator of the parliament build ings at Victoria , went bathing nt Jericho. Seeing them about to go In , n man shouted for them to go further down the beach , owing to the strong current. They failed to hear him and both were soon swept away and were not again seen. Cliind Alexander Alloxviiil Divorces EDINBURGH , July 19. In the court of ses sions hero Lord Kylnochy has been hearing evidence In the action for dlvorco on the ground of Infidelity brought by Mr. Claud Alexander of Ilallochmyle , Ayrshire , against his wife , formerly Lady Diana Montgomcrlo , youngest daughter of the late carl of Egllag- ton. Judgment was rendered today for the petitioner. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VIII Alii llio Ciinnl. MANAGUA , July 19. President Zclaya says that the Nicaragua Canal company shall have every possible chance to complete- Its work. lli > feels confident that the present company will comply with the stipulations of Its charters. Ho has received word that the work on the canal will begin at an early date. _ Curnot'H rimil Inti-mii-nt. PARIS , July ID. The final Interment of the remains of the late President Carnet took place today at the Pantheon , where they have been resting temporarily In a vault. The remains of the murdered presi dent were placed beside these of his grand father , Laznro Carnet , the "Organizer of Victory. " _ hpulil mid the Argrntliii ) Republic. . MADRID , July 19. The Spanish govern ment Is negotiating with the government ot the Argentine Republic for a reciprocity treaty , principally for fruit products. C'lmlcr.i ( 'IIMH ut St. ST. PETERSBURG. July 10. Two hundred and eight fresh cases of cholera and eighty * two deaths were reported today. l'urtlMiuilei | In the Itlvlera. MONACO , July 19.-- Blight shock of earthquake was experienced hero at 4:30 : o'clock this morning. < holcra llnllctln from I.lugu. L1KGIO. July 19Thrco new cm of cholera have been reported hero.